What republicans are showing us is the results of repressed sexual desire. The evangelicals are very obsessed with the very thing they supposedly can't have, sex. What we have seen in the past is that it's all hooey....from Jim Baker to Jimmy Swaggart to several republicans who have been caught being unfaithful to their wives (and getting their girlfriends abortions), to republicans that have been caught looking for gay sex in airport bathrooms ...we see they are all full of sh%t. Every campaign season republicans come up with new culture war topics that they know will gin up their base. Since they are not capable of doing anything but supporting the gun lobby and giving rich people tax breaks, they use the culture war to redirect their base from topics that really matter like healthcare, affordable child care, tax breaks for the middle class, affordable college tuition and things like that which they don't and will never support. The other thing is that they look at women as one of the biggest threats to their party's power, so they concentrate all their effort on punishing women by controlling them and trapping them with pregnancy. The next thing they will do will be to outlaw giving a child up for adoption while cutting SNAP and WIC benefits and eliminating school lunches effectively ensuring that the kids they force you to have will starve to death. Am I the only one who sees how diabolical this really is? Why aren't people with platforms out there calling these monsters out for who they really are. If I were well known, I would not be mincing words or being polite on these bs news networks....I would be calling them out as the fascist neo-nazis they really are!!

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I concur. Time for us to stop being polite.

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I believe Warren Buffet has spoken on how he pays less taxes than his secretary. Does that me he can stay? 😂

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Stay where? If it's legal he has lots of company! tRump has said when he paid only $750 in 2017. that it was legal. I don't doubt that, but he can't '"stay" if enough voters vote the way I do, as far as any presidential ambitions of his go. He is facing some charges, let's see what happens!

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It will happen one day !!

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There is an adage that proposes this: you take the shape of that which you resist. Do we really want to be like Republicans who are vitriolic and combative? He who shouts the loudest wins? My personal opinion is we should continue on the path we are on and talk about what we stand for and leave it at that. The absolute best way to make your stand is to VOTE. As a citizen of this country it’s your responsibility to vote, it is the one governmental job you have. ✌️

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Perfectly stated! I absolutely agree with you. Maybe it's just my imagination, but does anyone out there think that there is something even more nefarious going on? Sex trafficking, slavery? I can't help but think about Trump's ties to Epstein, and all of the other rich and powerful men, their coke fueled orgies, Russian oligarchs and their real estate investments, and all of the thuggery going on in Trump Tower. The GOP talks about and projects the subject of sex WAY too much. How much kompromat does Trump have on them? Seems we are inching closer and closer to Gilead.

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You forgot bill and hillary Clinton's ties to Epstein. Their even stronger than Trump's. I don't feel Epstein has anything to do with democrat or Republican. Because even the royal family in the UK had ties to Epstein. I think the connection is the fact that everyone involved are just disgusting sick fucks that has nothing to do with politics.

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Yeap republicans are all about look at the shiny thing or argue about the shiny thing while, business as usual wealth transfer from poor/middle/upper middle goes to the rich.

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Thank goodness for this platform where you can speak your mind (and the truth) without fear of repercussion! Maybe you're not a big name celebrity, businessman, or politician, but I hear you & 100% agree with you!

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Another bingo!

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It also worries me that although they bill themselves as pious Christian right, they seem to be leaning closer and closer to a Muslim-type mode of conduct for us all. Male hypocrites and female subservients, both barefoot and pregnant with fewer and fewer rights or recourse.

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I agree totally. I’ve said before that the ultimate game plan is simply to reduce the population, which will greatly affect the poor, the elderly, the disabled, people with mental illness, all the minorities, women, non Christian’s and children. This will ultimately give them more of everything, not just money. And they will have basically accomplished having a world made of just their "type".....until they start turning on each other...

Or just maybe until they quit voting for republicans and listening to Fox and it’s ilk for news. I don’t look for either of those to happen.

Fear is the driver and sex is mixed up with control. And violence and starvation are the elimination.

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I'm neither a Republican or a Democrat I'm an American and that's all I claim It's funny I keep seeing people say to vote because that's the only way. But our votes don't matter the only vote that matters is the electoral college. Plus political parties are a joke, Thomas Jefferson warned us to that dividing into political parties would be the down fall of our great country and it has. We are more divided than ever. Up until the 40's the Democratic party opposed the civil rights movement and in the beginning supported slavery. The Republican party was formed to stop the expansion of slavery out west. Andrew Jackson was a Democrat and Abraham Lincoln was a Republican both well respected presidents from our history. I've seen comments stating the Republicans think women threaten their power. But in the beginning it was the Democrats trying to keep the women and African Americans down. All I'm saying is times change groups change people change. Quit pointing the blame on the other guy and let's all be proactive in helping make this country what the constitution claims it is, AMAZING! We're letting the few make the lives of the many difficult. Let's unite as one for the common good of the people.

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I don't think their energy level is high enough to call them fascist neo-nazis. I also don't know whether the intelligence level is high enough to mount a full authoritarian movement. Yes, they act like fascists, but in order to succeed at that, they need to be bound to the uber powers with all the money they can bring along. They need to persuade people like Elon Musk to fund their movement . . . now, wait. I guess that could happen.

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The current GOP playbook even goes after contraceptives because for them:

Punishing perceived promiscuity

Is more important to Republicans

Than preventing unplanned pregnancies

If they wanted LESS abortions, birth control and accurate sex education would be good things. But they’d rather shame than solve the problem. They are #HypiChristians, who care nothing for a baby after it CAN ACTUALLY CRY.

Furthermore, they preach a #SwissCheeseChristianity with holes where The Golden Rule and “Judge not, lest ye be judged” would go.

But they go farther still. They are #ProSTRIFE with heartless #AbortionAbsolutism that in many cases overrides the health risk to the mother. What if she’s already a mom, and Daddy has to explain to Sally and Timmy why Mommy has to die a horrible death from an ectopic pregnancy? Is that what a patriot roots for?

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ProgToddNorCal ; The Republicans hate women. There are laws they are making that would kill a woman who needs to terminate a pregnancy, or, in the case of a dead fetus, ban the D&C procedure to remove the deceased fetus, avoiding sepsis, which is life threatening, to say nothing of the horror of carrying the lifeless form. I had a sister in law who was expecting on Christmas. Early December, she learned that the child would be stillborn. Imagine the terrible scenario the draconian laws would cause to unfold for the grieving mother and family? Evil! pure evil.

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Its like a misogynistic dog whistle. Kill abortion, restrict contraceptives (sexual expression), restrict gender surgery (complete loss of autonomy over ones self) and then remove the right for women to vote. The republican ideal seems to be ruled by white supremist male shauvinsts. Probably could add a few more abjectives to that. The only good thing is they are alienating half their party. As long as the propganda machine doesnt spin all these assault on womens rights into some sort of "benefit" or piety.

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The misogyny also embraces the Christian Nationalist view of a woman as nothing more than a domestic that can bake the bun in the oven

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Handmaids tale made manifest. It seems like they may have read the plot as they are trying to enact the plot minus the dictatorial government.

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Bill Reitz ; If they 'get away' with these 'laws', we already have a dictatorial government!

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Laurie, They've already taken away women's rights to reproductive healthcare. They're restricting interstate travel for women in Idaho. Want a bounty on your head? Go to Texas.

Remember, this started with the Catholic Supreme Court.

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We definitely have individual states that are that way. Arguably the Federal government can be construed as such when Rep/Senators represent corporate interests before voter interests (Ie Federalist societies influence in the senate electing of the previous conservative supreme court justices). Seems like Clarence Thomas' friend was a Nazi phile. Very appropriate to have the Federalist society associated with authoritarianism.

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We are on the knife’s edge of being a Fascist state. This Evangelical misogynist ideology is but one facet.

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Bill Reitz ; They can spin all they want ; The Majority are not going to buy it! Only the hypnotized maybe , but pain may wake them up!

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The "majority" is only the majority where gerrymandering is not in play.

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Originally the Democratic party fought against the right for women to vote. They were completely against the civil rights movement and supported slavery.

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A woman wrote about her experience with this. Her much-wanted baby died, and she was forced to carry that dead fetus until she was sick enough herself to qualify for medical aid. She was not allowed a c-section, or a D&C, as that is an "abortion," but was forced to deliver the dead baby vaginally. By that time, he had decomposed to the point he could not even be properly buried. He was disposed of as "medical waste." I'll see if I can find the article; it's heartbreaking and infuriating. His name was Giovanni.

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No way in hell should she have had to carry a dead fetus to term. It is completely plausible as it is a common occurence in pregnancies with multiples. So in a multiple pregnancy where one fetus is fine and the other has encephalitis and is going to die soon after birth do you terminate the encephalitis baby to give the healthy one a shot? In these wacko abortion deniers states thats not your decision! And through that lack of decision a mother could lose both babies. 2 slaps in the face.

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...and likely die herself.

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Women should be the deciders of their own fates. I really dont see how men should have any say in this its not their choice.

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It ought to be given to news outlets everywhere!

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Karla Von Huben : These devils are creating hell. Where did they get this kind of horrific power?

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We gave it to them in the form of gerrymandered districts, no competition in candidates, and red supermajorities in state legislatures. What is needed right now is to elect representatives who share our views--about personal autonomy, privacy, and the right to practice a profession without undue interference from politicians--to replace the extremists. Ranked choice or STAR voting could help elect a more representative government; politicians have to appeal to at least 50%+1 of the voters to win.

But the money questions matter. Robert is saying the politicians focus on sex / culture wars to distract, so they don’t have to answer hard questions about wealth inequality, wage stagnation, and the refusal to rein in abuses of corporate power. The progressive struggle has historically been a class struggle, hasn’t it? Now it seems all we talk about is gender ideology, horrifying abortion stories, and book bans, while the glaring inequities get worse and make people angrier and angrier. People don’t know who or what to blame; the media sells outrage and a narrative that fits the rage they feel. If they do talk about money, it’s “Those damn Democrats are sending all YOUR hard-earned cash to Ukraine instead of visiting the train derailment in Ohio.” Rinse. Repeat.

I am increasingly frustrated with identitarian politics. Everything is not reducible to Race or Sex. It’s also, mostly, about Money and Power. If we raise the floor for ALL Americans, people will be better equipped to face the challenges of everyday life, including the issues we each face regarding race and sex.

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"We" never "gave" them gerrymandered districts. Big money and the filibuster and voter purges did. The so called culture wars are a result of the media ownership of very wealthy interests, who don't put the spotlight on the big wealth and dirty money that buys seats. Where do you think George Santos came from? The Democrats? I don't think so. The rich right wingers love autocrats. They like Putin, and Bolsonaro and the former President of Hungary which has drifted into authoritarianism. ; Victor Orban, and other dictators. They want us all freaking out about the lawlessness and taking away freedom party that is the Republican party. Don't blame the democrats. Blame things like the Electoral College and the 60 vote threshold, and Citizens United , the Federalist Society, in other words the obscenely wealthy. Nice try, Docpatti.

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Yes Laurie, agree 100#. Pure evil!

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Hey, Laurie. So you’re an out and proud Democrat, it appears. Great. I’m not. I’m unaffiliated, for what I believe to be good reason. You recently schooled me in a post that is hard to find (the way Substack works, clicking on the notification that someone replied to you does not take you to the actual comment and reply; a very frustrating feature of Substack’s functionality). So, I am replying to you here.

You objected to me saying that “we” allowed a supermajority to develop in NC. I think that was it, anyway. You didn’t like that, and insisted that it was the Republicans doing, by gerrymandering, etc. My response to you is: duh 🙄. But I would add that the Dems have a part in that 1) by relying on urban votes and by also being subject to dark money and corporate interests that are not aligned with the Democratic policy platform.

Hopefully in NC, Anderson Clayton will help shift that dynamic with her pledge to reach 88 districts, every district in the state and especially rural North Carolina. So important.

On a related note, I don’t like generalizations like, “Republicans hate women,” b/c I don’t think they are helpful. I am almost certainly as angry as you are about the specific crap the GOP has been pulling. I actively HATE some members of the GOP and think violent thoughts about them. But I am trying to manage my rage and direct that energy into change efforts that have half a chance of making a difference: ranked choice voting, campaign finance reform, end gerrymandering, and get out the vote. Especially the youth vote--they are angry AND hopeful. As I am.

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None of that is even remotely true.

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Liberal Soup N Crackers® ; Just like you are a troll! Or living in fantasy land.

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In Judaism, the soul does not enter the body until birth. Why must I be governed according to a religion I don’t follow?

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We never hear 'them' going after the men who cause pregnancies.

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Food for thought. Most boy babies are circumcised just after they're born. This has become a mythologically "medical necessity, if you want a healthy boy," due to past experience with infections, not because the boy doesn't need a protective sleeve for his penis. (The practice is actually ancient and is mentioned in the Bible.) The boy had no choice. It is cut off, formerly and occasionally, without anesthesia. This is man's first insult, and the memory of it is totally expunged into the narrowest, least active recesses of his brain. I wish I had been more enlightened when my son was born. Does this have any bearing on the subject of choice, in what one does with one's own body?

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Infants have no choice about anything, but parents do. No one make’s someone circumcise or not circumcise their son; however, most men would be glad their parents chose it for them.

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This is why Jewish men don’t drink. They know what happened the first time they had alcohol.

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Nailed it, ProgToddNorCal!

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The Republican Party is now America’s Metastatic Tumor

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Republican law makers are obsessed with sex because that is natures way to make more of them.

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They certainly don't increase their numbers because of the strength of their ideas.

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Lee--An exception might be sighted in their morally perverse ones.

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Since GOP voters died disproportionally with covid, they need to procreate extra cult members.

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And must be cut out of the body politic.

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Time to cut it out.

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They're a subversive terrorist organization & should be treated as such.

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By focusing obsessively about sexual issues as "the indeciency of the opposition", the GOP hopes to misdirect attention away from its own indecency. It may be a distorted projection of their own guilt.

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Please see my letter to the editor of our regional western NC newspaper The Mountaineer from summer 2022. I agreee with what you posted here. The number of repugs convicted of sex crimes is a testament to their institutional perversion.

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The Republicans are deflecting from economic and other issues they don't want to debate, to sexual related issues they know can't, or won't be ignored. They are desperately trying to continue with policies that enrich the few at the expense of the majority, so they are creating distractions to avoid the inevitable reckoning for as long as possible.

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Exactly. The powers funding the Tea Party, the evangelists want to return to the idealized 50's where family and church were the social scaffolding for society. Hence keep women pregnant and the kitchen. All to reduce the role of government in providing services.

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That's funny that you think Republicans are trying to keep women pregnant in the kitchen. If the Democrats had their way women wouldn't be able tvote.American households can't run without both the husband and wife working. In this day and age parents don't raise their children, the government does. Teachers and child care workers are raising other people's children while someone else is raising theirs. Our economy should be strong enough for one person to work while the other takes care of the home. But I also support the right for women to work and have equal treatment in the workplace if that's what they want to do. It shouldn't matter your gender, race, color, last name the only thing that matters is we give all Americans the same rights and treatment across the board.

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Liz, it's so much more than that.

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I know it is more than that. It is geopoltical…Iran, Russia, Hungary, China, north Korea . Oligarchs and Despots working together,

Russia is moving into Africa. Wagner troops have taken a strong hold in Mali. And Trump, Ontario’s Premier and the conservative leader at Canada’ federal level same script.

All using the same communications tactics…. Being the voice for the frustrated while stabbing them in the back wiith Privatization , low wages and a shrinking public sector service largely dedicated to the private sector. Dividing society among race, age, gender. And LGBTQ lines.

Awesome how seemlessly they are are working together from the ground up (look at those designed flags of the trumpies versus hand made placards on the other side! ) and top down.. Putin Trump….state legislators.

Terrifying. And the left is left behind .. complacent and not addressing the threat ? At least Biden is trying all eve suffering but it seems he is alone.

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We could have a Risk drive and send the game boards to Congress? You see it clearly, clearly. The liberals are too comfortable to read the signs. We need '60s -urgency-liberals. Believe it or not, that begins with Biden. He's pushing as far as he can, as hard as he can. I wish more people could get behind him. Biden was a grown man during the 1960s. He's seen more than most. Come to think of it, back to Risk, maybe we who have old Risk games in our cupboards should send them to Congress. I'll wait for the result.

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Perhaps you should send a memo to the DNC, because you state the problem clearly, and much better than they seem to.

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Gloria J. Maloney ; Well said!

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They are the party of perverts and sexual predators. They project on to the Democrats their own filthy minds.

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Since when did we become a party of 'groomers',I heard 'grooming is a Qanon stupidity.They live the lies.

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Lies create reality.

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Agree 100%

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Well said!

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weirdly, rethuglicans don't favor stiff penalties for rape (for example: https://abcnews.go.com/US/judge-sentences-admitted-rapist-probation-prison-time/story?id=81264495 )

and shockingly, on a related issue, child marriage is legal in 43 US states (see here: https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/#:~:text=Child%20marriage%20is%20currently%20legal,a%20parental%20or%20judicial%20waiver. )

there are rethuglicans who openly espouse preventing women from having ANY position of power at all, which makes me wonder how they can trust a woman to be a parent? (for example: https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1645606637166796800 ) or maybe they don't ...

NOTE: edited to include video of offensive sexist commentary

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Of course they don't favor anti-rape laws because they are insititutionally white male rapists.

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It’s more projection from the right. Evangelicals are known for impregnating their daughters as exercising their god given obeisance to (toxic) masculinity. Of course, then the family and their church blames the girl.

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Spot on links, thank you!

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Well done!

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Is it possible that our men in power are under pressure from men in power from the Middle East, to "get with the program"? I'm not being sarcastic. The world is multicultural all over the place.

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For Republicans, it seems the only way to remove restraints on the few is the control the many and call it freedom. It's a twisted logic, but that is their hallmark. This obsession with sex is grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and the control of reproduction, family and sex in general is a function of religion in about every culture, even when prostitution was a sacred institution in the Ancient Greek City-states. Political involvement in sex is nothing new.

However, I'd like to hope we are a little beyond the restrictive moralities of the Bronze-age Eastern Mediterranean. From a social point of view, controlling access to sex and reproduction allows for the control of individuals at the most intimate level. It is a form of domination that is insidious in its capacity to warp the individual into a hyper-objectification of sex. When sex is an object of power, it is no longer intimate, no longer personal, and operates in a sotto voce public sphere where the expectation is not for people to enjoy sex, but to only reproduce. Puritanism 101. In 1988, Pat Robertson's presidential campaign included a position to criminalize contraception so America could have enough people to fight and win Armageddon. Replace Armageddon with cheap, obedient labor, and you have the modern Republican platform, in as much as there is one.

Psychologically, there is a deep rift in the psyche of people who operate under the assumption that the female body must be controlled. It is part Medieval, part modern. In the former, woman is the 'Sacred Whore' who is the fusion of temptation, salvation, and sublime transcendence when she foregoes her 'promiscuous nature,' and who must be controlled lest she share her gifts too broadly. In the latter, woman represents the schism within the mind of some men that separates them from their Anima, in Jungian terms, their inner feminine, or their capacity to see beyond a linear conception of the world and feel empathy for others. In either case, woman is object to be used for salvation or sex, but is never a fully actualized human being sharing fully in either.

In the case of those of us who are LGBTQIA+, we are distinctly Other to be consigned to the flames of the inquisition without an opportunity for repentance and salvation. As there is nothing for us to repent, we can forego the flames of the American Inquisition. It doesn't change the fact that we are an inconvenient wrench in the cogs of their political machine that most Republicans wouldn't mind seeing ground to dust.

In light of this, one wonders how Republican women square this particular circle. I remember Phyllis Shaffley from the 80's. That one still doesn't make sense, unless we come back to the old adage, all women are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I think one of the things we are seeing is the logical conclusion of the social relations of the human realm to the natural realm that developed during the Industrial Revolution. In order to progress at the pace it did, the political machines in Northeastern Europe had to leverage their production-oriented power to disenchant the natural world and open it to the exploitation of resources. A part of that disenchantment was the separation of human from nature. In that process, we removed the sacred nature of relations of one human to another, anonymizing it under terms like customer, consumer, and labor. These generally focus attention not on the human but on a function that is rationally embedded in their system of production and consumption, supply and demand. As such, the body is another resource to be exploited, another production mechanism that creates more consumers and laborers. It's all just business because our moral standard is the unrestrained pursuit of profit. All other considerations are simply distractions from that essential goal.

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Republican woman is an oxymoron.

Phyllis Schlafly's son John is LGBTQ. Although outed, he remained in denial.


I don't know it as a fact, but I bet every Republican member of Congress has a John Schlafly in their life.

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Liz Cheney's sister.

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Spot on!

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Great comment--thank you.

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I think everyone here agrees that the Republican Party is no longer what it used to be. The challenge is to convince voters. I still have relatives that will vote Republican no matter what, even when they openly disagree or are even angry at the way the party has left them behind. The politics has turned into religion, and it's very difficult to reason with people. I think what we need is a fair news program (think what HBO Newsroom tried to accomplish) to correctly inform people and an education system that teaches our kids to reason. This will be a long fight, but without these, I'm afraid we'll no longer have a country.

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To convert your relatives, need an epiphany.

Jesus was a Democrat.


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My two year old son would cry and try to run after my truck as I left for work. I I still feel bad about it. I am 76. Now our culture has accepted mothers also needing to work outside the home. Liberation? Our most liberal politicians propose paying for daycare as a solution. Having a culture where housing, food and medical care is affordable for a single wage earner is now off the table.

Women’s should, of course, be able to do whatever they want to do, including not be parents, if that isn’t their thing. My concern is the industrial money machine, grinding the nuclear family and our humanity into dust.

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Amen, Earl. I've been writing about this. I'm your senior by several years and I was brought up to expect marriage, family, the whole show. I was going to stay home and keep house, because I saw that as a kind of freedom, being an artist. I could paint when the kids were in school. That was my plan. Try to make this work during the past 100 years. Try to even establish it in the first place. Two divorces, but I digress. Good men were being killed in Viet Nam when I was in my "hunting" years. I'm sure the one for me got killed over there. I was a single mom during the time feminism bloomed with "Ms." magazine. I argued with the feminists with only one issue. Motherhood. Most women do it. The majority of women become mothers. Their answer to this question was too often, "Just avoid it." And you said it just right, regarding the Industrial Revolution. I've discovered that I very much resist the outcomes of the past 250 years, due to the ill effects we now expect and accept. Our culture is not well put together right now—too far from nature—so we live with these unnatural symptomatic events, like mass shootings, poor schools, et al. And now I'm old and now I sound like I'm old.

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I had a thought/fantasy a little while ago: Traditional republicans, of whom one was my college roommate and best friend in the 1960s, will drift toward the center and cross over into the Democratic Party. They'll at least have a traditional culture in that box, thanks to Bill and Hillary Clinton, and other recent republicrats. (Presbyterians once invaded our Unitarian church when they lost their favorite minister. We made it work.) This new infusion from the right will automatically cause the blooming of leftward leaders, all young, radical and strong, most of whom will leave the Democratic Party, and Bernie Sanders will become their Wise Old Man. The unfortunate few republicans who are left over from the Trump debacle will go back to not voting at all, and turning off the TV except for sports. Some few of these will listen to the leftward messages playing all over town, and turn up as social democrats, having greatly enlarged a party with a more conventional name, like "the Green Party". This will begin to resemble the world Joe Biden and I were born into, when FDR was still barely alive.

—And the young shall go green and save us all.

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True! It's also a fairly standard tactic for cults to exert authoritarian control over the sex lives of adherents. Anxious and sexually frustrated people with an unmet desire to belong to an ideologically homogenous community are the easiest people to manipulate.

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"The best defense is a good offense". I remember hearing that phrase long ago. Since sex is one of the strongest drives in humans, especially the young, what better way to distract and attack those beleaguered by housing shortages, high rents and all the privations of stagnant wages and a rigged system of corrupt government and too many billionaires? The obscenely wealthy and all those who work for them are the enemy! Don't forget it for a second!!

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It makes me want to nominate a fertilized egg for President. I’m kidding, of course, but it seems to me that a creature endowed with full personhood should at the very least have some consciousness of their surroundings.

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What a great comment! LOL!

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This is what is known about babies born “intersex”, ie glaring or subtle differences with regard to gender expression:

Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births

Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births

Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births

Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 130,000 births

Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia one in 13,000 births

Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals

Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births

Ovotestes one in 83,000 births

Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause) one in 110,000 births

Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother) no estimate

5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate

Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate

Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births

Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 2,000 births

Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis) one in 770 births

Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births

Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births

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Thank you Grace, that information is truly an eye and mind opener. It seems to be far and away more complicated then someone wanting to change their sexual orientation on just a whim or some democrat suggesting they do so.

I think if more people understood these facts that they would be less inclined to think that its being done as a mere fad or trying to be cool.

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And, this is not to mention humans that are born with so many “abnormalities” that they require extreme care. I used to work as a psychologist in a facility for these beings. Cognitive function was extremely limited, sometimes reflexes were severely deficient, eg no swallow reflex. This latter individual had no sight, no hearing, couldn’t swallow, couldn’t ambulate….spent his days engaging in repetitive movements that at times became self injurious. He had spent 17 years alive, the majority of those in a care facility as his parents could not care for him. These are not individuals who can be cared for at home or trained in a school. Genetics, pregnancy, and birth are complex processes that should not be decided by legislatures but by medical people who know something about this area and have some level of expertise.

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O.M.G. I had no idea!

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The more kids born into poverty keeps lots of consumers and parents of consumers spending $$$ at corporations they own srock in. Keeping parents spending on kids and taking care of more kids keeps them from getting ahead with higher paying jobs, and buying houses and stayjng renters. It makes lots of future kids to work for minumum wage and be forced to join the military,when they can't afford rent and neesessities, to fight in wars. Another reason V.P. Cheney was so fixed on war wsd to have combat experienced Americans ready to fight( and with lots if military grade weopons is because of the movie RED DAWN. Even more so because the movie was set in Wyoming area. I'm not sure if the movie was made as a wag the dov senario as the purpose for the movie. Sorry if that was a bit off, I have asberghers but i can spot a pattern a mile a way.

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If they complain so much about sexualising children, why do they condone child beauty queens?

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Why do they love TFG?

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I also don't hear anything said about 'adult entertainment ' and those pathetic women that slither up and down poles and have a few dollars stuffed in their bikinis.

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I do not understand how one man can make a decision that affects every woman in our country. I am starting to doubt the entire judicial setup. This disgusting judge or equally disgusting Clarence Thomas, our country needs to rethink judges and how they are chosen. And how long they are allowed to stay in power.

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It's not just Thomas. Kavanaugh? Alito? Gorsuch? Roberts? Barrett?

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Agreed! Corruption is contagious. Like rabies, it will hopefully take them all down. Then we need to start looking at federal judges.

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Term limits for sure. Imagine having mitch mcconnel as forever justice? NO

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Exactly, one persons opinion shouldn't effect the majority. Laws like these need to be put to a vote and allow the people to decide. But in my honest opinion, I'm not a woman, I don't have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body. Everyone has a right to live life their way. Abortion is a very touchy subject and they're different reasons for getting an abortion, many I agree with a couple I don't. But that's my opinion and that's all it is my opinion, noone elses.

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