There is No Devine Right Of Kings In The United States; particularly New York State and His home Town NYC …

Convicted by his Fellow Citizens not Joe Biden…

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They don’t see them as their fellow citizens. They view the jurors as the eastern elite. It is an us versus them mentality. I live in a primarily rural state. Thank God it’s so far is blue country because of the cities, but it is frightening the extent to which both sides have come to view the other as evil.

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The slander of the Eastern elite is a creation of the right. What else is Trump but that? He was sent to military school for his wealthy parents' convenience and pushed through the Wharton school when it was way beyond his academic ability. His father gave him a real estate empire. I think Democrats ought to point this out at every opportunity. He is NOT a victim but a spoiled ingrate.

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spoiled man-child if you please.

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You are correct about Trúmp's conviction pushing 'unwavering independents', unaffiliated voters,towards President Joe Biden.

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I hope so for our Democracy and freedom’s sake!

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Fingers crossed

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If you live by criminality nine times out of 10, you die out of your criminality and this is and has been my prayer since 2015 for Donald Trump.

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sooner rather than later.

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Not until he suffers some. He has made so many people suffer. He may have forfeited away many people's future, & will a lot more if he gets back in power.

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Jun 3
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Please, Karma, please🙏🙏🙏!!!

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And the spoiled ingrate is finally receiving the punishment that he never received from his father. I can picture Fred rolling in his coffin fighting to get out to whip Donald for losing most of the empire that he committed so many crimes to create. Every injustice is finally coming back to meet the orange emperor and he's seeing it being taken away piecemeal. His properties will be sold to pay for the crimes unless he can convince some of his friends to buy them before they are seized although I don't really think that he owns any majority of any of his real estate enough to pay for his hefty fines including the interest. He's a born loser and he's really a smart boy at convincing his Cult following that he is going down for them when he is going down because of his criminal activity and the bitter truth is about what he did has a Huge price tag in fines and interest. He's never going to pay it off until Elon Musk loans him the money, but who knows if he will. When visited Mar Lardo we can rest assured that they spoke about money and how he would help him out of the jamb he got himself into and what Donald would do to return the favor if elected to the presidency. We all know what he has said he would do. Believe him. He's not lying this time. Vote Blue or all will be lost and we can't allow that to occur.

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I beg to differ. All he received from his father was punishment and abuse. If Fred had just given him a little more loving guidance and understanding - something that he was incapable of - and a lot less pressure and money, Donnie just might have turned out to be a half-decent human being. Unless he was genetically cursed by the old man.

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Actually, it was his older brother who got most of the punishment and abuse in my understanding. Of course, we can't ask him, because he is no longer alive, but you might read the account of Mary Trump in Too Much and Never Enough.

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Abuse takes many forms. I consider the pressure not to be a "loser" as verbal and psychological abuse, as I do the failure to instill positive values. Not letting Donnie learn from his mistakes and constantly bailing him out boils down to gross neglect of parental responsibilities. Also, there were no doubt constant admonishments to not be like his loser brother. Abuses all, IMO.

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Robert, I get the explanation for the disgruntled cohort within the MAGA world that you lay out. Their leader reflects their many insecurities.

I do not understand the rationale of the people I personally know who are among the MAGA “haves”.

Many MAGA individuals I know were born to an inheritance that assured them a significant leg-up. Especially confounding to me are the young MAGA cohort. These are the children of the baby boomer generation that have benefited from the the post WWII economy in our country. They have a college education and are generally conventional…drive expensive vehicles (lots of big trucks) and live in nice homes, yet they are oblivious or willing to ignore the character deficiencies manifest in DJT. What gives with them????

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I am using their terminology, but in so doing, I am not approving of the caste they are attempting to create

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and a hate monger and whore monger.

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Doesn’t matter where he came from, now he has created an illusion that like a good massage makes them feel good. All they want is more of that. How can we make them feel good without that massage.

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He has created a cult of personality that I do not pretend to understand. Dismantling it, however, is going to be an enormous task. much like the de-Nazification process of Germany in the 40s 50s and 60s. And there will have to be a unified will for it to be done.

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Many religious folks take their religion seriously. Even without the conviction this trial has done serious damage to Trump. It plainly revealed his amorality.

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they've had ample evidence of that for years and it hasn't mattered-but now that theS.C.has overturned Roe,maybe you'll be right -I hope so

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I should’ve added that I don’t see that unified will coming together…. In the next 20 years, I foresee either a real Civil War or something like the IRA and Ireland.

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Reich's masterful essay may have darkened your mood, but keep this in mind: When time came to speak for women he stuttered, hesitated, flip-flopped, and then betrayed them to state-right Confederates. They will never forget nor forgive him for this. The fornicator despises women!

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I have been saying this about civil war, however, my cohorts think this is ridiculous. They underestimate the fact that we no longer have an independent balanced Supreme Court. The minority power is increasing. The majority, the masses will not be so peacefully contained, the US is not China.

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Yup. Just like his voters.

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For sure!

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I think this is a very good point to make. But it needs to be done with finess. Maybe the Lincoln Project could do it well.

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Trump is the most dangerous kind of psychopath. No conscience whatsoever.

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This Country Has Been Divided Since The Civil War; The Haves Are Afraid the Have Nots Want Their Stuff…

So They Try To Repress Living Minimum Wages , Universal Healthcare, even Social Security…

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Yes but the very people against whom those policies work are apparently supporting the oppressors. . They are fanatically supporting trump and thus the wealthy elite. They are apparently unaware and or ignorant of the strides Biden has made for the middle and less fortunate . My humble opinion!!

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or oblivious

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I suspect unaware because their news sources do not tell them and went they hear good news it does not apply to them they way they believe it should.

There is the axiom "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." that they believe. Then there is the drug company at turned people into drug users. There is plenty of evidence to support their views.

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Yes. Replace it with a state sponsored lottery, a tax on the poor by another name.

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The lottery = let them eat cake.

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Yes, it took the Koch Brothers 40+ years and over the $150Bn to change the country from a Democratically governed one to the Republican Criminal Organization Ruled one that also gave us the "right to work for less" laws that kept wages down and destroyed the unions that created a healthy middle class. I'm able to remember that wages never kept up with inflation. Everyone was scared of union organizing. They thought they would lose their jobs if they didn't inform to management about union organizing activities.

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The Kochs, dogmatic libertarians, used their money smartly. They organized and created a whole network dedicated to spreading their propaganda and influencing our most vital institutions. After January 6 Charles Koch admitted that he had blundered.

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There’s enough for everyone. What the “Have Nots” want is a fair opportunity to enjoy the fruits of THEIR labor. This shouldn’t be all that frightening, but many have been conditioned to fear change and cling to (or seek) unfair advantages.

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"The Haves Are Afraid the Have Nots Want Their Stuff"

Actually, Citizen J, this began more than five millennia ago when some technologies (agriculture, mining, etc.) made possible wealth for the few but not the many. Since then humankind has been cursed by oligarchy: from the pharaohs, to kings, to Putin's mobocracy, the CCP's totalitarianism, and the abomination of Citizens United making political corruption legal and giving us Government Of the Money, By the Money, and For the Money. All because "The Haves Are Afraid..."

I would refer you to the non-profit thinktank, RethinkX (at RethinkX.com), and their discussion of four Disruptions at various stages of completion that will "change things" (i.e., everything). The Labor Disruption (AI plus robotics, AI+R, becoming more capable beyond limit) will fling away the demographic limitation of Supply (number of capable workers) while destroying the traditional source of Demand (wages paid to workers). Something like UBI will be inevitable, and as AI+R is used to produce AI+R (i.e., self-replication) the Supply will soar, and UBI will transition from modest to bountiful. Together with the other Disruptions--Energy, Transportation, and Food--the Earth may be healed, if we can avoid utter stupidity (like a nuclear exchange).

Before dismissing this as nonsense, visit the website and read the analysis.

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Presently nuclear war is a real likelihood.

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And the corpoRATe “Haves’” CONNEDtroll of Orwellian #Newspeak(easy) #BigMedia CONceals from the “have nots” the fact the oligarchic “Have mores” (ref. #W) CONstitute the mass murderously criminal coWHOREt we #CREATORS call the #nefariousNewWorldOrder.


Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer

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Jun 2
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Matt Taibbi and his followers many of who are Trump fans, insist the case was entirely political and never should have been brought !

I have yet to read the Complaint detailing the NY claims, but the Jury found Trump guilty as charged, and the Defense had every opportunity to prove Trump was innocent.

More importantly -- do voters really want a President arranging hush money payments and having his lawyers hide the money falsely reporting them as 'business expenses'?

We need in America ethical and moral Presidents and high officials that will fix America, not liars and war mongers that fix hush money payments and gut EPA and other critical agencies.

Why do so many citizens think this case was simply 'political'?

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Jun 2Edited

Because they are repeatably told so and they are discontent. What frustrates me is that the very wealthy seem to want TFG so they can become more wealthy. I guess so they can buy more political influence.

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Profit is their god!!!!!

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They do at least as well under Democratic presidents as they do under Republican presidents. It's just the rest of us who do a lot worse under Republican presidents, which makes billionaires feel like they're doing better.

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I’m disappointed in Taibbi.

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Me, too.

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He was always a creep.

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Jun 3
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In the United States Court system, the defense does not have to prove innocence. Trump was innocent when he walked into that court room. The prosecution had the job of proving him guilty. Guilty in front of his peers. A jury that his defense team approved. The prosecution lead their case. The defense argued that. And the jury decided he was guilty. He walked in innocent he walked out guilty.

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Remember when HRC and her pet rock DWS openly and shamelessly rigged a primary in favor of the former, defrauding and disenfranchising Bernie voters? Pushing an unpopular corporate shitheel of a candidate who then proceeded to lose bigly to a two-bit fraudster gameshow host?

But when that went to court, the Judge decided that corporate parties have a right to defraud voters and rig elections: https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/

Seems like Trump is guilty of not being a corporation, who would seem to now have more rights and privileges in America than regular people. Send in the clowns.

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chuck, I dont pretend to be an expert of the Sanders delegates episode, but there was a huge question at the time as to whether his Delegates were fairly included or not at the Convention, which Sanders as far as I know did nothing about and instead he seemed unwilling to challenge the DNC. I could be wrong!

Its an interesting article you linked to -it says the judge found that, accepting the facts before him as true from both parties , plaintiffs lacked standing to sue: "The Court must now decide whether Plaintiffs have suffered a concrete injury particularized to them, or one certainly impending, that is traceable to the DNC and its former chair’s conduct—the keys to entering federal court. The Court holds that they have not.”

The plaintiff attorney replied later that the judge essentially did not fairly consider plaintiffs facts as true.

I would have to review the case facts to have any opinion on whether plaintiff was right, but I am glad plaintiffs at least tried to fight the DNC in court, but I am not impressed with Sanders who seems to have kow towed to the Party..

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We are in the midst of a Cold Civil War. It's all about power, and the truth doesn't matter.

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Taibbi is not just a fan of convicted felon DJT, he wants to be just like him. He has admitted to being a horrible human being “because it was fun”. The one thing he does have (that convicted felon DJT doesn’t) is a good way with words.

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Stacey A. Ward, I can only speak for myself. They view me on the left as evil. I view them as very insane (unconscious to what is self-evident and to rational thinking) who are capable of doing the most evil and heinous of things. And there is a stark difference wrapped around our views of one another. They on the right have proven over and over again, that they enjoy hurting people, they like violence, and they like any excuse to commit it against their perceived enemies. In contrast, I believe many on the left, but not all, strive to be peaceful and non-violent.

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Is there a substantial Left in the USA? Only if the Communist Party-USA has lots of members and backers with money can it be considered substantial. As a member of this forum for a couple of years, I’ve noticed that most commentators are FDR-type Democrats and therefore well within the USA’s historical political parameters. Many participants here are senior citizens with no desire to do street battle with Drumpf’s minions; many of us are military veterans who know that talk is cheap and violence justified only in defense. If the USA had a militant Left, we would have by now seen bombings and assassination attempts.

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Jun 3Edited


There is no substantial ‘left’ in the strict sense of the term.

Politically, it is a kind of fantasy both of the right and the left (maybe less so the left) that real leftists—the orthodox communists or left anarchists of the early 20th century —are present in the US or gaining adherents, etc.

It is very silly, honestly.

To the extent that people view more radical social transformations positively, they are not militant, but intellectuals. All the militancy is on the side of the right.

The idea there are a bunch of communists simply isn’t true.

There’s no large radical movement in the USA as there was prior to, and during the great depression where we saw major wildcat strikes. Nor do attempts to increase economic or social equality or personal freedom amount to a dramatic shift in aspirations Americans straight in the political center have always have.

You can read the Republican platform when Eisenhower was elected to see how non-radical the economic ideas are. The social ideals of equality have long been an aspiration, and this struggle is one that is about a very American style of freedom and the value of individuals.

(Ironically maybe, churches were a center for this, as our value of freedom stems partly from the necessity of religious freedom. Freedom of creed and so on has always been on the American menu. We are not a country of conformists, and it is not American to give anyone cultural authority over others.)

There aren’t even many full-blown socialists such as those of the former period prior to the red scare. There was a very diverse field of working men and women who belonged to these organizations prior to FDR and the McCarthy period. One is that the right successfully stomped them out, along with almost all of the left in the Americas. There are other complex reasons as well.

Right now the propaganda is being used that anyone who is a critic of our economic system or other aspects of our culture who also holds strong egalitarian views is a ‘communist.’ This view has been promulgated in the past, but not by anyone charismatic or popular in the way that Trump is.

They know it is not true. Bernie Sanders is the further left of anyone influential or in politics, and they are not afraid of Bernie Sanders—not in the least. Most hate him but they are aware he is not a threat in any way.

But it is difficult to press the advantage of the religious right, corporations, and business interests generally if there are a substantial number of people raising criticisms of our economics, politics, and culture.

In particular, the ideologues among them, and their funders are very aware that the working class is hurting, the aspiration to join the middle class is dead, and so on. Further, we are going to face a much more dire climate crisis which will cause people to want a more substantial government, one which attends to the public good. (Prof. Reich has great arguments in favor of this.)

Given the success of stomping out the real left in America, you can see the reasons to make further inroads into the capacity of Americans to speak freely, make criticisms or make changes that could give more in the public an advantage. In addition, the growth of inequality has put the advantage much more heavily with the rich and they are going to press their advantage to a much more extreme degree.

As there truly is no communist threat, and democracy and the state capacity has eroded, they have much less reason to compromise with the rest of society. They want the whole pie.

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Stan of Stanistan, I'm not understanding your main point. Could you elaborate? But to claify mine, I consider those who always vote for the Democratic Party to be on the left. Of course, other people may define the left differently.

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Yes, I and presumably many correspondents here, regard the Dem Party as the Center.

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Stan of Stanistan, I figured we were just operating under different definitions. Concept labels are troublesome in that way. Perhaps one day we can get closer to the truth by using a continuum of our desires for fairness and dignity.

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Right and Left are images we have in our minds. The realities are far more complicated.

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Victor Kamendrowsky, I agree. Labels such as these do not capture the truth very well. They are limiting and can create division among people. Further, labels are problematic because we each conjure our own definitions as you say, which makes conversing with people less fruitful and increases the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflict. For the same reasons, I don't like the labels capitalism, socialism, etc.

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Despite being from a different generation, I am an FDR type Democrat. Obama was too far to the right for me and I have been pleased with Biden, but he certainly doesn’t represent how far left I am.

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Because there is no real Left we have conspiracy theories.

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You have listed some points from recentAmerican history. I don’t buy the implication that the U.S. population approves of “anything goes” type of swashbuckling capitalism . Americahas always had a kind of class system, where money rather than bloodlines determined one’s membership in the social elite, and hence, ready access to political power. Americans do broadly support gaining enough wealth to attain a measure of financial security, and generally approve of those who are financially successful. I don’t think this attitude is unique to America. Inherited wealth is problematic, though. Inherited wealth in Europe was traditionally held by the landed aristocracy, itself an outgrowth of feudal monarchies. The growth of large businesses and hence modern capitalism has produced many more benefits for the non-elites ( from workers to petit bourgeois and professional classes) than it has made revolutionary movements. Americans want good jobs not revolutions.

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Jun 3
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There are a lot of progressives. Unfortunately, they've been continuously out of power for so long because they're split between the Democratic Party where they are just shy of 50% & perennially out of leadership positions in that party, & either Independents or members of progressive minor parties. But a majority of Americans favor progressive positions on the issues. And issue-oriented progressive/social democrat Bernie Sanders had a following like few politicians have had.

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Jaime ; as for the progressives, they are at a financial disadvantage. It's hard to compete in the media, and campaigns when your opponents are very wealthy. The Republican party has featured things like "purging" the voter rolls and other dirty tricks. Just look at South Carolina being allowed to block the Black vote with an obvious gerrymander! the corrupt 'Supreme Court has no problem with marching to tRUMP's tune! We saw an entire Native American indigenous community kept from the ballot in North Dakota, because they were suddenly required to have house numbers! before voting ! since there was no time to get it done ; those folks were just screwed! very little, if any , media coverage!

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Dudes... I'm a fourth generation Dem from a union family background and there is no such thing as a Reagan Democrat. If you voted for that racist fraud you are a Fascist Republican. End of discussion.

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If Biden was like Bernie Sanders, he would have been stopped like Bernie was. thrown under the bus just like Bernie was, by the DNC! Wall street was quivering in their boots at the prospect of Bernie Sanders! They would again, too if there was anyone younger like a Bernie! and that is why we see the threat of dictatorship! Lots of educated voters who are fed up! They know their time is up if they don't get Democracy or fairness! Unions! fines for wage theft! Environmental rules! Wealth equality! Now there is a demand for Justice, and an end to White collar courts , lawyers and judges!

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I think to a large extent you are correct. I certainly strive for peaceful and non-violent. However, like my uncle, the marine, I strive to be prepared. As a western Democrat, I carry a gun because the people on the other side are crazy and mean and perfectly capable of acting out. And so, while I may agree with the notion of reasonable gun restrictions that are advocated by the Democratic Party, I think that this is a bad time, historically for Democrats to choose to disarm themselves

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Stacey A. Ward, you make a very good point about thinking rationally about protecting ourselves in mixed areas in our current time of insanity.

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I have never felt that way about expressing my first amendment opinions in any other election cycle, but those that involve Trump. I think his cult is capable of just about anything being that they will excuse anything from their leader. So as somebody who puts her opinions on her car and her person, I prepare for a landscape in which things have shifted considerably from just 20 years ago.

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Stacey A. Ward, keep being brave and as the saying goes, walk softly but carry a big stick.

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I’m with you, Stacey. I wear my “Bernie 2016” t-shirt in public weekly. Haven’t encountered any negative reactions from people — yet. My goal is to signal to other Liberals that it’s OK to wear your heart on your sleeve.

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Stacey A. Ward ; I have had the same thought, here in the Northeast about guns ,and whether this is a time to lose the right to carry. However, at my age, even if I had training and practice, I doubt that I could defend myself against an AR-15, or the kind of coward who would shoot me in the back.

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JFK was sadly correct when he said that you cannot protect yourself from a determined assassin

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The gun you carry gives you a false sense of security, and it is likely to endanger others as well. Be smart and carry a smart phone instead.

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I am a prosecuting attorney in a large rural district. I don’t need to be lectured or told what to do. I have a smart phone as well and I don’t look for trouble. Don’t assume things that you don’t have a right to assume.

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Trump is a purveyor of Hatred

for anyone who does not agree with his disturbed views.

He wishes to head up a fascist government , because he owes Putin. And Putin owns Trump.

Putins desire to ‘destroy the US and his plan to destroy it from within’ that is Trumps assignment .

Those members of Congress who have sold out to Putin are manipulated by Trumps need to acquiesce.

It’s no accident that over the last several years fascists from other countries have been the keynote speakers at Republican conventions.

These are training sessions acclaiming all the joys of authoritarianism for those who plan to lead.

Of course not much is said about the totally destructive process which removes any individual freedoms of speech, self determination for the people .

The hatred Trump has groomed in his followers will be parceled out in violent attacks against those who fail to go along with his edicts.

His edicts will never err on the side of help , compassion or care of these people.

They ( we ) will be the true victims , if we fail to stop this insanity .

Trump has been clear about his plans . Trump is a natural bully . This will take it to a whole new level where quality of life that we’ve known in democracy will be destroyed.

Trump is a destroyer.

We need a leader who loves justice and freedom.

Who likes people and is hopeful and works to better the lives of all of us .

Trump should not be allowed to even run for president.

If not for some of the “Justices” on the Supreme Court, the fourteenth amendment would be observed in regard to Trumps attempted coup intended to overthrow the duly elected president, Joe Biden and Trump . would rightfully not allowed to run for this or any office in the government he tried to overthrow.

And now the same ‘alleged Justices’ are manipulating the system to somehow allow “ complete immunity “

. For any crimes committed by the President while in office.

This betrays any concept of Law and Order justice that applies to everyone in a Democracy including the President . No one is above the law .

This is a reasonable and necessary component in an equitable Society.

Don’t let Maga destroy it .

Don’t give Trump and Putin the chance to destroy our Democracy , our Constitution.

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Very well said, Patricia!

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I live in a Republican stronghold where they are proud and stupid enough not to listen to the truth and are vindictive towards anyone who challenges their beliefs in the party that doesn't deserve any respect.

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Agree, and in memory of Claudius "Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out."

Throw this wretched man into prison. We fully expect, and will deal with, the consequences.

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That's so true that I fear displaying anything political on my vehicle or residence. The Trumpian MAGA people are so proud and yet blind because they are uninformed and misinformed of the real stories because the news is biased mostly because there's no Fairness Doctrine that requires equal sides to every news report if it can be interpreted in two manners. Reagan eliminated the Fairness Doctrine when he granted Rupert Murdoch citizenship so he could buy news agencies in the US and we have been witnesses to the one sided reporting by their hired hands who are not really reporting the news as they are inventing the biased news. I remember the times that Donald would call the Fox & friends and use them to spread his lies. They probably had orders to honor the orange emperor and help him to spin his lies. I seldom spent much of any of my time wasted listening to Fox Opinion network. There was more to the news that they never delivered to the listening audience.

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Trump owes his rise in 2015-16 to Rupert Murdoch, Robert Mercer, and Steve Bannon.

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If someone or something show you who and what they are. Be it an organization or a person, Evil is a good description of the Trump Republican Cult. It stands for nothing and no one, but the benefit of Donald J. Trump for whatever reason they chose him their thinking is flawed because he is an evil selfish self serving bastard who would sell his most trusted ally to for a buck or get Self out of jail free card! Certainly should never sit in our Whitehouse ever again! He can not be trusted!

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tRUMP keeps repeating his 6% thing about the ratio of left voters in the district where his trial was held. Why they allow him to have rallies at the courthouse I don't understand. He keeps saying /implying that the jurors are all lefties, when his lawyers were involved in the process of seating the jury. Of course there will be resentment when he is allowed to lie. Has anyone else been allowed to do this outside of that court?

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But what do Republicans actually stand for anymore other that stealing from our taxes to feed their donors? What do they do to serve the people who voted for them to make their lives more equal. What do they do but block anything that would save lives like banning weapons of mass destruction from the hands of non military personnel! Banning Books and Black History. Out right doing everything they can to destroy our Democracy! Publicly issuing Russian propaganda to their base as TRUTH!

Oh right they are. Republicans are there to level the playing field for the average American 🇺🇸. We all can do more with our diminished income and pay their ( wealthy taxes by cutting our benefits ( Medicare social security) which most will never receive even though they pay that tax since their first job delivering newspapers) (SNAP, School Lunches) eliminate The Affordable Care Act of 2010)

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Republicans: Democrats are possessed by Satan and eat babies. The libs want to ruin America by making us care about people who have more melanin in their system than Casper, by not letting us torture the gays for fun and profit, and by investing in anything besides fossil fuels and the military. They wanna kill all our white babies and replace them with Muslims. We should march on the capitol and rise up in an armed rebellion to kill the transes before they can turn our babies gay.

Everyone else: They want a Rwanda style genocide, and they specifically target vulnerable people (trans kids/POC). And try to inflict as much pain and suffering on them as possible...yeah, that's pretty evil.

You: Clearly, BOTH SIDES are extreme here...

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This comment is not something that I am able to understand. Parts of it have meaning, but altogether it is poorly written and it scares and confuses me to think that our American people could conceive such beliefs if they weren't mentally ill.

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1: that's half the point. Republicans left reality behind a long time ago.

2: bigotry isn't a mental illness. It's a choice.

3: The other half of the point is that Republicans*actually are* evil bastards. They've willfully twisted their own moral compasses around 180 degrees.

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Exactly right! To ruin a song title by Heartland, "We hated him first!" We New Yorkers knew Bunkerboy was a criminal rapist before he even began hobbling for president in 2015. WE will be the ones to "LOCK HIM UP!"

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That's good. It's a lot of worry off my mind, but I think that "bunkerboy" will incite his Cult to cause trouble that will spill blood and destroy infrastructure that he wants them to do in his name.

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You may well be right. The screws are noticeably tighter now compared with the pre-inflation bump when it was bad then.

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I agree. But unfortunately, one-third of the country does not. There are enough of them to do severe, permanent damage to (perhaps even destroy) the U.S.

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Yes, and only when it’s too late, they may see that they are cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. These fools will have no one to blame but themselves when they need medical care, housing, and food and then they will just eat each each other alive.

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They won't. They don't care about that. They care about hurting/killing as many people as possible because it makes them feel good.

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Revenge may taste sweet at first bite but soon turns bitter if and when they realize they've been taken for the fools they are.

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That implies that they've been deceived somehow, but they haven't. They've been fully aware from the get go. They know exactly what they're doing and exactly what they've done. They knew all of it and went right on ahead anyway.

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It's depressing to think that you may right. I guess I have deluded myself into believing that Trump's fanboys and girls are still capable of waking up but now suspect they have imbibed way too much of his secret sauce. The tragedy is that they will probably never realize that their 'messiah' is no more than an effective stage actor screeching and often ad-libbing lines from a script written by others with their own evil agenda.

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Ilene, yes. They foolishly fail to heed Aristotle's warning.

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It would take a hell of a lot of violence to destroy America, but I think that our police state and the National Guard along with the FBI can take care of many of them who have had their pictures taken and recorded for future reference. There's a lot of empty spaces in our prisons for the parties that engage in violent activities.

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Um. No. The "police state" and the National Guard (etc.) will, in large part, support Trump and his authoritarian cult. And yes, there will be "a hell of a lot of violence."

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Divine, actually.

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Citizen, you are right, now, how do we get the word out to people who are hoping for a king who will do whatever they want him to and to whoever they want harmed. They don't realize that Trump will only do things that will help himself and those who bow and scrape to him. Everyone is a potential target when Trump and his toddler self gets his mind on a group he can hurt for his own benefit. Bully dictators (OK, all dictators are bullies) are not good people. They rule by pain, fear, and projected resentment, just as Trump did during his 4-year term. He will be far worse if re-elected and even white male bullies may be at risk.

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If the spooks wanted to do him in, he'd already be gone and we wouldn't even know how. They wouldn't string it out for years like this. You need to listen to smarter conspiracy theorists

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Ah yes. He was so “persecuted” that the FBI helped throw the election to him in 2016. Get a grip. If anything the DOJ has treated Trump with kid gloves instead of treating him like the lifelong criminal -cheat, rapist, traitor- that he is.

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You Forgot Draft Dodger shin splints what a bribe that had to Be…

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Can you clarify your "point" in a single paragraph?

I like a better understanding of it, as I don't get it right now.

I appreciate your consideration.

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You must summarize and select your points and then request a response.

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What is scary is that he has both ends of the spectrum supporting him. The disenfranchised white uneducated class and the Wall Street and corporate elite top dogs that control all the power and money and want to keep their power.

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The wall street types and the republicans they bought are responsible for the disenfranchisement felt by the uneducated group

of which you speak. Siding with their oppressors who keep them riled up about immigrants, guns and abortion, is part of the problem Immigrants and minorities are not the problem. They need help

but they wrongly blame democrats. Please learn to vote your own best interests.

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It is a very old technique. My dad use to rant on and on about how it was used in race relations. (speaking of what's not taught in school)

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Lynn, you are right. We didn't learn to identify in our school history classes, Andrew Jackson and other bullies as bullies, for example. Jackson pretended to be for "the common man" while he was a slave owner, a murderer of many Native Americans, just because he could. He had formulated a persona that let "the common man" see him as other than he really was. There are a lot of folks, mostly white men throughout our history who did tremendous damage but came off as strong, upstanding guys. Trump, alas has all the bad qualities and none of the good ones. He has created his image as a strong guy who stands for the working-class and poor but has never done anything in reality to help either group. He does model how to be a bully, though, although no one he models for would be able to use his techniques because they don't have the money, reality TV exposure and the hateful family dynamic Trump reveled in. I hope they never get those things because scared, angry, resentful, hateful disadvantaged white men can cause enormous suffering for themselves and many others.

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Hi Ruth, Yes, one would think, when the 1%ers were cruising Main Street looking for a pretty face, to use his body (to represent their ideas), they would have chosen someone with a less ugly interior. Then again, it seems to be working out for them, they are corrupting a lot of the country... so they can ride onto the screen on their palomino to save us. Duplicity is more than a word on a spelling test, it has become history.

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Lynn, it seems people like Republicans who are unattractive inside and out. There are a lot of them these days: Trump, of course, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham (although I have heard both attractive and not attractive from folks). Then some of the attractive ones like Greene, Boebert, Lake, and Mikey Johnson are supposedly good-looking but inside they are, well let's just say, ugly. Why people are drawn to these folks is beyond comprehension for me, particularly when they could choose people who actually care, who want to save our planet, who want everyone to have a well-paying meaningful job, and who want a world at peace. It's truly a bewilderment for me.

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Al Bellenchia on Steve Beschloss' substack

We are on a ship of fools.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” - Soren Kierkegaard

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Ruth, I think many voters are drawn to the likes of

people who exploit them like Trump because they

feel like they have nothing to lose. Having nothing to lose is probably not true, but that’s how they feel.

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They do vote in their best interests though. They just decided that white supremacy is their best interest.

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Lucius is correct. We should ask how white supremacy worked out for the Germans and Italians by 1945. So sad that the MAGA Morons are so amped up on their own self pity that they won't take a few hours to read history.

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Why read when Fox News tells you all you want to know?

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The MAGA Cult was began by an LLC criminal organization led by Donald Trump & Family. They have been selling lies and propaganda to increase their wealth for Decades. We had our opportunity in 2015 to shut him down but forgot how to eliminate the cancer he is as we did in 1945. But the cancer was never really eliminated, it persisted in Europe and here at home in the hearts and minds of southern dominated Republicans. They must be defeated and eliminated this time once and for all this November to preserve our Democracy and Trump must then be treated not like a former President, but a FELON President that cheated the election system in 2015 and Stole it with his Criminal enterprise!

Trump must be held accountable for the FEDERAL Crimes he has committed and so must his accomplices in state and federal office all the way to the Supreme Court!

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Hillary won't the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. There may be some underlying methods used to influence the Electoral College - kind of like theft.

What the folks of Kentucky should know is that Trump helped create more billionaires through tax cuts during his term. Trump did it to them, not for them.

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A supremacy, white or otherwise, is unsustainable if it rests on lies and brute force.

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Lucius, they made the decision of white supremacy because that is easy, no thinking involved, anger can be expressed related to something they had no control of (their white skin), and it can build their ego that is already pretty big, in order to disparage everyone who is not white and male (white supremacy for many means male - maybe most). Some women like it too for the same reasons plus they can feel superior in a world that thinks they are ignorant sex toys. They still get to be that but also able to see themselves as at least, better than non-white men and women. Trump loves that because except for his daughter, that is how he sees the white women who work for him.

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I agree with you 💯. My white working class neighbors love Trump. Some union members, no less! All of my relatives love this man. And not a one of them is disenfranchised or poor. It's really insane this alignment. Don't know how Democrats can overcome this: the worshipping of a wealthy elite by white people to make themselves feel better than brown or black people.

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"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

- Lyndon B. Johnson

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Baba, that is an amazing quote. LBJ knew what he was talking about. Why are we teaching our children to believe they are better than everyone else when to believe that makes them not so good? It is sad so many white men think they were put on earth to be superior even though white is just an adaptation to lack of sunlight. Maybe that need for sunlight has screwed with the brains of some of our fellow white citizens. Maybe they need an intervention to get them to stop their anti-community behavior. Maybe sensible gun control, universal health care, good jobs that pay well, and good co-workers of many different kinds of backgrounds would improve their dispositions. Maybe their children who call them out on their bad behavior could help too. Improve our public schools to help our children teach their parents to be better people.

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So true

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Unfortunately still so very true.

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Perhaps if there was a 21st Century Fairness Doctrine and the news could no longer be biased and as one-sided as some news is reported. I blame Reagan for eliminating it and its end meant that news became opinions and the listening audience didn't know the difference.

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If only there was a clause that required all parties to be truthful, otherwise there would automatically be immediate fact-checking to correct any misinformation. We should be able to use AI that way.

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Jaime, the challenge, of course would be, who gets to program the AI for what is true? Right now, Republicans are really good at making things look true to their cult and others, and with all the junk they pump out on social media and on Fox et al, the AI could think Republican BS is real, so similar to what people in the Trump cult already think. I'd rather see AI find real truth and correct for it, but figuring out how to do that, problematic!

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AI is all the rage in the business community right now. But AI has a dangerous flaw: it has no moral dimension; it is an electronic psychopath. I don't see this ending well . . .

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Nothing is true when everything is a conspiracy, hence you must trust the man with the Bible. Now we must remind people about what the Bibles says about fornicators/adulterers.

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Totally agree!!! Bring back the fairness doctrine. Reagan started this fire. He was a horrible president, but Trump is too!!!

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Terri, it is really shameful that so many people have decided the poison Kool-Ade is better than reality. I know they have not seriously thought beyond getting their baby Donnie back in office. Trump has nothing to offer anyone but the very rich to whom he chooses to give all kinds of tax and other breaks to make them even more rich and powerful and willing to dismiss the needs of those pathetic Trump voters. It is an extreme example of voting against one's own interests. And, those pathetic folks can't stand being even asked about their positions or why they support Trump, even what they know about him. They back off and start insulting anyone who asks them, almost threatening to break off the relationship. Sometimes, I feel I ought to break it off except that maybe something I say in passing might be the key to open thought for them. I am not hopeful, but one can dream.

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Ruth, thank you for trying.

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I wish that just once while tfg is pandering to the disenfranchised, one of them would ask if they can be his guests at Mar-a-Lago. Maybe then they will realize he doesn't care about their plight.

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psittacus-ebrius, if Trump ever got such an idea as having a poor or working-class guy (it would have to be a guy) to Mar-a-Lago, he would make that his big fund-raiser for the month. He would let someone sort of famous, a lacky show him around, cameras rolling the whole time, like a reality TV show, then meet with Trump sitting on some kind of throne or on his golf cart. Trump would have been carefully schooled in just what to say, "I know you loved it? Isn't it a great place? So glad you came. Go Home and tell your friends what a great guy I am." The guy would bow, try to kiss Trump's ring, but Trump would have his lackies "gently" push him away disgusted that the guy would dare to touch him. The guy would not notice because, well, he is caught up in the glow of his deity, and of course, how dare he touch the great one! The film would be carefully edited to make the guy look like a pathetic child in wonder at his Trump's glory and Trump looking regal, or as regal as Trump, a hateful, ignorant, angry man can look.

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Is your home at full capacity by virtue of your benevolence?

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Chuck, OMG, your program failed this time and your comment made absolutely no sense. Sad!

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That’s an unfair cheap shot.

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That is it. I fear for the future of my children and grandchildren.

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Bold of you to assume the earth will still be inhabitable that far down the line 😓

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"Both ends against the middle," it's called.

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Oh, that’s where your prejudice shows. They are not all an educated. Many of them have high school diplomas and college degrees. But the wages in the economy are still leaving them behind. Yeah don’t make that mistake. They may be stupid for voting for Trump but they’re definitely not uneducated.

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And the Democratic Party used to the party of the working class but that all changed when Reagan was allowed by the voters to reward wealth at the expense of work. The Democrats in government jumped on the gravy train and abandoned their principles. Citizens United sealed the deal.

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And Citizens United simply must be reversed! As soon as possible.

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I can't agree with you.

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not effectively educated if they think trump would or could improve their lives in any way

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Clearly lacking critical thinking skills.

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hedda, I wish you were right - but most of the Trump supporters Ive seen at his rallys do not look like they went to a real college for even a day.

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Bob, even when a Trump supporter who is educated, like a nurse I heard interviewed recently is asked why she supported Trump, she had no answer that would be considered thoughtful. She said something like I just like what he stands for. Of course she could name not one thing he supposedly stands for. She cut the interview off quickly. I suspect a whole lot of Trumpers and Trumpettes are so indoctrinated to support their Donnie are also encouraged to say just a few words and to think about why they support him as little as possible. Even the clips I have heard of Fox "hosts" either interviewing Trump's team or just commenting, gave few reasons to support Trump, nearly all they said was denigrating Biden, Harris, Raskin, and/or other prominent Democrats, as though Trump the convicted criminal is the lesser of evils. Amazing what people choose to believe or to espouse, even educated people.

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Hedda, yes, many have high school and a few college, but they are unaware of the fact that their baby Donnie has done nothing for their group, the cult except blurt out how much he is for them. He has done absolutely nothing for them but Trump and Kump have definitely directed the cult's anger toward Democrats who actually have helped them. The cult members often complain about poor health care, but it is often their own Republican state legislatures that have kept them from accessing federal assistance with health care. Alas, poorly funded and staffed education does not always permit folks to understand what is happening to them and who is responsible. That leaves them open to being used and abused by the Republican powers that be, in this case. Underestimating them is not the real problem; it's our inability to challenge their understanding of reality, which is deeply flawed, leaving them helpless in the face of Trump's onslaught. They do not seem to want to improve their situation. They like the bullying nature of Trump's message and their ability to blame the wrong causes of their anger, fear, hatred, and resentment. Then, there's greed, their wanting and thinking Trump will take care of their wants; he won't!

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We should make it clear to the MAGA faithful & especially those leaning that way but not fully there that Trump is a tool of billionaire corporate executives who are their real enemy & source of their misery & that through Trump they are the billionaires' tools, too, to take wealth & power away from them & to the billionaires.

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Jaime, this risks sounding like another conspiracy theory. Fascist libertarians are already branding people like you as such--acting under the cover of "the common good" to advance their atheistic totalitarian designs to rule over America. This is why Mike Johnson became Speaker of the House. Dems may yet come to regret their support of this snake.

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Well, I certainly have already come to regret the Democrats' support of Johnson against MTG's attempt to vacate the speakership.

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And our foreign enemies are supporting him more.

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To be fair, both parties first represent the business party. Not labor. Not really. They pay it lip service but it’s always been this way.

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"Younger working-class men in particular, who have been marginalized in an economy that no longer rewards their work..."

Oh horseshit. Multiple and compounded *horseshit*. They just aren't rewarded above and beyond women or people of color anymore. And they are losing out to anybody whose education went beyond high school. They have to compete now, and they don't like it. Very like Trump, come to think of it.

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Largely true, but in isolated, rural areas like eastern Kentucky, there are almost no jobs for anyone regardless of sex, color, or education--at least no jobs that will support a family.

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Maureen, more likely because of your State government, than because of the Federal Democrats. Here in FL, children go to bed hungry because the State of FL !! Desantis refused Federal EBT money from Democrats to feed families. Children go hungry here because of Republican politics!!

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Definitely true, but that's not the only reason. Offshoring manufacturing, the loss of jobs in areas like coal mining due to the shift away from fossil fuels because of climate change, and the loss of family farms to agribusiness are all leading to the loss of decently paying jobs in isolated, rural areas. That, in turn, is leading to the increasing depopulation of such areas, which, in turn, leads to even fewer jobs.

Biden has begun encouraging the return of manufacturing to the US, which can help. His idea of forming a "Climate Corps" may also help by teaching people useful skills like wind turbine repair in a new economy formed by climate change.

The federal government could also develop policies to support working at a distance and establishing centers for working at a distance in isolated rural areas (some such centers exist in some isolated, rural areas, including on islands, in Ireland so people don't have to leave their home areas to work). A national single-payer health-care program could also help, especially if it supported medical training for doctors and nurses willing to work in isolated, rural areas; that would permit the re-opening of rural hospitals so people wouldn't have to travel hundreds of miles for medical care.

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Maureen, thinking out of the box is what is needed and bravery from politicians to do what is right, no matter who screams about it, especially for undervalued people and communities.

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All the good legislation Biden has passed may be nullified if Trump wins.

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Maureen, your list of possible changes to Appalachian life is excellent. The problem as I see it (and who am I) is that people in a long-standing culture do not handle change well. They will fight it with everything they have, even putting their support on a New York jerk who makes promises they know he can't or won't keep. He is a blow-hard and they know it, but he has shown them how to blame the wrong people for their pain and suffering. Hillary Clinton tried to address some of their issues in 2016, but she was torn down as someone who didn't understand Appalachia and that her ideas were not going to help. They were many of the ideas you have described. How to help Appalachia change gradually might work, but their needs are greater than a gradual change would warrant. It is a dilemma. Getting broadband everywhere throughout the area would be a really good start at prices people can afford, or even free until people can use the broadband to get other resources they need, like telemedicine, additional education, help with farming strategies, and remote work, etc. It seems broadband could be the change that could lead to other important changes and should be a priority of the IRA.

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Free broadband is a really good idea, but more investment in education, including how to distinguish reliable from unreliable sites, should go with it, or it could lead to the spreading of even more misinformation and conspiracy theories.

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Maureen, I would like to see more education about how to use and not to be used by online entities. That would be great for everyone, starting with kindergarten, presented at grade and comprehension levels. Teaching students and others how to deal with news vs. opinion would be helpful too. I suspect a lot of adults have no clue what is happening to them online, Trumpers and Trumpettes for example.

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What is profoundly distressing is to see republican officials constantly shoot down programs that would benefit the disenfranchised.

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Bonnie, that is the point. It is accompanied with Republican whines that there was something in the bill that they just couldn't manage to go along with, so . . . Their constituents believe they really care about the problems their constituents have when they don't at all. They care about power, money, and how to get both while in office and beyond.

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Nancy Taylor, sorry you have to witness such insanty in your state. I don't know how you stay sane. Be well!

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Exactly! The poorest states are run by MAGA nuts!

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Yes, that behavior resembles the Republican Criminal Organization. They are authoritarian and feel free to do anything that they think will fix their perceived problems. How long has it been since foreign workers from south of the border fled Florida because of Desatan s policies and now what is Florida doing about harvesting field and fruit crops. No white person wants to do that kind of work. Desatan is much like Trump is and don't expect him to change any time soon.

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G. Wayne, it does seem our Trumpers and Trumpettes are willing to wreck the economy of their states and do other damage just to prove their ridiculous point, in DeSatan's case, get rid of immigrants, even though he is a relatively recent descendant of immigrants who were not particularly well appreciated when they arrived here. I bet they would have appreciated a welcome instead of abuse and insults. Hmmm! Obviously the DeSatans didn't pass the message down to Ron.

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Does any candidate have a concrete plan to bring back jobs to the middle and working class - skilled jobs?

Is this an issue in this Election?

Why not a new New Deal like FDR did during the Depression?

Prof. Reich has alot on this.

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robert - the progressives have been saying for a long time to bring back free public ed through college. and bring back trades education. i was a shop teacher, and there was never enough money to run a decent industrial arts program. we might also try mandatory public service for young people. also, the republican party, as an organization that advocates violence as a means of solving problems, that promotes racism, misogyny, paternalism, classism, and bigotry is basically a terrorist organization. but i must give them credit for playing the long game, since raygun. then the democrats under clinton sold out to the highest bidder, and abandonned the working class and the unions. biden was part of that in the 90's, but i've still gotta vote for him to keep drumpf out.

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Clinton found a way to get big money donors to write big checks to Dems. If it got more Dems elected, doesn’t that mean it worked out?

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R Hodsdon - those rich donors loved that he got rid of glass steagal, leading to the 2008 meltdown. those rich donors loved that the dems "reformed" welfare, throwing more people off the safety nets and into the prison pipeline and into for profit prisons. those rich donors loved that the democratic party abandoned the unions and working class, thereby bolstering their bottom lines. rich people will use whatever label or party to accomplish their self-aggrandizing goals. they are loyal only to themselves. clinton ultimately expedited the repugnantican agenda.

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Also, Paul, as you know, Trump had zero to do with Glass-Stegal as he didn’t ascend to the presidency (or have any influence whatever on politics) until he started running in 2015.

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Promises will not defeat Trump, but pointing out that Trump has not kept his basic promise--to MAGA, and that he has corrupted everything, and, most important: he betrayed women, and he betrayed the religious folk who want a national abortion ban. At the moment, Trump has only two convictions: 1. that he is an extraordinarily capable man, and 2. the one the jury delivered, which proved that he is a fool.

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Biden has been trying by encouraging the return of manufacturing to the US. His proposed "Climate Corps" could also function like FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps.

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No because there isn't one. It will always be cheaper for corporations to offshore operations and there is nothing government can do to compete with the profit increases that come of offshoring. It has nothing to do with skills or education, it's just that they don't want to pay American wages and benefits. Period.

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A few years ago, I remember the CEO of Exxon Mobile telling the US Congress that “I’m not an American corporation.” He, Rex Tillerson, was appointed Secretary of State by Drumpf. We cannot expect corporations to be patriotic.

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In all fairness, I am sure he was intimating that Exxon’s Mobil is a corporation operating internationally, and as such, is subject to the laws and regs of the countries where it drills or refines. I don’t think it is proper to consider corporations as ‘patriotic’ or otherwise. They are not actually people (though they employ many people including CEO’s and Managing Directors). Corporations are formed as profit-making enterprises, not social organizations. Money has no sentiment, knows no limits, and corporations are, ideally, apolitical in their pursuit of profits for their owners.

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If you want cheap anything then it will be made offshore.You get it cheaper because of that,not because profits are increased.

At the moment there is a lot of discussion to raise minimum wage in Thailand to US$10 per day.The car factories are just outside of Nakhon Sawahn,around 200 klms outside of Bangkok,a very nice little place where everybody is keen to talk to you.They hope to at least learn a few words of English to try to improve their lot in life..You get cheap cars because of their low wages Wages don't really make up a lot of the end purchase price,materials and taxes and tariffs do.At the moment BYD a Chinese car manufacturer are hoping to open a plant in Mexico as a stepping stone into the US.The cost of building them in China,transport them to the USA,add on tariffs,all of this is paid for by you.All costs,plus taxes etc,a small profit margin,paid by you. The knock on cost of building them in Mexico is shipyard workers lose their jobs.Don't need those ships built or maintained.People at Sulzer lose their jobs,don't engines,etc,etc,etc. The gain is for people in Mexico,they get jobs,a large number of add on jobs to support a large factory.Cars are imported to the USA depending on trade agreements between the US and Mexico.

The final piece of the simple jigsaw.These profits you claim,buy shares in Ford and GM,as a shareholder part of these profits will be returned to you through dividends,just as they are returned to the major owners of those companies,pension funds.

The money you have saved on a new car,or second hand car can be used to buy those shares.

Either way it is down to you,and you will see what you want to see.

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A quick check and Ford sold 4.3 million vehicles worldwide last year,for a net profit of $4.3 billion. Pretty much what they aim for,$1,000 net profit per vehicle.Volkswagen have long had a 20/ 20 plan,sell 20 million vehicles world wide for a net profit of $20 billion,or $1,000 per vehicle.Spend money and buy shares in VW?

The jigsaw is still the same .Part of the profits paid out to the owners( shareholders ) as dividends,part of the profit held back for " a rainy day" or just incase.Then they will still have to raise money through corporate bonds,or a capital raising through a share issue to owners of the company You have to give them more money.

This expands the number of shares on issue.When things get better then they may offer you a share buy back to reduce the number of shares on issue.For the years they have held your money they have paid you dividends,hopefully.The share price has gone up,hopefully..You can accept their office or decline it.Depending on how many shares are bought back what happens is the pie is the same size There are fewer slices,so each slice is worth slightly more.Choose to take money now,or leave it there to grow,hopefully.

The profit is the same,and the same things happen.Choose to sell shares back to them,or keep them for the very slight increase in dividend,hopefully.

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I thought there were new factories being built for electric cars and computer chips and there are infrastructure projects to maintain bridges and highways.

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Infrastructure will suffer from the lack of workers,trades etc.Worldwide.Shortage of materials also come into it.

Chips ,then Taiwan semi conductor have been enticed to either Texas or Arizona,I forget which,I'm retired and don't keep up.I think the govt subsidy is $5 billion to build that factory,other conditions I don't know.

Taiwan semi control around 90% of the market for those chips,it may have changed.They win through the subsidies and an escape route from the threat of China as they constantly try to regain control of Taiwan ( Formosa)

Taiwan semi ( TSMC) have produced excellent returns for shareholders and pension funds.I think they are dual listed ( Taipei and New York but again not sure).How much transfer of knowledge goes along with this deal I don't know.

NVIDIA has outstripped everything with huge gains.A different chip industry to Taiwan semi as far as I know.NVDIA for AI and AI / healthcare ,and Taiwan semi for whatever they do You'll need to google them. Going through company reports and constant disclosure to market regulators can be baffling

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Sobering information. Thank you.

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Robert, The quotes are from Jamie Dimon,

who has been the chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of JPMorgan Chase since 2006:

“If you look at the economy” before the Covid-19 pandemic “it was very low growth for 20 yrs,” he told the Economic Club of N.Y.on 4/23/24, “But if you look at the economy since then, it's been booming. Unemployment hit an all-time low; it's been under 4% now for …2-3 yrs.” The last time unemployment was this low for this long was in the 1960s.

So jobs aren’t the problem and shouldn’t be an issue in the coming election.

Dimon’s optimism on America is echoed by investors no matter where they are. The Business Roundtable’s survey of top CEOs & Duke Univ. survey of CFOs both show rising confidence in the last year of Biden's 1st term.

The same surveys were in steady decline under Trump. The latest CEO report is notable because it shows expectations of stronger sales, greater capital spending and more hiring. (Bloomberg, 5/2/24, Matthew Winkler)

“The economy is “unbelievable” & “booming” & has been since the pandemic- Dimon said at the Economic Club of New York in April.” JPMorgan CEO Dimon: “The econ. is 'booming,’ unemploymnt is under 4% since 1/22.” “We’ll continue to do well, even if the econ.goes into a recession.”

There’s so much disinformation on social media &

mainstream news platforms aren’t reporting on any

of the truly extraordinary things President Biden

has done, because they have aligned with Trump.

They aligned with Trump because he’s offered them another tax reduction if he wins. To top it off—

everyone knows, or should know, Trump doesn’t

keep his promises. He says whatever he thinks will

get him what he wants, but people keep believing


people don’t rea

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Maureen, you are right about Eastern Kentucky and the rest of Appalachia. The mines and timber industry have been slowing for years, but so little has been done to help those who were supported by those industries. Republicans complain with the desperate folks, but offer nothing to help them. Democrats, when offering programs and assistance as Hillary Clinton did in the 2016 campaign, were called all kinds of names for dyssing coal mining and miners and trying to damage their culture. That was just crazy, but angry senseless words work well when they are spewed from the mouths of Republican politicians and the rare Democrat who is elected, like Joe Manchin. Manchin could have supported serious programs that would have significantly helped the people of Appalachia, but chose to go with the rich white guys who are the economic descendants of those who raped Appalachia in the first place. Why anyone in Appalachia would support Trump is a total mystery because Republicans have been in charge for decades in the states that make up Appalachia and many residents are still in poverty, suffer from massive floods, and more. Either they want to continue as they have been doing or they will vote for different people to represent them. I suspect they won't do the latter.

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Ruth, thank you for these insights. When I think of Appalachia (W. VA and eastern KY)., I remember the run-down trailers down in the hollers and the ‘food deserts’ in the towns — what stores there were had a lot of processed foods and white bread, with little fresh produce or healthy options. (Note: this was in the ‘90’s)

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and they think trump will fix that?

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Sadly, they do.

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I don't have any confidence in anything that Donald will do in the future. He's failed at everything that he has ever done except for bankruptcy.

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They are no longer considered "the master race" by ANYONE but themselves. Having it so good for so long makes one weak and effeminate . . . just like their morbidly obese, bigly immoral godking!

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Actually, I used to be dismissive of them just like you are here until one day, in my daughter's living room, I listened to a young man give voice to his resentments at being forced out of his good job as a framer by contractors bringing in men from other places (in this case, Mexico) to do the same work for far less money. He became almost incandescent with rage, to where I had to slow him down with "Hey, buddy, I didn't cause it." But it was his legitimate story & it had happened more than once. He had then traveled thousands of miles (childhood friend of my son-in-law) to where we live in search of decent wages. I actually listened to his story. I'm not dismissive anymore. So...not just big corporate but anybody who can get away with utilizing cheap labor. I can see why they're pissed off & want to stick it to the man (& of course, I understand their faith is wildly misplaced, in trump).

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He should be angry at the greedy contractor. What does his hiring cheaper labor have to do with Biden or Trump?

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He is a huge Trump fan now. There are many like him. They honestly believe that something's going to change, to their benefit, if Trump's elected again. And very important to note, they think he sincerely gives voice to their anger & alienation - but of course, they're blind to Trump's grifter nature. It hurts my heart, actually, that they are so played.

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I believe both parties are complicit in the immigration fiasco and the reason is obvious-next best thing to free labor is cheap labor. In this case the cheap labor happens to be brown and thus feeding into the "great replacement theory". Dems did at least try to mitigate the damage this year but too little too late. Amazing that the folk most affected can't see that those "strings" of inactivity are being pulled by the oligarchs of both parties.

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There is no immigration fiasco, there is an employer greed fiasco. They hire Mexican workers because they don't want to pay American wages and benefits. That is all it comes down to. There is nothing complex or profound happening. The business owners, including that contractor, want to extract more money from the business for themselves and low cost foreign labor is the way to do so.

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Yes, exactly.

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How exactly have young working class men been ‘bullied?’ It seems to me the only bully has been the GOP, suppressing wages, healthcare, unions, and child labor laws (among other things) in red states. How the so-called ‘bullied’ think the bully will save them is beyond me.

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I must confess that your question has me confounded also.

That the question persists in light of the rest of your pointed commentary is beyond me as well.

Thanks for your observation.

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Have you ever noticed that angry people seem to attract others of the same ilk? We say, “Misery loves company,” and I think that may be true of anger and resentment. Beer helps the process, too.

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A suggestion for Goal #3 is to future proof the American democracy. Plenty of work to do here. Just picking four from the Progressive Caucus' idea:

● Voting needs to be a protected right of citizenshp.

● Bold campaign finance reform getting big money out of politics.

● Eliminate the Filibuster.

● Fix the federal courts starting with the Supreme Court.

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Agree with all of this, but it's not likely to happen before November 5.

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Yes, true. BUT many of us are tired of the lack of a focus beyond the current election. Then, when the election is over, focus is gone.

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I'm not sure that's entirely fair. The Biden administration has certainly moved to restore environmental protections that the Trump administration dismantled. If we want to do something about the federal courts, there needs to be a substantial majority in the Senate.

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Impeachment starts in the House. Alito and Thomas need to be impeached. There seems to be a good chance that Democrats will retake the House. If we’re a real democracy, we need to address the corruption of the Supreme Court. The Constitution provided us with the tools — what we need is the will. These are unprecedented times.

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Four good points.

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A lot to unpack here - too big an agenda often means nothing gets done properly.

My 2 cents worth — work on changing the way that judicial nominees are vetted and proposed, ESPECIALLY create a pipeline of NON-political aspiring judicial candidates to counter the baleful influence of the Federalist Society.

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Biden is the first Democrat to try to shift the party and the government back towards the New Deal (from which poor whites benefited most). I hope he doesn't blow the election due to his almost totally unqualified support of Netanyahu's policies in Israel.

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Maureen: I am watching all of this closely, as I'm sure you are also. I feel that Biden is trying very hard to redirect Netanyahu without violating our prior commitment to Israel as our ally. So there is movement going on ; it truly is not unqualified support at this point.

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I said, "his almost totally unqualified support." He could withhold all offensive weapons, not just 2000 lb bombs, without violating our prior commitment to Israel as our ally.

Have you heard that South Africa is considering accusing the US and Germany (the major suppliers of offensive weapons to Israel) of genocide before the International Court of Justice? If Israel is convicted, they could be, too.

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Yes. I actually have not supported Biden's sending offensive weapons right from the start, but I am encouraged by the real pressure and movement toward a cease-fire and an end of the conflict. I feel there is real movement now, finally.

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I hope you're right.

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There US does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICJ. As to the charge of “genocide”, In my opinion, a finding that the US had committed genocide by supplying arms to Israel would be flatly reject and ignored by the US, and possibly by other states as well.

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"There US does not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICJ."

Convenient way to leave themselves free to commit atrocities (like torture such as waterboarding) and genocide. The US is in "good" company: Russia and Israel don't recognize it either (tells you which nations put self-protection above justice and human rights).

None of the three recognize the ICC, either, but, if their leaders are convicted there, they'll still be subject to arrest if they enter any of the 124 countries that do recognize it.

The Genocide Convention, which has been ratified by 149 countries, defines that crime as meaning “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. These acts can involve “killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm” or “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. Which of these elements do you not recognise in Israel’s indiscriminate mass killings and torture by deprivation of food, water, medicines and fuel in Gaza?

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Israel should never become an objective of our own elections and country politics. We have enough problems of our own to need solving.

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As long as the US fancies itself as the world's policeman, its international policies will always be part of a POTUS' duties and, hence, need to be considered when voting.

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Maureen,I believe that the US does more than imagine it has an obligation to comport itself in accordance with international law and accepted practice, but it will at all times insist upon its right to conduct foreign policy to serve its best interests. That said — and (full disclosure)I am not a lawyer or international legal expert — I would say that the US national interest generally is mostly aligned with and served by upholding international law.

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Sorry to disagree with you, but I think the US national interest is mostly aligned with and served by doing the will of politicians' corporate donors and ensuring that American corporations can do whatever they want in third-world countries.

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We do, indeed,, have problems of our own that need to be solved. Yet we have military bases all over the world, and our military spending is sucking up money and energy badly need at home. Shouldn't we have a national debate about this?

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It's not the only swing state, but it's an important one.

Fortunately, Trump's recent conviction for fraud may affect his popularity.

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Don't discount the religious vote. The Bible has but things to say about Trump

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Some undecided voters have already said it inclines them against him, but some have said it inclines them towards him. Of course, it makes no difference to his hard-core supporters.

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Donald J Trump will get no new voters over his conviction. His followers may be excited for a while, but it is a long way to November. In the meantime,the slow burn of everyone else who is horrified by the response of the Republican Party to an attack on our laws, our justice system, and our Constitution will likely turn into a massive conflagration, a wave of voters against Donald J Trump and Republicans who support him. These MAGAs may rage about their jobs, land, and pride(racism and misogyny). What they don’t realize, and aren’t intellectually curious enough to ask about, is that Trump literally has no plan for any of that. He despises the poor, the rural, the undereducated, and sees them merely as a means to an end..his escape from justice and his self-enrichment. In November, vote against Donald J Trump and all his sycophants.

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Yes!! Yes, yes, yes. Right you are, Cathlynn!!

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There's no other way to vote to save ourselves our country and Democracy.

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I believe we share similar views.


I am concerned that their anger (however ill defined) will lead them to the master of no definition; Trump.

It has happened before.

That said,

I believe your last request will come true; Most will not vote for Trump.

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Indeed,the election in November is likely to be marked by chaos and attempts to disrupt the process. It will only increase the determination of the rest of us to defeat MAGA in all its incarnations.

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George Paul Zahorcak, my concern is the revved-up GOP plans for cheating (voter suppression, voter roll purging, etc.etc.) to win or overturn a loss.

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I share your concern. It is disheartening.

At times, I must take a deep breath to adjust.

Nothing will be handed to America, however, we will prevail.

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It’s a tail told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signify nothing

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The tale of the orange beast will be told “tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.” As for his “tail”, let’s also check for the horns!

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Ruth and Rob. Y'all just reminded me of an old song I used to love from 1973. Here's to nostalgia!


They got no horns

And they got no tails

And they don't even know of our existance

Am I wrong to believe

In a city of gold

That lies in the distance, he cried and wept

Genesis - Trick of the Tail

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But THIS aint no "brief candle."

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It's true that Biden is the first President in a couple of generations to support New Deal ideals. That's why Wall Street hates him. What I still don't understand is why a bunch of voters who hate Wall Street's Billionaires, thought that the solution was to support and vote for a different Billionaire as a solution?!?!?!

I believe Trump's big goal for his next Presidency is to deliver America to the Billionaire Oligarchs once and for all. And keep himself out of prison of course.

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Right on Keith... A new GOP government with Trump at the lead will put our Social Security trust fund money right in the bank accounts of the thieves that run Wall Street. And within just a couple years. How will they get it? By promising that "we" will get higher interest rates on the money in the fund. Appeal to our "greed" factor. It is human nature. Why do you think the Lottery is so popular and casinos and now sports betting. Once-upon-a-time you would be put in jail for these activities! After they have it all of our SS money in their accounts they will claim they just made a few poor investments, tough luck, it's just the way the market works... sure for them. Don't know about anyone else but I worked and paid into SS for 60 years and now I'm retired. If we let the MAGA dumb asses elect the GOP we will never get that money back. Those Wall Street folks stay up late at night thinking of ways to fleece us and the MAGA folks I know are so brain dead they won't even listen to me when I try to explain how it will go down. Hitler got the German people to invest their life saving in a down payment for a new car, the "Peoples Car" or Volkswagon. Of course he kept their money and bought war machines instead. Greed and desperation did them in. Cheers...GH

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That's a pretty good analysis there. I remember when Bush Jr. tried to privatize SS. He was promoting privatization as a path to more money for people with his "ownership society". What he really meant was the private individuals could own all the risk. But Wall Street owned the profits. It was all a question of who shouldered the risk. The Billionaires motto is: Privatize all profits and socialize all costs and losses. Turns out they like socialism just fine... for themselves.

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they picked Trump as their Messiah,have rallied around him,and will never change their minds

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That is very true. They will believe in him until their dying day. For a few reasons I think.

Some simply believe him without reservation. I call them the hypnotized. The people who can be fooled all of the time.

Some aren't that gullible. But they're hurting and want others to share their pain.

Some don't believe in him, but want to be on the "winning" side. Their cynicism runs deep. For my money, these are the worst of his supporters.

Some are well aware of who and what he is, and support him anyways because they like his policies. And hate those other people. These are the real villains.

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you're right,there are many reasons for Trumpies to see things as they do-but they're all helping to wreck our country

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Are you the Keith Odom I was in San Diego Navy boot camp with in late 1967?

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Sadly, we live in a country that eliminated the teaching of the fundamentals of our fragile experiment in self governance. Under the deified eye of Reagan, the “Party of Lincoln” cut Civics from public school curricula…What country wants its future citizens to be an ignorant mob? The kind that ignores felony convictions…Ironic that the party that literally saved the Union, will be responsible for its destruction…

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Nailed it! There is no better description of MAGAts and MAGA-ism than "an ignorant mob."

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Reagan cut lots of budgets, including education, both as Governor of California and as President. As a result (I gather from Bing/Co-pilot) civics ed budgets were cut along with a lot of other things Reagan didn’t think kids ought to learn about. but I think your comment is misleading. Also, it is the individual states which mandate curriculum, not the US Dept of Ed.

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Trump is a multiple-time loser. I don’t mind that he thinks he has so much support…the bigger the shock & permanent downfall after the Nov election. And after our win, we really must fix the most embarrassing reality of this election. That a convicted felon, rapist and seditionist can run for the highest office in the US. You can’t do this in most states! Why the “f” would that be allowed for the most challenging and highest visibility job in the U.S. and the international community!

The founders didn’t realize we could have a bunch of rubes like MAGA, AKA, Republican party that were unqualified and dangerous to the public.

It is sickening to see any one from this massive cult get away with minimal accountability & punishment. Judge Merchand…keep doing your job and silence the orange Fascist.

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There are strong parallels between what is happening right now and the Joe McCarthy Era. In both moments, it was the party (Republican) that was out of favor trying to slam it's way back into favor, spreading falsehoods and fear.

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I live in Appalachia. I was born in West Virginia and orphaned before I was a teen. A high school counselor refused to put me in college-prep courses, flatly saying I was destined for the mines or mills. I joined the service and then pursued a federal career. Along the way, I earned four college degrees. Three of my novels have been finalists in international literary competitions. My old truck has two big stickers: "No one is above the Law." and "I like people who don't insult POWS." I dare a MAGA to confront me. I refuse to be a victim.

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Yay for you and guys/gals like you. Speak Truth to the Powerless; challenge their beliefs with facts, show how they can better themselves and to use their voting power to make things better for all.

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(Make Jail Great Again )

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But Trump acting more and more like an infant throwing tantrums does add up. Lots of conservatives are going along with MAGAs who have had enough.

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The exploitation of resentment. Simple recipe. Worked for Hitler.

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And Donald is well versed in Herr Goebel and his propaganda.

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I was a teenager in New Jersey in the early seventies. I watched WNEW, WCBS, WABC, WNBC, WPIX, WOR. Even then, Trump was vying for attention and wishing to be in the consciousness of the metropolitan area. He succeeded. Anyone who grew up in the area, even as teenagers, knew he was "different." Not in a good way. In the late seventies he found his way to late night TV. Full of himself.

Sick of him.

Anyone who witnessed his appearances in the local New York media could understand why he was ridiculed. He was a spoiled rotten selfish young man.

He grew up.

Now, he is a spoiled geriatric who has nothing in common with his "maga" constituency other than anger, anger, anger, and anger. He is, and always has been, a pitiful fellow....enabled by sycophants like Manafort, Stone, Bannon, Flynn, Miller, Cruz, Johnson....etc., etc., etc.,


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Go George...At 77 I look back on my childhood and remember that my wonderful, hard working, loving, liberal parents taught my brother and me to be none of the things that Trumps is. Same goes for my aunts and uncles, neighbors, teachers, ministers, coaches, scout leaders and even the tough, screaming instructors in Navy boot camp. I guess the MAGA mobsters weren't a lucky as me. Cheers... GH

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Good memories, eh? Still, life in America wasn’t perfect back then, and even with gas at 35the cents a gallon, I often couldn’t afford to fill the tank of the VW bug.

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