Professor Reich: i am absolutely astonished that no one has locked up trump for threatening the president's life. why has nothing happened? why does this demented rage-a-holic roam and spout freely online and off? why has nothing happened?

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In the universe of our highly confused, electorate listening to many opposing claims and disinformation, your clarity around Trump‘s five step fascist plan is a clear, concise and pithy description of what’s to com should Trump somehow win the upcoming election. It is exactly this type of clarity laid out, simply that we need to be able to reach people Who have not had the opportunity for sophisticated higher education. Bravo, and thank you, Dr. Reich.

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The fact that Trump, as President, never even tried to unite the country is all anyone needs to know about the kind of person he is! Or the fact that he has never tried to quell the violence that has followed him and plagued his party, but rather has encouraged the violence by his rhetoric! Our judicial branch has condoned his actions and by doing so has made him believe he is above the law!

The truly sad part is that the people also believe he is above the law.

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Trump has packed the Supreme Court so that even if he is found guilty in court, he just appeals it until it reaches his cohorts.

SCOTUS should have allowed Colorado and Maine to leave him off the ballot as per the 14th Amendment section three. Other states would’ve joined them. That couldn’t have been clearer but there it was he was free to run. And what does that say to the general public? He’s perfectly suited to run for president.

Many Republicans have said that if he’s found guilty of a crime they won’t vote for him. And yet if he is found guilty, and he should be, he’ll just take it up with SCOTUS.

The excuse that no president has ever been charged with ( chose your favorite indictment here) in trumps world that means he’s being unfairly prosecuted or as he just today announced he is being persecuted more than Jesus was. But no president has ever been charged with ( choose your favorite crime here) BECAUSE NO PRESIDENT HAS COMMITTED THE MANY CRIMES HES COMMITTED.

I’m longing for the good old Nixon days. At least then the Republican Party held him accountable.

I’m feeling very hopeless about our future.

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I fully concur with your sentiments. America is sleepwalking into national disaster. Trump has repeatedly trashed political conventions and tested the limits of civility. He has directly accused judges of being partisan and aligns himself with the power base of the Police and the gun lobby. He has stacked the Supreme Court and Lower Courts with his allies but this was not undertaken in the interest of political balance but as a personal quid pro quo for himself as he plans to overstep the bounds of law and constitutionality. There is no doubting his modus operandi and anyone believing otherwise is going to have a nasty surprise should Trump seize power, legal or illegally, at the next election. Jailing him promptly for his infractions will send a clear message to his sycophants and MAGA base that the rule of law applies equally. If that ultimately means repealing Presidential immunity for all Presidents, past, present or future, then so be it. Bugger any fears of whether the MAGA base retaliates. The nation will be better off for it. The Founding Fathers may have feared for the constitution but never ever envisaged a lying, opportunistic fascist-leaning scoundrel like Trump.

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Excellent article and accompanying video. and links to your other videos. I am forwarding to my list of several dozen compatriots. The only good news here is that the more desperate Trump gets, the more brazen his outrages become. But that won't matter until many of the 80 million Trump supporters change their minds and the poll numbers. We are like the Germans before their 1933 election. I hope we can avoid a similar outcome.

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If Putin extends war into NATO countries the US will become involved in another war in Europe. Biden needs to ask Americans are they prepared to sacrifice their sons and daughters to such a war because Republicans in Congress are stopping more aid to Ukraine. . .

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When someone tells you WHO they are:, and WHAT they will do(?):

ALWAYS believe them.

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Thank you for your clarity.

It was a "break-glass" moment a year ago...now, every passing day is a clear and present danger.

Even if Biden wins, the ongoing onslaught on civil rights and women's economic freedoms will continue across the country.

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Trump and the GOP have already have corrupted the supreme Court, the justice department, the post office, the FBI, the secret service, law enforcement, the military and probably homeland security and the CIA and more. Garland has ignored it all. Biden has ignored Garland ignoring at all.

I don't see Trump sending healthy young immigrants back to their countries, but I do see him sending the elderly and the disabled back to their countries. I see Trump throwing Americans into those concentration camps that are disabled and needing a government check, as well as journalists that speak the truth.This all may take several years but they've had plenty of time planning already so it may be much quicker. The Confederates could not have done this without the help of the billionaires. The billionaires will throw them into the concentration camps or sent to the front lines, as well when they cannot no longer produce a profit for their owner.

America will turn into another third world failed nation and be ravaged by global warming like the rest of the world, so we must all get the ones that don't vote to vote and we must get the Republicans who don't like Trump to not vote. I don't like Biden, but I will vote democratic party to prevent fascism.

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It’s like I’ve said all along. Trump belongs in prison . He’s been the instigator and ringleader of most of the trouble in this country since 2011. And our system is allowing him to continue because of money. We let the radical right have their way with JFK, RFK, and MLK. Then with Nixon and now with Trump. The people have been led for years to believe we have a “liberal press” and that democracy and liberals are evil. The Republicans don’t have Rush Limbaugh anymore to spit his venom on the radio so now Trump has taken his place everywhere else. He has filled the angry void left behind and now we have fascism and a wannabe dictator knocking at the doors of every person in this country. It’s going to take more than thoughts, prayers, and votes to clarify the direction of the country that we want to take. If the right and left really are part of the same bird then justice needs to be served for all the criminals involved and make it clear that we don’t want leaders who are bought and paid for by the extreme factions of our country.

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The image posted of Biden is disgusting and disturbing. Trump has lost it. If you can't be civil all of the time, you shouldn't be leader of the Free World at any time.

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I agree with most everything RR says, but I am exasperated. It feels like we are in echo chamber talking to ourselves. Trump’s vileness is not going to keep him from getting elected. We are too smart to waste our time. I do NOT mean working to get Biden reelected (it would be nice). We need to find ways values language that appeal to people who are buying the fascist charade

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Joe Biden can invoke the Insurrection Act as well.

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We know all this. The courts have failed us. He is working the system to his advantage. One glaring weakness of the judicial system, that I find astonishing, is the method of chosing presiding judges. Random? You must be kidding. Young inexperienced or corrupt judges on some of the most seminal cases in American history. Cannon? What a cruel joke. Same with Georgia. You would never ever randmonly pick novice refs or umpires for Championship games.

And they have no courage. Only older male NYC judges have been serious. I have often mentioned Judge Sirica was the only one serious about Nixon.

This is not even about Democracy. Democracy allows the choice of a cruel and heinous leader. Hitler was elected! Putin was elected. Netanyahu was elected. The choice is about freedom and civility.

We are dealing with a gaslighted and unserious electorate. We are dealing with a party that knows their only path to victory is lie, cheat and steal. And they are good at it.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

It's so frightening even from Australia to see what's going on in broad daylight and I find it perplexing that he continues to get away with so much. I hope it's ok to post this here, some more thoughts on the topic: https://snyder.substack.com/p/the-strongman-fantasy?r=qjqpg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwAR252MrRsAmzIi1VBwN2LZx6-5RVYASjY2UgzRQQMz1GE5rdvqLEbm2KMVU&triedRedirect=true

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