My hope is that a tsunami of incompetence and infighting will overwhelm and drown intention.

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I can’t help but observe that, besides fealty to tRump, most of the nominees have been accused of abuses of power expressed sexually. A room full of people prone to abuses of power only needs a spark to go off. I guess you could call it a power keg.

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I believe Dr. Reich is approaching this as primarily a political issue, but he’s missing the larger and far more critical reality: this is a psychiatric issue at its core. That’s the real problem here. What we’re witnessing is not merely political polarization but a group mental illness of staggering proportions. This makes the situation far more serious than anything political alone.

These individuals have been blinded by relentless propaganda. Until the source of that propaganda is dismantled—until the lies and manipulation are cut off at their roots—there will be no resolution. This is what should have been done from the outset, but unfortunately, it wasn’t.

My recommendation to Dr. Reich is this: prepare for the worst. He might want to consider sending his children out of the country and start packing his own belongings. He should take care to select the best pair of striped pajamas, as that’s the direction we’re headed if this continues unchecked. This is not a political conflict—it is a psychiatric crisis, a deeply ingrained mental health issue that cannot be resolved through traditional political strategies alone.

Where large groups adopt delusional beliefs propagated by a charismatic leader—has been examined in psychiatric literature under concepts like shared psychotic disorder (formerly known as folie à deux or folie à plusieurs) and the psychological dynamics of cults. While the term "group psychosis" isn't a formal diagnosis in contemporary psychiatry, the behaviors observed in such groups share similarities with recognized psychiatric conditions.

Shared Psychotic Disorder and Cult Dynamics

Shared psychotic disorder involves the transmission of delusional beliefs from a primary individual to one or more others who are in close association. This can occur in family units or larger groups, such as cults, where a dominant leader's delusions are adopted by followers. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has reclassified this condition under "Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder," acknowledging that delusional symptoms can be induced in individuals who are closely associated with someone with an established delusion.


Notable Works on Cults and Group Psychosis

Several authoritative texts delve into the psychological mechanisms of cults and the phenomenon of shared delusions:

"Cults: Inside the World's Most Notorious Groups and Understanding the People Who Joined Them" by Max Cutler

This book provides in-depth narratives of various cults, exploring the psychological manipulation employed by leaders to indoctrinate followers.


"The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in American Society" by Arthur J. Deikman, M.D.

Dr. Deikman examines how cult behaviors manifest not only in fringe groups but also within mainstream society, highlighting the universal psychological patterns that make individuals susceptible to such influences.


"Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems" by Alexandra Stein

Stein discusses the attachment bonds formed in cults and how these relationships can lead to a form of traumatic bonding, resulting in deep psychological control over members.

"Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan

A former cult member himself, Hassan provides insights into the methods of mind control used by cults and offers strategies for recovery and assistance for those affected.

"Cults in Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace" by Margaret Thaler Singer and Janja Lalich

This work explores the pervasive nature of cults in society and the psychological techniques they use to recruit and retain members.

Approaches to Addressing Group Psychosis in Cults

Addressing the psychological grip of cults involves several strategies:

Education and Awareness: Informing the public about the tactics used by cults can inoculate individuals against recruitment.

Mental Health Interventions: Therapeutic approaches, including counseling and support groups, can aid former members in deconstructing indoctrinated beliefs and rebuilding their autonomy.

Legal and Policy Measures: Implementing regulations that prevent harmful practices and provide avenues for legal recourse can deter cult activities.

Understanding the psychiatric underpinnings of group psychosis in cults is crucial for developing effective interventions and supporting those affected by such phenomena

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Oh it's a a cult.

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Or you could pack up and leave the country.

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Deplorables first. You're not needed.

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My people were here way before yours.

You get out!

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You first! Unless you're native... You first!

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Helpful resources, thanks!

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There are plenty of accusations against both parties. The problem is that the undemocratic ones fighting to deny rights of the people are making your said accusations.

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This is what happened in his first 2 years. I hope that history repeats itself - except for the Pandemic part as we have the Bird Flu waiting in the wings... (sorry about the pun)

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In his first term Trump did not know anything about the United States except Mar-a-logo and casinos hotels. He bankrupted them. He hired some great Generals but then realized he could not compromise them as Trump did not understand the tenants of men that take oaths.

He fired them and at the end put in yahooes. This time he hired 4 people with no experience, hence he can control them. It’s not rocket science.

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So everyone is shocked about a prebious casino owner's, " Pay for Play policy." You seem to forget the play is always stacked in the house's favor. People seriously tjis man cheats @ golf. Lying, cheating and stealing is what he does. Remember the Viking in the comics, Hagar? Pillaging and raping is what they do. Brothel owners don't respect women, they sell the goods for profit. Ask grandpa Trump.

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I believe Dr. Reich is approaching this as primarily a political issue, but he’s missing the larger and far more critical reality: this is a psychiatric issue at its core. That’s the real problem here. What we’re witnessing is not merely political polarization but a group mental illness of staggering proportions. This makes the situation far more serious than anything political alone.

These individuals have been blinded by relentless propaganda. Until the source of that propaganda is dismantled—until the lies and manipulation are cut off at their roots—there will be no resolution. This is what should have been done from the outset, but unfortunately, it wasn’t.

My recommendation to Dr. Reich is this: prepare for the worst. He might want to consider sending his children out of the country and start packing his own belongings. He should take care to select the best pair of striped pajamas, as that’s the direction we’re headed if this continues unchecked. This is not a political conflict—it is a psychiatric crisis, a deeply ingrained mental health issue that cannot be resolved through traditional political strategies alone.

Where large groups adopt delusional beliefs propagated by a charismatic leader—has been examined in psychiatric literature under concepts like shared psychotic disorder (formerly known as folie à deux or folie à plusieurs) and the psychological dynamics of cults. While the term "group psychosis" isn't a formal diagnosis in contemporary psychiatry, the behaviors observed in such groups share similarities with recognized psychiatric conditions.

Shared Psychotic Disorder and Cult Dynamics

Shared psychotic disorder involves the transmission of delusional beliefs from a primary individual to one or more others who are in close association. This can occur in family units or larger groups, such as cults, where a dominant leader's delusions are adopted by followers. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has reclassified this condition under "Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder," acknowledging that delusional symptoms can be induced in individuals who are closely associated with someone with an established delusion.


Notable Works on Cults and Group Psychosis

Several authoritative texts delve into the psychological mechanisms of cults and the phenomenon of shared delusions:

"Cults: Inside the World's Most Notorious Groups and Understanding the People Who Joined Them" by Max Cutler

This book provides in-depth narratives of various cults, exploring the psychological manipulation employed by leaders to indoctrinate followers.


"The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in American Society" by Arthur J. Deikman, M.D.

Dr. Deikman examines how cult behaviors manifest not only in fringe groups but also within mainstream society, highlighting the universal psychological patterns that make individuals susceptible to such influences.


"Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems" by Alexandra Stein

Stein discusses the attachment bonds formed in cults and how these relationships can lead to a form of traumatic bonding, resulting in deep psychological control over members.

"Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan

A former cult member himself, Hassan provides insights into the methods of mind control used by cults and offers strategies for recovery and assistance for those affected.

"Cults in Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace" by Margaret Thaler Singer and Janja Lalich

This work explores the pervasive nature of cults in society and the psychological techniques they use to recruit and retain members.

Approaches to Addressing Group Psychosis in Cults

Addressing the psychological grip of cults involves several strategies:

Education and Awareness: Informing the public about the tactics used by cults can inoculate individuals against recruitment.

Mental Health Interventions: Therapeutic approaches, including counseling and support groups, can aid former members in deconstructing indoctrinated beliefs and rebuilding their autonomy.

Legal and Policy Measures: Implementing regulations that prevent harmful practices and provide avenues for legal recourse can deter cult activities.

Understanding the psychiatric underpinnings of group psychosis in cults is crucial for developing effective interventions and supporting those affected by such phenomena

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All politics are psychological manipulation, for heaven’s sake! That’s why you have to get to know your representatives in Congress; they are representing your and my interest not some bullying wannabe dictator!

Tell them to stand up to yrump every chance they get!

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We will have to see. This is early days, they have to learn a lot about the scenario and each other. One thing is sure, you can go and give advice to President Trump. If the advice is good, he will accept it and will think it is his idea. As it might be, it seems, he knows what he wants.

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Trump wouldn't know good advice if it bit him in the axx. He isn't a thinker.

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Yeah, more money, more power. More of other people's property.

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Facts only. No opinions.

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At this point in time, there needs to be a little more puns, and even Freudians. Nothing like levity to help morale.

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Because really, there's little else to do about it. Dems should feel like Chicken Little": "The sky is falling, the sky is falling", with no one listening when it actually does fall.

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Since my maiden name is Little let me be the first to say I saw the sky falling and Besos squashing free speech by not allowing the post to endorse Harris. Well since it was bought by the Moonies previously I knew they would be supporting Capitalist Christian China.

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I always felt Jeff Sessions recused himself to opt out. At least he got to leave with some character intact. If not with inegrity.

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Who'd have ever thought that Jeff Sessions had character or integrity?

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He was an incompetent coward.

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Character of no integrity and no spine.

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Jeff Sessions recused because Al Franken shamed him into it, he was not going to do so. And the repubs got even with Franken for it.


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You are so right and I love puns. Thank you.

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And may monkey pox run rampant

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Trouble is all the MAGA people will realize they have been doubly betrayed by the system. First the Dems betrayed by cutting their incomes and jobs with free trade and now their reaction backing Trump fails too. The depths of despair and bitterness among a huge slice of our population increases exponentially. Maybe a small percentage of them might wake up as a result but don’t count on a rational reaction. They will be more vulnerable to violent solutions. Which Steve Bannon and that wing of Trumpism has advocated all along.

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Um, misrepresentation of free trade, it wasn’t all bad, and the last agreement was authorized by the Trump administration in July 2020


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Uh yes , please no one made wages go down, corporations kept them from going up. Money never trickled down. Republicans refused to help Dems pass an increase in minimum wage. My 3 daughters got huge raises last year, oh none of them work for corporations, LOL

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Trickle down capitalism is the ONLY form of economics that actually exists. Don’t be fooled.

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I don't think it is a misrepresentation. Whatever the claims of advantages, the bottom line was that overall standard of living was lowered for most, it did not translate into benefitting working people. After devastating industries in the U.S., it trashed Mexico, then moved on to "capitalize" in other countries. The only ones this benefited was the wealthy.

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People stuff they don’t understand or research. You do your homework. I congratulate you.

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I believe Dr. Reich is approaching this as primarily a political issue, but he’s missing the larger and far more critical reality: this is a psychiatric issue at its core. That’s the real problem here. What we’re witnessing is not merely political polarization but a group mental illness of staggering proportions. This makes the situation far more serious than anything political alone.

These individuals have been blinded by relentless propaganda. Until the source of that propaganda is dismantled—until the lies and manipulation are cut off at their roots—there will be no resolution. This is what should have been done from the outset, but unfortunately, it wasn’t.

My recommendation to Dr. Reich is this: prepare for the worst. He might want to consider sending his children out of the country and start packing his own belongings. He should take care to select the best pair of striped pajamas, as that’s the direction we’re headed if this continues unchecked. This is not a political conflict—it is a psychiatric crisis, a deeply ingrained mental health issue that cannot be resolved through traditional political strategies alone.

Where large groups adopt delusional beliefs propagated by a charismatic leader—has been examined in psychiatric literature under concepts like shared psychotic disorder (formerly known as folie à deux or folie à plusieurs) and the psychological dynamics of cults. While the term "group psychosis" isn't a formal diagnosis in contemporary psychiatry, the behaviors observed in such groups share similarities with recognized psychiatric conditions.

Shared Psychotic Disorder and Cult Dynamics

Shared psychotic disorder involves the transmission of delusional beliefs from a primary individual to one or more others who are in close association. This can occur in family units or larger groups, such as cults, where a dominant leader's delusions are adopted by followers. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has reclassified this condition under "Other Specified Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder," acknowledging that delusional symptoms can be induced in individuals who are closely associated with someone with an established delusion.


Notable Works on Cults and Group Psychosis

Several authoritative texts delve into the psychological mechanisms of cults and the phenomenon of shared delusions:

"Cults: Inside the World's Most Notorious Groups and Understanding the People Who Joined Them" by Max Cutler

This book provides in-depth narratives of various cults, exploring the psychological manipulation employed by leaders to indoctrinate followers.


"The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in American Society" by Arthur J. Deikman, M.D.

Dr. Deikman examines how cult behaviors manifest not only in fringe groups but also within mainstream society, highlighting the universal psychological patterns that make individuals susceptible to such influences.


"Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems" by Alexandra Stein

Stein discusses the attachment bonds formed in cults and how these relationships can lead to a form of traumatic bonding, resulting in deep psychological control over members.

"Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan

A former cult member himself, Hassan provides insights into the methods of mind control used by cults and offers strategies for recovery and assistance for those affected.

"Cults in Our Midst: The Continuing Fight Against Their Hidden Menace" by Margaret Thaler Singer and Janja Lalich

This work explores the pervasive nature of cults in society and the psychological techniques they use to recruit and retain members.

Approaches to Addressing Group Psychosis in Cults

Addressing the psychological grip of cults involves several strategies:

Education and Awareness: Informing the public about the tactics used by cults can inoculate individuals against recruitment.

Mental Health Interventions: Therapeutic approaches, including counseling and support groups, can aid former members in deconstructing indoctrinated beliefs and rebuilding their autonomy.

Legal and Policy Measures: Implementing regulations that prevent harmful practices and provide avenues for legal recourse can deter cult activities.

Understanding the psychiatric underpinnings of group psychosis in cults is crucial for developing effective interventions and supporting those affected by such phenomena

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Plus they have their guns. Their hate will rule them and blame will ensue. These people do not understand Cause and Effect just Free Will.

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Who is “they?” Everyone covered under the second amendment?

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No. The PRESIDENT will focus on the economy and border that you abused so badly. Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Alex Jones, Tom Fitton, Megyn Kelly, Julie Kelly, Alina Habba, Catherine Herridge and others will be the ones coming after the child sex trafficking democrats, the democrats using illegals as prostitutes and the democrats embedding illegal mercenaries in the states.

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Ernie, you picked the wrong audience to try and sell your point of view. We are not buying it. Not trying to argue with you, but you have been duped. I am sorry this happened, but also that so many Americans seem to believe as you do. Good luck.

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I bet people said the same thing to Jefferson. Remember, that was the first civil war because cowards decided to back the British against the new American Patriots. You do know history right? You're not arguing because you're on the side of the defeated...cowards seem to be an ever present on your side. Why would the COWARD milley need a pardon? Why did the COWARD austin go AWOL? What is it with COWARDS and your side of the aisle?

You're sorry that black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICANS won the election for PRESIDENT TRUMP? I bet you're White. I bet you're what blm called a Rich Privileged White Suburban Racist.

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Ernie, given that we are not going to get anywhere, I suggest you not try to engage with me.

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Mmmm I thought that would be the answer. Offended by black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICANS are you. It seems that only ass kissing sycophants are you're go to audience. You come onto these sites thinking you're going to be able to serve up bullshit and get praise. You sound like a uni party slave and a man immune to facts. You lost the election.

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You are very impressed by your own command of nonsense. Aren’t you ashamed to be wasting your time trying to troll people online? What a sad and sorry public spectacle that you make of yourself. Your parents must be mortified.

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If you’re actually a bot (which seems likely, given the strings of nearly random nonsensical slurs and taunts you like to bandy about), I hope that the cretins who programmed you find honest work instead of creating a nuisance of their immature selves.

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No. Not a bot and unlike yourself not programed. You see 75 years of liberal and socialist bullshit means that a wealth of experience comes from schooling liberals on life

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You claim to have learned about Marxists and liberals, neither of which really describe the Democratic Party, which sits somewhere to the right of Dwight Eisenhower. However you totally ignore the dangers posed by the Far Right, which is a far bigger threat. You need to move beyond our Revolutionary War and Civil War, to study the French Revolution and the bloody insurrections that followed, and WWII.

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What a shit investigator you are. At 75 I've spent over 60 years countering you Marxists. My parents, both now dead, are where I inherited my intolerance for liberal bullshit. They were hard working free thinkers. And trolling? You bligthly sit in your mother's basement posting so that you'll get a Like from some other basement dweller and then go all karen when an opposing view appears. You are the reason Elon Musk has to go to India to find intelligent men.

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Oh, so you’re an actual human? Color me surprised. I was convinced that no living person could possibly write such drivel as you have been spewing, so I concluded you were just a bot who suffered from defective coding.

My apologies, fellow human. Now why don’t we put a stop to this pointless disputation and call it a day?

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And Trump lost the election in 2020 and was a sore loser about it. And tried to overturn the election because he couldn’t accept defeat. And Trump surrounds himself with project 2025 syncophants. What’s your point?

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My point comes in the very last sentence of my reply to you. How grateful I am that the PRESIDENT kept these two wome...birthing persons, out of the WHITE HOUSE.

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Ah, misogyny. Of course, the ass hat who programmed you had to add in a dose of it.

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The President did what the clinton woman told her puppy biden to do. She knew the fbi were covering for obama so she told biden never to concede. PRESIDENT TRUMP did what any leader does and FIGHTS for his country. You tell me where those MISSING votes for biden went. And SYCOPHANTS? THE PRESIDENT is picking his team. You'd call TULSI AND RFK Jr sycophants? Maybe they saw the fuxx up you made of the country. Maybe they want to find the children you sold into sex slavery, or the young men and women you sold in prostitution. They sure as fuxx want to destroy the illegal mercenaries you've flown in. But I'd have thought you'd be happy that black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICANS won the election for PRESIDENT TRUMP. ARE YOU WHITE?

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ARE YOU RACIST? What difference does it make if I am white or not?

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I just wondered whether the fact that it was black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim and asian AMERICANS that swung Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Florida, Arizona and Texas for PRESIDENT TRUMP that made you call THE PRESIDENT'S supporters sycophants because they voted his MAGA team in to destroy the democrat machine.

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Earnie…you seem convinced. But WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE?

You got Trump for 4 years (he had one achievement - tax breaks for the wealthy) you go another 4 more of him spouting nonsense, lies and grift during Biden’s term, and now you have the emperor back and he is back to the same playbook of lies, grift and incompetence (If you believe taking over Gaza to make it the “Rivera of the Middle East” is a good “America First” idea, well than I have a stack of Trump bibles to sell you).

Over 50% of the population does not share any conception of the reality you occupy. This is not a disagreement of policy, but actual understanding of what is fact vs. fiction. What we believe is simply this - if you would not trust Trump with you wife, daughter or money (if you do, I suggest you give this a lot of thought) and you actually believe a single thing he says, you live on an entirely different plane when it comes to what you see, hear and think.

Any argument you make based on his words and deeds is rejected out of hand entirely, because what we see, hear and think is based on a world view that is based on actual reality.

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Are you sure about the 50% I've heard the PRESIDENT'S popularity is over 50% and now he's unearthing all of you're corrupt spending you can bet the minority populations, the hard working ones are going to keep the PRESIDENT in their hearts for yeara

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Did you see the number of parents that trusted the PRESIDENT with their daughters at the signing. AND HE DIDN'T SNIFF ANY ONES HAIR. RESULT

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4 years of PRESIDENT TRUMP. I'll give you some homework. Look up the improvement in GDP thanks to the PRESIDENT'S tax reforms. Look up how the PRESIDENT brought a period of peace to the Middle East. Look up how the PRESIDENT warned Germany about the stupidity of depending on Russia for energy. Look up how the PRESIDENT warned that oats for brains would destroy the Republic. Today? The PRESIDENT has uncovered all the bullshit spending you've been doing. Two weeks where the PRESIDENT has put AMERICAN back at the head of the Top table

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You shouldn't drink the punch Ernie. It muddles your brain and makes you an alarmist conspiracy theorist.

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Punch? It's a change from being told to drop the Kool aid. What doesn't change is that black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICANS won the election for PRESIDENT TRUMP. Again, even your failing cnn called the election for PRESIDENT TRUMP. So, if youve got a beef take it up with them... If they're still running. I reckon the PRESIDENT has destroyed them as well.

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How does it feel to have a cranium sloshing with guano?

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Wow. You called all minority communities SHIT people. That puts you way within the camp of PRIVILEGED, RICH, WHITE, SUBURBAN RACISTS. in fact I'd say it makes you THE QUEEN of PRIVILEGED, RICH, WHITE, SUBURBAN, RACISTS.

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A tsunami was reelected 16 days ago, and its giving a very intentional middle finger to us as we speak. So there's that.

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Yup, those who wish for failure. That classifies you as a moron. The people have spoken. Put your crying towel away and put on your big boy pants. Semper Fi.

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Oh, you mean don’t be a sore loser and whining cry baby like Trump was after he lost to Joe Biden in 2020? Don’t worry, Democrats don’t do insurrections. We actually believe in the peaceful transfer of power and democracy, as opposed to Trump and the MAGA morons.

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Democrat Insurrection See The White House 2020.

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Fake News!

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Likely scenario. I said sit back and watch the Circus. Putin's playthings jumping through hoops.

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No one can say they didn’t see it coming

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Me too!

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Americans always hope they can do nothing.

America will go down talking.

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Somebody get Ernie some help.

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Wow...seems like you should hope for the opposite. I'd rather have a great country than hope for it's downfall just because the presidential candidate I voted for didn't win. At the end of the day we are all Americans.

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What tRump promises is a great country for him and his rich friends, not so much for the rest of us.

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I personally, don't believe that. It's not what he did the first time he was in office. I very much don't believe it will be that way this time. Many people thrived last time he was in office. That is why he overwhelmingly won the election. I'd like to take some of the more outlandish claims I've heard made about Trump over these last several months, and see if any of them turned out to be true 12 months into his presidency.

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Many people thrived during Trumps first term in office?Here was Trumps record during his first term: he coasted on the strong economy he inherited from President Obama. When a real crisis occurred (the pandemic) he was incompetent and chaotic. Remember toilet paper shortages? Remember 3000 people dying every week from COVID? Remember Trump saying COVID was no worse than the flu and it would be done in a few weeks? Remember governors of various states scrambling to procure personal protective equipment for medical personnel and first responders in their states, because Trump didn’t care that PPE was in short supply and didn’t lift a finger to help? Remember when Trump gave COVID test kits that were in short supply to Putin? I remember all of this. Trump is an incompetent fool and it is just a matter of time before another crisis comes along (or he precipitates a crisis) and he crashes and burns the economy again.

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Kam, that's a great idea over the next 12 months. Use Project 2025 to help you keep score. But why not use History - he's been there before and his record exists for everyone to smell, I mean see. Kam, he lied to us over 30,000 times! On everything imaginable - from the BS about his inauguration crowd size to Mexico paying for the border wall - both ridiculous, stupid, obvious LIES.

I'm certain if you did that (honestly), you'd be overwhelmed in 90 days, let alone 365. But you'll need to pay close attention to the dozens of ways this will play out (the actions of his Cabinet members, the judges his administration appoints, the amount of authority he gives an unelected billionaire, the church services you can attend with trump for $100k a pop, the racist and homophobic language he uses, the tariff BS in his 1st term cost US billions - including paying farmers whose crops weren't bought by foreign countries due to the tariffs last time, selling national park rights to drill, for oil and cut timber, climate change denial and cuts to renewable energy development - (drill baby drill), insulting living and dead American service members, the attempts to cut Medicare and Social Security last time and in the next months, and on and on and on) and you'll clearly see the truth in those 'Outlandish claims' made against him.

But, Kam, there will be Fox and others who will continue to lick his boots and lie right along with him. Truth is, many of those toadies hate trump and everything he stands for, but they simply do not have the spine or integrity to serve their country honorably in their elected positions and are just fine being his cult members.

Trump's cheerleading for Putin and the gift to Putin of having the United States turn its back on Ukrainians might be the first thing you'll notice. Without US assistance, the Ukrainian's incredible stand against an AMERICAN ENEMY won't last forever. Do you personally support Putin conquering Ukrain and Russia becoming a direct threat to all of Eastern Eurpoe?? Do you support thousands more women, children and old people being slaughtered by Putin?

There's so much more, Kam. IF you are truly open minded and dedicated to learning, you will be overwhelmed quickly. But, its an education that will serve you for a lifetime.

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You have watched a tsunami of incompetence for the last 4 years/. The welfare of millions of illegal aliens have been prioritized over the welfare of American citizens.

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I see you are in the cult.

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This cult?

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Does pointing out the painful realities of Democrats make me a cult member?

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Then point them out. Don’t generalize. Undocumented immigrant immigrants paid $92B in taxes last year for which they received no benefits. Give us SPECIFICS

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An illegal alien in New York City left behind an EBT receipt on the counter after making a purchase with it. The cashier involved took pictures of the receipt, which made the rounds on the internet. The receipt showed an EBT balance of over $13,000 on it.

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What is your point?

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How many Americans have $13,000 on THEIR EBT cards? The point is that illegals have been prioritized over American citizens. In Springfiled, Ohio, an illegal went into a gun store and bought an AR-15 without showing ID. The clerk called headquarters and asked if she could sell the gun to an illegal aliens with no ID. She was told to sell it to him. He paid for the gun with his government credit card.

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Thanks for that solid information! Springfield, OH again? Really? NO ID whatsoever? Really? The clerk called HEADQUARTERS and the illegal sale was OK'd? Really? And he paid with a government credit card? Really? Did the 'illegal' then use the AR-15 to slaughter his neighbor's pets? And did the 'illegal' then Bar-B-Q the animals to feast on with other Springfield 'illegals'?

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Yes, and I also saw a video where an illegal with no license plate on his car crashed into another car (which happens frequently there) The cops came to the scene, and let the illegal drive off with no ticket or impounding. Try taking the license plates off YOUR car, and let me know what happens. As for barbecue, illegals in Canton, Ohio were filmed barbecuing cats. The woman that stomped on the cat's head and killed it, then started eating it on the spot, got 1 year in jail. The good news is that the illegals know that Trump will deport them, so they have already started to leave town.

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When you spout cult rhetoric, it makes you a cult member. The facts show that the last 4 years have resulted in many good things for the country.

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Such as……millions of illegal aliens that received free food, medical care and housing - while Americans didn’t get a damn thing; record high food and fuel prices; Haitian illegal aliens in Springfield Ohio killing Americans in traffic accidents; Venezuelan gangsters taking over apartment buildings in Colorado, Chicago, San Antonia and Dallas……yes, those are good things.

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Like I said... cult rhetoric, including factually debunked stories. The Pandemic caused inflation, not Biden's administration, and came down to an "acceptable" 2%. Lots of jobs were created. Infrastructure improved. Haitians were invited - legally - to Springfield. But no use debating with you because you will never believe the truth.

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Your ignorance—dare I say, downright stupidity— is breathtaking

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Stupid liberals like you are okay with millions of illegal aliens getting far more government benefits than you will ever see.

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What benefits? Specifically

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Maybe I need to be louder SPECIFICALLY

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Yes, and the tsunami of incompetence will reveal the true nature of them all- Personal Gain

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I fear hoping they will self destruct is not enough action for this moment.

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Don't hold your breath...

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History has often shown that when one narcissist starts telling another narcissist what to do, the first is in danger of losing his head.

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Two 'yuge' egos cannot occupy the same room.

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It’s the ids we should worry about.

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sounds like a law of politics

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I could not agree more. Those egos….

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One can only hope.

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That’s what I’ve been saying, their relationship isn’t viable long term. They’re both raging narcissists, Elon and trumps team have already had fights; therefore, I feel it’s only a matter of time before the two of them blow up. Although I worry trumps team is trying to keep the relationship more stable for a longer time by pushing Elon out of the direct trump sphere but knowing Elon he probably won’t leave trump alone even when he’s working with Vivek and Majorie on their little project.

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Trump can’t fire musk. He needs his $ and his silence about the election interference with Putin’s cybersecurity attacks.

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You’re acting like Trump literally can’t. He can, and knowing Trump and his shortsightedness, probably will lol

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Hasn't Vivik already been kicked to the curb?

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Fine by me if at least both do...🤯🤯

I am reminded of the grand finale of the first Kingsmen movie....

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Only if it's televised...

Not really...


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History has rarely seen a negotiater or a leader as great as PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP. THE USA is sitting at the head of the Top Table again.

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Let the infighting begin and tear them all to shreds.

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That's what I'm hoping. There's going to be so much of it. I mean, what happens when you put a bunch of Type As in a room - egos and narcissists are a very toxic and volatile combination.

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Trump will do away quickly with anyone taking his thunder.

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Wow it must be eating you up that black, hispanic, latino, jewish, muslim, asian and native AMERICANS won the election for PRESIDENT TRUMP. Are you white?

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Doubt they'll make that mistake again . . .

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I asked if you were white?

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The PRESIDENT is going to The White House. The children you've trafficked over the border for sex have no idea where they're going. Unfortunately, neither do you.

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Democrats trafficking children is absolutely the most bizarre claim made by mouth-breathing MAGAs. I guess it is true that it's possible to make people believe anything if it's repeated often enough.

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Take responsibility for your actions. I didn't say democrats. I said you've been trafficking the children and so far you've said nothing to dissuade me. But Tom Holman could well be knocking on your door.

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That is something you can count on. The next 6 months will be out of “the twilight zone”.

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that is what has happened in our Missouri legislature: The Repub infighting sometimes prevents them from passing the most horrible legislation. So many big egos they can't get much done.

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Steve Bannon (of all people!) has declared war on Muskrat. Let er rip! 🍵 🍿

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Is this before or after newscum burns Los Angeles to the ground

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These aren’t democrats… not sure that’ll happen here.

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Musk, Trump and his host of other blood suckers cabinet picks, will drain America dry, through me, myself and I agenda, so congratulations to the voters who are so delighted with their pick for President, for your going to get what you deserve and you're not going to like it and neither will the rest of us, who did not vote for a tyrant.

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I voted Kamala; one thing I’m saying to my Trumpy brothers: Thank God there will be NO MORE PORN!

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I got the deer in headlights look from said Trumpy brothers

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As long as there are man-hating feminists like you, there will be porn.

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Hi Frank, It’s the Christian Nationalists in Trumps orbit who want the porn GONE! GONE! GONE! They have the influence with Trump, not little people like me.

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Hello Pamela, the present administration has flagged male influencers on Youtube such as Sandman MGTOW and Rollo Tomassi as “male supremacists”. Christian Nationalists don’t have anywhere near this level of clout.

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Hi Frank, I’m not familiar with them. We’ll have to wait and see what happens porn-wise. Most people would, of course, get rid of kiddie porn. Let’s hope that happens. In the meantime I am looking forward to prices on most things Americans buy coming way down. Have a Merry Christmas!

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Hello Pamela. I agree that kiddie porn should be illegal, and from what I understand, it already is (?) Trump will drill for oil, which will lower the price of transporting food and everything else, which will hopefully see price reductions in those items. Merry Christmas to you as well.

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You’re welcome.

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Elon, Rasputin, whatever.

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Elon's banging Melania!?

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What a sickening image!

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Deport both

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Thanks for that laugh!

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Haha! But I doubt it as he prefers IVF or surrogate mothers. Apparently does not like to get intimate. or up-close and personal. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexzhavoronkov/2022/07/27/elon-musk-and-other-billionaires-make-their-babies-via-ivf-and-surrogatesis-it-a-future-of-reproduction/

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Elon has no pecker, he can’t do sex in a normal way. Mel is tired of being sex worker now. Mel vants to be alone.

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Ooo-🤣 that’s a juicy rumor that might get you maga beheaded!

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You would have to schedule time between her Secret Service guards.

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Anything problem with that?!!!

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Musk might think that's a compliment. These ego driven wankers never think about how other ego driven wankers met their end. The hunger for power creates tunnel vision.

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that leads me to eastern mysticism.

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Nov 17Edited

👍 Good observation. I haven't thought of it that way. Thanks!

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You may be right about going public but all those billionaires who supported trump are looking for a return on investment.

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I heard that Elon owes a lot of Russians after his purchase of Twitter. I don’t recall if it’s Russian banks or billionaires. And now he’s in a position to take apart the US government? Where is national security when we need it?

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For the first time in our history, the president, vice president, cabinet, most of the republican congress and many supreme court justices are more dedicated to Russia than they are America.

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SCOTUS has lost all credibility!

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The single biggest threat to our democracy, well, after you know who.

The men on the court have lost their minds.

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For years SCOTUS has been packed with corporate stooges. We're reaping the consequences now.

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Scrotus !

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This cannot end well, no matter how it ends.

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A more or less "soft landing"for the near term- the next few years, is possible but seems unlikely. What will our institutions looks like after Trump and crew?

The mind reels.

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Nov 17Edited

👍 They seem to like that neo-feudal model - that they railed against communism over.

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This attributes to just how dumb they are. They don't know their world history. Only the stupid follow the stupid.

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William - I think i'll write a novel called "moscow on the potomac" and it will be about this time in history, leading up to a young man of wealth and power who undergoes a spiritual transformation and decides to get involved in restoring the country to greatness again by upending and destroying those who enslaved us and who has a powerful intellect and loves people and animals and the world, is kind and compassionate for those with less, and his name is Baron.

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Fantasy, obviously.

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oooooo (mouth open in shock)

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"dedicated to Russia" ? How so? ?

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Read trump's history. The Russians started working him back in the 1980s and they've provided a lot of money for him over the years. There are many good books on it, so go read them.

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Nov 17
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David Cay Johnston, Craig Unger and others. There's no doubt about the money provided to trump by Russia. At one point even the trumps said they have a lot of money coming from Russia.

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providing money doesnt concern the true patriot neocon -every patriot neocon does it so Why should Russia not do it?

How many Billions has the US WH handed to Netanyahu and Bibi ?

Im not sure what your real concern is.

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Russia is also looking for a return on their investment.

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Starlink was found in those bombs Iran gave Russia used as missile guidance. Now they'll say those parts were boot legged but I would bet it was payment.

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One word: Bratva.

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Trump also owes the Russians.

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In the orange one’s pocket.

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It was very obviously nonexistent during Trump's first administration. Will be worse now, if that's possible.

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I thought Saudis helped Leon buy Twitter?

Either way- where IS national security?

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That department was disbanded to eliminate excess government spending

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And what will they do when they don't receive it?

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Including Putin

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It’s only a matter of time before he turns his back on Elon. Look at Rudy….

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But Rudy was a sycophant sucking up to Trump for income. Elon has a power base in his business empire. He is functionally more powerful than Russia ‘s oligarchs . The clash will be very nasty with the potential for collateral damage to our economy and society.

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That’s a given. I am hoping we still have midterms.

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we will but we won't need to vote. elon figured that all out on this trial run which worked perfectly.

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Agreed. But when the economy crashes, Musk will get much of the blame considering how he runs his businesses. At that point, who knows?

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He might get the blame, but I doubt he will suffer any consequences. He will still have bankrupted the country for his personal enrichment.

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That's why the syncophan ( dt) will be sucking up to musk. I said as soon as the shit show started years ago dt is not going to be the president. It's musk and musk Inc.

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Potential?? More of a certainty

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Mush is out of luck when Tesla shares are tanking. His starlink will be acquired by someone else (bezos probably) to save fElon from bankruptcy.

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Yeah, exactly. The Orange Nutjob makes no distinction between anyone in the long run. Musty helped him steal the election. Once Musty has worn out his welcome, the ON will give him the boot. His MAGA followers supposedly helped him win; he got his votes. In two months he won't give a rat's ass about them. Yet, they'll still find excuses for his actions and behavior.

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I don't believe musk is going to be going anywhere - ever!!

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Only difference Lisa, is Rudy didn’t have the excess money Elon has. Trump will tolerate a lot from a guy

who happens to be a billionaire.

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I think he's more likely to tolerate an autocrat like Putin or Kim than an oligarch. We'll see.

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Unless trump has no say because Putin tells him Musk stays.

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You’re probably right Paula. I think he’s afraid of Putin.

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Me too, Susan.

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Until he bleeds him dry or Elon tells him no.

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Trump totally ruined Rudy’s reputation! Chewed him up and spit him out! Look at him today! A pitiful man!

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Nov 17Edited

Sorry. Ultimately, I disagree. Granted that the felon elect enticed his avarice, but Rudy did that to himself, the way so many who have voted for the felon elect or stayed home gloating over their virtue having voted for neither fandidate over a hobby-horse issue have probably done, but don't realize it yet, and - like Giuliani and the pillow guy - will probably never admit. Rudy should've said "that's bullshit" rather than "that's a >great< hustle" - an odd parallel with how the preacher says devil tempts the sinner. Don't you agree? I won't even bother to mention his "featured" role in Борат ! 🤣

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Was just thinking of that “starring role” and I did not need to have skills in Cyrillic

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No pity at all for Rudy. He cut his own throat in full view of America & deserves each & every smack down he gets. Hope that he ends up with nothing & lives in a shelter for the homeless, if any will have him.

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Rudy ruined Rudy's reputation. Zero sympathy.

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Agreed. I never once said I feel sorry for Rudy… they are both parasites.

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One can hope it is sooner rather than later

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Elon rigged the election for Dump, that means he’s indebted to him though.

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I wish people would stop attributing any thought or decision making to trump. He has no clue what's going on around him and it's others always telling him what to do. The media say "trump says" or "trump decided ". Nope it's his lawyers and advisers, not the idiot who thinks he's in charge.

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I think assuming he's a total imbecile is where we've been making some mistakes. While Trump is not stable OR a genius, he does have a gift for manipulation. I've known supremely stupid people who could maneuver other people into dancing any tune. They don't know WHY what they're doing is smart because it's instinct, but they're accidentally smart at manipulating for their own profit and pleasure.

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You’re absolutely right Carol. DT has one talent—he’s a world-class manipulator. He sucks people into his orbit before they know it. He will also ruthlessly discard them if they don’t do what he wants, when he wants it. Bottom line—he’s a bully extraordinaire.

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I'm thinking he starts out small --getting people to do things that are a bit morally off, and proceeds to get them to do worse and worse. However he does it, he's really good. I've always thought of Republicans as more outer directed than Democrats (inner directed- Riesman). i.e. Repubs really really believe in the social constructs they have absorbed. That makes such people even more manipulatable by Trump with his implicit or explicit threats of humiliation. And of course there is his promise of great rewards if they are loyal to him. Carrots and sticks.

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I think it’s even more subtle than that Steve. For

example, he, or someone pretending to be him, texted me almost every day for months.What I could read without opening the texts was very nice. It

was, “just answer one question for me,” or something similar. I didn’t open them or respond to them because I recognized they were manipulative.

If I had responded, they would’ve become progressively lengthier and stayed very nice. He would’ve flattered me more and more. He did say

he wanted to send his plane to pick me up, offered me dinner at Mar a whatever, etc. Then, if I had

taken the bait, he would eventually have started to question and criticize me in a very minor way while still keeping me around and flattering me. If I

stayed around and put up with the minor criticism,

at some point he would’ve had a frightening “meltdown” directed at me. It might have been as long as a year or even two years before he did that and during all of that time he would’ve been paying me for consultation services or something similar—something he knew I wanted or needed, all while

conditioning me to respond to him in a certain way.

It’s instinctive for him to treat people that way,

because he’s a narcissist. They all do what I’ve described to one degree or another. I know how

they operate because I’ve been through it with

more than one narcissist. They hunt people, find

out what their weaknesses are, what their needs

are, provide what they need or want until they’re

hooked and then threaten them at the first sign

of independence they display.

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I'm waiting for one former trumper to ask, "how did you manage to see thru him from the beginning?" The answer will be, "How didn't you?" Unless former MAGAs ask themselves how they got used, where were they vulnerable, what pressure points did they yield to... they'll forever be vulnerable to manipulative scumbags like trump. Of course these people need to be deprogramed and detoxified before their brains can clear. Some never will.

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He's honed his "craft" since childhood.

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He’s a narcissist. When a narcissist meets a stranger, the question he asks himself is “Can I exploit this person in a some way that will help to fill the great emptiness inside me?” Their entire raison d’etre is to fill that existential, unfillable emptiness. From birth, every minute of their life is spent pursuing satisfaction they will never experience. That means they must become expert at manipulating people and bringing them under their control. Those who can’t be manipulated are rejected immediately. His narcissism explains everything about him. It also explains his vulnerability to flattery and how easily he is manipulated. Narcissists attract narcissists because they form a feedback loop.

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what Carol JLH said.

Donald is in a class by himself when it comes to manipulating people. A lifetime of practice and honing that skill. Let's home Mika and Morning Joe don't fall victim in any way.

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Their fawning over him in 2016 helped legitimize him as a candidate, and they've come groveling back since 11-5.

To be fair, they're only the most obvious of the sycophancy of the corporate "news" media.

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I do not think that is true. I think Trump is calling the shots for the most part.

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All narcissists are bullies. Some are more subtle

about it than others, but it’s who they are and of course they never perceive their bullying for what

it is. They’re also overly sensitive at the same time. They often misinterpret innocent comments as criticism of them, because every narcissist fully believes they are lacking something as a person

they wish they had. It might be beauty, masculinity, intelligence or some skill they envy in others.They are drawn to people who have what they think they lack and will become best friends with that person. Then after a long time the narcissist will become contemptuous and start treating their, “best friend” badly.

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True, you can see that failing relationship's. Discard one partner for another. And probably had the second waiting in the wing's.

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Only after other people are making suggestions. You know why he picked JD!

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The Mango Mussolini has no clothes.

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Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud!

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First of all, Trump has no friends. Anyone that chooses to be near the jerk does so purely out of self-pervasion. Those who are under sever scrutiny like Musk, Gaetz, Johnson, or even that Kash guy, do so because Trump controls them through fear, not logic. Musk more than any of the others, should realize the danger involved with even being seen with the Don. Money talks until Musk decides to walk,

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Musk plays on the same playground as Putin and Xi and their oligarchs. I doubt that Elon is concerned about trump

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Yes. All these back-an-fourths between Putin/Trump/Musk. The common denominator seems to be Putin, tossing grenades into the mix that he’s started by finessing Trump, et.al. many loans and years ago-

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Yes. How coincidental that soon after Putin talked of a new world order, Elon tweeted it.

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"This will produce a government of nihilism and chaos."

We can only hope

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Think they could destroy each other before January ? That would be awesome

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But that would leave the Vance and then what?

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If we could get him into a furniture truck we’d never see him again? At the very least , after 4 years of him. The nation should be ready for change ? I don’t think he’d get away with the crap Trump does . Maybe I’m trying to be optimistic . Or hoping Karma comes off it’s vacation and starts dealing these gop pigs what they deserve

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Vance will be worse. 🤮

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Vance is smarter, but he's more conventional. Also, I don't see him being as awful, simply because he's not charismatic and will not have Trump's following.

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Oh, he's just as egotistical and incompetent. He'll fit right in.

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You might want to read this article from Politico it’s a deep dive on Vance and his backer’s.I know this will sound like lunacy, but just hope the orange one doesn’t keel over before the end of his term. Vance and crew have ideas we don’t want put into practice.


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I'm having trouble with the link because Substack is truncating the comments but I know Vance is terrible. I'm very afraid he will be our next president though.

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It isn't you, Lesley. There's either something wrong with Substack or something else I can't imagine. It's been truncating comments all week. I just got a new phone and it's still doing it, so it isn't that. Are you experiencing anything like that?

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No, I’m not having any trouble with Substack, isn’t that strange. If you go to politico and search for the article you should find it. Vance apparently call’s himself the “Dark Elf” and we are the “Hobbits”. Go figure.

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I found the article. Thank you sooo much. This explains both what the right is up to (although the systems conflict with each other), but also tells me that we need our own theory or theories. Am I crazy or do we not have those anymore? I think I know what we're trying to achieve but I'm having doubts about whether we have a unified theory about how our system should look. We have the Constitution but I don't think that's enough. I am not a political theorist so I might be missing the obvious. What do you think?

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You might be interested in this book, How to Stand Up to a Dictator, The Fight for our Future, by Maria Ressa. Maria Ressa, won the Nobel Piece Prize in 2021 for Safeguarding Freedom of Expression. A journalist she co-founded a news site called Rappler in the Philippines . The book describes the fight for democracy after Rodrigo Duterte became President of the Philippines and describes the tools developed to combat Duterte during his presidency. The Philippines was ruled by the U.S. for 50 years its constitution is based on the U.S. constitution, with similar governing systems. Because of these similarities, what happened in the Philippines during the Duterte presidency between 2016 and 2022 is very instructive for opposing the incoming Trump administration.

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Brown did not share his concerns to Kamala before the election? Then he is part of the problem. How is the Democratic party going to tell a better story when people like him don't speak up?

People are in bubbles.

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This plot sounds very very familiar.

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A rerun of 2016

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I don’t know what kind of life the people who voted for Trump live but have to wonder if they also live in constant turmoil, upheaval, and chaos. Is that why they don’t see anything abnormal about Trump? For myself, constant turmoil, upheaval, and chaos is no way to live.

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This is an interesting point. It’s a good way to describe financial vulnerability or financial precarity.

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Yes, I used to say those maga, financially struggling, somehow view Trump’s gold & riches & ironically & wishfully picture themselves as part of the rich kingdom. Like a gambler in a casino who thinks the next bet will make him rich.

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You're an idiot.

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They are living in a cult mentality.

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Wow-that is A psychological worthy insight, Jan~~That those who live in constant chaos attract the same!

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If we could spend less time criticizing the evils of Trump and much more time figuring out how to run/encourage ways to develop a more loving and harmonious society/nation, we would get further down the right road for all of us.

Reno Bob

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Do the Democrats have any claim at all to be “the adults in the room”? Then they should start acting like it, give up their fascination with Trump, and start acting like it, grappling with such questions as How to support unions, How to get dark money out of our politics and How to reduce economic inequality between our social classes. Time to start thinking, planning and building,

Reno Bob

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I agree with everything you say here. Except, I think it’s time to fight fire with fire. I want Biden and his team to execute a plan - one that might have been illegal before the SCOTUS immunity decision - to (at the most extreme) prevent tRump from taking power or (perhaps more reasonably) delay his taking power until Russian and high tech election interference can be unearthed, made public and a recount be conducted. Even if tRump won on a recount, it would undermine his credibility and highlight his (and his billionaire bros) huddles and collusion with the Russians.

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Democrats whine endlessly about respect for the “rule of law”. Fine, but what about enforcement of the law?

Democrats have given free passes to Trump and his crowd without number, starting with 10 indictments for obstruction in the Mueller report. They vanished within Garland’s DOJ.

Reno Bob

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You are quite right.

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biden has a constitutional obligation to defend the country from all enemies foreign and domestic. he has been given unchallengeable power by the corrupt 6 on the supreme court in the execution of his duties. Therefore, the only viable and proper solution is for biden to unleash the US Marshalls to sweep up the garbage that fomented and conducted this coup, and place them without legal recourse into a supermax facility for life.

This list would include all members of house and senate who participated, the corrupt 6, ginni thomas, leonard leo, the tech bros who are financing this fascist takeover, the republican attorney generals who colluded with specious and frivolus lawsuits, republican governors who colluded, loose cannon in florida, that judge in amarillo texas, all the "alternate electors", all the lawyers who aided and abetted.

This is not a joke. Biden has one last chance to do it right. He won't do it, but the public deserves to know that it could have been done.

Email the vice president. email the white house.

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Yeah like any of that is going to happen…fantasy anyone

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I'm so so into this happening. Where is everyone else on these matters? And if these aren't viable options --THEN FIND SOME THAT ARE!! INAUGURATION DAY IS NOT UPON US YET! THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF. VERY WISE MAN SAID THIS!!

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Prevent him from taking office. His words and actions are evidence that he is not planning to work within the scope of his job. We elected a president, we did not vote for an upheaval of US govt, nor abandonment or privatization of the postal service, IRS, DOJ , etc Isn’t the 14th amendment a law to prevent elected officials rebellion of the law?

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You can’t be serious…we both know none of that is happening

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They have to start by informing the people in a way they can grasp. The average American doesn’t know what citizens united is. They’ve been brainwashed into believing it’s organized labor’s fault we lost jobs. Fox news is included in basic cable, they believe it to be informative NEWS. I read where if you give people a choice between dem ideas, or republican initiatives without telling them which party they come from, they choose Dems. How can we fix this??

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Add to that list the Democrats supporting women and telling men to go poiund sand for decades

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Bob - the progressive dems have been trying that for years, and look where that got us.

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Time for mid-corrections and become more useful to us all.

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Trump only needs Elon around for the money.

IMO, as soon as Trump manipulates things so that the US Treasury is basically his personal piggy bank, Elon won't be needed or tolerated.

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With Trump and musk it’s all about keeping friends close but enemies closer. And It’s also about supremacy for each of these sociopaths. Today US, tomorrow the world.

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Very astute, and goes to the heart of the matter: Two pathological narcissists CANNOT coexist in the same space, and no bets who comes out on top. Hint: it's NOT the guy who's gone way over his skis.

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To be honest, I wouldn't mind saying Trump so angry that he turns the Justice department and the FTC against Elon, but I've long disliked that little lump of cold dog waste. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Excellent post. Thank you for sharing your insight.

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