Everything trump does is disgusting. He’s a pig, a criminal, woman hater and is ugly as sin. I wish him the worst life he has left. He’s also a drug addict and as stupid as hell. God help us all.

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To call Trump a “pig” is a total insult to an animal that is considered smarter than a dog. Slime, or slime bag, would be more far more appropriate terms.

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Careful there too, you can even be hurting feelings of otherwise intelligent slime, carried in a bag or not.

But at least those mucous (adjective) creatures can't gratuitously sue.

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I doubt there's a life form that deserves to be compared to him.

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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(Clearly, “they” put something in her cornflakes, and I don’t think it’s MRNA!)

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The way things are today I feel like a bug who has found himself entangled in an elaborate spider's web. Through my efforts to escape I have alerted the resident landlord, and my future safety is now in jeopardy. That's exactly how the prospect of living under Trump's thumb makes me feel. The future no longer holds any degree of an optimistic outcome. To clarify a misnomer the people of this country didn't support Trump, the fool received less than half the popular vote in the last election. Granted the man did win, but it was no landslide and half of this country is very upset by how things turned out. Trump's picture of everything being all roses is far from the truth. Trump won by default, if all the voters who supported Biden in 2020 had supported Kamala in the same manner Trump would have tasted defeat for the third time. It's not that the people in question switched their support, the reality is they just stayed home and gave the election to Donnie Boy. Wallow in that reality Mr. Trump, you're still a loser.

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Slime mold! One of life’s lowest forms!

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What is the meaning of the word democracy, when we elect a man like this?

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Democracy gave us the vote and a voice. Unfortunately, it also gave voice to misinformation and disinformation, the all-too-generous tools that led to voting by the fools that fell for it.

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It means people in this country are unhappy with the status quo!

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Change is not synonymous with improvement. It appears that Trump will make things worse.

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true-but not considering the known ramifications of the alternative,not to mention the unknown,is short-sighted in the extreme-average beats failure

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So well said! Thank you for sharing.

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If we don’t do a recount, perhaps we should consider a REVOTE in some states. “There are still a lot of missing ballots, and votes that were initially processed, but now missing in the voter’s record. Today, I captured many news articles around US of documented missing/stolen ballots, or where voters had issues being allowed to vote. There are over 500,000 just from those news articles talking to voters/election officials. There are likely many more people who were never interviewed by reporters. So it could be a second priority to see if a revote in some States is warranted because of that.” ~MK

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Who are you quoting?

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A fellow Substack commenter. I didn’t want to take credit for.

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Oh dear …..is this the best then that America has or had??? I doubt it.

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And yet, he got elected! THIS is what we must study, difficult as that is. Why did that happen despite his filth of character and his long history of lawlessness and debauchery. This is why so many of us are in shock and disbelief; how can it BE that America voted for such awfulness? What were the reasons/ We must find out if we want to win in the future.

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For those of you who might remember my recent post relating that I had sent a message to the White House urging Biden to order the FBI to conduct background checks on the felon's cabinet nominees:


I don't know that my message had anything to do with it, but there does appear to be movement in that direction.

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Agree! This country has gone down the toilet! That even a POS like Orange Felon is able to run for President and win 2X is disgusting!🤬🤬🤬🤬💀👿

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I'm with you!

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Absolutely. But also I would add racism to the equation because white men fear being in the minority as other races take the lead in census numbers.

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💓Reich💓:"...subservience...What do you think?"

Lethal. Criminal. Science Denial. Not Empathetic. Fraud. Expensive. Undemocratic. Contributing to Societal Degradation. Attack the Root Cause of Sexism, Racism, Trumpism, Fascism, etc (Gullibility ) with Placebo Science, etc:

1.) Most Americans Will Want to Die in 10 Years(assuming current uptrends, etc)

2.) Americans don't believe in science(optimal prevention includes asking "Wanna Die?")

3.) 89% of American Psychologists refuse this science(and science, etc in general?)

4.) Sunday Services should include pairing congregants to ask each other: "Wanna Die?" to destigmatize asking

5.) California Law 5150 requires "..ongoing assessment..."

6.) Here is "Emotional and Intellectual Maturity"( ongoing assessment ) in 20 seconds daily("15 words scientifically measure anxiety, depression, anger"):

"Brief Mood Survey" Frustrated? Annoyed? Resentful? Angry? Irritated? Anxious? Frightened? Worrying? Tense? Nervous? Sad? Discouraged? Esteem? Worthless ? Anhedonia?


7.) The most reproducible quick way to get church leaders to propose disseminating and beginning to respond to these facts is free mediation that has a 85% success rate(requires suing them to access the court's free mediation... but they can chose to obey the law at any time to stop the suit )

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"Feeling Great" by Dr Burns


"I did a study at a community mental health clinic in New York to evaluate the accuracy of therapists’ and caregivers’ evaluations who brought children in for treatment. I asked the children, their therapists, and their mothers to rate how they thought the children were feeling.

When I analyzed the data, I was amazed to discover that the therapists’ accuracy was about zero. And the mothers didn’t do any much better! There was pretty much no correlation between how the children felt and how their therapists (or mothers) thought they felt.

The errors were not trivial. For example, the mother of one little boy rated his depression and suicidal urges at zero. She was convinced that her son did not feel depressed, and the therapist agreed with this assessment.

How did the boy actually feel?

His depression and suicidal scores were at the top of the scale! In the margin of the assessment test, he wrote that he had borrowed a gun from a friend and had plans to kill himself on Friday. In this case, mind reading* almost resulted in the death of a little boy, but the assessment test alerted the mother and therapist to what was really going on and likely saved his life."



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But plenty of white women voted for the felon, too. Lantinos voted for him.

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@ Sherry

Explain the term, "MAGAT woman."

Or for that matter, "Republican woman."

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Professor Reich: i've been saying this very thing for at least one year (openly, longer if you count all those private, under-the-breath assertions). and testosterone is one thing i know my way around because my dissertation was all about testosterone: the enzymes that produce its precursors and that activate it, the receptors that bind to it, and the levels of testosterone in the blood stream and what they do, from shortening male lifespans to inducing the infamous "'roid rage" (which is a violent, illogical, emotion-driven state of being). i can even tell a few testosterone jokes, although no one here would understand or appreciate them, so i won't bore you with them. and all these awful, shameful things that men are doing to women, or want to do to women, are part of the testosterone overdose, or poisoning, scenario in human males.

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Go - tell them - some of us here are actually biologists - and know some physiology!

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Hmmm. I don't buy this kind of political biological determinism. If I start taking testosterone supplements, would it turn me into a fascist. I doubt it. I don't recall Hitler or Himmler being beefy guys. Low testosterone is just as likely to sponsor an anti-social politics. No we still need to look to the social environment to find our clues for political developments.

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My primary take-away from everything I've learned about fascism, racism, misogyny, etc. is that the intellectual basis of all of them are flawed. e.g. ignorance and stupidity are rampant in their ranks. Plus the more the 'ism' is embraced the more stupid the person becomes. They are unable to see giant holes in their logic....and it brims over into incompetence in almost everything they do.

Also, Luck doesn't stay on the table forever....

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I think a large part of fascism’s appeal is its reliance on emotionalism versus reason, on passions that are not tempered or constrained by the intellect.

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Yes- intellectual laziness. Tv and streaming instead of thinking. No education on our government and too much emphasis on the president’s responsibility and visibility.

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I guess you never read R, Crumb comics.

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I'm with you, Austin. Testosterone isn't the problem. It's their belief system. Somewhere in their development, they were encouraged or allowed to believe they were superior to women. Otherwise, they may be trying to prove to themselves or others that they are because they actually feel inferior. Most of us overcome our biological urges to comply with civilized behavior.

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I do agree ….testosterone alone is not an excuse. If it is, beware of gatherings of men etc etc ..,.no, that’s not a good enough explanation….the ways in which we think about this - male and female or male v female - are potentially rooted in our histories and our culture or any other kind of social construct. Becoming the Great Unthinking (my words) takes shape, often in childhood and perpetuated in cultural history and so called ‘norms’. The Great Unthinking are a serious issue everywhere. They usually follow others and absorb views that have not been thought through for themselves and are vulnerable to indoctrination, discrimination, division and domination and much else. It’s not unique to one country either.

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No reason to favor one determinant over the other. Both social constructionism, as well as biological essentialism, play huge roles in these processes.

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I disagree. Its true that biology and social behaviour are linked. But on the ploitical timescale, biology is a constant whereas voting takes place every few years. You can't explain changes in people's contemporary political expression with reference to biological constants. Even if hypothetically, an association was observed between endocrine changes and elections, your best bet would be that social factors were causal. The idea that endocrine changes operate on some sort of natural cycle in men which influences elections is a bit far fetched. If there is evidence that mass steroid abuse is affecting politics, that might have an effect, but where is the evidence?

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Anecdotal I have heard of a lot people from the CrossFit community taking steroids and this culture is a hotbed for MAGA. There must be a connection. Science identified an endogene that makes you more susceptible to believe in religion. If that is true then free will is an illusion. So it is not far fetched to think that biology influences your political attitude.

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I think I agree, Austin. Som dictators are testosterone bombs, some are absolutely not.

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I think Trump's father was probably a beast who mistreated his mother and since Trump idolized his father it thought it was the right thing to do.

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‘Fraid you’ve got a beard, bro, so you’re full of testosterone yourself, were brought up with all the privileges of being a white male, and that testosterone is likely compromising your ability to see clearly. So, no, please don’t take testosterone supplements, and if you really want to understand the effects of patriarchy (read testosterone, and your male privilege) over the millennia, read Marilyn French’s “Beyond Power,” and more recently Ruth Ben Ghiat’s “Strong Men: From Mussolini to Present.”

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Grrl, did you study how males over 80 don't have as high testosterone levels, but the level is comparatively higher than hormones that balance testosterone? While doing a term paper in 1999 for a pathophysiology course I took to update a science requirement; I came across that fact. The paper was on Alzheimer's disease, but because I had worked in long-term care for years and noticed that a symptom of dementia is the loss of appropriate sexual behavior filter, it was interesting to me. Often, the children of a resident would say something like, "Dad would be so embarrassed if he knew what he was doing; he was never like this."

Trump's imaginary sex act on his microphone might be interpreted as a combination of loss of filter and dementia. Although he has always been a pervert, he wasn't usually public about it.

The book I recently read, "The Goodness Paradox" by Richard Wrangham, does a deep dive into homo sapiens "self-domesticating" in bands or tribes by killing those who are overly aggressive and removing them from the gene pool. They probably also banished them, which would likely lead to their death as survival is nearly impossible without the tribe in the wilderness. Capital punishment is now rare. It should be banned because our justice system is a joke, but we do incarcerate a significant portion of the population. But what do we do about wealthy aggressors who harm society? The system doesn't work as it's intended to.

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Didn’t evangelical Jerry Falwell use testosterone to get his wife back from the pool boy?

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As a clinician-researcher, I’d like to know more about your testosterone research. As a physician, I do know that when men develop prostate cancer and are put on anti-testosterone drugs to prevent its spread, a remarkable decrease in the need to be dominant often occurs, combined with marked greater kindness. A friend of mine has a F to M trans friend, who has just been stunned at how differently he’s been treated since his transition—automatically far greater deference and respect, than when he lived as a female. In addition, I found the book “Beyond Power,” by Marilyn French (PhD, Harvard, Professor, Hofstra University, now deceased ) extremely helpful in understanding the exact origins of and thousand year history of misogyny and patriarchy, which I believe (along with racism) was the primary reason(s) for Harris’s loss, despite being the most credentialed and experienced presidential candidate this country has ever had—a graduate of a top law school, UC Berkeley, City Attorney, District Attorney, US Attorney for the State of California, and Vice President of the United States. When I was in medical school, exactly 3 out of my class of 110 were female (we’ve come a ways since then with about 50% of medical school classes). I suspect that Roberts’s (and I do hope you don’t mind me calling you Robert, Professor Reich, since I myself am a full professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA), rather unusual and extraordinary sensitivity to the issue of misogyny may lie in having grown up as a 5’ male (far shorter than even most females), for which he was often harassed by his own account, even at the highest levels of politics, which he was able to achieve, despite being “height deficient.” (Bravo, Robert Reich, bravo! I do so admire your mind, heart, courage. and conscience—please keep on speaking out, in these totally deranged and testosterone-driven times! I, for one, need you desperately). Thank you all for your thoughts in these horrible, terrible times. I’m so ashamed of this country that I now call myself a “Californian,” and am no longer a you-know-what.

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GrrlScientist, yes the biology of testosterone can play a role. But it's institutional (family, church, community culture, government, etc) conditioning over centuries that plays the starring role. If you look closely at the men and women who exhibit these extreme traits, there lies strong egoic conditioning, extreme violence (verbal, physical, or sexual), neglect, and abuse. It's the conditioned mind and conditioned emotional behavior patterns, the ego, that is in control and runs their violence.

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All is right, but the only thing to talk about is: why do we elect him?

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Tom van Doormal ; "We" don't elect them. The Electoral College, gerrymandering, rules that allow voters to be purged from the rolls, rules allowing partisans to throw away "spoiled Ballots", or ballots that had envelopes without the date written on them. also a tsunami of money ( Citizens United) ,with an avalanche of political ads full of lies and defamation on their opponents, endless court challenges making voting more difficult. Also disinformation. As the leader of the billionaire cheats says : "the system is rigged". He knows only too well. Now he owns the Supreme court, and many lower courts, to own justice itself. He threatens prosecutors, judges and threatens them openly, not even in secret. He is on his way to be dictator. Unbelievable for anyone who was raised to believe in Democracy.

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Laurie, you are right. The electoral system should be modified. There are to much possibilities to manipulate. The role of big money is to big, it is corruption, as Bob thinks

The history shows that very inferior presidents paved the way for Franklin Roosevelt, but with the great depression first. An analysis showing the risk of incompetent government for big money might be helpfull...

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Tom: There used to be limits for the amounts spent during political campaigns. Just like there was the Fairness Doctrine keeping our media honest. The Fairness Doctrine went away with social media which is privately owned. As far as I know. There are no licenses which can be lost for any violations of any codes, like truth in advertising. At least not in the USA. There is no "broadcasting" on specific channels. The world wide web is the wild frontier. In Europe. There are some limits, I have read. Not sure what they are.

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Also. Our soon to be seated "president" has said he will not divulge the sources of his campaign funds. It used to be taboo for anyone in office to receive money from outside our country. Period. That is why we are losing our country. It is being bought by billionaires here and abroad. Many of them having homes and business interests here and abroad, in International corporate interests.

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I think this particular comment is sexist, anti-men in a pretty complete way. Men are human beings who deserve fair judgment. After all, so many of the heroes of history are men, and that in no way makes less of us women.

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Men are human beings

With hormones.

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oh go ahead and tell the jokes! just wondering...do you have info on what causes testosterone poisoning to begin with, and what can be done--medically? (no i am not proposing tinkering with anyone else's biochemistry, just curious)

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"Men of quality support gender equality."

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I still cannot understand how such a retched non human as trump was voted in twice. My brain can’t comprehend this. Who looks and listens to him and thinks this was the best choice? It broke me to a level I don’t think I can heal.

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I have been wondering the same thing! What the HECK are these people thinking? Trump would NOT shake the hand of ANYONE 'he" considers "beneath him"... that's most of the population. I'm a retired investment banker and and a few decades ago he/his company (?) once tried to do business with the company I worked with.. Well, when information (numbers) don't make sense.... (I guess some people see a "name" and don't bother checking things.... ) they're usually lies or someone really messed up ... I'll go with LIES.

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I believe that Donald Trump and his cohorts focus on hyper masculinity while denigrating the position of women will end up being his Achilles heel in the future.

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By all accounts it should have been his achilles heel in this election. Stunning how many Americans are willing, even eager, to subjugate women and gender minorities. Fascism and it’s handmaiden toxic masculinity are indeed lethally toxic to human flourishing

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People are very slow to get the message, a couple years of this madness , & I think it will become very clear and very disagreeable to the majority. If that can even matter since the minority is controlling the majority.

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Michelle, I would note data exist that seemingly substantiate your observations. According to a new CBS NEWS You/Gov poll, 59% of Americans approve of how Trump is handling the transition. The prevailing view, based on this poll, portrays the Cabinet picks as all Trump backers, but also as ideologically diverse, expressly referencing former Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and Health and Human Services pick Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as well as Scott Bessent, a former Democratic donor who’s been tapped as Treasury Secretary.

Admittedly, I am baffled by the large percentage of Americans, according to this poll, who are not deeply troubled by the impact of Trump’s picks, overall, on the institutions that were created to ensure the welfare and security of the American people.

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This is another example of opinion mistaken for news. Reminds me of the "twice told tale told by an idiot" that is so familiar.......

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Donald Trump and his misogynistic band of men have only begun to attempt to change the nature of America. What he will actually end up doing is to unite all of the many progressive groups that currently exist in the United States to become one indomitable force for change. There is nothing that unites groups of different philosophies than to all be against the same threat. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are the existential threat to the democracy and democratic ideals that this country was founded on.

Despite the woefully in adequate education that we have experienced in this country, there is something that runs in the veins of Americans regarding freedom and willingness to rebel when the situation becomes intolerable. It fueled the opposition to the Vietnam war which coalesced many groups. This country was founded on a rebellion against tyranny, even though the odds were overwhelmingly against the American revolutionaries.According to historians such as Heather Cox Richardson, it seems we came within a hairs breath of not prevailing in our efforts to free ourselves from the yolk of British imperialism. Now we must free ourselves from the coming yoke of fascism brought about by the MAGA minded misogynistic men.

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I started writing about when and how the public education system changed for my substack based on my experience with my five children beginning in the early 1980s. Now, I understand why they made the changes, as we see the results in the present day.

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I was horrified when I read that a teenager was asked who fought in WW2 and he couldn't answer! All the cutting of funding for the schools paid off for the fascists!

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When I was a kid, MOST kids dropped out before high school. Republicans complained thet welfare rules and the Education Act turned public education into a baby sitting service because the kids had to stay in school so mom could collect her benefits.

In most districts, kids were not passed automatically and science had not identified learning disbilities, so many kids were forever held back.

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It certainly did.

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@Gloria. In my lifetime, women had little oppotunity, but for the sexual and civil rights revolutions of the 1960's. Before WW I, there were few women in education.

One reason was the draft. All males were expected to serve in the military.

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Yes Marc, the essence of social change worries me too. In Europe we have seen ages of ugly struggle, within France, where it is still very hard to achieve social progess without violence. (gilets jaunes, farmers protests). Also in the USSR, where millions died in the Lenin and Stalin era, and where Putin constructed a criminal regime of oligarchs.

It would be very sad when the next four years would show a road back to a criminal junta that is exemplary for backward nations.

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Americans are cantankerous....I think that's the best way to say it. Especially when they find out they've been played. We're not there yet. The last time this kind of thing happened Americans rather impolitely kicked his Royal Highness out of the country along with many of his supporters.

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That and a few other things like tariffs for instance.

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His disastrous and ill-advised plans will tank our economy! He is attempting to fill his cabinet and staff with compliant misogynists to carry out his plan to make women, minorities and LGBTQ+ folks second-class citizens, and the 50% of our country who OPPOSE this imposter will not allow that to take place! Mandate, my ass!

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Second rate political officials and even worse, do not make ‘America great again’ ….whatever that means. I have often wondered what that implies and what it threatens to be or do. It bears thinking about. I guess it depends on the type of people ‘dreaming that particular dream’. Greatness implies stability, openness and soundness of mind and the capacity to be creative and productive without fear of failure or domination by a particular group or set of individuals. Where’s that going now?

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I think the economy collapse will wake up the MAGAs! They will turn very ugly!

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I agree ..that could happen ….but only if American WOMEN do not accept that position imposed upon them by the primitive urges and restrictive ideological thinking of so-called dominant males - it is a potential threat to feminism, female equality and intelligence. Rosie the Riveter would have had something to say about that!

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They may not have a choice. Give in or go to prison or die!

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How LOW CAN WE GO? Backwards is the new forward.

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We need to stand up against Trump in any and all ways. As a country, we will lose any sense of democracy; as women, we will lose any sense of freedom and personal power.

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Think of the people of Germany under Hitler. They became compliant and supported him. Why didn't they turn against his horror?

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From HRC:

Laura Mannweiler of U.S. News and World Report today estimated the worth of Trump’s current roster of appointees to be at least $344.4 billion, more than the gross domestic product of 169 countries.

Almost all of his appointees are billionaires!

In comparison, Mannweiler notes, the total net worth of the officials in Biden’s Cabinet was about $118 million. 

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Keith Olson - you are referring to HCR? Heather Cox Richardson

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Yeah, I was confused too - thought “Hillary Rodman Clinton”?

Yea, he’s quoting from Heather’s piece yesterday.

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Perhaps the Human Rights Campaign?

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There is one thing about Trump's extended coterie of geeks and freaks doesn't seem to get enough attention in my view. aside from all the horrors enumerated in tonight's newsletter, let's not forget thatLinda McMahon covered up the sexual assault of young boys by a male referee and Jim Jordan covered up a large number of sexual assault on male wrestlers by a male team physician. Misogyny it is certainly pervasive in the land of the Failed Florida Blogger, but the even more consistent through line is dominance often through involuntary sex a.k.a. rape.

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I forgot to also say that there ARE decent American Men out there too who must stand up to this erosion of THEIR values and THEIR voices…it’s not only Women who are being bullied or potentially abused intellectually if nothing else … so are decent and honest men. Power is yours unless you allow it to be taken away….

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Involuntary sexual acts aka rape …a good description. Is it also the credo of certain types of men who see/want/grab etc ….toxic sexuality? The rights of those with primitive urges …I use the word primitive deliberately and in this case, I think it is apt. To not be able to control our urges, to lack filters and to not have a set of beliefs or values is one thing …you could say it is potentially criminal or bordering on insanity but to use it knowingly is chilling and very harmful and poses serious threats to society. What actually happened, America?

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Eileen and anyone else who replies to my post ….thank you very much indeed….but most of all, look after yourselves and your children both males and females…if this stuff goes on, you are going to need every skill and sense of community to overcome the insidious manipulation of your minds and your laws… talk, share and support each other…and don’t lose hope…don’t let HOPE die.

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Why are there so many women who support Trump ?

Julia Baird writes in her new book, Bright Shining: How Grace Changes Everything,

“In truth, we rarely care about violence against women, so foundational is it to our culture.”

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Colleen, sadly, you're right. In cultural thinking, the concept that "she must have asked for it" or "she must have had it coming" is still prevalent. Due to "political correctness," it's mostly unspoken.

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Sadly, you hit the nail on the head. it's STILL prevalent.

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There is a fear factor involved. People fear change. When systems go wildly out of control, system change is needed, but the consequences of that change scare us. We select what is known, even if problematic, over potential solutions that may not work. trump represents a known, even if a highly troubled one, which is an alternative to a scary unknown, even as benign an unknown as Kamala Harris.

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Wayne, I'm reading Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, and something that fits what you just said is where she tells about a southern man who joined the US armed forces and soon was confronted with shaking the hand of a black man. He knew in his mind that it was right that black men are equal, but due to his upbringing, he felt the urge to wash his hands afterward. He believed it was wrong to feel that way but couldn't help it. I'm guessing he lost the urge after a time. There is a "conditioning" factor to overcome.

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One in 4 American women are raped in their lifetime.

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I remember when sexual misconduct (groping, rape, child abuse) were never mentioned and rarely prosecuted though it happened everywhere. That’s what many men want now regardless of their personal testosterone levels—old southern men wanting 12 year old brides. (I heard Musk needed supplements to engender several of his children.) Look at all the pastors and priests abusing children for years and years while also protecting boys and men who do the same. It’s the shameful platform of (dare I say it?) all patriarchal cultures.

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Absolutely. Most soulbreaking for me is the realization that 50 years after the feminist revolution this masculinity and abuse of women is as strong as ever. Been there, done that, have granddaughter s.

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TOXIC masculinity—it’s actually bullying—a tool of the weak! We will stand up for our equality guaranteed by the Constitution!

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Unfortunately, equal rights for women have still not been published as part of the US Constitution. Call Biden to finally publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), before he leaves office.

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Let's hope we can!

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When prices skyrocket due to his idiotic tariffs, people will panic. And why are these spineless old men (Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley) in their positions till death? Their lust for power—and lobbyist bribes—do NOTHING for middle class Americans. Kick these old, groveling money-grubbers out!

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Have these men forgotten the sacrifices made by Chinese women forced to have only 1 child to control population? Nature herself is now also controlling population with fewer new births globally. Have these men forgotten that the climate crisis is caused by OVERPOPULATION?

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The climate crisis isn't caused by overpopulation. It's caused by the use of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect. You and most of us have fallen for a distraction to protect fossil fuel billionaires. Now, that fallacy is threatening the oligarch's workforce as the population dwindles, so we must force women to give birth and shame those who prefer not to have children.

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Perhaps, but population is a contributing factor that cannot be ignored. Remember I=PAT, the famous equation from Paul Erlich and company? Affluence is the dominant factor in our environmental destruction, but it is hard to share the planet with nature when there are over 8 billion of us. Getting rid of fossil fuels will help with climate change, but it is not a solution for everything. There is no magic bullet solution in complex system dysfunction.

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Wayne, thanks for that: Impact(I)equals population (P), affluence(A), and technology(T) (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1972.) I=PAT. I had to google that. Of course, that's right.

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I’m afraid the world’s population exceeded its food and water supply at 2 billion, it is now 8 billion. So between the climate crisis, fueled by fossil fuels, and overpopulation, mother earth is going bye,bye by 2050.

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I’m afraid population growth caused us to outstrip our need for food and water at 2 billion, we’re now at 8 billion. In addition, dependence on fossil fuels is rapidly contributing to unlivability on earth, due to climate change. Despite Elon’s ludicrous “occupy Mars” views and t-shirt, most scientists believe that we will never in a million years be able to do so, and will probably destroy mother earth in the meantime.

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Apparently. But how else are they going to make the case that women should stay home?

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Trump and his clown picks must be carefully vetted and all but Rubio,rejected by the Senate—including Republicans! These goons will not be allowed to intrude into our private lives, via court challenges by our friends, the ACLU!

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Pregnant and in the kitchen …and in service to the dominant male…sexy huh?!!

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Um, over our DEAD BODIES,

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The Taliban know how to.

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And the Mullahs of Iran.

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Sounds like philosophy right out of the Bible and Koran.

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Pricks and incels.Men who refuse to admit that women are PEOPLE,not possessions.We also have a life that don't necessarily need to include a man to tell us what to do, especially when most of them act like spoiled,needy,bratty children who think only they matter.After 2 divorces from guys I basically took to raise, I'm very good single.And seeing the crappy pool of misfits in the area I live in,no thanks,I'm good.Hard pass.

Oh,and of course there are no plans for actual work and you know, governance.Why the hell would you run for office to actually WORK?Reminds me of someone I worked with several years back,who said he applied for a position,nobody said anything about work.This resembles these clowns to a tee,a bunch of rich brats who never did a days work in their lives.

I also wonder what these dimwits plan to do when they kick out all the people who actually work and know how to run things,and all these idiots know how to run is their mouths?Yeah,people,that's gonna turn out just peachy,right?

Imagine their surprise when it all goes to hell for them.It's pretty certain to do just that for the rest of us.

Gracias por nada,MAGAts...

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At first it was really difficult, but I am now so grateful for being a lesbian, and don’t personally have to have anything to do with men.

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