At least it’s not scrambled. You have to be pretty hard-boiled to take these attacks. It just shows, Robert, that you’ve ruffled some feathers.

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Fox is a sewage pit of character assassination and disinformation.

In my view, being attacked by this sleazy purveyor of lies and journalistic malfeasance, conveys upon the attacked the gold standard of truth-telling.

Thank you, Dr. Reich, for defending average Americans against the tremendous greed of corporate America.

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Very clever eggsposure of how big money takes advantage by turning a crisis into an opportunity for them.

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The more we allow this behavior of the greedy, the worse it will get! Are there any Mature Adults in our country we can elect to replace our Kindergarten Congress? These children that “stand back and stand by” without correcting this corruption are destroying our country!

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Your analysis is right on. The confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs for short) dominate the entire meat, pork, poultry including egg, industry. It is not really farming anymore. In fact farmers have little control since the companies dictate almost every step of the production operation, except the part where they are exposed to maximum risk. That falls on what is left of the tiny slice of farmer sovereignty, raising the animal. So if avian flu hits, the costs fall mainly on the farmer, but the corporation can still raise prices using supply and demand as an excuse.

The truth is, if you really want a tasty egg, buy one directly from a farmer who allows their chickens to eat grass and bugs. The nutrition level in these eggs is higher, the price is reasonable, and you have a relationship with the neighbor who farms. The pasty pale yellow yoke is on the corporation - if you do not buy it, they lose.

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A great thought-piece, Robert.

The facts have been laid out nicely. By including the historical precedence of the egg industry’s pricing-tactics, and providing the detailed specifics of their price-gouging, you present an air-tight argument.

I learned something today with this, and I thank you!

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Yeah, Fox likes to whisk themselves into a froth over any accusation of corporate greed. They protect the bad eggs who poach our meager earnings. Thank you for clarifying which came first, the gouging or the inflation.

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Interestingly, from a quick scan of the USDA Ag Market Service (AMS) reports on eggs, it appears that the FOB producer prices are declining while store prices are increasing. This seems to be true in the U.S. and Canada. Why is Faux News not quoting an agricultural market analyst on producer vs. retail prices?

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Robert You are a true American

You are truthful with intelligence You are looking after us. Please don’t go away. We need you

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How close to being a monopoly is Murdoch's news business? Fox such a slovenly production, there must be some way to break it up.

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Eggactly what I thought. The price per dozen is not what it's cracked up to be.

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Eggsellant report, Robert.

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Couldn't agree more:

"When it comes to the corporate monopolization of eggs — or of anything else — the American public shouldn’t go over easy."

And now is a good time to go vegan rather than scramble for all those over-priced eggs.

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The yokes on da fox. The truth only sets us free.

But da fox is bound forever by their own lies.

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Professor, I’ve meant to tell you for some time, more so than most other Substacks, that yours has inspired me to start compiling a list of news stories of economic and social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported, or seemingly self-censored by the country’s major national news media.

Regrettably, I expect the list of stories people in high places don’t want told to grow exponentially.

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So Fox News says “Robert Reich is a former Clinton official and far-left academic who is often critical of capitalism.” Sounds like a compliment to me. You are one of the few people even mentioning the "greed" component in all of this price gouging. Keep it up. You're on the right track.

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