Trump is all about desecration. He thrives on it.

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It was not only Trump on full display but his followers. Who could have imagined that almost half of Americans would vote for this New York jackass, even after all this time?

Let's hope this embarrassment is behind us in November and we can all move on.

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Putting Trump in a class with jack asses is an insult to JA’s everywhere.

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I have long struggled for who to compare him and his acolytes to without insulting some class of beings. I finally wound up with maggots, (the alternative spelling of MAGAts), though I still feel I should apologize to flies.

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Yes, on the apology to flies. At least, they help clean up the trash. Trump just creates it.

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Trump IS the trash.

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My thought exactly!

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Garbage indeed

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Maggots are used medically. Trump is used by Russia et al.

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We have been referring to trump as pustule or the pustule. It led to having to further describe to whom we were referring by writing from 2017 to 20 January 2021, “the pustule, the current head of the republican administration.”

There is no animal who deserves to be so incredibly insulted as to have their name used as an equivalent to the pustule.

In British slang a trump is a fart.

Something that is trumped up is “fraudulently concocted : SPURIOUS”.

trumpery is something that is “showy but worthless.”

So maybe his name is insult enough with further causing harm to any animal.

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Trumpery is a synonym of trickery, deception & cheating. Tromper, trompar & trompare are French, Spanish & Italian for to trick, cheat or deceive. Trump is appropriately named.

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David, maggots disgust us because they feast on decaying tissue. It is actually the decay that causes the disgust, and the maggots are just creatures doing what is in their nature to do — nature’s hazmat crew. MAGATs, on the other hand create or at least contribute to the decay that disgusts us. So, we’re still stuck looking for critters to compare them to.

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I still think MAGAts is an appropriate term for them. Your own choice whether or not you want to associate them with fly larvae or not.

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Well Said

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I prefer jackals, which are vicious and have pack mentalities.

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As you say, at least jackels have some form of pack mentality. Trump and his pack of dotards have none at all.

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He’s a vampire sucking the life out of our democracy.. Come Nov 5th he’ll hopefully have his political coffin nailed shut, never to rise again.

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Cf. Cults with pack mentality

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Sorry I left out the jackass, Roger. I was going to defend NY from being tied to that bag of shit.

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34 felony counts and clean sweep convictions later, New Yorkers aren’t impressed with him one bit.

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New York has long disavowed trump. Too many in 2016 ignored us for the rancid and never honorable Electoral College to follow the people’s will. (Although I am convinced to this day that something was not right with the final 2016 Pennsylvania popular count, which affected the final 2016 Pennsylvania Electoral College count, which was in whole ballgame.)

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Let Fox news report on this ugly incident...

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@Tom van. This is an example of the success of the PT Barnum school of advertising. Trump can care less what we say about him as long as he grabs headlines. It's headlines throughout the media -- repeatedly. Worth billions. A vehicle to raise funds.

4 days after Trump lost the 2020 election, he recognized the Taliban, and their leaders in custody were freed. They killed the 13 people interned ay=t Arlington.

Richard Kohn, a civil-military relations expert and professor at the University of North Carolina, said the Arlington incident is “in keeping” with Trump’s past treatment of the military and his “attempt to politicize the military since he came into office.”

“It’s not a surprise he doesn’t respect the protocols and the restrictions put on these kinds of things,” he said. “He has no inherent understanding of the military, of its historic effort to avoid being associated with domestic and partisan politics, and he doesn’t care.”

“He enjoys blowing past the normal behaviors that have governed American civil-military relations for almost our entire history,” he added.


Say the magic words "not suckers or or losers" on social media. https://www.youtube.com/user/votevets


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Daniel, Trump cares nothing for the military because I think there is a tiny drop of something over his fake problems that kept him from being in the military where he would have been terrified every day that has stayed with him. He is so into personal comfort, he does not want to be reminded, even though he probably doesn't actually have much of a memory of what he did, or, the way dementia works, he may have clear memories of that because it happened so long ago. Trump clearly has some kind of hate relationship with our military, and he LOVES the publicity he gets from every appalling thing he does, and his numbers do not go down, which means a huge chunk of the American people is enthralled with this absolute fool who uses people like paper towels or Toilet paper.

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Take heart, his numbers are going down. And in states where didn't have a chance 2 months ago.

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Catherine, I am feeling more hopeful; maybe people are starting to see what an old fool Trump is and that his handlers are not decent human beings worthy of note. And, then, there's Vance! Ugh!!!

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His parents had tired of him and put him in a military boarding school.

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His appalling behavior landed him in a military boarding school. He could not behave decently even when he was growing up.

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Yes, Daniel, he is a moron and a bastard. Should we go as low? That is why I stimulate Fox News to report. It will not help, I know, but let's go high...

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Going high is what Dems have traditionally done, comparable to bringing spoons to republicon knife fights. The Harris campaign finally has shown some willingness to bring knives and swords to the knife fights.

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Kamala needs to bring out the verbal weapons favored by the Greeks,

who perfected the art of sarcasm in political satire. Sarcasm is all that drumpf ever uses to discredit his enemies, as he projects all of his flaws upon them, to glorify himself. Example: change a word in one of his fallacies, i.e. "Only I can fix it" to "Only I can destroy it" (a coherent society). The reservoir for his punishment by a thousand cuts is bottomless. Take a look at just a few of his foreign policy fiascos;

Pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, in service to the Turkish autocrat Erdogan, to leave our Kurdish allies versus ISIS high and dry; signing off on the return to power of the Afghani Taliban; leaving

millions of $$ of U.S. weaponry in Syria for Putin's forces to claim;

and jerking the U.S. out of the Iran Nuclear Deal to the intense admonishment of our NATO allies as well as many of his foreign policy advisors. It is not a far reach to come up with twenty of his policy failures with which to skewer him, let alone his baseless attacks

upon dedicated public servants. He should at best rank equal to the worst president in U.S. history. Read opinion piece by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)


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Yes, I know, but knives and swords won't do. Is vomiting the only answer then? See it as an expression of abhorrence and despair. How low are we forced to go?

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I disagree. If Dems don 't wan t to get into a pissing contest with a skunk, they should RISE above all the name calling crap that gets worse every election.

trump is not your usual psychopath, he is much much worse

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Kamala should, in the debate, look Drumpf in the eye and say, “You’re nothing but an old, fat, ugly criminal who belongs in jail.”

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Bambi, and it is appreciated. That is not going "low," that is being prepared. It is impossible to stay above the fray when the opponent has no moral compass, would stab you in the back if you turned away, and cares only for himself. That is appalling yet a whole lot of Americans consider Trump their deity.

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Yes we should go as low as we need to. It's the only way to get his attention and crazy response.

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Tom van, This is Fascism we are fighting not a difference of opinion. Going high? Ineffective.

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But then what? Kill them all? Look every Trumpist up?

Europe has seen the rise of Hitler; this Trump show is familiar, but does it mean that we should erect concentration camps?

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I wonder how Fox "news" would twist the story?

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Yes, but let them try to explain. The facts are what they are. Nixon said he was "not a crook", but he had to go eventually. Even the childish right might come to its senses.

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Fox news is Murdoch the dirty diggers enfant terrible. He even regrets starting it himself. Maybe someone should make broadcasting falsehoods an offence.

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Laurie - Look at Media Matters - they are as stun with all the backflips Fox News is doing as other “woke” people are. (That is my attempt for sarcasm in the quotation marks)

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Either doubling down or ignoring it completely!

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It's past the time to take the higher road, now it's time to fight fire with fire! Taking the higher road may be the way you were raised? Unfortunately we can no longer fight on equal ground his Republican Senators who support him fight dirty with misinformation & have 0 moral's just like him and they know Jesus didn't send him and their about power and not religion or Faith+ their manipulating people who are faithful which a lot of the red States churches are guilty of cult behavior! It's important to them to have that tax exempt status! Religion is a big business in the south!

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Daniel - “Like” They seem to forget that it was trump who didn’t negotiate with the Afghanistan government But directly with the Taliban. That left them with a blueprint for the attack during the withdrawal of our troops. The Taliban claimed to have been helping with the evacuation - but were they really helping? The deaths of the many tells me that the answer is no. They see the loss of life as the cost of doing business. The only one to blame is the person who is now trying to blame everyone but them self.

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Dan - you are correct. He is so upset that the Harris/Walz ticket is taking up all the media coverage that he probably intended this to happen so we would ALL talk about him and the media would be all over him. The best thing we can all do is STOP talking about what he did and stop giving him coverage. He doesn't care that it's bad press. He loves that he's being talked about. He doesn't care about rules....he never has. And he certainly doesn't care about members of the military. He used that family for his own personal gain. They let him. That was their choice, but they got used.

Trump recognized the Taliban, freed their leaders right as he was walking out of office. He put the Biden/Harris administration in a no-win situation. Increase our presence or get everyone out. Those freed leaders...killed our soldiers. That sits with Trump. Even if he has a revisionist story. Even if his 'followers' believe him. Everyone else remembers! Could the Biden/Harris administration do a better job on the exit - yes! a better job on the visas - yes!

But let's stop talking about this situation because it's exactly why he did it.

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Yes, As they say in DC, there is no such thing as bad press. Ignore him.

Among mammals, including human’s the best way to respond is to shun him. That is shat wolves do.

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Marian, millions AREN'T shunning him.

Wolves don't have another side (if you're Amish, you deal or leave).

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I cannot find the clip where he put's up the wreath and starts walking forward as the black young military man had to walk backwards, I 100% believe it was Trump's intention for the young man to lose his balance and to fall backwards and obviously his PR dept thought so also cuz within hours it was missing from every social media platform's it's something Trump & his cruel nature would enjoy! But I can't even find it on the BBC

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Is giving a thumbs-up in a graveyard filled with your own dead, considered a good thing? The 13 killed at the airport were the victims of the ISIS-K organization, headquartered in Southern Russia. They had nothing to do with creating the chaos; that was the work of Trump and the Taliban- leaving the Afghans out of withdrawal discussions. The ISIS-K just took advantage of it, to kill Americans.

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Despite his "huge" iq I doubt he could even spell protocols let alone respect them. I'm a Brit and I have nothing but despair in my heart that our younger, (but much bigger), brothers and sisters in America could even consider voting for this oaf and his henchmen

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Trump went through a military school in his past. He certainly does understand the military. It is correct that he doesn't care.

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Trumpet 🎺 is a coward and a liar, when it was his turn to serve his country trumpet claimed SHIN SPLINTS VA SORENESS IN YOUR LEGS FROM NOT STREACHING AFTER RUNNING kept from serving in the military. It was Donald trumpets corwardace that kept from serving in the military he is a coward all day long…

A professional Coward Coward Coward Trump should be ashamed ashamed Ashamed to even set foot in Arlington National Cemetary the Hallowed resting place of our HEROTIC dead… trumpet of should be banned by law from ever entering Any National Cemetary…. Coward !!!

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Wrong. He was diagnosed with bone spurs. The daughter of the doctor said her father was a tenant of Daddy Fred Trump and wrote the bogus report as a favor to Fred. TFFG did this 5 times.

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He had a compliant physician (they do exist) that diagnosed shin splints where none existed. Such are the ways of DJT.

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Bone spurs

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Bone spurs. Cowardice.

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St. Thomas Aquinas neglected to identify Cowardice as one of the 8 Deadly Sins.

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Stan, imo DonOLD is guilty of all of them except sloth. 85.7% works for me.

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Aquinas surely named pride as serious sin...and that is the tfg's motivating characteristic.

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Jay, DonOLD has no shame.

I like "Coward Coward Coward" -- it bears repetition. 🙂

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Tom, I can just imagine the Fox Not Nearly News coverage, "Donald Trump is attacked by an employee of Arlington Cemetery as he attempted to empathize with and console a grieving family on the anniversary of the disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan, orchestrated by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their inept military advisors. Trump was not permitted to fully be with the family due to the incident. It is believed he was not injured." Am I close?

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Yes, you h've gotten it!

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Yes, very close: and then? Nothing happens in the biggest democracy of the world?

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Tom, the employee who was shoved aside didn't press the complaint citing fear of retaliation by Trump supporters.

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Democracy Is what Democracy does. Any country that rounds up people and ethnically cleanses them is not a democracy.

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India is the biggest democracy.

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India has been convulsed with misogynistic (gang rapes) and anti-Muslim strife ever since Mohdi got into office, although I 'd say he's probably more a symptom than a cause.

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They are.

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Tom - “like” Media Matters has a whole bunch of the shameful ways that Fox News is trying to spin it listed. If you are curious.

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Isn't Fox supporting Trump on this incident?

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I can imagine the police being trump supporters as the employee decides whether or not to press charges. People, we ARE already here (and we have been since the civil war) with the large following he still has.

All we can do is keep fighting.

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Yes, Lynn, IMO, this is reality we thought never could be. "They" are everywhere- in police & law enforcement, in the government, in our schools, at our dinner tables. In The Fourth Turning is Here, Neil Howe says this season of crisis will pass, as many others in history have (the Civil War, WWII, etc.) with a civil "war" or a secular upheaval whereby the old civic order is replaced with a new one. I don't know what or how big this upheaval will be, but it's something we should see coming.

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You should remember that not all of The USA population votes in elections . Usual turn out is less than 50% a large turnout rare is 60 % of the population votes.

Mandatory voting with a $200 or $300 fine is the law in Australia. That resulted in a more representative centrist

government that better reflects the will of the people.

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Voting day should be a holiday, and it should be celebrated as such. Those who don't vote would feel left out. This is what Obama proposed, and Republicans, of cousre, opposed it.

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Maybe better if you get a paid a day off for voting. More of a carrot than a stick approach .

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Australia fines people who don't vote. Great! Won't work here. Not enough enforcement or people who care. But paying people (via tax credit) might just work and would hopefully keep the SC out of things.

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Yes, people will respond well to a tax cut. Instead of wearing a sticker that says, “I voted today,” the sticker could read, “I cut my taxes today.”

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That would be a bad move: someone like Trump would probably raise the payment to a ridiculous level to get people to vote for him. Bribe them, in other words.

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Trumpet 🎺 receives Bribes, He doesn’t give bribes to anyone. Trumpet 🎺 Lives all Life Through His Wallet his Goals are to Receive as much money as possible give out money is just in his nature.

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In Australia, they wanted citizen participation in choosing elected officials. Republicans don’t want everyone to vote.

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Exactly the better the population of a country is represented in its government system the better laws taxes etc are supported and unifies that country…

Why does Warren Buffet pay 17% tax rate and the workers pay twice as much in taxes about 40 % of their gross income … think about .

All Jobs should start at full pay , full benefits, full health insurance Full retirement and end this ridiculous part time work rule that benefits only the business owners…

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Republicans will never pass that. They know, the more that vote the less chance they'll win. They want to obstruct, not enable.

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Citizen J, as I’ve said before, a good idea in theory, but what about all the “low information voters?” People who are apparently influenced by ads, lawn signs, “reality tv,” etc.? The millions of people who actually believe tfg is a successful business person? I’m not convinced.

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Well that’s an unfortunate reality best described by Larry David’s portrayal of a colonial Representative running around saying such nonsense “even the morons ?” While deriding the concept of universal voting rights.

Can’t make people learn stuff the army teaches basic combat skills to all recruits actual combat separates the fast learners vs the resistant learners. I Q scores are the only general determinant in that survival test.

Some how the country will survive ignorant voters the same way the country has survived, ignorant, legislators, and presidents.

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That's a great idea! 👍🏾

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Michael, I hope tRump will be gone in November, but the discord he has sown, watered, fertilized, harvested and then spread seeds, will be with us for a long time. It makes me sad.

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Armies Rode to the Battlefront.

Armies Wrote of the Battlefront.

Armies Wrote of the Commander-in-Chief.

Armies of children wrote to Santa at age 5... before growing up to write for the New York Times... armies of writers ... many would love to write speeches for Dog Catcher or School Board candidate... but think of how few write speeches for TV... or for Presidents.

And what did George W Biush and Trump do?

THEY IGNORED ALL THESE ARMIES! (alive and dead... for the entire history of our nation)


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Human Tribalism Degrades Rationality. I find the brutality of the alpha male within a tribe of animals disgusting... when he fights challengers for total dominance.

Even Super Popular writers get elevated to "dizzying heights"....

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"You can't please 'em all

There's always somebody calling you down

I do my best

And I do good business

There's a lot of people asking for my time

They're trying to get ahead

They're trying to be a good friend of mine

I was a free man in Paris

I felt unfettered and alive

There was nobody calling me up for favors

And no one's future to decide

You know I'd go back there tomorrow

But for the work I've taken on

Stoking the star maker machinery

Behind the popular song"


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There is no science of how to grieve. We all grieve differently.

Maybe Trump's violation of the ANC law is disgusting because Trump, who is an ANXIETY PLACEBO, tried to be a GRIEF PLACEBO... to get his fans to grieve HIS WAY, NOT THEIRS?

As an ANXIETY PLACEBO, he cures his fans of their anxiety HIS WAY, NOT THE SCIENCE WAY:

"Do one thing every day that scares you." --Eleanor Roosevelt

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He has NO capacity to grieve because grief means the other person was someone you loved. He only loves himself.

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Trump doesn’t have the gene of empathy or grief - he buried his ex wife on his golf course for Gods Sake - what were his kids thinking???

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I would be too ashamed to support Donald.

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I hope this embarrassment is remembered

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Nothing would please me more than to see this moron and his idiotic followers consigned to history.

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It isn’t almost half of Americans, though, Michael. MAGAs don't even comprise the whole Republican party, and Repubs are fewer than one-third of registered voters. The Trumpers are only a small---but very loud and vicious---minority. Unfortunately, their operatives are strategically dispersed.

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Just chiming in to note that voting in presidential election is actually up the last couple of cycles. Pretty sure it broke a record at 62% of voting age population in 2020. Polls expect that number to be even higher this year. It's still not a great number (think U.S. ranks in the high 30s across democratic nations) but it improving. It may go down again in the future once Trump is off the ballot.

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They don't worry about votes because of their many plans for voter restriction, votes nullified, etc.

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Not anymore, Denise. Voter registration shows nearly even numbers (Dems 49%, Repubs 48%). Corporatism isn't popular either.

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And we must never forget those who support him for they have shown us their true selves and can never be trusted again.

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Trump has no intention of accepting the will of the people. If he loses, Jan 6 will look like a walk in the park.

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They are not very bright

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Sadly, you're 100% correct. he was a spoiled child (read his niece's book! she tells the truth about him ...) his father and grandfather made their money by being slumlords. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and what he wants.

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His grandfather had a tavern/whorehouse in the Yukon. The Trump family knows how to make them pay and pay.

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And one in Seattle too. Violence against women must be in their blood.

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His grandfather was a pimp in the Yukon during the gold rush. A true group

of braying asses. This guy-by himself is simply a turd. Those who worship him are fools please send him all your money and explain your stupid ass upon entering heaven. ( PS you will not get in)

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His father owned a slum building where Woodie Guthrie once resided. Woodie wrote a song about Old Man Trump. No one should be surprised by the current trump. Every time he opens his mouth, he reveals more truth about himself - the total ugliness and complete depravity of his soullessness.

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Donnie's grave: Desecration Central

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Homer, I bet his family buries on a golf couse, so people have to pay to see it. I can see Eric selling popcorn & Jr. selling watered down lemonade.

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Marilyn, burying him on a golf course sounds fine to me -- fewer people will see it.

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I think they were hiding the evidence...no concrete overshoes in the East River for the Don.

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Plant DonOLD Convict right beside Ivana and let the weeds grow over him. Melanie sure doesn’t want him.

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Or Desecration Tower

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Just as he thrives on chaos and creating it.

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The irony is that Trump--not Biden is primarily responsible for pulling out on the Afghani military, making it impossible for them to fight back against Taliban troops in the final airlift.

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I would have preferred to read the official Army statement without the comments. That would’ve spoke louder to the Republicans

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Desecration is the right word. Spot on.

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Trump is incapable of meeting the most basic tenants of decency and humanity thus he attempts to bring everyone else down to his level by destroying all that is good.

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I believe he shits all over all laws, norms, and decent manners in his terrible insecurity: "hey, look at me, I'm better than all these stupid laws.. Laws are for losers, and I'm a petty little shit with a teenie-tiny little dickie-wickie so I don't have to obey them!! Look at me, everybody! You're losers and I'm a weiner!!"

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had to laugh, he's definitely a dick*

*not being sexist, guys use that term too.

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He IS desecration, the living embodiment of it...a scrofulous dung beetle scurrying amongst the graves of men and women who died in service of their country...all for the sake of a cheap and degraded campaign video.

"You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

Joseph Welch, June 9, 1954

Army-McCarthy Hearings

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Trump is all about HIMSELF. If breaking the rules, social norms, and any sort of decency gets him what he wants then, in his mind, it's all perfectly 'beautiful'. Desecrating our soldiers to get a chance to lie - fine.....because the camera was on him. Is the media now talking about him again - yup! That's all he wants. Everything else be damned.

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First glance, I read “desecration” as “discretion” !! Just, Wow—what the brain predicts when a serious, symbolic cemetery, for sacrifice, is the topic, but no, Trump IS the topic, the way he likes it.

The word for GOOD behaviour, discrete, “the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence.”

That, instead [get it right], Trump is about “desecration”—“the act of depriving something of its sacred character.”

That’s what they mean when they say he sucks all the oxygen out of the room, there’s nothing else—there’s nothing left when the elephant is in the room.

“America? We’ve got to talk? First, …about the elephant in the room.”

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Trump is truly a failed abortion.

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Satan always is…

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Aug 30Edited
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No, trump is not a representation of most of us. And you are wrong about Harris policy.

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Gail, Tom is a Putin Troll. He claims to be for Jill Stein, but Jill Stein is a Putin Asset

Check this out Stein, Flynn, Putin at dinner


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Ignore the trolls, they thrive on the distraction. 👍🏼

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Trump represents everything I abhor! I'll never understand how anyone can think of voting for him, especially anyone who is a veteran or anyone associated with a veteran.

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The behavior is right in line with pushing aside peaceful protesters to create a cynical photo of Trump holding a Bible.

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Trump and MAGA Repubics wrap themselves in the Bible and the Flag. But if you have to tell people that you are Pious and Patriotic, well...

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trump may not represent most of us but he represents enough to cause concerns for our democracy and future. We are people living in the middle ages politically still fighting our own Civil War. As a nuclear armed nation, how likely is it that the world stands by and watches the greatest threat to civilization form, again?

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Aug 30Edited

I actually agree with you here, Tom:

"The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business."

But you're still a tit.

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YOU may deserve Trump Mr. High but you'll be hard pressed to find many to agree that the rest of us do.

Carry on dear chap.

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Tom High is a Putin Asset, he claims to be a Jill Stein voter but check this out


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Yes! First time TommyTomTom said something about Stein, I asked him how Stein ended up at Putin's table.

TommyToo High makes me laugh with his outrageous opinions and monkeyshines.

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Tom High is a troll, He latches on to any (what is perceived) to be a liberal trigger, genocide, neo liberal, colonialist, imperialist, neo conservative, racism, it is our fault you know, liberal wear their hearts on their sleeves.

The right gets off on owning the libs, because we are easily triggered by words.

You can't trigger the right, they own the epithets, and in some cases, throw them back at you.

And when it comes time to propagandize, divert, distract, destroy and turn they use liberal causes and words and causes to demoralize and turn.

The word for it is Agitprop.

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Yup- absolute waste of time to engage. Note Kamala's response to CNN Dana Bash question about tRump's comment about her recent blackness- "Next question."

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That wasn't "Putin's table"; he came into the room and visited different tables.

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Thank you for your contribution. You agree that Stein had her table visited then? Wonderful.

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Does that suggest you might vote for the him? Because “This country deserves Trump?” And do you think Trump would lift a finger to stop the genocide by his buddy-autocrat Netanyahu?

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Hear, hear

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I'd rather a smooth Democrat than a sleazy Repubic any day.

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“Tits always look better in a pink sweater.”

Are you wearing your pink sweater today, Tommy?

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Sexy black push up bra?

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Putin's mouthpiece can't restrain himself can you Tom. Attack America"s "moral Squalor"

Attack Harris, by first praising her.

You are relentless, I will hand it to you Tom, but a pathetic piece of feces.

Do they pay you by the word?, The post or both.?

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Recent events have taught us that whenever Trump breaks a law, his thumb gets an erection.

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A very small one, according to reliable witnesses.

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errrr…”Peyronie's Thumb”

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Like nobody’s ever seen before.

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Rose, you crack me up!

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😂. So true

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I can't help but wonder if it was a secret service officer who shoved the woman who was reminding the tRUMP party of the rules for Arlington Cemetery, in her official capacity as an employee of Arlington Cemetery.

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Pay note that he attacks the woman as mentally disturbed. There is no end to the depth of their depravity, and I agree Laurie it most likely one of his secret service pets.

The whole damn service needs a house cleaning, it smells like Trump feces.

Biden is surrounded by enemies. Harris will be as well.

Biden's dog Major knew. Biden fired the dog when he should have fired the agents.

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I suspect Corey Lewandowski. He has a record of being violent toward women.

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More likely it was Lewandowski. The media will most likely not tell us.

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Lewandowski was indeed there: he's in pictures.

I personally can't believe that the ARMY, of all organizations, let him off with "a sternly worded" condemnation. They should know better than anyone, that when rules aren't enforceable, they're worse than useless. They INVITE those same people to trample them over and over again. I sincerely hope that the Army/Pentagon is going to bring charges for breaking federal law, and that they'll provide long-term protection for the woman who was DOING HER JOB (think about the election workers who were threatened and harassed non-stop for YEARS).

They keep getting away with this shit, and they've come to believe they're untouchable, or at least that HE is. We desperately need to prove that he's just an average, hideous, ugly, nasty, perverted, cancerous, disgraceful scoff-law with dementia and a complete lack of morals and ethics.

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It is concerning that everyone wants to let him.get away with violations. Especially when they harm and threaten women, like election workers and trying to enforce rules for a federal cemetery. The misogyny is evident, and seemingly encouraged by the blatant condoning of such behavior. The billionaires want their personal thief to raid our treasury for them at all cost to safety, or decency and the rule of law.

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The local American Legion would have thrown his ass off the grounds. Military rules are sacred to anyone who has been in the military. Obviously, DJT has no idea how rules are followed as he just doesn't. Why do some Americans keep giving him a pass? Are they the same people who don't follow rules but keep getting pulled up for that, and love that he doesn't? What kind of demented thinking is that?

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Tfg does not think the rules apply to him. Apparently, neither does the Supreme Court.

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I heard it was a member of his campaign.

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Donna Somers ; Corey Lewandowski has reportedly rejoined his campaign, and had a reputation for violence towards women. Maybe he was there.

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Someone mentioned that Corey's wife was there, or a woman who resembled her, standing right near tfg.

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That would be more likely. A FOIA or the Pentagon media will disclose..

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But does she have cats?

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Steve - “like”

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Any joke a woman tells with the word "erection" in it is funny!

“Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.”

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That's what it is. The best explanation yet. Because the other body part is unable. 😆

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Kathleen - “LIKE” Thanks for the laugh but not the mental picture ;)!

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Put that on a Teeshirt! I can see 2 little hands with mushrooms for thumbs 🤏🍄

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Your Funny 😂 !

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As a Brit this is slightly reminiscent of our former PM’s decision to leave the D Day commemoration early to rejoin the election campaign, at least in terms of the terrible optics and potential to derail the Trump campaign.

But what made all the difference over here was cut through and negative coverage from the previously supportive right wing press.

Will this be the case in the U.S? I fear for it to be the “silver bullet incident”, negative coverage will need to be heavily featured on Fox. It is obviously going to be down to voters, again, to send him the ultimate message, but as he mostly only thinks in ratings and

coverage terms, the media really, really needs to step up, stop both sidesing and normalising this kind of incident. Could this finally be the one?!

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There is a potentially further interesting overlap with Trump and Sunak’s heinous disrespect for the US/British military personnel and the corrupt money funding their political ambitions. Today’s Heather Cox Richardson’s sub stack reports on new upcoming legislation by US FinCen to shut down the international industrial scale money laundering in US real estate and hedge funds. I suspect that any future investigations will uncover a dirty money trail leading back to those behind the imposing of Brexit and their buddies in the City of London.

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Will Putin be found to be pulling the Strings to create Chaos? I believe that Brexit cost the U.K. greatly... People feel Poorer... Putin prefers DJT because he wants the U.S. to pull out of NATO... DJT wants to pull out of NATO because it hasn't paid its 'Mar-a-Lago' dues...

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The "protection racket fee?!

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that's been due since the '80/90s

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There have been abundant rumors that Aaron Banks was bankrolled by oligarchic connections to Putin and he in turn funded the Northern Irish British extremist Democratic Unionist Party’s Brexit campaigning. There was also a UK state funded report into Russian involvement in the Brexit Tory party and their fellow political travelers and subsequent state roll back of human rights, environmental and tax regulations and the carving up of GB into Elizabethan style colonial Charter City states run entirely by private Corporations (Special Economic Zones). It has not been published.

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Russian oligarchy coming to Britain I see. America next, too large to carve up into economic zones, but like the USSR was, monopoly trusts along economic lines, agriculture, entertainment/news, petro/chemical, transportation, industry

tech, heck we are already on our way.

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Exactly this. Thanks for clearly perceiving this global cartel of wealthy criminals war against all our democratic political structures.

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What surprises me is that others can't see it. Perhaps it is too large to comprehend.

Billionaires acting in concert? What is Davos all about anyway.?

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Just curious, how many Russian Oligarchs have memberships to Mar a Lardo? How is that latest giant monster Trump hotel project(s) going in St. Petersburg? or wherever...just gassing here but probably true don't cha think?

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I doubt that any Russian oligarchs have memberships to Mar a lago, they wouldn't need them anyway. And I am sure that Trump has one advisor who said that it would not be a good idea.

The Trump hotel plan, never got off the ground, but it is not discarded, only shelved awaiting his comeback.

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Cute.... Mar-a-Lago.

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Monnina, I cheered as I read Dr. Richardson’s substack. Remember the “strong-very-powerful” (TFFG’s favorite phrase) stories about the Trump Towers being repositories for Russian money laundering? And how one of the trump sons bragged that they get a lot of money from Russia? The cash payments at more-than-market prices? Biden/Harris must also be cheering at this Closing of the Loophole!

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It is exceptionally good news for all decent law abiding ordinary US people 🐈‍⬛

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Steve Bannon had his dirty paws in that one.

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And now he's in prison where they won't let him watch TV when he wants to. Sob.

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But only for 4 months. He will be out of jail just in time to help Trump lie again about his next electoral loss.

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unfortunate, unless he "commits suicide" while in prison

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Hope springs eternal, but I doubt it: he is more intelligent than Trump and can still be useful to MAGAs

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For what, four months. Four months you can do that standing on one's head

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I read Dr. Richardson’s Substack - but this increases the urgency of keeping TFG out of office. Additional rules around FinCEN will go into effect Dec. 2025 & Jan. 2026. If TFG were elected, he would most certainly write executive orders *preventing* FinCEN from enacting any of its rules around real estate & illicit transactions.

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Very interesting and informative, you must have good connections.? Thank You for sharing 😊💙🇺🇸

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Seems that DJT, and Sunak do not appreciate the Military Service of others, or those that gave their Lives for their Country... DJT even disparaged the Service of his Elder Brother Freddy who served as an Officer in the Air National Guard... As Tim Walz said, when the major crisis of DJT's Administration hit, the COVID Plague, DJT 'Froze', and took no responsibility... If DJT loses this Election, I hope that DJT just oozes away...

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I very much doubt it, Steve. You see, most of the MSM is owned by those who support and belong to the very far-right. They want the orange stain in office for their own benefit. I wish they would realize that if he ever got foot in the White House, their media would be eliminated except for just one that reported only what the orange man wanted reported.

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Yes this dynamic it’s nuts isn’t it. They want the short term rush by mainlining the Trump driven ratings but will very soon realise the error of their ways when he gleefully turns on them. Turkeys voting for thanksgiving!!

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ok I just don't believe in a president that lets his son become a crack-head and lie about the facts

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I like that analogy, Steve! Everything MAGAs and the orange man do is nutters!

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Happened in Germany, From 4,000 newspapers in 1933, to 1,000, all supporting Das Grosser Reich and Der Fuhrer, in 1939

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Oh, Peggy, there would not be just one State-controlled media. Any media that published the “right” stories AND paid the “right” bribes……

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When you're right, you're right, Marge! Any media that wanted to follow the orange man's orders and only published what he wanted! Vote blue, America!

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Exactly, Peggy.

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The UK’s had so many PM’s over the last couple of years. Might you be referring to the blond buffoon with the unkept hair who ignored Covid lockdown laws to hold Tory bacchanals at Number 10?

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I always chuckle at what brought down Boris compared to all that didn't bring down the deplorable don here in the US.

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Nope this is much more recent, Sunak, incident was a mere two months or so ago…

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Steve, we can only HOPE!

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Doubtful : the wealthy owners of Media profit from tRUMP tax " breaks".

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Certain media. Friendly. Until they print an unfriendly article. Then they are investigated, prosecuted and executed?

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Yes, the man who calls war dead "suckers" respects no one 😢. He even has the nerve to use loved ones left behind as props on their Graves. Photo ops in exchange for their votes? Beyond sick. Hateful.

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Trump believes, and with help from his friends on the Supreme Court, he can do whatever the hell he wants and no one can hold him accountable! What has happened to our country?

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It has been bought to the point of corruption ; Tax the rich!

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Keith ; He has pretty much been getting away with everything even before their ridiculous un- constitutional "ruling". Talk about legislating from the bench! (with a stench.).

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Well said, Laurie. You have a way with words. SCOTUS stinks to high heaven!

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Veterans and their friends, families, caregivers et al. should reject this oaf who, trying to improve his image, creates 'cemetery-gate' instead.

Can't manage his own PR?

Can't represent America?

In his new memoir, HR McMaster

"shows Trump to have been an unpredictable waffler who undermined himself to the advantage of his competitors on the world stage."


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This vet despises Trump Maryk, but figures those that adore him are either vapid, ignorant, stupid or have another agenda, and hates the libs, feminists, gays, POC, immigrants.

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I would hope we are playing the long game to expose all those that are corrupt... so we can indict and jail most of those responsible. Hope, that hoping is more effective than "thoughts and prayers"?

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vote for the Harris/Walz administration, vote Dem in local, municipal, county state etc etc, give them a Dem senate & house !!


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If we have enough voters, if our votes get counted properly, if we are allowed to vote, if, if , if, we don't experience a bigger and better planned Jan 6th?

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For someone looking to win the pres'y to stay out of prison, he's sure going about it poorly. One would think he'd be kissing ass to stay out of jail.

Unless, of course, he's just trolling everybody because he's got an "inside scoop" with SCOTUS.

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Keith, that IS the question. Isn't it treason for the Morally Squalid Orange one, to call Netanyahu & lobby for his views on International affairs? Or to lobby the Lobotomized Red Stain to NOT pass new border laws, so he can keep it as a political hammer in the upcoming election? Etc., etc., etc.

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It's so frustrating. He isn't being held accountable. why???

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No one does hold him accountable. If this was a Federal Crime why is the Army not going after him?

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Trump is a degenerate and should

Not be allowed back into the

Hallowed grounds of Arlington

National Cemetery.

Once again he has shown his

Disdain and lack of respect to

Our military. No more!

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Trump NEVER served ONE day in the US Military.. He "claimed (read his nieces book!) he went to a military academy and THAT was "like" military service.. he claimed he had "bone spurs", SERIOUSLY, that's what he said! Yet this MORON went into the hallowed ground of Arlington and did PHOTO OPS for HIMSELF!!???

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It is regrettable that the cemetery employee did not press charges. At any rate I hope the incident becomes widely known.

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What’s regrettable is the army closing the case. I don’t understand how the assaulted employee could not have been protected so that she could feel safe enough to file charges. To my way of thinking the army allowed trump and his thugs to prevail in the end. The stench of trump’s big 💩 all over area 60 and the rest of Arlington will never be eradicated. My dad is there and I’m pissed!

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As you should be, SPW! I hope the family of the soldier that was in the photo will do something about it since the orange buffoon did what he wanted with no regard for any of those soldiers lying in rest in area 60. He NEVER went there EVER to lay a wreath or anything until this year right now because he is in a campaign that he is going to lose. For him to think that Americans would find what he did heartwarming just shows how absolutely stupid that man is!

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I HOPE that some of his thug followers are veterans and RETHINK their allegiance to him due to his DISREGARD and DISRESPECT to our fallen HEROES. THOSE men and women SERVED OUR COUNTRY. Trump only serves himself.

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Peggy, The family in the photo invited Trump to visit the grave, The family are Trump humpers.

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I know, William, but the family of the other soldier in their pictures had not invited the orange man to take a photo of their loved one. I hope they can do something about his disrespect and criminal act.

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What other family?

All the people in that photo are smiling and thrilled to be seen with Trump. I don't think that the family would sue Trump. It looks tome like that were part of the deal.

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William, I was talking about the tombstone of another soldier not the family that he was there with. In the photo, the other soldier's tombstone was included in the picture without the consent of his family.

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Doesn’t matter whose family - photos not allowed in some areas of Arlington

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If so, shame on them!

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Peggy Freeman, and blind to the sacred ground in military cemetaries.

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I’m betting the MAGA media won’t mention it at all.

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I agree, Samm. I have veterans in my family, too, and I was very offended by what he did. I was also angered that his goons shoved that staff person and later said she was suffering some 'mental' episode. That was untrue and unfair. They still have not provided the video they said would show what happened.

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That was hazardous duty for her. Maybe a class action lawsuit would be in order.

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Bingo...the whole thing is absurd and surreal. No one seems to be safe from Trump and his thugs. Apparently no one is safe....no one. Another example of Hitler's Germany.

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Hopefully if people like yourself make a fuss, the authorities will change the system, e.g. use martial arts experts as guards, so that anyone trying to force their way in will get more than they bargained for.

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I like the sound of that!

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The Army should provide her with a dozen lawyers and pay all her legal and physical protection bills. Then maybe she’d press charges.

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I can understand this woman's fears. His tribe will stop at nothing to attack her. Remember what happened to the mother and daughter election board workers? They were relentlessly attacked by trumpers who accused them of mishandling votes.

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Trump and his minions are like the mafia; they can threaten and make her and her family’s lives a hell.

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SPW, you have my sympathy. Should never have let it pass.

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Miland, I understand where that woman was coming from. She would have been spotlighted and his rabid supporters would have harrassed her endlessly! That's what they do! I, too, wish she had pressed charges but I understand why she didn't.

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The US Army MUST press charges or do whatever they can do to make a fuss of this.

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I agree that that his outrageous antics should become widely known. the only hope is that undecided voters will see it. His tribe does not care what he does--the more outrageous the better. He is entertainment for them.

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That employee shouldn't have had to “pressure charges”. That should have been done through the cemetery. That was a disgrace.

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Professor Reich: i too am outraged and shocked by trump's morally bankrupt behavior at Arlington National Cemetery. but i feel the same loathing for his cultists who stick by him regardless of how many women and children he beats and rapes, how many people he threatens and murders, how many disabled people he mocks, how many people he defrauds, how many people he refuses to rent housing to because of their skin color or ethnicity, and how many millions -- or is it billions? -- he steals from the public pockets to fill his own bank account. trump is a vile depraved narcissist, but his followers are absolutely despicable humans who have no sense of shame or fair play. it is inconceivable that trump is supposed to represent the american nation, the american people, when there is a handful of countries that will not allow him to even visit because he's a convicted felon. some days, i desperately miss living in the USA, but others, like now, i am so glad i fled to overseas when i had the chance.

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I keep fantasizing that California will secede.

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The 5th Largest economy in the world. California and Washington, well Western Washington, eastern Washington is Alabama.

Oregon, with the exception of Portland is Alabama,so is California except for L.A and the Bay area around San Franciso, From Sausiloto down to Monterey. Northern California wants to be a red neck state called Jefferson

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You forgot Salem, Or. and surrounding area around Eugene and the universities near by. Those are pretty progressive areas, but yeah, Lots of others too. Portland is not a good choice of example, it is overrun by homeless and they need to deal with that or the Repubs could win there in retaliation for the progressive ideas that have allowed this to take place. No one is talking about this problem during the race. They talk about affordable housing, but how do you get this menace to society off of the streets? That is a real, daily problem for a whole lot of people.

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The homeless problem is a problem that can be laid at the foot of financial institutions, the fed, real estate moguls.

The public image is that the homeless are drug addicts and shiftless, but homeless are mostly people who lost their homes because of medical bills, and shuttering of homes.

I have a newly homeless man, with three pit bulls (they are sweeties, real lovers) living in my barn, He is a skilled carpenter and handy man, and is doing much needed repairs, pressure washing, gutter cleaning and other chores that my wife and I can no longer do, he has his own tools. We pay him $50 an hour, and he volunteered to pay $00 a month for living in the barn, granted he has a lot of tools, equipment and wood, he is also an artist and makes benches and carving.

He is almost a part of the family, but not a free loader. We have acres, which I mow and weed whip, he said he would do that. I said no. I need some exercise and a reason to get off my ass.

That reminds me I have to go do some weed whipping now.

As regards affordable housing, they are leaving that problem to the local community, and the local communities can't afford to solve the problem, it is a state problem and should be solved at that level.

There is a problem with projects though. They have that problem in the UK and in the US, without some feeling of ownership and investment they become run down.

These high rise projects start out spic and span with a lot of promise and within a short span of time, they become rat and cockroach infested, full of graffiti, couches on the lawn and drug dens.

I was raised in a government project, single family, row houses, built in 1934, and if google map's photos are evident it looks as good now as it did then.

Here is what it looks like now, the second story is bedrooms


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Another thing that pisses me off is the onset of corporations buying up single family homes as investment portfolios, they take them off the market before they even get listed.

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That, Meridee, is outrageous. Another example of what have the best government money can buy, the Supreme Court Especially, the Radical Catholic six of the Unholy High, have and will sell their souls and our liberty, that they can remake the country in the image of Opus Dei, Dominionism and the New Apostolic Reformation.

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Hello, I wrote my reply in the wrong spot on the thread. Agree some ownership is what makes people care. We had renters in our home, left it beautiful came back to weeds, adopted dogs (not in the contract) etc. I get that. I also was a renter and was disinclined to water much as the water bill kept going up.

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When I was in the service and not living in base housing, I rented and took care of the property as if it were mine. I have pride.

I went through a divorce and wound up living an apartment, under a house built on a hill, it was very small, everything in one room save for the tiny bathroom. I lived their four years. My land lord said, when I moved out, I was the best tenant he ever had. he knew it was the 1st of the month because my check landed on his desk.

Some people are good tenants, others are trash, one never knows for sure, even by vetting and checking credit.

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He learned a lot from the Russian oligarchs. He’s a Putin MiniMe.

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Followers: despicable, caught up in the fever of their dumb compatriots who need something, anything to vent their anger at finding themselves in the loser camp of life, living vicariously through the misdeeds of their "leader", loving having something to direct deranged resentful anger at in the form of a Jan. 6 event, or wives of men who are so angry that they dare not vote differently? And the women, holy cow, how can they not see that their very lives are being threatened by this man's, and his cohort's. politics? Churches are supposed to lose their non profit status if they go political, and I do wonder how many churches are pumping for the worst president we've ever had representing us as a nation? Report them to the IRS!

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Of course she was a woman... it makes perfect sense that they'd abuse a woman doing her job. Mercy! How can women continue to vote for Maga?!?

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There's extensive coverage on how Trump tilted ♦️♠️ to the Taliban years ahead of Biden's exit from Afghanistan, no‽

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Yes, but unfortunately people forget. Then his followers buy into his revisionist history. And even in real time he and his propaganda machine spit out the Trump version.

The woman who tried to let Trump know he was breaking the law was pushed aside the his Campaign manager said that she was having a mental episode. This poor woman is afraid to press charges.

Then to top it off JD verbally attacked Kamala Harris and said she can “go to hell” for speaking up against the incident. However the Vice President never commented on the incident. Then after being informed that the Vice President hadn’t addressed the issue, he doubled down and repeated that she can go to hell. Turns out JD is a chip off the old blockhead, lying and attacking a political opponent for what his imagination told him would make him look tough.

During the filming of trumps Arlington Cemetery visit the video showed two headstones. The one that the family agreed to be used as a campaign ad and the grave sight next to it. The other family had not given permission for the grave sight to be used and were quite upset about it. I think they should sue.

I know, I know, JD says I should go to hell too. See ya there JD!

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Catholics like JD have had a little over 2000 years to learn that wishing damnation upon one's opponents leads to the regeneration of no Soul ☦️ He's setting a bad example for youth as per temper tantrums 😩 His Air Force 2 stalking Kamala the week before last said most of what we need to imagine his farfetched vice presidential demeanor but cursing out the VP for being right shows little integrity by Vance 😫

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He is just as despicable and lacking in all integrity as his dear leader.

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Well Trump said he picked him because "he likes me". Holy shit!

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That sounds about right for a sick narcissist.

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Catholics like JDV have supported fascist dictators throughout the twentieth century. Fake Christians all of them!

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There are people who profess a religion because they are true believers, those who profess it is -politically expedient, those who profess it because it legitimizes and justifies there fears and needs. And sometimes the three intermesh.

But Vance is not a religious Catholic. Catholicism, like Islam is an intensely patriarchal, hence misogynist religion.

Vance needs Viagra or submission in the female. He married a culture that has a tradition of female submission. Where marriages are arranged and the female has no say.

What is the condition of women's in India?

Women in India have been stereotyped and discriminated since ancient times due to the patriarchal mindset. Social evils such as sati, purdah system, female foeticide, female infanticide, dowry, domestic violence have been faced by women.

Yet there is no mention of female degradation in India, the Muslim world, in Africa, in Central and South America in the media. Why is that? Question was rhetorical.

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He has said some 💩 rhetorically but his religion is Catholicism and his Hindu-Catholic wife is a brilliantly kind Being so, dude: stop projecting as it sounds like you've a fair bit to hide 😉🫥

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Wow. Here we have a dude defending a misogynistic Catholic fascist.

Shades of Franco.

I predicted that as we get closer to November 5th,, the Trump Humping trolls will log on in ever greater numbers.

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Not defending: empathizing to prevent fascist vibes by those most in need of compassion as let's be real about how Kamala's pledge to "the most lethal" USA isn't chill. No one President will save us All 🙃🫶🏼 But to be honest as Fuck, JD Vance's sugar daddy Peter Thiel let me get molested as a kindergartener then made an actual killing with Palantir's locking up BIPOC Femmes for MAGA

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I was under the impression that the employer was supposed to act on behave of their employee and protect their employee for attempting to do their job. Good liuck finding a replacement now that they have no protection. Under the impression that we were a country of laws, rules, ethics also...? We are looking like a continuing joke.

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The government is a afraid of Trump, Henry, meaning the employees, those that run the department. he might be their boss come January.

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Let's open up a GoFundMe for the other family to sue.

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That family in the photo are Trump Humpers and invited Trump to the grave, to offset his anti military image.

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I would believe that

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Susan, I thought to myself when I read that he had told Kamala to 'go to hell' that in no way should that evil bastard ever get near the White House! If he thought that was going to win him any points with the undecideds and independents, he was wrong!

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JD Vance is a Trump parrot, and Trump is a Fox News parrot. People need to wise up, but that takes effort. TV and social media are eating our minds.

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Who tells Fox what to say? Who is the big daddy?

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Rupert Murdoch is the Fox News big daddy and owner.

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I want to know who his “friends” are. Why do they direct that kind of bullshit our way? What’s the end game? Besides $$$$$$$$$$.

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Playing 👿's advocate but calling JD an "evil bastard" when he grew up from an absentee dad is just as Hellacious 🙃 We gotta bulild moral consensus not Alienation 🫶🏼

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Tim, there are so, so many adults who grew up without dad being in their lives and yet they grew up to become contributing, well-rounded adults. The fact that he grew up to become an evil bastard is because that is the path he chose. I agree there should be a universal understanding of what is good and what is not and for the most part, most people follow that moral consensus. Vance does not. He alienates himself with vile, misogynistic statements and what he believes are jokes but just fall flat.

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Vance actually hates his mom

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You'll see JD there if Trump is elected: Trump's policies will create inflation and economic depression.

Trump’s policies are a complete SNAFUS, as explored in this recent NYT op-ed:


Seems extreme, doesn't it? Unfort

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The story of how tRUMP refused to provide the necessary documents for those in Afghanistan who helped our troops with translators and other support to safely get out with their families is not widely known. He violated the law when he delayed these vital passes. Many were killed, children and all. Many of these translators /allies served alongside our troops for 20 years or more. This treachery from one who demands loyalty. Traitor!

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Very important point, Laurie, thanks for bringing this up. We should never forget this shameful chapter in our history.

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Trump brokered a deal with the Taliban, if he had been re elected he would have withdrawn in May of 2021, Biden delayed the withdrawal.

The Democrats should make that part of their campaign and feature it in ads.

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The most telling part of this whole story may be the fact that the ANC employee will not press charges because she fears reprisal from Trump followers. Why don't the MAGAs stop wearing the red hats and just wear brown shirts like the thugs they are.

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So strange that we as a country don't seem to protect ourselves from the more than obvious in your face enemy from within. What's up with that? Perhaps too many freedoms? You can manage a kindergarten class room without rules...yet we have adults running around getting away with kindergarten tactics?

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Henry, I agree. Today, money and power trumps everything: vast and frequent indecency, inciting coups and other violence, colluding with foreign governments in treasonous and traitorous ways, stealing classified gov't documents, Constitution stomping, and demeaning, injuring, and poisoning your fellow citizens, etc.. The unaccountability is dizzying.

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When was the last time you were in a kindergarten room? From yesterday, a child who is in 3rd grade cannot stay in his classroom and has to removed on a regular basis because he: throws chairs, bites and hits, then runs out of the school! Someone has to chase him! That someone then has sit with him while he hits and tries to bite her, until parents can be located (sometimes too high to come to school to pick him up, which is protocol). This has been going on since kindergarten, There are others like him. It's like the parents can't and won't.

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Henry: follow the money?

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That's where it all begins, follows, and continues. Until we devalue currency by limiting the options of ownership and purchases...we will never see an end to the escalating corruption and violence.

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It is no minor error of judgement to push an ANC employee aside after she had explained to Trump's campaign assistants that no cameras, video equipment, or campaign activities were allowed in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery. As you, Mr. Reich, and others have said, it was a deliberate, exploitative attempt to advance Trump and launch another assault against Harris. It was inexcusable and cruel to the families of the fallen veterans who were duped into giving a thumbs-up during the photo op, and definitely not a minor error of judgment.

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Didn't she have a sidearm? A valuable opportunity lost.

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How many sidearms do octopi have?

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yall are the ones who are fighting against firearms

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Wasn't she active duty? I have no problem with trained service people carrying sidearms. That's a far cry from allowing every dumbass 18 and over to buy an AR-15.

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I made a suggestion on another Substack after one of my comments generated literally 100s of likes.Let's take that to our members of Congress,write them,email them and/or call them,and let them know how you feel about this,and ask what will be done about it.Just flood their message boards.Ler them know you are really upset about this.

We could all get this message across to all the members of Congress,and with the flood of comments they will have to take action.Many of them are also up for reelection and may find if they respond the wrong way they will be sent packing.

Remember to be polite and respectful,but firm.Give the idea that no for an answer is not an option.

You can find your local Congress people's contact info online by Googling it.That's how I contacted mine yesterday.

Let's get this done,together.

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Melissa, I have emailed my Senators and Representatives with just that message. They are republican and they are up for reelection so we will see.

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Mine are too,I live in Florida.I' m rather curious how they will respond,and it should be interesting.

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Great idea!

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Trump is not only financially bankrupt but morally as well.

He's a coward and a frightened, stupid one at that.

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He’s also very scary

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Marianne, do not be afraid of an old, wrinkled, demented POS like the orange man. As old as I am, I could absolutely beat the snot out of the guy! His bluster and tough-guy act is just that - an act. If anyone started to get physical, the first person you would see running over everybody to get away is that orange blob! He relies on his henchmen to do his dirty work. Don't be afraid, instead, be angry. Let that anger mobilize you to do all you possibly can to ensure Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win this election in November. We need so many votes cast for them that there can be no question as to who we want in the White House! Vote blue, America!

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Your comment brought to mind the photos of him watching the Jan. 6 insurrection like it was a football game. He was not active in it. He hid out. He just caused it.

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Exactly, Meridee!

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Wish he could be locked up! Anyone else who did even the documents theft, would have been long gone to prison by now.

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I don't think it "revives the fears" so much as reviving the outrage. A reminder to all of us to work harder than ever before to ensure this monster never gets anywhere near the WH again.

We can't let this ugliness pull us off course. He knows we'll react with anger, which can easily morph into fear and drop us right back into the cesspool of dread we've been in since the debate. If anyone is a loser, it's this MFer. Let's kick his flabby butt to Moscow where he belongs.

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I agree he does belong in Moscow. Although he might not survive as he is not smart enough oddly enough. When dealing with true criminals and unwilling to be subordinate, it is not good for ones health. It's telling that he can survive in the US but would not live long in Russia. Russian controls rest with a few at the top. Trump needs to be considered a respected member of that elite. He isn't and never will be but will act as such...again not good for his survival...yet in the US...no such problem. It speaks volumes about the distinctive difference between our 2 country's.

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I suspect that Vlad would introduce him to a high window soon after his arrival. There seems to be an excess of shoddy construction in Russia these days.

His idol would have no use for Rump once he's out of the US and could no longer serve Vlad's purposes. In addition, Vlad knows Trump's easily manipulated by money and flattery, and I'm sure he holds him in contempt. He'd squash DJT like a bug.

Maybe Elon could launch him via Space X?

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I’m sure you’ve seen the photo of trump with Putin after the Helsinki meeting: Subservience and shame seem to be the primary emotions displayed by trump’s body language. Putin seems pleased as punch. That’s the conference that the U.S. has no record of because the only translator allowed in the meeting was the one from Russia. So subservience is no problem for trump if he goes to Moscow.

It sounds like in this whole idea of trump tower Moscow, which was purportedly the actual end goal of running for president trump has bitten off more than he can chew, and the spoiled well-fed rich bully from the bridge and tunnel crowd isn’t able to go up against the poor skinny little street sneak from Leningrad.

And maybe that’s why trump thinks Venezuela might be a better landing spot now for his sort of thuggery. Plus Moscow has no McDonalds for the time being, and there’s no golf in the winter. Is the Diet Coke there even real? What about adult diapers? Plus, trump would need something of actual value in Moscow to get by on and to avoid the window or tea treatment.

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Put him on a plane bound for Moscow. Russian flights sometimes don't make it to their destination.

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Henry, excellent point! I hear Venezuela is under consideration…

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He could be a big frog in a medium pond there... and have a pleasant place for his kids to visit.

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Good to see Trump (and Vance) making mistake after mistake while Harris and Walz tread a faultless path to power.

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But yet, the press is providing a very unbalanced demand that Harris and Walz must "tread a faultless path to power". There will be mistakes on both sides, but Walz is continually hounded by this reference to kids being killed by “weapons that I carried in war” instead of “weapons that are carried in war”. False equivalence is all the rage by the Media looking to “fairly" report on the candidates. Trumps thumbs-up enterprise up at ANC is criminal.

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You must have more confidence in the American public than I do. I don’t believe Trumpers care about anything other than loyalty to their party.

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I lost all confidence in American voters after the 2016 election. One exception was my husband. After a lifetime of voting Republicon he came to his senses and voted for Hilary. I wanted to put that in his obituary, but my family convinced me my house would be firebombed.

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Fair point but I don’t care about Trumpers or MAGA, he’s losing all the independents and undecideds.

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The MAGA crowd is indeed a lost cause. But that’s much less than a majority of Americans. There are lots of “undecideds” that can be reasoned with. Taking the necessary time from your day to vote may be the difference.

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yep, it’s almost as if theyre trying to throw the election.

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Do you remember when President Macron of France gifted the United States with a sapling tree from Belleau Wood and Trump then president took it like a dead stinking fish. What a priceless gift to honor the 1811 Marines who gave their lives there for France’s freedom. I felt sick that the f’ing bastard was an ass and didn’t appreciate their sacrifice and the symbolism of a young tree from that sacred woods. He is incapable of understanding duty, honor, country. Trump is a coward.

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Or nature, unless it's a gd golf course.

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He doesn't like anything that isn't gold or shiny or has big boobs. Let's narrow it down.

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