I’d rather have a colonoscopy then watch the speech

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While simultaneously cleaning the cats' litter box with my tongue.

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I’m with you guys on the too gruesome, as I know watching, even just listening will make me barf. My entire being will be rejecting such a repulsive thing. I’’m counting on those with a stronger system to do the filtering of what smarmy bs slithers out of the repulsive ones orifice.

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An image burned on my brain!!

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Walking on shards of glass barefoot. I don’t have a cable box any more because of the Orange turd. I try to diminish as much suffering as possible

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I cleaned the cats litter box today twice - because one of them thinks he runs an excavator for a construction crew. 😆

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My cat is getting 'elderly' and WHEN he does use the box, he more than not, pees outside it which is why I have newspaper under the box to catch the - overflow &

preferably pages with DJT's face on the pages ~ ~ ~ and/or his 'psychofants'

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,,,,,🤣🤣🤣. I have five who do the same.

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Multi cats multi litter boxes. Rule of thumb, one litter box more than cats.

If you have a dog, you don't have to worry about cleaning up the feces in the litter box. When I moved in with my spouse to be decades ago, she had dogs, I had cats.

I thought there was something wrong with my cats, because I never saw cat turds in the litter box, it seems that Lady and Pup enjoyed snacking on them.

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OMG 🤣🤣🤣

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If the shooter was seeing two therapists per day... Monday through Saturday... and the shooter kept a scientific journal showing his anger and suicidality were both the maximum possible


....and the videos of all the journalists interviewing his mom go viral as she says: "All 12 therapists and I found no anger and no suicidality... none of the 12 could name one scientific finding that they used to treat my son in the 10 years each had. No therapist ever took the 20 seconds it takes to accurately measure anger, suicidality, etc that would have thwarted my son's suicide by cop with an 'ass assassination on the side'..."


The family of the dead victim of the assassin sues all 12 quacks, they all are disbarred and sent to jail where they treat each other for each therapist's suicidality unscientifically. None of the 12 ever get better. 

Ammo for terror? 3.9 million attempted killings per year* in the US might provide the 19 suicide hijackers that started two wars. A Congressional study found 89% of US psychologists refuse the science required by law. The science takes 20 seconds.

Subscribe for details but only if you're ready to join our Focus Group

*Suicide attempts in 2022, last CDC.gov data


" 13.2 million [adults in 2022]Seriously thought about suicide "


" Approximately one third (30.0%) of female students[14-18] in 2021 reported that they had seriously considered attempting suicide"...3.8million [ 14-18 in 2021]Seriously thought about suicide

13.2+3.8=17 million Americans Seriously thought about suicide

aka ~"Most Americans will want to die in the next 6-10 years"

NEWSWEEK Editor: Despair feeds Trump. Trump feeds Despair.

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Awesome!! 👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽😂

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gross, but I get it!

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hbaeuerle: In contrast to hearing a Trump speech, the colonoscopy has the tremendous advantage of: (1) Being GOOD for your health; and (2) Anesthesia that puts you in a most pleasant and deep sleep during the wholesome procedure.

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If the worst happens and Trump ends up back in the Whitehouse I think a nationwide chain of walk-in anesthesiology clinics should be established posted haste. When the chaos approaches overwhelmed level we can walk down to the neighborhood clinic and sleep away our panic attacks.

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Becky Anne Bauer: I am so thankful for that remedy!

As an alternative, I have a flask of 4-Roses Bourbon for daily, emergency use!

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If you don't get rounded up and put in a mass detention center, first...

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Versed is a great drug ! They used it to sedate me when I had mine.

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Daniel Appleton: If I were watching Orange-Creep gaslight the nation tonight, WHICH I WILL NOT (!), I would drink the drug tonight.

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THC is mine ! You can't have !

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Not a strong enough drug for me.

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Maybe. Ketamine would work, but unless you're a lion, a tiger or a bear, oh, my, I wouldn't risk it.

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Ever have an endoscopy? I had several. They run a camera down your esophagus ..

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Not bad unless they use the same scope on the colonoscopy first!

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John Citoyen: Oh, I choked on my coffee with that one! LOL!

That IS the FUNNIEST ever!!

Whew! Thanks!

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Or like getting the stomach flu. That’s why I won’t watch, don’t deliberately give myself the flu.

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I replied above, I have had many colonoscopies, no problem, propynol and no after effects, but I dread an endoscopy.

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Yup. Good drugs for that too.

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Bored & IRRITATED by his punchable face & monotonous voice.

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So punchabe

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I wish that De Niro could've gotten his wish. I'd be cheering him on.

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Right there with you. There's NO WAY ON EARTH I will sit through that liar's blathering, rabble-rousing torrent of lies. I hope to keep my meals on the inside.

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I'm with you.

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I think it’s the prep that’s worse, you’re knocked out for the colonoscopy. 😂

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I don’t disagree but we Have to know what lies he is telling now. Frankly the idea that he might get elected again scares me tremendously.

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It's important to know what those who plan on undoing American government and democracy say.

We already know both Trump and Vance have warmed their crowds to the idea of devaluing the US dollar by claiming they want to have American workers in factories-- rather than purchasing goods overseas. This along with locking up 11 million immigrants and making thousands more illegal aliens overnight, and other tactics would generate rapid high inflation and likely recession.

Awe-full as this may be, when combined with the fact that a president can legally commit crimes, that Trump plans on having Dept. of Justice and other departments directly under his personal control, that Vance supports zero exceptions for abortion or IVF.

Trump and Vance's most recent comments on abortion are "leave it the states". This would of course condemn hundreds of thousands of girls and women to forced birth, being labeled along with their doctors as criminals. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/jd-vance-abortion-stance-rcna162086

For a high level summary on what Vance and Trump would do:


Why give them the chance?



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Me too!!

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Colonoscopies are great! That twilight sleep is marvelous...

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I have a friend who died of a botched colonoscopy: they pierced her intestine and didn't realize until she became septic. It's nothing to laugh about.

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Is there a difference?

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How about a colonoscopy and an endoscopy at the same time? That was fun...although I remember nothing.

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I’d rather a double colonoscopy !

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Colonscopies are shorter and if you were tired going in you will refreshed after the anesthesia wears off.

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Is there really a lot of difference? First you drink the nasty tasting Koolaid, then the shit flows non-stop, then…

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OMG, me too.

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Agreed. At least where I live I get publicly funded colonoscopies and they now use propofol for the anesthesia. That stuff is amazing! No pain, no memory of the procedure and you wake up happy, literally I only wanted to laugh for the first hour after I woke up.

Now that guy. I'm not sure there's enough propofol on earth to endure that.

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The first Trump term was a DISASTER


A second Trump term would be far WORSE



NO multiple convicted FELON


NO Hillbilly Elegy

in the White House


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The anchor baby daddy who was besties with Epstein, I just cannot even waste my time watching this ill stokerpedohitler. He's a con. Still a con, always a con. They need to appoint special council to investigate Thomas and his wife as they are operatives.

I guess his glass cut is feeling better…

Have fun!



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I do find it amusing that he has a maxi-pad taped to the side of his orange melon!

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That's a prop. It gets bigger each time. There have been no medical reports released to the public (if any exist), so I'm beginning to wonder if he actually was wounded, and if so, how.

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Lots of questions about that "assassination attempt", last one is why did he have his shoes off?

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You lighten a very dark time. Thanks!

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Hillbilly Elegy was controversial, with some people saying parts were untrue:


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Gee, hard to believe.

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Dear Kim...Oh ye of little faith????🤗

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VERY little faith, in fact none!

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Chuckle...chuckle ...🤗

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Vance graduated from Yale, and the only way he could have got in, is if he was legacy.

His undergraduate was a BA and he graduated summa cum laude. I don't think that was enough to get james Donald Bowman, James David Hamel, aka J D Vance (I wonder where he came up with that monker) into Yale. He is also according ot his wikipedia page an atheist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Vance

There is more to this story than the public knows.

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You are correct Two wrongs do not make a right, Whether its DT or Biden, both are wrong for the US for the next 4 years- DT being DT+ or the ailing Biden when someone else unelected is running the US. We have seen that with Reagan

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But better Biden than Trump. Neither one is that young. And I’d rather have Kamala than Vance any day of the week.

Yes, I will be watching. You have to know everything about the enemy if you want to defeat him.

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That is wise... have you read The Fifth Risk by Micael Lewis. Starting with the transfer to the White House, these Reptilian guys dont want to govern or learn how to... gives even more reasons to resist!

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On my list. I thank Lewis for going in deeper than most will do. I think he was surprised by what he learned and my guess is based on prior exposure he had that he learned alot.

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I've not read such a detailed accounting of how tRump really didn't care about or participate in any information transfer available and even mandated by law..luckily there were some leftover knowledgeable and dedicated public servants (thank you!) ...but chillingly, he has said he's gonna sack most of them if he gets back in this time. Do you have pther t recommended reads?

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I agree. I think the pressure is mounting for Biden to drop out. Unfortunately, I don’t think Harris is a strong enough candidate to beat Trump either.

So, as Biden is being forced to mull his presidential run, it is time for the Democratic leadership to encourage an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (P)/Bernie Sanders (VP) ticket.

This will supercharge the electorate and the down ballot races. Democrats would not merely walk away with this election, we would run away with it.


- & -


Together in perfect harmony!

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I think Harris could surprise many people. She can be mesmerizing in person, is smart, mature (better than AOC’s baby-talk-sounding voice and inexperience) and is highly experienced. She could easily pick up where Biden left off and Biden has been fabulous! Further, I firmly believe she could rise to the occasion and win this election if she has adequate backing, especially from the constituents…..but the Dems have a habit of self defeating behavior, unfortunately…..

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She needs the right VP candiate to help her win.

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Janice B.: What is the love affair with AOC? I actually have never heard a word out of her . . . I guess I [used to] get my news in the wrong place! What in the heck are her credentials??? Thank you for fending off that notion! I take a weekly news magazine and I have never seen her mentioned in it!

I would love to see Bernie get his just dues. He deserved to be president, he had A LOT TO OFFER, it is too bad the Dem honchos stepped all over him during Hillary! I would love to see him become president, if only for a year or so! How about Bernie and Kamala? As for AOC, I believe the last things I heard about her were that she was a bartender and once elected, she came to D.C. broke and couldn't afford a place to rent. That's how far behind I am in her story! She talks like a baby?? Ugh! WHAT is the constant fixation on her??

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Catch AOC on TikTok. She's brilliant. And that bar tender thing was to help her family after her father died. She graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in both international relations and economics.

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Oh, thank you for the info. I'll have to catch her elsewhere. I don't do TikTok or any other social media platforms. I stay away from all of that.

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deletedJul 19·edited Jul 19
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What a sexist comment.

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He’s onto something. I’d vote for a chimp rather than Trump but some folks just can’t see through the exterior. I favored Elizabeth Warren last time. She didn’t get it, but I voted for Biden.

We do need a more dynamic candidate. But AOC might be a little too over the top. The “socialist” slur still strikes home for many undecideds.

The objective is to WIN. Holding out for a candidate with your conceptually perfect profile may alienate others.

We need someone who energetically speak to the value of our constitutional representative democracy with the energy of AOC but with clear history of unapologetic leadership. By the way…the candidate must be well vetted which is why Harris bubbles to the top. But I also think Witmer, Newsom, Pritzger, and even Elizabeth Warren could fill the bill. Michelle Obama would be great.

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All the Dems have to do is nominate a white centrist middle-aged guy who can walk and chew gum and doesn't score zero on charisma.

That's all they need to do.

I'm not sure they can do it.

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Sorry, disagree about Kamala. I heard her tonight from a recent speech in response to "GOP unity". In one sentence she hit it out of the park. She has more communication skills on her little pinky than Biden has left in his (sadly) aged entire body. That's precisely the fire and plainness we need now. She also has been VP for almost 4 years.

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Here is the game plan and it will work. The DNC has it's convention, nominates Biden and Harris. Biden has COVID it gets worse, he resigns for health, Harris steps up and inherits the 90 million dollar campaign fund, which she would not otherwise be able to legally touch.

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William, haven't you heard the news?? Biden is no longer running. He has endorsed Kamala Harris. The DNC is not going to nominate Biden.

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Do you realize that you are responding to a comment I made on Jul 19 and Biden dropped out on Jul 21st?

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Never. They're too far to the left to get the votes. And Bernie is too old.

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AOC will be less than one month shy of 35 on election day.

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Her birthday is October 13.

Election Day is November 5.


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Could Bernie take the STRESS of a campaign ? He wasn't exactly a Spring chicken the last time. He's not going to start aging in reverse.....

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For VP? I think so.

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Bernie has no problem with satree , or aging, but we need a less controversial VP candidate. Harris should help with the black and female vote.

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We like Bernie, no one else does. He also vacationed with his wife in Moscow, not a good look.

He is also an anti Israeli secular Jew. FWIW. That might play well with progressives,Putinists and Muslims, but not with the rest of America.

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I like AOC but she’s not ready. Needs s little more time on the national stage. Bernie I like but he’s even older than Biden. I don’t think the ticket would fix anything for undecided or drive occasional voters to the polls.

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Your opinion, not fact. Biden is NOT AILING. And more than 90% dems in Congress back him. You’ll get trump if you don’t back Biden . That is MY opinion along w/over 90% of elected dems.

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Once the DNC formally nominates a candidate, that candidate will (most) likely receive full support. Myself included.

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If not Biden, then who? The other third parties don't have a chance, in fact RFK Jr is not on the ballot on most states.

So if not Biden, then it is Trump. Are you a stalking horse for Trump?

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No I have responded to this specific question before

I believe Gov Gretchen Whitmer and Sherrod Brown can beat the Republicans hands down.

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I share your sentiments, but there is a huge logistical problem. Biden has a $90 millon war chest, which is non transferrable.

If Biden were to step down it would have to be after the nominating convention and he would have to step down for Kamala, Kamala could then choose her own VP, which would not be Gretchen , Sherrod Brown is running for re election as well and is up against a huge Trump powered machine

Sherrod can't run for Senate and VP at the same time. The only chance of holding a Democratic Senate Seat from Ohio is Sherrod Brown, no body else stands a chance, especially at this late date (no money)

Kamala would need, for VP, a Democrat with name recognition, who is not considered hostile by the money powers that be.

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Get Gavin Newsom for VP with Whitmer, $90M may not be the problem. I do understand that Brown is the only one at this time to secure Ohio Senate Seat. If DT doesn't Win JD could have his seat back.

Bottom Line Biden Cannot be another RBG, he has to give way to younger generation to run the country. Yes Biden did well in the first term but now we are looking at another 4 years with old horse/players. At his age It is not important that he performed well in the last term, but does he have the where with all to keep going?

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I don't give a shit about Biden. I've seen him. I've seen walk stiff legged, like he is afraid of falling down, like he has a stick up his ass. I've listened to him falter and make horrendous gaffs, and what I am sure of is that Michael Moore is correct. Trump will win if his opponent is Biden and that scares the shit out of me and should scare every right thinking woman, progressive and non Christian nationalist in the country.

The $90 M dollar war chest is THE problem, and a huge one, because it is not transferrable, and Newsom and Whitmer have neither the time or backing to come up with $90 M.

To make it worse, the big money donors, especially big tech have all flipped to Trump.

The DLCC is standing naked and the octogenarian troglodytes who run it, are at fault. The fucked up standing behind Hillary and Trump got elected, they are fucking up standing behind Biden and Trump will get elected again, they fucked up putting Terry McAuliffe (another troglodyte) up for Governor of Virginia and lost that election. and they haven't learned a lesson yet.

They had a chance to reform by appointing a left wing populist a young fire breathing astute progressive as head of the DNC and they reached into their bag and pulled out a tried and true loyaltist trained horse, Tom Perez.

They had 21 days in 2022 to pass a nation wide bill legalizing abortion, but abortion was a hot button issue which would have mobilized the right wing, and there are a lot of Catholics, like the President, in congress.

During that same period they passed and Biden signed the Respect for Marriage act, but by that time America had come to terms with gay marriage.

The Democratic Congress could have passed two bills. one to protect women's rights and the RFMA. But that would have taken abortion off the table as a campaign issue.

I repeat the only thing I care about is keeping Project 2025 and Agenda 47 in the top drawer of the fascist desk. I would vote for a head of cabbage this election, and I am not the only person that would, at least 8 million people felt the same way in 2020.

Right now. Biden is going to lose the vital swing states of Mi, PA, WI and also MN Biden carried those states by less votes than held by the Muslim community (not to mention black males who are disillusioned with Democrats)

Did I mention that the Ummah is pissed at Biden and said that they will not vote for him because of our support for Israel.

Biden has to go, but we need to win the election. Who ever can beat Trump and win the election.. nothing else matters.

If Trump wins, and it looks like he will,Biden' s legacy will be shit, and Dr Jill Biden will spend the rest of her life in ignomy, eating sour grapes.

So who has a realistic chance of beating Trump, and with what war chest of millions to fund a last minute campaign, and with what donors.

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Two wrongs don't make a right, but three LEFTs do!

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Yes but two Rights make a wrong

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I'd rather kiss an angry badger on the belly. Sorry.

I know that it will be a good time, and that you guys will share the truth, though!

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Can't handle watching anything that focuses on this felonious, lying SOB so I'll sit this one out and read about the lowlights later. The endless handslaps from the media regarding everything and now this very suspicious ear thing being covered up with a maxi pad; then presto, it's gone and the wound was miraculously healed by God. Enough of the phony BS already. Four more years of this insanity would be very difficult to endure.

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i saw a photo with the pad on the other ear / side of his head. photoshop?

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The glass cut…oh my what a tragedy, what a fake!

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Please send a picture of you kissing a badger on the belly 😝

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😁😁😁 or kisscthe south end of a northbound mule

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The very image is too funny ! Thank you for the light moment of visual levity ! 🤗

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You're very welcome! We all need to laugh right now!

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More so than ever.

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Can’t watch. 84 & 90 years and it is just too stressful. As kids we were all too aware of what happened in Germany and Italy. Cannot bear being exposed to the same horrible events again. 😱😥

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I never dreamed in my 75 years that we would face this.😟

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Nor did we! History repeating itself. I worry for my daughter and her friends.

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Do your daughter and her friends worry? And will they vote?

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....into my 90th year...I hear you, sister!😣

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Full disclosure here, ladies ( and gentlemen)...

Had a glich in my." sometimer's' malady...

Am in my 91st year...not my 90's..but still look forward to the sun coming up each morning...and proudly putting my x by Democrats from the top of the list to.the bottom! VOTE BLUE !🤗

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Right back 'atcha!🤗

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You take care❤️. Use the mail-in ballot so you're not waiting in crowded lines. There's another surge of COVID happening now with another expected in November.

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We are so very fortunate here.in CA to have such a reliable mail-in voting system .

Have used it for.years with no problem..We are already seeing an up tick in cases of vivid since the advent of summer!. Fortunately for us all...and thanks to Dr Fauci , et al. , vaccines, etc. cases are detected & treated quickly..to.decrease dangerous side effects.... No.thanks to trump & his disastrous failure to.act responsibly to a disease that killed countless numbers.of Americans needlessly.

Remember...please remember those who suffered when you cast your vote in.November! Warmest good wishes, Becky.🤗

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At a mere 76, I, too, am at a loss to understand how so many are marching in their jack boots while saluting "Heil Trump".

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I always knew it was possible. But still, never thought we would be where we are today. I had however for many years been concerned about the public and their utter lack of the workings of their government and the increasing attacks on government, alot of it from the corporate world. Add in a few more factors and a Trump and voila!

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66 over here. My parents and grandparents would be horrified by what’s happening in America. I’m horrified and I’ve only heard the stories, know the history. I’m so sorry this is happening again. Twice in a lifetime? I cannot imagine.

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I would have thought the same of my 94 yo parents, but they have been brainwashed by FOX.

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I work with folks your parents age helping them stay in their own homes as long as possible. Same for several of them...Fox News. I keep talking respectfully pointing out the propaganda and backing up our talks with printed documentation...Slowly but surely it's making a difference.

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Becky, Thank you for helping.

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And brainwashing it is. It’s terrible to hear this. I’m so sorry.

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Thanks for what you do. I want to believe the older folks are innocent but know for sure the cable messengers are not. They will pay, if not in this life then in their legacy.

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Oh! I am so sorry to hear that.

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People refuse to learn from the past. Hate-speech and greed dominate political discussion. So terribly sad.

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I can’t imagine either, and yet we’re on the threshold 😢😱

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I can totally relate to what you must be feeling

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Blessings to you, Melba Carr! You are STRONG!

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We will need to be to face what may come.

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I actually had a nightmare that this happened lady night. I've been very shaken up today.

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*last night

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The ballot box is our refuge. Just can’t believe they outnumber us, but with them already carrying on that it is rigged….🤬

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They don't outnumber us, unless they can keep us home.

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Haha it IS rigged because THEY rig it!! In cheating, sneaky , devious ways that most of us could never fathom it.

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Me, too. Very triggering.

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They've started running Trump ads & Trump - backed candidate ads on Youtube. NO hiding place.

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What could Trump say that would make anything better? All he can do is make things worse. He has the GOP under a spell. Which is surprising because he is demented and not really very smart.

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He’s an AWFUL person. Beyond awful, really. I follow Mary Trump, his niece, and she’s written 2 books about the absolute DANGER of him. It helps to be part of HER world and the good people who follow her. She’s very smart and knows ALL of Donald’s nasty ways and tricks. I told one of my Rethug friends about Mary and how to find the absolute truth and danger he brings. My friend is now reading Mary’s first book. Knowledge is the cure.

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Another must read: Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy, by Michel Lewis. Gives me chills on top of my chillbumps...

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He is Just shrewd with billionaire backing, They want to get away with the biggest heist in History.

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I didn't care for his "reality" show before, and I sure don't care to watch his plunge into Fantasyland now. He has nothing new to offer, just his same old B.S. Why should I fact-check what I already know will be flat-out lies, and listen to his fan base hoot and holler, when I can spend my time doing something more meaningful, like binge-watching old episodes of Green Acres; it's the place to be...

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Green Acres- love it!!!

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Thank you for that smile, Mr Doll !🤗

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Well damn. I'm a widow, though I know my husband would have watched it with you guys. He felt the same disgust as all of us do here. I'm also recovery from spinal surgery and am not allowed any alcohol as I'm on pain meds, otherwise I might try to tough it out. I'll probably try to watch, but if it gets to be too much I'll say good night early. I do think what your doing is amazing and you'll fill us in later. God help us all as we continue this fight. God bless everyone.

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Best to you as you heal. I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. I was widowed in September of 1992. Robert said to me, “Damn just when I could vote for a Democrat who is going to win, I’m going to die.” Everyone of us travels our own journey. Just know I’m thinking of you as you heal, P Hall, and continue your journey to recover in more ways than just physically. ❤️

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❤️a lovely post in the midst of such jeopardy

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Thank you Marcia. He passed Easter of 2023, so it is still very fresh. I was blessed to have Chuck for 44 years. He would be beyond appalled if he knew what is going on now. I'm sorry for the loss of your husband as well, though it's been a long time for you now. In some ways I feel he's lucky he got to move on from this crazy world.

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I'm also a widow...lost my husband in August 2023. We would not have watched it anyway. Neither of us could stand the orange menace. For anyone who hasn't seen it, I recommend watching the documentary BAD FAITH. It's a window into what we're up against with the "Christian" Nationalists who support the demon and his sidekick.

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Thinking of you, Carol, as you mourn your husband, and try to get on with life in all this turmoil.

And another film is God+Country. It’s even worse. It’s why all the speakers sound like they’re at a revival and are holier than thiu.

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Yes. Excellent documentary

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Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!

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Sorry for your loss. Hope you feel better. You have friends here.

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I hope you recover soon I feel you may need a trip to the spirit shop until the BLUE WAVE comes in like a tsunamis!

It going to be a pathetic 2 weeks while the glass cut heals… and he can no longer make money off that.

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Meanwhile the Democratic corporate machinery have all knives out on poor old Joe. Back stabbing bastards.

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Agreed, but still a small minority of hand-wringing Dems. I left two voicemails for Adam Schiff yesterday expressing my outrage over his statement and have emailed and called the rest. Call & email them and let them know what you think! I'm urging them all, as Fetterman said, to either "grow a spine or grow a pair."

Each of us can speak up – it took me less than a minute to leave a voicemail and an email. I don't believe in these polls, I never have. Look at the 2022 midterms where women came out in record numbers!

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There is no evidence that Joe is incompetent just that he is old...Disloyalty will be rewarded to Trump. Incumbency is a huge advantage especially with what Joe has accomplished.

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"WE have nothing to fear, but fear itself!"

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It is because of Adam Schiff and Sean Mahoney (who was the head of the DCCC) and represented a district in NY, that the Republicans control the house.

Instead of staying in DC and helping with the election as they should have, they ran off junkateering to Paris (on someones dime I am sure) Schiff has done nothing, except run towards a TV camera, he is a publicity whore.

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I agree and I’m a a Democrat. Embarrassed af!!!

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I don't know if I can watch it. But if I do, I'd be grateful for the two of you fact-checking and talking us down from the ledge.

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I would not spend one second listening to that draft/dodging, womanizing, racist, insurrectionist, lying, felonious son-of a bitch! I’d rather be re-circumcised twice over! Thomas M. Brooks is a hero!

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It’s sounds like you might not like him. lol

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You have an astute grasp of the obvious. I served 1969-71 with men who made the ultimate sacrifice. He called them suckers and losers. The most dastardly person in our nation. And the GOP anoints him? They are the real suckers and losers! Thomas Crooks came very, very close to MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Perhaps the next hero will be better shot!

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True, I was behind a supposed old Marine in the checkout line who was deriding the secret service failing to take out the shooter quick enough at the recent assassination attempt, and other BS statements - clearly a Trump supporter as was the checkout clerk. I was very close to making a statement myself but thought better of it… I don't see any hope changing the mind of that old Marine veteran.

But my father, every single uncle I ever had, my grandfathers, and every single man and woman that ever served, fought for, and died for our democracy and freedoms should rise up and come and kick Trump's ass. This is actually my nightly prayer – and I'm asking my father for his Navy fleet, my uncle who was at D-Day and my other uncle who served at Pearl Harbor to gather the troops, and my grandfather in WWI hit by mustard gas who ended up in an asylum for the greater part of his life… and whom I never knew… I am asking every one of these brave souls to rise up and come down and kick Trump's ass.

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JBP: LOVE IT! Wouldn't it be delicious if Trump had a dream about just such a thing happening?? Might scare the bejesus out of him!

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The military, as is the police is conservative, most are who whites come from red America districts in the south and rural America, on top of that the armed forces are cloistered society, with little exposure to the world, beyond say the TV and that for married personnel off duty, and they are probably watching Fox.

In the field, in barracks, they talk sex, off duty they talk shop.

The get discharged or retired and they stay who they are, very few have an epiphany .

Though the military has tried since Carter to stamp out racism, via diversity training, it hasn't worked., racism, sexism, sexual harassment, rape are still endemic.

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Ugh. "In the field/barracks, they talk sex; off duty, they talk shop?" I thought there was a little bit more diversity and intelligence in the military… that's depressing.

My father and my uncles who served in the Navy were quite well educated and seemed a bit higher on the humanity scale, if I'm stating that correctly. I'm really not trying to be judgmental here.

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I am a Mustang a Master Sergeant who gave up his stripes for butter bars (2nd Lt).

Most of my career has been in special ops.. I know what is going on. My comment is not blanket, I didn't say ALL, but in general it applies to the ranks, and these days the graduates of service academies have been contaminated by Dominionism and Evangelical Christianity. Lt Gen Stanley A .McChrystal who was the commander of JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) said that the fight against the Taliban was a Christian Crusade, and that comment mobilized the Islamic world.

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Eugene, I couldn't agree more except for 1 observation. I'm noticing those that are coming out of the woodwork. Democrats that have turned on Biden trying to get him to leave the race. We don't know the true standing of everyone. I guess that's always been true, and I have been nieve in the past. My eyes have been opened. Omg.....and things are so much worse than I ever dreamed! Maybe we need a list of all the Dems who are turning into turn coats! I certainly don't want to vote for them, and that's just sad.

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They are not turncoats. They simply want a different candidate who they think has a better chance to win. On performance, Joe has done a superlative job. But those of us who will vote democrat no matter what, are not the problem. There are voters who vote based

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On other factors. I think a more energetic candidate would be their choice.

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Agree to disagree respectfully. I believe there's other reasons behind their decision. Have a good one.

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Turncoats? They are simply suggesting test a

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You can never make anything great by shooting.

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Victor’s right, but I would have lost no tears for that guy. Was it Bonhoeffer who tried to assassin Hitter?

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Nothing, absolutely nothing would make me watch him do or say <anything>. Everything he says is a lie; why waste my time? From his fake "assassination" attempt to his choice of Vance: NO THANKS. I'd rather schedule a no-anesthesia root canal.

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👏👏 amd Id rather kiss a rabid skunk

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July 17, 2017

Daily News, Fifth Avenue, NY


Putin and the orange one hold hands

Red tie dangles, while the felon

Shoots Uncle Sam in the head.

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I’ll have a good, stiff drink in my hand!!📺🍸🍹

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I so wish I drank.

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Ditto. Been sober almost 20 years and I'm not tossing it in for this a**hole.

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Bill W. would be proud.!

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I’m 85 and I’m looped after half a glass of wine. I might consider white wine with seltzer water with ice cubes, but doesn’t seem worth the trouble.

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You can’t just for one night??💙💙💙🍸🍹🥃🥂

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Ummmm, I’m an alcoholic so no I can’t, not even for one night. The old saying, “one is too many and a thousand isn’t enough” … All my friends can have one for me though!! 😂

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It is a glass crutch. And so much worse.

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I'd take my go to substance THC.

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And a couple before...

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I don’t think I can do it. I would wonder the whole time what is under that bandage no other than Ronny Jackson put on his ear 👂. Will we ever know? And do bullets from AR-15s (which I do not doubt) feel indeed like big Moskitos 🦟nibbling away a little piece of ear per the words of Mr 45 and his personal doc (which I doubt)? Any one? I think I just can’t.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 19

😀I wish the news would correct it to "a piece glass"...Now hearing teleprompter glass not broken, but saying was shard of metal from the teleprompter stand. Whatever hit him, he did not valiantly face a bullet for anyone

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I wish the would ask for medical records and transparency. But they just go along.

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I agree..seeing the widdle cut on the top of his rear, I mean ear, doth not a hero make. They say he stood up to a bullet...no, he luckily moved away from unanticipated peril. 🤮🤢

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

I can't help but wonder if it was anticipated, because it could have been planned, the guy lies and lies and has plotted and planned to the point of having project 2025 put together with the help of a few of his Fiends ( not an typo : Fiends). The fake electors; arm twisting election officials; the guy has brass balls and absolutely no integrity. He Will do Anything to "win". I mean ; Look at him now ; with obscene amounts of dirty money propping him up; Even the pundits called the Convention a "coronation". the "Supreme court" modified the Constitution to allow him on the ballot! When did Presidents have the power to stack the court!? He spent several minutes at the beginning of his speech talking about the assassination attempt, the self aggrandizement not unexpected, of course ; with divine intervention and all. There were two deaths ; possibly three, in the end. with tears streaking down the faces of some in the crowd, at the thought of harm to their leader, understandably. And many questions about inadequate security that was so gross, you could drive a truck through it.

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You've hit on a lot. I think they are playing up his wrongly called "heroism" to avoid admitting they have done nothing to ban assault rifles, have invented violent hate speech, and to shore up his god is on his side rhetoric. I did watch some of his speech, and what I saw was a revival type meeting, nothing of a political convention. It, like the "debate" was just another chance to spew division & the christo-nationalist playbook. Yelling fight, fight says it all. They are not changing course or tune.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Marilyn D ; I just turned on MSNBC to see the Katy Tur show. She is not on, there is another pundit , Jose Diaz-Balart, standing in for Katy. What is concerning is that they are talking about President Biden as being "Defiant" (like they are talking about an obstinate child), because he is resisting "stepping down" from the Presidential race. even though all medical tests show him as being in good health. they said even Zoe Lofgren, of the Jan 6th committee fame, was joining the many (30) prominent Democrats to "pressure campaign" Joe Biden out, because the lower amounts of campaign cash will make them unable to stay on Television to continue the race! they cite once again, Joe Biden's "poor debate performance" , which is a lie, and fantasy; the debate was not a debate; it was a manipulation , a fraud visited upon US and Biden . Now they say the polls are overwhelmingly showing that he "cannot win"! I thought the voters are supposed to vote, before winning or losing is determined! this is nuts ; There isn't even a "Most likely to win" candidate being proposed. And it does not look like any one is saying that Kamala Harris should take his place. They say that the decision is his to make, but make it seem like he somehow can't make it. A contradiction. Are they serving Kool Aid to all these Democrats?!? I have never seen anything like this! to his credit ; Jose Diaz-Balart, pointed out that in the past, when the "red wave" was predicted by the polls, the polls were wrong. and Blue Democrats won.

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Marilyn D: Or, unluckily for US he moved away from peril!

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Or he knew that it was an optical trick.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

deniability and cheating is the name of his game.

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When it was reported that all the teleprompters were undamaged, someone said it was probably a shard of metal from the stand that holds the teleprompters. No way that was a bullet shot from an Ar-15, from the distance where the shooter was, according to someone on this thread who knows about the ballistics. There would have been much more damage.

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I did not see the report the teleprompters were not damaged, but the metal stand. No bullet hit him, though. What a jerk.

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Shooter was between 300 and 500 feet on top of a building,laying prone and shooing down with a weapon that had iron sites.

Even a trained infantry man with an M-16, at that distance with an M-16 (AR-15 is semi automatic civilian version of M-16) would have trouble hitting a small, head sized watermelon, at that distance.

When firing down from a higher elevation the problem is overshooting the target.

Wind, distance, and trigger pull. Take a breath, hold it, squeeze, not pull, the trigger. He would have had to had taken some correction shots to zero in. especially with a moving target like Trump . He is the most animated speaker on the political stage.

And he took off his shoes. Why? His ego demands that he be taller than he actually is, he is only about 5'10 at best, but claims to be 6'1"

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One or two inches to the right and Trump’s head would have exploded! That would make good video for the six o’clock news!

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The bulletscwere no where near Trump he was cut by glass, he's a big baby faker

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That is terrible!

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My apologies is I offended you. Just answering the question. His “hair-do” would certainly never be the same after a 5.56 round enter his head. A whole boxcar full of aspirin wouldn’t handle that headache. And all the kings men and all the king horses wouldn’t be able told put Trumpty-Dumpy together again.

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I sense some anger

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I think I do too…hmmm.

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I question the bullet thing too. Seems to me it would have taken off a lot more. If you haven't already noticed this, watch the (hack, cough) attempted assassination again. Just as Trump goes down look to the right of the podium. You'll see a woman hold up her cell phone start taking pictures. She doesn't seem upset at all. If anything, excited. The Crowd in the seats behind her seen surprised. If I had been in a situation like thar, it would scare the hell out of me! I suspect the whole thing wasn't reap, but created by Trump. Looking for this fake attempt on his life to somehow help him win this election. If this is true, that poor 20 year old kid was killed to make it look real. I don't know, but it's very suspect!

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And if you watch the video really slowly, you'll see the yellow squib in his right hand. The whole this was FAKE. Does anyone here really believe t would care if someone died for this? Absolutely not.

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A squib is an explosive, Hold it in your hand and you lose a finger. And it needs to be detonated, either manually or electronically

Squibs can be used in film stunts to create a convincing effect. When triggered, a squib can burst a blood packet and rip open a pre-made bullet hole. To ensure the safety of the actor, safety instructions and the timing of the squib explosion are discussed before filming. Actors are advised to keep their arms away and avoid looking at the squibs

And the Secret Service would have to be in on it, but that is not a stretch considering that it is also conservative and Trump loyalists, especially his personal detail.

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Diane, I watched the video. I saw it in his right hand. You have to stop the video at just the right moment, but when you do it's there. No, he probably got off on knowing that kid died. The others were in his mind just collateral damage. I'm so sorry for the families of those who died. How tragic. He's much much worse than we can even imagine. Great catch seeing it in his right hand.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

there were also the others; one died defending his family by blocking the bullets. another was shot in the liver and the lungs, I think, They put them in in a medical coma. Maybe can be saved, but very serious,

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Are you flat earther too.

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Lol, hardly. You a troll? I think it's possible. Relax, it's just my opinion, or am I not entitled to that? Everyone here, including me are entitled to their ideas. Play nice.

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So you think it’s was fake?

I think Biden needs to share his Covid test documented by his doctors. Didn’t he say the only reason he would stop his campaign was a medical issue.. now he has one.

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That is what I mean. Biden needs to bring reports of everything, but when it comes to a historic thing like an assassination (which I do not doubt) the whole media world takes the words of Trump and his personal doc (which I doubt) as sufficient evidence.

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We need absolute proof that that whole thing was staged. How to go about getting it?

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Don’t lose your grasp on reality as the right has, tempting as it seems. It was real. Kid probably egged on by the right wing propaganda machine. I feel sorry for him and his parents.

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yes, it was the real clash of extraordinary circumstances. Trump's description afterwards might come back to haunt him though. I do feel strongly with the kid and his parents also. One more young suicidal man with revenge fantasies and access to a rifle.

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It is very suspicious and many things don’t add up.

Nevertheless, for the time being it might be better to focus on how Trump reacted versus how President Biden would have reacted had he been shot at. Trump was worried about his fucking shoes. President Biden would have been checking on the people around him and assisting any wounded. If he resisted attempts by the Secret Service to bundle him off, it would have been to help others. President Biden would have visited the grieving family of the dead firefighter in person to offer his condolences.

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I don’t think it was staged. I think trump lies. That is all.

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I do think it was staged, but perhaps until the evidence comes out, it would be wiser to assume for now it was a real attempt, and then to consider how President Biden would have reacted in similar circumstances.

Where traitor Trump resisted Secret Service efforts to move him to safety because of something having to do with his freaking SHOES, President Biden would have resisted being moved because he would have wanted to make sure people nearby were unharmed, and if they weren’t, to assist them.

What a contrast!!

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"If you tell a lie ; everything you say becomes a lie." Trust is hard to keep, if you violate it again and again.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Tracey Queripel ; You "blaspheme"?!!!! and doubt the word of the almighty? You heard him! god saved him, didn't he?

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I think he said he would only step down if he had a terminal medical condition. A light case of Covid is not terminal.

No matter what the Democrats do, we should be demanding that Trump step down as his mental illness is growing by leaps and bounds every day.

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All true!

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Of course, the assassination attempt was fake, and the sooner this is proven the better. Can you say Reichstag fire?

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There is no comparison/ correlation between the reichstag fire and shooting.

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Please explain.

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So are you saying the secret service killing of the shooter was also part of the plan.

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Greg, you figure it out. That might have been collateral damage. I feel bad for the families. Instead, you figure out how it couldn't possibly be rigged. In any event, you have your opinion, I have mine.

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Greg is a troll, and hostile.

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Likely it was part of the plan. Now he can’t fess up or turn state’s evidence.

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I think Trump needs to share his brain scan results with the world too, don't you?

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Like Trump shared his tests? The famous Alzheimers test which he "aced" The MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment. It is a simple test, you don't "ace" it, draw a clock showing 10 minutes to two, who is president, what day is this, name the animals (usually three of them, like horse, rhinoceros, camel. Remember three words, and then after a few more minutes of testing you are asked to repeat the words. Trump couldn't even do that, he falls back to his acting "career", man, woman, TV, Camera

Here is an example of the test he took. There are other versions, many in fact.


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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Greg ; I don't think that having Covid is something permanent. Trump is two and a half years younger, and he has had Covid, and is not considered disabled. I doubt that tfg would leave the race if he had it now. Nor would he admit it if he did,

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Thanks, but no thanks. I've heard all his lies when he was a bit less demented. He's as phony as his ear injury.

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No kidding

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