I hope you are right! If so it’ll prove the no one person is powerful enough to control election outcomes.

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Another all-important point that Democrats must make is that tRump loves and supports baby-killer Putin and anyone associated with or endorsed by him in any way is morally bankrupt!

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“He's f***ing crazy!” might be a good counter to "Let's Go Brandon". T-shirts, flags, tattoos . . .

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The republicans are busy stirring up culture wars so no one will notice how they are helping to rig the system for the super wealthy.

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My recently submitted letter to the editor of our local paper says that any elected official who still supports Trump's Big Lie is either too stupid, or too crooked, to hold office. Save democracy. Vote them out.

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My sister and her husband went to a favorite restaurant for dinner on Saturday not realizing that Trump was having a rally less than a mile away. She called me from the restaurant and said hundreds of trucks waving Trump flags converged on the streets, police cars were everywhere, chaos overtook the little town. I told her to leave, not to speak with anyone, just leave the area.

Everyone I spoke with were appalled at his speech, yet the local news station covered some of it, including the big lie. Fortunately, the news reiterated there was no voter fraud. However, they really shouldn’t have covered it at all.

The midterm election is as important or even more so than the 2020 election. If voters don’t stop him and his republican cohorts in November, we could be looking at the end of democracy. It really is this serious and I’m hoping Trumps big mouth will motivate everyone to vote, we need a huge turnout.

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Please be right. 🙏

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The Democrats had better strongly support the unionization of NY Amazon! We need the party to support working people who were not born with tickets to elite education and jobs. It’s not only about Trump; it’s the perception by those who voted for Trump of the monied elitism controlling the Democrats. It’s a cultural war of perceived loss of freedom from regulations and loss of white power. It’s a realization that only those outside of power go to jail. It was watching the impeachment trials and seeing what little change occurred from exposure of the outrages committed by the President. It was Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court. In other words, it’s far more complex than the lies of Trump.

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All that crime and no punishment. Compare it to the fate of the common citizen who lifts a needed loaf of bread. Democrats may not be helping themselves by failing to "restore law and order." Ironic almost (but not) to the laughing point that the Criminal in Chief should be campaigning on a promise to do so.

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T-Rump is a Walking Dead figure who will not die, a lot like Freddy and Jason coming back to wreak further havoc on our otherwise beautiful country. He will soon be joined by Sarah Palin, in yet another remake of the Bride of Frankenstein. Clarence and Ginny will join the fray to ensure nobody ever again gets to benefit from the affirmative action that helped Clarence make it into law school.

You would think all these despicable characters and their minions would dissuade anyone from voting Republican, but their shiny keys, look over there approach seems to have ongoing negative effects on voters. Since Disney is grooming our kids to accept trans-gender princesses and schools are indoctrinating our children to accept everyone regardless of who or what they are, these shrill shills are trying to frighten us into rejecting all the things we learned in church, synagogue or mosque - and especially anything we might have picked up in ethics class.

That 30 percent on the undead might tilt elections toward the T-Rumpsters. That is what scares me.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

It would be a very good thing if Dr Reich's view is correct. However, remember all the voter suppression initiatives that nobody's spoken of much since the advent of Ukraine. Marginalizing ol' Tweety's influence in the upcoming elections may be a sufficient case, but what about the necessary requirement of fair voter law? Sorry to be the gloomy-Gus, here. It's a dirty job, but >somebody's< got to do it!

For example, the only reason OH Republicans haven't jumped on the voter suppression bandwagon is because they're ramrodding the currently unfair voter districting map. See my explanation elsewhere here. There's an insidious nuance to Republican politics in OH that most are too ham-handed to fully appreciate, assuming it doesn't slip past their notice in the first place. >Please< see my explanation elsewhere here today that opens: "Somehow, I think Ohio's current redistricting process should play into Democratic operatives thinking when it comes speech-writing time."

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I suspect that THE FORMER GUY (TFG) will stick to his favorite playlist, and file more harassment suits against Dem candidates' wins. TFG is a creature of habit and will stay with what' familiar to him. If he prevails, he gets his people in, if he loses, he riles up his base and creates more chaos. Until he's in jail, or otherwise out of the picture, I'm afraid he'll keep doing Putins' dirty work.

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I think you're right about Trump, but I also think it's important to elaborate on goals, not merely on the GOP's non-doing and obstructionism, and its corrupt battering-ram head Trump.

What a pain it gives me to hear media speakers talking patly about midterm electoral take backs from incumbents-- and about business cycles-- as artifacts of nature, events that move societies and humans around. I wish that it were acknowledged that voters have choices and emphasized what the *policy* and *program* choices are. To get people talking about business cycles as anything but The Heartbeat of the Universe is of course harder, and requires economic education, but oh how worthwhile that would be.

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The Dems need a good shaking out of their organization and PR image . Their tarnished moniker of 'Party of The People' is just that . They, I feel are looked upon by the average American little differently than their Rep counterparts. They truely do not come across as empathetic, caring or engaged in the plight of the common citizen as one would hope . And given the ammo of insane trump, with a bit more hutzpah and proactive manuvering they can be in for a good win in the mid-terms . The systemic corruption of our elected officials by the oligarhic corporate monster is sinking the USS USA . To allow some honesty, integrity, humanity and re-allignment with the NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE back into their message, the Dems could and should get this steam ship back on course . I won't hold my breath .

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It baffles me how the Democratic Party doesn't take advantage of the issues that most Americans agree on, like the distribution of wealth, reasonable gun control, better and lower cost health care, etc. If we had a nation-wide, uniform platform of those important issues (which the Republicans don't support) we could convince voters that we would get a lot done to benefit them. We just need to be universally consistent to win. Like Will Rogers said, "I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat!"

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Sooo right ! With the uncontrolled flapping of his gutter gums spewing; the lies, hatred, xenophobia, sexism, racism and nationalism, not to mention his repulsive lap dog adoration of his idol putin (you know, murderer of innocent women and children), even lil donnie's dumbed down, mis and dis informed automaton followers MUST have a glimmer of realization as to the self-serving, dangerous criminal which he is ! My only hope is that the anchor and heavy chain around his own neck, that he is sinks he and his party of henchmen to the depths of the Marianas trench . FOREVER ! !

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