A clear eyed call to arms. The fact is ALL who oppose the ending of American democracy should vote for whoever stands for the Dems, a semi cogent Biden, Harris whoever- it’s not an idea choice but it’s the only responsible action. One thing I can’t understand though, is why the media is still chasing and cheerleading Trump generated ratings like it’s 2015. Surely they understand it’ll be over for them (literally) if he gets in again? Why the conspiracy of silence around Project 25?

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❤️Reich's Eleven suggestions❤️ missed humor. For Vonnegut fans: it's OK to indulge in your placebo! 😁"Live by the lies that make you kind and brave and healthy and happy." 😁 The suicide promised at the end of Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle" NEVER HAPPENED BECAUSE IT REQUIRED FINISHING THE VOLUMINOUS HISTORY OF HUMAN STUPIDITY... BUT ***HUMAN STUPIDITY IS ENDLESS***(finding the joy of human stupidity in high school... my dad built nukes so the End of the World was being NOURISHED IN MY KITCHEN... has been like a "secret engine" to ENDLESS JOY)😁😁😁

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Colbert on Biden debate on debate:


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Oh Power corrupts, that was the best Colbert I have seen in some time. Thank you for the needed giggle!!!

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Jul 9
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If trump wins, I want to hear what you say after he starts his "revolution" of America! When your freedoms start disappearing, will you still be glad you voted for him?

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If Trump wins I am moving out of the US, because Rome will fall the next time. I am a older lady, I don't want to be marched to the gas chamber because I am a older lady. Just Saying

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Jan, of course Tom will. He would never admit he is suffering from the actions of his hero. That's how we get cults.

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So true!!!!!!!

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Biden mandated a shot that didn't work and threatened the bread basket of America..... the working class of people who pay the taxes that assist us to live beyond our means. Now the dollar set to lose the Reserve currency status America will be an impoverished country. happened under Biden. let's stop this selecta memory behavior.

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Which freedom is that?

More than 2000 have been arrested for peaceful protest against this genocide that is squarely due to Joenocide Biden complicity.

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Mehrdad, are 2000 people in jail? Being arrested and being imprisoned aren't the same thing. Just ask convicted criminal Trump.

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Jul 9
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It's not a marriage, it's a bus. You don't wait for the perfect one, you take the one most likely to get you where you want to go. Just standing on the street corner waiting illustrates your inability to make a reasonable choice.

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Given that it will take every available vote to keep Trump and Project 2025 out of the White House. Any vote for a third party, or any non vote is in fact a vote for Trump

So Tom, you are in reality voting for Trump.

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My dad turned into a grumpy old man. He locked his doors and kept a gun by it. He gritted his teeth a lot too. But he had his buddies. I hope you have yours. This is humanity and this EXPERIMENT is what we got and what we have to work with. People who don't vote at all help us to circle the drain and go down it. That's complete abdication.

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If only Bernie. . . or Elizabeth Warren.

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Not voting for president is worse than voting for trump

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You forget important facts - presidents can’t act unless Congress goes along with it - hmmmmm, wonder what that means ??

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Stop whining.

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Obama failed to.prosecute Bush? If you want tyranny, vote for Trump or don’t vote, it amounts to the same thing. I guess it was OK for Hamas to attack Israel and or Israel and its allies to just take it on the chin. Please crawl back under the rock you came from.

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I hope I am as bad*ss as you when I get to your age <3

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I don't like the DNC any better than you. I was furious with how they treated Bernie (twice), and am only voting for Biden because Trump will definitely take us down a road that will be very hard to come back from. Maybe it won't be in your or my lifetime, but with the choices we have, I have to vote for Biden or his replacement.

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Yes, we're at a low point. But what do you think not voting for Biden will do but take us even lower? If he wins, then you can make these very good suggestions. But if you don't fight for him (or whoever takes his place) to win, we'll have dug the hole even deeper.

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You are not alone in feeling this way. I am right behind you both in age and belief. Democrats are the pigs with the lipstick

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So you just don't vote in the presidential election? Just to be clear

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You forgot to mention "in the name of Christianity"

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Would you have been against America's entrance into WWII against German fascism? Are you now against America's support of Ukraine in its fight against Russian fascism? Apparently, from your remarks, you are against America's support of Israel against Arab fascism.

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well said

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In a Trump tin pot dictatorship, you will have to pay bribes to government officials for services that now come as part of the general funding of government. If you express dissatisfaction with any Trump government official, you will be thrown in jail. Availability and safety of life-saving drugs will be decided by corrupt, ignorant judges, not by FDA scientific experts. Capable, experienced civil servants will be replaced with incompetent doofuses, such that government will not perform the basic functions that we have come to expect. It won't be pretty.

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How are people so blind not to see this?

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Correct! Corruption will abound! It's already gotten pretty bad in some parts. Trump is as corrupt as they come. And now the whole GOP is corrupt.

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Jul 9
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Tom, can you give us some of your ideas as to what we're supposed to do about all this then? What have YOU been doing to improve the situation?

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Not outrage at what’s going on, outrage at what could be the end of freedom and democracy.

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Why are you focused on Biden’s senior moment when Beelzebub Trump will destroy the world ? Like the Dutch boy with his finger in the dike ….

It’s easy, if Biden becomes incapacitated Harris will take over.

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Susan, the best idea I have heard is having an open democratic convention. Making the presidential wannabes compete for our vision & vote. Already, Biden’s team is making decisions. Is that why Gaza will continue to live in genocide? Because Biden is NOT strong enough to meet the challenge?

If Biden is partially there as he appears, then others are not or are making unelected decisions. Like Rotten Ronnie Reagan & his obscene wife.

There is no guarantee Biden will die. His unelected team lives on. The VP then is NOT making decisions. It drags on.

Trumpties say nada because they feel they can beat Biden. But, a democrat elected from a real convention, not the DNC lackies for Wall Street, could boost the excitement. Watch the Colbert footage. Don’t cry. Seek a real candidate. What happened prior does not mean it will happen now as we fight the Nazis.

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An open convention is a recipe for disaster. A candidate/nominee starts from scratch, receives o e week of fame,then loses to Trump. Convention is for a limited number of people. About14 million people voted for Biden during the primaries. You want to disenfranchise them? You want to overturn their will just like Trump did on January 6. There is no difference between this suggestion and Trump. I will grant you the exception that I am sure you will not use violence.

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Just utter nonsense. The Left keeps waiting and hoping for that "revolution" to come along. Must be nice high on that mountain top with all the answers and all the moral high ground. In the meantime the real fight is down here in the dirt. Trying to keep a real fascist idiot from getting back in the WH. Anyone who is delusional enough to think there is no difference between Trump and Biden has not much of a memory. It is not one man it is an administration. An agenda. So keep hoping for that revolution which will never come. In the meantime all of us "neo" liberals will keep going to the polls doing the heavy lifting to try and keep what little rights we have left intact. More evidence that the extremes of both "sides" are actually just one side.

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Indeed, while there are real resonances here insofar as what took place in Germany in the 1930's. One does not try to appease dictators like Trump or his institutional supporters; rather one must fight them! That said, Biden is no longer anything resembling Churchill (perhaps he never was?) with the further dilemma being that there do not appear to be - at least at this stage - sufficient enough blocs within the Democratic Party who have the moral clarity to realise what is at stake, indeed not only in regard to the US but the entire world!! Put simply, Biden HAS TO GO, while to rewrite Pablo Casals, "The situation is hopeless (the Dem Party) must take the next step"!

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Watch the Colbert link at the beginning. Get out of your Reich fantasy called Groupthink. Wake up to what real people think about Biden now.

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I don’t know that my teacher’s teacher, Maestro Casals, would appreciate his words being used in this context.

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Excellent post!

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And the neo “liberals” will continue to concern themselves with the color of the curtains in the kitchen while the house burns down…

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Jul 9
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If throwing your vote away is smart, so is pissing into the wind.

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I also have wondered if Biden is actually doing anything. More often than not, he is invisible. During the 2020 election, he was absent.

But whoever is running the country is doing the best job in decades. It isn't perfect of course. More should have been done to reduce the border problem. More should have been done to restrain Israel. But overall, a lot of good action has been taken.

I suspect that a group of centrist politicians, or others might be incharge. Looking at the actions that were taken, a lot of money flowed to big business. But at least the big business were tasked with improving the country. Take for example the EV subsidies: They were for improving the charging network. Only US car manufacturing was included in the rebates. Only better sources of batteries were allowed. Battery production in the US was encouraged.

Take for example renewable energy: Gobs of land were given to business to install solar. But rebates for individuals for solar and battery systems was enhanced.

Even during the Trump administration, a bunch of good legislation was signed, but it all came from bipartisn bills, with none of Trump's help in the making.

Yeah, maybe there is a deep state, but whatever it is, it is good instead of evil like Trump. And Trump will be happy to follow the far right oligarchs.

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Jul 9
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Meanwhile a lot of people are moochers. I see some who don't do a lick of work, but find ways to extract money from the system. I see democrats that worry about trivial people issues, who don't give a thought to the collapse of civilization due to climate change. You have to be able to sort out what must be done, from what is nice to have done.

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America has become balkanized, with the huge majority of the USA supporting Donald Trump and a nearly identical number of Progressive Democrats living at the extreme edges of the continent. America would be well served if the rich elites on the coastline created their own nation.

Reich will never convince anyone with arrogant and extremely partisan nonsense.

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Tom, that was quite a rant, but it was total BS! Good for you, you managed to keep it going for a couple of paragraphs worth too!

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Is "Kaitlin Johnson" a real person or a bot? She has been around since before the first Trump campaign. I have tried,but never been able to find any evidence that "Kaitlin Johnson "is a real person.

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I keep seeing that name posted (with a C, not a K) here & there as the apparent author of some quote or idea, but I have no idea who (she?) is or what (she) stands for. I do think that this particular supposed quote by (her) is apropos.

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This is so true. This means many of the American people has Parkinson's disease or mental issues. It was self evident he is not running the coutry.

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Mine too! We had the bomb at the dinner table. The GenZs don't understand that this real, like REAL. My 7th grade class was dismissed early during the Cuban missile crisis...of course in Our Town nobody's mom worked, moms were home if the Nuclear End of Days came to pass.

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Gen z’s nor any of the modern gen’s understand what it was like to live under threat of war or nuclear war - they are more interested in cats dancing on TikTok.

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Hey, Susan, watching funny cat videos may be a distraction from todays rancorous political climate, but that's sorta the whole point, right?

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Jul 9
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You’re just a troll -

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Why is it those with no historical background always have to get the last word and it is always namecalling with no substance? Maybe checking out family history of who in their family fought in W.W.I.I. would help. Did someone get pulled into Vietnam? Do they understand what the draft used to be?

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Agree, completely. And we need wide knowledge of more recent events than ww2.

My father, stationed in Orleans France, was due to retire from the US Army when the Berlin wall went up, August 1961. Out of fear of Soviet sttack, all Army personnel were "frozen" in place. 11 months later my father was permitted to retire and return to the. US. My US Army American high school was designed as a field hospital. There were no stairs, only curving ramps., in expectation of no power.

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Such a life story. I really wish these heros could tell their stories more to young people. There really are many young people interested in history and stories bring history alive.

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Good point. Vietnam vets, nurses, pilots should be interviewed on tape. If short interviews were somehow made available to American and world history teachers, it would help young people connect to wartime experiences

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Reminds me of that great line, "What part of 'Leave-it-to-Beaver-land are you taking me to?" (with apologies to "The Wire" for possible paraphrase).

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Joe Biden has pushed the US closer to nuclear war than any president in 21st century. He keeps escalating Russia and throwing Ukrainian lives into a meatgrinder proxy war that Russia has already won. Trump de-escalated nuclear tensions with North Korea, which brought more peace and stability to the world. So how are you invoking nuclear fear as an anti-Trump argument?

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Put "Trump," and "MAGA," and "Fascism," and "Dictator," and "Nazisim," and "Hitler," etc into the blender and what do you get? You find out that they are all made out of the same thing:


Now imagine that the 60% of Americans that scientists found are sometimes cured by placebo... HAD THEIR PLACEBO REPLACED WITH SCIENCE!

Science:"Do one thing every day that scares you." --Ms.FDR, Eleanor Roosevelt(aka FREEDOM FROM FEAR...aka one of FDR's* FOUR FREEDOMS: Fear, Want, Speech, Placebo...ooops... I mean POSITIVE PLACEBOS... aka Religion )😁😁😁

*and the UN.org

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MAGA: Manipulating America's Gullible Assholes!

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Jul 10
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Yeah, I’m still waiting for these constitutional geniuses to explain how Trump is going to steal the country.


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Look at most of Trump’s followers. Other than Christian zealots, they’re mainly (not all) a LOT of ignorant hillbillies.

These “folks” can be extremely scary.

I know from experience 🤦‍♀️

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Please, explain your experiences. How is it you call me ANYTHING when you’ve never met me? I’m anxious to see your list of experiences.

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Jul 10
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Well, I sure didn’t mean to, but I see what you’re saying.

It’s because I have had in-laws from a scary part of the South who were extremely backwards and treated me rather nasty because I wasn’t from the South.

I’m from Missouri, it’s Midwestern, not Northern!

Cruel even after my husband died.

It was not a pleasant situation and THEY were extreme and the MIL still tries to hurt me.

I just don’t allow it anymore…

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Being naive is a very dangerous thing. I would rather be a little paranoid and see dangers that may not exist than to think “every little thing is going to be alright “

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What do you get with that noxious blend, PC? Pure, lethal poison. No thanks.

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Well, Trump is no Howard W. Campbell, Jr. However, this is apropos from Wikipedia

I got the idea at a cocktail party on Cape Cod. [...] I lived there for 20 years, and I met a spymaster. The guy had been a spymaster during the Second World War, and he was complaining about spy films, that they made no sense. He said, "Any time you have an agent inside an enemy country, this is a very sick person you are dealing with."

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Jul 9
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Who’s sick?

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The CEOs of the media companies (including MSNBC and CNN) have donated $$ millions to the Deranged Yam’s campaign. They’ll make lots more $ w him as president (if they survive at all).

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I love your moniker for Drumpf -- "Deranged Yam"! How clever! We should all start using that. 😀

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I can’t take credit for it, unfortunately. It’s so clever! A commenter on Substack (I cannot remember where) used and it cracked me up. If anyone knows who the commenter was, let me know so I can credit them!

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I agree!

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Joni, I agree with you. All the wealthy individuals and media corporations who gave obscene amounts of money to Trump’s campaign are supersized fools. Their shortsightedness prevents them from understanding how his fascist government will enslave them to serve his vile purposes. They think they own him but the opposite will surely prove true as they will be forced to extol their leader on every broadcast.

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I’ve lived in Iran during the Shah’s time and then in Persian Gulf Emirates. All countries run by Powerful families who keep a secret service in order to remain in power. Every person must toe the line. Every home and every business is required to have a government approved photo of the head guy on prominent display.

How would you like to be required to have a photo of a Yam in your living room?

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Kinda like the media that is enslaved to the left wing agenda and have no choice but to spout the lies that they are fed from their handlers

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What, exactly do you think Trump can do to actually overthrow the government and society that ONLY TRUMP CAN DO?

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By himself, Trump can’t do much since he’s only one person. But like Hitler, Trump is the figurehead leading a cabinet of selected loyalists, and an army of mean crazy and fully armed fools who are sworn to obey him and enhance his ideas for the destruction of democracy. Brown shirts or MAGA hats; different colors, but the same battle cry.

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😂 Yeah, ok. 😂

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I meant the CEOs of the company that owns those stations now…

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Oh, just stick with Deranged Yam, Joni, it's a winner!

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"Deranged Yam." 🤣🤣🤣

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Seriously?!?!?! Even the CEO’s of the more liberal channels?!

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They may not recognize the danger of trump because many of them are trump supporters! They donate to trump so why would they write anything against him? They would rather attack Biden and try to convince people to go with trump! They will NEVER get me to vote for trump. They also know that Project 25 exposes trump, and the MAGA republicans, for what they really intend to do if he is elected! They want to keep it away from publicity!

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All you have to do is ask a Chinese or Russian defector that now lives in USA what it was like behind the “ red curtain” of communism to know what it will be like under a trump DICKtatorship

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Trump too shall pass….. in 4 years!

He can fuck-up alot of things in 4 years but if he is capable of completely destroying our republic it isn’t worth saving!

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Omg - if he and his heritage foundation completely disassemble the constitution- all is lost - people didn’t fight all those wars for America just to have a slimebag liar with pretend bone spurs and never fought or worked a day Iin his life throw it all away

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Susan, what I've seen on social media is that many Europeans from dictatorships are Trumpers -- they apparently brought their predilection for authoritarianism with them. During the 2020 campaign they burbled on about the dangers of socialism and never noticed that the alternative was fascism.

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For another interesting perspective on life under a dictatorship, check out the Netflix series, ‘The 3 Body Problem’. Science fiction is only fiction until it isn’t.

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He will disavow it... On the other,

Hand, he lies...alot... He doesn't have a lot of original ideas... He's not much of a thinker... Just a feral attention seeker.

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For something that the “MAGA” wants to keep away from the people they are doing a lousy job seeing as you know all about it

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Jul 11
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Art, How much are they paying you to be a flame-thrower?

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@Steve Bell. Register Democrats to defeat Trump.


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Would have done it already but I’m a (very concerned) Brit!

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If you have to register democrats to vote you are losing already

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Biden is quite cogent, if tongue tied. Don't be confused.

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Good choice. Need more coffee. Often cogent though.

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lol tongue tied!😂😂😂 That is the greatest excuse I have seen for dementia man in a while

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Ding ding ding! 🛎️

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Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise 2025 (Project 2025) has been in the news and briefly mentioned in the Substacks of Robert Reich and Heather Cox Richardson. I downloaded the PDF and am up to page forty-five. It feels and reads a bit like the recent book from Kohei Saito called Slow Down. Project 2025, describes how the government is currently organized, but it also reminds the reader of what the book wants out of a president who will conform to its contents.

Coming from and living in what is now a low % impoverished neighborhood with a good mix from all walks of life, thus far, the book contains things that are not going to fly with many level-headed Democrats, Republicans, or Independents. The book is naïve that any American President would submit to the covert control of the Executive Office and the power it yields, much less to American society as a whole.

Overall, it is dark as it imposes a minority view on the majority to bring about some utopia that humans have talked about for ions but has never happened. I'll keep reading, but I am sure the agenda it represents is impossible to implement without first enacting martial law and installing some Military Junta for decades to come and destroying America as it has been known for the last two-hundred forty-eight years.

The readers of P2025 will determine for themselves whatever they will.

For those of us who were raised, worked and survived being a Blue-collar worker to receive a social security retirement, P2025 is just another text that talks of some utopia for everyone. For many of us as individuals within a rule-of-law society, we’re just looking for living wages, a decent roof over our heads, a healthy diet, health insurance, decent transport, etc., not another utopian dream.

For the millions living in challenging times (hasn’t it always been challenging times in America?) The book, Mandate for Leadership, The Conservative Promise 2025, won’t bring any more prosperity, government functionality, or other intentions the book has than previous texts that came before it historically.

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Good points Henry. The Heritage Foundation is the caldron of evil and dangerous anti-American ideas funded by billionaires and the religious right. Their location in Washington, DC, is the place where they plan to destroy our government as we know it and force, by any means, their extremely conservative ideas on the rest of us. It is the modern day American version of the "Brown House" in Munich. Hitler and the Nazis did all of their evil planning "for the Betterment of Germany" there from 1930 to 1945. The allies destroyed it in a bombing raid that year. If anyone thinks that Project 2025 is a good idea they should ask the German people how well the planning at the Brown House worked out for them by 1945.

No person or political party in this country is perfect but the GOP has been going off the rails since Nixon and has ceased to be the loyal opposition but become the precursor to the New American Fascist Party. It is a shame that more of their supporters don't bother to read history. They would learn how unhappy people in many countries throughout time have fallen prey to bad ideas from mad-men promising to save them from their "enemies."

That usually ends with their neighbors being hauled away in the middle of the night. The MAGA folks may think this is a good thing, until they are the ones being hauled away. Then it will be to late. Trump, Bannon, Steve Miller and hundreds of other Fascist thinkers are planning just that. Please believe them when they tell you so.

Cheers... GH

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Mass deportation is one of the things Trump promises to do, and he will enjoy immunity. This will not be your usual election.

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The media understand that Trump is not kidding. Once in the Oval Office, Trump will use the powers of the Federal Government to punish every person who did not support him. The media is now practiing "anticipatory compliance". They will say nothing against Trump to protect themselves should Trump become President.

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There is now beginning, to all who have picked their heads up from their daily grinding, to be attention paid to the Project. Trump himself is mentioning it while trying to distance himself. That's another indication. The polls have been dismissed all these months but I, anyway, have come to a point where it cannot dismissed that there are so many and most showing Trump ahead.. yes some slightly, some not. Stubbornly going with Biden who is not campaigning effectively and seems to be hurting himself the more he shows himself unscripted will not win this regardless of "vote blue no matter who" or a "semi cogent Biden" (you mean cognizant?)

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You answered your own question, it will be over for them. Especially once the TV generation gets older The Millennials and Gen Z could give a shit about watching news on TV or anywhere.

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How did you decide Biden is Semi cogent? It is very rude to call him that. Are you a neurologist who examined Biden?

Lawrence O'Donnell reported last night that Biden gets a physical once a year and part of it is neurological exam. There are no alarming facts according to the neurologist.

Democrats are destroying themselves by not supporting Biden. I will vote for whoever the democratic nominee will be, but I have no hopes for a party that is falling apart.

Ultimately it is upto the voters. That's where our energies need to be focused, and not on the selfish, fickle Washington democrats and our Untrustworthy media.

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Remember the media live in a bubble of their own and have high paying contracts.

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The MAGA movement as well as your common garden Republican voter won't view Project 25 in terms of "the only responsible action", while your naivety is frankly breathtaking, Steve Bell! It's a measure of the deep and cataclysmic social schism in America today (and one created by the Clinton's and the administration that our Professor Reich was a part of - even if he was not responsible for the working class Dem. base alienation which they caused!) that commentators like yourself could think such stuff, with such fantasy only being eclipsed in this instance by the frankly - I am very sorry to say - 'humanist bullshit' that RR has displayed in his 11 suggestions! As with the Ring Wraith's in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, "They are coming", while to advise the fightback approach that RR advises is really the equivalent of pissing at the oncoming tsunami! The ONLY solution is for Biden to be replaced with a candidate who can belt Trump back hard!!

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Trump 2024

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This is hilarious!

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Oh, NO!!!! Conspiracy!

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That is irresponsible and seen from a tunnel vision reality. It is reprehensible that you would put back in a man who has Parkinson's or some mental disease. Also he is 81 and it can only get worse every year forward. You want to put America in that position. The other countries can see his condition. Kennedy or Trump is at least a fully functioning individual with much more elastic brain capacity. Time to think about America not democrat or Republican

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A.K, I watched a video of President Biden’s speech

to members of NATO today. He gave a strong

speech and didn’t exhibit symptoms of any disease. (As a former RN I have a habit of observing people for signs and symptoms of illness. However I realize I’m not perfect at it.)

I did notice there were a few times that Biden’s enunciation of words wasn’t what I would call

“crisp.” My husband, who stuttered as a child and adolescent, also watched his speech and said that

what I noticed was common for stutterers.

Late Monday evening, the White House released a letter from President Biden’s personal physician,

Dr. Kevin O’Connor. “Dr. Cannard has been the Neurology Consultant to the White House Medical Unit since 2012,” it noted. Cannard, O’Connor explained, “was the neurological specialist that examined President Biden for each of his annual physicals.His findings have been made public each time I have released the results of the President’s annual physical. President Biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical.”

The President’s annual physical results are posted

on the White House website and I’ve read the most recent annual physical results. He does have

extensive osteoarthritis which accounts for much

of the stiffness of his gait and other movements.

In a separate letter Dr. O’Connor wrote, “Prior to the pandemic, and following its end, [Cannard] has held regular Neurology clinics at the White House Medical Clinic in support of the thousands of active-duty members assigned in support of White House operations,” his letter reads. “Many military personnel experience neurological issues related to their service, and Dr. Cannard regularly visits the WHMU (White House Military Unit) as part of his General Neurology Practice.”

As Prof. Reich mentioned, the upcoming election is

about whether or not we will still live in a democracy

after January 20, 2025. I’ve found it helpful to

evaluate the situation in 2 parts:

1.  Winning the election 

2. Governing after the election 

Many people are evaluating whether President Biden

is the best candidate for another 4 year term, and say he couldn’t possibly be an effective president

for 4 more years. That’s probably true, but he doesn’t have to be president for another four years

because VP Harris can step in at any time.

I think President Biden is the candidate most likely

to win. He has an excellent list of accomplishments

that truly help ordinary Americans. After 3.5 years

people trust him. Although republicans have tried to

smear him for the last five years, they didn’t find anything or make up anything they could successfully smear him with. They will use his age and minor infirmities against him and blow them

way out of proportion to be sure, but fundamentally

President Biden is a decent man who has been a good president.

Winning the election to preserve our democracy is

far more important than whether or not he can be

an effective president for four more years. VP

Harris can take over at any time and finish the

projects Biden started, with the team he assembled.

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Thank you for the comment!! Well Susan it appears to me that many people like yourself are just in a tunnel vision of cult personality. We do not live in a democracy because we have graduated to fascism while under the Biden Administration. The vaccine mandate is a prime example of the attack on the tax payer by this administration. Biden has amplified inflation. I do not look at government numbers . I look at my pocket when I go to the supermarket! Both sides of the political floor smear each other. That is regular business not one sided so folks have to get beyond that and get to the core of policy which has been lost! For the record the country is a Republic not a democracy! That is a another misguided highway that folks do not know they are marching. Biden couldn't stand trial recently yet he can run the country and have the nuclear football. How does that work? Please tell me his policy that helped everyday Americans? What people trust him? I do not! These general platitudes have nothing to do with the country. He has expanded this Ukraine proxy war which we should not be a part of. Giving Ukraine and Israel billions and for what? We are geopolitically isolating ourselves with the global south via these economic sanctions which have now Balkanized the world! The Dollar is on the defensive and is the true power of the United States which the Biden Administration has bastardized. I do understand what people are looking at. Mr. Biden didn't give RFK Jr secret service protection! The reason presidential candidates received secret service protection was because of RFK Jr. father's assassination! That was not humane one bit by Mr. Biden. I found it insulting. The man's father is the reason for the law change.

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There is but one goal in the upcoming election, that is to politically retire Donald Trump. A united effort to affect this end will succeed only if we vote in a unified manner to make this fool go away. We hold the answer to his insanity, all we need to do is vote in a manner that reflects the American ideal.

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Not only Trump, but also Republicans in Congress. We need to retire Trump's enablers from government as well.

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Especially important if Trump wins (God forbid!). We will need a Democratic Congress to help block his plans as much as possible! I wish Mr. Reich would write about this.

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Good points Carolyn and Donald. I would include any Republicans running our state governments. The commercials being run in the St. Louis area by GOP candidates for state office are sickening with their violence, hate, anti-minority and racism. I no longer live in my home state of Missouri, thankfully. It so sad to watch it devolve into a GOP run swamp of racism, religious intolerance, anti-vaxers and unregulated gun ownership.

I believe that citizens should be allowed to have guns but with reasonable limitations. They don't seem to believe that anymore. If I remember correctly, the week after the Uvalde, TX school shooting the Mo legislature passed a law making guns even easier to buy and carry. Gov. Parsons it into law with great fanfare. And he is a former sheriff. Go figure the thinking on that!

It seems their goal is to sink to the level of thinking going on in FL, TX and MS.

Cheers... GH

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Jul 11
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Hey there Art. Thanks for your reply. Name calling really doesn't solve any problems. If you want to advance your ideas then run for office and get the changes started. But first I would suggest that if you hate this country so much and can't stand it when your guy loses a fair election then maybe you should pack up and move to a real fun country. Like Iran, Russia or Afghanistan. A couple years there might change your mind about how bad you have it here. Maybe not.

Anyway, if you have spent any time working as an Election Judge, as I have, you will find that there is no possible way to "rig" an election in this country. Every election there are about 900,000 loyal Democrats and Republicans who work together to assure the American people that every vote is counted, fair and cast only by citizen registered to vote. Call your county clerk and sign up to be an Election Judge for a few years and then get back to us.

Cheers... GH

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I don’t understand how they still have their jobs. They violated the Constitution!

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Excellent, Donald! 100% agree!!

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Politically retire Trump and his enablers in Congress and state legislatures. Tie every candidate with an ‘R’ after their name on the ballot to Trump and Project 2025. Apply a simple logic test: Candidate endorsed Trump / Trumpism is Project 2025 / Therefore Candidate is pro-Project 2025.

Don’t let ‘Rs’ control the conversation. Make it all about the evils of Project 2025 applied at all levels on the ballot.

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So you want a one party state. How very democratic of you.

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I agree. But what about the Heritage Foundation and a smarter Trump like figure?

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This talk of Joe stepping aside is ludicrous. Trump lost to Hillary by over 3 million votes, he lost to Joe by almost 8 million. The fool has done nothing but show the world what an idiot he is for the past 3 plus years. They constantly ask us "Are you better off now than you 3 years ago?" With the knowledge that Donald Trump isn't our President, you're damn right we are.

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The fact is D.H., that your country will not - and is incapable of voting - in "a unified manner"! Professor Reich's 11 points are utterly delusional, while they assume a homogeneity that just doesn't exist - and especially further to the post neoliberal damage that Clinton did (indeed an 'administration that our dear Prof was a part of!) which created the kind of sociological 'scape that has allowed Trump to prosper. You need to go in there and bust this moron's orange arse with a strong candidate who can belt him into the wall given Biden now simply cannot do that, while it truly beggars belief that you and so many of your fellow countrypersons can't see that!

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I'd like to retire him beyond politically, Donald. I truly yearn for the day when corporate media won't report DAILY on his bloviating bleats.

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You are correct we all must do as much as we can to stop Trump from destroying this country

If he gets in the White House

God help us.


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I'm afraid that Biden will INDIRECTLY destroy America (AND THE WORLD) by failing to stop TRUMP. It is obvious that he (Biden) is not up to the job. Each and every member of the Democratic party needs to loudly call out Biden - he must resign. Suggestion 12.

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I think he is up to the job! Just because he's not loud and obnoxious like trump, please, don't mistake his quiet demeanor to be weakness. He and his administration have done a great job and will continueto fight for our democracy and help Americans . He still has that team too. Being President is not a one-person operation! Please vote blue! Our lives and our freedoms depend on it!

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I have always said that the president does not run the country by himself. Trump may think so, but it is his administration that does all the work to be reviewed by the president! Biden has a great administration. Trump's administration will be a bunch of people who should be in jail but will be pardoned by trump!

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Yes, Sheila! President Biden is starting to bring out dark Brandon in order to fight this fight. He is our president and I stand behind him 100%! Vote Blue, America!

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Peggy, what or who is "Dark Brandon," and where did you get that from?

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Klare 'Dark Brandon' is a play on 'Let's go, Brandon' a meme used by the far right to insult President Biden.

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He had one bad debate night, during which it was obvious that he was unwell, as in sick. He hit his pace eventually but look what he was up against! The serial liar spouted about 30 lies in his responses. That's when he responded at all. For the life of me I can't understand why nobody has taken Trump's performance to task. All the lies. The evasion of direct questions. And a good part was nonsensical too. But nobody seems to be able to honestly weigh in on HIS performance. Although I doubt it was anything other than Trump being Trump, his responses and general demeanor during the debate are known as the "Gish Gallop", a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm an opponent by abandoning formal debating principles, providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments and that are impossible to address adequately in the time alloted to the opponent. Gish galloping prioritizes the quantity of the galloper's arguments at the expense of their quality.

Trump is despicable and we have to get everybody out to the polls to vote Blue, right up and down the line. We have to get the House and Senate majorities and Biden reelected so we can make the changes needed to secure America from the likes of Donald Trump or one of his ilk. Period. Full stop.

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Exactly. He almost nnever answerd any questions and if a question was asked of him again, he'd launch into some stream of consciousness rant of made-up personal grievances, like the democrats wanting to abort babies up to 7 days after birth! All unchecked by the "moderaters."

It's hard to believe that there are so many gulllible people here but they've been born and bred that way for quite some time, eh?

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Adam : true! Look at CNN, allowing tRump to have a "Town hall" , that was nothing but a tRump rally, letting tRump choose the interviewer and the audience: all fans of his.

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Thats what all lawyers do…overwhelm their oppononts, abandon all principles, provide an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of argument! Thats what they teach them in law school wether republican or democrat

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Trump coached on how to debate by lawyers! Clear!

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Please stop Joe Biden from running for re-election right away!! By virtue of his debate performance and interview with Stephanopoulos he has lost the undecided and swing vote, and will lose the election. Biden must give his delegates and money to Gavin Newsom right away!! Biden and the Democrats must back Gavin Newsom for President right away!! Don’t waste time with self-serving or PC politics otherwise your legacy will be that you got the next Adolf Hitler, name of Donald Trump, elected president/dictator. Trump will mean the end of democracy, dictatorship, martial law, the end of the rule of law, revenge & retribution, and concentration camps and/or death for all his political opponents. This is not hyperbole. This will be fact under a Trump dictatorship. It will cause a civil war. Don’t even think of running Kamala Harris!! She is boring, has no personality, and no point of view. Harris is just a bureaucrat. She will be slaughtered in a presidential election. If you don’t want your legacy to be that of getting Donald Trump the next Hitler elected dictator, make sure you get Gavin Newsom to run against Trumph. Newsom is the only Democrat with the brains, the wit, the integrity, the personality, the moxie, and the energy to defeat Trumph and end the threat of Fascism in America. Joe Biden is washed up. He thinks he’s the only person that can do the job. Absurd!! Biden will leave the race “if God Almighty tells him to”. Biden is not only mentally challenged, he may also be schizophrenic. Get rid of Biden immediately and back Newsom. Otherwise your legacy will be getting the next Hitler, Donald Trump, elected president and dictator!!

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Richard Brachman: you are working for tRump and the billionaires. Not so fast with the fear mongering. And lies about Kamala Harris. Rubbish 🗑: all of what you said! Trump lost the "debate" because he did not follow the rules. He cheated! CNN did not "moderate" the event properly. They want a trump 'win.'

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Nope!! I’m tripling down on my support for Joe Biden. He’s our choice, the people’s choice!

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So are you implying that those who don’t vote for Biden are not people? Since for them Biden is clearly not “the peoples choice”

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Clearly Not all the peoples’ choice….

Thats totally unrealistic, an extreme wishfull thinking and deluded view… at least 50 percent of Americans will not vote for Biden!

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Do you live in CA, Richard?

"The Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll conducted earlier this month found 47% of registered California voters disapprove of the governor’s leadership, while 46% approve." (Jan 18, 2024)

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article284398415.html#storylink=cpy

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Not wildly popular then.

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We already have all that, fascism, no rule of law, democracy for white jews only, torture and death camps in Biden and his partners ( in crime) in the Israeli war cabinet!

The Zionists, including Netanyahus’ lap dog, Genocide Joe are coming for you next!

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A quiet demeanor isn't the issue, it's the fact he has shown his diminished self, running for a powerful position in a time of great peril. I worry too, because he is starting to use Orange Menace's words: I'm the only one who can do this; the elites are after me; I'm running the world, I don't need to be medically evaluated, etc. The corker for me was saying if he lost, as long as he did his goodest, that was what this is about. That's what a child says seeking Daddys approval? VOTE BLUE is what we can DO!

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Here's the explanation for 'goodest'--According to The New York Times, the ABC standards team listened again to the audio and changed “goodest” to “good as.” So, Biden fumbled saying he did 'as good a job as I know how..." But, you can believe the worst if you want.

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That one line isn't thinking the worst, but I stand corrected if he said "good as". Using Orange Menace's words are disturbing, as I said.

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Yes, vote BLUE! It's not just a quiet demeanor, Sheila. He's an aged, diminishing politician, whom I have loved, but fear now that he is using Orange Menace's words: "I'm the only one who can do this; the ELITES are after me; I'm running the world". & this original; (I'm still pulling my eyebrows off my hairline)- If I lose, I will know I did my goodest, that's what this is about!!

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Look George S. was brutal to him and I hated every moment of that interview! Nothing like eating our own! Thats BS! Sadly, trump declined an interview. They should have spent 22 minutes beating up trump and it would have been well worth the $ and much more enjoyable to watch. I'm disgusted with the Democratic tactics. Honestly, I think I could run a better campaign! I'm sick of the brow-beaten Dems doing such a lousy fucking job!

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Yes, where is the coverage of the Orange Menace's outrageous, authoritarian rubbish filled speeches? Dems need to figure this out, get a plan, and do everything to beat O.M. into oblivion.

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Marilyn D ; "Dems need to figure this out, get a plan," ; "Dems" don't own the media. MSNBC does sometimes showcase tRUMP's gaffes and addled moments though, which is why I record some of the shows, like Lawrence O'Donnell's "The Last Word". They also feature Biden's speeches, and things like the event featuring NATO, where Biden gave a speech and presented the Medal of Freedom to the outgoing leader of that Body. So much more deserving than Rush Limbaugh was. By the way ; the use of the term , "Dems" is usually a sign of disrespect, a kind of giveaway that the one using the term is hostile to Democrats. Just saying. It 's kind of like trolling.

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Sheila Joyce ; tRUMP would walk out from any interview if it wasn't going his way. that is most likely why he did not agree to an interview. It is hardly the Democrat's fault that The Media is doing a lousy job, and tRUMP is not being held to anywhere near the same standards as President Biden is.

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I did despair hearing him using statements like that only because they sounded just like Trump and the last thing we need is someone sounding just like Trump. I didn't appreciate the interview but would have loved to have had a Trump interview along the same mien. Trump is an idiot and why does nobody try to talk him out of running? The lies. The convictions. The cases yet to go to trial. Taking hundreds of top secret documents! And people follow this jerk.

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Yes! I think "debating" Orang Menace is never gonna be a debate.. incapable he is, deranged he is. His cult is also incapable- of doing anything about him... to see Mark Rubio, whom I used to think at least had a brain, bow down & roll over... they all are, but a very few. When it's all over & Orange Menace, they'll say " I never supported him", like no one in Germany was a Nazi after WWII.

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Sheila, you said just what I wanted to say!!!

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I disagree, James Kane ; Trump bollixed the "debate" by not truly participating in it. He did not answer questions, and concentrated on sabotaging President Biden with a barrage of lies, fear mongering and nonsense along with disrespect and hate. the media is owned by billionaires who stand to get another trillion dollars, or two, in "tax breaks" if Trump gets back in office. Plus there will be fewer consumer and environmental protections ; another windfall for the greedy. Biden served the Common Good, while tRump did not and will never do that.

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That was what I saw in the debate. Trump evaded questions and turned it into a rally for himself! We know the people with all the money want trump in there so they can continue to not pay their fair share to keep America running!

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I agree with all of you, and Robert, about T not being taken to task for... well being his usual obnoxious and lying self. Biden in a coma would still be a better president and person than T. If half of the American voters can't see that and vote T in again then we are all doomed... even them. Vote Blue.

Cheer.s.. GH

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Right, Laurie. But, as usual, that's not what was reported -- and Dems went straight into Chicken Little mode.

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Jul 9Edited

When corporate media agree on replacing Biden (and especially pushed by FOX), viewers should beware of a range of possible motives, the least of which is find a better candidate. Don't we all recognize MAGA chaos agents hoping that democrats will eat each other alive as they do? Aren't we a little familiar with their attempts to throw us into confusion and thereby divert attention from trump's perverse and criminal behavior, his utter insanity, and Project 2025? Believe me, the ONLY reason the ultra right needs trump is that he's one great carnival barker. That's it.

In every age throughout history it has been the same. This is the test of our time.

"For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens". (Eph 6:11,12)

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Well said, Shaf! We must recognize the MAGA strategy because they are afraid of President Biden and know that he can and will defeat the orange stain! Vote Blue, America!

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Looking behind the veil at CNN and you will find a Libertarian owner from Colorado. Fox is about money and power. The owners of CNN are about power at all costs.

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It’s white supremacy ghost? When people say stupid things you wonder how they were able to make out of bed in the morning

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Quoting the bible are we…. How Trumpian of you… but then again Biden has been claiming the divine right of kings lately!

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Don't confuse Christianity with its white supremacist ghost.

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James, President Biden is not going to back down. He is in this race and all Democrats must rally around and support him. The constant calls for him to step down only divide the Democratic party and bolster the republicans. They love that their messaging about President Biden's age is creating chaos within our party. Shake off the doubts and tell everyone that President Biden, Vice-President Harris and their very knowledgeable and capable staff are more than capable to keep our Democracy strong. Vote Blue, America!!

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I totally agree with you. The democrats need to rally behind Biden, not try to call on him to withdraw! America's future is at stake. Biden can beat trump. Most Americans see trump for the lying traitor that he is. We know he wants to destroy America and make it his vision of America, which is NOT a good thing!

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So, Peggy, why aren’t the Trumpties jumping on this. They believe they can BEAT Biden after the debate. Do you realize a Parkinson’s disease specialist has been to the White House 8 times in 8 months? Look up early Parkinson’s. Biden looked just like it. Many reputable sources are reporting this. Here in Reichs world, there is too much groupthink.

We need a really exciting debate by eager democrat Presidential candidates and excite the country making the choice. What happened prior was not Nazis almost winning.

Do you really plan to vote Biden like Nancy Reagan had folk vote crapper demented Ronnie?

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OMG, I’m sick and tired of people quoting propaganda like it’s the God Honest Truth 🤯🤯


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Christy, the Guardian first reported the story of which I am aware. Lots of propaganda floating around. Like a President that can currently work most days 10am to 4 pm, in a 24 hour day job.. Democrats that have NOT stepped up to the plate to help 'we the people' as they are just as in love with getting reelected and eating the lobbyist pies, enhanced by federal salary, federal benefits that almost none of us have anymore.

Poor Christy........

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If Guardian said it, link it. No one but you can control how you pick and choose the words you read to fit your own prejudice.

The mind is powerful. We can all use ours to save our democracy, or we can keep up with our whining about how “all the Republican 💩💩💩💩we’ve been buried in for decades is a Democrat’s fault and it all sucks anyway”.

It’s up to us. That’s the whole point.

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Jul 10
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You don't sound like an 'art lover'. You sound like an angry person on a rant... and this conspiracy makes little sense.. good luck with your decompression.

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His message about Bidens age? As in don’t believe your lying eyes!

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If Biden steps down (I don't understand your "he must resign" statement), then the country will go into chaos, which the republicans want! Biden does not run the country by himself, and I trust Biden's administration as well as Biden himself!

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We need to focus on the system not the person. We elect a team with a succession system.

Haiti went down the road of electing celebrities as president. The results have been a total disaster. It's an extreme example but sometimes extremes point out the error of our ways.

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James Kane, with people like you constantly running him down, you should be ashamed of yourself, bully! (WHAT is "suggestion 12?)

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You don't seem to get it mister. We are choosing between the only 2 things on the menu.

1). Competence

2). Corruption

Which do you prefer?

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Mr. Kane, I already called you out for being a bully. Stop spreading your propaganda; it is not welcome here! Go find somewhere else to pedal your dung!

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Every time we attack Joe Biden we are doing Trump's work.

We have a damaged candidate.

Attacking him damages him more.

If someone attacks him now, how will they turn around and support him later? They will lose credibility.

I am working to improve the chances, and the policies, of local and state Democrats. My Town, my County, my State.

One of my favorite groups to support is voteriders.org. I was convinced when I realized that folks get "voter ID" and can use that document to, say, access social services, health services, etc.

Here's an interview with Rick Wilson and Lauren Kunis, Executive Director of VoteRiders:


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James, Robert suggested things that we the people have the ability to do or not do ourselves. These aren't suggestions for what other people should do. We can't control what "every member of the Democratic party" does, or how they react to this situation.

There is plenty of talk about how Biden could step aside and the party could run a mini-primary (Clyburn, Carville). Clyburn helped Biden; he's trusted and influential. For me, it could work for the Dems to run an open primary leading up to and then use ranked choice voting to select the ticket at the convention. That could produce some benefits that offset the risk of not running with the experienced incumbent. For example, it would be a way to take over the news cycle and give reporters plenty of relevant new click-bait that helps Dems win, instead of this Biden bashing B.S. But if the process is chaotic, or if Biden and Jill and Kamala are not COMPLETELY on board, it's not helpful for the party to try to "annoint" someone other than Biden. At least not in my opinion.

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All the furor about Biden‘s age and health are narratives constructed by the lying GOP and mainstream media who make money off the chaos.

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The paperwork has been filed, Biden is the candidate. If we switch the GOP will sue. That much disarray can only hurt us.

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No he won’t. Don’t you remember he was president already?

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God will not help the Democrats because the Democrats are satanic. Thats a silly plea to make, when every policy you have is against Biblical justice and morality. America deserves to be smote by God at this point for our evil

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Conspiracy of silence: great term. The President of the Heritage foundation said the transition of power would be peacefull after Trump's victory, "if the left would make it possible".... or similar words. Maybe we find it normal, but for me it is an unveiled threat with civil war. Or insurrection.

Trump was on video on 6th of january but was not prosecuted for his insurrection. Justice delayed is justice denied. So prosecute the Heritage foundation...

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Oh, Tom, I do not doubt for one moment that the president of the heritage foundation was threatening all of us opposed to their demented Project 2025. I also do not doubt that he expects all of us to roll over and let it happen without bloodshed. I fear he doesn't understand that we will fight and fight hard for our Democracy. Vote Blue, America!!

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That was my idea; but letting this threat pass seems to be a part of the conspiracy of silence too...

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Jul 10
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Robert Reich. Found another troll. Art Lover. Please block his hateful invective. Geez you think Russian disinformation would have a more educated troll farm. Must have sent them to Ukraine and they died!

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My goodness, Art Lover, did I hit a nerve? Well good. I will continue to tell people about the Project 2025 and how it relates to the orange man. Furthermore, you don't intimidate me. At most, I find your invectives mildly amusing. I proudly cast my vote for a true leader, President Joe Biden. He is working hard for all American people and will continue to do so in his next four years. He is an excellent representative for us around the world. Say whatever you want to say, hey, it's a free country and we aim to keep it a free country by keeping the orange stain out of the White House. Have a nice day and vote blue, America!

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We could’ve nipped this in the bud by quickly arresting and jailing all the yahoos who participated or supported in the insurrection attempt. Justice delayed is justice denied and we’re pay for it now.

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That is why I would like a prosecution of the Heritage foundation. Not to punish but to brake the conspiracy of silence

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Wow thats really a fucked up fascist response…

Arrest all the protestors… some of those insurrectionists were non-violent!

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You can't be prosecuted for making a plan.

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You can. It's called conspiracy.

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I think you can; and the suggestion or threatening with civil war is criminal as well

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And trump, as a presidential candidate, has told us what he plans to do! In the old days, he would never be allowed to even run as a candidate with his history and his criminal convictions. Of course, the two main ones, January 6 and the document trial, will never happen if he gets elected. They will magically just disappear. That is why trump wants to be president. He doesn't care about our country, he cares about staying out of prison and ruining our nation and turning it into trump's America!

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Jan, agreed, but do not prove the obvious. How do we prevent this lapse into fascism?

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Tom, Americans are loaded up with guns . . . millions of guns. Let them try!

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That is what makes me shiver. Putin would like that...

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Jul 9
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Putin is behind a lot of the dis/misinformation the media feeds us. He backs Felonious T, who in turn worships him. MAGAt’s play right into Putin’s plan for world dominance.

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But I do: the balance op powers is very important for Europeans, who don't use invectives or expletives, but try a civilised conversation...

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To quote the late great professor Irving K. Younger, "That's the kind of thing you say BEFORE you go to law school," - here ya go:


It depends on what the "plan" entails - I'm not saying any particular outlined explicit point in Project 2025 encompasses an illegal act or set of illegal acts, but then I haven't read it, so maybe it does contain that. Get the law Lawyer directory Legal encyclopedia

"Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal. Most U.S. jurisdictions also require an overt act toward furthering the agreement. An overt act is a statutory requirement, not a constitutional one. See Whitfield v. United States, 453 U.S. 209 (2005). The illegal act is the conspiracy's "target offense.”

Conspiracy generally carries a penalty on its own. In addition, conspiracies allow for derivative liability where conspirators can also be punished for the illegal acts carried out by other members, even if they were not directly involved. Thus, where one or more members of the conspiracy committed illegal acts to further the conspiracy's goals, all members of the conspiracy may be held accountable for those acts.

Where no one has actually committed a criminal act, the punishment varies. Some conspiracy statutes assign the same punishment for conspiracy as for the target offense. Others impose lesser penalties.

Conspiracy applies to both civil and criminal offenses. For example, you may conspire to commit murder, or conspire to commit fraud.

See also: Inchoate Offense" ******

I just realized there's some unintended irony in this, in that the Younger quote was what I thought of immediately, this online reference is put together by the Cornell Law School, where he taught, and from where the U. of Minnesota hired him, given his renown as a national expert on the law of evidence. Years after that I was in a class on Family Law taught by his wife, Prof. Judith Younger.

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He also gave CLE at the ABA, Practicing Law Institute in NY, and other places.

My favorite Irv quote, "using leading questions, you can accuse someone of having sex with a parrot on cross, but to prove it, you have to produce the parrot."

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Irving Younger's 10 Commandments Of Cross Examination at UC Hastings College Of The Law UCH Ed Tech 2.04K subscribers

440,551 views Jan 13, 2014

An excerpted clip from UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco of the late great Irving Younger delivering some key points of his much referenced 10 Commandments of Cross Examination. A true classic in the history of American legal education, Younger's Ten Commandments of Cross Examination are often cited, debated and over analyzed, but certainly not without their merits in at least familiarizing yourself with them.

1 Be brief.

2 Short questions, plain words.

3 Always ask leading questions.

4 Don't ask a question to which you do not know the answer.

5 Listen to the witness' answers.

6 Don't quarrel with the witness.

7 Don't allow the witness to repeat his direct testimony.

8 Don't permit the witness to explain his answers.

9 Don't ask the "one question too many."

10 Save the ultimate point of your cross for summation.

Mr. Younger passed away in 1988, but his insights into trial strategies continue play an important role in Trail Advocacy training and legal skills development to this day. Said the New York Times in it's obituary of Mr. Younger's video presentations " The videotapes typically show a lawyer who partly resembled a Shakespearean actor and partly a stand-up comic: in a grainy voice, with his arms flailing, and his fingers jabbing the air, Mr. Younger exhorted would-be lawyers about proper courtroom etiquette and effective advocacy, spicing the task with compelling trial tales and humorous anecdotes. "

This Video Is comprised of parts 14 & 15 of a longer Legal Lecture recorded at UC Hastings College Of The Law in San Francisco CA in the late 1970's.


^^^^^ This is extremely funny material and also as serious as it gets in terms of the content, a real gift to be able to assemble that kind of public presentation. No wonder he is missed.

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Took a trial lawyers' training from Irv. I recall his summary of the 10 rules as either "don't, don't, don't" or "sit down and shut up" or a bit of both. I think we should take heed in the current climate.

Stick with a simple message. We vote for leaders in a governance system not for celebrities. Government is not about entertainment.

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Yes yes yes! And yet meanwhile we confront a powerful, semi-sophisticated legacy mass media which DOES see Trump-in-government as "entertainment," as eyes on advertising, as clicks on online articles, as eyes presumably on online ads - although as to this last, IF they could hear my muttered amazement at this or that stupid, intellectually insulting ad, they might reconsider their effectiveness.

It's also true that a vast number of the journalists and employees do not support Trump or Trumpism per se, there's a kind of Faustian bargain at work here - and not only there, with the journos and staff covering politics. Faust is a powerful archetype in Western culture precisely because it can manifest in so many forms. Transmogrifying initially idealistic or at least fair-minded law students into money grubbing crooks, sacre bleu!

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Richard, thank you for this very relevant information.

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and the billionaires Murdoch and Mercer produced the parrot: Trump.

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Jul 9
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??? It could well be terrorism incarnate - the NAZIS got a good percentage of votes to overthrow the Weimar Republic, for example. So if the Trump cultists vote to overthrow American democracy, that's another form of sedition, genius.

When voters in what became the Confederate States of America voted to secede in order to maintain human slavery, it was sedition. Similar template.

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Yes, and the Republican Party has become the new Confederacy.

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Yes they can terrorists often write them, including Hitler. It seems to be a fascist or at least Totalitarian thing. Totally archaic and delusional. Admittedly they usually find them AFTER the killing spree or death camps depending on how far the lunatics get. Anyway it’s all a bit of a deflection from millions being boiled alive or flooded as we speak.

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Yes, progwoman you can be prosecuted for making a plan. It’s called a conspiracy. However, someone

must do something in furtherance of the conspiracy

to be prosecuted.

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The problem isn’t limited to just Trump. It’s metastasized to state and local level and evolved into Project 2025 which doesn’t depend on a Trump. We need to identify and vote against anyone on the ballot who supports Trump and his goals.

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Right, Jan! Vote Blue all the way down the ballot!! We need to do that until we have eliminated every single one of the MAGA traitors!

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Thank you. If Trump is elected, EVERYTHING is going to be nothing but trivial. One second afterward, it will seem absurd that any of it mattered. It will be like worrying about a dent in your car when a nuke is about to hit the city.

People need to understand the emergency we are in, and not get distracted. We can rail and despise the Democrats to our heart’s content eventually but right now we are facing something completely catastrophic for the country, and possibly even the world. It is a certainty that VERY few people in the USA will benefit from the Trump presidency. It’s a certainty that his winning the election will cause enormous suffering for many people, and will push the country into a lasting spiral. SCOTUS has made him dictator in advance, Project 2025 is complete insanity. Everything that protected us in his first term because federal agencies still functioned will be dismantled. The only uncertainty is how bad it will get. The possibilities for that are terrifying. The only sane or reasonable path is anti-Trump. There’s a lot of blame to go around for how we got here but that too is a terrible distraction. We can worry about all that stuff later. Right now, the danger is too great.

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Correction: They will definitely ATTEMPT to "dismantle" the protections, but that would inevitably trigger a huge number of legal and political battles and won't be accomplished quickly.

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Yes, of course. They will get pretty far because the rightwing has hacked our system. They have accomplished a virtual judicial coup. The right, which was once diverse and fractious, is now unified and both simple and single-minded. They aren’t bothered by constitutional and other niceities. That’s not to say it will happen overnight—but it will be achieved faster than you think because they lack scruples, and are no longer as concerned with the reaction of the public. (Once you hack the system, and have this many billionaires, you don’t have to be.)

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Exactly thank-you…. Project 225 and The Heritage foundation has been around for a long time… after the disastrous debate they underscore and bring it to the forefront to distract from the Biden debacle!!!

Vote Blue no matter who us as rude and insulting as it gets!

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I’m actually feeling some fondness for you dear Claire… because you seem confused like a child!

Im not for or against any person, I can be disgusted and appalled at their behavior!

Im 100 percent born and bred American , and 100 percent self-loving Jew!

However I choose to reside in the 5th dimension!

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Why not post here… its the internet and its free…. Anyone can post here… thats democracy

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In that case; bum out to your heart's content.

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Then : ",Let the Sunshine, let the sunshine in ....The Sun shine in...

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Good morning Laurie, thats my sisters name too….Laurie

Sorry to inform you that

The dawning of the age iAquarius has been put on hold!

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Andrea Layton : Good afternoon 😊 I think an age cannot be put on hold, and can prevail against such holds, and even all odds. what is your theory about the Age of Aquarius? I have forgotten the lyrics, but I wonder what you think is being put on hold?

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I don't get what you are saying here, Andrea.

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A typo…. 2025 and thats a cheap shot, typos in chats are common…..Im clearly human or do bots make Typo’s

Nobody was talking much about Project 2025 until after the debate between the Zombie and the Psycopath…

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When Biden screws up the “bad-othering” gets very loud!!! This time they emphasized the Heritage Foundation and plan 2025!

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You sound deranged, like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Are you FOR Biden or AGAINST him? Where are you from and why are you posting here? You're certainly not an American!

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Jul 9
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Thats not even worth responding too….but you have my sisters name so……. If I don’t support the undemocratic democrats Im a Trump lover…/ total nonsense

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It is hopeful that you are resisting being labeled a Trump lover.

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Hold your nose and vote for Biden!

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He won’t be on the ballot. Shall I write his name in?

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Thats funny Chuck… is your Jesus smoking a joint?

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I would I know? I’m a Russian bot troll magat. Which is odd because I voted for Biden.

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That’s just makes you ignorant and a Russian bot

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Yes he will. So step right up and choose either competence over criminality or criminality over competence.

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I don’t have to hold my nose to vote for Biden. You are also voting for good and capable and sane government. He has appointed people who know how to carry on in the event he can’t.

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The Biden administration is awesome…..👏

Especially at funding and orchestrating Genocide un conjunction with Netanyahu and The Israel Lobby

Absolutely brilliant…!!!

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Lots of people in the USA don’t agree with you, at least 50 percent of the people in America will vote for Trump. Do you want to lock all of them up too?…..America is going to get the shitty president they deserve….The evil or the greater evil… not much to choose from!

The supposed liberals on this chat sound like a bunch of mini me fascists and you are completely unaware of this fact!

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WHAT? LOL. Who said anything about locking anyone up. Good gravy, nobody will lock up Trump voters! What are you talking about.

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If you paid attention to the desires of the leftist that is exactly what they would want. They say that if you vote for Trump you should be put in jail. So….

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Come on. Not happening, never gonna. Why would anyone want that? Where do you get this from?! What website? Real question. I want to read it!

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Well I would hope not but neither would I expect the President to use the IRS against his enemies, but that happened.

I am just telling you what your friend the leftist idiots are saying

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You worship the guy who says he wants to arrest and kill and expel people. And you are worried about an audit?

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My comment Ro was in response to the January 6th insurrection where a Biden supporter said that all the insurrectionist should have been locked up for what they did! That we wouldn’t be facing Plan 2025 if they had licked them all up! That is so extreme from a supposed liberal?and this is exactly why some Moderate Rebublicans do not like the Democrats! Do You think funding and orchestrating a Genocide with Netanyahu is not fascistic? Some of the insurrectionists on January 6th were non-violent protestors who did nothing but behave like “activists” and were non-violent!

But this extreme right-wing Democratic party wants to silence, arrest and lock everybody up that protests the Biden administrations policy!

Especially the Genocide!!!

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Yes supporting Israel to be able to defend itself against terrorist is awful. If genocide means removing every terrorist then I am 100% for genocide

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Brad, those who view the slaughter of 186.000.00 Palestinian civilians, mostly woman and children in 9 months as the right to defend Themselves against terrorists, this deep dissonance does not allow you them to see that the US government is in lock-step/bear-hug with a messianic extreme right wing fascist state - Israel!

Birds of a feather flock together!

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Wait extreme right-wing democrat party? Not sure what your smoking but it’s potent stuff

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Someone said something absurd and extreme on the internet?

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Wouldnt be me….!!!

I just write what can be backed up with forensic evidence..: If its extreme blame the evidence

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If its so easy to destroy our constitution in 4 years, then this republic isn’t worth saving!

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Nonsense. First, this is the product of a 50 year effort. Second, the mere fact something can be destroyed quickly does not make it 'not worth saving.' Most of Europe was destroyed in 4 years. It was worth saving.

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Your reference to Europe is to the bombing that destroyed Europe? Physical destruction?

Your point that the present danger we face in America with our undemocratic Democracy was 50 years in the making is correct! However settler colonialism is the roots from which America was born and thats some pretty dark soil from which to birth a nation!

America has always been extremely racist… we fought it then and we will fight it now!

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Thank you, Robert, for your caring and activism. With experience and the wisdom derived from hard knocks of personal abuse, you keep pounding on doors to alert us of danger.

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The enemy is here and he is us… no need to knock on any doors but your own!

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When a house is on fire do you not pound on all doors?

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This house has been on fire for a long time, sweetheart!… I have been pounding on that door my whole life of 72 years!

Im not voting for Genocide Joe, Bloody Blinkin, Mathew Moron Miller, Korrupt Kirby or the rest of the democratic cabal of gangsters, including Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck the Shmuck Shumer!

Democrats suck, Republicans suck… so wake up and smell the garbage can of candidates “Empire” has chosen for us to choose from!

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I’m sorry that you have such anger. The candidates we have are the ones we elected. I am not blind to who they are but thé Republicans have taken away my civil rights and are supporting the rich more than the Dems. Choice is just that sometimes; deciding which candidate is better. I’ve been awake longer than you. I’m 75 and have been a small town elected official. I know how hard politics can be. I volunteer for the city I live in now to give low income families the ability to purchase their first home. Please don’t be angry. It doesn’t help.

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Do you think the abolitionists were not angry…: do you think Fredrick Douglas wasn’t angry….Do you know who Fredrick Douglas is? Have you read any of his work? Maybe a history lesson might enlighten you to your country and its dark past….Have you seen the film “The Birth of a Nation” do you condemn Nat Turner for his slave rebellion… History does not condemn Nat Turner or his angry uprising against slavery!

Joe Biden a self-proclaimed Zionist has completely lost his moral compass on Genocide if he ever had one.

I can understand that you are terrified of losing what you think is your security!

“He who would sacrifice essential Liberty for temporary security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Thomas Jefferson

Which one of your early caretakers..: mother, father told you that its not OK to be angry!!!

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Respectfully, quoting Jon Stewart, today’s newsletter reads as though the only choice with which we’re left is to set aside Biden’s obvious weaknesses and to “white-knuckle… through…[the current] existential fight for freedom and democracy…until November.”

In the alternative, Stewart rightly notes, we could proceed with Biden’s counsel from 12/06/23. On that date, he was asked by a member of the press: “Do you think there is any Democrat who can defeat Donald Trump other than you?” Biden’s answer: “Probably 50 of them.”

Given the election still is nearly 4 months away (and the Convention over a month away), I advise we refuse to accept that staying the course is the best we can do. If our elected officials persist in stepping down from speaking truth, are we to sit and watch and wait or take matters into our own hands, rejecting, as we always have, that democracy operates from the top down and, instead, embracing that it operates from the inside, from bottom up, from citizens?

My point, given the stakes, is that I remain convinced that our Party is capable of emerging from an open convention energized and unified. Obviously, we need leaders to help pull this off. Professor, any thoughts as to getting us started?

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Biden’s arrogance and his own savior complex are shining brighter as each day passes. He now claims he’s the only one who can “save “America. Biden will lose this election for America.

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Hedda, I would note, as much as I want to fight, if it ends up that Biden is the nominee out of the Convention, I believe all of us who care about democracy are going to have to come together and do all we can to help Biden defeat Trump.

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I don't get Biden's family. You would think that the well being and health of an 81 year old man that they love would have them encouraging him to gracefully bow out. Biden's had a great political career. Time to exit while he's on top. Instead, his family wants him to serve another four years that will probably end up with the 25th amendment or killing him!

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Tim, I don’t believe Biden’s family wants him to serve another 4 years. My guess is that they didn’t want to see him driven out in disgrace. While I don’t know the game plan, I do believe Biden staying in the race places a greater burden on the rest of us to save our democratic republic.

Still, admittedly, I continue to hope, as the Party rallies around him, he might be seeking a graceful way to exit.

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Even if you are a dissenter, if you don't want a Fascist government the time has come to stand up to register Democrats. Yesterday FT 6 texted over 100,000 to WI in support of Tammy Baldwin. FT 6 also supports other key senate races, FT 6 targets unregistered folk who trend Democratic.

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Daniel, As you must know from my previous replies to you, I continue to engage with both voters and eligible voters via FieldTeam6, Activate America, Creating Common Ground, Swing Left, and so forth.

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This shall come to pass. But all it's just fodder for the trolls, bots and a-holes.

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Daniel, I haven’t the slightest idea how your reply relates to my response to you.

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That's evident.

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What I do miss is a higher level of public outrage about the MAGA threat and public compassion for democracy which makes me most worried about the outcome of the November. I would by now have expected at least the same level of public outrage and emotion as shown for the GAZA war, if not more since it concerns USA. The whole debate seems to be run by pundits and opinion makers on social media and in the mainstream media. Where are the pro-democracy street demonstrations? You can do it now as long it still is allowed because if Trump comes to power it won't be permitted anymore.

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Why am I utterly horrified about the low level of public outrage about the Genocide un Gaza which Lancet has now estimated the dead at close to $200,000.00 mostly woman and children, the untold number of wounded and maimed and orphaned children. And the thousand of Palestinians being detained, tortured, raped and murdered in Israeli dungeons! Where is the moral outrage, the moral compass of America in the face of this horror…. The Zionists are coming for you next!

Genocide Joe Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist!

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Perhaps people just don't take it seriously.

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For sure looks like it and if you cannot mobilise the public, you have no chance of winning.

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Hans, I think people do not believe Trump could possibly get back into the White House. IF such an outlandish, outrageous thing were to happen, THAT'S when people would storm Washington.

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Trump can certainly get back in the White House, either by being voted in, or by insurrection that is then certified by his Supreme Court. He will then control the military, police, the courts and the media, so how exactly could he be ousted?

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A) Trump is a diseased, toxic dead man walking. B) Guns across America! So many of the states have lifted ALL gun restrictions, making it possible for even 17-year-olds to own AK-47s/AR-15s . . . Do you really think "everybody in this country" is going to bow down and kiss the ring of that sick, disgusting POS F__K??? NOT A CHANCE! Someone will offer up their services as a TRUE PATRIOT and take him out! Mark my words.

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I live in Florida. The best and only thing I can give to the President is my vote. I'm fairly sure anything I did of a public nature would get me shot in the head. This place is scary.

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Not true…. Florida has one of the strongest green parties in the US!

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I live in Florida on the Treasure Coast… no trump or Biden flags here…!!!!

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Biden wants to keep running the world, he said so himself… … are you saying he is a better asshole than Trump…. Can’t disagree with you there…. And no Im not ignoring his green-lighting Genocide in Gaza with my tax dollars!

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Andrea, I empathize with you in regard to Gaza, it is a tragedy and Biden in wanting to support Israel has gotten caught up in disingenuous and evil machinations of Netanyahu, who is like trump in doing anything to preserve himself. That is not saying that he wants to run the world. But Reich has put it well that not supporting Biden (or another democrat if that turns out to be the case) is to support trump and Project 2025. Please do read a summary of Project 2025 before continuing discusson!

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Great point, Gail!

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He himself said in an interview concerning whether he should step down that “he will continue to run the world”…. Its on a video clip that you just haven’t seen that video of him saying that because the media suppressed it. Is it just his dementia talking?

Had he demanded a ceasefire at the outset instead of running to Israel and bear-hugging Netanyahu after October 7th, Biden would have won this election with a resounding landslide…

Trump will win now and the Democrats can blame , Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Mat Miller for Project 225!Joe Biden and Blinken and the rest of his genocidal state dept

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The orange man will not win. Vote Blue, America!!

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With half the Dems telling Biden to get out or Trump will win, they don’t agree with you

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Fighting a war in which terrorists like Hamas use their own civilians as human shields is bad enough without falling for the propaganda that it is "genocide."

5 Reasons Why the Events in Gaza Are Not “Genocide”


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I know all about Project 225 and the Heritage foundation, I have been following that thread for a while… I really do try not to speak from my asshole!

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It's Project 2025, NOT 225! If you can't speak about what it actually is, then you ARE talking out of you ass, Andrea! Sick of the god-damned hysteria and infighting on this Substack site!!! STFU!

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Your response is also insulting and rude… but thats normal in America!

I made a typo on a f—— chat and you’re hysterical all about a common mistake!

Who is hysterical here???

Every accusation is an admission

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If you're not an American, why are you posting here? Again, your writing is so bad, it is difficult to decipher the true gist of your comments and meaning here!

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We would be happy for you to leave

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Who is that aimed at, me or that Andrea Layton person?

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It would be worth noting that most of us tend to discuss opposing viewpoints when the opposer refrains from insults and rudeness.

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Listen, people like Andrea Layton START by accusing their opponents of supporting "genocide" and go downhill from there.

5 Reasons Why the Events in Gaza Are Not “Genocide”


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Andrea--I always enjoy reading how the other side misconstrues the truth. I'm just glad your position is in the minority.

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What “other side” are you referring to…???

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Andrea=Any position that promotes anything to do with Donald Trump.

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Biden supports are the very essence of misinformation

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Brad--I'm sure you meant to use the term "Aware" instead of essence. That way my response fits nicely. Thanks for your continued understanding, Trump is a jerk.

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Trump being a jerk does not change the fact that Biden is an idiot and criminal. And also aware does not fit nicely because Biden supporters are the essence of misinformation

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Actually, it is not. Not in the minority. And that is why Biden will lose the election for America.

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Oh not the "genocide" smear again - the only genocide in the Israel-Hamas war is that of the Hamas-sponsored aggressive genocidal war they began on October 7 :

"As the Israeli incursion into Gaza continues, increased attention has been focused on the notion of “proportionality” in both the number of casualties on each side and the sophistication of weapons each side brings to bear. Mostly, pundits mean that Israel is killing too many Palestinians. An understanding of proportionality in the laws of war, however, has been missing.

Even friends of Israel get it wrong – one irate speaker on British television said, “Do you want proportionality? Should Israel seek out young women in Gaza, rape, torture, and kill them? Should Israel find babies and murder them in front of their parents – or murder parents in front of their children? Should Israel indiscriminately shell Palestinian villages?”

An Israeli journalist, in a prior response to Hamas missiles, went so far as to call Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system “unsportsmanlike.” He wondered what FIFA would say “if Germany, with its superior economy and industry, were to replace Manuel Neuer with a bionic goalkeeper… capable of calculating where each Argentine ball will come from, the exact position to stand in, and amount of force needed to block it… On the modern battlefield (Israel) is a bionic Germany.” (RELATED: JD FOSTER: The Three Big Questions Israel Must Ask Before The Ground Invasion)

How unsportsmanlike!

Then there is the “yes, but…” response. “Yes” Hamas started it; “Yes,” Hamas tortured and massacred Israeli civilians; “Yes” Hamas puts military infrastructure in civilian neighborhoods; “Yes” Israel is entitled to self-defense; “Yes” the Israelis warn Palestinians. “But” so many more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis.

Isn’t that the definition of “disproportionate?” No. It isn’t.

Proportionality in international law is not about equality of death or civilian suffering, or even about firepower returned being equal in sophistication or lethality to firepower received. Proportionality weighs the military necessity of an action against the suffering that the action might cause to enemy civilians in the vicinity. A review of expert opinion – none of which was written in relation to Israel – helps to clarify. And each should be read in relation to Hamas crimes against Israeli civilians.

Prof. Horst Fischer, Academic Director of the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany, and Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, wrote in The Crimes of War Project: " [More]


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Israel has earned the right not to exist!!!

-A self-loving Jew

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Jeez, an open call for the destruction of the only Jewish state, followed by some crackpot claim I am PAID to educate clueless mooks like you, really? I simply call out your crackpot lies, no need to be paid for an intrinsically valuable activity!

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Israel is Zionist -- NOT Jewish. It has NOTHING to do with The commands (mitzvot) delivered to the tribes of Israel at Mount Sinai (not in the Land) 3,300 years ago. Zionism sprang up as an antisemitic movement in the late 1800s. It was designed to reject traditional Judaism and replace it with a new "aggressive" type of Jew -- modeled after Nietzsche's "Ubermensch."

The Zionists perverted religious Judaism in idolatrous worship of the "Land."

Like the Nazis, they are mass-murdering thugs.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro: "The Empty Wagon: Zionism's Journey from Identity Crisis to Identity Theft." THE seminal work on the history of Zionism.

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LOL, you people are a hoot! Good luck with your crackpot definition of "Zionism" as it will win you the adulation of all the usual hate groups.

Zionism is simply the ideology that some state for Jews in Israel (with the borders still to be finalized) is an expression of the universal human right of national self-determinination. The Palestine Mandate administered by Britain after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire eventually led to the Palestinians getting awared 87% of the territory, but the insisted on having it all and having no state for Jews, despite a continuous Jewish presence in what is now the State of Israel for the last several thousand years.

So of course terrorists supporting nitwits characterize them as "mass-murdering thugs," it's what sick people ike you do. Hate fuels your life, it's pathetic, but also amusing to see just how deranged you Jew-haters can get - it's a guaranteed losing strategy for any accomplishment of your delusional goals, quite apart from the basis of the entire Weltanschauung in lies, ignorance, hatred, bogus history, and wackadoodle claims.

Blocked, for being a useless waste of time and very, very creepy.

Enjoy your continued safari into delirium, "Thomas," or should it be Timofeo Feyovich? The Russian trolls are all over these comment boards, mind you.

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Yes protecting yourself means you no longer have the right to exists. Jew are not your an idiot

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How much does Aipac pay you….

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How much does it cost me to see you are spouting nonsense and lies, you mean? It's easy, they simply prove you have no idea at all what's going on in the war between Hamas and Israel, and I simply point that out for free!

People like you are invariably to filled with hatred of facts that contradict your tendentious narratives, I do it to alert unwary readers who see your posts and take them seriously. See, for example:


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Make Israel Syria again

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OK so you're all in on antisemitic calls for the destruction of the State of Israel, there's a shocker.

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Just relocate Israel. To say Poland or Ukraine. Maybe South Dakota. They proven themselves to be unfit to exist among Muslim people and countries. My tax dollars shouldn’t be spent on iron dome if they’re so intent on being victims. October 7th is being used as an excuse for genocide. Zionists are evil. They should be held accountable. And they will be. It’s going to be a pleasure to watch.

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“. There is a cult of ignorance in the United States , and it has always been. The strain of anti intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life nurtured by the false notion that

Democracy means my ignorance is

Just as good as your knowledge “.

Isaac Asimov

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This is why so many Americans died for democracy abroad.

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Biden is incapacitated, Trump is a psychopath, both are a joke. Your list is wishful thinking, it is a list of exactly the things people feel and will act on. Isn't that fair enough? Doesn't this issue expose a far deeper deficit in the US system of government? Perhaps a lack of democratic substance? - By reducing this to a red/blue issue, you are missing the point and it will just make things worse in the eyes of the public.

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There are many deficits in this country but unless you vote you are contributing to the problem rather than working towards a solution. The reality is there are only two candidates who can prevail. It is Red and Blue, regardless of whether we like it.

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That's the voice of red and blue talking. I'm trying to say that people are not red and blue and they don't like their games. The far right take advantage of this. The far left are too busy in their little entitled ivory towers, to be relevant. - Where is the common sense, the middle, the conversation, the democratic discourse?

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If Trump and the unconstitutionality of his doctrine; his fascist regime; are allowed slither their why into controlling these combined states called AMERICA… THE EXPERIMENT OF DEMOCRACY will be OVER - Vote BLUE.🎤

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It’s ALL very very bad for women and children. While Republicans will s(;&w them Democrats aren’t much better, in law, but the Sx;ew&@g of kids and women by Republicans is literal.

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Damn hard to overlook the imperialism , colonialism, constant war, military industrial complex, gun culture, arrogance, vile tech bros, corrupt media, fake money as currency being denied and Police state though. Except the others are the same or aspire to be. The misogyny too is constant. As I said before in terms of character TRUMP WOULD NOT GET IN TO NZ with the rape decisions against him ….that should be enough.

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“Be compassionate toward hardcore followers of Trump, but be firm in your opposition.” Nope. I’m saving my compassion for all of those people who will be oppressed by Trump AND his followers.

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