They do not get free medical coverage. They can purchase it the same way That federal employees purchase it.

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What gets me is that those people enjoy free medical coverage for life while we pay through the roof for medicine that should only cost a fraction like in Europe.

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You might want to do a little research on this. It's not true that Congress gets "free medical coverage for life".

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I did and so should you!

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Could you clarify please? Are you saying my statement about the medical coverage for Congress is incorrect?

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In the interest of facts, please give me a reliable source that supports your belief. I have done my research and find nothing to support it.

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Joe Manchin's daughter is an executive for a big pharma company.

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Always, always follow the money!

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Any Senator or Republican who is against allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices will NOT get my vote.

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We need to put an end to this double dealing by passing strong Conflict of Interest laws prohibiting members of both houses from voting on measures that impact donors.

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who do we owe for this to be done anyway the republicans and president bush just like high oil prices the republicans bush put it on the stock market and mitch the bitch let american oil be exported so we have to rely on opec still . we would have been open free but no they could not let that happen so fact every problem we americans have we can thank lobbyist first congress second and we must get rid of lobbying it is just a congress word for bribery.

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Lowering the drug prices should be voted on by the people during an election.

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What amazes me is the poultry sums of campaign contributions money ( in comparison to profits realized.) buys such devotion. You dumb politicians are being bought of CHEAP. Drug executives know who can and will be bought. AMEN. Ethics, if there ever was on is non existent in todays political and business class.

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Thank you for shedding light on this sad state of affairs regarding big pharma greed. The drug ads on TV are deplorable and to think some people fall for that deceit. I’ve been watching Dopesick on Hulu for an even sadder lesson on the power of greed in medicine.

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I have been watching Dopesick also. I was born in Southwest VA a part of Appalachia that was targeted by Sacklers to sell Oxycontin. My sister's youngest son died of an overdose. He had a prescription for it but abused it. Lots of young people in that area died as a result of Perdue Pharma's lies. Very sad!

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Robert, if any party is blocking this bill it's the Republicans. I'm not letting the four Democrats off the hook, but under normal circumstances we would not have to worry about their vote, if the Republican party would actually do their jobs and represent the people instead of their party leaders and the rich donors we would easily have enough Republicans to support it's passage. Today that is impossible because the Republicans want to take over are government so they have stopped governing and as far as the drug bill, if the Republicans were in control this bill would never have even seen the light of day. That being said, people should realize unless we give the President a majority in both Houses of Congress the Republicans will continue to do nothing and it will require every single Democrat to vote yes which as we see is hard to do with the current campaign donation laws.

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Thank you I am going to share this and I love your podcasts. Keep helping us understand and fight for what is right for the people.

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Thank you! for writing a beautiful article I'm still waiting for Senator Sinema to come home to Arizona, an explain why she is doing what she's doing!!!

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Money, money,money...always, always follow the money!

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She was balking at the $3.5 trillion, but opposed the provision that would result in $450 Billion in savings to Medicare if permitted to negotiate drug prices w/ Big Pharma.

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What astonishes me, is that people like her have positions of power, without the knowledge of anything and are in their positions to get rich quick while hurting those who pay their salaries. They have zero conscience..nor should they be in their positions of power.

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We can not have large corporations feeding certain senators money's to support their campaign's. Stop the insanity. No more getting campaign money, no one should get that anymore. Everyone has to suffer because of them. Fuck no , stop the Insanity!!!

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So it comes down to greed, how pathetic.

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Always, always follow the money...We have more crooked politicians than honest ones and we should demand to outlaw, campaign contributions!

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If there's anything that pursuades me that American politics is corrupted this does.

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When so few can impact the lives of so many that's not a democracy, obviously! And all the shaming and sarcasm towards these congressmen in the media and on cable television only angers average people even more. Apparently if we're to believe Mr. Reich it's only been a very few elected officials in his fifty years in government that are the rotten apples. If you look at America today I find it hard to believe that only a few have created the society we have now.

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