I also believe Trump just repeats words he has heard. Not a mark of a great intellect, but it is not a far reach that with all the times Trump has been accused of a coup, that it is in hus ‘ready vocabulary.’
Yes and how could anyone (except his denialist regime) forget he’s no stranger to the very real coup he tried but failed to pull off. Probably a ton of comments about yet another projection by Diaper Don
The media is living large on the reputation secured by real newsmen back in the day, a reputation for telling the truth out of respect for the intelligence of its audience. Social media is it evil twin. We, the people must fight back by questioning every tidbit of misinformation and calling these entities on it.
$Rich, there is no real media, only the corporate media. Well they are the real media, but I get what you ,mean. There is only the corporate media and the independent media. The independent media is obscure https://independentmediainstitute.org/
Trump has learned by watching how other dictators have done it, from having mercenaries carry it out, (Gideon Project), which failed in Venezuela. To poisonings as in Russia. So he calls for immunity to anything he has or going to do to throw our government, that belongs to "We the People". With the help of the Heritage, who has offered the same threats, a bloodbath, a 2nd Revolutionary War, to all who oppose Trump's 3rd Reich.
Oh yeah. Trump is dangerous. As someone once said, 'When he says that he'll do X if he's elected. BELIEVE HIM.' Of course trying to convince some people of this is a losing game...sigh.
My "like" button no longer works here, so I'm telling you that I "like" your comment.
Many professionals in the world of mental health have noted trump's virtually automatic use of projection. He and Vance are also now co-opting Harris-Walz in an attempt to confuse, disrupt and create an insane construct for the campaigns. He is a very, very, very bad man and he has very, very, very bad toadies at his beck and call, all projecting, all co-opting, all lying, all defrauding. All deception all of the time: the Trump Way.
He also has the was of scapegoating, like his participation with Heritage, that he knows nothing about, to distance himself, because Americans have been Aware of it. If the Project is successful and Democracy is gone, he will be more then happy to take credit for it as he did with Roe v Wade.
There also the failed coup on Venezuela, in order to over throw their government, in which American mercenaries were caught. There was even an American ready to step in. Trump wanted the control of their oil, and has bragged about it. But refused knowing anything about it. Gave 400,000 unvetted Venezuelans asylum in the US. And kept them here because they were good for votes, I see them as those who helped in the coup, yet nothing is said about those 2 mercenaries that were captured. Project Gideon.
Daniel, you are right about the child's mindset, so why is it so many people want a child for President again when he was so terrible the first time around. I am guessing the cult won't believe anything anyone says about Trump even that he thinks of the cult members as being "basement dwellers." He already told them right in front of them that he doesn't care for them, just their votes, but the needle of support didn't move a fraction. How terribly sad and concerning for all of us!
One word: CULT. Bunkerboy's admittedly FORMER "fire and fury" and weird charisma has created a DEATHCULT of low-intellect individuals that WILL kill themselves for "Dear Leader."
Many of them would murder babies in their orange fueher's name even as they scream women getting abortions are murdering babies. They just don't see they are worse than what they condemn.
My cousin's husband was a Trumpist yet he was not / is not a crazed wild - eyed fanatical nut job which is who usually springs to mind when talking about these folks.
It's difficult to tell at this point. I don't spend a whole lot of time around them. My cousin basically evaluates / judges candidates on what faith they claim rather than the actual issues.
Those who follow have the need to belong, to feel that somebody loves them. Most of the mass shootings, fake voters, etc. were done in hopes of drawing Trump and Maga's attention, most were bullied, ignored and isolated. All need that feeling they need to belong in society, right or wrong. Trump and Maga's with the help of outsiders have fed his cult what they need to get what he needs along with help of others, who seems to be feeding those needed for their own Agenda.
I think it's also a matter of pride. Some people will double down rather than admit they were wrong. They just can't do it, no matter how much evidence there is that they were, indeed, wrong.
The cult has not realized their being played/manipulated by the very people who are screwing us all the top 1%. They actually think tRump is one of theirs for some reason, yet he has nothing in common with any of his followers.
Might have already shared the fact that my highly intelligent cousin is voting for the Trumpet. I’ve sent her a lot of the stupid shit he’s been blowing out of his ass and she said “please stop sending me these horrible things that aren’t true”.
maga is willing to vote for an immature mind because they themselves are immature. The "mature" ones in the room are the ones who believe they have control over the "basement dwellers" ("basket of deplorables" HRC). Since these racist, misogynistic "patriots" have been around since the beginning, neither trump or his minions have control of their situation. Eventually they'll fuck around and find out just how bad the deal they made is.
Exactly, “djt” is stuck in “child mind,” at the emotional toddler level. When he gets triggered, what ever the reason, he reacts from that emotional level. Anyone who has had a child, or baby sat one, going through the “terrible twos” knows how disruptive that is. Exhausting, all consuming. A full time job. Boundaries, nap times, great patience needed, lots of loving guidance needed: a sigh of relief.
Most kids get enough of those Toddler Needs met to move on, able to self-regulate emotions more and more. Listen, to others, respect No, time outs, feel safe sharing. Those like “djt” just Didn’t get them. Read any biography. He got Stuck back then. Still, sadly, destructively, controlled by a needy inner toddler. Despite, vast wealth, never able to get the help Crucial to Heal this Gap in his Early Life.
An “inner toddler” emerges to wreck what he’s involved in the present. Not an uncommon Occurrence in the early history of many Tyrants through history. That’s why citizens need to do research on the candidates before they make decisions on who they vote for. Do you want a toddler running Your Country?
My conure grandbird would make better decisions than trump. And my son and I have discussed how conures are perpetual toddlers. That's not a bad thing for a bird. If you love toddlers, get a conure. However, it's a really, really, really bad idea to have a toddler, or someone stuck in perpetual toddlerhood, as a president.
I see the "truth" getting pushed around by Trump, and all other directions by the followers, and opposition. It'll be tough to know what side to be on, and our civil war is going to be very awkward.
I believe that Trump is demonstrating his retarded intellectual development. Its just like an immature child that argues to his parent after a sibling insists his brother hit him. He answers that he hit me first. Hillary called Trump a puppet of Putin, Trump said that he's no puppet, Hillary's the puppet.
We never expected it to ever happen that an incompetent person will become our "leader", representing us on the world arena.
The times have dramatically changed with social medias influencing peoples decisions. I think it is the time to update the Constitution to prevent this situation from repeating... (corrupted president, corrupted Supreme Court)
We knew it could happen. We just didn't think we were stupid enough to let it happen twice. I still don't think we are, but it's far too close for us to be in the clear when it comes to half the population being stupid. What's worse, this shows other countries that too many of us are easy to manipulate and some are probably planning ways to use that to their advantage.
That sounds like knowledge that is not taught in schools. What is an incompetent person? How can so many Americans be duped? Trump has millions of followers and supported - it has to be more than just stupidity - these folks are functional in our society. Why are they willing to vote their rights away? How are they not able to recognize a dunce? Or why would that be their preference as Head of their State?
My guess: these days many Americans, possibly with less prospects in life, see in him a role model(?). I am not into social media much, but it seems people can be addicted to it and feel “connected”. Does he seem to play “being one of them"?
It is hard to believe that one person in a very short time was able to erode so much our traditional moral and other values and make them popular…
I can't explain it. I could never watch The Apprentice - disgusting in too many ways. Some times are serious, and some are jovial - we need to be able to differentiate the two. We need a serious leader - I hope we don't treat Kamala too badly.
Face the Nation on August 25th. McMaster’s discussion of his book and his positions on the Trump administration, with ludicrous comments on Democratic administrations that preceded and followed Trump,
It’s our responsibility as citizens to stop this, inform yourself by not letting previous preferences and beliefs and loyalties blind you. And this includes The Press, All Journalists, to expose the Truth. No it’s not easy, what adults do, if we’re honest with ourselves, all of us have areas where our “inner kids” doing our motivating our adult selves.
Even the smartest, best educated, not much book learning, though they be the savviest, the brainiest have been known to be naive; wealthiest, middle class, or poorest: all prone to the very same human foibles. Election times bring it all to the surface for society to see in all our human imperfections, every time…
That’s why in a democracy it is - one person, one vote. Sure enough, the candidates most likely to cheat, do ‘dirty tricks” to assure they are “elected” by corrupt activities, staff, dirty tactics, seem to have been formed in an an environment of unhealthy authoritarian upbringing, having never known a healthy relationship,one’s outlook on life is adversarial,distrustful, fearful. Authoritarian Government follows, chaos, restrictive, binding, Dictatorial, Painful,Harsh, Protector me against you.
Understandable and sad. An adversarial approach to Life development for a Leader of a Democracy, morphs into more complex, anti-democracy.
Very different than a person raised in a family where the child was safe, encouraged, loved, shown how to share and develop, supported in how, to co-operate with others, how it’s done to be you and us, naturally, rather than either/or. What is meant to be has always been the strongest is and loving combination of the best: me + you= together is Stronger. A choice. There can be time outs, when desired. Options. Co-operation optimal. Renewal, revival, recovery healing, and Advancement. Regeneration
a stronger Civilization is able to Continue to evolve.
I had a narcissistic ex who did that. He was still learning English so it was really easy to track. I would use a word about his behavior and within days he was using that same word to attack me.
Of course. But many of us do that. It's called projection. He does it all the time, but most of us do that sometimes. It involves denying aspects of ourselves we can't abide, and instead accusing others of those characteristics.
Yes. Of course. But it may be how he keeps his followers enraptured. He gives them permission to engage in their projections. I.e. Those people are - fill in the blank. So many of us are easily led by charlatans who encourage projection. It's the foundation of all the isms.
The blank... is called Malignant Narcissism, and like Covid it spreads and changes to it's fill the needs of it's followers, so they feel secure that all others are wrong. And they have justification for what they do and say.
As I understand it Projection is when we ascribe a characteristic about our self we don’t like to someone else. That is different than talking about actions we took.
There is probably a name for when someone takes an action and then claims other people are doing it…I just call it lying.
It's called Narcissistic scapegoating, where others are blamed, after the use of Narcissistic gaslighting has been tried, and failed. When these fail, Narcissistic Psychopathic is then the last resort in a Malignant Narcissist mind, to bully, defame, incite others, intimidate, threaten, lie, etc and even death to those who question or stand in the way of what they see as Truths they are being fed on daily basis, which is Indoctrinations to the poorly educated that need that constant insurance they are loved and finally belong in society, right or wrong.
Linda, I am not sure it is just poorly educated people who are caught up in this. I do believe you are right about people's need/desire to belong to something that is powerful. I am guessing that is why a lot of people remain in the Catholic Church. Unless one is a straight male with money (mostly white), there isn't much in the church for you. But the church is very old and has a lot of members, so people will put up with a lot of misogyny, racism, xenophobia, homo/transphobia and the rest to be part of something big and powerful. They will also follow a jerk like Trump because he has gathered around him a whole cult of people who are stressed out, want to think as little as possible, and want to believe a mostly ignorant narcissist cares about them. It is truly unbelievable what our human nature will long for and accept, if presented in the right way.
Not just Catholic. Protestant churches are even worse. Evangelicals are Protestant and they hate gays and tend to be more racist. I don't go in for any christian sect, really, but when it comes to vilifying everything, it's the Protestants that are the most vocal. I'm in an area that has a lot of Catholic churches and few Protestant and it's a very blue area. I moved here from the red, Protestant, Southern Baptist bible belt and, believe me, it is far more prevalent there.
Trump uses his speeches, he usually speaks in a boisterous manner to get attention, he then repeats the same 3-4 times in a row, stops and waits for a reaction.. As now he sounds as if he is defeated, low key, to show he is feels abandoned, to create sympathy within his followers, But then he steps it up a notch by attacking others, their manner, religion, dress, speech, lifestyle, etc. As in Kamala, he attacks her because of her race, said he didn’t know she was black, but everyone knows she has always said she was Indonesian/ Jamaican. Not Indian. But he has to call her that to stir the distrust and unrest within our American Indians. Trump uses his body language, as when he goes before the audience, he calls himself America's favorite president, waits for the reaction, some one boos him they are removed, when telling a lie he starts his accordion style hand movement, and as he gets angry the hands move quicker. Trump is a manipulator, he pulls others into his crimes, saying things like "I stand between the government coming after you. I will go to prison and be a martyr for uou, i took a bullet for you." When his crimes were uncovered, he automatically started saying"We Americans are not going to take it", not our crimes but dragged his followers into it.
Yes. Isn't it a way very young kids try to invalidate what someone else has accused them of doing or being: just senselessly accusing the accuser of the exact same thing?!
It totally disgusts me that the Republicans are supporting this obviously corrupt and incompetent man. They know very well he isn’t capable of handling the Presidency but they simply don’t care because they figure they’ll be able to control him and get him to do their will. Republicans do NOT care about this country only what they can get out of this country, monetarily for themselves! Project 2025 spells out entirely their incredible selfishness. It’s close in my mind to treason what they‘re trying to pull. Every one of them that’s in on this, probably all of them, I consider a traitor! They are snakes and cheaters that have no shame. In addition to they’re project there are the Evangelicals who are determined to make our country into an Evangelical nation, Michael Johnson. Our country was never meant to have a single religion and we aren’t about to try to convert non Christian citizens! So leave our Jewish and Muslim, Buddhists alone Mr Johnson !
Suzy, and if someone were to try to convert the white evangelicals to another faith, they would be screaming. So, Evangelicals are just a form of self-righteous children who want the playground for themselves and their friends and no one is allowed to play there despite a Christian understanding that we are to treat others as we would want to be treated and to love our neighbors, that is everyone as we love ourselves and if we don't do that, we do not actually love God. People certainly can twist even their faith to suit their personal greed, anger, hatred, resentments, etc. And, I am guessing their joy comes from hurting those they don't like, just as the christian inquisitioners and other torturers did throughout history.
Trumpet 🎺 is a coward and a Liar; his failed coup of our Government was a failure just as his re-election was a failure.
Trumpet 🎺 is aware he is too old too undesirable get elected to anything and is sure to be defeated in November.
Trumpet 🎺 is playing the Long Game and is trying the feeble old man routine too demented to be held accountable for his major and minor crimes while he was president
Today trumpets 🎺 goals is to make his criminal activities seem just normal things of every day political life…
Citizen, Trump is actually failing mentally. He may also be pretending to be worse than he is, but there is some noticeable decline in the past 5 years +. He does have quick handlers who can help him get somewhat back on track, but Trump was never the brightest bulb in any room and is now struggling. Each time someone does something he has not foreseen, like Kamala Harris's made the Democratic candidate, he is thrown off and I suspect it takes hours or days to help Trump get to a point of functioning. I hope his handlers are being paid well or is it just that they are promised big jobs if/when Trump is re-elected. They will have to keep reminding Trump often that they are "helping" him because he may at some point blurt out that they need to leave him alone. I am waiting for that to happen at one of his weird rallies. The people won't notice, but maybe someone in the media will or someone preparing the video for release.
Citizen J - “like” I truly believe that he only ran again so he didn’t have to use his own money to pay for all of his legal expenses and to try to stay out of jail. Luxuries not afforded to the common folk.
This same psychological mentality disorder runs within the Maga Party. It is a malignancy, that changes to fit the situation so as to not lose followers who follow without question. It becomes Gaslighting Narcissism to try and change the outcome of peoples perception of reality,such as J6, the Afghanistan pull out, and even now broadcasting that Kamala and the Democrats raised a coup against President Biden in order to take over. When People start to question they use Scapegoating Narcissism, to put the blame on others to take away any focus on them, diverting the blame to others. Then there is the 3rd part Psychopathic Narcissism disorder that includes brutality, slander, defamation, force and even death to those who are seen as adversaries in order to shut them up or make them weak. This is the mindset of Trump and his Maga Cult, much like the white supremacists, where one goes they all follow. Trump has caused this division and hate, and needs to be held accountable.
Alas, Linda, we don't seem to be very good at holding Republicans accountable for anything. They have a huge crew of lawyers, good enough to comb through every law to find ones that could be used to warp the law in general to claim whatever they do is totally legal. And, they have the Supreme Court lined up redy to go to help they in their conquest of the United States of America. However, if the situation were reversed and Republicans were losing rights they really hold dear, they would scream, particularly if the same tactics were being used. Hypocrisy is strong with these ones!
The Republicans just frighten me because so much of what I have read about what happened in the early years of Hitlers‘ Germany reminds me of what they‘re trying to do, basically become a Dictatorship. They‘ve been at it for years, gerrymandering, closing poles, keeping certain segments of our population from voting. Now they have this incompetent man who is so incredibly flawed running for President for the third time! How can they even justify this horribly corrupt candidate?
I've been saying something similar for years. I've felt the repubs have been playing the long con and using christian churches to help make the masses malleable.
Did you realize that Don did not play the religion card till this year! Saying he was sent by God to save America, with no proof, but moved himself right up there and placed himself next to God, Nobody questioned it. He made a deal with the Christian Nationalist, they scratch his back, he would scratch theirs. He wanted them to say what a great and wonderful man, and he would make them great, as in the push by Flynn, One Nation under God should mean, 1 Religion, 1 church, 1 God. And the twisted version of the Lord's Prayer, that there wars in heaven for Christianity so there must be here on earth, by Mastriano. Deals were made just as were made with Corporations. But don't ask Trump because he calls it private, but as a prophet he is talk of God's teachings, not his, he is to follow in the steps and follow God's Laws, not break almost all, the 10 Commandments. Plus as Jesus said "We are to love one another" unconditionally.
Suzy, the challenge is that Republicans don't have to justify anything because despite his indictments, and convictions, there is so much blather going on with Trump's lawyers and foot-dragging on the part of the Attorney General, Trump, an insurrectionist has been permitted to run on a major political party ticket. That should never be permitted, but it seems lately Republicans can do pretty much whatever they want to even if it puts our democracy at risk. And, the Supreme Court 6 are right on board and are all white christian-nationalists, even the Black guy. Disgusting!
Ruth - “like” Just like what the Arkansas SC did to keep the abortion amendment off the ballot. They are great at using all their dirty tricks. Shameful!
Anon, and they will keep doing it because there are rarely any consequences, and those rare consequences are nothing compared to what people whose crimes are far less serious end up facing. In Texas, I just heard people's homes were raided by Texas Rangers on the orders of the Lt. Governor, a twice indicted cheat, used for voter intimidation. I am hoping the Latine community will rise up and vote in huge numbers this election to show the Governor and his stooge that they are not intimidated and will do their best to vote those creeps out of office. Texas is a multicultural state, so why is it white males seem to be in charge nearly everywhere. Fraud, maybe! And they are calling fraud on others. When corrupt folks like Texas leadership go after fraud, it is a guarantee it is to distract from the fraud they are the ones perpetrating.
The real problem is that people with chrisma have a way of making others to fall into their trap. Most can not comprehend that someone they trust would lie to them, they just make excuses and move on. It's been proven that if someone tells a small lie to 3 friends, that the lie will be added to and passed on, until it gets back to the Originator, and they add to it. So until the lies are called out by the educated, and shown to be lies, and are held accountable the destruction will not stop. As with Obama's birthright, Trump or Joe Arpio were never held accountable for and now Trump and followers are doing the same with Kamala, questioning her race, where she was born, etc. Trump has planted that seed in the minds of his followers, just to start another round of distrust, and Comer and Jordy have put out they were going to start a commission on impeaching her without any extras as to why, but the followers will embellish it until it becomes serious, as with Biden, Fani, and so many others. Have to hand it to the UK, after destroying the Steele Dosier here in the US, Trump tried suing in them in the UK and lost, to the tune of $300,000.oo.
Linda, you are right about the lies growing as they are passed. People really like to think they have some special information no one else has and they just can't imagine they could be wrong. For some reason, in this nation, we only seem to be able to hold poor people and people of color accountable for what they have done. It is not possible that Black men for example commit more crimes by twice as much or so than white men, yet look who are the majority in prisons. People thought Trump was a joke, which he is, but a bad one who happened to get elected. That meant that no one took seriously that he was breaking the law and had committed serious crimes, and while in office. Republicans just couldn't see it their responsibility to hold their guy, Baby Donnie accountable for his abuses of power, crimes against the American people. And, they will continue to protect their toddler-man to the bitter end. Disgusting!
Yes to all of this, and I credit my experience with my ex for making it obvious what Trump was from the first time I heard him speak. My ex was also one of the most dangerous types of narcissist who used brutality to get his way.
It appears to me that narcissism is present to some extent in every personality, and self-interest essential; but we balance and integrate that with compassion, conscience, and cooperation. The absence of that balance to the point of self-interest only becomes evil. It seems to me that the most evil behavior you can think of can also be described as extreme malignant narcissism. That said, there seems to be cheap, internal rewards to be had by yielding to narcissism; making the naive vulnerable to manipulation by those who would dominate. I think that some narcissism in clueless and therefore potentially more "curable" and some seems to be a core life strategy. We as a species need to give this a much harder look.
I might be guilty of that, but I thought what my wife said to me was projection of sorts. To see Trump doing that in plain sight and no one calling him on it makes me want to yell "time out"! When asked on policy issues, and he says he'll take care of it, that's scary.
It's called malignant Narcissism, where they are the only ones who know and understand what the Truth is, even if wrong. They start by gaslighting Narcissism, where project that what happened is not real, that it is in your mind, as in J6, the loss of an election, to the destruction of People, when that fails they use Scapegoating Narcissism to deflect onto others, taking them out of the picture, they were innocent, and is a witch hunt when caught. Thus they psychopathic Narcissism where they incite violence in others to do their dirty deeds so they can return to the indoctrinations, using them. This is dangerous because the 4 steps are repeated often. Dick-taters of the world are Narcissistic, and is a psychological disorder. They need this power, in order to function.
Sara, people whose ego can't carry the weight of a word, and whose opinion of self depends entirely on the opinions of other, will when charged or accused of some negative or harmful trait, throw it as soon as they can, back or onto others..Trump is a prime example, by throwing it back or onto others, they are unloading the weight.
As an example.. On occasion I am called an angry old man, because I effectively refute somone's paradigm, ideology belief system. I don't throw it back, or even feel insulted or need to refute, because the shoe doesn't fit, and it tells me more about them, than me.
It is as if someone called me a horse, a tree, a carrot.
Cult leader Trump so desperately wants a rematch with Biden that the Old Sourpuss has twisted around and flipped upside down facts and truth to his personal benefit. And his cult followers believe him.
Todd, I think the scenario you laid out is the most likely. Agent Orange's whole apparatus, shtick, strategy and focus were set on running against President Biden. In Biden, he felt he had an easy target. He knew Biden would insist on maintaining his own decency, as Trump further lowered himself to use the dirtiest tactics to improve his chance to win.
Trump is used to inventing a "reality" his base accepts, which the media then airs without challenge. He believes he can reverse his fortunes by spinning lies the same way but aimed at registered Democrats. I think that he hopes to rile any disgruntled blue voters into rejecting Harris, challenging her nomination, throwing the party into disarray as the election nears to beat a campaign that becomes fractured, or that the party reinstalls Biden in a reflexive panic, the only person Trump feels prepared to challenge.
Problem is, most Democrats are smart enough to know that Biden is able to step down and the Dems are able to choose a new candidate, especially when that candidate was not yet made official.
Trump also has more intelligent members than he, to help him with his campaign. I'm sure ignores them alot but I'm sure there are some he's willing to listen to as far as their strategy for his campaign goes
Don't miss the innuendo in Trump's "coup" charge--it fits perfectly into the MAGA narrative, namely, that this country was founded and made great by white, Christian settlers, and that the "woke" and non-Christians are trying to steal it. Harris is "woke" and her spouse is non-Christian, and they have forced white, Christian Biden out of office. We cannot expect Emohoff to convert to Christianity (even though Washington, DC, is well worth a mass), but we must plead with Christian leaders to come out openly in support of Harris, because she needs all the help she can get. Catholics who align with Pope Francis can be helpful. Far from being a fool, Trump is a very savvy manipulator of peoples fears and anxieties.
I do not believe The Dark Lord is totally unintelligent. His intellect is just more inward directed. That is really what narcissism is. No, he does not have the intellect of his predecessor, Obama, or his challenger, Harris. He does have the intellect of a good used car salesman. There are plenty of people with the kind of intellect that makes them susceptible to following someone who will articulate their anger and fear. They will follow anyone who directs their inner rage.
Marketing 101. Exploit people's fears prejudices, and desires. Former Occupant understands this well enough.
Probably true. Most of his faux pas is due to his profound ignorance and his narcissist personality. He does’t think he needs to learn anything because it gets in the way of his huge ego.
John, I believe at one point "know it all" tfg said he knew more than "his generals". Recently he said that he wants to have a voice at the Federal Reserve as he made so much money. He never noted his bankruptcies.... I wonder why??
Like attracts like. Humans aren't magnets. Leftist don't pail around with rightists, except in some cases, like Proud Boys and HAMAS supporters shouting Fuck Biden.
Trump has narcissistic personality disorder, so do MAGAts.
I agree and that adds a new dimension to the case.
He both repeats words and projects his own malfeasance and ignorance on others. It works for him most of the time because people who vote for him or those that are still undecided are very likely to be ignorant of the mechanisms of presidential elections. This is a well known technique of autocrats like Putin who float multiple versions of a story in order to divide the public.
Let’s face it, straightforward popular vote is much simpler, understandable and more desirable. Primaries are only intended to lessen the influence of power brokers. But they still influence them. In Harris’ case, I believe Biden delegates were free to vote their preference after he bowed out.
Trumpet 🎺 is a coward and a Liar; his failed coup of our Government was a failure just as his re-election was a failure.
Trumpet 🎺 is aware he is too old too undesirable get elected to anything and is sure to be defeated in November.
Trumpet 🎺 is playing the Long Game and is trying the feeble old man routine too demented to be held accountable for his major and minor crimes while he was president
Today trumpets 🎺 goals is to make his criminal activities seem just normal things of every day political life…
Will he get away with the normalization of his deliberate crimes and Traitorous conduct…
Stay tuned …the Supreme Court already bought and paid for…
( a presidency only made possible by HILLARY CLINTON Gutting the entire national Democratic Party apparatus to legitimize her purchase of the democratic nomination to be President) the attempted coup of Jan 6, the classified documents , deliberate business fraud 43 counts )
The Heritage Foundation is rewriting our history right now. I wonder what it will be when they're done. I'm keeping HCRs version so I can remember what really happened.
The ideology certainly hasn't gone anywhere. The ironic thing about Aryan superiority that should be driven home to Neo-Nazis is, when the Russians were at the gates of Berlin, Hitler ordered every boy and man to give his all to defend the capital. Failing in this, he ordered the good German people to torch everything they needed to survive, because, having been defeated by "Eastern races", they had proven themselves of inferior genetic stock and did not deserve to live.
They Died Suzy, these are their Children. Were it not for the Japs bombing Pearl Harbor, we would be fascist now. The American Fascist movement was on the verge of taking over America. The NAZI Party had many adjuncts like the Silver Shirts. There was a rally to a overflowing crowed in Madison Square Garden with banners of George Washington in the center, flanneled on each side by banners with Swastikas.
Google images and see.
Rachel Maddow did a very good job of how narrowly we escaped in Prequel.
Re that Trump is repeating something he heard said. Yes, yours is exactly what I thought, too.
A Trump-whisperer said, “Gee, I bet Biden was …” (and projected characterizations that they, themself, would maybe have felt, just sort of wondering how Biden felt and acted). And Trump ran with it; he wasn’t sure where he heard it, felt it was probably true—in his experience it seems to fit, so he decided that anger and fighting sounded right (and then, given time, a couple minutes, in his mind it becomes true).
Him trying to project what he did onto the Democrats is what it sounds like and he's doing a poor job of it. He's used to being ahead of that curve and now he's behind and has no idea what to do.
Linda, I can't help but wonder who they are grooming to fill in after Trump is gone. It is clear it shouldn't be Vance, but there are plenty to choose from, even those guys behind the scenes, and it will be a white man or a white wannabee. I know Lindsay Graham would love the honor and so would DeSantis, but neither of them fits the part. It has to be someone already popular who has few skills except conning. Mikey Johnson has been conning people for years, possibly about his sexuality, but it's something; I hear it in his insincere voice. Steve Miller and the other Steves want to pull the strings from offstage so they can't be blamed. Gov. Noem wanted to prove her evil bonafides, but instead proved she is just cruel with no judgment. Teddy Cruz would like it, but he has no guts, even pretend guts like Trump has. One could go on and on, but it is certain there is someone waiting in the wings and we had best be wary and have good people keeping track. One thing we do know, the Supreme Court 6 will help them in any way they can and do it while claiming that what they are doing is Constitutional; it won't be, but who is going to stop them unless Democrats win the elections up and down the ballot this November.
Mark Robinson Ruth. Sufficiently misogynistic, patriarchal, homophobic and fascist to sway even the racists to overlook his skin color.m and he would be chosen for the same reason the racists chose Herschel Walker, Tim Scott, and Byron Donalds, putting a step and fetch it black on the ticket will attract black votes, the white racists will ignore it, for the same reason that they ignore the house slave drinking brandy with the master.
Ruth - “like” Totally agree because they will just change the date from 2025 to the election. They won’t give up until they find someone who will implement their egregious “laws”. We can never let our guard down no matter how exhausting it is.
He was chosen as the puppet for Putin and the puppet for the White Christian Nationalists movement in this country who want to maintain their status quo of privileged wealth and power. Follow the players from Newt Gingrich, Bill Barr, Mitch McConnel, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steven Miller, Steve Bannon dark money from uber unscrupulous billionaires, Rupert Murdoch and let us not forget Lenard Leo's behind the scenes influence on the SCOTUS. that passed decision after decision that aligned with the white Christian Nationalists agenda. Trump is unfit, unqualified and dangerously unhinged, but he is the figurehead that follows the orders of the wealthy white oligarchs.
Exactly! And it's so obvious that I don't understand why so few people seem to be aware of it, or they know what it is but are reluctant to speak publicly about it.
So Betty, it looks as though we are going to have to get a decisive win in November so we can start calling out the fascists and indict any who have broken the law, even if they are in Congress or state legislatures. Reforming the Supreme Court then the lower courts is essential if we will get anything done.
The “Enemies of State” listed all have advisers, who know The Donald’s Lousy upbringing, gaps in childhood stability. They’ve been told just how to manipulate his “desperate, inner toddler” you can be sure of that!
Other than that McMaster has no use for Trump, McMaster himself crochets a cockeyed version of history, where Republicans have done wonderful things {mostly twisted history of McMaster’s making} and Democrats have not even done the actual things they did. Just because he’s smart enough to dump Trump doesn’t mean his book is valuable.
{ADDED NOTE — See McMaster on FACE THE NATION, Aug. 25 for confirmation of above opinion.}
Read closer, listen to his Sunday talk show interviews he's trying to play it both ways for g-d knows what reason HRM is talking out of both sides of his mouth on this...there are plenty of compliments to Trump's policy goals wrapped in how painful it was to deal with his ignorance.
Same with Barr, Miriam, same with Romney, all of the old guard Republicans, they are all theocrats, fascists, they actually despise Trump for exposing them. They disavow Trump but not the MAGA agenda.
Miriam, isn't that part of the Republican playbook? They pretend to move away from Trump because he is just sooo bad, but stayed with him throughout nearly his entire term in office and only left because there was some kind of weird line they decided not to cross, just in case. Even the guys at the DNC who were Republicans are basically in favor of nearly all of the things Trump did, just maybe not insurrection or stealing documents or intimidating voters or something, but it is usually one thing. I suspect that if the Republicans were to put someone else up with almost all the same positions and most of Project 2025, they would vote for that person. We do a lot of praising of bad behavior. Adam Kinsinger is the only one of the Republicans I can say had some kind of moral compass and sense of the truth.
I have been saying trump is being manipulated. While it is and has been so obvious since his announcement to run for potus, how easily and readily he was swayed by flattery and compliments, for it was upon reading Democracy in Chains, Nancy Maclean… in 2019 or 2020 that I realized he was a puppet for a much larger scheme. A scheme that has been silently in the background since FDR and picking up speed at different times in our history… Brown v Board of Education, MLK, abortion rights for women and more. Yes, he is just a puppet!
Yes, Nancy Maclean's Democracy in Chains is shockingly revealing. What we are experiencing today is the result of a long game, a game that will continue after Trump is gone..
Amen. tRump is a pawn and a deliberate distraction. It’s people like Shady Vance and his Heritage buddies you want to watch out for. tRump will fade from view soon enough. It’s his would-be successors who are the real long-term threat to our freedom.
Not only the fascist organization. Pro life organizations, the NRA, Christian organizations and conservative Republicans all got behind Trump for their own agendas. As someone I know said “never give power to a narcissist” which is exactly what so many did and now we're all paying the price for it.
Their lack of faith and trust in him became apparent to me when they thought he was going to lose in 2016 and many dropped him like a hot potato desperately trying to distance themselves from him only to jump right back on the bandwagon when he won.
I will forever hold anybody that voted for him in 2016 accountable for what's happening today!
Ah, the irony. The fact that a political party can pick people any way they want to, and that this pick was as close to a 100% consensus as is humanly possible, doesn't occur to him. And yet, he has no problem with overturning actual cast votes and replacing those results with fake electors picked by election boards made up of party-controlled rigged appointments. Lord God, yet one more blatant hypocrisy. The projection never ends.
He didn't come up with that plan because he's not smart enough. Bannon, Eastman, Flynn, Giuliani and the sycophants around him had lists of ways to keep him in office.
OH, yes I would agree with that. There are more diabolical deviants than I know of. Stephen Miller is one of the worst who's sometimes left out, like I did. But he's been there for years and risen through the ranks.
Thank you for the reference. We must not forget that these schemers succeeded by skillfully playing domestic geopolitics. The outcome was predicted by Kevin Phillips in his American Theocracy (2006).
What I don't understand is WHY Americans don't call these people out - and then find ways to get them out. Just like the Supreme Court Justices. There are so many crooks, criminals, devious actors and we see them in front of us. No one makes a move to stop them. I don't understand why not.
We have the knowledge to understand all they are trying to do we should also have all the knowledge to stop them. Our first way will be at the ballot box in November.
Trump is in panic mode and is throwing every crazy idea against the wall in the hopes that one of them will stick. This particular outrageous claim is sliding on down to obscurity. It is none of his damn business who and how the Democrats choose as their candidate.
The Biden Harris team is not being caught flat footed in the legal department . According to Dan Rather, they have hired a legal team that is more than 10 times larger than the legal team that Democrats used in 2020. The Republican threat to the voters right to vote is quite real. Trump‘s claim that there has been a coup in the Democratic Party is pure fiction. Trump‘s claim is just another fabrication in Trump’s fire hose of lies.
Your comments are appreciated, informative, and inspiring. It’s important to know that the Harris-Walz team is prepared to take on the massive election fraud and disruption that the Republican Party is currently demonstrating in every state, as well as their intention to seize the presidency and control of the government regardless of the outcome of the November election. Their coup is happening, from local politicians, justices, and state legislatures, to the "Supreme” Court. Trump is a well-played distraction and the angry working class adore him. The billionaire/corporate powerbrokers, working through the Republican Party, are poised to take absolute control.
We're seeing some masterful work right now!! Just the plays today re: the debate nail down was perfect!! They played him and his team to switch the narrative and they couldn't react quickly enough!@ i loved it 😍
Drumpf IS a proponent of Norman Vincent Peale & his philosophy of willpower and thinking of a desired result to make it happen....One book he MAY have read was 'How to Win Friends & Influence People' 😂
Power of the Will (Triumph des Willens) where have I heard this before? It’s a powerful and dangerous force that commands many followers. Ridicule which I read on many of these comments way underestimates this force. The election will be very close once the euphoria ends. Biden was forced out after he said that only the Almighty could bring him to this step. He replaced her with Harris and it was his right to do so. But was it a wise choice? She is rooted in the most liberal part of the country and she carefully avoids to mention Berkeley and San Francisco. So far so good but there are tough days ahead.
Harris is not just "an opponent who’s attracting bigger crowds than his and has more volunteers, more donations, better ratings, higher poll numbers, and better vibes"; she's a BLACK/SOUTH ASIAN WOMAN who’s attracting bigger crowds than his and has more volunteers, more donations, better ratings, higher poll numbers, and better vibes.
Yup. It is driving him nuts. He is an adoration addict. It's the only reason he ever wanted be president. Only an insecure, child-like personality worries about crowd size. This child was never loved. He was raised by cold, bigoted monsters.
Kamala Harris is the face of 21st Century America. Mixed race, mixed marriage - a blend that makes us stronger and more beautiful. That angers and terrifies bigots and haters like Trump and his "pure race" followers and why I call them MAGANAZIs.
I’m a tiny blue dot in a sea of angry reds who parrot the party line mentioned above (that it was a “coup” against Biden) but I am working hard with what resources I have to help create the Blue Wave.
I know for a fact tfg is quite a bit older than I am,and I was still an elementary school little kid when Gerald Ford was unelected(read:appointed)Vice President by Richard Nixon,and when he resigned to avoid impeachment,his successor was Gerald Ford,who was unelected yet again,and was president over 2 years.
If I remember that,he can't possibly tell me or anyone else that he doesn't.There was no"coup"or any bullshit like it.And neither was there one when Joe Biden decided it was better that his Vice President,Kamala Harris,be his successor in the presidential election.Someone who actually has a shot at winning.
I jokingly say Biden planned to do that after the RNC, because it knocked tfg square on his fat ass and it blew all the wind out of his sails.If Biden didn't do that intentionally,it sure as hell was some kind of happy accident.Either way,it worked out pretty good,wouldn't y'all say!
I suspect Biden was very deliberate in his timing. Over the years he has shown himself to be a master at reading political situations.
He would have known that Republicans were expecting to get a post convention bump, during the convention they locked in their ticket and their strategy.
Everything set up perfectly for Biden to throw a major wrench in their machine.
One of the wisest, mature, adult things President Biden did was to Choose, to relinquish power. That Ability was More Powerful, than Any thing, and Trumped Donnie T, 1,000%! Because, the Ability to take That Positive, Selfless Action, for the Greatest Good of Our All, Our Nation was Unthinkable and an Undoable by Donnie, driven by selfish needs.
And Gerald Ford was selected as part of a plea bargain in the criminal case being brought by the Justice Department against former VP Spiro Agnew. Agnew was an active criminal while Vice-President (not for tax evasion which he was convicted for, but for steering federal contracts to people who paid him cash bribes). The GOP was bellyaching "coup" and "political witch hunt" back then because the Speaker of the House was a Democrat, and if both Nixon and Agnew were gone, then the Democratic Speaker would become President.
The Justice Department's goal was to get Agnew out of office before Nixon resigned or was impeached; they didn't want an active criminal in the top job. They were willing to go the "two tiers of justice" to preserve the Republic.
Rachel Maddow's "Bagman" is very instructive of that time.
The proof of his deteriorating mind is that the Republican handlers want to be able to cut him off or mute his microphone so as not to have a repeat of what happened with Fox News. This must be the first time Fox News has had to cut off a Republican candidate to switch to some other prescheduled programming to stop him from digging his own grave on TV.
No, imperfect, of course, but Courageous in many ways, Able to take Selfless Action, to Let Go Power, when a Lesser Man would be unable, unwilling to set ego aside. It takes greatness, to do so.
Yes, he has been paving the way for an actual takeover for a long time. It's his, and the current GOP's end game. He's constantly repeating that there is no way he can lose a fair election to Biden (or Kamala), that he will only accept the results if he considers it a fair election, that "his people" (he never pretended to be a President for all Americans), need to watch people vote to keep it "honest", that the Democratic party has already pulled a coup, and so much more, including violent rhetoric. And of course, he has never backed off from the Big Lie that he actually won in 2020 and the Presidency was stolen from him, thus making him the actual President Trump. This is why all his followers, and even the sycophantic media, especially Fox, keep referring to him as "President Trump".
To Our Country's Shame, Disgraced Former President ~ is is only formal title he gets from now on. When we divorce him for good, we can do an official name change; Either that~ or Trojan Ass Clown 🤡.
Convicted felon and disgraced former President. Although, in reality, he was never the LEADER of our country or a true president. He only brought the country down, never led it anywhere except to embarrassment.
if he tells he base that they do n't need to vote, 1) less or no votes for him!, or 2) he'll tell them that the election was rigged as he got no votes. either way he's BONKERS.
if any fool listens to him saying they don't need to vote(?) sossmethng is worng with them! VOTING is a RIGHT that all who register to VOTE are ENTITLED to cast their ballots. If his idiots think they don't need to vote, something is wrong with them, seriously wrong.
Randy, I wonder if it *is he who planned/is planning the actions. I wonder how much input the Heritage Foundation has had for years, who orders the HF actions and positions. I wonder how much control the money men, the REAL money men, have on our government. Cui bono?
Lots of questions about quiet quid pro quo actions.
David, I absolutely agree with you! He wants to normalize a lot of the bad things he has done. He repeats the grievances like his lying. He told someone if you say it over and over and often enough, people will believe you. When he lies, he doesn't care that he is called out for lying because as his mentor, Roy Cohn, taught him, tell the lie because even when you have been called out on it, many people will start to think that where there is smoke.....there must be a fire!
Trump benefited greatly from the relationship, but when Cohn contracted AIDS in the 1980s, Trump turned his back on him, transferring his business to other attorneys. When the funeral came, Trump didn’t speak. “Donald pisses ice water,” Cohn reportedly said before his death. Source: Politico
I agree, Robert! We simply cannot sit back and act like we have won this election! We must continue to fight as if our very lives depend on it! In a sense, they do! Vote blue, America!
Every letter on this forum that points out the deficiencies of DJT only makes me want to go vote ASAP. Go Democrats! Bugger it all regarding Mr. D J Trump.
In the immortal words of Dan Quayle, “One’s mind is a terrible thing to lose.” If DonOLD ever had one, I’m pretty sure he lost it long ago. I think it’s definitely safe to say that he’s never had a conscience.
Actually I think there’s a lot of evidence building, pointing to a calculation by Trump/MAGA that they will be able to mount their own coup using supportive county and state election officials, with a basis in this current claim against the Democrats and other claims about election fraud. There needs to be action right now to stop this and I don’t think blaming Trumo’s narcissism is the right way to go about it.
Yes, Izzie; and unbelievable as well. So I keep asking why the political system, or the educational system, or the mass communication functions so badly that we still have the risk that we elect a would-be dictator as president with Project 2025 as program...
I also believe Trump just repeats words he has heard. Not a mark of a great intellect, but it is not a far reach that with all the times Trump has been accused of a coup, that it is in hus ‘ready vocabulary.’
he's got a very primitive childlike mindset. An ID. The ID can't conceive of anything outside of it.
He’s gone completely coup coup.
Lovely pun ~ 🔨
Yes and how could anyone (except his denialist regime) forget he’s no stranger to the very real coup he tried but failed to pull off. Probably a ton of comments about yet another projection by Diaper Don
Because the real media doesn't place enough value on telling their audience the truth often enough to offend his supporters. Eye balls equals dollars.
The media is living large on the reputation secured by real newsmen back in the day, a reputation for telling the truth out of respect for the intelligence of its audience. Social media is it evil twin. We, the people must fight back by questioning every tidbit of misinformation and calling these entities on it.
$Rich, there is no real media, only the corporate media. Well they are the real media, but I get what you ,mean. There is only the corporate media and the independent media. The independent media is obscure https://independentmediainstitute.org/
Trump has learned by watching how other dictators have done it, from having mercenaries carry it out, (Gideon Project), which failed in Venezuela. To poisonings as in Russia. So he calls for immunity to anything he has or going to do to throw our government, that belongs to "We the People". With the help of the Heritage, who has offered the same threats, a bloodbath, a 2nd Revolutionary War, to all who oppose Trump's 3rd Reich.
They'd change their tune the minute they see they're not the only ones with guns.
Hannah Ahrendt said something to the effect that authoritarians telegraph their intentions by accusing others of what they intend to do.
Trumps accusation of Harris/Walz are him telling us what he is going to do.
Oh yeah. Trump is dangerous. As someone once said, 'When he says that he'll do X if he's elected. BELIEVE HIM.' Of course trying to convince some people of this is a losing game...sigh.
My "like" button no longer works here, so I'm telling you that I "like" your comment.
Many professionals in the world of mental health have noted trump's virtually automatic use of projection. He and Vance are also now co-opting Harris-Walz in an attempt to confuse, disrupt and create an insane construct for the campaigns. He is a very, very, very bad man and he has very, very, very bad toadies at his beck and call, all projecting, all co-opting, all lying, all defrauding. All deception all of the time: the Trump Way.
He also has the was of scapegoating, like his participation with Heritage, that he knows nothing about, to distance himself, because Americans have been Aware of it. If the Project is successful and Democracy is gone, he will be more then happy to take credit for it as he did with Roe v Wade.
There also the failed coup on Venezuela, in order to over throw their government, in which American mercenaries were caught. There was even an American ready to step in. Trump wanted the control of their oil, and has bragged about it. But refused knowing anything about it. Gave 400,000 unvetted Venezuelans asylum in the US. And kept them here because they were good for votes, I see them as those who helped in the coup, yet nothing is said about those 2 mercenaries that were captured. Project Gideon.
Hahahahahaha! Good one, Mike!!!!!
HaaHAAAA! Brilliant. I like your style, Mike.
Just your friendly innocuous quipster! 😎
Cute, but you can't go someplace you already are.
Nice play on words Mike!
This is a great reply!
That’s the best answer yet!
Love it!
That’s an understatement!
Daniel, you are right about the child's mindset, so why is it so many people want a child for President again when he was so terrible the first time around. I am guessing the cult won't believe anything anyone says about Trump even that he thinks of the cult members as being "basement dwellers." He already told them right in front of them that he doesn't care for them, just their votes, but the needle of support didn't move a fraction. How terribly sad and concerning for all of us!
One word: CULT. Bunkerboy's admittedly FORMER "fire and fury" and weird charisma has created a DEATHCULT of low-intellect individuals that WILL kill themselves for "Dear Leader."
Many of them would murder babies in their orange fueher's name even as they scream women getting abortions are murdering babies. They just don't see they are worse than what they condemn.
My cousin's husband was a Trumpist yet he was not / is not a crazed wild - eyed fanatical nut job which is who usually springs to mind when talking about these folks.
I'll bet he's more the Ted Bundy kind of crazy. Not all insane people are crazed and wild-eyed.
It's difficult to tell at this point. I don't spend a whole lot of time around them. My cousin basically evaluates / judges candidates on what faith they claim rather than the actual issues.
Trump appeals to childlike minds: simplistic, reactionary, immature and demanding.
Those who follow have the need to belong, to feel that somebody loves them. Most of the mass shootings, fake voters, etc. were done in hopes of drawing Trump and Maga's attention, most were bullied, ignored and isolated. All need that feeling they need to belong in society, right or wrong. Trump and Maga's with the help of outsiders have fed his cult what they need to get what he needs along with help of others, who seems to be feeding those needed for their own Agenda.
Someone described him as being a toddler in the body of an old man who sweats mayonnaise. That description made me laugh like a maniac.
I think it's also a matter of pride. Some people will double down rather than admit they were wrong. They just can't do it, no matter how much evidence there is that they were, indeed, wrong.
The cult has not realized their being played/manipulated by the very people who are screwing us all the top 1%. They actually think tRump is one of theirs for some reason, yet he has nothing in common with any of his followers.
Might have already shared the fact that my highly intelligent cousin is voting for the Trumpet. I’ve sent her a lot of the stupid shit he’s been blowing out of his ass and she said “please stop sending me these horrible things that aren’t true”.
I simply cannot comprehend…
maga is willing to vote for an immature mind because they themselves are immature. The "mature" ones in the room are the ones who believe they have control over the "basement dwellers" ("basket of deplorables" HRC). Since these racist, misogynistic "patriots" have been around since the beginning, neither trump or his minions have control of their situation. Eventually they'll fuck around and find out just how bad the deal they made is.
And it's also the first two letters of idiot.
Exactly, “djt” is stuck in “child mind,” at the emotional toddler level. When he gets triggered, what ever the reason, he reacts from that emotional level. Anyone who has had a child, or baby sat one, going through the “terrible twos” knows how disruptive that is. Exhausting, all consuming. A full time job. Boundaries, nap times, great patience needed, lots of loving guidance needed: a sigh of relief.
Most kids get enough of those Toddler Needs met to move on, able to self-regulate emotions more and more. Listen, to others, respect No, time outs, feel safe sharing. Those like “djt” just Didn’t get them. Read any biography. He got Stuck back then. Still, sadly, destructively, controlled by a needy inner toddler. Despite, vast wealth, never able to get the help Crucial to Heal this Gap in his Early Life.
An “inner toddler” emerges to wreck what he’s involved in the present. Not an uncommon Occurrence in the early history of many Tyrants through history. That’s why citizens need to do research on the candidates before they make decisions on who they vote for. Do you want a toddler running Your Country?
My conure grandbird would make better decisions than trump. And my son and I have discussed how conures are perpetual toddlers. That's not a bad thing for a bird. If you love toddlers, get a conure. However, it's a really, really, really bad idea to have a toddler, or someone stuck in perpetual toddlerhood, as a president.
And he could care less about our Nation and supports his “Russian” buddies…
I see the "truth" getting pushed around by Trump, and all other directions by the followers, and opposition. It'll be tough to know what side to be on, and our civil war is going to be very awkward.
I'm on the side trump is not.
What if we have to shoot people. I'm on your side
Not tough at all. The side whose government is “ by the people” and “for the people”. Pretty clear.
Trump went to the Pee-Wee Herman School of Retorts: " I know I am, but what are you?"
I believe that Trump is demonstrating his retarded intellectual development. Its just like an immature child that argues to his parent after a sibling insists his brother hit him. He answers that he hit me first. Hillary called Trump a puppet of Putin, Trump said that he's no puppet, Hillary's the puppet.
HR McMaster's new book reveals just how incompetent Trump was at communicating with foreign adversaries.
'... the supposed master of the “art of the deal” was treated like a “chump” by a roster of the world’s top authoritarians...'
AT WAR WITH OURSELVES: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, by H.R. McMaster
We never expected it to ever happen that an incompetent person will become our "leader", representing us on the world arena.
The times have dramatically changed with social medias influencing peoples decisions. I think it is the time to update the Constitution to prevent this situation from repeating... (corrupted president, corrupted Supreme Court)
We knew it could happen. We just didn't think we were stupid enough to let it happen twice. I still don't think we are, but it's far too close for us to be in the clear when it comes to half the population being stupid. What's worse, this shows other countries that too many of us are easy to manipulate and some are probably planning ways to use that to their advantage.
That sounds like knowledge that is not taught in schools. What is an incompetent person? How can so many Americans be duped? Trump has millions of followers and supported - it has to be more than just stupidity - these folks are functional in our society. Why are they willing to vote their rights away? How are they not able to recognize a dunce? Or why would that be their preference as Head of their State?
My guess: these days many Americans, possibly with less prospects in life, see in him a role model(?). I am not into social media much, but it seems people can be addicted to it and feel “connected”. Does he seem to play “being one of them"?
It is hard to believe that one person in a very short time was able to erode so much our traditional moral and other values and make them popular…
I just saw a hat with text:
“Make lying wrong again”
I wish…
That's great!
I can't explain it. I could never watch The Apprentice - disgusting in too many ways. Some times are serious, and some are jovial - we need to be able to differentiate the two. We need a serious leader - I hope we don't treat Kamala too badly.
McMaster is no fan of Trump’s, but his take on the Trump administration is fabricated fabricated. He’s an a$$,
{Added note — see info below - McMaster on FACE THE NATION, Aug. 25}
You would know this how? Cite sources, please.
Face the Nation on August 25th. McMaster’s discussion of his book and his positions on the Trump administration, with ludicrous comments on Democratic administrations that preceded and followed Trump,
Cite your sources for the comments on Dem admins being "ludicrous." Specific examples and credible sources that debunk it, please.
The general speaks with forked tongue. In other places he commends Trump for his wise takes on China and trade.
His interview on FACE THE NATION was a valentine gift to McMaster, almost zero pushback to outright fabrications about Obama and Biden. Disgraceful.
His criticism of Trump is performative — his commentary supports the return of Republicans to power, and hence the Project 2025 agenda …
I need to read that one.
This makes him extremely dangerous, imo. He will stop at nothing, bribe whomever he can to get his way. It's not over yet.
It’s our responsibility as citizens to stop this, inform yourself by not letting previous preferences and beliefs and loyalties blind you. And this includes The Press, All Journalists, to expose the Truth. No it’s not easy, what adults do, if we’re honest with ourselves, all of us have areas where our “inner kids” doing our motivating our adult selves.
Even the smartest, best educated, not much book learning, though they be the savviest, the brainiest have been known to be naive; wealthiest, middle class, or poorest: all prone to the very same human foibles. Election times bring it all to the surface for society to see in all our human imperfections, every time…
That’s why in a democracy it is - one person, one vote. Sure enough, the candidates most likely to cheat, do ‘dirty tricks” to assure they are “elected” by corrupt activities, staff, dirty tactics, seem to have been formed in an an environment of unhealthy authoritarian upbringing, having never known a healthy relationship,one’s outlook on life is adversarial,distrustful, fearful. Authoritarian Government follows, chaos, restrictive, binding, Dictatorial, Painful,Harsh, Protector me against you.
Understandable and sad. An adversarial approach to Life development for a Leader of a Democracy, morphs into more complex, anti-democracy.
Very different than a person raised in a family where the child was safe, encouraged, loved, shown how to share and develop, supported in how, to co-operate with others, how it’s done to be you and us, naturally, rather than either/or. What is meant to be has always been the strongest is and loving combination of the best: me + you= together is Stronger. A choice. There can be time outs, when desired. Options. Co-operation optimal. Renewal, revival, recovery healing, and Advancement. Regeneration
a stronger Civilization is able to Continue to evolve.
It’s interesting to note that all narcissists pretty much act the same way, just not to the same degree.
I had a narcissistic ex who did that. He was still learning English so it was really easy to track. I would use a word about his behavior and within days he was using that same word to attack me.
He’s always accused others of doing the criming he’s done. It’s his tell.
Of course. But many of us do that. It's called projection. He does it all the time, but most of us do that sometimes. It involves denying aspects of ourselves we can't abide, and instead accusing others of those characteristics.
Sure, but most of us don’t accuse folks of vicious coups or cheating in elections.
Yes. Of course. But it may be how he keeps his followers enraptured. He gives them permission to engage in their projections. I.e. Those people are - fill in the blank. So many of us are easily led by charlatans who encourage projection. It's the foundation of all the isms.
The blank... is called Malignant Narcissism, and like Covid it spreads and changes to it's fill the needs of it's followers, so they feel secure that all others are wrong. And they have justification for what they do and say.
As I understand it Projection is when we ascribe a characteristic about our self we don’t like to someone else. That is different than talking about actions we took.
There is probably a name for when someone takes an action and then claims other people are doing it…I just call it lying.
It's called Narcissistic scapegoating, where others are blamed, after the use of Narcissistic gaslighting has been tried, and failed. When these fail, Narcissistic Psychopathic is then the last resort in a Malignant Narcissist mind, to bully, defame, incite others, intimidate, threaten, lie, etc and even death to those who question or stand in the way of what they see as Truths they are being fed on daily basis, which is Indoctrinations to the poorly educated that need that constant insurance they are loved and finally belong in society, right or wrong.
Linda, I am not sure it is just poorly educated people who are caught up in this. I do believe you are right about people's need/desire to belong to something that is powerful. I am guessing that is why a lot of people remain in the Catholic Church. Unless one is a straight male with money (mostly white), there isn't much in the church for you. But the church is very old and has a lot of members, so people will put up with a lot of misogyny, racism, xenophobia, homo/transphobia and the rest to be part of something big and powerful. They will also follow a jerk like Trump because he has gathered around him a whole cult of people who are stressed out, want to think as little as possible, and want to believe a mostly ignorant narcissist cares about them. It is truly unbelievable what our human nature will long for and accept, if presented in the right way.
Yes, Ruth. This is why we must address Catholics and remind them that Pope Francis has condemned what Trump stands for.
Not just Catholic. Protestant churches are even worse. Evangelicals are Protestant and they hate gays and tend to be more racist. I don't go in for any christian sect, really, but when it comes to vilifying everything, it's the Protestants that are the most vocal. I'm in an area that has a lot of Catholic churches and few Protestant and it's a very blue area. I moved here from the red, Protestant, Southern Baptist bible belt and, believe me, it is far more prevalent there.
Trump uses his speeches, he usually speaks in a boisterous manner to get attention, he then repeats the same 3-4 times in a row, stops and waits for a reaction.. As now he sounds as if he is defeated, low key, to show he is feels abandoned, to create sympathy within his followers, But then he steps it up a notch by attacking others, their manner, religion, dress, speech, lifestyle, etc. As in Kamala, he attacks her because of her race, said he didn’t know she was black, but everyone knows she has always said she was Indonesian/ Jamaican. Not Indian. But he has to call her that to stir the distrust and unrest within our American Indians. Trump uses his body language, as when he goes before the audience, he calls himself America's favorite president, waits for the reaction, some one boos him they are removed, when telling a lie he starts his accordion style hand movement, and as he gets angry the hands move quicker. Trump is a manipulator, he pulls others into his crimes, saying things like "I stand between the government coming after you. I will go to prison and be a martyr for uou, i took a bullet for you." When his crimes were uncovered, he automatically started saying"We Americans are not going to take it", not our crimes but dragged his followers into it.
Character disorders are so exhausting.
Sure, we all do it sometimes. The problem is that he does it every time.
Thank you, that is exactly what I was about to write.
Yes, you can bet on it every time. However, I believe Kamala is smart enough to tool the dotard.
She knows his type. I love how this campaign trolls him.
"I'm not; YOU are!"
Yes. Isn't it a way very young kids try to invalidate what someone else has accused them of doing or being: just senselessly accusing the accuser of the exact same thing?!
He's like a little kid in a playground trading insults -- I'm not a dummy - you're a dummy. So over it.
It totally disgusts me that the Republicans are supporting this obviously corrupt and incompetent man. They know very well he isn’t capable of handling the Presidency but they simply don’t care because they figure they’ll be able to control him and get him to do their will. Republicans do NOT care about this country only what they can get out of this country, monetarily for themselves! Project 2025 spells out entirely their incredible selfishness. It’s close in my mind to treason what they‘re trying to pull. Every one of them that’s in on this, probably all of them, I consider a traitor! They are snakes and cheaters that have no shame. In addition to they’re project there are the Evangelicals who are determined to make our country into an Evangelical nation, Michael Johnson. Our country was never meant to have a single religion and we aren’t about to try to convert non Christian citizens! So leave our Jewish and Muslim, Buddhists alone Mr Johnson !
an "Evangelical Nation" headed by an anti-Christ.
Suzy, and if someone were to try to convert the white evangelicals to another faith, they would be screaming. So, Evangelicals are just a form of self-righteous children who want the playground for themselves and their friends and no one is allowed to play there despite a Christian understanding that we are to treat others as we would want to be treated and to love our neighbors, that is everyone as we love ourselves and if we don't do that, we do not actually love God. People certainly can twist even their faith to suit their personal greed, anger, hatred, resentments, etc. And, I am guessing their joy comes from hurting those they don't like, just as the christian inquisitioners and other torturers did throughout history.
“I know you are but what am I?”
You must have been elementary teachers! We know how little kids will taunt each other.
Trumpet 🎺 is a coward and a Liar; his failed coup of our Government was a failure just as his re-election was a failure.
Trumpet 🎺 is aware he is too old too undesirable get elected to anything and is sure to be defeated in November.
Trumpet 🎺 is playing the Long Game and is trying the feeble old man routine too demented to be held accountable for his major and minor crimes while he was president
Today trumpets 🎺 goals is to make his criminal activities seem just normal things of every day political life…
Citizen, Trump is actually failing mentally. He may also be pretending to be worse than he is, but there is some noticeable decline in the past 5 years +. He does have quick handlers who can help him get somewhat back on track, but Trump was never the brightest bulb in any room and is now struggling. Each time someone does something he has not foreseen, like Kamala Harris's made the Democratic candidate, he is thrown off and I suspect it takes hours or days to help Trump get to a point of functioning. I hope his handlers are being paid well or is it just that they are promised big jobs if/when Trump is re-elected. They will have to keep reminding Trump often that they are "helping" him because he may at some point blurt out that they need to leave him alone. I am waiting for that to happen at one of his weird rallies. The people won't notice, but maybe someone in the media will or someone preparing the video for release.
Citizen J - “like” I truly believe that he only ran again so he didn’t have to use his own money to pay for all of his legal expenses and to try to stay out of jail. Luxuries not afforded to the common folk.
This same psychological mentality disorder runs within the Maga Party. It is a malignancy, that changes to fit the situation so as to not lose followers who follow without question. It becomes Gaslighting Narcissism to try and change the outcome of peoples perception of reality,such as J6, the Afghanistan pull out, and even now broadcasting that Kamala and the Democrats raised a coup against President Biden in order to take over. When People start to question they use Scapegoating Narcissism, to put the blame on others to take away any focus on them, diverting the blame to others. Then there is the 3rd part Psychopathic Narcissism disorder that includes brutality, slander, defamation, force and even death to those who are seen as adversaries in order to shut them up or make them weak. This is the mindset of Trump and his Maga Cult, much like the white supremacists, where one goes they all follow. Trump has caused this division and hate, and needs to be held accountable.
Alas, Linda, we don't seem to be very good at holding Republicans accountable for anything. They have a huge crew of lawyers, good enough to comb through every law to find ones that could be used to warp the law in general to claim whatever they do is totally legal. And, they have the Supreme Court lined up redy to go to help they in their conquest of the United States of America. However, if the situation were reversed and Republicans were losing rights they really hold dear, they would scream, particularly if the same tactics were being used. Hypocrisy is strong with these ones!
The Republicans just frighten me because so much of what I have read about what happened in the early years of Hitlers‘ Germany reminds me of what they‘re trying to do, basically become a Dictatorship. They‘ve been at it for years, gerrymandering, closing poles, keeping certain segments of our population from voting. Now they have this incompetent man who is so incredibly flawed running for President for the third time! How can they even justify this horribly corrupt candidate?
I've been saying something similar for years. I've felt the repubs have been playing the long con and using christian churches to help make the masses malleable.
Did you realize that Don did not play the religion card till this year! Saying he was sent by God to save America, with no proof, but moved himself right up there and placed himself next to God, Nobody questioned it. He made a deal with the Christian Nationalist, they scratch his back, he would scratch theirs. He wanted them to say what a great and wonderful man, and he would make them great, as in the push by Flynn, One Nation under God should mean, 1 Religion, 1 church, 1 God. And the twisted version of the Lord's Prayer, that there wars in heaven for Christianity so there must be here on earth, by Mastriano. Deals were made just as were made with Corporations. But don't ask Trump because he calls it private, but as a prophet he is talk of God's teachings, not his, he is to follow in the steps and follow God's Laws, not break almost all, the 10 Commandments. Plus as Jesus said "We are to love one another" unconditionally.
Suzy, the challenge is that Republicans don't have to justify anything because despite his indictments, and convictions, there is so much blather going on with Trump's lawyers and foot-dragging on the part of the Attorney General, Trump, an insurrectionist has been permitted to run on a major political party ticket. That should never be permitted, but it seems lately Republicans can do pretty much whatever they want to even if it puts our democracy at risk. And, the Supreme Court 6 are right on board and are all white christian-nationalists, even the Black guy. Disgusting!
Suzy - “like”
Ruth - “like” Just like what the Arkansas SC did to keep the abortion amendment off the ballot. They are great at using all their dirty tricks. Shameful!
Anon, and they will keep doing it because there are rarely any consequences, and those rare consequences are nothing compared to what people whose crimes are far less serious end up facing. In Texas, I just heard people's homes were raided by Texas Rangers on the orders of the Lt. Governor, a twice indicted cheat, used for voter intimidation. I am hoping the Latine community will rise up and vote in huge numbers this election to show the Governor and his stooge that they are not intimidated and will do their best to vote those creeps out of office. Texas is a multicultural state, so why is it white males seem to be in charge nearly everywhere. Fraud, maybe! And they are calling fraud on others. When corrupt folks like Texas leadership go after fraud, it is a guarantee it is to distract from the fraud they are the ones perpetrating.
Ruth - “Like” You are so right!
The real problem is that people with chrisma have a way of making others to fall into their trap. Most can not comprehend that someone they trust would lie to them, they just make excuses and move on. It's been proven that if someone tells a small lie to 3 friends, that the lie will be added to and passed on, until it gets back to the Originator, and they add to it. So until the lies are called out by the educated, and shown to be lies, and are held accountable the destruction will not stop. As with Obama's birthright, Trump or Joe Arpio were never held accountable for and now Trump and followers are doing the same with Kamala, questioning her race, where she was born, etc. Trump has planted that seed in the minds of his followers, just to start another round of distrust, and Comer and Jordy have put out they were going to start a commission on impeaching her without any extras as to why, but the followers will embellish it until it becomes serious, as with Biden, Fani, and so many others. Have to hand it to the UK, after destroying the Steele Dosier here in the US, Trump tried suing in them in the UK and lost, to the tune of $300,000.oo.
Linda, you are right about the lies growing as they are passed. People really like to think they have some special information no one else has and they just can't imagine they could be wrong. For some reason, in this nation, we only seem to be able to hold poor people and people of color accountable for what they have done. It is not possible that Black men for example commit more crimes by twice as much or so than white men, yet look who are the majority in prisons. People thought Trump was a joke, which he is, but a bad one who happened to get elected. That meant that no one took seriously that he was breaking the law and had committed serious crimes, and while in office. Republicans just couldn't see it their responsibility to hold their guy, Baby Donnie accountable for his abuses of power, crimes against the American people. And, they will continue to protect their toddler-man to the bitter end. Disgusting!
Yes to all of this, and I credit my experience with my ex for making it obvious what Trump was from the first time I heard him speak. My ex was also one of the most dangerous types of narcissist who used brutality to get his way.
It appears to me that narcissism is present to some extent in every personality, and self-interest essential; but we balance and integrate that with compassion, conscience, and cooperation. The absence of that balance to the point of self-interest only becomes evil. It seems to me that the most evil behavior you can think of can also be described as extreme malignant narcissism. That said, there seems to be cheap, internal rewards to be had by yielding to narcissism; making the naive vulnerable to manipulation by those who would dominate. I think that some narcissism in clueless and therefore potentially more "curable" and some seems to be a core life strategy. We as a species need to give this a much harder look.
My teenager is very good at that.
All teenagers are libertarians.
There is hope for your teen… Miriam. 💞
I might be guilty of that, but I thought what my wife said to me was projection of sorts. To see Trump doing that in plain sight and no one calling him on it makes me want to yell "time out"! When asked on policy issues, and he says he'll take care of it, that's scary.
Unintelligent or uneducated people will also tend to do that. They also tend to resort to violence when they don't have the words to use instead.
It's called malignant Narcissism, where they are the only ones who know and understand what the Truth is, even if wrong. They start by gaslighting Narcissism, where project that what happened is not real, that it is in your mind, as in J6, the loss of an election, to the destruction of People, when that fails they use Scapegoating Narcissism to deflect onto others, taking them out of the picture, they were innocent, and is a witch hunt when caught. Thus they psychopathic Narcissism where they incite violence in others to do their dirty deeds so they can return to the indoctrinations, using them. This is dangerous because the 4 steps are repeated often. Dick-taters of the world are Narcissistic, and is a psychological disorder. They need this power, in order to function.
Those must have been tough times, Sara. Trust you are happy and safe now.
LOL. My narcissistic ex was a native English speaker-- he used to turn my vocabulary around on me within 5 minutes. Transparent but shameless.
Sara, people whose ego can't carry the weight of a word, and whose opinion of self depends entirely on the opinions of other, will when charged or accused of some negative or harmful trait, throw it as soon as they can, back or onto others..Trump is a prime example, by throwing it back or onto others, they are unloading the weight.
As an example.. On occasion I am called an angry old man, because I effectively refute somone's paradigm, ideology belief system. I don't throw it back, or even feel insulted or need to refute, because the shoe doesn't fit, and it tells me more about them, than me.
It is as if someone called me a horse, a tree, a carrot.
Cult leader Trump so desperately wants a rematch with Biden that the Old Sourpuss has twisted around and flipped upside down facts and truth to his personal benefit. And his cult followers believe him.
LOL … as one of six kids in my family, all these childish taunts are ringing so familiar from so many years …
What’s cute in kids, you can put down for a nap. And give a candy to make happy. Is a disaster in a Chief of State.
I know what you mean. I was number 6.
Todd, I think the scenario you laid out is the most likely. Agent Orange's whole apparatus, shtick, strategy and focus were set on running against President Biden. In Biden, he felt he had an easy target. He knew Biden would insist on maintaining his own decency, as Trump further lowered himself to use the dirtiest tactics to improve his chance to win.
Trump is used to inventing a "reality" his base accepts, which the media then airs without challenge. He believes he can reverse his fortunes by spinning lies the same way but aimed at registered Democrats. I think that he hopes to rile any disgruntled blue voters into rejecting Harris, challenging her nomination, throwing the party into disarray as the election nears to beat a campaign that becomes fractured, or that the party reinstalls Biden in a reflexive panic, the only person Trump feels prepared to challenge.
Problem is, most Democrats are smart enough to know that Biden is able to step down and the Dems are able to choose a new candidate, especially when that candidate was not yet made official.
Trump also has more intelligent members than he, to help him with his campaign. I'm sure ignores them alot but I'm sure there are some he's willing to listen to as far as their strategy for his campaign goes
Sure. For, like, a minute. Then he's off and running again. Just like a toddler.
@ Moving Joy In the playground "he what smelled it dealt it."
Don't miss the innuendo in Trump's "coup" charge--it fits perfectly into the MAGA narrative, namely, that this country was founded and made great by white, Christian settlers, and that the "woke" and non-Christians are trying to steal it. Harris is "woke" and her spouse is non-Christian, and they have forced white, Christian Biden out of office. We cannot expect Emohoff to convert to Christianity (even though Washington, DC, is well worth a mass), but we must plead with Christian leaders to come out openly in support of Harris, because she needs all the help she can get. Catholics who align with Pope Francis can be helpful. Far from being a fool, Trump is a very savvy manipulator of peoples fears and anxieties.
Oh, he's a very good grifter. Too bad that's all he's good at.
LOL Daniel, the old ruse. Blow a fart then turn and point to someone else.
I do not believe The Dark Lord is totally unintelligent. His intellect is just more inward directed. That is really what narcissism is. No, he does not have the intellect of his predecessor, Obama, or his challenger, Harris. He does have the intellect of a good used car salesman. There are plenty of people with the kind of intellect that makes them susceptible to following someone who will articulate their anger and fear. They will follow anyone who directs their inner rage.
Marketing 101. Exploit people's fears prejudices, and desires. Former Occupant understands this well enough.
Probably true. Most of his faux pas is due to his profound ignorance and his narcissist personality. He does’t think he needs to learn anything because it gets in the way of his huge ego.
John, I believe at one point "know it all" tfg said he knew more than "his generals". Recently he said that he wants to have a voice at the Federal Reserve as he made so much money. He never noted his bankruptcies.... I wonder why??
I'm not sure he ever even really made money. He was given a lot of money and lost a lot of money. I'm willing to bet he's lost more than he ever made.
I blame Edward Bernays.
Outstanding analysis and synopsis Vince.
Like attracts like. Humans aren't magnets. Leftist don't pail around with rightists, except in some cases, like Proud Boys and HAMAS supporters shouting Fuck Biden.
Trump has narcissistic personality disorder, so do MAGAts.
I agree and that adds a new dimension to the case.
He both repeats words and projects his own malfeasance and ignorance on others. It works for him most of the time because people who vote for him or those that are still undecided are very likely to be ignorant of the mechanisms of presidential elections. This is a well known technique of autocrats like Putin who float multiple versions of a story in order to divide the public.
Let’s face it, straightforward popular vote is much simpler, understandable and more desirable. Primaries are only intended to lessen the influence of power brokers. But they still influence them. In Harris’ case, I believe Biden delegates were free to vote their preference after he bowed out.
John, Trump repeats words because he has a limited vocabulary. 100 to 300 words, no more.
Not surprising at all.
Trumpet 🎺 is a coward and a Liar; his failed coup of our Government was a failure just as his re-election was a failure.
Trumpet 🎺 is aware he is too old too undesirable get elected to anything and is sure to be defeated in November.
Trumpet 🎺 is playing the Long Game and is trying the feeble old man routine too demented to be held accountable for his major and minor crimes while he was president
Today trumpets 🎺 goals is to make his criminal activities seem just normal things of every day political life…
Will he get away with the normalization of his deliberate crimes and Traitorous conduct…
Stay tuned …the Supreme Court already bought and paid for…
( a presidency only made possible by HILLARY CLINTON Gutting the entire national Democratic Party apparatus to legitimize her purchase of the democratic nomination to be President) the attempted coup of Jan 6, the classified documents , deliberate business fraud 43 counts )
Darth Traitor’s coup was a failure… just like the Beer Hall Putsch? Better check your history books again.
Yes, that IS the scary part …
The Heritage Foundation is rewriting our history right now. I wonder what it will be when they're done. I'm keeping HCRs version so I can remember what really happened.
Do you suppose the original Nazis never died? It sure seems like they’re all in the Republican Party now.
The ideology certainly hasn't gone anywhere. The ironic thing about Aryan superiority that should be driven home to Neo-Nazis is, when the Russians were at the gates of Berlin, Hitler ordered every boy and man to give his all to defend the capital. Failing in this, he ordered the good German people to torch everything they needed to survive, because, having been defeated by "Eastern races", they had proven themselves of inferior genetic stock and did not deserve to live.
They Died Suzy, these are their Children. Were it not for the Japs bombing Pearl Harbor, we would be fascist now. The American Fascist movement was on the verge of taking over America. The NAZI Party had many adjuncts like the Silver Shirts. There was a rally to a overflowing crowed in Madison Square Garden with banners of George Washington in the center, flanneled on each side by banners with Swastikas.
Google images and see.
Rachel Maddow did a very good job of how narrowly we escaped in Prequel.
Who is HCR Gordon?
Pure Projection!!!
Re that Trump is repeating something he heard said. Yes, yours is exactly what I thought, too.
A Trump-whisperer said, “Gee, I bet Biden was …” (and projected characterizations that they, themself, would maybe have felt, just sort of wondering how Biden felt and acted). And Trump ran with it; he wasn’t sure where he heard it, felt it was probably true—in his experience it seems to fit, so he decided that anger and fighting sounded right (and then, given time, a couple minutes, in his mind it becomes true).
Him trying to project what he did onto the Democrats is what it sounds like and he's doing a poor job of it. He's used to being ahead of that curve and now he's behind and has no idea what to do.
Trump is an 80 year old spoiled brat.
He is also only the front man for a fascist organization who basicly tell him what to do. He's not the only danger.
Agree absolutely. He is the dope for the fascist organization behind Project 2025. He is easily manipulated.
As long as they flatter him, he will do what they say.
Linda, I can't help but wonder who they are grooming to fill in after Trump is gone. It is clear it shouldn't be Vance, but there are plenty to choose from, even those guys behind the scenes, and it will be a white man or a white wannabee. I know Lindsay Graham would love the honor and so would DeSantis, but neither of them fits the part. It has to be someone already popular who has few skills except conning. Mikey Johnson has been conning people for years, possibly about his sexuality, but it's something; I hear it in his insincere voice. Steve Miller and the other Steves want to pull the strings from offstage so they can't be blamed. Gov. Noem wanted to prove her evil bonafides, but instead proved she is just cruel with no judgment. Teddy Cruz would like it, but he has no guts, even pretend guts like Trump has. One could go on and on, but it is certain there is someone waiting in the wings and we had best be wary and have good people keeping track. One thing we do know, the Supreme Court 6 will help them in any way they can and do it while claiming that what they are doing is Constitutional; it won't be, but who is going to stop them unless Democrats win the elections up and down the ballot this November.
Mark Robinson Ruth. Sufficiently misogynistic, patriarchal, homophobic and fascist to sway even the racists to overlook his skin color.m and he would be chosen for the same reason the racists chose Herschel Walker, Tim Scott, and Byron Donalds, putting a step and fetch it black on the ticket will attract black votes, the white racists will ignore it, for the same reason that they ignore the house slave drinking brandy with the master.
Ruth - “like” Totally agree because they will just change the date from 2025 to the election. They won’t give up until they find someone who will implement their egregious “laws”. We can never let our guard down no matter how exhausting it is.
I've seen replays of his rallies, like a bad reruns. All lies! And bs
No. As long as they fund his desire to be an autocrat, he will do what they say.
He was chosen as the puppet for Putin and the puppet for the White Christian Nationalists movement in this country who want to maintain their status quo of privileged wealth and power. Follow the players from Newt Gingrich, Bill Barr, Mitch McConnel, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Steven Miller, Steve Bannon dark money from uber unscrupulous billionaires, Rupert Murdoch and let us not forget Lenard Leo's behind the scenes influence on the SCOTUS. that passed decision after decision that aligned with the white Christian Nationalists agenda. Trump is unfit, unqualified and dangerously unhinged, but he is the figurehead that follows the orders of the wealthy white oligarchs.
Exactly! And it's so obvious that I don't understand why so few people seem to be aware of it, or they know what it is but are reluctant to speak publicly about it.
So Betty, it looks as though we are going to have to get a decisive win in November so we can start calling out the fascists and indict any who have broken the law, even if they are in Congress or state legislatures. Reforming the Supreme Court then the lower courts is essential if we will get anything done.
The “Enemies of State” listed all have advisers, who know The Donald’s Lousy upbringing, gaps in childhood stability. They’ve been told just how to manipulate his “desperate, inner toddler” you can be sure of that!
HR McMaster's new memoir details just how easily and to what detriment:
H.R. McMaster Doesn’t Think Donald Trump Is Very Good at Making Deals
A new memoir by the onetime national security adviser shows how the former president’s insecurities and weaknesses harmed U.S. foreign policy.
Other than that McMaster has no use for Trump, McMaster himself crochets a cockeyed version of history, where Republicans have done wonderful things {mostly twisted history of McMaster’s making} and Democrats have not even done the actual things they did. Just because he’s smart enough to dump Trump doesn’t mean his book is valuable.
{ADDED NOTE — See McMaster on FACE THE NATION, Aug. 25 for confirmation of above opinion.}
Pat, thank you for sharing. As far as I know the last general to oppose the military-industrial complex was Eisenhower.
Read closer, listen to his Sunday talk show interviews he's trying to play it both ways for g-d knows what reason HRM is talking out of both sides of his mouth on this...there are plenty of compliments to Trump's policy goals wrapped in how painful it was to deal with his ignorance.
Same with Barr, Miriam, same with Romney, all of the old guard Republicans, they are all theocrats, fascists, they actually despise Trump for exposing them. They disavow Trump but not the MAGA agenda.
Miriam, isn't that part of the Republican playbook? They pretend to move away from Trump because he is just sooo bad, but stayed with him throughout nearly his entire term in office and only left because there was some kind of weird line they decided not to cross, just in case. Even the guys at the DNC who were Republicans are basically in favor of nearly all of the things Trump did, just maybe not insurrection or stealing documents or intimidating voters or something, but it is usually one thing. I suspect that if the Republicans were to put someone else up with almost all the same positions and most of Project 2025, they would vote for that person. We do a lot of praising of bad behavior. Adam Kinsinger is the only one of the Republicans I can say had some kind of moral compass and sense of the truth.
I have been saying trump is being manipulated. While it is and has been so obvious since his announcement to run for potus, how easily and readily he was swayed by flattery and compliments, for it was upon reading Democracy in Chains, Nancy Maclean… in 2019 or 2020 that I realized he was a puppet for a much larger scheme. A scheme that has been silently in the background since FDR and picking up speed at different times in our history… Brown v Board of Education, MLK, abortion rights for women and more. Yes, he is just a puppet!
Yes, Nancy Maclean's Democracy in Chains is shockingly revealing. What we are experiencing today is the result of a long game, a game that will continue after Trump is gone..
Absolutely Rhonda. Trump was and is a means to an end, a tool, not THE problem.
Then again Fritz Thyssen and the financiers and industrialists who supporte Adlph thought that Adolph as also a useful tool.
Google the Council for National Policy. It's as scary - or more so - than Project 2025.
Rhonda, but Trump sure does love the role he is playing, puppet or not because he is not living in reality anyway.
Trump is like the Emperor with no clothes
Yes, all it takes is ego stroking, some money and McDonald's
Trump is being used as an entertaining distraction from the dangerous erosion of our democracy. His entertainment value is passé.
They can easily manipulate him with flattery and fawning.
And cash. Cold hard cash.
He monetizes everything: national security, assassination attempts, Bibles, classified documents, etc.
It always comes down to money for him. $$$$ = worth.
Imagine how much Putin laughed at the ease of manipulating this egotistical empty suit.
Important point. I agree.
Agreed. Trump is the lure on the fascist hook. A very ugly lure at that.
Amen. tRump is a pawn and a deliberate distraction. It’s people like Shady Vance and his Heritage buddies you want to watch out for. tRump will fade from view soon enough. It’s his would-be successors who are the real long-term threat to our freedom.
In every way possible.
Not only the fascist organization. Pro life organizations, the NRA, Christian organizations and conservative Republicans all got behind Trump for their own agendas. As someone I know said “never give power to a narcissist” which is exactly what so many did and now we're all paying the price for it.
Their lack of faith and trust in him became apparent to me when they thought he was going to lose in 2016 and many dropped him like a hot potato desperately trying to distance themselves from him only to jump right back on the bandwagon when he won.
I will forever hold anybody that voted for him in 2016 accountable for what's happening today!
Paul_ - “like”
Very well said.
And here's one of Trump's (past) intimates, revealing just how unable Trump really was.
So true, Paul!
Ah, the irony. The fact that a political party can pick people any way they want to, and that this pick was as close to a 100% consensus as is humanly possible, doesn't occur to him. And yet, he has no problem with overturning actual cast votes and replacing those results with fake electors picked by election boards made up of party-controlled rigged appointments. Lord God, yet one more blatant hypocrisy. The projection never ends.
He didn't come up with that plan because he's not smart enough. Bannon, Eastman, Flynn, Giuliani and the sycophants around him had lists of ways to keep him in office.
Dee, would you agree that Stephen Miller deserves honorary mention among that group of diabolical deviants?
Yes. Miller definitely belongs in that group. He’s the Goebbels.
OH, yes I would agree with that. There are more diabolical deviants than I know of. Stephen Miller is one of the worst who's sometimes left out, like I did. But he's been there for years and risen through the ranks.
AND Mitch McConnell.
Miller is a Nazi
Dee: Giuliani is no Einstein either. But you can add Stephen Miller to that list.
Yes, Greg, he's definitely smarter than Giuliani and right in there. doing his worst.
The Republicans have no dearth of legal eagles to do their constitutional monkey-wrenching. They had 'em in Florida in 2000, and Lewis Powell and Leonard Leo have been the architects of the emasculation of democracy. (https://www.propublica.org/article/we-dont-talk-about-leonard-leo-supreme-court-supermajority).
Thank you for the reference. We must not forget that these schemers succeeded by skillfully playing domestic geopolitics. The outcome was predicted by Kevin Phillips in his American Theocracy (2006).
What I don't understand is WHY Americans don't call these people out - and then find ways to get them out. Just like the Supreme Court Justices. There are so many crooks, criminals, devious actors and we see them in front of us. No one makes a move to stop them. I don't understand why not.
We have the knowledge to understand all they are trying to do we should also have all the knowledge to stop them. Our first way will be at the ballot box in November.
He’s the epitome of an incorrigible…make that a deplorable incorrigible.
Thank you for that expression, Robert. "Deplorable incorrigible"... has a nice ring to it!
Trump is in panic mode and is throwing every crazy idea against the wall in the hopes that one of them will stick. This particular outrageous claim is sliding on down to obscurity. It is none of his damn business who and how the Democrats choose as their candidate.
The Biden Harris team is not being caught flat footed in the legal department . According to Dan Rather, they have hired a legal team that is more than 10 times larger than the legal team that Democrats used in 2020. The Republican threat to the voters right to vote is quite real. Trump‘s claim that there has been a coup in the Democratic Party is pure fiction. Trump‘s claim is just another fabrication in Trump’s fire hose of lies.
Your comments are appreciated, informative, and inspiring. It’s important to know that the Harris-Walz team is prepared to take on the massive election fraud and disruption that the Republican Party is currently demonstrating in every state, as well as their intention to seize the presidency and control of the government regardless of the outcome of the November election. Their coup is happening, from local politicians, justices, and state legislatures, to the "Supreme” Court. Trump is a well-played distraction and the angry working class adore him. The billionaire/corporate powerbrokers, working through the Republican Party, are poised to take absolute control.
We're seeing some masterful work right now!! Just the plays today re: the debate nail down was perfect!! They played him and his team to switch the narrative and they couldn't react quickly enough!@ i loved it 😍
No president was deposed. Biden still sits in the Oval Office. Trump talks rubbish.
People are really sick of hearing all this bull everyday all the time. We need to vote him and the rest of the crooks out.
He thinks that willpower alone can make things go HIS way. Very childlike. Childish.
I can declassify it just by thinking.
It’s worked for him so far, but the law of averages will eventually catch up even to him.
Karma can be a real bitch and does not pull any punches when she strikes.
That and a very weary populace
Magical thinking. And not in a good way.
Drumpf IS a proponent of Norman Vincent Peale & his philosophy of willpower and thinking of a desired result to make it happen....One book he MAY have read was 'How to Win Friends & Influence People' 😂
Willpower, what willpower? inner widdle Donnie, gets in the way of that every time.
Power of the Will (Triumph des Willens) where have I heard this before? It’s a powerful and dangerous force that commands many followers. Ridicule which I read on many of these comments way underestimates this force. The election will be very close once the euphoria ends. Biden was forced out after he said that only the Almighty could bring him to this step. He replaced her with Harris and it was his right to do so. But was it a wise choice? She is rooted in the most liberal part of the country and she carefully avoids to mention Berkeley and San Francisco. So far so good but there are tough days ahead.
No doubt about it! We must not be complacent. Harris need all the support we can give her.
Harris is not just "an opponent who’s attracting bigger crowds than his and has more volunteers, more donations, better ratings, higher poll numbers, and better vibes"; she's a BLACK/SOUTH ASIAN WOMAN who’s attracting bigger crowds than his and has more volunteers, more donations, better ratings, higher poll numbers, and better vibes.
Yup. It is driving him nuts. He is an adoration addict. It's the only reason he ever wanted be president. Only an insecure, child-like personality worries about crowd size. This child was never loved. He was raised by cold, bigoted monsters.
Kamala Harris is the face of 21st Century America. Mixed race, mixed marriage - a blend that makes us stronger and more beautiful. That angers and terrifies bigots and haters like Trump and his "pure race" followers and why I call them MAGANAZIs.
You've got it!
Please, with all those kudos DON'T get complacent. Where I live it's deep red - we're still not out of the woods. It's not over till it's over.
I’m a tiny blue dot in a sea of angry reds who parrot the party line mentioned above (that it was a “coup” against Biden) but I am working hard with what resources I have to help create the Blue Wave.
Don't worry; there's no way I'm complacent. VOTE BLUE!
That’s the kind of team I’d like running our country.
Me too.
I know for a fact tfg is quite a bit older than I am,and I was still an elementary school little kid when Gerald Ford was unelected(read:appointed)Vice President by Richard Nixon,and when he resigned to avoid impeachment,his successor was Gerald Ford,who was unelected yet again,and was president over 2 years.
If I remember that,he can't possibly tell me or anyone else that he doesn't.There was no"coup"or any bullshit like it.And neither was there one when Joe Biden decided it was better that his Vice President,Kamala Harris,be his successor in the presidential election.Someone who actually has a shot at winning.
I jokingly say Biden planned to do that after the RNC, because it knocked tfg square on his fat ass and it blew all the wind out of his sails.If Biden didn't do that intentionally,it sure as hell was some kind of happy accident.Either way,it worked out pretty good,wouldn't y'all say!
I suspect Biden was very deliberate in his timing. Over the years he has shown himself to be a master at reading political situations.
He would have known that Republicans were expecting to get a post convention bump, during the convention they locked in their ticket and their strategy.
Everything set up perfectly for Biden to throw a major wrench in their machine.
One of the wisest, mature, adult things President Biden did was to Choose, to relinquish power. That Ability was More Powerful, than Any thing, and Trumped Donnie T, 1,000%! Because, the Ability to take That Positive, Selfless Action, for the Greatest Good of Our All, Our Nation was Unthinkable and an Undoable by Donnie, driven by selfish needs.
And I can't wait to hear someday what was happening behind the scenes. An organic, perfectly timed, I'd say, a little bit of masterpiece 👌 ✨️
I was in high school at the time.
And Gerald Ford was selected as part of a plea bargain in the criminal case being brought by the Justice Department against former VP Spiro Agnew. Agnew was an active criminal while Vice-President (not for tax evasion which he was convicted for, but for steering federal contracts to people who paid him cash bribes). The GOP was bellyaching "coup" and "political witch hunt" back then because the Speaker of the House was a Democrat, and if both Nixon and Agnew were gone, then the Democratic Speaker would become President.
The Justice Department's goal was to get Agnew out of office before Nixon resigned or was impeached; they didn't want an active criminal in the top job. They were willing to go the "two tiers of justice" to preserve the Republic.
Rachel Maddow's "Bagman" is very instructive of that time.
Love Rachel Maddow's Bagman and her new podcast Ultra! Just finished the second season and it was eerily similar to what we have been going thru!!!
How times have changed! Now an active criminal is calling the shots.
The proof of his deteriorating mind is that the Republican handlers want to be able to cut him off or mute his microphone so as not to have a repeat of what happened with Fox News. This must be the first time Fox News has had to cut off a Republican candidate to switch to some other prescheduled programming to stop him from digging his own grave on TV.
Can hardly wait for their debate. We might place bets on what and how Kamala throws him a monkey wrench and he'll be off the rails. It will be great!
lol That’s likely but I’d have thought that could be readily treated these days!!!
Exactly. tRump is projecting 10000%
If he accuses anyone of doing something, he's already done it.
Yes Ash I agree with you. Projection big time. Another example: Biden was the worst president ever.
Eva Foreman
No, imperfect, of course, but Courageous in many ways, Able to take Selfless Action, to Let Go Power, when a Lesser Man would be unable, unwilling to set ego aside. It takes greatness, to do so.
Actually, I think it’s really about normalizing coupes.
And he’ll claim that the extralegal actions he’s planning when he legitimately loses to Harris are justified by the democrats’ “coupe”.
Yes, he has been paving the way for an actual takeover for a long time. It's his, and the current GOP's end game. He's constantly repeating that there is no way he can lose a fair election to Biden (or Kamala), that he will only accept the results if he considers it a fair election, that "his people" (he never pretended to be a President for all Americans), need to watch people vote to keep it "honest", that the Democratic party has already pulled a coup, and so much more, including violent rhetoric. And of course, he has never backed off from the Big Lie that he actually won in 2020 and the Presidency was stolen from him, thus making him the actual President Trump. This is why all his followers, and even the sycophantic media, especially Fox, keep referring to him as "President Trump".
a some point I'd like to see him referred to as "inmate #.........
Now I WOULD call him that, Eileen!
Idiot in Cellblock 9
I still refer to him by the GA case number: P01135809.
It makes me sick that anyone would continue to call him that! He is NOT the president anymore! He is just a demented, tired, sick old man now.
He has apparently never heard the adage that “There is nothing as past as a past President.” We must, with our votes, impress that upon him.
Peggy, I feel tje same way. I see these media people and others that call him President Trump as embarrassing suckups as well as coup enablers.
To Our Country's Shame, Disgraced Former President ~ is is only formal title he gets from now on. When we divorce him for good, we can do an official name change; Either that~ or Trojan Ass Clown 🤡.
Convicted felon and disgraced former President. Although, in reality, he was never the LEADER of our country or a true president. He only brought the country down, never led it anywhere except to embarrassment.
He is also telling people that they don’t need to vote. He thinks it’s in the bag. That scares me.
if he tells he base that they do n't need to vote, 1) less or no votes for him!, or 2) he'll tell them that the election was rigged as he got no votes. either way he's BONKERS.
if any fool listens to him saying they don't need to vote(?) sossmethng is worng with them! VOTING is a RIGHT that all who register to VOTE are ENTITLED to cast their ballots. If his idiots think they don't need to vote, something is wrong with them, seriously wrong.
Randy, I wonder if it *is he who planned/is planning the actions. I wonder how much input the Heritage Foundation has had for years, who orders the HF actions and positions. I wonder how much control the money men, the REAL money men, have on our government. Cui bono?
Lots of questions about quiet quid pro quo actions.
David, I absolutely agree with you! He wants to normalize a lot of the bad things he has done. He repeats the grievances like his lying. He told someone if you say it over and over and often enough, people will believe you. When he lies, he doesn't care that he is called out for lying because as his mentor, Roy Cohn, taught him, tell the lie because even when you have been called out on it, many people will start to think that where there is smoke.....there must be a fire!
Trump benefited greatly from the relationship, but when Cohn contracted AIDS in the 1980s, Trump turned his back on him, transferring his business to other attorneys. When the funeral came, Trump didn’t speak. “Donald pisses ice water,” Cohn reportedly said before his death. Source: Politico
The one thing that I could agree with Cohn! The orange man does piss ice water. He is a horrible excuse for a human being!
Yes and that's why he needs to be taken away from having access to the public now before the election....he can run for president from behind bars.
Is that a "little deuce coupe? or a c(o)up of soup???? He doesn't know what a COUP is....
It’s called PANIC 🙀. TRUMP knows he’s beat!
Keith, while we have him believing that, it is so important to keep our heads down on the task we have. We cannot let up at all! Vote blue, America!
There’s no wriggle room. Mistakes and complacency are not options.
I agree, Robert! We simply cannot sit back and act like we have won this election! We must continue to fight as if our very lives depend on it! In a sense, they do! Vote blue, America!
BTS - MANY bricks were SHAT.
The diaper was at full capacity 😆💩
He does
Trump is a very dangerous man
Every letter on this forum that points out the deficiencies of DJT only makes me want to go vote ASAP. Go Democrats! Bugger it all regarding Mr. D J Trump.
Pass it on.
"His mind cannot conceive of anything else."
Trump has a mind?
In the immortal words of Dan Quayle, “One’s mind is a terrible thing to lose.” If DonOLD ever had one, I’m pretty sure he lost it long ago. I think it’s definitely safe to say that he’s never had a conscience.
And in the words of Metallica "A mind is a terrible thing to taste."
Also the last words of Kennedy Jr's brain worm.
Kinda gross but funny.
You could say that about many aspects of Kennedy Jr.
😆 🤣
Actually I think there’s a lot of evidence building, pointing to a calculation by Trump/MAGA that they will be able to mount their own coup using supportive county and state election officials, with a basis in this current claim against the Democrats and other claims about election fraud. There needs to be action right now to stop this and I don’t think blaming Trumo’s narcissism is the right way to go about it.
Yes Bob, but should we not stop using the rational yardstick?
Trump needs a psychiatrist, he is deranged, unhinged, and what have you.
I can't imagine people still should be convinced that his destination should be a psychiatric hospital instead of the White House....
... and yet, here we are. It IS unimaginable, Tom.
Yes, Izzie; and unbelievable as well. So I keep asking why the political system, or the educational system, or the mass communication functions so badly that we still have the risk that we elect a would-be dictator as president with Project 2025 as program...
Look the man is nuts, period. Crazy can’t be explained. You know it when you see it.