When will the Republican Party members realize that they are the Titanic and Trump is the iceberg?

Trump killed the border bill, he appointed 3 Supreme Court judges who repealed Roe, he kowtows to Putin and has never said anything negative about him! Are they all really that stupid?

Can you believe that this is the party of Lincoln?

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When I heard of Navalny’s assassination, it was one of the most painful days of my long life (80 in April!).

When I learned Judge Engeron had imposed a 400 million dollar fine on THE BIG JERK, I felt a bit more hope.

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What about TREASON?

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The billionaires will figure a way to cover Trump's bills. Foreign and domestic billionaires

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I hope this is the beginning of the End. Trump will not be able to wriggle out of his legal troubles no matter what. But I am not sufficiently optomisitic to think we're home free. It will need the realization by the mainstream media that they are backing a loser, a big time loser, for America to win in November.

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professor reich: AT LAST!! i voted "this is the beginning of the end" in your poll because IT IS!!!! HALLELUJAH!!

seriously, though ... it looks like trump is running out of allies since he doesn't pay his minions (he even set up a GoFundMe!) and they -- stupid as they are -- are getting wise to his thieving, grifting ways.

okay, all you (probably correct naysayers), just let me celebrate for a few minutes, okay?

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I now wonder if Trump's fascination with Russia is a deep seated envy of Putin's ability to lock up and terminate opponents at will. This might foretell our future starting November 6.

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Engoron's decision, which Michael Cohen called "fair" and indeed was, is a wonderful thing, and I do feel it's the beginning of the end for Trump, an end that will come rapidly now with jail time coming in the Stormy Daniels election interference case. But on balance, yesterday was a terrible, terrible day for me. I’ve felt this way only a few times in my life — when Kennedy was assassinated — when Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered — when Yitzhak Rabin was killed by an Israeli right-winger and his efforts for peace in the Holy Land were lost. And that’s how I feel about Alexei Navalny’s death: I feel hollowed out and as if a major piece of a wonderful future was ripped off the board by the worst of bad players. And I feel strongly the timing is not accidental: it comes on the heels of Tucker Carlson’s betrayal of everything American and Donald Trump’s “permission” given the world’s sleaziest, vilest dictator to take any European country he likes. But it's like Navalny said: we don't have permission to give up. Rage. Rage against the dying of the light.

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While I voted “This is the start of the end,” still, channeling Navalny, I presume none of us doubts we must stay in the fight relative to every cherished cause and candidate, up and down the ballot, as though we were running 10 points behind.

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So where is the IRS? Why no federal tax evasion case?

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Certainly a good beginning. Personally, I'm watching the physical deterioration of the man. He's looking a bit worse each time I see him. And that's only the outside. No telling how great a physical toll his moral corruptness is charging his internal organs, etc. The only thing in his favor are his no drinking, no smoking habits. But his diet....ech! I guess just stay tuned?

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He will wriggle out vs he is in trouble are answers to a third-party, "nothing I can do about it" question. I'm interested in exploring how we can affect the outcome. Democracy is too important to be a spectator betting dport at this time in history.

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...but Hunter Biden's Laptop Robert! And you left out Hillary's emails!

Was Obama really born here? I am speaking about Michelle, and her kids. How do we know that Barack was the father? I could have just sworn I saw Bigfoot abducted by Aliens and I know that the slippery slope Democrats are behind all of this. Biden is too old yet he is the mastermind behind the Deep State and it comes from all those kids served up as pizza.

I know all this because I heard it all on FOX. So it must be true.

Bud Weiser

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We must keep playing to the court of public opinion. The jury are the citizens who will vote on Election Day.

1. Claiming immunity is admitting guilt, but I was allowed to do it.

2. I declassified the documents is admitting that they were stolen.

3. Delay instead of going to court to clear one’s name is a tactic of a guilty person. and a chicken.

4. Pleading the fifth is what the guilty do, he has said.

5. Whining that they are the victim is what cry babies do when they are caught.

6. Men putting on makeup and dyeing their hair is what insecure people do who are hiding their true selves.

7. Name calling is what schlock comedians do, not good comedians or political leaders.

8. not allowing bringing bills up to be voted on is what losers do to circumvent what the people want.

9 violence by bullies is the last resort of a loser.

10. A man who is never accompanied by his wife reveals that the one who knows him best can’t stand him. Maybe he smells bad.

What can it mean that she won’t let him near her even for the photo opportunities.

11. A rich man who needs to beg the public for money to pay his lawyers is disputable.

12. A man who sides with our enemy is traitorous

The politician who side with him instead of with the people they represent are going to lose. Good.

The negative ads are writing themselves.

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We seem to lose sight of the fact that the entire international world is watching the lack of internal power the US has. European countries are frightened because they are within easy target of Russia. They will all be affected by what happens with our election in Nov.

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Real Justice:

I have a recurring dream in which #MangoWanker Turdking is at a rally, pisses himself, and has a massive stroke...

Disabling and debilitating, unable to type or tweet, incontinent and helpless and unable to speak, fed through an IV and pooping into a bedpan, but fully aware of the prison hospital, for the rest of his LONG life.

#MangoWanker #Mobster #Traitor #Rapisttt

#GOPtraitors #Trump #Putin



#Reagan began the CRIMINAL GOP

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