Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

It's the same old American story...wealthy people scream about the need for free markets, but just mean they want to be free to do whatever they want with no consequences. And when the messaging is failing, when the people find ways to start piercing the veil of this nonsense, you must stop it. If they are gathering to talk, beat them or fine them or simply buy up all the spaces they can gather. If they are sharing messages amongst themselves, take over their ability to communicate and share messages that counter your own. In other countries, we call them oligarchs and tyrants. In TV shows and movies, we call them supervillains. In the States, where the compliant corporate media cares more about access and profits, we praise them as titans of industry, prop up their carefully crafted self-made stories, and jam one story after another down our throats about how any criticism of them needs to take into account their scary-talented ideas changing the world....even though many of those ideas, products and services were created by and made successful by workers whose names we will never know.

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Ian, as in the first Gilded Age (1885 to 1916) we today lionize the wealthy robber barons because they've brought us new technologies (then it was the railroad, steel, and oil; today it's Facebook, Tesla, and Amazon), but we don't stop to ask what they are doing to society, or recognize their disdain for the common good. This, too, shall pass. As before, I would like to think, the Gilded Age will be followed by a progressive era when we remedy the abuses and hubris of the barons.

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And then, like now, those who suffer to help them amass their wealth are not organized enough, nor do they get sufficient time from elected officials or media outlets, to make their voices heard and help the public understand the full costs.

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More to it Ian. Dark "Market forces? A Musk/Trump cabal? More likely "cut throat."

It turs out that Bill Gates has been shorting Tesla stock. Short selling is an investment or trading strategy that speculates on the decline in a stock or other security's price. Gates knows that Musk has been in litigation with other short sellers, Tesla is party to over 1,200 lawsuits, and as of September 2021, was party to 200 in China alone. Attached is a list of lawsuits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lawsuits_involving_Tesla,_Inc.

The NYT says this weekend, Musk took a shot at Gates in a series of high-profile tweets. "The messages were a reflection of Mr. Musk’s freewheeling style on the social network, where he has more than 80 million followers, mixing serious messages and more sophomoric material."

Mr. Musk said "Mr. Gates had taken a short position in Tesla’s stock, betting that it would fall. Mr. Musk was responding to a tweet that included screenshots of texts he apparently exchanged with Mr. Gates about potential philanthropic projects. Minutes later, he mocked Mr. Gates’s physical appearance in a tweet that got 1.1 million “likes.”"


According to the internet Twitter currently has a short interest ratio of 2.0. Musk has been involved in Twitter for a long time. E.G. Tesla investors sued over Musk’s 2018 tweet about taking the company private manipulated its stock price and defrauded them. Between August 10, 2018, and September 6, 2018, nine purported stockholder class actions were filed against Tesla and Elon Musk in connection with Elon Musk's August 7, 2018, Twitter post that he was considering taking Tesla private. All of the suits are now pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. Although the complaints vary in certain respects, they each purport to assert claims for violations of federal securities laws related to Mr. Musk's statement and seek unspecified compensatory damages and other relief on behalf of a purported class of purchasers of Tesla's securities. A motion to dismiss was denied on April 15, 2020.

Between October 17, 2018, and November 9, 2018, five derivative lawsuits were filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery against Mr. Musk and the members of Tesla's board of directors as then constituted in relation to statements made and actions connected to the potential going private transaction. These cases have been stayed pending resolution of the stockholder class action.[

A lawsuit filed in March 2021 alleges that Musk violated his fiduciary duty to Tesla by continuing to send "erratic" tweets in violation of the SEC settlement, and that the board is failing to control Musk.[ The case has been stayed pending resolution of the stockholder class action.

In addition to his shareholder derivative suits, Musk has been sanctioned by the SEC repeatedly.

E,G. in 2018, in a consent agreement, Musk and Tesla agreed to settle the charges against them without admitting or denying the SEC’s allegations. Among other relief, the settlements require that:

-Musk will step down as Tesla’s Chairman and be replaced by an independent Chairman.

-Musk will be ineligible to be re-elected Chairman for three years;

-Tesla will appoint a total of two new independent directors to its board;

-Tesla will establish a new committee of independent directors and put in place additional controls and procedures to oversee Musk’s communications;

-Musk and Tesla will each pay a separate $20 million penalty.

-The $40 million in penalties will be distributed to harmed investors under a court-approved process.

“The total package of remedies and relief announced today are specifically designed to address the misconduct at issue by strengthening Tesla’s corporate governance and oversight in order to protect investors...”


The SEC has filed other Musk/Tesla cases.

The issue that bothers me the most is that Musk's megalomania may further Trump and Fascism. Twitter permanently banned Trump on Jan. 8, 2021, “due to the risk of further incitement of violence” after the Capitol riots. Musk could provide a pathway for Trump to return to Twitter. Disgraced felon Dinesh D’Souza, pardoned by Trump for a conviction for making illegal campaign contributions gave Musk a suggestion for how Musk might be able to “dramatically change the political and cultural landscape” outside of simply firing off on Twitter, and asserting that Musk is often criticized for manipulating both the stock and crypto markets through his commentary on Twitter, whether its posting memes or giving quick quipped opinions on certain coins and companies. He advised Musk to:

1. Buy and take over a major social media platform,

2. Acquire or create a TV network like ABC, NBC or CBS.

3. Create a world-class online university and offer degrees for free. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=364466445445116

Note however that shares of Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC), the special purpose acquisition company that said it plans to take Trump’s social media site Truth Social public, dropped more than 9% late Monday morning after reports emerged that Twitter was poised to accept an acquisition offer from billionaire Elon Musk.

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Trying to give you a like, Daniel, but my stupid phone won’t work. Thank you for this useful information.

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Have it for you Paula, refreshing the page usually helps…

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Try refreshing the page.

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And usually we find out that it was the government who did all the basic research and they were just able to take advantage of it.

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Let's hope

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Ian, Thank you for your cautionary, highly accessible analysis that methodically plots the increasingly unsettling disparities between those who own and control and those who do not.

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"In TV shows and movies, we call them supervillains." Exactly what I was about to post. When I think of Musk, I picture the character Gru from one of my granddaughter's favorite movies, the Minions. "Bello buddies!"(except that Gru turns out to be fairly loveable)

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I sometimes find it fruitful to ask "What would Adam Smith have thought?" And I think he would have been simply appalled by Musk. Astonishingly, 235 years ago, and before the industrial revolution, Smith foresaw the possibility that those rewarded by his capitalist system might achieve levels of power that would enable them to distort his market, thereby destroying the system.

His solution was a strong government which would exact progressive taxes on the wealthy, thereby curbing their power, at the same time providing funding for what we would call infrastructure today. Roads, bridges and schools are entities in which the capitalist would have little interest, but which are of enormous interest to society.

Far from being a cruel system, therefore, Smithian capitalism promotes a congenial society of great wealth. The best examples are the Scandinavian countries, where people have the highest "happiness" rates in the world.

We also had, I believe, a Smithian economy in America between 1948 and 1980. Then along came a pair of chuckleheads, Reagan and Friedman, who stood Smith on his head, cut taxes on the wealthy, bust unions, and started us on the short road to American oligarchy.

Your point about the rise of shareholder value, as opposed to stakeholder value, is spot on. Shareholders can accumulate wealth without paying taxes. Ecce the American oligarch Elon Musk! The solution? Higher rates of taxes as a baseline, and a wealth tax for the wealthy. This is not socialism, it's enlightened capitalism.

Back to Smith, back to basics.

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Yes, and Smith always believed his book "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" more valuable than his "The Wealth of Nations," because in The Theory of Moral Sentiments he provided insights into what it takes for human beings to join together.

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@Michael. Enlightened capitalism! Indeed! But it only gets "enlightened" by effective regulation and the rule of law. Elect democrats and in the USA Democrats by all means.

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Yes. It occurred to me that you get a Smithian economy when everyone votes their economic interests. But when you have 50 million people voting Fox, we all have a problem. What is the secret Fox sauce that incites millions of people to act against their economic interests?

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Anger and a feeling that they’re being treated unfairly—that “undeserving” people are being favored.

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There is one emotion that may drive you to act in opposition to your economic interest, "FEAR". Listen to what the GOP is pushing! They are pushing the emotion buttons of FEAR and HATE. You cannot argue logic with people that are driven by emotions. Did you know that there are many people that don't know that Roe vs Wade which allowed ABORTION was decided by REPUBLICAN appointed Supreme Court Justices or that the DECIDING vote TO LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE was a REPUBLICAN appointed Supreme Court Justice? The party that is responsible for making these two issues LEGAL is the REPUBLICAN party NOT the DEMOCRATIC party. Ways must be found to show that the political party that is casting blame are not without any blame. Regarding abortion there are several points that can be made to show that the REPUBLICANS not only approved abortion in the SUPREME COURT they continue approving it as long as it is perform before certain time limit. The issue is that millions believe that life begins at conception. If this is so than why allow abortion at all. These are political arguments that can be made to show how disingenuous the Republican party has been.

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The wealthy don't want them 'woke' (enlightened by the truth/history), this enables them to keep feeding them propaganda designed to divide based on race, gender, sexual orientation, 'religion', class, etc. That propaganda makes their white Christian base accept crooks and racists into their ranks in a quest to retain power. It lets them paint other people (based on race, gender, sexual orientation, 'religion', class, etc.) as beneath them and undeserving. Therefore, justifying their actions that are opposite of treating their neighbor as themselves. This also creates phony boogeymen for them to blame so they don't recognize the real culprits- the wealthy. They are willing to make sacrifice to keep this pho-enemey at bay, all the while the real culprits take advantage of our division and inability to muster our power-in-numbers against them. And if all else fails, they have demonstrated that they are willing to blow up our Democracy to retain their wealth/power. They buy into propaganda that says when 'they' win, 'we' lose... zero-sum game. when the truth is that divided, we ALL lose. https://billmoyers.com/story/podcast-heather-mcghee-how-american-racism-has-a-cost-for-everyone/

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Have you taken a good look at taxation in the Scandinavian countries? I think you would be surprised to learn that the social welfare state is primarily supported by high taxes on the middle class, not on the super wealthy. In the US in contrast you have a president who promises a welfare state and guess what it’s all paid for by the rich. So there is a totally different ethic in countries like Sweden etc.

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You know it's interesting. If you ask Scandinavians, they all point out that they're as selfish as everyone else. Yes, they pay high taxes, but have a lot to show for it, like excellent schools for their children, good public transportation, excellent healthcare for all, paid maternity leave, etc.

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Don’t you have to consider that their definition of selfish might differ from ours though? If they truly were as selfish as Americans they wouldn’t have the safety nets they do.

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Depends on which class of Americans and which race.

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I mean, and also individually. I think we can be unselfish just not at the bank, often, and our education system including civic workgroups for adults in my imaginary scheme is extremely poorly administrated and funded on such a selfish basis (rich county vs poor eg)

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BUT they’re known as the happiest countries so I’m guessing the middle class is large and strong with the wealth having far less wealth than our egomaniacs! Plus they get great education and - don’t let us forget - medical! I’d take those bonuses and being happy over what we’re struggling with any day!

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The middle class still shoulder most of taxes. The rich evade. I heard the Scandinavian countries had to switch to that model in the 80s or something. It still seems unfair from a moral standpoint.

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What would you think would happen if the Democrats would propose a 20% Value added tax to support social programs?

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@Hartmut. If you make less than $100K per year in the USA the lion's share of that goes to expenditures. The wealthier one is the less of your income goes to basic necessities. A value added tax is therefore very regressive, just like a sales tax that most of our States have.

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Well I know, but regressive features can be addressed. My point is this: the Scandinavian countries are frequently praised as a model to be emulated but if one looks closely at taxes one has to come to the conclusion that in these countries the middle class is willing to support the welfare state by imposing on itself a high level of taxation. This is not the case in the US. Biden advocates increasing social welfare expenditures all to be paid for by the super rich. That is really a shaky foundation of a welfare state.

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Is it really all to be paid for by the ultra wealthy though? Middle class people already finance Social Security and Medicare, as well as a zillion other things, including Congress’s salaries. More money from the super rich would just make the safety net a little stronger.

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022



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Musk must be put in his place! Good lord! He already has too much influence! T. Boone Pickins was the prime mover behind the hostile takeover! Before he died he bought up water rights to the aquifers in the dry west! He was a monster! Where will this end? Musk is a megalomaniac like trump! He is so full of himself as was Hitler and Stalin that it disturbs me! The whole world is looking for a savior instead of relying on themselves! I am really disgusted with musk! I thought his providing Ukraine with internet was great because it helped our cause! If he wanted to be a real force for good instead of an egomaniac, then he should finance a mercenary army for Ukraine!

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Stephen, I ask myself over and over: Where is honor? What happened to the notion that we have responsibilities to others? Why are the most visible people in our society (Musk, Trump, et al) such utter narcissists? And why are decent people -- including our president -- rarely heard from?

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I'm as frustrated and angry as anyone by the inability of Democrats to get the message out, and I blame that on the media. They are so utterly fascinated by the Orange Menace they can't see past him. "Trump sneezed!" "Trump turned around!" "Trump went to the bathroom!" "Trump drank a Diet Coke!" Trump, Trump, Trump, all Trump, all the time. I would spend most of my time vomiting if I listened to the endless reporting on one of the most vile monsters to come along in our history. Problem is, I have no idea how to get them to extract their craniums from their anal orifices and actually REPORT news, rather than salivating over the latest shiny thing you-know-who waved in their faces. They should consider the fate of journalists under dictators and shift their damn focus to the great things President Biden has done IN SPITE OF the Big Lie, and continued condemnation/insubordination from the GQP. If you know how to get them to wake up, please tell me and all of us.

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Everyone has to keep talking and exposing the lies and misinformation. Have to stop avoiding the tough conversations! There's a ton of bad info and misinformation that has been unchallenged for too long, so the task of getting ahead of it is great. Unfortunately not doing so would be catastrophic so it must be done. this alternate (untrue) perspective is being delivered in the traditional media, on social media and, sad to say, has for a long time, been (and continues to be) spewed in churches- spreading a message of intolerance unless it fits their narrative. Picking and choosing what parts of the Old Testament and what traditions they want to champion (christian version of Sharia Law). Neglecting the most significant and last act (example) of Christ- Love demonstrated by 'dying to self'= Selflessness. Selfishness/greed prevents us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Prevents us from being United states, cities, towns, neighborhoods, households and/or institutions

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The Christianity thing is so sad. I don’t see how the problem can be solved like on abortion despite the lack of concern for this in the Bible and certainly the pro-greed weirdness. I guess Christ was always misunderstood, largely, and initially. The thing that bothers me supremely is we are not a Christian country, we are explicitly FOR separation of church and state where is the disconnect in peoples heads? Or am I missing something?

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I would argue that Christianity has been hijacked and used to divide... even though the Bible they claim to follow, speaks against those that seek to divide. One of the starkest examples is the racial segregation and opposite political leanings of black and white 'christians'. You are correct, religious freedom from was a catalyst for colonization of America. Again, some feel that they have the only 'true' religion and know what is best for everyone, even though they don't fully practice their own religion, they pick and choose what parts and when they practice it.

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I might be wrong but some black and white evangelical faiths are on the side of anti-abortion. Anti-women’s power is a significant problem in lots of Christianity. I’m actually a Quaker, though there’s no dogma for that and I’m a Universalist, less Bible-based than some. We are always hoping to be more diverse. Quakers we’re the first abolitionists in America and Quaker women were preaching back in the 1600s. I watched a PBS thing on the Black Church and I gather there are also legit historical reasons for the de facto segregation on its side.

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Right on Karla. Thanks...well said.

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Yes, where is the Democratic voice of decency and honor? Why is it so muted? Hooray for Mallory McMorrow for showing the timid, flaccid Democrats what moral outrage looks like and NEEDS TO BE EXECUTED.

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I was moved by the stands for LGBTQ+ that you cite, and agreed I guess with Lawrence O’Donnell that speechwriting is not an especially helpful phenomenon. I mean, you can’t say Lincoln didn’t give great speeches but he wrote them didn’t he?

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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

Well, Mich. Senator McMorrow gave us an example when she called out her colleague who lied about her in a fundraising email. https://youtu.be/iLWo8B1R0MY Or Missouri state Rep. Mackey who called out the real energy behind anti LGBTQ+ legislation https://youtu.be/ZicqEYFuTJc How do we get more people of influence to speak like this?

I'm starting by sharing this on FB and Twitter.

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Basically, as you have said, we have become more selfish. Many within our society, believe that if they are working and not relying on anyone for help, everyone should do the same. Your question is why the most visible people in our society such utter narcissists? I think we would have to look at how they were brought up.

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Omg, I KNOW! Okay, so he's autistic, extremely bright...but he is off-the-charts bat-s___ crazy! Anyone see him on SNL hosting about a year or so back? He is not just an uber oddball, he is a toxic narcissist cancer on society. He's gotten into loads of trouble over the years for lying and breaking laws for his business, his treatment of his employees is abominable, he treats his investors just as badly, he lies his ass off. He truly is, with Trump, one of the worst examples of humanity. He's a humanoid. Oh, and did I say I didn't like the guy?

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Maybe he feels misunderstood. I don’t think he’s a humanoid and the Asperger’s is legit. But I am a fan of Grimes. She has great politics and values at least before Musk and she’s weird in a good way. He’s a nerd…he desperately wants to be cool and is not not succeeding with many.

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I think climate change is even more critical than Ukraine. I’m not sure what the solution is to that war at all, and it’s deeply sad. I guess he’s helping by providing internet? I don’t know what else. I know he’s got Tesla, but if he just tried to control oil companies (if at all possible) instead of Twitter…this is another argument for democracy. People would at least like some tax revenue from him so we can vote on what to do with it.

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Well right now Ukraine is the most urgent! I’m hoping cutting off sales of Russian hydrocarbons will resonate with the world as a reason to go carbon neutral.

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Even if all Ukraine was demolished, the entire planet would still be in extremely urgent need of being saved. People only care more about Ukraine because it’s humans and it’s more entertaining or understandable. Every single top news story is Ukraine and they never report on climate. This is Armageddon actually threatening to happen/happening. I don’t think we shouldn’t care about Ukraine obviously we should but why don’t people see the unparalleled gravity of climate change? Only the threat of a nuclear world war is equally dire. People don’t think this is likely. Sorry I’m not against Ukraine or people caring. But even on Earth day none of the papers or news I saw had stuff about climate change front and center. Environmentalists are getting extremely sick of this media-inflicted (in part) blindness and utter disgrace of mankind.

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Ukraine is the spearheaded for climate change! Pointing out how desperate we need to wean ourselves off fossil fuel! Russia would not have the money to wage war without oil and gas! But, if we don’t stop dictators because they will further the dependence on oil and therefore hasten environmental damage!

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I can see that but what are we going to do? I’m not sure anything will work to change Putin’s mind. He’s probably fine with his own country going broke notwithstanding him. I just don’t know how it’s gonna stop. I could be wrong about the nuclear threat. Nate Silver calculated the best place to go in nuclear war and he said while New Zealand would be good too (this is a popular choice), Lima, Peru is a pretty safe place and good vibe. Just passing that on…hope to not have to “see you in Lima!”

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Nobody can hide from nuclear bombs but we can’t be afraid of the school yard bully!

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By thank you for pointing out that there’s hope for Ukraine’s situation to have a positive effect on climate. I could know more about this. I’ve been avoiding much Ukraine coverage in the last week or so in part due to its horrific and unsolvable-seemingness and my frustration about climate being ignored so much.

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"Musk said last week that he doesn’t care about the economics of the deal and is pursuing it because it is "extremely important to the future of civilization.""

I don't think the man has any understanding at all of what the 'civilized' portion of civilization even means. I would be willing to bet he doesn't even care. He lacks understanding and empathy. So much power in the hands of such a person if beyond frightening.

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Elon Musk described himself as having Asperger’s syndrome, which for various reasons has come under the autism spectrum disorder, which is a brain disorder that limits a person’s ability to communicate and relate to other people. An abnormal absorption with self marked by communication disorders, short attention spans and inability to treat others as people. Since Musk describes himself as being on the autism spectrum, I doubt he possesses the ability to think about others. He just knows what HE wants. Please know I am not trying to disparage those with ASD. But Musk is exactly the wrong person to be in control of a platform like twitter. Elon Musk, as well as others, have big ideas that require large numbers of people to bring to full fruition. Why should all the great benefits go to one person, who without others would not have been able to take the idea to the big time?

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Musk claims he has Asperger's, but maybe it is just his excuse for acting like an AH - "It's not my fault I am nasty, it is my disorder!" Maybe Melania Trump can lend him her infamous coat...

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I was praying I wouldn’t live long enough to see America become completely unhinged and full of hate. Trump is a reflection of just how sick and divided we have become as a nation. What you accept as normal in politics, You would never allow to take place in your home. We need healing functional leadership to inspire and bring us together. Instead we have hate and division. We need a leadership that promotes empathy, forgiveness,sensitivity and love. Empathy is a powerful feeling and Its not just a word. It is a connection with others and yourself. It establishes trust and love. Kindness and caring for others is missing. Billionaires are promoting hate and division to destroy our democracy for fascism. Remember the antidote for narcissism is empathy. They cannot exist in the same body. Love of your fellow man is missing. LOVE ❤️

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This face of division started when President Obama got elected. Do you recall the racist comments that were made about President Obama and his wife? Remember how Trump questioned the country of his birth. Remember how he was called a liar during a state of the union speech in Congress. This was allowed to continue without much if any challenge from the media and from influential people. The poison that was poured out during both terms of President Obama started showing its affects during Trumps administration. POISON will eventually kill.

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You are buying into the lies. I feel sorry for you. Let’s face it you have no proof of anything you just said. Let’s talk about solutions. Let’s talk about true leadership human values and how we define God in our lives. I’m no Bible thumper but I do believe there is a higher power and I would rather have a leader talking about that then calling people liars. The country has become a rats nest and how do I know that without proof because I have lived it I’m old enough to realize how much negativity and hate has developed in our country that’s how I know and that’s a fact

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Exactly. This is really scary. Elon Musk, like Rupert Murdoch, is an immigrant who has milked the dysfunction in our American system for his own benefit. No thought of giving back to that which has given so much to him.

Our corporate-sponsored Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom has ruled that money is speech under the First Amendment. The logical extension of that is that those with more money have more free speech. They also have more ability to suppress others' speech. I don't think that is what the founders intended.

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the more money a man has, the more free speech they can buy! when it comes to the rest of us, however, our lack of funds translates to "shaddup already!"

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What Ian said; plus, if he does acquire Twitter, the only recourse the truth would have is to cancel accounts (yep, freedom to go piss up a rope) and therein lies the one big problem— there’d be free speech for the purveyors of [Musk approved] lies & misinformation and no where to share the truth with others that we share [accurate] information with.

And, since there is no viable alternative with anywhere near the same clout as Twitter, he could effectively stifle any information that might not fit into his narrow-minded parameters…

It would be just like Silence of the Lambs (about to go to slaughter) with a wide-open platform for “approved” information and the power to send the truth to some kind of purgatory.

Just like Putin. Authoritarianism at work.


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Apr 25, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

>Exactly<! Be wary of >any< wealthy capitalist preaching freedom! Between the capitalists & communists, it's a toss-up which is the "evil twin" of the other!

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He openly said he wants to become a full time influencer! When you make all the money you then want power! We can’t let this happen! This is the problem with these kings of business!

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My greatest fear is that Musk would allow the former occupant of the Peoples House back onto Twitter. He may be shrewd and have made billions but he is also equally as untrustworthy as the ex-Resident. I have voiced my disdain for Musk on this forum before and I will reiterate that he is out for one himself alone; “Freedom” my foot! More like CONTROL. Do something ‘extremely important for civilization’ Elon — jump aboard your spaceship and take TFG with you as far as you can go…


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I guess they mean “freedom” as in “freedom from the tyranny of the majority.” I mean, to try to see how they see it.

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Juliet; Thankfully, I cannot see things that way. I can try to fathom it but cannot wrap my head around such twisted concepts.

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Yeah twisted is a good description. But I empathize with the “tyranny of the majority” exasperation. I guess democracy is the best possible form of government and we have to accept it but a lot of Americans are WRONG, I don’t care how many! (This last part is meant to be in a self-deprecating-humor vein)

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When I attended Junior High, I had a teacher that stated that the only reason the United State was a stable country was because it had a large middle class. He said that if the middle class declined substantially to the point large numbers of people felt economic pain, there would be a revolution.

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In effect, he wants to be an information monopolist. I grew up with one -- intra-family, my father. It didn't turn out well.

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The free market. That makes me rage laugh every damn time. It’s “free” if you’re rich, white and a man sure. Or at least RICH, with resources, with connections. “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is a farce. They have golden bootstraps. They have social support, connections in powerful places, it’s not just the money, it’s all the resources.

If I read one more ducking article that talks about a corporation “struggling to keep up” while the bonuses stay the same, the profits stay in the double digit millions or more, I’m gonna lose it. Makes me sick, it’s all lies lies lies. CEOs make 353x more than median worker!! SICK! But if we help the DYING children, it’s socialism. Excuse me I’m going to go throw up and write guilty in blood on my tombstone.

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I would hope they don’t like that kind of discourse. I don’t either. We need to stop lying to people and actually help people.

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Since our statistics are still horribly abysmal we are clearly failing them as well as ourselves. No one is winning in this system besides the rich and powerful. And I haven’t said anything of the sort. So we can nitpick and focus on those things, which actually does nothing to stop the problem at all, we can fight amongst ourselves, and the rich will laugh as they line their pockets. And since I know who I am, I have to focus on that, so can’t keep continuing with this. Thanks for your insights though.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Yeah, you were mainly talking about the rich. I was keying into that “bootstraps” part. Well, ok. You’re probably right! My actual “insight” might be summarized by: is it always best to just SAY stuff WE think (not here, in wider political discourse) and do stuff), when, who are we speaking for? What if the majority doesn’t agree? Never mind. It’s tangential. Sorry.

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I’m sorry again. I was in an argumentative mood before and now I see I was being idiotic.

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Robert, I fear you have brought up our next great crisis: megabucks to control the world, takeover with cash, too wealthy to stop, a monster with a ego maniac determination to rule the world. A Putin- tRump Republican with cash to buy anything to make it work for him, and him only. Buy the government, buy an army, buy the media, build a world banking system, change the dollar, decide what race survives. It is endless. People with money are supposed to use it to inhance the future of worldly good, however that cannot be accomplished with the frame of mind Musk is following. I pray there is a way to shut this down before it runs away with us

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Aren’t we already too late!

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