Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

"The fact that both Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have testified before the grand jury investigation 1/6/21 suggests to me that:" Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have testified before the grand jury investigation !

I'll start drawing conclusions when we find out what - exactly - questions were asked and how they responded.

Otherwise, subpoenaing them in to testify seems like a perfectly reasonable step in the investigation, while their compliance - willing or not - suggests to me that they've yet to take leave of their damn common sense!

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I don’t read anything into that except that Jack Smith is leaving no stone unturned. The Kushners were major players in the Trump Administration and in the Trump Organization.

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Jared Kushner was key in pulling top secret documents from the archives. I think he is a corrupt, squirmy little liar like his father, and I doubt he will be brought to justice. He should have been more than a witness by this point—he should be an indicted defendant.

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The average salary fir a scriptwriter in Los Angeles is $62,789, with a range from $38,000 to $106,000. A single person must make more than $76,000 to "live comfortably" in Los Angeles.

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It just likely means “I don’t recall” is being said thousands of times.

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Trump as President again is a nightmare. But as someone more intelligent than I noted, the alt right is so strong now that Trump is the martyr and not necessary to growing its power. The movement to authoritarianism is world-wide. It is important to understand the Fascist and authoritarian playbook to understand what is happening. It has stayed relatively the same since Mussolni, Hitler and Stalin.

I found Madeleine Albrights: Fascism: A Warning (2018) Tim Synder's (Yale Historian) short, crisp book on (https://www.amazon.ca/Tyranny-Twenty-Lessons-Twentieth-Century/dp/0804190119) to be extremely helpful in knowing what to look for and what my role should be..

Now reading Anne Appelbaum's Twilight of Democracy (https://www.amazon.ca/Twilight-Democracy-Seductive-Lure-Authoritarianism/dp/0771005873/ref=asc_df_0771005873/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459574977763&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1353049150135924436&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000665&hvtargid=pla-1362771314310&psc=1 )

Required Reading...All three!

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It means that they're still sweet-talking their way through grifting, having learned from the master.

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Dear Robert - I totally love listening to you and Heather on Saturdays, and I agree that it was very powerful and inspiring to read your poignant story about the struggles you faced as a short person growing up. I can see so clearly how it has shaped your kind and loving heart to feel for the "underdogs" in society and to want to help and protect them. I have a different but similar story - I grew up with severe eczema during my whole childhood and really into my 40's. I was spurned as a child because of it - I remember at summer camp when I was about 8 years old, we were forming a circle and joining hands, but no one wanted to hold my hand. I remember being up at the blackboard in math class in eighth grade working on a math problem. My teacher looked at my hands, and sent me to the nurse's office. My eczema was so bad that I remember sitting at the kitchen table every night, soaking my hands in warm water and epsom salts, after which my dad would apply cream and wrap my hands in gauze so I would not scratch during my sleep and wake up to bloody hands. Oh, my, brings tears to my eyes even now. But...what those things do is help you identify with the "other," with the poor, with the marginalized. So, out of adversity comes something good. God bless you.

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We have no idea what it means until we know what they said. History would dictate that they are trying to weaponize incompetence for their own benefit and in such a way to avoid ire from the ex-president.

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A house divided against itself cannot stand. -- Abraham Lincoln

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The proof of the pudding is what they say in court.

They have to be targets, too as they aided and abetted and comforted insurrectionists.

They also were supposed to have been government employees while they reaped $billions, received a loan from Qatar, deals with the Saudis, Oman. On Kushner's watch as the king of Trump's COVID initiative, maybe 500,000 died.....

What happened in the Trump Tower incident? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting

Backchannel to the Russians? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/explainer-jared-kushners-attempted-back-channel-russia-treasonous-typical

Saudis? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/12/after-helping-princes-rise-trump-kushner-benefit-saudi-funds/

Was Trump negotiating for a Trump Havana? A Trump Moscow? A trump Abu Dhabi? All while a candidate or as [resident?

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Taking the 5th.

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I loved Heather-on-caffeine! A pleasure to hear more of her opinions with less wholesale deference to her mentor. Go Heather!

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

An additional comment about today’s coffee klatch:

Heather you were great! You were enthusiastic and direct and less cautious in the conversation. You were confident and spontaneous in a way that really made the flow of conversation more natural, nuanced and fun. I felt you really owned your seat. I agree with RR when he extemporaneously proclaimed “ I like caffeinated Heather!

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Heather, keep drinking the full caf! You were really lively today. I loved it!

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We have no idea about what was said. I just hope Jack Smith gets trump to trial very very soon.

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