From Robert Reich’s lips to Kamala Harris’ and her AG’s ears! Thanks Robert for a very well written, easy to understand explanation of the our current “gilded age” and what needs to be done to end it!

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Except there is actually no way that Bezos supports Trump. Apparently he has the same kind of megalomania that Musk has --only room for one (1).

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I keep hearing that Musk is the richest man and Bezo's the second , in the world.

But I think that overlooks the Arab potentates. They buy gold plated Mercedes.

And the really richest man in the world, is he who commands the people and economy of a nation. Putin is reputed to have many dacha's and Navalny published a photo of a billion dollar dacha.

What need have you for money, when you command the resources of a nation.

Many years ago I read that Mao only received a $300 a month allowance, yet he commanded the resources of China.

One does not need to "own" plains or luxurious dwellings, when everything is at your fingertip.

Trump if he wins will be the wealthiest man in the world, as he will have at his beck and call, the resources of the United States.

Our problem is that we are programmed to think of wealth in the form of dollars.

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William. The Saud Family has a net worth of over $1.4T, but King Salman (the richest member) “only” has a personal net worth of $18M. There are about 2000 people in the family (!).

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Thanks Jan,I am aware,I am also aware the King Salman, has his fingers wrapped tightly around the purse of the 2,000 descendants of Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saud, they are not independently wealthy, an analogy would be Donald Trump as a teen., a kid on an allowance.

If they want their wealth and the goodies that it buys, then they have to be good little boys.

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For sure, William. I didn’t know the family was so large. I was also surprised that Salman’s personal fortune is so small (haha). His control over the whole is what counts.

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In Islam, a man can have four wives, and unlimited concubines, the family thus expands at a geomatric rate.

Tis the same with descendants of Muhammad, Wearing a black turban especially among the Shia, but also in Afghanistan and Pakistan means that you are a descendant of Muhammad. The black turban is ubiquitous.

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Bezos, along with LAT owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, is violating the first rule Tim Snyder gives in his book “On Fascism,” “Do not obey in advance.”

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Thanks for this succinct article on how Trump's cronies are already suppressing freedom of the Press, Bezos @ the Post and Elon @ Twitter, and Musk is also lobbying in a still-avoidable future to head the FCC which controls the internet. He has already given our country's security secrets to Russia, so we must be vigilant.

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We have two billionaires fighting over the right to ruin our country and the world. Appalling. I think about all the money these two clowns are getting from our government that could be used right here on the planet, to make things better NOW. Considering all the problems Earth is facing, investing in a future that could be a long time in the future seems like a waste to me. Humanity will be extinct long before they colonize any other planet, in our solar system or out of it. But I guess their egos must be stroked, and we are paying the ultimate price for that.

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Musk and Bezos won't colonize any planet. Take Mars for an example. It is undoubtedly possible to build a space station there, but why do you want to? Mars is like Arizona, but with a surface temperature below that of Antarctica. Boring and cold, very cold. Why not just go to Arizona?

But, Musk says that he wants to "green" the planet. OK, but the atmosphere is close to 100% CO2. So, he says, I will bring in plants to eat the CO2 and turn it into oxygen, and these plants will multiply in the greenhouses I will build, and generate ever-increasing amounts of oxygen and eventually, Mars will have a breathable atmosphere fit for humans.

Not so. If every molecule of CO2 on Mars was turned into a molecule of O2, the oxygen pressure of the Martian atmosphere would be less than 1% of Earth's atmospheric pressure.

So, Mars will always be way too cold and will never have sufficient oxygen. Sorry, Elon, you haven't thought this through, this is a totally ridiculous idea.

Come to think of it, you and Bezos are the poster children for Adam Smith's prescient observation that those who benefit most from his economic system must pay the most in taxes.

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Makes perfect sense. You'd think NASA and the government would realize this and stop funding their crazy ideas. It seems we're dealing in a lot of short-sightedness these days. As for wanting to go to the moon again: why? Been there, done that, got the damn rocks.

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There is too much money, and too many jobs and careers dependent on the notion that will colonize the stars, and people like Musk and millions of others need the fantasy that they can shit in their own home, befoul it and when full, just pack up and move to another home.- Theo.

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Arizona is no twin of Mars. And we don't want them here, but we have Gila monsters for that.

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Bezos and Musk have confiscated the resources of our country and now hoard them. The decisions they have taken unto themselves they have no right to. Our resources need to be reclaimed (taxes!) and put to better use to serve the lives of our people.

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Not confiscation. For the most part they got them fairly under the rules of the game. We need to change the rules. Contrary views welcomed.

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The intensity of radiation on Mars is such that any humanoid life forms would need to live in shielded structures. The planning for a Mars outpost is placing its inhabitants in lava tubes that have very thick layers of rock to shield from radiation. It is not Arizona.

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I beg to differ - Arizona is anything but boring, it is a beautiful place, amazingly rich in resources, scenery, biodiversity, and especially its people. Many of whom are immigrants, and we love our country and our state, and hopefully will help elect the first woman president.

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Klara, my apologies, I think I just did a Joe Biden. Didn't mean to criticize Arizona but was writing quickly. I like Arizona, have been there twice.

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No problem, Michael. I was not offended, just wanted to defend my state and dispel any notions others might get. But what is "did a Joe Biden"?

Come visit Arizona anytime. Tucson is especially wonderful.

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Gaff machine.

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I truly do not believe that Musk is an intellectual as they make him seem to be. I will agree he's a good businesman but then again he destroyed Twitter so even that is questionable. Most of his other projects are run by scientists and incredible engineers he's employed and contracts he's made with the government. He relies on them to fulfil his egocentric desires. His ambitions for Mars are rather far fetched. Mars can be obliterated like earth with one sizable asteriod, then there is dark energy, then heat death and freeze death, and the scientific lists goes on and all the other unexpected occurences in outer space regardless how diligently we track our universe. Since we went last to the moon, it has not be possible till now to revisit it although our technology and expertise have grown by leaps and bounds, so why...do we think we can colonise Mars. We're not even in a position to bring back two astronauts stuck in the International Space Centre. Let's be realistic, big dreams and egoistic desires to brag has always been the call card of the billionaires. Is it because it's more of a monetary advantage to float these unachievable plans or is it an excuse not to correct the ailments planet earth is undergoing at present with their colossal wealth. Whatever the reson maybe I do not think we should give them any credit instead we should be aware what colossal wealth held by two narcissistic egoist can do to our nation and planet.

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Katy, I agree with you about Musk. You listen to him talk, and he's like a five-year-old boy trying to bullshit you, e.g., the Second Amendment is there to protect the First Amendment. [Ahem, no, the Second Amendment is there to protect the free speech of the guy holding the gun]. Also, what Musk says about physics may impress the average Joe, but is basically bullshit. So, you don't get the impression of a particularly sharp intellect.

You dig a little deeper, and you find that he inherited a lot of money, invested in PayPal, got lucky there and then bought Tesla, which was doing just fine without him. Almost went bust but was bailed out by the government. About the same time, he founded Space X with the idea of going to Mars, and used a lot of rocket engineers from the US and Russia, with rockets from Russia. Almost went completely bust in 2008 when 3 of the 4 rockets exploded. Gambled everything on the 4th rocket, and again got lucky when it didn't explode (he would probably have disappeared if the rocket had exploded).

While the stunt of returning a booster rocket to a precise location on Earth is really spectacular, a little thought indicates that it simply demonstrates the prescience of Newton's Laws of Motion. It is actually quite a simple problem. It requires movable nozzles, very fast computers, and a highly accurate GPS. Mix in Newton, and you've got a very tractable problem. They couldn't do this in 1969, now they can.

But it begs the question, what exactly is the point? In order to have enough fuel to brake the booster's descent, you have to have an enormous increase in the fuel of the take-off rocket, just to loft all the fuel that is required for this descent. So you need gigantic rockets just for this stunt to work. And that, I'm willing to suggest, may make the entire program enormously more expensive than the conventional NASA solution, where the booster comes down on parachutes.

So the way I see Musk is not so much as a brilliant visionary, but as someone who is prepared to take enormous gambles.

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Also, some wiser folks than me have assessed that the lower martian gravity will cause a deterioration in bone and cell structure, such that earth mammals will, in time, decompose to gelatinous mounds of goop. Which is how I've been visualizing our heroic martian colonizers for some time. /s

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I am with you on this. the gravity of Mars is.34ge we are told, based on a 17th century theory, that requires circularity of reasoning, that of mass gravity.

The atmospheric pressure of Mars is less than experienced in the stratosphere, where water and blood boil. Thus space suits would be required in door or out,unless they could pressurize geometric domes, but then the tiniest leak would be a catastrophe.

Atmospheric pressure is the result of gravity pulling particles of gases like oxygen,nitrogen and carbon dioxide to the source of gravity, the center of the earth.

On the surface, a step by a human will result in a bound of 7 ft into the air any vehicle that hits a rock will be bound into the air. Any human who stays on Mars long enough, will require, should they return to earth, an exoskeleton just so they can perambulate.

Has anyone seen astronauts climb out of their "space ships", what they call those cone shaped capsules, when they return to the earth. The one that made it to the press, showed the returning astronaut being carried, that is because in reduced gravity you lose bone mass, because bone mass is produced by stress on the bones. And in reduced gravity or zero gravity, there is no or reduced stresss on the bones.

A child born on Mars is forever consigned to life on Mars, thanks to it's reduced gravity and atmospheric pressure, it's extremities will be spindly, underdeveloped, its head will be large in proportion to it's size, it will be smaller compared to it's parents, because there is less stress on the bones, and it's eyes will have adjusted to the Martian light, thus bigger, it would be blinded by light on Earth and have to wear glasses at all times when outside, maybe even to see

There is no way to terraform Mars, because the gravity is insufficient to holdkught gases to the ground., such as oxygen and nitrogen.

Such gases will be spun off into space by the centrifugal force of the planets rotation, and therein lies the answer as to what happened to the water and atmosphere of Mars.

Back in the 90's I got into a quarrel with dudes from Skunworks . I told them that there was water on Mars, at the poles because there is no centrifugal force at the poles. (People and things weigh more at the poles, than they do at the equator, because of centrifugal force)). was called a crank a kook, then spectometry revealed that there was indeed water on the poles, and I strongly believe there is subterranean water as well, just as on earth.

But the water on Mars boiled off aeons ago, when the gravity diminished to the point that it could no longer keep the gases in suspension, and water boiled off, flung into space and then was drawn by the gravitational pull of it's nearest neighbor as an cloud , taking millions of years to make the trip, blocking out the sun, freezing the planet, until finally it reached it's destination and periodically warmed by a huge solar flare, parts if it fell on the planet creating a deluge, until about 12,000 years ago, a huge event melted the last of it the end of the Younger Dryas.

And now they have discovered water on the moon, again at the poles

As you decrease stress on the bones, you decrease size (Ask your dentist or anyone who has had teeth pulled.

The corollary is true, increase stress and you increase size.

An increase in the gravitational pull of the earth, would even more condense the molecules of air, making it more viscous and requiring greater effort to perambulate, the increase in size of muscles and tendons would of necessity increase the size of the bones and the creatures, And an increase in atmospheric density would enable creatures that weighed 100 lbs or more to be able to fly, whereas in the present atmosphere the largest flying creature weighs 40l bs.

Reduce the gravity and you reduce atmospheric pressure, and you reduce the size of creatures, until the largest animal that can live today is an Elephant, any larger and they suffocate under their own weight like a whale.

Whales are large because the atmosphere they live in is thick enough for them to be buoyant, but it is buoyant that they don't need legs because they don't perambulate.

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why does NASA even grant any of the two contracts for things like satellites? There could be terrestrial internet, land-based internet, that doesn’t require satellites https://physicsworld.com/a/ground-based-alternative-to-gps-achieves-10-cm-accuracy/

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Musk’s Starlink satellites were provided to Ukraine for internet service after Putin invaded. They were essential in helping Ukraine resist Russia’s war crimes. Now it has been revealed that Musk has been regularly in contact with Putin, taking the

satellites from Ukraine and giving them to Russian troops. Musk has a top secret security clearance and it is clear that he has violated the basic terms of knowing our country’s secrets. You don’t abandon our ally and become BFFs with our enemy!!!

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Excellent point!

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Yes, it was confirmed in the WSJ last week. The question is, what caused Musk to change his dialogue- originally he said he was supporting Ukraine, then he started to suggest that they should cede land. Either they had something on him and is compromised, or he just made it look like he initially supported Ukraine and had all along deal with the Trump administration since 2016. https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/musk-putin-secret-conversations-37e1c187?st=yhcHZ7

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Relics, if we kept our tax money and actually gave it to NASA to spend, we could make and launch our own satellites!

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Imperceptible the frequencies which are used for long distancecommunications are line of sight, because the Earth is spherical, the very best line of sight is a range of 7 miles with a high antenna.

When I was in the military we used a man pack portable radio that had a transmission radius with an extended antenna of , at best 2 miles over land, to another transceiver, yet I could communicate with aircraft at 35 miles, until the signal weakened as it expands outwards like the waves created when you drop a pebble into a lake, as it expands it weakens.

This scientific fact is what created cable TV. The very first cable TV was built on the top of a small mountain,it captured the signal of broadcast stations, then transmitted them via cable to the town below in a valley.. Before that the only way to hear radio or watch TV was to receive a signal transmitted by a relay transmitter.

The first use of satellite communications I know of was the military in Operation Eagle Claw, where they used special radios and antennas to communicate with the Pentagon.

The Iran hostage rescue attempt that cost President Carter his job, and ushered in Ronald Reagan, the treason president who brokered a deal with Khomeini, but that is another story

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Thanks for sharing! I hadn't heard of Eagle Claw. I do a bit of research on cataloguing wireless tech. One is called LoRa. There's also LoReA. A world record for small bytes of data is 300+ km:


There's also shortwave radio internet: https://github.com/rhizomatica

Also I sketched a possible Ethernet alternative:


I also read that the military has some really long tunnels underground for thousands of miles, which similar boring for smaller pipes could be developed just for fiber optic cables.

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The Navy also has ultra low frequency, which can penetrate the earth and communicate with submarines

There is a receiving station located in Alice Springs, Australia,there are monthly flights, at least, from Area 51 to Alice Springs.

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I read about those too- Very low frequency, or ULF- something like that. They require ginormous antennas, so for consumers they are probably impractical. Cool though! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_low_frequency

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There is no way, you,I could build such an array, Musk, Bezos maybe but there is no fun, no profit in that.

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Just unbelievable! They won’t even be alive! Jokes on them. 🤪

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Yes, absolutely true!

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‘Our government’…is us. The people of this nation. The money Musk and Bezo are receiving in government contracts worth billions IS TAXPAYER MONEY. Is that where you want your HARD EARNED MONEY TO GO? To these two multi billionaires who have less than zero allegiance to anyone or anything but insatiable greed and the craving for MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE.

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Theo - I feel the same way about the amount of money that goes to campaigning. The amount that people donate too. It should not have to be this way when that money could be spent better elsewhere.

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The worse part of Elon Mosca is that he is not even a U.S. citizen and when 45 spews his venoum toward immigrants stating that they are "poisoning American's blood" there you have Mosca trying to ruin this country!

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He acquired citizenship in 2002. But having been an immigrant, you'd think he'd have more empathy for others trying to come here.

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He is a Canadian citizen by citizenhip and because his mother is Canadian, but from what I have read, he is not a USA citizen. Of course, I could be wrong and he already is a legal citizen of this country. And you are correct in stating that he could have a little of empathy for other immigrants who are just looking for a better life and provide their families with the bare necessities for a decent life. Dignity, decency, a minimal of humanity and moral values cannot be bought with the millions they have! Sad and pittiful!

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Musk is a racist South African, his sympathies are limited to Nordics

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❤️👏👏 William.

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Why is govt outsourcing space exploration? NASA was perfectly capable of doing this with the Mercury, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs. Bring this back into government control and cut out the middle man's profit.

Regarding Musk, he needs to lose all security clearances and govt contacts due to his cozy relationship with Putin. Where is Garland and the DOJ?

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Indeed, and where are Garland and the DOJ on Musk’s flagrant violations of Federal election law in Pennsylvania?

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Garland was an unfortunate appointment when there were better options like Sally Yates. Biden picked another old white guy.

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For all the good Biden did....he erased it with a poor pick for AG.....when are these moderate Dems gonna learn that right wingers should NOT be at FBI/DOJ.

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Garland's appointment was the consequence of a mind addled by 34 years in a Senate in which the greatest value was comity, compromise and bipartisanship.

I cast no aspersions on his moral character or motivation, but only on his learned political instincts.

I, personally, don't think that presidents are omnipotent and all wise,so they don't rule, but make decisions based on information provided them by a cabinet and advisors who they haven't actually chosen.

Trump didn't know anyone that he appointed as cabinet and advisor, neither did Obama, both were neophytes as regards beltway politics.

There is indeed and invisible hand that moves the helm of the ship of state.

Twas, IMO, Larry summers for Obama.

Does anyone think that Trump actually knew the names,much less the persons of Steven Miller, Mark Meadows, or any of his staff and cabinet, before he took office?

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tpsea, I've given this a lot of thought, People who sit behind the Resolution Desks, are not omnipotent and omniscient, they, sit on the commode like you and I and are probably of average intelligence (less if Trump). They are not connected to and with every expert in the U.S.A.. Thus their appointments are people whose names were provided to them by a grise eminence. I know the name of Obama's, LarrySummers, but there is a coterie of grise eminence's, that gather round them, with their own names, just as Trump relied on someone who used Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society for names of federal judges.

In many ways the President is akin to a sock puppet and some one has their hand up their ass.

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Biden missed his chance when he didn't challenge Hillary for the nomination. As Obama's veep, he was the natural next candidate. I'm afraid Biden's legacy with be tied with Netanyahu's. And maybe torpedoing Harris by staying in the race too long.

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If Hillary was President on Jan 6th, we would still have done the same.

The only one with a personal relationship with Bibi is Trump.If Trump is elected Bibi gets all he wants, including a war with Iran.

Israel is a land locked air craft carrier that is within striking distance of the hands that control the oil spigots.

Oil spigots which can be turned clockwise and cut off the flow of oil, which will bring Europe to it's knees and raise the price of oil, astronomically, and usher in a depression worse than 1929.

Saudi Arabia has an aim to control the world, to Islamicize it. That is what that "orb" that Trump laid his hands on is all about. It was more than orb, engraved on it were the seven continents, symbolic world domination by Wahhabiyyah Islam.

Unlike westerners who are always in a hurry and want an immediate fix, Islam is patient and strive slowly to their goal, just like HAMAS.

Ishmael Haniyeh said, "we are a nation of martyrs, and we will come back again and again" (until the goal of ridding sacred Arab land of Jewish lice is achieved).

Islam doesn't mourn the death of martyr's, they celebrate it, maybe a mother will beat her chest and wail, but the community celebrates. You see martyrs get a get out of jail pass and an immediate ticket to paradise.

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if we actually had a DOJ in the US instead of enablers who are obviously committed to running out the clock instead of off applying the law as it's intended.

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In short, because Obama’s Deputy NASA admin Lori Garver said so. (see https://www.wired.com/story/how-lori-garver-launched-nasas-commercial-space-partnerships) She was the kind of public servant who wanted more efficiency for the tax dollar so NASA could focus on emerging tech.

Launch cost-wise, she may have been right to push for more private involvement. Politically, though, it’s clear she didn’t take into account the risks of having, say, a Putin-friendly billionaire become the sole launch provider for American ISS crew. I blame her.

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Time to nationalize a few things- rocket men have had some pretty huge gov contracts…so payback time!

This is in the interest of national security-just like the chip shortage- and needs to be addressed by public investment.

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‘Public-Private-Partnership’…. remember when that was first peddled and sold as a ‘wonderful’ solution to the American people to all things publicly funded? I do! So the ‘private’ part = Corporatization= Profitization using taxpayer money to increase corporate profits…It started with Reagan and has morphed into a FRANKENSTEIN of major proportions. See: Project 2025.

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It’s gotten pretty ugly, though it started under Nixon and Carter. That’s how both of them pitched the Space Shuttle, incidentally.

A huge part of the reason why America can’t keep building, say, public transit, is because there’s not enough in-house staff at agencies and too many consultants absorbing all the specialist knowledge needed.

Two more examples: Medicare Advantage is just less cost-efficient than traditional Medicare. And as much as I like the Inflation Reduction Act, much of its premise rests on tax credits to asset managers for energy projects that are best left in public hands. (Same thing with New York’s flagship renewables program and McKinsey, or the clientelism that surrounded California High-Speed Rail at its start.)

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The Space program is big business, profits for investors, jobs for workers, and most of all jobs for workers in NASA from clerks and communications to astrophysicists, academics and mathematicians

The only benefit derived from space so far is telecommunications, GPS and eye in the sky.


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Professor Reich: corruption, corruption everywhere, but no concern for those millions of people who are being robbed blind.

Musk and Trump also plan to completely crash the american economy and rob the 90% of us into penury so they can "grow their wealth" whilst the rest of us go homeless and hungry and die from common illnesses. (they also plan to defund scientific research and destroy academia completely.) america will be transformed into a third world country overnight, with a couple white slave owners at the top of the heap, one of whom is an obscenely wealthy illegal immigrant who is the shadow president awaiting the death of the supreme leader. if i'd written a book like this, it would have either never been published or it would have been published under the label "dystopian science fiction".

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk has the GOP force a constitutional amendment allowing him to become president when he is not a native born American.

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there's already whispers that trump is going to revoke the 22nd amendment (the one that prevents a presidents from holding more than 2 terms).

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Well I suppose so he always ignores any law that is in the way of his desires or urges or brain diarrhea

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Grrl, he can’t do that. The only way to revoke an Amendment is with another Amendment. Think 18 and 21.

There will always be whispers.

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Elon Musk worked illegally in the US on a student VISA and he should be deported and his ill gotten gains seized by our government.


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I just think he should go bye bye along with trump and a few others. Don’t tell me they can’t make it happen without anyone knowing.

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If Harris wins and deep down I believe she will we’ve got work to do. We must make qualifications to run for president more complete. Convicted felons need not apply. A government security check should be involved. For those who say that’s unconstitutional well they didn’t have nuclear weapons then either. If we don’t raise the bar, what’s going to stop another Trump or Bezos or someone like them from taking over.

Americans are dazzled by money. I just read that Nicky Jam a rapper from Puerto Rico took back his endorsement for Trump after the Madison Gardens debacle. He said he backed Trump because he thought that as a business man he’d be good for the economy.

Not everyone is politically involved. Many hear or read a snippet about a candidate and that’s it. Oh Trump he’s rich he would be good for the economy.

That happened when Ross Perot ran. I kept hearing people say yeah he’s a rich guy, he’ll be good for the economy. I don’t remember why he dropped out I just remember how relieved I was when he did.

I’m reading a very good book called “Moral Capitalism” which explains how we got here and what needs to happen. We are living in an oligarchy there’s no doubt about it. And sadly, the people who are disenfranchised the very most are the ones who think Trump will save them.

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Susan, you can count me in to help. I absolutely want much stricter qualifications for the person that will lead our country! I also want to work on term limits for politicians and judges, abolishing the electoral college, complete overhaul of the education system, climate change and getting rid of Citizens United. Please keep me in mind! Onward and blue!

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Absolutely Peggy!

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It is not just America. The German economy is on the ropes now because of years of chasing shiny objects of cheap energy and fossil fuel dependent industry, i.e. motor vehicles. When a former Chancellor could be purchased by the Russians, one realizes the depth of the problem.

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I think they should take the citizenship test.

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You are exactly right. Change needs to happen but Trump change is in the exact opposite direction. Ending Reagan’s gusher-up economics is what needs to happen and Biden has done more along those lines than any president since Reagan. How can we help people see that? More needs to happen to create an economy that allows the middle class to catch up and Harris knows how to do that. I hope enough Americans understand this and give her a chance.

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Don’t think Ross Perrot (who actually was a smart and very successful businessman -not just an actor) ever dropped out of the race. Votes for his “reform party” most likely enabled Clinton’s election in 92!

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The Washington Post printed The Pentagon Papers and the paper of “All The President’s Men”; this was a noble paper of truth, protector of our democracy. This is a stab in the back of the Free Press. Jeff Bezos is Trump’s toady, a sycophant.

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Katharine Graham is no doubt spinning in her grave.

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She could not believe the cowardice.

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The entire American public needs to read this important report. Thank you Mr Reich.

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Louis Brandeis was 100% correct and we are seeing why now. For people like musk, bezos and the orange man, it is all about the money. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. To think any of those three care about our country or our Democracy is ridiculous. These ultra rich little boys and the orange man treat our country as their own little playground and it is hurting all of the rest of us. They seem to forget that without all the rest of us, they wouldn't have all the money they have. We are the customers and employees that worked for their profit. They don't care. The fact that bezos schmoozed with the orange man hoping for favors if the orange man got elected tells me all I need to know about his morals and his character. Muskrat on the other hand is completely and totally unhinged and living in the alternate reality of the orange man and his cult. It is up to us, Americans, to step up and prevent their complete take-over of our country. Sometimes I worry it might be too late, but after hearing Kamala's speech at the Ellipse, I actually felt a sense of hope. We must never stop fighting and defending our Democracy. It is way too important and necessary for our future generations. Only six more days. That old saying "Keep Calm and Carry on" needs to stay at the forefront of our minds. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot! Onward and blue!

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Peggy, and thanks to the loss of the fourth estate, 40%+ of US citizens are incapable of rationale judgement, and need Daddy/ God/ Strongman to tell them what to do....and to admire. Maine high schoolers just voted for Trumpty in a mock election.. when will we step up for the revolution? It better be immediately if Trumpty the mobster is elected.

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Musk, Bezo and the former Apprentice TV-show-host two-bit-shyster CON-ARTIST are merely three players in the multinational crime network.

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In hindsight, perhaps Congress insisting on putting its own imprimatur (a semblance of democracy, if you will) on the Space Launch System (NASA’s own in-house Moon rocket) wasn’t such a bad idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m critical of its contractors (Boeing and Northrop Grumman) and the whole cost-plus contracting omnishambles for putting SLS behind schedule and over budget, but at least it’s a stable option for NASA (again, it’s an in-house design it owns). Musk and Bezos, being the fickle billionaires that they are, are not in spaceflight for the public interest. (I’ll say the same for Boeing and NG, but that’s not my point.)

For Bezos’ part, Blue Origin is putting paywalls on vital test data for NASA on its Moon lander: https://spacenews.com/data-rights-limitations-affecting-nasa-technology-development/ For Musk’s part, he’s undercutting upstart companies such as Relativity and Rocket Lab with exclusive purchase clauses, strategic discounts and radio spectrum concessions, in addition to having Putin’s ear and flouting environmental rules: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/28/us/politics/elon-musk-space-launch-competition.html https://www.wsj.com/business/telecom/spacex-wields-dominance-in-rocket-launches-to-boost-starlink-fde71f17 https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/musk-putin-secret-conversations-37e1c187 https://spacenews.com/faa-fines-spacex-for-launch-license-violations/

One final point: The technological marvels of Blue Origin and SpaceX should be credited to the workers there. It’s silly and at the same time gravely worrying that Blue’s sister company Amazon has joined SpaceX in complaining that the NLRB is unconstitutional, which if the courts find true, would give Bezos and Musk carte blanche to start suppressing unionization in those companies.

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By the way, nice of the DoD’s procurement people to start backing away from over-relying on Musk. This (good insurance policy) was just announced today: https://www.ssc.spaceforce.mil/Portals/3/USSF%20SSC%20Releases%20National%20Security%20Space%20Launch%20Phase%203%20Lane%201%20On-Ramp%20Request%20for%20Proposals.pdf

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I don't conclude that from this.

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The U.S. Congress needs investigated, for violating their 'oaths-of-office'. Musk needs to register as a 'foreign agent'. H ehas ties to Putin & Saudi Arabia, and at the same time has U.S. Federal government space contracts worth $billions. How to file charges against a Congress that is violating their duties. These red and blue power hungry crooks, must be in cahoots with the 'cahooters'. Wake up Congress, - 'we-the-people' are watching you. Remember our votes count. Again, the U.S. Congress needs investigated. - jw

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Joe Ward ; The real problem with enforcement of justice is that the Supreme Court is null and void and needs to be purged of the Sycophant 6.

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Whose to say Musk wouldn't give all the benefits of SpaceX to Putin....work for Russia exclusively??

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He is indeed a Foreign Agent. And his tentacles extend everywhere. Read his bio in the Wiki and you'll read that he was born in South Africa in 1971 [known for living under APARTHEID until 1990.] At 18, he emigrated to Canada and became CANADIAN, thanks to his mother, who was Canadian.

He moved to California in 1995 but did not become American until 2002, so he must have been on a student visa for 7 years?

So far, he has led a truly visionary life. His financial success is impressive as he seems to move from project to project and bring them all to fruition.

The fact that he's had secret conversations with Putin is, in my humble opinion, extremely dangerous.

For one, that is an open breach of the Logan Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act

as he is poised to negotiate with a hostile nation with or without the consent of our present President. He certainly has the money [and the inclination] to totally F*ck up anything our legal Government wants to do.

The second concern is really his personality: he is a "wanderer": from country to country, project to project, alliance to alliance, the man can't stand still. He is a genius and a visionary who is not attached to any country, like you or I are, and he seems to have acquired a sense of superiority bordering on megalomania.

He has no sense of patriotism, or keeping a good system going. He is most comfortable in chaos.

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Nation-states are a relatively recent creation in the history of civilization. I hope that someday, the people of the world will cooperate in saving the planet and making it a better place for everyone without the arbitrary lines on the globe that have been drawn.

We are far from that place in history, if we even survive long enough. In the meantime, the citizens of the U.S. need to protect our interests from evil, megalomaniacal, morbidly rich types like Musk and Murdoch.

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Musk isn't a genius or visionary....he, like Trump, has just placed his name on existing companies he's bought. Visionary my butt...he can't even keep ones solar panels from failing.

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I thought about the words: "genius" and "visionary". I regret that these words have a positive connotation unless they are associated with "evil" genius or "mad" visionary.

What he has, like Trump is a "knack", perhaps for making things work to his advantage, [like most very selfish people].

It is, as I see it, a form of intelligence.

As far as only having placed his name on companies he bought, I think *this* criticism is unfair:

No, he is not only associated with companies he bought: he actively founded and played a key role in developing many of the companies he is known for, including Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company, and X (formerly Twitter), even though he may have acquired some ownership stakes in certain companies later on in their development.

It was his Tesla solar panels that failed on a number of rooves [7 at Walmart and Amazon, I think]. He's had a number of challenges in production goals and cost overruns, that's true, but with a new product, some of that is to be expected.

Much more concerning to me is his entry into politics, his secret meetings with Putin and the role that Trump is thinking of giving him in a new Administration, and indeed, I share your concerns about switching sides and working for Putin after getting subsidies from the American Government. THAT, should be a huge concern for all of us/US. In particular, I see that Starlink would be of great benefit to Putin in his war against Ukraine. I worry very much about the 'deals' that could be struck in a smoky room.

Also, I don't know how many people are aware that Elon Musk and Peter Thiel worked together and got along quite well. Here is a clip on Instagram;


Peter Thiel, as you probably are aware, 'discovered' JD Vance for Trump, so I have no doubt as to where his loyalties lay.

And here, you see Elon Musk reposting and praising JD Vance talking about a Venezuela gang allegedly taking over a couple of apartments.


And here is a long article as a fact checker from the Denverite:


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Yes indeedy. Note NY Mayor Eric Adams’ phone was seized immediately. Why weren’t all the phones used in the insurrection immediately seized as well? They should have been — from Trump on down …

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The Space biz has a Huge carbon footprint & the last time I looked, Earth's atmosphere is a narrow veil encircling our planet & protecting some precious cargo such as oxygen; I'm not happy having it poked thru with rockets.

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You are absolutely correct Professor Reich. These oligarchs are out of control and they have to be stopped immediately! Next Tuesday on November 5th, those who haven’t voted yet will vote for either to save our democracy or turn our country into an authoritarian ruled nation. These oligarchs have tasted the power and they like it. We can’t be submissive anymore. It’s time to put them in their place!

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I am one of the 250K subscribers who cancelled with WaPo over Bozos' inability to publicly stand up for what's right. What should have happened is that Bozos should have sold his shares in the paper and allowed the post to do the right thing. Instead we have an oligarch running with his tail between his legs who is just another courtier to the tyrant threatening him. Screw Bozos - it's a sad day for WaPo.

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Bezos’s editorial was a profile in cowardice.

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Don. ❤️👏

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These two are a pair of steroid infused “welfare queens,” as Reagan liked to call poor recipients of a few hundred dollars aA month in government largesse

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Yes! Well said.

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Can’t disagree with anything that you have written there Mr Reich . Unfortunately aren’t we just witnessing a dying democracy desperately in need of reform and healing even if Harris wins the election ?

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It’s not the democracy is dying, it’s being buried alive by billionaires and sociopathic CEOs willing to put their own greed ahead of everything, including the survival of the species.

Their aim is to replace it with #RepubloFascism

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It’s not dead yet, but it will be if Trump gets elected, I agree that reform needs to happen but we must not accept that it’s already too late to fix things.

It’s likely to take more than one term to get everything done but that’s why, now more than ever it’s important that we stick together and keep those who seek to destroy our democracy out of office.

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You are so right, Derek. It will take more than one term. Even though President Biden served one term, look at the amazing things he accomplished in just those four years! It is never too late to fix this mess. What we must do is convince the "I want it right now" generation to wait while it is being fixed! This generation that lives by the no patience and 'I want it now' must learn to take the time to fix what is broken. What happens is, after four years, if things aren't going the way they feel they should, they elect the candidate that says how they will fix it! That's what the orange man has done and the dissatisfied go with him thinking like a miracle, he will snap his fingers and it will be done! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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