Aug 26, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Trump sucks the oxygen out of our week because we allow it. And the Republican Party is a rudderless ship loaded with spineless pseudo-leaders babbling right wing nonsense because Republicans do not demand coherence, leadership, and decency.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

The GOP officially jumped off a cliff in 2016. Today they’re the party of nonsense, insanity, and abuse.

Yesterday I tried to call social security to ask a question that I really needed an answer about after what I thought was the busy hours of the day. I was put through 31 minutes of elevator music interrupted occasionally with messages of “we really care” before I gave up. The lack of enough government employees to meet basic needs is completely and totally on the GOP and their policy/screams to have smaller government by cutting back departments and employees.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Why not make an add with the Fox business news about the benefits of Bideneconomics for rural areas and target adds on swing states?

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Of course you get love from a cat!!

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What we see in the current Republican Party is the culmination of about 50 years of increasingly “win at all costs” mentality. I’ve been on the planet for many decades and have never seen anything like this. They were able to shame McCarthy in the 1950’s and end his vendetta and they even forced Nixon to resign. But once he was pardoned, Pandora’s box was opened……

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GOP is a bunch of gutless wonders. So afraid of losing their positions that they won't oppose their fearless leader.

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E. A collection of infantile panderers to the lowest common denominator of libertarian white nationalists, while retaining enough hypocrisy to attract the campaign funds of America’s corporate overlords.

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We are in an abusive relationship with Trump and mainstream media, who are his enablers. Our lives and those of our children are now at risk. What would a good therapist tell a woman in such a relationship?

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Todays Republican Party is Nihilistic and Craven.

Nihilistic in the sense that they refute truth and fact, but exalt conspiracies and lies.

And Craven because the majority refuse to refute Trump and hold him accountable for his egregious offenses.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

To cat or to dog that is the question? We, humans think we pick them. I think they pick us out to help us learn what we need to learn.

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The GOP (including Trump) babble nonsense because these politicians' main goal is to please the wealthy individuals and corporations with lower taxes in order to get millions in campaign financing as well as guidance from the lobbyists who tell them what lies they can get away with and how to fan culture wars to keep people divided and easy to fool. When they try to sell things that are against people's and our country's best interests, what can we expect except rubbish. Lower taxes on the wealthy results in increasing the federal deficit and Republicans want to cut necessary social programs to make up for it. The GOP babbling is a master class in deceit.

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Dear Mr. Reich, it would lift our spirits tremendously. If you would give us the nuts and bolts of what is behind the build back better legislation, because most of us are not aware of how it is actually being implemented, and programs for the green new deal concerning solar wind, and alternative energy. And anything else we can look forward to in the near future that are going to put this country on the right track! Last week a journalist, I’m not sure in which paper discussed the actual workings of what is getting funded and some of the progress in the supposed IRA. I found myself actually feeling optimistic for once. This I think we need more! This is where we may have a hope of getting rid of these crazy Republicans that are screaming: global warming is a sham. To me this was the lowest of the low, during the horrendous Republican debates which I felt was on the scale of insanity at times, and was very disappointed in the new younger rendition of Trump and his histrionic theatrics. Totally bummed that this is what was impressing people like Maggie Haberman of the New York Times, who has become Trump like after covering him for so many years, I feel the New York Times is getting more and more deeply depressing and that you as an economic expert should help us out of the deep well of doldrums. We’re in as a country especially us old are baby boomers, who are about to give up on any hope !Thank you again for all you do.

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Rudderless AND right wing nonsense, ask designed to fool the Fox masses into thinking they care about anything beyond their own bank accounts and fame.

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But the majority NEVER elects the President. ONLY 55 % vote and one side has a few more votes. So maybe 27% of us elect a President. Never hear this from the media. We need compulsory voting just as it is done in many other countries.

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I must take a few minutes out of my very busy Saturday to disagree with your cat comments. My three cats love me so much that they are always under my feet and will probably cause me to fall and break a hip one day. In other words, TOO MUCH LOVE!! It’s my fault though because I love them just as much. Also, my cat has brought me a bird :( and a few lizards who somehow got into the catio. I’m told that cats think humans are incapable of hunting for themselves and want to help. My girl kitty does not appear to have the hunting instinct but brings me her favorite toy mouse. I think dogs are for extroverts and cats are for introverts, and there may be something to that ego theory. Loved the klatch today. Happy weekend to you both!

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I've wanted that man's name out of my head for years, so for me he's PO1135809 from now on. As for the debate I thought Nikki Haley made the smart choice to distance herself from the others, possibly appealing to actual conservative Republicans. All I know is we have to reelect Joe Biden at all costs.

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