I wrongly predicted that he would dump Pence for Stefanik in 2020. I wrongly predicted that she'd end up with the Speakership. Yours is the correct prediction. Stefanik is the sneaky, nasty, cynical insider that knows how to get ahead. She stuck the knife deep into Lynn Cheney when she saw her chance to move up in the House hierarchy. She'd sell her own mother into slavery if she could get an edge. This is the Ivy League ex-"moderate" who woke up one day and figured out which way the wind was blowing - it was blowing from Mar-a-Lago, and it was hot and stinky. I can only hope that her hubris and phoniness will give her a Shakespearean denouement, a colossal fall.
This is why that I believe the eventual solution is a government of, by and for the people, and not for the capitalists. This will require a new system, where the economics are primarily held locally in the hands of the people, and that corporations are eliminated from our economic system. I know that this is a radical solution, but virtually every day’s bad news is furthering my conviction that it will take a profound change in government and economics to give our children,grandchildren and great grandchildren a brighter future.
What needs to be remembered is Trump is no spring chicken, in fact the man is a walking future stroke. With this in mind can you imagine the catastrophe of having Robert's pick as our acting President. That is one nightmare worth waking up for.
Kerry, not Linda Blair, but the character she played in "The Exorcist." Who knows, she could be possessed. There have been a whole lot of people in the past decade who seem to have lost their minds in addition to their morals if they had any to support a hateful, ignorant toddler-man who cares for no one but himself and the money and power he can accumulate. That is a kind of possession but I don't think an exorcist can fix it.
Donald, Evil rarely leaves its current mortal coils until it has wreaked the damage on its agenda. Then it just waits until the next weak soul lets it in.
Despite her expensive education, Elise Stefanik is so badly infected with the evil inclination that she is unable to see how Trump is using her for his own agenda and will toss her like toilet paper when she gets dirty enough. Whatever happened to Trump's 'beloved' Stephen Miller?
I'd settle for reversing the SCOTUS ruling that corporations are people and establish that >anything< you must otherwise refer to as an "entity" or an organization is >not< a person - including the goddam churches and other religious organizations.
The New Deal was a profound change to our political economy that gave a brighter future. I'm more of an incrementalist New Deal believer than one who wants to upset the apple cart completely. But who knows you could be right. For me the decisive question is what will get us to a softer climate crisis landing. Radical solutions have uncertain outcomes and we are out of time. OTOH our current trajectory has to be changed. Our 1.9% reduction in emissions in 2023 is not the 6% required for a soft landing.
A new system will need to be inflation resistant because if a Newer Deal threatens the oligarchs, they might want to tank the system to make it look bad.
A Newer Deal is what the GOP would call their plan to shakedown the middle classes if it did not harbor back to the New Deal they despise. In Missouri we passed Clean Mo to stop gerrymandering and tighten up gifts and the next election the GOP came up with Cleaner Mo that re-introduced gerrymandering.
Of for and by the people is a vision and the radical solution is no solution at all either. Nor is "radical change" more than a call for violence. Are we going to quietly talk about radical change. "The people" are vulnerable to Trump, to Trumpism, to Stefaniks. We are always looking for "the Answer" or the next savior. Throwing over the table because we don't like what is served in not the answer. Maybe more people caring about what we allowed to grow here can help. We seem to be hanging by a thread if you believe the polls. You cannot eliminate bad actors, fraudsters, con artists, self promoting crooks from humanity.
Daniel, and if the ridicule is subtle but pointed and frequent, people may start to see what the guys they profess to love actually stand for and it is not for them. Trump says something about loving his supporters, but he has no clue what that would even look like. This is not a loving person. He cares for none of his supporters except for their vote and the cheers. He wouldn't notice if the cheers were paid loud mouths, just like when he was on the golden escalator. People outside the bubble believed the cheering hired crowd and the rest is history. So, back to the ridicule, let's try it. How do we get our media to start treating Republican ignorance, hatred, anger and the rest as just how those people feel and let the supporters know how much the "players" resent them and having to bow and scrape to them. I think most people don't like to be used. And, if there were some way to let them know that many of their current woes have been Republican generated, a few might wake up and understand just how they are being used and for what purpose, to give everything to the rich and leave everyone else to flounder in whatever way they/we can.
The big corporations are blessed with lots of economy of scale, and lots of laws that benefit size, and of course lots of money to spend on changing the laws to be in their favor.
The big money goes to a few at the top and the owners, some of whom have lots of stock. The problem is that the employees are being robbed of the benefit they contribute to the corporation. I would venture to guess that a re-doing of the stock ownership laws to give some to every employee while taking some from those who have more than their fair share, would make beneficial changes in our rich owner vs. poor labor society.
yes, Peggy Freeman ; Dark money likes Stefanik, too. she is good at attracting it, while she helps remove a Black woman from the Presidency of a prestigious college. The very school that she attended, which, at one time, did not allow women to attend to anything but housekeeping. Now she serves her racist, sexist masters, like Donald Trump. She will champion removing medical care for all women of childbearing age now, and in the future. Even if it causes them to die.
Laurie, yes, Stefanik is just so charming. That's not the word we would have used for her back in college days, but . . . . What is wrong with her district that they have voted her in over and over? Are they all white men with their tongues hanging out? Is she that attractive? Or, is she just that insulting and hateful that her Trumpers and Trumpettes love her words and her lack of doing anything lately to help them or anyone else? Hard to know!
Paula B., it is easy to say one doesn't like having done something but it is really hard to prove it, especially when you don't really believe what you are saying.
Daniel, when the economy " crashes", don't rich people typically come out on top, even do better? I seem to remember a record number of millionaires created during the depression? (the pieces of other peoples' lives can be picked up for a song)
If speculators short the market. But CEOS and directors are extremely vulnerable to shareholder suits. Not too many oligarchs were made in the Bush/2009 crash....major players like Lehman Bros, car companies, etc went belly up.
I'm too lazy to take advantage of it, but some people can make plays to immunize themselves. E.G. hold assets, play butterfly straddles, etc.
Trump had to go bankrupt 7 times. He has potential losses in the neighborhood of $500 MM. He's the last guy to give anyone financial advice.
Daniel, Trump has been "calling" for a recession for quite some time. His henchman Powell at the Fed. has been hoping for it for a couple of years now. I don't see any fewer supporters for either of them among the Wall Street crowd.
Daniel, as usual this is one of his outrageous statements to attract attention. His supporters know he does not meant it. Isn't he supported by the Heritage Foundation? By the way, does Rebekka Mercer have a large following?
I'd like to see a Constitutional Amendment [which I know is impossible currently] that said only Individual US citizens over 16 can donate money to candidates & political parties with a limit of $10,000 a year & no independent PACs.
I have addressed this question several times in recent weeks because Trump is only half of his future ticket. I thought his choice would be a woman, but all those vying for the position are so politically messed up a choice including any of them would hinder Trump aspirations. Then DeSantis dropped out of the race and like a lost puppy he gave his support to the orange guy. Desantis is a Trump clone he just hasn't matured as of yet. DeSantis sees Trump as a questionable finisher. Meaning, being Trump's VP would avail him the Presidency if anything should happen to Trump. They are really perfect for each other. I'm not all that familiar with Robert's choice but because of his expertise I'll have given due consideration to his pick. After all Robert sees deeper into the issue than I ever could. We shall see what the future holds.
My guess is that Trump doesn't trust DeSantis, and along comes Elise, fresh as a daisy and toxic as jimson weed. If you didn't see her take down THREE Ivy presidents who came before the House, look it up on You Tube. All were women older than she, and, as we now know too well, one was Black as well and assumed (falsely) to be a lesbian. She was president of Elise's alma mater. I don't think any of them were prepared for Elise.
progwoman--Your choice of a plant to depict this woman's spirit might be also seen in the old reliable Ich weed or more commonly known as a nettle. This plant leaves you inching in places you never knew you had. She does that and I hardly know her.
I completely agree with you - Elise is just as nasty as Trump. DeSantes and Trump would not mix as Trump does not trust him. We all know that Trump Trust Wagon goes one way only. He requires complete loyalty from his crew, but does not give it.
Trump cannot trust Stefanic. She is too ambitious and too much like Trump himself: completely devoid of morals. Trump's reptilian mind can recognize a snake when it sees one. He needs someone as docile and devoted as Pence, but with guts.
But I wouldn't trust her if I were Trump. In her ambition to become President with Trump's death, she might try to hasten his demise any way she can think of.
Well, you've heard Roger Stone saying they had to dispose of either Swalwell or Nadler to set an example that would intimidate Democrats from opposing Trump & Republicans, haven't you?
They also tried to frighten reluctant Republicans into voting for Gym Jordan for Speaker.
We are lucky not to have had hit jobs on any major figure in government. I rightfully feared for Swalwell's life even before I learned of the Stone recordings. I also fear for the lives of others, especially AOC, Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Buttigieg, Obama & of course Biden & Harris.
And she brings a knife to a gunfight. She kicked Liz Cheney out of a Party that was on the way to becoming a frat house riot. If Liz Cheney catches her on the outside, it’s going to be the next release in the TERMINATOR series. Even if Stefanik were not the candidate, she’d better go into Witness Protection for a year. She’s the de facto heir to the Republicans through her dad, and the Rove/Cheney/Bush marauders are itchin’ for some action. They’ll only be limited by the sense of fair play of Papa Dick. And that’s just about Trump. She would gut and filet Stefanik. Biden should pick her only for the first vice-presidential debates, which will be held in a cage, boycotted by MMA for its violence, and may end like the movie Fargo. And that’s just if Cheney keeps it on the high road. Steffie will be pinned to the wall as the Whore of Babylon, not a winner for voters who think the Republicans don’t respect women. For God’s sake stay away from the forest, Steffie! Something’s out there, a yellow-haired devil! Steffie might think twice if she awakens to Mike Lindell’s head in the bed. Every bad nightmare tfg has had looks a lot like this.
My thinking exactly. Indeed, she was his loyal press secretary who has never so much as blinked when uttering his lies to the press daily. She also has a higher name recognition and public image, as well as a gubernatorial track record that is parochially МАГАт Яepuблиkan, as well as the family pedigree of southern-fried right-wingnuts.
Yes, and Sarah was chosen to deliver the Republican reply to Biden's state of the union address. The magas would be delighted, but is she acceptable to the Heritage Foundation?
I could suspect she's related to a founding member! That "heritage" is clearly Confederate, along with all those statues they whinge about being torn down.
Since they were sworn in on January 3, 2021, every single one of the members of Congress who refused to vote to confirm President Biden on January 6, 2021, should be prohibited from elective office in accordance with Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution!
Section 3 of the 14 th A. is not self executing. Robert Reich is a lawyer and should know what that means. The Sct held last year that under Section 3 Congress must a finding of insurrection and Congress has not done so.
It is telling that one of her important qualifications is tht she is a successful fundraiser because she is beloved and supported by the uber-wealthy capitalists. It is yet another important aspect of why capitalism “is so rotten."
The use of money by those that have so much is a primary reason why the carefully crafted system of checks and balances has been so successfully undermined to the point that it is no longer effective. Trump and Stefanik are not the root problem today; they are only the manifestation of unrestrained capitalism. The wealthy capitalists and the corporations are the ones now the ones utilizing the American flag as weapons against democracy. Those that assaulted the White House police with the flag are only their “willing executioners."
I’ve always believed that capitalism is the antithesis of democracy. It is impossible for both to successfully coexist. When the for-profit aims of a privileged few rule a nation, inequality, disenfranchisement and discrimination of the majority are inevitable.
Me too. Indeed, it's exactly the same reasoning I was fed as a kid about what is evil about communism. They never counted on kids having critical thinking skills - although to be fair, I didn't figure that out until I was about 14 and Viet Nam was ramping up.
Indeed! In fact, in today’s rhetoric, the privileged few use “liberals” and “woke” to instill similar fears in those who would most benefit from programs promoted to benefit them. Instead, the fearful side with (and vote for) those whose capitalist interests only care to promote their own, for-profit agendas. So disheartening!
Donald, I agree with you that she will do what is necessary to stay in his good graces, but also, she will understand that her first allegiance is to her wealthy donors if she wants to have a long future in fascist governance.
professor reich: it always astounds me (and makes me incredibly depressed) to see how many truly unprincipled people there are "out there" who will sell their soul to the devil so they might taste the fruits of corruption and exert total control over the lives of millions of people they've never met & don't care about.
If only there was a way to scan people's brains when they walk into Congress, and if they register as 'unprincipled', they are summarily dismissed as unfit for office...
Actually, there may be to some extent. I’ve read that the front part of the brain of sociopaths is smaller than normal. That would be one catagory that could be avoided. (I know your comment wasn’t meant literally)
It kind of was... meant literally. Anyone who wants that job for any reason other than to make their part of the country better, measurably and objectively better in a way that benefits parties that you see NO personal gain from helping, doesn't deserve to be there. So, yeah, I do mean it. It is 'supposed' to be government by and FOR the people... not a vehicle for enrichment, power grabs, and carving out regulatory exceptions for your rich friends.
GrrlScientist, we are all astounded by that fact!! Evil doesn't give the furry crack of a rat's ass about anyone!! As long as it can use its siren song to pull people in, we will always have to fight it!
She has done a nice job of convincing Trump that she would never pull a “Pence”, i.e., elevate the Constitution over the political interests of her master. She’s a credibly amoral creature just like Trump, but if I were him, I wouldn’t eat her cooking.
“Her only downside, from Trump’s standpoint, could be that she was once a Republican moderate. She worked in the George W. Bush administration as a domestic policy aide and later for Rep. Paul Ryan when he was a vice presidential nominee.”
I couldn’t agree more with your assessment on Stefanik. However, Trump being Trump; preferring his cabinet to be straight out of Hollywood casting; Stefanik may have some issues.
Trump always preferred style over substance; hence, he’s all pomp and no circumstance. Remember, when Bob Corker was on the short list for Secretary of State (before the falling out), Trump claimed that Corker was too short, and didn’t exudes a powerful, and tall Secretary of State.
Secondly, Stefanik is not only short and plump, but doesn’t convey the air of attractiveness that he requires for his inner circle; especially since the SOS is a high profile position.
My gut says his misogynistic approach to politics would easily disqualify Stefanik, and all the other potential women, except maybe at Education and transportation. You know the cabinet positions no one really cares about; especially if you’re a republican.
However, there is one woman who fits the bill, and that would be Ivanka. Hey, if she’s pretty enough to date, I’m sure she would fit well into Trump’s twisted mind of “unaccomplished” and “unqualified” people to fill his administration.
Furthermore, since Trump usually likes to experiment at his rallies, expect him to throw out Ivanka’s name to assess whether the mango mafia will accept her in the position. Of course, Trump likes a good spectacle by keeping his adoring cult members guessing, so the process for VP could take months.
It also occurred to me that he would choose someone from his family to be his running mate. It would be a paranoid dictator's move, and the next expected move in a class war.
M--I know that, but he has people near to him that have, and they try their hardest to stop the Orange Guy from making obvious mistakes that would make him look bed.
DZK--The person I was referring to, is a constitutional lawyer. They seem to know their stuff. They stated in no uncertain terms that a President and the VP can't be out of the same state. Now if I'm in error please let me know, I'm not a Republican and I don't like spreading false statements.
M--I would have sited the exact passage, but my eyes are getting so bad I played chess yesterday online and for half the game I mistook the king for the queen, a mistake that really changes the dynamics of the game.
True, except Trump’s official residence is Florida and Stefanik is in NY. Not to mention, we’ve seen people who never lived in congressional districts or states, run for office right before being elected.
I agree, but it doesn’t change the fact that Stefanik is from NY and Trump lives in Fl. If he chooses Ivanka, she still has a home in NY and NJ which she could claim as her primary residence.
This conversation is ridiculous, you know? If some space aliens visited they wouldn’t believe it. Which is not a criticism pof you or anyone else indulging in it. It just shows how crazy this country has become.
Fascist DeSantis and his radical right wing white fake Christian Nationalist Gustapo Florida Legislators will just find a way to change the law as Fascist DeSantis did by signing in a law that permitted him to remain Governor and run for President at the same time! Fascist DeSantis and his super majority GOP Legislators also voted in a law of NO transparency on his campaign spending! This NO transparency goes against the Florida Sunshine law! The prior Florida law did not permit a Governor to run for another office without resigning!
Agreed, she’s definitely MAGA light, and is scared shi*less of the MAGA mob, but she’s family, so in the end, she and Kushner will be part of the administration...:)
though having Ivanka as his VP might be his wet dream, if that was to happen Melania would not move back to DC - should that nightmare scenario ever materialize- so the advisors who are running his show would not have it- and that choice might even repulse some of them
Okay folks let's get one thing straight Trump will never ever be president of the United States ever again. So, please stop talking it's if he's going to be the next president.
In as much as I understand this possibility, hasn't Ivanka tried to distance herself from her father's business and campaign? Would she even consider it and are relatives allowed to run together?
The only requirements are being a natural born citizen and being 35 years of age. They also can’t currently live in the same state. And since Ivanka has multiple homes, as does Trump himself, then the work around is easy.
Trump could even make Melania his VP if she were born in America. Not to mention, norms don’t apply to Trump; if they did, he’d already be in jail, not running for office...:)
Robert, you wrote “However, there is one woman who fits the bill, and that would be Ivanka. Hey, if she’s pretty enough to date, I’m sure she would fit well into Trump’s twisted mind of “unaccomplished” and “unqualified” people to fill his administration.”
I translate “pretty” into “well endowed,” and “date” into … well, you know. But I’m with you on the rest.
But does he care? He’s not exactly a three dimensional chess player. Trump’s the guy who thinks he’s playing chess, when in reality he’s not even playing checkers; more like Chutes and Ladders...:)
There are so many Republicans in positions of power who are completely invested in ensuring there's never any accountability for their efforts to turn the country over to a small faction of fantastically wealthy individuals. They aspire to be goons in this new American order. It's terrifying. In Stefanik we have a model gooness. Her drive is matched by her degradation. Despite it seeming they can't go any lower they do, again and again.
I suspect Stefanik is on the führerbunker list of those who will try to blow everything up on the way out if they realize their regime is going to fail. I try to guess who are the weasels and who are the diehards and it's difficult. Even supreme grand poobah goons like Jordan and Gaetz might head for the lifeboats, thrusting children and anyone weaker aside, if the Trump boat starts sinking. But Stefanik is strange. Sometimes I see a hint of the 'nobody home' look in her eyes that Scott Walker, George Bush and Hannity have.
We admire academic achievement too much. It's easily associated with arrogance and ambition but some forms of intelligence correlate with sociopathy or at least big empathy deficits. And remember when conservatives used to say they were about character? Money as well, it goes without saying, is admired too much, to the point of idolatry, and it's hopelessly enmeshed with our politics. We might have some rough days ahead. We should be prepared to stand on our principles and against violence and thuggery.
Have you ever come across the term "dark empath?" It's apparently a thing, and unlike regular empaths, they're real vampires whose empath nature allow them to latch onto a victim and literally suck the life out of them. "Big empathy deficits" may not be the problem. Indeed, the problem seems to be exactly the opposite.
That's a good article. I particularly like the parenthetical aside:
"(Research suggests that criminal psychopaths are adept at making moral judgments.)" Yeah. Put a pin in that for further reference!
It's a nice treatment of empathy, focusing on how it works, particularly with regard to politics, economics, and disasters. It also discusses some of the rabbit holes that it can draw you into.
Even this side of vampirism I've read there can be problems with empathy, maybe because it can be myopic. I think I remember an article or book review in the New Yorker titled The Baby in the Well ...
This isn't sci-fi. They're apparently personality types. If there are any psychologists out here, I'd be interested in getting some feedback about it. In the meantime, consider:
At the moment, I have no reason to believe this is quackery. I'd be interested in anything the either confirms or debunks it that includes valid references.
It sounds weird but I think the high road at this point runs through ridicule. Ridicule with substance. God knows they have a track record of malfeasance and incompetence, and we should be relentless in our criticism and inventive in our means. But leading always with ridicule, as legitimate as it is deserved.
James, I actually wrote a brief letter to my local paper back in 2016 about the orange man’s ability to limbo and asked How Low Can He Go? Obviously there is no floor.
Agreed, she’s awful. But we’ll be stuck with her as VP unless Biden stops hemorrhaging young voters. He’s got to reign in Israel’s genocidal right- wing regime, and prove to young voters that he actually cares about them and their concerns. He should push hard on the issue of college debt relief, on fighting climate change (and contrasting that to Trump’s environmental suicidal planetary deathwish) and he should HAMMER the Republicans on jobs and the economy. Inflation is down as is unemployment, but Biden, bafflingly, gets NO credit for this.
John, I agree that Democrats right now are very weak on their messaging. I'm not at all sure what President Biden can do with bibi. So far, everything that he has tried is falling on deaf ears. I would hope that someone in his cabinet would come up with ideas to help President Biden navigate the waters with the right-wing regime bibi has in place. I would hope that young voters can see he is trying and I would hope that young voters would realize that trump is right-wing also and would probably make bibi his best friend!
It makes me think that the message needs to be delivered like a sports announcer of a football game. People are nuts over sports - they wouldn't tune you out right away (Trump supporters, that is). Descriptions of the cunning, innuendo, and manipulative lying, and the listeners gobbling it up, might enlighten folks of how they are being conned. Could be entertaining, at least. Also, could examine something like - how quickly will Stefanik wait before stabbing Trump in the back.
Reich gets an A+ for describing Stefanik…and prediction that’s who Trump will choose for his running mate - boy will she do his running! Stefanik was one of my guesses also for the very reason how Reich has her down to the tee. Good Lord can we do a worse. A gangster who should be in jail and a lizard that changes colors to suit her needs. What are we going to do: vote for Biden!
Stefanik is also a long-time supporter of Carl Paladino. For those of you unfamiliar with his political stylings, I suggest a bit of research. It will be eye-opening.
In short, she’s always been a conscienceless drone. This current turn is nothing new. Liz Cheney called her a ‘total crackpot’. She’s not wrong.
Carl Paladino is a businessman from Buffalo who ran for Gov in 2010. During that campaign and in subsequent years he’s displayed some erratic behavior which, in retrospect, reflects DJT’s behavior as well.
I wrongly predicted that he would dump Pence for Stefanik in 2020. I wrongly predicted that she'd end up with the Speakership. Yours is the correct prediction. Stefanik is the sneaky, nasty, cynical insider that knows how to get ahead. She stuck the knife deep into Lynn Cheney when she saw her chance to move up in the House hierarchy. She'd sell her own mother into slavery if she could get an edge. This is the Ivy League ex-"moderate" who woke up one day and figured out which way the wind was blowing - it was blowing from Mar-a-Lago, and it was hot and stinky. I can only hope that her hubris and phoniness will give her a Shakespearean denouement, a colossal fall.
The “hot and stinky wind" is blowing from Wall Street as much as Mar-a Lago. Money talks, everyone else walks, even the Supreme Court justices.
We must rid the government of all of this dark money!! It is giving us people like trump, comer, hawley, and the like!!
This is why that I believe the eventual solution is a government of, by and for the people, and not for the capitalists. This will require a new system, where the economics are primarily held locally in the hands of the people, and that corporations are eliminated from our economic system. I know that this is a radical solution, but virtually every day’s bad news is furthering my conviction that it will take a profound change in government and economics to give our children,grandchildren and great grandchildren a brighter future.
What needs to be remembered is Trump is no spring chicken, in fact the man is a walking future stroke. With this in mind can you imagine the catastrophe of having Robert's pick as our acting President. That is one nightmare worth waking up for.
Lord, take him now.
Dean--I'll put in the word.
I swear, Elise is the modern incarnation of Linda Blair. I'm waiting for her to spin her head around 360º.
Kerry, not Linda Blair, but the character she played in "The Exorcist." Who knows, she could be possessed. There have been a whole lot of people in the past decade who seem to have lost their minds in addition to their morals if they had any to support a hateful, ignorant toddler-man who cares for no one but himself and the money and power he can accumulate. That is a kind of possession but I don't think an exorcist can fix it.
Kerry--That way she could watch her own 6
Too funny!
The thought crossed my mind.
DZK--That thought should ring in everyone's ears.
Donald, Evil rarely leaves its current mortal coils until it has wreaked the damage on its agenda. Then it just waits until the next weak soul lets it in.
Despite her expensive education, Elise Stefanik is so badly infected with the evil inclination that she is unable to see how Trump is using her for his own agenda and will toss her like toilet paper when she gets dirty enough. Whatever happened to Trump's 'beloved' Stephen Miller?
Ilene--Could that weak soul be us?
I think that needs to be remembered. True. But I think this must be at the very top of the list to be understood and remembered:
Pay special attention to ol' Beau's conclusion.
Here's a list that might help with this video: https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html
Remember too, the old '30s saying: "Mussolini made the trains run on time."
I'd settle for reversing the SCOTUS ruling that corporations are people and establish that >anything< you must otherwise refer to as an "entity" or an organization is >not< a person - including the goddam churches and other religious organizations.
The New Deal was a profound change to our political economy that gave a brighter future. I'm more of an incrementalist New Deal believer than one who wants to upset the apple cart completely. But who knows you could be right. For me the decisive question is what will get us to a softer climate crisis landing. Radical solutions have uncertain outcomes and we are out of time. OTOH our current trajectory has to be changed. Our 1.9% reduction in emissions in 2023 is not the 6% required for a soft landing.
steve reed ; I think the voters will make the smart choices. The trajectory can be changed with the leadership we have now. It is starting to happen.
I think so too.
A new system will need to be inflation resistant because if a Newer Deal threatens the oligarchs, they might want to tank the system to make it look bad.
A Newer Deal is what the GOP would call their plan to shakedown the middle classes if it did not harbor back to the New Deal they despise. In Missouri we passed Clean Mo to stop gerrymandering and tighten up gifts and the next election the GOP came up with Cleaner Mo that re-introduced gerrymandering.
Marc Nevas ; Yes ; the Citizen's United 'decision' accelerated our downfall.
Of for and by the people is a vision and the radical solution is no solution at all either. Nor is "radical change" more than a call for violence. Are we going to quietly talk about radical change. "The people" are vulnerable to Trump, to Trumpism, to Stefaniks. We are always looking for "the Answer" or the next savior. Throwing over the table because we don't like what is served in not the answer. Maybe more people caring about what we allowed to grow here can help. We seem to be hanging by a thread if you believe the polls. You cannot eliminate bad actors, fraudsters, con artists, self promoting crooks from humanity.
The answer is ridicule.
When you ask a MAGAT how they can support someone who stole from kids with cancer, they choke on their beer.
Ask Elise the same question.
Daniel Solomon : tfg hates women. He hates her if she stops being his 'mini me'.
Daniel, James Carville is advocating mockery:
They’ll probably say the kids are losers for getting cancer.
Daniel, and if the ridicule is subtle but pointed and frequent, people may start to see what the guys they profess to love actually stand for and it is not for them. Trump says something about loving his supporters, but he has no clue what that would even look like. This is not a loving person. He cares for none of his supporters except for their vote and the cheers. He wouldn't notice if the cheers were paid loud mouths, just like when he was on the golden escalator. People outside the bubble believed the cheering hired crowd and the rest is history. So, back to the ridicule, let's try it. How do we get our media to start treating Republican ignorance, hatred, anger and the rest as just how those people feel and let the supporters know how much the "players" resent them and having to bow and scrape to them. I think most people don't like to be used. And, if there were some way to let them know that many of their current woes have been Republican generated, a few might wake up and understand just how they are being used and for what purpose, to give everything to the rich and leave everyone else to flounder in whatever way they/we can.
Well said, Marc!
The big corporations are blessed with lots of economy of scale, and lots of laws that benefit size, and of course lots of money to spend on changing the laws to be in their favor.
The big money goes to a few at the top and the owners, some of whom have lots of stock. The problem is that the employees are being robbed of the benefit they contribute to the corporation. I would venture to guess that a re-doing of the stock ownership laws to give some to every employee while taking some from those who have more than their fair share, would make beneficial changes in our rich owner vs. poor labor society.
Wow! I agree with you. That's what it will take, but I won't live to see it.
yes, Peggy Freeman ; Dark money likes Stefanik, too. she is good at attracting it, while she helps remove a Black woman from the Presidency of a prestigious college. The very school that she attended, which, at one time, did not allow women to attend to anything but housekeeping. Now she serves her racist, sexist masters, like Donald Trump. She will champion removing medical care for all women of childbearing age now, and in the future. Even if it causes them to die.
Laurie, yes, Stefanik is just so charming. That's not the word we would have used for her back in college days, but . . . . What is wrong with her district that they have voted her in over and over? Are they all white men with their tongues hanging out? Is she that attractive? Or, is she just that insulting and hateful that her Trumpers and Trumpettes love her words and her lack of doing anything lately to help them or anyone else? Hard to know!
Ruth Sheets ; She made it a priority to save her wealthier constituents money. I think that was the attraction.
Hawley was bankrolled by an asphalt "king"to the atty general office in Missouri and from there to the Senate. He now regrets doing that.
My hope is that this asphalt king won't do that again!
So why doesn’t he do something about it?
Paula B., it is easy to say one doesn't like having done something but it is really hard to prove it, especially when you don't really believe what you are saying.
Peggy Freeman ; And, of course, tfg's latest choice. the worst. Whoever it is.
Right on
And people who don't live in Pennsylvania.
Magas think the dark money,etc is from the blue side which is as diverse as the USA! Explain me.
@ Marc Nevas. Trump wants the economy to crash.
Will not go well on Wall Street.
Daniel, when the economy " crashes", don't rich people typically come out on top, even do better? I seem to remember a record number of millionaires created during the depression? (the pieces of other peoples' lives can be picked up for a song)
If speculators short the market. But CEOS and directors are extremely vulnerable to shareholder suits. Not too many oligarchs were made in the Bush/2009 crash....major players like Lehman Bros, car companies, etc went belly up.
I'm too lazy to take advantage of it, but some people can make plays to immunize themselves. E.G. hold assets, play butterfly straddles, etc.
Trump had to go bankrupt 7 times. He has potential losses in the neighborhood of $500 MM. He's the last guy to give anyone financial advice.
Daniel, Trump has been "calling" for a recession for quite some time. His henchman Powell at the Fed. has been hoping for it for a couple of years now. I don't see any fewer supporters for either of them among the Wall Street crowd.
Daniel, as usual this is one of his outrageous statements to attract attention. His supporters know he does not meant it. Isn't he supported by the Heritage Foundation? By the way, does Rebekka Mercer have a large following?
1. He said something similar on or about Jan 21, 2021 and some people sold short. He also opposes an immigration fix. All designed to undermine Biden.
2. Most people don't know who the hell she is. Her family lives in the same place as my late parents. Wayne Huizenga had a place there also.
It's up to us who won't do the walk to erect speed bumps along the route.
I'd like to see a Constitutional Amendment [which I know is impossible currently] that said only Individual US citizens over 16 can donate money to candidates & political parties with a limit of $10,000 a year & no independent PACs.
I have addressed this question several times in recent weeks because Trump is only half of his future ticket. I thought his choice would be a woman, but all those vying for the position are so politically messed up a choice including any of them would hinder Trump aspirations. Then DeSantis dropped out of the race and like a lost puppy he gave his support to the orange guy. Desantis is a Trump clone he just hasn't matured as of yet. DeSantis sees Trump as a questionable finisher. Meaning, being Trump's VP would avail him the Presidency if anything should happen to Trump. They are really perfect for each other. I'm not all that familiar with Robert's choice but because of his expertise I'll have given due consideration to his pick. After all Robert sees deeper into the issue than I ever could. We shall see what the future holds.
With Trump as our President, we all would become hostages.
It feels like we are hostages now the way the media does non-stop coverage of this goon.
steve==I share in that feeling.
looks like many do.
Steve--I only hope it's enough.
My guess is that Trump doesn't trust DeSantis, and along comes Elise, fresh as a daisy and toxic as jimson weed. If you didn't see her take down THREE Ivy presidents who came before the House, look it up on You Tube. All were women older than she, and, as we now know too well, one was Black as well and assumed (falsely) to be a lesbian. She was president of Elise's alma mater. I don't think any of them were prepared for Elise.
progwoman--Your choice of a plant to depict this woman's spirit might be also seen in the old reliable Ich weed or more commonly known as a nettle. This plant leaves you inching in places you never knew you had. She does that and I hardly know her.
I completely agree with you - Elise is just as nasty as Trump. DeSantes and Trump would not mix as Trump does not trust him. We all know that Trump Trust Wagon goes one way only. He requires complete loyalty from his crew, but does not give it.
Trump cannot trust Stefanic. She is too ambitious and too much like Trump himself: completely devoid of morals. Trump's reptilian mind can recognize a snake when it sees one. He needs someone as docile and devoted as Pence, but with guts.
I dunno. You dig pretty deep as well!
Mike--Yes but my shovel doesn't go after the Presidency.
But I wouldn't trust her if I were Trump. In her ambition to become President with Trump's death, she might try to hasten his demise any way she can think of.
So beyond "eating their own", maybe it will come down to actual hit jobs. 🤣
Well, you've heard Roger Stone saying they had to dispose of either Swalwell or Nadler to set an example that would intimidate Democrats from opposing Trump & Republicans, haven't you?
They also tried to frighten reluctant Republicans into voting for Gym Jordan for Speaker.
We are lucky not to have had hit jobs on any major figure in government. I rightfully feared for Swalwell's life even before I learned of the Stone recordings. I also fear for the lives of others, especially AOC, Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Buttigieg, Obama & of course Biden & Harris.
Jaime, the thought crossed and my mind too, and Trump's also no doubt.
Ha ha!
She’s far worse than Trump because she’s pure evil, and she’s much smarter than the orange moron.
Totally lacking in principle; driven by ambition & greed.
Crazy women are more dangerous than crazy men
And she brings a knife to a gunfight. She kicked Liz Cheney out of a Party that was on the way to becoming a frat house riot. If Liz Cheney catches her on the outside, it’s going to be the next release in the TERMINATOR series. Even if Stefanik were not the candidate, she’d better go into Witness Protection for a year. She’s the de facto heir to the Republicans through her dad, and the Rove/Cheney/Bush marauders are itchin’ for some action. They’ll only be limited by the sense of fair play of Papa Dick. And that’s just about Trump. She would gut and filet Stefanik. Biden should pick her only for the first vice-presidential debates, which will be held in a cage, boycotted by MMA for its violence, and may end like the movie Fargo. And that’s just if Cheney keeps it on the high road. Steffie will be pinned to the wall as the Whore of Babylon, not a winner for voters who think the Republicans don’t respect women. For God’s sake stay away from the forest, Steffie! Something’s out there, a yellow-haired devil! Steffie might think twice if she awakens to Mike Lindell’s head in the bed. Every bad nightmare tfg has had looks a lot like this.
I sort'a expected it to be the Arkansas governor. Oh well!
Yikes! I hadn't thought of her, but she's about as bad as they come, which gives her a distinct advantage.
My thinking exactly. Indeed, she was his loyal press secretary who has never so much as blinked when uttering his lies to the press daily. She also has a higher name recognition and public image, as well as a gubernatorial track record that is parochially МАГАт Яepuблиkan, as well as the family pedigree of southern-fried right-wingnuts.
Yes, and Sarah was chosen to deliver the Republican reply to Biden's state of the union address. The magas would be delighted, but is she acceptable to the Heritage Foundation?
I could suspect she's related to a founding member! That "heritage" is clearly Confederate, along with all those statues they whinge about being torn down.
Ol’ Stinkeye Sarah has a shot, too!
I wonder if she’s rethinking her life choices after she didn’t even make the list for VP candidates. So sad
Dear Kerry; I lovec your comment it makes mine pale in comparison
That would make a great poster come election time.
Since they were sworn in on January 3, 2021, every single one of the members of Congress who refused to vote to confirm President Biden on January 6, 2021, should be prohibited from elective office in accordance with Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution!
Truer words were never spoken!!
A fucking men!
My thoughts exactly.
Jill, what is the legal basis for what you want in Sec 3 ?
It’s the CONSTITUTION, Dummy‼️
Section 3 of the 14 th A. is not self executing. Robert Reich is a lawyer and should know what that means. The Sct held last year that under Section 3 Congress must a finding of insurrection and Congress has not done so.
It is telling that one of her important qualifications is tht she is a successful fundraiser because she is beloved and supported by the uber-wealthy capitalists. It is yet another important aspect of why capitalism “is so rotten."
The use of money by those that have so much is a primary reason why the carefully crafted system of checks and balances has been so successfully undermined to the point that it is no longer effective. Trump and Stefanik are not the root problem today; they are only the manifestation of unrestrained capitalism. The wealthy capitalists and the corporations are the ones now the ones utilizing the American flag as weapons against democracy. Those that assaulted the White House police with the flag are only their “willing executioners."
I’ve always believed that capitalism is the antithesis of democracy. It is impossible for both to successfully coexist. When the for-profit aims of a privileged few rule a nation, inequality, disenfranchisement and discrimination of the majority are inevitable.
Me too. Indeed, it's exactly the same reasoning I was fed as a kid about what is evil about communism. They never counted on kids having critical thinking skills - although to be fair, I didn't figure that out until I was about 14 and Viet Nam was ramping up.
Indeed! In fact, in today’s rhetoric, the privileged few use “liberals” and “woke” to instill similar fears in those who would most benefit from programs promoted to benefit them. Instead, the fearful side with (and vote for) those whose capitalist interests only care to promote their own, for-profit agendas. So disheartening!
Marc--Yes, but will she kiss Trump's butt like Pence did.
Donald, I agree with you that she will do what is necessary to stay in his good graces, but also, she will understand that her first allegiance is to her wealthy donors if she wants to have a long future in fascist governance.
,Marc--Another fine mess, Trump seems to attract all kinds, sadly. none of them are any good.
Donald - Well…isn’t she already doing that? ;)
Avon--Remember the difference between a brown nose and a kiss ass is depth perception.
Hahahahaha!! I spit out my coffee with that one! Good!!
Peggy--This thread is causing several of my friends to begin spitting.
Peggy - I didn’t see your comment before I posted mine but I am glad that I was not alone.
Donald - Damn, you just gave me an unwanted mental picture that made me spit out my drink!
Avon--You just did the same to me by reading your response.
Actually, I believe, the line goes: “the difference between a brown noser and an ass kisser is depth of commitment”
Sean--No matter how it went originally, the meaning is still the same. It explains why so many Republicans keep wiping their noses.
I’m gonna throw up. LOL
That’s the best thing you’ve ever said here, Donald. 😀
Donald, I truly believe they all kiss trump's butt......repeatedly!!
Peggy--To me, that's operating in the wrong direction. The head is 3 feet above her current location.
Peggy--No wonder Trump always has that stupid look on his face, he's being serviced under the table, where he does most of his business deals.
Ugh, what a thought. Excuse me while I vomit.
I think she’s further up than that.
Mike--- if Trump picks her, she isn't.
She already is.
professor reich: it always astounds me (and makes me incredibly depressed) to see how many truly unprincipled people there are "out there" who will sell their soul to the devil so they might taste the fruits of corruption and exert total control over the lives of millions of people they've never met & don't care about.
If only there was a way to scan people's brains when they walk into Congress, and if they register as 'unprincipled', they are summarily dismissed as unfit for office...
due diligence by voters
I would love to see that machine in action....especially in Congress!! There would be a very small amount of people walking the halls of Congress!!
Actually, there may be to some extent. I’ve read that the front part of the brain of sociopaths is smaller than normal. That would be one catagory that could be avoided. (I know your comment wasn’t meant literally)
It kind of was... meant literally. Anyone who wants that job for any reason other than to make their part of the country better, measurably and objectively better in a way that benefits parties that you see NO personal gain from helping, doesn't deserve to be there. So, yeah, I do mean it. It is 'supposed' to be government by and FOR the people... not a vehicle for enrichment, power grabs, and carving out regulatory exceptions for your rich friends.
GrrlScientist, we are all astounded by that fact!! Evil doesn't give the furry crack of a rat's ass about anyone!! As long as it can use its siren song to pull people in, we will always have to fight it!
“furry crack of a rat's ass” - love it!
She has done a nice job of convincing Trump that she would never pull a “Pence”, i.e., elevate the Constitution over the political interests of her master. She’s a credibly amoral creature just like Trump, but if I were him, I wouldn’t eat her cooking.
“Her only downside, from Trump’s standpoint, could be that she was once a Republican moderate. She worked in the George W. Bush administration as a domestic policy aide and later for Rep. Paul Ryan when he was a vice presidential nominee.”
I couldn’t agree more with your assessment on Stefanik. However, Trump being Trump; preferring his cabinet to be straight out of Hollywood casting; Stefanik may have some issues.
Trump always preferred style over substance; hence, he’s all pomp and no circumstance. Remember, when Bob Corker was on the short list for Secretary of State (before the falling out), Trump claimed that Corker was too short, and didn’t exudes a powerful, and tall Secretary of State.
Secondly, Stefanik is not only short and plump, but doesn’t convey the air of attractiveness that he requires for his inner circle; especially since the SOS is a high profile position.
My gut says his misogynistic approach to politics would easily disqualify Stefanik, and all the other potential women, except maybe at Education and transportation. You know the cabinet positions no one really cares about; especially if you’re a republican.
However, there is one woman who fits the bill, and that would be Ivanka. Hey, if she’s pretty enough to date, I’m sure she would fit well into Trump’s twisted mind of “unaccomplished” and “unqualified” people to fill his administration.
Furthermore, since Trump usually likes to experiment at his rallies, expect him to throw out Ivanka’s name to assess whether the mango mafia will accept her in the position. Of course, Trump likes a good spectacle by keeping his adoring cult members guessing, so the process for VP could take months.
Just some thoughts...:)
It also occurred to me that he would choose someone from his family to be his running mate. It would be a paranoid dictator's move, and the next expected move in a class war.
Gloria J Maloney, I hadn't thought about the reasons you mentioned, but they seem likely.
Ivanka? Don Jr. aka Kim Il tRump?
Gloria--Trump's pic can't be anyone that lives in the same state as he does. That's one rule he couldn't ignore, it's in the constitution.
Donald Hodgins, he's never read the Constitution.
M--I know that, but he has people near to him that have, and they try their hardest to stop the Orange Guy from making obvious mistakes that would make him look bed.
When did he ever pay attention to them if they disagreed with him?
DZK--The person I was referring to, is a constitutional lawyer. They seem to know their stuff. They stated in no uncertain terms that a President and the VP can't be out of the same state. Now if I'm in error please let me know, I'm not a Republican and I don't like spreading false statements.
M--I would have sited the exact passage, but my eyes are getting so bad I played chess yesterday online and for half the game I mistook the king for the queen, a mistake that really changes the dynamics of the game.
True, except Trump’s official residence is Florida and Stefanik is in NY. Not to mention, we’ve seen people who never lived in congressional districts or states, run for office right before being elected.
Robert--Others can run as they wish, just not as the VP.
I agree, but it doesn’t change the fact that Stefanik is from NY and Trump lives in Fl. If he chooses Ivanka, she still has a home in NY and NJ which she could claim as her primary residence.
Robert--I was referring to any of his immediate family filling the post.
This conversation is ridiculous, you know? If some space aliens visited they wouldn’t believe it. Which is not a criticism pof you or anyone else indulging in it. It just shows how crazy this country has become.
Fascist DeSantis and his radical right wing white fake Christian Nationalist Gustapo Florida Legislators will just find a way to change the law as Fascist DeSantis did by signing in a law that permitted him to remain Governor and run for President at the same time! Fascist DeSantis and his super majority GOP Legislators also voted in a law of NO transparency on his campaign spending! This NO transparency goes against the Florida Sunshine law! The prior Florida law did not permit a Governor to run for another office without resigning!
I like the way you express yourself, Sandra. 😀
Sandra--I have sighted that several times myself.
Thanks, Donald, you answered the questions I had about that.
Peggy--Don't tell my EX- she doesn't think I have the answer to anything.
Hahahahaha! You are spot on today!!
He really is!
Peggy--That's not a spot it's more on the line of a stain.
I think Ivanka has distanced herself from her father. She has no principles, but she might well be too cunning to go for running as VP.
Agreed, she’s definitely MAGA light, and is scared shi*less of the MAGA mob, but she’s family, so in the end, she and Kushner will be part of the administration...:)
my sense is they're done with it all.
Definitely not Kushner. The Saudi’s need to get their $2 billion’s worth...:)
though having Ivanka as his VP might be his wet dream, if that was to happen Melania would not move back to DC - should that nightmare scenario ever materialize- so the advisors who are running his show would not have it- and that choice might even repulse some of them
Okay folks let's get one thing straight Trump will never ever be president of the United States ever again. So, please stop talking it's if he's going to be the next president.
If the fraud trial concludes the way it should she might have to move out of Mar-a-Lago though.
In as much as I understand this possibility, hasn't Ivanka tried to distance herself from her father's business and campaign? Would she even consider it and are relatives allowed to run together?
The only requirements are being a natural born citizen and being 35 years of age. They also can’t currently live in the same state. And since Ivanka has multiple homes, as does Trump himself, then the work around is easy.
Trump could even make Melania his VP if she were born in America. Not to mention, norms don’t apply to Trump; if they did, he’d already be in jail, not running for office...:)
Thank you, Robert! Good to know!
My thought. too.
Robert, you wrote “However, there is one woman who fits the bill, and that would be Ivanka. Hey, if she’s pretty enough to date, I’m sure she would fit well into Trump’s twisted mind of “unaccomplished” and “unqualified” people to fill his administration.”
I translate “pretty” into “well endowed,” and “date” into … well, you know. But I’m with you on the rest.
Her MAJOR downside from a political perspective is she comes from a state Trump can't win.
But does he care? He’s not exactly a three dimensional chess player. Trump’s the guy who thinks he’s playing chess, when in reality he’s not even playing checkers; more like Chutes and Ladders...:)
I was with you until you got to Ivanka.
He probably can’t unsee her stooping down in fear on Jan 6 either.
Best line I've read in ages...
"Not right-ward, but nut-ward".
Thank you Mr. Reich.
Psychology does indicate Stefanik has the shameless killer mentality trump is looking for.
There are so many Republicans in positions of power who are completely invested in ensuring there's never any accountability for their efforts to turn the country over to a small faction of fantastically wealthy individuals. They aspire to be goons in this new American order. It's terrifying. In Stefanik we have a model gooness. Her drive is matched by her degradation. Despite it seeming they can't go any lower they do, again and again.
I suspect Stefanik is on the führerbunker list of those who will try to blow everything up on the way out if they realize their regime is going to fail. I try to guess who are the weasels and who are the diehards and it's difficult. Even supreme grand poobah goons like Jordan and Gaetz might head for the lifeboats, thrusting children and anyone weaker aside, if the Trump boat starts sinking. But Stefanik is strange. Sometimes I see a hint of the 'nobody home' look in her eyes that Scott Walker, George Bush and Hannity have.
We admire academic achievement too much. It's easily associated with arrogance and ambition but some forms of intelligence correlate with sociopathy or at least big empathy deficits. And remember when conservatives used to say they were about character? Money as well, it goes without saying, is admired too much, to the point of idolatry, and it's hopelessly enmeshed with our politics. We might have some rough days ahead. We should be prepared to stand on our principles and against violence and thuggery.
Have you ever come across the term "dark empath?" It's apparently a thing, and unlike regular empaths, they're real vampires whose empath nature allow them to latch onto a victim and literally suck the life out of them. "Big empathy deficits" may not be the problem. Indeed, the problem seems to be exactly the opposite.
Found it ...
That's a good article. I particularly like the parenthetical aside:
"(Research suggests that criminal psychopaths are adept at making moral judgments.)" Yeah. Put a pin in that for further reference!
It's a nice treatment of empathy, focusing on how it works, particularly with regard to politics, economics, and disasters. It also discusses some of the rabbit holes that it can draw you into.
Thanks. I've bookmarked the article!
Even this side of vampirism I've read there can be problems with empathy, maybe because it can be myopic. I think I remember an article or book review in the New Yorker titled The Baby in the Well ...
Star Trek has featured some of them.
This isn't sci-fi. They're apparently personality types. If there are any psychologists out here, I'd be interested in getting some feedback about it. In the meantime, consider:
At the moment, I have no reason to believe this is quackery. I'd be interested in anything the either confirms or debunks it that includes valid references.
I’m sure they’re real. I wish they weren’t.
It sounds weird but I think the high road at this point runs through ridicule. Ridicule with substance. God knows they have a track record of malfeasance and incompetence, and we should be relentless in our criticism and inventive in our means. But leading always with ridicule, as legitimate as it is deserved.
James, I actually wrote a brief letter to my local paper back in 2016 about the orange man’s ability to limbo and asked How Low Can He Go? Obviously there is no floor.
Agreed, she’s awful. But we’ll be stuck with her as VP unless Biden stops hemorrhaging young voters. He’s got to reign in Israel’s genocidal right- wing regime, and prove to young voters that he actually cares about them and their concerns. He should push hard on the issue of college debt relief, on fighting climate change (and contrasting that to Trump’s environmental suicidal planetary deathwish) and he should HAMMER the Republicans on jobs and the economy. Inflation is down as is unemployment, but Biden, bafflingly, gets NO credit for this.
John, I agree that Democrats right now are very weak on their messaging. I'm not at all sure what President Biden can do with bibi. So far, everything that he has tried is falling on deaf ears. I would hope that someone in his cabinet would come up with ideas to help President Biden navigate the waters with the right-wing regime bibi has in place. I would hope that young voters can see he is trying and I would hope that young voters would realize that trump is right-wing also and would probably make bibi his best friend!
It makes me think that the message needs to be delivered like a sports announcer of a football game. People are nuts over sports - they wouldn't tune you out right away (Trump supporters, that is). Descriptions of the cunning, innuendo, and manipulative lying, and the listeners gobbling it up, might enlighten folks of how they are being conned. Could be entertaining, at least. Also, could examine something like - how quickly will Stefanik wait before stabbing Trump in the back.
He paused that LNG project yesterday for an environmental review. Even Bill McKibben was astonished. That’s pretty impressive.
Reich gets an A+ for describing Stefanik…and prediction that’s who Trump will choose for his running mate - boy will she do his running! Stefanik was one of my guesses also for the very reason how Reich has her down to the tee. Good Lord can we do a worse. A gangster who should be in jail and a lizard that changes colors to suit her needs. What are we going to do: vote for Biden!
Stefanik is also a long-time supporter of Carl Paladino. For those of you unfamiliar with his political stylings, I suggest a bit of research. It will be eye-opening.
In short, she’s always been a conscienceless drone. This current turn is nothing new. Liz Cheney called her a ‘total crackpot’. She’s not wrong.
I googled "Carl Palladio" and got nothing. Do you have a link, website, or brief description to help find this person?
Carl Paladino is a businessman from Buffalo who ran for Gov in 2010. During that campaign and in subsequent years he’s displayed some erratic behavior which, in retrospect, reflects DJT’s behavior as well.
Thank you!
Sorry, my bad.
It's Paladino. This guy is no architect. He's a RWNJ. Not the same thing.
I am shivering with anticipation at her appearance (real or otherwise) on SNL.
"Not rightward but nutward"
Well there's my quote of the day!
get ready for a new level of hateful craze from Marge. jealousy can drive one crazy, and crazier than that
Mweiner, oooh, I hadn't thought of that. I could definitely see a physical alteraction between them in the future.
stay tuned for her makeover. she’s got to look a bit mote “ like his type.” this will piss off MTGreen, so get ready for some