The MOB has taken control of the government! We are in the middle of the worst constitutional crisis in the history of our country.

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Speaking of "mob"...

Does anyone actually believe that the GOP calling the Kendrick Lamar halftime show SATANIC is anything but a direct attack on the Black church, which is unquestionably one of the FEW places in America Jesus can still be found?

I think we know what Trump and his cult FEAR MOST…

America realizing that EVERY WHITE payroll dollar in American history has come significantly from the pockets of the DESCENDENTS OF SLAVES.


Slaves built the majority of public buildings in (at the time) slave states and built the vast southern wealth. Yet EVERY CENT earned by the labors of slaves went into the pockets of WHITE slave owners, and those dollars have remained there ever since.

And when Black Americans were not oppressed by the theft of their labors, it was by the privilege of whiteness standing in the way of opportunities for health care, housing, employment, education, and opportunity in general.

Even 40 acres and a mule would have helped, had America not also broken that promise.

But of course, censored “white people are TERRIFIED of being found to be inferior” textbooks will never tell the true story.

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AND the GOP wants to erase this part of our history. The new name for the N-word is DEI. The GOP has fully embraced white supremacists in this country.

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Linda ,this is what Nazi Germany looked like. We now live in Nazi America.

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US District judge Beryl Howell, who had previously refused to dismiss two cases against J6 Proud Boys 'with prejudice' (thereby protecting them from future liability for their crimes) also used the Nazi comparison in a recent case in relation to those who aided and abetted the president's criminal behaviour i.e. they don't share his immunity.

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I have been saying this all along.

This is the Gleichsaltung.

Next up:

The Reichstag Fire

The Night of the Long Knives


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The modern equivalent of the Reichstag Fire happened on Jan. 6, 2021.

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Could be…I think it more likely that he hires some mobsters/Proud Boys to burn down Mar-A-Lago.

That solves three things:

Justifies his Enabling Act

He collects a BUNDLE on the insurance

Torches all the documents he was not supposed to have, thus eliminating the evidence.

After the Enabling Act:


Most revolutions are nourished by the blood of their makers — the American Revolution is an exception — and the Bloated Yam (or his supporters, or both) will get whacked by Elon Musk et al. (Night of the Long Knives)

The Stalinist purges will eliminate his enemies, real or imaginary.

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Of course, "the authenticity of the events" is one of their less important aspects when the goals are similar..

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We may have had The Reichstag Fire in L.A.

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Yes, but he hasn’t used that as an excuse to round up the usual suspects.

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And the people in charge of all these departments are doing what the ones in Nazi Germany did. Capitulating without a fight. Musk has no authority. Even trump has no authority to just shut stuff down. All that has to go through Congress. The maga Congress has relinquished its duty because they know the Democrats are likely to stop them since their margin of majority is thinner than a razor blade.

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Yes, Linda.

Even going so far as to refuse to support any and all investigations into radicalization taking place in the US military, as well as in law enforcement.

We knew their motive then, but it's still hard to accept.

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White people know the truth but Will never admit it. They are thieves and they will always be thieves. But through it all, Black People continue to rise and thrive. So America has come full circle and now what.

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As a white woman growing up in a poor, integrated neighborhood in Detroit, I tend to think that class tends to paint a more accurate picture than race and ethnicity. The aphorism “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” IMHO is a better description rather than race. Some people describe the U.S. as a classless society, but it is difficult for me to see what is happening in our country today and view it as such.

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That is true. Poverty is the REAL enemy here not the amount of melanin in one's skin. But black people are more susceptible to poverty in America BECAUSE of structural issues in our society and some of those have been clearly intentional.

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Gandhi said poverty is the worst sort of violence.

the republican poverty, by embracing and promoting violence, has become a terrorist organization.

the republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence to resolve political differences.

the republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence against women, children, minorities, and any "other" of the moment.

the republican party is a terrorist organization that uses bribery, extortion, and threats of violence to achieve unlawful outcomes.

the republican party is a terrorist organization that has abolished the rule of law.

the republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes misogyny, bigotry, and a fascist white theocracy.

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Rather like small pox in the blankets given to the Native Americans.

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Even as a kid, I didn't consider the USA to be "a classless society."

The evidence to the contrary was EVERYWHERE.

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It is class warfare Lois, Race, gender, all a subset of class warfare.

The Upper class has kept the lower classes divided against themselves, even in ancient Greece and Rome. It is how they keep power, but those that suffer the ignominy can't help but see their cause as THE cause, myopia is natural and is a tool used by the class warriors.

Bernie saw that, but couldn't communicate it, and thus blacks didn't realize or recognize that he was fighting their fight, and that Hillary was actually representing the upper class, the ruling class.

MAGAts are at war with trans and immigrants, people of color, foreigner that aren't white Christians, but they are really the target of the ruling class as their pocket is picked and their choices diminished.

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You are right. Race, ethnicity, religion, sexual issues are differences the rich exploit to divide the population.

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Because it works, hit their fear button, and the lizard brain kicks in to do the thinking.

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This is true. It's just that, historically, the blacks and other people of color, as well as women of all colors, have always had a hard time getting jobs and getting paid a fair wage for it. The working white men have just recently joined them in more recent times. That's where magas came from. The white men that started experiencing the bs minorities have had to put up with all their lives and they're frustrated. Then, the GOP gave them scapegoats to blame for their troubles instead of the wealthy elite that is really behind it all: blacks, Hispanics, immigrants of all colors, and women.

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Whoa, whoa whoa....!!!!! I support the black community in every amount of pushback needed to gain full rights and citizenship that have not been fully realized.

But you just painted white people with a rather broad brush that I think is just as unfair. I am white and I recognize the privilege that I live in as much as a fish lives in water. I understand the benefits that I have that I never earned and I endeavor never to appear to gloat in that or to lord it over anyone. But I hope that you are aware and will accept that not all of us are thieves or uncaring or just bad people. Your comment presents a really lousy view that will not serve you or I well. I wish you and all those you love, peace and prosperity at every turn...and harmony with your neighbors as soon as humanly possible.

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I agree with some of what you say, but my intention was not to paint anyone with a broad white brush. My intention was to say that white people are not all bad. Lots of people are discriminated against for various reasons, but poor people bear an unfair burden. Thank you for your kind wishes and send them back to you.

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Text sucks sometimes. I apologize if I read that comment wrong…(thought was another commenter, not that it matters). It just struck me wrong the way I read it and I was hoping to inject civility where I perceived it as missing.

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Whose comment are you referring to James?

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Jackie Johnson’s assertion that white people are thieves…etc. that comment may not have been intended as it came off but it was, to my mind, an awful over generalization

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Well said.

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If we divide even further by race, by color, by politics, by sexual orientation, by country of origin, we are falling into the oligarchs' hands. That's what they want us to do. They laugh all the way to the bank. If we unite, if we take action through boycotting and other strategies, we might gain some ground. If we focus on voting rights for all, we could work towards getting our collective power back. I am happy that Black People are rising and thriving! I know we are all in this together. We can support each other.

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"All the way to the bank"...Not really related to you comment, but that phrase struck me...For as long as the bank is there. According to Mr. Reich's thinking, 2008 is gonna look like a little blip. I worked in banking technology for my career and I see what is coming. No guardrails = bank failures on a massive scale, due to greed. People will be stripped of their retirement savings just in time for Social Security to go away. I am 62. I have thoughts and concerns. Buckle up, y'all.

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After Trump won in 2016, I knew that as an older, white, male, I could "pass" as a Trump supporter here in the Deep South.

I found that unacceptable, and began wearing progressive messages EVERY day, so that anyone taking a moment would see that I am not actually that thing I now resemble most.

But I understand that I am now a member of a demographic that is overwhelming made up of those wish to destroy America. So statistically, WE are the ones doing the damage: white, men.

I wish it wasn't so, but as long as most of us are bad, it's easier (and still with statistically accuracy) to paint us all with the same brush. (And I thank you for saying "They are thieves..." rather than "They are ALL thieves...")

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Now what, you ask. Now whites and blacks must form a united front against this assault on our republic. Or would you rather focus on Gaza?

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When you need help, that’s getting old. Americans should be standing together at all times. If we did that, we would never have to worry about racist/racism rising up in this country in the first place.

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It would help if our "betters' were not fanning the flames of tribalism.

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Yet we are not stopping them! This is supposed to be OUR America. Trump will be ending elections next! Where are the checks and balances to control what the president does? Trump and musk are like children in a candy store with no parents around!

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YES...so, how did they get milliions of non-white voters to put them in office anyway? Good trick.

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An easy trick. Just promise them prosperity. Those who voted for Trump are now waiting for him to lay an egg. That wood be a good trick!

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What ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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If you want to Take America Back Again, take away diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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Maybe read up some on how DEI actually works rather that taking as gospel what conservatives and the felon in the White House tell you it is. I brief description/analogy….

Let’s say the air traffic controllers or pilots in the DV crash were all DEI hires, each and every one had to pass the SAME requirements as any white person to be certified at their jobs. There is no lower standard that they can pass to get hired…that is not how it works. They are pulled from lesser known colleges or from the military but EVERY TEST AND MEASURE OF COMPETENCE TO BE QUALIFIED IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS FOR THOSE THAT CAME OUT OF HARVARD OR YALE.

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The definition of "Conservative" must be enforced. The fascist Republiconartist Party conserves nothing the fathers of the Republic intended. Stop using the word immediately in political debates and discussions. The extreme left of the Dumbascrap Party isn't "Progressive", either.

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To "conserve" means "to leave unchanged".

I can't think of anything much further from America's (and the world's) current reality.

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Flexibility in tactics is not a betrayal of strategic goals. It is a must.

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The melting pot of America, which bestowed greatness onto American citizens has been increasingly suppressed since FDR's Presidency, in fits and starts. Progress was slowed during and since WWII but, there was progress in one form or another for one group or another from time to time. When the Crook in Chief, Nixon, and Amiable Dolt, Reagan took their turns at the role of Plutocrat in Chief, the attack on the values of The Greatest Generation accelerated. It will be nearly impossible to restore the direction that the founders of the Republic set out nearly 250 years ago.

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And that's taking America wa-aaaaay back.

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That was my take-away from 'Take America Back Again,' "Forward, into the past" as the Firesign Theater put it.

However, in writing that, I am in no way stepping in to "interpret" what TJ meant, as being new here, I can't claim that I know.

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I was reminded of the famous closing peroration by Clarence Darrow in the Scopes trial in 1925: "Ignorance and fanaticism is ever busy and needs feeding. Always it is feeding and gloating for more. Today it is the public school teachers, tomorrow the private. The next day the preachers and the lectures, the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, your honor, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until with flying banners and beating drums we are marching backward to the glorious ages of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted fagots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind." These words now seem apt to the present situation in America.

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Starting to think it's only Bozos on this bus...

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By taking control over CRT education—MAGA is burying the truth under the guise of reverse racism.

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Every law and every proposal to help the poor has always had those efforts thwarted. You name it, civil rights, affirmative action, DEI - any effort to help is resisted. Why? This is in light of the economic undisputable fact that the better the poor do the better everyone else does. And the perfect cure for poverty is good paying jobs!!

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It is about power Harvey and power is zero sum. The populace has been propagandized into social cannibalism, so busy eating itself that they don't realize that they are tools and fools.

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We also strong consumer protection laws, safe work environments and Healthcare for ALL.

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Excellent argument for trade unions and, ironically, American Christian Churches who preach (occasionally) about Jesus the Jew born in Israel 2000 years ago. Preach to Pew Renters, mostly.

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I can't understand why all Americans wouldn't want to eliminate poverty & homelessness, which would greatly ease crime & enhance personal security for all. I know how the rich & conservatives detest poverty & the poor & homeless, & having to drive or walk through impoverished neighborhoods. So why wouldn't they want to take measures to improve the lot of the poor?

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Because they’re whores at the trough

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Other than the fascist plutocrats, they're mostly fearful and/or useful idiots. A substantial majority are ineducable and wouldn't vote for the Constitution or Bill of Rights today, even if they understood the words.

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Great comment foofaraw. but come on Jesus. The Jesus myth is the biggest scam worked on black people (and white people). the planters hired preachers to brainwash the slaves because Jesus legitimized slavery. "Servants (that is slaves) obey your masters . Ephesians 6:5 , Colossians 3-22.

Praise Jesus all day long and he isn't going to help you, because there ain't no he.

And for the loving Jesus of Matthew their is the tyrannical Jesus of Luke:

Bring before me he who would not have me reign over him and slay him before me. Luke 19:22. that is sure to keep the slaves enthralled.

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William, you are just not very good at biblical exposition or textual analysis. Neither of Apostle Paul’s letters to the Ephesians or Colossians legitimize slavery. And as for tyranny in Luke: Jesus often preached with parables. (That means it’s a story to illustrate a certain point.) The Parable of the Ten Minas, Luke 19:11-27, is about a wealthy ruler. (You’ve quoted what Jesus says the fictional ruler says in the story.) The moral of that parable is that everyone must ultimately make a choice, and for better or worse will be held accountable for their actions.

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And BTW Tim, The bible is not the word of some god, and if it were you do not have the capability to read and understand the mind of that god. All who claim to are charlatans, frauds. We can only take the words, literally, as we see them, but understanding that they are little more than myths, accumulated, edited, interpolated by the men who wrote them down, for the purposes of creating a tribal ideology.

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If your point is that you believe people can make incorrect interpretations of the Bible, I wholeheartedly agree. You’ve convinced me through your example here.

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My favorite Leonard Cohen song.

Hallelujah is placed at the beginning and end of many Psalms, in exactly the same way as the ancient Greeks used to place "Eleleuie at the beginning and end of the much older hymns to Apollo.

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Actually they do Tim. Servant is the King James translation for a Greek word that means slave.

I am keenly aware of Christian apologetics and rationalizations, for me to accept your explanation requires me to accept you as an authority, and believers have no authority.

In lack of authority all we have is prima facie evidence, the word itself.

And FYI the words were written hundreds of years after the fact, edited, interpolated, interpreted, translate, transcribed, again and again and again, until we have this bastardized version before us today.

A version produced under the authority of King James, that promotes his needs. And the Douay Rheims version by the Catholic Church promotes their needs.

I had the Ferrar Fenton version, translated from the Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek (gave it to my son a PhD doing research), and that version is entirely different including layout, order and even names of the books.

The utility of the Bible Tim is that has something for everyone, and it is interpreted by people who use god or Jesus as a sock puppet, to assuage their fears and fulfill their needs.

In other words Time, your obfuscatory remarks hold as much water as does a sieve.

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Thank you.

Please, leave misinformation about Jesus out of this.

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We already have JD Vance as an authority on this (and much else).

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If you don't see the repositioning of the power position of Jesus in the South, or in the OVERALL evangelical movement, as meaningful, I suspect that you have missed out on a very valuable metric for measuring the growth of Trump's power.

And as I've said before, I am not Christian.

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This is what we must ask every Catholic: how can JD Vance claim to be Catholic while opposing everything Pope Francis teaches? How dare he be a greater theologian than the pope? Is Trump his pope? Is demonizing the poor and the afflicted compatible with the Sermon on the Mount?

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Was not happy when those 2 became Catholics.

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There is a strong conservative movement among Catholics that coalesced with evangelicals around abortion….. etc.

These conservatives were Never a fan of Pope Frances and acted like all that concern the American church should begin and end with them. So no. Do not be surprised with anything that comes out of Vance and Owen’s mouths.

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Metaphors can be useful things, but taking them literally not so much.

"The River Jordan" is another of those old metaphors.

Metaphors, of course, are quite often used when "speaking directly" is problematic for one reason or another.

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As regards the very valuable metric for measuring the growth of Trump's power is quite obvious, his base is the Jesus lovers.

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I suspect that the days of considering the phenomenon of the Trump cult based entirely on ideas and concepts that are familiar and comfortable, may be long past.

And if we only consider logic, well, that's kinda what we ALL did.

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I never considered the Trump cult based entirely on ideas and concepts,on the contrary, while everyone else has been ranting about the price of eggs and the economy, I've been trying to hammer home that it is about the Culture war, the triumph of the amgydala over the prefrontal cortex.

And I even pound the culture war rock, down to dust, because at the very origin of it all, is the psychosexual, drive for male supremacy., and that crosses all demographics. Another word for it is patriarchy.

Even Augustus Caesar knew that, one of his first edicts was the law of Pater Familia.

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His base USED to be "Jesus lovers".

Now, I feel certain some of them go weeks without even mentioning the name, Jesus. Something happened to all the "God-fearing" after Trump came along, and I for one am interested to see just what.

(If WE can be made to fear, perhaps THEY can too, but by us using centuries of Christian tradition in some manner instead of just by Trump. Whether or not Jesus is real isn't the point, as long as THEY think he was, and we can make use of it somehow.)

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I lived in Louisiana under the roof of my Southern Baptist preacher uncle, and was dragged to church every Sunday and Wednesday. Those people didn't love Jesus, they were afraid of hell, and church was a social event, for people otherwise disconnected.

Jesus is a sock puppet, really, Jesus is an idea that represents whatever they fear and need, guided by the puppet master.

Jesus is all things to everyone. If one is altruistic, open handed, open minded he is the Jesus of Matthew 25, the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount, if one is

a slave owner, a racist, a patriarch then he is the Jesus of Saul.

There is nothing in the New Testament that even hints at the prosperity gospel, but you can visit many a church (black and white) and hear it being preached and the parishioners forking over money to buy the pastor a private jet or a Rolex.

SETI has wasted hundreds of millions, maybe billions looking for intelligent life out there, when there is scant evidence that there is intelligent life on earth.


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As a very progressive ordained minister in what has become a progressive denomination (now that we’ve parted ways from the anti-LGBTQ folks), I am absolutely comfortable with people not sharing my beliefs. I will be the first to say that Christianity has perpetrated more horrors than about any organization on earth. But I also hope that those who do not believe will respectfully listen to those who do when we say that any belief system, while vulnerable to corruption, can do enormous good. The teachings of Jesus contain nearly 7 times more references to acts of mercy than to any other issue. If we follow this example (as people like Jimmy Carter and archbishop Desmond Tutu did), we can change our world. Jesus was also very radical for his day, bringing women into his inner circle and encouraging them to preach and teach. He challenged the social order of his day in a multitude of ways. He raged against the wealthy and powerful who were abusing both religion and secular society. (Hence, he was murdered by the Roman government for the crime of sedition.) As a psychotherapist, I know firsthand that many of my clients hold religious beliefs that bring them great comfort and strength. While they may not be my beliefs, I respect their right to hold them, since they are not causing harm. Having said all of this, I understand the pain and anger that some people experience. Historically, we’ve not done a good job of being true to the teachings of Jesus. Much of what has been preserved, canonized and taught has been the decision of males trying to consolidate their power. There’s a whole lot of bullshit out there! I reject it as well.

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What you say is true of Islam, Buddhism, and Hindu,

Islam is attractive to peoples who have suffered from racism, in fact the anti racism of Islam has been a big draw among the black communities, it also requires charity of believers, and the Mosques have crowds of beggars.

It also recognizes widowers rights. Off setting its good things Is it's intense misogyny, homophobia, and it's intolerance of non believers and polytheists., the last two have one option convert or die.

Christians and Jews (peoples of the book) can practice their religion, so long as they accept a second class status, but that is not good enough for salafists, recall the orange garbed Coptics lined up on the beach in Libya, before they were beheaded?

People find many things to give them comfort and strength.

I do hold a brief against beliefs. And by that I mean secular and sectarian.

Beliefs cause more harm than they do good, because they are zero sum.

One is either in or out, for or against, and those that are not in or for, who are not believers are a threat.

There is no maybe in a belief system, no tolerance. Tolerance exists only because the believer lacks the ability to police and enforce.

An example. Muslims in the west demand and expect tolerance as they are a minority. However that is not the case in a Muslim country, there they are intolerant.

Extreme case is Saudi Arabia. It is considered sacred Muslim only land, and infidels can not live there, but since they have been essential to their economic growth and industry, the Mufti of Mecca has desacriaized some ground, and the Saudis have enclosed it with walls to shut out the faithful, and to allow the infidels to live in corruption

In fact this was a major complaint that motivated Bin Laden to form Al Qaeda and launch his Jihad against western culure and America, because American forces violated the sanctity of Arabia with heir Prince Sultan Air Base.

Iran is the same, it permits some 5,500 Jews (the most Jews in any Islamic country) to live there as dhimmi's, so long as they keep their heads down, but not Hindu's or Christians, Zorastrians yes. Afghanistand,Pakistan, Malaysia, Christians in Egypt live on the edge are routinely persecutied and discriminagted againstg even killed. There are no Christians or Jews in Libya, NoJews in Morocco

Christianity was like that until the reformation, and once it schismed, it continued and continues to this day, and with the exception of a few congregations it is as misogynistic, exclusivist, intolerant and triumphalist as it was at the beginning and as Islam is today.

Yet in every cult, you will find people of open hands, open minds and of good will, too bad they are outnumbered by their antipode.

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This is the sort of thing I believe "true" Christians need to support (and clearly, many of them are):

"27 Religious Groups Sue To Protect Immigrants From ICE Raids At Churches"


And with tremendous respect, WIlliam, does it really matter if it's based on 2000 years of myth, or 2000 years of truth...if it helps save humanity?

Thank you.

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I take everything case by case. Just because some religious groups do the right thing SOMETIMES does not mean that I should forgive their trespasses and overlook their own bigotry and intolerance.

Of those 27 religious groups how many of them have fought against women and LGBT rights. answer me that.

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How many of those 27 groups want uncontrolled women and the LGBTQIA+ community dead, the way Trump-cultists do?

I'd guess zero. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to find that there are many groups like Sojourners, totally focused on helping, just as they believe to be their mission in this world.

I've been contacted by numerous of them, just in the past month. Headlines that could have come from the most progressive of sites:

Christian Allegiance to Trump Has Wrecked My Faith

10 Ways To Stay Grounded During Trump’s Second Term

Trump's Attack on USAID Is Evil


With great respect, even though I'm not AS sold on the power of love as I once was, I'm not ready to switch over to hate quite yet.

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Dishonest manuever on your part. You moved the goal posts

I asked: "how many of them have fought against women and LGBT rights. answer me that."

You replied:How many of those 27 groups want uncontrolled women and the LGBTQIA+ community dead, the way Trump-cultists do?

That is not what I asked, and your response is dishonest.

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This is God's intelligence test for humanity. I am not very hopeful we will pass this test.


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Then please be straightforward about what you wish to accomplish with your post. Frankly, I do not think anyone is concerned about reparations.

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I do not think to accomplish anything. Accomplishing anything is beyond my ken and abilties.

I simply expressed my opinion. One either agrees or disagrees.

However as you think that no one is concerned about reparations, you are wrong as my comment was in response tofoofaraw & Chiquita(ARF!) who expressed a concern about reparations.

Please do not waste my time.

Thank you

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Actually, I had hoped people reading my post might focus on the aspect of reparations, which was also my primary focus.

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That didn't stand out. but while at it. I am a proponent of reparations, but not in the form of writing checks, money wasted, and besides there are too many white folk who themselves are American Descendants of Slaves, (at this point I recommend Fiddler on Pantico Run: An African Warrior and his white descendants), the surname is Mozingo and includes Tony Mozingo a retired Alabama Judge, also a lot of whites surnamed Bass, they have haplogroup A and E DNA.

The Reparations I favor are creating industries in predominantly black neighborhoods, funding restoration and clean up of homes, enabling black home ownership, funding education in black neighborhoods, other than via property taxes.

When you hand a check to people, they waste it, go out and buy shit, regardless of race or economic status. and we are left where we started, inequity, social problems, disadvantage youth, but with wide screen TV's and expensive cars.

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Well said.

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Timing is crucial. This is not the time to talk about reparations, unless, of course, you are a Trump supporter.

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Actually, this IS a time to discuss the things that Repubs fear. And ANYTHING giving Black Americans power is something the GOP find themselves shaking in their boots over.

If they can use fear to gain control, why can't we?.

It's ABOUT TIME we learned that.

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I had NO IDEA, after voting for Democrats since 1976, that I was actually a Trump supporter!!

That's gonna be a BIG change for me...

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I'm actually appalled that these people would try and whitewash or even eliminate the history of Black slavery in this country. And what gets me even more is when they say that including that history makes white kids feel badly. What a bunch of crap! What do they think Black children have been made to feel for centuries? I grew up learning all about slavery and it did make me feel badly. But not because I was white, because of what had been done to other human beings because of the colour of their skin.

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🎯👆👆👆Yes, they want their kids to be as ignorant, and hateful, as they are, they don't want them to learn to have compassion.

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Appalled is exactly right

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What they really fear is their own conscience, and, perhaps, criticism from their own children.

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By giving ALL their power to Trump, they basically say, "We accept your ability to free us from all guilt and sin, and we therefore give you the power to do so."

The more the craziness begins to make some tiny bit of sense, the more I find myself wishing it didn't.

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Gotta say, that performance was not music to my ears. IMHO that kind of not music, forgive me, feeds racism in the corn belt. There was no melody. The performance was a feud, per articles I've read about it. Makes ppl go what? I'm tellin ya, don't use a rap battle as a litmus test of who is in favor of DEI and who is not. They're not the same.

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Perhaps it was a form of protest. Loud, noisy and pointedly so. It was not to my taste, musically, but I understand and fully support the "why" behind it.

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I was greatly comforted that all those Trump cheering people at the Super Bowl, all those put upon, disrespected, ignored and misunderstood MAGA types, could afford those obscene ticket, hotel and transportation prices.

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Yea, poor slobs.

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But the price of eggs! /s

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Hard to argue with the Pulitzer Committee...

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I think what the GOP is afraid of is not white people feeling bad, but of what people identifying with the formerly enslaved and recognizing what the oligarchs are trying to do to them.

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And it may even be simpler than that, Barbara.

For example, we pretty much know with a high degree of certainty that the many book bans have less to do with specifics, and more to do with simply controlling the narrative.

They want children growing up in America to have no image of gay Americans that might arise from seeing them as regular people living normal lives. So it's better to be the ONLY ones telling them things without facts or positive opinions "interfering" in any way.

And the same of very true with books about the accomplishments of countless gifted Black Americans. Easier to paint them from neutral than from a positive viewpoint. So the GOP tells these people that they MUST be scared, even if they never even considered it before.

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Bingo! We have a winner!

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add into that equation the vast evil of "manifest destiny" in the Americas it's no wonder the modern nazi want to be's can't wait to rewrite history...

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Our white sheep fear the black sheep, and they seek protection form the wolf. Don't give firewood to Fox News.

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One insightful perspective on the MAGA fear and loathing of DEI came from Jon Stewart's observation that it's just their substitution for "the n-word" and, yes, expressing hatred.

By the way, anybody hear anything about Tim Scott's "fiancee" who had magically dropped from heaven, with children, as she and Uncle Tim fell in love just as Uncle Tim was bowing and scraping to Thump to be Thump's butler....er...VP??

Compare and contrast, class: Raphael Warnock, Maxwell Frost, Jasmine Crockett.....to Tim Scott. Compare ANYBODY with brave warrior Letitia James! Get under the orange lizard's orange skin, Time Magazine and Vogue Magazine: put Letitia James on the covers for every issue until America is free of the occupying fascists!!

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SO much easier to play the victim than to agree to compete on a level playing field.

Yeah, Tim "stopped by his own admission 18 times for "driving while Black" (his words) in a nation with NO SYSTEMIC RACISM" Scott.

Yeah, him...

While I may be marginally better represented by Lindsey Graham, I know it isn't by much...

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The halftime show was Satanic?

The devil you say...

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It's not an attack on the black church but more Evangelical bullshit. Those cretins are the American Taliban and are working to make this a theocracy. They are the internal enemy, along with the rest of the GOP and GOP supporters.

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I've considered something like that...

" “Thou Shall Give Birth, and God Shall Raise Up a Righteous Army!”

So Sayeth the Six Disciples, with Alito and Thomas Leading the Chorus"


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I am so sorry and ashamed of what has happened to black human beings in our country.

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God Bless those who descended from hardworking slaves.

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The MAGA response to Kendrick Lamar is neither an attack on the Black church nor purely racism:

'Trump reportedly left the stadium just two minutes before the end of the performance, which opened with Lamar defiantly declaring, “The revolution is about to be televised. You picked the right time but the wrong guy.”'


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FWIW, I never even mentioned Trump.

Did you actually read some of the representative tweets from MAGA and the GOP?:

"MAGA Thoroughly Flips Out Over ‘Satanic’ Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl Show

Donald Trump acolytes Lauren Boebert and George Santos led the criticism."


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Sorry, if my reply wasn't respectful. And, no, I didn't need to see how vilely they attacked it. With the show opening the way Meidas said it did, of course all his sycophants would try to out-vile each other to curry favor

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Rave on, brother, rave on.

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Tammany Hall was pretty bad, but I agree this is the worst.

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This all started in New York, where Trump was able to use his sugar daddy father's money to pay off politicians to get away with questionable, possibly illegal behavior. Now, Pam Bondi, who took a campaign bribe as Florida attorney general to refrain from investigating the Trump University scam, is in charge of prosecuting fraud as U.S. attorney general. I'm guessing a lot of scams will go unpunished.

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Yes Carolyn,Pam Bondi is a fraud,she will never investigate anything her hero,Trump( the worst piece if flesh ever created) is involved in. She is there just to make sure fraud,scams continue.

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Carolyn, likely every fraud perpetrated by a trump insider will go unprosecuted, since with mob rule every dictation comes from the kingpin, and every theft of public wealth will be rewarded. Capone is leering from Hell at this sucker play on a nation being ruined.

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Sadly, the scammers are being rewarded.

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Yeah Carolyn you can bank on that 🤑🤑🤑

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No need to guess. Or consult a Magic 8 Ball.

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At least Trump is refreshingly unpartisan in his corruption as he's instructed the DoJ to abandon its investigation of crooked New York mayor, Eric Adams, and he's also pardoned Rod Blagojevich - both Democrats. A simple act of obeisance by both was all that was required.

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The only people Clump associates himself with are criminals.

Have you ever heard anybody from his younger years and up til now claim they are friends with him?

Everybody around him has been in jail or disgraced.

Trump doesn’t care about party, he only cares about corruption.

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It's hard to imagine what sort of a person could be friends with him. I mean, he would be a very high-maintenance friend and the returns would hardly be rewarding. When he was accused of rambling at his rallies towards the latter part of his campaign he comically claimed that he was using what he called 'The Weave" which he explained was his ability to move between different apparently unrelated subjects and then weave them together so they formed a coherent message. He said that friends of his who were professors of English literature (!!) were impressed by his unique eloquence. He's running his own version of the Theatre of the Absurd at the White House which would be entertaining were it not so terrifying.

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By several orders of magnitude.

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Trump tells his cultists that NOTHING they have ever done that has ever caused harm to others is their fault.

As well as that, nothing that has ever harmed others that they BENEFITED from (thinking slavery) is their fault. In fact, NOTHING IS EVER THEIR FAULT! Everything is always the fault of “others”, generally those with darker skin. Or breasts.

What simple, ignorant, racist person wouldn’t LOVE such words coming from a DADDY-FIGURE like Trump, telling them that they are WITHOUT SIN? Why would such people ever give Jesus, with all his “rules” about love and compassion, even a second look?

Trump tells these racist, “under-educated” people to forget that a concept like PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY even exists, and there may literally be nothing they want to hear, and believe, more.

And he tells them that all they have to be to be GREAT PARENTS is to never let their children open a book, or their minds. What could possibly be more simple? (Well, other than the cultists themselves, of course.)


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I guess that until I saw the most recent VICTIM LIST, I wasn't fully aware of the magnitude...

"Trump’s Targets

He promised revenge. Here’s who’s first on his list—and how they’re fighting back."


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Thanks for providing the link.

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It's not a crisis. It's the destruction of the rule of law. Get it straight!

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With the open corruption perpetrated by trump and company, republicans in Congress have decided it's better to humiliate themselves daily, violate their oaths of office and cover themselves in slim rather than come clean. They are no longer representatives of the people, they are liars and when they open their mouths, we can see that they 'know they are liars'. We see them squirm, blather on, fidget and sweat - they realize what is coming out of their mouths is "rubbish" , a con job on the American people. They are cowards and quislings - also traitors.

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Musk wants to buy OpenAI and he has access to all the government data. Connect those dots.

With AI, whoever has the data rules.

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The "Ides of March" will be upon us on March 15 -- what shall we plot on Trump's behalf???

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What is now much more disturbing is how 'Citoyen Trump' (as I'm now calling him further to my previous French Revolution references) is going to use your SCOTUS and both Houses of Congress to legitimize this corruption, while further to Maximillian Robespierre having been dubbed, 'the incorruptible', Trump now needs to be known and regarded as 'the corrupting'!

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The blatant lawlessness of it all..........is terrifying!

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Yes, and the people will beg the godfather to impose discipline. The oligarchs are helping Trump, but they are also setting themselves up for a big crackdown. Together, they are digging the grave of our republic.

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It started with Nixon and Reagan.

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The MOB is not the same as white supremacy. The MOB has jumped on board in certain ways because they want to make money from dark web market goods and the gang related media opportunities.

White supremacy racism is about project 2025 to destroy Indigenous, brown, black and people of color in order to take our land.

Colonialism using an apartheid regime.

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Pam Bondi is truly a moll.

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Yes and it's up to Americans to stop this. It obvious that the Democratic Party is weak.

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and the Republicans are unwilling. Proposals?

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and democrat "leaders" are STILL claiming we are "headed for" a constitutional crisis.... WTF??

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JD Vance and Scott Jennings, ass kissers unite.----These two men are just plain stupid. JD doesn't understand the concept behind the ideas of checks and balances. The courts have the power to "control" the sick wishes of a demented man's view of how not to run a country. The founding fathers gave the courts the authority to stop fools like Trump from taking over a country they never understood in the first place. JD is a moron, Trump is an idiot, and Scott Jennings is a distant relative of Kirk's nemesis, the Klingons. Trump's cabinet is a hodgepodge of degenerates who find favor in taking swimming lessons while languishing in the waters of Trump's stagnant toilet bowl. Our country is in trouble. Sad but true, where is Luigi when we need him? Beware of the Ides of March, Mr. Trump, for Caesar, was an ambitious man.

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But JD Vance is perfectly corruptible and soulless, capable of things we haven’t even imagined yet.

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JD has a law degree from Yale. He knows exactly what he is doing along with all of the others. They are not hiding anymore. They come right out and tell the world that we are taking control of the United States Government and "see if you can stop us."

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From reading conclusions by Nazi hunters who prosecuted the Nazi leaders and collaborators, these folk are always with us. They only come out from under their rock when conditions are right.

Currently, Blue states with economic strengths are paying for our own demise/attacks. Blue states must create accounts for their states federal owed monies and keep them in blue states. Use this as a cudgel to bonk back the horror.

Further, civil penalties incurred by Judges could be made to reflect the circumstances . Why can't judges insist on one million per day per person intimidating federal workers, including the Elon private protectors , keeping federal workers from their jobs? We must go for the jugular!

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what about the military bases in blue states, and the defense industries? everything is tied together. plus, blues play by the rules of yesteryear which don't apply anymore. a few people have noticed that.

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Paul,Blues do try to play by the rules. Reds have no rules,believe no laws should apply to them. This is what a Nazi gov't does.

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David, the problem with that stance is that one has to have all the players agree on and abide by the rules. The US, incidentally, has a long history of ignoring rules it doesn't like, such as UN rules or resolutions or the ICC. Typically the US ignores rules (or treaties) that might constrain its ability to act as an imperial power. So there is historical precedent (in the right wing's eyes) for ignoring the rule of law if it gets in the way of their assumption of ever greater power. Whether we like it or not, JD Vance has openly said that the courts don't need to be obeyed if they get in the way of executive power. Therefore, playing by the rules, which no longer apply, will gain nothing but ridicule by the oligarchs. I suppose it will have to play out; we'll have to hit political and social bottom before enough people might rise up. However, I don't believe that will be possible anymore because we live in a surveillance state, which has more than enough tech power to simply turn off communications between anyone trying to organize against the oligarchs. Also, remember that we are in the 4th week. An enormous amount of damage has already been done. Chaos invites more chaos, and covers up continued destruction of our rule of law and democracy.

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Ugh. Hard to be in a purple state right now. I agree with your thinking; wish it were realistic for me. Will explore.

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I heard Vance in his debate with Walz. He sounded reasonable, except that what he said differed markedly from what he was saying on the campaign trail, much like Trump. Two peas in a pod!

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In his debate with Walz Vance lied shamelessly, hence he looked looked confident and sound reasonable. It was an act.

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Isn't it just amazing that Vance and Trump can lie and lie and lie again and never change expression. Trump lied 31,000 time during his 1st Admin.

Joseph Goebbels,Hitler's information guru said" If you repeat the same lie over and over people will begin to accept it as the truth"Trump ,Vance,Musk learned that lesson well.

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Chris--A law degree means nothing if you don't understand the law in the first place.

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And especially if you don't care about people or the law or fairness or kindness or compassion or the value of Jesus himself.

$Trump, Vance, Musk and company just don't care who they hurt or how many suffer. They are clever. They are ruthless. They are fascist scum.

Sorry "scum" in a swamp is actually a valuable aspect of an ecosystem. I retract scum and offer "cancer inducing PFA laced slime". They like the movie "The Blob" - devouring everything in their way.

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The purpose of law is to protect person and property. Those who support Donald Trump are jeopardizing both our persons and our properties. JD Vance knows this, and he warned us about Trump a couple of years ago, but he is nothing but a mercenary.

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has vance passed any state bars? is he licensed to practice law anywhere?

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You say we violate the law, but just "make us behave lawfully".

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Luigi would have to be a twin.

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Mike you got it. 100%.

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Vance is wrong, perhaps with evil intent, but not an idiot or moron in the same mode as the orange menace. He has the ability to, independent of monitors, fashion complete sentences with meaning. That is why he is actually more dangerous, though he lacks the corrupt billionaire status he craves.

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It can safely be assumed that 'criminal intent is a core personality characteristic' in any and all that have 'risen' in this crime family.

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They may sound complete, but his sentences are frequently word salads as well, designed to obfuscate and confuse.

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👆👆👆🎯And utterly disconnected from reality.

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Don't worry with time and more experience Vance will become a better liar and manipulator.

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But Vance is Peter Theil's "girlfriend." There is lots of money there.

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he understands it-he just doesn't agree with the concept-at least not when he views it as advantageous to believe in a unitary presidency-what boggles my mind is that these so-called christians,knowing the fallibility if human nature,don't or won't recognize the need for checks and balances to prevent themselves and others from going off the rails,as they are now

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Yale is calling, J.D.......they want their degree back.

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It won't do JD Vance any good as regards his future ambitions. In his Fox News interview, Bill Baier asked Trump whether he saw Vance as a potential successor. His response: “No, but he's very capable...I mean, I don't think that it, you know, I think you have a lot of very capable people. So far, I think he's doing a fantastic job. It’s too early, we're just starting.” All that bum-sucking for nothing!

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Trump is right about Vance. The man is smart but lacks charisma. Of course, Trump is irreplaceable, right?

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The last thing a person like Trump would want is a VP with charisma. Pence had all the charisma of wallpaper. It makes his relationship with Musk all the more interesting. They did a joint press conference today at which Musk claimed his work was increasing transparency within government. This doesn't sit well with the facts: DOGE operates covertly; Democratic lawmakers are excluded from government buildings; inspectors general are being fired (the USAID one the most recent after he published a stinging report on the impacts of Musk's suspension of the agency's work). The more Musk moves into the limelight, the more at risk he will be from Trump - the Time magazine cover was a warning shot. Musk has an invisible aura that protects him from Trump's jealousy: his obscene wealth. Just how long this suffices will depend on how successful he is at courting Trump and doing his will. Vance has simply nothing to offer but his obeisance.

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how did vance get through law school?

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While I can't make myself read his autobiography, this NYT article seems to provide a good overview of Vance's background. Of particular note to the ongoing discussion on this post, one of his first-year professors wrote on one of Vance's papers: " “This is a vomit of sentences masquerading as a paragraph. Fix.”


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had the money to pay for it?

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I suspect his (now) wife Usha tutored him.

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First someone had to help him find the door........navigating the hallways was a challenge, he needed constant supervision, he made periodic stops on sofas, and finally he came out the other side with a degree. It was Degree antiperspirant but that was good enough for JD to declare he had a law degree.

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At least the Klingons have honor.

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JD Vance is merely a loyal lapdog for anti-democratic Billionaire Peter Thiel, who bought him lock, stock, and barrel when he financed his Senate campaign. To paraphrase the Felon, South Africa sends us their worst—corrupt, out of mental institutions, drug addict (Musk, Thiel).

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He bought him right out of a Libertarian group in college. He has given him three different jobs working for him He failed at all of them, until Theil just gave him a bankroll, and told him what to buy to make him look successful enough for a senate run. His other protege Blake Masters did not win in Arizona.

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They just DON'T WANT to understand, they pretend not to understand. They understand their own interests and the ways to advance them very well.

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Step one for Hitler was to discredit the media.• Step two was to silence scientists and government employees.• Hate crimes against minorities grew to the highest in their country’s history. Clashes between parties became so extensive that Hitler ended civil liberties (Step three), giving “law and order” as the cause. Those who opposed Hitler were ridiculed and threatened.• In Step Four wealthy supporters purchased media outlets, employing only those faithful to the ruling party.• In his final step (Step Five) Hitler declared that the only way the country could be unified was to restore "traditional" values. Minorities including gays, the disabled, Jews, Roma, and people of color were considered “inferior” and sent to death camps for slaughter.

No one listened when the ambassador sounded the alarm. This is written by an American Ambassador in Hitler's Berlin 1933-37; Everyone excused Hitler, saying "he'd grow into the job”.

We're between Step 3-5...This is in case we are confused by how so many people could go along with "Hitler's Final Solution", this is exactly how it happened. And, if we are bothered by people comparing Trump to Hitler..this is why

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will Hegseth remain loyal to Trump? He strikes me as a wild card.

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Donald,that is a magnificent piece.Maybe you can submit to Mother Jones or The Nation,they would publish.We need more Luigi's.Thank you.

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I do not understand Crypto, nor do I have any desire to; but, I know people that think that it will make them rich enough they will not have to worry about retirement. So in a nut shell 45/47 and Musksputin shuttered the consumer agency so that they could along with their buddies set up currency with no supervision and if it fails their investors will be holding the bag and there will be no one to hold them accountable, correct? Oh Lord Have Mercy.

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It is a method by conman felon Trump and Musk to crash the economy and steal ALL our Tax dollars in the US Treasury and our Retirement Funds!

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Only those who are in at the top profit, leaving the rest of the investors holding the bag. It opens at a given price and then there is much investment interest as the coin value soars. The original creators/investors wait until it reaches an acceptable peak, then they cash in - it's a "pump and dump". They've made their money but crashed the value. Those who were hoping to see their investment pay off are screwed as they watch the value go into an irreversible free fall. Who keeps the profits? Those in on the crypto scheme from the start.

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Joannie,crypto is a total 100% scam. To think the advocates have been able to sell something that you cannot see,touch,has no definable value is a joke. Wall Street has sunk to new lows,they are so corrupt,no one should have any confidence in the stock market or any of the instituations that sell stock,bonds.

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Joannie - you forgot the part where the rich people posing as bankers are bailed out by the taxpayers, as they always are. socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.

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It is a "greater fool" scam, with pumping and dumping as the norm.

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Well, I guess that is why I do not understand it. So more or less a currency scheme that could blow up and be real bad if a lot of people invested in it like a Ponzi scheme.

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They'll find a way to remove the $.

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'What's a criminal not to love?'

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you got it.

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....backed by nothing but hot air. And we know what happens when hor air starts to swirl about.

There's a HURRICANE financial crisis brewing. 🌀🌀

But, no worries because the NWS will also be gone.

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hasn't the NWS been privatized yet? so we can pay for weather info?

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Wouldn't it be nice if that happened. Since they are all worth nothing,other than what the next victim would pay,a real investigation into crypto world would be a death sentence for the investigators.Look@ what they did to Eliz Warren,Katy Porter when they suggested regulations.They received death threats,their families received death threats. The crypto supporters use Mafia tactics,but are much more dangerous than the Mafia.

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We seem to have forgotten how popular anarchism was in the 19th century. It has perennial appeal.

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Organized crime are the ones that keep the bigger ones afloat.

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Thank you. I never understood what useful purpose crypto serves. And if, charitably, it does have a useful purpose, we already have other currencies and financial instruments that do the same thing. Adding crypto is kinda' like putting a fifth wheel on a four-wheeled car ?

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Yes, but it apparently has enough value that people ARE making money off of investing in it; trading it - I personally know someone who last year was able to purchase a million dollar beautiful new home because of what he made in crypto. I was, frankly, shocked!!

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A lot of con men lie to get the suckers to invest, they don't gain, unless others buy in after them. For everyone that succeeds, there are thousands that lose everything.

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an anarchist's dream.

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And it's a perfect vehicle for money laundering, not to mention it's highly unstable.

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Why doesn’t the Supreme Court step in while this is happening right in front of them.

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I believe this supreme court is as criminally corrupt as the orange man with the exception of three.

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100% unfortunately,and the 3 women who are trying to do the right thing get 0 respect from the men. Just as Trump and republicans have 0 respect for women.

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Sad, but true, David!

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Because Trump and co won't take any notice. See Vance's comments over the weekend.

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I think someone has to bring a lawsuit or if a federal judge says it isn't legal then their side has to lawyer up.

I don't know but I guess well.

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Correct. The Supreme Court is an Appellate Court. Cases from lower courts get appealed up to SCOTUS. Plus SCOTUS gets to rule on the legitimacy and constitutionality of new laws.

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Maybe if this all starts to affect them adversely, they will start working for the rule of law. But trump will make them an offer thay can't refuse, probably already has.

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Essentially, at least six of the justices would have to grow a conscience.

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For sure. In the long run it may afford them some protection. lawlessness is dangerous. think of life in Haiti, run by competing war lords. Some restrictions may be worth it.

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Sadly, the oligarchs just hire their own army.

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By David Cesarani?

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We are far beyond any aid from lawsuits

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The so-called 'shadow docket' is precisely for cases where 'irreparable harm' could occur This expression that was actually used by the federal judge in the case involving the freezing of federal grants and loans but the Supremes do not seem to have taken the heavy hint. The expression might equally apply to other executive actions, like the suspension of USAID. This is hardly the first instance of the Roberts' court choosing to turn a blind eye to a constitutional crisis.

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" choosing to turn a blind eye to a constitutional crisis."

It's why they were groomed for years to be placed there.

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Yes, Nancy MacLean in her book, 'Democracy in Chains' writes about how James McGill Buchanan's 'public choice' theory began to be taught in law schools established with funds from foundations set up by right-wing billionaires. This started in earnest back in the late 1960's so it's a process with a long gestation that has only recently come to fruition. This guy Buchanan has been overlooked for a long time. He advised Pinochet on how to draft a “constitution with locks and bolts,” according to MacLean. He won the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences in 1986 and the far right owes him a great deal.

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Thanks; that's all new info to me (I do have a copy of Democracy in Chains in my close to endless "to read" pile).

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I guess you're like me with heaving, overcrowded bookshelves and piles of books all over the place. You might like this: https://www.theguardian.com/books/picture/2023/oct/07/tom-gauld-on-reaching-an-agreement-about-buying-books-cartoon

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LOL, AFAIC, there's no such thing as 'too many books or recordings,' I have no expectations of 'ever getting there.'

My wife, OTOH, doesn't get it, but then, I was that way many years before we ever met, so...

Books are so much easier to quote from/refresh one's memory if there's a copy at hand.

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I absolutely agree with you on this.🤨

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As far as I know, the U.S. Supreme Court only hears cases that are appealed. So, if Trump decides to appeal the decisions of the Federal Judges that are currently blocking him, those cases would next be heard by Federal Appeals Courts; and if Trump loses there then he can ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his case or, cases); although the Supreme doesn't have to agree to hear any case they don't want to hear. I don't know their criteria.💁‍♀️

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Actually, they also have what's known as a 'shadow docket' for urgent cases where 'irreparable harm' might occur either from an administrative action or from a lower court decision. They've made frequent and controversial use of this facility before, notably in the case of Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson when they refused to block a Texas law prohibiting abortions starting at six weeks of pregnancy - this was before they reversed Roe vs Wade. In another case, liberal Justice Elena Kagan lamented that the Court had gone “astray,” rendering “the Court’s emergency docket not for emergencies at all.” It seems they will use this facility to support Republican causes but not otherwise - it's scandalous.

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How much immunity the Supreme Court gave Trump was pretty vague, but I can't believe they meant unconstitutional executive orders were covered as part of his "official duties."

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Keith, I appreciate you caring about this extremely important issue affecting our entire government situation right now. THANK YOU for caring and expressing your concerns and political viewpoints.😁

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NO!! The U.S. Supreme Court Justices would never say that the President can issue unconstitutional executive orders and have carte blanche.🤨 If the Supreme Justices indeed would say and justify that legally, they, the Supreme Court would be out of order to do so, IMO.💁‍♀️

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I guess we will find out when and if he ever is impeached for unconstitutional executive orders.

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Their idea of "unconstitutional" and the views of those NOT owned by billionaires as to what's unconstitutional are likely to be very divergent.

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The supreme ct has been bought off. Their favorability rating is 16%.

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the supreme court is doing what the masters are paying them to do. it's been obvious for a few decades, but nobody seemed to notice.

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SCOTUS can judge, but it is for the FBI to investigate, and the DOJ to arrest.

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Uh, what FBI? What DOJ? It's been gutted by Trump et al.

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That's why the Trump Administration immediately charged to dismantle the departments of our government that would have any power of policing all their illegal activities.

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not anymore. bondi says that "shameful period in their history is over". really, she said that. now they're just gonna go after the "woke enemies"

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Pan Bondi is just a Trump kiss-ass-political-whore IMO.🤨

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but all the old white geezers voted for her, nothing unexpected from that crowd

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'Imagine, arresting 'Republicans' for criminal activity! HOW SHAMEFUL!'

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I really wish they'd go after medicare advantage insurance companies, fraudulently billing medicare for tens of millions of dollars. united healthcare's ceo paid the price, but i'd really rather see them in prison, one year for every dollar they stole. guantanamo comes to mind

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the Federal courts can use U.S. Marshals, instead of local police, to arrest those who refuse to obey court TRO's or other judicial decisions.

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I consider Bondi just as much a Traitor to the United States Government as Trump and all his appointed ilks.😠

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Trump has been sued and issued a TRO. Is President Trump subject to arrest by U.S. Marshals for violating the Federal Judge's restraining order?

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As often happens, de facto and de jure 'may not even be related to each other.'

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The court has six far right judges and three liberals. The wife of Clarence Thomas actually attended the Jan. 6 insurrection. This court also passed a judgement that the president is immune from prosecution if any act is committed under the presidency.

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'This is Our Lord, in whom we are well pleased."

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Because the US Supreme Court is an Appellate Court

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The US Supreme Court is an Appellate Court.

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He paid off Patel to make sure the FBI doesn't get involved when this pump is dumped and people lose their shirts!

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The most egregiously corrupt aspect of Trump’s crypto grift is including crypto assets in Federal government reserves. Taxpayers now fund these Ponzi scheme financial vehicles against runs . Allowing them to be used as a reserves expands their liquidity and allows the initial buyers to bail out with government holdin the bag when runs occur. And occur they will since crypto’s value is only as good as its last price. A lottery ticket has better residual value.

Trump makes suckers of us all And a flagrant abuse of his constitutional duty to uphold the faith and good credit of the United States. Even the Supreme Court should recognize the profound conflict of interest Trump has created with his crypto scam.

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My bad- it is Congress that has the duty to uphold the faith & good credit of the U.S. cf article 1 section 8 of the Constitution. Still, raises the question of why Trump had the authority to make crypto an asset of the U.S. financial reserves?

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No one is trying to stop him? That's a basic pattern for 'allowing.'

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Does this mean there is now No Protection for banking and Savings accounts for 200k and under? Mark me Confused! Thanks!

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It's been discussed by them.

Why do they care about protecting those us us with less than $250,000?

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The crypto scam has been 'allowed' by many, many people who "should know better" in recent years, so I've seen no reason at all to perceive it as "partisan," though I could perhaps be persuaded on that front by the right info...

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The Republican Party has become a CULT, guided by a dangerous leader, nobody is capable of challenging!!!!!

A petrified Canadian!!!

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Petrified American willing to fight!

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Another petrified American willing to do the same, Sandra!

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Professor Reich: of COURSE it will blow up in our faces! since when has the orange toddler worried about the common person out here? not even when collecting votes, did he care about us. we are doomed as far as i can tell.

just wondering how i can empty my bank account from overseas? it was an extraordinarily complicated, expensive and time-consuming process when i removed most of my money from my bank account five years ago, but now? i think i, and anyone living overseas with a bank account in the USA are screwed.

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I'm worried, really worried about how to protect my bank account since the direct deposit info from social security is by now probably on the dark web for sale, thanks to that merry band of muskian maurauders in the treasury dept.

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i see what you were trying to do there. how about this: "merry mob of muskian marauders in the money department"

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i hate it when i mispel

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This is an attempt for a complete takeover of the country happening right in front of our eyes... it is Wild Wild West ladies and gentlemen

The question is for how long are people going to put up with this and how long until his supporters will realise they've been screwed big time ... only time can tell

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The never-ending wars on education were always intended to create just these circumstances.

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Exactly. A perfect storm. The ruling class doesn't want an educated populace.

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When is it time for a French Revolution Solution?

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Digital ID, which Trump is tasked with selling to the proletariat, is designed to prevent workers revolutions.

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And what a surveillance tool the internet is; were I 50 years younger, I'd stay far, far away from anything to do with it and "computers."

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I don't know. They use it in Europe for secure transactions, which seems to work well for them. Then again, in many countries in Europe, you have to register with the municipality when you move. In that way it could help to eliminate voter suppression.

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Bourgeois democracy is a lie anyway. The ruling class dangles it over the heads of the proletariat as a carrot of false hope. Financial transaction security as well as online harm bills are the entrance to the digital prison.

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So you are anti-democracy? What is your answer then?

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I'm pro proper democracy - whereby the people have a say in how things are run and they can vote on those issues 24/7. Voting every four years for a corrupt representative is not democracy. The facade of America no longer exists. The patriots got what they wanted - a fascist dictatorship. Two thirds did not vote for Trump and there is no proportional representation. So democracy as it's been sold is a lie.

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It's even worse than the wild west, back then, they at least had to turn in their guns when they came into town.

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I do not intend on purchasing this 'crypto garbage'. It's a shame there isn't an off-ramp from this hurtling mass of destruction! He can just shut down anything he wants. He can tell them to stop minting the penny and the nickel looks like it is next. He can push his products to the front and make ways for him to make all the money he can. It looks like there is no stopping him, but I know better. His time is coming and he will be brought to a screeching halt. It is going to get extremely nasty and many Americans will have to decide if they want to continue to support this evil spawn or choose to build an America we can all live with. I also want to add KUDOS to the group celebrating Black history during the half-time show of the Superbowl. I read that it pissed the orange man off so bad, he left! Great job!

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We had a Dick in 1974. We have a Dicktator now!

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LOL, good one!

I'm going to steal this.

Thank you for the laugh, they are much needed these days 😊

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Connect this also to the treasury department takeover; now he can funnel all government transactions through his new crypto…forcing people who would otherwise stay far away from crypto to use it. What could possibly go wrong?

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A few days ago Friend Robert asked us: how do we think it will end? The answer is obvious: badly.

The following was written in response to Robert’s question but it remains germane to the issue now under discussion.

There's a consideration that in my view has not been exploited anything like adequately. It is an objective fact that Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon. Throughout the electoral campaign I was dying for someone - anyone, but in particular Kamala Harris - to stand up and say: hold on, we are dealing here with a convicted felon. The question people should have been asking themselves was: Would you entrust your pocket-book to a convicted felon? The dismaying fact is that so many Americans in effect said yes. In my least charitable moments I'm inclined to think, if not actually say out loud: Well then, if it's all right by you for a convicted felon to dip into your life-savings, you deserve everything that is now happening, up to and including a right-wing coup.

In the view of many, Trump should not have been even allowed to stand for the presidency. The evidence was there, up front and centre stage, that Trump was guilty of inciting an insurrection and thus disqualified to stand for office. Responsibility for allowing Trump to present himself to the electorate for a second term is widely spread, starting with the Senate Republicans who let Trump off the hook in the second impeachment trial, taking in attorney general Merrick Garland whose dilatoriness allowed Trump's lawyers to run down the clock, and concluding with Joe Biden who left Harris with a losing hand - barely three months to work up an election campaign whereas Trump had years.

So let's hear more about Trump's criminal past. All these criminal activities that he, along with Elon Musk and his supporters are engaging in, what do you expect when you place your trust in a convicted felon? Trump plays dirty? Of course he does - he's a convicted felon. He should be behind bars rather than setting the world alight and unleashing a wave of further criminality. So let the word go out : Trump is a crook, every bit as much a crook as Richard Nixon who at least had sufficient self-awareness to resign. There's little chance of that happening with a president as lacking in a sense of honour as Trump, but with the midterms less than two years away, there’s no reason why his past crimes and misdemeanours should be allowed to slip down the memory hole.

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I loathed Nixon, but "compared to Trump..."

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By the midterms we will not have Congress as we know it today.

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Too true!

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Trump has always wanted to empty the coffers of USA directly into HIS pocket.

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rumpNaziCunt has got 2 Go NOW

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Less of the C talk please. Degrades you and the forum.

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Also it’s an insult to cunts.

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You speak true. I feel the same when ‘pig’ and ‘rat’ are used.

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NO other species deserves comparison to humans.

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Or "the elephant in the room." 🐘

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Elephants are beautiful, intelligent, and emotional creatures not at all deserving of association with these soiled dudewipes posing as humans.

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Why should it be degrading to anyone? It’s one of the oldest words in the English language. I certainly don’t feel degraded for having one, and frankly take umbrage that anyone should find its mention degrading. Surely everyone here is a thoughtful and literate person who can see and scroll past a rude word without needing smelling salts and who understands that words are chosen from the entire spectrum of the language to convey and emphasise a point. And when the shoe fits a cunt, the cunt shall wear it.

Also-a) what on earth makes you feel entitled to police others’ expression in any forum not your own

b) perhaps save your indignant energy for the cause

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Most women I know find it offensive when used as an insult - but not as a word describing female physiology.

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Are you kidding? it's one of the worst mysogynistic curses. It is obvious that you are not a woman, or you are familiar with some women who have no self respect. It is one of the ugliest words one can use.

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While it's not a word I use, as a man, I would be hesitant to criticize a woman who did.

Reminds me of, many years back, asking a c. 40 year old writing student if he still dated "girls" as his song expressed, and having several women in the class older than he and I am saying they were perfectly fine with being called "girls."

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The word girl should not be conflated with the CWord. That is objectification. Look it up.

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Good point. Women must stop referring to themselves as girls. They must be proud of being women.

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I am indeed a woman and I have plenty of self respect. I also don’t believe in imbuing a word with so much power that it can’t be written or uttered. You’re of course welcome to your opinion, but you’ve no right to cast aspersions on my sense of self worth because I believe differently to you.

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Have At it, Bango Skank.

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Context and intent are both very important with any number of words - if clarity is a matter of concern, of course.

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I could not agree more.

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Adrian , are you a woman?

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I think you may have misread my comments. I am a man and I think use of the C word can be considered misogynistic. May be a generational thing.

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You sound like a MAGA now , whining about your right to say anything the hell you want. You have your preferences, I have a right to say what I think.

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The only whining is see is coming from your direction, and you’ve no right to insult me. We are all here because we are fighting to preserve our freedoms, including the right to say ‘whatever the hell we want’. My comment had nothing at all to do with you, you’re the one taking it personally and making nasty replies all over the place. This is a you problem. It’s a distraction and a waste of time and energy.

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Bango Skank, your name fits you.

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Steady on, madam.

Btw, you have misconstrued the context and definition of yet another word. I advise taking a deep breath and moving on with your day. You’ve no call attacking me.

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The C Word is unnecessary and debasing. Where I come from it is very degrading. Especially to call a woman or girl such a thing. Do you think a man would be OK with being calle# a prick?

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Where you come from is not where everyone comes from.

And men are called pricks every day.

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Maybe it's different now, as I'm old, but 'insults and negative banter' were basic parts of being a male kid when I was coming up.

I would never claim it was positive or healthy, but that's an entirely different discussion than its existence.

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The only way it could blow up in their faces is if there was someone, anyone, willing to do what it takes to enforce the rules and laws and customs that already exist and create those needed that don't currently exist. To do so would mean not only doing so at the state level but developing a media strategy that includes owning and building a messaging platform of all media types like the Republicans have already done and using it with a strong, honest, easy to understand message presented repeatedly in a unified way. The facts are there. The Democrats just can't let the crooks and Republicans own the message without the facts.

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Not true. The economy and society could become chaotic challenging anyone in power now. Less than chaos, the economy could tank so bad that the PEOPLE would be fed up and turn on those in charge. It happens.

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If I am wrong, what happens If the people who do not educate themselves in the proper functions of government and do not know who does what and who is responsible for what, open up their phones to their favorite social media platform, turn on their television, listen to the radio in their vehicle, watch the local evening news, watch the national news, or watch the most popular but most dishonest cable "news entertainment" programs and all they hear is that everything that's wrong is the Democrats fault, the Deep State's fault, the immigrants fault, the "woke" peoples fault, that it's the DEI people and they are unqualified, all may I add is as far from the truth as humanly possible, and there is no coordinated, cohesive, concise, widely disseminated defense of and even worse no holding accountable of those actually responsible, from the other elected officials in power, you end up with November 5, 2024. You get a government bought by oligarchs -a Republican House, Republican Senate, Republican Supreme Court, a Republican criminal and threat to society and the Republic as the chief executive all elected by people who don't actually know it's not in their best financial, health or spiritual interest even though a 900+ page manifesto was provided detailing their soon to be losses. And they'll blame the wrong people - the people they are repeatedly and wrongfully told are responsible. The Democrats. Because that's what they see and hear the most

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Does our new DNC have this ability?

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a new chair does not make a new DNC

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True, question is meant sincerely….

Will our new DNC chair be able to manifest or gather the kind of messaging strategy you propose?

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Sorry, my question was for Stephen Burgess.

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