19 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Everyday, when I see the news, I wonder if I'm in a long nightmare that I just cannot wake up from. How is it that half the country actually support this guy to be the President? I would have been surprised if 10% of the country supported this guy, but half? Are people that ignorant and dumb? What happened to this country?

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Same here. It actually makes me sick. I have lost all faith in the American people.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Rita, please don't lose "all faith in the American people." Trumpers do represent an amazingly large proportion, but keep in mind that they are nonetheless a minority. Actively support those who are actively opposing Trump and his sycophants and Democracy will prevail!

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I haven't lost faith in the American people, but I have never had faith in the 47% that has come out of their closet of hate, fear, insecurity and bigotry.

They may be a minority, but a minority that commands 47 to 48% of the vote, that controls the federal courts, especially the Supreme Court, that control the legislatures of 28 states, and have passed laws, and have policies and procedures that will steal the election.

The rest of America I have faith in.

The only thing we can do in the face of such a massive frontal assault is fight like hell with every thing available, the vote, observation, diligence and the law.

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I agree with this. He says, "Fight like hell." and I say, "Okay, will do." in spite of the fact that I am 74 years old. I may not be able to fight physically but I can fight like hell in every other way and I will. But not for him. Against him.

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I am with you Renee, I am 85, by nature and career choice, a warrior. And I am doing the best I can considering my circumstances, and that includes money.

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Isn't it a pity, folks, when so much treasure and resource must be wasted on fighting, when all this energy and wealth could be put to better use in ways that genuinely helped people? I do agree with you, btw, that there seems to be no other alternative in the present.

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You’re So Right! Fight the Law WITH THE LAWS! WE have to Start searching Laws to Fight Back with. We need to get a little better at this sickening game They Are Playing!

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Here is the thing. Anybody who is a sports fan knows this, you cant win if all you do is play defense, and liberals, progressives have been playing defense forever, and have ceded the offense to the right wing.

They accuse we defend, they make up lies,names, false charges and we fruitless either try to deny or defend ourselves.

What I am saying counters counter to the instincts of liberals and progressives and this go on the offense, barrage after barrage, rock them back on their heels, don't give hem time to adjust, to reform, to react because that is what they have been doing to us, and successfully.

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The psychology lessons make me feel hopeful. I just want to understand. I guess there are about 50 million American men with penis envy? - damaged and injured men, wishing they were as strong as their parents hoped - to do well in the competition - not to get along, but to get ahead - to get the largest and loudest pickup - to be the boss!

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Apparently so. And the women who support those men and don't try to help them get over that or take them to task for being that way.

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The children are reared to succede at any price. The boys by accumulating wealth and power and the women by marrying successful men.

Growing up, I always felt it was a waste that some of the smart, capable girls I knew had parents who only cared about their marrying well.

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Yes, I agree. And it is so antiquated. I guess we're not as far out of the caveman mentality as we thought. I'm 75 and my parents didn't support me in a career because they figured I would just go on the marry someone, be dependent on him, and never need my own money. The trouble with this way of being (there are so many troubles) is that both men and women are pigeon-holed and not allowed to rise to their chosen potential. People talk about women being subjugated but men are subjugated too. Misery results.

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Yes. Those women who are drawn to these kinds of men contribute to those men's illness. I bet many of these women don't or can't see how disturbed these men are, because to do so would be an act of great disloyalty to their fathers, brothers, uncles, sons etc.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Damaged men and women with superiority complexes who are terrified they will be exposed as no better than or have more rights than the laborer in Soweto, the street cleaner in Mexico City, or the sanitation worker in Biloxi. These damaged people, who would destroy Democracy to preserve their false sense of superiority, are scared out of their wits.

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You raise a valid point.

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It's a sad and creepy thought, isn't it? We have to get beyond this nonsense.

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🤭🤯😁🙏😇🤣BREAKING NEWS: Biden signs extradition treaties with 18 countries that jail conspiracy theorists.


"Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 18 countries"

Biden's Executive Action will authorize the arrest and deportation of all MAGA supporters and sentence them to Hard Labor rebuilding Ukraine and Gaza 🤭🤯😁🙏😇🤣

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Up to 60% of anxious people (aka 60% of all Americans) are cured by PLACEBO!😱

Another word for PLACEBO is BS.

Another word for PLACEBO is MAGA.

Another word for PLACEBO is WILDCARD.

But if Trump (or fb 's AI ALGORITHM? Twitter's ALGORITHM?) learns how to convert our INNOCUOUS PLACEBOS INTO INSIDIOUS PLACEBOS... the WILDCARD is NOT SO "WILD."

TAME the "WILDCARDS" by preempting them with Science!😁🤔🛂🕵🍄🚭🔍🔬


Ms.FDR:"Do one thing every day that scares you."--Eleanor Roosevelt


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❤Reich❤:"penis size is a symbol [of]masculinity — which expresses itself in the ability to dominate and subjugate others... Trump has been haunted by fears of being insufficiently masculine and virile. This is the source of his anger."

Me:"...the evolutionary origins of the shape and stroke of the penis ... expresses itself in the ability to dominate and remove the last male's ejaculate... I have been haunted by our fears of being of sufficiently low ego (and secure in our masculinity

enough) to ask about the obvious hydraulics of our own "joyous pumping."

Do the neural pathways activated by our "joyous sabotage" of the last male's "reproductive attempts" make us more likely to celebrate the Boston Tea Party? ...laugh at a clown slipping on a banana peel? ...GOP caucus to remain in lockstep for 16 years while Leader McConnell publicaly pledges to sabotage each newly elected President?

... is this the source of our anger?"

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You have drank the TRUMP kool-are 👹👹

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If wishes were true

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As a New Zealander who spent two years living in your wonderful country I think what has happened is you've allowed capitalism to become your God. But don't despair because the Americans I knew then and now meet travelling around NZ are invariably friendly warm and engaging people. Good people. Sadly 50 million of you have been lad astray but that doesn't mean they are bad people just misguided. Even if Trump wins I have no doubt that good will eventually triumph over evil and perhaps a significant number of those 50 million will come to their senses. Please don't loose heart the world needs Americas unique blend of confidence and determination. It's just time for a reset which will happen no matter who wins.

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🫂 .....needed that this week. Thank you for caring.

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Lost faith in HALF of the American people, you mean.

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Yes. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that there are so many.

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I have lost faith in the radacalized military veterans being discharged…and their commanders

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No way it half of America, that would suppose that all Americans vote and we know that is not true. I would believe maybe 35 to 38 %. The problem with 2016 is the dems didn't take it seriously till it was to late im guessing a lot of people didn't vote because no one realized it was country over party and their favorites didn't have a hope in hell of winning, and people believed the Hillary lies. We must have all dems on deck and vote even if it's not for your pet person, this is major country over party time.

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deleted16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago
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Power, I think I have a better view of the American people, but part of the problem is that some of us have decided that "free speech" means we can malign anyone, unless they are rich enough to sue us, and even then, we might win. Free speech is being able to say what you wish but that you are responsible for what you say when it does harm to others. We also have decided that lies deserve as much coverage as science, and fiction at least as much coverage as the truth. That we can lay at the feet of our media. People have come to trust our media and those media have betrayed the American people. We get fools like Trump in public office because our media love the "excitement" and have decided clicks, eyeballs on, and financial support are worth more than the truth and honest coverage. For example, no media worth anything should be presenting any climate deniers beyond saying that there are still some in public office. No media should be pushing Kamala Harris to pump out more of an economic plan than she already has (84 pages or something like that) until they demand the same and the ability to explain it from Donald Trump. That is fair, what is going on now is insanity and is destructive to our democracy.

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Ruth, this is at the core of CONSPIRACY THEORIST LUNACY.

"We also have decided that lies deserve as much coverage as science, and fiction at least as much coverage as the truth."

For thousands of years each generation has passed down the writings of Bronze Age goat herders as TRUTH, inspired by an ALMIGHTY, MALE Sky Wizard. In this fable, they insist that the first man was molded from earth and the first woman from one of his ribs. (Some ignorant believers actually BELIEVE without counting that men have one less rib than women to this day). That first woman was corrupted by a TALKING SNAKE. Also Jonah lived in the digestive tract of a great fish, all the animals of the world (and their food) survived on one boat for 40 days because this whole flat earth flooded. Children from one generation to the next are taught these FABLES as TRUTH, and most whether they secretly believe it or not continue passing it on. Some of us grew up, embraced Science and Facts, which don't support these Fables, and are chastised still (tortured & murdered in the past) for calling it what it is. IF YOU CAN BELIEVE THESE UNBELIEVABLE STORIES YOU WILL BELIEVE ANY CONSPIRACY THEORY OR LIE FROM A CON MAN.

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Rob, all cultures have stories and probably most believe those stories to be true, at least up to a point. There are people who believe in Adam and Eve and Noah and the Ark, but most, even evangelical christians don't. Science has crept even into their minds because they hold cell phones in their hands, live in heated airconditioned houses, shop at stores for their needs, and can travel pretty much wherever they want and it is due to science. They want the stories to be true because they think it explains why life is so hard for them, and makes them somehow special in the world. There is something idylic about imagining a garden and two naked people romping around until a snake tells them something they already knew, that the "tree of knowledge" is what will make them truly human. No one really wants to romp in such a garden or live on an ark for 40 days with a bunch of animals. They don't want most of the rest of it either, but think they want something different from what they have now because they are told the only reason they don't have it is that others have taken it away from them or won't let them have it. Our billionaire class, our gilded "heroes" have promoted all of this to keep people despising each other, distracted while the rich get richer. No one asks them the purpose of this accumulation except that it gives them pleasure to see others suffer if they even notice at all. Putin supposedly has a huge mansion that he frequents while so many Russians struggle for more than survival and Putin is at war with a neighbor so he will have more people to control and beat into submission. The people go along because what else is there. We here, can do better if we vote out those who care nothing for the people. That is hard because so many of the people have been lied to, deceived, and ignored by those they want to keep in power. It is almost as though they like their problems so they don't have to push themselves to try anything else. The stories help provide comfort and a kind of history while the people really do depend on science and probably want to hate it but know they don't want life without it.

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Ruth, I remember reading an interpretation of the Genesis Garden of Eden story in which the function of the tree of knowledge was not so much to make Adam and Eve human, but to render them mortal; b/c when they were first created, they were made immortal. Furthermore, they were formed as one hermaphroditic unit that eventually required separation into two genders for practical purposes and procreation.

Perhaps something was lost in translation like empathy for the differences in each. I am continually amazed at the number of people who still accept Bible stories as literal truths, and cannot understand that they are intended as metaphors to guide us into behaving humanely towards each other and all the creatures on the Earth.But then, most people have largely been intellectually lazy. Like an obese person who blames his/her weight on the temptation of consuming treats in their environment. Just as no one forces them to eat these items, no one forces ignoramuses to watch Fox News or tune in to back channel internet hate sites. Neither free choice or free speech are truly free unless they are accompanied by personal responsibility for one’s actions or choices. We probably need an amendment of some sort to clarify the true meaning of these ‘rights’.

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Ruth. There is no such thing as free speech. Speech is not free, oh you can say anything you want but there are consequences.

Here is what the 1st Amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

Translated: Congress shall make no laws. It does not say that states cannot make laws, it does not say that corporations can not make laws,it does not say that anyone can say anything at all at anytime about anyone or anything.

The remedy for speech that one does not like is legal. Tort law. Sue them for libel and defamation, or the government press charges for incitement and public endangerment.

President Biden can and should use the powers of immunity bestowed on him by the Unholy High Catholic Six, to have Garland charge Trump with incitement of violence and public endangerment.

Actually the DOJ could have done that the day after Jan 6th.

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William, you are right about the 1st Amendment, but I don't see our DOJ doing anything to stop Trump's insane blathering especially since the rich corporations are behind him nearly all the way, hedging a bit as Musk is. The more power and money one has, the freer one's speech can be, it seems.

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The DOJ can't stop his insane blathering Ruth, but they can and should have already prosecuted him for inciting a riot and a coup, but Merrick Garland is the problem, and the DOJ is still Trump's DOJ, and Sadly, regrettably I hold Biden responsible for his lack of leadership, will and backbone.

He chose an ideological enemy to head the Department of Justice.,and revoked the Executive order that created Schedule F employees, when he could have used it to flush all Trump humpers out of the stable, that Trump brought in, during his final weeks.

And Revoking it doesn't do a thing,because Trump will sign an improved version if he pulls off his coup.

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The DOJ has failed us, the Republicans in Congress have betrayed us,, SCOTUS has mocked us. Project 2025 was created to enable a dictatorial president to change the very nature of the Constitution. A tribal, isolated America will never be great again after Trump.

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Other than that how are you enjoying life in America?

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insightful, William ... DOJ has really bobbled this one from Jan 6, and a lot of people saw it coming.

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Right on, Ruth. This is a big part in how the present horror has been achieved. The MSM has much to answer for.

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John, I know there are those who don't want to blame the media, but alas, I think the media are responsible for a lot of this insanity. They liked the novelty of Trump and once into it, couldn't seem to break out of the addicting need for the corporate kudos they got for supporting a total jerk who had nothing to offer anyone but that he was supposedly rich, he was white, pretty ignorant, and male. I guess that is all one needs to get attention from our media. Oh yes, they will give special attention to criminals of color too.

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"...rich enough to sue...."...all court fees are free to the poorer half of Californians... about 90% of Californians can get free mediation which is 75-85% successful.

Search YouTube for HOT COFFEE Documentary that ends with UC Berkeley professor Lakoff warning of anti democracy corporate brainwashing like".rich enough to sue..."😁😁😁😁😁

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Don't blame the media. It's 47% of Americans who want what they dish out. If we want better media we have to get the MAJORITY of us to be better people. To be less degraded and cheap.

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Power, I am not sure you are right about placebo being BS. The reason placebos work so well is that human beings have powerful brains, immune systems, and other mechanisms that enable us to change the way we think about a problem within ourselves and readjust our thinking and systems. That is not a bad thing unless people use that as their only means of treating a medical problem. Faith in whatever one holds as more power than oneself has been an important aspect of human survival. What Trump is offering is not a placebo, it is just blather. He has no positive ideas, no plans (not even concepts of plans), no understanding of how anything works, which is why he was such a lousy businessman and lousy everything else. People want to believe in him because he is rich, loud, white, male, and a TV star they have been led to beliefe really functioned as he did in "The Apprentice." The masterminds of the program have finally admitted it was an entire fraud, constantly covering up for Trump's stupidity, general ignorance, and inability to judge a person accurately. Trumpers and Trumpettes want Trump to be that guy and to yell "you're fired" to everyone who has caused them trouble in their lives. Those folks are afraid of life and everyone who does not think as they do. They want them to go away, thinking life will be better if they are gone. They have no idea of how the world works, just as Donald Trump does not. They may think Trump is a needed drug, but the truth is, he is the infection that is harming them. He and his billionaire friends want those Trump supporters to be their permanent slaves and are grooming them for that role. It's working for some because they show up at his rallies, listen to his BS, cheer and laugh on cue when he talks about penises, deporting their neighbors who are immigrants, putting everyone he doesn't like in jail, turning our military loose on Americans Trump doesn't like. They know what he wants and they will give it to him whenever he snaps his fingers (if he can snap them). There is real medicine that could help them, voting for Democrats who actually care about them and don't intend to use them against their neighbors, but they prefer their fantasy.

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I am appalled by my neighbors whom I thought were reasonable people supporting the demon duo.

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My cousin's husband supported Orange Foolious. I don't know if he finally decided that Dump was a dangerous moron or still supports him. My cousin doesn't care WHO RUNS as long as they're " good Christians ". Sometimes she acts like the energy from her brain cells couldn't power a flashlight.....

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Self-identified super-Christian Mike Johnson on Jake Tapper today was excruciating. It adds insult to injury, that religious people slavishly embrace someone who embodies everything that Jesus would have been appalled by.

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I would venture they’re Christians in name only who misuse Jesus’s name as an excuse for a power grab. People of other faiths or people of no faith can be more virtuous and honest than these self-described “Christians” who are looking to perpetuate their power.

I’d suggest the Christian Nationalists reread the story about Jesus’s encounter with Satan in the desert in the Gospel of Luke and how Jesus rejected Satan’s offer of worldly wealth and power if Jesus would but bow to Satan. These so-called Christians really should take the lesson of that parable to heart.

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Kathy : They'd say " Jesus Who ? ". They've ditched Him for Trump.

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Kathy, you are sooo right about the Trump christians not paying attention to what Jesus really said and did, choosing instead what rich mostly white men claim in order to gain more power and money, two things Jesus was not too thrilled with. Then, there's the maligning of their "neighbors" which is also not in the gospels. Hmmmm! It is hard hearing them call themselves christian and pretending they have god's ear; they have nothing but resentment and greed and willll do as much harm as they can to get both satisfied.

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They have turned Christian into a negative and hurt those who truly are followers of Christ.

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How many of our "Christians" have read the Gospels,let alone the whole Bible? Would it matter if they did?

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Apparently " Good Christians " get passes because they use the name of Jesus. My cousin never seeks forgiveness for ANYTHING & she has done some STRAIGHT UP THOUGHTLESS NASTY HATEFUL SH-T, to myself & others. NOT EXACTLY a good way to " win souls ".

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Daniel, it seems that the "love" part of the message of Jesus is lost with a majority of those who claim to be christian but have substituted Trump for Jesus in their lives. The "love" part is just too hard when resentment, anger, fear, and hatred are stronger emotions and can let someone believe it is they who are being crucified by the horrible people who just can't see how badly they have been treated and how wonderful Trump is and just how much he has done for them. They can't name a single thing except maybe "well, the economy" or "I could get groceries when Trump was in office" or "it's the border." Of course none of these is honest if they are even asked a follow-up question like, "so what kinds of groceries did you buy 4 years ago that you could afford during the pandemic that you can't now? Are you buying the same brands and quantities?" Then they could be asked "so, tell me how what is going on at the border has impacted you directly? Have you been eating fruits and veggies lately? Who do you think picks those for you? If the immigrants are gone, would you go to work in the fields?" When our media do not ever follow-up, they are taking the blather that comes from conservatives' mouths as gospel (pun intended) and are playing the Trump game for him. The media have been doing really well at it for the past 9+ years, even presenting Trump and Friends' demand for Obama's birth certificate as legitimate, "well, why not just show it!" Funny that they can't demand an honest medical report for Trump. That would be fair, but it isn't about fair it is about Trump winning no matter the cost and a bunch of pseudo-christians clinging to Trump's coattails hoping they'll get maybe a tiny bit of his passed gas that they will call "perfume.".

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Ruth, your comments are excellent and so well-formulated. They state everything I would say myself. Your writing skills are formidable. Thank you for the time and effort you expend on your comments.

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Wish I could "like" this a thousand times! So true.

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We used to call these folks "heretics", because that's what they are. They use a religion to their own end, and in the process pervert it beyond recognition.

They are not Christians if they do not live according to the lessons that Jesus taught us.

I wish that true Christians would stand us when they see their faith perverted.

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Cécile, there are a lot of Christians trying to stand against the Trump pseudo-christian sect, but we are rarely heard. Occasionally a few words from someone like Rev. Barber, Rev. Theoharris, Rev./Rep. Warnock, Justice Sotomayor, and an occasional other can be heard, but not at the levels the Trumper megaphones are played: Speaker Johnson, Marjorie Greene, the Supreme Court conservatives, and the rest of the haters that swarm Republican circles, claiming to be christian while doing as much harm to others as they can manage. I guess their message of hate, fear, anger, and resentment pulls more people to them than love, caring for one another, and respect do. How truly sad, but also destructive.

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I think it was G K. Chesterton who said, " Heresy is truth gone mad in loneliness". That describes the self centered MAGA mentality perfectly. What does the Maga crowd understand about welcoming the stranger? Nada!

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Nice pun, Mmerose!

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I started to watch that but my BS tolerance is not what it used to be so I turned it off after a few seconds as Mikee started to explain what Trump was "actually" saying.

We've always had social misfits but it seems many are now in positions of power where they can act out their narrow intolerant anti-social views. A marriage of money and MAGA Christianity.

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I worked with a superb salesman during the early 1980s. Unfortunately he found himself committed to a New England asylum. After being released he was asked what he was going to do. He responded, “why I going to get out and join the Evangelical church. It’s the last of the great scams.”

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Trump should've become a televangelist. He just has to get under / in front of some hot lights, make impassioned speeches for $$, sell WORTHLESS trinkets & tchochkes, feel up some virginal secretaries. RIGHT UP HIS ALLEY. He's already good at gloom an' doom bullshit about HOW ONLY HE can SAVE AMERICA.

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Daniel, you are right, Trump missed his calling. However, he is like one of those evangelists, except that he has a larger pulpit and a much larger group of gullible people to fleece.

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I just read or heard that trump used to study televangelists.

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Djt is already a televangelist. He already sells crap and scams his followers by constant lies and disinformation.

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An army of Americans will rejoice over his penis infatuation.

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I had to chuckle at your comment, Mike, but I felt strangely creepy at the same time.

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Mike, I could already hear the rejoicing from the "supporters" listing to Trump's BS about his love and envy of penises, particularly that of Arnold Palmer, a man who would have been mortified and infuriated by the way his name and person was used for Trump's narcissistic purposes.

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Ask them where Trump attended church this past Sunday. Well, any Sunday actually.

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The Trump cult knows who he is, they don't care. He is, for them, a tool to reclaim power that they lost. To them he is a glorious sinner.

In Islam it is a sin to drink alcohol, it is a sin to commit suicide,it is a sin to lie to save your own hide.

However it is required, if you want to go to paradise, to lie for the sake of Islam, they call it taqiyyah, and if you drink alcohol and sin, and commit suicide in the name of Islam, then you are a glorious sinner with a quick pass to paradise and all sins are forgiven.

Tis the same with Christians. The character of the person is immaterial, so long as it perpetuates the faith.

And the purpose of the faith,it's real purpose, is to support, promote and perpetuate social control, which is the patriarchy.

Trump is a glorious sinner. He is reclaiming patriarchal power, the Kingdom of (male) power on earth. He is, in their eyes, the enlarged and engorged penis,

The Roman god Priapus.

Priapus is a fertility god who protectedmale genitalia. He was depicted as a grotesquely misshapen human figure with a large phallus and a permanent erection.

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Trump supporters are BS worshipers.

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Daniel, good Christians, huh? What does that mean? Submit to the guy with the loudest mouth who pumps out the most vile things about everyone who is not him? What about "love god with all your heart etc., and prove it by loving your neighbor as yourself? There is nothing of the latter in anything white christian evangelicals and many catholics are spewing these days. It's about power and that was not Jesus' message. It seems most faiths get distorted over time and it is sad that much of the time it is not for the good: women treated at best as second-class citizens and abused at will, people who don't look like "us" are no good and can be killed if desired, something as arbitrary as the 10 commandments (whichever ten one chooses) should be the law of the land, etc. There is nothing christian in anything Republicans have been spewing for decades. Maybe that is what needs to be presented to our "christian nationalist" friends and family members. Where is the real Christianity in it?

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I see more atheists & agnostics who act like more like Christians than Christians do. Most of the others claim that Jesus has them covered even if they committed mass murder & cannibalism, not necessarily in that order.

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I don’t think they understand the meaning of repent.

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Midwest, yes, it's that deathbed confession thing, live your life in whatever way you want and you will be forgiven on your deathbed if you just ask. That is not what forgiveness or repentance are about. If one is truly Christian, it is about doing one's best to live one's life for humanity, for the creation, not for oneself. However, for many, it is easy to be convinced by the Prosperity Gospelers that getting money and power are good things and as long as one gets it, it is not really a problem how one does it. That is certainly not Christian, but it is what a whole lot of Trumpers and Trumpettes participate in and are furious when anyone challenges them on it. They memorize the Bible, but have no clue what it means beyond that what was written in it is the word of God right from the mouth of (or rather pen of) God. I don't know how to reach them because just like racism and misogyny in our culture, that warped christianity is deeply rooted in our society, in many societies, and it will be really hard to get rid of, just like invasive weeds. They do a lot of harm and can't really be stopped without doing a lot of harm to other valuable plants.

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Daniel, that would be me. I am actually an Agnostic, but lean strongly to Aheist. My sister, married to a Baptist minister (I think they finally left the Souther Baptist church), finally thanked me for differentiating them from POSER CHRISTIANS as I call ChristoFascists. That would be our uncle from Mississippi, Deacon of his Southern Baptist church who was also in the KKK. What would Jesus think?

I have a very small Bible that I actually once read - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. The rest of the 'New Testament' is the proselytizing of Paul, trying to separate his Greeks & Romans from the traditional, and puts his own political slant on that of Jesus

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What is real Christianity Ruth. Being a Christian is a Rohrshacht test.

The Jesus of Matthew 25

Or the Jesus of Luke 19:27 Furthermore, these enemies of mine, those not having been willing for me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me.

or Luke 22:36 Sell your cloak and buy a sword

or how about

1 Corinthians 14:35, Women should stay silent and if they wish to learn anything ask their husbands

Or how about Slaves obey your master; Ephesians 6: 5-9

That is why planters paid preachers to preach to their slaves on Sunday.

Praise Jesus.

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Check yourself in!

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This kind of crap is why I (and most Americans) lost my religion. It's crap!

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Religion is the oldest mind control technology.

We ultimately lack authority. We claim ourselves as King or Emperor and others laugh and say, "why is that", "who says",you are no better than me.

But when you say "I rule by the grace of god" Who can argue with god.

To rule by the grace of god or the gods, you must first believe in a god or gods.

Men then created gods who had divided up responsibilities. A god for war, a god for rain, a god for fertility and even a god for the penis (Priapus) and the itch (Scabies)

It was all unhandy and very expensive, because each god had it's own priesthood, and the priesthoods demanded temples, privilege and of course preferential treatment and money. Totally exhausting

A PhaRAoh, name of Amenhotep IV, meaning Amen is satisfied. Amen or Amun (Egyptian like Hebrew has no vowels) was the god of the sun, wind, air and water and the chief god, decided enough of this nonsense and palace intrigue, So he declared there was only one god, The Aton, the solar disck, and chose the name Beneficial to Aton or Akhenaton., this angered the priesthoods which lost income and status, so he moved the capital to Akhetaten, which is now known as Amarna or Tell el-Amarna: , a purpose built city.

But he screwed up, unlike Constantine and his bishops of Rome, who threw the competition to the lions and forced conversion and outlawed the priest hoods, Ahkenaton allowed the rot to remain, and they gathered forces and overthrew him and his religion when he died, and demolished his city.

There was a group of people whom the Egyptians called the habiru, merchants that were living in Memphis, the captial city of Rameses III, who had previously arrived on Phonecian ships from Tyre. They had accumulated substantial wealth, and the local merchants resented them as competiton and prevailed on Rameses to evict them, thus the wandering in the desert for 40 years, and the creation of a tribal identity under a Man they called Moses, which in Egyptian means born or favored born as in Tuthmoses or Born of the god Toth.

Moses tried to coalesce the peoples around him and accept his leadershp, but they would have none of it, so he had his brother Aaron gather a group and at night while the people slept, his group slipped into the tents and cut the throats of half the tribe, Duly reported in Exodus.

It wasn't just ten commandments that he supposedly tried to make law, but the 613 Laws of Leviticus, which frankly most were Egyptian including circumscion.

Constantine saw clearly the usefulness of a church state monotheistic religion, as did Charlemagne and the Viking chiefdoms of Olaf Trygvasson, the bloody Christianizing king of Norway, and Harald Bluetooth, who was educated on Kinghood when he served as a mercenary at the Byzantine Court in Constantinople.

And there, the history of religion, and the origin of the past,current and future troubles.

Brought to you by Word Controlled Humans (book by John Harlan).

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Well that would exclude the orange one

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I had Christian friends who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. They said they didn't vote for djt but voted for the conservative values of the Republican party. I literally said WTF are you talking about? What values? Racism, misogyny, hate? That's like saying in Germany in the 1930s that you didn't like Hitler but you liked the values of the Nazi party.

The sad thing is, I now have nothing left in common with them. Their BS rants of being good christians, reading the bible (which they do) and are obviously interpreting in a way I dont agree with. Yep, honestly, I cant agree to disagree when their judgemental hate hurts their neighbors and friends and community.

I'm now agnostic and some days feel like I might be an atheist. Other days I say I'm not going to surrender my faith because some have weaponized it. Regardless, I'm less excited about organized religion anyway, and the past 8yrs have only been the icing on that cake. At the end of most good days, I remind myself that I don't need organized religion to have faith.

But I will never forgot realizing on Jan 6th that some of my so called christian friends were truly that ignorant and taken in by such a huge con. And I pray that they really look into their soul this election and realize that they are forgiven for voting for tfg and can vote for Kamala-Walz in 2024.

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Single issue “pro-life” evangelical Christian voters vote straight republican. I have a few of them as neighbors.

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I mean, I don't "like" the premise but you are exactly right. I have them as friends and family and have been told on numerous occasions that I can't possibly be a Christian and vote Democratic. And I just want to scream how can you NOT vote Democratic if you claim you've received salvation. I admire Ruth above for sharing her thoughts. Many of us are Christians and many of us believe the Bible (and not always literally) and believe in Science. We try to live as Christ asks us to. There's a hymn, "and they'll know we're Christians by our love". And while I'm a failing human, that's how I try to demonstrate why I believe and have faith.

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And I cannot figure out why anyone thinks Drumpf is a Christian let alone a good one.

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Well, if it truly matters, there's only one Christian in the presidential race, and it isn't the MelonFelon.

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Which DT isn’t.

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Fairly certain "Orange Foolious" cannot be described as a "good Christian"! (Btw, "Orange Foolious" is a perfect moniker.)

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I just found out yesterday that neighbors who are retired teachers support the demon of MAGA. Gives one a completely different perspective.

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And for the life of me, as a former teacher (only 12 years, I left education for a better opportunity), I do not know how a teacher could support that man, that party, that platform, etc.

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Many Nazis were intellectuals ... sad (incredibly tragic, in fact), but true. Examine the well known case of Werhner von Braun.

The NASA page stands in *stark* contrast to the more informative Wikipedia page. This speaks volumes about the desperate efforts post WW2 to rehabilitate scientists like him.

I have, in my (now overflowing) archives, an audio interview given by a secretary to one of these Paperclip groups, before she passed. It's fairly damning...

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Besides the Trump signs, today I saw “ Reagan for President “ signs on some nut’s window! Where the fuck am I?

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I just saw a guy with a T-shirt that said “ I like my presidents like I like my guns”. With a pictures of Reagan and Trump . WTF does that even mean?!

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At the doctor's today a woman in her late 70's? had a sweatshirt "Women for Trump"

That's why the young need to vote for their future. But the old vote at a rate twice than of the young. Pretty shocking.

Here is what could have happened if under 40s had voted at the same rate as 65+ in 2022


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Twilight zone!

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Walked by this again because I thought maybe I was hallucinating, people aren’t that crazy. Yikes! Not only Posters with Reagan’s picture but under each one it said, “Make America Great Again”

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Maybe he being sarcastic. Wants his old party back.

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“Just say no”

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Try having that in your own family. My brother was a MAGA man to the core. And he was an educated individual, a professional arborist. No amount of rationale worked to dissuade him of his convictions. It’s been said that many who think like that, see themselves as having “special insight” that they think the rest of us lack. I literally heard one such Trump guy say he felt this as far back as a kid on MSNBC’s The Beat years ago when Trump was first being impeached by the house.

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Yes, a long nightmare brought on by "Attorney General" Merrick Garland's fear of arresting Trump and putting him away, beginning on Jan. 7, 2021. Garland DEFINITELY suffers from small-dick syndrome! I call him the dickless wonder.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Klare - I would just add that McConnell screwed us when he refused to impeach trump and have the rest of the republicans do the same. Had he done what was right then Garland wouldn’t have had to appoint a special prosecutor to try to clean up their mess. Did Garland drag his feet - yes.

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There are SO many extenuating factors that have led us to this precipice. The fact that only one could've stopped it, I'm not certain. But that there are dozens, it absolutely floors me.

And another thing, isn't he sorry that running and obtaining the presidency has unearthed ALL his scandalous misbehaviours and financial dealings, AND swindles ??!!!! I don't hear anyone discuss it or mention it ..... interesting.

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I regret that America did not handle the problem as well as Brazil handled Bolsanaro

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I think that they should've tested him to see if he could WALK ON WATER - IN A TANK OF PIRANHAE.

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I saved this great overview of Garland etc. by Kirschner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_EMHFxThlY

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Or he was secretly on tcfg’s side all along.

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No. Dinky Dick Don!

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JJ, I feel the same way. How can people be that dumb? It’s unbelievable.

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It’s mind boggling and frightening for sure.

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Some people believe that we're visited by ETs, others believe that Donald is Jesus # 2. WEIRD.

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Jack, I can only think that many are just deceived by Fox News and the rest are opportunists. Also, I’ve heard that intelligence is on a bell curve. Maybe they are on the lower left side.

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You are correct! Half the population is below average, on any measure. I am well below average in physical fitness. But thank God, I am well above in intelligence! (Probably a bit low on modesty, too!)

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Would you believe the media is for the corporations, by the corporations and of the corporations, and the corporations want a President that supports deregulation of corporations, and will appoint pro-corporate Supreme Court Justices so the corporations are not accountable?

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I recently wrote that Trump has "Dictator Envy." I really didn't think he'd talk about his "Penis Envy" in a speech with families in attendance. Way to keep it classy, Trump.

BTW, It would be interesting to know how much Hurricane/flood insurance Mara Lago has. Did the insurance company stop coverage, or raise the rates, like other Florida Coastal properties?

Did they drop Trump's Mara Lago because Climate Change is a hoax? Are Insurance companies dropping coastal properties because of a hoax? That's not it. So did they raise rates or drop Trump because they know climate change is real?

Why hasn't the media asked Trump about his hurricane policy? Has it tripled in cost? Or is Trump is getting special treatment from his insurance company?

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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It's a combination of greed, selfishness, racism, misogyny, and the Fox 'News' and AM 'hate radio' bubble that is almost impossible to escape. It's also evangelicals toeing the line drawn by their ultra-conservative pastors, and single-issue voters like the anti-abortion crowd and the 2nd Amendment gun nuts.

It all adds up.

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You have just nailed the state of Tennessee.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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The cure for the nightmare is a blue tsunami. Encourage more to register and vote. Still registering Democrats in selected states.


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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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I agree. I just don't get it. This election has cast a pall over my life right now. Trying to take joy in everyday activities is difficult; I feel like I'm wading through deep mud. Although I was raised as a Christian, the beliefs and actions of these far-right "Christian" who wholeheartedly support Trump don't reflect the faith I was taught.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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I am simply a 79 year old. My dance card to this amazing lifetime adventure is close to full. All I can hope is Americans will finally wake up, USE ALL THEIR SENSES and rid not just our country but the countries of the entire world of the likes of Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Nicolas Maduro, Viktor Orban and all those world leaders and entities who do not have the true interest of their people in their hearts.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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I'm with you on this.

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The explanation seems to be white panic at impending majority-minority demographics, on top of undying fantasy nostalgia for Dixie. But wait! Don't overlook fear and loathing of slutty, dangerous, greedy manipulative females! Yes, it's a long nightmare.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

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...that ignorant and dumb? Who would want the presidnet of their country that they supposedly love be someone of tRumps character and history. That reflects the true character of all those who support him. If that sounds damning of our fellow Americans, if the shoe fits wear it.

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Nailed it, FOR SURE TOTALLY…DON’T REMEMBER IN WHICH GENERATION THIS WAS A POP EXPRESSION, BUT I WAS IN IT! GOT MY ALL-BLUE VOTE for 2024 IN YESTERDAY, SO NOW I CAN DIE…Or go to KAMS inauguration as I did to JFKs!! That’s a better idea. I had marched as a drum majorette in Eisenhower’s ‘53 inaug parade, but he was a rethug, so it was neat marching in a parade of any kind in DC, but that was its’ memorable meaning to an almost 16 yo!

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Expand full comment

Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Sad but true

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I'm going to FINALLY SIT DOWN, Watch the movie " Idiocracy " & FIND THE HELL OUT. I missed " The Handmaid's Tale " already.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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You can only explain the fact that 50 % of Americans support Trump by the fact that he is a cult leader with charisma. That was also the reason why Hitler dominated Germany in 1933 and ended with 60 million dead worldwide during WWII. In the case of Trump, besides the non-college ducated white males who adore him, there are 17 Silicon Valley billionaires (including the idiot savant Elon Musk) who are obsessed with putting him in the White House due to their infinite greed. The bottomline is that not only ignorant stupid people support Trump, there are also intelligent people who are horrendously greedy and know that Trump will give them anything they want.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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I expect the secrecy of the voting booth to turn him out to pasture.

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I'm right with you, JJ. How can this have possibly happened in America. His supporters may well be a large enough minority to carry the day, but most certainly they are enough to swing the Congress toward this continuing MAGA outrage, perish the thought. Thus, the madness will continue, whatever the outcome of the presidential race. It is useful to remember that this all began with the tea-party nonsense and the Gingrich generated anger toward the left and political moderates. Thus, the social upset predates tRump being on the scene. tRump, with his contrived tv background, was just the figurehead that those behind hm were looking for. Add this 'appeal' together with the scandalous manipulation of who can vote and the neverendum of lies and propaganda and, voila!, you have where we are. IMO, what happened in the USA is that relatively uninformed people were manipulated by a steady stream of propaganda, and then, outright lies into feeling threatened by a liberal approach to society in which others were getting things that they were not without having to work for it. The MSM participated in tihs to "sell newspapers". It was all a cock-and-bull story, of course, but it happened. The discontent was almost totally manufactured. Few people with REAL reasons to support tRump in taking down the status quo vote for him or vote at all. The roll of those who vote for him disproportionately includes those who've accumulated massive wealth, even though in a way I cannot fathom, their numbers are amplified by many of the folks who have been victims of that accumulation. The uniformed lower middle class votes with the fiscal elites. Go figure! Probably coming to grips with this requires going back to understand why Gingrich succeeded initially in polarizing the country.

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Yes, read Kevin Phillips, American Theocracy, and Nancy McLean, Democracy in Chains.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

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My thoughts exactly. Having been in the education system during that time and seeing crushing cuts to the basic science funding while radical idiots were being "elected" into local and school boards were scary. Sure, Reagan might have opened the flood gate, but I think it was Newt who made sure that people were in the path of destruction.

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I believe the more relevant question to be:

How does a major US political party allow such a person to be its candidate for president?

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19 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Professor, you are absolutely right about that Palmer speech. I didn’t realize it until you pointed it out but that was all a projection about Trump’s competition with his father and his concerns with his manhood. Very wierd. And it seems other media haven’t picked up on it or are sanewashing again.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Lack of filter and hypersexuality, symptoms of dementia, are not uncommon in long-term care, which I witnessed during my RN career. It's concerning that these symptoms could be attributed to Trump, especially given his history of masculinity issues. The change in his behavior, particularly the lack of a filter in public, is alarming. Likely, his family and campaign personnel are deeply disturbed and considering ways to manage his public appearances. This situation could have significant implications for leadership and should be a cause for concern.

Having just watched the PBS Frontline on the Vice Presidency and the 25th Amendment, it's clear that if Trump wins the election, Vance could soon step into the role of president.

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And THAT is scary as hell as well.

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I highly doubt that Dumpy Jr and Eric are concerned about their father's actions. They're cheering him on. To them, this is how real men talk.

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With this possibility in mind Vance has appealed for the support of Project 2025 authors, but Don Jr has made it clear that he intends to be the power behind the throne. It would be an interesting power struggle. Chaos follows Trump

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Vance is just waiting for Trump to keel over from a Big Mac heart attack so HE can take over.

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My guess. They would institute the 25th Amendment on day two.

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I’m saying 6 month mark.

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Wishful thinking! That takes people with principles around Trump. Do you think he will actually hire “only the best?” No, they will all be ass kissers.

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No, these are JDs boys.

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Oh, puh-lease . . . This is bonkers! Is that what this election is coming down to??? Trump's GOT to win the White House because of his inadequate penis size??

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I think that's his APPENDIX. He just had it transferred OUTSIDE his dilapidated carcass.

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Funny! I wish someone would take the "dilapidated carcass" and cart it away to a back shed somewhere, chain it to an old wooden wall and forget to feed it!

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Trump is fading fast, if he got into office by some misfortune, Vance would invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him. Vance is unfortunately one of my senators, and we may lose the one good senator we have, Sherrod Brown, to a car salesman whom Trump endorsed. Said car salesman had to pay overtime to his employees after he cheated them out of their pay (just like the Donald and his stiffing contractors..)

Vance is a ridiculous misogynist who has no business being in office. After he smugly dismissed his fellow Americans of Appalachian origin in his book “Hillbilly Elegy,” Peter Thiel took a shine to Vance, turned him into a Trump groupie, and Thiel purchased him as our senator. Vance didn’t grow up in Appalachia, but in Middletown, OH. His grandparents did and his grandfather held a solid union job of the sort the plutocrats think we ordinary people no longer deserve. He visited Kentucky on vacation, but never lived there.

The Springfield News-Sun correctly lambasted Vance as being a liar and not ready for prime time after Vance joined Trump attacking the Haitian people who have come to live and work there. Their attacks really disgust me.

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"Peter Thiel took a shine to Vance, turned him into a Trump groupie, and Thiel purchased him as our senator."

I like the expression "took a shine to Vance": Peter Thiel is married to a man and when he takes a shine to one, he is very generous. One of his boyfriends, who was also a "kept man' made a terrible scene when he realized that Thiel was married to another man and took a header off a balcony.

Maybe that is why JD Vance wears eyeliner?


as well as


His Wiki bio is worth a good read too:


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He'd be like Renfield from the Dracula movies. Eating bugs to stay alive. He's already BS INSANE x 100,000,000,000,000.....

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You missed the overall point. It’s not about penis size but a perverted masculinity, the need to win.

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Yes. tfg's need to win, need to put others down and his overwhelming need to have "arm candy" to prove his masculinity.

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But to Trump it’s all the same thing.

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It is our own fault if we keep letting him change the subject.

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Damn the "sanewashing" (and those who're involved) !!!

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Sean Escondido:

Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Isn't it ironic that Trump praises men for what he deems "toughness" based on the most meaningless, banal issues or activities, but men who fought and died for our country, fought against fascism, sacrificed their youth, their health, their lives - those are "losers." What a sick, depraved degenerate he is. He really is nauseating.

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Sick, depraved, and nauseating? While true, you are way too kind to Rump.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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19 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Can someone please get a spokesperson for the Palmer family to make a statement about how it's libelous for a politician to make public on the record remarks about someone's genitalia. It's beyond the pale even for someone as low as trump.

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Taegan Goddard has a blurb about this in the Political Wire newsletter today:

Peggy Palmer: “I thought it was an unfortunate way to remember my dad.”

Peggy Palmer told The Sporting News (in 2018) that her dad, shortly before his death, had been “appalled” by Trump’s behavior during his 2016 presidential run.

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Remember, this is a " person " who insults people with disabilities, are overweight ( How ? ), amputees, blind, hearing - impaired, veterans, blacks, Jews, Latins, etc. So yapping tastelessly about a Johnson ain't exactly a quantum leap.

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The obese, dumpy guy who wears extra long ties for 3 reasons: 1. to look taller 2. to look slimmer 3. to direct eyes to his crotch. YES, Is That insecure, LOL. He had a dad who was Always Goading him to Compete with him, do Better, IF he Wanted to Be More Successful, More Manly, Make More Money. To Be Great as Daddy. Who Never Let Donny Beat Daddy. “Still Stuck in little boy/Daddy Complex!” He needs Therapy, Not Presidency. He’s Never Grown up! Of course his daddy had a bigger “one than he did, all dad’s do, duh.

The Country’s wasted too much Time & money,because this guy’s been stuck in arrested development,on a pathetic child masquerading as a pseudo man. We need to move on: Harris/ Walz A Highly Qualified Adult with Excellent Resume - Former Prosecutor, VP Harris + A Highly Qualified Adult with Great Experience as a Governor- Waltz, ready to go.,

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Sadly, you can't libel the dead. But apparently his daughter has made a statement disdaining Trump.

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How about this for a suggested remark: "Flush twice! It's a long way to Mar a Lago."

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It never makes a difference, because nobody is listening anyway. If January 6th wasn’t enough, how is penis size going to change the discussion?

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Trump’s lack of civility has been on display his entire life and yet the Republicans are still backing him. This presidential election is a vote for a continuation of our Democracy, or God Forbid, Barbarism!

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And Trump's personal insecurities about his virility and "toughness" are one reason why he should not be entrusted with the nation's defense, in particular control of its nuclear codes, ever again. The US and the world were lucky to have survived his first term. With the world a more obviously volatile and dangerous place, it is not clear that this luck would last through a second term. (All the other things that make him unfit to be President do not need mention here.)

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And with Trump increasingly depraved, demented & unstable

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I did hear comments from senior US military personnel that there was a plan to prevent him from launching missiles if he got too wild and wanted to for no real reason. You'd have to hope.

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That's another reason that Evangelicals LOVE HIM. He can jumpstart Armageddon & get Jesus to get off His skinny ass & return.

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Good reminder. Long-standing recognition "look out for who your friends are" re: Jews must die to fulfill Second Coming. Ghastly.

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That's why ________ ( I forget his name ) referred to religion as a " mental illness ".

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I submit two contenders: Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchins.

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Hmm..... I think now that it was Hitchens / " Hitch ". Thanks !

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I recently read "God Is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens. Somebody recommended it in the comments.

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WE were damn lucky !!!!!

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WE were damn lucky !!!!!

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Real men play hockey, not golf Donald! I’d love to get Donald on the ice. And I am just a few years younger than him.

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Professor Reich: Trump is lewd beyond words and his public claims about penis size are so juvenile that it only makes me laugh. well, after i first got over the surprise that he'd go THERE. but at this point, i'd say he should show us his tiny, mushroom shaped penis to prove his claims -- isn't he trying to say that only a penis-bearer is qualified to be president cuz, well, that's where his brains are located?

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I believe Trump wanted to talk more manly than Harris by displaying his well polished locker room talk. That's what he did, literally. He's not capable of having a serious policy discussion, but he's great with locker room talk. He's going to do what he knows.

"You want a manly man for President, like Arnold and me, Pennsylvania," was his closing argument. It was pathetic.

Thankfully, Harris does not need to be a manly man. She just has to be smarter. As Trump rallied his white male base, Harris must rally the suburban soccer moms. IMO, she needs to explain why we need to combat the real enemy to America's future: climate change, Inequality and men who legislate to strip women of their human rights and right to health care, and faux men who can't stand up to the NRA to do background checks and stop assault weapons.

She must drill baby drill down on his 32,000 lies. Clinton told one lie about a private matter and he was vilified as a liar. But somehow Trump can tell tens of thousands of lies and people still think he's credible.

If her stump speech doesn't spend at least 15 minutes talking about Trump's record setting lies, and some of the real doozies, then she's got bad advisors who don't remember the hate people had for Clinton's one lie.

Trump talks a good game and knows how to connect with fearful, insecure white folks. It's all a lie too. But if she doesnt call him out on being a pathological liar, then his lies become the truth as we've seen.

Maybe before she takes the stage she needs to put a comedian on-stage to tell jokes about his lies. The comedian could go on for an hour making fun of Trump's lies. I know this sounds pretty easy... Because it is easy to roast Trump.

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Trump knew his locker room talk would suck up all the media attention. Sadly, it worked. Pay attention how much coverage Trump and Harris get today.

It appears that Harris is shown responding to Trump's lewd comment, rather than her appealing to her base with her closing arguments. Trump gets shown being a manly man... while Harris is complaining about Trump.

Wow! Trump really plays the media and the USA as chumps.

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You make an excellent point, Danny. But it also keeps Harris from saying what we want to hear about policy.

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The undecided's claim that they want to hear more about her policies is a sham. They will vote for Trump.

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I wonder what "We want to hear about policy" that we are not hearing? I'm curious.

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They are Trump supporters playing games.

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TRump would rather everyone talk about his latest outrageous thing, like Arnold Palmer's private parts. He has nothing to offer US.

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The US media are spineless chumps.

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Speak for yourself, Danny Piper. There are millions of US who are not chumps nor are we being played. We vote, too.

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If you think for one moment I was calling people chumps, you are mistaken. Thanks for the knee jerk reaction. It's sad that some people will go after someone online just because you don't like what he/she said. Funny how some people are so loyal to Trump, while others will turn on people for a few words they misinterpret. Have a nice day.

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Danny: Obviously “playing as chumps” is describing Trump’s tactic. We can only hope and pray that he has miscalculated.


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She HAS called him out on his lies.

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"Does Trump have a brain," might be a good question to ask.

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Please! Let's not gross out everyone! Although I wouldn't be surprised if he actually goes there.

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He is the adolescent in an old man's body. Sad! And he "loves" women, enough to kill them for needing life saving health care when miscarrying a baby, by withholding that care. If that is "love" I shudder to see what he will do with hate.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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18 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

It's not about Trump who is being what he is. It's about Vance waiting in the wings to come to power when Trump falters. VOTE A TSUNAMI OF BLUE to prevent this!!!

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What a dreadful thought. My wife nearly has apoplexy when Vance appears. And we aren't even Americans.

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Vance is a loser ; think George Santos and all his phony Resumes. (and names). College isn't everything. The man has no integrity or ethics. He is owned and operated by Peter Thiel.

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This is why it's all the more important to vote against him and figuratively kick him in the nuts!

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Hah! Good one!

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I eschew violence, but why stop at figuratively?

Oops, I probably just blew my chances of ever visiting the USA again.

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Robert--Finally a subject I can relate to. Trump is attracted to powerful autocratic men from very bad countries. There is a hint of jealousy coupled with our fear the man intends to join the club if he gets reelected.

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Trump's reference to Arnold Palmer was less than tasteless. I guess we must consider the source, as always.

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You make a great point about what drives him. He has always been in search of a club that would accept him. NFL owners, Hollywood, other national leaders and billionaires have all rejected him. He is now begging to get into the autocrat club,

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That’s why Donald trump has to sexually assault women instead of actually making passionate love to them—because his ‘thing’ must be so small!! No sustainability, Donald—none! It’s a 1,2,3 thrust and the dirty, twisted and terrifying deed is complete! Why is he not locked up? AND—how the HELL is he allowed to run for president? Finally, Donald you’re no ‘warrior, big and strong’ YOU EVADED THE DRAFT 5 damned times!! —Widow of a Vietnam Veteran 1968-1970.

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The image of he even engaging in a sex act is why my basement vomitorium is now 9.5 friggin’ years old…

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When he assaulted E. Jean Carroll, he used his fingers, not his, um, mushroom. Should we wonder why?

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Eeeeew. Disgusting image and despicable behavior… animalistic and crude… truly gross…

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And the way he said, no, leared, GROWLED, “I love women”, made me want to hurl. Disgusting on so many levels.

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It all makes me wonder where his sexual Orientation really lies….me thinks he protests TOO much about 'loving women'.

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Trump's mentor in the ways of the world was Roy Cohn.

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Absolutely. He always reminds me of the pianist (that's PIANIST) Liberace, who famously sued a newspaper (successfully) when they suggested he was gay, but later died of AIDS. There's the same outrageously camp presentation. I don't think this is what is meant by Camp David, Donald.

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Yup. Good ol' Shakespeare!

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I suppose you have a point about his toxic masculinity insecurities, but what I see is his inability to see the world through anything but the filter he wears. That is why he thinks that all those comments about strength and being the big man will resonate with others. It's what matters to him, and that is the only person he has ever tried to help. He has ALWAYS said and done whatever he thinks people want to hear - as long as it gets him closer to his goals. He is without scruples. How his followers can't see that his motivations have nothing to do with their needs, and everything to do with what he wants is beyond all logic. He knows that if he doesn't win this time, he will go to jail, or at a minimum lose a significant part of his fortune. He's smart enough to know that if he softens his message - which he has lately - he might just keep enough votes to win. He is in a fight for his life, so look out. A cornered rat only knows one way forward. Just wait until he realizes that it's not going to go his way. Then we'll get to see the real DJT...again.

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Did Biden claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

There is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Trump swallowed a Viagra pill the other day and it got stuck in his throat. The issue gave Donnie a stiff neck.

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I think that he would need a couple of TRRUCKSFUL of Viagra, Cialis, whatever. The thing can't say JACK about Melania but jabbers about how SEXY his daughter is.


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You made me laugh with that!

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And knowing it made you laugh makes me laugh!

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Klare K. And Jaime Ramirez, that makes three of us. Woke up the kitty because I was laughing so hard!

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And now I just woke my two up because I laughed so hard at what you said!

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Too Funny!

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Between your comments and those of his psychologist niece, Mary Trump, we have vivisected Donald yet it seems to bother none of his supporters who treat him as a palimpsest upon which they inscribe their own legends.

We must wake up from this nightmare.

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looking from across the Atlantic I always thought Donald Trump was a prick. Prof Reich has explained why. Still hard to understand why almost half of Americans can still contemplate voting for him!

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