Mr. Reich,

I thought this might be something worth a look. John Fugelsang interviewed Andy Norman on his podcast last week. Andy Norman was talking about how the human mind is susceptible to beliefs that can harm us and others because we don’t want to either take the time to verify what we hear or because we want to be a part of tribe that believes certain things even if they are not true! I entertained his website and found it very interesting and informative.


Before we knew about germs, our ancestors lived in constant fear of infectious diseases. Smallpox. Tuberculosis. Cholera. Typhoid. For a long time, these seemed unavoidable: a necessary part of the human condition.

Then something amazing happened. We learned about germs. We learned how to control their spread. (Wash your hands, people!) We even discovered we could teach our bodies’ immune systems how to fight off the nasty little buggers. (That’s what vaccines do.) The science of immunology transformed the human condition, saving hundreds of millions – perhaps billions – of lives, and spared humanity untold suffering.

We’re ALL susceptible to mind-infections, and neither intelligence nor education can make you immune. The good news? We can all take steps to reduce our susceptibility. The trick is to keep your mind’s immune system functioning well. This means thinking about your thinking.

The body’s immune system is activated, of course, by germs; the mind’s counterpart is  activated by information that conflicts with existing beliefs. Healthy mental immune systems manage such conflict in a particular way: a calm, reflective way that promotes learning, adaptability, and growth. They listen to doubts, consider reasons, seek objective touchstones, and adjust beliefs accordingly.

Digital connectivity made our computers vulnerable to distant hackers. It also networked our minds, exposing them to mind-bugs for which we lack immunity. The following principles will help you care for your mind’s immune system. Put them to work and they’ll protect you from infectious and manipulative information… 

You may have heard someone say they have a “right to believe what they want” or that they’re “entitled to their opinion.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself. Legally, this is true: in a free society, we have the right to our beliefs. But as Eleanor Roosevelt reminded us, “With freedom comes responsibility.” 

Our beliefs drive our behaviors and inform our decisions. Holding false beliefs can cause us to act in ways that cause harm. For example, a parent who believes in homeopathy may deprive their child of life-saving cancer treatment. Believe you can drive drunk and you might very well harm yourself or others. Our beliefs not only impact us, they can impact those around us, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, we have an obligation to believe responsibly, and to identify and shed problematic beliefs.

What if we could solve today’s “infodemic” problem the same way? Why not afford our minds the same protections we afford our bodies? What if we helped everyone boost their immunity to “viral” misinformation? Imagine the world we could build if mis and disinformation weren’t constantly warping our worldviews and setting us at odds!

Mental immune deficiencies occur when the mind fails to generate the antibodies – doubts, reservations, objections, etc – needed to fend off problematic ideas. If you’re too trusting or gullible, bad information tends to get past your filters.

Mental autoimmunity occurs when the mind’s defenses attack good information, perhaps because it threatens our identity. The mind’s security team, in other words, can become overzealous.  

As the saying goes, we want to keep an open mind…but not so open our brains fall out. We can be too gullible AND we can be too critical for our own good. Those with healthy mental immune systems strike a balance.

These are some of the points brought by

Andy Norman

author of “Mental Immunity” and CEO of

mentalimmunityproject.org And his team

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If Donald Trump manages to weasel his way back into the White House, we are in for a "Bomb Cyclone" the likes of which no one has ever seen before. The man is visually unbalanced and what makes it worse is he seems to enjoy the perception of being insane. It's like taking the governor off of a car's engine. There will be no repairing the damage he'll wrought upon this country. Trump will show the world how deep his depravity really goes and when the smoke finally clears, we and this country will be "History." The really sad part of it all, we will have done it to ourselves. In the end, it wasn't a WOMD that spelled our defeat it was the power of the vote cast for the wrong man, by a public that was too blind to see the truth.

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If TFG doesn't get a long prison sentence, he really should be put in a maximum security institution for the criminally insane. This unhinged nutso just cannot be let anywhere near the White House never, ever again.

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He should have been removed from office just for suggesting we insert BLEACH into our bodies during covid and hiding covid from us. He should have been the first "test" candidate. And I grab them by the pu$&y. Disgusting. And people voted for him again. Nixon left office for less!

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I said years ago that Trump makes Nixon look good.

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Sorry...NOTHING makes Nixon "look good". Nixon committed treason (undermined LBJ's deperate attempt at establishing peace talks) just like Drumpf has done. They are both scumsucking wads of filth and more than deserve to inhabit history's dumpster.

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................and Biden makes he Trumpers look better?

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How about listing Trump's triumphs- actual achievements. Then compare them to:

- Breaking the Iran Treaty and not replacing it, letting them progress on an atom bomb

- Suggesting attacking Mexico as a cure for the Cartel's drugs

- Abandoning our Allies and specifically NATO

- Minimizing the threat of Covid 19 and denigrating masks and injections

- Hyping dangerous non-cures for COVID-19, such as drinking bleach and taking horse medicine

- Lying about his lost election, where he lost 60 of 61 suits based on that supposed election fraud.

- Attempt to blackmail Ukraine into generating lies about Biden

- Supporting a scheme to enshrine false electors to help Pence to overturn the election, which Pence refused.

- Separating children from their parents, and retaining nothing linking the whereabouts of the children and the parents

- Cozying up to Nazis and other right-wing filth- finding "good Nazis and right wing nuts

- Denigrating McCain for being capture while bravely avoiding military service through lies about a bum foot (feet?)

- He was a self-made man once his father passed him some million of dollars, had something like six bankruptcies

- Assaulted multiple women, which endeared him endeared him to the Evangelicals?

- Wrecking the (supposedly) Supreme Court by appointing zealots, who then combined forces with Thomas and Alito, the leading crooks of the court?

- Retaining control of his assets while lying about it

- In Helsinki, taking Putin's word about non-interference which our intelligence agencies proved false

- Generally licking the tail of dictators Putin, Xi, Kim Jung-Un

- Putting loose cannon like Bannon, and Flynn in office

- Nepotistically appointing his totally inexperienced and uninformed tyros in charge

+ Daughter and son-in-law as advisors and having Tushner cave in to the Israelis on Jerusalem and other Middle East concerns. After tRUMP's loss, Tushner got a 2 billion dollar investment from a Saudi wealth fund- a testament to his expertise? Or maybe earlier contribution

- Appointing incompetents like a radiologist (Scott Atlas) to work the pandemic

- Championing Dr. Oz, a TV charlatan for one of Pennsylvania's senators

- Financing a coterie of bizarre (Powell) and totally unprincipled lawyers (Juliani) to muck up the waters

- Trump undervalued his assets for taxes and over-valued them for collateral

- Roy Cohn, an unprincipled wretch lawyer, seems to have been tRUMP's guiding light

- Need any more?

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Maybe it's just me, but I like presidents who have the same wife for 43 years and don't cheat on them, don't grab women by the pussy or rape them, who don't marry immigrants and then say they're "Poisoning the blood of America". You know, decent people. That's who I like.

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If you say so, go back and crawl under your rock.

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Well, Nixon maybe left for as much— his wars were devastating, but Trump and his minions are every bit as dangerous — probably more, in a time when the press is not even going after Trump …

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When I’ve asked members of the media why they’re not covering the increasing signs of Trump’s dementia, they say it’s “old news.”

The misinformation the news media is spewing is the mother of all cover-ups. If anyone thinks (like Trump et. al) that the 2020 election was rigged, think again. Who aided and abetted this mendacious crap? Trump is, of course, criminally insane but the obscenely wealthy owners of Fox and other biased sources both online and in print are our true enemies that have used their power and influence to keep us in thrall to their soulless efforts only to increase their own wealth and power. As a result, we have become mentally, emotionally and morally compromised. Accept nothing you read or hear until you've done your due diligence!

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But repeating junk about Biden is “a revelation.”

Thx for your comment. I’ve wondered for years what excuse MSM could offer. I thought maybe they weren’t answering period. Now I know it’s worse. They are deliberately misleading us. Not both-siding, not neutral, not normalizing. Deliberate lies masked by jargon.

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Being the target of DJT’s “fake news” campaign has made people in the trenches of the media doubly worried about seeming to be biased, and so they hamstring themselves in their reporting.

But the OWNERS of media, I do agree, are much too much in the pocket of big money. Print media has suffered terribly under the pressures of the digital world AND the pandemic, which made reporting tough, thinned the audience, and devalued advertising that once underwrote the enterprise …

And digital media has grown so large, not to mention being monetized in a totally different way, that voices struggle to grasp their audience and find funding to continue the work. Here again, they worry about antagonizing that audience, or being “cancelled,” or just being drowned out.

We still have some strong mainstream voices out there — the old “broadcast networks” and public broadcasting and a few still viable magazines — but there are so many sources of “news” and “information” available now that don’t even try to pretend they are not propaganda …

Figuring out how to be effective in messaging — and where messages need to appear — is probably the name of that game now.

That and maybe making some noise in the streets …

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He is lying, they don't say it's old news, they mean it is NO news because NOBODY is buying that BS, not even Democrats. You cannot watch Joe Biden speak and then Trump speak and claim Trump is loosing it and Biden is all there. That just makes you look crazy. Did you watch him coming out of the WH and say, I quote "My butt's been wiped", I am not joking.

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Oh, Isaak, give it a rest! You fell for that phony “butt’s been wiped” fraud? You need to think for yourself a little more, and check your own facts. Don’t swallow all the bilge the anti-Biden people try to feed you.

This president, in the last two years, has criss-crossed this planet, meeting with leaders the world over, shoring up our alliances and striking agreements that have made and will continue to make this country stronger and safer, and will strengthen our trade and economy.

I have not been in favor of everything he has done, but most of it’s been great. You have NO clue, if you do not recognize the difference between a loud and brash carnival barker and someone who knows how to govern. You are being bamboozled by flash and style and missing the man with substance — Biden.

In that stupid video that was mis-used to suggest he said a dumb thing, Biden was actually talking about immigration, and he was repeating part of what the person who asked a question had said. “What must be what?”

I don’t care if Biden has no flash. He has a competent and skilled brain. Donny is all performative blah-blah and no substance. No more competent than The Wizard of Oz. Far LESS competent, actually.

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Crawl back in your cave and spew your damn lying disinformation elsewhere. It seems to me that you are the one telling all of the lies...TUMP isn't losing it, he has already lost it, or never had it in the first place, he is a lying, rotten, pile of crap. Take your lying propaganda elsewhere, no one in here believes a word you say, so SCRAM!!

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You may be confusing the time that tRump walked across a tarmac and up the steps of the airplane in that lumbering-oaf way, arms hanging down in ape-like style, up, up the steps, all the way trailing a long strip of toilet paper on his shoes? Possible confusion with that?

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Yes, even liar Richard Nixon seems like threatening than a trump coming unhinged before our eyes. But I still contend that he will NOT be able to run under the 14th Amendment. The more likely pair would be Chris Cristy and Nikki Haley as a running team.

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I agree Linda, the rescumliCons KNOW trump can’t win. They do have the power of money and the airwaves but we have a massive majority. We need to stop acting like trump is in the running with Biden. Right wing BS.

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Seeking Reason ; Not only "Not in the running with Biden", but not even close!

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EEEEK, we need to defeat them too

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Because THEY are just as (IF not even more than, as impossible as that is to believe!) disgusting as their putrid orange sack of shit fuehrer. ;) :( :(

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Nixon was a cheap, sleazy, slicked-back conman of the OG variety, I guess. Yet TFG makes him look like a choirboy caught dipping into the collection plate.

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Not really. Politico has come out with an article that delineates all the shyte that Nixon pulled to undermine LBJ's efforts at the Paris Peace Talks in 1968...just so he could get elected.

Trouble was, Nixon's treasonous ploy worked so well on that election that St. Ronnie Raygun tried it again on President Carter, undermining the hostage deal. TCinLA is quite correct: there are no good Republicans.

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Dec 18, 2023
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I LOVE your t-shirt! I wore a t-shirt that was anti-trump in 2016. The problem was that the word trump was in big letters and then the funny insults. At a glance, my hair stylist said she just saw the word ,trump, and got worried. Your t-shirt makes it very clear that you do NOT support the orange nut-case.

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I first saw that on a yard sign in Nov 2020. I liked it so much I took a picture. Still love it. Wear your shirt with pride. 🤗

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I must have missed the Trump DOJ prosecuting Joe Biden right before Super Tuesday. When people could afford to eat and put gas in their car and the world wasn't at war under TRUMP, all your claims of fascism fall on deaf ears.

Nothing you can do to stop Trump from being elected. Other than admitting Biden is a failure and his policy sucks, but you will never do that, so Trump it is. Blame yourself, you can only cry fascism for so long.

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Tell me, Isaac, what part of 3.7% unemployment, falling interest rates, strong new job growth, manufacturing returning to the U.S., A NEW RECORD Stock Market high (your boy loved to brag about how high the Dow was), or the Inflation Reduction Act do you not like? Or do you just not want to see the truth? Maybe you've had a little too much KoolAde and need to go to rehab.

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Seems like you have had too much of the TUMP Kool aid, what rock have you been hiding under?? Been watching to much Fox Spews, have you? Gas is cheaper now than at anytime TUMP was the damn Dictator. Donald TUMP is your big failure, everything he touches is a failure. You are one of those idiots that is so dumb you believe anything they broadcast on Fox Spews. It's all lies and propaganda. And TUMP is not going to be elected, he will be under a prison with all of the other vermin under there. Donald TUMP is so stupid he never had a policy on anything but hate and division. Go back to your cave and tell your damn lies and propaganda.. Donald TUMP is a career criminal and a life long loser, get that into your shit for a brain.

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First they came for the rinos...

(You know, the ones who actually believe in the republican Ideals of personal responsibility, fighting corruption and traditional values)

If Maga actually starts winning eventually you won't be good enough to be one of them.

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Isaac you are too young to have assimilated what is right or wrong. Either that you have drank that koolaid. I used to like my opponents, Republicans, because they kept us Democrats in line. But what witch has twitched their nose at Donald Trump and put a spell on you? There is no sane reason to think he is 'with it'. What could a normal person see in this man?

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Yes, vote for Biden and the Democrats. The party that had no primary, no debates, and is trying to throw their political opponents in jail...LOL All of your unhinged lies are coming back to bite you in the ass. Can you tell me what fascism is? What side of the political spectrum does it fall on? When you call someone from the right a "fascist" you prove that you have no education, no understanding of history, and you don't even know what the word means.

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I worked in a facility in NJ that is a maximum security facility for the criminally insane. I say no. I'm a psych RN (retired). I can open up the DSM-V and flip through its pages and find plenty to add to his diagnosis. But no, he doesn't belong there. He belongs in jail. This country doesn't hold its leaders accountable so there's that. At the very least, he should never be able to hold public office ever again. Not even dog catcher.

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ESPECIALLY dog catcher. One of the most basic clues to this man's psychosis is his not having /having had a dog . Ever. I mean it's a GOOD thing but it is an insight nonetheless

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Yes, and even the 'symbol of our country' has attacked this fascist, SHITlerian POS, as if that bird of prey could sense SCUMp's blatant and vehement loathing of OUR democracy. ;)

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Thanks for your service Terri- fellow Nj nurse here. Hope you’re enjoying your retirement!

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He doesn’t have to be criminally insane to be unfit for office or public display. Uncle Bill with Alzheimer’s isn’t walking around outside in his jammies because Aunt Mary keeps an eye out. TFG pays lackeys to play his games.

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Prison, not a psychiatric facility. The federal super-max in Colorado is too good for him. Send him to Guantanamo Bay; he is after all a domestic and global terrorist.

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I wondered if Trump was a clever con man playing the dangerous character we all see, or if he is actually as unbalanced as he appears. After reading this I now think he is both. Very much like Adolph Hitler.

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Yes. He was just a con man (& malignant narcissist). Now he’s as barmy as a sh*thouse rat too.

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Does TFG stand for "Trump the Fat Guy"? 'Trump's Favorite Grudge"? I see these initials now and then, and they appear in stories about Trump. I still haven't figured out whose initials you're pulling up.

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"The Fascist Gasbag" and "The Flaming Garbagepile" work for me. 😏

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''The Fascist Gasbag'' is the best i have heard yet.

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The Former Guy

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He'll always be P01135089 under his mug shot to me.

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Yes, (and to me at least) that descriptor of the putrid orange scum fuehrer is way WAY too 'civil' and respectful of that skeevy low life, evil POS. ;)

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Someone commented recently that the dictionary is deficient in nasty words to describe TFG.

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I guess it was an attempt to limit the number of times we have to see his name: hence : The Former guy is abbreviated to tfg.

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Thanks, Michelle. I was born in the early 1940s.

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That was Biden's cleverly dismissive way of referring to Trump when Biden took office. No overt insult, but a put down nevertheless.

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"TFG" refers to "the former guy" - the ultimate insult to him, not mentioning him by name. It's the same reason why many people just call him "45".

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Really? If Trump is so insane then why did he let Joe take office? Why didn't he just take over and become the dictator you all claim he is when he had the chance? The only unhinged nutso is you. In case you didn't notice our country is on the brink bankruptcy and the world is at war. Everything you idiots claimed would happen under Trump happened under Biden. You don't live in reality, substack is not reality. This is why Trump is winning the popular vote for the presidential election.

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[Fixed typos]

Trump TRIED to stop Biden from becoming president, or did you not notice how badly he failed? The next time, he will start earlier and make sure he has his minions in place, so he can succeed in shutting down our democracy. Honest people in office and on the job stopped Trump’s shenanigans this time. He must not have another chance.

And, if you did not notice, our economy is STRONGER now, we have NOT had even a recession, much less anything worse. Republicans since Reagan have created our deficit and debt, NOT Democrats {look it up, fella}. And the world is not at war — there have ALWAYS been conflicts, but the world is NOT at war.

Under George W Bush [a Republican] the US destabilized the MIddle East by attacking Iraq and making a mess of Afghanistan, instead of going after Bin Laden, who ran off to Pakistan {where Obama got to him}. And Bush made the mess of going to war on the US credit card, instead of raising revenues to pay for it. Into the bargain, he mismanaged our economy, and we had a recession that he passed on to Obama, who got us out of it. [We should remember, too, who decided to bail out the banks and not the people — that was the Bush administration, who passed that legislation and then left it behind for Obama to handle, too. Republicans are always leaving a mess behind for Democrats to clean up.]

And did you notice the stock market is doing GREAT right now?

You have to stop swallowing the Republican bilge. You really do.

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Yes! Yes! Yes, I believe you Pat O'Brien, in your protestations toward truth, and proof of truth. But my daughter thinks this version is all made up, and her version is the other way around. She's a "low attention voter" and this state of mind bothers me more than anything, because there are millions just like her. They are all telling each other an entirely different story. I first noticed this many years ago when I visited a local republican election-year headquarters, just out of curiosity. A woman sat me down and proceeded to tell me remarkable stories about Jimmy Carter, and even our own governor, who was a democrat at the time. I wonder how long ago these two narratives evolved. It had to have begun in the 1950s—or perhaps the two narratives were there before WWII, and the differences were ignored so we could face a common enemy. I still think of this as the two strands of a double helix. Two separate paradigms moving together in a linear spiral through history. One prods the other and the other prods back. They hold affect onto each other; both learn and give and accept mutual stimulation. We were in a cusp between the fourth and fifth paradigms in the last century. Now six is trying to make its appearance and the two former strands are being acutely tested. The new narrative promises to be a real challenge. The sixth paradigm will seem ruthless at first, and most of us won't like its seers and prophets. (Sorry, I got into my favorite zone for several minutes.)

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Mmmm that’s all very … amusing.

But, in the end, true communication and a few facts are what are called for.

I know, it’s hard to get get some people to listen to reason.

Let’s hope they are not that numerous.

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Do you enjoy your life on Mars?

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You are delusional, so GO BACK TO YOUR CAVE and crawl under a rock., TUMP hasn't won a damn thing your freaking idiot. You are an unhinged nutso to the extreme.

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Clinically, the interesting thing about Trump is that he has progressed in the last three years, and this would be typical for dementia. In 2016 he was just the well-known orange blowhard from NYC who didn't have a prayer of beating Hillary Clinton. His personality hadn't changed.

Now, he has few words in his vocabulary when he isn't reading from the teleprompter. He is also delusional, paranoid, disinhibited and forgetful. Somewhere at Walter Reed there is an MRI scan of his brain. Let's see it.

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I am not familiar with how dementia progresses. I only have my mother’s, and I didn’t see her often. She was usually just confused. But I have heard that the raging drumpf does is typical. He used to be able to hold a train of thought. He seems now to be consumed with resentment and be a one trick pony. Is that dementia, or just an old asshole?

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Probably both.

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I am going with "just an old asshole." Jen. He knows exactly what he is doing, he is just trying to emit as much hate and have his low IQ supporters latch onto his insane baloney, for show. He has no business in politics, at all, because he is the worlds biggest lying con artist in the history of this country. No one with at least half a brain would vote for a man who thinks Putin and Kim are good people and takes advice from the dictator Putin.

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Knowing what he’s doing doesn’t mean he’s not bonkers. You & I know what he’s doing too — but we don’t think he’s doing the same thing he thinks he’s doing. At least I hope not. 🙂

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He is definitely bonkers, no denying that.

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Paranoia and rage can be a symptom of dementia. My father's dementia presented as such. My mother's dementia presented as confused, with short term memory loss, but she was still kind.

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Also oxygen deprivation?

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Yes, rage and paranoia are part of the phases a patient can go through. Typically- it’s near the end….before they forget family, how to chew and swallow

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Michael--Time is catching Donald Trump., the orange will fade to gray, then he will be gone.

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It's a terrible thing to watch this national tragedy unfolding in slow motion. Lear on the cliff tops.

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Michael--Trump isn't so bad, it's our own people who are enabling the fool that destresses me.

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Point well taken, though Trump IS so bad!

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Donald, you are correct. The worst of them are the supposedly educated who have turned their backs on democracy. To think that so many have lost their sense of what this country has always stood for. We sacrifice blood and treasure to defend what we have and they are willing to sell it all down the river. How often do Americans need to be reminded that this country is unique in that except for the indigenous people we are all either immigrants or related to immigrants? An immigrant can come here and become an American that does not happen anywhere else in the world. Diversity = strength.

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His loss is just step one in the recovery process for our country.

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It STILL makes me question though, was so much of the populace of this land ALWAYS (EVEN back when we were fighting against, and dying fighting fascists and NAZIS in the 1940s) this abjectly hateful and racist/ANTI-SEMITIC all on their very own?

Or was it just their putrid orange SHITler 'savior' who 'gave them right', and exacerbated/brought to the surface less vehement feelings of their hatred, which made them feel great, and therefore they worship(ed) SCUMp, devoutly??

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Sorry. Lear had a lifetime of sanity. Before he became sad and afraid. That's why we pity him.

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Am I the only one who notices that his comb-over is a different color every day?

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Mimi--The women he is paying for their perverse attention must use a cheap form of hair dye that apparently runs during exertion.

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An image to avoid--

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

1:19 PM (0 minutes ago)

Not to be demeaning, but I find very little in the way of positives exhibited by Donald Trump. I think his current heartbeat would be classified as one, but that is about it. I have known only a handful of truly incorrigible people in my lifetime and Donald Trump is one of them. The man is rude not only to others but he is rude to himself and the sad part of it is he doesn't even realize it. I have a saying, "If the people around you think you are a very wealthy individual, in life you fail at being a compassionate person." Trump has trouble sharing the air he breathes or even the land he stands on. He exists solely for himself and no one else matters, not in the least. He is the modern embodiment of a Capone or a Hitler with the murderous freedoms they utilized held in check, for the moment. He will render a degree of destruction upon this country unseen in our history up to now. How anyone can say they love the United States and turn around and find favor by supporting Trump leaves me questioning their sanity. He is filth in human form and if allowed he will change this country beyond anyone's ability to recognize it.

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Yes, "in check, FOR THE MOMENT".

But we all (at least on here, and in progressive-land, sadly not elsewhere) know just how 'fleeting' those moments really are, especially when he (and his NAZI minions) TELL U.S. exactly how they will unleash the evil fury of those 'murderous freedoms' on this land, especially for ALL 'others' and those like us, even if lily-white ourselves. ;) :(

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NOT nearly soon enough Donald!!

We also must make sure that his Hitler Jugend sons, Uday and Qusay get NOWHERE NEAR power as well. ;)

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David--That is so odd, I thought the same thing about those two just yesterday.

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Donald, I usually don’t want time to go faster (anymore). I’ll make an exception for TFG to be gone.

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Jan--I'm sure "we" are not alone.

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I'm counting on it, Donald.

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Not soon enough!

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Michael Hutchinson ; Good idea to see the images of tRump's MRI brain scan ! If anyone says Hippa protects him from having his medical info aired in public ; just mention the menstrual charts kept by Planned Parenthood being taken by those in some states who want to control womens' fertility, to block their health care.

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Good for the goose, good for the effing gander!!!

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Show us the brain scan!

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I remember hearing something about him getting Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley mixed up.

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Stimulant abuse can cause so many of his crazy unhinged actions and incoherent speech.

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Any President, and I use that term loosely when talking about trump, that does NOTHING about 2,000 U.S. people dying daily during covid and suggests we inject "BLEACH" into our bodies to kill it, should have been removed from office IMMEDIATELY. That's insane. He also hid covid from the American people for months. He shouldn't be allowed to be on the ballot because he is infact disturbed, a criminal, and never fully vetted. His education was bought and paid for by his father. Congress MUST IMMEDIATELY make changes to the constitution re: qualifications of President of the United States, including criminal and rape/sexual assault charges. Duck, dog, TV, man? Cognitive test??? ROFLMAO

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What you said about covid and trump is true. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. We are paralyzed by the Republican party. He gets away with all this because of the Republican party, and the powers bestowed on the minority in this country by our Constitution. I do not have the answer, except to hope that the American electorate, when taken as a whole, has enough compassion and morals and umph to overcome the gerrymanders, the electoral college, and the dis-information, and vote against this terrible terrible movement. God help us.

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I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said “God helps those who help themselves.”

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His sister said he paid someone to take the entrance exams for him.

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His niece

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It was actually his sister, the one who was a judge in New York.

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👏👏👏 thank you! The 24/7 media monster has ignored his Covid response intentionally. Sure, there was the Woodward book media junket with the audio interviews with him which exposed his purposeful hesitancy, but it wanned away the minute Ginsburg died and the GOP hustled Comey Barrett in.

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Kathryn--You find the strangest things at the bottom of a toilet bowl just prior to its flushing.

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These comments are 99% misdiagnosing this. Democrats have allowed Trump to break their brains. Every diplomat for 30 years unanimously, agreed expanding NATO beyond the borders of a unified Germany, would make no geopolitical sense, and would provoke Russia. Our defense contractors under neocons like Victoria Nulund and the same crowd at the state department who brought us Iraq Afghanistan, Syria , Libya ; saw $1 billion bonanza in floating loans to arm countries, to NATo hardware. It was not a humanitarian mission countless experts have pointed this out, John Mearshiemer, Chris Hedges, Jeffrey Sachs. Western corporate media were proven to lie incessantly about these facts. US state media., as Glen Greenwald Pointed out on many episodes of system update, are the worst spreaders of misinformation. we destroy Ukraine and sacrificed Ukrainian citizens for our own political leverage. Seymour Hersh Reported that we blew up the Nord stream two pipeline and lied about it. It was the government job to help about that. This is all Biden administration.. Now he has earned his name genocide, Joe as they help destroy Gaza, killing civilians at an unheard of pace. And when Democrats arent busying themselves with political correctness, empty moral posturing yard signs, they’re shitting themselves about Trump, as if anything they’re doing is going to help prevent another Trump. worst case scenario a more competent Trump like figure

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Congress can’t make changes to the Constitution. Get a grip.

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Congress has amended the Constitution 27 times. Right now two amendment efforts are in full swing.

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To become part of the Constitution, an amendment must be ratified by three-fourths of the states by either (as determined by Congress): The legislatures of three-fourths of the states; or. State ratifying conventions in three-fourths of the states.

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Yes, I’m aware of this. But the action is Congress’s, states just ratify (or fail to). I was responding to a comment dismissively telling someone that Congress couldn’t change the Constitution. It can, it has, and it will again! I still believe in the power of democracy. Belief in that power gives it power.

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If Congress can't get an amendment passed it also can call a Constitutional Convention, something we've never done, yet.

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Dec 18, 2023
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Abject REVERSE 'Midas touch'!!

How ironic that he insists on putting his effing name in GAUDY gold on everything. ;)

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Never has so much ink spilled and attention given to such a empty human being.

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That soooo many in this land listen to, follow, support, and even WORSHIP that sorry putrid sack of rancid orange feces makes me lose ANY and ALL of the already very little faith I may have ever had in the populace of this country. :( :(

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Probably frozen in hate.

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Ala what happened in Germany with Hitler in the 1930’s.God help us all.

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Can we fast forward to tbe part where the dictator offs himself in the bunker?

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lol.Karma at its very best.Just do not involve Melania as Hitler did Eva Braun

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Why not? She’s just as rotten as he is. Complicit in every way. A woman with integrity would have left him years ago; a woman with real class wouldn’t have married him in the first place.

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I do not believe her behavior egregious enough to warrant eliminating her with her husband, living a teenage son an orphan.

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I'm sorry. She knew what she was signing up for. Don't cry for Melania. She got her "amicable separation" settlement.$$$$$$

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Did Melania divorce Donald recently? This goes to show we really can't keep up with the full bore 25 hours a day media any longer. (I always ignore coated-paper trash magazines hanging by the cash register.)

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I cannot imagine anything amicable involving Trump. His tentacles are everywhere and it wouldn’t surprise me if she ended up missing some day soon. Sorry to sound cynical.

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I don’t have much aloha for Melanie, but women will do a lot to protect their children. It’s sad and awful at once.

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Mussolini and his mistress were hung upside down when the Italians finally had enough of him.we are an odd species. Sometimes I wonder how we got this far.

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Agreed we seem good at committing horrible acts. Trying to attone, forget about them (even though we wrote them down) and then committing horrible acts.....

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I thought you were not nervous about the prospect of a luny as president...

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I suppose we deserve what we get, but we have been manipulated by the billionaires and the MSM. This election should not even be close. Every republican should be turned out. Their party should be a smoldering pile of ashes. But, much money has been invested to bring this useful idiot back into power.

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“We” do not deserve what we get —- It’s not like, if he’s elected, all of US voted for him. It’s not like we aren’t even TRYING to defeat his candidacy … We do NOT deserve him. The world does not deserve him.

More like “sh*t” happens.” But we don’t deserve him …

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Perhaps we are all too complacent. Where are the protests? Where are the marches? Where are the protest songs? Where are the actors and sports figures calling it out? Where is the outrage? Where is the good trouble. There was plenty of it during the Viet Nam war. Where has that level of activism gone?

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Right HERE! One of us is right here…

You, there, probably, too…

But, damn, we two do not a protest-march make.

Much of what went into the marches of the sixties consisted of students who didn’t want to go to war, especially a duplicitous war (a national movement of people marching for their lives}, following the example of those who marched in the 50s and 60s to overturn Jim Crow and national racism {ALSO marching for their very lives}.

NOW, we do need to see that we are again facing an existential threat — and it COULD be for our very lives! — in not only DJT, but the entire Right Wing with their plan to remake the country starting i 2025 [except, if we are honest with ourselves, they’ve been doing it little by little since Reagan — that old “frog in the boiling water” thing …]

Donnie gets his people riled up with rallies. Rallies are good — we should do rallies. Demonstrations are effective, too, if they are orderly, but the Right has demonized Left Wing demonstrations, so maybe we need rallies. Martin Luther King held that “rally” in DC that time right? The Rally on Washington? [OK, he called it a march, but you get my drift ..]

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We better start making noise - whether the right demonizes us or not. And why are we not successfully demonizing the ever more nazi-like right?

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Pat, There have been MASSIVE protest movements Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Water Protectors- serious injuries happed to these Native Nation People, remember? No, you don’t because only left wing news had any broadcast of it!

It’s all about what reaches the ears of the most Americans. None of the major media stations are left wing, only right. CNN, PBS,NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS + are ALL owned by rt wingers!

Only Amy Goodman of Democracy Now reported on the Water Protectors. She went there!

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It’s not gone. It’s just momentarily napping.

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Pat Goudey OBrien ; There is a very low bar to disqualify a president if it takes an insurrection to oust him! A poor vetting process that allows this guy to even be on the ballot! He has stolen and likely leaked information that was top secret! We had better hope that Justice will get their job done! Otherwise ; get a repeat assault rifle and lots of ammo! and learn how to make bombs! or, leave (although I don't see how safe that will be, lots of fascists in the world now!) Supreme court : do your oaths of honor fairly and keep them!

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I figure my name will be on lists of subversives, and any guns I might be able to stock up on won’t save me. I’m not much of a gun person. I always figured my skills after the apocalypse are more related to having served on an ambulance squad for five years in New Jersey during the 1970s … and I was an X-ray technician for a while, so I have a grasp of anatomy and a bit of physiology. Given all that, if someone would please be willing to save me from the guys with guns, I’ll patch y’all up and answer the call for “medic.”

I am only half being sarcastic aboout the possible need for these skills —- defense and medic … But I hope we can make “the rule of law” do us some good and avoid Mad Max world.

I like the rule of law — Donald J Trump should be lawfully prevented from ever holding office again.

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Pat, I’m sure we’re all on the some list. 😊 And that’s why we’re going to make sure we stop the Fascist Party leader, Trump, from destroying our country.

We can shut the country down if we so choose. We might need a big scale Montgomery Bus Boycott if it is needed.But I think we need to start scaring the Republican Fascist Party with OUR ideas if justice doesn’t prevail.

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Pat Goudey OBrien ; At my age and with my complete lack of stamina or training in weaponry or warfighting, my post was more a feeling than a plan, Besides, how can even skilled individuals do combat against MAGA thugs in the USA if they have infiltrated our military? What about our loved ones and even innocent strangers who are caught up in the mayhem? War Should be Illegal, and actually prevented. Justice and sane law enforcement is our best hope! "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". I agree, it would be truly GREAT if we can avoid Mad Max world! If we need it, I wonder if President Biden could use Emergency War Powers as our Commander in Chief to defend this country! We have spent too much on defense to let our enemies, foreign or domestic (or both) harm or defeat US!

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I think that could be said of all his big money backers as well.

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Yes, and he should be peacefully restrained, at minimum, if necessary! He has already done harm, and caused deaths!

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Laurie, Thomas won’t even recuse himself even though he and his seditionist wife, Ginny, should be awaiting trials also.

We are against a lot of might but as Bernie says, Failure is not an option. Despair is not an option.

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Bernie is correct ; (I would never say he's right).

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Gary, enough people voted so that all of the republicans in the past 7 of 8 elections lost the vote of the people-the popular vote! (With the exception of HW Bush). It is gerrymandering and rt wing SCOTUS plus our Electoral College that allows a way to cheat the people out of our choice. We should have fought like hell when Gore won and none if this would be happening today.

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Granted. But it is what it is currently. We have to deal with the existential threat at hand. That means overwhelming them in the vote. That means getting out the vote. That means motivating the complacent, the cynical, the nihilistic, the victims of learned-helplessness, the oppressed, the fatigued, the uninformed, and the misinformed. It will not take care of itself and god knows the MSM will do NOTHING to help.

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Yes, the hurdles are there and frightening too. But 8 million more voted for Biden previously and now the Fascist Party has hit hard against LGBTQIA, BLACK LIVES MATTER, WOMEN (who are sane), Migrants etc.

These groups are pretty big power houses. LGBTQIA going backwards without a fight? I don’t think so.

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Not counting my chickens. We need so much more NOISE. But optimism is critical too!

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Unfortunately Biden has broken promises repeatedly to major demographic groups who got out the vote for him, African-Americans and young people. And now he has decided to support ethnic cleansing in Gaza, against the will of the vast majority of Americans, and alienating Arab-Americans. I agree that we have to vote for him, and get out the vote for him. But I feel very bad about it.

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I agree. I believe they are a force to be reckoned with as are we.

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I’m not sure we won’t see a few voices from mainstream media coming around. In just the past few days, I thought I saw a bit of a change.

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but we might see some decent reporting on Trump and the Fascist plan for 2025 yet …

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MSM better know it will become a target too

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We can pray

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Gore would have wet his pants in 9/11

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Even if that's true, (unlikely) we wouldn't have ended up in Iraq, that really had nothing to do with it. W kept reading a picture book to kids.

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Gary--He lost in 2016, he lost in 2020 and he'll lose again in 2024. As long as there are more good people in this country than bad ones he will continue to lose.

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Prayers and fingers crossed. Remember - he lost in 2016, yet was still made president.

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Gary, He lost BEFORE the J6 deadly attempted coup, BEFORE women’s right to choose was eliminated in red states, BEFORE he quoted Hitler on and on! He cannot win IF people vote…anyone who sits out voting for Biden should never comment on any aspect of our government.

We need to keep spreading the stories we get here etc.

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Agreed on all but "he cannot win." He WILL win if the billionaires and MSM has anything to do with it. We must overwhelm them with the vote. A unified block. He is certainly shooting himself in the foot, but remember - he got in once - against a most formidable opponent.

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Gary-- An example of a college that teaches us nothing, but it gives us losers for Presidents.

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Well, it DOES 'teach' fascism, hatred and racism, so there's that. ;) :(

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Yes, almost as if our 'great founding patriarchs' made damn well SURE that wannabe monarchs and fascist despots had a cancelling 'work around' to the popular vote they made everyone believe was all that counted, in their effing 'genius insight'. <-[rolleyes] LOFL

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In spite of their eagerness to throw off the yoke of the British king, too many founders still thought some people were “high born,” and were more valid leaders. They saw no dissonance in rejecting the King, yet embracing the idea of class consciousness and superior blood lines. Those ideas continue to this day. DJT loves to talk about his “good genes,” about German genes, and he says Jews are good at managing money and being lawyers. Racist piece of garbage that he is.

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Dec 18, 2023
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Trump is supported by the oligarchs and corporations as they need a Dictator to crush 'we the people', to complete the deconstruction of US institutions to themselves. Exactly how the Russian people were raped by their Oligarchs ( many of whom have houses here in the US), when their communal system devolved, Putin etc. came in and the greedy rich ones raped and pillaged every state structure.

As long as the Repugs support Richy Rich, they will be monied to destroy and punish the rest of us. The major news outlets are OWNED by Richy Rich. Trumps Bible is Hitler's book. We are in desperate times.

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Oh Mr. Hodgins, I couldn't concur with you more. We know his MAGA followers who are his cult members, will vote for the former guy no matter what.. But you are so correct in that if the American public is fooled by his insanity and gives him their vote, we will all be in serious danger in which I fear, can never be undone.

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Irma--A name that Ms. MacLaine carried when she met Mr. Lemmon. Your fear is well grounded in truth.

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What it really was is the dead hand of the slavemasters: better known as the electoral college.

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Richard--Its time to put that college to bed for good.

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Donald et al,

Electoral college was to give balance to the individual States, right.? You want a popular vote, and you would be ok if it swung against Democrats?

I do not agree with this

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Phil--A popular vote is the voice of the people, this is my country. Whatever the majority decides I'll go along with, ----within reason.

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We are. And the average entitled white family mostly won't notice. Who does the grifter-in-chief attack after deporting all 'illegal' immigrants?

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Bjorn--Knowing Trump, the legal ones will surely follow.

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Since he is SHITlerian in attitude, the world's oldest scapegoats will be next into his (and his Goebbels scumbag Miller's) detention (death) camps, yes right along with any/all dissenters, detractors, non-worshipers, etc, yes, even if 'lily-white' themselves.

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Donald - apparently that would mean his wife too. Although she has probably been looking for a way out for a while as long as she can take his money with her.

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Anon--Believe me she must deserves every penny of it.

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You are definitely a human with no brain infected with an std

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Larry--I wish.

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Donald, I just don’t know if I’ll be able to cope if another popular vote is overridden for Electoral rubbish. That’s what scares me. I still hold out hope that the majority of the American people are still sane enough to see a criminal when he’s right in front of them, regardless of what these polls say.

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G. P. ---Old habits die hard.

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Trump is a symptom. How is a rude obnoxious insane man like Trump any more dangerous than neoliberals who use lies and censorship for war, under the same state department actors like Victoria, Nulund to kill people all over the world in these drastic military debacle? Putting the Trump phenomenon it in historical context, the patterns are there.. Chris Hedges does a great job of explaining all that. People think the MAGA movement appeared out of a “spontaneous combustion.” it was already here waiting for its leader to step in. Under what conditions does a “ figure who is often laughed at, even by the establishment, suddenly sees power?” And estimated $40 trillion goes in 1% of the population pockets over the past 40 years.. that acts as an elite echo chamber, doesn’t report on the half of the country who live in debt peonage. When a liberal class of a society, no longer functions as a safety valve, and everything becomes corporatized. Liberalism takes over, people, suffering, profound, economic stress. People suffering, Trump derangement syndrome can’t see this. Professionals from the liberal class retreat into atrophy institutions, themselves with boutique, activism and political correctness. It’s like Dostoyevsky. Writes in notes from underground..” thousandsof an anemic liberal class , thousands of underground men and women.

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john--The MAGA group existed long before Trump rode down that escalator. Their inherent suffering has gone unheard for some time until Donnie Boy gave them a voice and a violent one at that.

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I don’t disagree. Having red Chris hedges. “ death of the liberal class.” as well as “ American fascists, the Christian, right, and the war on America” I evolved on the reasons, historically, that figures like Trump get in. Neo liberals are killing scores of people all over the world right now, and it’s in defensible. Once people improve their understanding of what led to this., they can be better emotionally and intellectually prepared for what may be coming

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John--I hope your right, as it is they seem to be slow learners.

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Using this microphone misspells

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Wow ! Well expressed!

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Well said !

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cat--Weapons of mass destruction, you know the things Iraq didn't have.

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It's like setting fireworks in a magazine.

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This is a timely post. Thanks for the link.

As the late, great science fiction writer Terry Pratchett said, never trust your first thoughts. Second and if possible, third thoughts about those first thoughts are always best. I also remember being told as a child during the ‘brainwashing’ obsessed 1960s that individuals who are forgetful because they are thinking too much all the time are the hardest to ‘rewire’ with any technique. Reading print is also very important not just because we now have the key seven generations of mass literacy and therein have created a group inheritance of shared ways of communication and social interactions based upon the print medium but also because unlike pure visual media like film and computer screening, it allows our minds space to engage with and take a breath from rather than be completely covered in a torrent of information. 🐈‍⬛

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Thank you so much friend for this interesting and informative comment.

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You’re welcome

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That was a great post, Keith, it was very informative and very helpful to me. Thank you for sharing.

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The media may say trump's mental state is old news but they dwell on Biden's age like it's new news every day. The media seems to be after Biden. The WapPo just had a big front page article about Joe and James Biden. The headline made it sound terrible but if you read it, there's nothing there, nothing at all.

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I had said months ago that the only thing Trump has ever said that I agree with is that the legacy media is the enemy of the people. They report on what gets the best ratings because they are a business. Ratings equals money 💰! They know that Trump and his Ratpack Republicans are evil people but they refuse to do the right thing and call them out!

Trump’s cognitive decline has definitely been exposed and will continue to get worse !

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Who's to say the legacy ratings might change for the better if they would just get with it?

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While not intending to hijack the discussion, ol' P01135809 isn't the only entitled nut-job we - the US - need to be concerned about with regard to national security:


This is a supplier for NASA and a player in the Ukraine conflict - along with his social media and automotive presence. Could the US reasonably cancel his contracts? Who would he sell his tech to then? Something worth more than a few moments reflection.

Just thought I'd mention it.

UPDATE: I just came across another piece, a critique of post-modernist thinking. It's alarming because it suggests the impact of post-modernist thought in the current political debate(‽) Think "alternate facts." In this case, it concerns how that view infects the scientific community, which seems to be driving the anti-science trends in politics, upon which previously said entitled nut-jobs seem to rely to exercise influence: https://youtu.be/jGe5SDgsHtU?si=D2pmnogzgmySfvir (Have patience with the bit of word salad gobbelty-goop in it. He's using it as a case in point.)

And this is a seemingly gratuitous addition - bit of sarcasm on the role of [post-modernism in] religion in politics these days: https://youtu.be/LsMzQA1p0lA?si=GpkXEHrBh69n1UZ8

But it is joined at the hip with what's joined at the hip to ol' P01135809's campaign: https://youtu.be/Ij7fUmLvlNM?si=yjPZr2hMKGSZalM7

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I watched all 4 videos. Quite a collection ! Vote BLUE or they will deep six Democracy

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Thanks for your forbearance. Sometimes, things I come across seem to be of moment, even if they're seen to be only vaguely connected. In this case, the connection is delusion, dementia, and outright insanity in the US body politic, these days.

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Keith, if one is prone to hating one will cling to the rationalization to justify their fear/hatred. Humans tend to be insecure hence we tend to fear/hate those who are different and, thanks to the internet, there are plenty of sources to provide the rationale to justify their fear and hate.

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𝖣𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗈 𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽. 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗌𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗄

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Keith! I haven’t even finished reading your comment yet, and I’m already so excited about it !! It’s so great when others are able to articulate the ideas that you yourself have, but cannot find a way of expressing them sensibly.

Well, off I go to finish savouring your comment, and I hope to follow you in future.

Please Keep Writing ! What you have to say is important and necessary for the people of today.

Leonie Cent in Australia 🌈👍

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The credit mostly goes to Andy Norman and his team. I’m just passing on what I believe is good information that can help my fellow citizens.

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Keith, there is no doubt that we must address mental health as rigorously as physical health. Very good points.

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Yes. That is why there are factions of folks who want to ban certain information ,ban certain books,and "rewrite"history

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Half the population would be gone if not for Penecillin.

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Keith--You might like to read a bit about the thinking of Mary Baker Eddy. The power of positive thinking, and self-healing.

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Your point about immunizing the mind is well taken. However, the temporary reduction of infectious diseases has not spared humanity untold suffering. It takes longer to die and is more excruciating and causes a greater burden to the living to die from cancer and heart disease. Medicine is a big part of the problems. Saving lives and increasing population has not been an unalloyed blessing. Nobody gets out alive. It would be nice if we acknowledged this reality.

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Outstanding essay Keith

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Thank you

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How do you explain the fact that so many seemingly "good" people - especially white evangelicals - believe whole heartedly in Trump's message? They close their mind to his personal foibles and choose instead to support his right-wing political stance.

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They are only 'good people' in their very own minds.

I for one DO NOT consider them 'good people', but devout, abject HYPOCRITES, which of course they are quite PROUD of being, and doing outright EVIL against/to their fellow human beings, "in the name of their lord and savior".

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Thanks for your thoughts. However, it may be too simple to judge them as hypocritical and evil. I still can’t understand the driving force behind their misguided thinking.

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Not really sure but I think they only listen to far-right propaganda

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That’s for sure. The propaganda is very powerful indeed. It’s frightening.

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Mental health professionals have been warning us from the start that he is unfit for office- afflicted by malignant narcissistic personality disorder which in actuality. is composed of: narcissism,sociopathy,paranoia,and sadism.He suffers from the same disorder as Hitler and Mussolini and as such poses a clear and present danger to all of us and to the country.

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Drumpf’s recent speeches are uncannily similar to those of Hitler in the early days. But then, it was said that he kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his night table.

Back in the days of Hitler’s rise to power, many Germans and other nations ignored the threat that his words posed to their society and the world at large. I’m glad for the passage of legislation that prevents a President from unilaterally withdrawing the US from NATO. Hopefully it extends to other multilateral agreements. But it’s just a start. We should learn from history. Let’s not repeat the mistakes of the past.

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Not saying the sins of the father should affect the son, but Don's father Fred Trump was a Nazi supporter in the 30s. It can give quite a bit of food for thought on what kind of parenting he received as a child.

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There's a photo of Fred and Mary Trump in Mary L. Trump's book; they are wearing KKK robes. Donald stands with them.

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There you go.

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Why there are black people who support Trump speaks volumes to the effectiveness of propaganda and directed confusion.

There are a few, only a few, African Americans who tacitly support or ignor this rise of fascism by using false equivilacies in their reasoning: “Both parties are corrupt. One is as bad as the other. “. I point out, to no avail, that when the fascists take over it will be them whom they will be coming for.

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I believe Fred also suffered from dementia.

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Yes,Peggy.He did- dying from complications of the disease on June 25 th,1999.It has been alleged that son -Donald- made fun of his ill father in the waning months of the latter’s life.Sadists will do that.

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I've heard that he did that as well. It is hard to believe that anyone would make fun of someone suffering that way! But then, we're talking about trump so I can believe it.

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He is pure EVIL personified, just as much as that putrid green fluid in the vial in the basement of that church in the movie, "Prince Of Darkness", the 'corporeal embodiment of Satan'. ;)

Yet, the ChristoFASCIST, lily-white Evangelicals will worship him as their savior. That says A LOT about them. ;)

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Yes they will But tfg is a sadist because of his father, who was too. As a country we were subjected to the same crude, sadistic, cruel, scary, bewildering treatment that tfg as a child was subjected to by his father.

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Psychopathy is a genetic trait.

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Tragically,the abused child will oftentimes than not become the adult abuser.

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Two psychopaths, father and son.

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Well, that makes matters even worse. I have a personal family history with hereditary psychosis, so I can confirm that hereditary mental illness is no joke. My great-Grandma had it during WWII and, as far as her daughter's told me, that made her obsessed with the Nazis. Grandma never had any problems, but her two sons, one being my father, had it as well, and it ended up killing Dad.

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Harry, I am sorry about your dad. It is always so very hard to care for and deal with someone suffering from dementia. My mom took care of my grandma and I could see how difficult it was for her. My grandma would be violent, use profanity, and would take off if there was any opening. Her last years on earth were very hard.

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Oh, it gets worse!

Like I said, it was psychosis, not dementia, but also hereditary.

I think psychosis also used to be referred to as 'mania' before mental health became a real medicine.

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I have no doubts whatsoever that Fredrich was in attendance at Fritz Kuhn's (at the behest of Hitler) NAZI BUND meeting in Madison Square Garden in 1939.

Just like his putrid fascist progeny holds his very own NAZI BUND Meetings (which the media softens to 'rallies') almost every other day now.

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The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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He is indeed nuts.

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He was also suffering from Alzheimer's

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AR-we are reliving Germany’s tragedy in the 1930’s.Trump carries the same diagnosis as Hitler and Mussolini.Wake up,America.Neofascism is knocking on our doors!!

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"Christo fascism" is more like it - banging on the doors - right out of the fascist handbook on how to take over a democracy.

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Thank you for bringing up Christofascism! I figured this for quite a while, but never had anyone to talk to about these observations. (I am a very lonely person)

Christofascism is unspeakably disturbing, a truly disgusting mutant creature which uses the body parts of the host it errupted from, only to flail them around.

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Sorry you are lonely.

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There is absolutely nothing Christlike about Christo fascism .Nothing!!

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I totally agree. It's really an example of how well people can fool themselves.

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There is nothing 'Neo' about it, as it is just plain old fascism/Nazism.

The only thing that might be considered 'new' is that SCUMp and his POS NAZI minions, enablers, and sycophants actually want to (and plan to) OUTDO and exceed the barbaric, inhuman, gleefully sadistic EVIL they will perpetrate on all 'others' not like them, and not totally, loyally, and devoutly WITH them. :( :(

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Yes, mistakes of the past repeated. Read Rachel Maddow's book "Prequel" .

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I thought that she would have put more in that book about the earlier attempts at bringing outright NAZISM to these shores from Germany (Fritz Kuhn's Bund crap), and the resistance movements against such (the Minutemen in Newark, N.J. and surrounds).

But she was much more concerned about the fascist/NAZI movement carried on by some of those in power here, much later, immediately before the war (and even DURING it!), since so very little had ever been researched and brought to the light of day before she did exactly that! :)

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I'm reading it now.

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Amen to that,A R👍👍

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My thoughts, EXACTLY, Jose D Jesus.

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He is unfit for office. He calls his opponents "vermin" echoing Hitler and other dictators yet people still love him. Brain washing at it's finest. Here is 2 hour video showing he is unfit for the office...


Too bad die hard Trump supporters ignore facts. They instead yell, not debating.

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Thanks,Ken.I have watched this excellent,revealing documentary many times.Scary revelations.This documentary should be watched by every American citizen who cherishes freedom and democracy.

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If you want nightmare fuel read up a bit on Project 2025. It is crazy to see what may be at stake.

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With an immense amount of discussion about all the reasons why it is unthinkable that Trump could be reelected, I still do not hear any mention of the 'ultimate DEAL BREAKER" . . . . This is it . . . . Do you want this man 'in charge of two thousand million tons of thermo nuclear weapons ?' . . . . Plus, General Milley won't be there to stop him this time ! . . . . . End of discussion ! . . . . . gasp

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A big Amen to your comments,Jon.Kudos to you.!!

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Dec 19, 2023
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Trump Derangement Syndrome needs to be called out for what it is- gaslighting:a vicious, manipulative form of emotional abuse.Essentially,it involves my asking u to distrust your senses when evaluating a specific situation.Fortunately,the majority of the American citizenry is intelligent enough to guard against the toxic abuse.Let’s see if I am right come Tuesday Nov 5 and ensuing days.

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Trump is the deranged one. He’s more unhinged weekly. He’s slurring his words

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Trump is paranoid and is a narcissist who is telling us out loud how absolutely crazy he really is. His mental unfitness should be declared by the media every time he speaks.

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I don’t disagree, but we are blowing up the whole world right now? Killing scores and scores of people. Wars based on lies and censorship..

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I think it’s both conscious and unconscious. I think he is deliberately making these comments to scare the hell out of maga and at the same time his psychosis is becoming more violent and inappropriate. Here’s the real scary part, the people who don’t mind this and want him to follow through with it. That keeps me up at night.

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One thing about the symptomatology of malignant narcissistic personality disorder.Symptoms grow in intensity as the patient ‘s sense of feeling threatened increases.This is exactly what we are seeing right now with Trump as he is facing 91 indictments in 4 jurisdictions.

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Thank you for that, Jose. I didn't know that the symptoms would grow. I am sure trump feels like a cornered rat right now so that explains a lot for me.

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And it is weird, knowing what you said, millions of Americans want Trump as their leader. I want to think good thoughts about Americans. I guess we can say that Americans are the most robust consumers in the world - our collective fame. All the big news media are saying the same thing now. What's the matter with us - is it a greed thing? Many in America are small minded. I hope I'm not in the middle of it when it blows up.

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As painful as it is to realize it, too many of our “fellow Americans” are stupid beyond belief and possess a cringe worthy adoration of bullies.

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I have said recently that one of the things keeping me alive is the usefulness of me being a (an actual resistance fighter) weapon in the fight against this coming fascism/NAZISM.

Since I just learned today that there is a chance I possibly have a form of pancreatic cancer, at least I can go out fighting if needs be, even if it is immediately futile, just like it was for the Warsaw Ghetto resistance fighters at that time before the end of WW2. ;)

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yes Dina, and Trump is emboldening his mentally corrupted followers into more and more hatred, violence and bullying.

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There also seems to be a greater number of them here, now (percentage wise), and much more heavily armed, than those who installed his mentor into power in 1933 Germany.

I have not slept well in a while now, realizing that it IS happening here, despite so many always telling U.S. that it cannot. :( :( :(

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What about the children in Gaza who are dying? What about the fact that we were completely lied to about the NATO expansion issue of Ukraine, and all those people died?

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My heart breaks for those kids. 11% of Palestinians supported Hamas before the attacks. That’s risen to 44% since October because Bibi is galvanizing support for Hamas because they want protection.

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It is so obvious that Fascist Trump is mentally ill. Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( he has every attribute DMS-5) and is incapable of having any introspection or seeing his own illness. He is hard wired to believe that he is special and can say and do anything he wants. Facts are of no matter. He only cares about himself and his family are merely extensions of himself. He will not change or seek help because he can't. He is as dumb as a post, cannot speak English, can't spell, has no knowledge of grammar and he is oblivious to this because he lacks the capacity to do so. His father's wealth bought his way through life and he thinks he is the best. All Narcissists do. The Republicans want to keep him in power to serve their purposes like taking healthcare from the poor and giving the money to their super rich masters, tax reform which is really letting the rich have a life unencumbered with too much taxes. I bet they despise him, but he is useful for now. As Stalin said: “a useful idiot”. We, the people must prevent him and his cronies from gaining office before our democrat republic is destroyed. He will not go quietly. Some of his recent scrambled paranoid language makes me wonder if like his father, he has a form of dementia. Perhaps it will become flagrant so even his minions will see it. If the brave people who founded our country had waited till a more prudent time or less devisive moment to act, we would still be a colony of England.

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Molly,Kudos to you.I am in total agreement with you.

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That’s the easy part. What conditions in a society contribute to the rise of a “ figure who is often laughed at by the establishment getting in power? Neoliberalism is a mindless frightening ideology that venerates the military and values of violence and force.” it presents itself as tolerant and issues of race and identity politics, but serves corporate power unequivocally with the GOP.” That’s about all they’ve been capable of.. well, throwing scraps to the workers. “ professionals from the liberal class become careerists, no longer stand with marginalized groups, or a oppressed People . When a liberal class fails as acting as that safety valve in a society, , a power vacuum is created and discontent will find other outlets that often end in violence . an estimated $40 trillion goes in the pockets of one percent of the population over 40 years hence; That frightening figure takes power.

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Well that is a unique approach, blame the liberals that a Hitler like mentally ill man is leading the Republican Party. I think the responsibility for Narcissistic Personality Disorder Trump is the Republican Party.

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I don’t disagree with you on that about the Republicans. It’s not unique. It’s basically political philosophy as comes from as far back as Dostoyevsky., Karl Popper “ the open society and its enemies.” More recently Chris Hedges “ death of the liberal class.” Counterbalance that book with his other “ American fascists, the Christian right in the war on America” that’s where all that is coming from. we are not original or exceptional. I come from a liberal and union background. I’m saying; Democrats are really going to look for neoliberals. Who lied about NATO expansion., have the same neocons at the state department that brought us Iraq policy, and our funding and arming Israel and killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians right now, and people want those people to protect them from Donald Trump‘s movement? Insane

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I cannot support Israel under the criminal Netanyahu. Palestinian lives are not worth less than Israeli. They have no more right to kill Palestinians to end Hamas than Hamas to kill those Israelis in October to end occupation. The United States has not always been the good guys, but we should try to be now. My concern is Ukraine. If Putin squashes them, Finland, the Baltic States and others are in danger!

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I’m surprised about those attacks on Biden given he can do a lucid speech etc. AND with Trump as their candidate. Clearly they’re projecting their candidates problems onto Biden, again. Which is what Narcissists do. DARVO.

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Projection is our nightmare! It's like on the school grounds when a kid is being called nasty things and he replies with 'So, you are too!' My republican friends don't want to admit that trump projects all of his poor qualities on President Biden and democrats, but they know that is what is happening!

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Debate 2016; SCUMp tries to turn Hillary's "Putin's puppet" snipe against her, "NO, YOU are the puppet!".

To me, that putrid sack of orange feces is not Putin's 'puppet', but IS his 'suka'. ;)

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Hillary Clinton is a neoliberal, war criminal and part of the ilk of who vomited up Trump. Interesting how Mike Pompeo & her make strange bedfellows. Both want to kill a publisher of the vast crimes committed by them and the US empire

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PLEASE explain just how she is a "war criminal".

Because she did not protest against, and actually voted for Lil' Shrubbie's and Darth Vader's illegal/illegitimate war(s)??

Which "publisher" is that again?

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Yes, there’s that episode. People did try to warn her/them. There were people who’d reported on the ground who were culturally, historically literate on the Middle East, Arabic speakers etc who knew it’d be a disaster. They were correct but it wasn’t politically savvy to vote no. Dennis Kucinich gave a hundred speeches against the idea. They got rid of him. In just the Libya disaster alone enough international laws were broken. It destroyed a secular country with a secure economy, who were allies that’d provided useful information on terrorist activities, to the US. The death of the ambassador etc, a nightmare . Of course as Chomsky pointed out in a basic list; all administrations break these laws. She did not “land under sniper fire.“ she’s never been in a war and probably can’t really handle a weapon, and the only reason a politician would make such a remark would be rhetoric to appeal to voters who go for war hawks. It was also an attempt to fit in with the Victoria Nulund DC power girls club. Neoliberals are all about celebrating values of violence and force. As long as somebody else does the droning.

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It’s called projection.

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👍🏼 exactly!

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Trump has always been a clear and present danger to someone his entire life. For the past seven years he has been an existential threat to America and the rest of the free world. Your blog clearly delineates the stark contrast between Biden and Trump. Biden is doing a good job. Trump is doing nothing but ranting and raving and riling up crowds. Clear and present danger. Shout it out loud and clear.

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Trump has made a career of believing his own lies. It a lot of projection, a lot of denial and he goes in and out of believing them. Sometimes he remembers that he lied, sometimes the evidence is too strong to deny, but a little bit down the road he'll go right back to believing as this has always been his go-to move. He was never a smart man, couple that with the onset of dementia and he's essentially a puddle of mush.

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Track elements of his personality disorder by what he says and does.For example:

Narcissism:”I am the Chosen One”A Real,Stable,Genius”.I know more than the generals.”

Paranoia:This is a witch hunt;The Deep State is after me.”

Sadism:Diatribes about women’s looks;name calling:ridiculing individuals with developmental delays/ neurological compromise

Sociopathy:Chronic lying;disregard for the rule of law; invading the personal boundaries of others; stiffing contractors; grifting his followers;Trump University;twice impeached;facing 91 indictments; adultery

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If Biden did and said a quarter of the spiteful, hateful, stupid things Trump says and does, the Republicans would be screaming blue murder. It's the Republican Party who put Trump in power, and their powerful wealthy backers. I wonder how they will react when they cannot control Trump to meet their aims any more, when he becomes quite an insane loose cannon in the White House. What will they do? Take him out? Who knows. But it's even more dangerous who runs as his running mate for VP. Can you see Marjory Taylor Green in the position? One horror story after another!

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I agree with you that Trump's choice of his running mate is very important and dangerous. There is a good chance that Trump could crack up or die in next few years. There has been very little attention given to this subject. Marjorie Taylor Greene would be an obvious and dangerous choice. I think that an even bigger nut, Vivek Ramaswamy, is running for the VP position with his comments supporting Trump, even though he is supposedly running against Trump in the primaries. We can be sure that Trump will not choose a rational person like Mike Pence for the VP slot!

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She could be his very own Magda Taylor GOEBBELS.

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I was pondering the very same thing while reading through what others have had to say here. There's an old adage in the entertainment world, or at least there used to be, that goes: "Never believe your own PR." The more he repeats his own mantras, the more he convinces himself they're true. I've suspected the more he repeats his garbage, the more he believes it, for some time now. It's how he works himself up into a snit at his rallies.

I also remember from months ago, back when all eyes were focused on what newly appointed Jack Smith would do. In an attempt to show he was in control, ol' P01135809 said words to the effect: "I expect to be indicted next week." But the indictment didn't come down the way he expected - or anyone else, for that matter. Indeed, it was a discussion topic in this forum at that time. At that time I said Jack Smith was a'workin' ol' P01135809's nerves" - that is, it was psychological warfare. I think we're witnessing the impact of such a psyop over the long haul with ol' P01135809. It's not that it's driven him nuts. He's simply becoming increasingly incapable of keeping his proclivities to himself and is also showing outward signs of the stress, such as slurring speech and inability to stay on track in his speeches. Hell! I just heard the morning, mainstream, broadcast news report on his "poison our blood" statement sounding just like Hitler - and >that< station is owned by Sinclair! (To be fair, it was an ABC segment, but the Sinclair station indeed ran it.)

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Before the 2020 election, I saw Steve Bannon say that they will not accept a Biden win. He is the writer of the script (like, the real leader). Trump is glad to play along. I guess they should have chosen a little healthier middleman.

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POS, drunken 5 shirts Bannon is basically his very own Goring.

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Trump's sanity should be questioned & is very relevant to the presidential campaign, & should be brought up by the media. I don't care if it's "old news", so is Biden's age (in more ways than 1).

Every time Trump says something deranged, which is every time he speaks, reporters should question his sanity. I don't know if it's dementia or some other psychological disorder. He's been "diagnosed" with psychopathy, sociopathy, paranoia, sadonarcissm, megalomania, & various other forms of depravity, so it could be related to any of them. Mental illnesses have a way of getting worse over time if not treated.

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Place the source of

most of his rantings on the multilayered malignant narcissistic personality disorder.Take a gander at the U Tube documentary” Unfit”.The answers are all there.

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Thanks for the suggestion. The documentary “Unfit” is spot on!

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In my previous comment, I forgot to add that the documentary “Unfit” on U Tube is an excellent expose on Trump’s malignant narcissistic personality disorder and a dire warning from several mental health professionals exercising their responsibility to warn the citizenry when there is danger amiss.It should be watched by every citizen who loves democracy and abhors neofascism.Once again-Unfit- is the name of this excellent,documentary.

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Thank you Jose. I hope everyone passes around the link to Unfit!

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Why didn't we hear about Reagan's dementia in his second term? He was later diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia. How long did he have symptoms that were covered up? Who was actually making decisions? I hope it wasn't Nancy using horoscopes.

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It was not only Nancy with her astrologer’s help, it was his closest aids and cabinet members, including “I’m in charge” Alexander Haig. I think that was the moment people like Dick Cheney and the deep pockets of movement conservatism realized they only needed a “useful idiot” (Stalin’s phrase from another commenter) to sit in the Oval Office.

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They got away with it.

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I was pretty vocal about that horoscope business at the time!

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The psychiatric community have forgotten their duty to warn which has precedence over all rules. Trump is a clear and present danger to everyone!

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They signed a letter, A whole bunch of them, Stating that even though they knew it was unethical to diagnose someone they had never examined personally, they agreed that all the signs were there to declate Donald J. tRump as legally certifiable. His niece, Mary Trump, a psychologist, agreed!!

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A sociopath like Donald Trump cannot be diagnosed with the traditional tool used by psychiatrists to reach a conclusion as to what could be ailing patients-namely, the sit down interview.He would lie to the interviewer throughout the encounter.Observing what he does and says from afar and interviewing his family and friends would be the way to go to rule in narcissism,sociopathy,paranoia, and sadism which are the 4 diagnostic components of malignant narcissistic personality disorder.

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I agree with you. Yet we both know. Thatvitvis unethical to diagnose without contact.


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Says the psychiatrists. Any rational nurse, physician and yes psychiatric health provider will tell you that years of watching and hearing Trump is a thousand times better than any interview. Get real.

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Hahahaha. Joke of 2023!.ROTFLMAO

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@ Molly. When he decompensates at a hearing, the judge is on inquiry notice whether to have him examined. Due process requires he has an opportunity to be heard. Need to make a record.

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The psychiatric community has made its points on Donald Trump’s mental health on several talk shows and in documentaries such as “ Unfit”- available on U -Tube- and in several books:The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump in which some 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts asses his capacity to hold office and Trump on the Couch-Inside The Mind of The President.Start with the documentary first and then proceed to reading the books.

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Mary Trump tried before his last stint as president. The Psychiatric community should be jumping up and down screaming mentally ill Fascist.

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Molly, His niece, Mary Trump, who is a licensed Psychologist, has sent emails to my inbox warning of the dangers of her demented, low life uncle a few times. I don't have any idea if her warnings have went out to any media outlets. Even if they did, the corrupt MSM would most likely ignore them.

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I have her book and have seen the various brave souls who cane forward years ago. Time to ring the warning bell now.

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YES, it is most certainly time to ring the warning bell now. We do not have time to spare any longer. I am ranting about TFG loud and clear every day to my family. I have a daughter in law who's family are hard-core TFG fanatics, and she doesn't like it one bit when i rant about the dangers of TFG and the Fascist GQP. Just tonight, she sat at the table with her hands over her ears when i loudly explaining the extreme danger of TFG. To be honest, i don't care if she doesn't like it, even though she is my oldest son's wife. The truth hurts when someone calls out their lies and propaganda.

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Is it possible for a company to have dementia? There seems to be symptoms of it in a few media outlets

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The media IS reporting on tRump's paranoia. Perhaps they should be reporting on it more stridently, but the media is reporting on it. Expect tRump's rivals for the Republican presidential nomination to attack it more strongly. For now, just follow MSN and Politico. Also read The Guardian.

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I note the Wall Street Journal is becoming more critical of Trump on its editorial pages. That is where the message he is unfit has to be spread . If Murdoch allows criticism in the voice of US capitalism, why is criticism not allowed on Fox TV? I suppose WSJ advertisers are more rational in their media buys while Murdoch doesn’t want to offend his more ignorant TV audience which might stop watching . Lower ratings . Lower TV ad revenue . Tell me I am wrong .

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Murdoch is all about money and ratings.Does not care one iota about the welfare of this country.

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You are not wrong. You are very much correct. Watching Fox News rots your mind. Big money is now deserting tRump and heading to Nikki Haley. Expect Murdoch to begin to tout her and minimize tRump. Watch tRump's New York fraud trial. tRump could be left with a severely reduced fortune, and this will diminish his appeal.

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If he has to pay a fortune, I hope it will diminish his appeal!! His followers believe that trump is their strong man and cannot lost at anything. I hope his losses open their eyes to the fact that he is a tiny little man that doesn't amount to anything.

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Or alternatively, reinforcing the notion that the Deep State is exacting its revenge. And that will provoke increased sympathy for Trump.

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Are we sure Trump has a fortune, or is that just more of his lies.

As you say it makes him stronger,the swamp are trying to get him out,the deep state have met their match in him.The cabal will never get him.He is fighting to save us all from that.So if you can send a bit more money please.

Throw in a few green lizard people,and then the nasty rich and taxes have to be mentioned.

Strange world we live in.

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This obsession with the Deep State.A manifestation of 1 of the 4 components of his malignant narcissistic personality disorder:PARANOIA.

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You're NOT wrong, Robert. It's all about audience demographics---that's what determines media buys and editorial policies.

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They are not attacking him at all. And some of them show that they are as deranged as he is with the policies they propose.

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I have to admire Christi.He has been going after Trump during this entire Republican primary season.Will not back down.

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They have been denouncing his craziness for years, including Ivana Trump, during their divorce. It seems no one was listening..

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They have been denouncing his craziness for years, including Ivana Trump, during their divorce. It seems no one was listening..

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Who are "they"? The media, or tRump's rivals for the Republican nomination?

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Trump's GOP rivals

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They like to have people in positions of power they can manipulate or worse. So Trump is an easy mark. It seems no one unbuyable by one lobby or another can make it in politics.

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The media that is reporting on trump's paranoia are the media he calls 'fake news' and vows to destroy if he gains the White House. His followers do not watch or read anything trump has called 'fake'.

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The biggest danger comes from all those who are willing and eager to use the madman to achieve their own political goals.

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Thanks Lois, there is no doubt that the fat guy should have been moved to the dustbin of history before his first election if the Republican Party had any concern about character and integrity. He is powered by his psychosis and lacks any form of human decency. I challenge anyone to name even one thing from anytime in his life where he showed kindness, courtesy, respect, or humility. He is an empty vessel with no redeeming qualities. That is the only thing that is unique about him. Everybody but Trump has something positive about them but, not Trump he only serves as a pitiful example.

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Can u believe that he buried his late ex wife on one of his golf courses in NJ

so as to be eligible for a tax write off.?Absolutely no shame whatsoever and his children did not try to stop him.

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The sad reality is Trump CAN say anything and his supporters hear what they want to hear. His recent statements defending Putin seem to have

no impact . His polling stats are Rising ! Mind boggling. Will continuing praise of Putin provoke second thoughts among people sympathetic to Trump between now and election day??!! Doubtful. Evidence presented by Pyschiatrists etc that he is paranoid will be ignored. They are ‘experts’ . Experts are a class not to be trusted in contemporary America which is a trend that began back in the 60s among the right and the distrust has only ballooned since as a political reality.

What does it take to wake people from this stupor ???

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Robert,In the 1930’s,the German citizenry ignored warnings about Hitler and look what ensued.I have enough confidence in the majority of our people that the USA will not repeat the mistakes of Germany come Tuesday,Nov 5 th 2024

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Please please be correct. ( not right )

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It raises an interesting question about his supporters. On one count, the NRA is right. Mental health seems to be a big problem in the US these days, and the sickest seem to be the ones most likely to be hoarding firearms.


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I’m shocked this has not been widely discussed for years. Experts in dementia should be educating the public about the signs. Along with other symptoms, my dad became paranoid in his last years and could not be reasoned with when he was in that state.

Of course, I suppose the former president could be a better actor than I give him credit for, and preparing for an insanity defense, but I doubt it.

Why are experts not speaking up?

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Experts have been speaking up from the start:Books:The Clinical Case of Donald Trump;Trump on the Couch.The definitive documentary:”Unfit” available on U Tube.A must viewing!!

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I watched that documentary, ''Unfit'' a few months ago. And Jose, i agree with you, it's a must viewing. It's also on the streaming channel, ''TUBI'' The only thing about it, it was extremely difficult to look at him, and hear his mind numbing voice... There is no person on earth i despise more than Donald TUMP.

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I hear u loud and clear,John.The sociopath was 1 year ahead of me at Fordham College in the Bronx and grew up just blocks from my sister’s house in JamaicaEstates,Queens.We New Yorkers have known this guy for a long time before his becoming president.A real con man.

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Wow, i have read that he has always been a jerk , even growing up. I had also read that when he was around eleven years old, he got very angry at one of his teachers and punched him in the face,. Do you know if there is any truth to this?? The article i read also said his Father enrolled him into a Military School after that incident. Did he behave like a bully would when he was at Fordham college?? I hate to admit it, but i know much more about Adolf Hitler's upbringing than i do about TUMP's early years. I have watched about every Documentary ever filmed about Hitler. The great NFL football coach, Vince Lombardi attended Fordham also a long time ago and played on the Fordham football team. Thank you, Jose for your great reply.

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Well Terry, after reading your comment, it occurred to me that maybe experts in dementia aren’t speaking up because they don’t want their lives and the lives of their loved ones threatened. Trump routinely has people threatened with physical harm. He doesn’t personally call people and threaten them, he has people who do it on his behalf.

Many Dems in Congress have been threatened and had to hire bodyguards. Recalcitrant republicans like Lindsay Graham who said In 2015 on CNN. “There’s only one way to make America great again, tell Donald Trump to go to hell,” Then in 2020 said, “President Trump should not concede.” Knowing what we now know about Trump, I don’t think it’s

a stretch to assume Lindsey was threatened. The

RNC used Trump to do their dirty work so they could remain untainted by the depravity required to further their cause--Fascism.

All narcissists are superb actors and liars because they are delusional a great deal of the time, but It’s hard for people around him to detect it. It’s the reason so many people believe his lies--he believes his delusions are real. Facts don’t matter to him at all. Trump literally lives in his own made-up reality.

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MSM dementia

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They have, time and time again. They are being ignored.

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They have, time and time again. They are being ignored.

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