"By not divesting itself of the Big Lie.....the Republican Party is losing its last shred of moral authority to function as one of America’s two governing parties."

Actually, it lost that last shred a long time ago. Which brings us back to Trump himself, and what can be done about him. This peculiar individual bears some resemblance to Charles I of England, who believed he had a divine right to rule, unimpeded by democratic institutions such as the Parliament.

In the wake of the English civil war, which revealed a divided country, Charles was captured and brought before Parliament. The House of Lords was firmly against a trial, calling it unprecedented (it was). Eventually, Charles was convicted of treason. A salutary lesson had been learned.

Trump should also be held accountable for his clear crimes against democracy, and a trial would be the only way to do that. If convicted of treason, Trump should go to prison. A salutary lesson will have been learned, the country would settle down, and the Republican party would be able to remake itself.

The trial cannot be in a civil, or even a criminal court, because it would be practically impossible to find an unbiased jury. So it must be in the House of Representatives, just as it was for Charles I.

And it must be started quickly, or, with a Republican sweep in November, it may be too late to save democracy.

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Very interesting, but there is so much I don't understand. To begin, the House of Representatives has no such power in any realm, Constitutionally or otherwise to hold such a trial. The H of R can impeach, the Senate can impeach. This is not the House of Lords and we are not England. Such a trial, which could NEVER happen would be deemed totally political and dismissed. Why is it even proposed that a rich criminal, Trump, cannot be judged by his peers. EVERYONE else in this country must abide by that. How is it that no one would ever complain that a black man is is judged by a WHITE jury, and almost every time is convicted. That scenario is unquestioned. Why is this? Why in hell are we unable to hold the rich and powerful to account? Because Trump has the mob? People everywhere are being threatened by "his people." It is this utter lawlessness by the ruling class that must be addressed to recover democracy. The GOP has already decided they are on the side of violence, that is now a given. Our laws and the protections all Americans are entitled to must prevail. And speaking of Charles 1 of England he was King of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1625 to 1629, when he was executed. I can not imagine why we would look to a 16th century foreign country to cast about how to arrest, indict, prosecute and jail a criminal mob boss like Trump and his acolytes. It has already been a huge miscarriage of justice that Guiliani, Eastman, McCarthy, Bannon, Flynn, Stone are out there undermining of democracy, laws, way of life for the ruling class. The DOJ needs to prosecute and the FBI and all police security agencies need to gear up and prepare to put down the mob violence Trump and minions will create. Our government, our laws, must reign supreme here, not the criminals.

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I agree. No President is above the law--why should his criminal trial for sedition, wire fraud, inciting a riot causing death and government property damage...and all the rest of his illegal actions (ignoring the Emoluments Clause, the "perfect" phone call, etc., etc.,) be special? He's a fraudster, a grifter and a thug who thinks he's a mob boss. Stick his guilty keister in a nice cozy grey cinderblock isolated prison cell and ban all electronic devices.

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THANK YOU!! I KNOW. This man's crimes, his treason, must be prosecuted.

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Bring back hanging for treason. I would like to see Trump hanging by his fat neck. I don't believe in forgiveness for traitors.

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I agree. But minor details bug me. The 1600's (1601 - 1700) are actually the 17th century, not the 16th.

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We don't hold rich and powerful to account because they are rich and powerful.

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We are unable to hold the powerful and wealthy accountable because they are powerful and wealthy. Greed has been bred into them but not humanism. Trump is a cult leader. Such leaders make you feel special. They lavish you with love. If you dissent, the leader, with the help of the rest, will destroy you. Think of Jeff Sessions. Think of the 25-year-old currier who delivered information. Poor kid had death threats against him and his family. They put a noose in his front yard. Cult leader Jim Jones committed a group suicide by drinking arsenic together.

Think of the 2020 debate when Trump told the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. After he called off the insurrection, he told the crowd they are loved. Even in 2016, he threatened to have his attorney general to investigate Hillary.

Trump is out to destroy the Constitution and set up a dictatorship and gets advice from Putin.

The media sensationalizes it because that is what we want to see. They compete for the latest scoop.

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Even with the thread-thin perceived majority in the House (which, because of the two DINOs--we all know who they are-- doesn't really exist) I definitely wouldn't regard the House of Representatives as unbiased by any stretch.

We would be much more likely to find twelve people who have deliberately turned off any political news and consider themselves "non-political" than expect the current crop of hyperpartisan pols in the House to act in a rational manner.

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I think you're referring to the Senate (the rough equivalent of the House of Lords). No, the trial must take place in the democratic (small d) House of Representatives, the rough equivalent of the English House of Commons (Parliament).

The House is truly democratic and representatives there represent all Americans, more or less equally, unlike the Senate. It's decision can therefore be seen as "the will of the people."

I fear that the search for unbiased jurors would turn into a circus. People would lie to get onto the jury, others would need bodyguards. If you thought you'd seen a media frenzy with Johnny Depp, just imagine.

And then, I think you would need a unanimous verdict - practically impossible.

No , the trial must take place in the House. There is precedent, in 1649, when a king, no less, was tried for similar crimes, against huge resistance from those who said it was unprecedented.

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I once was the foreman on a jury. The case was a man accused of sexually abusing his girlfriends daughter.

There is not jury on the planet that is unbiased.

IF there were true justice than Trump would have been impeached by those fair, judicious representatives of the people and we would not now have to fear his running again. Fear becoming Hungary, Russia, etc. The jury system in the US is a sh__show. Watching that sausage being made was one of the worst experiences of my life. I hardly believe in it since that time. HOWEVER, it is the only process we have and every American citizen has to live by i and the rich and powerful are not the exception. Trump gets the same treatment as any criminal.

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You're right--I mixed them up...hadn't had my coffee!

But the House is at least as full of hyperpartisan politicians as the Senate...only crazier (because the bar is a bit lower--think of Gohmert, Greene and Gosar!).

Representatives may be "closer" to the will of the people, but with all the gerrymandering going on....geez, seems like the red districts don't elect merely "red" candidates but those who are deep, deep, deep red. Because of this gerrymandering, I don't think the House does represent the true "Will of the People" but rather whichever party gets a majority in the state legislatures--by fair means or foul.

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The question is how they would hold accountable. Prison would be ideal but many prison staff are his followers. How about Guantanamo Bay?

He is already guilty. He has been impeached finding him guilty. I fear he will take over the country and destroy the Constitution.

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Agree in principle, but Congress already had its chance and blew it. Courts and Justice Department are only hope. Filibuster and gerrymandering have ruined a government that has always been skewed toward the minority. Now fueled by wealthy, including much of the media. Dems must start attacking Republicans for their anti-democratic lies.

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David, THANK YOU! Yes. It is all a democratic society has to preserve its life. The future of our children, grandchildren, our own quality of life. Good grief, anyone see the snippets of what the GOP platform is in Texas? I almost had a stroke. We can't become Texas, Florida and West Virginia and all those awful states.

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I’m a Texan. My grandmother would be astonished at how far right Texas GOP has become. Before 1980 or so, there was NO GOP here. I’m throwing all my support behind Beto.

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I have a Texan native friend (now living in California) who is horrified and embarrassed at what has happened in Texas. Wow, and before 1980, there was no GOP? Beto is such a good man. I sure hope he can win. Good on you backing him.

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I'm thinkin' the trial should be held in Guantanamo - eventually, after he's been summarily frog-marched into the loving care of our "Uncle" in one of the luxurious staterooms provided at said "luxury resort," complete with a personal "butt-plug" strapped into his mouth! (A mint on his pillow would be a thoughtful touch! I'd approve a tax dollar for that.)

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Thanks for laugh about the mint!

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Under what constitutional authority would such a trial be held?

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How 'bout this: https://youtu.be/zPIoXRe-f9k (if you catch my drift about constitutional authority, here, although it'd be a "last hurrah!")

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Something to consider in a possible '24 run: https://youtu.be/phsU1vVHOQI

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I disagree only with your last sentence. The Republican party isn't losing its last shred of moral authority. It has already lost it.

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Not among Republicans. That's the problem. They go to church and are convinced they're righteous - and forgiven. (Pay special attention to how far their forgiveness goes in practice!) They're ISIS in every perceivable important way, and although they've yet to resort to wide-spread civil insurrection, they're arming themselves under >>one of the >other< big lies<< that the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to permit the violent overthrow of the government if they declare it tyrannical. That's a dyed-in-the-wool Confederate lie from the 1850's, or earlier.

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I published this below but it is relevant here.

58 percent of poll respondents said Trump should be criminally charged, while 40 percent of respondents said Trump should not.


IMHO if they asked whether those who threatened Pence should be prosecuted, even more would agree.

If asked whether Eastman, Clark , Giuliani should be prosecuted, more yet.

How about whether those who requested pardons?

Continue to spread the big lie?

Deny that there was an insurrection?

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Jun 22, 2022
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You've bought the bridge over the East River. 2000 Mules is a fairy tale. Not evidence of anything. Associated Press and PolitiFact found it BS. True The Vote failed to appear under subpoena in Georgia. In 2007, D'Souza drew widespread criticism for writing that "the cultural left is responsible for causing 9/11," citing, among other things, liberal support for same-sex marriage. In 2014, D'Souza pleaded guilty to allegations that he made illegal contributions to a U.S. Senate campaign and was sentenced to five years' probation for committing campaign finance fraud. Trump gave D'Souza a presidential pardon in 2018.

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Their pastors are to blame.

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I agree that "the cloth" exacerbates the problem - but there's plenty of blame to go around. People are fully capable of infecting each other with bullshit belief based on nothing but their own views on literally everything - and attributing it to some spook in the sky.

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Here's a clip you might find interesting in support of my position: https://youtu.be/wQsBFyncbrI

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Jun 22, 2022
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Exactly wrong. I >did< know that, and after the Civil War, those Confederate Democrats became the same Southern Democrats - and Klansmen - that produced George Wallace, and who now have become the Banana-Republicans.

The Southern Democrats started defecting to the Republican party in the '70s & '80s following the Civil Rights era - seeing's how Wallace's 3rd party bid failed - under the influence of Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich. (Easier to infiltrate and subvert an existing party than to build a new party from bupkis, particularly if sympathy was already there, and they were already pissed about Nixon!) That's primarily because Black Americans were beginning to fill the Democratic ranks in the South supporting Civil Rights, which they continue doing to this day. >There's your >>real<< goddam "culture war."< It was the "white flight" of Southern Democrats "converting" the Republican party to Banana-Republicans, in the name of some perverse notion of Jesus, to what they've become today, as they claim to be the party of Lincoln - a party Lincoln would likely not recognize - and who like to suck on ol' Tweety's "ego."

Non-Black Democrats in the South who >didn't< defect to the Republicans were generally of the same cloth as Lyndon Johnson , a dyed-in-the-wool New Dealer, who didn't subscribe to the corn-fed deep-fat-fried values of the old Confederate hangers-on - the Southern Democrats. His "Great Society" and "War on Poverty" efforts are Johnson's - along with his brother & sister Democrats in the South at the time - undeniable New Dealer credentials.

So what flag did we all see being carried into The Rotunda on 1/6? The Banana-Republican flag, and they are 100% Banana-Republicans today, who want to keep their precocious wage-slave labor, while they force-feed 'em with Jesus!

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Jim@Mastromedia.com ; There are still some conservatives who support our Democratic form of government, like retired Judge Luttig, Liz Cheney, and most probably many more, some of the 'exodus' from the party that happened within recent years. They are still alive and watching. I am assuming they will vote, and not for the Orange cabal. Also, there is a majority that voted against tRump that is not about to do it now or in 2024 that are Democrats, Independents (like me), and possibly disaffected Republicans.

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The GOP base doesn’t care what we RR substack readers consider to be “moral authority”.

Yes, there is a “culture war”, and it’s simplistic and reckless to think GOP voters don’t believe (1) their anti-abortion stance gives them supreme moral authority, and (2) they need high-power assault weapons to oppose any possibility of the national guard defending election losses of their candidates. These voters think they are on a moral crusade, and they will vote.

Greedy billionaires like Thiel, Musk, Koch and many anonymous others want their tax cuts. They are delighted to manipulate their base to vote for a platform of anti-abortion laws, easy gun access and tax cuts. They seem to be correct in their belief that they can win an overwhelming majority in the 2022 midterm elections thanks to apathetic voters who will blame Biden for inflation and high gas prices.

So, the issue becomes how to avoid apathy, and a low turn-out for Democratic voters.

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One would have to be semi comatose to be apathetic when kids are gunned down in schools, settled law is reversed denying half the people medical care they have had for half a century, and the rule of law means nothing because the republican party is planning to cancel votes they don't like. Add to that the book banning and proposals to burn books, along with more draconian laws allowing vigilantism to enforce these new rules that would criminalize teachers who teach history and science. Dark ages stuff! People will vote! they may have to buy some weapons of war too!

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Laurie....Yes, rightwing nuts are the ones with all the weapons. What if military decides to back right wingers? Most military are right wing . I was in the miliary and most of those career military are right wing. Let's say Republicans get power and put a real rightwing fascist type as head of Joint Chiefs. Where are we when the next insurrection happens?

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My husband was career Air Force, my father and his father were U.S .Marines. I have no doubt that if extreme right people control government, civilians who arm themselves haven't a snowball's chance even if they are armed with military weapons to fight effectively without training, specialty gear and 'luck'.

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We have to hope military stays loyal to the Constitution. Yes, no way civilians can withstand military unleashed. Some of Trump's generals are traitors and insane to boot.

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Sorry, but running against gun violence and abortion bans is NOT a winning campaign strategy when gas prices are so high; Biden won't end immigration title 42; and Asians feel unsafe due to 'liberal values' (such as SF's Boudin recall showed). Voters like to send messages.

Democratic candidates rely both on registered Democrats and voters who are not affiliated. Both groups tend to include many people who think their vote doesn't matter (in their gerry-mandered district), or that their abstention will send some misguided message to the candidates.

[Irony alert:] Personally, I surely sent Al Gore a message in 2000 by voting for Ralph Nader in CA, where it didn't matter. Unfortunately, enough voters in PA & WI sent Gore the same message, in states where it did matter. Oops!! And, with FL's weird butterfly ballot, plus hanging chads, we got Cheney, Sr, leading Bush, Jr, into WMD.

And, in 2016, enough WI voters sent Hillary a message...

Somewhat related: a pro-choice, anti-assault-weapon college classmate is running in a Democratic primary runoff tomorrow in GA's 1st district against an anti-abortion, pro-gun candidate who got 48% in the prior round. I'm curious whether voters for the other (eliminated) candidate(s) will rally around him, or just assume neither one has a chance to unseat the GOP incumbent...

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And the baby formula. Don't forget the baby formula!

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70 % of the public opposes elimination of Roe and Doe.

85% want gun restrictions.

58 % want Trump prosecuted re Perils of Pence.

Don't Bogart that joint!

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And i doubt you are 'sorry', except for the sorry assed bullshit that does not make any sense.

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Here's the thing. I just heard on CBS news of the possibility we're about to enter a period of "stagflation," that I mentioned last year, when the economic downturn was gaining momentum, and we were speculating on when or if a recovery was on the horizon. I said "anything but stagflation," or words to the effect. The stagflation of the late '80s is commonly considered responsible for bringing the Bush Sr administration down. If we >are< about to have stagflation, Biden & the Democrats are likely toast. Here's a segment that discusses what the 1% are up to presently: https://youtu.be/zPIoXRe-f9k Economic stagnation leads to downsizing, thus creating greater unemployment just as inflation is out of control: stagflation. It destroys the wealth of all but the wealthy, while crushing those living paycheck to paycheck, and the current administration in times of stagflation - rightly or wrongly - suffers the blame. (If I understand it correctly.)

Keep in mind that the clip I included was posted 3 hrs ago at this time. It get into a discussion of investment, which is well taken, but also exposes how the players view the economy and what they're doing about it. The term "bear market" can be interpreted as the big investors shoring up their assets to "weather the storm" - as it were. That means eliminating volatility from their assets in favor of hanging on to more stable, but lower yield investments. As a very vaguely similar analogy, think of adjustable-rate versus fixed-rate loans - only from the creditor's side rather than the debtors. You >wouldn't< want to be a debtor burdened with an adjustable rate loan now, particularly with the Fed pumping up the prime interest rate.

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I wouldn't rule what he's saying out as total nonsense. I see his point. The electorate "moves in mysterious ways!" And then there's the Banana-Republican brain-washing machine to consider - along with the multitudes who seemingly embrace "having a spotless mind!" Hell! Think of the kind of "sorry assed bullshit" they embraced to elect ol' Tweety, in the first place, and are continuing to embrace his anointees even now. Don't make the mistake of believing the electorate votes rationally - or even in their own interest. (I often wonder if a large portion of the electorate isn't suffering from "The Helsinki Effect" or "Battered Child Syndrome!")

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Mitch ; Are you a bot ?

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Have you been talking to my wife?

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A court would not allow President Biden to end Title 42

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If little stuff like that ( ];-)> ) bothers you, I >strongly urge< you to get a load of this post from 10 days ago: https://youtu.be/zPIoXRe-f9k

Keep in mind, the border issue is a distraction from the precedent which will eventually apply to all law enforcement >everywhere!< Most disturbing is that it's >not< Biden's finest hour. I'm beginnin' t'get jus' a'little >pissed<with that boy!

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I liked your post because it is informative , but in this case, I wish there was also a 'Yikes! button!!!

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What's arguably >more< disturbing is that it got past >>every one of us here<< for 10 days, and the precedent was ruled earlier that week prior to the post! While we're bein' distracted by validly disturbing issues, this was a'goin' on transparently in the background.

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Another report on the ruling, just to confirm this $hi7's >real<: https://youtu.be/cSZ8ra95Qdk

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I like your optimism. Oddly, from what I've been reading of late, the Banana-Republicans' attitude toward Ukraine is party-line Socialist, in case you're interested.

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Do you mean inspired by Russia state propaganda and Tucker Carlson?

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DZK ; Explain why I would be interested in Banana-Republican's attitude toward Ukraine and please explain how it's "party- line Socialist".

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(The links are what I have available at the moment, that don't force me to dig into my archive. I'll probably update the list in days to come.)

Isolationist foreign policy is part-and-parcel of the Banana-Republicans platform - in case you haven't noticed. Foreign policy should >never< be overlooked. ol' Tweety embraced the Russians from day one, while promoting a faux neo-isolationism. Hell! He publicly solicited and obtained within 24 hours Russian interference in the '16 election. The Socialists are Russo-centric by tradition, and miss the point of the Uke conflict because they're blinded by traditional ideology. (That's >why< I'm not a Socialist, per se.) Note in the articles, the US and the other Western democracies are portrayed as making imperialistic moves against Russia, without saying word one on how the conflict is a Russian invasion of a sovereign, independent, Western-oriented nation - naked intrinsic imperialism. Just to be clear, the Ukes overthrew a pro-Russian government. However, that was an internal political matter, and the Ukes had mostly disarmed themselves and committed to taking no hostile action against the Russians in perpetuity. I don't particularly disagree that there's a definitely imperialistic trend in the West, but it's more an economic imperialism driven by multi-national corporations who have their paws on every Western government, and any others they can get their filthy mitts on. Consistent with Dr Reich's view - as I understand it - that's the mechanism exacerbating global inflation.

That places the Banana-Republicans on the same side of the fence as the Socialists, albeit for different reasons that you can just bet will evaporate once the Banana-Republicans are in a position to force-feed us all their bananas!

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I read that. They got rid of their nukes in exchange for peace with their neighbor. Irony there.

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>And< agreed to be non-aligned with NATO or the EU. Only >now< are they petitioning for membership in either.

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There is Socialism and there is Social Democracy. I wonder how many who support Socialism agree on a definition of what it is.

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Good catch. Although I can't say for certain, I suspect it has something to do with how energetically one embraces orthodox Marxism - a kind of conservatism that belies current polit-speak. (Conservative with respect to what?) Orthodox Marx would lead to a purely socialist state. On the other hand, social democracy or democratic socialists would tend to think of socialistic and capitalistic measures as tools in establishing an equitable economy. Let me hasten to say I'm no scholar in Marx >or< Smith. I simply know what I support and call myself a social democrat along the lines of FDR, also known as a "New Dealer" in times past, and would support stricter socialistic measures. For example, if someone were to suggest that all real estate, along with critical goods and services should be nationalized, I wouldn't bat an eye as I asked for detail on how they would propose to accomplish that, and judge it with a skeptical attitude. I think it would eliminate many of the problems we face today if properly implemented in an equitable manner. On the other hand, you can't simply dispossess someone holding 100 acres of real estate. I'd also make clear that nobody's eliminating private ownership of >everything.< Many things in life >must<be privately owned as a basic, human psychological need. However, I'll go no further with that, because I'm not promoting ideology, rather, a general impression of how socialistic measures could work and what they should be applied to. There's no prohibition on starting a private business for conducting commerce as long as it doesn't interfere with real estate or critical goods & services.

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So concise and unfortunately true from what I’ve seen

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Personally, I think the Republican Party "lost its last shred of moral authority" in 1968, but most people did not realize it then.

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What I should have said here was that the Republican Party began the process of losing their last shred of moral authority in 1968 when Nixon lost his, but it took quite a while for many of the others to catch up.

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Gregory S. ; You really think All those who were identifying as Republican were completely bereft of any shred of positive morality? What particular thing attributable to the Republican Party gives you this view? I am curious. Both parties have had their bad moments, for sure. The present Republican party is way off the tracks of decency and sanity, to make them unrecognizable to what they have been in the past. Not that either party has always been above reproach, being that they are both comprised of humans (So far).

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Hell! The Confederates were Democrats that came to be known later as "Sothern Democrats" - and who defected to the Republican party as a result of the Civil Rights Era, when the Republicans were still reeling from Watergate. Then came Ronald McReagan and the horse >he< rode in on named "the tax revolt."

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DZK ; Colorful history! was any of it close to what we are in today though?

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What we're in today is the $hi7 storm it developed into, that I mention earlier. Here's a little Marx for you: what we're experiencing now is how the seeds planted then grew into the carnivorous flower that's munching on us today! Today is a function of what happened yesterday.

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DZK ; Any remedy? Can it be deprived of nutrients or something?

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There was a time when only a few Republican politicians "were completely bereft of any shred of positive morality." For example see: The Brothers- John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War, by Stephen Kinzer OR The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, by David Talbot.

And of course Richard Nixon was Vice-President during the ascendancy of the Dulles brothers and would have had a fairly good view of the enormous power they exercised over Eisenhower simply by sticking together.

But one thing that the aftermath of the Watergate break-in clearly demonstrates is that, unlike today, many figures in the Republican Party were able to exercise some amount of positive morality when they clearly had to.

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+Like George Bush mentioned'if you keep this stuff up you'll be extinct.'

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I wasn't thinkin' along that line then. What I worried about was what kind of $hi7 storm it would all lead to. >We're <now> livin' what worried me!<

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I am not quite sure which of Theodore White's books it was, I read them all as the paperbacks came out, but it was probably in Making of the President (1964) that White revealed that Richard M Nixon traveled to Dallas on November 21, 1963, stayed overnight, and then left the morning of November 22 an hour or two before JFK arrived in town.

Very revealingly I think, Nixon lied to White, through an aide, about making this trip until White obtained a passenger list from the airline with Nixon's name on it.

I turned 14 on November 22, 1963, so I was glued to the TV set all weekend, paying close attention. Since I read this particular passage of White's investigatory journalism, I have never stopped believing Richard Nixon was a crook.

However, I must admit to having some small shred respect for Nixon, especially lately, because when Nixon got caught he eventually acted like he had been caught.

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Spot on Jim!

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They’re not interested in maintaining a democracy. They want to create a christian nationalist authoritarian state.

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Yes, they do. I read an article in the LA Times about a real estate boom in the area of Hildale, Utah where the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints Church operated under Warren Jeffs and his father before him. It was right out of the Handmaid’s Tale. Jeffs was convicted and sent to prison for life for raping two child brides, 12 and 15. He ruled with an iron hand. A trust which he controlled even owned the town. Men and women were assigned to each other as spouses. Most women had 10 or more children; polygamy was practiced. Even though Jeffs is in prison for life, some people are waiting for him to get out. They still believe he is a prophet of God. (NOT!)

As I read this article, I kept thinking that this situation in Hildale is basically what the Republicans want for the entire country. And people WILL believe wild, stupid, unreal ideas.

The Republicans are not a party; they are a criminal gang. I think they operate much like a drug cartel.

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Exactly. There will probably be piles of bodies created by these theocratic right of right wingers sine they love their guns and love their Jesus. They are pro life only if you believe their clap trap.

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Scary business.

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Coincidence? Broadway's LDS spoof (Book of Mormon, 2011) didn't derail Romney's campaign, and now that he's a possible voice of the Senate's feeble GOP Trump-resistance, there are 2 new series about Fundamentalist LDS - Hulu's Under the Banner of Heaven and Netflix's Keep Sweet - Pray and Obey. Coincidence?

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Saw Book of Mormon on Broadway that year. I just remember it as a great performance and then afterwards, the cast raised a pile of money for HIV-AIDS. Wonderful experience all around. Didn’t connect it with Romney probably because I had always considered LDS a bit strange.

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The powerful interests that manipulate the GOP base needs to make sure it can neutralize anti-Putin Romney if they need help from Russian bots to win their elections. So, they maintain their potential to point out that Mormons elevate their Latter Day Saints above Jesus.

There was a nice OpEd in yesterday's newspaper how, in a much different anti-Russian era [with "neo-Malthusian fears of... communism"], a GOP CO state senator played a key role in making abortion legal. Nice conclusion: I think this is what history can teach us today: that it is possible, and perhaps even necessary, for each of us to listen to the people an issue affects most and to confront the deficiencies of our own politics. Coalition work inspires not only political change, but also change within its participants."


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We got Al Capone and John Gotti,this bunch is doable!

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One would think. Think the DOJ is thinking RICO as being the most easily proved to resonate with a jury and have stick?

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This has been my scariest fear. Goodbye science and reasoning. The USA Today was never meant to be a theocracy. The Founding Fathers made sure In the first amendment

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what these so-callled christians want to forget is their most basic catashism: Who made you?

God made me..... We are all God's children. They also want to forget the most basic tenents of our beautiful democracy.... Liberty and Justice for ALL.... and Gov't OF, BY, and For the PEOPLE>

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Jesus said “You will know them by their fruits”

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Jesus provided free health care and free food. His major ideological statement is the Sermon on the Mount. He critiqued the rent-seeking of the ruling class. He advocated for an economy that works for everyone, not just the money-changers. The modern evangelical movement still advocates a belief in magic based on the marketing understanding of P.T. Barnum: a sucker is born every minute.

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Under His Eye.

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. . . sometimes called Xtian Sharia Law.

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It’s scary to think that the extreme right might follow something close. They’ve been looking at Hungary as a role model/blueprint.

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Christian Authoritarian State. Now there's a first rate oxymoron, hey?

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When 42 people agree with you, I think that is significant. I'm sure the number will grow, but I'm clueless as to what comes next.

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The DOJ should charge all 2022 big lie stolen election candidates as co-seditious conspirators

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18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

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Thank you Daniel Solomon. Trump and his followers in elected office deserve consequences and are giving us all the middle finger because they face no penalty for organizing, conspiring, attempting to overthrow our Constitutional government. Guilty insurrectionists deserve imprisonment and humiliation, loss of US Citizenship, mandatory enrollment in a college level civics and US Constitution course requiring perfect attendance and a grade of "B" and paid for by the insurrectionist as a requirement to re-apply for citizenship. In Myanmar, Russia or Nicaragua insurrectionists would disappear. Why are we afraid to punish Trump and his misinformed followers? We, the majority, seem afraid to enforce the truth by allowing the Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson lies to proliferate legally. I am 80 years old, former USMC Vietnam vet and I have never witnessed our country behave so timidly in the face of a grave and present danger such as the Trump sewerage circulating in the Republican Party.

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Very well said Robert K!

We are all disgusted and shocked that these fascist enabling Putin supporters who committed a deadly coup attempt & are out having parties and running for office AND winning! This is what happens when criminals get a perpetual pass. These are not just criminals but deadly domestic terrorists. Is the military too infiltrated with right wing proud boy types to be affective? The fact that there hasn’t been an attempt to shut down the Right wing media programs that support THE BIG LIE and encourage deadly action is itself a crime in my mind. It’s not free speech, it’s called News but creates incitement. Our government uses hired help for many invasions & foreign powers, why can’t they do that for our country?

If we can’t control the multitude of lies on the airwaves, we will not get through to these people ever.

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Robert, you probably remember that story -- "The Man Without a Country" -- presented to public-school kids in the 1950s. Wouldn't it be sweet to round up the rebels and confine them to a ship continuously circling around Cuba with no hope of reaching land. After a while, they might be begging to be set ashore at Guantanamo Bay and interned at the prison there.

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Thank you

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Fascists cannot be held at bay by the authority of law.

One of my favorite Bills of Rights ever is so impressive I'll post it here:

"All foreign persons have the right of asylum when persecuted for defending the interests of the people, or for their scientific activities, or for their struggle for national liberation.

Citizens are ensured the right to unite in public organizations--trade unions, cooperative associations, youth organizations,' sport and defense organizations, cultural, technical and scientific societies.

Citizens are guaranteed inviolability of the person.

Citizens have the right to education. This right is ensured by universal, compulsory elementary education; by education, including higher education, being free of charge; by the system of state stipends for most students in the universities and colleges; by instruction in schools being conducted in the native language, and by the organization in the factories, state farms, machine and tractor stations and collective farms of free vocational, technical and agronomic training for the working people.

Citizens have the right to maintenance in old age and in case of sickness or loss of capacity to work. This right is ensured by the extensive development of social insurance of workers and employees at state expense, free medical service for the working people and the provision of a wide network of health resorts.

Citizens have the right to rest and leisure. The right to rest and leisure is ensured by the reduction of the working day to seven hours for most of the workers, the institution of annual vacations with full pay for workers and employees and the provision of a wide network of sanatoria, rest homes and clubs for the accommodation of the working people.

Citizens have the right to work, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality.

Citizens shall have free access to printing presses, stocks of paper, public buildings, the streets, communications facilities, and other material requisites for the exercise of these rights.

Citizens shall have freedom of assembly, including the holding of mass meetings; freedom of speech; freedom of the press; and freedom of street processions and demonstrations.

Citizens, irrespective of their nationality or race, in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social and political life, is an indefeasible law. Any direct or indirect restriction of the rights of, or, conversely, any establishment of direct or indirect privileges for, citizens on account of their race or nationality, as well as any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness or hatred and contempt, is punishable by law.

In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of antireligious propaganda is recognized for all citizens.

No person may be placed under arrest except by decision of a court.

The inviolability of the homes of citizens and privacy of correspondence are protected by law.

Women are accorded equal rights with men in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social and political life. The possibility of exercising these rights is ensured to women by granting them an equal right with men to work, payment for work, rest and leisure, social insurance and education, and by state protection of the interests of mother and child, prematernity and maternity leave with full pay, and the provision of a wide network of maternity homes, nurseries and kindergartens."

That's Eden. That's Nirvana. It was celebrated every year like the Fourth of July - Soviet Constitution Day - in December. Around the time it was enacted, about a million people were sent to Siberia, and less than 100,000 ever came back. Do the math. To psychopaths like Stalin, words mean nothing. Laws mean nothing. Don't make the lethal assumption that you can bind them with laws.

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Thanks for that priceless input!

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Seems quite clear to me. But it doesn’t matter if it’s not enforced. Another scary situation for us.

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I agree. Otherwise why should they stop? If nothing comes from the January 6 hearings, I fear this country is doomed. I already fear this and these hearings feel like the tipping point.

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The Republicans are intentionally surrendering any shred of perceived intelligence they have had in any recent past. Their mindless, foaming-at-the-mouth self-brainwashing is exactly WHY we MUST PROSECUTE & CONVICT these treasonous enemies of our democracy. They will not HEAR the truth until they FEEL the truth. We must save our democracy, & as much as possible, save them from themselves, by enacting the facts of the truths upon them. God help them. They have jumped off the cliff behind their manic pied piper.

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Let’s hope, but I’m expecting a worse case scenario. I’m pretty sure Jesus would be terrified to see guns attached to him.

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Rest assured, Jesus has almost nothing to do with any of this. As a professed follower of Christ, there’s been lots of rationalization by some church leaders having more to do with money than with faith. The Christian world which opposes the atrocious lack of response to injustice, racism, and inequality had better speak up soon or there will be a tremendous backlash against people of faith. We used to understand the importance of separation of church and state.

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In Matthew 23, Jesus lays it down gangsta style on hypocrisy. Remember this when reeligious hypocrites jazz on you-

13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.”

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.”

Say that outside your mega-church, and you’ll catch some stones for quoting You-Know-Who from the Bible. Didn’t care for liars, that one.

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I agree. It saddens me to see the extreme right choosing to use God/Jesus in their main talking points equating guns and not realizing that there are other faiths/beliefs and views. Appreciate your response

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Ironically, that's exactly how Republicans feel about Democrats.

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Yes, due to YEARS of Rush Limbaugh, Fox, and far-right disinformation. It isn’t entertainment--it has been a deliberate attempt by wealthy right-wingers to obfuscate from the truth of extreme inequality. It’s a catch 22- we haven’t the votes to pass legislation to address the root of the problem. Dems are partly to blame for having played politics for so many years and not have gotten serious about blaming Republicans for their callous view toward common Americans.

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You are right in your statements, Dr Reich. But that doesn't mean we should just roll over. ALEC, took years to patiently build up control of those smaller States. We need to build an organization to counterattack ALEC.

We have a few millionaires on our side too. And I am not convinced that 30 second expensive blurbs on TV to appeal to the non-thinking masses is the only way to win. We need to reach the 18 to 50 year olds. We need to show them overwhelmingly that the only way for them to have a future is to control the greed at the top. We need to find intelligent civic minded candidates for the Senate (especially to replace Manchin and Sinema. We also need an entertaining media to flip and report only the truth. Not the both sides crap

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ALEC fooled many, including some Democrats. Since money (Citizen United) started this massive release of largely testosterone fueled unreality, yes, where the heck are the enlightened, fearless billionaires on the Democrat side? And why aren’t “they” helping more demonstrably? Forget Casper Milk Toast! Those days are gone. Trump Bannon Thiel...take them on. Now!

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Thank you, Paula! I don't understand why that movement got away with so much damage. Of course ALEC was never active in States like the West Coast or North East States. I never ever heard of ALEC until after the damage was done. Was the DNC asleep at the wheel? I realize that not all Democrats are good, but I believe we have more good than bad people. I just hope some great organizers start looking to the future.

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You are welcome, Fay. I was an elected official when they pounced on Ohio. They had the veneer of “bi-partisan”. I was warned off by insightful party activists. Thank goodness! And, yes, I join you in unequivocally standing with the Democratic Party. Are there stupid things that happen? Yes. Are there numbskulls? Yes, and I’ve been called one, and been one at times, LOLOL! However, our struggling has usually been forward looking, and “growing the middle class” as President Biden says. I think so many of us former working class kids...and our progeny need a review of how this upward mobility occurs. I hope somehow our unions are strategizing to reach more of our young people, too.

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Well, Maine's national embarrassment, former Governor Paul LePage (who is running for governor again against our current Governor, BTW. God help us) used ALEC-written regs for Department of Health and Human Services (and drastically cut staff, making case workers dangerously over-loaded and burnt-out.) LePage was a disaster but the delusional Republicans in this state absolutely loved him and will bring him back if we don't fight HARD.

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As a former eligibility worker and employment councelor you have my comlete sympathy. Among the many reasons i have for detesting Ronald Reagan was his attack on "Welfare Queens" who never existed. The GOPs attack on the needy is heartless. The amount of taxpayer money they willingly give to "Corporate Welfare" is obscene.

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Reagan brought in more religious nuts and de-regulated everything that helped people. He really got this right wing crap rolling.

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Was the Democratic party asleep at the wheel? Yes, or mostly choosing to ignore things as long as they had the majority in Washington.

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Think Soros, the most visible of the “liberal” (to differentiate from Thiel et Al.). It’s dangerous to give large sums if the right “catches” you. And probably those 7 and 8 times Democratic Party appeals I get have anonymous donors behind them. We need to expand SCOTUS to get rid of Citizens United.

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Absolutely agree. Things started getting out of hand when it was passed.

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Also, don’t forget $1M spent repeating a lie can be countered by 1M good people spending $1 to stand up for truth. Spread the word to watch truth in prime time and keep repeating. Support candidates for truth and rule of law. Keep the faith.

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I have to say , rule of law has been corrupted by our elected officials to side with their own beliefs, not what is best for the citizens

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In the vein of “words matter” I would say rule of law has been broken. Don’t give up the position that they broke laws and continue to, but the law still stands. We must hold them accountable to our laws. The people breaking laws are corrupt and must pay. (Law not corrupt)

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I get this. My concern is that if Garland doesn’t take action soon, if the Republicans (I’m guessing DeSantis (sp?) gain in November, that they’ll use rule of law to twist to their own narrative. I really hope voters get out to vote, because Democracy looks like it might change overnight. Vote Blue

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We had over 740 billionaires and now more.Where are they?

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I agree Fay! Let’s keep on the side of truth and keep repeating it. By all means available, get involved locally and for up ticket big races too. Stop giving press or air to lies Robert. You surprise me about how defeated you sound! Churchill said when going thru hell, keep going. Same for our precious democracy. Don’t ever give up. This is worth fighting for!!!

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Jun 20, 2022
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Agreed. The problem is most TV News stations report to attract the greatest number of viewers o they can sell more ads. So even those few that fact check cannot be trusted 100% of the time. The other truly bad problem is how do we get people to vote. In California's recent primaries less the half the registered voters actually cast their ballots and our State is one that does everything possible to encourage voting. Every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail at least 4 weeks before the deadline. They have a choice of mailing back in prepaid. self addressed envelopes, placing that envelope either in USPS or in one purpose ballot box, or voting in person, either early or on election day. I'm sick and tired of hearing my vote doesn't count, or my candidate isn't on the ballot. I make sure everyone in my family votes, but I don't know how to reach the rest of the lazy SOB's.

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It’s not helpful to see the large majority of voters cast ballots for a Democrat only to have Electoral College undo the voice if the people. There is very good reason that people don’t believe their vote counts. I vote EVERY time, but understand the disgust.

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I understand that, but by not voting, more and more State and Local offices, Offices which affect our daily lives go to the nutcase right wing. This leaves the rest of us more miserable. The electoral college (much as I despise it) only affects The President/Vice-President. This is not a Presidential election year. There is absolutely NO logical reason for not voting.

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Yes! How to get CA (or ANYbody) to vote! Grrrr! I was an election clerk in my neighborhood vote center (LA County) for 11 days, early voting through election day. I guesstimate that we had maybe 450 people the whole time, 332 of them June 7. While catching up on reading, working tens of puzzles, scrolling phones, trying to avoid the stash of donuts on the table, we workers kept looking at the front door wondering if the hordes would ever show up. And I keep hopefully checking the County's running totals on Tuesdays and Fridays, silly me. Yeah, there's some big money in Dem politics, one of whom is trying to buy his way into the LA mayor's office. But postcard season is cranking up, texting is ongoing, so I'll stay busy....hopefully so.

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Push to drop Fox 'news' and other fascist media where possible.

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David: You are correct. I know I sound like a broken record but....we have the power. We also have guns, abortion...besides the BIG LIE.

In order to win, we need to FLIP four Senate races in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Field Team Six has millions of unregistered likely Democratic women in a database from these states, and we need to reach all of them to help them get registered and vote for pro-choice, pro-woman Democrats.

North Carolina

525,337 Unregistered Likely Democratic Women


770,734 Unregistered Likely Democratic Women


385,213 Unregistered Likely Democratic Women


595,734 Unregistered Likely Democratic Women

For more information contact Jason Berlin: jason@fieldteam6.org

Spread the word. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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Thank you

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David Smiley ; It is a plague, this Big Lie and all the other lies! It used to be against the law to broadcast bad information. That was when all we had was the 'airwaves', owned by the Common good, and regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. Now there is the 'virtual' world of the internet and very weak, seemingly optional 'guardrails'. The scary thing is that 'virtual' world affects the real world, and people's minds.

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Make them PROVE the crap they say,in court,and it can't be "dog whistle"garbage,but on paper,and substanciated.We already know how many times they lost in court,and that state after state proved there was no wrongdoing.

I say sue these idiots into the Stone Age dragging them into court and making them prove what they are saying.Especially Trump.We all know it's b.s.,make them prove,on paper,that it isn't.

It'll be entertaining to watch how dumb these idiots will look.This is how this gets stopped.

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I can’t see what’s stopping this strategy. Should commence immediately as should disbarment of any so-called “attorneys” putting forth such statements that are clear and present danger, as Judge Luttig outlined. Where are our local bar ethics committees? Who was there to stop John Eastman and his likes? What law schools and law firms are tolerating this nonsense? Can we not determine the difference between speech and a “match that lights the fire”?

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I keep wondering - where are those deep pockets on our side?

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Trying to convince the GQP that Trump is a criminal is like trying to convince Al Capone’s gang that he was a criminal. They already know it; that’s why they joined him.

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Looking at demographics, younger voters trend Democratic. Far outnumber boomers. Get them registered, out to vote.


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Daniel, Hopefully you’re not bashing Boomers correct? There are plenty of younger (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc) monsters. 74 million boomers and massive numbers of GenX, millennials etc do great work. Some are duds, of course. It was the boomers who took to the streets to protest illegal war, to get abortion rights, legalized mixed race marriages on & on. Younger populations made Occupy Wallstreet a reality, March for Our Lives, so many more.

I just don’t know how anyone can decide not to participate during a crisis like this. But perhaps they’ve tuned out over the stress of it all. Seeing these monster Tethuglicans go unpunished is exhausting!

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Thank you. I find what you say Daniel, is spot on.

I wish I were younger healthier and had computer savvy to GOTV. Even in a progressive part of Northern California , where i canvassed, it was very noticeable and frustrating to find that the

< 30% of the local population did not vote!

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I expect, aside from the bucket of possible persuadables (approximately 1/3 of the country), that the Select Committee’s principal audience is A.G. Garland. The committee, still only partially through its scheduled hearings, already has established, in my view, sufficient factual predication to hold the so-called command structure up to and including Trump criminally accountable.

I imagine no one would question that when top officials are being investigated for criminal activity, and maybe informed they’re a possible target, that tends to focus the mind. And the mind of the country needs to be focused on this, because however important other things are, we nearly are running out the clock on democracy itself. Hence, I say we all take heart from knowing that DOJ has demanded that the Select Committee promptly release all of its documentation to Main Justice and that the Select Committee, after some hesitation, I understand has agreed to comply.

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Wonder why the hesitation??? I have all of my hopes on the DOJ requesting the obvious guilty evidence of Trump et al. Still his followers are the most dangerous and well armed out there. I want to see our military come in against these terrorists.

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@SeekingReason, As to your question, my understanding, aside from some tensions between the Committee and DOJ, is that the Committee principally has been committed to completing its work and could not afford to take time to prepare its documents for release, a process I understand that would include providing for witnesses to vet their respective transcripts.

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The Republican Party no longer knows right from wrong and has with, its obsession of power, decayed and rotted the congress and the republic.

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But it is not absolute and final. Fight back damn you.

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Astoundly breathtaking. We thought Orwell's "1984" would always be fiction.

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How ironic, Carlos!

It is not Republicans who:

-revise word meanings;

-rewrite history;

-pull down statues;

-create thought police departments;

-erase biological truth;

-agree w/totalitarian rule (fauci)

-believe 2+2=5

Republicans did not let the "Two Minutes of Hate" continue for months in cities like Seattle, Minneapolis, and Waukesha.

C'mon, man!

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Har-har! I was in Rosenheim, Bavaria, a couple of years ago and wondered aloud how well a handsome statue of Herman Goering might look in the town square. But when I raised this topic with locals, some laughed, but most looked at me as if I were crazy. I commiserate with the latter group.

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Will it have to come to a Civil War? How will this nightmare end?

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The Enemy within continues to support the Big Lie and the real fake news. There used to be guard rails against lies in the media. Nothing is being done about the misinformation that continues in the media, whether public or private.

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The boards of directors who run these companies should be held accountable by shareholders. Of course, that’s very difficult. Nevertheless, there should be more pressure brought.

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PaulaOH ; I agree! If they are profiting from bad products, whether it is 'news' or anything else, they are part of the problem!

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That is the ONLY way to cure this, Laurie. We have to stop allowing the beast to scream the Lies daily, incessantly and aggressively! Shut them up and Lock them Up.

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“The Republican Party is no longer a political party, it’s a political freak show.”

— Peter Wehner

“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”

— David Frum

“It occurred to me,” she told her colleagues then, “as I dug into the rules and watched what happened, that if the current Republican Party controls both Houses of Congress on Jan. 6, 2025, there’s no way if a Democrat is legitimately elected they will get certified as the president-elect.”

— Erica Newland, Protect Democracy

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The term “ Big Lie Candidates”…is fitting…

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This is terrifying.

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