
Take the corporate owned production and distribution of food and put it in the hands of farmer owned cooperativese and put the retail distribution and grocery chains in the hands of consumer owned cooperatives. This is not a new idea, farmer owned cooperatives have been around for decades as has consumer owned food retail stores. Affordable food is a necessity that should be grown and distributed locally wherever and whenever possible and controlled by cooperative boards who have the welfare of the population in mind.

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Apr 13Liked by Robert Reich

I would both bust up the monopolies and outlaw stock buybacks. While we're at it, why not a law saying that the highest paid person in a company or organization can only be paid a certain percentage of the salary of the lowest paid person?

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Monopolizing has become our Country’s death spiral.

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Apr 13Liked by Robert Reich

I worked for a large grocery chain for 19 years. Believe me when I say, shareholder satisfaction is their only goal in these times. They’ve cut hours drastically across the board. Flexibility is their mantra. This means you leave your department to help in another area while your own work piles up. There were all too frequent signs posted on time clocks, saying “NO OVERTIME!”. It always amazed me that it was the customer who suffered from these overbearing, harsh policies. I always felt like just a number. I did love my co-workers ( well, almost all of them), though. We made the best of a less than satisfactory work environment. It was the union that saved us so we did have benefits.

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thank you for helping to shine a light on the food industry. I would love to see you address the consolidation and corporatization of healthcare. Talk about consolidation, 3 corporations run 94% of drug wholesale market, 4 Insurance companies 48% of the market, 4 control 87% of the Pharmacy Benefit Managers (whatever it is they actually do), and so on. The economist magazine pointed out that these crazy profit margins accrue to the middlemen in the "baffling" US healthcare system. This is just the tip of the situation. All the while providers are being nickel and dimed, these corporations are averaging 1500 M&A yearly, squeezing the consumer (patients), and Providers. Not to mention the entry of private equity into the market and the questionable business practices reminiscent of the corporate raiders of the 1990s. Thanks in advance.

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Other. You get all of the above if you elect more Democrats. To do that, expand the base. Register Democrats - save Democracy.


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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Loved the coffee klatch today. I'm going to pass it along to someone in my church who wants to start a group on plant-based diet for health alongside my concerns about ethical consumption. I don't have a lot of money to donate, but I'm sure sending some to Jon Tester and Cory Booker. And of course I'm going to watch the film if I can ever figure out how to interact with my "smart" TV.

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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

A wonderful klatch this morning - thank you all! I love the work that Michael Pollan has been doing for so long now. Here, in this corner of New Hampshire, the local food movement - Buy Local, Be Local - is alive and well. CSA's are everywhere. Many of us put up our own food, as much as possible. I deeply agree with the premise that Michael puts forward early in your discussion: we need small producers, small farms, small communities that are vibrant with young families and committed to sustainable patterns of growth and life. Our planet cannot survive the other model - this is clear. Thank you!

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When I co-founded Buyblue.org, our motto was Vote With Your Wallet. Our work was informing readers of the corporations that donated to Republicans and Democrats. Why give your money to a company like WalMart that donates to the GOP when you can shop at Costco, which donates to Democrats?

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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

There is a line in the film clip shown at the end of the klatch that will stay with me. It's when the woman says "...living a life rather than fighting to survive."

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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I very much appreciated watching this interview. Great information and a wonderful way to start my Saturday.

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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Beautiful Job Bob, Heather and Michael! Besides the excellent resources you mention I can only add George Monbiot's book Regenesis. The concentration of Argro business has left us vulnerable to tipping points supply chain failures besides how unhealthy and undemocratic this monopolization is.

Marc Nevas is so insightful with "Take the corporate owned production and distribution of food and put it in the hands of farmer owned cooperatives and put the retail distribution and grocery chains in the hands of consumer owned cooperatives. This is not a new idea, farmer owned cooperatives have been around for decades as has consumer owned food retail stores. Affordable food is a necessity that should be grown and distributed locally wherever and whenever possible and controlled by cooperative boards who have the welfare of the population in mind."

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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

What a great Coffee Klatch this morning!!! I have to admit, I was riveted!! Michael Pollan was so very informative and kept his comments easily understandable by old folks like me! I wish I could have picked two answers in your poll. Corporate monopolies need to be broken up and their price gouging tactics need to be stopped. I was quite happy to hear that we, as consumers, can turn the tide on this monopolistic corporate greed by shopping locally for our food. I do that already and find the cost is so much better than if I bought in a corporate store!! I am definitely going to watch the movie as I enjoyed the clip of part of it. President Biden has started work on the antitrust issues. I found it interesting when Mr. Pollan said something like we had gotten lax in enforcing the antitrust laws. Could that also be said of a lot of other laws as well? I know that when I go to the polls, I will have researched the candidates and will only vote for a candidate who will actually work for me not the richy rich or monopolistic corporations!!! Vote Blue, America!!!

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Apr 13Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

OMG!! That was an inspired conversation… thanks you guys!

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Apr 13Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

Thank you guys for that coffee klatch. I can just hear folks arguing to not stymie the corporate food system, and then complain about the costs - blame Biden. They may want to stay confused, and go to war, but they will be fighting ghosts - making a mess, and getting no results. We folks need to know not to shop locally, but to buy locally - locally grown food. It's always fun to hear Michael Pollan point of view

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Apr 13Liked by Heather Lofthouse

What a terrific klatch today! Heard some pretty scary stuff today, but it’s important to hear what’s actually going on. Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know! Thanks for your continued and tireless efforts to keep us informed!

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