I could not agree more and am horrified at the details. I taught Donald Trump at UPenn in 1968. He plagiarized every paper — from famous people! He could not read beyond 4th grade level then — or now, but had the documents on file to prove that destroyed in 2015 or 2016, when he decided to run for office.

In Sept. of 2020, on television, l watched him stumble for five minutes, trying to read the first two lines of the U.S. Constitution. He could not pick up the syntax! Finally, utterly enraged, he threw the Constitution to the ground, turned behind him to his speechwriter, and said, “Call the guy who wrote this thing and tell him to rewrite it. It’s unreadable.”

Moronic Trump, after becoming U. S. President, still did not know that the Constitution was written well over 200 years ago. Just as he didn’t know there were no airplanes or airports in 1776! He is simply UNFIT — and attacking everyone and everything that does not grant him utter fealty! Democracy is deeply endangered by this madman.

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I was shocked to the core on Sunday when I tuned in to Reliable Sources and heard Brian’s news. It portends dark days ahead. Thank you, Prof. Reich for your analysis, although it is ominous information.

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This is straight up fascism. Playbook 101… bastardize the media

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Whatever happened to rational thinking. It is never wrong to call out a lie or anything anti-democratic. Fair journalism requires both accurate reporting of the facts and also opinions or all shapes and sizes. When it come to election deniers an all out war is needed because the spread of this kind of lie takes on a life of its own and when believed by many can subvert the democratic process and be the downfall of our Democracy. It should be fought each and every day just as was being done by Brian Stelter. Shame on CNN for getting rid of his show as in actuality more of the same is needed.

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Time to boycott CNN. I just deleted their app.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Many (20-30?) years ago there was a PBS special about the media hosted by Studs Terkel. I've tried in vain to find it, but in that special he coined the term "military industrial MEDIA complex". He pointed out how the media was far less likely even decades ago to go after major corporations or industries, in large part because the boards of directors of the major networks included CEOs of said major corporations. He even pointed out NPR's failings, stemming fromwhen PBS and NPR started getting corporate donations. Since then it's only gotten worse.

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When you control the narrative, you can control the minds. Good start for fascism.

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I expect more firings, or perhaps resignations. Brianna Keilar comes to mind. The last thing we need is another Fox “News” clone.

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The Overton Window has shifted rapidly to the right over the last 5-6 years. It’s ONLY those who still believe in democracy who notice and object. I fear that by the end of this decade America will be completely unrecognizable.

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Robert may be overthinking this...

First, I think 'Reliable Sources' was one of the more thoughtful shows on cable news. I wish it featured more reporting and fewer opinion panels, but I mostly agreed with Brian Stelter and the show's outlook.

That said, I'd like to see CNN reposition itself. To say that MSNBC is the left's version of Fox is a false equivalence; MSNBC is fair and accurate, if not balanced. So, both wings are covered. I think its fair to say that 'Reliable Sources' focused too much on Fox News and the network on the whole should seek to find a place in the middle.

I'd like to see CNN return to its glory days. It has a global network of great journalists. It used to be the first place I tuned when news was breaking around the world. I'd like to see more emphasis on covering news rather than an hourly rehash of whatever is dominating the news cycle, including what Fox and MSNBC are already covering.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em!

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"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." ~ Joseph Goebbels

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If Malone thinks Fox News has “actual journalism”, he has drunk the right wing Koolaid. If he wants CNN to be more like Fox, CNN will lose market share as intelligent CNN viewers will not accept right wing propaganda mixed in with real news. America needs truth tellers not opinionated blowhards. Walter Cronkite, where are you.?

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What a terrible approach for so-called objective journalism.

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This is such a sad report on journalistic loss ...

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Since tfg, it’s like they’re trying to turn America into Russia #2 for whatever reason, and it looks like it’s working!!

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