She is 100% correct in saying that the current affliction is like a noxious, pus filled boil on the posterior of this nation, as well as identifying the appalling like of spine and grit in current old fart democrats in government. We MUST make way for a new generation of leaders. Continuing to elevate the gerontocracy and repeating the same measures that have’t been working is called insanity; repeating the same non working option and expecting different results. I’m a child of these sixties. WE NEED THE AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost Generation of leaders with new ideas and a strong grasp of the new platforms of communication that 70 and 80 year olds do t know anything about.
Pat, it wasn't and isn't policies. This inflation discussion is a media creation.
Establishment politicians, in the Democratic party wasted their time telling us how we should feel because Biden gave us so much.
First there is transactional analysis of which the democratic party is stone deaf,
The people didn't vote their pocketbook, they voted their anger, angst, fears.
Some wanted and are now celebrating owing the libs, the coast elites, the college educated whom they feel has been telling them how they should feel, and what to do, when all they want to do is use politically incorrect language, discriminate and keep queers of all kinds out of the public discourse and sight.
The Democrats once again blew it, by making Gerry Connolly the Democrat on the House all powerful oversight committee, passing over AOC.
Proving yet again the Democratic party is reverse of the obverse of the political coin.
So long as the Democratic party continues to delude itself we are screwed, in fact it might be too late.
The Republicans, Musk-Trump, have the means to take total control, and have said that is their intent.
It was the culture war, not economics that led the charge, and that includes the Muslims of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennyslvnia, that didn't vote for Harris in 2024, but voted in 2020. Their vote would have won it for her
It's Like He's Going on Zionist Overdrive' |
Trump's pro-Israel Cabinet Picks Upset Muslims Who Voted for Him
'Trump won because of us,' said one of the founders of Muslims for Trump, 'and we're not happy with his Secretary of State pick and others'
President-elect Donald Trump does not herald the advent of fascism. He heralds the collapse of the veneer that masked the corruption within the ruling class and their pretense of democracy. He is the symptom, not the disease. The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism. Deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, unchecked predatory corporations, including the health-care industry, wholesale surveillance of every American, social inequality, an electoral system that is plagued by legalized bribery, endless and futile wars, the largest prison population in the world, but most of all feelings of betrayal, stagnation and despair, are a toxic brew that culminate in an inchoate hatred of the ruling class and the institutions they have deformed to exclusively serve the rich and the powerful. The Democrats are as guilty as the Republicans.
They are using such old playbooks, divide and conquer, misinform, etc. And we always buy it. Maybe not a few of us personally, but we just got Trump. Again.
The Democrats are 100% useless at this point. They have been bought by corporations and we will never get rid of Citizens United. For much of recorded history, civilizations have been totalitarian monarchies with most of us drastically poor. MOST OF RECORDED HISTORY. Democracy is a blip on the screen.
We have been made aware of the inequity, the Republicans got Trump and we should've had Bernie but the Democrats stopped that. TWICE. I hate them. They're still whining and finger-pointing, when I think their incompetence matches the insurance companies accidentally not paying your claim. They make millions off their "mistake - oops!" when most of the consumers don't call and instead, just pay the bill assuming it must not be covered. The democrats are living off of their previous reputation, but their incompetence keeps their wealthy overlords happy and makes them look like they tried. And they are always sooo sorry. They tried? It makes me want to puke. Politicians retire a million times richer than when they started. It's a total scam, the counter-elites have us all riled up, and whatever happens, we will take the hit like we always do.
They throw out culture issues to distract us while they siphon off more money, and thus, more power for themselves. Do you think they care about any of these issues that they are completely above? They're laughing all the way to the bank. Money = Power.
I see a Bronze-Age style collapse looming. With global warming, constant disasters, there's no money when the .01% are too busy having 500M weddings. They way they game the system and we all pay for it is beyond greedy. I don't understand how they sleep. They will pull us all down with their complete lack of recognition that what made this country so great was the creation of the middle class.
I totally agree with you Gillian, only I see a 6th mass extinction, the collapse of the anthropocene because of global warming, and it is coming sooner than expected.
We have committed mammalcide, not just a bronze age collapse,
If any survivors they will be in Tazmania, New Zealand the south coast of Australia. best chances are in the Tropic of Capricorn.
Agree, William, that there may be small pockets of humans to survive the 6th mass extinction….I do wonder, in the millennia that follow, whether our species evolves or devolves…and what that might even mean/look like. Guess we’ll never know, eh? I have long said that the only reason I want to live forever is to find out how it all turns out….🤷🏻♀️
Gillian: I agree with essentially all of your rant (and you are far from the only one sounding like that) but I have to make the observation that it is mere bellyaching. It leads nowhere that I can see. I challenge you to come back and tell us your ideas of how to dramatically change our system so that it works better. Then you will have a goal to drive toward, in any way you can.
It requires focusing on the real problems that face us. #1 is addressing the numerous related environmental problems that act upon each other, compounding each other's impact: climate disruption, deforestation, soil erosion, industrial agriculture, pollution, marine degradation, ecosystem disintegration, the proliferation of plastic, chemicals, radiation & other poisons, aquatic deterioration, environmental destruction, resource depletion, overpopulation, overconsumption, waste, mass extinction, etc., all working together synergistically, leading to biospheric collapse & the end of most life on Earth, including human life. It requires promptly & drastically reducing the extraction & consumption of fossil fuels, plastic & meat, which involves fuel conservation & efficiency & transitioning to non-polluting energy; adopting regenerative organic farming & discouraging livestock raising, which uses so much energy & water & takes up so much land (for feed as well as the livestock themselves), displacing native animals & plants, not to mention the cruelty in such practices; reforestation & afforestation; the drastic reduction or cessation of destructive mining practices such as strip mining & mountaintop removal; the drastic reduction or cessation of destructive logging practices like clearcuts, etc.; & implementing the Green New Deal.
That's just 1 major one. We also have to address wealth & power inequality; out-of-control housing costs & homelessness; poverty; inefficient, ineffective for-profit healthcare; lagging public education, etc. Such ideas as a universal basic income, universal healthcare, wealth taxes, luxury taxes, financial transaction fees, greenhouse gas fees (& possible return dividends), taxes on meat & plastic, sharp increase in the gasoline tax, the removal of tax loopholes & tax havens, & making income taxes far more progressive, similar to the 1950s (exempting the first $50K in income from taxation, 20% tax for the next $50K (up to $100K), similar rises in tax rates for higher tax brackets, until reaching $1 million in annual income, in which a 90% tax is assessed for any additional income beyond that point, would really address these problems. Reduce military spending & make it more accountable & efficient. Utilize the increased net revenue of all these measures for environmental, education, health & housing programs. Reduce housing costs by building more housing & limiting ability of corporations & hedge funds to swipe up family homes. Build campuses for the homeless, providing dorms, washing & laundry facilities, dining halls, libraries, gyms, gardens, parks, classrooms, training, & healthcare facilities for them. All these things can greatly help improve the condition of Americans, if not solve the major problems facing most Americans today.
Oh, & correcting one huge failure of the Biden administration & culmination of decades of increasing corporate control over all aspects of our lives & concomitant corruption & erosion of our democracy: bringing to justice people who violate our laws no matter how wealthy or powerful they are. Overturn Citizens United & many other recent antidemocratic, anti-environmental anti-egalitarian decisions by SCOTUS, & have much stricter ethics rules for the Court, removing the 6 corrupt, illegitimate, anti-constitutional justices. Expel all Congress members who violated their oaths of office by participating in a coup attempt, & prevent the constitutionally ineligible Trump from taking office. We should investigate the election, arrest & charge those who illegally manipulated election results, & redo the election like Romania just did. Eliminate the current iteration of the filibuster & restore full voting rights.
I wish. I am applying for the job of master of the universe. I’ve thought a lot about this, it seems like systems work, it’s the small portion of humans that are willing to throw everyone under the bus for more zeros in their bank accounts.
Bakunin: “If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself.”
It’s us. We are the problem. Think, Stanford prison experiment. We’re just built like this.
There’s too many of us, and even though most of us are thoughtful when under not too much stress, some of us are Mitch McConnell all the time.
After the end of the World War II, we saw the rise of labor unions, we become the most industrialized nation in the World.
Corporate America didn't get rid of the unions just for cheaper labor, they had also gotten greedy and look where are today. Only a handful exist today.
Benjamin Franklin warned us in the beginning, that just because we are Republic, doesn't mean we can keep it!
I believe Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, thought monopolies were bad for capitalism and that commerce should NOT control legislation. I’m not an Adam Smith expert so someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
There is much truth to what you say, William. This is why many Trump supporters paradoxically see him as a defender of democracy. As long as We the People remain divided, we shall be victims of the divide-and-rule formula. Project 2025 is a project for the taekeover of the United States of America by a united, Christian nationalist, oligarchy.
You make many good points, William, Victor and Gillian with which I agree. The question looming over us is when and how do we react when we all feel that ‘enough is enough’? Do we take to the streets? Do we cash in our investments causing a run on the banks? Do we flat out refuse to cooperate with any mandates handed down by this coming fascist government?
Wow, Laurie, these guys have formed a cadre of Dem Bashing Bros who have taken a meme about Left elites and run with it. The Democrats WERE inept at messaging compared to the ease of Right Wing Propaganda {you don’t have to be fact based to spout propaganda, so. It’s easier}, but they’re spouting anti-Left crap spiced with a tiny skosh of reality.
For one simple example, the Dems were not “telling us how to feel” about the positive changes the Biden administration put into play. They were trying to tell us that those changes WERE in play. Peeople don’t understand that it takes the economy time for the improvements to reach into people’s homes and personal finances, but you have to put the policies into play — the return of maufacturing {in play}, renewed and improved international alliances, work on national infrastructure….and during Biden [even tho it isn’t indicative of our national economy} the stock market soared.
There’s been too much Wall Street influence since the Reagan era, but Biden WAS moving away from that — of course, neither party can yet dump high-rolling donors, but Dems have been leaning on building the strength of small-dollar donors in greater numbers. Did these bozos on this list think that would happen overnight in a world of Citizens United?
They are crafting a narrative here that serves ONLY the Right and sounds more like trolling misinformation and “a long con” on America than it does like serious discourse.
No, Laurie, I do not jest. I was as incredulous as you are when I found out. We tend to forget that the word "democracy" and "American" may have different meanings to different folks.
William, lots of divisiveness here. Ageism, class warfare with college educated vs. Uneds, coastal elites etc. Generalities that can divide us. The last thing we need.
he’s doing here is a version of “both sides are the same.” It’s an old tried & true method of manipulative propaganda. Fascists use this approach to demoralize & confuse voters. They try to confuse us by accusing Dems of having policy positions republicans have & vice versa. Trump absolutely DOES “herald the advent of fascism.” Dems & republicans are NOT the same.
He says Trump heralds the “collapse of the veneer masking corruption of the ruling class.” Give me a break—he’s using a ton of buzz words & phrases straight from “Propaganda For Dummies—A How-to Guide For Fascists to Ideologically Brainwash Voters in Western Europe & America.”
Step I, Convince them that a.)Both sides are the same, (they’re not) b.) There is a “ruling class of elites,” (there used to be-not so much anymore) c.)The elites are corrupt (some are, some aren’t)
d.) Basic democratic norms no longer exist (of
course they do—for now.)
Anyway, the author, Chris Hedges goes on to paint a picture of a brutal, corrupt culture we are creating, much like Russia’s current culture.
“The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism. Deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity,” sounds like blame shifting to me.
We are not currently living under a totalitarian
regime—that’s what Trump aspires to put in place as his governing style. Totalitarianism is a ruthless, brutal, and, thanks to modern technology, potent form of political tyranny whose ambitions for world domination are unlimited. (Library of Congress,
Hannah Arendt Papers)
Then, to really confuse us, he throws in a bunch of accusations like, de-industrialization (that’s a vague term), deregulation (what republicans want for Christmas-deregulation of everything, because not
wants for Christmas by cutting our social sec., medicare, medicaid & affordable healthcare).
Unchecked predatory corporations. (what republicans are in the process of creating, in exchange for those big, campaign donations to the republicans who arranged for them to be successfully predatory)Then he throws healthcare
in as a predatory industry, which it has become, thanks to private equity republicans ravaging our land like a Biblical hoard of locusts, only eating money instead of crops.
The game here, as I said, is to demoralize and depress us. They want us to believe the future
is only going to be worse. By listing things we
will supposedly experience, (according to this
guy) like bribery, social inequality, futile wars, betrayal, stagnation and despair, etc. he’s
trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’m
thinking—haven’t we already seen these things
off & on? We haven’t experienced all of these
things at once, like the writer suggests, but we
have gone through them one or two or three at a
time, and most of us are still here and still love
But like everyone, including Trump, there are nuggets of truth. Instead of swallowing the whole poison pill, I sift and sort.
For instance Trump says "the media is the enemy of the people" and thus non thinking people, anti Trumpers, would be expected to defend the media, because Trump attacked it.
Not me. The Media is indeed the enemy of the people, because Trump is a product of the media, they made him, the promotoed him and he is president because of them.
Trump said the FBI is the enemy of the people. Well prior to Jan 6th, the FBI dismissed and was not interested in any information about the formation of the attack on the capital, and didn't bother investigating the Proud Boys, and other right wing organizations, and to my knowledge still don't.
But what they were investigating,infiltrating and wire tapping was BLM and antifa.
The FBI was a stepping stone for Trump to get into the White House, thanks to Comey, and Biden kept on a Republican partisan, Wray.
This is not really about age bashing. This is about knowing when to step down and knowing what the nation needs. Nancy Pelosi‘s bully tactics are going to backfire and hopefully push forward a new generation of leaders.
Sorry, I disagree because she did everything possible to push AOC out of the running for a leading role on that oversight committee, putting in her place a man who has stage 4 cancer. That’s insane. My former husband died of esophageal cancer. It has one of the lowest survival rates. It’s a miserable experience and Mr. Connelly will not be able to carry out his role on this committee. This behavior is why we are losing elections and voters. Time to wake up.
Nancy Pelosi is a control freak who's raised a lot of money and lost a lot of elections. She helped block new, young leadership when she blocked AOC from the powerful oversight committee. The Democrats just toss the leadership card between themselves in their 70's and 80's. There's no new energy either in Washington or across the country. If somebody challenges the old guard they know how to do them in.
Agreed. Democrats need to fix themselves before the next midterm election or won't be able to get the WH back.
However, I think that Trump is going to break our economy; if that happens on top of everything else coming our way, Dems and Indies need to combine forces, the next four years is going to be a nightmare, lets hope we still have a Nation to repair.
Pat, thanks for calling out the agism. We do need younger leaders, but we need the older ones too. It is so often that wisdom comes with age. Biden, old as he is, did a lot in his 4 years and most of it positive. I am sorry he couldn't fix Israel, but the complexity is a lot for a president to manage. Donald Trump is an old fart who has nothing positive to offer anyone but maybe a few billionaires like Musk, and Musk and his crowd are not worth the trouble; they have nothing positive to offer anyone either. Their greed and toddleresque behavior are obscene and we need to stop putting such people, mostly white men on pedestals and practically worshipping them; they are not worth the trouble!
We survive Wilson Hoover Nixon Reagan Bush 2nd, trumpet 🎺 1 , and trumpet 🎺 2 is coming .
We will survive that also the gnashing of Teeth, the beating of our chests is wasted energy.
The Democrats need to reform or go out of business…
A party to effectively represent the non Republican interests and represent the non owners of banks and businesses…
If the D lose their perch perhaps it’s time for the better version of the party of FDR Harry Truman Jimmy Carter .
We are just going to have to see what arises from the ashes of the California debacle of the moronic highjacking the Democratic Party structure ( Funding Mechanism) allowed.
Truly amateur operation.
Securing the votes of trans gender prisoners was the crowning achievement of the last election.
Rewriting the constitution through a ranked, mandatory , and the elimination of the slavery provision ( Electorial College ) might be a first step in the needed procession to reality based politics . Of course there might be a backlash from the Harry Potter holdouts praying for a champion to take on the evil 😈 one…
Time for Congress to have a mandatory retirement age. Strom Thurmond was elected into his 90’s and had to be propped up in his chair, so he would look like he was alive. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!
Chuck Schumer and Charles Grassley have served too long. For that matter, so have Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton. Not because of their age, but because they are despicable, corrupt, cowardly, and totally self serving, country be damned.
If they defund the government, then there’s no money to go after them for all the illegal shit that they wanna do. Unfortunately, it’s always about money.
They rejected the Constitution. The question is: can they be brought back into the constitutional order by means of economic incentives? Unlikely as long as they fear for their social status. We must address this fear, which was systematically fueled by Fox News and conservative media and churches. Elon Musk is now adding fuel to the fire. Putin has done his share also. Can reason and true patriotism finally prevail in Congress?
I don't honestly think we'll ever have accurate counts anymore. If, as I believe, the entire red/swing states elections infrastructure has been replaced with the techbroligarchs' edition, it's as dumpster says "you won't have to vote anymore".
I've always thought voting should be mandatory, with a federal paid election holiday. Years ago, teaching 8th grade civics, I was able to show the importance of turnout using a hotbutton issue (curfews) with my kids. I showed that a small percentage of registered voters could pass a highly unpopular measure.
I've wondered too, Paul, and I agree about mandatory voting.
I only learned recently that Australia has it. When I mentioned it to someone here, the person had a fit. "You can't MAKE me vote!" This was a person who always votes. No thought, just complete rejection about a law that "made" people do something.
The Democrats are indifferent to the massive problems we face; the Republicans are actively working to make matters worse. To me, the choice is obvious.
The system is rigged against alternative parties. As someone wrote elsewhere, we need a new generation of Democrats who will work for the 90% who are in big trouble, not the top 1% who are doing just fine thank you.
Yes, a 74 year old man who is battling cancer too. Don't care that it's said he is otherwise in good shape for his age. Battling cancer is not easy and there will be times he won't be able to attend to his duties. He was a horrible choice, especially since AOC was right there and one of the best communicators in D.C. She states problems with clarity and in words all people can understand. She is known for fighting for her cconstituents and is very high profile. Think most people have never heard of Gerry Connolly. Dems need 'names' to counter all of the high profile GOP who are always sticking their faces in front of the camera every chance they get. Name recognition is how people get re-elected and get things done. Huge mistake to put Connolly in over AOC!
yes we do need a new generation. Sadly there are many who decline taking over the Party, not wanting to partake of all the ugliness. But the ugliness will come after them all the same.
Ellen, to do better we have to figure out why people keep voting for those aberrations. Whenever we get an answer, we can plan on replacing them for people that would be on our side.
I do NOT support a mandatory AGE retirement, but I might support term limits. You point out that it is the quality of representation that matters, tho!!
Remember Aunt Edna in National Lampoon's "Vacation"? We don't need politicians who have to be wrapped in a tarp and taken away in a chair tied to the top of a station wagon.
It would be better to have term limits for party leadership positions e.g. speaker, committee chairs. ranking members etc. The GOP is much better at keeping an up to date leadership cadre than the Dems.
True Mark, but look at the losers the GOP continue to promote into their leadership positions. My late father's words still hold true... "when it comes to helping the working folks of this country, the worst Democrat is usually better than the best Republican."
Hi Susan... Term limits for SCOTUS would be OK with me. Or... what if each time a new president is sworn, in the longest serving justice must retire within 60 days. Age would have no bearing on the matter.
The new president gets to replace that person. If another dies or retires during the next four years that pres. gets another pick. If re-elected, another retirement, etc., etc. Each president should get to have their pick go through the hearing process up to their last week in office without the bullshit that Mitch McConnell pulled.
A system like this would pretty much keep either party from having the chance, or luck of timing, from packing the court for decades.
We would need a Constitutional Amendment to make that change. Considering the 2/3rd majority in Congress and the 3/4th vote by the states (38) needed to amend there will probably never be another amendment ever passed. Especially if it is one written to actually help working folks. Holiday Cheers to all... GH
I don't support either..being a Congressman takes practice just like any other job. But I DEFINATELY support election finance reform and publicly funded elections, as well as a shortened election season.
And then there's the GOP rep who was absent for six months and was just found in a home that takes care of people with Alzheimer's. No one missed her? WTH?!
It’s a mountain out of a molehill. She wasn’t running for another term, congress was on break to campaign a huge portion of that time. Any particular reason for smearing the crap out of her on her way out? None I can see. If they had Carter her back to DC to vote I could see the firestorm.
I wasn't thinking along political lines. I was thinking personally. No one knew she was in a home? No one cared enough about her to ask why she wasn't in her seat? It's not a smear on her, it's a smear on her colleagues. It didn't sound like they were hiding what happened to her. It sounded like they didn't know and didn't care. If she's in a home, she had to show signs quite a while ago. Either way, it was wrong not to acknowledge that she wasn't actually on the job. And I don't believe it was right what Finestein and her aides did either or Ruth Bader Ginsberg holding on for so long.
Jenn SH from NC : I bet they violated their oaths of office, too. They should not be in their seats of power. We need a restored. Capable Honorable Supreme Court.
Bernie Sanders should not be forced to resign while he remains the lone voice of sanity in this chaotic war. Senators, representatives and Supreme Court justices who have proven their own corruption should not be forced to retire; they should immediately be removed from the bench and disbarred from ever practicing law again.
It isn’t because they’re old that they need to be replaced. It’s because they’re so-called centrists, or rather corporate suck-ups. They’re not wholeheartedly working for the average citizen. That should be the main requirement for who we support and vote for as their replacements.
P. Kaye, I 100% agree with the points you have brought forward and I agree with Robert Reich’s friend who works at the soup kitchen. However, looking to our two party system to somehow spring back is like wishing an old model T can be rebuilt so as to compete with the speed and recklessness we find on today’s superhighways.However what caused the boil and that allowed the pus to accumulate to the point where the body can no longer sit down or fully function?
The pus is the inconceivable amount of wealth collected by the ultra rich 1 % of our population, and the cause of the boil is a system that permits, and even encourages the accumulation of so much wealth that the wealthy are gaining absolute control of our semi-functional governmental system.
The Model T automobile was a technological leap forward that changed the way we all lived and made fast and reliable transportation a possibility for millions. However, it is now a relic. Our Constitution was also a leap forward, but now the billionaire class is turning it in to a relic that can no longer compete with the speed or evil intentions of the wealth accumulating billionaires. While our government will be further torn apart in the next few years, we need to develop and begin to adopt a more modern economic and governmental system that will ensure everyone has access to the necessities of life and the possibility of regaining the American dream.
I agree with Robert Reich’s recent post asserting that.Economic Democracy will create an economic and political system. That will no longer allow a boil full of pus to accumulate on America’s posterior..
The Constitution has become a holy totem and no longer fits the purpose or the time, even if it means well. We must cease to worship any idols, flags, ideas or gods that intellect or experience have proven are no longer applicable or beneficial. As far as I can see 'Do unto others…' is the only bit of advice on which to build a rule for society…..and that appears in all the major socio-religious teachings, because it works. (Unless you are a masochist, of course. ) Kindness and care for your fellows should do it.
I'm not ready to throw out the Constitution, but I would like to see Constitutional scholars like Jaimie Raskin have more say in how we can adapt it to our own time. Everyone in government has to vow to protect and support it, and yet we can see that too many are actually working to subvert it. That is grounds for dismissal. They are blatantly breaking the oath they took! That can be seen as treason. Am I wrong?
Paula, well said. The Constitution may need modernizing, but there are rules that have been ignored by the corrupt sycophant 6. Rules that, had they been applied, would have prevented much that is wrong happening now.
It has HAD overhauls, and continues to be brought more into the modern age. BUT, like many an ancient edifice, it’s foundation holds, and we would ditch that to our peril …
You put references to the crap in your criticism, and we have already gotten rid of the “enshrined slavery” thing, as well as the “no women voting thing,” and the universal {as opposed to landed and monied gentry} thing, and protected speech and religion, and a lot more. SURE more needs doing. But we don’t need a lot of fascists dickering with our foundation in this day and age …
Imo I am being real, Pat. The Const has amendments, but as long as the amendments aren’t part of the basic doc, you’ll have originalists cherry-picking it.
I agree about not dicking with the foundations. But if you can see the phrase 3/5, it’s not gone.
A Const isn’t made of stones. It’s made of words, and what they encompass isn’t static. It evolves.
Amendments aren't an overhaul, Katherine. If you have broken pickets in your fence, you install new pickets. Eventually you may need a new fence. If you like pickets, get a new picket fence.
If you want an example of why amendments aren't enough, look at 2A. Is the Const. "better" TODAY because of it?
Susan Heath : The 14th amendment section 3 would clean up the courts and the Congess. Our entire government. The rules should be applied and enforced, if necessary. Dark money should be banned. When it is discovered, those taking it should face consequences. The laws have been ignored for those with money and power. The courts are played like violins. Like a slow dirge.
That sounds sensible….l guess the Constitution is like the Bible…they quote and apply the bits that suit their purposes….the PicknMix, or Looseleaf Versions!
Jan C : if there is anything about anyone being 3/5ths of a person,it should be removed. Ditto any archaic laws about morality, especially as applied to women . The Comstock Act should be on the trasheap of history. For example.
The Comstock Act, written to silence Tennesee Claflin, and her sister, Victoria Woodhull, the first woman POTUS candidate, in 1872, who ran from the jail Comstock had seen that she occupied.
Susan, there can be no kindness and care without a constitutional government. Our Constitution has worked well over the past centuries, and only a fool would discard it.
Nobody is saying "Discard the Const," Victor. Overhaul, revise, remodel, update ≠ discard. Quite the contrary. They mean keep the good framework and improve it with modern materials.
The "people" willing to gut the Const. are the ones discarding it, don't you think?
If we were talking these points last century, before the advent of the surveillance state, AI, and the financial industry, i would agree that we have a chance to remedy this pox on humanity. But i just don't see it. I know everyone wants to point to all the misteps of the dems in losing this election, but i believe that the techbroligarchs, with 4 years and willing accomplices in the election infrastructures in red/swing states, essentially replaced those states' election infrastructure with their own, which will in dumpster's words "you won't have to vote anymore".
think of the sadistic vindictiveness of J. Edgar Hoover on technosteroids. the oligarchs won. it won't be so bad. 400 million middle class chinese (our total population is 330 million) say everything will be fine with your new fascist regime.
sorry, i want to see the light, but i don't see any cracks in the juggernaut hurtling towards us, due to strike jan. 20
Good points Paul. I wish Hoovers name would be ripped off the FBI building. Every time I see a picture of that building with his name on it I get sick. GH
Marc Nevas, and all readers herein, while I applaud the dreams of you and others; plus, recognize the goodness of most people, we cannot resolve poor governance in America until we tackle the tough root causes: Money financing elections, legalized/dark money to lawmakers and agencies via lobbyist, enabling stock insider trading by elected members of Congress as well as reforming term limits for Congress and our Court system. So until this gets done, well, the oncoming Administration can make things worse for sometime but this gives us the opportunity to ready the-ship- of-state. Meanwhile, one cannot expect much for 'the people'. Let's get to work on tackling the difficult work now and be prepared to launch it!
Maine has become quite good at these citizens referendums which pass hugely! But, every time, the Corporate money sues to stop. There will have to be a Citizen STRIKE against these abuses long listed for anything to push against this entrenched power. Anything less is like a flyswatter against a tyronnasouraus.
Wikipedia has a fairly accurate description of “Economic Democracy” and the”Crisis and Transition “ Substack has a number of good essays on this topic.
I agree Marc. How do we get to a new system- a new political economy? I'm not for revolution but evolution. In my view, how do we get agreement on basic principles, or "a new myth" for an economic democracy (or progressive democracy) that the public will embrace to steer away from the free market neoliberalism myth and policies of the last 40 plus years that have brought us where we are today? The progressive democracy policies that are contrary to neoliberalism are enumerated in Stiglitz's The Road To Freedom.
We don't start with trying to change the Constitution to get the economic system we want. We start with changes to our economic policies and laws to generate changes that make possible changes to the Constitution (amendments, re-interpretation of law).
Trump's truth was that the system is rigged against the little guy, something little guys everywhere could agree with. But crooked Trump never talks about HOW the system is economically rigged so he is not so readily seen as a threat to corporate interests, esp among many in the corporate leaning media. Yeah, Trump's faux populism is not a threat.
In the past I might have said the way forward is all about educating the public. But we have entered an era of what promises to be ever harsher consequences providing a masterclass for the public. We are likely "beyond" words as the chief remedy. Hence, the boil that will break.
I am grateful to Robert Reich and others like him that have worked to alter public consciousness of how the economic system has been rigged against them. It all helps to make a difference possible. I am reduced, apart from my own efforts to make a difference, to hoping a charismatic leader(big daddy will fix it)/group can seize the popular imagination with populist economic truths. Given the corporate media landscape this seems a hard task. Maybe Reich and others will be successful in helping to elevate sane leaders. Keep trying!
I fear this madness will run its course, so no, --no joy here in Mudville.
I don't want to be totally pessismistic. It has amazed me how quickly things can turn around some times against my expectations. The problem is, we are out of time w/r/t climate and its increasing challenges to governance. Even if we get complete Democratic control of all 3 branches in 2026, we have lost our ability to avoid massive disruption, to put it kindly.
You are right, Steve. In 2008 Democrats gained control of Congress and the Presidency. The GOP was moribund; yet two years later it regained majorities in both houses of Congress. How did this happen? As far as I can see, Fox News did it, and it did it with a simple ploy. It called the ACA "Obamacare," and it painted the Act as a reparations gift to African Americans at the expense of hard working white workers. Like most hard working Americans, white voters wanted punitive action against "Wall Street," and what they got instead appeared to them, thanks to Fox News, as a betrayal of trust on the part of the Democrats. The anger is still there, and Trump is taking advantage of it. Punishing African Americans and immigrants is unlikely to satisfy white voters for long, and they will demand relief from the high cost of living. Trump will fail to deliver. The big question is, will we still have free elections by then?
No doubt the propaganda against Obamacare was part of it. I think we will have free elections, more or less, unless you believe that an electorate that no longer has access to good information precludes "free elections".Precludes democratic choice making.
Marc, this is no time for dreaming. The Constitution, despite its shortcomings, still provides for due process to resolve disputes and grievances. The only real alternative at the moment is one-man rule at the head of Project 2025 zealots. Are you OK with that?
Yes, all this talk about changing the Constitution or doing a complete re-write at a convention leaves me cold. It's hard enough to get some things passed or done that might at some point even allow for amendments to the Constitution. Anyway, there is no cohesiveness or smarts in our political body that I could begin to trust they would not screw things up royally.
A large part of it is the long term effects of the COLONIALISM that was how this country was founded. Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, the horror and open wound of slavery have all created a pressing need to admit to and atone for these grave sins and ills against humanity. The word LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY for these actions come to mind. There has been so much hypocrisy in the lofty words this country was founded in, vs how people without perceived power or value were treated. All of those issues, and the consistent denial of culpability and refusal to admit wrong doing have brought us to where we are now. At this point we’re are in a scenario where a billionaire class is in charge after January 20, and that billionaire class will make laws and policies to enrich themselves at the expense of We The People, 48% of who voted for them to do just that unless we stand up and fight back.
I don't think its colonialism. Our problems at this point spring primarily from economic policy choices over the last 40 years which have created such enormous wealth disparities which fracture the "common good" and a middle class. Of course, it's complicated.
Yes ! ➡️ “ WE NEED THE AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost Generation of leaders with new ideas and a strong grasp of the new platforms of communication that 70 and 80 year olds do t know anything about.”
Go Maxwell !!!!💙
…Musk also threatened to take out Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost in the next election after Frost trolled him: “The people of central Florida will kick this jackass out in 2 years.” Musk knows absolutely zero about politics in central FL. … Rep. Frost responded by posting a form for candidates to file to run for Congress with this caption: “OK, Elon. Here’s the candidate form for your run against me. The people of Central Florida don’t really like corrupt rich guys though.”
AGREE, agree, agree!!!!! Yes, let the first class benchwarmers loose and retire the boomer gen that has the DNC and too many elected Dems firmly in their aging grip (I'm over 70 myself and I have acknowledged that I am too forgetful and achy for stand-up paid physical labor any more--I still do plenty of that here, but I can take breaks whenever I wish)--those boomers who have been filling elective office since the 70's need to do the same.
Release AOC, Buttigieg, Raskin, Goldman, Frost and all those other fabulous up and coming younger Dems to do what they do best.
There really is a point where the mind isn’t as sharp. People can still have intelligent conversations and have great advice, but major decisions for a Superpower should not be overwhelmingly in the hands of 80-90 year olds. Just as most of us must retire, so must they.
Baloney on the age bashing. To be sure, the torch needs to be passed to new generations whose world this will be when we olders are gone, but there’s PLENTY of good ideas and judgement and counsel resident in our elders!
I’m 78 and I’m not one of the Old Guard Democrats who fell for the Democratic Leadership Council bullsh*t that Clinton was selling in his administration … And Bernie has a clear vision of what’s up, too. You can criticize the entrenched leadership, and the too-many years they’ve held sway. But it ain’t their actual birthdays that’s the problem {see on these very threads all the geezers and li’l ol’ ladies who weigh in to support the changes we need!!}.
So knock it off with the age bashing … How old do you think Prof. Reich is!!??
Just go after the lousy policies we’ve been dealing with, and the lackadaisical entrenched Dem leadership, and enough with age bashing.
Prof Reich isn't in Gvt and has given up active teaching. He has the time and energy to still THINK for us! Age doesn't mean your brain capabilities diminish…..we've only just been discussing the innate Stupidity of much of the younger voting public, but being in the job can be very exhausting. Bernie is great, despite age, some younger ones aren’t. Term limits may stop excellent people who joined young keeping on giving great service. Surely the voters and supporters can work out when someone is past their Sell-By Date or it is time to give others a chance?
Maybe it is all to do with MONEY!! Who holds the purse strings rules!
I know you meant LACK of spine and grit. Spinelessness seems to be a requirement of elected officials in Congress. Frightened by the billionaire’s threat to “primary” them and suddenly their beliefs and values (at least what they say they believe in) are dust in the wind.
Representative Kay Granger of Texas has been living in an assisted living facility since July and no one in the MSM is reporting on this. Can you imagine any other profession that would allow this? If not an age limit, then a check on mental and physical capacity to do your Fn job is in order. ENOUGH!
I am always astounded by the wonderful energy of revolutionaries who overthrow an evil dictator or his family or his administration everywhere in the world. What do they do next? In an explosion of institutionalized blinders, they generously grant to the next president, who may bring nothing but a new name to the job, all of the powers and capabilities of rulership that so corrupted the last officeholder that he could not resist the blandishments of personal power leading to personal enrichment. They give those same inducements to corruption to a new ruler. And hope for a new kind of output. Why are such astounding powers granted to any ruler. I know the founding fathers debated whether the president should have strong powers, but a worldwide experience teaches us today that it is too dangerous. Why would one person have the power to start a nuclear war? That is insane! Why should one person be able to direct the hiring and firing of judicial servants? Crazy! Why should one person have the power to fire the Inspector General who is inspecting HIM! (I'm thinking of Nixon here). Why should one person have a veto over the legislation passed by 500 legislators? Insane! In fact, why should one person have control over the actions of his single office. Throughout history the idea of splitting every office into two or three separate but interacting agents has surfaced. The Romans tried it. The Founding Fathers considered it. The US President is a suicidal anachronism. He should have two other co-presidents who can only act when at least two agree and even then a decision by only two should be constrained. Only a three way decision should have the force now swung by a single person.
Or in other words, our vaunted succession of power is a farce. We leap from one person to another, hoping for a democratic genius that seldom arises. We need to get rid of this farcical substitution of one weak potential dictator for another one.
Biden haughtily ignored the feelings of the great majority of Americans over Gaza. Organizing a million people to affect his decision is a weak reed indeed. No one should have the power to do what he did. The Repubs will be even worse, riding roughshod over popular attitudes toward abortion and a hundred other popular notions. The fault is ours, not the weak, power-hungry, would be dictators and power mongers. Our system hands them the scepter and they make use of it. Mea culpa!
Can I just say that there are many of us in our 70s and 80s who are ready for the battle just as we were decades ago when Nixon wanted to be king? Proud of all the young warriors too.
But let's not exclude the older folks. Some of us are all for the "up and comers" to lead us out of the doldrums of business as usual. First mistake already made by not elevating AOC to Dem's Oversight head.
I've been thinking a lot about what Trump voters can be forgiven for: what they don't know; what their "handlers" make sure they never hear. But I keep coming back to what they did know. When they cast their vote, they knew it meant, if successful, that women would die for the sin of becoming pregnant. We know this because of the series of votes for abortion rights in states that then voted for Trump. The Trump voters know abortion rights save women's lives. They knowingly voted to kill women. I find that hard to forgive.
You are correct...their behavior and actions are unforgettable, unforgivable, and representative of the majority today's society in the US to comprehend the long lasting and wide spread consequences of their actions and inaction. They purposely didn't vote, they purposely voted against Democracy, some voted purposely to disrupt and destroy the government. Some refused to review all the data before deciding. Some or I would say most didn't care about the consequences only about the money they were promised and their selfish needs.
America has had 3 somewhat great periods in our history, the revolutionary war, the civil war, and WWII. The gilded age is definitely not one of them...yet that's what our citizens voted for despite the negative history associated with that time.
I don't know of any time in our country's short history wherein we re-lected a twice impeached, felon of 43+ felony counts, under-educated, incompetent rapist, financial fraudster, liar, philanderer, racist, Hitler admiring, Putin loving, bully, still under indictment in differing states...who has openly accepted bribes of 100's of millions of dollars and in some cases billions of dollars by proxy from other criminals and non criminals both foreign and domestic.
We the public majority have decided this is the country we want to be by our actions and in-actions...This is the reality....this is who the majority of adults have chosen to be.
In your parallel universe, Rump deserves to be back in the White House because you paid less for Eggs when he was president. Also he hates everyone who you hate. He is also a convicted sexual predator who sat on his butt for over three hours as our nation’s Capitol was attacked. In your universe, he is so deserving! This is the last time that I will respond to your nonsense Robert P.
Thanks, Carol. I am glad I finally revisited this "thread" under my comment. "Henry" sure did push "Robert's" buttons, which is sort of flattering (?) to me! I do think Henry underestimates the tuned-out/ignorant and overestimates that "majority of adults" characterization. I think there was a complacency factor, but when the majority comes back they are going to have to beware do they still count.....
Me thinks your age and ability to structure prose in a most entertaining light perhaps colors your actual underlying concern for the future of our country and the Earth. I appreciate your input and suggestions and see myself possibly becoming you and becoming more accepting of sizing up others somewhat differently in the future. I have many older friends who are of the same mind as yourself and I respect their opinions as I respect their life long behaviors and experiences. They had the options to go up or down and chose paths that we quite diverse but fit there personal needs at that time. Wisdom of the ages. I am where I am and perhaps, one day, will find myself where you are now. I lament wasted opportunities to do the right thing when the option exists. Perhaps I can make a difference by offering up some suggestion and insights, most likely not. And such is life. Some move forward, some back and others acknowledge realities that fit their needs at certain times in the life. I appreciate yours.
We survive Wilson Hoover Nixon Reagan Bush 2nd, trumpet 🎺 1 , and trumpet 🎺 2 is coming .
We will survive that also the gnashing of Teeth, the beating of our chests is wasted energy.
The Democrats need to reform or go out of business…
A party to effectively represent the non Republican interests and represent the non owners of banks and businesses…
If the D lose their perch perhaps it’s time for the better version of the party of FDR Harry Truman Jimmy Carter .
We are just going to have to see what arises from the ashes of the California debacle of the moronic highjacking the Democratic Party structure ( Funding Mechanism) allowed.
Truly amateur operation.
Securing the votes of trans gender prisoners was the crowning achievement of the last election.
Rewriting the constitution through a ranked, mandatory , and the elimination of the slavery provision ( Electorial College ) might be a first step in the needed procession to reality based politics . Of course there might be a backlash from the Harry Potter holdouts praying for a champion to take on the evil 😈 one…
I read that there were 30 million evangelicals voted, and 80% of them voted for Trump. Do the math:
The final tally was about 76 million for Trump, and 75 million for Harris. 151 million total.
80% of 30 is 24 million for Trump, and 6 million for Harris.
First assume that it should have been 15 million each for the Evangelicals. That means Trump would get 9 million less, and Harris 9 million more, bringing this assumption to 84 million for Harris, and 67 million for Trump.
But that indicates that the general population was not split 50-50, but more in favor of Harris at about 55% Harris and 45% Trump. So if the evangelicals voted with the same ratio as everybody else, the 30 million evangelicals would have been more like 16 million Harris vs 14 million Trump. So with this more refined calculation, the result would be 91 millioh for Harris vs. 62 million for Trump.
We could continue to refine the math, but this gives the idea: The 30 million Evangelical vote was no where near how the rest of the nation voted, and pushed the result in Trump's favor enough to barely capture the swing states.
Faith based voting may destroy our democracy and nation.
I suppose though that Trump supporters could argue that there is some minority bleeding liberal coalition that voted heavily in favor of Harris, and the Evangelicals barely saved the day for Trump. But for that to be true, they would have to be located in the swing states. Arn't the woke supposed to be located in the big cities along the coasts? Only the swing states matter when it comes to minority voting. It is easy to believe that many evangelicals are located in the swing states, not the other way around.
Ted, this is one of the many reasons I would love to see the electoral college abolished. All of us should have a say in who the leader of our country will be not just a few states. Hopefully, in the near future, we will have our president elected by popular vote!
The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."
" However, the term “electoral college” does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to “electors,” but not to the “electoral college.”
Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system."
My understanding that non voting slavery was already extablished, but a two class society was also the norm. I assume that those who wrote the constitution were of the 'upper' class, and they did not have confidence in the judgement of the lower class. But electors were something else. They are chosen by the political parties. And, their only function is to pass on the 'winner take all' vote of the citizens of the state.
The 'winner take all' part is really the screwy part causing so much inequity. It seems that we could still have electors, by making them proportionate oto the popular vote, not winner gets all.
" Voters in each state choose electors by casting a vote for the presidential candidate of their choice. The slate winning the most popular votes is the winner. Only two states, Nebraska and Maine, do not follow this winner-take-all method. In those states, electoral votes are proportionally allocated."
Since eliminating electors is difficult, maybe the proportionate allocation could be adopted. Why would it be opposed? ... Well, if your side is always winning, you would not want to give votes to the losing side. If your side was always loosing, you would want it. Since the winners are usually in power, they will not vote to make it proportionate. This means the inequity is locked in place by people in power who value power over justice. Who are these people? Party leaders, or members of congress, or someone else?
The teachings of Christianity which they and all the Evangelicals profess so loudly to follow…is so antithetical to MAGAtism that I cannot get my head round how they can support it. Hypocrisy rules. It is male power, not Love that is their guiding principle.
Bingo! Just yesterday I heard an interview with a Hispanic guy who was relating what he was hearing a lot, that America was weak, and needed a strong leader, and women are weaker than men......
Possibly because he’s male. They are very conservative and modern things like televisions, radios and cars, maybe even electricity are not allowed. I’m actually surprised they vote. They work hard and have a simple life.
I guess the same way voters learned about George Washington (or Julius Caesar for that matter). There's actually a very modern market owned and run by the Amish from Lancaster where I live. Perhaps things aren't the way they used to be for them...
The flaws in this model is tge electoral college. How are tge Christian Right votes aopirtionwd by state? Does ab wvangical in hopelessly red Missouri country as much as one in biddable Arizona or Nevada?
If you want to look at this strictly statistically: around 90% of Americans believe in God. That's about 300 million people. So, the Evangelicals who voted for Trump would account for 10% them. And, it would be my bet that a lot of the others voted for Harris (including Joe Biden & Jimmy Carter).
We survive Wilson Hoover Nixon Reagan Bush 2nd, trumpet 🎺 1 , and trumpet 🎺 2 is coming .
We will survive that also the gnashing of Teeth, the beating of our chests is wasted energy.
The Democrats need to reform or go out of business…
A party to effectively represent the non Republican interests and represent the non owners of banks and businesses…
If the D lose their perch perhaps it’s time for the better version of the party of FDR Harry Truman Jimmy Carter .
We are just going to have to see what arises from the ashes of the California debacle of the moronic highjacking the Democratic Party structure ( Funding Mechanism) allowed.
Truly amateur operation.
Securing the votes of trans gender prisoners was the crowning achievement of the last election.
Rewriting the constitution through a ranked, mandatory , and the elimination of the slavery provision ( Electorial College ) might be a first step in the needed procession to reality based politics . Of course there might be a backlash from the Harry Potter holdouts praying for a champion to take on the evil 😈 one…
Over the last 20 years, Americans have had easy access to information, due to the ever-evolving and expanding age of technology…so MAGATS chose to ignore the truth about tRump being published and broadcast throughout mainstream and independent media platforms, and I won’t forgive them for that.
This is true for some of them but not all...some just see an opportunity to profit from the situation and move to do that. Some profit from the chaos and destruction by praying on the weaker of the species. Others profit from the continued support of overall corruption and unethical behavior that secures their daily lives.
Many just looking for change and hoped for improvement to their economic situation. But despite the misinformation people were given, I have a hard time forgiving/overlooking, however you want to put it, that so many voted for a person who was so obviously dishonest and cruel. Trump is clearly scum. Part of me looks at this with a scientific eye only interested in explanations. But part of me, the judgemental value laden part, which I have decided a society can not function without because it modifies behavior, says that people must be held "responsible" for their actions. Despite, or in many cases because, Trump is a scumbag, people voted for him.
However you look at it, the electorate has screwed the pooch.
I have often espoused the theory that there is a dopamine/addictive vicarious response to Trump's nastiness. In the case of Trump himself, I think he is a violence voyeur. So, yeah....
He is so choked on hatred and the desire for revenge l wonder he doesn't suffocate. His mummy and daddy didn't love him and now we all suffer. Malignant Narcissists should be in medical secure accommodation, not the White House.
Mmerose, They listened to felon trump literally threaten individuals, spew hatred for an entire political party. They saw the same thing on tv we did! On J6 we had a violent seditionist act that went unpunished. There is ZERO forgiveness from me, never will forgive or forget.
You can't legislate against Stupidity. Ignorance CAN BE dealt with if the motivation is there, but I see Stupidity as endemic based on what is happening. Sorry.
I think you can legislate against just requires the will that is now wholly lacking within our business and government institutions...which is why we are where we are today.
Requirements and permission to gain access to positions of power and influence is a real thing. Giving permission to a 6 year old child to have access to the keys of a 5,000lb vehicle and telling them to drive to a store to pick up a pack of smokes... is against, not only common sense but the law in most states. Our leaders often just choose not to enforce it.
100%. The voted for perpetuation of their hate and fear of the other, and against giving POC access to health care, rights, and. Voice. They voted for the fear. The fact that some of them who voted this way are POC themselves actually shows how they bought into the “Them vs us” divisive thought that was used to great effect by the MAGATS and the demagogue made for this moment. It’s disgusting.
As a man you have NO right to dictate what women should do with their bodies. Neither does your kooky corrupt MAGAt Party. Beyond that you have no right to make women carry a seriously deformed fetus full term that threatens the life of the mother.
Unless MAGA decides to support these babies from birth through high school then shut the hell up. Put your wallet where your mouth is, Dude. That support includes parent and child welfare, and basic health insurance.You will be responsible for making sure these babies aren't abused or later on become a burden to our already over-populated penal system. Yes, while you're delivering ultimatums to women get out your credit cards and pay for these babies. I dare you.
Robert, you are a shit stirrer. Perhaps you should stick with Twitter/X and get off Substack. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Is backwash like throwing up in your mouth when you realize the felonious fraud got voted back into office?
Most people are in the US to flee from third world conflicts. They also want to WORK. They work in jobs that guys like you would never consider doing. How often do you benefit from goods/services provided by cheap labor? They pay taxes like everyone else.
And YES, I would take undocumented people over you/MAGA any day. You say "illegal" but I say they are victims from shitty third world countries just doin' the best they can.
Really? Some women are already doing this because they fear living in an increasingly dystopian society. Will MAGA send out their squads to find and sterilize women? Troll.
The foetuses, not the babies…..once they are born they can starve. These people are not interested in improving the lives of the poor, the sick, the inadequate. That, sir, is SOCIALISM. God forbid!
Thanks, Laurie. I try to ignore Robert. The thing is, I think it is way underestimated that his "discretionary reasons" are founded on fear and loathing of "sluts." The "concern" that women are using abortion as birth control is still very much among us. Furthermore, goes back to when the only option was D&E. So you had to assume that women were literally getting themselves scraped out regularly so they could have their slutty jollies. The background of Henry Comstock and the Comstock Act is important. book: "Other Powers" Goldsmith. (Don't be fooled by the "table-tilting" hook: it's an amazing social and political account of an era NOT so long ago!)
Mmerose ; Having been a resident of Massachusetts, It was not so long ago that everything was "banned in Boston": A heavily Catholic state at the time. The new rules are worse, they kill women if they miscarry, even if the woman wanted the pregnancy to come to term. The "life of the mother" is a joke. This is misogyny, and unconstitutional. It is stone cold murder.
Considering your posts, I guess that you also believe women who have abortions should be punished is some fashion? DT does. These are the laws in almost half of our states now. It is interesting though, they haven't passed any laws punishing the MEN who got them pregnant!
What for them? Prison, fines, castration, shaming? Men are half the problem it seems to me. There is total silence from the state houses in place like Texas, Idaho and the rest on this subject.
How about the men who lead the so-called "Christian" churches. Are they in favor of punishing "the man-half" of an unwanted or dying pregnancy?
What about the Catholic Church? It has been run for 2000 years by a bunch of MEN who chose not to be married or have children or have to deal day to day with family life or problems. But, for sure they have their opinions about those subjects and try to push them on the rest of us..
What about it Pope Francis? Punishment for men? Your church has certainly burned thousand of women at the stake for perceived wrongs over the centuries. Maybe it's time to light up a few men!
By the way Robert, how many unwanted children have you adopted?
On any given day in the St. Louis area there are about 4,200 children available for adoption. Why is that? If you self-righteous folks are as pro-children as you claim there shouldn't be one child in this country looking for a family and home.
Hypocrisy is the guiding light for folks like you. Mind your own business.
Totally in favor of free speech. You seem to have plenty of it... GH
Being anti-abortion is not the same thing as being pro-life. Sacrificing a woman's right to life, liberty, and happiness for the sake of a fertilized egg is beyond stupid and cruel.
Actually DT is on record and the video has been played a number of times saying he thinks women should be punished. Get your facts together. I have never said you should be silenced. You keep bringing it up. Your anti-woman rant started this conversation.
If one is an American citizen then one should have the same rights no matter the state you live in. That's what Roe v. Wade did. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one! It's that simple. You nor anyone else has the right to stick your nose in my family business.
If you and the other anti-abortion folks approve of passing laws to force women to give birth when they don't want to, then you should be responsible for the unwanted children your laws cause. You are typical of the Right who thinks you have all the answers for everyone and have the right to shove your ideas down our throats.
So, at this point you are absolving men of any responsibility because they are "pigs." Great idea. In the mean time you lay all of the responsibility on women because they don't say no, according to you.
Your argument is pro-men and anti-women whether you care to admit it or not. Birth control often fails. Whose fault is that. To many things to pick apart in your quest to keep women in their place... We will never agree. No more from me on this subject. Have a nice holiday. Remember to send a few toys to your local orphanage this Christmas. Cheers... GH
You support the killing of women needing emergency care, the care under existing rules, is denied, and they die, being murdered by the "pro life " actors.
And they want to stop Birth Control too!? If what you say is true and people are that careless it should be vastly encouraged. Every child a wanted one.
Yup. We can dream, can't we?!!! It's probably AI from Moscow anyhow.
But I keep wondering about the male side of developments. I mean, a guy could give her a ride and a few bucks to "take care of it," and that meant a load off his shoulders, too. How long is it going to be before Republican States pass laws to end child support obligations on the part of the father? I mean, all she had to do was keep her knees together, right?
Thank you for this. Seeing how people are already getting prepared to fight back and prove that Trump and his ghouls are not invincible gives me more hope than anything I had in November.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Bob, if I’d been in today’s Texas when I needed my abortion, I’d probably have died. Fourth and very wanted pregnancy complicated, and disastrously so. We were devastated. But I did not have to leave my husband and children. I did not have to nearly die, or actually die. (I’m 76 now but I worry about the women who are harmed by the Texas law)
Rivka, thank you for trying, but there's really no point. People like Robert P. have their minds shut tightly against information that doesn't fit their world view. I have learned the hard way: Don't Feed the Trolls!
Robert P, how kind of you to tell a woman what she should do with her legs. Would you be kind enough also to tell your fellow believers that they should pay more in taxes to protect the health of mothers and new-born children?
RP - What a truly sickening sexist view. Hormones intensely affect young people. Birth control, free and widely promoted and distributed to both sexes is the only good solution to preventing more unwanted pregnancies, wouldn't you agree?
What saddens me, living in the UK, is the readiness of our PM to appease and suck up to a criminal like Trump. I hear today that there are already comments from MPs about Starmer not being being our next PM. At least that is a good indication. But how much damage will be done by his indifference to the issues e.g. global warming that are in desperate need to be tackled?
You are still living in a world that began to cease to exist c.1963. Starmer, like many recent political placements in the US and the UK, is a mere corporate shill. He will do whatever his transnational oligarch owners via friend of ‘Epstein’, political and financial fixer, Lord Mandelson, tells him to.
Denis, it seems that a lot of countries are battling problems with their leaders. Here's to hoping the future will become brighter and better for all of us!
this is a great one and I love this woman.,..the boil on the collective ass...that may be the first thing to compare these horrible creatures to that isn't insulting to what's being compared
Imposing religious views on others is the hallmark of evangelical voting. Using money to effectuate their policies has given us the 3 Trump appointees to the Supreme Court. The last Presidential election saw 1/4 of a billion dollars spent by one man, Elon Musk, to elect Trump. Blame the SCOTUS decision in the Citizens United case that allows unregulated corporate and generational wealth to elect a candidate. The Court needs to be reformed and Citizens United reversed. Short of that gets us ruled by oligarchs.
Thanks George. Imposing ones religious beliefs on others is one of the basic tenants of fascism. By forming a "national" religion the fascist state can then begin to pick off the non-conforming folks or force them to convert.
Conversion is a slippery slope though. Ask the Muslims and Jews who converted to Catholicism just before the Spanish Inquisition started about 1400 AD. The "Church" rolled back the clock and came after them in the end anyway.
The current GOP has sewed themselves to the Fascist Right Wing Christian Nationalist and this could well be part of the downfall of our country if it continues. Cheers... GH
Mr Reich, I hope your friend is right, and we will ultimately prevail, but in the meantime..........I still can't accept the fact that Americans who have ancestors and family members who lost their lives fighting against fascism and tyranny actually voted to put a wannabe strongman dictator(and his monstrous favorite billionaire) in power in the United States of America .
I love Pres. Biden and his family. I despise Trump, Musk, their families. No kind words will change how I feel. I love the Kennedy Center Honors. No religion. So much creativity.
The election was obviously hacked! President Biden CAN do something about it. Romania’s election was annulled due to Russian interference. We just need to have a hand recount in the swing states where there appears to be an algorithmic hack.
This is an excellent video summary of the Smart Elections data findings, ( for those that may be having difficulty wrapping their head around it:
Wise woman. It is time to move hard to a true "for the people" government. This means eliminating a lot of things that bad centralized governments do, like executing people (Biden just did the right thing here), criminalizing people for non-violent offenses, deporting innocent people for just wanting a better life, free from gangs and guns (most of which are supplied by us), and denying people health care. Then we must support things that some make sound bad; redistributing wealth through a fair, graduated income and wealth tax (something communists, Marxists and fascists never do), protecting people and the environment, and so much more. It may be that the only way to move people this way is to have a government, for a short while, that does the opposite and lies about it. Unfortunately the same people who want bad government also own the media (think Washington Post and LA Times as good papers owned bad, or Fox Media, just plain bad), and there is a lot of pus to drain before moving the other way.
I appreciate the effort and the story but the truth is I am unmoved.
I am, in part, held up by the unsolved mystery of the election result -- in particular, given what just about everyone now gets (if they somehow didn't before) was riding on it, why so very little effort has been devoted to the factual verification of the vote, especially with an assortment of red flags flying. Clearly, if it means so much to *us* -- this stake in the heart of liberal democracy -- it concomitantly means just as much to *them*, the oligarchs and authoritarians it put in control, whose ethics fall somewhere between Iago's and Macbeth's.
I mean, just looking at Trump and Musk (leaving aside Rove, Manafort, Stone, Putin & Co., and the whole dubious history of elections in the computerized voting era), you've got one guy who *compulsively cheats at everything*, from business to finance to marriage and golf (covering his tracks with lies and projection -- e.g., "They're stealing Pennsylvania!" and Stop the Steal more generally), and another guy who knows how to make even hardened computers sing and dance for him. And an election system Def Con demonstrated that middle-schoolers can penetrate. And *everything* at stake. So what could possibly go wrong??
And yet there were zero calls from the adult table for even the most basic systematic verifications. Just an acceptance that the whole world could fall off the cliff because of a couple of percent margin and what might well be a magician's trick, a mirage. It's devilishly difficult to prove, and the burden of proof is -- rationally or not -- squarely on those questioning legitimacy, but I have some pretty troubling forensic receipts.
So you can see how I might be stuck -- because I've analyzed enough dodgy elections to know just how futile that work is (and now probably dangerous to boot). But without that, I can't think or write about this brave new world of ours as *real*. It is *fact*. But so is an AI photo of, say, a bound and gagged Joe Biden. We can work all we want - a pendulum in the grip of a rigger's fist won't swing. Our blind faith and refusal to *go there* is exactly what such a bad actor counts on.
Due to the uproar by trump and company in 2020 the Democrats were hardly in a position to do the same. And then every election would become suspect. I don’t know if Trump planned it or not but that’s where we are. Personally I’m sick about it and I have to limit what I read now or I get a panic attacks. My daughter and I are financially vulnerable and it’s not hard to fear the worst.
Exactly. If Trump didn't plan it, it's history's greatest lucky break. Look, I'm Trump in Nov. 2020 and I know I just lost and, that being intolerable, already have my eyes on 2024. I know Stop the Steal isn't going to reverse 2020 but what it will do is keep me in the game, rally the MAGAs to my banner, and clear the way for me to steal 2024 with not a peep from the Dems or media. What's not to like in that?
Fwiw, there seemed to be a heavy thumb on the scale for Republicans in 2020 (see: but whoever might have put it there evidently was interested in the survival of the GOP, not a second Trump term). By 2024, however, Trump's capture of the GOP was complete and ratified and their interests fully aligned. So now the thumb was FBO Trump and, of course, Stop the Steal would preclude all challenge. We reached a place where our elections could be challenged without being rigged and rigged without being challenged -- and, of course, the warfare is spectacularly asymmetrical.
Jonathan, I agree with you about the election being "rigged". However, the boil analogy is still what works for me. This effort on the part of the oligarchs will never cease until they achieve the results they think they want. They won't be happy with the win for long, how could they be? They are about to experience the King Midas tragedy first hand, and despite their plan B of having a fallback underground bunker or planet Mars, I don't think they really want to take it that far. Their greed will be their undoing. I hope we can survive it and rebuild on the ashes, and that what we build will be based upon the hard lessons we learn. History has cycles of civilizations rising and falling. Guess where we are now...
I was once more wishing that the oldest man elected to the office of president would disappear know...get sick and die a horrid death. I wasn't feeling too good about those thoughts actually. Thoughts of 'schadenfreude'. SO, I've redirected my thinking. Now I continually wish that the old man will wake up, develop a conscious, feel empathy. The story of the Christmas Carol and Scrooge is a meaningful tale of transformation. I have no expectations.
I had none when I was wishing him harm. Wishing someone else harm is like raising baby vipers in your pocket. It will do you harm too. So I have lifted those dark thoughts of harm off of me and it feels lighter in more ways than one. May this story be helpful to people out there like me.
Dee, I know what you mean. Every time in my life when things were happening that upset and angered me, my mom would say "This is just a glitch, it's not a catastrophe!" She was right because usually everything worked out for the best. The orange man's time will not last forever. Until he is gone, we must hang together, work hard together and fight for our country! May you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You could wish he just doesn't wake up one day very soon. It would be a boon to the country and to him. He must be really miserable every day of his so called life.
Trump is just a con man who's found the perfect mark. When that aged, obese bully's reign is done, there will be someone else ready to take his place. It's the people who support him that are the real problem.
It would seem that Hogwarts has taken over the Republicans home base while Trump and Gaetz have opened up shops in Diagon alley. These two bad boys continue to claim a witch hunt is currently underway and they are the targets of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Their assertion that there is a secret agenda underway to punish them, is about as far-fetched as the beloved movie series itself. Perhaps the nefarious worlds these men live in is largely to blame for their current woes.
She is 100% correct in saying that the current affliction is like a noxious, pus filled boil on the posterior of this nation, as well as identifying the appalling like of spine and grit in current old fart democrats in government. We MUST make way for a new generation of leaders. Continuing to elevate the gerontocracy and repeating the same measures that have’t been working is called insanity; repeating the same non working option and expecting different results. I’m a child of these sixties. WE NEED THE AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost Generation of leaders with new ideas and a strong grasp of the new platforms of communication that 70 and 80 year olds do t know anything about.
With the exception of Bernie Sanders.the man is a treasure. I see him on TikTok and YouTube telling it like it is.
He’s wonderful, and he’s NOT an exception to who is old and who is wonderful.
How old do you think Prof. Reich is? No more age bashing. Let’s worry about policies!
Pat, it wasn't and isn't policies. This inflation discussion is a media creation.
Establishment politicians, in the Democratic party wasted their time telling us how we should feel because Biden gave us so much.
First there is transactional analysis of which the democratic party is stone deaf,
The people didn't vote their pocketbook, they voted their anger, angst, fears.
Some wanted and are now celebrating owing the libs, the coast elites, the college educated whom they feel has been telling them how they should feel, and what to do, when all they want to do is use politically incorrect language, discriminate and keep queers of all kinds out of the public discourse and sight.
The Democrats once again blew it, by making Gerry Connolly the Democrat on the House all powerful oversight committee, passing over AOC.
Proving yet again the Democratic party is reverse of the obverse of the political coin.
So long as the Democratic party continues to delude itself we are screwed, in fact it might be too late.
The Republicans, Musk-Trump, have the means to take total control, and have said that is their intent.
It was the culture war, not economics that led the charge, and that includes the Muslims of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennyslvnia, that didn't vote for Harris in 2024, but voted in 2020. Their vote would have won it for her
It's Like He's Going on Zionist Overdrive' |
Trump's pro-Israel Cabinet Picks Upset Muslims Who Voted for Him
'Trump won because of us,' said one of the founders of Muslims for Trump, 'and we're not happy with his Secretary of State pick and others'
And then there is this
President-elect Donald Trump does not herald the advent of fascism. He heralds the collapse of the veneer that masked the corruption within the ruling class and their pretense of democracy. He is the symptom, not the disease. The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism. Deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, unchecked predatory corporations, including the health-care industry, wholesale surveillance of every American, social inequality, an electoral system that is plagued by legalized bribery, endless and futile wars, the largest prison population in the world, but most of all feelings of betrayal, stagnation and despair, are a toxic brew that culminate in an inchoate hatred of the ruling class and the institutions they have deformed to exclusively serve the rich and the powerful. The Democrats are as guilty as the Republicans.
They are using such old playbooks, divide and conquer, misinform, etc. And we always buy it. Maybe not a few of us personally, but we just got Trump. Again.
The Democrats are 100% useless at this point. They have been bought by corporations and we will never get rid of Citizens United. For much of recorded history, civilizations have been totalitarian monarchies with most of us drastically poor. MOST OF RECORDED HISTORY. Democracy is a blip on the screen.
We have been made aware of the inequity, the Republicans got Trump and we should've had Bernie but the Democrats stopped that. TWICE. I hate them. They're still whining and finger-pointing, when I think their incompetence matches the insurance companies accidentally not paying your claim. They make millions off their "mistake - oops!" when most of the consumers don't call and instead, just pay the bill assuming it must not be covered. The democrats are living off of their previous reputation, but their incompetence keeps their wealthy overlords happy and makes them look like they tried. And they are always sooo sorry. They tried? It makes me want to puke. Politicians retire a million times richer than when they started. It's a total scam, the counter-elites have us all riled up, and whatever happens, we will take the hit like we always do.
They throw out culture issues to distract us while they siphon off more money, and thus, more power for themselves. Do you think they care about any of these issues that they are completely above? They're laughing all the way to the bank. Money = Power.
I see a Bronze-Age style collapse looming. With global warming, constant disasters, there's no money when the .01% are too busy having 500M weddings. They way they game the system and we all pay for it is beyond greedy. I don't understand how they sleep. They will pull us all down with their complete lack of recognition that what made this country so great was the creation of the middle class.
I totally agree with you Gillian, only I see a 6th mass extinction, the collapse of the anthropocene because of global warming, and it is coming sooner than expected.
We have committed mammalcide, not just a bronze age collapse,
If any survivors they will be in Tazmania, New Zealand the south coast of Australia. best chances are in the Tropic of Capricorn.
Agree, William, that there may be small pockets of humans to survive the 6th mass extinction….I do wonder, in the millennia that follow, whether our species evolves or devolves…and what that might even mean/look like. Guess we’ll never know, eh? I have long said that the only reason I want to live forever is to find out how it all turns out….🤷🏻♀️
Gillian: I agree with essentially all of your rant (and you are far from the only one sounding like that) but I have to make the observation that it is mere bellyaching. It leads nowhere that I can see. I challenge you to come back and tell us your ideas of how to dramatically change our system so that it works better. Then you will have a goal to drive toward, in any way you can.
It requires focusing on the real problems that face us. #1 is addressing the numerous related environmental problems that act upon each other, compounding each other's impact: climate disruption, deforestation, soil erosion, industrial agriculture, pollution, marine degradation, ecosystem disintegration, the proliferation of plastic, chemicals, radiation & other poisons, aquatic deterioration, environmental destruction, resource depletion, overpopulation, overconsumption, waste, mass extinction, etc., all working together synergistically, leading to biospheric collapse & the end of most life on Earth, including human life. It requires promptly & drastically reducing the extraction & consumption of fossil fuels, plastic & meat, which involves fuel conservation & efficiency & transitioning to non-polluting energy; adopting regenerative organic farming & discouraging livestock raising, which uses so much energy & water & takes up so much land (for feed as well as the livestock themselves), displacing native animals & plants, not to mention the cruelty in such practices; reforestation & afforestation; the drastic reduction or cessation of destructive mining practices such as strip mining & mountaintop removal; the drastic reduction or cessation of destructive logging practices like clearcuts, etc.; & implementing the Green New Deal.
That's just 1 major one. We also have to address wealth & power inequality; out-of-control housing costs & homelessness; poverty; inefficient, ineffective for-profit healthcare; lagging public education, etc. Such ideas as a universal basic income, universal healthcare, wealth taxes, luxury taxes, financial transaction fees, greenhouse gas fees (& possible return dividends), taxes on meat & plastic, sharp increase in the gasoline tax, the removal of tax loopholes & tax havens, & making income taxes far more progressive, similar to the 1950s (exempting the first $50K in income from taxation, 20% tax for the next $50K (up to $100K), similar rises in tax rates for higher tax brackets, until reaching $1 million in annual income, in which a 90% tax is assessed for any additional income beyond that point, would really address these problems. Reduce military spending & make it more accountable & efficient. Utilize the increased net revenue of all these measures for environmental, education, health & housing programs. Reduce housing costs by building more housing & limiting ability of corporations & hedge funds to swipe up family homes. Build campuses for the homeless, providing dorms, washing & laundry facilities, dining halls, libraries, gyms, gardens, parks, classrooms, training, & healthcare facilities for them. All these things can greatly help improve the condition of Americans, if not solve the major problems facing most Americans today.
Oh, & correcting one huge failure of the Biden administration & culmination of decades of increasing corporate control over all aspects of our lives & concomitant corruption & erosion of our democracy: bringing to justice people who violate our laws no matter how wealthy or powerful they are. Overturn Citizens United & many other recent antidemocratic, anti-environmental anti-egalitarian decisions by SCOTUS, & have much stricter ethics rules for the Court, removing the 6 corrupt, illegitimate, anti-constitutional justices. Expel all Congress members who violated their oaths of office by participating in a coup attempt, & prevent the constitutionally ineligible Trump from taking office. We should investigate the election, arrest & charge those who illegally manipulated election results, & redo the election like Romania just did. Eliminate the current iteration of the filibuster & restore full voting rights.
I wish. I am applying for the job of master of the universe. I’ve thought a lot about this, it seems like systems work, it’s the small portion of humans that are willing to throw everyone under the bus for more zeros in their bank accounts.
Bakunin: “If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself.”
It’s us. We are the problem. Think, Stanford prison experiment. We’re just built like this.
There’s too many of us, and even though most of us are thoughtful when under not too much stress, some of us are Mitch McConnell all the time.
You are absolutely correct!
After the end of the World War II, we saw the rise of labor unions, we become the most industrialized nation in the World.
Corporate America didn't get rid of the unions just for cheaper labor, they had also gotten greedy and look where are today. Only a handful exist today.
Benjamin Franklin warned us in the beginning, that just because we are Republic, doesn't mean we can keep it!
I believe Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, thought monopolies were bad for capitalism and that commerce should NOT control legislation. I’m not an Adam Smith expert so someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
There is much truth to what you say, William. This is why many Trump supporters paradoxically see him as a defender of democracy. As long as We the People remain divided, we shall be victims of the divide-and-rule formula. Project 2025 is a project for the taekeover of the United States of America by a united, Christian nationalist, oligarchy.
I know Vic and it scares the shit out of me.
You make many good points, William, Victor and Gillian with which I agree. The question looming over us is when and how do we react when we all feel that ‘enough is enough’? Do we take to the streets? Do we cash in our investments causing a run on the banks? Do we flat out refuse to cooperate with any mandates handed down by this coming fascist government?
There is nothing remotely Christian about them.
VictorKamendrowski, how could anyone see tRUMP as " a defender of Democracy? " Surely you jest.
Wow, Laurie, these guys have formed a cadre of Dem Bashing Bros who have taken a meme about Left elites and run with it. The Democrats WERE inept at messaging compared to the ease of Right Wing Propaganda {you don’t have to be fact based to spout propaganda, so. It’s easier}, but they’re spouting anti-Left crap spiced with a tiny skosh of reality.
For one simple example, the Dems were not “telling us how to feel” about the positive changes the Biden administration put into play. They were trying to tell us that those changes WERE in play. Peeople don’t understand that it takes the economy time for the improvements to reach into people’s homes and personal finances, but you have to put the policies into play — the return of maufacturing {in play}, renewed and improved international alliances, work on national infrastructure….and during Biden [even tho it isn’t indicative of our national economy} the stock market soared.
There’s been too much Wall Street influence since the Reagan era, but Biden WAS moving away from that — of course, neither party can yet dump high-rolling donors, but Dems have been leaning on building the strength of small-dollar donors in greater numbers. Did these bozos on this list think that would happen overnight in a world of Citizens United?
They are crafting a narrative here that serves ONLY the Right and sounds more like trolling misinformation and “a long con” on America than it does like serious discourse.
The trolls have arrived.
No, Laurie, I do not jest. I was as incredulous as you are when I found out. We tend to forget that the word "democracy" and "American" may have different meanings to different folks.
William, lots of divisiveness here. Ageism, class warfare with college educated vs. Uneds, coastal elites etc. Generalities that can divide us. The last thing we need.
I agree Laurie, but that is how the Republicans win elections, and why Trump will be president on Jan 20th.
We need effective counters to their unrelenting class warfare.
Hogwash—the thing from Chris Hedges. What
he’s doing here is a version of “both sides are the same.” It’s an old tried & true method of manipulative propaganda. Fascists use this approach to demoralize & confuse voters. They try to confuse us by accusing Dems of having policy positions republicans have & vice versa. Trump absolutely DOES “herald the advent of fascism.” Dems & republicans are NOT the same.
He says Trump heralds the “collapse of the veneer masking corruption of the ruling class.” Give me a break—he’s using a ton of buzz words & phrases straight from “Propaganda For Dummies—A How-to Guide For Fascists to Ideologically Brainwash Voters in Western Europe & America.”
Step I, Convince them that a.)Both sides are the same, (they’re not) b.) There is a “ruling class of elites,” (there used to be-not so much anymore) c.)The elites are corrupt (some are, some aren’t)
d.) Basic democratic norms no longer exist (of
course they do—for now.)
Anyway, the author, Chris Hedges goes on to paint a picture of a brutal, corrupt culture we are creating, much like Russia’s current culture.
“The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism. Deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity,” sounds like blame shifting to me.
We are not currently living under a totalitarian
regime—that’s what Trump aspires to put in place as his governing style. Totalitarianism is a ruthless, brutal, and, thanks to modern technology, potent form of political tyranny whose ambitions for world domination are unlimited. (Library of Congress,
Hannah Arendt Papers)
Then, to really confuse us, he throws in a bunch of accusations like, de-industrialization (that’s a vague term), deregulation (what republicans want for Christmas-deregulation of everything, because not
dumping cancer causing chemicals wherever it’s convenient costs money) austerity (What Elon Musk
wants for Christmas by cutting our social sec., medicare, medicaid & affordable healthcare).
Unchecked predatory corporations. (what republicans are in the process of creating, in exchange for those big, campaign donations to the republicans who arranged for them to be successfully predatory)Then he throws healthcare
in as a predatory industry, which it has become, thanks to private equity republicans ravaging our land like a Biblical hoard of locusts, only eating money instead of crops.
The game here, as I said, is to demoralize and depress us. They want us to believe the future
is only going to be worse. By listing things we
will supposedly experience, (according to this
guy) like bribery, social inequality, futile wars, betrayal, stagnation and despair, etc. he’s
trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’m
thinking—haven’t we already seen these things
off & on? We haven’t experienced all of these
things at once, like the writer suggests, but we
have gone through them one or two or three at a
time, and most of us are still here and still love
our country.So don’t read obvious disinformation.
Don’t let it get into your head. Instead, think about the kind of life you want to live, figure out what you
have to do to get that life and make a plan.If things change, revise your plan.
Chris Hedges is, IMO, a Marxist, a 21st Century version of a Tankie
But like everyone, including Trump, there are nuggets of truth. Instead of swallowing the whole poison pill, I sift and sort.
For instance Trump says "the media is the enemy of the people" and thus non thinking people, anti Trumpers, would be expected to defend the media, because Trump attacked it.
Not me. The Media is indeed the enemy of the people, because Trump is a product of the media, they made him, the promotoed him and he is president because of them.
Trump said the FBI is the enemy of the people. Well prior to Jan 6th, the FBI dismissed and was not interested in any information about the formation of the attack on the capital, and didn't bother investigating the Proud Boys, and other right wing organizations, and to my knowledge still don't.
But what they were investigating,infiltrating and wire tapping was BLM and antifa.
The FBI was a stepping stone for Trump to get into the White House, thanks to Comey, and Biden kept on a Republican partisan, Wray.
This is not really about age bashing. This is about knowing when to step down and knowing what the nation needs. Nancy Pelosi‘s bully tactics are going to backfire and hopefully push forward a new generation of leaders.
Nancy Pelosi didn’t bully, she held the line. And she mentored Hakeem Jeffries so when the Democrats have majority he’ll be speaker.
Sorry, I disagree because she did everything possible to push AOC out of the running for a leading role on that oversight committee, putting in her place a man who has stage 4 cancer. That’s insane. My former husband died of esophageal cancer. It has one of the lowest survival rates. It’s a miserable experience and Mr. Connelly will not be able to carry out his role on this committee. This behavior is why we are losing elections and voters. Time to wake up.
Nancy Pelosi is a control freak who's raised a lot of money and lost a lot of elections. She helped block new, young leadership when she blocked AOC from the powerful oversight committee. The Democrats just toss the leadership card between themselves in their 70's and 80's. There's no new energy either in Washington or across the country. If somebody challenges the old guard they know how to do them in.
Just like she did when Bernie Sanders was trying to win the ticket.
Agreed. Democrats need to fix themselves before the next midterm election or won't be able to get the WH back.
However, I think that Trump is going to break our economy; if that happens on top of everything else coming our way, Dems and Indies need to combine forces, the next four years is going to be a nightmare, lets hope we still have a Nation to repair.
Im 71, hardly an ageist.
He's 78.
So what? Division is division. Rupert Murdoch is 94 or so, last I saw. He will use any rhetoric to divide.
We need better media that gives us information that helps us to vote intelligently, not against our best interests.
What we really need are better educated brains, and this is why the fascists intend to take control of education. They hope to replicate themselves.
Pat, thanks for calling out the agism. We do need younger leaders, but we need the older ones too. It is so often that wisdom comes with age. Biden, old as he is, did a lot in his 4 years and most of it positive. I am sorry he couldn't fix Israel, but the complexity is a lot for a president to manage. Donald Trump is an old fart who has nothing positive to offer anyone but maybe a few billionaires like Musk, and Musk and his crowd are not worth the trouble; they have nothing positive to offer anyone either. Their greed and toddleresque behavior are obscene and we need to stop putting such people, mostly white men on pedestals and practically worshipping them; they are not worth the trouble!
Totally…..the voice of Sanity and kindness.
We have great leaders from ages 25-95. And weak, misanthropic, misguided leaders from ages 25-95. Stop with the age stereotyping, please.
I only mentioned my age because someone inferred that I was being ageist about Bernie Sanders. I love that man.
Voted for Sanders in 2016
and helped give us Trump. Hope you are still proud
We survive Wilson Hoover Nixon Reagan Bush 2nd, trumpet 🎺 1 , and trumpet 🎺 2 is coming .
We will survive that also the gnashing of Teeth, the beating of our chests is wasted energy.
The Democrats need to reform or go out of business…
A party to effectively represent the non Republican interests and represent the non owners of banks and businesses…
If the D lose their perch perhaps it’s time for the better version of the party of FDR Harry Truman Jimmy Carter .
We are just going to have to see what arises from the ashes of the California debacle of the moronic highjacking the Democratic Party structure ( Funding Mechanism) allowed.
Truly amateur operation.
Securing the votes of trans gender prisoners was the crowning achievement of the last election.
Rewriting the constitution through a ranked, mandatory , and the elimination of the slavery provision ( Electorial College ) might be a first step in the needed procession to reality based politics . Of course there might be a backlash from the Harry Potter holdouts praying for a champion to take on the evil 😈 one…
Yes Bernie is the best!
Time for Congress to have a mandatory retirement age. Strom Thurmond was elected into his 90’s and had to be propped up in his chair, so he would look like he was alive. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!
Chuck Schumer and Charles Grassley have served too long. For that matter, so have Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton. Not because of their age, but because they are despicable, corrupt, cowardly, and totally self serving, country be damned.
People voted for Thurmond — there’s the kicker. He wasn’t foisted upon the electorate.
We need to do better.
On November 5, Americans chose:
Lies over truth,
Ignorance over knowledge,
Chaos over order,
Malice over good will,
Division over unity,
Cowardice over courage,
Sleaze over character,
The criminal over the law,
And billionaires over ordinary people.
Proud to be a liberal woman, more than ever!
Proud to wear this totally unhinged radical liberal t-shirt in front of Republicans 👇
Trump and co want to make the government NO longer functional!
If they defund the government, then there’s no money to go after them for all the illegal shit that they wanna do. Unfortunately, it’s always about money.
That's it, Heather. Best concise summary of this entire MAGA apocalypse. Well done.
Yes, but all the Trump voters who live nearby don't see it that way. They live in the world of Maga and conspiracy theories.
Only functional for Billionaires!🤢🤮 and crooks!
those who voted for thurmond are the same types who vote for dumpster, hawley, cotton, grassley, cruz. basically unreconstructed racists.
They rejected the Constitution. The question is: can they be brought back into the constitutional order by means of economic incentives? Unlikely as long as they fear for their social status. We must address this fear, which was systematically fueled by Fox News and conservative media and churches. Elon Musk is now adding fuel to the fire. Putin has done his share also. Can reason and true patriotism finally prevail in Congress?
How about the millions who didn’t vote, Paul?
I don't honestly think we'll ever have accurate counts anymore. If, as I believe, the entire red/swing states elections infrastructure has been replaced with the techbroligarchs' edition, it's as dumpster says "you won't have to vote anymore".
I've always thought voting should be mandatory, with a federal paid election holiday. Years ago, teaching 8th grade civics, I was able to show the importance of turnout using a hotbutton issue (curfews) with my kids. I showed that a small percentage of registered voters could pass a highly unpopular measure.
I've wondered too, Paul, and I agree about mandatory voting.
I only learned recently that Australia has it. When I mentioned it to someone here, the person had a fit. "You can't MAKE me vote!" This was a person who always votes. No thought, just complete rejection about a law that "made" people do something.
Those who stayed home probably cost Kamala the election!😢😢
The elections don't mean anything to them. They figure that the politicians are going to decide what they're going to decide so why waste your time.
They may have voted for him, but what choices did they have? Did the party offer any alternative?
The Democrats are indifferent to the massive problems we face; the Republicans are actively working to make matters worse. To me, the choice is obvious.
The system is rigged against alternative parties. As someone wrote elsewhere, we need a new generation of Democrats who will work for the 90% who are in big trouble, not the top 1% who are doing just fine thank you.
Check out David Hogg (Parkland shooting) & “Leaders We Deserve.” He’s running for Vice-Chair of the DNC.
Imo it’s a bad signal that AOC was beaten out for a key committee position by a 74-yo man. Cong Dems apparently didn’t learn a darned thing.
Yes, a 74 year old man who is battling cancer too. Don't care that it's said he is otherwise in good shape for his age. Battling cancer is not easy and there will be times he won't be able to attend to his duties. He was a horrible choice, especially since AOC was right there and one of the best communicators in D.C. She states problems with clarity and in words all people can understand. She is known for fighting for her cconstituents and is very high profile. Think most people have never heard of Gerry Connolly. Dems need 'names' to counter all of the high profile GOP who are always sticking their faces in front of the camera every chance they get. Name recognition is how people get re-elected and get things done. Huge mistake to put Connolly in over AOC!
This is real inside baseball stuff. Perhaps it was the best choice they made, but I agree it's not a good sign. AOC keeps getting smarter.
And Pelosi had a hand in making that happen. What the hell?
yes we do need a new generation. Sadly there are many who decline taking over the Party, not wanting to partake of all the ugliness. But the ugliness will come after them all the same.
Ellen, to do better we have to figure out why people keep voting for those aberrations. Whenever we get an answer, we can plan on replacing them for people that would be on our side.
Kay Granger. Check out where she is living. FWIW.
I do NOT support a mandatory AGE retirement, but I might support term limits. You point out that it is the quality of representation that matters, tho!!
This is a problem. Quality is not necessarily linked to age, but can be. Clearly, Diane Feinstein was in office too long too.
Remember Aunt Edna in National Lampoon's "Vacation"? We don't need politicians who have to be wrapped in a tarp and taken away in a chair tied to the top of a station wagon.
It would be better to have term limits for party leadership positions e.g. speaker, committee chairs. ranking members etc. The GOP is much better at keeping an up to date leadership cadre than the Dems.
True Mark, but look at the losers the GOP continue to promote into their leadership positions. My late father's words still hold true... "when it comes to helping the working folks of this country, the worst Democrat is usually better than the best Republican."
Cheers & Happy Holidays to all... GH
Like your Dad, Truman had some wonderful quotes worth recycling.
Term limits for SCOTUS?
Hi Susan... Term limits for SCOTUS would be OK with me. Or... what if each time a new president is sworn, in the longest serving justice must retire within 60 days. Age would have no bearing on the matter.
The new president gets to replace that person. If another dies or retires during the next four years that pres. gets another pick. If re-elected, another retirement, etc., etc. Each president should get to have their pick go through the hearing process up to their last week in office without the bullshit that Mitch McConnell pulled.
A system like this would pretty much keep either party from having the chance, or luck of timing, from packing the court for decades.
We would need a Constitutional Amendment to make that change. Considering the 2/3rd majority in Congress and the 3/4th vote by the states (38) needed to amend there will probably never be another amendment ever passed. Especially if it is one written to actually help working folks. Holiday Cheers to all... GH
MTG maybe up to date but she’s useless. All she does is harass whoever isn’t a MAGA Republican.
I don't support either..being a Congressman takes practice just like any other job. But I DEFINATELY support election finance reform and publicly funded elections, as well as a shortened election season.
And then there's the GOP rep who was absent for six months and was just found in a home that takes care of people with Alzheimer's. No one missed her? WTH?!
It’s a mountain out of a molehill. She wasn’t running for another term, congress was on break to campaign a huge portion of that time. Any particular reason for smearing the crap out of her on her way out? None I can see. If they had Carter her back to DC to vote I could see the firestorm.
I wasn't thinking along political lines. I was thinking personally. No one knew she was in a home? No one cared enough about her to ask why she wasn't in her seat? It's not a smear on her, it's a smear on her colleagues. It didn't sound like they were hiding what happened to her. It sounded like they didn't know and didn't care. If she's in a home, she had to show signs quite a while ago. Either way, it was wrong not to acknowledge that she wasn't actually on the job. And I don't believe it was right what Finestein and her aides did either or Ruth Bader Ginsberg holding on for so long.
Kay Granger, from Texas…
Don’t forget to add Elon Musk….
Nobody voted for Musk for
Let’s fulfill Musk’s wish and send him to Mars!
Senator Bernie Sanders said Musk wasn’t even elected to be dog catcher! 😆
He should have been deported was illegal!
Hard to talk about those guys and not include Rep. Kay Granger.
Jenn SH from NC : I bet they violated their oaths of office, too. They should not be in their seats of power. We need a restored. Capable Honorable Supreme Court.
Do you think that Bernie Sanders should be forced to resign too?
Bernie Sanders should not be forced to resign while he remains the lone voice of sanity in this chaotic war. Senators, representatives and Supreme Court justices who have proven their own corruption should not be forced to retire; they should immediately be removed from the bench and disbarred from ever practicing law again.
It isn’t because they’re old that they need to be replaced. It’s because they’re so-called centrists, or rather corporate suck-ups. They’re not wholeheartedly working for the average citizen. That should be the main requirement for who we support and vote for as their replacements.
Elizabeth, there is a point. Know any 90 year old surgeons?
Purely mechanical, not because the 90-year-old surgeon has a withered brain.
Not the same at all. Surgeons’ hands and physical bodies are impacted. But our brains can work till we’re 100, tho’ you’re right, not everyone.
P. Kaye, I 100% agree with the points you have brought forward and I agree with Robert Reich’s friend who works at the soup kitchen. However, looking to our two party system to somehow spring back is like wishing an old model T can be rebuilt so as to compete with the speed and recklessness we find on today’s superhighways.However what caused the boil and that allowed the pus to accumulate to the point where the body can no longer sit down or fully function?
The pus is the inconceivable amount of wealth collected by the ultra rich 1 % of our population, and the cause of the boil is a system that permits, and even encourages the accumulation of so much wealth that the wealthy are gaining absolute control of our semi-functional governmental system.
The Model T automobile was a technological leap forward that changed the way we all lived and made fast and reliable transportation a possibility for millions. However, it is now a relic. Our Constitution was also a leap forward, but now the billionaire class is turning it in to a relic that can no longer compete with the speed or evil intentions of the wealth accumulating billionaires. While our government will be further torn apart in the next few years, we need to develop and begin to adopt a more modern economic and governmental system that will ensure everyone has access to the necessities of life and the possibility of regaining the American dream.
I agree with Robert Reich’s recent post asserting that.Economic Democracy will create an economic and political system. That will no longer allow a boil full of pus to accumulate on America’s posterior..
And get rid of Citizens United as it is.
If the Dem's ever get in again it should be their first priority. GH
The Constitution has become a holy totem and no longer fits the purpose or the time, even if it means well. We must cease to worship any idols, flags, ideas or gods that intellect or experience have proven are no longer applicable or beneficial. As far as I can see 'Do unto others…' is the only bit of advice on which to build a rule for society…..and that appears in all the major socio-religious teachings, because it works. (Unless you are a masochist, of course. ) Kindness and care for your fellows should do it.
I'm not ready to throw out the Constitution, but I would like to see Constitutional scholars like Jaimie Raskin have more say in how we can adapt it to our own time. Everyone in government has to vow to protect and support it, and yet we can see that too many are actually working to subvert it. That is grounds for dismissal. They are blatantly breaking the oath they took! That can be seen as treason. Am I wrong?
Paula, well said. The Constitution may need modernizing, but there are rules that have been ignored by the corrupt sycophant 6. Rules that, had they been applied, would have prevented much that is wrong happening now.
Ditto. Totally agree.
Me, too
Paula, a 250 yo doc written by the white male oligarchs of their day that enshrined slavery needs an overhaul.
It has HAD overhauls, and continues to be brought more into the modern age. BUT, like many an ancient edifice, it’s foundation holds, and we would ditch that to our peril …
You put references to the crap in your criticism, and we have already gotten rid of the “enshrined slavery” thing, as well as the “no women voting thing,” and the universal {as opposed to landed and monied gentry} thing, and protected speech and religion, and a lot more. SURE more needs doing. But we don’t need a lot of fascists dickering with our foundation in this day and age …
Imo I am being real, Pat. The Const has amendments, but as long as the amendments aren’t part of the basic doc, you’ll have originalists cherry-picking it.
I agree about not dicking with the foundations. But if you can see the phrase 3/5, it’s not gone.
A Const isn’t made of stones. It’s made of words, and what they encompass isn’t static. It evolves.
Well said, Pat!
It got the overhaul. Don’t we have 27 amendments changing our Constitution for the better?
Amendments aren't an overhaul, Katherine. If you have broken pickets in your fence, you install new pickets. Eventually you may need a new fence. If you like pickets, get a new picket fence.
If you want an example of why amendments aren't enough, look at 2A. Is the Const. "better" TODAY because of it?
Susan Heath : The 14th amendment section 3 would clean up the courts and the Congess. Our entire government. The rules should be applied and enforced, if necessary. Dark money should be banned. When it is discovered, those taking it should face consequences. The laws have been ignored for those with money and power. The courts are played like violins. Like a slow dirge.
That sounds sensible….l guess the Constitution is like the Bible…they quote and apply the bits that suit their purposes….the PicknMix, or Looseleaf Versions!
Susan Heath : then there is interpretation. Semantics and all.
That’s the crux, Laurie — applying and enforcing the rules.
Jan C : if there is anything about anyone being 3/5ths of a person,it should be removed. Ditto any archaic laws about morality, especially as applied to women . The Comstock Act should be on the trasheap of history. For example.
The Comstock Act, written to silence Tennesee Claflin, and her sister, Victoria Woodhull, the first woman POTUS candidate, in 1872, who ran from the jail Comstock had seen that she occupied.
Anyone threatening a judge' s clerk or family should be evaluated and investigated.
You got it, Jan! You can gut the Constitution by not enforcing the rules. This is what Trump is all about.
14th Amendment: Project 2025 could nullify it. Bear that in mind!
Susan, there can be no kindness and care without a constitutional government. Our Constitution has worked well over the past centuries, and only a fool would discard it.
Nobody is saying "Discard the Const," Victor. Overhaul, revise, remodel, update ≠ discard. Quite the contrary. They mean keep the good framework and improve it with modern materials.
The "people" willing to gut the Const. are the ones discarding it, don't you think?
Et moi!!
If we were talking these points last century, before the advent of the surveillance state, AI, and the financial industry, i would agree that we have a chance to remedy this pox on humanity. But i just don't see it. I know everyone wants to point to all the misteps of the dems in losing this election, but i believe that the techbroligarchs, with 4 years and willing accomplices in the election infrastructures in red/swing states, essentially replaced those states' election infrastructure with their own, which will in dumpster's words "you won't have to vote anymore".
think of the sadistic vindictiveness of J. Edgar Hoover on technosteroids. the oligarchs won. it won't be so bad. 400 million middle class chinese (our total population is 330 million) say everything will be fine with your new fascist regime.
sorry, i want to see the light, but i don't see any cracks in the juggernaut hurtling towards us, due to strike jan. 20
They will screw up. Have patience and courage.
Good points Paul. I wish Hoovers name would be ripped off the FBI building. Every time I see a picture of that building with his name on it I get sick. GH
Marc Nevas, and all readers herein, while I applaud the dreams of you and others; plus, recognize the goodness of most people, we cannot resolve poor governance in America until we tackle the tough root causes: Money financing elections, legalized/dark money to lawmakers and agencies via lobbyist, enabling stock insider trading by elected members of Congress as well as reforming term limits for Congress and our Court system. So until this gets done, well, the oncoming Administration can make things worse for sometime but this gives us the opportunity to ready the-ship- of-state. Meanwhile, one cannot expect much for 'the people'. Let's get to work on tackling the difficult work now and be prepared to launch it!
The lawsuit challenge to the new Maine law to limit donations to superpacs has begun. Will go likely to the Supreme Court.
Maine has become quite good at these citizens referendums which pass hugely! But, every time, the Corporate money sues to stop. There will have to be a Citizen STRIKE against these abuses long listed for anything to push against this entrenched power. Anything less is like a flyswatter against a tyronnasouraus.
Hard to be real optimistic about a SCOTUM ruling on this. We will see.
The allowance of superPACS was based on the lower court proposition that they did not allow for quid pro quo, which is ridiculous.
But ridiculous arguments are what the SCROTUS court makes.
Wikipedia has a fairly accurate description of “Economic Democracy” and the”Crisis and Transition “ Substack has a number of good essays on this topic.
I agree Marc. How do we get to a new system- a new political economy? I'm not for revolution but evolution. In my view, how do we get agreement on basic principles, or "a new myth" for an economic democracy (or progressive democracy) that the public will embrace to steer away from the free market neoliberalism myth and policies of the last 40 plus years that have brought us where we are today? The progressive democracy policies that are contrary to neoliberalism are enumerated in Stiglitz's The Road To Freedom.
We don't start with trying to change the Constitution to get the economic system we want. We start with changes to our economic policies and laws to generate changes that make possible changes to the Constitution (amendments, re-interpretation of law).
Trump's truth was that the system is rigged against the little guy, something little guys everywhere could agree with. But crooked Trump never talks about HOW the system is economically rigged so he is not so readily seen as a threat to corporate interests, esp among many in the corporate leaning media. Yeah, Trump's faux populism is not a threat.
In the past I might have said the way forward is all about educating the public. But we have entered an era of what promises to be ever harsher consequences providing a masterclass for the public. We are likely "beyond" words as the chief remedy. Hence, the boil that will break.
I am grateful to Robert Reich and others like him that have worked to alter public consciousness of how the economic system has been rigged against them. It all helps to make a difference possible. I am reduced, apart from my own efforts to make a difference, to hoping a charismatic leader(big daddy will fix it)/group can seize the popular imagination with populist economic truths. Given the corporate media landscape this seems a hard task. Maybe Reich and others will be successful in helping to elevate sane leaders. Keep trying!
I fear this madness will run its course, so no, --no joy here in Mudville.
I don't want to be totally pessismistic. It has amazed me how quickly things can turn around some times against my expectations. The problem is, we are out of time w/r/t climate and its increasing challenges to governance. Even if we get complete Democratic control of all 3 branches in 2026, we have lost our ability to avoid massive disruption, to put it kindly.
You are right, Steve. In 2008 Democrats gained control of Congress and the Presidency. The GOP was moribund; yet two years later it regained majorities in both houses of Congress. How did this happen? As far as I can see, Fox News did it, and it did it with a simple ploy. It called the ACA "Obamacare," and it painted the Act as a reparations gift to African Americans at the expense of hard working white workers. Like most hard working Americans, white voters wanted punitive action against "Wall Street," and what they got instead appeared to them, thanks to Fox News, as a betrayal of trust on the part of the Democrats. The anger is still there, and Trump is taking advantage of it. Punishing African Americans and immigrants is unlikely to satisfy white voters for long, and they will demand relief from the high cost of living. Trump will fail to deliver. The big question is, will we still have free elections by then?
No doubt the propaganda against Obamacare was part of it. I think we will have free elections, more or less, unless you believe that an electorate that no longer has access to good information precludes "free elections".Precludes democratic choice making.
Marc, this is no time for dreaming. The Constitution, despite its shortcomings, still provides for due process to resolve disputes and grievances. The only real alternative at the moment is one-man rule at the head of Project 2025 zealots. Are you OK with that?
Yes, all this talk about changing the Constitution or doing a complete re-write at a convention leaves me cold. It's hard enough to get some things passed or done that might at some point even allow for amendments to the Constitution. Anyway, there is no cohesiveness or smarts in our political body that I could begin to trust they would not screw things up royally.
"The pus is the inconceivable amount of wealth collected by the ultra rich"
While a PART of the infection, I could not disagree more. The REAL pus is something more deep-rooted that each of us carries.
A large part of it is the long term effects of the COLONIALISM that was how this country was founded. Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, the horror and open wound of slavery have all created a pressing need to admit to and atone for these grave sins and ills against humanity. The word LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY for these actions come to mind. There has been so much hypocrisy in the lofty words this country was founded in, vs how people without perceived power or value were treated. All of those issues, and the consistent denial of culpability and refusal to admit wrong doing have brought us to where we are now. At this point we’re are in a scenario where a billionaire class is in charge after January 20, and that billionaire class will make laws and policies to enrich themselves at the expense of We The People, 48% of who voted for them to do just that unless we stand up and fight back.
You nailed it, and got a whopping three "likes." That outta be an indicator!
I don't think its colonialism. Our problems at this point spring primarily from economic policy choices over the last 40 years which have created such enormous wealth disparities which fracture the "common good" and a middle class. Of course, it's complicated.
read - Off Shore or Moneyland
I agree, Thomas, but “something” is a bit coy imo. What something are you thinking of? Or more than one.
Happy Hols.
In a word: "hubris."
Ok. Imo not everyone has hubris in them, but I agree that those who do are responsible for a lot of pus. 😵💫
Yes ! ➡️ “ WE NEED THE AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost Generation of leaders with new ideas and a strong grasp of the new platforms of communication that 70 and 80 year olds do t know anything about.”
Go Maxwell !!!!💙
…Musk also threatened to take out Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost in the next election after Frost trolled him: “The people of central Florida will kick this jackass out in 2 years.” Musk knows absolutely zero about politics in central FL. … Rep. Frost responded by posting a form for candidates to file to run for Congress with this caption: “OK, Elon. Here’s the candidate form for your run against me. The people of Central Florida don’t really like corrupt rich guys though.”
AGREE, agree, agree!!!!! Yes, let the first class benchwarmers loose and retire the boomer gen that has the DNC and too many elected Dems firmly in their aging grip (I'm over 70 myself and I have acknowledged that I am too forgetful and achy for stand-up paid physical labor any more--I still do plenty of that here, but I can take breaks whenever I wish)--those boomers who have been filling elective office since the 70's need to do the same.
Release AOC, Buttigieg, Raskin, Goldman, Frost and all those other fabulous up and coming younger Dems to do what they do best.
This vintage 1953 boomer agrees with you 100%.
🎯 precisely
There really is a point where the mind isn’t as sharp. People can still have intelligent conversations and have great advice, but major decisions for a Superpower should not be overwhelmingly in the hands of 80-90 year olds. Just as most of us must retire, so must they.
Baloney on the age bashing. To be sure, the torch needs to be passed to new generations whose world this will be when we olders are gone, but there’s PLENTY of good ideas and judgement and counsel resident in our elders!
I’m 78 and I’m not one of the Old Guard Democrats who fell for the Democratic Leadership Council bullsh*t that Clinton was selling in his administration … And Bernie has a clear vision of what’s up, too. You can criticize the entrenched leadership, and the too-many years they’ve held sway. But it ain’t their actual birthdays that’s the problem {see on these very threads all the geezers and li’l ol’ ladies who weigh in to support the changes we need!!}.
So knock it off with the age bashing … How old do you think Prof. Reich is!!??
Just go after the lousy policies we’ve been dealing with, and the lackadaisical entrenched Dem leadership, and enough with age bashing.
Prof Reich isn't in Gvt and has given up active teaching. He has the time and energy to still THINK for us! Age doesn't mean your brain capabilities diminish…..we've only just been discussing the innate Stupidity of much of the younger voting public, but being in the job can be very exhausting. Bernie is great, despite age, some younger ones aren’t. Term limits may stop excellent people who joined young keeping on giving great service. Surely the voters and supporters can work out when someone is past their Sell-By Date or it is time to give others a chance?
Maybe it is all to do with MONEY!! Who holds the purse strings rules!
As for SCOTUS, a life tenure is crazy.
“Surely the voters and supporters can work out when someone is past their Sell-By Date…” 🤣
Imo they can’t, Susan. How many requests for money did you get in 2024 from PACs and candidates?
Add MSM’s hiding the truth and whitewashing DJT.
People can’t know what’s real or true if all they see is smoke and mirrors. Murdoch may own that, but Bezos, Sulzberger, et al caught up quickly.
True, Pat. But… 30 years ago you weren’t “Old Guard” by definition. 😊 Maybe a Young Turk?
I know you meant LACK of spine and grit. Spinelessness seems to be a requirement of elected officials in Congress. Frightened by the billionaire’s threat to “primary” them and suddenly their beliefs and values (at least what they say they believe in) are dust in the wind.
That suggests their job and influence is of greater importance than what they purport to espouse
“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And those around the powerful also get corrupted.” Lord Acton
👏👏 Yes, Susan, that’s EXACTLY what it suggests.
Representative Kay Granger of Texas has been living in an assisted living facility since July and no one in the MSM is reporting on this. Can you imagine any other profession that would allow this? If not an age limit, then a check on mental and physical capacity to do your Fn job is in order. ENOUGH!
I am always astounded by the wonderful energy of revolutionaries who overthrow an evil dictator or his family or his administration everywhere in the world. What do they do next? In an explosion of institutionalized blinders, they generously grant to the next president, who may bring nothing but a new name to the job, all of the powers and capabilities of rulership that so corrupted the last officeholder that he could not resist the blandishments of personal power leading to personal enrichment. They give those same inducements to corruption to a new ruler. And hope for a new kind of output. Why are such astounding powers granted to any ruler. I know the founding fathers debated whether the president should have strong powers, but a worldwide experience teaches us today that it is too dangerous. Why would one person have the power to start a nuclear war? That is insane! Why should one person be able to direct the hiring and firing of judicial servants? Crazy! Why should one person have the power to fire the Inspector General who is inspecting HIM! (I'm thinking of Nixon here). Why should one person have a veto over the legislation passed by 500 legislators? Insane! In fact, why should one person have control over the actions of his single office. Throughout history the idea of splitting every office into two or three separate but interacting agents has surfaced. The Romans tried it. The Founding Fathers considered it. The US President is a suicidal anachronism. He should have two other co-presidents who can only act when at least two agree and even then a decision by only two should be constrained. Only a three way decision should have the force now swung by a single person.
Or in other words, our vaunted succession of power is a farce. We leap from one person to another, hoping for a democratic genius that seldom arises. We need to get rid of this farcical substitution of one weak potential dictator for another one.
Biden haughtily ignored the feelings of the great majority of Americans over Gaza. Organizing a million people to affect his decision is a weak reed indeed. No one should have the power to do what he did. The Repubs will be even worse, riding roughshod over popular attitudes toward abortion and a hundred other popular notions. The fault is ours, not the weak, power-hungry, would be dictators and power mongers. Our system hands them the scepter and they make use of it. Mea culpa!
Can I just say that there are many of us in our 70s and 80s who are ready for the battle just as we were decades ago when Nixon wanted to be king? Proud of all the young warriors too.
Phil Moorehouse from the "A Different Bias" just stated:
"You know, just when you think Britain produces the best loonies in the world, America has to let us know that we're basically amateurs!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But let's not exclude the older folks. Some of us are all for the "up and comers" to lead us out of the doldrums of business as usual. First mistake already made by not elevating AOC to Dem's Oversight head.
Never trust anyone over 70. Hah!
I've been thinking a lot about what Trump voters can be forgiven for: what they don't know; what their "handlers" make sure they never hear. But I keep coming back to what they did know. When they cast their vote, they knew it meant, if successful, that women would die for the sin of becoming pregnant. We know this because of the series of votes for abortion rights in states that then voted for Trump. The Trump voters know abortion rights save women's lives. They knowingly voted to kill women. I find that hard to forgive.
Don't forget their racism and hatred of Democrats.
You are correct...their behavior and actions are unforgettable, unforgivable, and representative of the majority today's society in the US to comprehend the long lasting and wide spread consequences of their actions and inaction. They purposely didn't vote, they purposely voted against Democracy, some voted purposely to disrupt and destroy the government. Some refused to review all the data before deciding. Some or I would say most didn't care about the consequences only about the money they were promised and their selfish needs.
America has had 3 somewhat great periods in our history, the revolutionary war, the civil war, and WWII. The gilded age is definitely not one of them...yet that's what our citizens voted for despite the negative history associated with that time.
I don't know of any time in our country's short history wherein we re-lected a twice impeached, felon of 43+ felony counts, under-educated, incompetent rapist, financial fraudster, liar, philanderer, racist, Hitler admiring, Putin loving, bully, still under indictment in differing states...who has openly accepted bribes of 100's of millions of dollars and in some cases billions of dollars by proxy from other criminals and non criminals both foreign and domestic.
We the public majority have decided this is the country we want to be by our actions and in-actions...This is the reality....this is who the majority of adults have chosen to be.
In your parallel universe, Rump deserves to be back in the White House because you paid less for Eggs when he was president. Also he hates everyone who you hate. He is also a convicted sexual predator who sat on his butt for over three hours as our nation’s Capitol was attacked. In your universe, he is so deserving! This is the last time that I will respond to your nonsense Robert P.
Thanks, Carol. I am glad I finally revisited this "thread" under my comment. "Henry" sure did push "Robert's" buttons, which is sort of flattering (?) to me! I do think Henry underestimates the tuned-out/ignorant and overestimates that "majority of adults" characterization. I think there was a complacency factor, but when the majority comes back they are going to have to beware do they still count.....
Me thinks your age and ability to structure prose in a most entertaining light perhaps colors your actual underlying concern for the future of our country and the Earth. I appreciate your input and suggestions and see myself possibly becoming you and becoming more accepting of sizing up others somewhat differently in the future. I have many older friends who are of the same mind as yourself and I respect their opinions as I respect their life long behaviors and experiences. They had the options to go up or down and chose paths that we quite diverse but fit there personal needs at that time. Wisdom of the ages. I am where I am and perhaps, one day, will find myself where you are now. I lament wasted opportunities to do the right thing when the option exists. Perhaps I can make a difference by offering up some suggestion and insights, most likely not. And such is life. Some move forward, some back and others acknowledge realities that fit their needs at certain times in the life. I appreciate yours.
We survive Wilson Hoover Nixon Reagan Bush 2nd, trumpet 🎺 1 , and trumpet 🎺 2 is coming .
We will survive that also the gnashing of Teeth, the beating of our chests is wasted energy.
The Democrats need to reform or go out of business…
A party to effectively represent the non Republican interests and represent the non owners of banks and businesses…
If the D lose their perch perhaps it’s time for the better version of the party of FDR Harry Truman Jimmy Carter .
We are just going to have to see what arises from the ashes of the California debacle of the moronic highjacking the Democratic Party structure ( Funding Mechanism) allowed.
Truly amateur operation.
Securing the votes of trans gender prisoners was the crowning achievement of the last election.
Rewriting the constitution through a ranked, mandatory , and the elimination of the slavery provision ( Electorial College ) might be a first step in the needed procession to reality based politics . Of course there might be a backlash from the Harry Potter holdouts praying for a champion to take on the evil 😈 one…
I read that there were 30 million evangelicals voted, and 80% of them voted for Trump. Do the math:
The final tally was about 76 million for Trump, and 75 million for Harris. 151 million total.
80% of 30 is 24 million for Trump, and 6 million for Harris.
First assume that it should have been 15 million each for the Evangelicals. That means Trump would get 9 million less, and Harris 9 million more, bringing this assumption to 84 million for Harris, and 67 million for Trump.
But that indicates that the general population was not split 50-50, but more in favor of Harris at about 55% Harris and 45% Trump. So if the evangelicals voted with the same ratio as everybody else, the 30 million evangelicals would have been more like 16 million Harris vs 14 million Trump. So with this more refined calculation, the result would be 91 millioh for Harris vs. 62 million for Trump.
We could continue to refine the math, but this gives the idea: The 30 million Evangelical vote was no where near how the rest of the nation voted, and pushed the result in Trump's favor enough to barely capture the swing states.
Faith based voting may destroy our democracy and nation.
I suppose though that Trump supporters could argue that there is some minority bleeding liberal coalition that voted heavily in favor of Harris, and the Evangelicals barely saved the day for Trump. But for that to be true, they would have to be located in the swing states. Arn't the woke supposed to be located in the big cities along the coasts? Only the swing states matter when it comes to minority voting. It is easy to believe that many evangelicals are located in the swing states, not the other way around.
Ted, this is one of the many reasons I would love to see the electoral college abolished. All of us should have a say in who the leader of our country will be not just a few states. Hopefully, in the near future, we will have our president elected by popular vote!
That racist institution has to go!
"How did we get the Electoral College?
The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."
" However, the term “electoral college” does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to “electors,” but not to the “electoral college.”
Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system."
My understanding that non voting slavery was already extablished, but a two class society was also the norm. I assume that those who wrote the constitution were of the 'upper' class, and they did not have confidence in the judgement of the lower class. But electors were something else. They are chosen by the political parties. And, their only function is to pass on the 'winner take all' vote of the citizens of the state.
The 'winner take all' part is really the screwy part causing so much inequity. It seems that we could still have electors, by making them proportionate oto the popular vote, not winner gets all.
" Voters in each state choose electors by casting a vote for the presidential candidate of their choice. The slate winning the most popular votes is the winner. Only two states, Nebraska and Maine, do not follow this winner-take-all method. In those states, electoral votes are proportionally allocated."
Since eliminating electors is difficult, maybe the proportionate allocation could be adopted. Why would it be opposed? ... Well, if your side is always winning, you would not want to give votes to the losing side. If your side was always loosing, you would want it. Since the winners are usually in power, they will not vote to make it proportionate. This means the inequity is locked in place by people in power who value power over justice. Who are these people? Party leaders, or members of congress, or someone else?
Don't forget that the Amish (most of Lancaster, Pa.) went for Trump! I was really astonished when I read that...
The teachings of Christianity which they and all the Evangelicals profess so loudly to follow…is so antithetical to MAGAtism that I cannot get my head round how they can support it. Hypocrisy rules. It is male power, not Love that is their guiding principle.
Bingo! Just yesterday I heard an interview with a Hispanic guy who was relating what he was hearing a lot, that America was weak, and needed a strong leader, and women are weaker than men......
Trump portrayed himself as the defender of religion aginst atheism.
I thought they didn’t vote.
Well the Amish don’t watch tv or listen to the radio so how much could they know about him?
So assuming they do not watch TV or take information from the radio, why did they pick Trump? Male/female?
Possibly because he’s male. They are very conservative and modern things like televisions, radios and cars, maybe even electricity are not allowed. I’m actually surprised they vote. They work hard and have a simple life.
And they know how to keep their women in their place. No wonder why DT appeals to them. Just saying.... GH
Trump promised to save them from atheists.
They voted for Trump because they love money. They’re all rich as Rockefeller, don’t let the horses and buggies fool you.
It seems it might have been a bit more complicated than that this time.
I wouldn’t quote The Post 100%. Just saying.
I guess the same way voters learned about George Washington (or Julius Caesar for that matter). There's actually a very modern market owned and run by the Amish from Lancaster where I live. Perhaps things aren't the way they used to be for them...
The flaws in this model is tge electoral college. How are tge Christian Right votes aopirtionwd by state? Does ab wvangical in hopelessly red Missouri country as much as one in biddable Arizona or Nevada?
If you want to look at this strictly statistically: around 90% of Americans believe in God. That's about 300 million people. So, the Evangelicals who voted for Trump would account for 10% them. And, it would be my bet that a lot of the others voted for Harris (including Joe Biden & Jimmy Carter).
You mean like Trump in 2020?
We survive Wilson Hoover Nixon Reagan Bush 2nd, trumpet 🎺 1 , and trumpet 🎺 2 is coming .
We will survive that also the gnashing of Teeth, the beating of our chests is wasted energy.
The Democrats need to reform or go out of business…
A party to effectively represent the non Republican interests and represent the non owners of banks and businesses…
If the D lose their perch perhaps it’s time for the better version of the party of FDR Harry Truman Jimmy Carter .
We are just going to have to see what arises from the ashes of the California debacle of the moronic highjacking the Democratic Party structure ( Funding Mechanism) allowed.
Truly amateur operation.
Securing the votes of trans gender prisoners was the crowning achievement of the last election.
Rewriting the constitution through a ranked, mandatory , and the elimination of the slavery provision ( Electorial College ) might be a first step in the needed procession to reality based politics . Of course there might be a backlash from the Harry Potter holdouts praying for a champion to take on the evil 😈 one…
Over the last 20 years, Americans have had easy access to information, due to the ever-evolving and expanding age of technology…so MAGATS chose to ignore the truth about tRump being published and broadcast throughout mainstream and independent media platforms, and I won’t forgive them for that.
No, they didn't ignore the Truth about tRump…..they LOVE it! If they tell you who they are, believe them.
This is true for some of them but not all...some just see an opportunity to profit from the situation and move to do that. Some profit from the chaos and destruction by praying on the weaker of the species. Others profit from the continued support of overall corruption and unethical behavior that secures their daily lives.
Many just looking for change and hoped for improvement to their economic situation. But despite the misinformation people were given, I have a hard time forgiving/overlooking, however you want to put it, that so many voted for a person who was so obviously dishonest and cruel. Trump is clearly scum. Part of me looks at this with a scientific eye only interested in explanations. But part of me, the judgemental value laden part, which I have decided a society can not function without because it modifies behavior, says that people must be held "responsible" for their actions. Despite, or in many cases because, Trump is a scumbag, people voted for him.
However you look at it, the electorate has screwed the pooch.
I have often espoused the theory that there is a dopamine/addictive vicarious response to Trump's nastiness. In the case of Trump himself, I think he is a violence voyeur. So, yeah....
He is so choked on hatred and the desire for revenge l wonder he doesn't suffocate. His mummy and daddy didn't love him and now we all suffer. Malignant Narcissists should be in medical secure accommodation, not the White House.
That same technology has brought lies and disinformation. Now people get to choose the truth that best suits them. And it’s only going to get worse.
Unfortunately true!🤬
Neither will I.
Mmerose, They listened to felon trump literally threaten individuals, spew hatred for an entire political party. They saw the same thing on tv we did! On J6 we had a violent seditionist act that went unpunished. There is ZERO forgiveness from me, never will forgive or forget.
You can't legislate against Stupidity. Ignorance CAN BE dealt with if the motivation is there, but I see Stupidity as endemic based on what is happening. Sorry.
I think you can legislate against just requires the will that is now wholly lacking within our business and government institutions...which is why we are where we are today.
Requirements and permission to gain access to positions of power and influence is a real thing. Giving permission to a 6 year old child to have access to the keys of a 5,000lb vehicle and telling them to drive to a store to pick up a pack of smokes... is against, not only common sense but the law in most states. Our leaders often just choose not to enforce it.
I also find it hard to forgive gutting things like free school lunches, Social Security, Education and what little is left of the safety net
100%. The voted for perpetuation of their hate and fear of the other, and against giving POC access to health care, rights, and. Voice. They voted for the fear. The fact that some of them who voted this way are POC themselves actually shows how they bought into the “Them vs us” divisive thought that was used to great effect by the MAGATS and the demagogue made for this moment. It’s disgusting.
Americans voted to save the lives of the babies.
As a man you have NO right to dictate what women should do with their bodies. Neither does your kooky corrupt MAGAt Party. Beyond that you have no right to make women carry a seriously deformed fetus full term that threatens the life of the mother.
Unless MAGA decides to support these babies from birth through high school then shut the hell up. Put your wallet where your mouth is, Dude. That support includes parent and child welfare, and basic health insurance.You will be responsible for making sure these babies aren't abused or later on become a burden to our already over-populated penal system. Yes, while you're delivering ultimatums to women get out your credit cards and pay for these babies. I dare you.
Robert, you are a shit stirrer. Perhaps you should stick with Twitter/X and get off Substack. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Is backwash like throwing up in your mouth when you realize the felonious fraud got voted back into office?
Most people are in the US to flee from third world conflicts. They also want to WORK. They work in jobs that guys like you would never consider doing. How often do you benefit from goods/services provided by cheap labor? They pay taxes like everyone else.
And YES, I would take undocumented people over you/MAGA any day. You say "illegal" but I say they are victims from shitty third world countries just doin' the best they can.
Trite nonsense you troll.
One issue voting is always deadly. These are not critical thinkers. @duncan
The increasingly obvious solution is for women to decide to not ever have a baby and have their tubes tied permanently.
It’s really very simple. If you are against abortion don’t get one. If you are a man and against abortion don’t have sex.
Make the men do it.
Really? Some women are already doing this because they fear living in an increasingly dystopian society. Will MAGA send out their squads to find and sterilize women? Troll.
The foetuses, not the babies…..once they are born they can starve. These people are not interested in improving the lives of the poor, the sick, the inadequate. That, sir, is SOCIALISM. God forbid!
thanks. Get tired of foetuses being called babies without correction.
Kill a pregnant woman and you get charged with double murder
In most miscarriages, the baby is dying, or dead.
No, they didn't, the ignorant voted to kill women, with deadly pregnancies, which can be any of them, as medical issues can arise at any point.
But not the mothers.
Robert P. May YOU "GET IT" : by being re-incarnated as a woman. In the meantime, I delete your messages, troll.
Thanks, Laurie. I try to ignore Robert. The thing is, I think it is way underestimated that his "discretionary reasons" are founded on fear and loathing of "sluts." The "concern" that women are using abortion as birth control is still very much among us. Furthermore, goes back to when the only option was D&E. So you had to assume that women were literally getting themselves scraped out regularly so they could have their slutty jollies. The background of Henry Comstock and the Comstock Act is important. book: "Other Powers" Goldsmith. (Don't be fooled by the "table-tilting" hook: it's an amazing social and political account of an era NOT so long ago!)
Mmerose ; Having been a resident of Massachusetts, It was not so long ago that everything was "banned in Boston": A heavily Catholic state at the time. The new rules are worse, they kill women if they miscarry, even if the woman wanted the pregnancy to come to term. The "life of the mother" is a joke. This is misogyny, and unconstitutional. It is stone cold murder.
Considering your posts, I guess that you also believe women who have abortions should be punished is some fashion? DT does. These are the laws in almost half of our states now. It is interesting though, they haven't passed any laws punishing the MEN who got them pregnant!
What for them? Prison, fines, castration, shaming? Men are half the problem it seems to me. There is total silence from the state houses in place like Texas, Idaho and the rest on this subject.
How about the men who lead the so-called "Christian" churches. Are they in favor of punishing "the man-half" of an unwanted or dying pregnancy?
What about the Catholic Church? It has been run for 2000 years by a bunch of MEN who chose not to be married or have children or have to deal day to day with family life or problems. But, for sure they have their opinions about those subjects and try to push them on the rest of us..
What about it Pope Francis? Punishment for men? Your church has certainly burned thousand of women at the stake for perceived wrongs over the centuries. Maybe it's time to light up a few men!
By the way Robert, how many unwanted children have you adopted?
On any given day in the St. Louis area there are about 4,200 children available for adoption. Why is that? If you self-righteous folks are as pro-children as you claim there shouldn't be one child in this country looking for a family and home.
Hypocrisy is the guiding light for folks like you. Mind your own business.
Totally in favor of free speech. You seem to have plenty of it... GH
Being anti-abortion is not the same thing as being pro-life. Sacrificing a woman's right to life, liberty, and happiness for the sake of a fertilized egg is beyond stupid and cruel.
Actually DT is on record and the video has been played a number of times saying he thinks women should be punished. Get your facts together. I have never said you should be silenced. You keep bringing it up. Your anti-woman rant started this conversation.
If one is an American citizen then one should have the same rights no matter the state you live in. That's what Roe v. Wade did. If you don't want an abortion, don't get one! It's that simple. You nor anyone else has the right to stick your nose in my family business.
If you and the other anti-abortion folks approve of passing laws to force women to give birth when they don't want to, then you should be responsible for the unwanted children your laws cause. You are typical of the Right who thinks you have all the answers for everyone and have the right to shove your ideas down our throats.
So, at this point you are absolving men of any responsibility because they are "pigs." Great idea. In the mean time you lay all of the responsibility on women because they don't say no, according to you.
Your argument is pro-men and anti-women whether you care to admit it or not. Birth control often fails. Whose fault is that. To many things to pick apart in your quest to keep women in their place... We will never agree. No more from me on this subject. Have a nice holiday. Remember to send a few toys to your local orphanage this Christmas. Cheers... GH
You support the killing of women needing emergency care, the care under existing rules, is denied, and they die, being murdered by the "pro life " actors.
And they want to stop Birth Control too!? If what you say is true and people are that careless it should be vastly encouraged. Every child a wanted one.
Interesting. And you got these numbers from? Because abortions fall under HIPA rules so you just made that up!
Interesting how when caught in a lie you attack.
Your suppositions are just that. Do the world a favor and get a vasectomy.
Yup. We can dream, can't we?!!! It's probably AI from Moscow anyhow.
But I keep wondering about the male side of developments. I mean, a guy could give her a ride and a few bucks to "take care of it," and that meant a load off his shoulders, too. How long is it going to be before Republican States pass laws to end child support obligations on the part of the father? I mean, all she had to do was keep her knees together, right?
Thank you for this. Seeing how people are already getting prepared to fight back and prove that Trump and his ghouls are not invincible gives me more hope than anything I had in November.
THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE. Biden needs to step up.
The senate, still Dem, can act. Pass the amnesty bill.
what would that do? How can it pass both houses?
14th Amendment, Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
that seems applicable to half or more of the Repubicans in Congress.
Biden will not do anything like this. He just won't.
Takes the senate -- not Biden.
Biden can put everything on hold on the bais of nationaal security.
“The only thing to fear is fear itself”, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all Americans.
The only thing to fear is becoming pregnant in Idaho or Texas.
Bob, if I’d been in today’s Texas when I needed my abortion, I’d probably have died. Fourth and very wanted pregnancy complicated, and disastrously so. We were devastated. But I did not have to leave my husband and children. I did not have to nearly die, or actually die. (I’m 76 now but I worry about the women who are harmed by the Texas law)
Rivka, thank you for trying, but there's really no point. People like Robert P. have their minds shut tightly against information that doesn't fit their world view. I have learned the hard way: Don't Feed the Trolls!
Terminating a pregnancy at one month is not the same as terminating it at five months. Don't you agree, RP?
Robert P, how kind of you to tell a woman what she should do with her legs. Would you be kind enough also to tell your fellow believers that they should pay more in taxes to protect the health of mothers and new-born children?
RP - What a truly sickening sexist view. Hormones intensely affect young people. Birth control, free and widely promoted and distributed to both sexes is the only good solution to preventing more unwanted pregnancies, wouldn't you agree?
What saddens me, living in the UK, is the readiness of our PM to appease and suck up to a criminal like Trump. I hear today that there are already comments from MPs about Starmer not being being our next PM. At least that is a good indication. But how much damage will be done by his indifference to the issues e.g. global warming that are in desperate need to be tackled?
You are still living in a world that began to cease to exist c.1963. Starmer, like many recent political placements in the US and the UK, is a mere corporate shill. He will do whatever his transnational oligarch owners via friend of ‘Epstein’, political and financial fixer, Lord Mandelson, tells him to.
Denis, it seems that a lot of countries are battling problems with their leaders. Here's to hoping the future will become brighter and better for all of us!
Denis, has Elon Musk weighed in yet? We hear Elon is financially supporting Farage.
Right back at you, Keith! May your Christmas be filled with joy and happiness!
Not to an interesting Dutchie?
this is a great one and I love this woman.,..the boil on the collective ass...that may be the first thing to compare these horrible creatures to that isn't insulting to what's being compared
Imposing religious views on others is the hallmark of evangelical voting. Using money to effectuate their policies has given us the 3 Trump appointees to the Supreme Court. The last Presidential election saw 1/4 of a billion dollars spent by one man, Elon Musk, to elect Trump. Blame the SCOTUS decision in the Citizens United case that allows unregulated corporate and generational wealth to elect a candidate. The Court needs to be reformed and Citizens United reversed. Short of that gets us ruled by oligarchs.
Thanks George. Imposing ones religious beliefs on others is one of the basic tenants of fascism. By forming a "national" religion the fascist state can then begin to pick off the non-conforming folks or force them to convert.
Conversion is a slippery slope though. Ask the Muslims and Jews who converted to Catholicism just before the Spanish Inquisition started about 1400 AD. The "Church" rolled back the clock and came after them in the end anyway.
The current GOP has sewed themselves to the Fascist Right Wing Christian Nationalist and this could well be part of the downfall of our country if it continues. Cheers... GH
The court decision also came from somewhere (how did its passage prove possible?)...
I love this. Merry Christmas everyone. God Bless our families and God Bless our Country 🎄A pause is exactly what we need right now. Peace&Love
And to you, Jennifer! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays
Mr Reich, I hope your friend is right, and we will ultimately prevail, but in the meantime..........I still can't accept the fact that Americans who have ancestors and family members who lost their lives fighting against fascism and tyranny actually voted to put a wannabe strongman dictator(and his monstrous favorite billionaire) in power in the United States of America .
We need a recount and investigation! Smart elections.US.
I move that history no longer be taught in schools. It obviously has no impact.
I love Pres. Biden and his family. I despise Trump, Musk, their families. No kind words will change how I feel. I love the Kennedy Center Honors. No religion. So much creativity.
The election was obviously hacked! President Biden CAN do something about it. Romania’s election was annulled due to Russian interference. We just need to have a hand recount in the swing states where there appears to be an algorithmic hack.
This is an excellent video summary of the Smart Elections data findings, ( for those that may be having difficulty wrapping their head around it:
Watch on your computer with the volume on.
Robert P. It is obvious who you are working for. troll.
Laurie, I blocked him. You should too. Fondly, Paula
I just did, too. Thanks for the suggestion
I block them , after an honest reply. Every single one.
Dumped for “another bimbo?” Nice. The mark of a misogynistic jerk. Probably you pride yourself as a good Christian. Hypocrite.
Or, as somebody pointed out, a troll. As my kids say, “sucks to be you!”
Robert P, please explain what you mean by "The Woke Mind Virus." Sounds ominous. Is it worse than Covid?
Wise woman. It is time to move hard to a true "for the people" government. This means eliminating a lot of things that bad centralized governments do, like executing people (Biden just did the right thing here), criminalizing people for non-violent offenses, deporting innocent people for just wanting a better life, free from gangs and guns (most of which are supplied by us), and denying people health care. Then we must support things that some make sound bad; redistributing wealth through a fair, graduated income and wealth tax (something communists, Marxists and fascists never do), protecting people and the environment, and so much more. It may be that the only way to move people this way is to have a government, for a short while, that does the opposite and lies about it. Unfortunately the same people who want bad government also own the media (think Washington Post and LA Times as good papers owned bad, or Fox Media, just plain bad), and there is a lot of pus to drain before moving the other way.
Well said, Wayne! 100% agree!
I appreciate the effort and the story but the truth is I am unmoved.
I am, in part, held up by the unsolved mystery of the election result -- in particular, given what just about everyone now gets (if they somehow didn't before) was riding on it, why so very little effort has been devoted to the factual verification of the vote, especially with an assortment of red flags flying. Clearly, if it means so much to *us* -- this stake in the heart of liberal democracy -- it concomitantly means just as much to *them*, the oligarchs and authoritarians it put in control, whose ethics fall somewhere between Iago's and Macbeth's.
I mean, just looking at Trump and Musk (leaving aside Rove, Manafort, Stone, Putin & Co., and the whole dubious history of elections in the computerized voting era), you've got one guy who *compulsively cheats at everything*, from business to finance to marriage and golf (covering his tracks with lies and projection -- e.g., "They're stealing Pennsylvania!" and Stop the Steal more generally), and another guy who knows how to make even hardened computers sing and dance for him. And an election system Def Con demonstrated that middle-schoolers can penetrate. And *everything* at stake. So what could possibly go wrong??
And yet there were zero calls from the adult table for even the most basic systematic verifications. Just an acceptance that the whole world could fall off the cliff because of a couple of percent margin and what might well be a magician's trick, a mirage. It's devilishly difficult to prove, and the burden of proof is -- rationally or not -- squarely on those questioning legitimacy, but I have some pretty troubling forensic receipts.
So you can see how I might be stuck -- because I've analyzed enough dodgy elections to know just how futile that work is (and now probably dangerous to boot). But without that, I can't think or write about this brave new world of ours as *real*. It is *fact*. But so is an AI photo of, say, a bound and gagged Joe Biden. We can work all we want - a pendulum in the grip of a rigger's fist won't swing. Our blind faith and refusal to *go there* is exactly what such a bad actor counts on.
Due to the uproar by trump and company in 2020 the Democrats were hardly in a position to do the same. And then every election would become suspect. I don’t know if Trump planned it or not but that’s where we are. Personally I’m sick about it and I have to limit what I read now or I get a panic attacks. My daughter and I are financially vulnerable and it’s not hard to fear the worst.
Exactly. If Trump didn't plan it, it's history's greatest lucky break. Look, I'm Trump in Nov. 2020 and I know I just lost and, that being intolerable, already have my eyes on 2024. I know Stop the Steal isn't going to reverse 2020 but what it will do is keep me in the game, rally the MAGAs to my banner, and clear the way for me to steal 2024 with not a peep from the Dems or media. What's not to like in that?
Fwiw, there seemed to be a heavy thumb on the scale for Republicans in 2020 (see: but whoever might have put it there evidently was interested in the survival of the GOP, not a second Trump term). By 2024, however, Trump's capture of the GOP was complete and ratified and their interests fully aligned. So now the thumb was FBO Trump and, of course, Stop the Steal would preclude all challenge. We reached a place where our elections could be challenged without being rigged and rigged without being challenged -- and, of course, the warfare is spectacularly asymmetrical.
Jonathan, I agree with you about the election being "rigged". However, the boil analogy is still what works for me. This effort on the part of the oligarchs will never cease until they achieve the results they think they want. They won't be happy with the win for long, how could they be? They are about to experience the King Midas tragedy first hand, and despite their plan B of having a fallback underground bunker or planet Mars, I don't think they really want to take it that far. Their greed will be their undoing. I hope we can survive it and rebuild on the ashes, and that what we build will be based upon the hard lessons we learn. History has cycles of civilizations rising and falling. Guess where we are now...
I was once more wishing that the oldest man elected to the office of president would disappear know...get sick and die a horrid death. I wasn't feeling too good about those thoughts actually. Thoughts of 'schadenfreude'. SO, I've redirected my thinking. Now I continually wish that the old man will wake up, develop a conscious, feel empathy. The story of the Christmas Carol and Scrooge is a meaningful tale of transformation. I have no expectations.
I had none when I was wishing him harm. Wishing someone else harm is like raising baby vipers in your pocket. It will do you harm too. So I have lifted those dark thoughts of harm off of me and it feels lighter in more ways than one. May this story be helpful to people out there like me.
Dee, I know what you mean. Every time in my life when things were happening that upset and angered me, my mom would say "This is just a glitch, it's not a catastrophe!" She was right because usually everything worked out for the best. The orange man's time will not last forever. Until he is gone, we must hang together, work hard together and fight for our country! May you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You could wish he just doesn't wake up one day very soon. It would be a boon to the country and to him. He must be really miserable every day of his so called life.
Trump is just a con man who's found the perfect mark. When that aged, obese bully's reign is done, there will be someone else ready to take his place. It's the people who support him that are the real problem.
It would seem that Hogwarts has taken over the Republicans home base while Trump and Gaetz have opened up shops in Diagon alley. These two bad boys continue to claim a witch hunt is currently underway and they are the targets of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Their assertion that there is a secret agenda underway to punish them, is about as far-fetched as the beloved movie series itself. Perhaps the nefarious worlds these men live in is largely to blame for their current woes.
The house of Gryffindor, representing "We the People" will prevail.
I am feeling the same way she is, but with far less optimism. So thanks for this.