To call the New York trial the “hush money” trial minimizes and marginalizes what happened there. He illegally influenced the election thru a complex scheme to “catch and kill” defamatory information. He used money to do it that should have been declared contributions to his campaign and was not, thus was illegal campaign contributions. …
To call the New York trial the “hush money” trial minimizes and marginalizes what happened there. He illegally influenced the election thru a complex scheme to “catch and kill” defamatory information. He used money to do it that should have been declared contributions to his campaign and was not, thus was illegal campaign contributions. And of course he lied about all of it and enlisted others to cover up the truth on his behalf.
During the years when I tried to expand my knowledge of this world and how it functions, I pledged a society. This joining process was a 5-week tortious event that entailed the consumption of some questionable food stuff. The one that curled my toes was a normal everyday marshmallow our pledge captain so graciously dipped in a substance called "Alum." A colorless astringent compound that is a hydrated double sulfate of aluminum and potassium, and upon eating this powdery treat your tastebuds soured and everything that tasted good a moment before has now developed a flavor that would turn the stomachs of any 20-year-old young man. The unpleasant experience described above will be mirrored in today's political and legal confusion that we will see transpiring in courtrooms on our East coast. All to what end? Trump is as slippery as they come, with the money and power that man has at his disposal and the way people bend to his threats, I don't see the man being convicted of anything, more than what he already has. The man has no friends, for obvious reasons, and the loneliness he must feel will in time take its toll. I've seen a steady decline in Trump's mental acuity and as time goes on, I fear the man will lose touch with all aspects of reality. Elect Trump to any political position in our government, and like the alum covered marshmallow that soured in the mouths of my fellow pledges, Trump's lies will do the same to our Democracy.
I doubt he's lonely; the only person he wants to associate with is himself. However, if he's convicted, I'm sure he'll miss having millions of people to manipulate.
Oh, I think he understands a TYPE of loyalty--total dedication to himself, as that is what he feels for himself and expects others to feel for him. However, I doubt he feels lonely for lack of it as he always feels it for himself--and who else matters?
Mauteen--Trump expects unabridged loyalty from everyone, it's as if he wants his followers to react in the same manner as the women in his life, they aren't allowed to use the word "NO."
No, he won’t. He’s been 600 pounds overweight for years with no consequences. He’s as immortal as any fairytale monster. He won’t oblige us by dying. He has to be convicted and locked away from decent society.
Agreed. Many legal experts have noted the same thing and encouraged the media to stop using the term since paying hush money is not, according to them, illegal. That’s why I voted for the interference option even though I anticipated that most voters, even among this group of informed Reich groupies, would vote for the hush money conviction.
It's why he paid the hush money to interfere in the election so it won't disturb his chances of winning. If he keeps acting like he is acting, he will be convicted. He can't help himself! George Conway stated this week that he is a narcissistic sociopath!
Lisa, you don’t have to take it from George Conway. Just look up the definition of narcissistic sociopath. It should be completely obvious to any rational person the definition fits DJT.
Correct, but in the court of public opinion I think he is more guilty of paying for sex and paying to hide it. As I see his face in the court I understand why he needed to pay for it.
Most people probably assume all politicians scheme and bend the rules to get elected. But the sleazy sex aspect is different.
To call the New York trial the “hush money” trial minimizes and marginalizes what happened there. He illegally influenced the election thru a complex scheme to “catch and kill” defamatory information. He used money to do it that should have been declared contributions to his campaign and was not, thus was illegal campaign contributions. And of course he lied about all of it and enlisted others to cover up the truth on his behalf.
During the years when I tried to expand my knowledge of this world and how it functions, I pledged a society. This joining process was a 5-week tortious event that entailed the consumption of some questionable food stuff. The one that curled my toes was a normal everyday marshmallow our pledge captain so graciously dipped in a substance called "Alum." A colorless astringent compound that is a hydrated double sulfate of aluminum and potassium, and upon eating this powdery treat your tastebuds soured and everything that tasted good a moment before has now developed a flavor that would turn the stomachs of any 20-year-old young man. The unpleasant experience described above will be mirrored in today's political and legal confusion that we will see transpiring in courtrooms on our East coast. All to what end? Trump is as slippery as they come, with the money and power that man has at his disposal and the way people bend to his threats, I don't see the man being convicted of anything, more than what he already has. The man has no friends, for obvious reasons, and the loneliness he must feel will in time take its toll. I've seen a steady decline in Trump's mental acuity and as time goes on, I fear the man will lose touch with all aspects of reality. Elect Trump to any political position in our government, and like the alum covered marshmallow that soured in the mouths of my fellow pledges, Trump's lies will do the same to our Democracy.
A+: Good use of extended metaphor.
I don’t fear that he will lose touch with reality, I hope that happens before the election,
Alan-=-It already has.
Beautifully written, Donald!
Peggy--I love accidents. That's how I got my start. Thanks..
Hahahahahaha!! You always make me laugh, Donald!!
Peggy--In my world it's nice to have a purpose. 😊
Donald Hodgins : The "moron" of the story is " don't drink or eat, the Kool aid"!?
It's not His stability that stalls me, it's His voters ..
phil--They are a constant source of instability in this country because we can't count on them to act as we do.
Donald, you’re always a thoughtful and interesting read. Thanks for your commentary.
Diane--Thank you for taking the time to do what you just did. 😊
I doubt he's lonely; the only person he wants to associate with is himself. However, if he's convicted, I'm sure he'll miss having millions of people to manipulate.
Maureen--Lonely for true admiration that comes from honest loyalty, something Trump has never known.
I doubt it because I doubt he can even conceive of non-transactional loyalty.
Maureen--Stupidity is no excuse..
Je may or may not be stupid. We should be concentrating on his extreme mental
Susan--A condition the world knows the man is suffering from.
No excuse for what?
Maureen--For not understanding the idea behind loyalty, of any type..
Oh, I think he understands a TYPE of loyalty--total dedication to himself, as that is what he feels for himself and expects others to feel for him. However, I doubt he feels lonely for lack of it as he always feels it for himself--and who else matters?
Mauteen--Trump expects unabridged loyalty from everyone, it's as if he wants his followers to react in the same manner as the women in his life, they aren't allowed to use the word "NO."
Rich men will always have “friends,” unless their persona is as repulsive as Trump’s. I’m afraid it’s more likely he will have a stroke or some other
negative health condition before he’s found guilty
of crimes.
No, he won’t. He’s been 600 pounds overweight for years with no consequences. He’s as immortal as any fairytale monster. He won’t oblige us by dying. He has to be convicted and locked away from decent society.
Susan--Those aren't friends they're acquaintances. Human leaches sucking whatever they can get from the "Fool" who was just parted from his money.
Happy 4/20.. Be sure to inhale!
Manuel--As long as it isn't Hitler's dust.
Choke! That’s worse than Alum.
Manuel--That ghost's DOB was 420.
Agreed. Many legal experts have noted the same thing and encouraged the media to stop using the term since paying hush money is not, according to them, illegal. That’s why I voted for the interference option even though I anticipated that most voters, even among this group of informed Reich groupies, would vote for the hush money conviction.
It's why he paid the hush money to interfere in the election so it won't disturb his chances of winning. If he keeps acting like he is acting, he will be convicted. He can't help himself! George Conway stated this week that he is a narcissistic sociopath!
Lisa, you don’t have to take it from George Conway. Just look up the definition of narcissistic sociopath. It should be completely obvious to any rational person the definition fits DJT.
Correct, but in the court of public opinion I think he is more guilty of paying for sex and paying to hide it. As I see his face in the court I understand why he needed to pay for it.
Most people probably assume all politicians scheme and bend the rules to get elected. But the sleazy sex aspect is different.
When "hush money" is published I cringe.
So do I. They should at least capitalize it because it is a label, not a descriptor.
An appropriate musical accompaniment to the proceedings:
Absolutely and Michael Cohen, Trump’s compliant ex- lawyer, has already served time in jail for exactly this crime.