I would love to see a short-term massive media buy on Fox News by the Dems to illustrate the contrasts. Nothing inflammatory. Low key narration. Biden at work, with his successes. The Democratic agenda, regular people benefitting, etc. Then, reminders of the Trump years: riots, pandemic, etc...It may not change many votes, but it would make them insane. And it would be playing on offense for a change.

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The Democrats need a first-class advertising agency.

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One major problem that Biden has is that voters don't connect his accomplishments with him. Sure, their Medicare costs go down but they don't connect that to Biden. Sure, their roads are improving, their bridges aren't collapsing, but there is no overt visible connection to Biden. Whereas Trump constantly claims credit for things that don't even happen! Biden is invisible but Trump is unavoidable.

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The Republicans are in complete meltdown mode and are drowning in CLEAR and CONVINCING evidence of guilt and are just merely doing everything and anything to attempt to redirect the media and focus away from past and current wrong doing! When I took lifesaving class they always warned us that a drowning person will panic and grab and threaten anything and anybody in the final stages of drowning . The baseless and senseless claims are the final stages of a desperate group doomed with attempting to avoid personal responsibility.

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The entire effort is nothing but a smoke screen. Create as much negativity surrounding the Biden image as possible in hopes of damaging his chances in 2024. There hasn't been enough evidence to even consider impeachment on a moral level but leading Republicans aren't moral people. Its all smoke.

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And Speaker Newt Gingrich thought he could bring down Bill Clinton on the basis of a fudged answer in a deposition in a civil case that had nothing to do with the nation’s business, only to find out that the newly-acquitted Clinton’s poll numbers were higher than ever.

McCarthy should take a look at that and take note that, as thin as Gingrich’s grounds for impeaching Clinton were, McCarthy’s got even fewer arrows rattling around in his threadbare quiver.

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Perhaps it is time for a 14th Amendment, sec. 3 case against McCarthy for his actions on Jan 6?

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professor reich: i am sooo tired of rethuglicans, and the hate-filled degenerates who vote them in to office. at this point, i see no redeeming value to the GQP nor its so-called "values". and as for trump? i hope he chokes to death on a double whopper with cheese.

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Trump is counting on his followers to not think and just follow him. Then the weight of intimidation will drag the other republicans to follow. A classic mob boss strategy (let me give you an offer you cannot refuse). Since the Republican Party no longer depends on funding from the members of the party to be elected (dark money from rich patrons now fund the GOP), the counter current which used to slow down corruption has been removed. The rich few are steering the agenda.

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While the Republicans are busy playing political stunts the Democrats are actually getting things done for the American people. I think that as more and of Biden’s wins like the Medicare drug price reduction and how well the economy is doing make the news, the impeachment antics will make the Magats look even more foolish.

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The Republican Tumpian wing has no moral compass but like a bunch of idiots shout the loudest!

TRUMP is a lost cause but the idiots neither have the sense to see it or worse still can see it but don't have the guts or balls to stand up to bully boy Trump.

Trump is a typical schoolyard BULLY & will be so until some body is willing to brow beat him!

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Why, after all this time are Democrats so terrible at messaging. I've heard so many excuses, but seriously why do they suck at keeping the electorate informed. It's as if they don't want to tip the scales of power too much.

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Apply 14.3 to ALL the GOP scumbags who took part in the insurrection and let us all get on with our lives again at long last!

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I doubt it will change anyone’s votes. The MAGAs will continue to support their cult leader and rational people will vote for Biden. I guess the question here is this: Are the majority of Americans sensible people who want a real president who gets things done. Or are they all members of the MAGA cult who’ll only believe what their leader tells them to believe.

Personally I am so done with the Republican theatrics and faux hearings not to mention the QAnon conspiracies. Every time I hear the repugnican refrain of “the weaponization of the Justice Department I my blood pressure soars. But okay Kevin have your little hearing and think what a big man you are.

There’s some clown on tiktok claiming that FEMA is trying to incinerate the fire victims, (pretty sure he said 8,000 victims) so they can’t be found. WTF? Why? Have people always been this crazy or has trump given them permission to do and say the most vile things that they used to just think to themselves?

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Finally, I am in Portugal and Spain, on a long walk and for volunteering like I do here at home and am looking through my wide angle lens at the mess we, as in USA, are in. Despite the laptop and what about B, the Dems and President Biden are helping citizens who vote and pay taxes and expect or wish to be protected. Time on legislation and governing. Laws that make people healthier and safer. People need to recognize the difference. Good infrastructure, medical care for all, jobs, education and mix in a scandal or two and you have working government. I won’t list why so many Americans are moving here. But they have to afford it. We cannot compare the USA to small countries, but we can compare government for the people. And take an honest look at the repubs and the differences. Trading in necessities for scandal and broken promises. Time for Billboards and megaphones.

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I totally support Biden. He doesn’t waste his time

in sleazes like Trump; he gets the job done!

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