What makes me optimistic is more or less the same thing: a sense of increasing consciousness, mostly among young people, of the need for basic human solidarity and genuine values to believe in. But one thing is to aspire to something better, another is to make it happen. The first thing I can think of is public education and information. I dream of an independent press gaining subscribers by the quality of its work instead of being financed by large corporations' advertising money. We need hundreds of Inequality Media enterprises to cover various fields of public interest from different angles and bring real food for thought.

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It can be very discouraging to see all the actions the GOP is taking to hinder elections, bills - all the lies they keep saying. But I believe the majority of Americans can see through this and that is what keeps me optimistic.

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My experience with undergraduate students is the same as yours. The students in my population geography class, most of whom are international studies majors, are intelligent, keen to get out and help improve the world (many already are doing so through their internships and summer fellowships), and, most importantly, to dig in and understand the root causes to issues. We just finished two weeks on migration, going beyond the numbers and origins and destinations, focusing also on push and pull factors. What makes me most optimistic? They understood that, while migration is a choice, it's often made to escape poverty, lack of opportunity, oppression, and other negative factors, and that while welcoming immigrants is one policy option, actively working to redress the the negative factors that push people to migrate is more important.

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Agree with your assessment. I become more optimistic when I consider my granddaughter. She is brilliant! She achieved high honors in high school and graduated near the top of her class in college. She is beautiful and articulate and could have done anything she wanted to do ... and made a whole lot of money. But what did she choose to do with her talent? She chose to TEACH! She is now a fifth grade teacher, showing her young people ... not just how to pass tests and beat the system ... but demonstrating how and urging them to learn to THINK. If there is anything that America needs now, it is a generation focused on building something wonderful FOR ALL, not necessarily trying to see how many green, wrinkled pieces of paper they can gather up and lock away in a big steel box. The temporary defeat of Trump was a battle won, but the war is against ignorance. If we do not take on this battle, our enemies will succeed in leveraging our weakness, and this great nation will fall.

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I Believe in democracy and I believe in good people, dictators can get a lucky/good start (1914&1939-1941), but they will lose in the end when, good people/nations join forces. Nazi Germany was crushed, Sovjet crumbled. New Dictators will have the same faith. The USA must again be the arsenal for the free world, stand for democracy and freedom for all. But the USA must first try all the wrong ways ? before it finds the right way. Stop Gerrymandering and give People a fair representation. Trump should never be allowed to run for any office again.

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Your undying efforts to enlighten the public with truthful analyses and your perspective just shared with us. Thanks for your undying efforts to right the rudder of our Great Experiment

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My 11 year old great niece recently mentioned she’s working on a plan to clean up the oceans.

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We are at a hinge moment for our democracy. We must all phone our Senators' offices and our Senators' funders' offices, exhorting them continually to push for voting rights and to eviscerate the filibuster. Find the funders on OpenSecrets.org. If we don't we will have another autocratic, authoritarian state, as Mississippi had and still has to a lesser degree, and which the GOP is working hard to reinstate all over the USA. One cause for optimism is the steep drop in the price of renewable energy. Another is young people's belief in their ability to save the world. I do remember when my cohort felt that way. We got beat by the money and the murderers, who killed our leaders one by one, black, red, brown, and white. So I'm glad the young people think they can save the world and I am happy to help in any way we can. One way is by teaching. Teach the lessons of our lost causes. Teach that dedicating yourself to a meaningful life is more worthy than making a killing as a day trader.

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Finding other people who share our concern about humanity, environment, animals as part of the world, not separate from it. But also the younger generation forming groups like Occupy Wall-street, March for our Lives etc We are reaching a point where we understand our numbers exceed those who refuse to look out for the common good.

I love hearing progressives in politics shout out loud the things I would like to see accomplished. And finally, honest discussions about religion that was previously off limits.

In a nutshell, all the evidence of people who care.

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The belief that we all have it in us to connect and contribute. Because I have the option to choose, not just externally but more importantly internally, drives my optimism and hope. I choose to be aware and present. I choose to decide my/our future. And my need to include others is strong.

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Knowing more people really are interested in the truth helps keep me optimistic.

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I am very optimistic right now tied to Winston Churchill’s famous meter concerning America: “Americans will always do the right thing after they have exhausted all other possibilities.” I figure we are right on the cusp! Hells bells, we have to be! Smile. Curt

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My Dear Robert Reich, You always manage to lift my spirits up to a positive level. That is one reason I joined your group. I do consider every day worth living. And I do believe there are ways to make America a better place to live. I find that the 'Messaging' we are all receiving on national broadcast is a major problem for me, personally, and I am sure it is for a lot of other people as well. It would be nice if we were hearing some positive objective news on TV and across the all media. I am able to find more positive thinking on my laptop (I screen all other media off) and it is refreshing to find the people who want to help other people in amazing different ways. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us.

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I agree with you - I just retired after 50 years of university teaching - the kids are the future and they are good.

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The next generation - people who seem to be embracing progressive ideals. They give me hope for the future of this country and this world.

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I have HOPE for our future so long as responsible citizens use science & moral reason to address the problems we encounter. The anti-intellectualism of the Trump cult, though still a minority, is quite troubling. So long as we do not become complacent, & actively fight these fascists, while trusting science & moral reasoning, I will be optimistic about our democratic republic, & our future.

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