Carl: The Working Families Party sounds interesting but I am not familiar enough with them to discuss them in detail. I was in the Citizens Party, 1980-4, and on the National Committee. The inside-the-Beltway faction sucked up all the $ and didn’t leave enough for nationwide grassroots organizing. And Commoner had zero social skills.
Carl: The Working Families Party sounds interesting but I am not familiar enough with them to discuss them in detail.
I was in the Citizens Party, 1980-4, and on the National Committee. The inside-the-Beltway faction sucked up all the $ and didn’t leave enough for nationwide grassroots organizing. And Commoner had zero social skills.
Carl: The Working Families Party sounds interesting but I am not familiar enough with them to discuss them in detail.
I was in the Citizens Party, 1980-4, and on the National Committee. The inside-the-Beltway faction sucked up all the $ and didn’t leave enough for nationwide grassroots organizing. And Commoner had zero social skills.