And while he’s dissing our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, their firefighters are helping save American lives!

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As any DEMOCRATIC Californian knew they would. I have know so many Mexicans well and am sick about the things Trump has said.

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Well, we individuals and groups can thank them and let it be known that we appreciate them. Regardless of the rude and racist one.

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Jan 13Edited
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It DID? Well, glory be!

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Shame on tRump! Thank you to the Mexican firefighters and all the firefighters who have gone down to help get the fires under control.

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Kate, Trump is probably the least capable person to ever be in the White House and there have been some pretty poor examples. Trump has only contempt for anyone he can use as he used the people who worked for him, minority folks he paid the bare minimum or like his contractors, cheated, driving some into bankruptcy. He only courts Musk because he has a lot of money that Trump thinks he can get some of. When he learns that Musk is as greedy and acquisitive as he is, there may be a parting of ways, or hopefully something more, like Musk being removed from government contracts.

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We can only wish. Now I see that Bezos is about to launch some missile. Talk about Prime.

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totally agree!!!!!

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I just wrote a post here about the National Day Laborer Organizing Network and the day laborers who are already working to mitigate the current fires and providing systems & labor for relief activities. It's time we thank them. So glad you mentioned some of them. trump and his MAGAs know nothing about respect, graciousness, or being a good human. I'm ignoring his and his minions' toxic remarks. They'll say what they say. Their snarky comments show themselves continually as the uninformed weaklings they are.

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We have neighbors from all over the world. Everywhere. The Mexican family on the corner keep an eye out for us. Help us with things. The Iranian families bring us food. We love hearing about the different places in the world from our neighbors. We have 2 LGBTQ families who keep an eye out for us. We have a black family next door. They are wonderful. Anyhow the point I'm trying to make is to embrace others who live here from other countries. We do have 2 families that moved back to their country of origin. As immigrants they were afraid Trump would come after them since he promised to deport naturalized citizens and they were vocal against him.

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Thank you, Canadian and Mexico firefighters! We appreciate you!

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I live in Seattle WA and have heard that WA firefighters have volunteered to go help in CA. Hope this is true ! All the help that can be provided in the L.A. area will be most appreciated in CA, I'm sure ~

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Some firefighters from Montana are helping.

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Janet, the list of places firefighters are coming from is long which is just another way to prove that we are one nation - from many, one. It is too bad so many scared white people have forgotten that in their desperate need to pretend they are better than everyone else because they are white or christian or whatever other criteria they decide to use to judge people. We are all at risk from global warming/climate change even if we don't all know it and it is time We the People stick together, drop the false beliefs of superiority and inferiority, and stand together to stop global warming/climate change and curb the actions of the rich oligarchs who believe their money will keep them from feeling the pain of the natural disasters they we are now experiencing. We are one and we are all at risk!

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Ruth, I agree with everything you say. we are one people when all is said and done. We care deeply for our neighbors as is proven time and again when we reach out to one another, especially in horrific times of need as is happening now in CA. The out pouring of support and services to those who have lost everything demonstrates our compassion as a nation. No matter what your political affiliation, let's remember we the people can surmount all obstacles as long as we work together toward the common good our founding fathers so believed in.

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Michelle, you are so right about living the common good our founders had hoped to instill. It is so distressing whenever there is a tragedy as with this horrific fire or the hurricanes this past year, the media act like people helping each other is so rare and cover it each time as though it's a wone-off. That does not serve to promote the common good, just how wonderful that particular community is. I think it would make bigger news if they covered the places where community does not come through. Oh wait, they wouldn't have anything to cover because it is really rare for communities not to come through for their neighbors, even people coming from outside that community and often, for free. I think the cheating, lying, gaslighting, and con artistry of Trump and his playground fans have jaded us so we think everyone is out to get us or at least take what we have. It is only Toddler-Trump and his oligarchical playmates that want to take what the American people have because, I guess, the billions they already have just are not enough to sooth their toddler brains.

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They have. They have from Idaho where we live, also. Many will follow, east and west.

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I'm in the Seattle area too and yes! Firefighters from our area are there now!!

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thank God!!! more woke firefighters!

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California needs all the help it can get now. Woke or not, who cares!

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What a bizarre reaction!

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You must be a useless old man with nothing better to do than to saturate yourself with trumpisms . What will you do if your home is ever on fire? Insult the firemen and women as they pour water on your house? ...uh...I'm guessing not.

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And Oregon- According to the Oregon State Fire Marshal, they have now sent 21 strike teams, 75 fire engines, 370 firefighters and 30 water tenders.

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My brother lives in Lake Stevens, he told me firefighters from the area volunteered to go right away.

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These are generally skilled firefighters off season who call in to their local dispatch office, USFS or BLM and request to be put back on the “available list” as most wildland firefighters work seasonally having winters off.

I do not know about VFDs, it depends on if there are enough VFD firemen/women to go volunteer.

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It’s true and we thank you!

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It definitely is appreciated!

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Trump is the lowest of the low, that we all know and his indifference and lack empathy, says right there, with all crap that comes out his mouth daily, this man/child, is a complete sociopath and will soon be back as President and only one party, the democratic party, that are not fascists, then were all in trouble, 👉fires blazing in California, can you imagine, I can just see where Trump says no, I will not help you California with disaster aid, in other words, California, in his sick mind, "you did not vote for me," so, I do not care about you, if you lose your homes, if lives of people or their pets are lost and may I add, the wildlife that lives in surrounding areas.

Republicans, like Senator John Brasso of Wyoming, who has publicly said, if we decide to help California and give or allow disaster aid, it will come with😨👉"strings attached?" and like him and others of his Maga party, Trump very well could try and hold California hostage and make demands, or extortion, like a true mafia boss, and one thing is for sure, Republicans never had mentioned anything prior about with strings attached to any disaster aid and in fact, 👉since when would they ever deny disaster or FEMA aid to a red or republican led State, answer-Never! but I say, were all Americans, here and in it together, but Trump and his minions or party, 👉seek to punish what they call blue cities in blue States, just how evil can one get, so you see, no low, is too low for Trump and his rotten to the core party

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When Project 2025 eliminates FEMA!!!!


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wow! Trump is responsible for wildlife losses, pet losses, and human losses, as well as all sorts of monetary losses, and you already know he will not help. And these people were his worst, most ridiculing opponents! Do you reap as you sow? read the Bible recently? Ever? This may be the dumbest, most biased post I have ever encountered in my life!! Congrats!! You clearly are an expert on the lowest of the low!!!

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No, your comment is one of the dumbest ever posted. Do you ever actually COMPREHEND THE DISGUSTING GARBAGE COMING OUT OF TRUMP'S ANUS SHAPED MOUTH?! Obviously, NOT. He has already previously refused to help ANY blue state community with disaster funding during his first term. We already know what psychopathic trump will do. He is evil, exploiting a terrible disaster and blatantly lying about the causes and demonizing our CA officials. Maybe you should start reading what Jesus said and did, since you're so into that bible crap.

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Hi there, I will put it too you this way, Jimmy Carter he was a man that spoke of all things humanity and Trump? well apparently to you, he is a man of virtue, decency, compassion or empathy, - newsflash, Trump is the exact opposite and you know it and your lashing out at me and others here, find another place to paste your phony B.S, good place for you is- X but ah, then you would find far less democrats or liberally minded from which to cast your arrows

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Surprising that you should reference the Bible yet bear false witness by misrepresenting that Mr Christopher blamed Trump for all the losses. Your only hit was that he predicts that Trump will withhold federal aid from California which on past history is fair comment.

And when it comes to “dumb, biased posts” I suggest you remove the log from your own eye before getting out the magnifying glass to search for the speck in the eye of someone else.

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Thanks for telling the guy off and especially with, when it comes to “dumb, biased posts” I suggest you remove the log from your own eye before getting out the magnifying glass to search for the speck in the eye of someone else.

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My pleasure. As an atheist someone praying in aid the Bible whilst lying their head off is one of my pet hates. That so many people who purport to be Christians follow someone so obviously evil with such devotion is one of the great mysteries of the age.

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BTW, I have heard of more atheists, who have more than just an ounce of compassion or expressed humanitarism, whereas you look at some of these holy rollers, their hypocrites! case in point, the white nationalists from some white evangelicals, they say, all go to hell, fire and brimstone, if you do not think, say and act like them

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Does Donald reap what he sows. That is my deepest wish for him.

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I'm a firm believer in karma, what goes around, comes around -- eventually. I have to believe Donnie will get his comeuppance sooner or later. Hopefully sooner!

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So, reading the bible will stop wildfires in your state? The bible is a book of fairytales. There is no God, if there was, none of this would be happening and the entire world would be at peace and working together to better everyone's lives.

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Republicans are blaming the California fire victims.

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Pardon my French, but the GOP, the Grand Ole Poo Party, they are serving up crap to the American people and throwing it all in our faces, they are spiritual dead inside and just plain rotten evil to the core

Like Trump, no care, no empathy, no concern and sickly so, using the catastrophic fires and make it political and like Trump, no low, is too low.

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but when you need rolls of paper towels...

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Puerto Rico, what he did there, wow! what caring, what leadership and what a disgrace!

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Love it. Great Comment.

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Even Ukraine has offered 150 firefighters after a witless comment posted by Don Jnr. “Oh look of course the LA fire department donated a bunch of their supplies to Ukraine,” Trump Jr said in a post on X on 8 January.

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Lisa, however, those lives are California lives this time, and Trump and his toddler friends have written CA off as irrelevant, even though it is their economy that helps hold up the economies of the red states. Funny how that works, and just how ignorant toddler-men can be.

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It is still shocking that America has elected someone who can not do the job.

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We are incredibly thankful for their assistance, as well as all the other states that have sent personnel, the National Guard, and every agency within California that is assisting. It's going to be a long recovery,and we'll take all the help we can get.

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As a Canadian I can tell you that’s absurd. I’ve never met a single Canadian who can stand to even look at Trump.

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I can see you know SFA about Canada.

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I live in Alberta, and, even here, very few people are in favour of Trump, though I've met a couple. Trudeau's Canadian popularity rating is currently 22% and, as of the last poll in October, Trump's Canadian popularity rate was 21%. From listening to people, I suspect it might have dropped a bit since his recent disparagement of Canada, but there hasn't been another poll.

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Could you provide links to the polls you saw?

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Sure, Donnie is so popular in Canada that he isn't allowed to enter Canada because he is a convicted felon.

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You must be from Alberta. Your French is faulty BTW.

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It may cease to be if Smith can't talk Trump into not placing a 25% tariff on Canadian oil and gas.

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Danielle is using the same tactic Trudeau did: telling Trump how much the US needs Canada, especially Canadian oil. Look how far it got him.

Who is Melanie Laide? I tried googling her without any luck.

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I wouldn’t trust him to fight a fire in an outhouse. Oh it would have been nice to see him in chains.

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>Start< a fire in an outhouse, without a doubt! Fighting one? Not so much.

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There's a wonderful play called "The Sugar Bean Sisters". One of its "features" is a "spontaneous human combustion" in an outhouse. Thanks for helping me remember

a more fun time...

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There is ALWAYs Monte Python and Mr Creosote!!! See the clip on YouTube...

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😏 👍

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Jan 12Edited
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There are accounts here tonight like leaving comments and links like this that are classic phishing in form. I would suggest people be very wary of clicking on the link. If you have something to say, than say it.

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I notice there are always 3 "likes" to her BS.

She used to THINK she'd have "brain fog" for life? Now we all KNOW that her brain fog is a feature not a bug!

She's been posting that crap on a number of Substack posts with her grifting... never mind.

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"link like this that are classic phishing in form."

Yep, that's one obvious thing for sure. I never click these kinds of links, even if they come from supposedly trusted sources. These days, there is no reason for anyone to create an obfuscated "tiny URL" type link. They are almost always dangerous and could result in any kind of malware on your computer because you can't tell where they're going.

Even when you see a "trustworthy" link in a comment or email hover your mouse over it and look in the bottom left corner of your browser to see where it's going. If the domain (wellsfargo.com for example) looks wrong, skip it.

Also, the "this changed everything" phrase sounds like it is right out of a Taboola ad block on a web site.

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...'then' say it...

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Or maybe in an orange jumpsuit (orange is his color, after all) picking up trash along a highway somewhere.

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Believe we'd all pay to see that vision come true, Michelle!🤗

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We are just lucky he won't be around for much longer. Remember: presidents age SIGNIFICANTLY faster than civilians!

Plus, his Alzheimer's has advanced to such a degree that he can barely finish thoughts anymore.

PLUS he is morbidly obese, scarfs down poisonous fast food and GUZZLES poisonous Diet Coke - which I will remind you can disolve a tooth in just days!

PLUS he has NEVER exercised a second in his bigly pathetic life.

PLUS would-be assassins taken from his own mentally-disturbed base are EVERYWHERE, while I am guessing Bunkerboy's detail is not watching TOO closely if you catch my drift.

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But the Justa Dick would become president. Is that any better?

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No, he is younger and far more committed to the segment of the party that calls itself Christian but exhibits scarcely anything having to do with what *Jesus* actually said. Oh, you can find verses in the Bible that might support what they want to do, but just like statistics that can prove anything, the whole Bible can prove anything. What did Jesus say? Almost nothing to support their platform.

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I agree that Justa Dick is an execrable person, but my thought is that if the orange fungus were to buy the farm, the Rs would at least need time to regroup, and also, the cult doesn't follow JD. There might be a pause for the Dems to gain some traction. IMO, tgey should be preparing for just such an event as we speak. Of course, if JD and his owners were behind mango man's demise, then scratch everything I just said. They'd hit the ground running.

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When have you observed him finishing a thought since 2016?

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Plus which, Daniel, I'd guess that Bunkerboy's handlers will be done with him sooner rather than later, and when that happens, it'll be sayonara, mango man.

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Only the Good die Young ; Trump will live forever wishful thinking won’t help…

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DJT would Not Volunteer to fight fires .

Rich People Don’t Go To Jail, Don’t Join the Military, Don’t Join The Police , and Don’t Become Firefighters.

If you cover your LA Property with Bushed and Shrubs. Place Trees next to your house and a fire breaks out during a a drought it’s reasonable that your house will catch fire during a high wind season.

Note: The Pacific Ocean is few Miles Away With an Endless Amount of free Water. Why Not Create a separate Pacific Ocean water supply system to fight these super- Fires ? Preventing Your house from burning down is not Rocket Science…

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The salt water ruins equipment, lines, hoses etc. That's why it's not used.

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Not if you build a separate fire fighting system . Most airports located near oceans tap ocean water to fight high demand fires.

Kennedy airport in New York City has a saltwater system to fight major 🔥 fires.

The entire us navy has saltwater based fire fighting systems going back decades🔥.

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With that kind of winds and that fuel and the incredibly rapid spread of the fires, water is pi**g in the wind. Sure, helicopters and air tankers drop water or retardant... in very small spots. On something like this.... forget it. I've been there.

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LA lack of prevention Removing the Build Up Fuel Brush Bushes etc …

A Few hundred dollars of Prevention is Worth a Million Dollars of cure …

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In Palos Verdes in LA county, a hilly peninsula they have a brilliant solution for clearing the canyons and open space. They hire goat herders every year to clear the shrubs.

Goats are perfect for the tasks. They are voracious eaters and agile climbers. For people to do that kind of work it’s dangerous, slow going and very expensive.

Last year, 2023 we had an abundance of rain. In the spring there were flowers everywhere, even in Death Valley. In 2024 there was a mere fraction of rain. It created the perfect firestorm.

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Do you realize what a monumental and expensive job it is to keep fuels down? Much less in the kind of brush there is around LA? I'm not talking about each homeowner trimming their bushes. I'm talking about the thinning the government gets criticized for, for not doing enough. And with the horrific winds they had, I doubt even thinning the mountainsides would have been enough. Been there, done that. Lots of work, very slow going, lots of money.

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That may be true, but it would cost a ton of money. The topography of California would make this difficult, with its mountains and canyons. And the state is much bigger than an airport or navy ship/or base. Then to operate it alongside the regular system along with more firefighters would

also be very expensive. The use of saltwater needs research to determine its viability in California.

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Going to the moon is expensive.

A saltwater emergency fire fighting system is expensive but has positive paybacks.

1. Prevents/reduces large areas of housing being burned down.

2. Reduces the cost of fire insurance

3. Restores peace of mind to the residents of semi arid LA.

The cost of this proposed saltwater Fire System will be less than the cost of the thousands of homes and businesses lost in this fire tragedy.

Removing fuel sources from properties should become the criteria insurance companies use to determine the classification of how likely your property can be affected by wildfires. .

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Insurance companies have been dropping people who have paid premiums for years who have never made a claim. They are a scam and should have to return all of the premiums that people paid them if they want to drop them. They are only slightly better than mafia protection scams.

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Citizen J:

If you spray down the six feet around the house, the salt will keep plants to a minimum too. For some reason, I do not believe this is the first time for vegetation being planted so close to a house and burning being an issue.

City Planning Commission can propose ordinances mandating such also. They control everything else by regulation with builders, why not?

Sat on one for almost a decade and we did similar with builders. After that and if the homeowners defy the ordinance, it is on them plus the cost.

Then there are those who will say but what about this? And people end up doing nothing rather than making a home as unburnable as possible.

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Some have suggested that each house should have an underground emergency reservoir of water so people could use their own supply of water to protect their home. This would leave water and the existing pressure in the main system for the firefighters use. It would add to the cost of the home but would create an additional supply of water when needed. The reporting I read said that it was lack of water pressure that was the main cause of "dry hydrants".

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also the embers fly from mountain to mountain. I saw that is a fire years ago in Napa where it jumped a canyon.

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I have a friend who abrely escape the Napa fire. He went back after the fire...his fridge was melted-gone as was his Jaguar-- no sign of it.

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It would kill the fishies and pollute the soil. Rust your Tesla and cause it to EXPLODE!!!

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I would add that ocean water is a pollutant when applied to land.

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this land is your land

now its polluted

drenched in salt water

So convoluted

put some bleach on it?

go write a sonnet

stupidity is made

by you for me!

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Thank you. That belief of using salt water is like the DT belief of a giant tap somewhere north that all you have to do is turn it on and millions of gallons of water will freely flow.

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And desalination at that scale is impractical. They'll have to hope Governor Newsom grants them permission to take water from northern California's already overburdened hydrologic system.

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That's true SFR, but fire burns your house down. Which is worse?

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Yep. That's why you save the unsalted for rinse, afterwards.

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Desalination is quite cheap. Can be run by tidal electricity generators and windmills. Could solve California's chronic water shortages.

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cheap??? On what planet?

Compared to what?

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During the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco, I believe they got water from the bay to fight the fire in the marina.

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SFFD did that. There is a significant difference in scale between running hose lines from a fire engine on the waterfront to one smallish, flat portion of a 49 square mile city and installing and maintaining a pair of air-gapped, incompatible water systems in an urban/suburban metropolis covering multiple thousands of acres.

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Localized. We're talking about thousands of acres.

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56 square miles so far

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Simple measures like Hardieboard siding, Aluminum Clad Windows and a Tile or Steel Roof would be enough to protect most homes.

Also have a pump system from the swimming pool to an exterior sprinkler system would be additional protection.

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It's said 90% of the homes in Palisades were built pre 1990 when regulations dictated fire repellent homes. Rich people don't like to be told to cut back on vegetation around the house. Palisades has/had a volunteer crew that attempted to manage greenery but some peeps ignored their requests. Now look at them.

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80-100 mph winds, and 1-2% RH, nothing will survive. Nothing. Look at al the bldgs without vegetation around them, stucco, stone, all destroyed. My husband is a 37y retired Smokejumper still working seasonally as a Safety Office on fires (married 37 y). He is 68, started with USFS @ 18 yo. We know fire. Pacific Palisades is not a “rich” ppl enclave. Rich or not, everyone likes their “greenery” around them. “Ignoring” a fire-wise space around your home, 5-15’ makes no difference with the hurricane force winds flaming the flames.

An ember can be carried by 30-40 mph winds 1-2 miles. 80-100 mph, an ember the size of a basketball, much farther. No water, firefighting equipment, aircraft (can’t fly in those winds), nothing could stop fires, period.

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Yes a buffer wouldn't have made any difference. as embers torched routes. Your hubby has my admiration...hes a bad *ss! Does he have any legit criticisms on what wasn't done or situationally?? MAGA on X is flooding the zone with BS....its overwhelming.

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Thank you. No, he has no criticism at all. One thing that’s rarely mentioned, tho the Freedom Over Facism Stubstack I linked posted today by Stephanie G Wilson, PhD, mentions what other news sources haven’t this past week enough. With the incredible rainy season they had last year, there was an abundance of vegetation that grew, then dried out, which contributed to the excelleration of the fire(s).

What we find disheartening, is the first response is find someone, or something to blame, as is the Mayor and the Fire Chief. There’s always a casualty, many times unjustified, someone used as a scapegoat. My husband has seen many “moved to other jobs or districts” because of this. Some, yes, a few are justified, but most of the time not.

We have seen this immediately with the Felon, and his cohorts in Congress. It’s very disheartening. My husband doesn’t want to listen to it anymore. Most structural and wildland firefighters and everyone involved, just want to do their jobs, no accolades, just do what they’re trained to do.

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That tawdry place! I wouldn't go on there if it were the last place on earth. It is like liar FOX so-called news on steroids.

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Thank you for this! So many armchair firefighters with cockeyed suggestions and criticisms who have no idea what the heck they're talking about are filling the Internet with their posts. Your husband and all firefighters have my utmost respect and support, always will. Years ago when I was much younger I fought a few forest fires with the forest service as a volunteer, so I have a good understanding of what the LA firefighters are dealing with and have a strong desire to smack the stuffing out of the critics sitting in their recliners hundreds, thousands of miles away. I'll finish with saying I'm so thankful your Smokejumper is retired from that and now works to keep other firefighters safe. May you both have a long, happy retirement.

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Thank you for injecting facts to the fantasy.

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except foresight. Oh, yeah, never mind.

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Even an Olympic size swimming pool on a building complex of that scale would last a few hours. Might cool things down a little, but against a wall of flame fed by years of accumulated dead wood and brush, and fanned by 90mph sustained wind, would likely still burn unless it was sheltered in a wind break or bunker with no appreciable view.

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a hydralic system that lowers the house in case of fire and rolls dirt pannels over the top of the house.

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Great idea 💡 swimming pools perhaps a built in standard siphoning system that would allow fire trucks to quickly and easily access pool water

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Thank you for this ! I wonder how many people took ANY precautions like this. Sadly,not many for sure. It should be mandatory ,especially with our climate changes .

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You cannot use salt water in the water pumps.

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Salt water can be used in the aircraft firebombing role.

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More water may help but I don’t think that’s the main problem here. The high winds, dry conditions, and too much fuel by way of brush and homes are the main problem. You also have to have enough firefighters or all the water in the world isn’t going to help. Residents also need to be prepared to pay a lot more in property taxes if they want more firefighters, not to mention the alternative water sources you’re talking about. It’s not as easy as you make it sound.

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Or how about don't build your home in a fire prone area. There are safer places with less spectacular views but life is sacrafice.

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With the earth warming with climate change, no place will be safe.

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What happened to 'the salt of the earth?'

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That would be like not building anymore houses where hurricanes happen, river valleys where flooding might occurs, flatlands where tornadoes occur and so on. All of these can be predicted as potential disasters and therefor you know, safer places, but life is a sacrifice…

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I just saw your post after I posted mine, didn’t mean to plagiarize.

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Most of the homes were built in the 60’s or earlier. The conditions were very different then.

Should people not live in Florida, the Carolinas, Louisiana, or other hurricane zones? What about Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, anywhere there are tornadoes? How about New York City, didn’t they have flooding?

What we really need to do is to quit pretending that climate change isn’t real and vote for people who put facts over fiction and actually DO SOMETHING. Biden did but I guess people prefer a slothful lying idiot over someone who actually cares about the country.

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Sometimes... so is death.

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In a firestorm like these, it is. There were sudden gusts of 100 MPH winds. I saw footage of hundreds of embers blowing down the hills like leaves in the wind. Each ember carried the potential for a new fire. Most of these homes were built in the 60’s when fires were rare here. They were not built in a time when climate change was a reality.

Yes the ocean could provide water but the infra structure for getting it to the fires isn’t there. LA has created huge underground tanks for water storage under parks and schools we are only too aware of the need for water.

And on that subject, a lot of people aware of the drought conditions put in Astro-turf like lawns. They are petroleum products, I’m sure you can imagine what happened when an ember hit one of those lawns. Do you think the sales people mentioned fire hazards while extolling the many attributes of fake grass?

These fires are not your typical fires. The winds were so powerful they were unable to send aircraft with water or fire retardant. The people who stayed to save their homes died. In the past that may have been possible, not this time.

And for the sin of having foliage in their yards? Victim blaming may make you feel superior or free you from compassion but it doesn’t help anyone else so if you must do that please keep it to yourself.

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A shortage of water was not the problem, as has been pointed out several times. The reservoirs are at or near historical high levels. The problem with the hydrants was access to that supply because of the exceptionally high demand. In particular, the Palisades are at the end of the water supply system and the pipes feeding that area are narrow. Furthermore, as has already been pointed out many times, no fire prevention system in the world would have been able to contain these fires.

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Agree. There must be a way to harness all that water. Desalination anyone?

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Oh, he'd volunteer all right, just wouldn't go.

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Lack of water is not the problem it’s hurricane force winds combined with a very dry environment due to years of drought. These hills are full of dry grasses and bushes!

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That’s a build up of fuel for a wildfire .

Preventable …

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2 years of rain, rapid growth all over the mountains followed by an unprecedented drought during the rainy season this year. I add hurricane force gusts, swirling winds, topography and no humidity. This was not normal or predictable.

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It’s Very Much Preventable remove the fuel that has built up over the years.

If you routinely neglect to remove fuel, not only on private property or on public property, the canyon, Hillside, etc. you just asking for trouble.

The insurance company got out early before the tragedy occurred. That was not unfortunate telling it was analysis of the situation on the ground.

Expect really big increases in your fire insurance if the insurance rate rise high enough perhaps removing the fuel that made this fire so bad.

Insurance companies will through higher rates force change on LA politicians.R&D

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First, please explain your expertise when you make all of these assertions.

Are you a former firefighter in Los Angeles? Have you fought wildfires? Do you have expertise on using salt water to deal with fires? Do you have expertise in fire prevention or mitigation, particularly in these conditions, with the native fauna and topography?

There is no logic to your statement. Have you considered how many acres are involved, or the impact of mudslides., if you defoliate? Are you willing to pay for that removal with your taxes—because it’s not easy on those hillsides, or cheap.

And, it’s only been 2 years, if there had been a normal rainy season this would not have had the same impact. I watched the 4 story house in Pasadena burn down, all the while watching embers fly onto a house’s eaves a football field away.(there was no brush involved). Do you have a plan to stop droughts and hurricane force winds?

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Obviously, you've missed very important information re the likely origin of the Palisades fire...an area where a previous fire had burned the vegetation, burned as in destroyed. Kind of puts a kink in your 'remove the fuel' theory, doesn't it? Again, 100 mile per hour winds, long drought, embers flying through the air like rockets over long distances...the perfect conditions for firestorms and they were.

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Jan 13
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This is not crop land , it semi arid residential land the Santa Anna winds are a normal reoccurring part of living in California. A potable water system all ready exists but no one though fill the reservoir or repair it…

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Sir/Madam - you are spoiling the woke agenda!! please stop!

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Give him a rake and send him to the front lines.

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Ahhh, the image of him IN an outhouse, vs. on his “commode” of gold: that would be poetic justice!

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would the outhouse have 20 boxes of classified materials???

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Probably! He’s soiled our Constitution throughout his life—why stop now?

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That one got me chortling, Douglas.! 🤗

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I want him to go out like Elvis riding the throne...tomorrow.

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It would be nice to see him chained inside an outhouse. The smell would remind him of his loyal treasonous friend Steve Bannon, so maybe it wouldn't even bother him very much.

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Sofine. So open-minded. So inclusive. So objective. and Trump is so bad....

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DJT would Talk About Volunteering but his wife or kids or doctors or his lawyers or ??? Would prevent him from actually Doing anything TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK …

That is what he does Just Talk …

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Oh, Colleen...." if wishes were pennies...!"

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You’re mentally ill

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chain, chain, chain...chain of fools.

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Someone who owned a $125M house will have no problem recovering from this disaster. What about the thousands of people who have lost their homes who have nothing and nowhere near the resources to rebuild?

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I have written about this in my Substack, "The Fire Next Time." There have been no stories about those who have lost their livelihoods catering to the rich -- the maids, the groundskeepers, the chauffeurs, the janitors. Probably working two jobs too.

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Good point, Beth....very kind & thoughtful.

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Thank you Lynn 🥰

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A Substack today, mentioned that many ppl in Altadena bought $50K homes 30+ years, now worth $1M. That does not mean they can now afford to rebuilt. The senselss, factless, insensitive comments even on non MAGA threads, are just harmful and do no service to anyone at all.

The Substack is Freedom Over Facism, Stephanie G Wilson, PhD, 1/12/2025 “You can take the girl our of California…Watching the city of my youth burn from across the country”.

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Peter - I just read that landlords are trying to capitalize on the tragedy by raising rents. I can't believe $9,000/month and up for a month's rent.

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🤬 Shameful…but they don’t care. Just like the private equity firms buying up homes, businesses/services (eldercare, nursing homes, medical practices, veterinarians, the list goes on).

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That's why I call them "Vulture Capitalists".

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👆vultures….or vampires….parasites all….

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right - and that is for a plot with no house on it!!

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I may not agree with the excesses of the rich when it comes to their homes. They still lost their home. For many people they bought these homes a long time ago when it was cheaper. Many are retirees. Regardless, they lost their home. Maybe they have really happy memories of watching films with family and friends and now it’s gone. Is it less tragic if you have an expensive home or a lot of money? We are not Robin Hood and we are to judgmental of people who have me. I have wealth inequality issues like us all but losing a home is losing memories and the things that made that house special to you. My issue is hypocrisy. The private jets, failure to maintain your yard concurrent with climate, not recycling as best you could. Working for corporations that contribute to climate change. That makes more a part of the problem that others lost their home. But you have the right to mourn your loss too.

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No longer does the market value of a home indicate the wealth of the homeowner. There are homes all over the U.S. currently valued at over $500,000-1,000,000 or more that were purchased by the residents years ago for less than, way less, $100,000 in some cases. The owners continue to live in them while working moderate wage jobs, scraping pennies from under the sofa to pay for their HO insurance premiums and groceries unable to replace the 15-year-old car and hoping the old appliances don't break down.

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Yes, huge hurdle for them that many did not overcome sadly. I witnessed it in the Camp Fire (Paradise, CA 2018).

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For them we pray!

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Seeing as he only lasted 15 minutes bagging fries at McDonalds, I doubt he’d even survive suiting up. 😡

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if there's a suit big enough for his fat ass!

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We are evacuated from the Palisades fire. Please don’t let private bonespurs near my house.

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God Bless you...our thoughts and prayers go out to all our Southern California neighbors🙏

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Thanks Lynn

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We’re back home. So far so good. thanks again

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He will never see the inside of a prison. According to what I see reported.

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I’m sorry. I hope your home survives.

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Thank you Vickie.

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We’re back home. So far so good. thanks again

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He would decline due to bone spurs!

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*a-brain spurs. "Doctor Feelgood" made that one up for his boss.

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When other fires have destroyed less affluent neighborhoods, the media hasn’t given us descriptions of those residents’ properties. I don’t care if it’s a 125$ million home or a 20,000$ mobile home - and neither should the media. If anything we should care more about the families that don’t own the mansions, for whom it will be so much harder to rebuild.

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Strongly agree

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You must not be watching the same footage I am, nor have in the past, esp with the Paradise/Camp Fires. Some of my family lives in Boulder, CO, and experienced friends that lost their homes during the Woosley Fire. That coverage showed all levels of homes, cabins to newly built homes. Please don’t share comments that are not true.

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His hair spray would catch on fire & he would ignite like a torch! Besides that his makeup would melt. No he wouldn’t do well in a fire unless it’s in hell then he’d fit right in.

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I think his stupid fat ass would drop dead from any attempted exertion.

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Let's risk it!

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Hopefully ur right

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He wouldn’t last long enough to collect $5.80.

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DJ T is much better at talking about work and actually doing work.

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I could care less about tRump. I am appalled at the use of slaves to fight fires in any state in our democracy. Picking up trash, painting license plates…I get the “daily wage”. Fire fighting is completely different. It’s life threatening to one’s self, one’s peers and the public. They should be paid hazard wages at the least.

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Trump couldn’t fight a fire; his tie would catch on fire immediately!

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Do you mean the tie pointing down to between his legs? I would die laughing!

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The tie was probably made in China of highly flammable fake silk (polyester).😁

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Since he's such a 'big man' and he alone can fix things, he might try to pull a Gulliver.

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You seldom make me laugh...then again you seldom aim to... But the image of The Orange One, in an orange jumpsuit and fire-fighting gear, is wonderful.

Thank you for the chuckle...even as I pray for all those involved with the fires.

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I read that they are not being fed adequately and am very concerned about that.

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Irresponsible to make this claim. I’ve been watching the fires on the local station. The inmate firefighters are working alongside other firefighters and are being lauded by anchors and reporters. If they were being underfed the fury from the public would be swift—not only would it endanger them, it would endanger other firefighters as well.

Think logically. Not feeding them “properly” is counterproductive to the effort.

Are they paid what they should be, absolutely not. But no prisoners are. Fire fighting is considered a prime job by many—the skills and experience give them a possibility for employment when they are released. These are not jobs they are forced into.

And before you label me, I was a Public Defender and had clients who were incarcerated. If there is really anything like you suggest, it will come out.

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And I think it's awesome that they're helping, I am not putting anybody down, I want to make sure everyone is taking care of equally because it's a hell of a lot of work.

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I said clearly that I read it AND I have been trying to find it to share. I did not say it was fact I said I read it. so you can hop off my back and stop being so high and mighty if they're being fed properly then that's terrific and I am happy if they're not then that's not cool. You wasted an awful lot of time and words chiding me over something that you didn't need to.

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It’s how rumors get started on social media. You aren’t the only person. Therefore I respond with facts.

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I had not heard that -- what is your source?

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I'm gonna have to hunt for it, it was in all the things I read this morning. I'll try to get something to share.

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I’m skeptical of this. Sources of information are important. Thanks for looking.

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They are fed as well as non-inmates. No need for concern

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I would like to point out that a bloke here on the UK... oxygen thief called Darren Grimes posted a picture of a US firefighter stating "This is why we need real men" (or words to that effect).

Totally ignoring the female firefighters who risk just as much!

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They should have training, firefighters are pro's, so terrible for inmates, it's a violation of rights, if they're slave labour, you can argue they're criminals but they're human, if required to volunteer, prisons should ensure training. To me it's an abomination, modern day slavery. Even worse when you consider the man in charge of your country is genuinely one of them, but escapes volunteering

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They do have training. They are not just sent willy-nilly out to assist in fire fighting. Everyone has to meet some minimum physical standards. My husband is a 37-yr retired Smokejumper, still working on fires as a Safety Officer. He also works alongside undocumented individuals (extremely hard working) who are hired by Contractors who are contracted by USFS and BLM depending on if it’s Federal or State land. Please, do your research before making comments.

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What is your source? Minnie is correct, your comment is irresponsible. Given I represented inmates I appreciate your concern, but it makes no sense and is unsafe for the other firefighters to be with untrained inmates. They work together (watch local news, the reporters and anchors actually make comments about them and appreciate their work).

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Yes, Diane E. They have to be trained to go out on a fire.

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And, AB 2147 allows for their convictions to be expunged if they have served on a crew and successfully complete the program. Newsom signed it into law in 2020 and it went into effect in 2021.

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California inmate fire fighters are well trained, and are not forced to fight fires. They choose to work on fire crews. It's not slave labor. I worked in California State prisons as a public health nurse for over 10 years. Where is all this misinformation coming from?

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