LOL!! For one thing, I will never forgive Ronald Reagan, in 1984, the United States was all set to convert to the Metric System of measurement. After all, every country in the world used the Metric System, except us and Liberia. I was a Science teacher at the time and could hardly wait for the switch. I had been hearing about this great change about to happen since college. Even the auto makers had tooled up for the change. Then, Dear Ronnie decided it was too complicated for his minuscule brain to understand, so, he ended it. So, here we remain the only, supposedly civilized country on Earth using an outdated, inaccurate, difficult to manipulate, system of measurement based on such logical things as the length of a certain English monarchs foot, and the length of a "man's thumb" from the knuckle to the joint.
Saint Ronnie wasn't actually President. He just played one on TV.
LOL!! For one thing, I will never forgive Ronald Reagan, in 1984, the United States was all set to convert to the Metric System of measurement. After all, every country in the world used the Metric System, except us and Liberia. I was a Science teacher at the time and could hardly wait for the switch. I had been hearing about this great change about to happen since college. Even the auto makers had tooled up for the change. Then, Dear Ronnie decided it was too complicated for his minuscule brain to understand, so, he ended it. So, here we remain the only, supposedly civilized country on Earth using an outdated, inaccurate, difficult to manipulate, system of measurement based on such logical things as the length of a certain English monarchs foot, and the length of a "man's thumb" from the knuckle to the joint.