For this and a host of many more reasons, our effort should be to drive the Republican party to extinction. They are marking themselves as dinosaurs, standing firm for every retrograde, backward and hateful instinct. Americans must reject these desperate extremists at the polls everywhere.

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Kind of off topic but people like Maxwell Frost, who openly called out fascism and DeSantis on stage in Florida give me a newfound hope for what his generation can accomplish. I only hope more of his peers follow in his footsteps.

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I think I have made this comment before, but it is clear to me who our next President should be. Robert Reich.

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SHOULD the US spend so much on the military-industrial complex?

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There was an informational item in emails from a Social Security advocacy group saying that Kevin McCarthy had been on Fox "news" after the "deal" was done. The item said that McCarthy was planning to organize a "commission" dedicated to cutting Social Security. Since it has been an obsessive focus of Republicans for decades to eliminate, privatize, or otherwise destroy Social Security, I think we can be sure McCarthy and his coven will be back again and again and again to finish their dirty deeds. Furthermore, it is just a matter of a few summer months before they can begin their now annual threat-fest for "do what we say with the budget or we shut this whole thing down!" Chaos, threats, bullying, and utterly insane mis-management of everything that might be for the public good or for progress is their way. They are anti-American. Why do they hate America and Americans so much?

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it sure would be wonderful if the debt deal would cut defense spending IN HALF and restore government forgiveness of college tuition debts!

just saying.

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White Christian nationalist care nothing about protecting/increasing Democracy in America. They follow only the most violent parts of the Bible. Christianity follows none of the teachings of Jesus, i.e. respect and full rights for women, care for the sick, feeding the hungry, prison reform. Chriistians demonstrate every day that it is easier to hate than to respect and love others

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Please take on US militarism, which spends more than the next 10 countries combined on military. Please don't call it "defense". US militarism fuels the climate crisis - the Pentagon is the largest institutional producer of Greenhouse Gases on the planet. The US military at about a trillion dollars is taxpayer-supported muscle backing fossil fuel companies' extraction (theft) of oil from other countries and from nature. We need this money to address the climate crisis and human needs. The military industrial complex is threatened by peace and depends upon tension that can lead to war - consider the current Cold War rhetoric toward China and the encircling of China with US bases.

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I trusted Biden, I didn’t trust McCarthy and the GOP. I was scared and took all my savings out of stock and ditched them in a low percentage account. I’m 71, my 50plus years of paying into retirement we’re done, I had no way to start over. I will get back into the market, but the idea of defaulting kept me up at night. Thank you Mr. President for your skills and calm under duress ❤️

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I believe Biden used the threat of the 14th Amendment as leverage in his negotiations with the House Republicans! Defaulting on the Debt would have been a very serious threat to our National Security! As Comander in Chief, the President has the Constitutional right to intervene. Realizing this, the House Republicans had to cave in on this issue! Biden masterfully used the Republican manufactured Debt Ceiling crisis against them! Just for that he deserves reelection!

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The Christian Nationalist Movement ... what a contradiction in terms ... and the scariest thing I've seen in my lifetime. Outlines of the major elements (14) of fascism include its marriage to a Radical Right religious tradition. For Franco it was the Spanish Catholic Church. For Hitler it was, first, the Lutheran Church, and when they stopped playing ball, he created a Reich's Church to take their place--though Hitler's Catholic mother's grave was a Catholic shrine during WWII. Pictures of Catholic priests doing the sieg heil salute abound in the war's histories. For Mussolini, it was a quite willing Vatican. In Iran (Twelver Shia), Turkey (Sunni), Afghanistan (Deobandi), Indonesia in Aceh Province (Sunni), Malaysia (Sunni), and Saudi Arabia (Wahhabi Hanbali Sunni), it's a radicalization of Islam not seen before the 20th century. Then, on the opposite side of things, is radical state secularism, which functions as a religion while being anti-religious--and that's in China, Russia, North Korea. Now we have Christofascism in the United States, and this is *not* the Christianity I grew up with, though the seeds were always there in the Southern racist screed preached from the pulpit in some places. My rascal writing partner Rupert Chapman (archaeologist, British Museum curator) calls what's happening now a CRISIS CULT, which is what develops when a culture is disintegrating, when its privilege by color or race of religion is crumbling, when its demographic dominance is disappearing, when its economic hegemony is going to hell. Crisis cults are incredibly dangerous. And ours is gaining strength--and it is armed and defending its right to have its own ARMY. And it is already advocating an internal state sponsorship of terrorism against women, the LBGTQ+ community, immigrants, all non-Whites, and all non-complying practitioners of other religions. And if it gets its hands on the wealth and power of America and can reserve the vote only for itself, it won't be satisfied there. And because its ideology is based on non-reality, it will be swamped by climate change and the starvation another blunder in this area will bring to billions. Maybe Job No. 1 is protecting the vote. If the rest of us can't vote, and don't fight for that right, America's one brief shining moment of democracy will end. And the world may never see its like again. ... Donald Trump didn't create this problem. He gave permission for the ugliness in the American Dark Shadow to snarl its way out of its nasty little underworld and openly lust for the power it craves. Hopefully, the courts will move forward with all deliberate speed to hold him accountable for the raft of crimes he's committed and help us end his charade--and discredit both this sleaze and his Congressional minions--before the next election comes around.

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My rightwing economist father orated repeatedly that federal spending should be limited to national defense - everything else should be charity. He was Reagan's Treasury undersecretary for tax reform and domestic fiscal policy. He was author of the Reagan tax cuts. Seeing his wish list come to pass should infuriate everybody on earth.

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Yes, little has changed. Our rigged and corrupted system; the same one that allowed a Trump to rise to the top, is still in play!

And HJR54, the We the People Amendment, is still the ONLY way out of this mess, by overturning Citizens United, and restoring our Constitution back to us!!!

But our Constitution won’t repair itself. We need your help at movetoamend.org

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How many MAGAs will stay with Trump when he is indicted in three jurisdictions: NY, DC and Georgia? If indictments in DC and GA are forthcoming, won’t some Republicans turn on their fearless leader who has continually taken them on the path to defeat. Trump’s mental status is more and more questionable in light of his irrational and fact free tweets. So one would expect that as the political heat rises, Trump will not be able to stay in the kitchen.

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As the saying goes, a small battle has been won, but the war is FAR from over.

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The Democrats need a Beyond Biden moment;. that is, a candidate/leader that the Party can get behind. We are so focused on the shamelessness and greed for power in the Republican Party, the utter cruelty and corruption, that we tend not to work on strengthening and nurturing the future of the Democratic Party. We have the next generation and we need a leader of that generation.

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