An important point to all American women, no one will know who you voted for on November 5th, 2024. Vote as if your future, as equals depends on it, because it does!
This is an important message for those of us who are interacting with women who may be on the fence or who dwell in the Maga world. I emphasized this point in a recent conversation and felt like it had an impact. Fingers crossed but also boots on the ground for Harris!
Project 2025/Agenda 47 should be a slam-dunk. Rethuglicons want to control birth control, voting rights, our air, water, our privacy!! They want to take away OUR SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE for god's sakes!?!
I know. MAGAts refuse to even attach P2025 to their cult leader.
I would give up on cultists & just ferret out the equally bizarre "undecideds," if possible.
Undecided? Coming from where we, those of us who read, are, it seems impossible that anyone could be undecided, let alone support the likes of a tRump.
Harvey, I am with you. I can't imagine that people have not yet decided. I think for those folks, either of two things is happening: they want Trump for some sick reason and don't want to acknowledge it or they live in a community where the people have decided Trump and his fascist friends rule and they want so much to belong, but don't want Trump, so they will claim they have not decided. I suspect everyone in this nation who plans to vote has decided and we should work hardest to get the pro-Harris-Walz voters to the polls, particularly the young people whose future depends on who is elected in November no matter their feelings about the genocide in Gaza. Trump would prefer to give Gaza and the West Bank as a gift to Netanyahu and his cronies; Harris and her team would not do that. .
Ruth, there are people who refuse to vote for either. Some on the right can no longer stand that lying, crooked traitor, but have been brainwashed all their lives to believe Democrats are evil, & there are those on the far left who refuse to vote for either because Kamala doesn't fit perfectly with their agenda on every issue, or at least the key issue for them, which usually is, for some reason, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both sides seem more resistant to voting Harris than for Trump, unfortunately.
While I mostly vote Democrat there are still issues that I don't like from all of them. But they have the ones who we have elected to make the choices. I think Israel should be on its own money wise. They are not a poor country. We don't need to pay them. But all presidents seem to continue that practice.
Regarding those voters who claim to be undecided, it’s not that they’re undecided; they are leaning towards Trump and are afraid to say so to you. I realized this when I talked to a neighbor the other day who is a good friend and neighbor, so I was surprised to understand the truth behind his politics. Since we really like each other, we decided that politics would never be part of our future conversations. Nevertheless, that encounter left me deeply disturbed but wondering whether Trumpers are getting to be as afraid of us as we are of them? Pundits and the MSM are making both sides cortisol/adrenaline-driven crazy.
I find it hard to believe anyone would lean towards DJT. Everytime he opens his mouth he buries himself. And his horrible plan for immigrants is something out of Nazi Germany only not for Jews but minority races.
exactly - what the US needs is 20 million more illegals, defunded police, more Iranian oil, more boys in women bathrooms and sports, double digit inflation, median household income to decline even more, more mandated vaccinations, deficit spending to increase, illegals voting - yea that's what we need so by all means do not vote for tRump
Undecideds who vote will vote for Donald. They’re looking for a reason (excuse) not to vote for Harris. I don’t know how someone can truly be undecided at this point unless they just came out of a coma or an institution or spent the last decade in a deep wilderness with no media of any kind.
Here's a basic fact: a woman's right to own, control, and protect her body is a human right. If women have no protection under the Constitution nobody's rights are protected. Trump and SCOTUS say it's up to the states. "Not so!" must be our reply.
No human right is a states rights issue. 100+ years ago they used this same tired reasoning about slavery. A right is an American right. Not a Montana or Oregon right. This argument alone should have folks from anything Republicans say.
Victor, you are right. Maybe in addition women need to see what is going on with the Taliban in Afghanistan who have ruled that not only do women have to completely cover themselves from head to toe, but they are not even allowed to speak in public. Trump would be OK with all that too, except maybe the covering the body part because he likes to ogle women and consider grabbing women by their ___. However it's all the same, keep women on edge and under the ignorant overbearing violent male thumb. We need to say "no" loud enough for the world to hear.
I just had a “discussion” with an old colleague about project 2025. She insisted it was fake. This is a woman who is a counselor for young children in public schools. It’s both scary and sad.
Diane, it is so sad that Republicans and the fascists and the christian nationalists (usually all the same people, but sometimes different) treasure ignorance disguised as knowledge.
Tell me about it! I have this one friend who also insists that it is just a bogeyman that Trump himself has nothing to do with. And in the same breath, she also claims that Agenda 2030 is the real threat, and that the Dems are in bed with it.
Curiously, the thing I notice with MAGA is they fail to take in the information happening around them and reorder their thinking about life. For example....I've noticed MAGA seeing the good economy, the infrastructure benefit, the pay increases under the Democrats, yet believe Democrats are evil, Republicans are good, and Project 2025 isn't a thing. Women who vote for Trump, I believe are doing the same thing.
Maybe it has always been this way, or maybe it is the forever chemicals finally reaching our brains.... we now know we have all ingested.
Susan, the inability to make changes based in changing information is an “executive function,” dependent on a brain with an active prefrontal cortex. People under situations of stress overload are more likely to be guided by fear and anger - fueled by the amygdala. I’ve long believed that this cognitive override by the amygdala is one reason the GOP fuels fear, anger and paralysis: it diminishes executive functions.
Actually, Marge, Thom Hartmann has brought this matter up throughout the years on his show. He said that a conservatives brain has been studied by scientists.
They found connection between being a reichwinger and having the "Lizard portion of the brain, aka: the Amygdala" lights up or is activated by strong negative emotions ie; hatred, fear and anger. Once a conservative/reichwinger hears these strong negative emotions, they are open to manipulation by the narrator.
This isn't new. Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's "minister of propaganda," during WW2. Hitler knew the recipe and used it successfully to make Germans fight other Germans. No different than the fascist-loving reichwing billionaires of FOX, OAN, Newsmax, RAV, their 1500 radio stations & social media all do 24/7, nationwide.
And with snakeoil conman, Dumpty as their leader, the cult is complete.
Then add to all of that the same washing by the very voices who should be shouting from the rooftops about the danger tfg and his armed militias around the US. The vaunted NYT’s editor who hot miffed over President Biden not sitting for an interview, has stated that he is somehow better than to get his hands or the NYT presses dirty by playing in the world of politics. As Keith Olberman said today on his You Tube channel, Mr Sultzburger can edit the Concentration Camp Times in the future.
Marge, you are right about fearmongering and anger-promotion and direction being used to override our executive functioning. And, it works really well to the point that people who are doing pretty well will think they have never been in a worse position. The actual lies Republicans pump out in their ads are startling, a whiny white female voice tells us that inflation has never been worse than under Biden and Harris and somehow it is Harris's fault (they just rewrote slightly the anti-Biden ads) and prices are so high, also because of Harris (of course, not mentioning the greedflation/price-gouging corporations have initiated). They take a few words here and there, usually out of context from Harris's speeches to prove she thinks everything now for all Americans is great, implying that she thinks it is all their fault that they are struggling. It is very clever and the guys who come up with the crap are very well-paid and are being used just as everyone Republicans encounter are being used to the end that corporations here want an autocracy they can manipulate for their own benefit, paying workers as little as possible, treating them like dirt, and thinking of all workers (except themselves of course) as expendable. It really is a clever plot that has worked well for several generations now; Republicans have nothing positive to offer anyone but the very rich, but want a lot of power and money to feed their tremendous addiction to both. We need to fight this addiction that is worse than drugs or alcohol! We need to do it for the sake of our nation, our democracy.
Ted Cruz just ran an ad against Colin Allred that said Allred was for open borders! Outright lies! Allred was one of the House reps who signed a letter to Biden saying do some about the border. At the time it pissed me off, because only Congress has the ability to legislate border reform. Yet telling lies about your opponent, I guess, is the strategy you use, when you've got nothing else.
Republicans have nothing positive to offer anyone but the very rich, but want a lot of power and money to feed their tremendous addiction to both.
This made me LOL. How's the weather back there in the 1960s?
The Demonrats are now the party of tech billionaires and deviants of every stripe who want to butcher children's bodies. They have flooded the country since 2021 with 15 million unvetted criminals, rapists, murderers, and human traffickers. Are you enjoying the regular stories of women and children being raped and murdered by them?
President Trump has transformed the Republicans into the party of the middle and working classes.
That's why literally tens of thousands of decent hardworking Americans show up for every one of his appearances. These are the people you spit on.
What's the average attendance at Harris appearance? Maybe 300 and half of those showed up only for the twerking hos.
Maybe they think Trump cares about kids? Families? And is a patriot to our country? What are uneducated supporters? Cannot help stupidity! They like tv entertainers? FULL BS.
Uncle P. You make it sound as tho marriage rots women’s brains (like RFKJr’s brain worm).
I have children and grandchildren. Not one of us will vote for Trump.
My older daughter voted for Bush in 2000 because his tax cuts would let her keep more of her 6-figure salary. 4 years and 2 children later (+ 9/11 and invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq) she had come to believe being a good parent meant focusing on her children’s well-being, not her income.
All the maga’s I know say the economy is down all else is fake news. They have no awareness of the infrastructure projects, don’t fear pollution of our air, water, loss of National Parks, etc. or the things that will actually affect them personally.
Stan, the reason so many people have misguided ideas is that they are living in a weird bubble that does not let them see any kind of truth. They have not experienced any of the big problems like hunger and discrimination, so therefore it does not exist. Those people who complain about such things are just lazzy, stupid, drunk, addicted, and whatever negative terms they can come up with. They are lying to themselves, but it works for them and those who share their bubble.
Until a media strategy is executed to counteract this and win back the countryside the Taliban will "rule". Dems don't get this. It's a long-term strategy. Al Franken got it.
Point well taken, but the fact that they think only the richest should pay less percentage of their income as taxes is bizarre. I’m not for “taxing the rich” but tax equality is not that hard. Many of them to not believe in equality. OK to rage against any kind of food programs, but God forbid we think about reducing subsidies for big oil or any other big business. Jesus so many of their concept are hateful and stupid.
Something requiring much emphasis in k-12 schools and beyond- to be able to research on the internet.
It is surprising how incapable people seem to be to do research on the internet. AI will help but then that has downsides. The ability to cross check and reason to conclusions can't be "outsourced" to AI altogether or we're species gone. But I can see the over reliance on AI as almost inevitable.
Steve, people have to learn to reason. Idk whether it’s a mental skill that needs to start early to be most effective. Like fluency in a foreign language is easier for children than for adults.
Jan, yes, wouldn't it be great if we could begin teaching reasoning, thinking skills to kids beginning in Kindergarten and gradually increasing in complexity over time? I would love that. I tried to do that with my k-12 students while I was teaching, even with those who had difficulty learning reading and/or math. I put it out as that we don't want people taking advantage of us or the way sometimes people like us make mistakes and could put out the wrong information based on wrong information or that sometimes people misinterpret statistics, etc. I would give them a comment or an article by someone and ask them to figure out whether it made sense, either way - could they tell why. My middle and high school students liked debating a topic I presented and often found their minds were changed by the information presented on both sides. Reason, logic, critical thinking, comprehension, and expressing ideas and opinions are critical tools for all students, all human beings to have and educators have the responsibility to help students acquire those skills.
Between forever chemicals and ultra processed food our brains are definitely deteriorating. To ease up on the stress, I hope that a great change will be made to our voting system and put an end to the redundant electoral college. That change would be modeled after the British election system where the election period is only a couple of months not a whole year. This would cut down on all the mountains of money being poured into election campaigns and help us scrutinize the candidates more quickly and thoroughly with less time for dirt-digging and mudslinging.
Ilene, it would be great to ditch the electoral college which is one of the stupidest ideas anyone has come up with for a democratic government. However there will be a lot of pushback, because there something we pretty much ignore when we talk about elections, who is getting all that money that is donated to candidates and the various PACs. Of course there are employees, but the advertising industry has a lot at stake, so do TV stations, cable corporations and the internet owners and operators. There are the facilities rented for big events, particularly in the "swing" states that really like the benefits of being a swing state in a long campaign. The "white states" will fight it too because they know they have far more power and pull than they deserve and since they are white ruled, they fear losing that power they get in a nation as diverse as ours. In short, ditching the electoral college is going to be really hard and it won't all be Republicans trying to stop it.
Ah Pedro, I am guessing you think you have some special ability that lets you think you know anything about women. Even if you are a woman in man's name, you don't! I get it that botts and Trumpers think they can tell women what to do and who we are, but your ignorance just keeps proving you can't. So just keep it up until someone reports you off this thread. This is my final comment to you no matter what garbage you spew about me. It means nothing. I hope the other women and our allies take the same tac.
Same here. Cult 45 members are a lost cause, no use wasting one's precious time and energy on them. I gave up on them long ago, and now I only focus on the fence-sitters.
Bcuz that 2025 was written by those Rhinos who've been voting consistently with the Demonrat party. President Trump has rejected that 2025 from the get go. Everything you've listed is exactly what kamalalala la has endorsed. Not Trump nor MAGA. You believe the lies even when told the truth. There's no help for you, but that's your fault.
Project 2025 is what the communist left keeps trying to connect Trump with....but ....he does not seem all that involved. It's probably a hoax like the 2016 RUSSIAN HOAX and the "FINE PEOPLE" hoax. Or, it could be 51 former intel officers...Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax. It's a hoax
Is that right?! Wow. I'm surprised any doctors are saying/doing that because they aren't known to be real activists or terribly involved in politics. Their position of power & money insulates them from a lot of damage Rethuglicons do to us.
Some years back, one, & only ONE doctor was coming forward to get Reno Nevada residents where I live to fight the repeal of the ACA going on in congress. At that meeting I specifically asked, “How many other health professionals besides yourself are engaged in fighting the Republicans?”
This doc's answer: “I'm the only one.”
I certainly hope this means more doctors will get involved this November and vote blue. We all must!
Harris , as Border Czar has lost 85,000 illegal children, she claims, her Administration claims, they can't find them, but they do know but they won't tell us where these children, brought here unaccompanied, are...
In Colorado, residents, including women are being kicked out of their own apartments, by a violent Venezulan gang! That Democrat Govenor denied it, but it's on video, they were finally arrested .but a liberal judge released them on $1000 bail. This is just 1 example of Harris being a tertible candidate.
Harris went to Central America to explore the reasons why so many were leaving their homes at great risk and extreme hardship. She was not “the border czar”. She’s been given that label since becoming a candidate. She did not separate children, put them in cages, and deport their parents without verifying any way to reunite them. That was the Trump administration.
Oh, Joanna. It was most certainly Obama that caged the illegal children, most were coming over in 2014 carrying the RSV virus, these children were unaccompanied, he put an adult in each bus and bussed them all across America. They weren't returned to their parents. And it was Patriot women who tried to stop these buses. Obama couldn't account for any of these children and we now have 300,000 missing illegal children under Harris who was given the title of Border czar. By 2015 children all across America were hospitalized, some died by what doctors said was the RSV Virus. A lot of children, brought into or from Mexico died before they reached the Southern Border. The Border Patrol were warning us all this was happening. Huff Post even had pictures of these children in cages in 2014. You are ignorant of facts. Yes. Harris went to Guatemala and was heckled by the people there. Probably why she never went to the section of the Border where these illegals were actually crossing. She went to a more safe area and gave a short speech, doned in a fine restaurant.
As for President Trump, it took 2 yrs fighting Liberal Judges to close our border. He did not cage the children. He put them up in air conditioned schools whwre they had recreational time and beds as well as 3 meals a day. The older kids he put them in air-conditioned tents. Yes, he separated kids from adults that brought them over, giving them DNA tests before they were released to them. If the DNA tests didn't match, he kept the children in safe, comfortable housing. FACT. And yes, there were those kids where the DNA tests weren't reunited with their parents either bcuz the parents were dead ( killed by ( human traffickers) coyotes, or the parents simply did not come to pick them up. But Pres. Trump did try to find their parents. Again, if the DNA tests matched the children were reunited.
You've been so dumbed down by the media and Democrat lies you can't see it.
What surprises me is that 41% do not understand that 100% of women have a Trump and Republican problem. Go figure!
I made an observation during the protests at the TX State Capitol around the time of Senator Wendy Davis' historic filibuster to stop the Republicans' evisceration of women's rights. It became clear that many of the anti-choice protesters had extended families for a support network. It occurred to me that this group has no idea of the life and health situations that millions of women face.
It is easy for the "pro-life" crowd to narrowly interpret the Bible as absolutely no abortions because they do not understand the nearly infinite reasons why women need access to abortions.
For the healthy anti-choice protesters with an extended family support structure, they believe ALL women are like them, or could be like them, with their extended support structure. They cannot fathom the situations of the less fortunate and less privileged.
The anto-choice crowd does not understand that 160 million women can, and do, encounter numerous, uncountable, unimaginable, serious, life threatening, liberty threatening, and unbearable life changing situations. Each and every reason is valid. Each and every reason should be respected. Each and every reason must be protected by law.
IMO, many men and women do not understand or comprehend all of the reasons why women need the access to abortions. Many men and women do not respect* all the reasons why women néed access to abortions.
I think human and healthcare rights groups need to do more to educate voters about why it's outrage and unacceptable that a small group of privileged men and women want to limit women's rights, irregardless of millions of valid health and life reasons women experience.
Why hasnt a group made a documentary explaining these unimaginable life and. iiberty threatening situations? Can't somebody, or some group, make a tiktok that explains women's vital needs and rights?
When I get my COVID CARES Act back pay that Maryland Gov. Hogan's shameful DOL UI Division failed to process, despite every necessary document submitted several times, I know what doc and tiktok I'm making.
Danny Piper, exactly! They lack understanding because they lack the desire to ask why? I'm with you. Change the messaging. I believe, we also need to claim the pro-life moniker, as who could possibly be more in favor of life, than those who want to prevent suffering of our fellow humans.
If women had all the resources, supports, and abilities needed to give all children love, dignity, and well being, there would be fewer abortions. I'm looking forward to our world evolving to a much fairer, much more loving, much richer in dignity place but we're not there yet.
I don't believe messaging and documentaries can penetrative denial and confirmation. Otherwise nice, sufficiently educated people would not be convinced without a doubt that if people are poor, or have any number of dysfunctions it isn't just their own fault for not having been "brought up" to "work hard" and not expect "handouts," Because they don't have any "morals." Trump: disavowal means "it's a lie they just exaggerate." BUT DENIAL is rapture.. "it didn't happen it never happened. HE will save us." If I personally have never experienced it, it never happened. The earth is indeed flat.
Miriam Rodin, you make a great case. I'm with you that nothing may work for the far gone ones. My hope lies in the ones not so unconscious that a crack is possible in their shield. And over time, with the repeated efforts of more conscious people, awareness and light seeps into the growing cracks. Until one day, understanding triumphs over ego.
Consider this: 41% is roughly 4 out of 10. 154.6 million votes were cast in 2020, according to my former employer, the US Census Bureau. (137.5 million is 2016, up 17.1 million in 2020.) Women comprise 53% of voters, so approximately 89 million females voted in 2020. 41% of 89 million voters translates to 32.8 MILLION female voters for Trump in 2020.
Now then, here's what we need to consider. While your statement suggests that the 41% of female voters, or 32.8 MILLION voters, ALL think the same way. Respectfully, that's not accurate because no group based on gender, age, race, religion or socio-economic background think the same way. Right?
For argument's sake, let's be conservative and say that 3 out of 10 women have different reasons for supporting Trump and Republicans than you stated, and thus ignore the human, civil, healthcare rights of women. I think 3 out of 10 is very low, but I'm being very conservative.
This, 3 out of 10 of the 32.8 million female voters for Trump is nearly 11 MILLION female voters have another reason that you posted about why
women vote the way they do and would not be influenced by a very moving tiktok or doc about the personal stories of why some women urgently needed access to an abortion.
I believe it's fair to say that over 10 million woman could* be swayed to oppose Trump and Republican's draconian measures that strip women of their fundamental right to healthcare and abortion IF they fully grasped the millions of valid, life saving reasons that women, including their friends, family and daughters may unfortunately desperately need.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised is well over half to 90% are swayable. It's possible ALL women, except for the most staunch Catholics and closed minded-women are swayable. Granted, an informed psychologist told me 10 years ago that nearly 10% of the population, and growing, are sociopaths. I don't expect any of them to understand other women's plights because by definition they are incapable of understanding anything but their situation.
In conclusion, conservatively 11 million women votes are swayable IF they fully respected Women's crucial need for access to an abortion and healthcare. This is far more than the number of votes that decided the 2020 election.
In fact, a few swing states decided the election by less than 80,000 votes. 80,000 votes of Trump's 32,000,000 female voters is .0025.
Now then... Do you really think a powerful campaign to inform women why they and their daughters may someday need life saving access to an abortion couldnt sway a very small percentage of women that would change the outcome of the election?
Yes, I'm an optimist. However, I also believe that most women, if more aware of the health needs other women and possibly their daughters may someday need, would take action to restore women's right to healthcare. Furthermore, I think a viral tiktok and powerful doc could move many more than .0025 of the electorate.
Moreover, the electorate increased by over 17 MILLION voters from 2016 to 2020. It's fair to say that many millions more will vote in 2024. Over half will be women. Considering the referendums on ballots and the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe, many more women could vote this election. Right?
A tiktok or and doc would amplify this crucial block of voters who rightfully should be outraged and vote in record numbers. I believe this crucial group of women's rights voters were largely responsible for "the red wave" only being a low tide in 2022. Thus, I respectfully disagree with you opinion that my idea for a tiktok and doc wouldn't make a difference. I don't think all women think alike. And I truly believe that most women can, and will, do more to protect their rights and their friend's, relative's and daughter's rights to healthcare and access to abortion.
I am so tired of the pro life propaganda that disrespects women. They suggest that it is used as birth control, paid for by medicaid.(never!) They assume women are such whores, and baby killers.
They say abortion has never had a time limit, even though it has. Since 1973!
No respect for women!
Our human rights are gone right now. And that's what most women will vote on.
They believe we are fine with no human rights. They don't consider how there are a million reasons for having an abortion.
Judy Campbell White, yes, all true. And we can call a big BS on the "sanctity of life" justification pushed by countless right wing churches. For some, I believe that that is their strongly held belief, but for many, look a little deeper and you find patriarchy and/or a strong need to feel morally superior to others. Women and those who genuinely love women and girls are fired up by their nonsense and will vote. Of course, that's why R led states are trying to prevent or suppress as many women and likely D voters as posdible from voting. Scoundrels! Girlpower meets scoundrels. Women are stronger and wiser than those weak men think!
I have heard from Bible scholars that the Bible actually teaches us abortion is a natural part of life. It really doesn't promote anti-abortion beliefs from Jesus or God.
This is according to what Thom Hartmann and John Fulgelsang have both said for years, now. They know better than me. (I quit Catholicism once I learned how authoritarian and patriarchal it was as a kid.)
"For the healthy anti-choice protesters with an extended family support structure, they believe ALL women are like them, or could be like them, with their extended support structure. They cannot fathom the situations of the less fortunate and less privileged."
Of course, when they are not too craven to say the quiet part out loud, the forced-birthers would say some flavor of "and that's precisely why women need to be forced or coerced to have as many kids as possible as early in life as possible, so future generations can have a large extended family structure, women's human rights be damned". Nevermind that 1) that is literally slavery, and therefore inherently unethical, and 2) even if one supports that from a strictly Machiavellian perspective, the fact remains that the Earth cannot handle such high birthrates for long, at least not without the extremely high DEATH rates of the past to balance it out.
And of course, if women are to be brood mares, then men would have to be.....WORK HORSES. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, after all. How about we all just say "NEIGH" to "traditional" gender roles?
Sometimes....I don't think it is about not understanding. I think it is about hating the human race. I think many MAGAs simply hate other human beings. They don't care to understand, they don't want to understand....they just have an underlying hate and anger.... constantly threatening to punch through their barely contained persona. You know the sneering, leering guy...the Karen who is quick to call the cops on someone of color....
Yes. Reichwing voters are ruled by strong negative emotions; hate, anger, fear.
They don't know what civility, humanity, or common sense is.
We've gone through 9 years of the most vile narcissistic, psychopathic reichwing leaders (Dump, SCOTUS, McConnell) & if any American STILL(!?)doesn't get what that means by now & still supports that, there is no redemption for them.
Yes, the Surgeon General of the USA seems unlikely to explain the facts of life to the public — in contrast with Dr. Koop in the 1990s, who was always warning us about sexually transmitted disease.
Well said, Danny. Male preachers do not really have right to voice opinions about abortion. Knowledge of the Bible is no substitute for knowledge of real life. Dogma always must yield to compassion.
Yes sir, and BTW, as I understand it the Bible speaks not a word about abortion. God decided long ago that the mother has dominion about herself, her unborn child. I would much rather have my mother decided my fate using her reasoning than JD Vance or anybody else on earth. Damn what a bunch of imbeciles lead us from the right
A passage that I just said was not there. I did not claim to be a Bible scholar yet you suggest there is such a passage exists, show me. I would still want my mother to decide, not you and certainly not the government. Reading for comprehension would help you.
Not true. For years now, both John Fugelsang and Thom Hartmann says that the bible DOES SPEAK of abortion and that it is the natural part of life. Abortion happens all the time--naturally. It's also called a "miscarriage."
It's accepted. No words from either Jesus or God are anti-abortion in the bible!
I trust both Thom & John because they both have studied the bible. They are both thoughtful and intelligent on this matter.
Ppl need to stop talking off the top of their heads replacing truth and facts with their own BS opinions and feelings.
Thank you, Doctor. Oh, wait, you AREN'T a doctor, you know nothing about pregnancy, it's complications, you know nothing about say, a stranger's life nor do you have any say in it, so it doesn't matter to me what you say or think.
Mind your own business in this most personal matter and we can all be happier for that.
Whatever you want to think is between you and the women you get pregnant.
I'm not hearing any "pro-choice," words, there. But, it really doesn't matter.
I don't care to hear any man's opinions that isn't in my own life. Because it's really none of their business what other ppl do, what women do with their bodies nor do I care.
We need to respect each other's boundaries and privacy rights--the very thing all reichwingers want to take away from all women. This is the only thing that we need to focus on and care about.
Kamalala cheated...and the didn't fact check her but they did President Trump saying what he said was wrong, when he wasn't wrong .Their fact checkers lie...
When a woman proudly displays a poster stating she’s had 21 abortions and is proud! It flies in the face of vital need! I know she may be an anomaly, but (I marched for choice) abortion I feel has become birth control. Safe, legal, rare does not seem to be the case- 55 million abortions since row! That’s not a number of oops, medical necessity, rape or incest, I think! Could be wrong!
What I do know is that we don’t value life and take very little personal responsibility! And abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy is outright atrocious, it is at any stage a potential human being!
If women will be the nation's salvation, and they will, then why is support for Trump a man thing? And it is, save for the Camp Followers with no identity of their own.
I say there are two types of men. The self assured, competent and confident types, politically liberal.
The insecure, fearful and doubting types, politically conservative.
The latter needs guns, big trucks, bravado manifested in toxic masculinity, whose ego and identity are fragile, and requires submissive females to feel like men.
They are of every race. All religions are misogynistic, but some more so than others, same with cultures.
Abortion is an issue with them because it is a rejection of the man's seed, and thus a rejection of him, and his replicant, his mini me. He is the driving force behind the anti abortion movement, but the camp following woman is his foot soldier, she usually has the free time, he doesn't have to picket a Planned Parenthood Center all day.
William. Farrar, you got it perfectly, "..... and requires submissive females to feel like men." Great explanation, William!
And the women perplex me. Although, I think I gained some insight recently. My cousin told me that during one of tfg's elections, she went to see a friend who was a priest rather than her own priest because she believed she had to vote for tfg because of abortion. Her priest friend told her, life is about more than one issue. Wise answer. But it struck me so profoundly, that she, a well-educated woman, had been trained to not trust her ability to think rationally and morally and make the right decision. She had been strongly conditioned by her church, to not think. And of course, the only option the church gave her was to ask a man to decide for her.
That's the point: there are still 1 in 3 YOUNGER women intending to vote for 45. Without those women ready to be carpets under their males, those hi-T MAGA are out of business...and descent
M Tree the reason that the 19th Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified by the states . The 66th Congress and the majority of the states in 1919 were controlled by the Republicans. The Republicans didn't give women the vote because they were liberal, they were the majority and they figured that women would vote as their husband told them and thus double the votes.
And sure enough it seems true today. Tis no mystery to me why.
Nature has seen fit to give females the role of life giver, and nurturer to ensure that the offspring reach maturity and can fend for themselves. You see that in nature, same is true in homo sapiens sapiens. We call it the maternal instinct, and you hear about the maternal clock as women age, their ovum age, and it is a race against the clock to have children, and if they can't they just have to adopt.
This primal urge mandates that they seek out and obtain the best protector and provider that they can. Visit a red neck trailer park, knock on doors and eventually you will see the best looking and best endowed female coupled with the roughest,toughest, most tattooed and foul mouthed tough guy in the park.
Among the wealthy, the upper class, the daughters couple with wealthiest they can find. What is happening is that each class is seeing to it that their women are coupled with the best providers and protectors in their class. And each class has it's own definition of the best provider and protector
It is taboo for women to marry below their social status, but not for men.
Thus you will see a RFK Jr, marry an actress Cheryl Hines an actress, But seldom the other way around. LBJ's daughter Lynda Bird married Charles Robb a Marine Captain, who went on to become the 64th Govenor of VA and a US Senator
Jack and Jackie Kennedy's daughter Caroline married Edwin Schlossberg, a museum exhibit designer and author,
RFK Sr's Daughter Kerry married Andrew Cuomo
Daughter Rory married n American writer, best known for his documentary films, including Last Days in Vietnam (2014), Downfall: The Case Against Boeing (2022), and The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari (2022). Bailey, together with his wife, filmmaker Rory Kennedy, own Moxie Films, a documentary film production company.The company produces documentaries "for broadcast and cable networks, including Netflix, HBO, PBS, A&E, National Geographic, Showtime, Discovery Channel, MTV, TLC, Lifetime Television, the Oxygen Network, and the Sundance Channel as well as for educational foundations and philanthropic organizations."
Daughter Kathleen married David Lee Townsend (born 1947),whom she had met when he was a graduate student and her tutor at Radcliffe.As of April 2020, David is a member of the faculty at St. John's College in Annapolis
Donald may be rich and famous, but he is not in the upper class, never the less he married foreign women who were catalog "models".
Ivanka married a wealthy crook like her father.
I expect Tiffany to do the same.
Chelsea Clinton married investment banker Marc Mezvinsky[118] on July 31, 2010, in an interfaith ceremony at the Astor Courts estate in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky is Jewish, d his parents, Marjorie Margolies and Edward Mezvinsky, are both former members of Congress. The senior Clintons and Mezvinskys were friends in the 1990s and their children met on a Renaissance Weekend retreat in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
When I was a newly minted 2d Lt, my boss was a black Major. He was horrified and scandalized because a female Captain (a nurse) married a lowly staff sergeant, and she was cashiered for fraternization.
Her crime, social miscegenation, not racial miscegenation.
William Farrar, ah yes, classism is alive and well. But, I believe much of it, just like sexism and racism are conditioned thoughts and behavior patterns, and so can be ameliorated via improved conditioning. Now that would be freedom.
A woman will do that because that's what/how she was raised to think. Brainwashing starts at youth when one or both parents/guardians keep telling that female, "Oh, honey, you know you are nothing without a man!" Or, simply told over and over that man are more entitled because they are men.
Andrea, yes, it's so sad and maddening. Countering that conditioning is so important. And many people have been so successful at countering the nonsense, that we have the current patriarchy backlash seriously adamant about returning us to darkness.
Andrea, just think of how a girl is taught to “save herself for marriage,” and a boy is encouraged to “sow his wild oats.” That was while women were still basically property.
A great analysis of macho. I have always thought that macho behavior was a reaction to the fear one might have of being gay. So to prove to himself and the world that he is not gay he acts macho.
The only thing that sinks in Petro, is that you are an asshole.
If a woman that had any brains and loved her kids, had any thought for their future the last thing she would do is vote for Trump and his team of theocratic, misogynistic, and racist fascists,like you.
Your last paragraph is interesting. Did you know the No1 reason for a pregnant women to die is homicide?? Death by the very male that impregnated her, specifically.
This factoid you will hear watching true crime shows long enough. Both Candice Delong, FBi profiler and former prosecutor, Nancy Grace have mentioned this fact.
No But's about it Judy. It is pro forma that the "pro life" movement was created, spear headed and fund by men, from the Pope and knight of Columbus, and Southern Baptists, to so called libertarians, and even some atheists.
It is all about male insecurity and sexual need for domination.
Conservative may not be the right word. It describes a nearly extinct type. I know of men who would regard themselves as conservative and are now independent, voting for the occasional Democrat or non-Maga Republican, when they can find one.
You know the problem with the word "conservative," is that reichwing fascists aka: MAGAts have stunk up that word by stealing it to describe themselves that now, non-MAGAt reichwingers like Nikky Haley-types or The Lincoln Project founders call themselves the same thing buy now constantly have to clarify they are NOT MAGAts but conservatives, but neither are they Republicans, either claiming "the party left them."
This is what all Rethuglicons do and have been doing for decades is taking political terminology and words and dragging through the mud so nobody wants to claim them or everyone is confused by their meaning.
(They've done that with the word, "Entitlements," & "socialism.") Not surprised they screwed up the meaning of "conservatism," now.
You are talking about a Political definition or affiliation. I am talking about an identity, a non political identity. I identify as progressive, but there is no political party named Progressive.
Don’t know why I did not clock the most obvious reason for the block. Profiteering. I need to fork out more dinero to be socially media enabled to like anything…
Several people have had this problem. The thing that works is switching browsers, but not the same browser for everyone. When I tried Chrome it didn't work, but when I tried duckduckgo I got my likes back. Chrome worked for some people. Try another browser or 2
I found that you can like something before you first go off the site. When you come back, the like doesn't work. When that happens and I really like a post, I write like in the comments.
M Tree - I am about to get a new iPad because my current one stopped updating back at 15.something so I will see if that works. I was able to like a post that was under notes the other day (surprised me and I damn near wanted to like every single one) but trying through the email I still cannot. I was about to edit to say what G G has said before but I see he already has. Thank you G G for your help.
M Tree - “like” G G is great with trying to help others. I currently use DuckDuckGo (because I am usually a private and an untrusting person) and if I get back my “like” button everyone needs to look out. ;D
Several people have had this problem. The thing that works is switching browsers, but not the same browser for everyone. When I tried Chrome it didn't work, but when I tried duckduckgo I got my likes back. Chrome worked for some people. Try another browser or 2.
Google duckduckgo (or whatever browser you want to try), find the download button and download it. Then you want to go into "settings" on your android and switch default browser to duckduckgo. I have to go to work now, if you have more trouble maybe someone else can help or maybe I can respond later in the day. These things are frustrating.
Several people have had this problem. The thing that works is switching browsers, but not the same browser for everyone. When I tried Chrome it didn't work, but when I tried duckduckgo I got my likes back. Chrome worked for some people. Try another browser or 2
For one thing, the electorate is not set... yet. Millions of potential Harris voters are not registered ... yet. She trends 60% with women, the same with young people, 70% with tenants in the blue wall swing states. Now is the hour to expand our base significantly.
Yes, American women will be well served by endless waves of illegal migrants who will rape them, rob them, steal their cars with their kids inside, consume endless tax resources, make rents far higher and neighborhoods much, much more dangerous. Perfect!
None of us needs to reveal our voting choice if we don't want to. It's our sacred right to secrecy. And if someone has the lack of decency to honor that right & insists you tell them, then you have no obligation to tell them the truth.
What always comes to mind is the report of Trump walking into the dressing room at the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997. Imagine as a parent that your daughter tells you that her male soccer coach came into their dressing room after games while they were showering/changing clothes. Trump is THAT guy.
Yes, our future does depend on it. Do you want four more years of this criminal incompetence? This has been the worst administration of the last 100 years. The daily reports of women and children being murdered by illegals should be enough to make anyone with a shred of common sense vote for President Trump. Now the illegals are stealing our cats and dogs to eat them.
Women truly are working hard to elect Harris, defend democracy, create an opportunity for the USA to live up to its potential. We have been working hard since Abagail Adams requested her husband to “remember the ladies”. The critical question in all of American history is why men are not remembering the ladies still. Why are they not working as hard along side us to create this future that will benefit them more than misogynistic patriarchy? They still want it both ways is all one can conclude. Guys we want your help at our side. Our Democracy -the world’s belief in Democracy- depends on it.
Our small Democratic Committee in a 70% red county has printed sticky notes with this message. We will blanket every public women's bathroom in the County. We've seen MAGAts promoting "kitchen table" early absentee voting. We presume to allow the men to oversee their wives/GF's vote.
Professor Reich: and whilst we're listing trump's many crimes against women specifically, what really happened to his former wife, ivana? the circumstances are suspicious (i've always been suspicious of them -- very similar to russian oligarchs falling out of windows in my mind), and the casket filled with ivana's ashes that was so heavy that it required ten grown men to carry to the gravesite is extremely suspicious.
i'm also wondering what will happen with the dozens of women who have come forward with credible rape and sexual battery claims? and gawd only knows how many more are out there who are too afraid to speak up ... it's terrifying to take on a rapist and crime lord in public.
but all that said, the russian-MAGA cult campaign against kamala harris is gaining steam: she's being criticised for being TOO competent, TOO strong, TOO well-informed and thoughtful, for having policies that are too detailed, for not having any policies at all, for not publishing her policies in book form (as hillary did), for having dated several men before meeting, dating and marrying douglas emhoff ... and this is not including the fact that she is erroneously being blamed for the border issues that are actually due to TRUMP -- with tons of receipts to back that up.
jeezuz, i could go on and on and on, but seriously, this recounting is exhausting and really really depressing. please, everyone, make it stop! vote blue up and down the ballot so we all can begin to leave this nightmare behind us and heal.
You're right, Maryk! I make calls, send postcards and talk to whoever will listen! Work hard everybody and shut out all the misinformation and propaganda. It's just noise! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!!
I’m a registered Dem who will not be voting for Kamala. I know many more like me who believe the Dems have betrayed women and girls by saying woman ins a feeling not a biological fact. Now we must disrobe in front of, compete against and be jailed with males who claim they have a woman identity. A vote for Kamala is a vote against women and girls.
Gender dysphoria is nothing new, mom. Both eagles and chimpanzees in the wild have been observed to form stable same set Couples to raise young uns. Nearly every society from classical China and Persia, the warrior tribes of the native Americans, Hindu society, Medieval monsters have recognized social roles for people who feel uncomfortable with the social roles that match their bodies. My grandma born in a village in Eastern Europe over 100 years ago had words for it. Whispered of course, but mostly pity. They are who they are. No blame. With unwavering love your weird kid can grow up to be a good and happy person.
Actually, a vote for women's rights and an understanding that sex is real, material and fundamental to our rights as women and girls will help my condition. My fellow democrats have betrayed us.
Neither misinformed nor a troll. I was advised to transition my 12 year old autistic daughter and it nearly killed her. Now I am far more informed about this topic than most. Humans cannot change sex. Telling gay, autistic and distressed children that they can is cruel.
Democrats like me are rising up to save our children and save women's rights. If kamala loses, this will be a big reason why. dems like me cannot vote for the destruction of women's rights or the mass sterilization of gay and autistic kids. It's illiberal. Anti-woman. Anti-science.
I went to that linked website. I could find nothing about who these people are or who funds them. Be careful— things are not always what they seem on the Internet. You have heard of wolves and sheep clothing?
They are anonymous now because those liberals who speak out about the harms of gender ideology have been attacked. I have personally had several trans activist contact my place of employment to have me fired for speaking out about the rights of women and safety of children. But if you would like more information about liberal, independent or nonpartisan women standing up for their rights and their children's safety, I recommend:
There's some really good youtube content that helps dig into this. Contrapoints video about JK Rowling and another youtuber Jammidodger has a lot of videos. Mom of, glad your child is happy and I'm sorry you are being dismissed. I don't agree with you but I see you aren't being engaged with here by everyone. I'm not scared of sharing a bathroom with a transgender woman. If a man wanted to attack me in a bathroom he already could dress Iike a woman, or a janitor or policeman for that matter to put my guard down. But I really don't think transgender women are a threat. The portrayal of transgender women as rapists in the media has laid groundwork for that idea, it's just not true. Transgender women are friends not psychopaths. The video entitled "JK Rowling" by Contrapoints lays out well the underlying fear. Videos by Jammidodger lay out statistics of the rarity for transgender people to detransition, and the difference between gender identity and the sex you were born with. You can be physically male but adopt the gender identity of a female. I want to live in a world where males are accepted when they choose to live and express themselves in a feminine manner to the point of wanting to be treated in all ways as a woman. There are already protections in place for minors to ensure that they aren't doing this without proper screening, adult permission, and psychological help. I'm sure I'm not changing your mind but for those out there who want to educate themselves I want to share more links that helped me understand (and therefore not fear) transgenderism. To me it's very clear: I am much more afraid of the misogyny rampant & promoted on the right than by sweet male bodied people who want to identify as women, or female bodied people who want to go through the workd as men (though not much fear mongering towards them - instead more common is patronizing benevolence to save then from themselves). And I dont begrudge them surgery to help.
What you want is to question everyone who uses the bathroom on the off chance they are a rapist in disguise? Lots of cis-women look like transgender women. So you are going to make life hell for women with masculine features who have to carry around a birth certificate. I would recommend you get to know some transgender women to overcome your fear of them. They're just people who want to pee when they're out and about, like the rest of us. In my comment above there are links to great videos for anyone else out there who is afraid of transgender women.
I recommend you get to know some Muslim women, some victims of sexual assault, and some pubescent girls. Anyone is welcome to use bathrooms that are all gender or single person spaces. Or spaces consistent with their sex with the faculties built for their bodies. Women fought hard for single sec spaces so we could participate fully in public life. That is called feminism. It is the job of men to make room for other males who do not conform to sex stereotypes. Colonizing the safe spaces of vulnerable women is not progressive. It’s not liberal. It’s not feminist. And it’s not ok.
why would you feel for my child. My child has now totally detransitioned and learned to love her happy health gender nonconforming quirky female self. She thanks me all the time that I did not allow her to permanent remove her healthy breast or deepen her lovely voice. This is exactly the kind of cruel and misunderstanding rhetoric that makes it impossible for me to vote for the Dems. I recommend you educate yourself on the plight of detransitioners and the many children who have been harmed by cavalier sex-trait modifications and hormonal interventions.
I don’t believe the Democratic Party has policies that force sex/gender change. But the party does promote equality for all. The sex/gender change is a contemporary cultural shift, nothing to do with political parties. That said, I am not fond of unisex bathrooms!
thanks but no thanks for making us trans people appear like monsters... I understand you would rather have us kill ourselves than face the reality that we exist.
If your argument about trans women is for the safety of bio women, then yes, you are saying they are dangerous or monsters. What about trans men? The fact that this anti trans rhetoric is one sided is telling.
Men are a threat to the safety and dignity of women. Not all men of course, but we don’t know which ones which is why we have fought for safe spaces to protect the dignity and safety of women and girls. How would one be able to know the difference between a self-described transwomen and a man? Women are adult human females. Women are women. Men are not.
I am not implying anything of the sort. Women deserve safe single spaces away from males. We don’t know which males are a threat so we great safe spaces. How would anyone be able to tell the difference between a male with a “woman identity” and one without? No males in women’s spaces. You may not consent on my behalf.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my point of view. The issue isn’t just about comfort and dignity but is about women’s safety. It’s why our mothers and grandmothers fought so hard for single sex spaces and sports. Most men can kill most women with their bare hands. And men commit almost all of the sexual assaults and mostly against women. Not all men, but enough that we liberals have seen fit to provide single sex spaces to allow women to full participate in public life. No one is born without a sex. Some are born with ambiguous genitalia. In any case the majority of transwomen have intact penises and not ambiguous genitalia. I do not believe it is the job of women to make space for males who do not conform to masculine stereotypes. It’s the job of men to make space for gender nonconformity. We women do not consent and you may not consent on my behalf.
Yes I like blur too, but humans cannot change sex. You know this. according to the United nations: Redefinition of ‘sex’ in Title IX will foster more violence and discrimination against women and girls, says UN expert
she did. she also died (was murdered?) shortly -- like DAYS -- before she was to be deposed by the NYState Attorney General Letitia James regarding trump's fraudulent misrepresentation of the value of his various real estate assets for financial benefits (reduced taxes or more favorable loan terms).
It remains very suspicious, and I’ve been told that I am dabbling in conspiracies, but I don’t feel comfortable about the circumstances under which she died.
True, but she’s no longer with us to comment on her multiple fatal injuries from a “fall” at home. Cremated very quickly…and buried in private property in a coffin too heavy for ten pallbearers. .???
Heresay. Everything you read are opinions and accusations. Try reading facts. She fell down steps. Why, no one knows. The only mystery is with her. Was she drinking? Was she taking medication? Did she have a health problem? Only God knows, but those who have consistently attacked President Trump will tell you their opinions or accusations. O read they had a friendly relationship after all those years and both love their children. Why don't you people stop making up things in your head??
‘It’s terrifying to take on a rapist and crime Lord in public’. Yep. As well as potentially fatal for you and yours when trying to expose the sexual violence crimes of an ex POTUS with favours to call in from many in the governing class.
Why don't you reflect Kamala as am opportunist? She has an affair with Willie Brown a married man for 30 years who helped her climb the ladder. Who else was she involved with? Her husband and Jill Biden had an long kiss...we don't make it out to be anything, but we could....
GrrlScientist, so it's safe to assume that you have no problems with a creepy old man sniffing and touching extremely uncomfortable little girls? Or how about taking showers with your daughter into her teens?
Just out of curiosity, what is your field of science, Sciencegrrl? Astrology? Tea Leaf Reading? Cosmetology?
It has always been and always will be astonishing and unfathomable to me that ANY woman could vote for DT. The fact that he had such a large number of white suburban women voting for him in the first election boggles the mind. Can there be a large proportion of self-hating women living quietly in America? I think psychologists and sociologists will be studying this phenomenon for many years, long after Trump is dead and buried, which simply cannot happen soon enough.
What is the difference between a transwomen and a man. I guarantee that I am far more informed that you on this matter. What you believe is of no import to me. What matters is what is true. You are welcome to use coed restrooms but leave single sex spaces for vulnerable women. The United Nations agrees. Stop erasing women and girls. Forcing Muslim women and victims of sexual abuse to disrobe with males is neither progressive nor feminist. Or kind. Check your privilege. Educate yourself. Do. The. Work. Be better.
Yes. They are just humans with human sex like the rest of us. Males do not belong in female spaces. It’s not the job of women to remove our safety and our boundaries to accommodate males who claim a “woman identity”. I think you know this.
GrrlScientist, so it's safe to assume that you have no problems with a creepy old man sniffing and touching extremely uncomfortable little girls? Or how about taking showers with your daughter into her teens?
Just out of curiosity, what is your field of science, Sciencegrrl? Astrology? Tea Leaf Reading? Cosmetology?
The ONLY idiots following all of their propaganda are MAGAts.
Now, I hear there are (bizarre) "undecideds" & that might be a persuadable group. Other than that, everything else is reichwing spew that unless you are a FOX/OAN//Newsmax cultist, it won't register.
Republicans are trying to suppress women's votes by requiring a birth certificate to show proof of identity. The Social Security Administration doesn't require women to change their names with the SSA when they marry because they always have the same SS number. It took me a couple of months to renew my driver's license in Illinois, although I have had the same married name on my license four times. I finally resorted to finding my yearly Social Security Statement, which they reluctantly had to accept. Thom Hartmann recently did a story about how the GOP is suppressing women's votes.
In order to get "real i.d." California DMV says I need certified marriage cert. from first husband to show name change. Needless to say, no male has to go document-hunting for that reason.
JD Vance has reportedly changed his name three times. He better show up with all the required documents in order to vote. I read Ohio, run by corrupt republicans, is big on voter suppression and disenfranchisement; let them start with JD first.
Thanks for the reminder! When the media had to clarify what his name was in Iraq, it never was clear whether there was any legal documentation of name-change. ????
In Florida I couldn’t even get my driver’s license renewed without my marriage certificate. They told me it was because my last name at birth had changed and that wouldn’t be the case for men. Only thing is that I’ve had a drivers license since I was 18 and now my 73 I thought it was a Florida/DeSantis thing.
Mmerose - “ like” I had a cousin who had to get her birth certificate, her marriage certificate, her divorce decree and her current marriage license along with other papers just to get the real I.d. in Ohio. Yes, they will stop at nothing.
CA DMV will also accept for real ID birth certificate with maiden name and divorce decree from first husband from a woman who changed her last name upon marriage (or previous marriage). Never, never get rid of the divorce paperwork.
Good advice! All my essential papers were carefully assembled in their own bag in my storage unit, which was burgled in February. Storage alert, brethren! There is no alarm or camera INSIDE the unit. The perp rents a random vacant unit, moves some stuff (maybe shoplifted) in for show, then just comes along after manned office hours with a standard flat screwdriver and easily unscrews the divider between units. Nobody warned me, and they happened to catch me between houses. Very very happy burglars. AFTERWARDS, the manager told me all about how there seemed to be a gang all over the Bay Area, and one facility had had a string of more than 6 units hit before the last in line happened to actually visit their unit and find out what was going on. I've been so crushed I haven't even asked, can't they fill the screw holes with glue? Does your facility have "Security" in it's name? Just unintended black humor.
I would call it medium-gauge corrugated metal; the kind where the channels are maybe 1 1/2" deep, same across bottom of channel, but once it's loose it flexes easily in line with the channels. I'm describing a standard kind of thing I don't know the terminology for.
Gloria, your situation is terrible evidence that 'The Handmaid's Tale' degree of treachery described by Prof. Reich is already here for the working parts of this country that are controlled
by the trump mob. As t. would say when he gets called out for his crimes, "this is a complete disgrace". Actually, trump is not a complete human.
No. Dump is human. We all need to own the fact and reality a whole political tribe are all somewhere on the psychological spectrum of narcissist/sociopath/psychopath.
No animals kill for the sake of killing, like us humans, now do they?
I once had a barn cat who tormented a chipmunk, to watch it leap three feet into the air, time after time, evidently just for fun, until the animal escaped into the weeds. The cat then tore after the 'munk with intent to kill. My point is that drumpf and many of his most lethal sycophants have had portions of their cerebral cortex, the structure in the brain which separates us from lesser(?) animals, short circuited. I am not a mental health professional, but the few with whom I have spoken or whom I have read, might characterize his psychopathy as that of a sado-narcissistic complex.
He is our candidate for punisher-in-chief, and delights in the adoration of his supplicants for it. IMO he is missing a critical function of his human brain. So to say, he is over the edge of human behavior which would allow for him to remain on the street, legally. Pick up a copy of 'The Dangerous Case of (him)' edited by Dr. Bandy X.
Lee. herr drump lost it as a complete human long ago.
The level of stupidity you must have to actually believe the claptrap you just wrote is truly astonishing. Of course, you're a stupid old boomer hag. No surprise at all.
Really?? You have to have an ID to drive a car to buy Cigarette, beer, get into the DNC Convention, to fly...Why wouldn't you need an ID to prove you're a US Citizen l? We can't vote in other countries elections of we do were arrested.
Our Constitution does NOT give Illegals the right to vote...
"a “Republic” led exclusively by “high-status males” with “high testosterone levels.”
So Musk thinks men who are at the mercy of their hormones 24/7 should run the country? That suggests that men should be barred from government. According to the misogynists, we women are at the mercy of our hormones only once a month--much better chance of rational government.
I sort of like your "math," but i find myself unable to admit that "at the mercy of hormones" dooms rational government generally. I don't think it's hormones that corrupt the government of men. These men are mean, and indoctrinated by religion and peer-pressure in an ugly cult of misogyny that doesn't correlate to hormones. Don't give Musk the excuse of hormones. He's just an a......hole.
Jordan Klepper interview a woman trump supporter who said that the presidency was a man’s job, that a woman could start a war like that (finger snap). Then he said “but haven’t all wars been started by men?”
Sad that same could be elicited 8 years later. Or 40 years later, if somebody had put a microphone to my highly-educated mother's mouth. Women fit themselves into cultural identity for survival just as much as men buy into "rightful" roles. Change is hard.
Trump doesn’t exactly deny these assaults happening. Instead he makes a story as to why they are unlikely. He seems incapable of affirming that a woman - any woman - could tell the truth.
I think women are quite capable of working out what men have on their mind and why they might choose an unlikely and vulnerable moment to make a move.
His comments also ignore the fact (as our former Prosecutor VP well knows) that rape and sexual assault have little to do with the attractiveness of the victims, but almost everything to do with their vulnerability. The stories of these women all tell a similar narrative: they were alone, trapped and off guard, and he took advantage of that. He also avoided exposure due to his fame and power. It's a familiar story.
As so often before, I’m here in Europe, shaking my head in disbelief, and wondering what’s wrong with America. The country that liberated us from fascism is now playing with the idea of trying that failed concept again. We’ve tried it in Europe: after twelve years, we were happy not to experience the other promised 988 years.
Don't you worry, Alexander! We are going to clean house in November! There will be an avalanche of votes for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and hopefully a Democratic House and Senate. Many charlatans and mean-spirited people have slowly infiltrated our government. It may have taken a little while for Americans to wake up and see what was happening, but we are wide-eyed now and we will fix this! America may be a little bent right now but she will still be standing once we have eliminated the orange man from the political equation!
Thanks, Alexander, it is so very nice to know that people in other countries have our backs and are cheering us on. This is probably the most important election in my lifetime (and I have lived through quite a few!) but I am working so very hard writing postcards and letters, signing petitions and talking to everyone and anyone who will listen. Don't lose faith, we will win in November!
Yes sir, as a lifetime U.S. citizen, I am shaking my own head at this, since many of whom we here call "the greatest generation" left it all on the battlefield to which you refer, and others among them supported them to the bitter resolution of that conflict. You will get no appreciation of this from trump and his cadres, for they simply wish to take right up from where "der fuehrer" left off. This country was founded upon the concept of "liberty and justice for all" but the pigs who employed human chattel to drive their economy, and the ones who to this day abuse their workers and women, never got that message.
Alexander Verbeek ; Don't crow too loudly ; If the obscenely wealthy and their stacked extreme court in The USA "win" , All of the countries in Europe (and the world) will be fighting fascism , there are always those in our midst who want it all, and don't believe in sharing.
Alexander, I've been wondering that same thing re: Hungary! How is it Hungarians desire for rabid authoritarianism was still "a thing," after what they went through during WW2? Viktor Orban is working with and advising reichwingers over here.
I also heard Italy has elected some fascist. How is any of that STILL going on in Europe??? You guys were on the front line of fascism and these countries haven't learned anything, either.
Well, history is only helpful if it's actually being taught to the next group or generation and THAT'S our problem, another one. Because it's not.
EX: I watch true crime enough to hear domestic abuse victims always fall into the same pattern, unknowingly--yet countless survivors of abuse have formed organizations and support groups everywhere in the US, so WHY does even another woman get trapped ever again? Or not even recognize or know those infamous red-flags of control and violence?
History is the same thing. How do we all get the message out to everyone generation after generation when our once-prized public schools are being defunded and dumbed down & destroyed by greedy fascistic CEOs and lousy soulless politicians?
Decades ago, same thing. We stopped teaching "Civics," & saw an increase in voter apathy and more ignorance of how our government works.
The reichwing billionaires have planned for this since late 70s.
I find the roots of fascism in Italy and Germany in the 1920's easier to understand than its rise today. Then it was a first try; it hadn't shown fully its ugliness and there was an economic crisis on top of military defeat. This time, we know how evil fascism is and the economic situation is far better in the US and Europe than it was some 100 years ago. Where is the fertile ground to plant the seeds of hate? Ignorance? Media / social media?
Donald Trump is a misogynist in spades. His primitive desire for women is strictly a sick form of curiosity driven by ignorance and the need to appear normal. He views womanhood as being a weakness not a strength. However, his real distaste for women lies in the fact that he understands they're smarter than he is. Considering he knows more than his generals, coupled with the fact he fears the "weaker sex," Donnie Boy finds himself with a deep desire to emulate his mentor from Germany's misguided past. There are more women in this country then men and to turn his back and degrade future voters to their faces was foolish. The issue of abortion, which he was so proud of overturning, will be his downfall. I remember an old saying that referred to a woman's "Scorn" as something to be feared, especially when they hold the ability to vote. Trump slit his own throat through his own ignorance and distain of women, and he thought he was smart enough to be President of a country he never understood.
Sadly, I believe he DOES understand this country, that has so much potential to be better. The "lone cowboy" syndrome that Waaaay too many men have. Men believe "one good guy with a gun" will overcome all evils. (A major fallacy I worked in law enforcement and that viewpoint is in error. )
I remind males that a lot of sperm frozen could make a situation where men are no longer needed to take care of population growth. Women can continue to birth the generations without "men".
Men try to believe because they have a penis they are good at "sex". They believe they're better at maths, better at "righting wrongs", better at making and handling money. I could go on.
Jesus of Nazareth, a Samaritan immigrant, treated women as equals, defending their right to sit and listen to his teachings, treating them as intelligent individuals, and protecting them from corrupt charges that in Israel's tribal world would have resulted in their stoning. The "orange jesus" is completely immoral and ignorant.
Just another reason this should not be within a million miles of the White House. The fact that the election is so close shows how close we are to the edge of total madness. OMG!!!
I suppose the "hard core" Fundamental Christian Nationalist (FCN) women wouldn't change their vote for trump for any argument. That still leave lots of women. I hope women will vote for freedom, rights concerning decisions on their own bodies, etc. And I hope and ask that we all vote to hold trump accountable for his long list of crimes and misbehaviors. He and MAGA easily fail the character test, in my opinion. He also fails the policies tests. He fails the democracy test. He fails the country over party test. He fails the national interest over personal interest test. He has delayed, denied, deceived, distracted, deflected his way out of accountability. He complains the system is "rigged" against him, but he and MAGA have rigged the courts in his favor and he games everything he can.
We need a Blue wave to sweep him and MAGA and the FCNs decisively out of play and power.
I am a proud husband of a woman who had a full time career in public health while raising 2 daughters. My daughters have fulltime careers as an architect & a pediatric NP while raising my grandchildren. I am a retired primary care MD. I was an active duty Marine 1969-71. I am a progressive politically. I am disappointed by my baby boomer generations political leadership decisions. Birth control access & abortion decisions should be health care decisions made by the individual with a health care providers input. Our federal tax system needs to tax people like me at a higher just tax rate. I am voting for Harris/Walz hoping this younger generation will really lead with foresight.
'... Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants....'
'... Trump did not attend the Carroll trial and wasn't there when the charges were read — though he assailed the verdict as "a disgrace" on his social media site.... '
If only. I am fighting with the owners of Etsy right now on the matter of selling/promoting misogyny.
They have a list of policies--their own policies, that don't allow their sellers to promote items that promote: "hatred, or violence, or pornography" yet they are allowing dozens of sellers selling that vile "C" word on all kinds of products as though that word is what we all call each other casually.
I told them you don't call any female that word unless you resent & hate them. BTW: I heard a handful of Rethuglicons in congress calling some of female Democrats like AOC and Jasmine Crockett the "C" word.
That's certainly not out of any kind of game or respect! My god.
With corporations like Etsy, the men that own it and the sellers they allow to break their own rules must be very misogynistic and hate women. You know who is selling this sewer crap are reichwingers, and probably all males.
This is what we are up against!
Who calls the females they love and respect the "C" word??? WTF.
My issue is, why am I the only customer on Etsy complaining about this crap being promoted against women???
Misogyny is everywhere and too many of us are accepting it & refusing to fight it.
It doesn’t have to be as blatant as the “c” word. Sexism and misogyny are a deep structure/subconscious phenomenon also. Here’s one small ex.: every time you call women ”guys” you are practicing sexism.
Watch any true crime show long enough and you will hear a cop refer to a known criminal, their own chosen male suspect: "gentleman."
It doesn't matter if they are known rapists or serial killers or domestic abusers...all law enforcement will call these swine: "gentlemen."
Keep in mind that the majority of crime is done to females by men & many of the victims of everyday crimes in our cities are against females who are desperate to support themselves and have no help from society; they do drugs and work as prostitutes. It's not uncommon for law enforcement to treat these desperate women & victims as invisible, drag their feet during their investigations & basically treat these females as disposable and not important...but boy, the 'Ted Bundys' out there are "gentlemen."
I also want to add that in case someone thinks there's nothing wrong with elevating a known domestic abuser or rapist or killer os women to "Gentleman" status, what these cops should be doing is calling these SOBs ""perpetrator"", "suspect" or simply "this guy."
Leave it to a mostly reichwing authoritarian group of males to treat other males as 'better than' everybody else & without thinking.
Can we get a very large blimp and put those awful pretend males in it and drop them down inside a volcano just before it erupts? Or something like the Hindenburg? They are all completely despicable excuses for humans and are only acting to be so tough, bad & privileged because they are the complete opposite. Pathetic low life scum.
Trump's use of language is a giveaway. “Frankly — I know you’re going to say it’s a terrible thing to say — but it couldn’t have happened, it didn’t happen, and she would not have been the chosen one,” He uses the term "chosen one" to refer to a woman he might have wanted to sexually assault. I don't know how much clearer he can be about his attitude towards women.
An important point to all American women, no one will know who you voted for on November 5th, 2024. Vote as if your future, as equals depends on it, because it does!
This is an important message for those of us who are interacting with women who may be on the fence or who dwell in the Maga world. I emphasized this point in a recent conversation and felt like it had an impact. Fingers crossed but also boots on the ground for Harris!
Project 2025/Agenda 47 should be a slam-dunk. Rethuglicons want to control birth control, voting rights, our air, water, our privacy!! They want to take away OUR SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE for god's sakes!?!
I know. MAGAts refuse to even attach P2025 to their cult leader.
I would give up on cultists & just ferret out the equally bizarre "undecideds," if possible.
Undecided? Coming from where we, those of us who read, are, it seems impossible that anyone could be undecided, let alone support the likes of a tRump.
Harvey, I am with you. I can't imagine that people have not yet decided. I think for those folks, either of two things is happening: they want Trump for some sick reason and don't want to acknowledge it or they live in a community where the people have decided Trump and his fascist friends rule and they want so much to belong, but don't want Trump, so they will claim they have not decided. I suspect everyone in this nation who plans to vote has decided and we should work hardest to get the pro-Harris-Walz voters to the polls, particularly the young people whose future depends on who is elected in November no matter their feelings about the genocide in Gaza. Trump would prefer to give Gaza and the West Bank as a gift to Netanyahu and his cronies; Harris and her team would not do that. .
Ruth, there are people who refuse to vote for either. Some on the right can no longer stand that lying, crooked traitor, but have been brainwashed all their lives to believe Democrats are evil, & there are those on the far left who refuse to vote for either because Kamala doesn't fit perfectly with their agenda on every issue, or at least the key issue for them, which usually is, for some reason, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Both sides seem more resistant to voting Harris than for Trump, unfortunately.
While I mostly vote Democrat there are still issues that I don't like from all of them. But they have the ones who we have elected to make the choices. I think Israel should be on its own money wise. They are not a poor country. We don't need to pay them. But all presidents seem to continue that practice.
I know! I heard that from Rick Wilson over on his site on YT just last week. Talk about willful ignorance...OMG.
Cognitive Dissonance - it is a psych problem.
Regarding those voters who claim to be undecided, it’s not that they’re undecided; they are leaning towards Trump and are afraid to say so to you. I realized this when I talked to a neighbor the other day who is a good friend and neighbor, so I was surprised to understand the truth behind his politics. Since we really like each other, we decided that politics would never be part of our future conversations. Nevertheless, that encounter left me deeply disturbed but wondering whether Trumpers are getting to be as afraid of us as we are of them? Pundits and the MSM are making both sides cortisol/adrenaline-driven crazy.
I find it hard to believe anyone would lean towards DJT. Everytime he opens his mouth he buries himself. And his horrible plan for immigrants is something out of Nazi Germany only not for Jews but minority races.
Penny, and it is only immigrants of color because Trump would be delighted to have Norwegians come here.
Tell it! He proudly waves such bright red flags like a matador in front of a bull, and yet his cult followers like him even MORE for it. (Facepalm)
I think there also those who live in heavily red areas who are afraid to reveal they're not voting for Trump.
exactly - what the US needs is 20 million more illegals, defunded police, more Iranian oil, more boys in women bathrooms and sports, double digit inflation, median household income to decline even more, more mandated vaccinations, deficit spending to increase, illegals voting - yea that's what we need so by all means do not vote for tRump
Undecideds who vote will vote for Donald. They’re looking for a reason (excuse) not to vote for Harris. I don’t know how someone can truly be undecided at this point unless they just came out of a coma or an institution or spent the last decade in a deep wilderness with no media of any kind.
@Texas. That' why we need the unregistered folk who trend Democratic..Still time.
Here's a basic fact: a woman's right to own, control, and protect her body is a human right. If women have no protection under the Constitution nobody's rights are protected. Trump and SCOTUS say it's up to the states. "Not so!" must be our reply.
No human right is a states rights issue. 100+ years ago they used this same tired reasoning about slavery. A right is an American right. Not a Montana or Oregon right. This argument alone should have folks from anything Republicans say.
Victor, you are right. Maybe in addition women need to see what is going on with the Taliban in Afghanistan who have ruled that not only do women have to completely cover themselves from head to toe, but they are not even allowed to speak in public. Trump would be OK with all that too, except maybe the covering the body part because he likes to ogle women and consider grabbing women by their ___. However it's all the same, keep women on edge and under the ignorant overbearing violent male thumb. We need to say "no" loud enough for the world to hear.
I just had a “discussion” with an old colleague about project 2025. She insisted it was fake. This is a woman who is a counselor for young children in public schools. It’s both scary and sad.
I hope you challenged here. Ask her to go to heritage Foundation website or whatever. But she won't. Because she already "knows" it's fake. Lordy.
I did, but she wasn’t going to listen. That’s what’s so frustrating!
Diane, it is so sad that Republicans and the fascists and the christian nationalists (usually all the same people, but sometimes different) treasure ignorance disguised as knowledge.
She is likely a kJr convert.
Indeed. "Has anybody here seen my old friend Bobby?" Because he would be spinning in his grave at what his son has become!
Tell me about it! I have this one friend who also insists that it is just a bogeyman that Trump himself has nothing to do with. And in the same breath, she also claims that Agenda 2030 is the real threat, and that the Dems are in bed with it.
Curiously, the thing I notice with MAGA is they fail to take in the information happening around them and reorder their thinking about life. For example....I've noticed MAGA seeing the good economy, the infrastructure benefit, the pay increases under the Democrats, yet believe Democrats are evil, Republicans are good, and Project 2025 isn't a thing. Women who vote for Trump, I believe are doing the same thing.
Maybe it has always been this way, or maybe it is the forever chemicals finally reaching our brains.... we now know we have all ingested.
Susan, the inability to make changes based in changing information is an “executive function,” dependent on a brain with an active prefrontal cortex. People under situations of stress overload are more likely to be guided by fear and anger - fueled by the amygdala. I’ve long believed that this cognitive override by the amygdala is one reason the GOP fuels fear, anger and paralysis: it diminishes executive functions.
Actually, Marge, Thom Hartmann has brought this matter up throughout the years on his show. He said that a conservatives brain has been studied by scientists.
They found connection between being a reichwinger and having the "Lizard portion of the brain, aka: the Amygdala" lights up or is activated by strong negative emotions ie; hatred, fear and anger. Once a conservative/reichwinger hears these strong negative emotions, they are open to manipulation by the narrator.
This isn't new. Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's "minister of propaganda," during WW2. Hitler knew the recipe and used it successfully to make Germans fight other Germans. No different than the fascist-loving reichwing billionaires of FOX, OAN, Newsmax, RAV, their 1500 radio stations & social media all do 24/7, nationwide.
And with snakeoil conman, Dumpty as their leader, the cult is complete.
Then add to all of that the same washing by the very voices who should be shouting from the rooftops about the danger tfg and his armed militias around the US. The vaunted NYT’s editor who hot miffed over President Biden not sitting for an interview, has stated that he is somehow better than to get his hands or the NYT presses dirty by playing in the world of politics. As Keith Olberman said today on his You Tube channel, Mr Sultzburger can edit the Concentration Camp Times in the future.
Andrea- totally agree.
And read Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present by Rith Ben-Ghiat
That explains a lot!
Marge, you are right about fearmongering and anger-promotion and direction being used to override our executive functioning. And, it works really well to the point that people who are doing pretty well will think they have never been in a worse position. The actual lies Republicans pump out in their ads are startling, a whiny white female voice tells us that inflation has never been worse than under Biden and Harris and somehow it is Harris's fault (they just rewrote slightly the anti-Biden ads) and prices are so high, also because of Harris (of course, not mentioning the greedflation/price-gouging corporations have initiated). They take a few words here and there, usually out of context from Harris's speeches to prove she thinks everything now for all Americans is great, implying that she thinks it is all their fault that they are struggling. It is very clever and the guys who come up with the crap are very well-paid and are being used just as everyone Republicans encounter are being used to the end that corporations here want an autocracy they can manipulate for their own benefit, paying workers as little as possible, treating them like dirt, and thinking of all workers (except themselves of course) as expendable. It really is a clever plot that has worked well for several generations now; Republicans have nothing positive to offer anyone but the very rich, but want a lot of power and money to feed their tremendous addiction to both. We need to fight this addiction that is worse than drugs or alcohol! We need to do it for the sake of our nation, our democracy.
Ted Cruz just ran an ad against Colin Allred that said Allred was for open borders! Outright lies! Allred was one of the House reps who signed a letter to Biden saying do some about the border. At the time it pissed me off, because only Congress has the ability to legislate border reform. Yet telling lies about your opponent, I guess, is the strategy you use, when you've got nothing else.
Republicans have nothing positive to offer anyone but the very rich, but want a lot of power and money to feed their tremendous addiction to both.
This made me LOL. How's the weather back there in the 1960s?
The Demonrats are now the party of tech billionaires and deviants of every stripe who want to butcher children's bodies. They have flooded the country since 2021 with 15 million unvetted criminals, rapists, murderers, and human traffickers. Are you enjoying the regular stories of women and children being raped and murdered by them?
President Trump has transformed the Republicans into the party of the middle and working classes.
That's why literally tens of thousands of decent hardworking Americans show up for every one of his appearances. These are the people you spit on.
What's the average attendance at Harris appearance? Maybe 300 and half of those showed up only for the twerking hos.
Single Cat-ladies vote Democrat. Married women with an eye on the future for their kids, families, and country will vote for President Trump.
Let that sink in.
Maybe they think Trump cares about kids? Families? And is a patriot to our country? What are uneducated supporters? Cannot help stupidity! They like tv entertainers? FULL BS.
PS Uncle P. It’s inappropriate to call a former president “President.” But the Dem candidate is Vice President Harris. Why didn’t you use her title?
Uncle P. You make it sound as tho marriage rots women’s brains (like RFKJr’s brain worm).
I have children and grandchildren. Not one of us will vote for Trump.
My older daughter voted for Bush in 2000 because his tax cuts would let her keep more of her 6-figure salary. 4 years and 2 children later (+ 9/11 and invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq) she had come to believe being a good parent meant focusing on her children’s well-being, not her income.
Pretty much the opposite of your supposition.
Let that sink in.
Fox News.
Victor, why are you here? Why do you support a party that hates you?
All the maga’s I know say the economy is down all else is fake news. They have no awareness of the infrastructure projects, don’t fear pollution of our air, water, loss of National Parks, etc. or the things that will actually affect them personally.
Stan, the reason so many people have misguided ideas is that they are living in a weird bubble that does not let them see any kind of truth. They have not experienced any of the big problems like hunger and discrimination, so therefore it does not exist. Those people who complain about such things are just lazzy, stupid, drunk, addicted, and whatever negative terms they can come up with. They are lying to themselves, but it works for them and those who share their bubble.
Those people who complain about such things are just lazzy, stupid, drunk, addicted, and whatever negative terms they can come up with.
Ruth, do you ever listen to yourself?
You would have made a good little German under Hitler.
It's the power of having FOX, OAN, RAV, & Newsmax on your TV waiting for you when you come home from a long day at work.
To hear hate, anger and fear at "the other," and that that is the object of your negative emotions says to these cultists, "This channel GETS ME!"
Nothing, NOTHING is comparable to this on the left! MSNBC spouts a lot of conservative/corporate Dem messaging.
We may get some glimmer of progressive messaging but nothing that is repeated night after night and promoted by anyone on that channel.
Fascism and hatred is a constant--spewed 24/7 on reichwing billionaires TV, radio and social media.
Until a media strategy is executed to counteract this and win back the countryside the Taliban will "rule". Dems don't get this. It's a long-term strategy. Al Franken got it.
Steve, the only media strategy I’ve seen in years is to make money thru readership and ad revenue.
Countering a conspiracy theory is not easy. If you question or deny it, then you are part of it.
Al franken the adolescent sexual groper?
Typo fixed.
MAGAts are not educated people - they do not research info
Susan, they take the information out there that fits their bias...and there's a lot of fake news that supports their position. But, you know this...
Point well taken, but the fact that they think only the richest should pay less percentage of their income as taxes is bizarre. I’m not for “taxing the rich” but tax equality is not that hard. Many of them to not believe in equality. OK to rage against any kind of food programs, but God forbid we think about reducing subsidies for big oil or any other big business. Jesus so many of their concept are hateful and stupid.
You keep telling yourself that.
My advice is to go back for your GED.
Something requiring much emphasis in k-12 schools and beyond- to be able to research on the internet.
It is surprising how incapable people seem to be to do research on the internet. AI will help but then that has downsides. The ability to cross check and reason to conclusions can't be "outsourced" to AI altogether or we're species gone. But I can see the over reliance on AI as almost inevitable.
Comedy gold.
I too sometimes wonder if its pollution or the heat. Too much lead in the pipes. Plastic lodged in the brain.
I think I just did not know the incapacity of people to reason.
Steve, people have to learn to reason. Idk whether it’s a mental skill that needs to start early to be most effective. Like fluency in a foreign language is easier for children than for adults.
Jan, yes, wouldn't it be great if we could begin teaching reasoning, thinking skills to kids beginning in Kindergarten and gradually increasing in complexity over time? I would love that. I tried to do that with my k-12 students while I was teaching, even with those who had difficulty learning reading and/or math. I put it out as that we don't want people taking advantage of us or the way sometimes people like us make mistakes and could put out the wrong information based on wrong information or that sometimes people misinterpret statistics, etc. I would give them a comment or an article by someone and ask them to figure out whether it made sense, either way - could they tell why. My middle and high school students liked debating a topic I presented and often found their minds were changed by the information presented on both sides. Reason, logic, critical thinking, comprehension, and expressing ideas and opinions are critical tools for all students, all human beings to have and educators have the responsibility to help students acquire those skills.
Yes, reason is a tool, and it can be turned against the person using it.
Reason is often overcome by emotion and deep seated prejudice.
Nice "own goal", Victor.
You could do with a remedial course on self-awareness.
Between forever chemicals and ultra processed food our brains are definitely deteriorating. To ease up on the stress, I hope that a great change will be made to our voting system and put an end to the redundant electoral college. That change would be modeled after the British election system where the election period is only a couple of months not a whole year. This would cut down on all the mountains of money being poured into election campaigns and help us scrutinize the candidates more quickly and thoroughly with less time for dirt-digging and mudslinging.
Ilene, it would be great to ditch the electoral college which is one of the stupidest ideas anyone has come up with for a democratic government. However there will be a lot of pushback, because there something we pretty much ignore when we talk about elections, who is getting all that money that is donated to candidates and the various PACs. Of course there are employees, but the advertising industry has a lot at stake, so do TV stations, cable corporations and the internet owners and operators. There are the facilities rented for big events, particularly in the "swing" states that really like the benefits of being a swing state in a long campaign. The "white states" will fight it too because they know they have far more power and pull than they deserve and since they are white ruled, they fear losing that power they get in a nation as diverse as ours. In short, ditching the electoral college is going to be really hard and it won't all be Republicans trying to stop it.
Ruth, you are a TDS genius!
Curiously, the thing I notice with MAGA is they fail to take in the information happening around them and reorder their thinking about life.
Curiously, I find this to be far truer about Democrats.
If the Titanic hit the iceberg today, the Democrat passengers would be demanding that the captain back up and hit it again.
You have TDS, my dear.
Ah Pedro, I am guessing you think you have some special ability that lets you think you know anything about women. Even if you are a woman in man's name, you don't! I get it that botts and Trumpers think they can tell women what to do and who we are, but your ignorance just keeps proving you can't. So just keep it up until someone reports you off this thread. This is my final comment to you no matter what garbage you spew about me. It means nothing. I hope the other women and our allies take the same tac.
Same here. Cult 45 members are a lost cause, no use wasting one's precious time and energy on them. I gave up on them long ago, and now I only focus on the fence-sitters.
Another ignorant woman wets the bed.
Bcuz that 2025 was written by those Rhinos who've been voting consistently with the Demonrat party. President Trump has rejected that 2025 from the get go. Everything you've listed is exactly what kamalalala la has endorsed. Not Trump nor MAGA. You believe the lies even when told the truth. There's no help for you, but that's your fault.
Well stated
Project 2025 is what the communist left keeps trying to connect Trump with....but ....he does not seem all that involved. It's probably a hoax like the 2016 RUSSIAN HOAX and the "FINE PEOPLE" hoax. Or, it could be 51 former intel officers...Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian Disinformation Hoax. It's a hoax
Bye troll.
The truth…when it calls out to you…hurts but you should learn to live with it
What you're saying is NOT the truth. You're either a troll or brainwashed-can't figure out which.
Is that right?! Wow. I'm surprised any doctors are saying/doing that because they aren't known to be real activists or terribly involved in politics. Their position of power & money insulates them from a lot of damage Rethuglicons do to us.
Some years back, one, & only ONE doctor was coming forward to get Reno Nevada residents where I live to fight the repeal of the ACA going on in congress. At that meeting I specifically asked, “How many other health professionals besides yourself are engaged in fighting the Republicans?”
This doc's answer: “I'm the only one.”
I certainly hope this means more doctors will get involved this November and vote blue. We all must!
Single Cat-ladies vote Democrat. Married women with an eye on the future for their kids, families, and country will vote for President Trump.
Let that sink in.
Harris , as Border Czar has lost 85,000 illegal children, she claims, her Administration claims, they can't find them, but they do know but they won't tell us where these children, brought here unaccompanied, are...
In Colorado, residents, including women are being kicked out of their own apartments, by a violent Venezulan gang! That Democrat Govenor denied it, but it's on video, they were finally arrested .but a liberal judge released them on $1000 bail. This is just 1 example of Harris being a tertible candidate.
Now it’s 300k children’
Harris went to Central America to explore the reasons why so many were leaving their homes at great risk and extreme hardship. She was not “the border czar”. She’s been given that label since becoming a candidate. She did not separate children, put them in cages, and deport their parents without verifying any way to reunite them. That was the Trump administration.
Oh, Joanna. It was most certainly Obama that caged the illegal children, most were coming over in 2014 carrying the RSV virus, these children were unaccompanied, he put an adult in each bus and bussed them all across America. They weren't returned to their parents. And it was Patriot women who tried to stop these buses. Obama couldn't account for any of these children and we now have 300,000 missing illegal children under Harris who was given the title of Border czar. By 2015 children all across America were hospitalized, some died by what doctors said was the RSV Virus. A lot of children, brought into or from Mexico died before they reached the Southern Border. The Border Patrol were warning us all this was happening. Huff Post even had pictures of these children in cages in 2014. You are ignorant of facts. Yes. Harris went to Guatemala and was heckled by the people there. Probably why she never went to the section of the Border where these illegals were actually crossing. She went to a more safe area and gave a short speech, doned in a fine restaurant.
As for President Trump, it took 2 yrs fighting Liberal Judges to close our border. He did not cage the children. He put them up in air conditioned schools whwre they had recreational time and beds as well as 3 meals a day. The older kids he put them in air-conditioned tents. Yes, he separated kids from adults that brought them over, giving them DNA tests before they were released to them. If the DNA tests didn't match, he kept the children in safe, comfortable housing. FACT. And yes, there were those kids where the DNA tests weren't reunited with their parents either bcuz the parents were dead ( killed by ( human traffickers) coyotes, or the parents simply did not come to pick them up. But Pres. Trump did try to find their parents. Again, if the DNA tests matched the children were reunited.
You've been so dumbed down by the media and Democrat lies you can't see it.
Spot on, Trudy.! Vote Blue !
What surprises me is that 41% do not understand that 100% of women have a Trump and Republican problem. Go figure!
I made an observation during the protests at the TX State Capitol around the time of Senator Wendy Davis' historic filibuster to stop the Republicans' evisceration of women's rights. It became clear that many of the anti-choice protesters had extended families for a support network. It occurred to me that this group has no idea of the life and health situations that millions of women face.
It is easy for the "pro-life" crowd to narrowly interpret the Bible as absolutely no abortions because they do not understand the nearly infinite reasons why women need access to abortions.
For the healthy anti-choice protesters with an extended family support structure, they believe ALL women are like them, or could be like them, with their extended support structure. They cannot fathom the situations of the less fortunate and less privileged.
The anto-choice crowd does not understand that 160 million women can, and do, encounter numerous, uncountable, unimaginable, serious, life threatening, liberty threatening, and unbearable life changing situations. Each and every reason is valid. Each and every reason should be respected. Each and every reason must be protected by law.
IMO, many men and women do not understand or comprehend all of the reasons why women need the access to abortions. Many men and women do not respect* all the reasons why women néed access to abortions.
I think human and healthcare rights groups need to do more to educate voters about why it's outrage and unacceptable that a small group of privileged men and women want to limit women's rights, irregardless of millions of valid health and life reasons women experience.
Why hasnt a group made a documentary explaining these unimaginable life and. iiberty threatening situations? Can't somebody, or some group, make a tiktok that explains women's vital needs and rights?
When I get my COVID CARES Act back pay that Maryland Gov. Hogan's shameful DOL UI Division failed to process, despite every necessary document submitted several times, I know what doc and tiktok I'm making.
Danny Piper, exactly! They lack understanding because they lack the desire to ask why? I'm with you. Change the messaging. I believe, we also need to claim the pro-life moniker, as who could possibly be more in favor of life, than those who want to prevent suffering of our fellow humans.
If women had all the resources, supports, and abilities needed to give all children love, dignity, and well being, there would be fewer abortions. I'm looking forward to our world evolving to a much fairer, much more loving, much richer in dignity place but we're not there yet.
I don't believe messaging and documentaries can penetrative denial and confirmation. Otherwise nice, sufficiently educated people would not be convinced without a doubt that if people are poor, or have any number of dysfunctions it isn't just their own fault for not having been "brought up" to "work hard" and not expect "handouts," Because they don't have any "morals." Trump: disavowal means "it's a lie they just exaggerate." BUT DENIAL is rapture.. "it didn't happen it never happened. HE will save us." If I personally have never experienced it, it never happened. The earth is indeed flat.
Miriam Rodin, you make a great case. I'm with you that nothing may work for the far gone ones. My hope lies in the ones not so unconscious that a crack is possible in their shield. And over time, with the repeated efforts of more conscious people, awareness and light seeps into the growing cracks. Until one day, understanding triumphs over ego.
M Tree- “like”
Consider this: 41% is roughly 4 out of 10. 154.6 million votes were cast in 2020, according to my former employer, the US Census Bureau. (137.5 million is 2016, up 17.1 million in 2020.) Women comprise 53% of voters, so approximately 89 million females voted in 2020. 41% of 89 million voters translates to 32.8 MILLION female voters for Trump in 2020.
Now then, here's what we need to consider. While your statement suggests that the 41% of female voters, or 32.8 MILLION voters, ALL think the same way. Respectfully, that's not accurate because no group based on gender, age, race, religion or socio-economic background think the same way. Right?
For argument's sake, let's be conservative and say that 3 out of 10 women have different reasons for supporting Trump and Republicans than you stated, and thus ignore the human, civil, healthcare rights of women. I think 3 out of 10 is very low, but I'm being very conservative.
This, 3 out of 10 of the 32.8 million female voters for Trump is nearly 11 MILLION female voters have another reason that you posted about why
women vote the way they do and would not be influenced by a very moving tiktok or doc about the personal stories of why some women urgently needed access to an abortion.
I believe it's fair to say that over 10 million woman could* be swayed to oppose Trump and Republican's draconian measures that strip women of their fundamental right to healthcare and abortion IF they fully grasped the millions of valid, life saving reasons that women, including their friends, family and daughters may unfortunately desperately need.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised is well over half to 90% are swayable. It's possible ALL women, except for the most staunch Catholics and closed minded-women are swayable. Granted, an informed psychologist told me 10 years ago that nearly 10% of the population, and growing, are sociopaths. I don't expect any of them to understand other women's plights because by definition they are incapable of understanding anything but their situation.
In conclusion, conservatively 11 million women votes are swayable IF they fully respected Women's crucial need for access to an abortion and healthcare. This is far more than the number of votes that decided the 2020 election.
In fact, a few swing states decided the election by less than 80,000 votes. 80,000 votes of Trump's 32,000,000 female voters is .0025.
Now then... Do you really think a powerful campaign to inform women why they and their daughters may someday need life saving access to an abortion couldnt sway a very small percentage of women that would change the outcome of the election?
Yes, I'm an optimist. However, I also believe that most women, if more aware of the health needs other women and possibly their daughters may someday need, would take action to restore women's right to healthcare. Furthermore, I think a viral tiktok and powerful doc could move many more than .0025 of the electorate.
Moreover, the electorate increased by over 17 MILLION voters from 2016 to 2020. It's fair to say that many millions more will vote in 2024. Over half will be women. Considering the referendums on ballots and the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe, many more women could vote this election. Right?
A tiktok or and doc would amplify this crucial block of voters who rightfully should be outraged and vote in record numbers. I believe this crucial group of women's rights voters were largely responsible for "the red wave" only being a low tide in 2022. Thus, I respectfully disagree with you opinion that my idea for a tiktok and doc wouldn't make a difference. I don't think all women think alike. And I truly believe that most women can, and will, do more to protect their rights and their friend's, relative's and daughter's rights to healthcare and access to abortion.
Miriam - “like”
I do. FOX and others have already proved it. Penetrating denial I mean.
Good points, M. The opposite of pro-life isn’t pro-abortion. Change the messaging.
Jan C, imagine if both sides called themselves, pro-life. The contrast in motuves might become crystal clear with the ensuing discussions.
I am so tired of the pro life propaganda that disrespects women. They suggest that it is used as birth control, paid for by medicaid.(never!) They assume women are such whores, and baby killers.
They say abortion has never had a time limit, even though it has. Since 1973!
No respect for women!
Our human rights are gone right now. And that's what most women will vote on.
They believe we are fine with no human rights. They don't consider how there are a million reasons for having an abortion.
Cut off time has always been around 12 weeks.
Judy Campbell White, yes, all true. And we can call a big BS on the "sanctity of life" justification pushed by countless right wing churches. For some, I believe that that is their strongly held belief, but for many, look a little deeper and you find patriarchy and/or a strong need to feel morally superior to others. Women and those who genuinely love women and girls are fired up by their nonsense and will vote. Of course, that's why R led states are trying to prevent or suppress as many women and likely D voters as posdible from voting. Scoundrels! Girlpower meets scoundrels. Women are stronger and wiser than those weak men think!
It's every bit as much or more about media distribution channels than about content.
steve reed, yes, repetition is key. Unfortunately, the most crazy have had the biggest megaphones for decades. Time for an essential change.
I have heard from Bible scholars that the Bible actually teaches us abortion is a natural part of life. It really doesn't promote anti-abortion beliefs from Jesus or God.
This is according to what Thom Hartmann and John Fulgelsang have both said for years, now. They know better than me. (I quit Catholicism once I learned how authoritarian and patriarchal it was as a kid.)
Link please.
Indeed, very true.
"For the healthy anti-choice protesters with an extended family support structure, they believe ALL women are like them, or could be like them, with their extended support structure. They cannot fathom the situations of the less fortunate and less privileged."
Of course, when they are not too craven to say the quiet part out loud, the forced-birthers would say some flavor of "and that's precisely why women need to be forced or coerced to have as many kids as possible as early in life as possible, so future generations can have a large extended family structure, women's human rights be damned". Nevermind that 1) that is literally slavery, and therefore inherently unethical, and 2) even if one supports that from a strictly Machiavellian perspective, the fact remains that the Earth cannot handle such high birthrates for long, at least not without the extremely high DEATH rates of the past to balance it out.
And of course, if women are to be brood mares, then men would have to be.....WORK HORSES. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, after all. How about we all just say "NEIGH" to "traditional" gender roles?
The pro life crowd doesn't have any idea about how many women live! I don't think they care either!😡😡
If they cared our maternal mortality rate would not be so high. What they really care about is avoiding sin and having to pay for it.
So why are we bowing to these demented morons calling them "pro-lifers." They are anything but!
Call them what they really are:
Anti-choice, anti-female, anti-abortion.
These fake POS aren't for anything good, humane or civil.
Sometimes....I don't think it is about not understanding. I think it is about hating the human race. I think many MAGAs simply hate other human beings. They don't care to understand, they don't want to understand....they just have an underlying hate and anger.... constantly threatening to punch through their barely contained persona. You know the sneering, leering guy...the Karen who is quick to call the cops on someone of color....
Yes. Reichwing voters are ruled by strong negative emotions; hate, anger, fear.
They don't know what civility, humanity, or common sense is.
We've gone through 9 years of the most vile narcissistic, psychopathic reichwing leaders (Dump, SCOTUS, McConnell) & if any American STILL(!?)doesn't get what that means by now & still supports that, there is no redemption for them.
Danny - “like” and good luck on your back pay.
Yes, the Surgeon General of the USA seems unlikely to explain the facts of life to the public — in contrast with Dr. Koop in the 1990s, who was always warning us about sexually transmitted disease.
Single Cat-ladies vote Democrat. Married women with an eye on the future for their kids, families, and country will vote for President Trump.
Let that sink in.
Those who love dictators will vote for Trump. Let THAT sink in.
He sounds like a troll.
LOL Whatever you say, Captain Delusional.
Well said, Danny. Male preachers do not really have right to voice opinions about abortion. Knowledge of the Bible is no substitute for knowledge of real life. Dogma always must yield to compassion.
Yes sir, and BTW, as I understand it the Bible speaks not a word about abortion. God decided long ago that the mother has dominion about herself, her unborn child. I would much rather have my mother decided my fate using her reasoning than JD Vance or anybody else on earth. Damn what a bunch of imbeciles lead us from the right
Can you cite that passage?
I also understand that the bible states that Mike Treworgy just makes stuff up.
A passage that I just said was not there. I did not claim to be a Bible scholar yet you suggest there is such a passage exists, show me. I would still want my mother to decide, not you and certainly not the government. Reading for comprehension would help you.
Yes, trust moms like Jazz Jennings and James Younger.
Have you noticed how it's Hollowood moms who seem to all have kids who were born in the wrong bodies?
Look up the role of Munchausen by Proxy moms in ROGD.
Look up the cases.
Not true. For years now, both John Fugelsang and Thom Hartmann says that the bible DOES SPEAK of abortion and that it is the natural part of life. Abortion happens all the time--naturally. It's also called a "miscarriage."
It's accepted. No words from either Jesus or God are anti-abortion in the bible!
I trust both Thom & John because they both have studied the bible. They are both thoughtful and intelligent on this matter.
Ppl need to stop talking off the top of their heads replacing truth and facts with their own BS opinions and feelings.
Then women also have no say in whether or not baby-daddies accept responsibility for their baby-mamma's kids.
You are sick in the head.
I am not a republican or democrate but I think that women can only get an abortion under certain circumstances
Thank you, Doctor. Oh, wait, you AREN'T a doctor, you know nothing about pregnancy, it's complications, you know nothing about say, a stranger's life nor do you have any say in it, so it doesn't matter to me what you say or think.
Mind your own business in this most personal matter and we can all be happier for that.
Whatever you want to think is between you and the women you get pregnant.
what if i identify as a woman?'d clearly make a very uneducated woman, sir.
Hope you would never be entrusted in raising daughters...God help them! As a man...same prayer!
your a man and your name is Lynn? I bet your very much of a pussy
And who decides what those certain circumstances are?
personally I think that the people should make those circumstances
What people, Mr Glover?? very specific....and a man asking to control a.woman's body.
the american people
That sounds pro-choice, Damian. Good.
I'm not hearing any "pro-choice," words, there. But, it really doesn't matter.
I don't care to hear any man's opinions that isn't in my own life. Because it's really none of their business what other ppl do, what women do with their bodies nor do I care.
We need to respect each other's boundaries and privacy rights--the very thing all reichwingers want to take away from all women. This is the only thing that we need to focus on and care about.
Kamalala cheated...and the didn't fact check her but they did President Trump saying what he said was wrong, when he wasn't wrong .Their fact checkers lie...
When a woman proudly displays a poster stating she’s had 21 abortions and is proud! It flies in the face of vital need! I know she may be an anomaly, but (I marched for choice) abortion I feel has become birth control. Safe, legal, rare does not seem to be the case- 55 million abortions since row! That’s not a number of oops, medical necessity, rape or incest, I think! Could be wrong!
What I do know is that we don’t value life and take very little personal responsibility! And abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy is outright atrocious, it is at any stage a potential human being!
Danny boi, who are these men trying to restrict access to abortions?
And how are they doing it.
President Trump has stated unequivocally that he will do nothing to stop abortion.
Take your time answering. I'll make some popcorn.
So frustrating: tried to like, no go so: LIKE!
Mmerose, I have that problem on my phone but not my tablet.
Does anyone know why our "like" buttons don't work?
If women will be the nation's salvation, and they will, then why is support for Trump a man thing? And it is, save for the Camp Followers with no identity of their own.
I say there are two types of men. The self assured, competent and confident types, politically liberal.
The insecure, fearful and doubting types, politically conservative.
The latter needs guns, big trucks, bravado manifested in toxic masculinity, whose ego and identity are fragile, and requires submissive females to feel like men.
They are of every race. All religions are misogynistic, but some more so than others, same with cultures.
Abortion is an issue with them because it is a rejection of the man's seed, and thus a rejection of him, and his replicant, his mini me. He is the driving force behind the anti abortion movement, but the camp following woman is his foot soldier, she usually has the free time, he doesn't have to picket a Planned Parenthood Center all day.
William. Farrar, you got it perfectly, "..... and requires submissive females to feel like men." Great explanation, William!
And the women perplex me. Although, I think I gained some insight recently. My cousin told me that during one of tfg's elections, she went to see a friend who was a priest rather than her own priest because she believed she had to vote for tfg because of abortion. Her priest friend told her, life is about more than one issue. Wise answer. But it struck me so profoundly, that she, a well-educated woman, had been trained to not trust her ability to think rationally and morally and make the right decision. She had been strongly conditioned by her church, to not think. And of course, the only option the church gave her was to ask a man to decide for her.
That's the point: there are still 1 in 3 YOUNGER women intending to vote for 45. Without those women ready to be carpets under their males, those hi-T MAGA are out of business...and descent
M Tree the reason that the 19th Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified by the states . The 66th Congress and the majority of the states in 1919 were controlled by the Republicans. The Republicans didn't give women the vote because they were liberal, they were the majority and they figured that women would vote as their husband told them and thus double the votes.
And sure enough it seems true today. Tis no mystery to me why.
Nature has seen fit to give females the role of life giver, and nurturer to ensure that the offspring reach maturity and can fend for themselves. You see that in nature, same is true in homo sapiens sapiens. We call it the maternal instinct, and you hear about the maternal clock as women age, their ovum age, and it is a race against the clock to have children, and if they can't they just have to adopt.
This primal urge mandates that they seek out and obtain the best protector and provider that they can. Visit a red neck trailer park, knock on doors and eventually you will see the best looking and best endowed female coupled with the roughest,toughest, most tattooed and foul mouthed tough guy in the park.
Among the wealthy, the upper class, the daughters couple with wealthiest they can find. What is happening is that each class is seeing to it that their women are coupled with the best providers and protectors in their class. And each class has it's own definition of the best provider and protector
It is taboo for women to marry below their social status, but not for men.
Thus you will see a RFK Jr, marry an actress Cheryl Hines an actress, But seldom the other way around. LBJ's daughter Lynda Bird married Charles Robb a Marine Captain, who went on to become the 64th Govenor of VA and a US Senator
Jack and Jackie Kennedy's daughter Caroline married Edwin Schlossberg, a museum exhibit designer and author,
RFK Sr's Daughter Kerry married Andrew Cuomo
Daughter Rory married n American writer, best known for his documentary films, including Last Days in Vietnam (2014), Downfall: The Case Against Boeing (2022), and The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari (2022). Bailey, together with his wife, filmmaker Rory Kennedy, own Moxie Films, a documentary film production company.The company produces documentaries "for broadcast and cable networks, including Netflix, HBO, PBS, A&E, National Geographic, Showtime, Discovery Channel, MTV, TLC, Lifetime Television, the Oxygen Network, and the Sundance Channel as well as for educational foundations and philanthropic organizations."
Daughter Kathleen married David Lee Townsend (born 1947),whom she had met when he was a graduate student and her tutor at Radcliffe.As of April 2020, David is a member of the faculty at St. John's College in Annapolis
Donald may be rich and famous, but he is not in the upper class, never the less he married foreign women who were catalog "models".
Ivanka married a wealthy crook like her father.
I expect Tiffany to do the same.
Chelsea Clinton married investment banker Marc Mezvinsky[118] on July 31, 2010, in an interfaith ceremony at the Astor Courts estate in Rhinebeck, New York. Mezvinsky is Jewish, d his parents, Marjorie Margolies and Edward Mezvinsky, are both former members of Congress. The senior Clintons and Mezvinskys were friends in the 1990s and their children met on a Renaissance Weekend retreat in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
When I was a newly minted 2d Lt, my boss was a black Major. He was horrified and scandalized because a female Captain (a nurse) married a lowly staff sergeant, and she was cashiered for fraternization.
Her crime, social miscegenation, not racial miscegenation.
William Farrar, ah yes, classism is alive and well. But, I believe much of it, just like sexism and racism are conditioned thoughts and behavior patterns, and so can be ameliorated via improved conditioning. Now that would be freedom.
A woman will do that because that's what/how she was raised to think. Brainwashing starts at youth when one or both parents/guardians keep telling that female, "Oh, honey, you know you are nothing without a man!" Or, simply told over and over that man are more entitled because they are men.
Andrea, yes, it's so sad and maddening. Countering that conditioning is so important. And many people have been so successful at countering the nonsense, that we have the current patriarchy backlash seriously adamant about returning us to darkness.
Andrea, just think of how a girl is taught to “save herself for marriage,” and a boy is encouraged to “sow his wild oats.” That was while women were still basically property.
The patriarchy fights on.
A great analysis of macho. I have always thought that macho behavior was a reaction to the fear one might have of being gay. So to prove to himself and the world that he is not gay he acts macho.
Nice male feminist schtick, harv. The only problem is that everyone including women sees through it.
Nice male feminist schtick?
Single Cat-ladies vote Democrat. Married women with an eye on the future for their kids, families, and country will vote for President Trump.
Let that sink in.
The only thing that sinks in Petro, is that you are an asshole.
If a woman that had any brains and loved her kids, had any thought for their future the last thing she would do is vote for Trump and his team of theocratic, misogynistic, and racist fascists,like you.
Willie, you are another victim of TDS. We need to quarantine you for the well-fare of humanity.
Did you catch the news the other day that only Low-T males vote for the demorats?
Your last paragraph is interesting. Did you know the No1 reason for a pregnant women to die is homicide?? Death by the very male that impregnated her, specifically.
This factoid you will hear watching true crime shows long enough. Both Candice Delong, FBi profiler and former prosecutor, Nancy Grace have mentioned this fact.
Did you know that the number one cause of deaths for males in America is listening to the utter BS feminists just make up about them?
If so they wny aren't you dead you bumbphuck.?
Really good points! But at a rally in Dayton Ohio, it was a lot of old white men holding pro life signs! No uterus's just limp dicks. Lol!
No But's about it Judy. It is pro forma that the "pro life" movement was created, spear headed and fund by men, from the Pope and knight of Columbus, and Southern Baptists, to so called libertarians, and even some atheists.
It is all about male insecurity and sexual need for domination.
Eloquent and succinctly stated, Mr Farrar! Thank you.!
Conservative may not be the right word. It describes a nearly extinct type. I know of men who would regard themselves as conservative and are now independent, voting for the occasional Democrat or non-Maga Republican, when they can find one.
You know the problem with the word "conservative," is that reichwing fascists aka: MAGAts have stunk up that word by stealing it to describe themselves that now, non-MAGAt reichwingers like Nikky Haley-types or The Lincoln Project founders call themselves the same thing buy now constantly have to clarify they are NOT MAGAts but conservatives, but neither are they Republicans, either claiming "the party left them."
This is what all Rethuglicons do and have been doing for decades is taking political terminology and words and dragging through the mud so nobody wants to claim them or everyone is confused by their meaning.
(They've done that with the word, "Entitlements," & "socialism.") Not surprised they screwed up the meaning of "conservatism," now.
TDS Alert. This one needs to be quarantined.
You are talking about a Political definition or affiliation. I am talking about an identity, a non political identity. I identify as progressive, but there is no political party named Progressive.
Suzanne, those are the Low-T minority of men. Did you catch the news about the study that confirms low-T males vote for Demorats?
Yeh real men were diapers and need viagra to get a hard one Real men like you Petey boy.
Nope. Frustrating as Hell though.
Could someone politically sympathetic and Tech savvy look at the Algos to see just who is being blocked from liking ?
I was able to like his post. I have an android that I don't like. Lol.
Don’t know why I did not clock the most obvious reason for the block. Profiteering. I need to fork out more dinero to be socially media enabled to like anything…
Several people have had this problem. The thing that works is switching browsers, but not the same browser for everyone. When I tried Chrome it didn't work, but when I tried duckduckgo I got my likes back. Chrome worked for some people. Try another browser or 2
Monnina, I don't know. I was thinking that maybe I don't have enough device memory or ? to do that function. But not my forte, so what do I know?
Tap it once. It takes a bit sometimes.
Linda Albert, thanks, I'll try just once. But I think, I've tried everything but standing on my head.
I found that you can like something before you first go off the site. When you come back, the like doesn't work. When that happens and I really like a post, I write like in the comments.
Rick Calegari, thanks, that's interesting.
M Tree - I am about to get a new iPad because my current one stopped updating back at 15.something so I will see if that works. I was able to like a post that was under notes the other day (surprised me and I damn near wanted to like every single one) but trying through the email I still cannot. I was about to edit to say what G G has said before but I see he already has. Thank you G G for your help.
Anon, haha. I hope you are able to like with your new ipad! Commenter, GG, suggested that I use a different browser. I will try that.
M Tree - “like” G G is great with trying to help others. I currently use DuckDuckGo (because I am usually a private and an untrusting person) and if I get back my “like” button everyone needs to look out. ;D
Several people have had this problem. The thing that works is switching browsers, but not the same browser for everyone. When I tried Chrome it didn't work, but when I tried duckduckgo I got my likes back. Chrome worked for some people. Try another browser or 2.
GG., thank you so much! Umm, can you just point me in he direction of how to do that on an Android? Thanks!
Google duckduckgo (or whatever browser you want to try), find the download button and download it. Then you want to go into "settings" on your android and switch default browser to duckduckgo. I have to go to work now, if you have more trouble maybe someone else can help or maybe I can respond later in the day. These things are frustrating.
G G, thanks so much! Have a great day!
M, it’s apparently only Mr Reich’s Substack. I can like comments on other Substacks on my iPhone.
Jan C, thanks, I checked. It doesn't work on other Substacks either.
Mmerose - “like” You are not alone with the inability to like posts.
Several people have had this problem. The thing that works is switching browsers, but not the same browser for everyone. When I tried Chrome it didn't work, but when I tried duckduckgo I got my likes back. Chrome worked for some people. Try another browser or 2
Firefox is what I started with, some people switched to Firefox and that worked for them, others it didnt.
Excellent point, Keith! Your vote - your choice!
For one thing, the electorate is not set... yet. Millions of potential Harris voters are not registered ... yet. She trends 60% with women, the same with young people, 70% with tenants in the blue wall swing states. Now is the hour to expand our base significantly.
DITTO: To American Men!
❤Reich❤:"Donald Trump has a yuge woman problem. "
Me:"Women have a yuge woman problem...MEN!!"🤔😮🙄😳😨
"They often report that they
have experienced sexual excitement
(genital vasocongestion and lubrication) and even orgasm, although their
sexual desire has remained low.6"
See Figure 2....aka SEX DESIRE MISMATCH😨😳🙄😮😱
Yes, American women will be well served by endless waves of illegal migrants who will rape them, rob them, steal their cars with their kids inside, consume endless tax resources, make rents far higher and neighborhoods much, much more dangerous. Perfect!
None of us needs to reveal our voting choice if we don't want to. It's our sacred right to secrecy. And if someone has the lack of decency to honor that right & insists you tell them, then you have no obligation to tell them the truth.
What always comes to mind is the report of Trump walking into the dressing room at the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997. Imagine as a parent that your daughter tells you that her male soccer coach came into their dressing room after games while they were showering/changing clothes. Trump is THAT guy.
Yes, our future does depend on it. Do you want four more years of this criminal incompetence? This has been the worst administration of the last 100 years. The daily reports of women and children being murdered by illegals should be enough to make anyone with a shred of common sense vote for President Trump. Now the illegals are stealing our cats and dogs to eat them.
Keith - “like”
Women truly are working hard to elect Harris, defend democracy, create an opportunity for the USA to live up to its potential. We have been working hard since Abagail Adams requested her husband to “remember the ladies”. The critical question in all of American history is why men are not remembering the ladies still. Why are they not working as hard along side us to create this future that will benefit them more than misogynistic patriarchy? They still want it both ways is all one can conclude. Guys we want your help at our side. Our Democracy -the world’s belief in Democracy- depends on it.
And women with daughters and fathers with daughters, vote as if your daughters’ future depends on it, because it does!
Our small Democratic Committee in a 70% red county has printed sticky notes with this message. We will blanket every public women's bathroom in the County. We've seen MAGAts promoting "kitchen table" early absentee voting. We presume to allow the men to oversee their wives/GF's vote.
Professor Reich: and whilst we're listing trump's many crimes against women specifically, what really happened to his former wife, ivana? the circumstances are suspicious (i've always been suspicious of them -- very similar to russian oligarchs falling out of windows in my mind), and the casket filled with ivana's ashes that was so heavy that it required ten grown men to carry to the gravesite is extremely suspicious.
i'm also wondering what will happen with the dozens of women who have come forward with credible rape and sexual battery claims? and gawd only knows how many more are out there who are too afraid to speak up ... it's terrifying to take on a rapist and crime lord in public.
but all that said, the russian-MAGA cult campaign against kamala harris is gaining steam: she's being criticised for being TOO competent, TOO strong, TOO well-informed and thoughtful, for having policies that are too detailed, for not having any policies at all, for not publishing her policies in book form (as hillary did), for having dated several men before meeting, dating and marrying douglas emhoff ... and this is not including the fact that she is erroneously being blamed for the border issues that are actually due to TRUMP -- with tons of receipts to back that up.
jeezuz, i could go on and on and on, but seriously, this recounting is exhausting and really really depressing. please, everyone, make it stop! vote blue up and down the ballot so we all can begin to leave this nightmare behind us and heal.
Help Get out the VOTE.
*Everyone* on this blog is already committed to voting Blue up and down the ballot.
You're right, Maryk! I make calls, send postcards and talk to whoever will listen! Work hard everybody and shut out all the misinformation and propaganda. It's just noise! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!!
Yay Field Team 6!
I’m a registered Dem who will not be voting for Kamala. I know many more like me who believe the Dems have betrayed women and girls by saying woman ins a feeling not a biological fact. Now we must disrobe in front of, compete against and be jailed with males who claim they have a woman identity. A vote for Kamala is a vote against women and girls.
You are either misinformed or a troll.
Or both.
i am neither misinformed, nor a troll. I'm a lifelong liberal adult human female who will not be voting against the rights of women and girls. The United Nations agrees.
Gender dysphoria is nothing new, mom. Both eagles and chimpanzees in the wild have been observed to form stable same set Couples to raise young uns. Nearly every society from classical China and Persia, the warrior tribes of the native Americans, Hindu society, Medieval monsters have recognized social roles for people who feel uncomfortable with the social roles that match their bodies. My grandma born in a village in Eastern Europe over 100 years ago had words for it. Whispered of course, but mostly pity. They are who they are. No blame. With unwavering love your weird kid can grow up to be a good and happy person.
If Trump wins, you're really going to enjoy true imprisonment.
but not locked into a cell with male rapists like in kamala's california.
Medication can help your condition.
@PeachBlossom - that’s an ad hominem. Mom with a Dysphoric kid has legitimate points.
Your mind has been poisoned.
Actually, a vote for women's rights and an understanding that sex is real, material and fundamental to our rights as women and girls will help my condition. My fellow democrats have betrayed us.
Could just be a misinformed troll!
Neither misinformed nor a troll. I was advised to transition my 12 year old autistic daughter and it nearly killed her. Now I am far more informed about this topic than most. Humans cannot change sex. Telling gay, autistic and distressed children that they can is cruel.
Democrats like me are rising up to save our children and save women's rights. If kamala loses, this will be a big reason why. dems like me cannot vote for the destruction of women's rights or the mass sterilization of gay and autistic kids. It's illiberal. Anti-woman. Anti-science.
I'm sorry, but you sound like you need help.
And you wonder why I will no longer vote for democrats who refuse to listen to the concerns of women. This is exactly the kind of sentiment that alienating liberals, feminists and lesbians.
Nice projection. Face it, you are a hater.
I went to that linked website. I could find nothing about who these people are or who funds them. Be careful— things are not always what they seem on the Internet. You have heard of wolves and sheep clothing?
They are anonymous now because those liberals who speak out about the harms of gender ideology have been attacked. I have personally had several trans activist contact my place of employment to have me fired for speaking out about the rights of women and safety of children. But if you would like more information about liberal, independent or nonpartisan women standing up for their rights and their children's safety, I recommend:
I wonder why you think Kamala is behind your troubles with gender.
because on day one in office the Biden/Harris administration destroyed women's sports and single-sex spaces.
There's some really good youtube content that helps dig into this. Contrapoints video about JK Rowling and another youtuber Jammidodger has a lot of videos. Mom of, glad your child is happy and I'm sorry you are being dismissed. I don't agree with you but I see you aren't being engaged with here by everyone. I'm not scared of sharing a bathroom with a transgender woman. If a man wanted to attack me in a bathroom he already could dress Iike a woman, or a janitor or policeman for that matter to put my guard down. But I really don't think transgender women are a threat. The portrayal of transgender women as rapists in the media has laid groundwork for that idea, it's just not true. Transgender women are friends not psychopaths. The video entitled "JK Rowling" by Contrapoints lays out well the underlying fear. Videos by Jammidodger lay out statistics of the rarity for transgender people to detransition, and the difference between gender identity and the sex you were born with. You can be physically male but adopt the gender identity of a female. I want to live in a world where males are accepted when they choose to live and express themselves in a feminine manner to the point of wanting to be treated in all ways as a woman. There are already protections in place for minors to ensure that they aren't doing this without proper screening, adult permission, and psychological help. I'm sure I'm not changing your mind but for those out there who want to educate themselves I want to share more links that helped me understand (and therefore not fear) transgenderism. To me it's very clear: I am much more afraid of the misogyny rampant & promoted on the right than by sweet male bodied people who want to identify as women, or female bodied people who want to go through the workd as men (though not much fear mongering towards them - instead more common is patronizing benevolence to save then from themselves). And I dont begrudge them surgery to help.
Contrapoints: JK Rowling
Philosophy Tube
How can you tell the difference between a transwoman in the bathroom and a man in a bathroom ? You do not get to consent on my behalf.
What you want is to question everyone who uses the bathroom on the off chance they are a rapist in disguise? Lots of cis-women look like transgender women. So you are going to make life hell for women with masculine features who have to carry around a birth certificate. I would recommend you get to know some transgender women to overcome your fear of them. They're just people who want to pee when they're out and about, like the rest of us. In my comment above there are links to great videos for anyone else out there who is afraid of transgender women.
I recommend you get to know some Muslim women, some victims of sexual assault, and some pubescent girls. Anyone is welcome to use bathrooms that are all gender or single person spaces. Or spaces consistent with their sex with the faculties built for their bodies. Women fought hard for single sec spaces so we could participate fully in public life. That is called feminism. It is the job of men to make room for other males who do not conform to sex stereotypes. Colonizing the safe spaces of vulnerable women is not progressive. It’s not liberal. It’s not feminist. And it’s not ok.
Mom of a….you are sadly misinformed. I feel for your child. I’m sure you’re making everything worse
Shame on you for defending the indefensible, troll.
why would you feel for my child. My child has now totally detransitioned and learned to love her happy health gender nonconforming quirky female self. She thanks me all the time that I did not allow her to permanent remove her healthy breast or deepen her lovely voice. This is exactly the kind of cruel and misunderstanding rhetoric that makes it impossible for me to vote for the Dems. I recommend you educate yourself on the plight of detransitioners and the many children who have been harmed by cavalier sex-trait modifications and hormonal interventions.
I don’t believe the Democratic Party has policies that force sex/gender change. But the party does promote equality for all. The sex/gender change is a contemporary cultural shift, nothing to do with political parties. That said, I am not fond of unisex bathrooms!
Well that would make you misinformed.
thanks but no thanks for making us trans people appear like monsters... I understand you would rather have us kill ourselves than face the reality that we exist.
I didn’t say transwomen are monsters. I said they are male. You know this. Stop the gaslighting.
If your argument about trans women is for the safety of bio women, then yes, you are saying they are dangerous or monsters. What about trans men? The fact that this anti trans rhetoric is one sided is telling.
Men are a threat to the safety and dignity of women. Not all men of course, but we don’t know which ones which is why we have fought for safe spaces to protect the dignity and safety of women and girls. How would one be able to know the difference between a self-described transwomen and a man? Women are adult human females. Women are women. Men are not.
Yet you imply they will rape cis-women in bathrooms
I am not implying anything of the sort. Women deserve safe single spaces away from males. We don’t know which males are a threat so we great safe spaces. How would anyone be able to tell the difference between a male with a “woman identity” and one without? No males in women’s spaces. You may not consent on my behalf.
stop judging people you don't know who did nothing to you
Stating biology is not a judgment.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my point of view. The issue isn’t just about comfort and dignity but is about women’s safety. It’s why our mothers and grandmothers fought so hard for single sex spaces and sports. Most men can kill most women with their bare hands. And men commit almost all of the sexual assaults and mostly against women. Not all men, but enough that we liberals have seen fit to provide single sex spaces to allow women to full participate in public life. No one is born without a sex. Some are born with ambiguous genitalia. In any case the majority of transwomen have intact penises and not ambiguous genitalia. I do not believe it is the job of women to make space for males who do not conform to masculine stereotypes. It’s the job of men to make space for gender nonconformity. We women do not consent and you may not consent on my behalf.
But I appreciate your nuanced perspective and having the respect to take the concerns of. Dem women like me seriously.
Yes I like blur too, but humans cannot change sex. You know this. according to the United nations: Redefinition of ‘sex’ in Title IX will foster more violence and discrimination against women and girls, says UN expert
Be better.
I don’t have any information about what happened to Ivana, but I have read that she also accused him of raping her while they were married.
she did. she also died (was murdered?) shortly -- like DAYS -- before she was to be deposed by the NYState Attorney General Letitia James regarding trump's fraudulent misrepresentation of the value of his various real estate assets for financial benefits (reduced taxes or more favorable loan terms).
It remains very suspicious, and I’ve been told that I am dabbling in conspiracies, but I don’t feel comfortable about the circumstances under which she died.
I’m also shocked that authorities in Florida are not investigating this, unless they’re quietly doing so and we don’t know about it.
Joanne Free ; I think she recanted ; most likely under duress.
True, but she’s no longer with us to comment on her multiple fatal injuries from a “fall” at home. Cremated very quickly…and buried in private property in a coffin too heavy for ten pallbearers. .???
Heresay. Everything you read are opinions and accusations. Try reading facts. She fell down steps. Why, no one knows. The only mystery is with her. Was she drinking? Was she taking medication? Did she have a health problem? Only God knows, but those who have consistently attacked President Trump will tell you their opinions or accusations. O read they had a friendly relationship after all those years and both love their children. Why don't you people stop making up things in your head??
‘It’s terrifying to take on a rapist and crime Lord in public’. Yep. As well as potentially fatal for you and yours when trying to expose the sexual violence crimes of an ex POTUS with favours to call in from many in the governing class.
yes, and from many russian criminals and hitmen as well.
Monnina, you are dangerously gullible. You believe any tripe CNN feeds you. You would have been a good little German under Hitler.
Why don't you reflect Kamala as am opportunist? She has an affair with Willie Brown a married man for 30 years who helped her climb the ladder. Who else was she involved with? Her husband and Jill Biden had an long kiss...we don't make it out to be anything, but we could....
Yes! Yes! Yes!
GrrlScientist, so it's safe to assume that you have no problems with a creepy old man sniffing and touching extremely uncomfortable little girls? Or how about taking showers with your daughter into her teens?
Just out of curiosity, what is your field of science, Sciencegrrl? Astrology? Tea Leaf Reading? Cosmetology?
It has always been and always will be astonishing and unfathomable to me that ANY woman could vote for DT. The fact that he had such a large number of white suburban women voting for him in the first election boggles the mind. Can there be a large proportion of self-hating women living quietly in America? I think psychologists and sociologists will be studying this phenomenon for many years, long after Trump is dead and buried, which simply cannot happen soon enough.
Vote BLUE 🗳
GrrlScientist - “like”
What is the difference between a transwomen and a man. I guarantee that I am far more informed that you on this matter. What you believe is of no import to me. What matters is what is true. You are welcome to use coed restrooms but leave single sex spaces for vulnerable women. The United Nations agrees. Stop erasing women and girls. Forcing Muslim women and victims of sexual abuse to disrobe with males is neither progressive nor feminist. Or kind. Check your privilege. Educate yourself. Do. The. Work. Be better.
Yes. They are just humans with human sex like the rest of us. Males do not belong in female spaces. It’s not the job of women to remove our safety and our boundaries to accommodate males who claim a “woman identity”. I think you know this.
GrrlScientist, so it's safe to assume that you have no problems with a creepy old man sniffing and touching extremely uncomfortable little girls? Or how about taking showers with your daughter into her teens?
Just out of curiosity, what is your field of science, Sciencegrrl? Astrology? Tea Leaf Reading? Cosmetology?
The ONLY idiots following all of their propaganda are MAGAts.
Now, I hear there are (bizarre) "undecideds" & that might be a persuadable group. Other than that, everything else is reichwing spew that unless you are a FOX/OAN//Newsmax cultist, it won't register.
No sweetie, you are the idiots for not recognizing that your party spits on normal decent Americans in favor of its big donors.
Republicans are trying to suppress women's votes by requiring a birth certificate to show proof of identity. The Social Security Administration doesn't require women to change their names with the SSA when they marry because they always have the same SS number. It took me a couple of months to renew my driver's license in Illinois, although I have had the same married name on my license four times. I finally resorted to finding my yearly Social Security Statement, which they reluctantly had to accept. Thom Hartmann recently did a story about how the GOP is suppressing women's votes.
In order to get "real i.d." California DMV says I need certified marriage cert. from first husband to show name change. Needless to say, no male has to go document-hunting for that reason.
JD Vance has reportedly changed his name three times. He better show up with all the required documents in order to vote. I read Ohio, run by corrupt republicans, is big on voter suppression and disenfranchisement; let them start with JD first.
That's a lie.. stop putting out lies! He
Thanks for the reminder! When the media had to clarify what his name was in Iraq, it never was clear whether there was any legal documentation of name-change. ????
In Florida I couldn’t even get my driver’s license renewed without my marriage certificate. They told me it was because my last name at birth had changed and that wouldn’t be the case for men. Only thing is that I’ve had a drivers license since I was 18 and now my 73 I thought it was a Florida/DeSantis thing.
I went to my state senator's office, but they couldn't do anything about it. Try taking your Social Security annual statement.
I found my marriage certificate. I don’t think I’ll be driving the next time it comes up for renewal. 😂
Mmerose - “ like” I had a cousin who had to get her birth certificate, her marriage certificate, her divorce decree and her current marriage license along with other papers just to get the real I.d. in Ohio. Yes, they will stop at nothing.
CA DMV will also accept for real ID birth certificate with maiden name and divorce decree from first husband from a woman who changed her last name upon marriage (or previous marriage). Never, never get rid of the divorce paperwork.
You can always get a certified copy of the documents from the county courthouse where the divorce, etc. occurred.
Furthermore, if traveling, a current passport is accepted in lieu of that "real" ID nonsense.
This is true. Although applying for a real ID in California wasn’t all that difficult for me or my wife (with a name change for previous marriage).
Most counties now have everything online, so obtaining certified copies for a small fee is easy.
Good advice! All my essential papers were carefully assembled in their own bag in my storage unit, which was burgled in February. Storage alert, brethren! There is no alarm or camera INSIDE the unit. The perp rents a random vacant unit, moves some stuff (maybe shoplifted) in for show, then just comes along after manned office hours with a standard flat screwdriver and easily unscrews the divider between units. Nobody warned me, and they happened to catch me between houses. Very very happy burglars. AFTERWARDS, the manager told me all about how there seemed to be a gang all over the Bay Area, and one facility had had a string of more than 6 units hit before the last in line happened to actually visit their unit and find out what was going on. I've been so crushed I haven't even asked, can't they fill the screw holes with glue? Does your facility have "Security" in it's name? Just unintended black humor.
Are the walls gypsum wallboard screwed to studs and they remove or cut the wallboard? Your description sounds flimsier than storage units I’ve seen.
I would call it medium-gauge corrugated metal; the kind where the channels are maybe 1 1/2" deep, same across bottom of channel, but once it's loose it flexes easily in line with the channels. I'm describing a standard kind of thing I don't know the terminology for.
I spent 45 years in construction. I got your description fine.
California lets illegal immigrants get drivers licenses and register to vote. Shut up you stupid hag.
Yes. They do
My husband did, he was born here.
Gloria, your situation is terrible evidence that 'The Handmaid's Tale' degree of treachery described by Prof. Reich is already here for the working parts of this country that are controlled
by the trump mob. As t. would say when he gets called out for his crimes, "this is a complete disgrace". Actually, trump is not a complete human.
No. Dump is human. We all need to own the fact and reality a whole political tribe are all somewhere on the psychological spectrum of narcissist/sociopath/psychopath.
No animals kill for the sake of killing, like us humans, now do they?
I once had a barn cat who tormented a chipmunk, to watch it leap three feet into the air, time after time, evidently just for fun, until the animal escaped into the weeds. The cat then tore after the 'munk with intent to kill. My point is that drumpf and many of his most lethal sycophants have had portions of their cerebral cortex, the structure in the brain which separates us from lesser(?) animals, short circuited. I am not a mental health professional, but the few with whom I have spoken or whom I have read, might characterize his psychopathy as that of a sado-narcissistic complex.
He is our candidate for punisher-in-chief, and delights in the adoration of his supplicants for it. IMO he is missing a critical function of his human brain. So to say, he is over the edge of human behavior which would allow for him to remain on the street, legally. Pick up a copy of 'The Dangerous Case of (him)' edited by Dr. Bandy X.
Lee. herr drump lost it as a complete human long ago.
Exactly. I listen to Thom & basically advice is bring all your documents with you. Sick times.
Same thing in Missouri!
The level of stupidity you must have to actually believe the claptrap you just wrote is truly astonishing. Of course, you're a stupid old boomer hag. No surprise at all.
Really?? You have to have an ID to drive a car to buy Cigarette, beer, get into the DNC Convention, to fly...Why wouldn't you need an ID to prove you're a US Citizen l? We can't vote in other countries elections of we do were arrested.
Our Constitution does NOT give Illegals the right to vote...
"a “Republic” led exclusively by “high-status males” with “high testosterone levels.”
So Musk thinks men who are at the mercy of their hormones 24/7 should run the country? That suggests that men should be barred from government. According to the misogynists, we women are at the mercy of our hormones only once a month--much better chance of rational government.
I sort of like your "math," but i find myself unable to admit that "at the mercy of hormones" dooms rational government generally. I don't think it's hormones that corrupt the government of men. These men are mean, and indoctrinated by religion and peer-pressure in an ugly cult of misogyny that doesn't correlate to hormones. Don't give Musk the excuse of hormones. He's just an a......hole.
Hahahahaha! Yes, he is, Mmerose!
Jordan Klepper interview a woman trump supporter who said that the presidency was a man’s job, that a woman could start a war like that (finger snap). Then he said “but haven’t all wars been started by men?” around minute 1:30.
Susan - “like” I like watching him on the Daily Show when he goes to trump rallies. He puts the stupid right back in their face.
I do too and he’s pretty polite about it, especially since I don’t think the MAGots understand sarcasm.
Susan - “LIKE” and agree.
Sad that same could be elicited 8 years later. Or 40 years later, if somebody had put a microphone to my highly-educated mother's mouth. Women fit themselves into cultural identity for survival just as much as men buy into "rightful" roles. Change is hard.
On TikTok
I love this!!! Great reply!
Maureen - “like” your observation. Don’t forget about the lure of power and money. ;)
I’m sorry, I accidentally reported your comment instead of the troll’s.
Susan - No problem. I take no offense and it actually means more to me that you took the time to tell me. We are good.
Trump doesn’t exactly deny these assaults happening. Instead he makes a story as to why they are unlikely. He seems incapable of affirming that a woman - any woman - could tell the truth.
I think women are quite capable of working out what men have on their mind and why they might choose an unlikely and vulnerable moment to make a move.
His comments also ignore the fact (as our former Prosecutor VP well knows) that rape and sexual assault have little to do with the attractiveness of the victims, but almost everything to do with their vulnerability. The stories of these women all tell a similar narrative: they were alone, trapped and off guard, and he took advantage of that. He also avoided exposure due to his fame and power. It's a familiar story.
I’m sorry, I accidentally reported your comment instead of the troll’s.
Hey, Susan, your heart is definitely in the right place. That's all that matters. I reported the troll as well.
Britni - “like”
ONLY ONE Party wants to own, control, and repress women and girls. AGAIN.
They will be defeated by all the good and sane people of America!
M Tree, yes, they will!
No offense, but you're an idiot
As so often before, I’m here in Europe, shaking my head in disbelief, and wondering what’s wrong with America. The country that liberated us from fascism is now playing with the idea of trying that failed concept again. We’ve tried it in Europe: after twelve years, we were happy not to experience the other promised 988 years.
Don't you worry, Alexander! We are going to clean house in November! There will be an avalanche of votes for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and hopefully a Democratic House and Senate. Many charlatans and mean-spirited people have slowly infiltrated our government. It may have taken a little while for Americans to wake up and see what was happening, but we are wide-eyed now and we will fix this! America may be a little bent right now but she will still be standing once we have eliminated the orange man from the political equation!
Thanks, Peggy, I’ll be cheering you on!
Thanks, Alexander, it is so very nice to know that people in other countries have our backs and are cheering us on. This is probably the most important election in my lifetime (and I have lived through quite a few!) but I am working so very hard writing postcards and letters, signing petitions and talking to everyone and anyone who will listen. Don't lose faith, we will win in November!
Yes sir, as a lifetime U.S. citizen, I am shaking my own head at this, since many of whom we here call "the greatest generation" left it all on the battlefield to which you refer, and others among them supported them to the bitter resolution of that conflict. You will get no appreciation of this from trump and his cadres, for they simply wish to take right up from where "der fuehrer" left off. This country was founded upon the concept of "liberty and justice for all" but the pigs who employed human chattel to drive their economy, and the ones who to this day abuse their workers and women, never got that message.
Dennis- “like”
Alexander Verbeek ; Don't crow too loudly ; If the obscenely wealthy and their stacked extreme court in The USA "win" , All of the countries in Europe (and the world) will be fighting fascism , there are always those in our midst who want it all, and don't believe in sharing.
Alexander, I've been wondering that same thing re: Hungary! How is it Hungarians desire for rabid authoritarianism was still "a thing," after what they went through during WW2? Viktor Orban is working with and advising reichwingers over here.
I also heard Italy has elected some fascist. How is any of that STILL going on in Europe??? You guys were on the front line of fascism and these countries haven't learned anything, either.
Stupidity knows no state or nations' boundaries.
short memories? Each generation must learn. That's the value of history.
Well, history is only helpful if it's actually being taught to the next group or generation and THAT'S our problem, another one. Because it's not.
EX: I watch true crime enough to hear domestic abuse victims always fall into the same pattern, unknowingly--yet countless survivors of abuse have formed organizations and support groups everywhere in the US, so WHY does even another woman get trapped ever again? Or not even recognize or know those infamous red-flags of control and violence?
History is the same thing. How do we all get the message out to everyone generation after generation when our once-prized public schools are being defunded and dumbed down & destroyed by greedy fascistic CEOs and lousy soulless politicians?
Decades ago, same thing. We stopped teaching "Civics," & saw an increase in voter apathy and more ignorance of how our government works.
The reichwing billionaires have planned for this since late 70s.
I find the roots of fascism in Italy and Germany in the 1920's easier to understand than its rise today. Then it was a first try; it hadn't shown fully its ugliness and there was an economic crisis on top of military defeat. This time, we know how evil fascism is and the economic situation is far better in the US and Europe than it was some 100 years ago. Where is the fertile ground to plant the seeds of hate? Ignorance? Media / social media?
I remember when Angela Merkel said she feared "a German Trump." I thought, with all due respect Frau Doctor Merkel, where do you think OURS came from?
Why I refer to him as 'herr drumpf'
You mean the woman who single handedly destroyed Germany?
Alexander- “like” You are not alone in that observation.
So many things have gone wrong the past 45 years and we are seeing the net effect.
Donald Trump is a misogynist in spades. His primitive desire for women is strictly a sick form of curiosity driven by ignorance and the need to appear normal. He views womanhood as being a weakness not a strength. However, his real distaste for women lies in the fact that he understands they're smarter than he is. Considering he knows more than his generals, coupled with the fact he fears the "weaker sex," Donnie Boy finds himself with a deep desire to emulate his mentor from Germany's misguided past. There are more women in this country then men and to turn his back and degrade future voters to their faces was foolish. The issue of abortion, which he was so proud of overturning, will be his downfall. I remember an old saying that referred to a woman's "Scorn" as something to be feared, especially when they hold the ability to vote. Trump slit his own throat through his own ignorance and distain of women, and he thought he was smart enough to be President of a country he never understood.
Please put quotation marks around "weaker sex." Because women AREN'T.
I was going to say the same thing.
Donald ; It's all about the power to do "Whatever the hell he wants". He must be stopped ; and he will be.
Well said, Donald!
Sadly, I believe he DOES understand this country, that has so much potential to be better. The "lone cowboy" syndrome that Waaaay too many men have. Men believe "one good guy with a gun" will overcome all evils. (A major fallacy I worked in law enforcement and that viewpoint is in error. )
I remind males that a lot of sperm frozen could make a situation where men are no longer needed to take care of population growth. Women can continue to birth the generations without "men".
Men try to believe because they have a penis they are good at "sex". They believe they're better at maths, better at "righting wrongs", better at making and handling money. I could go on.
Point is, they are wrong,
Consummate stupidity on display here. Every single word is a stupid fantasy, a fever dream, a dyspeptic swirl of estrogen fogging the man brain.
Donald- “like” If only his bullish+t would get through to the ones who are too blind.
Jesus of Nazareth, a Samaritan immigrant, treated women as equals, defending their right to sit and listen to his teachings, treating them as intelligent individuals, and protecting them from corrupt charges that in Israel's tribal world would have resulted in their stoning. The "orange jesus" is completely immoral and ignorant.
You have an astonishing level of stupidity. Congrats!
Just another reason this should not be within a million miles of the White House. The fact that the election is so close shows how close we are to the edge of total madness. OMG!!!
Don't let those polls get you. Repeatedly, haven't we seen them go very wrong?!
No. Only thing bothering me is voter suppression efforts with desperate lying, cheating & stealing reichwingers in mostly swing states.
I think it will be a blow out for our side. No reason for Dump to ever reach 47% of voters as they did in 2016 & 2020. Loser will lose.
And we, The People, need to fight back.
Fascism only happens in countries where The People don't fight back.
Thanks to the extreme court sell outs ; who should see the inside of a jail!
I suppose the "hard core" Fundamental Christian Nationalist (FCN) women wouldn't change their vote for trump for any argument. That still leave lots of women. I hope women will vote for freedom, rights concerning decisions on their own bodies, etc. And I hope and ask that we all vote to hold trump accountable for his long list of crimes and misbehaviors. He and MAGA easily fail the character test, in my opinion. He also fails the policies tests. He fails the democracy test. He fails the country over party test. He fails the national interest over personal interest test. He has delayed, denied, deceived, distracted, deflected his way out of accountability. He complains the system is "rigged" against him, but he and MAGA have rigged the courts in his favor and he games everything he can.
We need a Blue wave to sweep him and MAGA and the FCNs decisively out of play and power.
I am a proud husband of a woman who had a full time career in public health while raising 2 daughters. My daughters have fulltime careers as an architect & a pediatric NP while raising my grandchildren. I am a retired primary care MD. I was an active duty Marine 1969-71. I am a progressive politically. I am disappointed by my baby boomer generations political leadership decisions. Birth control access & abortion decisions should be health care decisions made by the individual with a health care providers input. Our federal tax system needs to tax people like me at a higher just tax rate. I am voting for Harris/Walz hoping this younger generation will really lead with foresight.
Thank you for this excellent comment!!
'... Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants....'
'... Trump did not attend the Carroll trial and wasn't there when the charges were read — though he assailed the verdict as "a disgrace" on his social media site.... '
How truly creepy would it be if Trump regains the White House?
Now THAT would be a disgrace
And Armageddon!
Boiled down to its simplest expression, the U.S. needs to lead the world into making misogyny a capital crime.
If only. I am fighting with the owners of Etsy right now on the matter of selling/promoting misogyny.
They have a list of policies--their own policies, that don't allow their sellers to promote items that promote: "hatred, or violence, or pornography" yet they are allowing dozens of sellers selling that vile "C" word on all kinds of products as though that word is what we all call each other casually.
I told them you don't call any female that word unless you resent & hate them. BTW: I heard a handful of Rethuglicons in congress calling some of female Democrats like AOC and Jasmine Crockett the "C" word.
That's certainly not out of any kind of game or respect! My god.
With corporations like Etsy, the men that own it and the sellers they allow to break their own rules must be very misogynistic and hate women. You know who is selling this sewer crap are reichwingers, and probably all males.
This is what we are up against!
Who calls the females they love and respect the "C" word??? WTF.
My issue is, why am I the only customer on Etsy complaining about this crap being promoted against women???
Misogyny is everywhere and too many of us are accepting it & refusing to fight it.
It doesn’t have to be as blatant as the “c” word. Sexism and misogyny are a deep structure/subconscious phenomenon also. Here’s one small ex.: every time you call women ”guys” you are practicing sexism.
What about referring to women as girls? Is that not disrespectful as well, consigning grown females to their prepubescent selves?
Excellent point! I caught myself doing that very thing the other day and realized I needed correction.
Here's another indirect example of misogyny:
Watch any true crime show long enough and you will hear a cop refer to a known criminal, their own chosen male suspect: "gentleman."
It doesn't matter if they are known rapists or serial killers or domestic abusers...all law enforcement will call these swine: "gentlemen."
Keep in mind that the majority of crime is done to females by men & many of the victims of everyday crimes in our cities are against females who are desperate to support themselves and have no help from society; they do drugs and work as prostitutes. It's not uncommon for law enforcement to treat these desperate women & victims as invisible, drag their feet during their investigations & basically treat these females as disposable and not important...but boy, the 'Ted Bundys' out there are "gentlemen."
I also want to add that in case someone thinks there's nothing wrong with elevating a known domestic abuser or rapist or killer os women to "Gentleman" status, what these cops should be doing is calling these SOBs ""perpetrator"", "suspect" or simply "this guy."
Leave it to a mostly reichwing authoritarian group of males to treat other males as 'better than' everybody else & without thinking.
Absolutely, Avie!
Can we get a very large blimp and put those awful pretend males in it and drop them down inside a volcano just before it erupts? Or something like the Hindenburg? They are all completely despicable excuses for humans and are only acting to be so tough, bad & privileged because they are the complete opposite. Pathetic low life scum.
You are being way too kind.
Trump's use of language is a giveaway. “Frankly — I know you’re going to say it’s a terrible thing to say — but it couldn’t have happened, it didn’t happen, and she would not have been the chosen one,” He uses the term "chosen one" to refer to a woman he might have wanted to sexually assault. I don't know how much clearer he can be about his attitude towards women.
That phrase the "chosen one" is a weird insult which tfg uses frequently.
I have no problem believing the women who say he assaulted them.
Being assaulted leads to Post traumatic shock.