The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. The Framers of the Constitution gave us the bare minimum for qualifying.
WHY on Earth would we put someone in the most important position in the country without being vetted?
I think most Americans would agree that we should require any and all Presidential candidates to have CREDIBILITY,
Congressional Experience, a clean track record,trustworthiness and moral standards. These are just a few of the most important requirements to be in the most important job in our country. Our future depends on it!
Let’s hold our elected officials accountable to make sure Presidential candidates are worthy of the position!
I am compelled to remind people of one simple fact. Together, the American people have elected good presidents. We did NOT elect George W. Bush. We did NOT elect Donald Trump. The electoral college put these two men in the white house - NOT us.
We need a constitutional amendment, abolishing the electoral college.
The filibuster is not in the constitution but is a Senate "rule". It does not require an amendment to get rid of it.
The essential problem with the filibuster derives from the minoritarian nature of the Senate, itself. The Senate must be either dramatically reformulated or done away with. This does require an amendment.
The House has become minoritarian as well due to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering needs to be gone. This does not require an amendment; however, an amendment would prevent the all too frequent on again off again villainy by the SCOTUS and state legislators that we see on so many issues.
I agree with this, and also think states should not be involved in drawing congressional districts. The districts should be neutrally drawn based on population count. A computer could do it.
Both the filibuster and the electoral college are destroying our democracy. The filibuster makes legislating too cumbersome by allowing indecision to rule over action. A capable legislator should be able to vote yes/no in fair representation of his/her constituency. "Maybe" or "no vote" should not be an option in the real world. The electoral college is a decision avoidance mechanism that insults the integrity of popular elections. The results of an accurate popular vote is sufficient and impressive to declare a winner. I have read the Popular Vote Interstate Compact which solves nothing by continuing to recognize the existence of an electoral college. We have witnessed the disaster of inaccurate outcomes in the 2000 and 2016 elections and yet we timidly stand by to allow this bullshit system to continue to insult the American voter. The Electoral College should be abandoned. Failure to do so will result in the realization by voters that Citizen's United, the corrupt lobby for profit influence on Congress, the Electoral College and the filibuster all combine to render popular voting a meaningless exercise. It may not be a revolution when people no longer care to vote but it will be the end of our democracy.
Although it would be great to eliminate the Electoral College, it would take a Constitutional Amendment and the kind of Democratic control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency that we never get. Liberals also tend not to vote in the mid-terms and if it wasn't for the Dobbs decision there would likely be a new influx of Republicans in this mid-term. Republicans would never, ever join in such an amendment. They like winning without the popular majority. So doing what you suggest becomes an impossibility and that is why the Popular Vote Interstate Compact is so important. It creates an end run around the un-democratic Electoral College. Perhaps if we can get enough states to join and make the Electoral College useless, it may be easier to amend the Constitution and get rid of it then, but till then...forget it.
The filibuster is equally un-democratic. It forces the majority to accept minority control. What is infuriating about it is that it is only a rule in the Senate and easily gotten rid of. Why Biden can't see how limiting it is is beyond me. It does not allow any progressive movement while at the same time allowing what Republicans want. Military spending, trade agreements, arms sales, budget resolution, executive branch regulations removal, Supreme Court Justices, and conservatism, meaning nothing progressive changing. That is what they want. If it is eliminated it is true that the Republicans would more easily pass their agregious and draconian measures as we would be able to. But they would only be able to do so half the time as we would be able to. That is better than not getting anything ever and we would be able to change things back again when the tide shifts. I cannot think of a better way of affecting the voters when they see the kind of nonsense they seek to pass.
Could they eliminate Social Security? Possibly, but imagine the political consequences if they even tried it. They can change the rules too when they get a majority and it is in their best interest as they did to allow themselves the ability to install Supreme Court justices. Look where we are now. That is what happens when you allow them to change the rules when they want and to be afraid to do so yourself. There is nothing to impede them from changing the rules when it suits them.
no. the electoral college system has to stay and will stay.
it will stay because to change it would require a constitution al amendment, which requires 28 states to ratify. which obviously isn't going to happen since ratifying it will disenfranchise the smaller states, and there is no way on earth that they are going to go for that.
the purpose or the EC is to ensure that the smaller states would not be bulldozed by the democratic votes of the large cities. it has nothing at all to do with slavery or the protection of it.
as for this shibboleth of the 'popular vote', that is nonsense. the entire purpose and design of our republican system is to defuse the dangers of the 'popular vote'. for example, today immigration is a topic de jure. most illegal aliens migrate to the larger cities. where, if you had your way , they would become citizens and be allowed to vote.
so, why on earth would a voter in , say Idaho, or Wyoming, or Rhode island, have their vote be equivalated to that of a recent immigrant for Honduras or Nigeria, in the determination of their land use, or any other policy affecting their regional situation by someone who just came here, and never was in Idaho, Wyoming or Rhode island.
this is the purpose of the EC system and why it is going to stay, as long as our republic endures.
James, the amendment process was included in the constitution for the purpose of changing any part of it. While it is very difficult to get 2/3rds of the states to agree, that is how it's done.
The recent Supreme Court decision on abortion is testing the court in ways it never faced before. Basically its legitimacy is being tested, which means it has lost legitimacy, which means it is losing power. The SC can only go so far, before they are too weak to uphold the law, let alone the constitution. Maybe, just maybe, the now weakened court makes this a good time to start pushing the process of abolishing the electoral college.
Do you mean the Supreme Court? For “South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.” ― James L. Petigru. Born in Abbeville District, South Carolina on May 10, 1789
I think Keiths' amendment proposal (a concept PROVEN by the former president and current traitor) and the abolishment of the electoral college should BOTH be enacted as amendments to our Constitution. In this way, qualified candidates chosen by the majority of Americans would be elected. Gerrymandering must also be done away with to prevent putting "a finger on the scale" of the state and local outcome of elections. And Laurie is correct that the filibuster should also be abolished. So, write or call your Representatives and Senators, people, and make a lot of constructive noise!! And vote out those of bad faith who have no place in our government.
why shouild states with essentially NO populace determine who will lead the nation simply because they have been given given carte blanche by a construct held over for them from the civil war and reconstruction?
Actually, I agree with paper ballots but that means mandating the states all use paper ballots. Despite the complaints from the Republicans about the computer balloting, they would be the first to block such a measure. After all, they would no longer be able to claim computer fraud to contest free and fair elections.
As for the EC the opposite is true now and honestly, there would not be any choice in the matter, just as there is none now.
What makes you think that recent immigrants are voting if they are illegal? If they are legal they have every right to vote, they have become citizens and have equal protection under the law. Do the land use policies that you speak of in Idaho, Wyoming, or North Dakota include global warming denial?
Why would they? If a STATE has a need, why would that necessarily be a matter for FED legislation in the first place? And why would a NY Rep object to a land use policy in Wyoming?
I get your point, but I think you've set up a straw man (or a bogeyman), and that's not a good reason to avoid discussion of an important racist and minority-controlling institution.
One citizen, one vote.
While we're at it, Congress MUST neuter Citizens United.
In order to neuter CU, one must eliminate the SCOTUS decisions that created the foundation for it: Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti seem to be the primary foundation. That requires either a sweeping, antagonistic SCOTUS decision undoing that whole structure (will never happen) or a constitutional amendment (very difficult and lengthy process).
There is a proposed amendment in Congress to do that and that would do all of that (HJ Res 48).
There are several that would do parts of it. And there is one or two that would actually make matters even worse (HJ Res 1, for example, would make anything any state passes in correcting CU or in expanding CU constitutionally valid and make nothing challengeable in court, thereby creating a crazy quilt of contradictory laws, much like we currently have and will see only get worse for abortion and voting rights, etc).
Corporations are not people in the first place. CU and other rulings/laws under "free speech" gives a lot of weight to voices that have money. That is wrong. Given the state of our system and the vulnerability of voters, and sadly, the corruptibility of politicians this is another corruption of our democracy. It abuses the first amendment, broadens it in fact when the SCOTUS refused to broaden the meaning of the Constitution, Constitutional amendment/s regarding a right to abortion. It's another way for money interests to partner with other GOP goals to grab and hold power for the minority. It's "corporatism".
Expanding the court after getting a strong Democratic majority would work to overturn CU.
We have a way to go to make this country truly of the people, by the people and for the people.
A NYRep could object if it was federal lands....drillling,cattle grazing, and other usage for instance. It's OUR land. Land management agencies manage this and the Federal Government has the say, not the state. You must look to whatever the CURRENT US administration is allowing as to how it is managed. We have been though this controversy... "drill baby drill"... Sarah Palin.
Voters do not have equal weight in our federal system either.
Agree about Citizens United but good luck with that given the current Supreme Court and the obstructionist Congress.
Ah, yes, fed. lands. Would a NY Rep's position be dispositive? Idk.
Imo what people here are angling toward is one person, one vote, and doing away with anti-democratic institutions. I'm on board with that. Also with reining in Senatorial tyranny and minority rule.
Recent immigrants cannot vote. To vote you must be a citizen and have lived in the country at least three years. To become a naturalized citizen an immigrant must demonstrate an understanding of the US government and history, and an oath of allegiance must be taken.
We all should take part in stewardship of the lands of the United States. The lands belong to the entire society, not just to the people who decided to put down stakes there. Exploitation has to be removed from decisions about land use.
Yes, James, I do. This land is ultimately the property of the society. It is the society that invented the idea of deeds and real estate, etc., and ultimately you have to realize, and I have to realize, that a deed is only as strong as the society that set up the system. You start from that, and try to reason it out for yourself.
Our entire society has a vital and primary interest in the health of the land, and in its use or protection from use and abuse. It has a primary interest in conserving healthy ecosystems, in not poisoning or polluting the land, in ensuring its enduring value for future generations and not destroying its future value for the whims and greed of a current generation.
This is not even an opinion. It’s just a fundamental fact. If you ponder it, you will realize that you, your dog, the birds around you, everything that is part of the environment, is at the mercy of the human society that currently dominates this land. This sort of thing hardly was true in the distant past when humans were not so numerous and our technology so potentially destructive. But now …
You had better hope that the society that issued the deed that says you “own” a little piece of this planet endures at least as long as you do. If it doesn’t, your piece of paper is worthless.
But that’s neither here nor there with respect to this question on whether other members of the society have as much say and interest as you have (just because of where you happen to be standing) in the condition, health and conservation of the land around you.
Raffey, you are right about the electoral college, what a stupid wasteful thing. I believe those who proposed it knew it but their slavery brains couldn't imagine a government they couldn't control the way they controlled their property.
Actually it was the Florida Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court with Sandra Day O’Connor’s vote that gave GWB the presidency with just a difference of 534 votes. Al Gore disagreed with the decisions but accepted them. How times have changed. Now there is to be rioting in the streets if Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has his way! He should be indicted for those comments alone!
If I could give this comment multiple hearts, I would! THIS IS SO-O true! Maybe not in the future the way changes to education are going on, but notably true so far!
Then there is the problem of majority rule. Trump WAS elected by the rich and those who wanto be or identify with the rich. Bush was elected by the supreme court.
Sometimes I wish the blue states would secede from the Union (but keep the keys to the nuclear weapons.) I think if those blow-hard red states really had to manage without our collective wealth, technology, arts, universities, awesome cities and shores, they would soon stop whining.
We need to 'vet' our voters too! More teaching of civics and economics, so the voters are not ignorant and easily misled. Just basic things about the rule of law, and how it can ensure freedom and Democracy.
Laurie, serious civics classes for every student, perhaps at 2 different times during their K-12 education would be a good start. Then, making sure every student is registered to vote when they turn 18 would help too. They did that for several years at the high school where I taught and the students loved it. They took buses to the county courthouse several times during the year as they turned 18. The kids actually dressed up and thought it was a big deal. Some parents even came along as chaperones and registered too. I don't know if they are still doing it because COVID intervened and I retired last year. I would love to see that all over the country, then followed by getting the students to investigate the various candidates and offices they are running for.
When I went to highschool, graduating class of 1960, we were required to take 4 years of history and pass the classes as a requirement of graduating. This is no longer the case. Civics and history should be mandatory. Young people are woefully under educated in these areas. They have no idea how our country works.
Sad, yet so very true! I taught 8th grade for 44 years and found that the 2nd half of my career had my students so very ignorant of the basics of government and civics...and the last 8-10 years presented me with parents who were even more ignorant of the information. Add growing cynicism and disrespect for the rule of law and the Constitution, and you have the mess we're in now.
You just described why we have an ignorant populace of younger people. We don’t need to teach more STEM classes. It’s history and civics that will make good citizens. Those should be mandatory and, as Anne says, taught at every level as they once were.
Exactly. It’s no mistake replacing and eliminating the most important subjects students need to guide their citizenships throughout their lives have been and are being shelved. History and civics!
High school history (class of 69) skipped over anything that didn't show America as gleamingly perfect. I was in my 20s when I first heard about Japanese internment camps and was shocked and horrified. A real eye opener about America the Beautiful! Over the years, have learned much of what else was missing from my education and much of it is ugly and obscene. 😳
I read much more than I used to because I have time to now that I’m retired. I just found out about Tulsa last year! Never heard anything about it in my 12 + grades in school. I wonder how much more of our history has been hidden?
Cheryl, I have a BA in Poli Sci with a minor in US History from very liberal SFSU, class of1969. I NEVER once heard of, nor read about, the Japanese CONCENTRATION camps during my five years of study at SFSU! I learned from a neighbor two doors up, my parents' best friends who lived the nightmare. I also NEVER heard word one about the destruction of "Black Wall Street" in Oklahoma, nor the "Zoot-Suit Police Riots" in LA. Only because OUR history, ALL of it, is of great interest and importance to me, have I had to tenaciously "dig deep" to discover it and therefore use it in my own classes when I taught. Many, many "skeletons in the American closet"!
Cheryl P. I was in my 70's when I saw the story of 'Black Wall Street' in Tulsa, about an entire section of the city's affluent and successful Black community's businesses and homes set on fire and the Blacks in the community attacked and many were murdered. I lived in the civil rights era and thought I knew about most of the Black history (So I thought!).
That is a wonderful post! Also a retired educator. I watched them gut education in PA for no good reason. I retired 6 years ago. My working friends tell me it was a total disaster during COVID. The lack of preparedness still flabbergasts me. As unforeseen as COVID was, you mean they had no disaster plans? None that I was aware of. By design? Republicans Smucklicans.
I have to disagree. If public education is gutted from the state level down, there is a very good reason from the pov of the people doing the gutting: An informed citizenry is antithetical to special interests.
True. People have the power to change how they’re governed, for now. PA was deeply gerrymandered to the benefit of republicans. The state Supreme Court ordered the map redrawn after refusal by the hard right conservatives. This new map was not as helpful in 2020 as hoped, however, there is a sizable shift to favor democratic policies in PA. Ultimately, the R’s are done. The return of abortion rights to states put them in a coffin. Anything after that are the nails.
I had a civics class in 9th grade. Our teacher made it mandatory to read 1984. He was a WWII vet and he wanted us to remember what the world would look like under a fascist regime. We also had to write a book report and discuss it in class.
If you haven't seen "V for Vendetta," treat yourself. It's closer to what we've personally witnessed these days, and the kind of regime the MAGA-wankers would support. The story is good enough, but the >setting< is - to my mind - much more important.
I loved that movie! And I agree we are headed that way. And the concept behind "V" is what we need to be. Trump is trying to scare us with his rhetoric about bad things happening. I live 30miles outside the closest city. I have a sign on my gate "No Trespassing. I have a weapons and a Backhoe. " Not that I am anti-social, but I am not going to put up with radical right wing nut job. I live in a SUPER RED STATE. I also have a bumper sticker that says "Tuck Frump". :-)
Also, I agree with you. Exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. You're just as likely to need it for self defense against those claiming to keep them for self defense as any other kind of desperado. I'm aware my view on that is >probably< unpopular in this forum, but there it is. Like the question at the end of the movie asks about what will happen next, and the nominal "hero" - the detective, not V, who is a perfect anti-hero - begins his reverie with: "What always happens when unarmed protesters are confronted by an armed mob." (I've taken a bit of liberty with that quote. Actually, I think it's armed soldiers. I need to review the flick for a proper quote.)
If you get a chance, pick up a copy of the original graphic novel. The contrast is breathtaking. In the movie, V is heroic. In the original graphic novel, he is quite something else, and the story isn't particularly enjoyable. I couldn't help noticing the parallel role of the epidemic in the movie with what we've been through. Notice also, that theocracy in charge of things in the movie predicts what the MAGA-publicans are all about - and that was a projection for Britain!
I am glad that there were only Presidents that were installed as a result of the decision of the Electoral College. The Electoral College should be neutral and try to elect the best candidate to become the president. If they can’t do that then it would be better to let them go since the people have already elected their choice and that should be it.
James, most states no longer require a civics or government class. They have 2 years of US history which usually has only a glancing pass through the Constitutional era in favor of all the wars, the interesting stuff, you know. I used to give each of my students a pocket Constitution and Declaration which we would read from periodically and discuss. They especially liked reading the amendments and why each one was proposed and passed. I don't know if any of them still have the books, but I hope so.
#1) Yeah, I'm against cathode ray tubes as well. Stop CRT's! Go, LED's!
#2) What you got against baloney? It's one of the celebrated foods of my people. Didn't you see the movie, "Yokels in the Mist?" We, the People of the Trailer, are a shy and sensitive type. HA!
#3) I didn't know that baloney gender was a controversial issue. I watched that movie about Oscar Meyer, too. No indoctrination there.
#4) Like minded people like to like like minded people. I think I think, therefore I think I am.
and therein lies the rub and bane of this experiment...if you educate people and tell them of things oh I dont know like the evolution of race, slavery CRT and how it fostered anguish and hatred amongst the peoples of the nation perhaps they would understand and appreciate more of eqquality and democracy. call it a fun fact
dude, i am genuine , real, 12th generation American, tri racial 'PoC' (formerly 'colored')
who has actually experienced 'racial discrimination' and 'prejudice' and guess what?... the US is , was, and should still be, the greatest place on the f'ing planet for literally everyone until the crypto Marxists took control of the levers of power.
The heart won’t light up❣️A few years ago our high school civics teacher got his class completely engaged and pointed out that even as students they could influence events. His taught one of the in person classes (before Covid). The students hated a tv class taught by someone in another state who just sat in front of the tv and read. About 15 of them attended the school board meeting and they all signed up to speak. They were articulate and honest in describing the complete waste of time the tv class inflicted on them. It was televised by a woman who films public forums. The kids got a big round of applause. The teacher was sanctioned for suggesting they do this, criticized for having “gone around the lines of communication.” He should have been praised.
Civics, economics and HISTORY... all of our history, and in particular Black history. We are where we were pre-Civil War, following (in response to) Reconstruction and during (in revolt of) the Civil Rights movement= A backlash to expanding the franchise of Democracy. the same tactics are just being repeated- mislead an uninformed electorate, divide the voting power of the electorate in addition to preventing or nullifying the votes of certain segments of the population that are marginalized and are seeking access to the franchise, use threats and violence (terrorism) and if lying, cheating, stealing and killing fails, just end the game... take my ball and go home with it so no one can play, no one wins. End Democracy.
fyiurban ; I found this in my local paper. ; "The deep dysfunction that enabled the abortion ban, elimination of the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to address climate change, and elevation of gun rights beyond all others have imperiled the preamble's promise to secure "The blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity." The deep dysfunction that enabled these decisions stems from three impediments to democracy embedded in the Constitution since 1787. The U. S. Senate, The Electoral College, and the state legislature's control over voting rights.
All three were deliberately designed by the framers to blunt threats to the interests of men of property, including slaveholders, from democracy. Excerpt from an article in The Daily Hampshire Gazette 9/13/2022 by Bruce Miller, professor emeritus ; Western New England University School of Law. Westfield, M.A.
Article entitled : Can we fix our Undemocratic Constitution?
Noting has changed!!! The 'men of property' are today's billionaires and corporate interests that still have the most wealth/power. They continue to influence policy that helps them retain or gain, more wealth/power. They still manipulate us into fighting/blaming each other or some random boogeyman, in an effort to prevent us from realizing who actually has a thumb on the scale to satisfy their selfishness/greed. They still manipulate voters to build paradoxical (example- so called 'evangelical christians" in coalitions with white nationalists/supremacist) coalitions that serve the interest of the wealthy/powerful at the detriment of their own interest!
fyiurban ; This is not the entire article ; I wanted to share the part that lists the 3 things that prevent functioning of our Democratic form of government, and prevent it from improving. I know that the very wealthy buy our votes by 'donating' to our representatives' campaigns. Citizens United is what happens when even the highest court is corrupted when installed by the moneyed interests. Naming our problems could help us begin to educate others and solve these serious problems. Unlimited money, even 'dark' money is killing this experiment in 'self rule', or Democracy. The Republican owned media lie to us about inflation , for example ; suggesting that increased labor costs somehow are to blame. While viewing many 'news' programs on mainstream media, and reading the newspapers, not a single source talks about the greatly increased profit margins of corporations. The 1% tax just implemented on stock buybacks is not enough to solve the problem. Nothing but a 'figleaf'.
White men of Property still utilize those 3 things, primarily via bought Republican politicians (and some democrats). They still facilitate minority rule as they were designed to. Overcoming them requires a super-majority of voters coming together and using our power-in-numbers. But they know this, and continue to successfully divide and conquer us- fighting among each other for crumbs (trickle down) and blaming everyone/thing accept the right one/thing, all by design. Designed to keep us from understanding what and who the root of the problem is- men of property aka billionaires and corporate interests.
Have you ever looked at the application requirements for Naturalization? I just did, and imo a lot of it is hogwash unless the answers are fact-checked. There's a looong form (N-400) to fill out -- it's quite "interesting."
Here's my favorite question -- imo it supports your idea that everyone needs to follow the process. § 12, Additional Information About You (Person Applying for Naturalization), Q. 11: "Have you EVER advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?"
I'd like to hear TFG's explanation of his "No" reply if questioned about Jan. 6.
Civics education is required in the public schools in every state, with required civics classes in 39 states; elsewhere, the subject is integrated across other social studies classes. The problem is in legislative agendas which pressure schools to focus on math and reading test scores, and which dictate what can/should be taught about civics.
No, much more than a literacy test. Actual knowledge.
I don't know how to balance the responsibility of voting with the idea that everyone should get a vote and that all votes are equal. I don't think that someone who doesn't know what they are voting for, who votes because they were paid to vote a certain way, who votes based on lies and doesn't care, who will not accept the results, who doesn't understand the job of the position they are voting for, is really benefiting democracy. I'm guilty of that myself. I vote straight down the ticket and for many of the down ballot positions I don't have any knowledge of the candidate or the job. I don't think it makes any sense that this is the way these government positions are filled, by people like myself who are ignorant, didn't do any research, and are automatons.
IMHO if people were required to know about the candidates and the jobs, we wouldn't need to worry so much about money in politics. As it is now one of the most reported item in campaigns is who raised the most money which is another way of saying who will have the most prevalent propaganda, lie the most, but the most votes. People make decisions on our govt.. with less information than we do as consumers. There are no consumer protection laws in elections. No warning labels, no list of ingredients. And no option to return the item for a refund or exchange or the right for a class action.
DK Brooklyn ; In some places, people actually sell their votes There was a story a couple years ago about that. It involved a candidate running for office in a Southern state. His own son testified against him. The cheating Pol was crying publicly. Sad!
ShirleyD ; Absolutely not! I would hope that these things could be taught in high schools, as student's minds and worldviews are developing. Critical thinking skills in evaluating media would be in there, too.
Literacy tests, I have read, we're often filled with questions that would stymie certain groups who faced questions that would only have answers that white people would know.
Retired educator here. I had to sneak civics in to my lessons every now and then because cuts to education were so deep in the early ‘00. All history/civics/Am Gov/ classes were cut to a 4-1/2 week course for 7th graders only. In ‘08 Gov Tom Corbett-PA, one of our recent 1 term R governors, set out to snarl education funding for years. High school had World History but not the plethora of American academia offered in my high school years. I will praise him on his gasoline tax for roads and interstates. We have the highest gas tax in the country, but I don’t mind. The improvements have been vast and I can see my tax dollars working.
Provided the civics curriculum and the passing-out tests are designed and administered by foreigners. A committee drawn from Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Spain and Germany should do. Otherwise you are only trying to feed people your own national myth.
And across the board. Don't let private schools or regressive state ed. boards find ways around teaching good citizenship.
[In general I'm all in for letting public schools be managed at the local level, but I think I just found a reason to say we may need national standards too. Strong ones, not ones that cater to the lowest common denominator.]
well, there needs to be a curriculum that has as its basis real historical documents, with contrasting ideas and philosophies, along with honest, not distorted facts of the past.
along with logic and rhetoric and real empirical science.
none of which is taught in public schools today.
maybe even the establishment of a real non partisan leadership academy that any citizen could be qualified for by testing.
For an excellent education in economics listen to Richard Wolff, Professor of Economics. He is a first rate talker who can explain economics so all can understand it. You can find him on You Tube and he heads up "Democracy at Work." Check him out; you won't be sorry.
I agree. Graduated '66 with no civics and was taught Civil War was just over states' rights. But I can't help but think the right would somehow twist your idea to be 'indoctrination'.
Good idea. I agree we need to set that bar much higher than it is, given the likes of Trump can qualify currently for the highest office in the land - or in the world.
The framers of the Constitution even then likely assumed higher moral standards for THEIR time, and didn't feel the need to qualify it in writing. But they did feel they had to specify the ones that could be quantified.
A man of 35 was a much "older" individual, relative to the life expectancy of the time. Now, 35 is still a young man, having seen only about 1/3 of his/her time on this earth, relatively speaking. But in the 18th century, by 35, it was more like half, if not more.
For women, it WAS even more, since the vast majority of women were married, and without effective birth control (other than separate bedrooms, which only the most affluent could afford) and therefore exposed to the perils of multiple childbearing.
But, regarding the moral and social values you list, how many sitting "congresscritters" can even pass that standard now? Personally, I think being able to pass our own Citizenship Test with a perfect score, should be the bare minimum standard to sit in government, in addition to the rest. Even those who only wish to become citizens, not President, have to have a wider range of knowledge of the workings of our government and its historic documents than obviously is currently being shown by numerous sitting lawmakers even now!
Applicants for any government job should be able to pass a FBI background check that includes a comprehensive criminal record check against the FBI's national database, which will include arrest and conviction history, as well as traffic violations and even parking tickets. Some employees must pass lie detector tests for certain jobs. Applicants could be given qualifying tests like the Foreign Service Officer Test, which any member of Congress should be able to handle.
Trump eliminated some hiring requirements in favor of the spoils system, which some pundits say is baked into the Constitution. He had cabinet members who could not pass background checks.
Daniel, teachers in Pennsylvania have to get those background checks you mentioned, except the lie-detector test (which is not exactly reliable anyway) and child abuse clearances, repeated fingerprinting every few years all of which we had to pay for. I have not heard of one teacher anywhere in the state who didn't pass. It was for us just a big waste of our money, but we are not writing laws and potentially undermining our government. Once would have been plenty. Anyway, I blame McConnell for even bringing unvetted nominees to the senate for a vote. There are no words for someone who knows someone is unqualified and holds a vote anyway, knowing his clan will, in lock-step, do whatever he says. He is morally bankrupt, even worse than Baby Donnie, because he knew exactly what he was doing to our nation. Donnie had only the barest of an idea of what he was doing. He just liked the cheers, drooling of the sycophants, and power he got from proclaiming things, his orgasmic pleasure. McConnell is just an amoral jerk. Neither of them should ever hold any office, but alas, both have.
Oh Ruth, but those nominees WERE none other than Lenny Leo, dontcha know? He of the monied but very secretive Federalist Society, working the dark money corridors of power, doing the bidding of our very own oligarchs.
We need to make the "Dogs of War" by Pink Floyd a national anthem for the democratic party. If you have never heard it, you might want to listen and follow the lyrics. They are very interesting. It was written in 1987 but are even truer today.
Actually we also used an appropriate test, had personal rating system and created a best qualified list.
I represented school districts in Pa in the early 70's. We fired non tenured teachers at will after giving them a right to a hearing under the Pa local agency law. Fired a lot of tenured teachers also. Later I represented teachers who were charged will all types of violations, including lying on their applications for employment. I had cases in several states.
I was later involved in judicial complaints.
After OPM stopped doing background checks, they hired felons. Imagine hiring "judges" who had not passed the bar exam, had been suspended, etc.
very good point. I think most people assume background checks are done. How do,we get the people in charge to pass laws to regulate themselves? The Supreme Court feels they are above the ethics rules that lower judges have to follow. Impeachment no longer seems to have much meaning. How,do we put the toothpaste back in the tube?
What do you do then, Daniel, about rich sociopaths who can tie up the courts every time they defy the law? One could end up with a squeaky clean record, in his eighth decade still stomping around a nation he fractured.
Daniel, you are right. Anyone running for public office should have to submit to the same scrutiny as a school teacher, and for federal office pass the State department test. But by future president should have to sit for a psych-ed exam as well. We should be advised professionally if a candidate is nuts.
Yeah, a problem with that, however, is discrimination against Black people by the police and the criminal justice system. How do you deal with that? A lot of the time the charges are trumped up, no pun intended.
Oh Shari, I like your idea of having every candidate for office taking the citizenship test. Then, the results should be published. Maybe a few questions not on the test should be thrown in to see if they really do know our Constitution, you know, the one they are swearing to uphold and defend. Maybe 20 of the 100 questions should be different from what is on the citizenship test. A score of say, 85% should be the cut-off. That would be fun, and informative. I'd like to see Dr. Oz or Doug Mastriano of PA take such a test.
Have you ever actually looked at the citizenship study test? You study the entire set of questions. But when it comes down to taking the test only 10 questions are asked verbally. In order to pass you must answer 6 of the 10 questions correctly. Quite honestly I think it’s a pretty easy test that most Americans couldn’t pass.
Ruth, the score should be 98%. If they are going to run and govern the country they should be very well read on our laws and especially the constitution!
The test should have “what is the capitol of every state. The test should have a difficult part about how a democratic government works( like how does our government work?)
Each test should have a word definition and then an example so we know what candidates know about Communism, Socialism, fascism, Buddhism (lol) etc.
then , the voters should be reminded that a vote casually ignored is a penny not saved! This knowledge opportunity must be made public before elections.
Just like the dark money has to be revealed so we know who is holding us captive to ignorance.
Keith Olson ; Certainly agree that we could do a much better job of vetting our top leader. But 'the money' wanted someone who would raid the cookie jar that is our treasury. And we let him ; He "did not even have to wait", to give trillions to those who have billions! First thing he did in office!
Yep, Laurie, we got someone who was very open to cookie-jar-raiding and he did it. I doubt if anyone will ever find out just what our Treasury Secretary did, then Congress gave him the job of supervising COVID funds. ugh!! Why isn't he being investigated? He seems to have sneck under the wire, as they say.
Keith, I really like your idea for an amendment. I know the founders didn't imagine someone as bad as Trump running for office although they knew people like him, I'm sure. We need to do a better job of vetting people for a lot of offices: president and vice-president, of course, the Federal court system (especially Supreme Court justices), all cabinet officials, military leaders, and probably others I have not thought of. There needs to be a process stated for how that happens. Perhaps there should be a non-partisan office on vetting candidates. No outside group should have as much influence as the Federalist Society has had in pushing ideologue court nominees. That would be illegal and if caught, the group should be prosecuted. The amendment is certainly worth consideration. Thanks for suggesting it.
There should be double blind psychological examination given to all people in government positions of power, i.e. SCOTUS, President, Vice president, Cabinet Secretaries, Military Leaders. People in charge of weapons of mass destruction and everyday weapons purchasers prior to purchasing weapons. Food for thought.
The Founders knew that requiring specific qualifications eventually would allow control to go to a few. They relied instead on the education of the public and their responsible behavior, in reliance on true rights of vote - despite the "quirks" that were allowed to develop, like the electoral college. The fact is that it is the responsibility of Americans to EDUCATE their children on HOW TO LEARN - not just the bare needs for general employment -- so that they can VOTE WITH KNOWLEDGE. But that declined greatly over the years, as the public became less interested in knowledge and more interested in entertainment. Congressional experience?! The crooks start in state government and work up the ladder today! We need term limits to bring the "service" of government back to the people's needs, instead of money's influence. But to do that, we need better education for everyone at any level desired! Only then will we be a free nation with leaders genuinely capable and not the puppets of the wealth or power.
I agree with your suggestions, except for the one about term limits. We already have limits on the durations of terms for elected officials (except maybe for some judges). But I think you are suggesting limits on the number of terms one person can be elected to. I disagree with that. If a person has done a good job in office, I think we should be able to elect them for another term, as long as they still have the mental and physical capacities to do the job. Term limits will do nothing to take money out of politics. We need other solutions to reduce that problem.
Congress passed term limits on POTUS to two terms in 1950 ( after Franklin Roosevelt's 4th term), however they didn't see the need to do the same for their own legislative body. I believe that needs to be done.
Perhaps so, however we cannot do that for a U.S. President. Congress felt the need to limit Presidential terms to two. I know of no effort being made to change that, either by grassroots efforts or by legislative efforts. I can only assume that most Americans are fine with that.
OBSERVATION: The local, broadcast news here seems to be tacking back to the border problem, and not ignoring DeSantis' current action.
(Actually, I have no objection to spreading the immigrants around to help relieve the burden of legitimate processing and disposition. That way it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is where and where >not< the immigrant burden is being relocated. There are plenty of big cities in "red states," too, >and< they're a lot closer to TX & FL, as well as more cost-effective - by far - for the states' taxpayers, than transporting them to the Northeast! I say let the Federal Government handle that - not individual states. Indeed, interstate issues are the legitimate purview of the Federal Government. As it stands, FL & TX >appear< to be kidnapping immigrants and transporting kidnap victims across state lines. That's a bona fide federal felony. Are we >next< to believe state governors above the law, too?)
DZK ; That is the whole problem ; they are weaponizing human beings who are seeking asylum. (although who knows where DeSantis and Abbot got them are who they really are?) They are targeting 'sanctuary cities' in left leaning states/cities. So much as to say "So you want migrants who are entering the country illegally? Here they are! Take care of them! Unethical and illegal I would think. Human trafficking? If this is not illegal, it should be.
Keith, It is shocking to my to my foreign friends that we allow the president to wave a magic wand and essentially pardon a big law breaker! And that our SCOTUS is chosen by the current pres (with Congressional approval) rather than voted in. These pardons are completely out of control and one person having the ability must go. Criminal Flynn is now going to oversee elections!!
Insane! The former guy pardons those with whom he committed crimes! Talk about the abuse of the pardon power! If it is not specifically codified, they just 'get away' with it! Absolutely no ethics! No consequences either!
I don't necessarily disagree with your proposal, but it would require a lot of work to implement. We would need to settle not only on the criteria and methods to be used to qualify the candidates, but we would need to settle on a committee to do the vetting. Neither would be easy
Fay. I have no doubt we have the wherewithall in our government to set standards for political candidates. It shouldn't be too specific because we don't want to make the qualifications so narrow it would cause people to envision only one type of person to serve , but perhaps some kind of government/representative experience should be a top item. I am sorry, but a fake TV star does not qualify anyone for any office.
Isn’t it also the job of the voters to be unbiased and more knowledgeable about who they vote for? Of course many of the American people are forcibly ignorant because they work 2 jobs because of low wages which in turn leaves little time for vetting candidates. Have you noticed that while income inequality has increased our Government has become more and more corrupt? Trickle Down Economics is a fantasy!
I would not have thought so (job of the voters to be unbiased...). Many, if not most, voters are biased, of course they are. Also, voters usually don't know much about the people and propositions they vote for. How could they, they don't spend their lives in politics. I've seen skillful propaganda, disinformation and manipulation from both sides -- rather more from the Left here, simply because it is a strongly left-leaning area. All I can hope for is that slightly more people don't buy the B.S. than do. And every so often, that happens.
Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, Kevin McCarthy and other prominent Republicans are all co-conspirators acting in concert and providing comfort and support while running interference for Trump. They can't be expected to do the right thing for the country. The other Republicans other than the 2 in the Jan 6th Committee are all too weak.
Bob, you are right about those "prominent" Republicans. They think they will get something if they can get Trump elected again. They know he is incompetent, but they like being able to manipulate him to do their bidding. I do believe taking down the whole Republican party for a while is the only thing that can save it and us.
I think he forgets, and I mean intentionally, that more of us voted for Biden than any voted for him! This American will absolutely stand for him being charged, indicted and thrown into prison!
For Christ’s sake give it a rest. Nobody actually believes that at this point. Everyone except Trump himself has said, some flat out, that the idea of a Big Steal is just a Big Lie.
Yay! Suzanne! You said it just right?! Claiming fraud with no evidence is as big a lie as the big lie. It didn't happen unless it happened in Texas, Florida, Mississippi, or Alabama, the deep south for Baby Donnie. No one seems to have checked those votes. Ha! I'm joking. The election is over. Baby Donnie is stuck in his little world of unreality, and the rest of the crew is trying to pretend Trump knows anything about anything. It is crazy!
You are right to question those states whose election apparatus is controlled by Republicans who are notorious for projecting their own wrongdoing by accusing Democrats of it. Those votes should've been examined, & had they been, it is very possible we wouldn't have had to suffer through Manchinema obstruction.
Really? Come into the light and put away your news feed. Open your mind and quit sleeping on your 'My Pillow'. I honestly do not mean to be a little rough here, but this Big Lie was proven to be just that.
I am sorry. I have a long background in IT, electronics hacking, radio, etc, and as far as I can see, the analysis and methodology given in '2000 Mules' has not only NOT been debunked, but is conclusive.
Forget about the thousands of personal I witness affidavits, and surveillance video.
you all have been defrauded. which may be ok with you, since 'orange man bad',
but it is Biden's 'election' that is the 'Big Lie'.
sorry to disabuse you of a fiction which is so important to you.
This claim is by disreputable people- outliers, widely disproven, yet you traffic in this. Which makes your credibility zero as well. The fiction is entirely yours regardless of your claims about yourself which mean nothing if they have any veracity. You are of course free to be a stubborn fool.
DZK you are probably right. Just a troll I am not going to waste any more time on. And neither should anyone else on here. Laugh at him and he will go away. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA James Twine
No... and I would not believe it. You assume that if you show me something I will think it's true, after you show yourself so deluded?
Kelly Ann Conway talked about "alternative truths" and everyone laughed at her except those who needed desperately to cling onto their own deception so as to not feel like fools at least in the eyes of those of those who also needed their "alternative truths" i.e. another world.
That phony picture icon you use is a nice touch. I'm sure your employers can provide as many phony icons as they can provide phony email accounts, that you brag about elsewhere in this discussion. Next time, make it a Native American. Pass my "go bugger yourself" along to your associate Vlad and all his boys in Minsk.
Hey James, it proves that even IT geeks can be hoodwinked if the hoodwinker is unhinged enough, and Baby Donnie truly is. Stop with your conspiracy theories and use your knowledge for the good of this nation and the world. Figure out how we can stop global warming, end ridiculous wars, give people hope in a better tomorrow, get internet to rural areas all over the world to connect rather than divide people, find ways to make it more possible for disabled people to get equal access to internet services, help figure out how to develop substances that are not as destructive to us and our planet as single-use plastics. That would be such a good way for you to spend your time and life. Drop the election fraud crap and move on to brighter more positive things!
Yes I definitely meant him. I specifically read these letters and comments because many people provide intelligent remarks and debate without all the toxicity related to mis/disinformation. These letters and comments from normal people have kept my sanity, anxiety and hopelessness at bay these last several years. I no longer will tolerate this toxic behavior. As with all bullies, we need to ignore and block their comments.
No proof of that whatsoever! None came up in over 60 law cases brought by Trump lawyers. Virtually none found in state recounts & Republican led audits. What little voter fraud that was found was primarily by Republicans.
Where fraud might've been found is in states where the election apparatus is controlled by Republicans in which results favored Republican candidates far above expectations according to polls, states like South Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, Iowa, Ohio, Florida & Montana, but Democrats (mistakenly in my opinion) didn't bother to challenge any of them.
Robert you are spot on! This egomaniac has planted the seeds of Anarchy. I hope that our Judicial System has enough backbone to do what's right. The men and women who died fighting against fascism in WWII should eternally rest in peace.
Joe. I too hope our judicial system can handle things, but it has been stacked with people who care only for their personal power and their own conservative religious and maybe political beliefs. Maybe we can start giving bery public kudos to judges and justices who actually stand up for our Constitution instead of their personal biases. Then we should work to remove those who push their own faith (the conservative Catholic justices on the SC) or loyalty to a person over the Constitution (the judge who required a special master for Baby Donnie in a case that certainly needed none). Some Trump appointees knocked down the Trump challenges to the 2020 election while others have decided on their own that mail-in voting and voter suppression in various forms are not OK or that banning abortion, even when that goes against the state's constitution is OK. Every year, judges and justices need to swear their oath again in public. Members of Congress and state legislators should also as should the president and vice president and governors. It might remind them of what they really should be doing. Maybe not, but at least people will see them doing it and expect it each year and remind them.
Reality bites. This is just the beginning. He realizes he’s in serious trouble and he’ll take as many people down with him as he can. He’s profoundly mentally ill and enjoys inflicting pain on others by being cruel, because it makes him feel powerful.
His mental state “trickles down” to infect many of his supporters, unlike the supposed “trickle down” economy republicans tell us will happen after giving enormous tax breaks to the rich & corporations.
He corrupted the Secret Service, the republican party, (although to be fair, they were already well on their way to being corrupt) he celebrated the corruption of a number of police and fbi, seated many corrupt & potentially corrupt federal judges, nominated corrupt Justices, and his entire Cabinet was corrupt with maybe la couple of exceptions.
His threats are signals to supporters who are inclined to commit violence. Republicans won’t repudiate him individually or as a group because they’re still too frightened of him, probably with good reason. And that’s why he can never, ever be president again.
Oh Susan, well-said! Corruption has been a major piece of Republican politics for a really long time, at least since Nixon was running for president in 1968 and sabotaged the Vietnam War peace talks. Each time they are successful, they build on that success. It took decades for us to learn what happened back then. When they don't succeed as with Watergate, they learn how to do it better and we got Iran-Contra for which no one was held accountable. In short, Trump was just one in a long line of corrupt folks. McConnell didn't just become corrupt when Donnie came to power. He was honing his skills for a long time as were McCarthy, Hawley, DeSantis, Abbott, and the rest. In fact it is their corruption that got them elected. They were able to convince already desperate people that they were their saviors and it didn't matter that none of them did anything positive for anyone. They set up campaigns of blaming everyone else for what was happening and the people went along because they had been trained to do so. Now, it is going to be really hard to ween them off of Baby Donnie who in addition to being corrupt is a con artist of considerable skill. He has been a criminal all his life, yet has never been seriously held accountable, so had built on what he learned previously. He can't do that as well now, though because he is dealing with dementia so his crew that he already corrupted is taking care of him. The media acts as though anything Trump says is newsworthy, so it is the first or second piece in nearly every newscast. We were saved a bit this past week because of the Queen's passing, but it's all back in force. It needs to stop and we need to get voters to the polls who will vote out the corrupt crew and send them packing permanently, even jailing the ringleaders and those who tried to break our Constitution.
Thank you Susan for mentioning corruption.  Dishonesty itself is a huge threat to our way of life. Most Americans have no familiarity with a top to bottom corrupt government or how hard it is to dislodge once established. ”You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”.
did you happen to see the satanic screed out so called current president gave two weeks ago in Philly?
or listened to him try to talk extemporaneously lately.
or seen any of the many, many videos of him literally pinching young girl's nipples in public, sniffing their hair, actually prepositioning them, or had the opportunity read his daughter's diary, in which she writes that she remembers taking f'ing showers with him?
and Trump is 'mentally ill'. simply pure projection.
Mr phony picture troll. You’re speaking in a chat room with highly intelligent and informed people…nobody is buying your attempt at trolling. It is NOT working. 216 people in Trump’s admin have been indicted. Obama & Biden zero indictments.
Just some of Trump’s crimes: treason, collusion, obstruction of justice, inciting a deadly coup, bribery, intimidation, perjury of oath, dereliction of duty, refusal to obey lawful order…it actually goes on!
If you’e leery that trump isn’t a dangerous sociopath & psychopath. You haven’t read any news or watched the J6 hearings. So goodbye to your troll attempt.
You can use the same phony picture there. Sorry. Your attempts still fail. The fact that you’re suspended means you likely do the same crap there but they verify the lies.
Why do you folks feed this obvious troll? This litter has filled so many screens of my smartphone I have to give up on today's comments—thus justifying his payment. Thanks, y'all.
Please read "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President," by Bandy Lee, M.D.
Or read what Trump's niece says about him in "Too Much and Never Enough. Or what Bob Woodward wrote in "Rage."
Or think about what some eminent Republicans have said about him:
“You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell. He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party. He doesn’t represents the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for. … He’s the ISIL man of the year.”
~ Senator Lindsey Graham December, 2015
George F. Will best described Trump in 2012—“bloviating ignoramus” (1:08)
“[Trump had] a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”—Tony Schwartz (2016)
“Donald Trump is epically unprepared to be president. He has no realistic policies, … no capacity to learn. His vast narcissism makes him a closed fortress. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and he’s uninterested in finding out.”—David Brooks (2016).
“Donald Trump is epically unprepared to be president. He has no realistic policies, … no capacity to learn. His vast narcissism makes him a closed fortress. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and he’s uninterested in finding out.”—David Brooks (2016).
“Trump is the demagogue that America’s founders feared”—Michael Gerson (2016)
“[Trump is a] complete idiot … graceless and divisive.”—Karl Rove (2016)
“[Trump is] loathsome,” “a con man” and “a charlatan and a demagogue” who is “soiling the robe of conservatism.”—Bill Kristol (2016)
“Donald Trump is a national disgrace.”—Colin Powell (2016)
“Never underestimate Trump’s ignorance … Trump is crude, mean and prejudiced—but most notably he is the least-informed candidate to run for the presidency in modern times.”—Jennifer Rubin (2016)
“[Trump] lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value—indeed exists—only insofar as it sustains and inflates him.”—The late Faux News contributor, Charles Krauthammer (4 August 2016)
“[T]he problem isn’t that he [Trump] does not know this or that, or that he does not know that he does not know this or that. Rather, the dangerous thing is that he does not know what it is to know something.”—George F. Will (2017)
Mitt Romney summed it up best:
“Here’s what I know: Donald Trump is a phony and a fraud,” Romney said at the University of Utah. “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He’s playing the American public for suckers; he gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat.”
"Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.
Barr’s comments, in an interview with the The Associated Press, contradict the concerted effort by Trump, his boss, to subvert the results of last month’s voting and block President-elect Joe Biden from taking his place in the White House.
Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but 'to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.'”
James, I claim Donnie has dementia. I watched my mom go through it and note a lot of similarities. He has certain phrases he repeats in every speech and says nothing of substance. I know you are primed to think he is a genius since he told you so, but he never was. He is a con artist though who is so good, he has not been prosecuted for his crimes: cheating contractors, defrauding his followers (probably with their consent), lying about an election he knows he lost, and the crimes he was impeached for and only not kicked out of office because Republicans were afraid of him and his cult. That doesn't say much for them.
Ron DeSantis’s cynical stunt in sending immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard is equally as alarming, as it is clearly aimed at stoking racist and xenophobic support from the same maga voters. If Trump goes down (and he will), Governor DeSantis is lining himself up to be the number two fascist-dictator-wannabe. There’s a lot more here than just these two pathological men, however. Most of the GOP is willing to forget everything they ever stood for, in service to Trumpism and this heavy fog of populist nationalism. We have no choice but to fight back with every ounce, but also to be careful not to empower or inflame maga zombies along the way.
It was also supremely cruel. Telling those poor folks with no resources that there was help and english speaking lessons, etc., etc. awaiting them, was disgusting. DeSantis and Trump are peas in a pod...they both enjoy cruelty, just as many MAGAs also enjoy cruelty to those they hate and fear. the cruelty is the point...their mutual enjoyment of it brings them into that community. How sad and pathetic is that???
Wow, Ken. I’m embarrassed to admit it but it never occurred to me that DeSantis was kidnapping those people. You’re absolutely right. He should be prosecuted.
Only I don’t think she realized just HOW LOW the Republicans would go!
Last week the Florida Governor joined the Texas and Arizona Governors in despicable behavior and sent two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. These people are HUMAN BEINGS just like you and I. This proves once again they are racists. I thought human trafficking was illegal. I guess Governors are also above the law!This shows Republicans are so LOW they have to look up to look down!
Which borders are the migrants coming through? I believe the majority are getting through the borders where Republican Governors are located. How ironic! If they really wanted to stop illegal immigrants they could. If they really wanted to stop illegal immigration, don’t you think the Republicans should work with the Biden Administration to come up with a bill to nip it in the bud once and for all?
Trump is a Narcissistic Personality Disorder AKA sociopath. They make great Fascists. Sadly he has people that believe his nonsense. They will not deny him because that will be admitting they were conned. No one likes to admit that they have been conned. An old RN
Incredible that Trump’s lies inspire violence among MAGA supporters when the law breaker-in-chief screams about LAW AND ORDER. Millions of his followers have fallen down the rabbit hole for sure!!🤬
Of course he does. He's a perfect example of "Laws for thee but not for ME!" "Law and order" are tools he tries to use to beat down on others he sees as below himself, like the horrific scene he put on in Lafayette Square in order to secure a photo op of him holding up a book he has never read, can't quote a single verse from, and doesn't understand the first thing about. But since he obviously sees himself as being above such mundane requirements, they certainly don't apply to HIM! He's spent his entire life becoming the eternal "Teflon Don" (and that's "Don" in the mob sense as well.) Sociopaths have no understanding of how the world actually works around them, and their place in it, so they try to force the world to function around them as they wish it to be. And this one has given the world permission to be their own worst enemies, as well as the enemies of the rest of us who have no intention of allowing him, or them, to act out like he does without consequences - a spoiled, petulant, selfish, temper-tantrum-throwing 4 year old bully in a man suit. Thoroughly unfit for any office, including dog catcher.
I’ve read 15 books about him. You are spot on ! Don’t forget mega malignant narcissist too! He’s ruined our homeland by making federal politics all about feeding his sick ego.
Virginia, Good come back! Baby Donnie loves the idea of violence, as long as he isn't in the middle of it. He is a coward and wants others to do his dirty work while he can sit back and gloat, just as he did on January 6th. He wanted to go to the Capitol but not to GO IN. He just wanted to BE there to watch his words get others to DO THE DEEDS. That is sick, but a lot of people in power are like that. Bullies often get their minions to do their dirty work so they can say "I didn't do anything!" Everyone repeats Baby Donnie's quote about shooting someone on 5th Ave. but he wouldn't even hold a gun. This is not someone brave enough to shoot anyone. His believers don't know that, though and will go out to fight for someone who would NEVER fight for them. It's disgusting!
Yes I agree. Americans, particularly naturally conservative ones, are still stuck on the need for traditional male strength demonstrations in their leaders. It remains me of elks fighting for dominance! Trump tries to use this phoney masculine bully boy routine constantly but deep down he’s insecure. He makes drama to get attention but deflect from his many errors of judgment. Americans aren’t good at standing up to these sorts because bully boys run many companies, large organisations and control a lot of money. Wise leadership is so much better!
You are quite right that underneath his bully act, Drump is pathetically weak and insecure. Everything about the way he acts and speaks screams posturing and insecurity.
Trump needs a media makeover. He is no longer the ginger buffoon but a mob boss who holsters senators in each pocket and a gang of traffickers of sex, asylum seekers and lies behind him.
The snotty way they express themselves gives them away every time as not simply presenting a contrary opinion. They must have to train in incivility before qualifying for payment. Please do not feed.
James Twine ; You may be in the wrong place. This is not "both sides ism". You are either a true patriot who believes in Democracy or not. A 'contrasting' viewpoint that denies the reality of what is happening in America now ; that Democracy is being threatened, along with the rule of law. is not helpful. This threat exists all over the world. Our former 'president' is threatening violence if he is brought to justice and actually charged for his crimes. He has done it before, incited violence that actually killed people. He has run people out of office, and caused even judges to have to get security details. This is not a game. You seem out of touch.
Ok, I won’t call you a troll. But a rose by any other name is still a....? Troll. You have no point to make. Your contrasting viewpoint contrasts nothing. You just don’t like Joe Biden. Okay, you’re allowed. We agree you don’t have to like him. Now there’s no contrasting point. Any facts (proof) of your other talking points (manufactured bullshit), are not valid as proof or fact of anything other than you have a wish list.
Oh goodness..I couldn't have said any better. Like most of the Big Lie followers there is no point in arguing with them. It's a mind-set they will not move from. Thank you.
For those of us without psychoanalytic training I think it is worthwhile to elucidate the meaning of “pure projection” as used by James. It means “I am absolutely not listening and proud of it”.
Our loved ones and friends who have gone to the dark side don’t just have different facts and opinions. Fox News has championed ways of not thinking and not conversing. (changing the subject being possibly the most popular and irritating.)
Gerald Nelson ; I had the experience today of a conversation with someone who watches only Fox "news'. He said that the Capitol attack was just a protest that 'got out of control'. He did allow that one woman was killed, and claimed that she was unarmed, which is a lie. He refused to say that Capitol police were killed (one of them just had a heart attack the next day ; big deal doesn't count). I asked him if he saw people breaking windows to get into the barricaded Capitol, and he said "so what? people doing protests break windows, I asked if it is at the Capitol during the certification of an election, and he started low rating Biden. He is convinced that the Feds are abusing power by going after our former president ; using 'fake documents' as 'proof'. His mind ; brainwashed by Fox and other winger MAGA 'news ' was made up. Scary.
That is, at best, a nonsensical reply that indicates an addiction to Fox News or News Max propaganda or a frank desire on your part for an American dictatorship in the style of Hungary’s prime minister for life, Viktor Orbán which is unquestionably the goal of Tr🤮mp and a majority of Republican congressmen. Biden was elected by a large majority of voting Americans. Trump didn’t even win a majority in 2016.
Dear Mr. Reich: Your post left out one very important, even more devious threat. When Trump stated last week that if re-elected, he would look 'very favorably' at pardoning the January 6th rioters, he was actually making it clear that any future use of violence would be equally condoned. The severity of his mental illness has always been down-played, but it needs to be seen for what it is. There are absolutely no limits on what he is willing to do to stay in power.
When he orchestrated the insurrection he claimed a million of his followers would show up at the capitol. Even after funding many of the protesters, only a few thousand came to Washington, DC to carry out his plan. If we need to suffer a second such horrendous event, so be it. Let them come, let them be arrested, and let them lose their voting rights to further disgrace what's left of the Republican Party. I've had enough! Ellis Johnson M.D.
We, the people, are ready to put this nutjob in his place, hopefully in Russia somewhere. Trump and his entire family and supporters along with Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy and Ms. Green and Boebert all should be deported if there is a country in the world that accepts idiots.
I say Arrest him, cuff him, let him wait in jail as his attorneys defend him. No bail! We, as a country need to hold trump accountable for all his crimes. He has committed crimes. This classified information mishandling, etc, is low hanging fruit. He delays and distracts and deflects and deceives. He'd do it forever! He has done it long enough!
The lying and story spinning has got to stop! Where are the boundaries of freedom of speech? Is political speech immune from prosecution? Right-wing media just fans and fuels the fire.
Is the former president not just an ordinary citizen now? Lock him up! All the historically similar stories, such as Hilary's email server and Hunter Biden's laptop are false equivalents and just distractions! They DO NOT justify wrong-doing by anyone else, including trump! Lock him up!
Constitution Amendment Proposal
The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. The Framers of the Constitution gave us the bare minimum for qualifying.
WHY on Earth would we put someone in the most important position in the country without being vetted?
I think most Americans would agree that we should require any and all Presidential candidates to have CREDIBILITY,
Congressional Experience, a clean track record,trustworthiness and moral standards. These are just a few of the most important requirements to be in the most important job in our country. Our future depends on it!
Let’s hold our elected officials accountable to make sure Presidential candidates are worthy of the position!
I am compelled to remind people of one simple fact. Together, the American people have elected good presidents. We did NOT elect George W. Bush. We did NOT elect Donald Trump. The electoral college put these two men in the white house - NOT us.
We need a constitutional amendment, abolishing the electoral college.
Add the filibuster!
The filibuster is not in the constitution but is a Senate "rule". It does not require an amendment to get rid of it.
The essential problem with the filibuster derives from the minoritarian nature of the Senate, itself. The Senate must be either dramatically reformulated or done away with. This does require an amendment.
The House has become minoritarian as well due to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering needs to be gone. This does not require an amendment; however, an amendment would prevent the all too frequent on again off again villainy by the SCOTUS and state legislators that we see on so many issues.
I agree with this, and also think states should not be involved in drawing congressional districts. The districts should be neutrally drawn based on population count. A computer could do it.
Judith Johnson ; Good idea!
Abolish the Senate!
Also just rules.
In order to get there, need to win the midterms. Database of unregistered women, Contact, Mervis Reissig
Consider the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, Sixteen jurisdictions have signed on, pledging to assign their Electoral College votes to the popular winner once enough other states have also signed on, so that together those states have enough electoral votes to guarantee the popular winner— states controlling at least 270 electoral votes.,and%20the%20District%20of%20Columbia.
Incremental progress is fine with me, as long as we remember the long-term goal is eliminating the electoral college forever. :)
Been a part of the National Popular Vote movement for many years. Thanks Daniel for bringing forth this!
Both the filibuster and the electoral college are destroying our democracy. The filibuster makes legislating too cumbersome by allowing indecision to rule over action. A capable legislator should be able to vote yes/no in fair representation of his/her constituency. "Maybe" or "no vote" should not be an option in the real world. The electoral college is a decision avoidance mechanism that insults the integrity of popular elections. The results of an accurate popular vote is sufficient and impressive to declare a winner. I have read the Popular Vote Interstate Compact which solves nothing by continuing to recognize the existence of an electoral college. We have witnessed the disaster of inaccurate outcomes in the 2000 and 2016 elections and yet we timidly stand by to allow this bullshit system to continue to insult the American voter. The Electoral College should be abandoned. Failure to do so will result in the realization by voters that Citizen's United, the corrupt lobby for profit influence on Congress, the Electoral College and the filibuster all combine to render popular voting a meaningless exercise. It may not be a revolution when people no longer care to vote but it will be the end of our democracy.
Simply win the midterms. FLIP four Senate races in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Although it would be great to eliminate the Electoral College, it would take a Constitutional Amendment and the kind of Democratic control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency that we never get. Liberals also tend not to vote in the mid-terms and if it wasn't for the Dobbs decision there would likely be a new influx of Republicans in this mid-term. Republicans would never, ever join in such an amendment. They like winning without the popular majority. So doing what you suggest becomes an impossibility and that is why the Popular Vote Interstate Compact is so important. It creates an end run around the un-democratic Electoral College. Perhaps if we can get enough states to join and make the Electoral College useless, it may be easier to amend the Constitution and get rid of it then, but till then...forget it.
The filibuster is equally un-democratic. It forces the majority to accept minority control. What is infuriating about it is that it is only a rule in the Senate and easily gotten rid of. Why Biden can't see how limiting it is is beyond me. It does not allow any progressive movement while at the same time allowing what Republicans want. Military spending, trade agreements, arms sales, budget resolution, executive branch regulations removal, Supreme Court Justices, and conservatism, meaning nothing progressive changing. That is what they want. If it is eliminated it is true that the Republicans would more easily pass their agregious and draconian measures as we would be able to. But they would only be able to do so half the time as we would be able to. That is better than not getting anything ever and we would be able to change things back again when the tide shifts. I cannot think of a better way of affecting the voters when they see the kind of nonsense they seek to pass.
Could they eliminate Social Security? Possibly, but imagine the political consequences if they even tried it. They can change the rules too when they get a majority and it is in their best interest as they did to allow themselves the ability to install Supreme Court justices. Look where we are now. That is what happens when you allow them to change the rules when they want and to be afraid to do so yourself. There is nothing to impede them from changing the rules when it suits them.
no. the electoral college system has to stay and will stay.
it will stay because to change it would require a constitution al amendment, which requires 28 states to ratify. which obviously isn't going to happen since ratifying it will disenfranchise the smaller states, and there is no way on earth that they are going to go for that.
the purpose or the EC is to ensure that the smaller states would not be bulldozed by the democratic votes of the large cities. it has nothing at all to do with slavery or the protection of it.
as for this shibboleth of the 'popular vote', that is nonsense. the entire purpose and design of our republican system is to defuse the dangers of the 'popular vote'. for example, today immigration is a topic de jure. most illegal aliens migrate to the larger cities. where, if you had your way , they would become citizens and be allowed to vote.
so, why on earth would a voter in , say Idaho, or Wyoming, or Rhode island, have their vote be equivalated to that of a recent immigrant for Honduras or Nigeria, in the determination of their land use, or any other policy affecting their regional situation by someone who just came here, and never was in Idaho, Wyoming or Rhode island.
this is the purpose of the EC system and why it is going to stay, as long as our republic endures.
Tried to like but couldn't. Excellent post.
If you refresh (reload) your page you should be able to ❤️
still need education, though -- Don't count on all women to be voting for their best interests.....Look around at the churches!
I know several women who are loyal church going members who have had abortions. Quietly though. Hope they remember those times.
Love that idea but how to get stupid states like AZ to pull that one off?
Good point, the peerless in vacuous idiocy State of the union, would present problems, as would a few others with unctuous derps as denizens!
Thank you!!
this compact , if ever enacted, has zero chance of passing SC constitutional review. stop wasting our time.
James, the amendment process was included in the constitution for the purpose of changing any part of it. While it is very difficult to get 2/3rds of the states to agree, that is how it's done.
The recent Supreme Court decision on abortion is testing the court in ways it never faced before. Basically its legitimacy is being tested, which means it has lost legitimacy, which means it is losing power. The SC can only go so far, before they are too weak to uphold the law, let alone the constitution. Maybe, just maybe, the now weakened court makes this a good time to start pushing the process of abolishing the electoral college.
Do you mean the Supreme Court? For “South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.” ― James L. Petigru. Born in Abbeville District, South Carolina on May 10, 1789
Says the Constitutional law expert.
Making demands and insults, as in your next comment, are hallmarks of a Troll. Are you trolling or do you have a legitimate argument for discussion?
Why would South Carolina be needed to sign on?
Let’s throw the “Fed” into the mix as well!
I think Keiths' amendment proposal (a concept PROVEN by the former president and current traitor) and the abolishment of the electoral college should BOTH be enacted as amendments to our Constitution. In this way, qualified candidates chosen by the majority of Americans would be elected. Gerrymandering must also be done away with to prevent putting "a finger on the scale" of the state and local outcome of elections. And Laurie is correct that the filibuster should also be abolished. So, write or call your Representatives and Senators, people, and make a lot of constructive noise!! And vote out those of bad faith who have no place in our government.
Also write to the President. He is blocking the elimination of the filibuster too.
no. what we need is an constitutional amendment mandating only paper ballots, that can be preserved and used for federal elections.
and as for getting rid of the EC.... can states that might disagree with allowing NYC, LA, and Chicago to rule the nation, secede if it happens?
why should a recent immigrant living in NYC have a preponderate say in land use policies in, say, Idaho, or Wyoming or North Dakota?
why shouild states with essentially NO populace determine who will lead the nation simply because they have been given given carte blanche by a construct held over for them from the civil war and reconstruction?
because they live there, and are part of the 'union' of equal states.
It's not equal. Those citizens are over-represented by virtue of their getting the same two-senator representation as more densely populated states.
Actually, I agree with paper ballots but that means mandating the states all use paper ballots. Despite the complaints from the Republicans about the computer balloting, they would be the first to block such a measure. After all, they would no longer be able to claim computer fraud to contest free and fair elections.
As for the EC the opposite is true now and honestly, there would not be any choice in the matter, just as there is none now.
What makes you think that recent immigrants are voting if they are illegal? If they are legal they have every right to vote, they have become citizens and have equal protection under the law. Do the land use policies that you speak of in Idaho, Wyoming, or North Dakota include global warming denial?
-Forget about a constitutional amendment for what we need even more. We have no consensus for that.
-The fact is the smaller states have more of a say and do rule the nation!! We have minority rule.
-Recent immigrants do not vote.
Why would they? If a STATE has a need, why would that necessarily be a matter for FED legislation in the first place? And why would a NY Rep object to a land use policy in Wyoming?
I get your point, but I think you've set up a straw man (or a bogeyman), and that's not a good reason to avoid discussion of an important racist and minority-controlling institution.
One citizen, one vote.
While we're at it, Congress MUST neuter Citizens United.
In order to neuter CU, one must eliminate the SCOTUS decisions that created the foundation for it: Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti seem to be the primary foundation. That requires either a sweeping, antagonistic SCOTUS decision undoing that whole structure (will never happen) or a constitutional amendment (very difficult and lengthy process).
There is a proposed amendment in Congress to do that and that would do all of that (HJ Res 48).
There are several that would do parts of it. And there is one or two that would actually make matters even worse (HJ Res 1, for example, would make anything any state passes in correcting CU or in expanding CU constitutionally valid and make nothing challengeable in court, thereby creating a crazy quilt of contradictory laws, much like we currently have and will see only get worse for abortion and voting rights, etc).
Corporations are not people in the first place. CU and other rulings/laws under "free speech" gives a lot of weight to voices that have money. That is wrong. Given the state of our system and the vulnerability of voters, and sadly, the corruptibility of politicians this is another corruption of our democracy. It abuses the first amendment, broadens it in fact when the SCOTUS refused to broaden the meaning of the Constitution, Constitutional amendment/s regarding a right to abortion. It's another way for money interests to partner with other GOP goals to grab and hold power for the minority. It's "corporatism".
Expanding the court after getting a strong Democratic majority would work to overturn CU.
We have a way to go to make this country truly of the people, by the people and for the people.
Why can't Congress pass a law that neuters CU?
A NYRep could object if it was federal lands....drillling,cattle grazing, and other usage for instance. It's OUR land. Land management agencies manage this and the Federal Government has the say, not the state. You must look to whatever the CURRENT US administration is allowing as to how it is managed. We have been though this controversy... "drill baby drill"... Sarah Palin.
Voters do not have equal weight in our federal system either.
Agree about Citizens United but good luck with that given the current Supreme Court and the obstructionist Congress.
Ah, yes, fed. lands. Would a NY Rep's position be dispositive? Idk.
Imo what people here are angling toward is one person, one vote, and doing away with anti-democratic institutions. I'm on board with that. Also with reining in Senatorial tyranny and minority rule.
Recent immigrants cannot vote. To vote you must be a citizen and have lived in the country at least three years. To become a naturalized citizen an immigrant must demonstrate an understanding of the US government and history, and an oath of allegiance must be taken.
We all should take part in stewardship of the lands of the United States. The lands belong to the entire society, not just to the people who decided to put down stakes there. Exploitation has to be removed from decisions about land use.
so you believe people living 2,000 miles away from land should have equal say to its disposition and use as the people right right on it?
i think the people living right on that land might decide to dispute that with forceful means.
Yes, James, I do. This land is ultimately the property of the society. It is the society that invented the idea of deeds and real estate, etc., and ultimately you have to realize, and I have to realize, that a deed is only as strong as the society that set up the system. You start from that, and try to reason it out for yourself.
Our entire society has a vital and primary interest in the health of the land, and in its use or protection from use and abuse. It has a primary interest in conserving healthy ecosystems, in not poisoning or polluting the land, in ensuring its enduring value for future generations and not destroying its future value for the whims and greed of a current generation.
This is not even an opinion. It’s just a fundamental fact. If you ponder it, you will realize that you, your dog, the birds around you, everything that is part of the environment, is at the mercy of the human society that currently dominates this land. This sort of thing hardly was true in the distant past when humans were not so numerous and our technology so potentially destructive. But now …
You had better hope that the society that issued the deed that says you “own” a little piece of this planet endures at least as long as you do. If it doesn’t, your piece of paper is worthless.
But that’s neither here nor there with respect to this question on whether other members of the society have as much say and interest as you have (just because of where you happen to be standing) in the condition, health and conservation of the land around you.
Yes. We have.
Amen and B men too!
Raffey, you are right about the electoral college, what a stupid wasteful thing. I believe those who proposed it knew it but their slavery brains couldn't imagine a government they couldn't control the way they controlled their property.
Actually it was the Florida Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court with Sandra Day O’Connor’s vote that gave GWB the presidency with just a difference of 534 votes. Al Gore disagreed with the decisions but accepted them. How times have changed. Now there is to be rioting in the streets if Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has his way! He should be indicted for those comments alone!
Luana Miller ; It is now obvious who is really behind Lindsey Graham's comments. tRump echoed them himself, publicly!
Absolutely true! The electoral college has to go.
Get rid of the electoral college!
If I could give this comment multiple hearts, I would! THIS IS SO-O true! Maybe not in the future the way changes to education are going on, but notably true so far!
I certainly agree, but that will be difficult and take too long. In the meantime, lets implement the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
I totally agree! We must banish the Electoral College!
Then there is the problem of majority rule. Trump WAS elected by the rich and those who wanto be or identify with the rich. Bush was elected by the supreme court.
The rich may have voted for Trump but he was NOT elected by anyone. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020.
Sometimes I wish the blue states would secede from the Union (but keep the keys to the nuclear weapons.) I think if those blow-hard red states really had to manage without our collective wealth, technology, arts, universities, awesome cities and shores, they would soon stop whining.
And a hearty AMEN to that!
That’s true!
We need to 'vet' our voters too! More teaching of civics and economics, so the voters are not ignorant and easily misled. Just basic things about the rule of law, and how it can ensure freedom and Democracy.
Laurie, serious civics classes for every student, perhaps at 2 different times during their K-12 education would be a good start. Then, making sure every student is registered to vote when they turn 18 would help too. They did that for several years at the high school where I taught and the students loved it. They took buses to the county courthouse several times during the year as they turned 18. The kids actually dressed up and thought it was a big deal. Some parents even came along as chaperones and registered too. I don't know if they are still doing it because COVID intervened and I retired last year. I would love to see that all over the country, then followed by getting the students to investigate the various candidates and offices they are running for.
When I went to highschool, graduating class of 1960, we were required to take 4 years of history and pass the classes as a requirement of graduating. This is no longer the case. Civics and history should be mandatory. Young people are woefully under educated in these areas. They have no idea how our country works.
Sad, yet so very true! I taught 8th grade for 44 years and found that the 2nd half of my career had my students so very ignorant of the basics of government and civics...and the last 8-10 years presented me with parents who were even more ignorant of the information. Add growing cynicism and disrespect for the rule of law and the Constitution, and you have the mess we're in now.
amen. class of '65 here and I enjoyed 'civics' and believe that every student should be required to attend those classes
You just described why we have an ignorant populace of younger people. We don’t need to teach more STEM classes. It’s history and civics that will make good citizens. Those should be mandatory and, as Anne says, taught at every level as they once were.
Exactly. It’s no mistake replacing and eliminating the most important subjects students need to guide their citizenships throughout their lives have been and are being shelved. History and civics!
High school history (class of 69) skipped over anything that didn't show America as gleamingly perfect. I was in my 20s when I first heard about Japanese internment camps and was shocked and horrified. A real eye opener about America the Beautiful! Over the years, have learned much of what else was missing from my education and much of it is ugly and obscene. 😳
I read much more than I used to because I have time to now that I’m retired. I just found out about Tulsa last year! Never heard anything about it in my 12 + grades in school. I wonder how much more of our history has been hidden?
Cheryl, I have a BA in Poli Sci with a minor in US History from very liberal SFSU, class of1969. I NEVER once heard of, nor read about, the Japanese CONCENTRATION camps during my five years of study at SFSU! I learned from a neighbor two doors up, my parents' best friends who lived the nightmare. I also NEVER heard word one about the destruction of "Black Wall Street" in Oklahoma, nor the "Zoot-Suit Police Riots" in LA. Only because OUR history, ALL of it, is of great interest and importance to me, have I had to tenaciously "dig deep" to discover it and therefore use it in my own classes when I taught. Many, many "skeletons in the American closet"!
Cheryl P. I was in my 70's when I saw the story of 'Black Wall Street' in Tulsa, about an entire section of the city's affluent and successful Black community's businesses and homes set on fire and the Blacks in the community attacked and many were murdered. I lived in the civil rights era and thought I knew about most of the Black history (So I thought!).
Yes! Agree!
That is a wonderful post! Also a retired educator. I watched them gut education in PA for no good reason. I retired 6 years ago. My working friends tell me it was a total disaster during COVID. The lack of preparedness still flabbergasts me. As unforeseen as COVID was, you mean they had no disaster plans? None that I was aware of. By design? Republicans Smucklicans.
I have to disagree. If public education is gutted from the state level down, there is a very good reason from the pov of the people doing the gutting: An informed citizenry is antithetical to special interests.
Only citizens themselves can fight that.
True. People have the power to change how they’re governed, for now. PA was deeply gerrymandered to the benefit of republicans. The state Supreme Court ordered the map redrawn after refusal by the hard right conservatives. This new map was not as helpful in 2020 as hoped, however, there is a sizable shift to favor democratic policies in PA. Ultimately, the R’s are done. The return of abortion rights to states put them in a coffin. Anything after that are the nails.
I had a civics class in 9th grade. Our teacher made it mandatory to read 1984. He was a WWII vet and he wanted us to remember what the world would look like under a fascist regime. We also had to write a book report and discuss it in class.
If you haven't seen "V for Vendetta," treat yourself. It's closer to what we've personally witnessed these days, and the kind of regime the MAGA-wankers would support. The story is good enough, but the >setting< is - to my mind - much more important.
I loved that movie! And I agree we are headed that way. And the concept behind "V" is what we need to be. Trump is trying to scare us with his rhetoric about bad things happening. I live 30miles outside the closest city. I have a sign on my gate "No Trespassing. I have a weapons and a Backhoe. " Not that I am anti-social, but I am not going to put up with radical right wing nut job. I live in a SUPER RED STATE. I also have a bumper sticker that says "Tuck Frump". :-)
BTW: I'm a'gussin' you're from Iowa.
Also, I agree with you. Exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. You're just as likely to need it for self defense against those claiming to keep them for self defense as any other kind of desperado. I'm aware my view on that is >probably< unpopular in this forum, but there it is. Like the question at the end of the movie asks about what will happen next, and the nominal "hero" - the detective, not V, who is a perfect anti-hero - begins his reverie with: "What always happens when unarmed protesters are confronted by an armed mob." (I've taken a bit of liberty with that quote. Actually, I think it's armed soldiers. I need to review the flick for a proper quote.)
If you get a chance, pick up a copy of the original graphic novel. The contrast is breathtaking. In the movie, V is heroic. In the original graphic novel, he is quite something else, and the story isn't particularly enjoyable. I couldn't help noticing the parallel role of the epidemic in the movie with what we've been through. Notice also, that theocracy in charge of things in the movie predicts what the MAGA-publicans are all about - and that was a projection for Britain!
What a great assignment!
Ruth This is an excellent idea.
I am glad that there were only Presidents that were installed as a result of the decision of the Electoral College. The Electoral College should be neutral and try to elect the best candidate to become the president. If they can’t do that then it would be better to let them go since the people have already elected their choice and that should be it.
you mean things like a civics class in high school? why was that taken away and when, and what is now in its place?
James, most states no longer require a civics or government class. They have 2 years of US history which usually has only a glancing pass through the Constitutional era in favor of all the wars, the interesting stuff, you know. I used to give each of my students a pocket Constitution and Declaration which we would read from periodically and discuss. They especially liked reading the amendments and why each one was proposed and passed. I don't know if any of them still have the books, but I hope so.
instead all that has been replaced by crypto CRT b.s., that only instills hatred and disillusion for the US and baloney gender indoctrination.
#1) Yeah, I'm against cathode ray tubes as well. Stop CRT's! Go, LED's!
#2) What you got against baloney? It's one of the celebrated foods of my people. Didn't you see the movie, "Yokels in the Mist?" We, the People of the Trailer, are a shy and sensitive type. HA!
#3) I didn't know that baloney gender was a controversial issue. I watched that movie about Oscar Meyer, too. No indoctrination there.
#4) Like minded people like to like like minded people. I think I think, therefore I think I am.
and therein lies the rub and bane of this experiment...if you educate people and tell them of things oh I dont know like the evolution of race, slavery CRT and how it fostered anguish and hatred amongst the peoples of the nation perhaps they would understand and appreciate more of eqquality and democracy. call it a fun fact
dude, i am genuine , real, 12th generation American, tri racial 'PoC' (formerly 'colored')
who has actually experienced 'racial discrimination' and 'prejudice' and guess what?... the US is , was, and should still be, the greatest place on the f'ing planet for literally everyone until the crypto Marxists took control of the levers of power.
people like Reich...
All good questions. It varies, I guess. This is a big country. In some areas civics is being taught. Financial literacy too. But not all.
The heart won’t light up❣️A few years ago our high school civics teacher got his class completely engaged and pointed out that even as students they could influence events. His taught one of the in person classes (before Covid). The students hated a tv class taught by someone in another state who just sat in front of the tv and read. About 15 of them attended the school board meeting and they all signed up to speak. They were articulate and honest in describing the complete waste of time the tv class inflicted on them. It was televised by a woman who films public forums. The kids got a big round of applause. The teacher was sanctioned for suggesting they do this, criticized for having “gone around the lines of communication.” He should have been praised.
Well, here is a good story from the Intercept.
“High school senior Shiva Rajbhandari won elected office in Boise, defeating an incumbent school board trustee backed by local extremists.”
Maggie mac ; Politics is dirty. People want their way and are short sighted.
Civics, economics and HISTORY... all of our history, and in particular Black history. We are where we were pre-Civil War, following (in response to) Reconstruction and during (in revolt of) the Civil Rights movement= A backlash to expanding the franchise of Democracy. the same tactics are just being repeated- mislead an uninformed electorate, divide the voting power of the electorate in addition to preventing or nullifying the votes of certain segments of the population that are marginalized and are seeking access to the franchise, use threats and violence (terrorism) and if lying, cheating, stealing and killing fails, just end the game... take my ball and go home with it so no one can play, no one wins. End Democracy.
fyiurban ; I found this in my local paper. ; "The deep dysfunction that enabled the abortion ban, elimination of the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to address climate change, and elevation of gun rights beyond all others have imperiled the preamble's promise to secure "The blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity." The deep dysfunction that enabled these decisions stems from three impediments to democracy embedded in the Constitution since 1787. The U. S. Senate, The Electoral College, and the state legislature's control over voting rights.
All three were deliberately designed by the framers to blunt threats to the interests of men of property, including slaveholders, from democracy. Excerpt from an article in The Daily Hampshire Gazette 9/13/2022 by Bruce Miller, professor emeritus ; Western New England University School of Law. Westfield, M.A.
Article entitled : Can we fix our Undemocratic Constitution?
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Noting has changed!!! The 'men of property' are today's billionaires and corporate interests that still have the most wealth/power. They continue to influence policy that helps them retain or gain, more wealth/power. They still manipulate us into fighting/blaming each other or some random boogeyman, in an effort to prevent us from realizing who actually has a thumb on the scale to satisfy their selfishness/greed. They still manipulate voters to build paradoxical (example- so called 'evangelical christians" in coalitions with white nationalists/supremacist) coalitions that serve the interest of the wealthy/powerful at the detriment of their own interest!
fyiurban ; This is not the entire article ; I wanted to share the part that lists the 3 things that prevent functioning of our Democratic form of government, and prevent it from improving. I know that the very wealthy buy our votes by 'donating' to our representatives' campaigns. Citizens United is what happens when even the highest court is corrupted when installed by the moneyed interests. Naming our problems could help us begin to educate others and solve these serious problems. Unlimited money, even 'dark' money is killing this experiment in 'self rule', or Democracy. The Republican owned media lie to us about inflation , for example ; suggesting that increased labor costs somehow are to blame. While viewing many 'news' programs on mainstream media, and reading the newspapers, not a single source talks about the greatly increased profit margins of corporations. The 1% tax just implemented on stock buybacks is not enough to solve the problem. Nothing but a 'figleaf'.
White men of Property still utilize those 3 things, primarily via bought Republican politicians (and some democrats). They still facilitate minority rule as they were designed to. Overcoming them requires a super-majority of voters coming together and using our power-in-numbers. But they know this, and continue to successfully divide and conquer us- fighting among each other for crumbs (trickle down) and blaming everyone/thing accept the right one/thing, all by design. Designed to keep us from understanding what and who the root of the problem is- men of property aka billionaires and corporate interests.
How about every voter needs to pass the same test people take to be citizens?
Also teach media literacy.
Have you ever looked at the application requirements for Naturalization? I just did, and imo a lot of it is hogwash unless the answers are fact-checked. There's a looong form (N-400) to fill out -- it's quite "interesting."
Here's my favorite question -- imo it supports your idea that everyone needs to follow the process. § 12, Additional Information About You (Person Applying for Naturalization), Q. 11: "Have you EVER advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?"
I'd like to hear TFG's explanation of his "No" reply if questioned about Jan. 6.
explain this a bit more and why it is relevant:
"I'd like to hear TFG's explanation of his "No" reply if questioned about Jan. 6."
"in context it is pretty clear what i am referring to, or are you unable discern that?"
The Big Lie of election denying is everywhere.but Fox 'News' and other MAGA, winger media.
this i like.
Civics education is required in the public schools in every state, with required civics classes in 39 states; elsewhere, the subject is integrated across other social studies classes. The problem is in legislative agendas which pressure schools to focus on math and reading test scores, and which dictate what can/should be taught about civics.
Maybe so, but the content and importance of the course can vary widely.
Make Civics a requirement to begin high school, and require a higher level of knowledge and understanding to graduate, including getting a GED.
Are you talking about bringing back a literacy test in order to vote?
No, much more than a literacy test. Actual knowledge.
I don't know how to balance the responsibility of voting with the idea that everyone should get a vote and that all votes are equal. I don't think that someone who doesn't know what they are voting for, who votes because they were paid to vote a certain way, who votes based on lies and doesn't care, who will not accept the results, who doesn't understand the job of the position they are voting for, is really benefiting democracy. I'm guilty of that myself. I vote straight down the ticket and for many of the down ballot positions I don't have any knowledge of the candidate or the job. I don't think it makes any sense that this is the way these government positions are filled, by people like myself who are ignorant, didn't do any research, and are automatons.
IMHO if people were required to know about the candidates and the jobs, we wouldn't need to worry so much about money in politics. As it is now one of the most reported item in campaigns is who raised the most money which is another way of saying who will have the most prevalent propaganda, lie the most, but the most votes. People make decisions on our govt.. with less information than we do as consumers. There are no consumer protection laws in elections. No warning labels, no list of ingredients. And no option to return the item for a refund or exchange or the right for a class action.
DK Brooklyn ; In some places, people actually sell their votes There was a story a couple years ago about that. It involved a candidate running for office in a Southern state. His own son testified against him. The cheating Pol was crying publicly. Sad!
ShirleyD ; Absolutely not! I would hope that these things could be taught in high schools, as student's minds and worldviews are developing. Critical thinking skills in evaluating media would be in there, too.
Literacy tests, I have read, we're often filled with questions that would stymie certain groups who faced questions that would only have answers that white people would know.
The problem with civics courses, is that they can become 'controversial' because people do not agree on facts.
I just heard that there is a push in Kansas to reduce the amount of civics and history hours required for graduation of high school.
They sure know what they Don't want in Kansas, and they know how to vote!
Retired educator here. I had to sneak civics in to my lessons every now and then because cuts to education were so deep in the early ‘00. All history/civics/Am Gov/ classes were cut to a 4-1/2 week course for 7th graders only. In ‘08 Gov Tom Corbett-PA, one of our recent 1 term R governors, set out to snarl education funding for years. High school had World History but not the plethora of American academia offered in my high school years. I will praise him on his gasoline tax for roads and interstates. We have the highest gas tax in the country, but I don’t mind. The improvements have been vast and I can see my tax dollars working.
Provided the civics curriculum and the passing-out tests are designed and administered by foreigners. A committee drawn from Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Spain and Germany should do. Otherwise you are only trying to feed people your own national myth.
And across the board. Don't let private schools or regressive state ed. boards find ways around teaching good citizenship.
[In general I'm all in for letting public schools be managed at the local level, but I think I just found a reason to say we may need national standards too. Strong ones, not ones that cater to the lowest common denominator.]
well, there needs to be a curriculum that has as its basis real historical documents, with contrasting ideas and philosophies, along with honest, not distorted facts of the past.
along with logic and rhetoric and real empirical science.
none of which is taught in public schools today.
maybe even the establishment of a real non partisan leadership academy that any citizen could be qualified for by testing.
There you go again with your 'alternative facts' AKA 'contrasting ideas!'. Bullbeans!
so you are laying claim to knowing what is absolute truth?
No, but there is this question of 'distortion'. There are facts ; like Biden won.
There IS a difference between contrasting ideas and " alternative" facts .
It depends on who is talking, Connie D. I was replying to James Twine.
No disagreement here, James.
Jan Churchwell ; Absolutely needed! Voters who are clueless will never get what they want. (and need).
For an excellent education in economics listen to Richard Wolff, Professor of Economics. He is a first rate talker who can explain economics so all can understand it. You can find him on You Tube and he heads up "Democracy at Work." Check him out; you won't be sorry.
ok. i will give it him a listen.
I agree. Graduated '66 with no civics and was taught Civil War was just over states' rights. But I can't help but think the right would somehow twist your idea to be 'indoctrination'.
Good idea. I agree we need to set that bar much higher than it is, given the likes of Trump can qualify currently for the highest office in the land - or in the world.
The framers of the Constitution even then likely assumed higher moral standards for THEIR time, and didn't feel the need to qualify it in writing. But they did feel they had to specify the ones that could be quantified.
A man of 35 was a much "older" individual, relative to the life expectancy of the time. Now, 35 is still a young man, having seen only about 1/3 of his/her time on this earth, relatively speaking. But in the 18th century, by 35, it was more like half, if not more.
For women, it WAS even more, since the vast majority of women were married, and without effective birth control (other than separate bedrooms, which only the most affluent could afford) and therefore exposed to the perils of multiple childbearing.
But, regarding the moral and social values you list, how many sitting "congresscritters" can even pass that standard now? Personally, I think being able to pass our own Citizenship Test with a perfect score, should be the bare minimum standard to sit in government, in addition to the rest. Even those who only wish to become citizens, not President, have to have a wider range of knowledge of the workings of our government and its historic documents than obviously is currently being shown by numerous sitting lawmakers even now!
Applicants for any government job should be able to pass a FBI background check that includes a comprehensive criminal record check against the FBI's national database, which will include arrest and conviction history, as well as traffic violations and even parking tickets. Some employees must pass lie detector tests for certain jobs. Applicants could be given qualifying tests like the Foreign Service Officer Test, which any member of Congress should be able to handle.
Trump eliminated some hiring requirements in favor of the spoils system, which some pundits say is baked into the Constitution. He had cabinet members who could not pass background checks.
The worst example is Kushner.
Daniel, teachers in Pennsylvania have to get those background checks you mentioned, except the lie-detector test (which is not exactly reliable anyway) and child abuse clearances, repeated fingerprinting every few years all of which we had to pay for. I have not heard of one teacher anywhere in the state who didn't pass. It was for us just a big waste of our money, but we are not writing laws and potentially undermining our government. Once would have been plenty. Anyway, I blame McConnell for even bringing unvetted nominees to the senate for a vote. There are no words for someone who knows someone is unqualified and holds a vote anyway, knowing his clan will, in lock-step, do whatever he says. He is morally bankrupt, even worse than Baby Donnie, because he knew exactly what he was doing to our nation. Donnie had only the barest of an idea of what he was doing. He just liked the cheers, drooling of the sycophants, and power he got from proclaiming things, his orgasmic pleasure. McConnell is just an amoral jerk. Neither of them should ever hold any office, but alas, both have.
Oh Ruth, but those nominees WERE none other than Lenny Leo, dontcha know? He of the monied but very secretive Federalist Society, working the dark money corridors of power, doing the bidding of our very own oligarchs.
We need to make the "Dogs of War" by Pink Floyd a national anthem for the democratic party. If you have never heard it, you might want to listen and follow the lyrics. They are very interesting. It was written in 1987 but are even truer today.
I thought i might explain the "Dogs of War" as a national anthem for democrats. The dogs are the MAGA republicans. Repubes are like this:
"For hard cash, we will lie and deceive".
"The dogs of war don't negotiate
The dogs of war won't capitulate,
They will take and you will give,
And you must die so that they may live".
That is who the Repubes are.
You are absolutely right!
Actually we also used an appropriate test, had personal rating system and created a best qualified list.
I represented school districts in Pa in the early 70's. We fired non tenured teachers at will after giving them a right to a hearing under the Pa local agency law. Fired a lot of tenured teachers also. Later I represented teachers who were charged will all types of violations, including lying on their applications for employment. I had cases in several states.
I was later involved in judicial complaints.
After OPM stopped doing background checks, they hired felons. Imagine hiring "judges" who had not passed the bar exam, had been suspended, etc.
very good point. I think most people assume background checks are done. How do,we get the people in charge to pass laws to regulate themselves? The Supreme Court feels they are above the ethics rules that lower judges have to follow. Impeachment no longer seems to have much meaning. How,do we put the toothpaste back in the tube?
A Move On petition?
What do you do then, Daniel, about rich sociopaths who can tie up the courts every time they defy the law? One could end up with a squeaky clean record, in his eighth decade still stomping around a nation he fractured.
If I were king.....
Daniel, you are right. Anyone running for public office should have to submit to the same scrutiny as a school teacher, and for federal office pass the State department test. But by future president should have to sit for a psych-ed exam as well. We should be advised professionally if a candidate is nuts.
Yeah, a problem with that, however, is discrimination against Black people by the police and the criminal justice system. How do you deal with that? A lot of the time the charges are trumped up, no pun intended.
Oh Shari, I like your idea of having every candidate for office taking the citizenship test. Then, the results should be published. Maybe a few questions not on the test should be thrown in to see if they really do know our Constitution, you know, the one they are swearing to uphold and defend. Maybe 20 of the 100 questions should be different from what is on the citizenship test. A score of say, 85% should be the cut-off. That would be fun, and informative. I'd like to see Dr. Oz or Doug Mastriano of PA take such a test.
Have you ever actually looked at the citizenship study test? You study the entire set of questions. But when it comes down to taking the test only 10 questions are asked verbally. In order to pass you must answer 6 of the 10 questions correctly. Quite honestly I think it’s a pretty easy test that most Americans couldn’t pass.
Ruth, the score should be 98%. If they are going to run and govern the country they should be very well read on our laws and especially the constitution!
98% would knock out over half of our Congress!
The test should have “what is the capitol of every state. The test should have a difficult part about how a democratic government works( like how does our government work?)
Each test should have a word definition and then an example so we know what candidates know about Communism, Socialism, fascism, Buddhism (lol) etc.
then , the voters should be reminded that a vote casually ignored is a penny not saved! This knowledge opportunity must be made public before elections.
Just like the dark money has to be revealed so we know who is holding us captive to ignorance.
My brain blew up...... splutter, splutter ...
Thank you, Ruth!😉
Deal with just the “ facts ma’m
Keith Olson ; Certainly agree that we could do a much better job of vetting our top leader. But 'the money' wanted someone who would raid the cookie jar that is our treasury. And we let him ; He "did not even have to wait", to give trillions to those who have billions! First thing he did in office!
Yep, Laurie, we got someone who was very open to cookie-jar-raiding and he did it. I doubt if anyone will ever find out just what our Treasury Secretary did, then Congress gave him the job of supervising COVID funds. ugh!! Why isn't he being investigated? He seems to have sneck under the wire, as they say.
Republicans now in office support Tr🤮mps authoritarian goals. They are not going to renounce him or his rhetoric.
AND get dark money out of politics...they did an incredible disservice to America by calling corporations = individuals
End Citizens United. Period.
Yes! End Citizens United! And purge the Supreme court of illegitimates.
Keith, I really like your idea for an amendment. I know the founders didn't imagine someone as bad as Trump running for office although they knew people like him, I'm sure. We need to do a better job of vetting people for a lot of offices: president and vice-president, of course, the Federal court system (especially Supreme Court justices), all cabinet officials, military leaders, and probably others I have not thought of. There needs to be a process stated for how that happens. Perhaps there should be a non-partisan office on vetting candidates. No outside group should have as much influence as the Federalist Society has had in pushing ideologue court nominees. That would be illegal and if caught, the group should be prosecuted. The amendment is certainly worth consideration. Thanks for suggesting it.
There should be double blind psychological examination given to all people in government positions of power, i.e. SCOTUS, President, Vice president, Cabinet Secretaries, Military Leaders. People in charge of weapons of mass destruction and everyday weapons purchasers prior to purchasing weapons. Food for thought.
I love that idea. And publish the results.
The Founders knew that requiring specific qualifications eventually would allow control to go to a few. They relied instead on the education of the public and their responsible behavior, in reliance on true rights of vote - despite the "quirks" that were allowed to develop, like the electoral college. The fact is that it is the responsibility of Americans to EDUCATE their children on HOW TO LEARN - not just the bare needs for general employment -- so that they can VOTE WITH KNOWLEDGE. But that declined greatly over the years, as the public became less interested in knowledge and more interested in entertainment. Congressional experience?! The crooks start in state government and work up the ladder today! We need term limits to bring the "service" of government back to the people's needs, instead of money's influence. But to do that, we need better education for everyone at any level desired! Only then will we be a free nation with leaders genuinely capable and not the puppets of the wealth or power.
I agree with your suggestions, except for the one about term limits. We already have limits on the durations of terms for elected officials (except maybe for some judges). But I think you are suggesting limits on the number of terms one person can be elected to. I disagree with that. If a person has done a good job in office, I think we should be able to elect them for another term, as long as they still have the mental and physical capacities to do the job. Term limits will do nothing to take money out of politics. We need other solutions to reduce that problem.
Congress passed term limits on POTUS to two terms in 1950 ( after Franklin Roosevelt's 4th term), however they didn't see the need to do the same for their own legislative body. I believe that needs to be done.
I disagree. I believe that if an elected official does a really good job, then we should be able to elect them for another term.
Perhaps so, however we cannot do that for a U.S. President. Congress felt the need to limit Presidential terms to two. I know of no effort being made to change that, either by grassroots efforts or by legislative efforts. I can only assume that most Americans are fine with that.
That is irrelevant to my point. There should be no term limits on presidents.
OBSERVATION: The local, broadcast news here seems to be tacking back to the border problem, and not ignoring DeSantis' current action.
(Actually, I have no objection to spreading the immigrants around to help relieve the burden of legitimate processing and disposition. That way it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is where and where >not< the immigrant burden is being relocated. There are plenty of big cities in "red states," too, >and< they're a lot closer to TX & FL, as well as more cost-effective - by far - for the states' taxpayers, than transporting them to the Northeast! I say let the Federal Government handle that - not individual states. Indeed, interstate issues are the legitimate purview of the Federal Government. As it stands, FL & TX >appear< to be kidnapping immigrants and transporting kidnap victims across state lines. That's a bona fide federal felony. Are we >next< to believe state governors above the law, too?)
DZK ; That is the whole problem ; they are weaponizing human beings who are seeking asylum. (although who knows where DeSantis and Abbot got them are who they really are?) They are targeting 'sanctuary cities' in left leaning states/cities. So much as to say "So you want migrants who are entering the country illegally? Here they are! Take care of them! Unethical and illegal I would think. Human trafficking? If this is not illegal, it should be.
I think it looks like kidnapping and transporting kidnap victims across state lines - a felony.
Transporting children across state lines without permission. I feel that is a felony.
It could possibly be misappropriating taxpayer dollars in committing a felony, as well, to my perception.
I agree, the Biden administration should be stopped from doing that, immediately!
Yes, I agree!
dzk ; Thanks for this!
Keith, It is shocking to my to my foreign friends that we allow the president to wave a magic wand and essentially pardon a big law breaker! And that our SCOTUS is chosen by the current pres (with Congressional approval) rather than voted in. These pardons are completely out of control and one person having the ability must go. Criminal Flynn is now going to oversee elections!!
Yeah, the ability to pardon should be eliminated except in death penalty cases.
Insane! The former guy pardons those with whom he committed crimes! Talk about the abuse of the pardon power! If it is not specifically codified, they just 'get away' with it! Absolutely no ethics! No consequences either!
Keith, YES!!!
Congressional experience does Not belong amongst these qualifications.
I don't necessarily disagree with your proposal, but it would require a lot of work to implement. We would need to settle not only on the criteria and methods to be used to qualify the candidates, but we would need to settle on a committee to do the vetting. Neither would be easy
and just who is going to decide these qualifications. it wouldn't be the citizens in an election, could it?
who else?
Some form of Civil Service registration, perhaps
Fay. I have no doubt we have the wherewithall in our government to set standards for political candidates. It shouldn't be too specific because we don't want to make the qualifications so narrow it would cause people to envision only one type of person to serve , but perhaps some kind of government/representative experience should be a top item. I am sorry, but a fake TV star does not qualify anyone for any office.
whats the test and standard for "credibility"?
Isn't that the job of the voters?
Yes. How is that working out for us?
Isn’t it also the job of the voters to be unbiased and more knowledgeable about who they vote for? Of course many of the American people are forcibly ignorant because they work 2 jobs because of low wages which in turn leaves little time for vetting candidates. Have you noticed that while income inequality has increased our Government has become more and more corrupt? Trickle Down Economics is a fantasy!
I would not have thought so (job of the voters to be unbiased...). Many, if not most, voters are biased, of course they are. Also, voters usually don't know much about the people and propositions they vote for. How could they, they don't spend their lives in politics. I've seen skillful propaganda, disinformation and manipulation from both sides -- rather more from the Left here, simply because it is a strongly left-leaning area. All I can hope for is that slightly more people don't buy the B.S. than do. And every so often, that happens.
Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, Kevin McCarthy and other prominent Republicans are all co-conspirators acting in concert and providing comfort and support while running interference for Trump. They can't be expected to do the right thing for the country. The other Republicans other than the 2 in the Jan 6th Committee are all too weak.
Bob, you are right about those "prominent" Republicans. They think they will get something if they can get Trump elected again. They know he is incompetent, but they like being able to manipulate him to do their bidding. I do believe taking down the whole Republican party for a while is the only thing that can save it and us.
I think he forgets, and I mean intentionally, that more of us voted for Biden than any voted for him! This American will absolutely stand for him being charged, indicted and thrown into prison!
Wjust need MORE of us to do it again.
this country needs more humor in it's politic.
at least 15% of those 'votes' were fraudulent.
For Christ’s sake give it a rest. Nobody actually believes that at this point. Everyone except Trump himself has said, some flat out, that the idea of a Big Steal is just a Big Lie.
Yay! Suzanne! You said it just right?! Claiming fraud with no evidence is as big a lie as the big lie. It didn't happen unless it happened in Texas, Florida, Mississippi, or Alabama, the deep south for Baby Donnie. No one seems to have checked those votes. Ha! I'm joking. The election is over. Baby Donnie is stuck in his little world of unreality, and the rest of the crew is trying to pretend Trump knows anything about anything. It is crazy!
You are right to question those states whose election apparatus is controlled by Republicans who are notorious for projecting their own wrongdoing by accusing Democrats of it. Those votes should've been examined, & had they been, it is very possible we wouldn't have had to suffer through Manchinema obstruction.
Really? Come into the light and put away your news feed. Open your mind and quit sleeping on your 'My Pillow'. I honestly do not mean to be a little rough here, but this Big Lie was proven to be just that.
I am sorry. I have a long background in IT, electronics hacking, radio, etc, and as far as I can see, the analysis and methodology given in '2000 Mules' has not only NOT been debunked, but is conclusive.
Forget about the thousands of personal I witness affidavits, and surveillance video.
you all have been defrauded. which may be ok with you, since 'orange man bad',
but it is Biden's 'election' that is the 'Big Lie'.
sorry to disabuse you of a fiction which is so important to you.
"2000 Mules" is "widely debunked".
This claim is by disreputable people- outliers, widely disproven, yet you traffic in this. Which makes your credibility zero as well. The fiction is entirely yours regardless of your claims about yourself which mean nothing if they have any veracity. You are of course free to be a stubborn fool.
Not stubborn fool. Think >paid agent.<
DZK you are probably right. Just a troll I am not going to waste any more time on. And neither should anyone else on here. Laugh at him and he will go away. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA James Twine
you have your authorities, i have mine, and one of which is myself.
would you like to see my resume?
No... and I would not believe it. You assume that if you show me something I will think it's true, after you show yourself so deluded?
Kelly Ann Conway talked about "alternative truths" and everyone laughed at her except those who needed desperately to cling onto their own deception so as to not feel like fools at least in the eyes of those of those who also needed their "alternative truths" i.e. another world.
LOLOL! Bring it on, junior! LOL! Show your "authorities" while you're at it. I'm sure the boys in Minsk can work something up for you! LOL!
paid flunkey
That phony picture icon you use is a nice touch. I'm sure your employers can provide as many phony icons as they can provide phony email accounts, that you brag about elsewhere in this discussion. Next time, make it a Native American. Pass my "go bugger yourself" along to your associate Vlad and all his boys in Minsk.
I love it.
DZK We know you’re spot on here…thank you.
Hey James, it proves that even IT geeks can be hoodwinked if the hoodwinker is unhinged enough, and Baby Donnie truly is. Stop with your conspiracy theories and use your knowledge for the good of this nation and the world. Figure out how we can stop global warming, end ridiculous wars, give people hope in a better tomorrow, get internet to rural areas all over the world to connect rather than divide people, find ways to make it more possible for disabled people to get equal access to internet services, help figure out how to develop substances that are not as destructive to us and our planet as single-use plastics. That would be such a good way for you to spend your time and life. Drop the election fraud crap and move on to brighter more positive things!
I don't think he can Ruth. He doesn't have the intelligence. As far as an IT guy I think he left out dio. :-)
I’ve reported you.
If you mean you reported Mr. Twine; so too did I. I've had enough of the BS.
Yes I definitely meant him. I specifically read these letters and comments because many people provide intelligent remarks and debate without all the toxicity related to mis/disinformation. These letters and comments from normal people have kept my sanity, anxiety and hopelessness at bay these last several years. I no longer will tolerate this toxic behavior. As with all bullies, we need to ignore and block their comments.
He is free to be...
thank you. "Clear thinking..." I think not...
to f*cking who? lol
I say again, if you have any evidence, produce it. Not just a right wing talking point. If you like to read read this"". It will debunk all the 2000 mules talking points.
A heartfelt THANK YOU, Mr. Taylor for deflating the troll.
A tall ask of a high-schooler, making pin money in his mom's basement reading from a cheat-sheet, don't you think? LOL! ];-)>
Bringing it home. Thank you again Mr. Taylor!
Ken—And he claims to have a law degree too!
i have don't have time for this ... events are rushing forward at such speed, that by january, the world will be in a totally different space.
i hope you are prepared.
No proof of that whatsoever! None came up in over 60 law cases brought by Trump lawyers. Virtually none found in state recounts & Republican led audits. What little voter fraud that was found was primarily by Republicans.
Where fraud might've been found is in states where the election apparatus is controlled by Republicans in which results favored Republican candidates far above expectations according to polls, states like South Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, Iowa, Ohio, Florida & Montana, but Democrats (mistakenly in my opinion) didn't bother to challenge any of them.
Please provide evidence. Not just talking points by the right wing media. BTW 98% of the fraudulent voted were from Trump supports. That has evidence!
P.S. Watch the "The Wall" by Pink Floyd. You might learn something.
I keep hearing about voter fraud and yet the majority of voter fraud I hear about were engaged by individuals voting twice for Trump.
All requests for other evidence of voter fraud have been met with bald accusations and no evidence.
Do you have any data as to what percentage of fraudulent votes were made by Republicans and how many were Democrats?
This you?
Why can't I 'dislike' unfounded comments?
Robert you are spot on! This egomaniac has planted the seeds of Anarchy. I hope that our Judicial System has enough backbone to do what's right. The men and women who died fighting against fascism in WWII should eternally rest in peace.
Joe. I too hope our judicial system can handle things, but it has been stacked with people who care only for their personal power and their own conservative religious and maybe political beliefs. Maybe we can start giving bery public kudos to judges and justices who actually stand up for our Constitution instead of their personal biases. Then we should work to remove those who push their own faith (the conservative Catholic justices on the SC) or loyalty to a person over the Constitution (the judge who required a special master for Baby Donnie in a case that certainly needed none). Some Trump appointees knocked down the Trump challenges to the 2020 election while others have decided on their own that mail-in voting and voter suppression in various forms are not OK or that banning abortion, even when that goes against the state's constitution is OK. Every year, judges and justices need to swear their oath again in public. Members of Congress and state legislators should also as should the president and vice president and governors. It might remind them of what they really should be doing. Maybe not, but at least people will see them doing it and expect it each year and remind them.
Reality bites. This is just the beginning. He realizes he’s in serious trouble and he’ll take as many people down with him as he can. He’s profoundly mentally ill and enjoys inflicting pain on others by being cruel, because it makes him feel powerful.
His mental state “trickles down” to infect many of his supporters, unlike the supposed “trickle down” economy republicans tell us will happen after giving enormous tax breaks to the rich & corporations.
He corrupted the Secret Service, the republican party, (although to be fair, they were already well on their way to being corrupt) he celebrated the corruption of a number of police and fbi, seated many corrupt & potentially corrupt federal judges, nominated corrupt Justices, and his entire Cabinet was corrupt with maybe la couple of exceptions.
His threats are signals to supporters who are inclined to commit violence. Republicans won’t repudiate him individually or as a group because they’re still too frightened of him, probably with good reason. And that’s why he can never, ever be president again.
Oh Susan, well-said! Corruption has been a major piece of Republican politics for a really long time, at least since Nixon was running for president in 1968 and sabotaged the Vietnam War peace talks. Each time they are successful, they build on that success. It took decades for us to learn what happened back then. When they don't succeed as with Watergate, they learn how to do it better and we got Iran-Contra for which no one was held accountable. In short, Trump was just one in a long line of corrupt folks. McConnell didn't just become corrupt when Donnie came to power. He was honing his skills for a long time as were McCarthy, Hawley, DeSantis, Abbott, and the rest. In fact it is their corruption that got them elected. They were able to convince already desperate people that they were their saviors and it didn't matter that none of them did anything positive for anyone. They set up campaigns of blaming everyone else for what was happening and the people went along because they had been trained to do so. Now, it is going to be really hard to ween them off of Baby Donnie who in addition to being corrupt is a con artist of considerable skill. He has been a criminal all his life, yet has never been seriously held accountable, so had built on what he learned previously. He can't do that as well now, though because he is dealing with dementia so his crew that he already corrupted is taking care of him. The media acts as though anything Trump says is newsworthy, so it is the first or second piece in nearly every newscast. We were saved a bit this past week because of the Queen's passing, but it's all back in force. It needs to stop and we need to get voters to the polls who will vote out the corrupt crew and send them packing permanently, even jailing the ringleaders and those who tried to break our Constitution.
Thank you Susan for mentioning corruption.  Dishonesty itself is a huge threat to our way of life. Most Americans have no familiarity with a top to bottom corrupt government or how hard it is to dislodge once established. ”You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”.
Trump is mentally ill?
did you happen to see the satanic screed out so called current president gave two weeks ago in Philly?
or listened to him try to talk extemporaneously lately.
or seen any of the many, many videos of him literally pinching young girl's nipples in public, sniffing their hair, actually prepositioning them, or had the opportunity read his daughter's diary, in which she writes that she remembers taking f'ing showers with him?
and Trump is 'mentally ill'. simply pure projection.
Mr phony picture troll. You’re speaking in a chat room with highly intelligent and informed people…nobody is buying your attempt at trolling. It is NOT working. 216 people in Trump’s admin have been indicted. Obama & Biden zero indictments.
Just some of Trump’s crimes: treason, collusion, obstruction of justice, inciting a deadly coup, bribery, intimidation, perjury of oath, dereliction of duty, refusal to obey lawful order…it actually goes on!
If you’e leery that trump isn’t a dangerous sociopath & psychopath. You haven’t read any news or watched the J6 hearings. So goodbye to your troll attempt.
phony picture. wow. Lol.
check out my suspended twitter account. laugh, a bit older , but the same guy.
You can use the same phony picture there. Sorry. Your attempts still fail. The fact that you’re suspended means you likely do the same crap there but they verify the lies.
how about i take a selfy tomorrow holding up a page of todays news? would that be good enough? i doubt it.
I have photoshop too.
That’s a twisted take on reality.
Why do you folks feed this obvious troll? This litter has filled so many screens of my smartphone I have to give up on today's comments—thus justifying his payment. Thanks, y'all.
sorry, they are all actual, verifiable facts or things in public record.
so, 'reality'.
Oh James, as my dad would say, that's full of boloney!
Oh my gosh. You really have been listening to the underground mega people. I'm so sorry for you James...
Please read "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President," by Bandy Lee, M.D.
Or read what Trump's niece says about him in "Too Much and Never Enough. Or what Bob Woodward wrote in "Rage."
Or think about what some eminent Republicans have said about him:
“You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell. He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party. He doesn’t represents the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for. … He’s the ISIL man of the year.”
~ Senator Lindsey Graham December, 2015
George F. Will best described Trump in 2012—“bloviating ignoramus” (1:08)
“[Trump had] a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”—Tony Schwartz (2016)
“Donald Trump is epically unprepared to be president. He has no realistic policies, … no capacity to learn. His vast narcissism makes him a closed fortress. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and he’s uninterested in finding out.”—David Brooks (2016).
“Donald Trump is epically unprepared to be president. He has no realistic policies, … no capacity to learn. His vast narcissism makes him a closed fortress. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and he’s uninterested in finding out.”—David Brooks (2016).
“Trump is the demagogue that America’s founders feared”—Michael Gerson (2016)
“[Trump is a] complete idiot … graceless and divisive.”—Karl Rove (2016)
“[Trump is] dangerously unhinged.”—Glenn Beck (2016)
“[Trump is] loathsome,” “a con man” and “a charlatan and a demagogue” who is “soiling the robe of conservatism.”—Bill Kristol (2016)
“Donald Trump is a national disgrace.”—Colin Powell (2016)
“Never underestimate Trump’s ignorance … Trump is crude, mean and prejudiced—but most notably he is the least-informed candidate to run for the presidency in modern times.”—Jennifer Rubin (2016)
“[Trump] lives in a cocoon of solipsism where the world outside himself has value—indeed exists—only insofar as it sustains and inflates him.”—The late Faux News contributor, Charles Krauthammer (4 August 2016)
“[T]he problem isn’t that he [Trump] does not know this or that, or that he does not know that he does not know this or that. Rather, the dangerous thing is that he does not know what it is to know something.”—George F. Will (2017)
Mitt Romney summed it up best:
“Here’s what I know: Donald Trump is a phony and a fraud,” Romney said at the University of Utah. “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He’s playing the American public for suckers; he gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat.”
none of this matters. most is pure envious b.s. or self serving posturing.
what matter is he is right about one thing:
America has to be restructured, and made great again.
I'm all for making America a great place to live. But Donald Trump is not the guy to do that, just the opposite.
that is why we (used to have) free , fair and honest ballots.
see you in january.
"Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.
Barr’s comments, in an interview with the The Associated Press, contradict the concerted effort by Trump, his boss, to subvert the results of last month’s voting and block President-elect Joe Biden from taking his place in the White House.
Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but 'to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.'”
~ › article › barr-no-widespread-electi...
Jun 28, 2022 — WASHINGTON (AP) —
James, I claim Donnie has dementia. I watched my mom go through it and note a lot of similarities. He has certain phrases he repeats in every speech and says nothing of substance. I know you are primed to think he is a genius since he told you so, but he never was. He is a con artist though who is so good, he has not been prosecuted for his crimes: cheating contractors, defrauding his followers (probably with their consent), lying about an election he knows he lost, and the crimes he was impeached for and only not kicked out of office because Republicans were afraid of him and his cult. That doesn't say much for them.
I couldn't agree more.
And I'm puzzled as to why you believe that I would think otherwise from comments. I do try to be calm and objective.
you might want to consider your boys use of the vernacular
Thank you, Robert. Your wisdom and perspective are such a gift to our country.
Ron DeSantis’s cynical stunt in sending immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard is equally as alarming, as it is clearly aimed at stoking racist and xenophobic support from the same maga voters. If Trump goes down (and he will), Governor DeSantis is lining himself up to be the number two fascist-dictator-wannabe. There’s a lot more here than just these two pathological men, however. Most of the GOP is willing to forget everything they ever stood for, in service to Trumpism and this heavy fog of populist nationalism. We have no choice but to fight back with every ounce, but also to be careful not to empower or inflame maga zombies along the way.
It was also supremely cruel. Telling those poor folks with no resources that there was help and english speaking lessons, etc., etc. awaiting them, was disgusting. DeSantis and Trump are peas in a pod...they both enjoy cruelty, just as many MAGAs also enjoy cruelty to those they hate and fear. the cruelty is the point...their mutual enjoyment of it brings them into that community. How sad and pathetic is that???
Every time I hear about those immigrants being used like that my heart breaks.
Wow, Ken. I’m embarrassed to admit it but it never occurred to me that DeSantis was kidnapping those people. You’re absolutely right. He should be prosecuted.
Ken, Here’s a Move On petition regarding investigating DeSantis. You’re a genius.
“When They Go Low, We go High”
Infamous quote from Michelle Obama.
Only I don’t think she realized just HOW LOW the Republicans would go!
Last week the Florida Governor joined the Texas and Arizona Governors in despicable behavior and sent two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. These people are HUMAN BEINGS just like you and I. This proves once again they are racists. I thought human trafficking was illegal. I guess Governors are also above the law!This shows Republicans are so LOW they have to look up to look down!
Which borders are the migrants coming through? I believe the majority are getting through the borders where Republican Governors are located. How ironic! If they really wanted to stop illegal immigrants they could. If they really wanted to stop illegal immigration, don’t you think the Republicans should work with the Biden Administration to come up with a bill to nip it in the bud once and for all?
It’s time to PUT UP OR SHUTUP
Trump is a Narcissistic Personality Disorder AKA sociopath. They make great Fascists. Sadly he has people that believe his nonsense. They will not deny him because that will be admitting they were conned. No one likes to admit that they have been conned. An old RN
Incredible that Trump’s lies inspire violence among MAGA supporters when the law breaker-in-chief screams about LAW AND ORDER. Millions of his followers have fallen down the rabbit hole for sure!!🤬
Of course he does. He's a perfect example of "Laws for thee but not for ME!" "Law and order" are tools he tries to use to beat down on others he sees as below himself, like the horrific scene he put on in Lafayette Square in order to secure a photo op of him holding up a book he has never read, can't quote a single verse from, and doesn't understand the first thing about. But since he obviously sees himself as being above such mundane requirements, they certainly don't apply to HIM! He's spent his entire life becoming the eternal "Teflon Don" (and that's "Don" in the mob sense as well.) Sociopaths have no understanding of how the world actually works around them, and their place in it, so they try to force the world to function around them as they wish it to be. And this one has given the world permission to be their own worst enemies, as well as the enemies of the rest of us who have no intention of allowing him, or them, to act out like he does without consequences - a spoiled, petulant, selfish, temper-tantrum-throwing 4 year old bully in a man suit. Thoroughly unfit for any office, including dog catcher.
I’ve read 15 books about him. You are spot on ! Don’t forget mega malignant narcissist too! He’s ruined our homeland by making federal politics all about feeding his sick ego.
Shari, OMG! I could not possibly have described Baby Donnie any better than you did right here. Thanks!
Virginia, Good come back! Baby Donnie loves the idea of violence, as long as he isn't in the middle of it. He is a coward and wants others to do his dirty work while he can sit back and gloat, just as he did on January 6th. He wanted to go to the Capitol but not to GO IN. He just wanted to BE there to watch his words get others to DO THE DEEDS. That is sick, but a lot of people in power are like that. Bullies often get their minions to do their dirty work so they can say "I didn't do anything!" Everyone repeats Baby Donnie's quote about shooting someone on 5th Ave. but he wouldn't even hold a gun. This is not someone brave enough to shoot anyone. His believers don't know that, though and will go out to fight for someone who would NEVER fight for them. It's disgusting!
Yes I agree. Americans, particularly naturally conservative ones, are still stuck on the need for traditional male strength demonstrations in their leaders. It remains me of elks fighting for dominance! Trump tries to use this phoney masculine bully boy routine constantly but deep down he’s insecure. He makes drama to get attention but deflect from his many errors of judgment. Americans aren’t good at standing up to these sorts because bully boys run many companies, large organisations and control a lot of money. Wise leadership is so much better!
You are quite right that underneath his bully act, Drump is pathetically weak and insecure. Everything about the way he acts and speaks screams posturing and insecurity.
Trump needs a media makeover. He is no longer the ginger buffoon but a mob boss who holsters senators in each pocket and a gang of traffickers of sex, asylum seekers and lies behind him.
pure projection.
whoever is really operating behind puppet Biden is the real danger of becoming another Lenin or Stalin.
The snotty way they express themselves gives them away every time as not simply presenting a contrary opinion. They must have to train in incivility before qualifying for payment. Please do not feed.
that is so ridiculous and demeaning. nobody pays me for anything. it is you that have to demean and denigrate. do you get paid?
i liked it how someone who disagrees with you and simply points out their point of view on a public forum, is a 'troll'.
no one is 'trolling' here, simply presenting a contrasting viewpoint
James Twine ; You may be in the wrong place. This is not "both sides ism". You are either a true patriot who believes in Democracy or not. A 'contrasting' viewpoint that denies the reality of what is happening in America now ; that Democracy is being threatened, along with the rule of law. is not helpful. This threat exists all over the world. Our former 'president' is threatening violence if he is brought to justice and actually charged for his crimes. He has done it before, incited violence that actually killed people. He has run people out of office, and caused even judges to have to get security details. This is not a game. You seem out of touch.
Paula B. ; Thanks!
Ok, I won’t call you a troll. But a rose by any other name is still a....? Troll. You have no point to make. Your contrasting viewpoint contrasts nothing. You just don’t like Joe Biden. Okay, you’re allowed. We agree you don’t have to like him. Now there’s no contrasting point. Any facts (proof) of your other talking points (manufactured bullshit), are not valid as proof or fact of anything other than you have a wish list.
Oh goodness..I couldn't have said any better. Like most of the Big Lie followers there is no point in arguing with them. It's a mind-set they will not move from. Thank you.
For those of us without psychoanalytic training I think it is worthwhile to elucidate the meaning of “pure projection” as used by James. It means “I am absolutely not listening and proud of it”.
Our loved ones and friends who have gone to the dark side don’t just have different facts and opinions. Fox News has championed ways of not thinking and not conversing. (changing the subject being possibly the most popular and irritating.)
Gerald Nelson ; I had the experience today of a conversation with someone who watches only Fox "news'. He said that the Capitol attack was just a protest that 'got out of control'. He did allow that one woman was killed, and claimed that she was unarmed, which is a lie. He refused to say that Capitol police were killed (one of them just had a heart attack the next day ; big deal doesn't count). I asked him if he saw people breaking windows to get into the barricaded Capitol, and he said "so what? people doing protests break windows, I asked if it is at the Capitol during the certification of an election, and he started low rating Biden. He is convinced that the Feds are abusing power by going after our former president ; using 'fake documents' as 'proof'. His mind ; brainwashed by Fox and other winger MAGA 'news ' was made up. Scary.
Disagreeing is one one thing..having facts is another. All I will say is blah blah blah.
That is, at best, a nonsensical reply that indicates an addiction to Fox News or News Max propaganda or a frank desire on your part for an American dictatorship in the style of Hungary’s prime minister for life, Viktor Orbán which is unquestionably the goal of Tr🤮mp and a majority of Republican congressmen. Biden was elected by a large majority of voting Americans. Trump didn’t even win a majority in 2016.
The American people are behind Biden. Trump is a Russian asset. Of course, you already know this, being a puppet yourself.
lol, ha ha,
no one pulls my strings, 'cause there are none.
Dear Mr. Reich: Your post left out one very important, even more devious threat. When Trump stated last week that if re-elected, he would look 'very favorably' at pardoning the January 6th rioters, he was actually making it clear that any future use of violence would be equally condoned. The severity of his mental illness has always been down-played, but it needs to be seen for what it is. There are absolutely no limits on what he is willing to do to stay in power.
When he orchestrated the insurrection he claimed a million of his followers would show up at the capitol. Even after funding many of the protesters, only a few thousand came to Washington, DC to carry out his plan. If we need to suffer a second such horrendous event, so be it. Let them come, let them be arrested, and let them lose their voting rights to further disgrace what's left of the Republican Party. I've had enough! Ellis Johnson M.D.
We, the people, are ready to put this nutjob in his place, hopefully in Russia somewhere. Trump and his entire family and supporters along with Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy and Ms. Green and Boebert all should be deported if there is a country in the world that accepts idiots.
You can't deport citizens, only exile. Maybe we could find a deserted Island somewhere, although that didn't work well with Napoleon.
I'm thinkin' Guantanamo!
Russia won't have them. It's like Hell - they are afraid these monsters will try too hard to take over!👹
I say Arrest him, cuff him, let him wait in jail as his attorneys defend him. No bail! We, as a country need to hold trump accountable for all his crimes. He has committed crimes. This classified information mishandling, etc, is low hanging fruit. He delays and distracts and deflects and deceives. He'd do it forever! He has done it long enough!
The lying and story spinning has got to stop! Where are the boundaries of freedom of speech? Is political speech immune from prosecution? Right-wing media just fans and fuels the fire.
Is the former president not just an ordinary citizen now? Lock him up! All the historically similar stories, such as Hilary's email server and Hunter Biden's laptop are false equivalents and just distractions! They DO NOT justify wrong-doing by anyone else, including trump! Lock him up!
Love lists like this. 😊