OOO, EXCELLENT IDEAS, Professor Reich! i hope biden is reading this (or his advisors are).

i especially love this idea: support legislation linking the rate of taxes a corporation pays to the ratio of its CEO pay to average worker pay.

and this idea: get big money out of politics with legislation that prevents federal contractors (20 percent of big companies) from making political contributions.

but seriously, i could list every last talking point you made and clap my hands in glee.

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I wish Professor Reich was in President Biden’s cabinet!

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Keith - I wish Dr. Reich were giving the speech.

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Yes. I admire Joe but he’s not the greatest public speaker.

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He's better than Drumph!! It's the thought that counts.!

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drumpf has "energy" . It's actually anger masquerading as energy / vigor. His (angry) MAGA followers fall for it every time.

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No, it's the Adderall, Provigil(both stimulants, both sharing addictive properties) and whatever else he was/is currently on. The WHMU while he was in office was like a literal "Drug"Store filled with a wide assortment of controlled substances. There are articles about the money spent on name brand drugs and how staff could get access to them over generic meds which would have been less costly. How less costly? "$144,520, but generic versions of those drugs would have cost $2,064, the report found." https://tinyurl.com/ytro67um

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I think you're correct: intense anger masquerading as energy. And that is so ugly...

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Definitely agree! Trump is a terrible speaker, but he’s entertaining to his base. Compare Joe to Bernie Sanders, who’s actually older. Bernie is a great speaker because he’s passionate and direct. Joe tries too hard to be cool or folksy and doesn’t pull it off. I still think Joe is a great president and he definitely has my vote. I just don’t enjoy listening to him.

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He is the incumbent and believes in Democracy. If he gets us out of danger of losing Democracy and being under the control of tRump and the MAGAs , I don't care if he is entertaining, 'cool' or 'folksy" whatever that means. I believe that Joe Biden is passionate about Democracy and the rule of law. He made sure that his kids knew what happened In Germany under Hitler, by taking them to see the death camps, and the sites that preserved the records of the horrors of the holocaust, he truly believes "never again!"

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I liked the sound of his speech last night. I guess I like his sense of humor but understand it's not for everyone. Big Bernie fan here but his outraged old man sound wears thin after a while. No one spoke like President Obama (except maybe Michelle) That will forever be the "Premium" standard for me.

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I do wish Biden wouldn't preface every other sentence / response with : "Look" or "Look folks" .

It's just lame

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Or constantly repeat his points for emphasis.

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'I'm not being hyperbolic".....'no joke' (as if we don't freekin realize MAGA are fascists...in fact he refuses to use the word..kinda like refusing to stop giving Israel weapons)...or the big enchillada...'There's nothing we can't accomplish together...my God...we are the UNITED States of America"! This speech is on same day dictator Viktor Orban huddling w/Heritage Society (project '25) & 2morro visits Trump to drop off $$$. Oh, & Putin came close to assassinating Zelensky...all these things are not coincidental on day of SOTU. MAGA is NOT interested in helping america. If he says that inane sentence I will lose my mind....😐

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Joe's not for everyone (who is) but he surrounds himself with good advisors and listens to them. We all don't have to like him, just show up and vote for America's future.

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He'd be the 1st to admit it!

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I wish so too. Professor Reich's wisdom as an elder statesman would be an invaluable asset in healing our country's ills and taking the poison out of politics. while his books should be required reading for everyone in President Biden's cabinet.

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I wouldn’t wish the current political cesspool on Professor Reich! But I agree that everyone in Biden’s cabinet should read his books.

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Get rid of JoyBoy .. the left over Donor Thug .. and put Prof Bob in charge of The Postal Service .. . # the space takes . .

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Yes, great idea!

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Keith.....I admire Prof. Reich but I bet he's too progressive for Biden....

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With Joe Biden it’s Country first, with Trump, McConnell, And Johnson it’s party period!

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Almost. McConnell, Johnson it's 1. Me 2. Party. With Trump it's 1. Me. Short list

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With Trump, it's him first and the hell with everyone else, especially those who oppose him. Today's GOP continues to go in reverse and has become the party of hate, greed and control and will continue to get worse as long as Trump is their unfit leader. The fact that he's only seeking reelection just to stay out of prison and seek revenge, one would hope that should be enough to keep him out of the Oval Office.

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For Trump, McConnell, Johnson - it's also Russian paydays.

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It’s power that matters in the GOP. No substantive policies!

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Wong Keith, with Trump , McConnel and Johnson it is me first.

They are solipsists one and all.

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The world is in a bad place, and we have become comfortable blaming others for our own inadequacies. Joe isn't responsible for our poor economy, it's a world problem. Republicans have done nothing but find fault with our current way of life. What they find objectionable, for the most part, is of their own making. President Biden has an opportunity to shine tonight, Trump is perhaps the worst public speaker ever to stand on a stage in front of an audience. The man can't carry a congruent through from one moment to another. However, if Joe can hold it together and show the public how his agenda eclipses that of old Donnie Boy's his message just might hit home. It's like everything that we ever held as good in this country was dumped in an industrial blender and now Trump wants us to partake in his autocratic smoothy.

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Considering what we've endured, the economy is the best in the world.

Joe's theme.


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Daniel--We have become spoiled, and as such we expect the world to be constantly rosy in nature. When the reality of it is just the opposite. Everything in this world reflects where it came from, us included. Our economy is the sum total of everything that happens around us each and every day. President Biden no more controls the ebb and flow of our everyday lives than I do. Joe is the overseer of this great land and what he envisions for our people is the same life he wishes for his family; we are all in this together, unless your name is Donald Trump.

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Daniel--I only hope I live long enough to read how historians tell the tale of what happened here in this time. The only way Trump will be able to hide the truth is for the fool to purchase every last copy of all the history textbooks slated for our public schools and burn them. Sort of like his mentor did back in the good old days in Germany.

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Donald, Heather Cox Richardson is a historian who tells the truth every day on her Substack. You don't have to wait. 😀

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Donald....remember what Dick Cheney said....'History is written by the winners'....I suspect that's what MAGA believes fervently. But they must be destroyed

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Excellent thread Donald,

My concern is that

roughly 73 million people looked at

Agent Orange’s first

term and decided it was good enough to vote him in again - and we all know what a certain percentage of his followers are willing to do to make sure he gets back in regardless of what the

vote tally happens to be . So it seems to me their idea of us all being in this together is vastly different than how you & I see it .

RR’s ideas for the State of the Union speech tonight are excellent, I don’t expect Joe Biden to go after corporate greed anywhere nearly as aggressively as

RR laid out . Also -

unfortunately I’m not so sure he can just dismiss the wedge issues ( especially immigration) as being divisive which prevents us from focusing on the real issue of inequality.

It is true - but the mainstream media has put immigration up

front and whipped up

sentiment against

Biden’s performance

( even though it is hardly Biden’s fault)

that I think JB must

address this issue.

I must say that other than saying T throttled

a bipartisan effort in that regard , I don’t have any good ideas

for Biden other than

reinstalling the Bracero Program that

was killed in the 60’s

I think . Too many people expect JB to

do more - and T is

practically running his

whole campaign on the issue of immigration.

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Paul--It's too bad the Republican side of the river has already vetoed the border thing in favor of Trump's negativity.

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Well said Donald. The republicans have been responsible for most of the destruction of our functional government. They disrespect our secular government my intruding their religion into it, they cater to wealthy corporations and individuals at the expense of working people. They are showcasing a twice impeached, deadly insurrectionist-rapist as their leader!!! Their SVOTUS failed to uphold the Constitution! Then they blame Joe and some of the Dems repeat THEIR mantra. Yet we all love Bernie…he’s pretty dam old, Biden has gotten more accomplished than several past Democratic Presidents. But they call Biden genocidal names. It’s a great way to remove the focus on the very people who can bring genocide and fascist authoritarian into full swing in the US. These same people weren’t protesting other genocides. Were those other people less valued? It’s all part of the right wing propaganda whip ups!

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Seeking--And with all the "PFAS" in the water the foam is a bright white.

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Amen on that. After the 2000 election I went to see Al Gore talk about the environment. He was a totally different person than his over-managed self from the election. So I'll join the chorus: "Let Joe be Joe!!!" And whatever you do, don't stifle him!

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Thanks for the link for the Seth Myers Late Night show with President Biden as the featured guest. A little humor is just what I needed. Let Joe be Joe!

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TY! Let's share it around. He was brilliant and charming and entirely on it.

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IMHO he should have been the second witness called in the 2nd impeachment. No 1 was "Mother" Pence.

I have a lengthy personal history with him. Share an alma mater. Supposedly were in the same reserve unit. Knew his first family. Worked for his second wife 8 years when she was the anti Secretary of Labor.

I think if the DC trial goes, he's a witness for the prosecution, despite his fealty to his party. That video ensures he'll tell the truth after the oath is administered.

I also think Elaine will tell the truth. She supported the 25th Amendment resolution. Under penalty of perjury, she'll say he was nutsy koo koo AS PRESIDENT, unfit to serve.

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Roosevelt said it best. When I was in school we memorized the Gettysburg address, we all know the Eisenhower's "military industrial complex" but Roosevelt's words are what we need to hear tonight - word for word.

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Eisenhower said, "Guns or butter?"

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Absolutely, GrrlScientist!!! I hope Professor Reich spoke with President Biden's speech writers!!!

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I agree, Peggy. While great speeches are an important motivator for public action, they are still the tip of the iceberg. Bringing a spoken agenda to life takes the effort of many, who must also be on the same page. "We the people" must also remember that the government is in essence, our employee, and we must keep tabs on their actions, making sure that money interests are not to be given top priority.

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My pessimistic post farther down the comment section was formed, in part, by your post, and others, simply because Biden's speech was written weeks ago and practiced. Robert's suggested talking point are great, but too many Americans don't even understand your example point about big money. Way too complex for a simple sound bite, and the issue predates Biden. Too many in Congress depend on big money. It will be difficult for Biden to make the case that another term in office will result in lower grocery prices, simply because Dems don't clearly articulate what is being done today. Too many folks cannot think about the future but can only see what is happening today.

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Jim (Bombguy24) : I think the public can wrap their heads around the fact that big money can buy seats tin office and legislation that favors the corporate interests and the independently wealthy' interests.

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I totally get that, Laurie. And I do own my comment. My pessimism is only because, to many of us who understand that, the road to change goes straight through Congress. A body that as often as not seems nowadays to work as a black hole, sucking everything in and allowing little, if anything, out. It'll take a long time to change election finance rules and I don't think Biden is going to spend any political capital there - not tonight anyway. It'll be the boarder and Gaza, with a few barbs to the MAGA hecklers.

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My wife thinks that the so called Freedom Caucus has organized a disruption. Gone are the days of comity, my friend across the aisle, it is burn it to the goround, scorched earth warfare, and that the Dems can't wrap their heads around that, is a disaster for all of us and democracy.

You don't fight authoritarianism on even ground.

The Army that assault the beaches of the Pacific and Landed on Normany were not Democracies, they were top down, follow the orders or else.

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My comments just disappear, although I get 'thanked' occasionally ..

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Phil Allen: I sometimes think AI is messing with my posts.

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Since This topic has come up before, I'd say it's platform maintenance/chronologic division ..

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President Biden needs to speak in a manner that will be heard by those who do not have college education. In other words, he needs to use simple language to say what he will do for each individual for their own purchasing power, and how their lives will improve if he is elected. it needs to be personal and understandable. He needs to be able to look into each person‘s eyes and speak in a manner that lets them know. He cares about them as individuals and he has programs that will better their lives. Any talk about how much better the economy has been is not understood because it is generally talked about in terms that college and university people understand, and not in terms of those who labor at two or three jobs in order to make ends meet. Where is the wealth and prosperity for the individuals. He needs to say he will see to it that all boats will rise with the tide.

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President Biden also needs to speak to our young voters. They are more cynical than ever knowing that they are being handed a planet on the edge of destruction, and then being told they have to save it. He must convince them that he will be effective in turning around climate change during his next four years. To not register and vote for him will bring the youth closer to the edge of the disaster that they are so concerned about. He must say to them “I hear you, I hear your pain, and I will do everything in my power to see that you will have the greatest opportunity for a brighter future in regards to the health of our planet.”

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The president must address the Israeli Gaza war. Young people are against the war just as they were against the Vietnam war. They want a ceasefire now. If Biden is to win the youth vote, he must address how he's working toward a ceasefire and pressuring Israel to allow humanitarian aid to reach Palestinians. Not airdrops but substantial food, water, fuel, and medical aid. Also, monetary support for Israel with conditions. If young people (ages 18-35) don't vote, there's a good chance Biden won't win.

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But he needs to be careful and not frame this against the Israeli people but lay blame where it belongs. Netanyahu.

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Netanyahu is the Tr*mp of Israel. He is bringing Biden down. This is not an Israeli problem. Not a Jewish problem. It is a corrupt and sinister Politician trying to avoid conviction.

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Who was the last head of any state to fall on his sword over principle. Netanyahu is a pol who bu

needs the right wing messianists who keep him in office. If they have cobbled together a parliamentary majority, the rest of Israeli society has to come together to get him out of office. Hard to do in the middle of a war. Support the people, both sides, not the politics.

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Can’t argue with that!

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RW Netanyahu.

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EVD, that is also a good point.

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Biden has no control over Netanyahu or Israel.

The only reason young Americans are wetting their pants over the situation, is because they have malleable minds, influenced by Saudi and Emirate money,via professors and students here on a visa.

The fools are hyperventilating over a conflict which does not threaten our country or way of life, and could care less about one that does...Putins, ten times worse imperialistic war on Ukraine.

If Israel collapses under an Islamic assault, America and Europe will find 10 million angry Jews debarking at ports of entry. That will really upset the antisemites.

If Ukraine collapses, Moldova, the Baltic states, Poland is next in Putin's sights, and then we will have a real war. If Europe shows a yellow streak, because Putin waved his nuclear phallus in its face, then game, set.. Like Bugs said at the end of Looney Tunes, That's all folks.

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It's probably too late! Because of being complicit with Netanyahu's genocide, Biden has already lost!

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It is not genocide, and you do violence to the word. Misuse of language, debases it, and renders it ineffective.

Yammer genocide enough and it becomes just another slur.

Genocide requires intent. Israel has no intention of wiping out the Arabs, or Muslims, not even in part. Impossible as there are only 10 million Israeli Jews, and billions of Arabs and Muslims, and the people you call Palestinians are Arab Muslims. By the way Palestine was never a state, so there are no Palestinians.

On the other hand Islam does have a genocidal intention of the Jews, it is in their sacred Text and the 1988 HAMAS covenant.

Shahih (verse) 1295/1296, book 56 hadith 139 al Bukhari

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

Preamble of the HAMAS covenant of 1988, which had not been repudiated

Now this is genocidal intention, as as Free Palestine from the River to the Sea

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

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Lee.....members of Netanyahus cabinet HAVE SAID that they want to destroy Palestinians


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I am aware. I am also aware that the Orthodox Settlers are mother effing bastards, murderers and criminals.

I am also aware that people in cabinets and governments don't speak for a nation, if they did the USA would be shit out of luck.

How about if the whole world holds us, the entire nation, for all of the shit of the Trump administration and the white Christian nationalists in Congress and the Senate.

There are Israeli politicians that vehemently disagree with Netanyahu, Israeli's too, but at the the moment they are traumatized, hurt and fearful (national PTSD) from HAMAS and Oct 7th, so excuse if the average good will Israeli is not too much interested in Gaza. especially as HAMAS would not exist except for the will of the people. And I am positive, that they were watching live feed of HAMAS and Islamic Jihad, killing people, taking hostages, and burning homes. And while they watched the "innocent women of Gaza were ulating and the children jumping up and down cheering on their "heroes"

BTW, only a dolt willing to be deceived take the casualty figures of HAMAS at face value, and that includes the UN.

The UN has about 193 member countries, 57 of which are Muslim, and Muslim loyalty is to the Ummah, the worldwide Muslim community) not to anything else, especially when the conflict can be framed as infidels (like Jews) against the ummah.

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Excellent points, Marc!! I agree with you that he must speak to the people as plainly and as simply as he possibly can. Everyone needs to understand, not just the college educated!!

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Can you believe that part of President Biden’s preparation is how to deal with hecklers? In the past it was Marjorie Taylor Green and others and this year he is having to prepare for the potential of numerous Republican hecklers during his state of the union address.

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That is how low the GOP has become. If their guy is elected, there will be no State of the Union address.

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I wish President Biden much strength for his speech tonight while I hope that Trump doesn't sic his bloodthirsty mob on the event.

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State of Disunion.

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To be honest, Marc, I don't believe that all republicans find those hecklers to be entertaining. They are simply a nuisance. It angers me that the GOP has sunk so low they would do something as crass as heckle the President at the State of the Union speech. There use to be decorum and politeness in Congress, but the GOP has erased that! It is very sad. If I were President Biden, I would stand quietly and let them boo and scream so the American people see what absolute idiots they are!!!

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Silence is never a good response to heckling and booing. Better that he use his “Dark Brandon “ laser beam eyes to vaporize the hecklers on the spot! That will make them shut up.

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Hahahahaha! Wouldn't that be a hoot if he could vaporize them? It would most definitely shut them up!!

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Unfortunately, Joe went to Catholic school. Obama to Punahoe, a prep school.

Cake eaters.

When I was a kid, "capping" was a major aspect of a public education. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dozens_(game)

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You really are a jackass sometimes. Comments like this are why I won't subscribe. You Know Nothing Daniel Solomon.

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Then you are part of the problem Hyla. There was nothing untrue or out of bounds about Daniels comment.

Your comment about not subscribing is farcial, you don't subscribe but you read and post.

If you object to the link to the Dozens game, then the onus is on you. I learned the game over a half century ago, and it is a fact, one thing it does is it desensitizes you to insults, and that makes you stronger.

If you let an insult get to you, it provokes an irrational and angry response, which puts you at a disadvantage and is a loser.

Playing the dozens builds moral strength. Partly the reason I am immune to insults.

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The Republican Party has become genuine Trumpers, hate, liers, and destroyers,the worst of the worst

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I wonder if MtG will wear her hooker coat to the affair ?

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Often times the best response is no response.

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You know what, Mark? I've been thinking about these GOP hecklers and I think they try to drown out the President because they know that he is speaking the truth and they don't want their base to hear it and begin thinking about it. They're afraid they will lose their base voters when President Biden speaks the truth. Why else would they try to boo and scream him off the stage? He needs to stay calm and carry on. Vote Blue, America!!

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It’s a tough line to walk. I do truly believe that he would benefit from staying above the fray, but he might have get tough here and there.

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The viewer sees it differently Mark. Hecklers need an effective response and put down, otherwise they have made you out a fool and weak.

Watch any comedian, from George Carlin to Bill Maher, again Silence is consent.

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As a viewer who wears hearing aids, I wish there could be subtitles, so the message gets through. I am even less likely to have any respect for MTG and others who behave like spoiled brats in Junior high while they expect to have so much power in our government, and show they do not deserve it.

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Check your tv or remote—most include subtitles—I can get them on almost any show (and often do, even though 8 have normal hearing).

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I also have hearing aids, however I have headphones hooked up to my Dish Receiver, they would also work on a cable receiver.

I also go to settings on my Dish Receiver and set it to closed captioning (CC)

If you have over the air antenna, you can still plug a headphone into most TV.s just check if the plug in is RCA (red and white plugs) or digital before you buy a headset.

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A certain faction see that silence as weakness.

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We shall see who wins!

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Silence is consent. And it is. Motto from the early AIDS crisis.

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Wrong, silence is consent and it is perceived that way.

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Our standards for public discourse have fallen into the gutter. It makes me sad and angry. The change seems to have happened very rapidly.

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I think the standard really fell as Reagan became President. Why people fell for him- well I was amazed- from announcing he wanted to be the master of Armageddon to soothsayers in the White House. Hollywood arrived into politics- opening the door later for media mogul Trump who understood the power of a TV show and celebrity. The final brick to me was Sponge Bob George W Bush for the complete dumbing down of a nation- not to mention Newt Gingrich who along the way created obstructionism in government. So I believe the eroding was ongoing and now it’s exponential. And it’s a horror, shameful and I too am angry!

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Yes, Jane. What I notice since Trump was in office, the hyper-reactive anger seems to be in the air, especially around young white males (I live in a rural area). They seem to be spoiling for a fight. I just don't remember this in past years, even decades (I am 70). When Marjorie Taylor Greene was explicitly and aggressively rude during Biden's speech a year ago, I thought to myself, "Has it come to this? To tarnish this moment which - in many ways - has a formal sanctity about it, really. How low have we come." I hope tonight's speech goes smoothly and well.

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And the only person who can summon the Sargent At Arms will be sitting behind President Biden.

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Mike ; Didn't they fire the sergeant at Arms? I would love to see the hecklers escorted out!

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Hopefully they hired a new one that looks and talks like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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That could be effective! unless they are packing their weapons! Remember the AR-15 pins they replaced the flag pins with ? They may need Field team 6 to protect the People's House!

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She better do her job

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That would be the speaker.

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Ya like I said “ she” should keep things under control

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IME Biden does just fine with hecklers. He never takes the bait. Never resorts to their level of inflammatory language. I consider it one of his strengths.

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It would be so sweet if Joe said to the hecklers “ the noise and ignorance that you are now showing is exactly how your party has operated in the Congress these past years ,a lot of noisy empty promises ,and less than informed decisions based on ignorance and bluster!”

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He needs to get the Dems to silence the hecklers

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Dems have no spine, because they are afraid of what the press will say. You know that lame, defeatist "When they go low we go high", the refrain of the perpetual victim. The mentality of a slave, that's it master hit me again.

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With a punch to the face ..

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Daniel, essentially yes but he cannot do it with a 4 page "Fact Sheet." He must simply say, "If you elect me I will lower your food prices by 20%." It is very much like FDR's "A chicken in every pot." FDR did not know how he would do it, but he made a public commitment to supply everyone with sufficient food. Everyone could understand that message. Keep it simple and tell individuals that they willl have enough food to eat and will only have to work one job to make a living and not three.

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You mean all form and no substance?

If that's true, as I said yesterday, channel James Brown and the Youngbloods.

1. Feel good!

2. Come together.

Maybe a Dark Brandon segment,


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Daniel Solomon ; FDR was not " all form and no substance.'"

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It was HOOVER who said "a chicken in every pot."

FDR. Happy days are here again. He said nothing, nada, zilch about his policies when he ran in 1932.



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Daniel ; I never said that FDR said "A chicken in every pot". :"This is the advertisement that caused President Herbert Hoover's opponents to state that he had promised voters a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage during the campaign of 1928. During the campaign of 1932, Democrats sought to embarrass the president by recalling his alleged statement." this, from Google. Haha ; So there!

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Agree with your comment, but must point out that "A chicken in every pot" was a Herbert Hoover campaign slogan. Unlike today, chicken in those days was an expensive, "Sunday night dinner" food item.

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Well said.

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That's exactly what he's been doing perfectly understandable, unlike the other side which uses simple lame terms because that's all they know ‼️

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It's so interesting from a messaging perspective. The threat to democracy is top-of-mind for me...it's the ONLY thing that matters. But millions can't process anything beyond the grocery bill or parroting Red Party soundbites of a serial liar, con man.

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Also he needs to be blunt as to what life will be like under an authoritarian...rather than just say...'Democracy is important' Many are left behind....and may think Democracy ain't that great. But when people get that MAGA Brownshirts will patrol streets looking to harass/ threaten/kill minorities....then they'll understand what it means to their lives

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Thank You Mr Reich!

God bless you and God bless America

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Thank You Mr Reich!

God bless you and God bless America

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"A chicken in every pot!"

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Marc, Using simple language is not sufficient. They want to hear reinforcement of their own fears and bias, the masses are dolts. If they weren't there would be no such thing as fascism, authoritarianism, dictators.

Mao said the revolution swims in the sea of the people, that means a movement, and ideology, can't succeed without the support of the people, and the masses of the people are less than sentient, easily gulled, easily swayed, ready to believe.

That is the success of ideologies, be they secular or sectarian.

Identify fears, promise to assuage them, identify needs, promise to fulfill them, if they don't have fears, then demagogue and create them., And the sheep will follow the shepherd to the fleecing and the slaughter.

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Good idea

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Insurance denials must be written to 6th grade levels, so yeah.

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I haven't read your piece yet, sir. Before I do I want to place what I think Mr. Biden's overall strategy should be. Simply, if all of Trump's trials are going to fail to be heard, Biden could try Trump through his television ads. Replay all of his craziness and ask, over and over again, "Is this what you really want?" Break Trump's back with all of the recorded material that's ever so available to them. And then send him on to be prosecuted in court where it all belongs.

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We lived through four years of the Trump presidency. The GOP and its supporters want another four years of tumultuous mismanagement and a kleptocracy along with authoritarianism and fascism (branded as patriotic nationalism). The voters have seen all this and yet...

Advertising it won't change a damn thing.

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I respectfully disagree. The mainstream media and, of course, right wing media are NOT talking about the things Trump says he plans to do to our country, our democracy our Constitution, and the daily functioning of our government. He has said that he wants to exact retribution against people who have criticized him—journalists, prosecutors, judges, juries, anyone who has criticized him, ever. He plans to free the Jan 6th insurrectionists who are serving prison sentences. The New York Times has not reported on any of this and it’s headline news when their own polls show citizen Trump leading Biden by 3-5 points. The truth is not breaking through, including all of the good things Biden has done for working people.

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Yes, Mary Ann, they are window-dressing the man. It is completely irresponsible. He stands to end our democracy, pure and simple.

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Could not agree more Mary Ann. The media appears not to have learnt the lessons of the past, that they're still applying the same standard, really is beyond comprehension They have one job, report facts, regardless of who it is, & stay out of the way of opinion.

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Mary Ann what is the difference between the MSM and Right Wing media?

The question was rhetorical . There is no difference it is all corporate media, and as such their prime directive is to make maximum profits for the shareholders, and to do that they have to keep stirring the pot.

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And yet we are all aware of the things he's said. How is that a failure of the press? I know, you know, they all know he wants weaponize the government against his perceived enemies. He's Richard M. Nixon on steroids. So, my question is how are we aware of Trump's promises?

Polls are inaccurate and people lie. I was a poll taker in my younger days (one of many shitty jobs I've had) and can testify it's about what the questions are and how they're phrased and who is asked. They are untrustworthy. As are the people who take them. For instance I never tell the truth on a survey or poll. Never.

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Mary Ann Brown ; Well said! But lots of US are listening to what Biden has said and will say! He has done for US!

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I agree that it won't change the view of true MAGA-maniacs. They are not my target. Rather, it's the Independents who are of interest. And also younger voters.

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Replaying Trump's "craziness" won't make voters choose Biden. Emphasizing the President's domestic policy goals and achievements might. However, younger voters are disgusted by what they perceive as Biden's unwavering and unconditional support of Israel. They see voting for Biden as voting for Netanyahu. If the President were to pivot on unconditional military aid to Israel and use those billions as leverage to bring Israel and Palestine to the negotiation table these young voters might be swayed. He'd have to change 75 years of foreign policy that favors the military industrial complex.

Just my two cents.

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As if that's not what he's trying to do.

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That and a few references to Nazi Germany.

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We sometimes still don't grasp they love him because he's a corrupt piece of garbage not in spite of it. Though I know it's hard for people who aren't nuts and perpetually angry and stoked on hate to bear in mind. A glimpse of the Fox News celebration of fear -- best at arm's-length -- is a reminder.

They're all a spiritual superfund site. There are no magic words. Biden will be mostly preaching to the choir no matter what he says, a habit that cost Hillary an election. It will take more that that.

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No. He will not be preaching and he is speaking to those Americans who can still use their brains.

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Agreed, sort of like mobsters of the '20s & '30s, outlaw gangs, and the old gunslingers - not to mention Confederate generals - are by way of being folk heroes.

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Here's an interesting article on the underlying nature of MAGA types: https://plus.flux.community/p/trump-supporters-are-almost-impossible

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Thanks for the link! I live in a family of MAGA and see this on a daily basis. Trump can do no wrong, and Biden can do no right. Just about given up on them, though I was able to get them to stop wasting their money contributing to his "campaign".

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Nice to have confirmation.

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Most voters and potential voters, with the exception of the die-hard MAGA cultists and readers of SubStacks such as this one, are not aware how bad TFG’s dementia has progressed or are aware of his most extreme policy initiatives. The cultists ignore the former (“that’s TFG being the TFG”) and froth over the latter.

The media doesn’t report any of it. They report sound bights from his speeches before he goes off the rails with slurred word salad. The media reports survey results from MAGA respondents on how “rosy” the economy was from Jan 2017-Jan 2021. They don’t report facts or actual history.

Polls have shown when presented with factual TFG policies, Biden’s accomplishments, and TFG’s dementia respondents are surprised and are then more likely to lean and vote Blue.

Using TFG’s own off the rails words and phrasing against him and Lincoln Project like clips are excellent ideas.

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Mar 7Edited

Save campaign $s on ad production and pay to air what's already been produced by the Lincoln Project. Spend the dollars saved for producing campaign-specific ads discussing policy and "vision."

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I like that idea. The Lincoln Project and the Bulwark are more effective never Trumpers than the DNC.

Too bad they are Reagan Republicans and libertarians

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I've never been a fan of Donald Rum-dumb, but he got one thing right. You go to war with the army you have. (And common sense can occasionally show up in the most curious places!)

Please forgive my eccentricity. I always use the "> <'s" for typographical emphasis at a way lower order than caps, and it's >supposed< to draw your attention. I also use ">> <<" and rarely ">>> <<<" for increasing levels of emphasis. I use caps >only< when I intend to be screaming. Nevertheless, it's not html. It's my mode of "literary expression" - as it were.

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Well DZK I find the angled brackets disconcerting, and interfering with my eyesight , but that's me, I don't know how others feel.

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I guess that means you won't be buying my volume of collected works! 👍😁

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I don't buy books anymore, I have trouble reading them. Had a cancerous tumor removed from my skull in 2017, and 10 successive bouts of radiation. It has caused a number ofdeficits, reading and writing is one. I can handle typing and the computer, provided I have large fonts.

I also had cataract surgery last April and May, but that hasn't helped with reading and writing. It's a pain, I use to devour books. I've read thousands. And have given away two libraries, my current one is in cardboard boxes.

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I also think the Lincoln Project could be an invaluable partner in targeting the communities in which their ads will be most resonant and likely to sway the independent voters they're trying to reach.

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I don't think there would be much production cost. After all, the House January 6th Committee already presented both the scripts and the audio visuals. Placed in ads the nation would be forced to look at what those who watched are already aware of. And that's the point. // While I don't know what the Lincoln Project has I do know that they may well be an additional good source. Keep thinking!!

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Mar 7Edited

The Lincoln Project - actually a Republican run organization that includes Kellyann Conway's ex - has produced a >slew< of attack ads absolutely >hammering< ol' Tovarich МАГАт ever since he was first elected. They hate him and have >always< hated him. They've known >exactly< who he is and what he was about since the beginning. Their ads are concise, well produced, to the point, and literally chronicle "the maggot's" behavior and the bullshit out of his mouth in real time for the last 8 years. Why duplicate that prodigious output when you can use it to free up your campaign budget to produce platform specific messaging.

Those ads can also be used to attack down-ballot МАГАт candidates, as well.

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I've long known of their existence and mission. But living in a blue state I have never seen any of their output.

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Mar 7Edited

The Dems need to get that stuff aired on broadcast to reach the population segment that can't afford cable. I'm talking about a grassroots effort, in this case.

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I'm in OH. I've only occasionally seen one of their ads on broadcast. I've mostly seen their work on You Tube and have subscribed to their channel for notifications. You might consider looking them up: https://youtube.com/@TheLincolnProject?si=jfuE1P18fjngcNwQ

This appears to be their latest effort: https://youtu.be/LgKMI-kXiTU?si=qfVrq5F317dX_j6E

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Okay. Gotta run right now but when I get back I'll give them a look. Thanks.

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I get the Bulwark and Lincoln Project newsletters in my inbox.

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DZK okease stop using angled brackets < >.if you think you are using html, substack doesn't accomodate html, and the brackets are distracting from your comments.

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Here's a new one from the Lincoln Project. You'll do yourself a favor watching it. It's a >real< "good-r." It's chilling: https://youtu.be/Tdv6QfSR4UM?si=MaV4EmSV53f_z1Jw

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Besides, Republicans seem to have >always< been much better at attack ads than the Dems ever have!

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You are right Randy, but that would require the Democratic party to be aggressive, and since the blue collar voters switched to Republican, and the college crowd registered Democrat.. The party has lost it's spine.

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Well... Many years ago my brother told me that the Chinese have an interesting double meaning for a word. I don't recall the word. But I do recall the double meaning. The same word meant both crisis -- and opportunity. So you see, it is a bit of a Yin and Yang; glass half empty or half full sort of a thing. It all depends on how it is approached. Is this a crisis. Or an opportunity. I choose opportunity. Writing in this blog today is one way to make this selection. It's one small way of doing what I can -- while I watch for other better ways to seize this opportunity. Beyond that I can only do what I can do. But as long as I have done what I can I do rest a little easier.

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You and I both Randy, that is why I haven't crawled into my shell. I am not a billionaire and don't have any clout or connections, and I assume neither do you, but we do what we can do.

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Thank you, Professor! I hope he and his speechwriters see this and not write something soft and ineffective. I completely failed at your assignment to write what I thought President Biden should say; I am just so upset and discouraged, especially by the specter of Christian nationalism and the exclusion of Black voters. And, of course, I worry about the Ukrainians and the Palestinians and the Israelis (and anyone else under the shadow of war). You are correct. President Biden needs to find his inner Roosevelt, not just FDR but Teddy and Eleanor as well..

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Bob Reich is taking head on the systemic problems causing the symptoms you, and the rest of us, are dealing with and are the cause of our frustrations and discontent. Listen to him and grab the bull by the horns. We should all do that! Time to put the snake oil medicine men out of business.

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progwoman, glad you added Teddy and Eleanor. There's hope. Nothing is written in stone. We'll do our best and light fires under everyone we can, to do something.

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And the guy sitting behind Biden will be Johnson. What an incredible time we are in.

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Mr. Reich, this is EXCELLENT!! Biden should make you his speech consultant/writer. I’d love to hear the caterwauling rise from the ranks of the angry, snapping, snarling, writhing Republicans if these points were delivered in Biden’s address. It would be tantamount to a much-needed political exorcism, which would lay bare the true state of the union.

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Cheryl Filar, "political exorcism" that's it! You hit the nail on the head. Get the evil outta politics. That's what Biden and Dems are trying to do. Now what's the word for the GOP trying to put evil into politics?

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Too funny (but so sadly TRUE!)! Your apt description of the Repugs' reaction reminds me of all the snakes in the Indiana Jones movie, or maybe the exorcism in "The Exorcist" (which I actually have never had the courage to see!).

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Thank you! I’m a fan of “The Exorcist”—both the book and the movie, which I had in mind iwhile imagining the Repugs’ likely reaction to Robert’s proposed address. I’m so tired of the demon-spawn-from-hell GOP cult and would so enjoy seeing them banished—and vanquished.

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Meeeee, toooooooo! It is really sad -- and astounding -- that our Congress has become so corrupt -- or indifferent? -- that these people aren't all being expelled from office! Wish we could get the CBO to yank all their salaries, which the taxpayers are forced to pay!

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Jimmy Kimmel could be Biden's speech writer.

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Wonderful! Hit every nail on the head!! I'm commenting from afar, a British person now living in Australia (and has lived in the USA), and many of us outside your country see your country's problems. Your President needs to spell out what you have you said, Robert. All of us from afar who worry about your country, greatly value and respect you contribution and all the hard work you devote. THANK YOU!

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Never mind that it takes a cooperative Congress. It's just exactly what we have been saying since 1963. Thank you, Robert Reich, for the mission statement, and for reminding us that we are rooted in FDR's vision.

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Thank you Martha. I wonder how much of these FDR references will even resonate with today’s average American? Our K-12 education system with regards to history has gotten so poor, most Americans would be hard pressed to know any presidents earlier than Kennedy or Reagan. Maybe Washington and Lincoln, those old guys on paper money; except no one uses paper money anymore.

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it is time for no more mister nice guy ... biden needs to go for the jugular and be relentless about it ... with all due respect to michelle obama (who i really wish was the democratic candidate for president and who is the only person i think could and would whole-heartedly win in an undisputable landslide), "we" cannot go high when "they" go low ... we have to hit republicans hard with their own game ...

did anyone watch the dictator's speech on super tuesday ??? ... he is clearly not well ... spare no punches ... call him out for who and what he is : a fascistic, putin-puppet, morbidly obese, mentally declining, flat-out broke LOSER !!!!!!!

biden has to hit hard and be ready to go 20 rounds, 'cause shit is now REAL ...

this cannot be the last election in american history ...

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I heard it. And I called out the BBC big-time for airing it! I couldn't believe it! I really gave them hell for spreading such drivel! Maybe they thought they were doing us (U.S.) a favor for exposing him (?), but I saw it as being completely unnecessary airing that CRAP!

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Kudos to Rachel Maddow and MSNBC for refusing to air it after hearing just a few seconds of his lying. Her panel then went on to delineate and applaud Biden’s many accomplishments.

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Thank you for telling me this. HURRAY for Rachel Maddow and MSNBC! A broadcast network with values!

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Ive watched Times Radio and they go with a Bidens going to lose (2 speakers) and Biden is going to win (1 speaker). Giving a mixed bag of american talking dumb asses (I too an american, some might say dumb ass). The last speaker said something intelligent. The same "markers" that lead to Trump becoming preisident and then Biden with his upset, have not been triggered in this election. He has to screw up real bad for to lose. What I think ia important is that we get out a big vote for him so the congress can be taken and senate retained concurrently. God knows and Ive seen as a poll worker that the Dems go MIA during midterm elections which gifted MAGA the ability to make a do nothing congress and generate fake talkjng pojnts.

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Amazing how FDR’s words ring true today.

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Truth and fairness should be lasting. A loser slob’s words of hate, division, and greed getting any traction, let alone lasting support, is what is amazing to me.

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Mike ; The "TV people", as tfg calls the media, have boosted him to where he is today.

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Incredible ! Yes. I cannot imagine a racist narcissist rapist again allowed to lead this country into hell.

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Nor I, Bandy Lee the pyschiatrist says it best. There doesnt need to be a diagnosis of a malignant narcissit directly to say and or prove they are a narcissist. With guys like Trump his public actions and speech lead to that diagnosis, just like it does for a criminal pyscopath who would never sit down for an evaluation. Society needs to be warned and protected from dangerous people. Pyschological safegaurds need to be put in place so that ZERO malignant narcissist ever hold office (god that would remove a TON of candidates)


Bandy Lee was removed from Yale because of her speaking out by Trumps Narcissism. Notable narcissist Alan Dershowitz one of Trumps lawyers who benefited his clients directly with Trump pardons complained to Yale about her and got her fired.

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Excellent advice professor. However, if recent history is a harbinger of things to come, then Biden will be as capable as delivering your ideas, as his administration has been capable of convincing the public that Biden hasn’t lost a step because of his age.

Your advice is similar to the advice Sanders gave Biden a year or two ago. Call out price gouging as the single biggest culprit of inflation, his achievements and how wage and income disparity has fallen under Biden. How unemployment is the lowest since the early 60’s. How immigrants add value and trillions in GDP to our economy when our population is aging and retiring.

Unfortunately, all we heard from the Biden camp this last year are crickets. The President is not only the Commander in Chief, but the nation’s Cheerleader in Chief as well.

No one can articulate the presidents message like the president. Yet Biden is invisible, and his surrogates who try to convey his message, get bogged down in questions about his age and health.

As unfair as it is since Trump’s rambling mixed word salads are even more convoluted and incomprehensible than Biden’s lack of appearances, the MSM will not lay off until Biden makes himself more accessible.

Reading the State of the Union from a teleprompter won’t satisfy the mob. And when I said mob, I mean the media….:)

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Sanders was on Colbert the night before last and explained about the inequality; how it hurts individuals and the economy as a whole.

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Gloria J Maloney, go Bernie!

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Let MAGA boo and scream at the state of the union and make a good Joe Biden retort.

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Perhaps, as the wise man once said, “we shall see!…:)

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That was a woman who said that.

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Fair enough…:)

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Robert :) Well said!

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The media doesnt show Bidens speeches, and there are money. I propose that it is not Biden or his team not speaking out loudly enough it is that the media cashes in more on Trump latest diaper scandal (seriously) than Biden talking to Vets, talking about medicare, workers, price gouging. Anytime I want to here what he says I have to dig for the unadulterated speech and not the 1min sound bite. The youtube algorythm and other social media guide you to what sells your eyeballs (this isnt your fault by the way) and that leads to Trump, Trump, Trump. Should Bidens team stoop to low brow attacks, stunts and lies? Thats what sells. And if thats what needs to be done to win. I want no part of it.

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Trump is "Let me entertain you", Biden is "Let me explain" .Media viewers wise, the former is money in the bank, and the latter NGO.

While I agree with every policy point made by the professor, I don't think Biden can present them convincingly. On the other, hand give the same material to the Prince of Mendacity, and his admiring viewers will agree with him.

I think what Biden needs is a smart, energetic, charismatic team to roam the country and spread the word, engage, and concentrate on the message. Back in the 2020 political season Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were both pretty good at it, John Kerry too. The Democrats have plenty of this kind of talent, if Biden could let them have a piece of the stage.

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“Should Bidens team stoop to low brow attacks, stunts and lies? Thats what sells. And if thats what needs to be done to win. I want no part of it.”

First off, he has to win, and since the competition is based on lies and propaganda, Biden needs to do what’s necessary to win, since democracy is on the menu.

We need all hands on deck, and as far as I’m concerned, the ends justify the means, without stooping to Trump’s level of ad hominem attacks and despicable behavior.

Biden has had opportunities to lay out his case. The Superbowl interview would have given him a huge audience, yet he refused to do it.

Most of Biden’s appearances are scripted. I’m talking about press conferences and interviews, not speeches.

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I appreciate your points and opinion. I disagree with the American idiom that winning at all costs is all that matters. There are many corporate CEOs who espose the same idea and thst winning usually leaves a bunch or schleps like ourselves on the unemployment line. Biden is not Jimmy Carter though he is as good as Jimmy is. The republicans are trying to have there october surprise moment with the stalled congress but its so obvious how bad they are botching it it is handing more votes to Dems. I do agree with you that we cant have the Trumpster in office as there won't be another election after that. Biden can walk the straight path and make it apparent what the differences (its going to have to be won on social media and non main stream media.

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If this was a fair fight I’d agree. However, Trump and the republicans have built in advantages in extreme gerrymandering, the courts, voting disenfranchisement and a right-wing ecosystem dedicated to carrying Trump’s water and denigrating Biden.

Too much is at stake to allow Trump to win regardless of costs. If Trump prevails, then our republic is gone!

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Definitely not a fair fight and I agree with all your other points. Electoral college giving small states +36 advantage means the Dems need to win 3 million or more votes in the popular (and even then could lose) SCOTUS is the real cancel culture shooting down legit rules and regulations piecemeal to benfit Harlon Crow and the line of bribery billionaires behind the court. Whether it be SCOTUS, the Senate (next MAGA GOP guy will put blocker McConnell to shame), Congress or the presidency, any one of those getting a majority (obviously SCOTUS is not changing) will lead to a lot of reversals. It is a bit depressing, can we outlast them? We have to. The GOPs strategy has lead to MAGA fascism and THEY cant reverse it (hence why McConnel endorsed Trump...again).

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Democrats, meaning Biden, must take on the worst driver of income inequality, the lopsided Trump and Bush tax cuts, the long discredited trickle-down nonsense theory. It should be called a fantasy, not a theory. Unlike infrastructure spending that targets job-creating projects and income tax returns from those jobs, tax cuts for the rich tend to political mischief because there's a limit to what any one billionaire can invest productively. Worse yet, tax cuts compound the deficit every year unlike the one-time expenditures on infrastructure. The FED prints money to cover the deficit exploding from these tax scams so that China doesn't buy or debt and gain leverage. That money dilutes the value of your dollars, aka, inflation. The FED then fights that inflation by taking money out of circulation by taxing borrower with high interest rates, mainly on the poor who use credit the most, because they have no other tool to claw back the windfalls from those tax cuts. Borrowing money for tax cuts for the rich and taxing the poor to pay the interest is what this is, and it's time to repeal the Trump tax scam. (I don't understand why Democrats are afraid of such rhetoric when Republican were not the least bit shy about calling for the repeal of Obama Care. Most billionaires don't vote Democratic anyway. Just remind people how the economy boomed when Clinton balanced the budget with tax hikes on the rich. But don't call this a tax hike; call it "restoring equitable rates." Restore equitable rates by repealing the Trump tax scam!)

There's an economy of scale, in other words, leverage, for wealth to grow exponentially with size. Without an adequately graduated tax, this effect will cause a financial aristocracy to form just as we are seeing in America since the flattening of the tax rates by Reagan, Bush and Trump. In the era MAGA is nostalgic for, the upper tax brackets were far higher. Those who gained the most from our economic system paid a commission for the privilege of operating in this economic system know as income tax. Republicans fear socialism, but the more they replace the only fair tax, income tax, with regressive taxes, the more socialism will appeal to the massive working class disadvantaged by them.

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I and my fellow 20,000 TWU556 Southwest Airlines flight attendants are in year 6 of negotiating for a new contract. I had one of our pilots asked me a year ago, so who are you mad at most? Are you mad at your union president? Are you mad at the company? I did not filter my thought and blurted out "unfettered capitalism." I think I freaked the pilot out because he answered "really?" He was all shocked and bothered as if I had said I'm a communist. Looking back at what I really meant was that I was angry at corporate greed. I'm also angry at the laws that govern the RLA, which do not allow airline, railroad, and other transportation workers to strike at will like the UAW who negotiate under the NLRA. Airline workers have to be released from mediation by the all powerful mediator at the National Mediation Board (who is the mediator and why do they have so much power and can they be bribed? I'm joking of course.) and then reject binding arbitration and then have a cooling off period. Blah blah blah blah blah, and then declare self-help/strike and then immediately the president and congress will say no no no no you gotta go back to work because you're part of the safety and security of the economy and the nation. So basically I'm angry at the laws that govern our negotiations process which is hardwired into the system and favors corporations who benefit from sitting on the money that should be in our bank accounts. Money they have been sitting on for over five years earning interest that will not be reinvested into the chunk of money set aside for our negotiations and our raises that should've been given to us five years ago and subsequently each year after that which could've been used to pay our mortgage, pay off student debt, pay for living expenses, pay for medical expenses, etc. etc. etc. instead of lining CEO's and management's and investors pockets. There is no countervailing power for our labor union other than to have informational pickets to try and get public opinion and lawmakers on our side.

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Eileen G ; It's Union Busting, with rationalization! allowing them to sit on your hard earned money and benefits, to which you are entitled!

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I gather local media won't cover things to your satisfaction ? Local radio ? Channel 5 on your side.

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Yes Biden should make the case that his economic approach of bottoms up middle out is how capitalism works for all-- the real capitalism so to speak.

and of course all that money augments the haves political power. The system truly sucks.

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If Biden said that, his corporate donors would form a multimillion $ PAC dedicated to ensuring he would be a one-term President.

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I am not so sure that you are correct. If he states his case correctly he will convince the voters he needs to convince that he is headed in the right direction and as history has proven, get us back on a track of a more shared wealth and prosperity. Greed and corporate government takeover, the mixing of church and state, violence begets violence are all very in your face real within this country and at the root is a lack of the voting public exercise of their power through not only the vote but their spending habits. Dollars rule the roost and we the people need to be better at where we spend and send those dollars, without which the wealthy will become less wealthy and less powerful and less disruptive to our society.

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I did a calculation recently. The top 50% in this country have $316 Trillion in wealth. One of the higher voting blocks is the middle class 81% voting and is in households with $100k and about $300k in wealth. To bring the bottom half up to that level it would only take $22 Trillion dollars. Leaving the rich with $294 trillion. Poor, uneducated it always comes down to blaming the voter. There is a financial aspect of people so tied up in just trying to survive that they cant vote. And looking at those numbers I just showed is not an unsolvable problem. With pro min wage, pro union, antimonopoly, pro ceo wage caps and taxes on wealth. We can get there.

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I have run the numbers also over many years and they are pretty consistent with your findings. I also agree that it doesn't and wouldn't take that much away from the upper ranks to better support that lower half and think what that would do for the economic health of the overall economy...ultimate long term stimulus program. The same old same old hasn't been that old although it may seem so as it has taken most of a misguided generation or so to get down to the level we are at...It is not something that can't be undone...just seems that way.

I think we need a broader leadership group in all branches of Government. When the government was formed there weren't 330MM+, there wasn't as much technology, dollars, instantaneous communication, pollution, lack of resources, gun violence, climate change, and on and on. Our government management systems are taxed well beyond their capacity to do their job effectively. I don't advocate for communism or socialism but a better and more fairer system wherein there is a greater participation of the population in direct day to day operations of knowing about how government works and why government works along with mandatory training as to how social systems operate best as a result of historic precedence and how they might be made to work better through tweaking systems where needed.

How do we get there?

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Honestly? Comic books, cartoons, funny videos and TV shows. It's like learning history by reading historical fiction. Much easier for most people to learn through entertainment.

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I think you may have a point there...

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Markets are up. Trump is telling people to sell short, which should worry even the top 1%.

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Yeap, Nikki Haley dropped out of the racw because she...lost? Or because the Koch bros stopped funding her? Biden is just at the beginning of fund raising for this cycle ans that means not pissing off the billionaire progressives and corporate donors.

See current donations


Biden is out raising Trump, but not Trump and RFK together. That means he has to appeal to the big money first. Compared to 2020's $4 BILLION raised iin the presidential election there is still $3.6 billion (probably more) that needs to be "won". As much as I utterly HATE big money in politics, he has to keep money coming in towards him and not the other guy. Then do everything he can to get money out of politics, that includes leaving money for congress and senate races as running the government solo would leave him impotent to enact any lasting change (hello last 2 years of congress).

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Bill Reitz, it's a harmful vicious circle. It's like gouging your eyes out so you don't get your eyes gouged out.

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Yes and as Robert Reich and Anand Ghiradas have said. The billionaires will never do anything to threaten their own power. *sigh* I am repeating Tolstoy again. I will abbreviate. The royal to the peasant says I will do anything to help you except get off your back.

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I think if you check out the Trump 2020 big donors, they are less enthusiastic -- to the point that some may flip.

It's hard to believe that many can tolerate white nationalism, religious persecution.

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Sadly, I agree with you.

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You’re probably right.

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Sadly so.

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Maureen, it's a good point. But they already see what he has done and what he is trying to do. So I think he has already given them assurances of their benefits.

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Neo-liberalism and late stage capitalism. At least we have a president willing to tackle these twin blights to some degree.

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Who is that?

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Better yet, get it to "The Washington Post," the "New York Times," NPR, Chris Hayes at MSNBC, Politico, etc., so they can read it and display it in today's news reports and op ed pieces!!

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I sent a link to Professor Reich's piece in today's Substack to the White House.

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Halleluia! Good for you! I heard the press secretary on NPR this morning . . . Same old, same old, I couldn't believe it! "Infrastructure," etc.!!

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