There needs to be a huge backlash against Trump and the GOP because they deserve it. Their reprehensible behaviour makes them unworthy of being awarded the privilege of governing. Making the choice to win power by misleading 50% of the population through lies and deception is pure malevolence. It demonstrates a complete absence of love of and respect for their country. For that to happen, Democrats need to demonstrate whose side they are on. They need to stop being afraid of standing for policies that will most certainly make people's lives better, like universal public health care, a living wage policy, strong labour rights to give power to workers to gain decent and fair wages, and taxation policy to reduce income inequality. They can't just sit in the middle nibbling at the edges of progressive policies. As the movie said, they need to 'stand and deliver'. That's why I chose 'the Dems become a workers' party' as the silver lining we need.

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I completely agree. That's Bernie Sander's position. Dems have to return to working class support.

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The founding Fathers didn't think the general public was smart enough to pick the President. Old minds from our past were indeed wise.

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I think a rereading of The Federalist Papers--arguments in favor of the incipient Constitution--is in order, particularly as to what they (Hamilton, Madison and Jay) thought of the mind and passions of the common man who got to vote ..

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Hi Donald,hope you had a happy and delicious Thanksgiving

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Mr. Hodgins,I sent you a note.

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The most plausible silver lining is that final double cheeseburger with fries, followed by JD Vance, from whom everyone will run screaming.

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Exactly. The midterms will be FUN ON A BUN! President Couch, (Bunkerboy won't last 6 months), will be BLOCKED from his evil deeds.

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What we need is purgation. Classic medicine. Prosecute criminals. Use the tools at hand, because democracy may be over.

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CONVICTED FELONS, 99% OR 1%, need to go to STATE PRISONS. (We New Yorkers hated Bunkerboy and put up with his crimes first, DIBS!!!)

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the corrupt supremes own the judicial system, Daniel. if a lower court supports corruption, they will uphold them. if a lower court rules on the side of justice, it will overturn that decision. it's as simple as that. they've already demonstrated that (by the way, anyone seen the 11th circuit?)

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Howard Dean said: "The courts are stacked."

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I liked Dean--it was awful how his campaign got squashed!

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I’ll say! And it was Dems in Iowa. The scream was miked and all the rest of us screaming were cut Gross

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Never up, never in.

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Are you former NC, PA Daniel Solomon?

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Hard to do when the body, mind and soul of a country and its people are full of toxins.

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My view is we will be KEEPING DEMOCRACY no matter what happens!

Daniel,what do you know about HR 9495 or have you heard?

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I’m not so sure about JD Vance. If Trump goes away, Project 2025 will spend whatever is necessary to get him elected to do their bidding.

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A strong reason for money to be eliminated as a factor in elections. Start by putting roadblocks in to Citizens United.

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Absolutely. - if only we knew how. SCOTUS won’t overturn it.

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Good instincts. He's a mysogonistic creep.

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A useful idiot.

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Just take a look at Trump's nominations for cabinet positions. IMO, they represent a threat to our long-term health much more severe than COVID-19. At least the health industry finally created a virus. Unfortunately, there is no natural way to vaccinate against blatant willful ignorance!

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Cindy - I agree with you but we need to be careful. Ramming progressive policies down people’s throats won’t help. People got just as pissed off by pushing progressive policies in the classroom as many of us got pissed off over banning books. One small step at a time builds stairs. Let’s support the resistance and then manage the renaissance.

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I say we strategically do both--don't let the bastrds win!

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Great point. Could it be Americans, as a whole, are just not that progressive?

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Too many are discouraged and under educated to see the nuances of daily life it seems.

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I think that's true. The majority lean to the right. Even many democrats are moderate. Look at Nancy Pelosi; someone reported recently that her wealth has grown to 263 million. Bernie Sanders was not even a millionaire when he started his campaign in 2016. He has always wanted to serve and she apparently has always wanted to be very wealthy.

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Agree that we need more legislators like Bernie Sanders. And while Nancy Pelosi's political skills are amazing, there is no way a legislator should be increasing their wealth to that degree! They should be in it as good patriots who may make a little more than their salaries on the side doing speaking engagements, but not taking money from big corporations to pad their own pockets. That should be made illegal. But it won't be because far too many legislators stuff their own coffers with such "contributions". An overhaul to the system is definitely needed, but Trump's method is only making things worse. And they won't get better using his Neanderthal clubs.

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No. Trump won by only around 2 million votes. And over 15 million eligible voters didn’t vote this time when they did the last time.

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Maybe because I live in Florida(and outside a liberal bubble) my views are skewed. There's a few of us on the left, but most white people I know speak from a culturally conservative viewpoint...while knowing very little of policy issues.

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Yes. I have a niece and a dear friend who live in Florida. They both feel outliers. Yet they are able to maintain their values and standards for appropriate interactions.

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That's what I've been finding. The whole picture is sort of like the intelligence bell curve. In any case, while we can get stuck in the past, we cannot re-live it. Whereas the future means progress is inevitable.

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Exactly right. Why do some think they have to love all progress? Of course there is discomfort with change, but it's historically inevitable.

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Why are the European liberal democracies swinging right? Their own populations have been stagnating (no I'm not endorsing JD Vance 's nuts reproductive ideology) and H. sapiens globally migrating away from increasingly uninhabitable political and climate zones. As they always have.

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The right appeals to those who view liberal policies on women, LGBTQ, immigrants, as conducive to the ultimate destruction of their society. They are fighting it as they would any war.

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Thomas, this is so pathetic. They are not innovative or creative--so much progress can be made to uplift our planet.

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I was trying to respond to the question of why places like Sweden have tilted more to the right. I have been a member of DiEM25 for several years now, and have tried to understand what's going on.

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I agree with this POV, Thomas. It’s like the abortion issue. If you see no moral difference between abortion and infanticide, you fight to the death to prevent it.

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That's correct. There are billboards all over the South dedicated to opposition to abortion. I've heard opponents refer to it as "the holocaust of the unborn." I was once very opposed to abortion decades ago.

I now consider it a FAR greater evil to use the power of state to force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term -- and I can argue that point using language from the old testament, as well as science.

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Because economies are shaky after the pandemic, AND because the planet’s southern populations are on the move to escape massive climate change … Two things that the Oligarchs willl not, cannot, and probably don’t really care to stop. But the Oligarchs can USE those trends to scare and move voters into their corrals. And slam the gates on them …

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Pat - economies can't fail as long as people need to live. the economy may not be to our liking (inflation, shortages) but it will always serve some majority somewhat, and the rich minority always. we need to get used to it.

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No. Never accept the massive, historical inequality on Earth today. I will never stop beating the drum on this essential human economic right.

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Nov 30Edited

They've created a graven image of their fear and are calling it god.


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Dream on, Cindy.

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You're living inside the bubble, Cindy. And you spell like a Brit.

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No, Daniel, it's you who is living in Trump's bubble of hate. He's his own worst enemy and doesn't even know it.

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I tend to agree with you, Trump is his own worst enemy. We still have those MAGAs to worry about because they are to scared to oppose himm even though they know better.

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Hope you aren't waiting for entropy.

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We should be zoned in on Russia, national security. That's Trump's fatal flaw.

Folks in the circular firing squad formation, don't know how to fight. There is no silver lining, Reverend.

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What happens here affects the entire world. A trump presidency is not to be celebrated here or elsewhere except by the world’s dictators

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Daniel, lol, "behaviour." I read so many English novels in my youth that I sometimes spell that way.

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And "labour", too? Huh.

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Canadians spell that way too! Long live "our".

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Yes exactly thank you!

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I believe the most obvious silver lining is the Trump supporters will be eating lots of crow!

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The real winner is Putin. Reversal of our victory of the cold war.

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And China.

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China did not participate in the psy ops operation. What Russia, their agents and willing idiots did are CRIMES. If the federal government doesn't step up has to be the states.

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Daniel Solomon ; I wonder how the states can step up?

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Start charging perps. Demand hand recounts where appropriate.

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I agree, Republicans would not hesitate; especially those who are MAGA.

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What if NATO immediately accepts Ukraine? Maybe Putin would be threatened to stop. We have to stop him. It’s like a game of chess.

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Like LTG Hodges said, China and others are watching to see if the US and West have the moxie to stop Putin in Ukraine. And they will be drawing conclusions.

Biden has totally lost me for his approach on Ukraine and Gaza the past 2 years.

Very harmful to the US.

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Marlo, I really truly believe that would be the tipping point for putin; he would declare war. remember that they lost upwards of 40 million during world war 2, they beat the germans, not us. they are very sensitive about borders and buffer zones.

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The US will veto any attempt to bring Ukraine into NATO.

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I hope the US is not that stupid. Ukraine as a NATO member would be of great value.

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I agree with this answer. When they discover that Trump has been lying to them for years, they are going to be very angry!

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Don't hold your breath.

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Who spit in your coffee this morning, Dan? You are awfully grumpy today.

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WE have to get proactive. Biden is still president.

The "lumpen" amount to nothing.

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Agree that we need to be singing Biden’s accomplishments at the top of our lungs

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Then why aren't they already angry? The neo-liberalism dogma is in steroids with trump but many of the people who voted for him are victims of these conservative policies including cuts to government services, cuts to the taxes of the wealthy and the removal of guardrails on corporate behaviour.

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It will take them awhile. They don’t want to admit they’ve been wrong about tRump. They just need to start learning the truth.

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They are! MOST that voted for "The King of Pedophilia" ALREADY regret they were so stupid!

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Daniel, I love what you write. Please let me know how you know -- i'm hoping it's really true and would love to see pointers to some evidence. Thanks in advance!

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What gives you that idea. I honestly don't see any evidence. Thankis

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Only if they start feeling the results of his policies in a very tangible way. Losing health care choice and being excluded for pre-existing conditions as he decimates the Affordable Care Act, a rise in the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare recipients, seeing $ taken away from public schools to fund vouchers for private schools, a stagnant minimum wage, and the higher prices that will come with tariffs. (BTW, I don’t believe the high tariffs he promised will ever become real. Project 2025 leaders will convince him it’s suicide, and he’ll concoct a story that Mexico, Canada, and China are so afraid of him that just the THREAT of 25% tariffs is enough to bring them in line.)

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There is a huge segment of MAGA supporters that will suffer to the death before ever conceding that his policies could possible be responsible for any conceived failures in the MAGA administration. And if those supporters should show any doubt, he will blame it on the Dems. After all, he is their god anointed savior. They will never fault him.

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I've been around a little while. Never thought this country would have a cult surrounding a political leader. I guess the actor, Tim Robbins, was a precursor to this in his movie, Bob Roberts.

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Bob Roberts is a terrific film -- seen by too few. Loved Gore Vidal as Senator Brickley Paiste.

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I fear you are right, Joan. Way beyond drinking the Kool-Ade.

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Unfortunately pain will have to be experienced by those more dependent on government services. And, in some instances, some are not aware of the good that government provides.

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There is a glitch in the system that said I reported your comment. I didn't.

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Gloria, I just had a comment disappear. Weird.

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Mine usually disappear. They seem to be rearranged.

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they are rearranged by time order

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*I* live in New York, so I'M hopeful WE can weather this disaster. BUNKERBOY'S CULT largely live in anti-American SOUTHERN states. THEY will bare the brunt of King Kong Fatty's facistic policies.

Luckily, nearly 50% ALREADY realize they goof'd! That's progress.

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Daniel - everybody keeps saying that the magats are having second thoughts? could you point me in the direction of reliable reporting that shows that?

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Ditto what Paul said. I'm eager to get pointers to evidence that the MAGATs are already regretting what they've done ....

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They won’t care

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Yes they will when they lose their jobs and prices go up a lot.

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Scott Neuman ; Who "won't care", about what?

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but they'll blame it on the "libs" even though it will have been progressive lawmakers who fought it all the way. remember how the repugnants vote against the common good, then go to their districts and crow about all the good things they're doing for their constituents (Inflation reduction act, with it's infrastructure component)?

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Think so too

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I'm afraid I don't see a silver lining at this point in time.

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Ido not either. What I do see is America is in decline, just like all past empires did.

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You may be right. Are we to egotistical to come to this realization? Or perhaps just arrogance.

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I refuse to see it that way,just being battered and threatened horribly.WE WILL RISE AGAIN! We've all experienced depression,anxiety,anger,too many toxic emotions.

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How could there be a silver lining when a psychopath controls all the levers of power and has been granted immunity?

The root problem has been corporate rule corruption that was created by their own SCOTUS puppets that stripped us of our Constitutional rights and powers. See movetoamend.org

But I fear it’s too late now. I have been asking everyone to help us grow the movement to pass HJR54 BEFORE IT’s TOO LATE, but y’all didn’t get it or were too busy.

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What is HJR64? I only see Texas legislation, nothing Federal.

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There is no silver lining for those of us fighting the healthcare system for our lives. Today, I received an almost 2-inch thick stack of paper from Quartz, our Medicare Advantage Insurance, with reasons for refusing to pay for a continuous glucose monitor, which costs about 200 dollars a month. We cannot afford this. I am forced to represent myself at a hearing over the phone on December 11 with an Administrative Law Judge. However, my doctor has put a letter of medical necessity in my medical records with a photo of my watch and phone that he took with his phone camera that shows a slow pulse and urgently low blood sugar while I slept, from which my phone alarm hooked up to the continuous glucose alarm awoke me from before I could have died. I drank a glass of milk and ate some cheese.

I have several diagnoses that cause me to be predisposed to low blood sugar which has symptoms in the daytime that I can respond to by eating or drinking something with sugar. But low blood sugar while sleeping, "nocturnal hypoglycemia," can cause death. The common term for what my brother died of at age 48 is "dead in bed syndrome," which is where the person is found dead in the morning from no cause other than the heart stopped. My grandmother died suddenly at age 50 (heart-related). An uncle was a SIDS death before it was called that. These are not just statistics but personal tragedies that have deeply affected my life.

I don't know what to do because a telephone hearing won't allow me to show my medical records with the letter of medical necessity and what the insurance is using to deny the claim is scanty cherry-picked portions of my medical record that support their claim to deny because I'm not on insulin and there is not sufficient evidence of 'problematic hypoglycemia.' They are ignoring the fact that I have fainted many times during the night on my way to the bathroom when awakened due to a full bladder, which is a symptom of diabetes which I have. I have a history of broken facial bones and head injuries from nighttime falls with suspected epilepsy that is unlikely the cause. Because I now have the CGM with the alarm that wakes me before my blood sugar gets so low that I become unconscious, I have avoided such episodes.

I will write about what I learned about how recent research since the more frequent use of CGMs shows evidence that nocturnal hypoglycemia is common among older persons with type two diabetes in my substack with a reference. I am not charging to read it and will post it after the hearing with the Administrative Law Judge. Like Judith, I don't see a silver lining for me or the millions who have died because of the inhumane healthcare system we seem to be stuck with. This system, which prioritizes profit over patient care, has led to countless denials of life-saving treatments and devices like the CGM. Dead people can't vote.

I know this is awkwardly phrased, but I am trying to put something complicated into a short post. I hope this information helps someone and that somebody can suggest what I should do.

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Medicare Advantage says it all. You are a victim of private insurance (which is what medicate advantage is). They are in charge, not you.

If at all possible, get yourself back into traditional Medicare during open enrollment. I think it ends December 7th. I have never been denied care for anything.

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Getting affordable co-insurance may be a problem because I left Medicare. This is Medicare's rule that unless you are on insulin and have evidence of "problematic hypoglycemia" or require another person's assistance, CGMs aren't covered. However, they will pay for X-rays and scans for injuries due to undiagnosed or undocumented hypoglycemia. It's a stupid healthcare system. It's expensive and largely ineffective.

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IF they will take you back.

And IF it is not too costly with the pre-existing conditions for a supplemental…

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We opted for Med Adv a year ago via our major Corp. it’s a national PPO, worldwide coverage we understood, already proven on a cruise. And I’ve racked up>$1m for bone cancer , Afib, glaucoma with nary a nickel out of pocket— except for one month of tier 5 drug 🥸.

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I have Medicare Advantage (HMO) with HAP (Senior Plus). I like it because it pays for my costly gym membership (good for my body & mental health). I haven’t had to pay much other that Dr & ER copays & hospital stays.

What is the advantage of a PPO? I thought you were more restricted as to Doctors.

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Mario our premiums went from $630 to $130. Monthly. The network is worldwide. Our out of pocket for MDs is $750/ year. Etc. via UHC and the sponsoring employer is worldwide and benevolent

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Marlo, I have united healthcare here in oregon. i decided to go with the winner (the most money stolen from taxpayers) but surprisingly, when I had prostate cancer, out of an $81,000 bill for surgery and pre and post treatment, i've only paid about $1200. i wonder if blue states with better insurance regulations (pro consumer) have better outcomes? Propublica should look at that.

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My husband had prostate cancer in 2020, and we paid nothing out of pocket for his radical prostatectomy. We live in Illinois.

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You nailed it. Medicare for ALL is the only way to stop these profit hungry Medicare Advantage scams from harming people and ripping off our Medicare Trust Fund. I'm a double- boarded geriatric medicine physician, not a campus lefty snd I see what privatization is doing to my patients. MMAs spend as much as 30% more than traditional Medicare and unless you're perfectly healthy AND don't experience a medical disaster (like a car wreck or complex cancer) the outcomes are ok not better, if it's complicated Gloria is right...the "outcomes are worse" as we say in medicalese. Support Physicians for a National Health Program, go after the health drifters. Medicare for all. Bernie is older than Trump and still has his marbles.

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So right. Access to health care is a human right. There is no room for profit in providing health care. In a universal public health care system, no money goes to profit, only care. I wish people could understand this.

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And it’s getting worse. See how many physician networks are being bought by private equity firms. They dictate how many patients a doctor must see in a day - and how much time the doctor may spend with patients. I’ve heard from doctors it can be as little as 7 minutes. Do you think private equity is interested in health outcomes?

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And he knows how to roll'em

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Get a lawyer.

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I got traction when I asked the "peer review" physician how many jobs his mother had to work to pay for his college and medical school and did she work her skinny hands to the bone so he could screw over somebody else's mom? I saw some tears through the zoom.

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How awful for you. You should contact a lawyer to help with this. Legal aid, if you have that could help. I had a run in with an insurance company and had my lawyer threaten them with a law suit.

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Why would any intelligent person have Medicare Advantage? Drop it! MA is only an advantage for the Insurance Industry.

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Get out of your advantage plan, if possible, and go with a supplemental plan, or just plain Medicare.

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Gloria : consider getting a second opinion. I have done well on insulin for years. Maybe you are a good candidate for that. There is no law that one cannot use insulin if they are type two diabetic. I am.

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Laurie, my former endocrine doctor, explained that my pancreas works, and that is why my blood glucose drops dangerously low when I use oral hypoglycemics. With the continuous glucose monitor, I can regulate my blood glucose with diet and exercise during the day, but I need the alarm to wake me while I am sleeping so that I can eat something and not just die in my sleep when it gets too low. Also, repeated episodes of very low blood sugar cause neurological and cardiac damage. Some researchers are starting to call dementia type three diabetes and believe it's a continuous process from metabolic syndrome to pre-diabetes to type two diabetes to dementia. Stress is a significant contributor to the process. Our economic system is stress and victim-blaming-based, or it wouldn't work.

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dementia/alzheimer's has been called type three diabetes by some for years-for instance,i read maybe ten years ago that the Puget Sound V.A. was successfully treating mild and moderate alzheimer's with an insulin nasal spray and a mask-simple,effective,and cheap-no wonder it's not used widely

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looked it up-first mention,maybe what I remember,was in 2011-time flies

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Careful what is posted in media and stay close to your doctor. I discontinued Metformin when I read that it causes heart problems in a few articles. My doctor did not object when I told him what I read. That was years ago, and he is happy with my glucose tests, and general vitals.

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Maybe, if possible, get or add your doctor or someone with medical credentials and knowledge of your medical history in on the phone call to the judge?

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What about Ozempic or one of those type drugs? They have been very successful with diabetes and most are no longer dependent on insulin. It was originally meant for diabetics.

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Gloria ; my pancreas works, too. I have been cared for by an endocrinologist who knows about these things, and do not pretend to know how it all works. I never take insulin before bedtime, or naptime, for that matter ; unless I have had food. if I find that I'm running low glucose numbers when I wake up, I tell my doctor, and make adjustments. Everyone is different.

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Hypoglycemia is something I know nothing about. I have lows sometimes, fortunately while awake.

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How do you know what your glucose is while you're sleeping?

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Gloria : I don't, except I never take insulin right before sleeping, and I have usually had a snack before a daytime nap, or dinner before bed ; not immediately, but a few hours before, and only a small dose of fast insulin before a meal, if my glucose is high. I can usually tell when I'm low. If I'm feeling weak or crabby, I check my glucose with my meter, before driving, or going for a walk, or napping, or turning in for the night.

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That’s the problem with Medicare Advantage. Unfortunately with your pre-existing conditions it’s too prohibitive cost-wise to go back to original Medicare & supplemental policies IF they will even take you back (something they DON’T EXPLAIN or aren’t transparent about before you switch over.

I am in the same boat although I am very healthy (other than a heart attack in March, due to a high “Lipoprotein a” which is genetic, or could be due to “nano plastics”which they are finding everywhere- babies, penises from men with ED, brains & is an increasing cause of heart disease).

So get your Lipoprotein a blood test. ‘If high a heart attack or stroke is imminent’ and it might be wise to be on a low dose statin.

Don’t use plastic for cooking or storage. Use glass. Throw out black plastic utensils. They are cancer causing. You can google all of this to verify.

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Medicare Advantage Plans are practically speaking, scams. They are privately owned and, therefore, must make a profit. They restrict access and refuse treatment regularly. People are fooled by the “too good to be true” descriptions. Eye care including glasses, dental care, health “perks” and low premiums. Of course you don’t always get to choose your own doctor and treatments are often denied. They should NOT be allowed to use the term Medicare in their advertising as they are NOT run by the government.

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Ralph Nader has done a few radio shows on why Medicare Advantage is fraudulent and should be called Disadvantage. I'm not sure if it is possible to drop it and find a different solution. A good quality continuous glucose monitor can be purchased for as little as $500 but definitely for $700. Why is it $200 per month, sounds like another insurance ripoff.

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Good wishes

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Our governing system has evolved into one of legalized corruption . The glue that holds it together is money. Until there is the will and means to remove that glue, I don’t see a silver lining.

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True. It’s the corporate rule corruption that was created by their own SCOTUS puppets that stripped us of our Constitutional rights and powers. See movetoamend.org

But I fear it’s too late now. I have been asking everyone to help us grow the movement to pass HJR54 BEFORE IT’s TOO LATE, but y’all didn’t get it or were too busy.

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Lawrence, thanks for sharing this news. So is the legislation DOA? Let us know. So sorry since I have been harping about this for more than a decade. Too much going on for many but this endeavor is key. Joan

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Silver linings?

Trump gets older every day, and less able to remember all the things he hates.

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It should be easier for him, because he seems to hate everything that is not his own wealth, or power.

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Our ONLY hope is unity. Biden is still the president. Don't form the circular firing squad formation.

Unless we act now, via Biden, we may never have democracy again.

The "long game" is a joke. I turn 81.

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It's a "rich' game . They bury us in the trash that only money can buy. Crooked lawyers, lies, and injustice.

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I was not disparaging Democrats. In fact, I was responding to a post that was denigrating and divisive. I, too. Along with most people, am getting older. Long or short, we must work together and try to be supportive of each other. I think my remark was critical of tRUMP., which makes sense.😁

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What I have learned this election is that if there were any real opposition party. we wouldn't be facing the end of a democratic Republic in 50 days/

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Old age may be a blessing in the next 4 years!

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Long live wisdom, Daniel Solomon! Happy Birthday when it happens!

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Agree, the long game is now.

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But the people surrounding him and JD. Will still be there and project 2025 will be there. We are doomed

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We’ve given the Germans a break from the label of stupidest society.

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Karen Horwitz : our biggest problem is the large number of billionaires owning our government. They are the really "entitled" ones.

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And manipulated by Putin. He finally got what he wanted since Yeltsin crowned him. Revenge against the West. Just read Alexander Litvinenko’s Death of a Dissident, the return of the KGB. This book came out in 2007/8 right after his death from a cup of tea containing Polonium 210 or a mini atomic bomb. I was living in London 3 miles away from where it took place. He was Putin’s right hand man until he realized what he was doing to Russia and his plans for the West. He managed to escape from prison and found asylum in the U.K. There he worked for MI5 and MI6. After his death many other oligarchs who didn’t agree to give him 1/2 of their wealth were imprisoned on made up charges as he did with Navalny. By this time, Putin had already found the perfect puppet: Donald Trump. Patience has been his strength. He wanted to punish us for the break up of the Soviet Union. The Kremlin had by then collected so much Kompromat on Trump that it was super easy to get what he wanted. No one read Litvinenko’s book describing Putin’s playbook. He gave up his life for nothing. No one believed Christopher Steele MI5, Peter Sztrok, Craig Unger and several other Intelligence agents who were working in Russia for years. I visited St. Petersburg in 2019 and saw with my own eyes what’s to become of the “working people” in our country as Elon Musk refers to us. Our guide risked his life by showing us what dire conditions they have to live. He misses Communism! Even the Czar! He showed us a huge building specializing on biochemical weapons. The ones used to kill several dissidents across Europe. Nerve agents difficult to identify. I’m sure Putin will be happy to share them with Trump/Musk/Vance to eliminate dissenting.

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True. It’s the corporate rule corruption that was created by their own SCOTUS puppets that stripped us of our Constitutional rights and powers. See movetoamend.org

But I fear it’s too late now. I have been asking everyone to help us grow the movement to pass HJR54 BEFORE IT’s TOO LATE, but y’all didn’t get it or were too busy.

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Germany will soon, in Feb.25, retake the title

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What will happen then, Bo?

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I doubt they can trump Trump!

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There are rumblings from the MAGA voters that they are faced with losing their health insurance because Trump will allow the companies not to insure those who have pre existing conditions. Since there are very few people who don't this means that lots of people are on their own if they have a health issue. But this has been made clear by the republicans. It's crazy to vote for someone who harms your interest and tells you in advance.

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Too late or them, they can't withdraw their vote. Trump and the fascists will manage to blame Transfolk and immigrants tho.

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They, for some reason, think he is joking when he says things like abolishing ACA and Medicaid!

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They wanted to abolish "Obama Care." The Republicans did everything they could to promote that trope. Only >now< will they realize that ACA and "Obama Care" are one and the same thing. And - of course - when it goes away, the MAGAts will - predictably - blame it on Democrats.

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They never learn. GH

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I have read other articles by Professor Joyce, Vance and Heather Cox Richardson. Neither could predict the future nor did they try. But including you, sir, to me, you are the holy Trinity of information. And from what I take, it’s a time that we need to reflect about what we really stand for as a party as a people as a freedom loving group in America. I do believe that the incoming mess will make a mess of it all I think a few will try to do their job. But we must let the toxic dust settle and watch them implode because I think there will be total in fighting. And I even hate to say the word Mr, but musk is going to be the major concern. He wants to play God. Trump just wants to play. And he’s playing the fool. I really don’t like writing this way at all, but I don’t know what to do. I love this country, I am Soptic and I believe in social help for people. The word derives from the word social and that is all of us. I don’t know why they can’t see that so many things they are doing her making us go backwards. Yes we can implement some of the things if we do them in a coherent and productive and positive way. With safeguards. Anyway, I digress. like I said, we need to watch that implode and then have our strategy ready for the midterms and down ballot and take back our country one that is definitely in need of repair. But the right people and the right place will see that and try to make it better. This group of I’m just going to have to say clowns want to burn it down. And I don’t know why I don’t know what they get out of it. politicians should be running to support their constituents and we want life liberty and the pursuit of happiness however, that can’t be achieved. And we have to remember more. People did not vote, then voted by either party. So I can’t believe that the far right have a mandate. And I don’t believe that the majority of the far right or the right want these things to happen. I hope they’ll realize it even though I don’t want to have to be a party of realizing what they’re going to do. I’m using the voice here so I apologize if there’s any typos or grammatical errors it’s early in the morning and I don’t see real well right now ha ha ha for anyway let’s all stay together. Talk to each other. Listen to the great information in truth that we are able to hear from these three wonderful people. Take it to heart and find a way to spread it to your friends, your family to whoever in a positive way. Lastly, I love this country. I’ll do what I have to do whatever that is to keep it that way free. And it inherence to the constitution. Thank you very much for allowing me to write this. This is also a free freedom. Peace and love always everybody stay strong stay diligent but lead with love. Mike

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A suggestion Mike. Long run on paragraphs are hard to read, and I doubt that they are read. Break your paragraphs down to two to four sentences, each paragraph containing one thought. An example from HCR or RR's article will suffice.

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I tried to it was four in the morning or whatever. No excuse but thank you for your advice. I will take it.

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It was given with good intentions Mike, you took it like a mature man, Congrats.

I too was up 4 in the morning, PST, you must be in a different time zone. I got up to pee (old age bladder ;) and to recharge my watch,then went back to bed.

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Thanks Gloria and darn spellcheck. I meant probably say socialistic. You know that awful word that so many people hate to see ha ha ha ha. Thank you again and sorry like I said later on it’s early I don’t have good eyesight and I’m too tired to spellcheck personally ha ha ha ha. I need to go back to sleep. I have a busy day ahead of me.I do have a friend named Greg Soptic ha ha ha ha

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"I am Soptic and I believe in social help for people. The word derives from the word social and that is all of us."

I can't find any such word as "Soptic." Would you allow the fire department to save your house if it were on fire?

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As far as the fire department, of course I would I don’t know if you are being funny or giving me a hard time because of my poor spelling. I have many friends that are firefighters and my uncle was a captain. They are very important. All our social departments are important. They are for the people we the people.

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And I see that you are a nurse. I think you guys are the greatest. 16 years ago besides the doctors, the nurses saved my life and took such good care of me. I didn’t wanna leave the hospital. I felt like I was home. Thank you so much for what you do. I’m sure you’re never told enough. But you are the backbone of medicine and this country. Thank you.

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Mike, you said you don't believe in social help for people. You must have meant certain kinds of social help. Sleep well.

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I’m sorry I meant just the opposite. That’s where I didn’t proofread very well. No I truly believe in social welfare. I know that’s a negative word but they to be have very positive. Meaning I apologize for the typo and thank you for pointing it out. I would go back in corrected, but I don’t think we can do that on this site.Have a wonderful weekend.

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You are assuming there will still be some shreds of a democratic system, economic system and Constitution after 4 or more years of the American Reich left by Trump, his MAGA allies, the Christo-fascists & Trump's foreign dictatorial allies are finally forced out of power. Optimists with Rose-colored glasses. Sigh...

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There isn’t a shred of legal democracy left. They even gave him legal immunity for any and all horrors.

True. It’s the corporate rule corruption that was created by their own SCOTUS puppets that stripped us of our Constitutional rights and powers. See movetoamend.org

But I fear it’s too late now. I have been asking everyone to help us grow the movement to pass HJR54 BEFORE IT’s TOO LATE, but y’all didn’t get it or were too busy.

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I hate to be a Cassandra, but there is no silver lining. November 5 was the product of an effort that began in 1935 to erase the New Deal order and return the nation to oligarchical rule. Though it waned at certain points, since the election of Richard Nixon in 1968 and the dissemination of the Powell Memo three years later the libertarian-social conservative movement has waged an unrelenting attack on America’s modest welfare state. Over the ensuing decades the radical right, working through the Republican Party exploited the anti-democratic choke points built into the constitution, engaged in vicious, algorithm-driven gerrymanders, disfranchised voters, and packed the federal courts the aim being to establish minority government in the United States. With the advent of Fox News and social media, the right, encouraged a form of right-wing populism aligned against what it described as an alien form of cosmopolitanism. Failed by an educational system oriented to producing interchangeable parts rather than critical thinking citizens, and sold out by an increasingly compromised Democratic Party, Americans have been groomed to accept a strong-man leader who would return the nation to a mythically glorious past. While we may see problems arising as the contradictions between the desires of the libertarians and the “middle class” revolution many thought they were voting for, in the short term at least, any conflicts arising from those differences will be easily papered over. While all bets are off in the long run, given the demoralization of liberals and progressives, the utter absence of a coherent viable alternative to what is going to become the status quo and the unlikelihood that the Democratic Party will make the changes voters actually want to make that happen there is no effective counter narrative. Sadly, I fear we are going to remain in the darkness for a long time. My only hope is that when we do claw our way out if there will actually be something left to build on.

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to Jim Gardina: I "liked" your post because i think every word is TRUE, and clearly, elegantly expressed ... but I sure don't LIKE it. This truly sucks for all but the uber-wealthy ... and anyone who depends, even partially on Governmental Social Services (Social Security, Medicare, Federal disaster assistance for fires and floods, etc.) will suffer greatly. That's a whole lot of us.

However, I can't sit comfortably in the victim role (despite always voting, and periodically contributing, to the "not-so-evil side"), because I didn't protest much while enjoying a comfortable lifestyle built on the backs of workers (cheap labor & resources) from countries that US Government & Corporations have exploited for decades. I enjoyed my relatively cheap lattes while reading about abject misery "over there", not HERE in the US. But now, the neocons, libertarians, oligarchs, and global corporations will be able to treat OUR country with the same sociopathic exploitation that we've seen happening elsewhere. Heaven help us, please! (i'm agnostic, so not overly hopeful).

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Jim, I agree with your premise but I would like to think there are some 'green shoots' we will build--maybe a new major party since the other two are so broken! Otherwise, it's not going to be unenjoyable living in the U.S. the rest of my days unless I become delusional or just find a way to leave it.

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Wow, Jim. You've said a mouthful of truths here. I got winded reading silently!

That's a compliment, btw.

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I find it fascinating (in a ghoulish way) to watch the real winners, as musk positions himself as the de facto president, on behalf of the oligarchs, of which club putin is obviously a member. their only allegiance is to themselves and their money and power. it's always been this way, all through history. we've never seen it on this large a scale, as their wealth is almost unimaginable. remember, the "modern" roots of this are in 313 AD when the roman empire and the christian church joined to become the protofascist state, which has evolved over the years to what we have now.

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Glad you noted Rome and the Catholic Church.

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Haven’t quite “woken up yet” still waiting the five minutes for my coffee to brew in the French Press but I say without a doubt… ALL OF THE ABOVE! I will not be a defeatist. Goodness will prevail and we shall not lose or Democracy! Period.

This commented will be edited once I have seen your video…. Happy Thanksgiving you two!

Continued…7:18 EST

Very enlightened from your coffee together this morning, Heather and Professor. I like some of your terminology including the way you describe the 85.9 million non-voters; “authoritative facism” vs. the People. How you say the the GOP wilL OVER REACH and that we will have a great big response…..we will fight for Social Justice! And Heather, we Dems will improve our Long Game, without a doubt. Our silver lining this Thanksgiving… without question.

My best to all of you.



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Speaking for the elderly, the ill, the poor, the disabled, the special needs kids. Support and ensure their value in the eyes of the government and the public. Dont let them be the sacrifices for the tax breaks for the rich.

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We here in Wisconsin reelected Tammy Baldwin. The win was narrow but she did it! (And your point about our state level elections - that is huge!)

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I picked other and that has to do with our resilience and knowledge of history. America has been through this before. The pendulum has always swung between dark times and better times. Just based on past history, Americans have pulled together in times of crisis. Right now most of us are still in a state of shock. But I already see that grassroots groups are beginning to strategize

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