In 2016, he was asked if there would be a peaceful transition. People were already getting the measure of this dude. His answer was “Peaceful, if I win.”

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Trump didn't care about the truth, it didn't matter to him in the least. His goal was to remain in power and to amass as much money as he could get from his gullible followers to pad his pockets. CNN aired the last episode of "Watergate" last night and it brought back the disturbing memories of the 1970's. It also revealed that Trumps insurrection and attempted coup against our country was by far more dangerous. Let's hope AG Garland is paying very close attention. Whereas Ford's pardon put Nixons criminality to rest for the nation, he opened the door for the likes of Trump. It's time to prosecute, we can never allow this to happen again.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Section 3 of the 14th amendment lays the basis for ensuring that Trump can never again run for a political office.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

My concern thru all this is if there is no accountability or personal consequences. Then all hell will break loose. No government, no control,civil war.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

As long as Washington politicians of both parties continue their failure to make progress in addressing our nation’s most serious problems, and as long as economic conditions for ordinary American citizens continue to decline year by year, circumstances will remain ripe for the emergence of other demagogues like Donald Trump who offer false promises of easy solutions. Trumpism is a symptom of a society which has lost its bearings and a political system which continues to move at a glacial pace in an era of rapid change.

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There can NEVER be a pardon for a traitor. And make NO mistake: Donald Trump & the current Republican elected leadership ARE traitors to our Constitution & our democracy. They are domestic traitors, aiding & abetting the destruction of our very core definition as America. They ARE the PERPETRATORS & CONSPIRATORS of these traitorous - AND MURDEROUS - attacks against our government, our elected representatives, our governmental law enforcement & our citizens. They MUST be held accountable & punished UNDER OUR ESTABLISHED & MANDATED LAWS for their heinous crimes. There can be NO COMPROMISE, NO MITIGATION. PROSECUTE, IMPOSE & IMPLEMENT the fullest penalties - with NO DIMINISHMENT! If we do not, OUR NATION IS LOST. It takes a certain amount of COURAGE to define, to CHOOSE, & to STAND UP for your nation, your chosen method of governance, & your nation's defined laws. THESE CRIMES are the very bottom line. If our democracy does not uphold THIS standard, we have NO GOVERNANCE, NO DEMOCRACY, NO DEFINITION, NO INTEGRITY & NO INTELLIGENCE. We will not have, & we will not deserve, a nation. Stand Up, Regardless. REGARDLESS, AMERICA, STAND UP!!

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Sh*tmouth Trump must be held accountable. A Ford-like pardon in this case would not serve our Constitution and our democracy. In other civilized nations, politicians, even presidents and prime ministers, whose crimes have been much less serious, have been punished, even imprisoned. Those our judicial system have found to be traitors (e.g., the Rosenbergs) have been imprisoned, even executed. Trump sought to achieve a coup, trampling our Constitution and imperilling our democratic institutions by weakening their legitimacy. He must be punished to the full extent of the law.

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Letting the rich and powerful get away with pardons, while the rest of us suffer in harsh prisons if WE break the law, does not allow the vast majority of WE THE PEOPLE to have it "behind us." It ANGERS us that we have a two tiered justice system. J6 is an example of the pot that is already boiling in this country due to the "elites" having it all, including not being subject to our laws. Yes it will be historic to jail a POTUS, but Trump's crimes are also historically numerous and cost people their lives!

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Of course he knew, & spurred on the protestors!

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We can only hope that the TRUTH finally gets through to all trumpians!

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He scammed his followers to send in money to him, personally. I wonder if they will believe that he is a grifter.

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It’s so obvious it is not funny….Trump is unfit as Mike Bloomberg said a year ago

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When you really sit and think this through, down to where it cannot be broken down anymore, the US Constitution does not demand the vetting that should be done for those seeking the presidency of the United States…the leader of the free world. If an evaluation of a potential candidate’s medical, psychological, social, business, financial and legal backgrounds were added to the sorely inadequate requirements of citizenry and age, perhaps there never would have been a Trump. The step right above vetting is the fact that republicans allowed Trump to happen because that vetting wasn’t LAW! We MUST amend the constitution to better vet candidates or we’ll continue to swirl down the bowl.

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I am trying to figure out what Merrick Garland is scared of. More riots ?fear for his family Fear of assignation of Dems? What?

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The evidence via witnesses, videos, interviews & documents have clearly shown that Trump & his coconspirators had planned the Big Lie, Used it to sell the idea to his supporters that their election was stolen & it was their “patriotic” duty to defend the country and claim the presidency for Trump. He used the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers to lead the charge on Our Capitol with violence to stop the certification of the rightful president Biden- knowing he had lost the election. He used the Big Lie & is still using the Big Lie to steal money from his followers to add insult to injury. The Seditious Conspiracy was directed and ordered by Trump.

While our elected officials feared for their lives & Capitol Police engaged in hand to hand combat to protect the Capitol , Trump watched it all on TV and did Nothing to stop it!

Democracy was in Trump’s way & he did everything to destroy all the pillars of Democracy attacking Free Press, Academia, Legal Justice System..

Without Democracy we will not have Human, Civil Rights or a Habitable Planet!

While the 1/6 Commission has done a masterful job present the evidence of Trump’s crimes- our country needs legal accountability for our country to protect Democracy & prevent 1/6 from becoming standard practice in a new Authoritarian Gov. which we will inherit!

We are at a turning point in our country which will require each of us the media, the DOJ, our elected officials & we the people to unite to end this nightmare in America & protect Democracy which may slip away without United action!

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The committee is arguing that Trump not only knew he lost after the election, he contrived a plot to overturn the election beforehand. He instructed his followers to vote in person on election day, claiming vote by mail is not safe, even though he routinely votes by mail. He knew that the in-person election day votes would be counted before the mail ballots in many states, creating what they called the red mirage: Trump would initially appear to be ahead. He would then claim that the mail ballots, which were counted for several days afterward and favored Biden, were fraudulent.

I saw a video clip of Merrick Garland saying that his prosecutors were watching the hearing.

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