The Grifter and Chief’s party, The Republican Party is slowly taking our Freedoms and tearing apart our Institutions. Hopefully I’m not the only one that is seeing this! We are losing our democracy to white supremacy.U.S. Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) called what happened in Tennessee “straight up fascism in its ugliest, most racist form.”The Congressional Black

Caucus released a statement saying the ouster of Jones and Pearson “makes clear that racism is alive and well in Tennessee. President Joe Biden also weighed in on the matter Thursday: "Three kids and three officials gunned down in yet another mass shooting. And what are GOP officials focused on? Punishing lawmakers who joined thousands of peaceful protesters calling for action,"MAGA Republicans in Congress…are threatening to wreak havoc on our economy with debt limit brinkmanship. Their extreme agenda would send the unprecedented investments we’ve made here in America—along with the jobs that come with it—overseas. And it’s all to pay for even more giveaways to the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations.

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The Supreme Court needs a code of ethics.

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Limit Supremes to two 9 year terms. Also, limit other federal judges. No more lifetime appointments.

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023

I think one of our responsibilities as citizens of this powerful empire is to ask the tough questions, for example, what accountability? The rest of the world has begged us for two hundred years to stop being so hypocritical, to please stop speaking about freedoms when we suppress it internally and around the world if the price is right. We export what we call "democracy" at gunpoint when decade after decade shows we're just using our military and economic might to boost already absurd profit margins of major corporations. And we have let one transparently corrupt politician and executive after another get away with social and literal murder while gaining the shameful title of world's most incarcerated population by using the laughable claim that we must do so because we are a "nation of laws."

So again, what accountability? When have we ever had true accountability in this country?

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“I don’t have any problem with going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer seeing the regular parts of the United States. … I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it.”

- Clarence Thomas

Well. Clarence, I have one word for you:


With all of the information that has surfaced about Thomas and his wife recently there certainly appears to be a conflict of interest for a Supreme Court Justice to faithfully execute his duties. Clarence must be impeached and removed from the Supreme Court Bench.

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Doing anything to or about Clarence Thomas himself will be rendered moot upon his death. The better solution is an ethics code for the SCOTUS as a whole and in perpetuity.

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The Washingtonian reports today that Harlan Crow (purchaser of favorable SCOTUS rulings by Clarence Thomas) collects Nazi memorabilia. This is all connected.

I have zero faith in Dick Durbin's vague proclamations of accountability.

We need to face a brutal reality. It doesn't matter what legal fate awaits Trump or his hapless minions (if any). Trumpism is American fascism. It has metastasized from the highest court in the land to the state and local level.

DOJ and Congress are inert, at best.

Any real change will come from relentless voting at the local and state elections, for judges and school boards. Everyone who can run for office must run for office. States legislatures have to be flipped...one after the other. Change will have to be bottom up. GenZ must turn its 27% turnout in 2022 to 75%+ from now on.

Accountability won't save our civil rights. The only way to survive the onslaught of power by the GOP is to grab power back...relentlessly.

One TX judge last night released a ruling that set the stage for a national abortion ban by slipping in a footnote that stated that a ZYGOTE should be recognized as a person. The implications are enormous. Women could be prosecuted for a wide array of activities if a miscarriage results.

It's not a question of whether the GOP will take away our rights...they're doing it already.

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Expand the court and render him irrelevant

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The Thomases are seditious traitors. They openly planned and executed the Jan. 6 coup attempt. In a country serious about the rule of law, these two would already be hanged for treason.

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Along with Clarence Thomas' lack of competence as a judge, he is also an "Originalist". Originalists seem to think we should revert to the time when the United States Constitution was first put down on paper (parchment?). This was a time when male property owners were the only people with the right to run the country. Women, working people, and slaves were denied the right to control much of anything. Of course, native people were beneath contempt, since they were the people from whom the landowners seized their" land. Anything not included in the Bible was not considered worthy of consideration. Originalists (including Thomas) want for this nation to return to that time (no science, no rights for the poor, no rights for women, no democracy for anyone not owning land).

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We need ethics rules across government and the Supreme Court. Our innocence and trust is gone. We now need the rules and holding those that break them accountable, whomever they may be. We need to end the influence of money on policy, leaders, candidates, with sensible campaign finance laws. We are watching our fragile democracy being trampled by greed, power collaborations, and a disdain for the public interest. We have to stop watching and step up actions to foster democracy.

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The republicans are striving to destroy the integrity of the Supreme Court, justlike they have destroyed the integrity of the Republican Party. Power is all they care about and they are willing to destroy our democracy to keep it. Can we save our democracy with votes and politics or are we in the same boat as Israel, where it will take an uprising of the populace in order to save it.

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Nothing at all in that party’s repertoire is real. Everything is blatant lies and conspiracies. I’m tired of the clown show. None of any of this is the least bit funny. Fight back! Voting is a right we have, let’s use it!! 🇺🇸

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Clarence Thomas is a thug that somehow got away with sexual harassment and got onto the Not-So-Supreme Court. Now we find out who he really has been all these years...someone who will use our system of government to better his own life and indulge in the riches of his doners from the fascist far right.... going on trips and living it up while our country is in shambles. Shame on you Grifter Thomas and your indecent fascist wife. You are both shameless low-life grifters just like the former twice-impeached, indicted, Grifter in Chief and most of his family.

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I voted to impeach Thomas, but that is only the first step where the Supreme Court is concerned. Every justice on the bench must now be investigated thoroughly (so as to avoud prejudice), and then the same myst be done for all federal judges. If Thomas is on the take -- and he is -- how many others are too?

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There is no discussion here. These are clearly severe infractions of judicial ethics. He must step down or be impeached. Roberts' court has become a joke.

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