In order to fight for the Common Good we must remember who are the true enemies of the Common Good. It is the ultra-wealthy who would like to see an authoritarian ruler that would allow them to continue to collect unlimited wealth, remove all restraints on big business and remove virtually all taxation on the wealthiest. Donald Trump himself is not democracy's worst enemy, it is the forces of unrestrained capitalism that permit and support his agenda. The feuding Republicans may think they are standing for Trump but they are not. They are destroying the concept of the Common Good for the benefit of the ultra-wealthy. Trump is an ultra wealthy wannabe, but as the courts are revealing, he is not actually in their ranks. He is just a huckster and a showman and a dangerous one at that. He is best suited for “Reality TV."

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Possibly now is the time to consider that “Political Democracy” may not be able to handle such wealth inequality caused by rampant capitalism. tThe theory of “Economic Democracy" has been around for some time. Possibly we should give this approach some serious consideration. You can find some good information on it through Wikipedia.

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Economic injustice is the injustice that hasn't really been addressed. LBJ's Great Society began to address it, but it was undermined by the Vietnam War. Martin Luther King started to focus on it in 1968, but then he was assassinated. After that, politicians & the media conveniently forgot about it until relatively recently, when Bernie Sanders made it a central part of his campaign.

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They got "cowed" Jaime. It's just that simple. Bernie is fearless. * By the way, I think you left an important one out that also got "cowed" - Ross Perot. He spoke too many truths and his reward was to get threatened by the consolidated forces of 'Money, Inc.' who've threatened and taken lives since the dawn of creation or evolution, as you may believe, on their ceaseless quest for conquest and dominion. It really is that simple.

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I’m listening to a “Stayed Tuned with Preet” podcast episode that you may like. He is talking with the author of “Poverty, by America”, Matthew Desmond.

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We need to enable workplace democracy, which is the main part of this, through a number of systems. I have suggested copying the German idea of co-determination. The Allies actually imposed this on Germany after WWII to mitigate the corporate forces of fascism that had given rise to the NDSAP.

We also need to make worker owned cooperative the default rather than the exception for small business and startups. Current U.S. tax code strongly favors LLCs and makes a mess for coops. That should change. We also need coop focused financing rather than extractive capital investing.

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Doug, I like your suggestions. It would be great if we could get them started, perhaps offer incentives to put some of that in place and show people how it can work for the benefit of far more than just the CEOs and owners.

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Marc, I don't think we have ever really had true capitalism going here. There were always other forces that interfered and now, regular government bailouts, cushions for banks and borrowers and other entities we value, bankruptcies that are designed to protect the very rich, and so on. That is only partially a complaint. It seems to me that if we can call what is going on now capitalism, we could make significant changes for the common good that those who need a title could still call capitalism. People somehow associate capitalism with freedom. It seems it is only freedom for those who make a whole lot of money doing whatever it is they are doing and getting people to pay for. It is certainly not freedom for working-class people caught in the payday lender web or the terrible medical coverage trap and the rest. One way we could begin the change is honest taxation on the very rich, the lucky rich. They can't claim they have worked harder than the woman who cleans their office, but they sure do make a whole lot more and keep her wages as low as possible. We could do and demand better. How do we get that move to serving the common good going? Maybe it's tax reform that would get things moving.

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Here, here, YES!

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That is true capitalism. You might, and I suggest this kindly, be confusing Capitalism with Distributism.

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What is the difference between political democracy and communism?

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Actually, there is a lot of difference. Communism emphasizes central control of the economy and gives no incentives for creativity or economic incentives for small entrepreneurial start-ups. It also lacks any allowance or encouragement for spiritual development or expression.

Economic Democracy emphasizes local control over local economic enterprises and utilizes cooperatively owned businesses and industries as the primary model. Governance comes from the ground up rather than the top down. No wealth accumulation is permitted until the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education are available to all. Locally produced products stay in the local area as much as possible so as to provide the greatest purchasing power for all.

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Oct 13, 2023
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Marlo, and I suspect they would not particularly like the hate-filled nation they are trying to create. With all those other groups maligned and dismissed, the haters will have to come after someone else. Maybe it will be fat people or short people or red-haired folks. Unless most of the people demand the hate stop, it won't and will expand. We have seen it throughout history, yet, they seem to think that same destruction from hatred won't happen here. Check out Israel/Palestine right now. Hamas hates pretty much anyone they are told to hate. Israel hates everyone who is not them, the Jewish them. Of course that is not everyone feeling that way, but those in power do and it is the ordinary people who put them in power in both sectors. Trump and Kump are haters with nothing positive to offer anyone except those who thrive on resentment and hatred of people they think are not like them. If they stopped their hate for a few moments, they would see they have a lot in common with the neighbors they claim to hate. (OK, Trump can't stop his hate because it is all he has left.) We need leaders who can talk about the positives and point out people who are living the positives, those working for a better society that promotes a life where the common good reigns and everyone benefits. We will have to actively work to overcome racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homo/transphobia, and the rest, but we could do it. We would need the media to be on board and that is a challenge because their funds have traditionally come from pumping out the worst of society as though it is the majority of what is happening. Maybe our government could help finance more media sources that do promote the positive and encourage more positive participation. It could work despite the push by the discontented to disrupt what they don't understand or want to acknowledge.

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Hi Ruth ! Great comment..

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WHO are you and why are you impersonating me?? The REAL Marlo!

Everyone: DON’T click on that T-shirt link!!! I think I did and they have hacked into my account. What can I do? Who can investigate this?

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Oct 13, 2023
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I can’t imagine that Substack would allow for two people to use the same name. You can’t even do that on Freecycle! Or almost anything.

I believe I was here first. Perhaps you should add a letter for your last name to differentiate us so people don’t think I am making your comments that I don’t agree with.

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Oct 13, 2023
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He is best suited for a cage.

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How About a GAG ! , OVER his Mouth ! , and a COMPLETE Bandage Wrap ! , Over, his head, SO WE DON'T HAVE to see !! , him ANYMORE ??!! ( Thanks! , Cyrano )

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And cancel his internet access!

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Trump is the "poster boy" on their "standard" that they carry with them and raise high. He's the "Big Brother" of the rich that you describe and he allows/encourages the masses to NOT reach to be better, but to embrace their baser selves, which is intriguing to many.

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RIGHT ON, my Friend!

Unfettered capitalism keeps the ball rolling and...

"Reality" tv is "UN REAL" for the rest of us!!!

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Yes, effing reality TV helped the evil orange SHITler's rise to power.

I DESPISE and LOATHE it for that, and the producers of that POS show he 'starred' in!!

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Coming to a Congressional District near U!!!

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".... by throwing their weight behind a moderate House Republicans..." Bob, that's a tall order my old friend, and especially when it's necessary to add the other two qualities required of those mythical Republicans; they must have backbone and honor. I've seen 'no' evidence of those two qualifiers; I've seen frightened lambs, motivated more by job security fears than strength of spine and overarching 'honor'. I do like your wish, and feel that should be acted on by Jeffries and the elders.

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Marc: By lumping all the "ultra wealthy" into a single group you risk creating a monster of your own imagination, a dangerous, self-defeating line of thought.

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Oct 13, 2023
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Referring to the people of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, which is part of the Solomon Islands chain,

“White men (as we’re called here) are often referred to as giaman (= liars, fraudsters),” Dr. Grimalda wrote on X. Dr. Grimalda was recently fired for refusing to fly. He is a climate researcher.


It seems that white men have a bad reputation in most parts of the world.

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It seems that everything they touch turns to pure shit, and they love it that way.

A reverse 'Midas touch' if you will, although gold is nothing all that great either, most especially when it gaudily spells out the name of that putrid orange fuehrer on all of the buildings he is losing.

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Oct 13, 2023Edited
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And maybe celebrate the generous nature of the natives that helped the Europeans through the hard winter.

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I’m both a hard core liberal and a democrat and I doubt this will fly, but I want to throw this out anyway. What about Liz Cheney? I realize she isn’t a member or the house any longer, but technically she doesn’t have to be. Unlike the ROTUS (my acronym for former rump of the US) she knows the rules and procedures of the House and she’s never been indicted for a felony. Even I think this sounds naive, and her excellent work on the January 6 committee puts her at odds with many Republican members but she doesn’t have to run for reelection, so the MAGA crowd can’t use that against her. I realize it would take democrats to get behind her and I don’t agree with all her political positions but I have great respect for her integrity and moral compass. We could certainly do worse.

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Why can't the head of the minority party take the reins when the speaker from the majority party is absent? That way the country could continue to operate. If the president should develop the need to step aside, for what ever reason, the VP is there to take control. This move ensures the smooth continuation of all governmental operations. Why doesn't that consideration exist in the House?

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If only, in desperation my thoughts return to this again, & again. Or whether Executive privilege might allow forward movement.

Seeing the sh#$show that is the GOP, it amazes me that they still amass so much support & control the fate of democracy at home & abroad.

Thankful for the steady quidance of our current administration & minority speaker after many anxious days & sleepless nights.

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“Executive privilege” sounds good! Trump threw that around a lot (and still is). I don’t know if that’s “constitutional” as they have the 3 branches for checks & balances.

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Marlo, idk either. Suspect uconstitutional scholars are considering all angles given rise of terrorism & Fascism.

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Traci--keep drinking that coffee, sleep is still a ways off.

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Hopefully after 10/24!!

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If Trump happens to appear on the ballot, after his third loss in his effort to hood wink the American people he will no doubt claim the election was stolen, again.

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Undoubtedly, but WHEN the Dems have a majority in both houses, real legislation can be enacted to sure up our democracy. And with any luck he'll be ranting from behind bars.

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*guidance 🙈

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If that idea doesn't sit well with the flock have the speaker appoint a Vice-chair to take over in the event of his absence. What we have now is unacceptable.

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Terry--The world is watching us as we traverse our current dilemma. We need to show them we can adjust our system as we go alone in an effort to make improvements. To sit dead in the water is an image we can ill afford.

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Pootin, and all of the other autocratic DESPOTS of the world, are evilly rubbing their hands together and salivating over this shit show by these democracy loathing/destroying fascist scum.

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If we could convince 5 or 6 Republicans to vote for Nakeem Jeffries, that would be ideal. They might do it since the vote is secret. No threat.

Let’s call some and convince them. Our Democracy is at stake!

But WHO is counting the votes? I don’t trust those Republicans, particularly Jordan!

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Mario--Jordan isn't a Republican he's a mutation.

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It’s amazing that a wrestling coach can be in his position. He is an embarrassment to the House of Representatives. And the way he spoke to Garland was unconscionable. No sense of decorum, let alone intelligence.

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Let’s not forget Jordan allowed an abuser to continue violating athletes while he was the assistant wrestling coach---he’s not fit to lead and belongs in jail.

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Exactly. But there’s no time to waste. We need to get Hakeem Jeffries voted in as speaker. We only need 5 or 6 Republican votes.

We can call those in the districts Biden won. Please pass it on!

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Mario--You didn't mention him by name but Jordan fits the bill.

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I was replying to you. You were speaking about Jordan. 😉

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Donald Hodgins

Writes Donald’s Substack

1 min ago

Jordan would be as bad in that chair as voting in a dysfunctional child from Ohio.

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I've been hoping that myself. It's even possible to accomplish that without any Republican voting for that Democrat, if enough who are present abstain.

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Jaime--They have my vote. As it is the government is ineffectual.

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Because our 'genius', infallible, patriarchal, slave owning, 'founding fathers' were just incapable of thinking that far when setting up this government (see; Electoral 'College' LOFL). ;) :( :(

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David--One thing good about a new idea there is always room for improvement.

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Kevin McCarthy's taste in women has left the poor guy with a "Greene" thumb and its not from his love of gardening.

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Sioux--Someone expressed a thought that carries a good deal of merit. Find a handful of Republicans that would support the idea of electing Jefferies to the chair. An idea worth considering.

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I like this ! Whoever the Speaker becomes MUST be someone who demands that January 6th 2021 conduct be held accountable as the biggest criminal act ever attempted against American Democracy! January 6th 2021 is a day that will live on in infamy as the biggest domestic threat our country ever experienced ! ( At least to date) !

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The Jan 6th event is not over. Those such as Jim Jordan, MTG, Boebert, etc were involved in it and are still not held accountable. They are still in leadership positions. The enemies of democracy and our constitution are still causing troubles for this nation.

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They need charged as Co- conspirators on January 6th!

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That will only be a Democrat. Many of the Republicans were involved!

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Cheney wouldn't to it, and after watching her go down in defeat for being intelligent and thinking, no remaining Republican is going to risk the same thing.

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But even after losing her election she is still in there making sense and attempting to come up with solutions. I give her much credit for those things.

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Gina, Cheyney keeps standing for what is right because she has integrity, even if not all the right political positions on moving forward in this nation. She would be a good speaker, though. She takes no nonsense and does not suffer fools gladly.

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Good points, but she is one of the folks who enabled Trump in the first place. If you play footsie with the devil, you must eventually suffer the consequences.

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Dana, I suspect Cheyney got caught up in Trump's bombast as did so many back in his reality TV fantasy days. So many lies were flying, I suspect Republicans in general were having a lot of trouble keeping things straight. I do believe she has awakened, actually quite some time ago, to the Trump insanity and treason. In addition to other things, she is a loyal American who actually does care about this country unlike a whole lot of, maybe all of the Toddler Caucus in the House. I am trying to think of who Republicans have in their ranks that would be better. I have come up with no one. How sad!

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She certainly was impressive in her role in the Jan. 6 hearings. I still have hope that the general electorate will wipe out the current House majority. It won't take much.

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Cheney never got caught up in the Trump bombast.

She came into my state with a candidacy against incumbent Senator Enzi based principally on her name. It failed pretty rapidly and she waited until the House seat opened up, taking the primary only because two other local candidates split the vote. As Congressman she did a good job for the state, but she also was good at reading the local tea leaves and for much of the time she was in office that meant playing nice with the Oval Office verbally. In the end, she proved to have integrity and that took her down as the insane dog like loyalty to Trump could not be overcome in the election.

She nearly ran for Senate in the seat that Lumis ended up running for. She probably should have announced for that seat first, and she'd still be in Congress today.

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Something you said was terribly revealing about 'shysters' and other liars- it is always difficult as you say to keep what they say straight because they themselves often can not remember their lies and keep them straight. Makes them easier to spot so keep your ears open and your comments in the air around them.

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Right now, to be Speaker, suffering fools is an occupational necessity.

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So do I, which is why I am certain that she wouldn't toss her name in the ring just to become an ineffective whipping boy as the House GOP disintegrates.

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Yeoman, Cheyney went down because she stood against Trump, weasel that he is. She would be beholden to no one this time around and perhaps a few Republicans and all the Democrats could stand with her. It would be good, though if she took an oath that she would not shut down the government. That would help too. I hope she will consider it, and that there are at least 5 or 6 Republicans that have some integrity left.

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She's not going to consider it. It's completely unrealistic. She'd be the ongoing object of hatred for the House Republicans, and it would be a career ender for any Republican that voted for her.

Besides that, she has her eyes on other things. My guess is that she's aiming for a VP slot with Christie.

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Yeoman, are you kidding, Cheyney would think running as VP with Christie would be a good career move. Christie is a jerk who goes in whatever direction the political wind blows. His loud mouth gets him a lot but there is nothing of real value behind his loud mouth. He would even let his employees suffer for his wishes and deeds as he did with the bridge gate in NJ. Why would a woman with integrity want to involve herself with that? At least being Speaker would give her access to opportunities, or rather more opportunities for political commentary and she would help her country. That's a lot for one life no matter how much her Republican colleagues claim they hate her. They are into destruction, not governing. I think she wants better. Hanging with Christie would get her little or nothing. Ugh! The decisions people make!

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I think you are on to something Ruth. And I do think that her integrity would make her a good choice for the third in line for the presidency especially because no matter who wins the odds are that it is possilbe that the seat may need to be filled during that next term.

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5 or 6 is about right. Maybe.

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BIG 'maybe' there. :( :(

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Cheney is far more principled than the idiot “brain trust” ( should tell you about the intelligence of Republicans) Paul Ryan, and less tolerant than John Baynor. Neither could handle the party in their day, and all they had to deal with were the rabid and even dumber Tea Baggers.

Now we have full on QAnon Empty Gee Jordan Gaetz Gosar and my personal favorite Louie Gohmert.

I don’t imagine this lot governable at all. She would find her Wyoming pistols and take them all out, if possible. Do us all a favor.

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I find it amazing that the party has managed to install so many losers in top positions over the last decade or two. I hope they get their act together soon.

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Oct 13, 2023
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She won't run, but you don't actually have to be a member of Congress to be Speaker of the House.

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“On August 16, 2022, Cheney lost renomination in Wyoming's Republican primary to Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman in a landslide, garnering just 28.9% of the vote. Cheney has said that she intends to be "the leader, one of the leaders, in a fight to help to restore" the Republican Party, and that she may be interested in a presidential run.” ~ Wikipedia

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I really like this idea!

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Sioux, I agree that Liz Cheyney would be a good choice. I really liked the way she co-led the January 6th Committee sessions. I too don't like all her positions, but she has demonstrated strong leadership ability. She would also be good because she does not owe anyone anything as so many in the House do. Good suggestion!!

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Wouldn't be at all conducive to coalition building. Too many Repubs hate her and view her as the enemy.

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Rich, most of the Republicans see everyone as the enemy, that is part of the MO of the Republican Party these days. There would only need to be a small number, say 6 who would support her and all the Democrats. That would work. Maybe it could shut the Toddler Caucus up for a while. They have absolutely nothing to offer anyone!

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So when it comes time to vote, can Jeffries be in the running so the representatives can vote for him?

And if it’s “secretive”, I.e. anonymous, how do we know if the count is valid?

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Rich pliskin: too many Repubs hate anything Democratic.

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They also hate anything democratic.

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Beat me to it! ;)

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Liz Cheney did one thing right. That does not excuse everything else she believes

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I think, if she were in the House, I would agree with you, but the idea of going outside the House for a Speaker is non-sensical whether it is promoted by the Republicans or the Democrats. In order to be Speaker long enough to matter, one has to be able to make behind the scenes deals and compromises to get things done. A Speaker from outside the House has no sway on those within for those deals, except for those unscrupulous ne’er de wells like tRump and the real bankers behind the Representatives like the Kochs.

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I too was thinking Liz Chaney would be an excellent speaker! Glad I am not the only one.

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There's another lengthy post on this already, but Cheney is not somebody the Republicans dare vote for, and she's not going to accept the job either. She's moved on and is aiming for higher things.

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Or Adam Kinzinger, the other House Republican who spoke the truth about Jan. 6 and got kicked out of office for it?

I don’t know any of his political positions, or much about Cheney’s. They might be too conservative to get most of all of the necessary Democratic votes.

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Sioux Fleming, Liz Cheney is brilliant and has more scruples than most of the GOP, but that is a low bar to clear. We cannot forget that she is an unwavering archconservative. She voted with tfg's administration 93% of the time. Her Wikipedia entry is too long to cut and paste here, but worth reading to learn about her specific positions on immigration, gun control, women's access to reproductive health care, among others. There is no way I could support LC and I believe the goals she would work toward would ultimately be negative for our country.

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She is a Patriot. She would be (was in Jan 6 committee) a good leader. However, MAGAS (and even McCarthy went along to keep is job, haha) threw her out, so no votes from them. Her policies are very conservative so I'm not sure about votes from Dems either. But its a good idea to try!

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I would think she's radioactive for almost all Republican House members. She has crossed the tribe.

Rep Lawlor is suggesting they might have to grant extended powers to the temp speaker Henry. No way Repubs are going to put a Dem in as Speaker. I'm sure all possibilities are being explored. Dems may have to support a Repub. That's preferable as long as it's not Jordan.

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But don’t they have to vote? And if Jeffries wins he is the new Speaker of the House! We need to call the Republican Representatives in the districts Joe Biden won and convince them to save our Democracy. This is the turning point!

How destructive it would be to have Jordan as Speaker!!

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There were 14 Republican-held U.S. House districts up for election in 2022 that Joe Biden (D) won in the 2020 presidential election. Incumbents sought re-election

in 10 of those districts.

(I can’t find the phone numbers for some)

David Schweikert

Arizona (202) 225-2190

David Valadao California (202) 225-4695

Mike Garcia

California (202) 225-1956

Young Kim

California 202) 225-4111

Michelle Steele

California (202) 225-2415

Peter Meijer


Don Bacon

Nebraska. 202) 225-4155

Yvette Herrell

New Mexico.

Steve Chabot


Brian Fitzpatrick


Or consider having Ken Buck as Speaker who believes Biden won the election.

(202) 225-4676

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love your anagram. also like FROTUS for same. Sounds fruity somehow

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As nearly always, Prof. Reich, your phrases, recommendations, ideas, entire paragraphs, etc., are highly inspiring. Enjoy your well-deserved rest and keep going next week. As the saying goes: "Don't let the bastards (i.e., Trump, Jordan and their ilk) get you down."

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Actually don't let your deal go down......

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A decent bluegrass song.

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Yep. Watch each card you play.

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Well said!

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Jim Jordan should already have been arrested.

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Yes, but meanwhile, a moderate Republican like Fitzpatrick might be able to get the Democrats to support him for Speaker if he agreed to eliminate the Hastert Rule. The Hastert Rule says that the Speaker will not schedule a floor vote on any bill that does not have majority support within their party—even if the majority of the members of the House would vote to pass it. Eliminating this poison pill rule would allow the Democrats to pass some of their legislation that has bipartisan majority support in the House!

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I think moderate Republicans is an oxymoron.

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Robert, what is wrong with Merrick Garland rounding up all of the GOP followers of the attempted coup? He has wasted two and a half years so far, it is responsible for the GOP winning the house and keeping the supreme Court while Biden looked the other way. He's got about a month to arrest and prosecute about 300 of them or at least arrest them. The statute of limitations is not up for another two and a half years roughly. Why are the Democrats letting Biden and Garland do this? If he put his agents to work 24/7, he could charge at least 10 of them and put them out of commission, by just upholding the Constitution obviously Garland doesn't like the Constitution either!

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Nah, the Supreme Court let the gerrymandered districts stand for the last election postponing the court challenges till after the election. Why when they could have used the same maps from the previous election till the questions about the egregious gerrymandering were settled? You are blaming DOJ and the executive branch when in fact the Supreme Court has its majority slant towards oligarchy leaning on the scales of justice. That’s how Congress landed in the mess it is now in. Thank the Supreme Court’s love of oligarchy.

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This would be an excellent time to round up those traitors. Or just expel them as the Constitution requires.

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Jaime Ramirez ; I have been thinking that since Jan 6. Pull up the prison bus and load them in; just like in Brazil.

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Oct 13, 2023
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Civil war. Those idiots shot their wad Jan 6, 2021. MAGATS comprise at most 25% of the general population.

The closest we came to civil war was 1968. Our cities burned.

Bob Johnson is right. Garland is a wuss. Many cases are brought as an object lesson to deter similar conduct. Lengthy senences to Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, etc. hit potential rabble rousers hard. Make Gym Jordan the object lesson to MAGATs.

If Garland won't, the states of NY and GA should indict him for obstrution of justice under state law.

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Merrick Garland always looks like a frightened old man anytime his image appears. Because he is. He's a do-nothing. Get rid of him and get a real AG. People called Shrub 41 a wimp. This AG out-wimps everyone. These seditious clowns must be charged with sedition and jailed. There are so many of them, it would give the Democrats a super-majority in the House.

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I am big on object lessons. Make Gym Jordan the example and warning to insurrectionists.

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Yes. Do OH a great favor! 👍

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You can add that little POS abject fascist from the MAGAt brown shirt peckerwood area of my former state, Scott Perry to that short list as well! ;)

(OF COURSE he is supporting GymRAPE Jordan 1000% as well.)

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I think a televised phantasmagoria of mud wrestling with Gym Jordan vs Matt Gaetz and MTG vs Lauren Blowbert would do better than their feigned attempts to govern. And get much better viewership on CSPAN.

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Yes, he is way, WAY too 'nebbishe' for THAT job!! :( :(

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Oct 13, 2023
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Hence, the concern for 'civil' war. It would be Truly Great to get 'em all. They ARE disqualified just by voting against certifying President Biden's win. The ones who previously swore an oath to support the Constitution, anyway.

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Their 'sworn oaths' are totally meaningless, unless it is the blood oath they all swore to their putrid orange POS fuehrer. :( :(

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I think they should all be in prison including Trump civil war or not. We cannot govern by fear. Do we believe in the law for some, but not for all??? Right is right and wrong is wrong. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan should be impeached as well for their crimes.

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Oct 13, 2023
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I hold out hope, that Smith's investigation has unearthed incontrovertible evidence that will hold them accountable & oust them from "service."

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William : Just keep 'em off the ballot!

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THAT 'slowly but surely' is THE exact problem, given how effing WAY TOO LATE ol' Merrick waited to even START these indictments in the first place!!

We do NOT have boundless amounts of time with which to save (what little is left of) this democracy! :( :(

With appeals and all, and not even including SCUMp's complicit, installed 'justice' in FloriDUH, the SHITler might actually stand trial in what, the effing MIDDLE of his next term?!?!?

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Substitute 'REGIME FOR LIFE' for 'term' above. ;) :( :( :(

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William ;"I agree. But acting to "round them all up" would not end well" They all would have had to be rounded up to be in prison as of 1Feb 2022.

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Oct 13, 2023Edited
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Love the second one. He deserves humiliation and misery for the rest of his life.

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Thank you Robert Reich for finally getting on board with what we at www.FeathersOfHope.net have been advocating since January.

However, circumstances are now far different than they were then. The idea of haveing just a few Republicans join all Democrats will only lead to more anger and retribution. In order to be successful a bipartisan coalition must be truly bipartisan, consisting of something more like a hundred + R's and a similar number of D's.

Last night, when asked about who should be elected Speaker, Leader Jeffries said this:

"No, this shouldn't be about any one particular individual's aspirations to lead either House Democrats or House Republicans. This is about what is good for the American people. . .

We've got to find a way to come together, restructure the House in a bipartisan way, designed to allow for common sense things to come to the floor, receive an up or down vote . . .

But first we need Republicans to agree on the principle."

In other words, the priority here is to protect and defend the integrity of the House of Representatives against MAGA extremists who've repeatedly demonstrated that they have no interest in governing. As former Speaker McCarthy observed, they "want to burn the whole place down."

Hakeem Jeffries is bringing out the hoses and raising the ladders. Putting out the fire is every bit as important as identifying a consensus Speaker.

(Learn more here: https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/putting-out-the-fire)


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"But first we need Republicans to agree on the principle."

Name any besides Buck of Colorado who admit that Biden was elected fairly.

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Daniel, I believe your skepticism is rightly framed. Accordingly, I had posted a more modest proposal, in part, borrowing from an earlier version of Jerry’s thinking.

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I could easily do that, Daniel. But you could just as easily look it up yourself.

One problem we face is that too many progressive liberals reflect the Republican pattern of demonizing any allies whose viewpoint varies even slightly from their own. That leads to over-generalizations and outright falsehoods in an attempt to claim moral superiority over the opposition party.


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If there are 5 with that in common, should be key.

I'll bet I've settled more hotlly contested cases than anyone else ( probably combined) commenting here. Get the BATNA and the WATNA and it can be resolved.

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Daniel, help me out here. BATNA and WATNA?

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I was a "settlement judge" for 20 years in DC and board certified mediator in Florida before and after that. I am a big believer in "transactional analysis." My last name gives me biblical precedent, so if I get the BATNA and WATNA from both sides and divide by four, that's the answer about 85% of the time.

BATNA stands for "Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement," and WATNA stands for "Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement."

Transactional analysis is a psychoanalytic theory and method of therapy wherein social interactions (or “transactions”) are analyzed to determine the ego state of the communicator (whether parent-like, childlike, or adult-like) as a basis for understanding behavior.


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promoting outright, abject fascism, even evil NAZISM is NOT a 'mere slight variation of viewpoint' from my own.

It IS an effing EXISTENTIAL THREAT to my (and MANY 'others') actual LIVES!

Find me 100+ Congresscritterz with an R next to their name, brave and 'self-sacrificing' enough (as concerns their 'careers of power' going forward) to SWEAR OFF against that, and I will agree with you that it is possible. ;)

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I think you missed my point, David. I was responding to Daniel's challenge to "Name any besides Buck of Colorado who admit that Biden was elected fairly."

This was an over-generalization which implied an outright falsehood. Though we are presumably both progressive liberals, his viewpoint varies from my own. My suggestion is that, unlike Republicans, we should be more open to different opinions among our allies. Anyone could easily look up how many Republicans "admit that Biden was elected fairly." There are many. Factual data leads to productive conversations.

In no way was I suggesting that our (or your) viewpoints vary only slightly from Republicans. That would be madness.


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Thank you for clarifying that.

But (I am taking for granted) you being a fellow 'member of the tribe' (or at least I being identified/deemed that due to being raised in it and Bar Mitzvah-ed) I am certain that YOU can understand WHERE I am coming from. ;)

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Eliminating the Hastert Rule would accomplish some of what Jeffries is asking for. Need some moderate Republicans to propose this to the Democrats.

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Yes, even if it means being primaried and booted out of the party like Cheney and Kinzinger. This is a fantasy, but if Liz Cheney could be Speaker it could be the beginning of a new political party to displace the failed Republican Party. We do need more than one party for democracy to thrive.

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I guess I am getting old, but I remember when the two major parties communicated; the Republicans represented the business viewpoint and the Democrats represented the working class viewpoint; together they came to a compromise that just helped America.

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The creeping batshit insanity of abject, 4th REICH style fascism has finally overrun the GQP, and totally infected their 'body politic', as well as their voting electorate. :(

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“Always Stay Humble And Kind”. Words to live by.

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Hard when you're perfect in every way....

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If you are perfect, then you are already humble and kind!

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Just know your limits ?

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The only perfect human is perfectly dead.

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Agree, but according to the Bible, Jesus was "sinless", thus perfect?

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Tim Baldwin ; The Bible was written by imperfect humans and subject to human error. Also: how could Jesus be God and human at the same time? God would tRump human and therefore dominate, in static perfection.; even when tRumping ; which should be a sin; but it wouldn't because God is doing it. "When God does it, it isn't a sin! "Richard Milhous Nixon. But I digress.....Nixon was not God.

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Ah, your conundrum, I see!

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Is that like bongos?

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Play those 'pans'!

it IS hard to be; down, angry, livid, or any other negatives when you hear that sound! ;) :)

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Robert, I saw you speak at the Washington Monument before we marched to protest W’s invasion of Iraq. Your voice gives oxygen to brighten the fires of Democracy we have received from the Founders of our way of life. God bless you. Fr. Jacob Kulp

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Jim Jordan is not qualified to be a member of the House according to the 14th amendment. Folks ought to file suit to have him removed.

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Israel now has an emergency unity government. That’s something you cannot imagine happening in the US with the current TrumpCult Republicans. They would rather burn everything to the ground.

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Kerry Truchero ; Excellent reason to disqualify them , because "They would rather burn everything to the ground". Plus, they voted against certification of Biden's win ; Which was going against the peaceful transfer of power and the Constitution ( for those who had previously taken the oath of office to uphold the Constitution.) they are 'disabled" according to retired Judge Michael Luttig, a conservative's conservative.

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They are doing "a heckuva job" of it, too. Where's the effing cavalry?

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Their Reichstag Fire, and not even as a 'false flag' op. :(

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Yes the House of Representatives must return to tolerance and compromise if it is ever to br an effective government body again!

Bipartisanship needs to be restored.

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Professor Reich: i like the idea of a coalition government. i also would -- grudgingly -- support fitzpatrick as the house speaker. (fitzpatrick appears to be a spineless toady to me, especially from his words issued immediately after the attempted coup, but that's just me.)

i'm wondering what ever happened to the campaign to vote in Schwarzenegger as house speaker?

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Yes, see my post below about Lyin' Brian Fitzpatrick., my former PA-01 'rep'.

We would have to hold our collective noses pretty hard, but given how effing LOW the bar is right now, there ARE worse choices in that NAZI clown car House currently. ;)

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Never heard about that campaign, but it sounds intriguing. Does the Speaker not have to be a native born US citizen?

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yes, that might be the issue. i don't see any requirements that the speaker be native born US citizen, but since the speaker is third in line for the presidency, i'd guess this is the case


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There is only one way out of the fiasco that is so apparent in the Republican conference’s speakership choice. That is to accept that the conference is ungovernable. That is because the Republican party is actually three parties in an unstable coalition with very differing priorities and agendas. The analogy is the political scene in Italian that has a merry-go-round of shifting alliances that form rapidly morphing serial governments.

So, what are the three factions (parties)?

First up is the chaos caucus that is just out for click bites, believes the conspiracy theories, and just wants to burn it all down.

Second, the largest group and by far the most dangerous, are those supported by the morbidly rich billionaires who brought us Project REDMAP and the gerrymandering efforts in the States, the Federalist Society stacking the courts with Conservative judges, and now the Project 2025 manifesto to remove government regulation of business and to destroy the Executive branch by decimating the Civil service and putting in a layer of political hacks as overseers to insure political “alignment” with a President’s views. This last bit is popping up as the “unitary executive” theory. This is no secret conspiracy—it is all there in 900 black and white pages in Project 2025, available for free on the internet. The goal is to continue to increase the concentration of wealth in this country, which is most easily done in an authoritarian regime. The anti-immigration, anti-abortion, anti-welfare, pro-gun-rights policies are there to generate grievance issues in the electorate to secure majorities and obscure the real purpose of making the morbidly rich richer.

Third are the recently silent “moderates” who remember a time when people realized that in a two-party system, there has to be bipartisanship to get anything done. They are the old “small business” Republicans.

This is not the first time parties in America have fractured and morphed in America. The most recent example may be the split and migration of segregationist southern Democrats to the Republican Party during the 1960s and 1970s. But this is the first time since the Civil War that the threat to our democracy has risen to this level.

So what to do now? Democrats have to start pointing out WHY the Republican conference is dysfunctional. They have to name names in each of the factions and point out what the factions’ agendas are. And they have to make clear that we are now operating in an essentially 4-party system. Democrats have to be explicit in their invitation to seek a coalition with the “small business” group where there is the most overlap on the issues. After all, those “small business” supporters are being destroyed by huge monopolies like Amazon. Being explicit is necessary to explain to Democratic voters what is at stake and why a coalition is necessary, and it provides cover for the “small business” party to combat the “traitor” label that they will be smeared with by parties 1 and 2.

Why do I think this has a chance of working? Only 99 Republicans initially supported Jim Jordan, Trump’s choice for speaker. The cracks are starting to appear and this is the time to leverage them wider. Hakeem Jeffries just stared to widen that crack!!!



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Name one "moderate" besides Buck.

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The "moderates" was purposefully in quotes because it refers to the ones who are potentially the most vulnerable in 2024. So it would be purely in their self-interest to support Jeffries even if it was only by voting in every speaker election round for someone who could not win like Liz Cheney, but where they could wear the fig leaf of still being Republican.

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We need NAMES so we can contact those who are horrified at the prospect of Jordan being Speaker. If we pressure them to vote for Hakeem Jeffries who is level headed, intelligent, reasonable and willing to work with the Republicans, he could very well win.

But we need names and people willing to commit to emailing & calling them. We would have to write up the talking points and be polite.

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There were 14 Republican-held U.S. House districts up for election in 2022 that Joe Biden (D) won in the 2020 presidential election. Incumbents sought re-election

in 10 of those districts.

(I can’t find the phone numbers for some)

David Schweikert

Arizona (202) 225-2190

David Valadao California (202) 225-4695

Mike Garcia

California (202) 225-1956

Young Kim

California 202) 225-4111

Michelle Steele

California (202) 225-2415

Peter Meijer


Don Bacon

Nebraska. 202) 225-4155

Yvette Herrell

New Mexico.

Steve Chabot


Brian Fitzpatrick


Or consider having Ken Buck as Speaker who believes Biden won the election.

(202) 225-4676

I called all but the top one. Will call at 8pm

Be sure to wait for the recording to end. When it instructs you to, press “2” for urgent.

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This is what I said, if you would like to call:

Hakeem Jeffries is a way out of Trump’s hold on our Democracy. He is calm, intelligent, reasonable & has our country and Democracy best interest at heart.

Jim Jordan would give the House to Trump. He will shutdown our government because that’s what Trump wants. It would cause millions to go without a paycheck. Our credit rating will be reduced again. We will look weak to the world at a crucial time we need to be strong. It would be devastating for our country!

Hakeem Jeffries is respected and is willing to work with the Republicans.

Jordan is involved in a sex scandal which could call him to court any minute. And the way he spoke to Garland was unconscionable! No sense of decorum, let alone intelligence. He just screams at people. Jordan is an EMBARRASSMENT to the House of Representatives and just creates turmoil.

Liz Cheney felt certain Jordan was involved in the January 6 insurrection. And was awarded the medal of freedom 5 days after without any explanation.

Jordan later refused to cooperate with the House January 6 committee, despite being served with a subpoena.

Our country needs you to vote for our country, NOT for Trump! This is a turning point in history.

Representative Jeffries has the votes to be Speaker if he can just get 6 Republican votes.

Voting is anonymous; so no worries.

For the sake of the country, the sake of our Democracy and our constitution, won’t you please commit to a vote for Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker of the House?

Thank you for your service.

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Very thought provoking. I'm going to copy this and read it again later. Thank you.

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I don’t understand what Hakeem Jeffries has to do with this link, Georgia.

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Thank You for the expose' of Jim Jordan for those who do not know what an insurrectionist he is; not to mention no backbone or having tacitly approved sexual harassment of his team members when was a HS coach. I state these things along with you in case anyone reading your newsletter didn’t know about him. I saw all the Jan6 Hearings and read the entire report. It has Jim Jordan all over it! He refused to respond to their subpoena; then chairs the House Judiciary Committee. I mean-WTF!? This guy is right out of "The Third Reich’s Qualifications Manual" (I made up that name.) I didn’t know about the Problem Solvers Caucus. My Florida’s delegation members are Darren Soto and Stephanie Murphy. These are among the best for Florida, at least. Gives me assurance about the committee. Cjeck it out.

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All politics is local.

Stephanie Murphy, Dặng Thị Ngọc Dung, didn't seek re-election and is not your representative.

Where I live, three House members, Maro Diaz Balart,Maria Salazar and Carlos Giminiez, are Cuban American Batistiano Republicans who represent Democratic majority districts. All take thier marching orders from Trump, especially Giminez, whose son was in the Trump inner circle although he formerly was a Democrat. If Diaz Balart's name is familiar, his brother Jose is a talking head on MSNBC. His brother Lincoln was the political boss of Florida. The law school at Florida International University, now ranked as the 7th best public university in the US, is the Diaz Balart School of Law.

I don't have the gravitas to influence these folks, and neither do any Democrats, but the Bush family does. We need to appeal to them. Most of the leaders of the Lincoln Project, many of the talking heads on MSNBC were part of the GWB administration. Nicolle Wallace was his assistant.

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Yeah, my information was on the 117th Congress, sorry. Murphy’a name was not sure of; not in her district. I cant figure out Carlos. He was a stickler for following rules I thought. Trump doesn’t know what rules are.

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There's also a Climate Solutions Caucus which contains an equal number of Republicans as Democrats. At 1 point it numbered over 100 (not sure about now -- Republicans who aren't climate deniers keep losing elections). I think the Speaker should be a member of that group as well.

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There is hope if a Republican is a climate solutions member and rejects the "big lie."

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Turns out that Maria Salazar now says she's open to joint power as is Don Bacon R. NE. Only takes 2 more.

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A coalition would actually be a healthy change from the rank partisanship we have seen since the 1990s. It is only a first step towards making the House more of a functioning parliamentary body instead of a multi-ring circus.

Rather than always defaulting to the Coastal elites for a person to fill the role, I suggest looking at Ken Buck from Colorado. He's had the courage to stand up to MAGA and has enough security in his seat to withstand a Trumpian primary.

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Doug, Ken Buck in a leadership position scares me. I’m in his district for the second time. Escaped for a while when we moved in 2021, but then a new district was formed and the redrawn lines put us back in. While I have been pleasantly surprised by some of his reality-based statements recently, he is still in the so-called “Freedom Caucus,” and still believes (or at least says) that our current problems are because of out of control Democrat (sic) spending. And I don’t think he’s ever used the word “regulations” without prefacing it with “burdensome.”

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In person he is reasonable. He was just here in the community with Merrick Garland. I am not a fan of his politics but also want to see somehow a move away from Costal Elites controlling everything.

We had hoped to be in CD 6 with Jason Crow but the redistricting needed our few homes to balance out the Eastern Plains.

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Doug, he may appear reasonable, but we know how much we can trust appearances. (What’s that old line/joke “integrity is crucial. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made.”) I just read the Wikipedia page on him and learned a bunch more reasons to not want him in power. His history is truly scary to me. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Buck>

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I like the idea of the return of Liz Cheney to the House without the threat of being primaried or fired by the MAGAs. She has the ability and experience to wield power and the dedication to principles we like to see in that august office. The Dems respect her and I think they could make it work for the good of the country. Perhaps “moderate” Republicans could vote for her without gagging.

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