I just had this conversation with my daughter a week ago! So much focus on sex and people's personal lives! Nothing but a distraction from the real problems this world has. And too many people are letting these lesser problems control their decisions on what we really need to focus on. I fear we will lose our democracy if we don't get back on track.

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Republican politicians know and intend it to be a distraction. They don't want to talk about economic abuses by big corporations and the rich, and they don't want to be pulled into a discussion over Trump, the legitimacy of the 2020 election or the January 6 insurrection, so they're using sex as a wedge issue to drive their base and gain some Independents. It's a cynical ploy. But it will work - unless Democrats fill the void by talking about what's really happening in the economy.

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Or unconstitutionally gerrymandered voter districting maps!

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I strongly suggest that the Democrats put attention to the distraction ploys being use by the Republicans. Ignoring the ploys will come around and bite us in the A_ _. The Democratic party has to educate itself on the Christian values. Knowledge is POWER. The Democratic Party has many good religious values which should be used to inform the public. Why haven't they? Let's be smart and wise. We have to live and deal with reality. Reality will not go away.

There are many Christians within the Democratic party that will accept certain values up to a point that the Democratic party currently accepts. but once that point is crossed, the Christian member will either protest and/or leave the party. We should be knowledgeable of these points. Keep in mind that the Hispanic population is generally religious and conservative regarding social values.

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I disagree that <i>"There are many Christians within the Democratic party that will accept certain values up to a point that the Democratic party currently accepts. but once that point is crossed, the Christian member will either protest and/or leave the party."</i> Many of the fundamentals of Christian values are about the dignity of humans. If you like Reuben Bolling, he had a nice cartoon recently on Q-anon and Christianity. Christianity, deriving from The Little Rabbi (J.C.) offers a robust, aggressive defense of humanity. I would say that Republicans generally practice Nonsense Christianity (i.e. they don't read the Bible.) Jesus would perhaps be bummed.

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When I used the word accept, I should have used the word "tolerate". Within most of the Latin Churches the pastors may be Republican, but the majority of the members are Democrats. I know because I have been a member of these are the churches. Most Christian and for that matter most average Americans are ignorant of the fact that Roe vs Wade which LEGALIZE ABORTION NATIONWIDE was APPROVED by FIVE REPUBLICAN appointed Supreme Court Judges and only two Democratic appointed judges. ABORTION was made LEGAL by REPUBLICANS, yet they claim to be pro-life. Christian Democrats unlike the Republican are pro-life from the WOMB to the TOMB. The Republican (politicians) and many members are pro-life while the child is in the womb, but once it is born, they could care less if the individual is well fed, has a roof over its head, has adequate medical care, or has an education to become a productive member of society. They complain that caring for needy Americans is SOCIALISM. The GOP uses the word SOCIALISM to scare Americans. If you ask most Americans to define SOCIALISM, they will tell you what Venezuela and Cuba has. Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. When Social Security and Medicare was proposed by Democrats, the GOP criticized them for being socialist. It seems that any programs that help our needy citizens is criticize by the GOP as socialism, while helping big business and the wealth is good Capitalistic stimulus. The Affordable Health Care to help American Citizens is Socialism but giving a tax cut or refund to the wealthy is Capitalism at its best. Who is looking out for the American working class and the needy Americans and who is looking out for the WEALTHY? By the way for those that are up in arms about gay marriage, the SUPREME COURT approved the marriage rights issue with the deciding vote being cast by a REPUBLICAN APPOINTED JUSTICE. I don't understand why our people have no idea what is going on in Washington D.C. and depend on Political Propaganda to falsely educate them. What America does not realize is that there is a major movement for big money to control the media. Democracy cannot and will not survive without an INDEPENDENT PRESS. We are seeing a move being made by a small group of wealthy people to control the media.

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I agree with you, but it is more than a DISTRACTION... it is by design, to DIVIDE AND CONQUER the electorate= the power-of-the-people. It is our DIVISION that allows them (the uber-wealthy, few) to remain in power. The bible in essence says that the evil doer also knows the word and will use it against us... This is what is going on here! Trump is far from the example of Christ yet he and Republicans are able to pull out pieces of the bible to manipulate. That is the fault of 'Christian' leaders, who are not teaching Love= dying to self= selflessness. Instead, they are teaching difference and the opposite of love- selfishness.

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If they can't live in a more or less free country, maybe we can fund their trips back to where they came from? Did they not want to come here for the "better' life they imagined we live? If we could just rid ourselves of the people who hold the purse strings ( plutotcrats/.corporations that buy up their farmland to raise plantations of food/oils with no room for daily agricultural crops) then maybe so many would not want to come here.

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Terry. Well stated. This is a plan to destroy the USA from the inside out. Silly Americans don't see what is in their face!

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The so-called "Southern Democrats" - Confederate holdouts from the 1860-64 festivities - migrated to the Republican party in response to the Republican "Southern Strategy" ( https://www.unitedstatesnow.org/what-is-the-southern-strategy.htm ) and are attempting to accomplish the objective of their first effort 162 years ago. (I see that some are a bit like "Holocaust deniers," and attempting to portray said strategy as a myth - except that it was an open secret I heard about in the news of the time, before I was >even remotely< politically conscious!) Indeed, there has been talk of secession in several "red states" already. (How seriously anyone has been taking it remains to be seen. I take it as seriously as the model I have had in my mind of what's going on since before the 2000 election debacle. Note the continuing prominence of Florida at and since that time.)

Indeed, compare even the form of the Florida state flag:


with the Confederate battle flag:


There's an old motto down South of the Mason/Dixon line: "Forget? Hell!"

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I agree with you, but it is more than a DISTRACTION... it is by design, to DIVIDE AND CONQUER the electorate= the power-of-the-people. If they can't get the bills they want passed, the next best thing is to prevent the other side from passing bills that stall or pull back their progress. And if all progress stops in congress, they had the foresight to lie, cheat and steal themselves into a majority on the Supreme Court, where they can have laws established that move only their agenda forward- weaken regulations and regulatory bodies, avoid Civil Juries (juries of 'the people') via arbitration, etc., continue to weaken Voter Protections, and continue to enable the wealthy to control our Democracy by allowing unlimited money (dark or otherwise) to influence our political and other institutions. It is our DIVISION that allows them (the uber-wealthy, few) to remain in power. They even have some of us fighting against our democratic form of Government- the only form that empowers "the people" (the many) vs the few!

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It's hard to believe that educated people would believe their own propaganda. Pedophilia is the modern wedge issue to get people to vote against their economic best interests. Today's NYT documents a growing religious fervor in the American right: ‘This Is a Jesus Movement.’ IMHO it speaks to a racist collective subconscious reminiscent of blood libel.

Accusations of pedophilia are all over the internet. DeSantis, Hawley et al are free to say such things. But they are not free to defame individuals. When innocents are defamed, i.e. Biden and Hilary, they should sue anyone who repeats the lie.


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Politicians and others deemed "public" persons are not protected under today's laws over defamation. The real problem, to my mind, is that social media is unaccountable for this poison.

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The standard is "actual malice." So far Cruz and Hawley et al haven't called Biden or HRC a pedophile, but a LOT of people have...in writing. Any trial lawyer should be able prove actual malice. IMHO one case against target defendants would send an object lesson to similar perpetrators. The case is not against social media companies, rather individuals.

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For example, on Monday, U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) stated that “any senator voting to confirm [Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court] is pro-pedophile just like she is.” Yesterday, she said Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Mitt Romney “are pro-pedophile.”


Greene has hundreds of thousands of followers, some who republish her defamation. Greene no doubt knows the QAnon context.

To show actual malice, plaintiffs must demonstrate [that the defendant] either knew her statement was false or subjectively entertained serious doubt it was truthful. The question is not whether a reasonably prudent person would have published, or would have investigated before publishing.

Every person who republishes the tweets is just as liable if it can be proven that they knew or had reason to know her statement was false.

Statements are defamatory per se if they falsely accuse a person of a crime, of having a loathsome disease, or of unchastity, or if they refer to improper or incompetent conduct involving a person's business, trade, or profession. Presumed damages are awarded for injury to the victim's reputation in defamation per se cases. These damages are calculated based on the presumed harm the victim's reputation sustained as a result of the defendant's false remark. In a defamation per se action, “punitive damages may be awarded even though the amount of actual damages is neither found nor shown, for in such a case, the requirement of a showing of actual damages as a basis of an award for exemplary damages is satisfied by the presumption of injury which arises from a showing of libel.

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Update The Fairness doctrine to include social media.

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Thank you for the Times article link. I WAS AN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN! The Times article is exemplary in capturing what I was involved with for almost 8 years. Do not believe this is only a third of the country when 10,000 attend mega churches planted all over our country … and the world every week. Their “praise” music is drug-like and addictive. I was brainwashed by it all and the charisma of my own pastors, too. After formal, dull, ritualistic churches I’d been to all my life, when I walked into my first evangelical church with live music, hands clapping, arms waving, I thought I’d found home. Everyone hugging and laughing, informal pastors dressed in jeans and sneakers. Finally, this was really a church I could deal with until I came close to applying for a permit to buy a pistol and registering as a Republican...as I was urged to do.

I said to my fellow parishioners that Jesus didn’t carry weapons, but they said he didn’t have to because he was God. Two close Christian women came into my home and “cleansed” it of any written materials on Buddhism, lesbian “poetry," i.e. Mary Oliver!, smashed beautiful crystals I gathered over forty years, hammered my Buddha statues to dust and threw them in the garbage. This was done so no one else would be enabled by my wrong-doing. Millions and millions around the world, even charismatic Catholics, buy into this movement. They live by the Bible, which to them is the literal Word of God, yet they defy and twist the teachings of Jesus.This is a cult and it is something to be wary of for THEY ARE NOW IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE! Please make time to read this amazing nY Times (linked above) exposé. Why did I allow this to happen? I had just lost my home and every dime of savings. I moved into subsidized housing for which I am grateful. But, I was lonely and depressed without any friends but for one woman who took me to an evangelical church. I am not a victim, but many are just that, I cannot explain how alluring this movement can be, especially when you have a problem in your life, or are lonely as I was, or just lost needing something, someone to care. This movement is MORE than one-third of our country. The televangelists, which the article did not mention, are watched by millions each day, l getting a drug fix, as I did, to “receive the Word and know that Jesus would take care of everything.” And, I, too, memorized the words to the song, Way Maker, by heart (referenced several times in the article). Gratefully, I awakened to my own truth and broke out of this hermetically sealed alternate reality.

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Dear Lee, thank you for sharing your heart felt direct experience. Be well and prosper. ♥️

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So why are they all so stupid? What the hell is wrong with your people? Why did you let someone enter your house and destroy your possessions? Why do you all not have any critical thinking skills? What is wrong with people who will "live by the Bible" instead of rational observation?

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@Martha. In our flawed political theory we defend the idea that they have a right to hold false and evil opinions. We send our young people to wars overseas with their blood and our treasure to try to advance our way of governing, our way of "being" in society. I have to paraphrase Churchill here - democracy is the worst damn form of governance, except for all the others. The way to beat these cults is education, one person at a time. Let's get out the Democratic vote this election season and beat these deluded folks in Congress by beating the populist liars and manipulators that they listen to!

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I am not willing to allow the normalization of medieval behavior in this country. At all.

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Catholics use the fear of excommunication to enforce their dictates. Protestants use the fear of spiritual damnation. It's a way to keep people in thrall.

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And let’s not forget Orthodox Jews. My two half brothers became Orthodox in college and are still there forty years later. It’s inconceivable to me. They’re educated, came from an affluent, rational community, and completely lost it. I kept telling my distraught dad that they’d come to their senses but they never did. I have no idea why. Brainwashing, I guess.

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I attend a church where the pastor is working on something he accomplished in Omaha, Nebraska of all places. He's creating a tri-faith church with Jews, Christians, and Muslims sharing their respective faiths, but in an inclusive way. We're all people of the Book, after all. For several years we had a maggid, a woman who shared stories from the Torah and explained the intricacies of the the Hebrew text. We now have Rabbi Brian on some weekends, sharing Jewish insights. It took years for me to break away from the restrictive and sometimes idiotic views of fundamentalism, and I rejoice in having a broader world view.

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It sounds like a lovely place, Dean.

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BTW, to them I’m not a Jew because I’m not Orthodox. Also they won’t hug me because I’m a woman.

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So you worship a deity who threatens people with damnation?

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I don’t know what you’re talking about, Martha. I don’t worship any deity. I’m an atheist.

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So you worship a deity who threatens people with damnation?

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I don't believe in a God who would condemn his own creation. Those are control mechanisms invented by people who want their own way always.

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I am no longer with "those" people. The evangelical movement is a lot like AA, only AA is good and the "Jesus Movement" as I experienced it, is not. In AA, a sponsor comes to your home to get rid of any alcohol, cough syrups, even mouthwash so that those seriously addicted to alcohol have nothing to detract them from getting sober. In an effort to be certain one is devoted to the Bible and Jesus in the most literal ways, the evangelicals show/teach you that the Bible says it is satanic, pagan to have statues, crystals, anything that you might hold in higher esteem than the Bible and Jesus as God. That is how they break you down. I hope this explains your fury at me. I broke away and am no longer deceived by this nonsense, nor am I stupid. I would only ask, with due respect, that you not call me or anyone stupid. People make mistakes. I suggest you consider moderating your speech so that others will listen. Your comment to me was harsh and disrespectful, lacking in understanding, and demonstrating a total lack of 'critical thinking.'

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Apr 12, 2022Edited
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Well, that was rough of me, I regret it. But understand that I am expressing the rage and pain that my people feel toward evangelicals who want to destroy democracy, replace it with medieval evil, who fight science, who are ruining this planet and raising children who won't do right. It scares hell out of us. If it isn't deliberate stupidity on the part of the evangelicals then what is it? I have never, ever heard of anyone in AA coming to your house and believe me, I know a lot of AA people. I am going to ask two of them about that. I think that the people you describe are threatening this planet and everything on it. This causes me rage.

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Most people are followers. This is why the burden is on leaders or so called leaders. They are at fault here. Just like they are in our political system and all other institutions. Good, selfless leadership is focused on improving the lives of your followers, however, like in this case, self serving leadership is focused on personal gain (greed)- to fulfill a lust for power (influence) and/or wealth. Not enough good leaders condemning bad leaders, allowing bad leaders to take advantage and to ruin the institution(s)- religion/Christianity, politics, etc...

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It has not been my observation that "Most people are followers." I'd like to see data on that conclusion. Polls, or sociology. It has been my observation that communities create cultures. If you have the bad luck to live in an autocratic community you'll have to work hard to escape. But if you are not raised in an autocratic community - if you are instead raised in a cooperative community, for example - you will not have a community of followers. You will have a community of mutualists.

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So, this was not directed at me personally, but to those with whom I followed at one point? If so, I agree and I share your rage. Believe me. They terrify me and are growing in strength beyond what people understand, even the writer in the "Atlantic" who wrote the article. I am working on an article, since I'm a writer, too, titled "Confessions of a Former Evangelical." I will tell ALL. The AA anecdote may depend on a region, city, sponsor, et cetera. My sponsor and group were strict and I am grateful for it. This I can say after 28 years of sobriety! I hope this clears the air for both of us. May you have a wonderful day 🌷!

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I look forward to reading your article.

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Thank you for your raw honesty in telling us how you were duped by these horrible excuses for human beings. I am so glad that you realized how horrible those folks were before you were totally lost to their horrible ways of life.

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Trouble is, there is no excuse for what these ppl are doing to the nation. And that it will end badly. Never have I so wished for the seas to rise....asap.

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This is the "Christian" taliban. As I've found, there are far more tolerant, loving people who are not afraid of the other guy's religion or philosophy.

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I came from a fundamentalist background and when in college was MLK's sound man when he spoke at my college. I stayed to hear his speech, which turned my tight and narrow views around. I'm now in a church that believes in social and racial justice - light years distant from the megachurch pretensions to piety.

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Thank goodness you escaped! As the old saying goes "Jesus save me from your followers!" How sad He must be to see this nonsense.

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Evangelicals prey on people they perceive to be victims. You were ripe for the pickings. The evangelicals I've known have been alcoholics, drug addicts, or mentally ill.

They are the ugliest group of people I've ever encountered.

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I feel you. I get the social isolation. I am a surviving catholic school altar boy and now a self-labeled Apatheist. I NEVER engage in conversations about evangelical politics. I have a few friends who know I am areligious and don’t care. Most other aquaitances make me bite my tongue rather than speak. I don’t like having to hide who I really am.

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You don't say where you live. This action is called Breaking and Entering, and malicious destruction of property, Report it to your local police, city, county sheriff, State Police or US Marshall. A member of the Boston Polic.

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WOW! Truly frightening.

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@Daniel. I am with @Lee Anne Morgan, but I got the de-programming at age 6 - I watched Oral Roberts "cure" my young neighbor on early television (1954) only to have the child come home with no change, then die later that year. Now we have Oral Roberts University teaching "Christian education" in Oklahoma. Yep, teaching faith healing as if it were real, teaching that "some people" have these mystical powers, that "other" people are not fully human, and that church leadership can tell you the best way to live. It's worse than stupid. It is the real vanguard of evil in this world...

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What is this obsession with sex? Rethugs need some mental health care, IMO. If any Dem Joe or Jane in the community obsessed over sex the way the Rethugs do, mental health ppl would be all over them.I'm getting kind of glad that the earth s going to boil and the ocean will cover the continents, putting crazed ppl out of their misery.

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@MJ. My brother-in-law was a big conservationist, but he got a job at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Generating Plant. When I asked how he could do that he said along the lines you mentioned, "If you met the people I have met you would go pro-nuclear too!"

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The "normal" go to the bottom of the sea along with the weird.....right?

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NYT paywall 😢.

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Democrats can talk all they want about the silliness of Hawley, Cruz, Graham, and DeSantis, but it hasn't worked so far, possibly because Democrats don't have a tangible message of their own. The concept of taxing the wealthy, important as it is, is not getting through, perhaps in part because many middle class Americans already regard themselves as wealthy, or have aspirations of wealth. Democrats need to set up their own "big shiny object" not to distract, but to reward.

For example, proper healthcare, something that affects every American, rich and poor alike. We just don't have it. Obamacare was a step in the right direction, but was woefully inadequate because it ceded power to insurance companies and pharmaceutical corporations, while leaving 40 million Americans either uninsured or underinsured.

An executive order, to make Medicare available to all who want it, would relieve tremendous pressure and economic burdens from tens of millions of households, and might seal a Democrat victory in November. As we have shown, it could also save as much as $1 trillion per year.

I'm all in favor of a wealth tax, but we really need something in addition.

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What America needs is healthcare that is not a business, but a SERVICE. Until Americans get smart and realize good FREE healthcare is the right of EVERY CITIZEN, not just those who can afford the cost of insurance -- which is yet ANOTHER BIG BUSINESS LIKE ALL THE REST -- you are going to get what you can afford, or not afford, to pay for.

No, no health cade is truly free, but when it is paid for collectively, through income and especially WEALTH taxes, it becomes accessible to all who need it, and just about everyone needs it at some point in their lifetime. How many lives have been destroyed by exorbitant medical costs? How many more people have to go broke because they got sick, or because some weirdo caused them impossible-to-heal-from harm? Wake up, people! HEALTHCARE IS A NUMAN NEED. It shouldnot have to be a luxury!

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@rawgod. National defense, clean water and air, decent infrastructure, post office and health care. Each item is properly the role of National Government to provide.

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As well as scientific research and support for education.

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@Paula. Yes!

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Healthcare is a human right, and universal healthcare is available in most wealthy, countries. This is what Bernie Sanders has been saying for a long time now. That message resonated with many people in 2016 and again in 2020. It is a message that could win the midterms for the Dems. But beware the Corporate Dems; they are the Trojan Horse that keeps getting in the way of what the people truly need.

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And there are a lot of them

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It's sick our Healthcare system. I work with it daily and try to help my patients as best I can, but they can never get straight answers. I've been screwed and still owe over $1,000 for costs that SHould have been covered. But that pales in comparison of many families. 40% of the 500,000 filers are medical. Probably more. People dying because they can't afford insulin. SICK. I don't know how people look at themselves in a mirror. Truly sickening. The Dept of Labor for workman's comp is a nightmare. They will do whatever they can to deny claim, anything. They don't gaf.

If we spent money on healthcare and education like we do corporate bailouts, wall street bailouts, war, guns, blah, we would barely have any abortions anyways, and people would get the help they need, education they need, more people inventing things, learning, etccc... but NO because spending $1Trillion on education or healthcare is SOCIALISM and HANDOUTS. But on bailouts, guns, useless wars, it's just "the way it is".

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The system is SICK, agreed. But unless the system is changed, from the bottom up, nothing will ever change. The wealthy will never agree to top down changes, and most people are more compliant than sheep.

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Democrats have a message, but it is not as compelling as pedophilia and anti-LGBTQ or even pornography. Equality is also not as enticing as believing one is better than everyone else.

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How sad and dangegrous it is that the evils get more response and attention than do the "good" topics.

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How about Republicans equal Putin and unjustified aggression.!

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Apr 7, 2022
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Frank Lee ; troll someplace else please! Most people don't hate Russian people, but intelligent, thinking people dislike Putin for his policies and actions. If you are a hater and bashing 'liberals' you are really similar to Putin loving tRumpers! Go away!

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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Frank Lee ; I do not consider myself a 'liberal'. The way the word is used by some, like you, is like something that is stuck to one's shoe. If you consider yourself a conservative, what exactly are you 'conserving'? Wealth for the elite? Purity of the race/inhabitants of America? Repression of women's freedom to control when they will be mothers? Worship of gold and power and money? conservation of the environment? Water? The planet? Peace?

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CaCa; A 'reputable' publication in Russia? That has not been banned? Are you working for Putin?

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I guess FEAR is a STRONG emotion that STAYS with you.

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Apr 7, 2022
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@Frank. No. Most voters, meaning the majority of the popular vote that went to Biden and other Democratic presidential candidates, support the role of government in protecting people from the worst that life can deliver (and against untimely death). It is only Ayn Randian, libertarians and lying populists who try to make people think there is a majority against the social safety net. Also, you ignore everything the FDR did, everything that LBJ did and I would add everything that Ike did and everything Obama did. No. Your opinions make too much of this fabrication about "self made men" and too little of the proper role of government to protect the people from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

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Apr 7, 2022
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Wow, spoken like a privileged person who really doesn't understand that most people do want to work and the givers vs. takers is a mythology set up by the haves to keep the have nots in their place, the place the haves are pleased to relegate them to. Blue collar does not mean poor or with a lack of privilege.

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My laptop refuses to "heart" your commentRuth. I think the Rethuglicans have attacked my Mac. Consider yourself hearted for this one.

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And you truly believe all people have the same opportunity, just because they were born numan. I feel sorry for you Frank, very sorry. But I am betting you are White, male, and probably Christian. Even if you believe yourself to be non-racist, everything you just said is racist propaganda. And it is a lie.

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Apr 7, 2022
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@Frank. Egad man, you are quick to go ad hominem. White people aren't puppets or straw dogs. I know that I got off for many minor offenses I did as a young man, before service in the Army, before college. I got off only because of white skin and blue eyes when many similarly situated people of Hispanic or African extraction did not get off so easy. For a person to become educated, understand the operations of racism in this country, aspire to a better life for all Americans (and all humans) is not some kind of toxic position. It is the right that makes an epithet out of the word "woke". This construction is itself a bigoted position and perspective that attempts to make it "bad" in some way to be sympathetic to the life experiences of ones' fellow citizens. I feel that the perspectives you espouse on here come from a place of thinking that if someone of color gets a little advantage, something has been taken away from you? But no Frank. Immigration, social mobility, enhanced opportunities for education and employment - these are shown by science to improve the general welfare for all members of society. So every time a black man survives a traffic stop and ends up paying his taxes later that year, the whole country is better off!

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Apr 7, 2022
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If being a social worker, retired, living on a government pension, then I guess I am an elitist. I care about my fellow humans, but don't give a damn about rich folk who don't share their wealth. I am not white, nor christian, or even religious. I too was the first to make it to Grade 12 before I dropped out, then went back 30 years later to get my BSW with a 4.0 GPA, at 57 years old. I had to fight for everything I do not have, because everyone told me I was the wrong colour. My mother died when I was 8 years old and my father was an abuser, read that however you want. If woke is caring about people, yup, call me Woke. I can handle that too. You are still a racist, and always will be.

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Apr 8, 2022
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Equity of opportunity. Oh, yeah. When and how did that end up equity of the wealthiest and their ownership of the nation....hmmm just since the 50s when the wingers got rolling on stealing/buying votes by propagandizing folks jack-knifed from behind by Rethuglican policies. Credit winger tv-radio. Cost to coast 24 hrs a day. Creating boogiemen. Great day in the morning. Can't read anything else her today. There are carving knives in my kitchen.

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Apr 9, 2022Edited
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Big business OWNS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Just because they tell you the Democrats have all the money does not make it the truth. Do you see Elon Musk voting Democrat? Not a chance! And he is considered the wealthiest man in the world. I laugh at your statements: "Today the big business money is aligned with the Democrats. The Democrats that have taken up the nihilistic call to wipe out the middle class and make the US a two-class system of elite looters and poor moochers that are dependent on corporatist-big government cabal." You are describing the Republican Patty to a T. Altough you are leaving out the parts where the Republicans are hell-bent on forcing people to live the way the Republucans tell them to live, or else!

You say [you] don't think there is any reasonable conversation to be had with [MJHOOPER]. The truth is, you are not willing to look at anything but what you decide is truth. And anyone who does not agree with you is "woke!" I would rsaher be woke, which is a good thing, as opposed to someone with their eyes closed, and their brain set to the "off" position.  

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Apr 12, 2022
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And your mind is full of winger tv swill designed to direct your venom toward the democrats. If Dems had all that big money available that you claim they do, they would use it to benefit nation, and not just the uber-wealthy class and offshore banks.--favorites of the wrong-"right" wingers.

The Rethug Party has been working since the 1930s to take over the USA, and they are almost there. Thanks to canceling of the Fairness Doctrine & the replacement with 24 /7 coast to coast Sinclair radio propaganda. And poison press newspapers & even more poisonous anti-democratic tv networks.

And vote rigging, & making fuss about "hanging chads" which any poll worker could have explained, but the Rethugs didn't dare let the facts mess with their takeover and stealing of that Florida election. Rethugs will stop at nothing to own the nation. They are sort of Nazi -like in that.

But it's late, too late to be commenting at length. Actually it's almost morning, so i'm done here. When you get through wrecking this country, you might like to move to Russia and help them wreck their own. Or Chna even, the only big threat to the US, When the supply of cheap goods dries up and the Chinese land their troops in California and build a 21st century train system, using Americans as slave labor, that should make your toes tingle.

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@Michael. You're on to something here! We need the executive order to give people a taste of proper health care, but point out that an executive order is temporary, then also promise to try to make it permanent if a Democratic majority is voted in. Getting out the vote is a process of giving people a reason to get out and vote!

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Getting out the vote is universally a good thing. To its credit, OH didn't jump on the voter suppression bandwagon - per se. In OH, the Republicans are happy to allow more-or-less fair voting regulations and sufficient polling locations - commensurate with their ability to staff them - to provide reasonable access to anyone who wants to vote. And they're >always< calling for more volunteers to staff the polls. However, they seem to be taking the road less travelled, and for most, the less obvious strategy. They wish to choose the voters they want by district, and consider any gerrymander that accomplishes that objective fair. Unfortunately, the OH SC doesn't see it that way, and it's the kind of conservative the OH Republicans wanted in the first place. That's why I keep pounding my fists on the table here about it. If they get away with it in OH, it could become a harder issue to address and contain in the not-too-distant future, since by definition it allows any voter wishing to vote have their vote. I view it as a test case - an experiment to see if they can get away with it.

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You changed your name!!

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I "adopted" as my "spirit animal," the little fox that made news, yesterday. The little guy found its way onto Capitol Hill and proceeded to nip the ankles of anyone it happened to pass by! I love that fox! LOL! That it turned up rabies positive is just a sad and unfortunate - but strangely satisfying - bonus! ];-)> (After all, the little guy will not survive it - but heroically!)

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No wonder so many Americans are looking for other countries to move to. Once one gets a taste of real liberal med care and other bennies that keep people from sliding into penury, they want some of that treat. Get it before you are too old folks. And be fore the passport office gets so overloaded with applications it freezes up.

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The problem with that is those US citizens who need it most couldn't possibly scrape up the "bux" to emigrate, in the first place. Besides, the Canadians don't really like US immigrants that well, and only tolerate them, while other countries might as well be craters on the moon, for those who need those benefits the most.

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Cheaper to live better in some other countries where the population gets affordable medical care and other benefits of citizenry. Instead of being used and abused by winger policies. It's not a good look for huge populations to be living on the streets, begging for food.

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Agreed. But the snag is getting there in the first place. Whether it's a "good look," I maintain that it's intrinsically an issue both of public safety and national security - particularly now that the NRA seems to be getting their way. If a well-fed man is less dangerous than a starving man, add a little free access to firearms and legalization of concealed carry of unregistered weapons, then that armed well-fed man is exponentially less dangerous than an armed starving man. I agree, those who need the benefits would be better off elsewhere, but here we are and here, without possible recourse, they'll stay

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Dr. Hutchinson. A president does not have authority to issue such an executive order. Takes Congress.

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Daniel. My understanding is that the President is given substantial latitude. From the American Bar Association: "An executive order is a signed, written, and published directive from the President of the United States that manages operations of the federal government." Medicare is federal.

Congress can block an executive order, by issuing their own legislation, but it is unlikely the present Congress would do such a thing. If the Democrats lose the midterms, this may be a problem, but such a loss is what we are trying to avoid in the first place. Furthermore, the President can always veto congressional legislation, and it would need a 2/3 majority to overturn the veto. As for spending, such an order would pay for itself.

The Supreme Court is another matter. They could overturn it as unconstitutional, but on what grounds? It is not a restriction of trade, rather an expansion of trade. Furthermore, assuming such an executive order is popular, as I think it would be, the Court might think twice before attempting to overturn it.

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Believe me, I wish that it could be that easy. However a president has limited power. There is no specific provision in the Constitution for Executive Orders. However, Section 1 of Article II (the Executive Power) is generally viewed as granting authority for such orders. Section 1 says simply: “The Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” Sections 3 and 4 of Article II provide potential limitations on executive action (including Executive Orders) in stating that the President shall “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” and in providing for impeachment and removal of the President in cases where the President is convicted of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." A president's authority is limited to the executive branch of government. Any district or circuit court can overturn an executive order.

BTW, I am retired but I was an officer of the ABA for 20 years. I am confident that ABA policy does not support use of such an executive order.

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You let DJT use Executive Orrders for all kinds of stupid and petty things. He set the precedents. In my opinion, what works for Republicans must also work for Democrats.

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@Daniel. You are relying on a concept of "settled law" but @Michael is saying shake the tree. Defense of the settled law has not yet been litigated. Let's get Biden to put it out there, give people a taste, then when the Repugnicans try the question in court, we can try the question in popular opinion. We need a wedge issue! I am afraid I agree that Democratic messaging on taxation is not sufficiently powerful AND that American voters are somewhat suspicious and leery of tax reform. I am confident that a few little messages (lies) from the right on taxation will un-do any positive (truth) messages from Democrats.

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I believe that "something in addition" would be the windfall profits tax Dr Reich has been speaking of.

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Apr 7, 2022
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I asked you to explain your view here, and you did. I didn't ask you to defend your view, and you didn't. I'm personally satisfied that you answered my question as asked. After reading over your response, I'm satisfied that's your view - and your view is your view.

However, I find that in your response, your comment "A way for government to loot from the winnings of the corporatists that government helped them win. What a scam!" is absolutely pregnant, for a few like-minded to me. It uncovers a common perception, that I've noticed on many occasions, that I've never specifically addressed, but that harkens all the way back to fundamental principles. At some moment I'll address that perception, as soon as I can put appropriate words into a coherent statement. Thank you for your view.

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First of all, what is being called a scam isn't a scam. It's a consequence of power ebbing and flowing in the context of democratic governance. To >my< mind, blaming "the government" is at best misguided and at worst, disingenuous - that is, dishonest. Either way, that kind of blame completely evades the fact that >it all depends on who holds the majority power< in said government. And in the simplest terms, "the government" is simply a >framework< of governance - a dumb machine that only does what it's told to do by whomever is in charge of it. If the Democrats hold the majority power, then it's Democratic governance - not government. Likewise, if the Republicans hold the majority power, it's Republican governance. There's the primary confusion clarified.

At any moment, that ebb and flow of power raises - not "begs" please - the question: "Is it Democratic governance or Republican governance you speak of?" In the broadest, most simple-mindedly intelligible sense, the >modern< US Republican party >principles< serve wealth, whereas the >modern< US Democratic party >principles< serve "promot[ing] the general Welfare" directly. Although consistently being shown as a false proposition, the Republicans >believe< that serving wealth is synonymous with "promot[ing] the general Welfare," but indirectly - "trickle down" and other such myth. "Freedom" - not "liberty" - looms large in Republic-speak.

In times of modern Republican governance, the tendency is to allow as much leeway as they can get away with for business interests - the bigger, the better. At the same time, they justify it all by promoting a peculiar view of Christianity holding that wealth is an expression and consequence of >their official brand< of Christian righteousness. (Kenneth Copeland, for example: https://religionnews.com/2019/06/06/why-i-used-to-believe-in-the-prosperity-gospel-like-kenneth-copeland-believes/) Of course, they believe in taxation sufficient to maintain a police force whose primary mission is to protect that wealth from other citizens, and a military whose mission is to protect that "wealth of the nation" from hostile foreign powers. Of course, they >believe< the general public should pay for it equally, irrespective to their ability to pay for it. To my view, it's the only way that perceived inequality bothers them. It's all much like the kind of British governance we rebelled against in the first place - Adam Smith's historic context. The twist from a peculiarly US conservative point of view is that we rebelled from British aristocracy in order to develop our own peculiar brand of same. The whole NRA Second Amendment emphasis serves that alleged "self-defense" idea along with the Jeffersonian view that the 2nd Amendment is really there to insure sufficient private lethal power exists to overthrow a government that becomes "tyrannical" - and - of course - those who hold that view naturally get to dictate what is tyranny, because since they've "got religion," they're morally righteous. It's >exactly< the same position held by Confederates - who were in >premodern times< Democrats.

By contrast, the >modern< Democratic party is an evolution, or revolution - if you will - within the >premodern< Democratic party in which the name Roosevelt looms large - both of them. In >principle<, their economic perspective follows from "the progressives" at the turn of the century led by Teddy - who was a >premodern< Republican in response to "The Guilded Age," and "The New Deal" led by Franklin in response to "The Great Depression." Although neither was a model of egalitarian virtue, they >did< appreciate the value of building a society not having a third-world distribution of wealth. The party evolved a step further in "The Civil Rights Era," where - ironically - the name King looms large. The Democratic party gained more and more previously disenfranchised members, and evolved to support equal justice for all, regardless of any race, religious, or wealth. Subsequently, the likes of George Wallace encouraged Southern Democrats to turn coat and join the American Independent party. Of course, that was around the same time Nixon and the Republicans were courting a "Southern Strategy" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) and Jesse Helms was calling on disaffected Southern Democrats outright - the original Confederates - to join the Republican party.

I make no claim to authority in any of that, but simply put, it clarifies >my view< of the "on paper" distinction between the two parties. I discuss it to establish my perspective on what follows. It is by no means a comment on how they're going about accomplishing their objectives in current times. As to the matter at hand: "A way for government to loot from the winnings of the corporatists that government helped them win. What a scam!"

Under Republican governance, laws and taxes - more often than not, repeals - become law that serves their political interest. In "the matter at hand," the words "winning and win" become operative in its context.

Under Democratic governance, laws and taxes become law that serve >their< political interest. In "the matter at hand," the word "loot" becomes operative in its context.

The word "government" is a canard.

It's not a scam. That's what Putin and his ilk would have us all believe. It's a consequence of changing governance resulting from democratically elected officials. "The government" isn't "looting" the poor rich folks any more than it's preventing the poor rich folks from doing an honest day's work. The Republicans are now attempting to >correct< that obstacle to their undisputed governance using what is amongst their most effective scams: attempting to convince the US public the "government" is scamming them. It's among the most effective scams they've ever run, with ol' Tweety leading the whole avaricious pack of 'em.

That is my view. And - of course - my view is my view.

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What use would you make of the revenue? Also, please explain "one-time" with respect to a clearly continuing practice? After all, we're speaking of profiteering, here - universally considered a >criminal< practice, like piracy.

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Apr 7, 2022
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Thank you for clarifying "one-time."

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Obama had to get what the Rethugs would let him get. The corporations rule and until they get their thumbs off the scales the rest of us are toast. B/c the corporations have the big cash. An executive order? Fat chance of success there. Wingers have been elected to own the govt. Those are the people who need to be chastised, for voting against the interests of the greater public. It's the 24/7propaganda tv-radio of the wingers that beats us all over the head til we are half-crazed. Andthey foment a 2nd civil war, and make t easy for their troops to get the weapons a few here and a few there until every rebel has arms and ammo and awaits the call to arms, nationwide. The smart people are leaving the country. it'll be just rebels and the old, poor, and propagandized left behind.

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May not be as bad as you say, MHooper. Justice Dept. is prosecuting 1/6 rioters. How many smart people are leaving US? And who says? I'm betting on the voters who are not gulled by far-righters. I 'm smart enough for this blog, I think.

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The U.S. government doesn’t formally track how many Americans leave the U.S. but the most recent estimate puts the figure at nearly nine million. This figure represents a doubling of the 1999 figure, placed at 4.1 million. The number of expats has more than doubled in the last fifteen years — a number growing faster than the rate of the U.S. population itself.

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Thank you. It's good to know this. I wish all expats the best, at least a better experience.

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Right. They're simply problems to be solved. That's why we discuss them all here.

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>You've hit on the nub< of the issue when self-proclaimed "misfits" decry the failures of Democrats - particularly when they're portraying "the government," without accounting for the shifting of power between the parties running the damn thing, as "a scam."

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Biden is too smart to issue an executive order like the one you mention. As Obama learned, big matters require legislation, and that takes concerted effort and time. Maybe weekly "fireside chats" by Biden could educate the voting public on issues that matter urgently.

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Ugh! THANK YOU Michael! I am furious that the messaging is "the democrats have to sell their accomplishments, need better messaging". Bull. Democrats need to get the policies they believe in out into the public forum so Americans can see and feel the difference of their governance. Totally correct about Obamacare and Biden can alleviate that health care pain for millions, he's not. He just "paused" student loans. What the heck does that mean? When they are reinstated again people will owe even more. He can, and should, eliminate them permanently. He just won't institute his own economic policies allowing a Republican, Powell, hurt the American economy. I could go on and on but I won't. Messaging is the LEAST of the Democratic Party's problems.

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At the least he could allow all of us to refinance our student loans at the current rate. Mine are still locked at 8%+, and that doesn’t sound so bad until you finally understand what “compounding” means. I’ve completely paid the principal off after decades but it almost all went to interest. Student loans are worse than credit cards but a full education is basically unattainable without them.

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Michon, wow, you are so right! Geez. I am so sorry you are strapped with them. Why doesn't someone in government understand this? We need Dr. Reich to talk to them.

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Well I’m not alone and I’m actually the least of my concerns. Even 20 years ago when I started out as a teacher between my student loan debts and a car loan I couldn’t afford to buy a home. Today a single mom teacher doesn’t have a shot at buying a home regardless of her student loan debts. New grads can’t get a full-time job because nobody wants to pay benefits and their student loans have to be twice with minor with the rising cost of education. The massive inflation, corporate profiteering, taxation rate for earned income compared to the 15% paid by the wealthy on their dividends, burdensome cost of childcare, ridiculous cost of healthcare, where do we even start at this point? And in truth, there’s only six months left to even have this conversation.

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Michon, I KNOW. I am a retired school teacher, older, and I am horrified at what the US has turned into and terrified (strong words I know) for the future of my children and grandchildren. I don't think it's a "done deal" that the Republicans will take Congress, there are still, 2, I think, outstanding events that could blow up the election and throw it to the Democrats. The Democratic Party has a huge, valuable, trump card (no pun intended). They can literally pull this country away from the degradation of fascism. But will they? More than anything, the American plutocratic/oligarchic class must be dismantled.

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If my tries at "hearting" wld work, I would heart this comment, Claire.

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Obama did as much as he could with the Congress he had to work with. He deserves credit for trying against high winger odds. Most presidents go into that office with no experience and if they chose the wrong advisors, they can get hijacked. Life is tough, and politics tougher, and with the wrong advisors, hell has no fury..........

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Which is why I believe, from a non-American viewpoint, Barrack Obama is probably the greatest President the USA ever had. He tried, despite bull-headed oppisition, to do good for all Americans, not just the wealthy. He had some successes, he had some failures. But he tried.

Sorry I did not answer all your comments, but thanks to the un-famous Mr. Lee this thread dragged on ond on to almost absurdity. If he had made any salient point this thread might have geen exciting, but all he had was propaganda, which he uttered over and over. He drank the Kool-Ade, and now he is blind. And brainwashed!

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Apr 7, 2022Edited
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What!!! Woke!!! That's just a word that is supposed to insult people who want change for those folks you claim are needing help. It is not conservatives who have any ideas to help anyone but themselves. Ugh!

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Ruth Sheets ; 'Conservatives' discount everyone else's views, because it does not reinforce what their worldview is. (whatever that would be at the moment that disagrees with everything you say). That is, they bash anything you say. they have no real ideas, it seems, and no platform or plans for the common good. Just greed and lust for power for themselves.

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Naming things: It's not Conservative, it's Con. B/c it is, and people suffer for being 24/7 propagandized to think being hateful towards fellow citizens is virtue.

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Hate and cruelty is power.

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Hate and greed can be powerful if we allow it. The problem is that the media in many of its formats likes hatred, greed, and the other negative emotions because they can lead to painful encounters that draw people into their news stream to watch the results.

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Ruth Sheets ; Negativity seems to be compelling. People want to see the outcome, like you said. "What happens next?".

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Faux Spews lives for the negativity. Drawing people into painful encounters is the Rethuglicans modus operandi. Some days I despair for this nation. I think wingers have messed with my Mac. it's doing weird things, and not doing what it should be doing. They are everywhere.

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Money is power, Rethugs have shown their power the last few years. That's one reason why we now send our earnings to the already wealthy every time we shop at WM, or any other chain that bleeds our earning out of our own town, state, to another. Instead, we should be spending at local businesses, that re-circulate our earnings in our own communities. But the powerful grow wealthier by the day and they get named to high govt positions by winger presidents who depend on the wealthy for campaign "contributions." And the ball keeps rolling on--right over us.

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Republicans are chipping away at our civil and Constitutional rights. They have no right to tell a woman that she has to have a baby if she has reason not to carry a child to term. They have no right to interfere with a parent’s right to have their transgender child treated by a doctor who is a specialist in that field. As for the sentencing of pedophiles, they are the ones who make the laws about sentencing. They need to do their jobs and change the laws governing sentencing guidelines that the judges go by.

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I believe they have morality upside down. Public morality involves maintaining the public's trust and not abusing power -- corporate or government. Private morality involves your own judgment over how you deal with your personal relationships and the intimate details of your personal life. We should be holding people with power to a high standard of public morality, and when they abuse our trust (i.e. Trump), we should demand they be held accountable. But we should not be intruding into private morality. That is not the public's business, IMHO.

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I agree that we should not be intruding into private morality when it entails CONSENTING ADULT activity, however when it entails CHILDREN, it is a MUCH DIFFERENT matter. Children is the factor which the GOP has cleverly interjected into the issue.

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Apr 7, 2022
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So when I am mediating I always start with what opposing folks can agree on. Frank, where do we agree? Child abuse, child sex crimes, rape, domestic violence. We as a country can focus on legislating those incontrovertible crimes first. It’s not a matter of presenting a Christian appearance as a company. We aren’t a Christian nation. We are a melting pot free of state mandated religion. For now. But surely we can all agree on some of the issues. When the issues divulge into religious-imposed doctrines that’s where we have to table the question.

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The left talks about bad corporations and price gouging. The right talks about sex and transgender. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was barraged with questions about sex. Judge Kavanaugh was also barraged by questions about rape. I wonder if the two sides could talk about the REAL issues facing Americans without mud slinging. Did you all watch Sean Penn and Sean Hannity interview? Two adults with opposite opinions have a civil conversation. We need more of that in America. Russia and China are watching. It starts with each one of us on social media, with our family and friends. We need a re-set button in the USA called civil discourse: Civil discourse is engagement in discourse intended to enhance understanding; it is discourse that "supports, rather than undermines the societal good". Let's ALL begin today.

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You have hit the solution on the head! America has been so successfully divided by our enemies we can no longer engage in civil discourse: I can’t post my political views on Facebook without losing friends! This division was plotted and crafted and will be the fall of democracy if it isn’t changed today. We are at war with ourselves and all about to lose.

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You are so correct. I believe there is a plan to destroy the USA and democracy from the inside by outside forces. (China/Russian?) Simple, silly Americans are falling for the trap.

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@Cecelia. Sean Penn is a good guy, articulate and a sympathetic figure. Charismatic. I'm sorry I missed the Sean Hannity show (sorry, can't stand to watch it).

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Benjamin. In today's world I have found listening to all sides is beneficial for us all.

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Just hold your nose and have a puke bucket ready.

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Especially if it's a Qanon rant!

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Any MAGAt I talk to refuses to listen, and just repeats their own bullshit over and over and over. Discourse is not possible when one side is so invested in their own beliefs and no one else's beliefs matter. But we know from the start they are brainwashed to believe they are being attacked. Their ideas have not changed in 2000 years, and that is why they are losing ground in the world. Their own refusal to change is what is hurting them. The rest of the world is evolving. It is only logical their numbers are going to dwindle! That is what happens to closed groups, as their children grow up seeing the natueal freedoms others have. Their world is dying all on its own.

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Rawgod. Thank you for your opinion. The rest of the world is NOT evolving as fast as the USA. (China, Russia and India for a few examples) In the USA we have traditionalist and progressives. We need to learn to live together and respect each others opinions. Unfortunately too many people live in their own bubble. The hate shown to Donald Trump by the left was and is disgusting. The left wing media is still infatuated with Trump. Obama brought us Trumpism. If you swing too far left or too far right you get what we got. Time to come together. Abortion issue is a perfect example. We can find a compromise. It does not have to be all or nothing. We are smart people. I have grandchildren. They are savvy. They are watching. They are listening. They will change our planet for the good!

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People are evolving everywhere, whether their "leaders" want then to or not. Western countries, including the USA, do not have a monopoly on evolution, despite what Americans are taught.Talk to the people in the streets, not to the governers.

Question: Where do you see the compromise on abortions? Would it be in the dates like trimesters--abortions are only okay in the first trimester? Or would it be in the need--a woman's life could be threatened if the pregnzncy is carried to term? Or, would it be on affordibility--you can get an abortion if you can afford it, but if you cannot, you should never have gotten pregnant in the first place? Number 4: abortion by age or mental state--children or developmentally-challenged women can get abortions because it might ruin their lives, but adults are responsible for whatever happens to them? Five: victims of sexual assaults can get abortions but if you participated willingly you live with the results?

I'll stop there, because I hope you see the absurdity of compromise. It is impossible to predict every situation! It is impossible to know all the facts of a woman's situation. It is impossible to control who will get an abortion and who will not, because if a woman wants an abortion she will get one no matter what the law says, and, and she will risk her own life if safe and medically-approved standards of care are available or not!

Look at reality, Cecelia, government or morality have no place in a woman's reproductive choices. If a woman wants an abortion, or does not want an abortion, SHE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE THAT DECISION! No one else. Compromise does not even come into this situation.

In MOST OTHER THINGS, compromise can be a good thing. I will agree to that. But not for pregnancies, they happen on their own (given that almost everyone, female and male, enjoys sexual intercourse) and not everyone is able to use contraception for whatever reason, including contraceptives do not always work! Once a woman becomes pregnant, that is when the question of abortion arises, and not until then. Lives can be ruined either way, not just for the woman, but also for the resulting child if the pregnancy is brought to term. No one has a crystal ball! If a woman decides to end a pregnancy, that is up to her, and only her! There can be no compromise! And I wish people would realize that.

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One thing we also should not forget. Republican obsession with sex is racist and misogynistic across the board. Yes, they don't like white gay or trans men but their real targets are women and people of color. They care little for abuse of kids of color or for forced birth children. They don't want their fragile little white boy babies to learn they really aren't better than anyone else. We need to remember their use of pedophilia, abortion, LGBTQ information, whining about fake critical race theory, and child care are all of a piece and we need to try to deal with them that way. Their target, as mentioned, keep women out of the public sphere through forced birth and lack of services, and keep people of color away from positions of power through white fears of what THOSE people will do. Scared white men and their white female surrogates have found that hatred, fear, and anger which are created whole from nothing are really effective particularly when there are media grooming those scared white people to be hateful, angry, fearful people. Democrats need to call out those things for what they are, racist and misogynistic. R.Sheets

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Absolutely right, Ruth.

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During the Carter administration, we sent our only child to a small day care center. I assumed that by the time she had children, day care would be ubiquitous and caretakers better paid. Instead, during the Reagan administration, such centers were considered dens of iniquity; even middle class families took to hiring nannies, which meant that the kids were socialized differently. There was less peer interaction and nannies were isolated, too. In a mom and pop day care center in my small hometown, Pop went to prison for child abuse, which was never clearly proven. One of the big disappointments of Biden's plan is that child care seems to be off the table. Republicans may talk about pedophilia, but actual child care, mindfully administered, is far from their concerns. A lot of Republicans sound to me like spoiled, entitled children themselves. Funny that they're the ones who complain about the "nanny state."

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CHILD CARE?! If all of those uppity women in the work force knew their place at home, child care would not be a problem.

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They are bought out and worship the wealthy, who really are the 'nanny state', because they can actually afford nannies and even 'governesses'.

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I do wish the citizens of this country (or what's left of it) would get down to brass tacks and demand that their representatives focus on real, concrete, life-affecting/life affirming issues, you know such things as: raising taxes and reining in the oligarchs running the nation, squirreling away wealth, avoiding taxes and doing a pretty all-encompassing job of it. (We could turn our attention to such issues as: SSA or health care or education or infrastructure or the pandemic aftermath or gun violence or the global climate crisis, you know issues that affect the daily lives of us all.) It is not my business or concern how people choose to run their personal lives, who they choose to love, how they teach their children about justice, fairness, respect and care for others UNLESS the rights, peace, and safety of all those in society are endangered. I believe people have a right to choose how to live, who to love, and their own values and religious (and other) beliefs in so far as they are following the laws on the books (not the new ones cooked up to serve those who would dictate my personal behavior and what's left of my own well-being and that of others.) This is a time when our law-makers need to stand up for the law and what is right, decent, and humane, NOT a time when they waste our time (and theirs) and our money (and theirs) filling the coffers of wealthy individuals who have decided that what is important in life is money and power and not much else. I read recently that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is considered a wealthy man in Ukraine because he has achieved popular acclaim and financial success as a performer; his salary as the President of his nation was and is the equivalent of $11,000 a year....the Ukrainians got far more for their money (which is probably substantial in their country) than we did on the many politicians who find it hard to do their jobs and prefer to sow dissension and hatred to following the laws on the books and passing new ones that address the real crises the nation faces and not the personal lives and choices of ordinary working-class citizens and residents. My message to ALL those serving the public as elected officials: Cut the crap and do your job!

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It is ironic that tRump's TV 'persona' was always saying your'e fired'! It would be quite the 'house cleaning' if there was a way to fire all those who hold seats in our government and in the courts etc (post office) who are not doing their jobs as they should. There would be substantial savings too for the Common Good.

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And again, their patented M.O. of this tactic is SO blatant . As was examplified by Sen Lindesy Graham at the Senate Budget Commitee Hearing the other day !

"What about securing the border Senator?"

His question could NOT have been more off topic ! A blatant attempt once again to derail a meeting dealing with the real, daily and tangible issues facing the average American family . Me thinketh the Republican collective protest a bit to obviously & adamently about people's private gender related issues. Just how apathetic and dumbed down is anyone who pays them any mind . Let alone vote for one of theirs !

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There is also another reason that they are "fixed on sex"! They want " control" over women, etc.and these groups put up a fight with them on the real issues that concern is! Secondly, they want African Americans' back in "Jim Crow" and"Slavery" as, some of my neighbors have stated in my area! This is frightening!! We are losing are "rights" slowly! Soon no group will have any Rights!!

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"First, it’s part of their culture war, and culture wars sell with voters (and the media) eager for conflict and titillation."

titillation - the arousal of interest or excitement, especially through sexually suggestive images or words

I bet Freud would agree with you this morning. Politicians, the media, and propagandist have built their business on titillation.

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For lack of real policies supported by Americans, the republicans always grab the low hanging fruit of abortion, books, race, etc. It's easy because so many people vote on emotion. Republicans don't give a hoot about any of these culture issues, but it keeps voters distracted from issues that really matter and negatively affect all our lives. Democrats must stay focused on the issues at hand and make their message strong and consistent. We must keep focused too and spread the word whenever and wherever we can.

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Exactly. Keep saying this. Somehow, the Democrats always put themselves on the defensive, letting Republicans drive the discussion, for example, responding, "I am not a pedophile." That is a sure way to lose elections.

Also, what about those Republican orgies that Madison Cawthorn mentioned? And the investigation of Republican Matt Gaetz's possible sex trafficking of minors?

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The press and social media have decided that it is ok to convict on the basis of allegations, rumors, and cyberbullying. Even if one is exonerated the reputation is sullied forever. It is hard to ignore such a vile assault on one’s character without being defensive.

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Carolyn Herz : yes! The Republicans are very skilled at accusing their opponents of what they are actually guilty of doing.

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I really appreciate Dr Reich's comment on CNN. It's a master class on public speaking. If you review his statement, it's a textbook example of:

1. Tell them what you're going to tell them,

2. Tell them, and

3. Tell them what you told them.

Bravo. You told us here already!

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I think it is something different and much worse. Most of us have heard of blood libel. This is a different slander, but made for the same purpose. The Blood Libel is the myth that Jews perform secret rituals that use the blood of infants. If it were true, it would be a crime so heinous that no one would tolerate the people who did it. And that's what happened -- pogroms, massacres, burning people at the stake. The Blood Libel made it OK to attack people whose only real crime was practicing a different religion. So, I don't think that it's a coincidence that Q-anon came up with an absurd fantasy that centers around sexually abusing children -- a crime that no right-thinking person would tolerate. It makes it OK to suggest that Democrats should be disenfranchised. The purpose of the Blood Libel is to dehumanize. And that's why DeSantis is talking about "groomers."

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This is precisely right, the old smoke and mirrors. The Religious Right has always been obsessed with sex, and it probably could be argued that repression is its own stimulus to bad behavior- witness the conservative priests and their depredations, not to mention "grab 'em by the pussy" Trump.

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They think sex is a moral issue. They grew up learning that even a sexual thought (impulse) opens the gates of hell. Sex is a personal and a relationship issue. When sex or any other personal interest becomes predatory it becomes immoral. Politics and religion are personal interests that have engendered some of the most egregious predatory actions in history.

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