Trump is an albatross around the neck of this country. It’s past time to cut ties with his nonsense and quit tacitly promoting him by reporting on his antics.

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Even TRUMPLICANS know this and wany him IN PRISON! Sad.

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Trump will never go away. Even if he croaked tomorrow, Artificial intelligence tech would keep him and his ilk alive forever. Why? Because they generate MONEY to feed the current generation of robber barons' insatiable corporate greed. It's that simple. And our souls are bought and paid for.

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What you just said reminds me of the 1980's (?) TV show "Max Headroom" where the main character was A I generated and became - all popular ad infinitum ad nauseum - - - just like T F G. But at least Max - had a sense of humor. TFG does not that I've ever witnessed - in or out of - internet context... Sigh ~

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Take a look at Managed Consent morphed in to Managed Dissent. Violent Societies are more profitable than functioning democracies. Especially for the media covering the fires when the manure they spread ignites. A preacher said "Without sin the economy would dry up", so create the hate that begets the sin. Sacrificing a ram was one prescription for penance, all the sheepherders were

just thinking of Ewe .


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Capitalism, baby. It's a pyramid scheme. No money, you literally die is the base. The second layer; war is good for business. Read, death = profits. It also breeds fascism. I'm sure you've seen footage of the Nazis in Ohio and Florida. It's inherently racist and misogynistic. We're in serious trouble because the powers that be, the oligarchs, want Trump back in office.

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So awful, isn't it Jasmine?

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Jasmine et al, while that is all true it is a choice.

I am pretty tired of all the negativity and although I am a realist I do know that if someone is talking in/about anything negative it just perpetrates more of the same. And it has a way of changing minds toward that way of thinking. It is all about FEAR. ( and that begets power and control of course )

I am no Pollyanna but it requires us all to train our OWN minds to rework reality to acknowledge that kind of speak exists but not add to it by repeating or projecting it to others. ( think- the tabloids at the checkouts)

That is how all the powerful got their power. They took ours.

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To sacrifice a Ram, Murdoch should be banned from Los Angelas Rams broadcast range. He and his ilk got 666,000 FICA recipients to deny vaccines that could save their lives. But, it reduced outlays to entitlement moochers while increasing church attendance for the funerals. Mortician's Index up 27.5% aug '21. Several winners when FICA recipients think

F arcical

A lt-

R ight

T urpitudes are common scents. They ignite and cause mass shootings.

They also misinform and killed 20% of the Covid deaths when USA has 4% of the population. But, 80% of the Covid deaths were 65 and over so they needed to be put down. USA was 17th on the Press Freedom Index post 9/11 as the Americans they wanted to save were not entitlement moochers. Murdoch had vaccine protocol and flew to UK himself for a shot while tucker told his fans, mostly over 65, it was a hoax.

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Very true, Douglas. The media deals in fear and reap its benefits. So awful. Where's Walter Cronkite when you need him?

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Yes, Dale, I remember that show. It totally creeped me out. In retrospect, though, it was sort of prophetic and an apt illustration of the idea that fiction is loosely disguised truth.

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Ilene - what you say is - so true, so true. I'm seeing this - all over the place.

Inside & outside the 'web'.

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Dale, if you haven't read Dan Brown's 2017 book 'Origin', you might want to consider it. I just re-read it this week and now I truly understand what is happening to us. It's a doorstop of a book, nearly 500 pgs. but worth the read.

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As I recall it, Max Headroom (uncannily similar to Anderson Cooper) took great risks to pursue the truth. I miss him. Can somebody generate another series with an intrepid, courageous reporter exposing lies and avarice?

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If you look at what Netflix did to House of Cards, you'll end up seeing that message presented as Яepuблikan propaganda. In the original British version of HOC, the leading @$$#0!3 is a Tory - the British opposite to the Яepuблikan$. In the Netflix version, Kevin Spacy is portrayed as a Democrat.

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I do not think he has any sense of humor because how could he? That would require thinking on some level that is totally out of his realm of being.

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Trump will go away, probably sooner than most people think, but the crap he's peddling will stay

Trump has always been but the symptom, not the cause.

Look at Christie who's currently touted as the sane candidate (e. g. by cnn).

He in fact is going after Trump which is good but he's trying to keep as many of the other lies in tact as he can which is a serious problem.

The problem now is the "GOP", in its entirety.

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Yes Christie is toxic, as is the entire current GOP.

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Not anymore. Will Hurd just announced his candidacy. He was probably the most moderate Republican in the House a few years ago when he resigned in disgust with what the GOP had become. He's quite critical of Trump, too.

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Chris Christie of "Bridgegate" infamy was heard to say of young children stuck on a bridge in a schoolbus in unmoving traffic for hours " they are probably the children of Democrats, let 'em suffer" or something to that effect. Reprehensible!

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William Hurd just entered the Republican contest. He is easily the most decent & moderate of the candidates, which means he'll be ignored by the media & eschewed by Republican voters, but at least we'll have a sincere critic of Trump & what the GOP has become.

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I totally agree with you, Ilene. "Follow the money" has never been truer.

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Eat The Rich!

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Yuck, who needs food poisoning?

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Talk is getting us nowhere.We have to DO something more.

History speaks again.

To make a long story short. On Feb 6th 1934 there was an insurrection in France. The fascist took over the government force and invited the Nazis over to France. The French democracy decided to fight back with an enormous anti-fascist campaign. They called out the fascists. The called themselves the anti- fascists They invited everyone to join the democratic push against fascism. They won France back.

There is no doubt for me that this is what is needed in the USA. We need to fight for our country , for democracy, or we will lose it.

Just talking about it won't do much good at this point. Democrats need to be in the news as much as tRump, even more than tRump debunking fascism in America. That is the answer at least on part.we may well need more. We can do it with a anti-fascist campaign now OR try and take back out country after the loss of millions of American lives to fascists.we locked up some of tRumps brown shirts but we need a whole lot more.

The Christo- fascists want to reenact the catholic inquisition - to copy the spanish inquision against you and yours. They want to hold their guns to your head and to tell you where to go and what to do. The want to oppress you and yours.

Is freedom not worth our efforts?

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You are right to a point, SHoward. Jan 6 in Washington was in essence an echo of Feb. 6 insurrection in France where a number of police and others were killed in battle between left and right. Though some considered it a successful event, it did not prevent the rise of the heinous Vichy government in June of 1940. History repeats itself in the eternal battle between good and evil but never in quite the same way. We should be very afraid.

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Ms Lederer; I have tried to respond to your post, but AI insists that your name be spelled incorrectly as illness! so frustrating! I wanted to say that My soul is not boughtvand paid for!

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I figured that the malaprop was a tech bleep, so no worries, Laurie. BTW, what I meant by my 'transactional soul' comment was that portions of our free choice are continually being co-opted when we lazily or unwittingly sign all of those upgrade or new app 'contracts' by hitting 'agree' without reading the myriads of fine print. Or the 'contracts' we sign for services that entice us with 'free trial periods' banking on the fact that most of us forget to cancel those services when the trial period ends. How about all the annoying ads that pop up which echo your browsing or purchases? Ever try to cancel anything purchased or agreed to automatically online? Efforts often prove useless or frustrating at best. That's what I meant.

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Say it ain’t so Joe. I can’t deal with his ugly face and voice for the rest of my life. That is Hell on earth.

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Huh. I never considered that. HEY! Do you think we Americans will even KNOW when ole' Bunkerboy croaks, or will there still be AI videos saying he "lost 150lbs and feels bigly great???" You know, REALLY 1984 esque???

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Good point, Daniel. Given the glut of misinformation, the truth may yet be elusive.

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AI was seen in all the earlier managers using only

A lgorithms. of

S ycophantic

S ynopsis while denying the holes inherent in any A.S.S. They sold their souls to

H ell's

T rove (legal action laying claim to another's property)

M illage (like rent for the soul)

L och, a peat bog preserving their partially decomposing souls. Testicles are kept

there, too. They qualify for a Carbon Credit as peat bogs are carbon sinks. When a

M aenad

T railer

G ene is aroused they can castrate any man nearby, (#House GOP). Tucker's Testicle Tan was supposed to be insurance.

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Some, not most

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Agreed, but I think tacit is not strong enough. how about "actively" promoting?

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Totally agree, Joanne. Unfortunately, the powers that be will say it's their "duty" to report on him because he is running for president and because, in the strange world we live in, he is the "front-runner!" Ugh, ugh, and more ugh.

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These are not NEWS organizations. They are For Profit Businesses. They place Profit over People; over Democracy; Over all else. There is a windfall of revenue from Billionaire donors to the Republican party that does their bidding. The for profit businesses can not get access to it without allowing them to share their message of LIES & DIVISION (divide & conquer). Money IS power, and they have it, and use it, in spades! Recent story @ Mother Jones addresses this- https://www.motherjones.com/media/2023/06/news-never-pays/

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Vote Яepuблikan$ for lawless law & order!

Яepuблikan$: the coup-coup party.

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Repeal Section 230 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. It gave Internet “platforms” total immunity from prosecution for libelous content they posted. Unlike traditional media — TV, newspapers, radio — social media can post any lie, any slander, any libel, and no one can sue them. Repeal Section 230 — as Congress is slowly slowly considering — let a few lawsuits fly, and social media will begin to take responsibility as publishers, not “platforms.”

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A little Sherman anti-trust enforced on the 6 companies with 77% of the media, or 8 with 90% according to Bernie. 45th place on the Press Freedom Index allowed 4% of the globe kill 20% of the Covid patients after CDC told them "80% of Covid deaths are 65 and over". Then "Covid is a hoax" meme followed by vaccines are plot, until 666,000 FICA recipients refused vaccines and died...reducing entitlement outlays. FL vs Australia Covid deaths. 10k Downunder+ vs 88,000 in FL, 80% of whom were on FICA. Eugenics is easy with an ignorant public.

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Most things are easy with an ignorant public.

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Which is why these people want to kill Public Education.

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Sure! Dumb people are EASY to manipulate

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Lt Governor Dan Patrick actually said, let grandma die to save the economy. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/03/dan-patrick-coronavirus-grandparents

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The public is not ignorant, republicans are not hiding their callous disregard for people, trumplicans (ie facists) revel in genocidal actions and eugenics. The case against social media supporting these ideas needs to be framed that way. Forget about antitrust or media regulation, they are complicit in a genocide!

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Well said Bobbi Dare

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Dan Patrick was always a sorry excuse for a human being, long before his 2020 quote…

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I don't know if it is true, but some are SAYING rumors that Covid was designed to get rid of old folks = Both in China and the US. Again I don't want to spread rumors. And they didn't figure on it getting rid of young kids as well. We'll never know the truth.

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Thank YOU! About time someone starts making some sense!

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I believe this may ultimately be the solution or part of the solution. These platforms should be sued into some sense of responsibility.

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Regardless of President Biden's non-interference in anything related to Trump's legal debacle, Donald Trump for once is right. Like the Lone Ranger who always endeavored to right wrongs the DOJ is fixated on Trump, he's the witch everyone's been looking for. Donnie boy you're correct, it is a witch hunt and it's open season on your backside. Guess what "We've only just begun" thank you Karen.

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Double trouble--

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

11:08 PM (1 minute ago)

to Thomas, carol, Bob, Marilyn, Barbara

Hunter Biden accepted a deal from the district court judge in Delaware which stated Mr. Biden had to plead guilty to the misdemeanor charges and the gun issue was to be dropped. The presiding judge was appointed by Trump and deemed the judgment to be fair. Now when the Republicans in Congress got wind of this they were outraged, they screamed the whole thing was political and they weren't done with Hunter by any stretch of the imagination. OK, they have the right to object to the outcome of the court's decision. However, to continue to go after Hunter would violate a standing law. Doesn't "Double Jeopardy" apply here if the first judge's verdict is finalized?

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It seems like it a re-run of going after Hillary and finding nothing.

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George--You are correct, anything to distract from the Trump crimes.

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He is finally having to pay the price for disobeying the law. He has never had to and 1000s of lawsuits while check kiting with real estate and Russian money laundering might have caught up with him. CIA had to pull their covert agents in Russia after Putin met with trump and asked for payback for 2016 win. Russian placed spies were falling out of windows after trump paid putin back.

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If they found Trump paid Putin for Winn the election, wouldn’t that have been revealed in the Mueller report? (He probably did. I am asking if they had evidence). If so that should have been grounds for impeachment.

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Mueller was diverted by the acting attorney general Rosenstein from investigating Trump's financial & personal connections to Russia. That is where they would've most likely found the most egregious evidence implicating Trump to conspiracy with Russia to fix the 2016 election.

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Isn’t that unfortunate? They didn’t want to know the TRUTH? Now they are censoring Adam Schiff for even investigating Trump’s ties with Russia. Rep. Schiff is probably the smartest person, with the most integrity in the House. Unbelievable!

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Trump's Justice Department was told to hide the truth, so they did. Mueller was told that the FBI was taking care of that part of the investigation (financial & personal), but it wasn't.

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Meant “Censure”

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Jun 23, 2023
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False! There has been plenty of evidence already of Russian interference in the 2016 election on Trump's behalf, & of much passing of information between Russian & Trump officials during the campaign in a coordinated fashion.

Your fantasy of collusion among the DNC, the Republican run FBI & the corporatist media is just that.

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There once I've been sent squashed by Bill Barr Trump's favorite underarm doj after sessions.

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What is a witch hunt? "This was a crime imposed on innocent people during times of mass fear and hysteria." [salemwitchtrial.com] Donald Trump is an innocent, Mr. Hodgins? Really?

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You want to get more likes? Don't use his name.

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Selina -- you gotta watch out for the Hodge: he's always up to verbal mischief. I'm sure he didn't mean to demean witches in any way. At least I'm pretty sure. 😳

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Selina--It's just a figure of speech.

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Do you want the truth about Hunter Biden? Here it is, in detail.


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Vau--Hunter Biden is a nothing from nowhere, the only reason the Republicans are going after this guy is to punish his father for his persecution of Trump both politically and legally. The whole thing is a childish attempt at revenge, get over it and move on, This country has more important things to do than go after private citizens that made a mistake which had nothing to do with anything.

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I feel that Hunter Biden is an idiot - sorry Joe, but Biden has only helped him in the context of being his father. Not more than that. While Hunter's "crimes"are nothing compared to the criminals the former guy produced (chip off the block) it's all in The Trump Crime Family - the Repugs not talking about that.

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Most of us grew up with our parents. Hunter experience several tragedies, the loss of his mother at an early age, having a father absent all week, the loss of his brother. He probably felt abandoned.

Drug addiction is rampant in this country. Compounded with all his losses as well as the pressure of a prestigious father, you can sympathize. We are not perfect.

I just wonder how much the Republicans paid his ex-wife to put out that picture and tell the story.

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Leslie--I tend to agree with you. When you're growing up with a father in politics especially with a father as highly visible as Joe you have to conduct yourself on an elevated level. Taking extra caution to walk the line so to speak. His crimes may have been miniscule in comparison to those of Mr. Trump's but they are or were enough to attract the attention of jerks like Comer and Jordan. Making him a perfect target for the Republican war machine.

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It's true that Hunter isn't worth attention, yet Republicans are using him and media lets them.

Still Vance's article is worth reading! She's addressing quite a few interesting aspects around Hunter. The whole substack is worth reading.

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Vau--In life big people speak to world issues, medium sized individuals talk about local problems but small people talk about other people. I don't care what Hunter Biden has done, it doesn't interest me in the least. If people want to attack a criminal Trump is right in front of them and that jerk deserves all the legal attention this country can throw at him.

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I totally agree - I feel Hunter Biden is an idiot and his father is supporting him, like any father, but not giving special preference to him. Trump pointing to Hunter Biden is what the idiot does - trying to deflect from his hideous lying treason and other crimes he has committed.

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Vau--Between Comer and Jordan the two of them combines could come up with a thought that made any sense to a normal person. I doubt if either of them understands why they have the jobs they were elected to do. They probably practice solving crimes by playing "Clue." I think it was Jordan with the dildo in the study added by Greene and Boebert. It is an easy game to "play."

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Let’s ALL call Jim Jordan an TELL him what you said! 202) 225-2676

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Mario--J J is a moron, a child in a man's body who loves bowing to his lord DJT.

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If enough people complain, maybe he won’t pursue it. We should have him pursue an investigation into Jared Kushner receiving 2 billion dollars from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and why that happened. Particularly with his father-in-law having the “Top Secret” classified documents pertaining to a possible Iranian war, their enemy.

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There were no internet platforms in 1966.

The world has dramatically changed and needs new solutions, but I give you as much, those solutions can very likely be found thinking along the lines of your idea.

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You can spread lies and fake information faster now, that we have the Web. It started out great in 1997 - And went downhill after that. You have to look, consider, and cross check information now to - kind of feel IF the information is correct. Too many people want to shove false info into the Web.

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Great idea! So we all need to commit to email & call our representative demanding this be accomplished.

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I will contact my representatives about this section 230 of the telecommunications act. Repeal of something this toxic and threatening to Democracy is vital to freedom. The truth will set us free!

PS ; On june 23/2023 I called my representative Richard Neal and left a message with a nice young woman with all my particulars as a constituent requesting that Congress member Neal repeal Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act. Because it is a toxic threat to freedom.

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Media taking responsibility would be a refreshing change - I'm tired of them lusting after money.

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Yes, it's significant enough that an incremental approach should have already been fixed upon (i.e. assure that some basic rules regarding elections have to be followed, e.g. federal reporting of ad spending & no ads some fixed period before an election - just as the FEC requires of other media like billboards, radio, TV, etc.)...

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The Attic, Yay!!! excellent idea.

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The Fascist Republicans will never let it happen.

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Thank you for bringing that up. I'm baffled by how that ever got through and who are the entities responsible for the disgraceful Section 230. Letting private citizens and their legal actions take care of the problems was beyond negligent.

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No matter what Google says, lies are not part of an "open debate". They are not the same as untested or unresearched theory. They were not accepted in my high school debate experiences 60 years ago and cannot be accepted in real and open debate today.

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If we look clo$ely, it i$ po$$ible for u$ to $ee why Google had a change of heart on whether or not lie$ are an acceptable part of open debate.

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I think you are on to something!

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Yep - It's all MONEY.

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USA is 45th on the Press Freedom Index for a reason. 6 companies have 77% and 8 have 90% of the media. The cable news monopolies are not news and can kill, and did if you see the 2020 Covid vaccine rollout. It was a version of what the SCOTUS hopes is normal.

L ibertarian

A narcho-

S yndicalist

T heocratic versions of the American Experiment were rolled out in red states. The Mortuary Services Index was up 27.5% in aug '21. Funerals increased church attendance, too. 666,000 FICA recipients culled themselves for tucker and rupert who were facing a FICA payroll tax hike and told their over 65 audience it was a hoax. Eugenics of the entitlement moochers is easy if they kill themselves.

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There's no debate: the company is profiting from those lies (as the parent company - for about a year now - has *two* profitable revenue streams, i.e. search advertising & 'youtube.com').

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"“Are you kidding? I see and hear it everywhere.”" Dunno where's he's lookin' and listenin' but I sure ain't seein' and hearin' that. I don't do youtube, facebook, or twitter. But I did see, hear, and read (!) that the House censured my Congressman for speaking truth.

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If you’re speaking of Adam Schiff, that situation is completely out of control! I don’t live in CA but support him 100%.

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Yes, Adam Schiff.

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I think Rep. Schiff is being harassed by republicans who are being directed to harass him by Trump. Trump is all about lying and retribution. Rep Schiff

handled (with others) Trump’s first impeachment.

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Agree - and the committee that started the investigation was done by a Republican but they don’t want to mention that.

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I am on Youtube daily watching multiple independent, progressive pundits, and numerous other videos. I am on Facebook regularly to post pictures of my dogs . . . but mostly to heckle the alt right honestly since Twitter banned me a THIRD time.

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It was a typical, childish, nanner, nanner, I'll show you, republicon payback stunt for all of their perceived lies they claimed were being stated when... all the Dems were doing was/is telling and/or seeking the truth. Hell, they even did it to one of their own. They truly are like the poor loser children who lost the game, and then, turned and beat the crap out of the winning opponents -- claiming that they really had won. Pathetic! But, what's even more pathetic is the fact that... many republicans just said present, when they could have done the right thing, avoiding Adam Schiff's censure. Talk about a ball-less party🤯

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The point Bob tried to make is that on social media what you're seeing heavily depends on what those media found you are looking for.

If social media find you clicking loads of conspiracy theories, you'll find hardly anything else.

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For doing the job we hope & expect our representatives to do, to support & enforce the Constitution & justice.

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Jun 22, 2023
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Really? What was it and please cite your source while you’re about it.

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Let Putin and Saudi Arabia have the Southern States. It will be fun watching them get drafted into wars and be tortured and turned into slaves. They will lose their guns and be starved also. They will also call Putin and MBS liberals.

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Not that it's a bad idea, but it DOES have repercussions. We will lose half of our country. We will have the enemy right next to us. And if you don't think he'll take the whole country once he has half, well..

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Hooray for that, that will give me a legitimate excuse for moving out or the Southern States and give leverage for my immediate family to move with me to the Great White North, CANADA. I want so badly to move out of here. BYE BYE fascist Georgia. And give the middle finger to Georgia and the state of HITLER, aka. Florida.

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Jun 22, 2023
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That link you posted is BS. Steele has told everyone he gave his dossier right from the start that about two thirds of it would likely prove true.

About one third of the dossier cannot be proven neither true nor false. Much of the rest has been proven true, some parts have been proven false like the one about Michael Cohen's visit to Prague.

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Jun 22, 2023
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CHUCK TODD: I want to ask you something about the Steele dossier because it has been in the news for a lot of other reasons, including some questions about its validity. I want to play some recent -- some sound that you had on the Steele dossier over the years. Take a listen.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF: According to Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer who is reportedly held in high regard by U.S. intelligence.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: When you look at just what has become public, some of the public information is very much in line with what is reported in that dossier.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: The most significant thing to me is that Christopher Steele may have found out, even before our own intelligence agencies, that the Russians were, in fact, aiming to help Donald Trump in the election.


CHUCK TODD: As Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, do you regret giving some credibility to the Steele dossier before anybody had been able to verify anything in that? A lot of those clips were done before there was any good verification. Look, there's some news organizations that made the mistake of publishing this dossier without verifying it. That's a separate conversation for those news organizations. But you helped give it credibility. Do you regret it?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: I don't regret saying that we should investigate claims of someone who, frankly, was a well-respected British intelligence officer. And we couldn't have known, of course, years ago, that we would learn years later that someone who was a primary source lied to him. But what I just said, in the clip you just played, ends up being exactly right, which is Steele did reveal that the Russians were trying to help elect Donald Trump. That turned out to be all too true. And in fact, the Trump campaign chairman was giving internal campaign polling data to Russian intelligence while Russian intelligence was trying to help elect Donald Trump. So, the top line there of Russian help and Trump willingness to accept it and make use of it proved all too accurate.

CHUCK TODD: Okay, the summary was accurate, but the details were incorrect. That does undermine the credibility, does it not?

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: Well, certainly. You know, this Danchenko lied to Christopher Steele and then lied to the FBI. He should be prosecuted. He is being prosecuted. And I'll tell you this, if he's convicted, he should not be pardoned the way Donald Trump pardoned people who lied to FBI agents, like Roger Stone and Mike Flynn. So there ought to be the same standard in terms of prosecuting the liars, but I don't think there ought to be any pardon no matter which way the lie is cut.

CHUCK TODD: Congressman Adam Schiff, Democrat, from California, member of the January 6th Committee, I appreciate you coming on and sharing your perspective with us, sir.

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The one false statement by Schiff you quote is that Danchenko lied to Steele and the FBI.

He told what he honestly believed to be true. And much of what he said has been proven ttue. Much can't be proven any way.

And this is true because Durham would have got a conviction of Danchenko if it was not.

Else, if you think you can disprove me, try, but with evidence, i. e. one precise statement with proof that it's false.

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How do we know that Danchenko really believed he was telling the truth? He said so, but could that have been a lie to begin with?

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Jun 22, 2023
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Jun 22, 2023
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Steele himself said that he received most of the information from Russian sources & couldn't vouch for their accuracy, estimating that about 80% of his dossier was true. In fact, most of it that can be verified has turned out to be true, while some of it remains unverified.

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Oh the moronity!

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Trump is the spectacle and he just can’t help himself.

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We're waiting.....what was the lie?

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Hey Chucky Babe: Time to take some drugs to clear out the brain fog.

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What can we do, specifically, as private citizens, to keep Trump off of the ballot?

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One possibility --

Write and call your secretary of state and your local election authorities and lay out the reasons why you believe Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment applies to Mr Trump.

Prof Reich has been making the case in recent postings on his Inequality Media. Support Inequality Media and tell everyone you know to join you. How many people can you influence? Maybe even try calling a talk-radio station if you don't mind taking a little heat from the host.

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Also why it should apply to Jordan, Gosar, Gaetz, Greene, Graham, Cruz, Biggs, Boebert, Perry, Clyde, Tuberville, Paul, Scott, Johnson & all the other traitors in Congress.

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Well, a Congresswoman recently suggested, and quickly took it back, that Trump needs to die. I couldn’t agree more, just like Hitler had to die, and Ben Ladin needed to die. Hitler and Bi Ladin were responsible for many, many innocent deaths, while Trump will be responsible for the death of our democracy. Trump is a genuine Manchurian Candidate if there ever was one.

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A man at my church says he prays every night he will have a natural death!

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We DON'T need an everlasting martyr. NO THANKS!

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Politicians are AFRAID of Trump and therefore won’t say how they REALLY feel PUBLICLY. They do, however, privately. He has ruined careers, his goodies have threatened people AND their families. He is a VENGEFUL “thing” (I can’t call him a man). He ONLY ran for President because he was so angry with Obama who roasted him and embarrassed him. He never thought he would win. Nobody did.

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They are afraid of him, but even more, their greed for money and power make them support him strictly because the want the cult vote. They know he’s nuts and evil.

So my question is just how big is this cult?

I don’t mean the politicians, as they’re in it for their own political gains, but the ordinary person, albeit less educated and informed and usually more religious and prone to conspiracy theories..but still....

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That’s why we have to let them hear the truth. Not censuring Representatives for daring to investigate possible treasonous behavior (Schiff); not asking for TV hosts to be fired for having a guest (Barr) on their show that told the truth; not banning books which hold the truth but by banning falsehoods on social media & news stations; NOT allowing unethical behavior to occur in Congress & the Supreme Court without consequences (including accepting lavish gifts).

We need to have candidates on EQUAL footing with equal news coverage and equal campaign finances. That would be much fairer and give our country a chance for equality.

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Meant “goonies” not goodies

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You guys live in LalaLand. If he dies, he's headed for maga-canonization. Get real.

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Yes, like Mao in China and Stalin in the U.S.S.R. Both are dead, and hopefully Trump will join them in Hell soon, right along with Jim Jones and David Koresh.

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And hopefully, SOON!

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I call him the "Siberian Candidate".

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Hopefully he will be assassinated by the CIA if he doesn’t choke on a Big Mac. Either way is fine with me.

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Endless martyr. No thanks!

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The "American mind" is not a passive victim in this madness. People believe these absurd claims because they WANT to believe them. They INSIST on believing them. They are pathologically dishonest. The only glimmer of hope for the country is that most of these people are old and won't be around much longer. Time is the only remedy.

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Agreed, but let’s not pick on the old. There are many, many young rednecks and yahoos in the area of the country where I live, and most of them are only old enough to own a very loud Ford F-150.

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I'm not picking on the old. I'm picking on the dishonest. And the plain fact is, MOST of them are old (not all, of course). It's the majority that rules in a democracy.

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I am surrounded by those kind of wackos in my area. Some of them have TUMP flags flying out of the bed of those trucks. Disgusting.

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It only takes a few people to make a lot of people look bad. Look at some of the governments that are bad. A handful of politicians make the whole country look bad. That's what happened to us last election. We were the laughing stock of the world.

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Delusional thinking isn’t a generational thing. Just look at Moms for Liberty, and antivax nit wits. I see dummies of all ages, incomes, and stations in life acting like the algorithm is the voice of god. Social media has to be regulated and the owners made responsible for the havoc caused by their amplification of chaos. They don’t have a code of ethics, and they are causing great harm to society.

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Seems like a code of ethics is lacking everywhere, all the way to the Supreme Court.

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Especially from the supreme Court.

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Yes, of course, there are many compassionate, honest oldsters (I consider myself one). But as I said, most Trump supporters are old. They'll go away before they ever change their minds.

You vastly overestimate the culpability of social media platforms in this. Deceptive political ads have been spreading baldfaced lies on TV and radio for generations. That's where virtually all those billions in campaign contributions have gone, at least until very recently. And the "outrage industry" is nothing new either. It goes back at least 50 years to the weekly broadcasts of 60 Minutes on CBS.

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Randy, I recommend Jonathan Haidt’s Substack and his book, The Coddling of the American Mind. Something has changed, though I agree that the legacy broadcast media was far from perfect.

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The Psyops mass population control programs that the Rockefeller funded UK/US Tavistock Institute developed between the wars were specifically intended to be ‘epidemiological’ in nature. They targeted women with sophisticated advertising techniques through various mass media because they were the ones who raised children and so would passively pass on these planted controlling ideologies on to their descendants.

All of these kinds of state funded psychological mass population control experiments, motivated by fear of the modern state political players of being overwhelmed by anarchy or revolution, need exposing.

Social scientists see populations as bare passive statistics. No. We are living feeling beings who react to such violence and, guess what, evolve. Darwin 101.

We are all trying our best to socially survive their vile unintended consequences.

The truth will set society free.

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A lot of Trump supporters are Viet Nam vets. You should read "Bring the War Home" by Kathleen Belew. It is a hard read and I haven't finished all of it, because it is so alarming, but it does have some explanation of where the white power and support of ex45 comes from. I do plan to read the rest, but am taking a break; it is so very disheartening.

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I don't think the Vietnam Vets would fall for such a thing. A LOT of people used to have educations in the 1960's.

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They full heart and "soul" in "The Trump Death Cult." The ONLY thing that will fix the MAGAts is when Dear Leader finally passes. As a Christian I know it's wrong, but I pray every night for it so our PLANET can be far safer.

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You aren't the only one prayer for his demise. I hope the cheese fries and diet soda do him in really soon. I am so tired of hearing of his every move and absurd lie.

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I don't know if they will be done with him when he is dead. Remember how they were so concerned that JFK and his son were coming back to help them and him.

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Sorry. It doesn't work that way. If he dies. You will be stuck with him for a long, long, time.... He will become a martyr. And I, personally, don't want to hear from him ever again.

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Dan the Man: It's kinda sad when I gotta cite myself but as I replied earlier to somebody: His death will lead to maga-canonization. His followers will proliferate interminably. Especially now that all contraception will be verboten throughout the land. Pray -- if you believe in its power -- that he lives and will - under some as yet inconceivable circumstance - reveal himself to his followers in all his sniveling glory. So let it be written. So let it be done.

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He’s looking bad these days. Big puffs under his eyes. I wonder if he has kidney problems...

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No not kidney problems just brain damage.

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Too easy a way out. He should first pay for his sins & spend the rest of his life rotting in jail (not to say that I believe he won't escape jail, but I keep hoping justice will prevail).

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age discrimination again? I would urge you to fact check your statement before writing. It just makes your ignorance the main point.

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And by the way, I'm old too.

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I had to just shake my head when I read that. I’m 77 and can’t stand the SOB! Besides, he must not watch Jordan Klepper’s Trump fans interviews on YouTube or the Comedy Channel. Tfg has all sorts of fools drooling all over his every word so it’s not just oldsters blowing smoke up tfg’s butt.

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"More than half of Republican and GOP-leaning voters (56%) are ages 50 and older, up from 39% in 1996. "


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Our mode our strength its a wide spectrum.

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This can be laid at the feet of those who dismantled the fairness doctrine years ago.

It opened the gates of hell to the likes of Limbaugh & all the other evil critters that follow his trail.

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That and the not-so Supreme Court ruling that has put all the money in the pockets of politicians. That Court has been throwing out the good stuff and giving respect to the bad stuff.

What is wrong with these people?

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I believe the answer (“what is wrong with these people”) is greed--for filthy lucre, ego and a lust for power.

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The media are indeed responsible for giving Trump's lies the dissemination and attention Trump craves!

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Actually, the not-so-small irony is that we are *all* to blame: it is our government that allowed such a person to not only leverage inequality to his benefit but - after he failed (despite having everything rigged in his favor) - to go right on deceiving anyone who was willing to listen; we, then, further, allowed him to run for office, become a major party's standard-bearer (sans salient policies), and upon that platform...

= /

(Why is there no bar to doing business - any differently that there is for practicing medicine, law, civil engineering, etc.? If norms aren't enough to protect political discourse then surely something could have protected the public from someone who was insolvent & likely to flaunt those norms in yet another field of endeavor.)

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We don't own the media anymore. It's for rich folks.

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From world leader to bananas country.

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If santa claus or banana head get in, that's EXACTLY where we are headed.

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Thank you, Professor. Shared widely. 👍🔥🇨🇦

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Same here as I do with all my newsworthy newsletters that we can share. We’ve got to get the good stuff out every chance we get.

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A lie is a lie. A lie is not open for discussion and debate. I blame msm for paving this path, most notably of course in the lead up to the 2016 election. But I also blame our highest levels of law enforcement, the FBI & DoJ for failing to act swiftly in 2021 (and still failing because he & his crime family & associates & complicit lawmakers are still FREE and hurtling is towards fascism). And I blame POTUS for this ridiculous “bipartisanship” crap that prevents him from FIRING Wray & Meritless and appointing people who aren’t status quo.

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I shared this on Facebook and Twitter, one way of getting the truth out. His followers believe everything he says and even if presented with the truth they will deny it. What can we do?

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As I mentioned, I think this will only end with Dear Leader's demise . . . although when he goes to prison, it MAY end if he isn't allowed any internet time.

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I hope he does not end up in prison, but ends up being shamed the rest of his life.

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Katherine C. ... You can't fix stupid. (Ron White)

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thank you

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Crooked Trump For Prison!

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It’s a real tough problem having someone deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. I don’t think we have answered it here. I wish it was as easy as having me be the truth Czar. I promise I’ll get it right. Trust me.

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If one person *always* lies & another *always* tells the truth, that's actually a solved problem:


The issue is really that *always* telling the truth is just about impossible when the standard of truth is varying: even HRC couldn't bring herself to calling anyone an overgrown child in a debate (she instead went with trying to do the presidential thing, i.e. by calling him "Donald" in the way a mother would call her petulant son); guess it just wasn't honest enough.

= /

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My elbows started an internal funny bone blow as I read this.

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Today the US House on a partisan vote censured Adam Schiff for acting as his oath to the constitution requires. The lies promulgated by republicans are very dangerous. As they are continuing to be repeated more are accepting them as truth. And yes the American mind is being warped. As we see in the censuring of Adam Schiff the next step is retribution; people being goaded to action just like a mob being led by a mob leader. The Trump gang were defeated in 2020. It is crucial that they be slapped down at the poles again in 2024. Standing up for the truth and preserving democracy requires it.

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Actually, this is about following the law for high crimes & treason. Trump must be imprisoned! But we also need to vote out, for the foreseeable future, the Republican Fascist Party!

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