Trump is a bully and, like all bullies, a coward.

He knows that Chris Christie will eviscerate him in the republican debate, so the coward will try for friendlier environs, which I think (as you suggest) will backfire.

2024 is a long way off in politics and anything can happen between now and the general election.

I'm hoping Trump's long-overdue political demise is one such occurrence.

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I would like to express that I was in awe of the Fani Willis presentation of the indictment against Donald John Trump and his alleged co-conspirators. The calm forcefulness, the slow deliberate reading aloud of the indicteds' full names, the gravitas of the moment -- all calculated to impress upon the American people the historic nature of these legal proceedings -- proceedings necessary to uphold the principles upon which our democracy is founded.

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I might watch at least part of the debate because Chris Christie will be entertaining, and some policy proposals might be discussed. If Trump were participating, it would just be a boring rehash of his grievances. Likewise his interview with Tucker Carlson.

Just a thought: In 2020 Trump refused to participate in one of scheduled debates with Biden, so they ended up having dueling town halls. More people watched Biden's town hall.

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" The continuing tragedy on Maui, and why young people are leading the way in the fight against climate change." Robert Reich.

My observation is that, sadly, the number of young people who take climate change seriously isn't significantly higher than the population in general. The real solution to the climate crisis would involve many more people following the example of Greta Thunberg, yet I see almost no one, young or old, doing that. I am doing it, but I am old and retired and can afford to do it.

We live in the industrial age. With it comes an industrial economy. If everyone by some miracle decides to follow Greta's example that economy would crash.

-A lot of the measures being taken by big business amount to greenwashing.

-Many people who are concerned but who lack scientific knowledge are being tricked by "miracle cures" presented on social media that are often perpetual motion scams.

-I have seen proposals to collect solar power with large orbiting arrays of panels and beaming it to earth with microwaves. This is possible and I will leave it to you to figure out why it's a bad idea.

If the vast majority does not start educating themselves on what we must do I fear humanity is doomed to extinction.

As for the debates; I realized in the 90's that they are never more than a bunch of people saying what they think their target audience wants to hear and are not a basis for deciding. Some people find trump entertaining. I don't.

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My appreciation again for the coffee klatch. In the middle of all the disrupting news on every level of life for every person alive, I think it’s really so great to have created the Saturday coffee klatch. Alexia.

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I will watch it, and I think other non-GOPers should too. I'm surprised that wasn't an option on the poll; why not try to understand the choices?

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President Biden just achieved a new alignment and strengthened alliance with Japan and South Korea. But we’re back to all Trump, all the time as tfg’s dumpster fire sucks all the oxygen out of the room.

Let’s refocus please to how to revive an American vision for our future as one of many advanced nations that helps solve inequality and the climate crisis and offers the emerging youth vote a way forward.

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First, I have to say thank you, Prof. Reich, for making me laugh. The survey choices on today's poll did it! A good laugh these days goes a long way to untying, or at least loosening some of the knots I carry in this big political macrame we are tied in. I first sought out your guidance on day one on Youtube, that dark day in November of 2016 to help me understand it all, know that I am not alone, and reposition myself to do something proactive about it. Then these blogs were and continue to be always stimulating and thought provoking. I appreciate your wisdom, your delightful delivery, and your fostering this community of caring and thoughtful folks. Most recently, I have begun to watch the Wealth and Poverty classes. It is a pleasure to be able to avail myself of them at my convenience, and to vicariously enjoy what your lucky students had in person. My understanding of how the system works is becoming clearer. The ideas you present inform how I process new information, and a greater appreciation for the balance and lack thereof. As for the republican candidates' debate, I will watch whatever coverage I can find online to get an index on how they present the issues and their priorities until I can't stand it another second and search on Youtube for a video of birds singing or children laughing or something that reminds me why we are doing it all.

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Michael Luttig did the rounds a few days ago and on PBS I believe he said something about being hopeful although calling for those in power to hold Trumpf to account. In this case, once again, he is getting special treatment. Why oh why does the GOP still cower to him and that goes to the mainstream media. Deal with the facts, call out the lies, and no special treatment. As a side note, I will not be watching as I don’t want to give them my energy. I believe they will largely try to “out-Trumpf” each other and the whole debacle will be an ongoing race to the bottom.

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All the Trump fans will be tuned in as they continue the path towards authoritarian rule…forgetting what it took, the lives lost in the struggle to maintain democracy!

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I'll be watching. The debate will be "no Trump." There's a bidding system in bridge that uses a weak "no trump" as the foundation: the Toronto method. Trump will spend the time with Tucker Carlson -- to try to command market share.

Even if he's not there, I submitted the following question to Fox: Ask all candidates on Trump's behalf, "What did you do to stop the steal?"

Binary math. If they answer, they implicate themselves. If they don't, they tick off Trump.

I wanna hear them discuss the odds of Trump prevailing. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/14/fewer-than-1-of-defendants-in-federal-criminal-cases-were-acquitted-in-2022/?fbclid=IwAR0CoB2vdlsA1F-iivuQDalmnow8fHgaIWlN7QY_LX23Fp0Gm2fZ9DfxQEI

I wanna hear stuff like Trump acolyte Ramaswamy proposing to strip voting rights from under-25s (women next? non-church attenders?)!!!

I wanna hear whether they support sunsetting SS, Medicare, VA benefits, Obamacare, food subsidies, etc.

That ought to turn off a lot of MAGATs.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

The tragedy in Hawai'i also highlights the income disparity of tourism/military economies. I have been traveling to those areas for the past many years. (give me credit;) I call it a Tidal Wave Economy. The visitors swoop in and spend money; however, it's barely enough to save for the winter bills. Most of the jobs are the lowest wages. They take advantage of the military families in that - they have few career choices when they move around.

The locals are fed up with it in Hawai'i. The developers want to move in and make it their version of Martha's Vineyard or Disney. While the locals are left with scraps.

Now, with climate change etc. I think we should support the locals and help them keep their lands. The Native Hawaiians have done as good a job at that for the Native Peoples. And, they must have a living wage.

Florida, Hawai'i, etc needs to stop the rampant 2nd and 3 rd developments. They have sent housing sky rocketing while the wealthy trade up homes. The taxpayers subsidize the military housing in those areas to keep up with the rents but the rest of the locals - out of luck.

I love to travel too but our ecology can not handle the urban development to provide a house for every tourists family. What's wrong with hotels? Besides - those houses will sit empty for 9 months out of the year. And, the money goes back out of state to the wealthy investors.

I needed to say that this morning :)

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The press will watch.

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I still think that trump may not be the GOP candidate ( raised all the money he can and needs it for lawyers, health reason such as the bone spur acting up). These people are running in case he drops out. That is why so few attack him. They want his base when he leaves. Christie needs to attack all the other candidates for their support of trump.

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We will watch just out of curiosity.Most we don’t know, nor really care. For Joe 100%.

If Joe must bow out, then Gov. Gretchen Whitmer + Pete

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Listen to the other candidates tell us what a great and glorious president Trump was and tell us Trump’s corruption was and is fine and acceptable? No. Not happening.

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