Powell does not need to still be there, but he is. And for all their excuses, DeJoy should be gone. When the GOP comes into power, they clean house. Dems continue too many bad policies, and in these cases, with the same people. I'm not saying there are zero differences, but the policies that matter most are waaaaay too similar regardless…
Powell does not need to still be there, but he is. And for all their excuses, DeJoy should be gone. When the GOP comes into power, they clean house. Dems continue too many bad policies, and in these cases, with the same people. I'm not saying there are zero differences, but the policies that matter most are waaaaay too similar regardless of the party in power....which, of course, is just another sign that neither political party is really the one in power, but is just the current puppet distracting the masses from the wealthy individuals and corporations actually driving policy.
From my perspective, because we have gridlock in Congress and the Federal Reserve is Republican the way to have reduced inflation would have been through litigation. Sue price fixers and price gougers. The Federal government has limited power to do it. At least one state, California, is suing Amazon for price fixing.
IMHO energy prices were fixed by Trump administration's deals with Saudi and OPEC, benefitting Russia. This caused a ripple effect.
Yes, and while the Republicans keep baiting their followers with the horrors of Hunter Biden, no one says a word about the Saudis' payout to Jared Kushner. Now Ivanka has the financial security to "stay home with the children."
Katrina: The Goya collection? Oh, no! Don’t tell me she got the crystal ketchup bowl from the White House burger bar! That belongs in the Smithsonian! Or at least on Antiques Roadshow.
Both parties allowed the corporate consolidations that have allowed many of our major market segments to be dominated by just a handful of large companies giving them effective monopoly control to raise prices. We need some good old fashioned trust busting. Antitrust law doesn't do any good unless DOJ implements it.
Powell does not need to still be there, but he is. And for all their excuses, DeJoy should be gone. When the GOP comes into power, they clean house. Dems continue too many bad policies, and in these cases, with the same people. I'm not saying there are zero differences, but the policies that matter most are waaaaay too similar regardless of the party in power....which, of course, is just another sign that neither political party is really the one in power, but is just the current puppet distracting the masses from the wealthy individuals and corporations actually driving policy.
We don't have a dictatorship.
From my perspective, because we have gridlock in Congress and the Federal Reserve is Republican the way to have reduced inflation would have been through litigation. Sue price fixers and price gougers. The Federal government has limited power to do it. At least one state, California, is suing Amazon for price fixing.
IMHO energy prices were fixed by Trump administration's deals with Saudi and OPEC, benefitting Russia. This caused a ripple effect.
Yes, and while the Republicans keep baiting their followers with the horrors of Hunter Biden, no one says a word about the Saudis' payout to Jared Kushner. Now Ivanka has the financial security to "stay home with the children."
Progwoman: LOL “stay home with the children”: Don Jr. and Eric.
Katrina: The Goya collection? Oh, no! Don’t tell me she got the crystal ketchup bowl from the White House burger bar! That belongs in the Smithsonian! Or at least on Antiques Roadshow.
Both parties allowed the corporate consolidations that have allowed many of our major market segments to be dominated by just a handful of large companies giving them effective monopoly control to raise prices. We need some good old fashioned trust busting. Antitrust law doesn't do any good unless DOJ implements it.
Democrats control the FTC, but the courts resist.
Yeah, the courts are a problem. Still they should try. Get them on record for their craziness.
Dems are too nice, and it is killing us.
“Never be deceived that the rich will permit you to vote away their wealth.”
- Lucy Parsons, IWW founding convention, 1905
My Grandma used to say, "Zu gut ist nicht gut", and would add, "Too good is not good".
Q. What do you call 100 politicians buried up to their necks in sand?
A. Not enough sand.
LOVE it!
Roger: Is that the same thing as a Хуйло (khuylo)?
BtW my congresscritter Andy Gaspasser Harris worships Orbán.
Was Orbán at CPAC this year? He was a big hero there last year… f’ing Stalinist.