Trump is an albatross around the neck of this country. It’s past time to cut ties with his nonsense and quit tacitly promoting him by reporting on his antics.

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Repeal Section 230 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. It gave Internet “platforms” total immunity from prosecution for libelous content they posted. Unlike traditional media — TV, newspapers, radio — social media can post any lie, any slander, any libel, and no one can sue them. Repeal Section 230 — as Congress is slowly slowly considering — let a few lawsuits fly, and social media will begin to take responsibility as publishers, not “platforms.”

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No matter what Google says, lies are not part of an "open debate". They are not the same as untested or unresearched theory. They were not accepted in my high school debate experiences 60 years ago and cannot be accepted in real and open debate today.

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"“Are you kidding? I see and hear it everywhere.”" Dunno where's he's lookin' and listenin' but I sure ain't seein' and hearin' that. I don't do youtube, facebook, or twitter. But I did see, hear, and read (!) that the House censured my Congressman for speaking truth.

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What can we do, specifically, as private citizens, to keep Trump off of the ballot?

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The "American mind" is not a passive victim in this madness. People believe these absurd claims because they WANT to believe them. They INSIST on believing them. They are pathologically dishonest. The only glimmer of hope for the country is that most of these people are old and won't be around much longer. Time is the only remedy.

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This can be laid at the feet of those who dismantled the fairness doctrine years ago.

It opened the gates of hell to the likes of Limbaugh & all the other evil critters that follow his trail.

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The media are indeed responsible for giving Trump's lies the dissemination and attention Trump craves!

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From world leader to bananas country.

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Thank you, Professor. Shared widely. 👍🔥🇨🇦

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A lie is a lie. A lie is not open for discussion and debate. I blame msm for paving this path, most notably of course in the lead up to the 2016 election. But I also blame our highest levels of law enforcement, the FBI & DoJ for failing to act swiftly in 2021 (and still failing because he & his crime family & associates & complicit lawmakers are still FREE and hurtling is towards fascism). And I blame POTUS for this ridiculous “bipartisanship” crap that prevents him from FIRING Wray & Meritless and appointing people who aren’t status quo.

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I shared this on Facebook and Twitter, one way of getting the truth out. His followers believe everything he says and even if presented with the truth they will deny it. What can we do?

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Crooked Trump For Prison!

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It’s a real tough problem having someone deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. I don’t think we have answered it here. I wish it was as easy as having me be the truth Czar. I promise I’ll get it right. Trust me.

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My elbows started an internal funny bone blow as I read this.

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Today the US House on a partisan vote censured Adam Schiff for acting as his oath to the constitution requires. The lies promulgated by republicans are very dangerous. As they are continuing to be repeated more are accepting them as truth. And yes the American mind is being warped. As we see in the censuring of Adam Schiff the next step is retribution; people being goaded to action just like a mob being led by a mob leader. The Trump gang were defeated in 2020. It is crucial that they be slapped down at the poles again in 2024. Standing up for the truth and preserving democracy requires it.

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