Fathers raising sons to support strong women.

This is the way.

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Great story! Speaking of dads... Just wait for Governor Walz to take the stage. He's going to bring the serious dad energy. I really like Tim. He's going to crush it. Just watch...

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I wanted to vote for Hillary but she supported Bill instead of leaving him. She dusted Monica Lewinsky and ruined her life. So much for women standing up for each other.

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It's easy to judge others when we don't know all the facts. I admire how she has handled the loss to Trump: with grace and dignity. The Star Report is what ruined Monica Lewinsky. Hillary had nothing to do with that. It was unnecessarily detailed and humiliating and a Republican move to try to keep Bill from being re-elected. and he was anyway because in spite of his personal failings, was great for the economy.

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Its easy to see that he has been a serial cheater -

Monica Lewisky deserves our support not Hilliary.

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Sad you think this way. Not Hilary’s fault, but the misogynists can’t stop blaming her for all things feminist.

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You do realize it was Bill's fault and Hillary didn't do anything about it.

You blame trump for how he treats women? Why doesn't his wife leave.

hypocritical comments on here....

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Why doesn’t the Donald’s wife leave him? Oh, I forgot she came across the border.

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Re “Hillary didn’t do anything about” (Bill’s dalliances with Monica). You didn’t read?, how Hillary got them years of routine couple’s counselling?, how they worked together on a better marital partnership?, you missed the best part. Don’t give up on women. People are humans, humans can eye-roll, and sigh, and chat each other up, suffer damage, cause damage, pick themselves up, repair, and move forward, wounded or not. What was the name of Lewinsky’s confidant that she shared info on her affair with? She decided to blab instead of counsel. Industrial Compassion, and she probably received some form of payment for a tell-all. “Not doing anything” was not a Hillary-crime.

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Janet, could love have anything to do with it?

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she has a binding prenup!!!!!

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Now, there's a story. Melinda--or whatever her name is--Tiffany, Ivana, Marla, all seated on a couch and looking into the camera bravely ..

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I suspect that Bill was a serial cheater for so long that the marriage had gotten down to just the nuts and bolts. But why blame Hillary? And why support Monica so vehemently? She was perfectly aware that she was screwing someone else's husband, and she had to know that it wouldn't stay a secret. You can't have an affair with the President of the United States without somebody finding out. That's 100% on her. But I also thought it was unfair on his part for someone with that much power to make a play for someone in her junior position. So I don't blame Hillary and I don't blame Monica. I blame Bill because he couldn't keep his fly zipped. That was 100% what got George Bush elected.

I felt bad about the way Monica was treated in the hearings and by her "friend" Linda Tripp. And I'm sure she had a rocky spot afterwards, but she bounced back quickly and has done quite well for herself since. And now she's actually owning it. On her Twitter account, she referred to herself as a "beret model".

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I don't blame Hillary for what Bill did, but Bill was an albatross around Hillary's neck. I did vote for Hillary but I felt this discomfort about putting Bill anywhere near the WH again. IMHO, Hillary should have ditched Bill.

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You are wrong & that's your opinion, so mind your own business.

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Yes, for her sake, her daughter's sake and Monica's sake. It might have turned out better for all of them.

At this point, I just don't want to see Hillary again. I wish the Dems would stop bringing her up on stage.

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You do realize that there’s room to support both, right? The amount of vitriol towards HRC, who was cheated on, never ceases to amaze me, especially directed at her from women. Maybe it’s because she failed to play the role of an injured little woman, fading into pathetic obscurity. Imagine if she’d divorced President Clinton. Then the haters would’ve really hated! Instead, she stayed married and got her own life. And none of these misogynistic women and men can forgive her. The only acceptable option was fading into pathetic obscurity. Judgy McJudge faces…

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Damn good point Susanna. At least half (or more) of women are self hating misogynists. If not there would be no MAGAt women, no Laren Boebert, no MTG, No Aura Ingraham, no Female Fox hosts, no women with T Shirts telling Trump he can grab them by the pussy.

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William, maybe they love their fathers, and they see in Trump a successful spouse and father. We may not like them, but that doesn't mean they are "self-hating."

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NO point what so ever - Bill is no better than trump. And, the real women and working class ones have nothing to look up too except hypocrites.

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You are so right. They are committed to their marriage despite having problems. I mean they need to grow up. He had an affair....nail him to the cross! Sure...as soon as they nail Reagan, CIA Bush Sr., & Bush Jr. for all of their despicable crimes.

This is all do to Republican rat fcking, & gross old Murdoch of propaganda Foxy. They're just like Pavlov's dog. They see his name & start panting. Just like the MSM did when he was POTUS....because how dare he? I voted for him with enthusiasm & I loved him as POTUS.

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You want to know WHY women have a negative reaction? I'll tell you. I come from a family with a lot of bad marriages, some of which involved abuses and some of which involved cheating. I've seen how women just bend to the men and give up their rights. I vowed I would never put up with that crap and I kept my vow. Still married nearly 40 years and we don't abuse one another and we don't cheat on one another. We respect each other's human rights. Bill was a serial cheater. I cannot imagine staying with someone like that! Bill still gives me the creeps. I don't like randy men--never have.

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Glad you're so perfect, but it doesn't compare with the pressures of being Pres. so you can knock off the puritanical judging right now & NO he was not a serial cheater. That's why you people are a joke. What do you think Trump has been doing for decades though? Was it Bill Clinton in the clubs doing coke & grabbing women? No because that isn't who he is...that's who Trump is. You're so full of crap. You think Clinton's the cheater, but the moron that raped a 14 year old, & also raped a lady in a department store is....not a cheater.

You are spreading lies that the GOP planted 3 decades ago. Grow up, no one asked for your perspective on life or marriage.

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Monica Lewinsky willingly had an affair President Clinton. Clearly, there was a power differential, but she had no political role or influence. While I've cooled in my enthusiasm for Bill Clinton's politics and behavior and I voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary, I think it's petty to blame Hillary. Just listening to the sustained applause for her last night and her gracious acknowledgement was very moving to me. She did, if you recall, win the popular vote, and we have to make sure the same thing does not happen to Kamala Harris.

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Bill WAS too conservative for me. Very disappointing as he came on like a liberal. From the get-go, he started out with "don't ask; don't tell" and complained about "homosexual conduct." So sorry that Pete Buttigieg is stuck speaking on the same night as Bill. And yes, we needed Hillary up there to remind us not to let our guards down. We needed to remember that under our system we need that damned Electoral victory. Tim is against the EC--maybe he can work on that when he is VP.

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Bill Clinton was the President of the United States of America. When are women going to start placing the responsibility where it belongs? The man.

She was young. He could have said no.

Honestly, I don't care for how Bill treated Hillary. What a terrible position to put her in? No? He didn't treat either one with respect did he? Trump treats no one with respect - especially women.

Hillary didn't lose by much - why? Because both of the lost respect.

yes when it's public money - and their marriage harms the United States a like this - it is to a certain point the public's right to know.

But I can tell you - if Kamala wins - it won't be the landslide it should be if she doesn't address real economic policy.

No, not impressed with Hillary standing up for women. I turned it off. If she brought Monica out there. I might have stayed tuned in.

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I just related to Hillary talking about the political contest and for that she was OK.

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Janet Adams: I think your screen name is a fake. Considering all your previous comments. You come off like a male MAGAt.

Hillary isn't to blame for Bill's inability to keep it in his pants, in fact he is very typical of the male of the species. No woman would blame a wife for the husbands philandering.

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Then you are terrible at analysis. Go off topic to make a point when my facts stand. It hurts doesn't it?

Bill is responsible for his actions. Hillary is responsible for her daughter.

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It's not that we are blaming the wife for the husband's infidelity. You are missing the point. The point is that a truly feminist liberated woman would walk out the door and never look back at her randy hubby. He would be an ex so fast....! No clinging on and standing by your man. Do like Huma Abedin did to Weiner.

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Did I not say that Bill was a satyr? Did I not say something to the effect that power was an aphrodisiac . Did I not say that Bill was randy. Did I not say that Hillary had her own ambitions, and the being president was more important to her than anything else. Divorcing Bill would have thwarted her ambitions.

She really didn't care what he did with his cock, It was not a marriage of love, but of convenience.

You would have left him, because you are like other people, you marry for attraction, call it love if you will. That is what the average American expects out of marriage.

That's the pulp fiction, the movie, the TV version of love, romantic love, the white knight, not reality. We don't know why people get married, because we don't walk in their shoes, but way too many marriages are for ulterior motives.

They certainly were up until the 1970's. even physical attraction had nothing to do with marriage, when women had no rights and were the property of men.

No denying that hormonal attraction plays a role. A former tenant, lazy, not to bright, and electrician who couldn't pass the exam .to be certified, then he met a gal already pregnant, had sex with her on the commode, broke it, on the vanity, broke it. Finally moved out and moved in with her,married her, it won't last long, she got what she wanted, and he got, for a limited time, lots of wild sex.

People got and get married for ulterior motives. Until the 1970's wife and mother was essentially an occupation.Marriage was a way to get out from under the parents, and the parents wanted the daughter out of the house,as to be no longer a financial drain.

IMO Bill and Hillary was a loveless marriage, two people with political aspirations.

He was philandering when he was Governor of Arkansas.. Cripes even FDR had a mistress and JFK was a philanderer when he was in Congress.

My step father was a friend of John B Kelley, Grace Kelly, he was THE major contractor in Philadelphia. I knew about him cheating on Jackie in 1958.

Jackie knew too, and she didn't leave. She had to know that he was having sex with Norma Jean.,

My 2nd wife was Panamanian, her mother divorced her father, only because she was publicly embarrassed,when the whole town was talking about Faustino getting his mistress pregnant.

I knew women whose husbands had affairs with DRAG queens, and they didn't care, they were called maliantes, but they aren't going to get them pregnant and thus embarrass them., and force them to divorce.

You may have kicked Bill out on his ass, but you aren't Hillary, she had her own motives and career aspirations.

There are men and women who stay with an abusive spouse for reasons innumerable.

We don't know why people do what they do, so all we can do is project.

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Don't forget that it was Monica who decided to have an affair with a very public married man. And she was an adult – something like 24 or 25 – young, but not a naïve, exploited teenager. I don't blame either Hillary or Monica; we don't know what the circumstances were, what the state of the Clinton marriage was – I suspect more as power brokers than lovers - but I don't know and neither do you. Hillary gets my unqualified support - and Monica also gets my support – she's turned into a terrific woman.

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Name calling and blaming from women holds all of us back.

No, she didn't get a job again. The media shamed her out of the country.

Excuse me, but don't think for one second I'm going to offer another phone call or dime for a group that wants to praise Hillary.

HE was the President of the US. The much older adult. He is 100% responsible for it. He could yell for secret service to take her away. She didn't do anything without his consent.

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From my viewpoint, I wish we should focus on policies and delivery of promises. I wish the media would stay away from titillating stories about the bedroom antics of famous people. I know sex sells newspapers but I wish they would have a higher standard. There was a time when newspapers of merit would never talk about the sexual preferences of powerful people.

I believe Hillary was an good Secretary of State and put up with endless abuse from the right wing. How many times did they investigate Bengasi - 38 times? If I had an employee who could not prove an idea after 38 attempts I would let them go, which is what should have happened with the GOP.

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He was 100% responsible.

Yet you’re railing against her (HRC) because she didn’t walk.

She had her reasons. We can guess but not know what they were.

Your strong disapproval of Hillary’s reaction makes me wonder what you think about other people who stay in imperfect marriages. You seem to have a black-white view of things. “Bad? Must leave!” Even if doing so is detrimental to the individual.

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Monica Lewinsky went into her first interview with Bill Clinton hiking her dress and hooking her finger into her panties to lift and show what she had to offer.

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WTF? Who are you really? What are trying to say?

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Blame the woman? Bill Clinton is responsible enough to be a President. He has the maturity to walk out and say no as well.

Hypocrisy ? wow ! Look at all of you . Why would Trump's wife stay with him??? Why did Hillary stay with Bill??

Judge - yes! It's time to start judging and leaving the males.

Hillary got a life?? What an excuse is that and what a terrible lesson she taught her daughter and other women.

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Janet: I don't blame Hillary for Bill's infidelity, He was a satyr, and there is something about power, it produces more testosterone., and the sex drive must drive the powerful nuts.

I would love to see Jeffrey Epstein's guest list, but the FBI has made sure that it will never be public.

However Hillary stood by him, because she had her own political (Presidential aspirations). the DNC prevailed upon Obama to make her Secretary of State, so that she could acquire the foreign service credentials that the DNC felt at the time, were the most important, for a presidential candidate, that is why they had her sitting at the head of the table when Bin Laden was assassinate, and Obama sitting in chair to the side, and lower as if just a bystander.

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What lesson, Janet?

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It's true. Bill Clinton was the third married man she was chasing & trying to break up their families to marry her. During the time of the "affair" she was in relationship with a different married man. Lewinsky doesn't deserve our support. She went to the WH, she was NOT his intern, ya know. She pursued him for months until she caught him in a weak moment. She was an adult...so stop infantilizing women. We don't need your kind of "support". Stop judging what people do in the bedroom. Do you assume every other POTUS didn't have affairs except for Carter & Obama...think again.

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What you say may well be true, but ML wasn't running for President; that was Hillary. Her loss can be attributed to several factors (inadequate campaigning in "blue wall" states where the wall crumbled, Russia/Wikileak hacks of Dems emails, FBI Dir. Comey's last minute discovery and "more emails" announcement, and "Clinton fatigue" all played a part) but the perception of Hillary as Bill's "enabler" -- and refusing to support her run for the White House -- was a rationale I have heard more than once. Acting in accordance with one's conscience is one thing, but valuing one's personal moral scruples over the interests of the country is what I would call a case of mistaken priorities.

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Hillary won, I believe, 3 million more votes than Trump. She did a good job. Hillary was also ramping forward until the announcement of 'more emails' just 7 days before the election. Even when exonerated, it was too close to not do damage. We have no idea if that stunt cost her the election.

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well - I didn't vote her because I have no respect for the Clinton in general. The White water real estate scandals. The past scandals.

Like i said - if people on here want to win - they will need to listen and do something about it.

I turned off the whole thing because I'm tired of the Clintons and Obamas, and Kennedy clan The whole lot -

I would have considered Hillary if she had the moral courage to say enough.

I'm not going to worship Hillary as a saint. I turned it off.

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You sound so bitter. You say multiple times that if people want to win, they need to listen (to you) and do something about it (what exactly ‘it’ is unclear).

Yet so far, not one reply agrees with you.

BRW: What’s up with dragging the Kennedy family name into the mix??

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Janet, you always find a reason not to vote for a Democrat, don't you?

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What's wrong with that? You'll be a better party and one people are driving themselves to the polls because they can't wait to vote for you folks instead... the Dems have dug their own hole so to speak.

But hey, keep it up and the 50 / 50 polls show that the real middle class isn't impressed.

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Trump will be destroyed by MANY more millions of votes this year than next year, so you go on with your holier than thou baloney.

He's a lifelong loser and he absolutely will lose again this year. Take your anger at a woman who stays in marriage while the Stripper in Mar-a Lago stays with the other habitual philander. Losing , it's what Trump does best! Or is it, criminally? "Cause they letcha"! Prison for Donny very soon and his bought and paid-for criminal at SCOTUS can't help him!! Tick tock!!

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Janet, what do you mean by "the real middle class,"?

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You realize that Monica said she was taking "Presidential knee pads" to the WH. She was an adult who made a decision to seduce the President. I'm not judging them. I'm stating the facts. So no, she doesn't get any sympathy because she did exactly what she wanted to, despite him being married.

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Also...I'm not sure that all those details were true. Republicans offered money to all those women that came out claiming they had affairs. Flowers lied about an 8 year affair or some nonsense. That's ridiculous. He didn't do anything to spiteful GOP op Linda Tripp, he didn't rape the other one. The media has never "followed the money". They allowed the GOP to screw him over & they aren't done yet. Murdoch continues to drag him after 30 years. I mean...he's not perfect. He's had a few dalliances when his marriage was in trouble. I've spent excessive time researching all of the accusations. Lewinsky is no victim, she literally said she's going to get her knee pads for the oval office or something like that.

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Oh my God I just about spit out my drink. You think that Hillary handled the loss to Trump with Grace and dignity? She has done nothing but call him an illegitimate president from day one and she's still whining to this day. So much for grace and dignity

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Against Bob Dole (he always used both names), I could win ..

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Hillary Clinton didn’t ruin Monica Lewinsky’s life. Ken Starr did.

And who are you to question Hillary’s staying with Bill? Unless you’re hiding under the bed, you have no clue about the workings of their marriage.

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Bill Clinton ruined Hillary's life and her chance to be president. And, Monica's . He's not much better than trump.

Hillary got a decent payoff for it. But I'm not going to watch her stand there and pretend to be for women's rights rights. She taught her daughter and Monica (who was her daughter's age group) to tolerate male cheating for $$ .

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Nice assumptions regarding motives you don’t know.

You might recall that Hillary DID win, as the polls predicted. But the quirks of the EC resulted in a loss.

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not by much. and not enough to win the electoral college.

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Your one of the reasons, Janet, that we have Donald J Trump, and way we are standing the precipice looking into the abyss of a Trump dictatorship.

I didn't and don't like Hillary , but I voted for her because the alternative was Trump.

So either you are just plain stupid, or you are a right wing troll.

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Okay Billy keep spewing your hateful nonsense. I am a big boy and can take your name calling. I know it’s just another ignorant progressive projecting again. Keep it up, it always makes me laugh out loud.🤣

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Butthole, I am 85, and was a right wing extremist before you were a gleam in your fathers eye. I've heard your line of B.S. a thousand times, nothing new.

You aren't laughing phuckface you are triggered.

From experience, from swimming in the pool with them, I know just how ignorant and hateful you right wingers are. Stupid and brainwashed.

All that you know, all that you are capable of us hate and fear.

Diversity, equity, inclusion , Critical Race theory, boo, makes you shit your pants.

Blacks may be equal to whites, women have a choice over their own health care decisions and aren't domestic and sexual servants of the King of the Castle. heart attack time.

The very idea that people who have schemed and scammed their way to acquiring wealth and power,by trodding over those who actually made them wealthy and powerful, should pay their fair share of the taxes to maintain the conveniences, the necessities that made them rich and powerful.

Hour a tool and a fool George. You vote against your own self interests because your feeble mind is full of hate and fear

Yep I am a progressive leftie now, ass wipe, what are you going to do about it, go bay at the moon..

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So angry Billy, be careful you know that those MRNA jabs cause blood clots. Getting your heart rate up is not good for an old man like yourself. You keep projecting your ignorance and hatred on others. It makes me wonder who hurt you so bad. I will pray for you to have peace in your heart. P.S. careful with those jabs. The people who say they are safe and effective are the same ones who told you that Biden is as sharp as a tack.

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How interesting you take logical comments for anger, and then lash out in hostility. And then accuse me of projecting hostility, anger and ignorance.

Well they do say the best defense is an attack. I answered your comment with reason and you come back to me in hostility and anger.

Something is going on inside that head of yours.

I know enough about people that when they are presented with an argument or facts that conflict with their own recall of reality, their response is to lash out at the source of their pain.

You display more about yourself than you realize in that jab at Biden.

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The dictator that I can see will be Kamala Harris. Trump is by no means a dictator. He didn't run his first presidency as a dictator but everything Kamala is talking about. Sure. Sounds like she wants to be one

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Get out of here troll.

Project 2025, which Trump has embraced requries a dictator.

Trump has said he will be a dictator.

Kamala cannot do anything without the advice and consent of Congress.

Trump has said he doesn't care about congress in essence he will rule by fiat.

I've warned readers of this substack , that as we get closer to Nov 5th, the Trump trolls like start showing up in droves.

The only way to keep them out is by making subscription a requirement to comment.

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And again that wonderful tolerance from the left. I don't have to agree with you and I don't have to like what you believe in but I tolerate it. I can speak my mind because it's a free country and until Tim Walz gets in office I still have a right to freedom of speech which he doesn't agree with. And I know this because I lived in Minnesota while he was governor. You think you know everything you don't

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To quote Robin: "Until Tim Walz gets in office I still have to right to freedom of speech"..

There you go you just gave yourself away. Thanks, I appreciate it. A right wing troll, who is it you champion, RFK, Jill Stein, Putin

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It’s people like you who are the reason why we have Trump. Trump was elected as a big middle finger to you and the rest of the establishment. You think you know what is best for everyone. So much so that you are willing to subvert democracy to achieve your party’s agenda. If you’re not willing to admit that you will elect him again.

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You have no fucking idea what you are talking about, you are simply lashing out. You are just another fascist .If anything a Putin surrogate.

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You know people like you and the left talk about how the right is so violent and they're hateful and everything. But that's all I hear you spewing right now is hatred and nastiness. I bet you. If you could touch me right now you would hit me. That's what I think of the left because that's what they portray

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I just noticed,your name Thiessen is an alternate spelling of Thyssen, and that evokes Fritz Thyssen, the man who financed Hitler and profited off slave labor.

Relative? Seems like.

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Ah, all you hear is hatefulness and everything. Gees, I'm sorry I should wrap my arms around, embrace and kiss those who would destroy me. I got you. I see the error of my ways.

No I wouldn't hit you, you are not worth the expenditure of my energy, probably just some 400 pound lonely old man sitting behind a keyboard.

I am who I am, and I have no patience anymore for stupidity, and assholes. Especially when democracy is on the line

Say of me what you wish, I don't care. You don't pay my bills, nurture me when I'm hurt, cuddle with me at night.

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You are silly and making comments without facts.

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Pot, meet kettle

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Your comments make no sense. If you have something intelligent to write please do so otherwise, find another thread for rants.

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You didn't vote for Hillary? Way to go! She didn't ruin her life. She's living a great life. She and Bill are the guests of Kings, Queens and World leaders. You're like me... Take a date to Sizzler with a buy one get one 50% off coupon. You've been Ginzburned. Go away, troll.

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She's living a great life while the bankers and elite "handmaid's commander's wives do to"

You're crazy bunch of elite democrats that don't actually give a darn about facts.

If trump wins - it's YOUR fault for not listening to the facts

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Actually Janet, based on your original post, it is you and those like you that are responsible for the fact that Trump was President and might be President again.

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Oh, I am totally responsible? wow... I had no idea we had so much power !!

In that case, get some facts about the real power brokers playing this group.

Reference - William Bill Black The Best Way To Rob a Bank is to Own One TheCon.tv

Listen to Dr. Reich - you all are not talking issues. And if I see Hillary Clinton on the stage again without Monica and her daughter to stand up for women together - I don't care.

Pretty sure 99% of our lives are controlled by wall street. We are just pawns. At least I have the awareness of it.

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Nobody said you as an individual was totally responsible. 🙄 You collectively who couldn’t vote for a woman because she what? Wasn’t perfect? ARE responsible for TFG being POTUS, especially those who lived in swing states.

So you believe 99% of our lives are controlled by Wall St. With this belief, you voted for TFG? Who we knew in 2016 had refused to honor contracts, resulting in small business failures? Who filed bankruptcy how many times? Doing so works against your best interests - assuming you would prefer Wall St not control your life.

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When the Monica Lewinsky story first broke, I fully expected Hillary and Bill to split up and was disappointed that Hillary stayed with her husband, despite the scandal. Now, as part of a very long-term marriage myself, I have come to understand that Hillary is a fine example of a strong woman who knows who she is; Moreover, she knows who her husband is-a great mind and a part-time philanderer. She knows the many advantages of their couplehood, both personal and political. For Bill, Monica Lewinsky was just one of multiple passing fancies but Hillary, as his wife, is a part of him that only each of them understands and accepts. When you first marry someone, only time and circumstances allow you to understand them and strengthen the relationship. But unless physical or mental abuse is involved, divorce can be the cowards’ way out.

By the way, I greatly admire Hillary Clinton and was lucky enough to meet her when she campaigned in my city. I campaign heavily for her. And was sorely saddened when she lost to the Trump freak. This country lost a powerful opportunity at that time, and I wish Kamala all the good fortune she deserves and much strength in taking the helm of our country.

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Did anyone you what you wanted? How about sticking to the topic instead of attempting to turn it into your personal whine-fest?

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You keep name calling and you are afraid of the truth. So - ya. I will stick around and correct misinformation.

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She acted appropriately as a woman whose husband was having an affair with another woman. Monica knew what she was doing, she knew Bill was married. And you have no right to dictate whether Hillary should leave Bill or not. You simply don't know what was the state of their marriage and neither do I. I don't judge that. I didn't blame Monica either. As far as "dusting" her life, she's done fine. She's turned into a terrific woman who owns herself.

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So did Bill forget that he was married?

The "sad" part of all of this is women trashing her. No wonder her mother had her on suicide watch - look at how this crowd has treated me today?

I've blocked every single cussing and bully reply.

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Interesting. But seriously none of your business.

Why has no one asked Melania why she never left HER husband??

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It is when it's a public office. Yes, people are asking it

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Janet, The people you are trolling for, the oil anointed ones perhaps?

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who are you trolling for? Are you a russian troll?

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Really? Any public evidence?

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you've offered nothing to this conversation as well - chaos ?

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So you didn't vote for HRC and we got Trump instead. Not a very helpful strategy, imho.

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no better than yours. We hav a climate crisis for decades - out of control prices - bankers own the country.

So - what's your strategy ? More of the same?

Bringing out Hillary to talk about women's rights was not the best move. That was the strategy?

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and so you voted for Trump?

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Why the hell do you think I would be a trumper?

eye roll - but that doesn't mean the Dems don't deserve some critique considering President Obama left the republicans in the same positions they had under Bush.

Do you really think there is a fundamental difference between these parties??

bernie say - they are flip sides of the same coin.

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Hillary made her choices too. She could have picked up her suitcase taken her daughter by the hand and taught her that this behavior is not acceptable.

Trump is the ONLy other choice. Who set that up? The elites of both parties. Now the (White Trash) by Nancy Isenberg is upset because of forced choice? Trump or Kamala. Well. I don't have a democracy anyway to lose quite frankly.

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Aaand THERE it is...Janet doesn't believe we have a democracy fit to be called such, so why bother making a choice? None of them will be perfect enough for people who maintain high moral standards.

This debate reminds me of a scene from "Hill Street Blues", when Belker (the scuzzy-looking detective) goes undercover in a corner grocery store to catch a crook, and instead catches an older lady shopper who has been picking up whole chickens from the meat case and sniffing their hind ends - presumably, checking for freshness. And Belker says something like: "Madam, do you think you could pass that test?"

Put another way, could ANY politician pass muster if we performed a "smell test" on all their private doings? My guess is the only people who could ever be elected were the very able liars and the occasional saint.

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There's a lovely, witty, and insightful novel by Gabrielle Zevin that riffs on power, sex, politics, etc. It's called YOUNG JANE YOUNG, and I recommend it.

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Oh really? Please send the link and the publisher. Is it on Amazon???

Otherwise, your wit needs more practice. If you have something intelligent to add (which by this point there hasn't been any - you sound like a bunch of trumpers) - please find some other thread to vent your anger

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The strong reaction has surprised me. If the Dems want to beat trump (no I'm not a trumper), then perhaps this topic deserves some real conversations about the role of women in society. Why men cheat? Why women stay or don't? Why men can be kind and others abusive controlling people?

I suggest the Dems just stick to the issues of the economy, housing, price gouging monopoly on wall street. Hillary - no, it's not your fault Bill cheated. He is (and should be ) more responsible for the position he was trusted with. I don't find it helpful to see her on the stage about women's rights considering everything. I turned it off. The union guy was awesome. The 32 hour work week is awesome. Bernie Sanders is the one I want to hear from - AOC did a great job. Hillary is retired. Please stop reminding us of the past and move forward with other speakers / people in position to affect our daily lives.

Cheers! Thanks for the comments :)

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Just to reply all - I "hate my own sex". I think you need to go to therapy - not take it out on me for telling the truth. Women endured this and much more for 100 years to "earn the right" to vote.

We still have a long ways to go - don't we. We want fairness, equality, and respect.

I have to laugh at the next comment - "no one on here agrees with you". First of all let me correct your critical thinking skills. You are not "everyone". Many people do not comment on here but only read comments. That is a common gas lighting technique to shut people up from telling the truth.

I'm a troll? Again gas lighting from self help psychology books - huh?

Well, you are not succeeding in winning any debates on here because the facts are. Bill hurt Hillary and then lied about it. Is it impeachable. I don't think so. But look at the damage he did. He hurt his wife, his daughter, and Monica. Hillary didn't have the support to walk out - did she ? Or , perhaps she didn't think she had it. Either way, it's time to retire the Clintons and sure as hell am not going to watch her at the DNC preach women's rights unless she brings Monica and her daughter out to the podium with her.

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I couldn't vote for Hillary in 2016 knowing what we knew about her. Given the fact that she WON ANYWAY, I have zero regrets voting for Sen Sanders. (I HONESTLY thought Americans were smart enough to vote for him. Egg on my face!)

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Me 2. I voted for Bernie Sanders. I had with the Clintons and yet the Dems drag them out every single time. Then I endure name calling by elite wealthy Dems who care about democracy while the rest of the people care about jobs, housing, etc.

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Well there’s a stunning view.

Since when is caring about democracy incompatible with caring about individual needs such as jobs and housing??

I and those I know care about both.

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Well, it doesn't sound like it from your nasty comments towards me.

You don't sound like a "caring individual " at all. And your name is Chaos?

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There are too many comments and substack's software does't always operate well.

So ladies, how many of your husbands have cheated? How many stayed? What message does that send? Trump is horrible and why does his wife tolerate it? The same reasons and excuses women have been giving males for centuries.

When does it change? Both parties should be held accountable.

I can see the name calling and bullying isn't limited to the trump crowd.

While we all argue - the wall street oligarchs are laughing @ the bank.


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Beautiful. :`)

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I looked up Kamala Harris so called helping homeowners with a bank settlement - only a few got a $1200 check. Much of the money went back to the banks to pay off the short sales. In other words - appraisal fraud won again.

References for intelligent people who want to read facts - William Bill Black - The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One cliff notes version - TheCon.tv Bill has many interviews (Bill Moyes) and lectures Harvard.

I can tell you. Will this administration do much? I'm doubting it. Because Building millions of housing and 25K for new homeowners instead of cancelling student loan debt will just lead to the next "trump" figure.

I'll mute the thread. The wealthy democracies will insist it's about saving democracy instead of the middle class - #PutBankerInJail #CancelStudentLoans

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I guess you missed that SCOTUS stopped the student loan cancellations. And unlike the US, California took on the big banks. Give Kamala a break!

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took on big banks? $1200 for a few homeowners and they stole the houses anyway.

You have a law degree - Did you look up William Bill Black, Phd, Lawyer, former bank regulator??

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WTF are you even talking about. Kamala is VP and hasn't signed any legislation.

You are either stupid or a troll.

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There has been no student loan cancellations because of Biden. President Biden can fire Mohela who had no standing in court. He didn't use the best legal authority (executive order) and instead used a weak opportunity to appear to cancel it without canceling it.

The teachers union is now suing Mohela for egregious breaches of contract.

Hey - if you want to hear legal arguments and the reality of student loan debt - check out the Debt Collective ;)


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You're nuts. The Department of Education asked the Supreme Court last Tuesday to lift a sweeping new block on Biden’s student loan repayment plan that aims to slash monthly payments and quicken the path to loan forgiveness.

The request puts fresh pressure on the justices to step into the politically fraught issue of student loan forgiveness a little over a year after the conservative majority struck down Biden’s earlier debt forgiveness plan.

Meanwhile he's still working on it. https://www.businessinsider.com/student-loan-borrowers-expect-more-debt-cancellation-zients-biden-relief-2024-8

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Daniel, Janet gets all feisty early in the morning when Prof Reich posts, but after a few hours, she becomes increasingly incoherent and eventually winds down. It is a pattern that never varies. Just let her run her course.

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Maybe she’s a day drinker? That could explain a lot!

(I always say, “don’t feed the trolls” but trolling the trolls is fine by me!)

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Dear Mr. Woozie,

That's your name? Maybe it's appropriate. Your name calling starts and gaslighting because you have no facts. You're going to lose if you don't listen to me. Maybe not now, maybe in the short future.

So sorry to disturb your morning with the truth - it hurts doesn't it?

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Your'e nuts Daniel. You're a judge and you can't see the facts right in front of you?

Mohela has NO STANDING. He's "working on it".

Are you so desperate to keep your elite democratic status that you refuse to see facts? What kind of a lawyer are you?

If trump wins, you'll lose your precious democracy because of your actions - I don't have a "democracy" anyway.

So much for "data".

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WTF are you talking about Janet, Biden is not running for President. You have issues or your a Trump troll.

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If you think I'm the troll - you have no analysis skills. If you took my comments to heart and listened - which you seem not able to do - you would win with Kamala by a landslide. As it stands, you're just a republican in sheep's clothes

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Janet: You are campaigning for Trump, quite obvious.

Muting a thread? WTF are you nuts. You can't mute a thread. What the hell is muting a thread anyway,.

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I looked up Kamala Harris so called helping homeowners with a bank settlement - only a few got a $1200 check. Much of the money went back to the banks to pay off the short sales. In other words - appraisal fraud won again.

References for intelligent people who want to read facts - William Bill Black - The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One cliff notes version - TheCon.tv Bill has many interviews (Bill Moyes) and lectures Harvard.

I can tell you. Will this administration do much? I'm doubting it. Because Building millions of housing and 25K for new homeowners instead of cancelling student loan debt will just lead to the next "trump" figure.

I'll mute this thread. Because every time I offer this cirque - here comes the name calling and the calls to "save democracy".....

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Please mute it and yourself.

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The truth hurts doesn't it? You can't handle the truth and it's that the working class has an education and see right through it.

Why doesn't the Dems live up to the morals that the critic Trump for not having?

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Ah, we got it now, a Trump troll.

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“That the critic Trump for not having” grammar check is a beautiful thing, Jenny. You should try it.

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You should stay on topic because facts hurt don't they? Auto correct is an issue as well as your insistence that Hillary did the right thing .

Yet - you would critique Trump for all of his cheating - why would his wife stay with him??

What a hypocrite. Are you staying with your husband and feeling guilty about it?

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Take your own advice, you went off topic with your first trolling post Janet. Auto correct, corrects spelling, not grammar. Instead of critic you should have written criticize

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Janet WTF are you talking about here: " I looked up Kamala Harris so called helping homeowners with a bank settlement - only a few got a $1200 check. Much of the money went back to the banks to pay off the short sales. In other words - appraisal fraud won again."

She is the VP and has no power, can not and did not sign any EO or legislation. You have definitely gone off the cliff.

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So you are saying that Trump is a better choice?

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There is no choice here - is there

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So your voting for Trump then, Janet?

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After calling me names - you expect what? As you see from here - this is WHY people get fed up and don't vote.

If trump wins, the democracy is officially over. However, I think we're all tired of the resemblance of democracy from the Dems. Can you not see that?

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Both parties prevent choice with lawsuits. The "facts" that Dems want to shout all of the time.

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Yep Janet is a Trump troll.

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Then you will lose democracy for all of us. Clearly, you answer every comment with name calling.

Don't disagree on here Dems. They can't handle it.

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Janet, you said "you will lose democracy for us" which was, I think, in response to being name-called.

Name-calling isn't a very productive use of time, but I would not say it is a democracy-destroying activity.

A small point: you said earlier "Both parties prevent choice with lawsuits. The "facts" that Dems want to shout all of the time."

This is the way things work in our political system -- we take disagreements to court. The principle is that, "truth" can be distilled through the back and forth of logical argument and reference to established law and procedure. KInda sorta like what we do here in the comments section, but with fewer guardrails.

Anyway, it's better than duking out your differences in the parking lot.

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So stop barking and tell us what YOU will do to make the system perfect! GH

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RemovedAug 20
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Comedy gold, just because you are a one trick pony, doesn't mean that every one else is as well.

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Thank you for your topical comment, however the day-drinker substack has been moved. Please look for it elsewhere. Have a nice day!

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You can't answer facts can you? Maybe you'll grow up and leave the playground some day? Please move on and take your trashy "drinking" comments with you.

Your husband cheated on you didn't he?

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You poor poor bored lady - if this is all that you have to do all morning then you must not have a life. You've spent all these years feeling sorry for Monica - get a life lady. There are so much better things you can be doing in the world than living in the past and spending all morning spewing your grudges.

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RemovedAug 20·edited Aug 20
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Tom High gets his information from Russia Today. His link to Caitlin Johnstone is to a person who gets $6,000 a month from an unknown source, and has dozens of articles published by Russia today, and she is not the only one that has a pro Putin slant, He also post links to Robert Schmeer another Putin "admirer".

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RemovedAug 20
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I shoot the messenger whenit is a Putin apologist, yes I do.

As regards Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky and other old time Marxists. I was a fan, up to the moment, that they became Putin apologists and defenders.

They can't help it, old time Marxists have an affection for Russia, and haven't come to grips with the fact that it is a capitalist paradise.

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Read White Trash by Nancy Isenberg - there was never a democracy in this country. It's run by poor aristocrats who didn't like the king.

Bernie Sander is an answer. The Dems shoved him aside and pushed Biden in. Now, they want to push Biden out. I do feel for the guy.

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They had no choice Janet. If Biden didn't step down, then we would have had Trump and the end of this democracy which you claim to care about.

At least with Kamala we have the chance of staving off the right wing dictatorship which you seem to prefer.

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Then push Hillary and Bill to retirement. Put Bernie Sanders up there instead.

I'm NOT going to sit there and watch Hillary champion women's rights. Not after they both scape coated Monica (who was in her daughter's age group) not stand up for her and her daughter by leaving.

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I too like Bernie's ideas, but he is an independent, not a DEM. They didn't push him aside, he wasn't on their TEAM to start with. He actually stared out as a Republican, then became an Independent if I remember correctly. They also know, as we all have to admit, Bernie, Jill or any other "third" party person will never get elected president in this country with our two party system. The Electoral College makes it even worse. Thank you founding fathers. So it seems to me we have several choices;

-vote for the lessor of two evils, DEMS, and hope for the best

-vote for T and lose all hope

-vote third party and actually throw your vote away

-don't vote at all and then one doesn't have any room to complain

-move to another country where you think they have a better system

Janet and Tom, what will you do on Nov. 5th?

Everything else aside, I'm voting for the DEMs to keep my SS and Medicare out of the hands of the GOP ad their Wall Street friends.

It isn't that I don't care about all the other things. I do, but for sure T and his version of the new GOP is the worst thing for our country and the planet. Vote Blue. Cheers... GH

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Don’t let the mute button hit you in the ass on your way out.

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Narrator: Janet Adams did not mute the thread.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Robert Reich


Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

3:57 AM (0 minutes ago)

During the Democratic convention Jill Biden gave a moving assessment which assigned accolades to Joe's accomplishments that he earned as President of this country. She was fresh and upbeat about the prospects for our future. The two have shared in a relationship that nurtured itself through a marriage that has lasted for almost 50 years and still the love and admiration they have for each other shines like the sun on a summer's day. I hear all that she had to say and yet I wonder why Melania remains in the wings as Trump's influence wanes. Maybe she just doesn't have anything nice to say about the man who purchased her. The difference in the two men can be seen in the way they treat women. Joe finds compassion and trust as essential components in any relationship with a woman while Trump finds little use for them other than the time when they find themselves on their backs. The Muslims detest Trump, as well they should, for the man is a true "Pig."

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How wonderful that your granddaughter will witness the first woman president in this country.

I’m sure it’ll happen.

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I wish I could share your optimism. However, at this point in 2016, Hillary was far ahead. Plus, Kennedy is polling far ahead of Stein's 2016 numbers. The polls are currently within the margin of error. I'm optimistic, but anything can happen and "the only poll that counts is on Election Day."

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Hi Danny,

I think that Kennedy is more of a problem for Trump than Harris. Kennedy is on the conspiracy/crazy side but less crazy than Trump so I don’t really consider him a factor.

In 2016 Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.9 million votes. The problem was the electoral college. That

is not a mistake the Democrats will make again.

I understand your skepticism but Trump was a novelty in 2016, he got the “oh he’s a businessman and he’s rich I’ll vote for him!” vote.

Yes he has his cult, they’ll vote for him no matter what. But there are also the Republicans who voted for him who are in the fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me camp.

Now we have a woman who will restore women’s rights that Trump stole from them. So let JD go on about miserable cat ladies who don’t have children, and people who have children should get more votes. it sounds a lot like the Republican Party”s platform is women are meant to be breeders and housewives who should shut up and stay in an abusive marriage.

This is not the fifties and this is not 2016. This is the year when we finally elect a woman to lead our government and save our democracy from the radical right who want to push the country backwards.

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Good morning.

I think another part of Hillary’s loss was she didn’t campaign well. Her ground game wasn’t good ( trust me, it’s taken some time for my broken heart to heal from that).

Lessons have been learned. When you only have a limited amount of time to make your case, you tend to use that time wisely.

All gas, no brakes. Harris/Walz 2024 💙

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I hope you're right, but it's not a done deal. Yes, the EC was a factor. I don't know how the DNC can change the math, other than visiting WI.

Kennedy didn't protest the RNC. He rails on the Democrats. He's probably protesting in Chicago.

If he takes more D's or R's is debatable. One, Kennedys are famous Democrats. Two, Republicans hate all Kennedy's. Right wing radio still talks about Teddy and Mary Jo.


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Hi Danny...

The EC was the only factor in Hillary losing. She beat T by about 3 million popular votes. In any normal country that would be landslide win but not here. I does prove that a woman can be elected president here, but I do agree she didn't make the right decisions in the "swing" states. Damn, I hate that term! Cheers... GH

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Susan, it isn't necessarily RFK jr that worries me, See my post and the stats, that I posted to Danny.

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In 2016, many people were so certain the creepy, ridiculous goofball pseudo-star was going to lose that many just didn't vote. Why bother, they may have asked themselves.

Today we know better. We're in it to WIN it!!

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Make it happen. Register more Democrats. Blue wave, blue tsunami.


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This time Comey won’t open a needless and stupid investigation that broke Hilary’s momentum!

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We can thank The NY Times, in great part, for that.

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I sincerely hope there is a special corner of hell for that man.

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Only YOU can save democracy, vote Kamala Harris/Walz.

And HELP get more voters out to Vote!

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Danny: Kennedy, Stein and Libertarian voters don't matter in Red States, only in Swing states. Georgia and North Carolina could have been swing states, but the Republican legislatures have passed voter suppression laws, and Georgia just gave election commissioners the power to hold back all ballets if Kamala wins that district.

The real concern are the Swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Kentucky.

Here are the 2020 swing state results. If Jill Stein voters, RFK Voters, Muslims and blacks follow through Trump will win and Democracy dies

makes 239, 598 people who didn't vote for Biden

There are 241,828 Muslims in Michigan and .1.364 million blacks atotal of 1,608,000 blacks and Muslims

Biden beat Trump in Pennsylvania by 80.855 votes, there were 29, 380 third party votes, that makes 109,935 people who didn't vote for Biden

There are149,561 Muslims in Pennslyvania and 1.408 million blacks a total of 1,807, 561 blacks and Muslims

Biden beat Trump in Wisconsin by 20,682 votes, there were 56,991 third party votes, that makes 77,693 votes people who didn't vote for Biden

There are 68.699 Muslims in Wisconsin and 363.331 blacks a total of 370,530 blacks and Muslims

Halve the blacks and Muslim totals for people not of voting age and who did not vote

and you have 804,000 Muslim and black voters in Michigan and 239, 598 votes that Biden didn't get in 2020

and you have 903,780 Muslim and black votes in Pennsylvania and 109,935 people who didn't vote for Biden in 2020

And you have 185,265 Muslim and Black Votes in Wisconsin and 77.693 people who did't vote for Trump

Why do I mention the Muslim and black votes? Because Muslims have said that they aren't going to vote for Biden because of Israel/Gaza

And young black have said the same because of Israel/Gaza and because they haven't got all they wanted and expected; https://www.nationalreview.com/news/biden-faces-waning-support-for-reelection-among-black-men-poll/

Then there are the Jill Stein and RFK Jr voters.

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I know the 3rd party candidates do not matter except in the swing states. I think you meant to write Ohio instead of KY. No doubt,the swing states will decide the election.

Your "Biden beat Trump in WI..." numbers don't make sense because Biden won by 20,682 (of all make-ups). What's significant about WI is that 3rd party candidates were more than Biden's slim margin of victory, so they have the potential* to swing the vote.

I am very aware of Biden's (Democrats) problem with Muslim voters. In fact, I had been a staunch supporter for Biden until I realized that Biden cannot win because of Gaza and possibility that Netty will attack Hamas in Iran in October and make gas prices soar. In fact, I wrote here that the Gaza issue is why Biden should step down. I added that it's really not fair to blame Biden for Gaza. However, people wrongly do blame Buden instead of Netty and Hamas and Netty could pull off an October surprise by further destabilizing the Middle East causing gas prices to soar and cause inflation to come roaring back. I argued another candidate does not have the Gaza baggage that Biden has because the buck stops with the President.

Now then... Just an hour ago, CBS interviewed 3 AA and Muslim voters in MI. They said they were more likely to support VP Harris because she seemed* to have more empathy for Gaza. They are still on the fence. No doubt, VP Harris is well aware of this sticky matter. I believe she will thread the needle by showing empathy and not alienating the Jewish community and AIPAC.

I suspect it is nearly impossible to show empathy for Gaza without alienating AIPAC. The support of the Jewish community and Muslims is the best she can do, IMO. In fact, here I recommended that Biden say he's not for a side; he's for peace as a matter of principle.

The real battle that is unfold is AIPAC versus the Jewish community. I have confidence that the Jewish community will tell AIPAC to get lost because they are fair-minded and support peace and justice as a matter of principle. I have confidence that J Street and Justice Democrats will take a stand for justice, as they did for Rep. Cori Bush.

The Cori Bush Primary is where the rubber has already hit the road. AIPAC defeated Bush. Most people have no idea how bad political advertising will get, unless they saw what happened in St. Louis. Every commercial break showed two ads against Bush. One was from AIPAC and the other was from Bell. This went on for weeks. Sometimes, all 3 commercials during a commercial break were anti-Bush. This went on non-stop for nearly a month. I've never seen anything remotely like it. The final spending numbers have not come out yet, but was has been revealed is appealing for campaign spending.

No then... While I want to be optimistic for VP Harris and Gov. Walz, I suspect that AIPAC and other groups will unleash very slick ads non-stop attacking Harris and Walz in swing states and swing districts. Given the Bush vs. Bell primary, I suspect that all campaign ad spending records will be smashed. (The PA Senate race cost about $375 million.) I expect the pro-Trump ads to exacerbate the Gaza crisis, corporate greed driven inflation, and immigration issues on the border.

Buckle up, because things are about to get dirty, IMO. The Ghost of Lee Atwater and the Swift boats are about to rise from the Dead for Halloween.

This outrageous campaign spending situation is why I recommended that Biden make an out-going appeal to warn Americans about the danger to democracy by unlimited campaign spending, in the same way that Eisenhower warned Americans about the growing Military Industrial Complex.

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I meant to write Wisonsin, why in the hell did I write Kentucky. Ohio seems to be a lost cause, once blue color Democrat it went Republican when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and GATT, truth is, he is the reason that the Great Lakes are Swing States., He screwed the goose, but was richly reward with the gift of the Clinton Global Initiative.

I am not responsible for whether or not the Wisconsin figures make sense

This is the source: https://www.cookpolitical.com/vote-tracker/2020/electoral-college

My figures took and take into account, third party voters, especially RFK and Jill Stein, a vote for them is a vote for Trump

My opinion of AIPAC is that they are just as bad as CAIR. I thoroughly dislike and hold in disgust any and all religious organizations, they are all political, and in that regards exclusioary, bigoted, anti democratic and anti liberty..

Be it Dominionsism, Opus Dei, NAR, AIPAC, CAIR, fuck them all.

AIPACwon't unleash ads against Kamala, they are not stupid and they know that will play into Trump's hands. You saw it on TV yourself, Muslims are ready to elect Trump by playing the wait and see game, and using their votes to blackmail Kamala.

Stupid assholes, because if they do, that will elect Trump and then they will be very regretful. Trump has said he will deport them ,and Project 2025 and Agenda 47 are his tools, and we know now, that the Constitution be damned, so sez SCOTUS.

Here is what pisses me off,to no end, liberal Democrats are suckersfor a sob story. Arab oil money,has been sending their students to American universities for years, and have financed professors and chairs, they have more influence on campus and even in the media than the Jews

Rupert Murdoch was hauled over the coals for complaining that the Jewish owners of American media didn't support Israel. And it is true, the likes of Brian l. Roberts, Robert Iger, Ochs Sulzberg, the Newhouse family, the Redstone family own the major shares if not the entire corporation of the print and TV media. Ruperts error was reinforcing the trope that the Jews control the media.

Well if the do,they are doing a shit poor job of it

Here is one for you. The Jared Kisihner owned paper,the Observor, ran some times back an article about the power Jew organization the Algemeiner, celebrating 100 Power Jews at a Manhattan gala,and among them was Ivanka Trump,Rupert Murdoch and Vladimir Putin. https://observer.com/2016/03/algemeiner-celebrates-power-jews-at-packed-manhattan-gala/

Yet these power Jews are down playing the genocide in Ukraine, for the war in Gaza.

Ptherwise you and I are on the same page. I just see some things a little differently, but no biggy, not worth a fight.

And no I am not antisemitic, gawd I hate that word it is a rotten construct and problematic, because it is fiction based, and includes northern Arabs.

There was no Noah, Sumerian Utnapishtim, thus no Shem, no Abraham, the great grandfather of Isaac (patriarch of Jews) and Ishmael (Patriarchof Arabs)

Neither Arab or Jew are a race or religion. Jew is an identity based on traditin, Arab and identity based on native tongue.

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I told you, just yesterday, won't be a problem. Moslem Democratic candidates.

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I just saw a CBS segment that interviewed MI youth who said they were not going to vote for Biden, but they are open to Harris. This group is very susceptible to memes and social media. When the margin of victory could be less than 1%, anything is possible.

Do we really trust that Musk won't amplify certain ads? Do we trust that Russia won't exploit the FB algorithm with a bot farm to amplify pro-trump, anti-Harris messaging and memes? I think the possibility exists that they (Trump, Russians and far right wing groups) will do a whole bag of dirty cyber tricks.

In fact, just the other day my YouTube feed went from viewing Pink and late night talk shows to some obscure Republican African American. That's not a coincidence. That's a planned cyber hack of democracy to favor a right-wing agenda.

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Didn't T recently get indited for election interference after the election? Isn't Musk interfering with the voting before the election? What's the difference? AG Garland needs to get on the ball here. Or, Joe can do his greatest service to our country by finally declaring Musk and the Murdoch clan a clear and present danger to the republic. Revoke their citizenship and deport them to their home countries without trial. They can sue him from there. Oh no... that won't get them anywhere. Our Supreme Court says anything a President does in line with his job isn't illegal? Go Joe!

Cheers... GH

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A couple of Moslem Democratic candidates means nothing Daniel.

The Ummah has stated that they intend to sit out the election unless Biden,now Harris embrades HAMAS.

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Truer words were never spoken, Donald! Excellent!

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Donald, thanks for the chuckle, even if you didn't mean it to be humorous. It shines a different, brighter light on Trump and finds him truly wanting, a figure with nothing to offer anyone, ever!

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Melania hates the whole political scene, Washington DC, and everything that goes with it. She said that if DT is elected again, she will not go to DC with him.

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Can you share the source and quote? It sounds scandalous for a 1st Lady to not live in the WH.

It's not like Green Acres... "I just adore a penthouse view. Donald I love you but give me Park Avenue." But she she does sound like Zsa Zsa Gabor.

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Riveting as always RR!!!! Thanks for your heart mind Sense & Sanity during Dark Days recently especially you are my go-to for insights & intelligence with heart

/head &: soul!!!! Love ya' Man !!!!

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Ronald, I agree and always find this thread filled with insights from Prof. Reich and the many participants here.

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Oh, what a night! I cried, I laughed, I cried some more! What a great start to the Democratic Convention! I enjoyed reading about you taking your son to the 1996 Convention, Professor Reich! I was singing 'Happy Days are Here Again!' This morning, I find I have a renewed energy even though I was already energized and excited. As I continue to watch the festivities, I am sure my excitement will continue to grow! I would hope Democrats all over this country will work so very hard to win this one for Joe! For me, he was one of the absolute best presidents in my lifetime! Vote Blue, America!!

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RemovedAug 20·edited Aug 20
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Tom... many good points. Nobody wants to see people killed, anywhere. But, that has been the human condition for thousands of years. Killing each other for the most insane reasons. So what are you going to do about Gaza" Cheers... GH

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Professor Reich: as an 18 year old, i was elected to be the democratic delegate to the state caucus, which is, as i recall, a stepping stone to the national convention. sadly, i was working my arse off at the time to earn enough money for college tuition, so could not attend. i still regret that, to this day. however, i also would have regretted not attending college since that was probably my only chance to get started.

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Hard choices for someone whose promise was clear from an early age.

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You made the right choice. Good for you!

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Girl Scientist, what a tough decision. It looks like the college choice was a good one for you. The problem for me is that I can't see on the other side of tough decisions like those you had to make and don't really know whether what I chose was the best choice. However, somehow, so many do work out,! Amazing!

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Thank you for this peek into the three faces of politics, and your son and granddaughter. My granddaughter is almost two years old; and she will most likely be feisty at 15 ; because she is now. I hope she will live in a country ruled with Democratic principles, and that she cares about these principles.

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My best wishes to your granddaughter, and to all grandchildren. Our oil addiction will follow them like a curse.

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Nice column today. How cool your son went to the Democratic Convention and now your granddaughter.

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Thank you Professor Reich, I just love this & what an amazing story of your adorable son. What joy, his questions and your answers (smiling as I read) This was so great (your next book maybe) Thank you

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Here’s to all the feisty young women!!!

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Susan--If you ask me, it's been long overdue. Kamala will be a breath of fresh air.

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Charming. Your son is probably so proud of you.

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❤️ I love your son!!! ❤️

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I love these kinds of posts, they lighten the mood in a very tumultuous (but hopeful) time.

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Today’s smile. Thank you.

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Love this! I hope we see your granddaughter in service to our country when the time is right, following in your footsteps!

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