Those in congress under suspicion of aiding and colluding with Jan 6 attack should not be allowed to vote or represent bills. i.e., Jim Jordan, Harley, etc

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Trump must be held accountable.

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Maybe we should start a 'Back to democracy' movement throughout the Western world?

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As I anticipate how the country, in 22, will write the next chapter of its story, my mind is fixated both on a pivotal question—whether mainstream institutions of American life will hold up to the coordinated effort to put in place a targeted veto to control the outcome of future elections—and also on a concomitant and, in my view, indisputable truth— that we’re in an untenable and precarious position, wherein our democracy cannot afford for the Democratic Party to lose either House in 22.

A troublesome fact I posted last week noted, that while polls show that as many as 70% of Republicans believe democracy is under assault, only 40% of Democrats, at best, report the same. Consequently, as the people who are the real threat to democracy believe they are defending it, far too many Democrats, certainly this past year, have appeared disturbingly complacent. As stated when I last posted, commentators have surmised that many Democrats might think, since Trump was unable to steal the last election when he held all the levers of the Presidency, that he hardly would be poised to do so in future elections. The fact, contrary to the haphazard attempt in 2020, is that we’re now seeing a methodological manipulation of “the big lie” as laying the foundation for changing election rules, removing non compliant personnel, and inciting violence.

I pray that a walloping majority of our voters acknowledge the urgency of the threat and are out there, starting January 6th, organizing for voter protection legislation and also pressing for Senate Democrats to set aside the filibuster to save our democracy. Additionally, it bears repeating, though 2021 saw President Biden doing many good things, as the most powerful person in the country, the President must far more forcibly lead the charge against the filibuster, against the big lie, and against all the Trump/GOP plotting to restrict voting and nullify votes. On a personal note, I also look to the President to lead an initiative both to fortify brutally tested and now fragile institutions and restore trust in government in an effort to usher in an era of restoration and renewal.

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

This is hopeful, the NY AG has just subpoenaed the Trumps! It has long been the rule of law in this country that I have believed may be the only path to save us from a one party system.

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Our Constitution cannot defend itself. We (all of us, or at least a large majority of us) must defend our Constitution. It is an imperfect antiquated document showing its age, but it served us well enough because we all agreed to make it work. Until now. One of our two major parties recently decided to exploit the Constitution's many flaws instead of defending it. And those who would debase it hold nearly one half of the seats in Congress. These powerful insurrectionists are in side the building and pose a much greater threat than the violent mobs that attacked it.

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We err by seeing the coup as just two months in development. It began with the Former Guy's inauguration, and his entire of reign of illegal actions and dishonesty, aided and abetted by Reps in Congress, the Cabinet, and the incivil service.( See my America First: An excavation of Trumpism and the Trump Agenda

Columbus Free Press Oct. 24, 2021


We err in taking too short a view. Nov-Jan 2020-21 did not come without warning and planning and expectations of its. (Just as err in false comparisons with the rise of the National Socialists, UTurns, and today's Great Retirement, Worst Inflation, Lowest Unemployment (see my Busting Myths. My New Year's wish list: Beyond media misconceptions and our ten-minute historical memory ​ Columbus Free Press Dec. , 2021

https://columbusfreepress.com/article/busting-myths-my-new-year%E2%80%99s-wish-list )

Too often forgotten--and one of my ongoing personal struggles--is the enlistment of the USPS under the corrupt and dishonest Louis DeJoy, who remains in office, to cripple the mails to reduce mail voting (which my household has done for years). I do not received daily delivery. I miss at least 1 in every 3 or 4 regular magazine issues and have to ask for re-sending). These crimes cross the entire "leadership."

We move on to Barr, DeVos, Pompeo, the MDs who violated their Hippocratic Oaths, and so many more. They should fill a large prison...

Today I wish for a peaceful Jan. 6, 2022

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I'm wondering why US Marshals aren't dispatched to toss every location where those defying subpoenas live, vacation, and do business, searching and seizing all documents, electronic devices, any other storage media, along with breaking any safety deposit boxes, wall safes, or anywhere else said documents or electronic devices could possibly be hidden away. That includes apprehending and "frog marching" said defiant actors off into custody. There seems to be no compunction about implementing those measures against otherwise "mere mortals."

The question for me becomes: "what authority do those subpoenas really have if not to compel compliance, and if they do not have such authority to compel compliance, what's the point of them?" Keep in mind, I'm not particularly a "law & order" hawk. I'm just having difficulty seeing consistency in law enforcement practice among the elites. For some reason the phrase "Twinkie defense" comes to mind.

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Spot on. Voting Rights legislation absolutely must pass! I'll be amazed if Jordan doesn't wind up in contempt of Congress as well. If they can get him to talk, key things could be confirmed — much of which I suspect the committee has already gotten testimony about, but first-hand confirmation of what was said between him and Trump would be some of the strongest evidence so far.

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National efforts to encourage Democratic voters is needed. all we hear is the Republican side, bad or good.

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In America we can never accomplish goals that need to be accomplished. We are constantly stuck in mud from Watergate, to Clinton impeachment to Trump impeachment twice. Our goals should be: Helping the homelessness. Helping our veterans. Solving issues of mental health and drug addictions. Stopping drugs from pouring into the country from the southern border. Children going to bed hungry. Young girls being used as sex slaves. Seniors not able to afford their medication. Handling the constant influx of viruses. This was the headline today: "The US could be under a rightwing dictatorship by 2030, a Canadian political science professor has warned, urging his country to protect itself against the “collapse of American democracy”. At some point Congress needs to stop talking and take action before the USA collapses into another civil war. How is that for being hopeful in 2022? Is anyone in Washington DC really listening?

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I believe that prosecuting Donald Trump would indeed rile up his supporters. I think a better plan would be to prosecute all of his consiglieres under the RICO statutes. Convict them all, then let the treasonous villains start to sing.

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The fact is that trump is stronger politically now than after the attempted insurrection! It looks like his supporters have gone deep within the system and have now gotten the position in state politics to overturn any election! Fiona Hill on meet the press said that conditions now look like former democratic countries did just before a coup. That is why I have been calling for a much stronger response from democrats! I have been looking at history for an answer as to how to stop this roaring tide and have come up empty! This is a perfect storm! Historically, hitler was unstoppable! Unfortunately I believe that trump is unstoppable! The country has been too complacent for too long! It’s too late to stop him! Largely because people are incredulous after seeing a train wreck! We can’t believe our eyes!

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It would be helpful to know what Merrick Garland's plan is. Right now it appears he is doing nothing, which I don't want to believe, but short of any facts, what can we believe?

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First, thank you so very much for this cogent summary that I will read several times; Ms Cheney's words need to be quoted verbatim, and yes memorized if need be, for they cogently state the case against the man who abused his power. The perpetrators and those who defend them are nothing if not despicable. Our blue collar relative in the midwest who voted for The Donald twice for president, despite our cajole-ing to the contrary, became disenchanted, disgusted really, with him after 1/6. There's hope! How those who will be campaigning weave the message will be critical. They must "call a spade a spade." Looking forward to reading Jamie Raskin's book, just out, UNTHINKABLE.

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I guess now is not a good time to be reading the biography of US Grant. The parallels between that time and now are stark. The impeachment of President Johnson, the sabotage Johnson supported and engendered against the actions of reconstruction, the armed and murderous southern whites who blatantly stalked and murdered their opponents with NO consequences. On and on it goes. And now comes an article in "Newsweek" magazine about the armed right wing people of this country today with their numbers of weapons compared to the rest of us, plus their willingness to use those weapons as soon as they perceive a rationale. It's hair on fire disturbing! Like Jean MK Hubler below, I fear for our republic. I know Dr. Reich and MoveOn are trying and we pitch in when we can, but the dark forces of Faux News and right wing radio and ELECTED officials is very strong. I live in a very red state where laws have been altered to give the legislature more control over voting. We have Rs from top to bottom, all in lock step with the former guy and selling the notion of fraudulent voting. they are out there, night and day, selling their bogus snake oil. If you watch Brooks and Capehart on the PBS news, you know that Brooks is somewhat sanguine about the prospects, but Capehart sees what we see...real and present danger. And me without a gun! The old saw "know the truth and the truth shall set you free" is only true if those hearing it will believe it. There are many citizens around here who reject ALL evidence that's contrary to their strongly held beliefs. They're "evangelical" in all aspects. Jeez...where do we go from here?

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