We must be prepared to pay the cost. The price will be high, but I am willing to bear it for the sake of my children, for the sake of America, for the sake of democracy, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of all life on Earth. Because all of that is at risk. Everything is at risk.
“Our parents defeated fascism and communism at great cost.
The task of our generation is to defeat the totalitarianisms of the 21st century.”
Historical education is vital to understanding the stakes, threats, and sacrifices. We must teach the fascism in Europe in the 1930s and 40s and how quickly it takes hold and destroys the soul. Trump has sold his soul and is selling us out.
But also remember that America has some form in abandoning its allies - Vietnam, the marsh arabs and Kurds in Iraq after the first Gulf War, the Kurds and other allies fighting Isis and Al Queda in Syria and the Afghans in the withdrawal from Afghanistan after Trump's secret deal with the Taliban. Samantha Power's magisterial 'A Problem from Hell' illustrates how successive US presidents have failed to respond to potential cases of genocide (in Bosnia and Rwanda, for example). We europeans have to get used to the fact that from time to time Americans will cool off on the idea of being the world's policemen, although I agree that Trump is an egregious offender in this respect, not just abandoning allies, but threatening them. He recently had talks with outgoing Canadian PM Justin Trudeau about changing the treaties governing the US-Canada border (including the Columbia River treaty) and not wanting to share the Great Lakes. Trudeau apparently warned him that the treaties were incorporated in the Canadian constitution and were therefore non-negotiable. New Liberal party leader, Mark Carney has adopted a similar tough approach but Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, a Trump supporter, is still favoured to win the next election and so everything is still in the balance.
A frighteningly large portion of college students might know their majors, but not that these Benighted States experienced the War Between States, who were the belligerents, why it occurred or who won; most other history is similarly missing from their knowledge base and concerns. This is no accident.
Trump is the most egregious symptom of a rot intentional and long planned, and a half century and more of total war on education lies at its core.
it has to be done,I agree-but the cost will be high,and the social welfare system that prevails in much of Europe will likely be severely curtailed-people should be aware of this
It seems to me that "the social welfare system" will, in the long run, be enhanced, in a sense. "Social" refers to people and "welfare" refers to a condition of health, happiness, prosperity, etc. This is analogous to psychologist Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" - in other words a road needs a good strong rock base to prevent washing out during the rainy seasons. The reality is that everything in the universe is always changing - we must use awareness and wisdom to guide those changes. But "perception is everything" in the realm of politics. It is not enough to know the truth, one must effectively communicate the truth.
Our parents are the ones who did not die in the perhaps ten-thousand-years of wars to end all wars. Have we noticed that the people who do all the dying are not the people who profit from the wars? There seems to be a flaw in our reasoning since the price IS someone's children.
That was an awesome speech! He is so right! If we, true Americans, want to keep our country, we absolutely have to fight and fight hard. We cannot allow this to happen! The orange man, musk-rat, totally inept cabinet and trump loyalists in the Senate and House are all traitors. They must be brought down and face the consequences for back-stabbing their own country! It is time for us to remove the gloves and begin to fight hard to take back our country. We cannot sit idly on the sidelines waiting for everything to play out, that simply will not work. Either you stand for Democracy or fascism. The choice is that simple. Make that choice today and get busy. Get involved!
Choosing between democracy and autocracy was one of Kamala Harris' strongest campaign messages. She and Tim shouted it out in almost every ad and at every rally. The choice was that simple. Getting our democracy back will not be easy now that the autocracy is in power. But we will fight for it! Vive la resistance! What a magnificent speech. I wish he could deliver it to a joint session of Congress. The Republicans would probably walk out. Traitors and cowards.
One can only wonder why. Surely they know this is a 911 5-alarm fire. Chris Murphy and of course Bernie and Liz Warren are at the ramparts, but almost no one else. Milquetoasts.
There are a few others - Jamie Raskin, AOC, Amy Klobuchar, Ro Khanna, and Adam Schiff are some that come to mind. However, I read comments from former Congressman Peter De Fazio where he also said that ALL of the Dems in Congress and the Senate need to stick their necks out and be aggressive . It's true. This is a 5-alarm fire, and it'll take all of them and all of us to fight this Administration.
The political inaction only makes sense if you set what is happening in the US within a framework that is more familiar in Europe. Most especially in the UK. A structural class war. Those choosing to protect their wealth rather than fulfil their political responsibilities as elected officials to all Americans may publicly wear a politically red or blue badge but when push comes to shove, as it is doing with Russo-MAGA Trump, are only truly loyal to their personal portfolios. Unchecked corruption in high places across the political spectrum.
Conservatives keep touting the people elected him to be in office. Not by much. He won the popular vote by less than 2%. Imagine if Kamala had more time to campaign. It was a mistake to troll Trump on the campaign trail. She should have broken away from that. Speakers at her convention were all women. She already had their vote. She needed more men.
You are right, Jane! She did shout that message out. What really burns my toast is so many chose to just not vote as if that was sending a clear message? What? Go ahead and put either one in but we aren't participating? That was ludicrous! Now they see what their decision is costing them!
Yes, Peggy. That is probably my biggest heartbreak, that all those millions of Joe Biden voters sat it out. Joe's supporters!? How could they when the clear choice was between democracy and tyranny? Our candidate should have won. I did not watch election night but went to bed "knowing" that it might take several weeks of recounts etc etc but that she would prevail when all was said and done. Devastated.
Found this quote from the ancient historian, Tacitus, in Mary Beard's "Emperor of Rome" - [There are] "two main groups in the [Roman] senate: on the one hand, the largely ineffective dissidents, full of noble sentiments and grand gestures but not much action or political good sense; and on the other, the cowards, the flatterers and those who readily traded their freedom for wealth and political success."
And who said history doesn't repeat itself? Or those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it? I haven't quite got that right, but I believe that history does repeat itself, whether we know about it or not. Thanks Robert. Tacitus was one of Western civilization's earliest and greatest historians. We, I guess, must take the wide view perspective that this is our "dark" historical period, which we may come out of in a future century, but I am still going to resist, dissent, rally and protest to the end.
The GOP has morphed into a totally immoral criminal organization, focused only on its own power and enrichment. Public service is for suckers and losers, in the Trumpian sphere..
Colin, Paul and Peggy, tomorrow would not be too soon! Deuterte of the Philippines was just hauled off today to The Hague and is facing the death penalty for extrajudiciously murdering all those people in his country when he was in power! 9,000 or so, I believe! Let's hope it happens a whole lot sooner to Trump and Musk and all the Trump kids for their horrible treatment of migrants and their children!
Klare, you can also add all of those who died because of his negligence when COVID struck. He should also answer for all of the children who are hungry here in our country because of his cut back on the programs that benefited them. Everything he should answer for are just too many to list! I want to see him hauled off today as well!
Klare, I never lecture! If that is the way it came across, my apologies! All of us are working as hard as we possibly can. Hopefully, we can encourage others to get involved as well.
I ask again - why are Dems up for election in 2026 asking for money now instead of throwing their support to any and all Dems who are running THIS YEAR? At this rate we won't even have elections in 2026! What the hell is wrong with the Dem Party? I guess it's a bunch of individual navel-gazers under an umbrella called the Democrats but it certainly isn't a party.
We need a new game plan. Kamala had a billion dollars. Money is not the most important magic sauce anymore. We need more street-fight mentality functionality. We need to evolve into the Party we need. People are waiting to be on fire, but not with the tired old out-of-touch Dem playbook.
We can’t win based on money, only on getting people informed and aware and energized. We also need focus leadership and although there are several groups out there trying to make a difference it’s a scattergun approach.
We need to get a media social network messaging on. The gen Z s don't read, don't watch TV, don't talk to each other. They are not like us but they are not stupid.
Given that most states don't have elections this year, some folks may not realize that there are any elections scheduled for 2025. I think Wisconsin is next (April 1st for real, not April Fool). What else is scheduled. I guess I need to check with Emily's List. If there is a Dem female involved, they will be on it. Buy stamps and check with Vote Forward.
There's a school teacher running in Florida for the Dems. Jeremy Weil, or something close to that. He is begging for monetary help, but I don't have the link. Go to Ballotpedia. His name should be there. Anybody running should be listed there.
Update on Vote Forward - All the Wisconsin names have been adopted. Other campaigns are being prepared. No information was provided about the states for the others.
"Ken Martin of the DNC is trying to turn the Democratic Party around, but until they get rid of their corporate conflicted consultants which they've contracted out their campaigns to, and continue to block out labor and citizen groups, Ken Martin is going to have his hands full. He's not going to be able to prevail."
Guest speaking: "Ken Martin did not come from the donor class, from the Reid Hoffman's and those billionaires,who, had taken over the Democratic Party and keep giving it losing advice." --- Ralph Nader Radio Hour
The corporate conflicted consultants who the Democrats contract out their campaigns to, FAIL UP. They lose many elections, never get fired, the DNC does not clean house. The corporate conflicted consultants make massive amounts of money for losing elections and stay on until the next elections.
I’m talking about individual candidates. They’re asking for financial support for their elections in 2026 instead of throwing their support to races in 2025. And I haven’t given to the party for years, only individual candidates, because as a party, I think their strategies for decades has been off track.
Getting hundreds of fake questionaires.. First thing I do is check their position on medicare for all. If no refernce or no promise to coponsor , NO $.
Perhaps because many (most?) elected Democrats are beholden to corporate money that is supporting the fascistic moves of this administration. We need a new crop of Democratic and independent leaders who are fearless and ready to fight. Only Democrats who stand up and fight now can be taken seriously. They'll have to prove themselves to me. Only Schiff and a handful others, are standing up. Hakeem Jeffries, Schumer, etc. so far seem like total jokes. They better get their acts together or be abandoned by me at least
They call themselves the "Democratic Party". A better name would be the "Remora Party". (Remora are small parasitic fish that attach themselves to larger sea creatures like whales and sharks and live off the energy and leavings of their host.)
They aRE-MOR-A republican than a democrat. Their most notable feature is the large sucker on their head that attaches them to their supporter.
TJ,great post. We have been asking for a while" Where are the Democrats"? When you have local dems doing almost nothing to protest or hold rallies,they are afraid of confrontation,Republicans know that. The Dems are just a talkers.
those two districts in FL (1 & 6) could turn the tide, well at least hold it back until 2026. I agree with you, why the "heck" aren't we hearing about them and putting our efforts there. It is just 2 weeks until the special elections!
There is little for me to add to the brilliant philippic from Mssr. Malhuret about traitor drump and his numbskull associates. I look forward to a LIBERATION of the US from the mobsters who have seized power, like the liberation of Paris from the Nazi thugs in 1944. Vive Paris, Vive la France! Thank you!
Dad drove through Paris in 1944 with his 3rd Armored Division, and Uncle with the 101st Airborne Div. slogged through to Berchtesgaden to seal the destruction of the Nazi. Yet the vampire rears his ugly head again! History relates that France, and indeed Europe teetered at the precipice of Nazi nihilism then, and the liberation of Paris in 1944 was a moment of jubilation for the oppressed. But human suffering only intensified for another year and more. We have our work cut out to uproot our growing band of traitors, and illegal imposters, starting at the top.
My father, with the 133rd Anti-Aircraft Battalion must have been near yours as they marched through a freed Paris. He entered with D-Day ranks on Utah Beach, where they brought in the 90mm cannons. He froze his toes almost to death in the Battle of the Bulge, freed Buchenwald camp and saw the horror that modern-day Nazis say didn't happen. Actually walked up the long hill to Berchtesgaden with Eisenhower. Thank God he is not alive to see this.
We learned from Dad how dangerous this situation is, and i can't figure out why we all didn't have a veteran from every war possible talking in person just one session, for every history class in the USA. If we get out of this situation still a democracy, i would love to see veterans of Vietnam, the gulf war and on, come to classrooms in high schools to talk just for one class about what the war was to them, for them and what it looked like from a soldier's point of view.
I can tell you that the best presidents we've ever had have been for the most part truly active duty soldiers and one time or another. Cheney never served, and he put together his little war to try to get oil from Iraq. Weak, slow-thinking Bush just went along with it. We are still feeling the debt and scarred veterans from that, and for some reason our GOP congress still wants to throw money at financing military projects, but they want to STARVE the VA, who has NEVER been well-enough funded to take care of the veterans we promised to help when they came home. It is disgusting.
I am to the point where i feel that nobody should be allowed to serve in congress, the senate or the white house if they have not served themselves in the armed services or some aspect of American service like the Peace Corps.
With regard to the Democratic Party, there is too much disagreement within the party, and the party has become incredibly complacent since Obama took office. EVERY STUDY OUT THERE told them that Hillary Clinton was too damaged, and that TOO MANY AMERICANS would not vote in a woman of ANY color. Yes, you can say, well, she got the popular vote, but anymore, it can't be that close -- it has to be a BIG win for it to be a win. Then, while i loved Kamala Harris, it was clear that American voters have not changed -- they stick to their story about how women are not good leaders. We can't change their minds, they are stupidly traditional.
If the Democratic party puts one more woman up there to run for President it will only go to show how hopelessly obtuse and inept the DEM has become. Accept reality of who votes in this country. When Hillary ran we had Tim Kaine, who i think could have beat Trump -- the guy is a brilliant speaker with a great record, and he could have stopped Trump in his tracks. When the DEM didn't have a fast primary, that might have seemed 'fair' but truly, America didn't know Kamala. They needed to learn from the Hillary debacle and choose a man to stand up to Trump, and sadly not a gay man because Pete Buttigeg is awesome.
Mark Kelly would have been a real hero to shine in that position, and again Tim Kaine would have shined too. But what the hell! It's as much the DEM fault that this is happening now for how clueless this party has been.
I would also add that biden had people telling him to arrest dumpster as soon as the rogue6 gave him immunity. obviously the rogue6 felt safe doing that, as they knew biden wouldn't fulfill his oath of office. any other person who stole classified documents would have been jailed with no bail, and the trial could have been swift and decisive. but the rich rule the courts, as has been known for centuries (here and worldwide). justice doesn't stand a chance against the oligarchs.
Yes, Carol, but the Dems deserve a different level of blame than the rethugs who are set on gutting the assets of society and handing it to madmen. As for the Great War, your Dad and my ancestors well may have bumped shoulders during the liberation of Paris, since Dad landed on Utah Beach around D plus 8 days with his crew, and Uncle parachuted into the locale of Ste. Mere Eglise at 3AM June 6th, 1944, with a company of paratroops, the first of the regular army to penetrate enemy lines during the invasion. I consider it to be a supreme honor and privilege to have known them and learned of their exploits and sacrifice. At the diametric pole of the human spectrum are the thieves, thugs and blackguards who intend to parse out the greatest country on Earth and our sometime allies piecemeal to the mortal enemies of humanity.
The people who put him in power are going to have to take him out. Fools, haters. Farmers who voted for him because of DEI are now moaning and groaning and suffering buyers remorse. Boomers who voted for Trump because of DEI are now being told by Trusk that they are going for their social security. Muslims have already learned that they are short sighted ignorant fools, Gen Z is learning that lesson as well.
Incels, the Viagra crowd voted for him in 2016 and again in 2024. Many Incels and the Viagra crowd, like Proud Boys and militia's, are still with Trump because they haven't been hit yet. And there are many who will be hurt but won't change their minds, because they are sure the hated libs, nigrahs, Messicans, Queers feel the pain worse than they.
Trusk and company ignore us, but can Trusk and company ignore their base? I am afraid they can and will, now that they have their hands on the steering wheel and foot on the gas pedal.
At the moment there is serious conversation as to Trusk invading Canada, because he made the statement that it will be a 51st State, same with Greenland, when he makes up his mind and goes public, he will not back off. He hasn't backed off on tariff's only gave them a temporary reprieve.
Can we invade Canada? Yes. Can we win? Maybe. Can we hold it? No. It's just too big and there's so much wilderness to hide in. They know our tactics, because they trained right beside us. They know our systems because they bought them. They are more capable than Trump's generals think. They will have home turf advantage. It will turn into another bloody Ukraine, with the US playing Russia.
I worked with Canadian forces in winter exercises, They are no slouch.
I worked with the Canadian Parachute Infantry Regiment, a no nonsense well disciplined group of fighters .
In fact it was Canadian Instructors that trained our Ranger Battalion.
Canadians were fighting NAZI's and training, while Americans were sitting at soda fountains or attending the NAZI gathering at Madison Square Garden.
I have total respect for the Canadian Armed Forces.
I have no hopes, given Hegseth and firing of Generals and officers who are not Trump humpers, that our own armed forces would not follow Trumps illegal orders.
We are at the edge of a chasm, peering down into an abyss of chaos, misery and death, of tyranny and fascism. Most of us thought it could never happen here. It is happening right now. Believe it.
“This is not an illiberal drift, it is the beginning of the confiscation of democracy. Let us remember that it took only one month, three weeks and two days to bring down the Weimar Republic and its Constitution.”
If anyone besides me were unafraid to talk about wishing, hoping and praying DAILY for Trump's DEMISE, HIS TAKEDOWN could happen as fast as the Weimar Republic's as well as HIS attempts to take down OUR Constitution! Remember: What you speak about comes about!!!
Absolutely 100 percent right! I want more leaders around the world to speak up and I am now even more motivated to join communities to speak against this pathetic show of power.
Does the SCOTUS decision that Trump has "total immunity" against prosecution for "official acts' as President apply to committing treason? You would think NO, but not clear to me that this the case, since the SCOTUS did not exclude treason in their decision.
Epstein or other forms of kompromat. Sexual blackmail/extortion is the most effective form of persuasion known to politicians and/or those who control them.
I had read this earlier and thought, wow! I have not always been a great fan of the French government but this guy sounds like the kind of man the World needs right now! Vive la France!
There is a rumor that Trump was mix with Russian mob in the 80s and 90s. They were laundring money through his hotels. He also made a trip to Red Square.
But truth be told, Vance is not Trump - and he comes across as a whiny second son who is becoming jealous of FUsk. As well he should. Vance is heading in the category of Ted Cruz - the guy that's too slimy and nobody from his own party even wants to hang with him.
Well now I wouldn't say THAT! 60%+ of AMERICANS are ALREADY hoping the obese exceptional Traitor smothers in it's sleep. It's been, what? Thirty days??? That number is only going to go up as Bunkerboy's Alzheimer's gets worse and President elon gets more people pissed!
ClaudeMalhuret's speech expresses the sentiment in Europe, but it also expresses the feelings in Canada. Trump has galvanized Canadians like nobody has before. It is certainly a wake-up call, but Canadians are now unanimous in realizing that they have to wean themselves from the USA and develop other alliances. Until Trump's attacks on Canada with his blatant lies about fentanyl and "Canada has been treating us horribly" Canada could be considered a true friend of the United States. Maybe the only TRUE friend, rather than just allies, that the USA ever had. Not any more. I have many friends in the United States, so my comment is not about the relationship between individuals. Yet as a country, Canada feels totally betrayed by the Trump administration. It will take a complete change and a long time to bring us back to what we have had only a few months ago and I may not live long enough to see it.
Alfhard, it is ONLY TRUMP who feels this way toward Canada, NOT THE REST OF US! Trump has Alzheimer's, dementia, insanity, mental illness, hardening of the arteries, loonieness, and bona-fide craziness all rolled up into one! Trump DOES NOT BELONG IN THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT!! HE BELONGS IN AN ASYLUM FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE, WRAPPED UP IN A STRAITJACKET, LEG IRONS, HANDCUFFS, A HANNIBAL LECTOR MASK, AND A MUZZLE, SO THE REST OF US DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE NEWS MEDIA REPEATING HIS DAILY "TALKING POINTS"!!!
I agree. He could not have pulled this off himself. He's the distraction, the entertainment, themouthpiece. He's not actually in charge, he's not not telling Musk what to do. Traitors? Yes. But there's something bigger and more malignant lurking behind them.
i truly believe they'd have to start a draft again to get enough soldiers to launch an attack - and i think a coup is very possible. With that ahole in charge of the pentagon it would be tough though. Everyone legitimate in the military sees that guy as a horse's ass. They just despise him.
They would have to. We're overstretched as it is. Just bringing our troops and equipment back from overseas would be a logistical nightmare. Much of the equipment is wearing out much faster then intended because of our seemingly endless wars. The temptation to our enemies to attack the US in the middle of it would be very high.
I think we are the country who has done most of the attacking. It might surprise Americans that a lot of countries presented as ready to attack would just like to go about their business.
About a month ago I posted on a Yahoo article about trump that a military coop is all that's left to save this country. A wife of a 36 year marriage to a veteran chillingly replied "if that were to happen, 90% of the guns would be aimed at us", based on her long experience. I was stunned, but it is a volunteer service and who can guess the makeup of those volunteers.
Daniel, that may be wishful thinking. americans as a whole don't hold with their oaths, and expedience is always first and foremost. dumpster has taken out some of the good generals and upper ranks, and if you're fired in the military I think you don't get your pension. there are an amazing number of white supremacists in the army and police forces across america. remember also that dumpster fired the senior jags, and without them it's oligarchs all the way. you know, the dozen in the cabinet and moscow.
Canada will not go to war with us! Get a grip! And the Greenlanders want to keep their island country. They'll just push Trump into the water to drown!
Gregg, I don't know how old you are, but did you ever read the Pogo cartoons? If you did, remember the one that said "We have met the enemy, and he is us?"
We must be prepared to pay the cost. The price will be high, but I am willing to bear it for the sake of my children, for the sake of America, for the sake of democracy, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of all life on Earth. Because all of that is at risk. Everything is at risk.
“Our parents defeated fascism and communism at great cost.
The task of our generation is to defeat the totalitarianisms of the 21st century.”
Historical education is vital to understanding the stakes, threats, and sacrifices. We must teach the fascism in Europe in the 1930s and 40s and how quickly it takes hold and destroys the soul. Trump has sold his soul and is selling us out.
Trump never had a soul to sell.
But now he has a country to sell. I'm sure he values that more than a soul.
Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed, Agreed!!!
He ONLY cares for his own conceits, really.
Yes, he is.
One disagreement: Trump has no soul to sell
Trump has the makeup of a scaly lizard!!!
Maybe once, but not for long. He was deceiving and grifting from early on.
But also remember that America has some form in abandoning its allies - Vietnam, the marsh arabs and Kurds in Iraq after the first Gulf War, the Kurds and other allies fighting Isis and Al Queda in Syria and the Afghans in the withdrawal from Afghanistan after Trump's secret deal with the Taliban. Samantha Power's magisterial 'A Problem from Hell' illustrates how successive US presidents have failed to respond to potential cases of genocide (in Bosnia and Rwanda, for example). We europeans have to get used to the fact that from time to time Americans will cool off on the idea of being the world's policemen, although I agree that Trump is an egregious offender in this respect, not just abandoning allies, but threatening them. He recently had talks with outgoing Canadian PM Justin Trudeau about changing the treaties governing the US-Canada border (including the Columbia River treaty) and not wanting to share the Great Lakes. Trudeau apparently warned him that the treaties were incorporated in the Canadian constitution and were therefore non-negotiable. New Liberal party leader, Mark Carney has adopted a similar tough approach but Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, a Trump supporter, is still favoured to win the next election and so everything is still in the balance.
A frighteningly large portion of college students might know their majors, but not that these Benighted States experienced the War Between States, who were the belligerents, why it occurred or who won; most other history is similarly missing from their knowledge base and concerns. This is no accident.
Trump is the most egregious symptom of a rot intentional and long planned, and a half century and more of total war on education lies at its core.
Yes we must rise to protect our country, Ukraine, and Europe.
it has to be done,I agree-but the cost will be high,and the social welfare system that prevails in much of Europe will likely be severely curtailed-people should be aware of this
It seems to me that "the social welfare system" will, in the long run, be enhanced, in a sense. "Social" refers to people and "welfare" refers to a condition of health, happiness, prosperity, etc. This is analogous to psychologist Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" - in other words a road needs a good strong rock base to prevent washing out during the rainy seasons. The reality is that everything in the universe is always changing - we must use awareness and wisdom to guide those changes. But "perception is everything" in the realm of politics. It is not enough to know the truth, one must effectively communicate the truth.
Our parents are the ones who did not die in the perhaps ten-thousand-years of wars to end all wars. Have we noticed that the people who do all the dying are not the people who profit from the wars? There seems to be a flaw in our reasoning since the price IS someone's children.
The French have always been clear headed realists. He is absolutely right. Trump is a traitor
Is it utopia yet?
Idk but my family is tired of winning already.
Like the prize?
That was an awesome speech! He is so right! If we, true Americans, want to keep our country, we absolutely have to fight and fight hard. We cannot allow this to happen! The orange man, musk-rat, totally inept cabinet and trump loyalists in the Senate and House are all traitors. They must be brought down and face the consequences for back-stabbing their own country! It is time for us to remove the gloves and begin to fight hard to take back our country. We cannot sit idly on the sidelines waiting for everything to play out, that simply will not work. Either you stand for Democracy or fascism. The choice is that simple. Make that choice today and get busy. Get involved!
Choosing between democracy and autocracy was one of Kamala Harris' strongest campaign messages. She and Tim shouted it out in almost every ad and at every rally. The choice was that simple. Getting our democracy back will not be easy now that the autocracy is in power. But we will fight for it! Vive la resistance! What a magnificent speech. I wish he could deliver it to a joint session of Congress. The Republicans would probably walk out. Traitors and cowards.
Sadly you are right, All the gutless wonders in Congress will do nothing.
One can only wonder why. Surely they know this is a 911 5-alarm fire. Chris Murphy and of course Bernie and Liz Warren are at the ramparts, but almost no one else. Milquetoasts.
Don't forget Jamie Raskin, Jasmine Crockett and the AOC!
The whole sad trumpicans could learn a lot from all of them
They're not repuglycans, Peggy, they're Democrats!
Unfortunately we need some
"Real Republicans" to speak up!
Elisabeth, the gqp kicked Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney out because they were real republicans!
There are a few others - Jamie Raskin, AOC, Amy Klobuchar, Ro Khanna, and Adam Schiff are some that come to mind. However, I read comments from former Congressman Peter De Fazio where he also said that ALL of the Dems in Congress and the Senate need to stick their necks out and be aggressive . It's true. This is a 5-alarm fire, and it'll take all of them and all of us to fight this Administration.
Al Green too...
The political inaction only makes sense if you set what is happening in the US within a framework that is more familiar in Europe. Most especially in the UK. A structural class war. Those choosing to protect their wealth rather than fulfil their political responsibilities as elected officials to all Americans may publicly wear a politically red or blue badge but when push comes to shove, as it is doing with Russo-MAGA Trump, are only truly loyal to their personal portfolios. Unchecked corruption in high places across the political spectrum.
Conservatives keep touting the people elected him to be in office. Not by much. He won the popular vote by less than 2%. Imagine if Kamala had more time to campaign. It was a mistake to troll Trump on the campaign trail. She should have broken away from that. Speakers at her convention were all women. She already had their vote. She needed more men.
Trump won by cheating. The fact that we did not pursue this to prove it is the biggest injustice of it all.
You are right, Jane! She did shout that message out. What really burns my toast is so many chose to just not vote as if that was sending a clear message? What? Go ahead and put either one in but we aren't participating? That was ludicrous! Now they see what their decision is costing them!
Yes, Peggy. That is probably my biggest heartbreak, that all those millions of Joe Biden voters sat it out. Joe's supporters!? How could they when the clear choice was between democracy and tyranny? Our candidate should have won. I did not watch election night but went to bed "knowing" that it might take several weeks of recounts etc etc but that she would prevail when all was said and done. Devastated.
Many voted anyway, Jane, but hated to because trading a genocidal murderer for the Antichrist is hardly laudable!
I wish but they are so disconnected they don't. Maybe the coming pain will wake them up. Horrific choice.
Found this quote from the ancient historian, Tacitus, in Mary Beard's "Emperor of Rome" - [There are] "two main groups in the [Roman] senate: on the one hand, the largely ineffective dissidents, full of noble sentiments and grand gestures but not much action or political good sense; and on the other, the cowards, the flatterers and those who readily traded their freedom for wealth and political success."
And who said history doesn't repeat itself? Or those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it? I haven't quite got that right, but I believe that history does repeat itself, whether we know about it or not. Thanks Robert. Tacitus was one of Western civilization's earliest and greatest historians. We, I guess, must take the wide view perspective that this is our "dark" historical period, which we may come out of in a future century, but I am still going to resist, dissent, rally and protest to the end.
"History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes."
Wow! That hits close to home!
The GOP has morphed into a totally immoral criminal organization, focused only on its own power and enrichment. Public service is for suckers and losers, in the Trumpian sphere..
They are entrenched withInternational criminals once known as The Mob. I wonder who really calls the shots?
Jane, it was also very powerful and beautiful in the French language. A wonderful speech.
How can I find it en francais? I can read French un peu. Thanks, Lark.
I'd recommend a military tribunal similar to Nuremberg, and most of the major conspirators to be jailed for life. In Guantanamo.
well but dumpster says the crime of treason merits the death penalty. shouldn't he be accomodated in this belief?
:) I've always said I oppose the death penalty with no exceptions (otherwise I would be tempted to make some)...
Colin, I stand with you on that recommendation! It definitely needs to happen and soon before he has completely destroyed our country!
Colin, Paul and Peggy, tomorrow would not be too soon! Deuterte of the Philippines was just hauled off today to The Hague and is facing the death penalty for extrajudiciously murdering all those people in his country when he was in power! 9,000 or so, I believe! Let's hope it happens a whole lot sooner to Trump and Musk and all the Trump kids for their horrible treatment of migrants and their children!
Klare, you can also add all of those who died because of his negligence when COVID struck. He should also answer for all of the children who are hungry here in our country because of his cut back on the programs that benefited them. Everything he should answer for are just too many to list! I want to see him hauled off today as well!
You are so right. It IS time to get busy and get involved.
Many of us are involved, Peggy! Please don't lecture to those who are already working day and night and hard!
Klare, I never lecture! If that is the way it came across, my apologies! All of us are working as hard as we possibly can. Hopefully, we can encourage others to get involved as well.
I ask again - why are Dems up for election in 2026 asking for money now instead of throwing their support to any and all Dems who are running THIS YEAR? At this rate we won't even have elections in 2026! What the hell is wrong with the Dem Party? I guess it's a bunch of individual navel-gazers under an umbrella called the Democrats but it certainly isn't a party.
We need a new game plan. Kamala had a billion dollars. Money is not the most important magic sauce anymore. We need more street-fight mentality functionality. We need to evolve into the Party we need. People are waiting to be on fire, but not with the tired old out-of-touch Dem playbook.
We can’t win based on money, only on getting people informed and aware and energized. We also need focus leadership and although there are several groups out there trying to make a difference it’s a scattergun approach.
We need to get a media social network messaging on. The gen Z s don't read, don't watch TV, don't talk to each other. They are not like us but they are not stupid.
Given that most states don't have elections this year, some folks may not realize that there are any elections scheduled for 2025. I think Wisconsin is next (April 1st for real, not April Fool). What else is scheduled. I guess I need to check with Emily's List. If there is a Dem female involved, they will be on it. Buy stamps and check with Vote Forward.
There's a school teacher running in Florida for the Dems. Jeremy Weil, or something close to that. He is begging for monetary help, but I don't have the link. Go to Ballotpedia. His name should be there. Anybody running should be listed there.
Update on Vote Forward - All the Wisconsin names have been adopted. Other campaigns are being prepared. No information was provided about the states for the others.
"Ken Martin of the DNC is trying to turn the Democratic Party around, but until they get rid of their corporate conflicted consultants which they've contracted out their campaigns to, and continue to block out labor and citizen groups, Ken Martin is going to have his hands full. He's not going to be able to prevail."
Guest speaking: "Ken Martin did not come from the donor class, from the Reid Hoffman's and those billionaires,who, had taken over the Democratic Party and keep giving it losing advice." --- Ralph Nader Radio Hour
The corporate conflicted consultants who the Democrats contract out their campaigns to, FAIL UP. They lose many elections, never get fired, the DNC does not clean house. The corporate conflicted consultants make massive amounts of money for losing elections and stay on until the next elections.
They can ask but we don’t have to give. Give directly to Democratic candidates.
I’m talking about individual candidates. They’re asking for financial support for their elections in 2026 instead of throwing their support to races in 2025. And I haven’t given to the party for years, only individual candidates, because as a party, I think their strategies for decades has been off track.
Getting hundreds of fake questionaires.. First thing I do is check their position on medicare for all. If no refernce or no promise to coponsor , NO $.
Perhaps because many (most?) elected Democrats are beholden to corporate money that is supporting the fascistic moves of this administration. We need a new crop of Democratic and independent leaders who are fearless and ready to fight. Only Democrats who stand up and fight now can be taken seriously. They'll have to prove themselves to me. Only Schiff and a handful others, are standing up. Hakeem Jeffries, Schumer, etc. so far seem like total jokes. They better get their acts together or be abandoned by me at least
They call themselves the "Democratic Party". A better name would be the "Remora Party". (Remora are small parasitic fish that attach themselves to larger sea creatures like whales and sharks and live off the energy and leavings of their host.)
They aRE-MOR-A republican than a democrat. Their most notable feature is the large sucker on their head that attaches them to their supporter.
I don't donate any more to REMORA.
And me. I will not continue to endorse the strategy of silence so no Dems are getting any $ from me until/unless the messaging changes.
TJ,great post. We have been asking for a while" Where are the Democrats"? When you have local dems doing almost nothing to protest or hold rallies,they are afraid of confrontation,Republicans know that. The Dems are just a talkers.
those two districts in FL (1 & 6) could turn the tide, well at least hold it back until 2026. I agree with you, why the "heck" aren't we hearing about them and putting our efforts there. It is just 2 weeks until the special elections!
Heard the speech over the weekend....too bad for us that he's not American and in our Congress....excellent
There is little for me to add to the brilliant philippic from Mssr. Malhuret about traitor drump and his numbskull associates. I look forward to a LIBERATION of the US from the mobsters who have seized power, like the liberation of Paris from the Nazi thugs in 1944. Vive Paris, Vive la France! Thank you!
Dad drove through Paris in 1944 with his 3rd Armored Division, and Uncle with the 101st Airborne Div. slogged through to Berchtesgaden to seal the destruction of the Nazi. Yet the vampire rears his ugly head again! History relates that France, and indeed Europe teetered at the precipice of Nazi nihilism then, and the liberation of Paris in 1944 was a moment of jubilation for the oppressed. But human suffering only intensified for another year and more. We have our work cut out to uproot our growing band of traitors, and illegal imposters, starting at the top.
My father, with the 133rd Anti-Aircraft Battalion must have been near yours as they marched through a freed Paris. He entered with D-Day ranks on Utah Beach, where they brought in the 90mm cannons. He froze his toes almost to death in the Battle of the Bulge, freed Buchenwald camp and saw the horror that modern-day Nazis say didn't happen. Actually walked up the long hill to Berchtesgaden with Eisenhower. Thank God he is not alive to see this.
We learned from Dad how dangerous this situation is, and i can't figure out why we all didn't have a veteran from every war possible talking in person just one session, for every history class in the USA. If we get out of this situation still a democracy, i would love to see veterans of Vietnam, the gulf war and on, come to classrooms in high schools to talk just for one class about what the war was to them, for them and what it looked like from a soldier's point of view.
I can tell you that the best presidents we've ever had have been for the most part truly active duty soldiers and one time or another. Cheney never served, and he put together his little war to try to get oil from Iraq. Weak, slow-thinking Bush just went along with it. We are still feeling the debt and scarred veterans from that, and for some reason our GOP congress still wants to throw money at financing military projects, but they want to STARVE the VA, who has NEVER been well-enough funded to take care of the veterans we promised to help when they came home. It is disgusting.
I am to the point where i feel that nobody should be allowed to serve in congress, the senate or the white house if they have not served themselves in the armed services or some aspect of American service like the Peace Corps.
With regard to the Democratic Party, there is too much disagreement within the party, and the party has become incredibly complacent since Obama took office. EVERY STUDY OUT THERE told them that Hillary Clinton was too damaged, and that TOO MANY AMERICANS would not vote in a woman of ANY color. Yes, you can say, well, she got the popular vote, but anymore, it can't be that close -- it has to be a BIG win for it to be a win. Then, while i loved Kamala Harris, it was clear that American voters have not changed -- they stick to their story about how women are not good leaders. We can't change their minds, they are stupidly traditional.
If the Democratic party puts one more woman up there to run for President it will only go to show how hopelessly obtuse and inept the DEM has become. Accept reality of who votes in this country. When Hillary ran we had Tim Kaine, who i think could have beat Trump -- the guy is a brilliant speaker with a great record, and he could have stopped Trump in his tracks. When the DEM didn't have a fast primary, that might have seemed 'fair' but truly, America didn't know Kamala. They needed to learn from the Hillary debacle and choose a man to stand up to Trump, and sadly not a gay man because Pete Buttigeg is awesome.
Mark Kelly would have been a real hero to shine in that position, and again Tim Kaine would have shined too. But what the hell! It's as much the DEM fault that this is happening now for how clueless this party has been.
I would also add that biden had people telling him to arrest dumpster as soon as the rogue6 gave him immunity. obviously the rogue6 felt safe doing that, as they knew biden wouldn't fulfill his oath of office. any other person who stole classified documents would have been jailed with no bail, and the trial could have been swift and decisive. but the rich rule the courts, as has been known for centuries (here and worldwide). justice doesn't stand a chance against the oligarchs.
Yes, Carol, but the Dems deserve a different level of blame than the rethugs who are set on gutting the assets of society and handing it to madmen. As for the Great War, your Dad and my ancestors well may have bumped shoulders during the liberation of Paris, since Dad landed on Utah Beach around D plus 8 days with his crew, and Uncle parachuted into the locale of Ste. Mere Eglise at 3AM June 6th, 1944, with a company of paratroops, the first of the regular army to penetrate enemy lines during the invasion. I consider it to be a supreme honor and privilege to have known them and learned of their exploits and sacrifice. At the diametric pole of the human spectrum are the thieves, thugs and blackguards who intend to parse out the greatest country on Earth and our sometime allies piecemeal to the mortal enemies of humanity.
The people who put him in power are going to have to take him out. Fools, haters. Farmers who voted for him because of DEI are now moaning and groaning and suffering buyers remorse. Boomers who voted for Trump because of DEI are now being told by Trusk that they are going for their social security. Muslims have already learned that they are short sighted ignorant fools, Gen Z is learning that lesson as well.
Incels, the Viagra crowd voted for him in 2016 and again in 2024. Many Incels and the Viagra crowd, like Proud Boys and militia's, are still with Trump because they haven't been hit yet. And there are many who will be hurt but won't change their minds, because they are sure the hated libs, nigrahs, Messicans, Queers feel the pain worse than they.
Trusk and company ignore us, but can Trusk and company ignore their base? I am afraid they can and will, now that they have their hands on the steering wheel and foot on the gas pedal.
At the moment there is serious conversation as to Trusk invading Canada, because he made the statement that it will be a 51st State, same with Greenland, when he makes up his mind and goes public, he will not back off. He hasn't backed off on tariff's only gave them a temporary reprieve.
Can we invade Canada? Yes. Can we win? Maybe. Can we hold it? No. It's just too big and there's so much wilderness to hide in. They know our tactics, because they trained right beside us. They know our systems because they bought them. They are more capable than Trump's generals think. They will have home turf advantage. It will turn into another bloody Ukraine, with the US playing Russia.
We can do anything, Can we succeed? No.
I worked with Canadian forces in winter exercises, They are no slouch.
I worked with the Canadian Parachute Infantry Regiment, a no nonsense well disciplined group of fighters .
In fact it was Canadian Instructors that trained our Ranger Battalion.
Canadians were fighting NAZI's and training, while Americans were sitting at soda fountains or attending the NAZI gathering at Madison Square Garden.
I have total respect for the Canadian Armed Forces.
I have no hopes, given Hegseth and firing of Generals and officers who are not Trump humpers, that our own armed forces would not follow Trumps illegal orders.
Not to mention his obsession with massive golden statues of himself in Gaza -- sickening...
We are at the edge of a chasm, peering down into an abyss of chaos, misery and death, of tyranny and fascism. Most of us thought it could never happen here. It is happening right now. Believe it.
“This is not an illiberal drift, it is the beginning of the confiscation of democracy. Let us remember that it took only one month, three weeks and two days to bring down the Weimar Republic and its Constitution.”
We will stop it.
If anyone besides me were unafraid to talk about wishing, hoping and praying DAILY for Trump's DEMISE, HIS TAKEDOWN could happen as fast as the Weimar Republic's as well as HIS attempts to take down OUR Constitution! Remember: What you speak about comes about!!!
Krasnov (FELON47) is acting like this is a game of Monopoly…all while bankrupting America!!!
Agent Orange was adamant: "No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!"
So why is Putin's hand up his backside when he talks?
Absolutely 100 percent right! I want more leaders around the world to speak up and I am now even more motivated to join communities to speak against this pathetic show of power.
Agreed, He is a traitor and is committing treason. So what can we do about?
Should we just play dead, as James Carville recommends?
If just half of MAGA thought the same things, impeachment would be going on now. But they don't.
Not all of them can be racists, so what do the others know that we dont?
James Carville is a relic from the 90s.
He is still very smart and
Does the SCOTUS decision that Trump has "total immunity" against prosecution for "official acts' as President apply to committing treason? You would think NO, but not clear to me that this the case, since the SCOTUS did not exclude treason in their decision.
James Carville is fighting the last war.
It’s what we know that MAGA doesn’t. Yes they can all be racist and low-information.
Epstein or other forms of kompromat. Sexual blackmail/extortion is the most effective form of persuasion known to politicians and/or those who control them.
I had read this earlier and thought, wow! I have not always been a great fan of the French government but this guy sounds like the kind of man the World needs right now! Vive la France!
All true and while Trump is "fiddling" and "Rome" is burning the freaking GOP are toasting marshmallows.
There is a rumor that Trump was mix with Russian mob in the 80s and 90s. They were laundring money through his hotels. He also made a trip to Red Square.
It's not just a rumor.
Several investigative stories about it.
I would put NOTHING past Trump!!!
It would not surprise me at all. Din't one of his kids say . "We get all the money we need from.....Russia"?
He simply needs to die already. He needs to eat his last Cheeto.
Then we are headed for Vance! That is a huge nightmare, too!
But truth be told, Vance is not Trump - and he comes across as a whiny second son who is becoming jealous of FUsk. As well he should. Vance is heading in the category of Ted Cruz - the guy that's too slimy and nobody from his own party even wants to hang with him.
He will be next on our chopping block.
Vance doesn't have the MAGA love that Trump enjoys
Well now I wouldn't say THAT! 60%+ of AMERICANS are ALREADY hoping the obese exceptional Traitor smothers in it's sleep. It's been, what? Thirty days??? That number is only going to go up as Bunkerboy's Alzheimer's gets worse and President elon gets more people pissed!
As a Canadian, we will find new markets and link outside the USA. We will never be the 51st state🤐
ClaudeMalhuret's speech expresses the sentiment in Europe, but it also expresses the feelings in Canada. Trump has galvanized Canadians like nobody has before. It is certainly a wake-up call, but Canadians are now unanimous in realizing that they have to wean themselves from the USA and develop other alliances. Until Trump's attacks on Canada with his blatant lies about fentanyl and "Canada has been treating us horribly" Canada could be considered a true friend of the United States. Maybe the only TRUE friend, rather than just allies, that the USA ever had. Not any more. I have many friends in the United States, so my comment is not about the relationship between individuals. Yet as a country, Canada feels totally betrayed by the Trump administration. It will take a complete change and a long time to bring us back to what we have had only a few months ago and I may not live long enough to see it.
Alfhard, it is ONLY TRUMP who feels this way toward Canada, NOT THE REST OF US! Trump has Alzheimer's, dementia, insanity, mental illness, hardening of the arteries, loonieness, and bona-fide craziness all rolled up into one! Trump DOES NOT BELONG IN THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT!! HE BELONGS IN AN ASYLUM FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE, WRAPPED UP IN A STRAITJACKET, LEG IRONS, HANDCUFFS, A HANNIBAL LECTOR MASK, AND A MUZZLE, SO THE REST OF US DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE NEWS MEDIA REPEATING HIS DAILY "TALKING POINTS"!!!
I loved the new Canadian version of "I Will Survive," talking about the rift in relations after Trump
Same here. I can't stop listening to it.
This gringo supports Canada free and independent and honorable.
The converse is also true--AMERICA, itself, is now alone, having driven away its allies.
There are people behind Trump who will carry on.
I agree. He could not have pulled this off himself. He's the distraction, the entertainment, themouthpiece. He's not actually in charge, he's not not telling Musk what to do. Traitors? Yes. But there's something bigger and more malignant lurking behind them.
Too true!
He will start a war. Canada or Denmark.
i truly believe they'd have to start a draft again to get enough soldiers to launch an attack - and i think a coup is very possible. With that ahole in charge of the pentagon it would be tough though. Everyone legitimate in the military sees that guy as a horse's ass. They just despise him.
They would have to. We're overstretched as it is. Just bringing our troops and equipment back from overseas would be a logistical nightmare. Much of the equipment is wearing out much faster then intended because of our seemingly endless wars. The temptation to our enemies to attack the US in the middle of it would be very high.
I think we are the country who has done most of the attacking. It might surprise Americans that a lot of countries presented as ready to attack would just like to go about their business.
And be prepared for 90% of US troops to fight AGAINST it!
About a month ago I posted on a Yahoo article about trump that a military coop is all that's left to save this country. A wife of a 36 year marriage to a veteran chillingly replied "if that were to happen, 90% of the guns would be aimed at us", based on her long experience. I was stunned, but it is a volunteer service and who can guess the makeup of those volunteers.
Daniel, that may be wishful thinking. americans as a whole don't hold with their oaths, and expedience is always first and foremost. dumpster has taken out some of the good generals and upper ranks, and if you're fired in the military I think you don't get your pension. there are an amazing number of white supremacists in the army and police forces across america. remember also that dumpster fired the senior jags, and without them it's oligarchs all the way. you know, the dozen in the cabinet and moscow.
I hope you are correct.
Canada will not go to war with us! Get a grip! And the Greenlanders want to keep their island country. They'll just push Trump into the water to drown!
Or Panama. I wouldn't count it out.
Gregg, I don't know how old you are, but did you ever read the Pogo cartoons? If you did, remember the one that said "We have met the enemy, and he is us?"