Funny, Trump is less concerned with stealing “Classified Documents” or causing an insurrection, than having people think he has less money than he says he has. Let’s be a Trump, and lie. Tell him he has more money than he even thought. Then try him for treason and sentence him to maximum prison (in solitary) for the rest of his natural life. I could live with that. And we could all live happily ever after!!! The end.😁

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I vote "other."

Nuclear holocaust. We've got nukes. Israel got 'em. But consider Hamas' bestie these days is Putin and he can't keep it (or them) in his pants.

As my ol' drill instructor would say, "In case of a nuclear attack, pull your poncho liner over your head, bend over, and kiss your ass goodbye."


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If we are to retain our democracy there can be no separation between progressives. We must be “joined at the hip” to defeat every R that runs for local, state and federal government. The sudden attack on Oct. 7th by Hamas seems almost designed to create a disconnect between us. The horrific and unnecessary slaughter of children and civilians in both Israel and Gaza is tearing us apart at a time when our democracy has “one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.”

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There is nothing Jewish about war crimes. Condemning then cannot be viewed as antisemitic.

I fear that Israel's commission of war crimes -- against a people who are still refugees displaced since the middle of last century -- may awaken a deep historic worldwide anti-semitism

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I had to laugh when Heather said ‘best friends’ is so long. She’s probably thinking of texting the words rather than speaking them because, of course, both ‘best friends ‘ and ‘besties’ are two syllables long. Yes, I’m from the Boomer ‘best friend’ generation.

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#Monsters #Hamas and #Netanyahu are in league for joint power through eternal war and death of their own people. Obscene.

We must distinguish between the "monstrous leaders" and the "innocent people" on both sides.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Wonderful coffee klatch today, especially during these difficult times. There is always something comforting listening to the strong and steady voices of Heather and Dr. Reich. I would refer to them as virtual "dear friends" that we can always count on. (I'm definitely over "50!")

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Well, I’m 77 years old, my “bestie” is my husband and I refer to him as my BFF. Thanks for your coffee klatch.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Nope, no "besties" for this gal. No "stuffies" either. Just plain old "best friends" and "stuffed animals" (not to equate the two!) And not to be an old (Boomer) grouch but I think "bestie" and "stuffie" are part of the cute-ifying of American culture. Don't get me started! 😆

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As to the "bestie" or "BFF" - I use neither. At age 76, I've found that the term "best friend" isn't even appropriate. I talk about my "dear friends," since none of them is the best. The close friends I have (few but precious to me) cannot be rated. Of course, I'm the same way with books.

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#Monsters #Hamas and #Netanyahu are in league for joint power through eternal war and death of their own people. Obscene. We must distinguish between the ’monstrous leaders’ and the ’innocent people’ on both sides.

"... the most heartbreaking and horrific incident happened on Oct. 14, a week after the Hamas attack, when police say a 71-year-old white man who had spewed anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hate killed Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6-year-old Palestinian boy, by stabbing him 26 times. Police say the boy’s mother, Hanaan Shahin, who was stabbed a dozen times, was renting a ground-floor apartment from the suspect. The suspect’s wife reportedly told police that her husband “listens to conservative talk radio on a regular basis” and became obsessed with the war between Hamas and Israel."

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Are we living a Greek Tragedy in America today? Are we living in a society that has no order, personal and in government? Are we living in a state of anarchy and still calling it democracy? What would Sophocles write about if he were here today? What would Shakespeare write? What wisdom can be found in Homer? I don't believe numbers and statistics and the media will lead us out of this disorder. I think it will take a poet or a playwright's message to save us. A tragedy is the story of imbalance. These stories, plays, poems, show us what we deny about ourselves. They speak to what we repress.

You're a playwright, kinda! Tell us the story of Iago. Tell us about Orestes and Agamemnon. These stories are alive today. Tell us about Iago so we may better understand MAGA. I know those stories pop up in your head as you read the morning paper or watch the news. They help shape who you have become. Tell us about Dionysus and Fate. Tell us about Euripides and The Bacchae. Tell us who pops into your head as you read these stories. There is great wisdom in TRAGEDY. We need to be reminded of such with stories, not numbers. Tell us about the Bacchae and what they share with MAGA. That's the stuff us fools can understand. Tell us a story. You are a natural storyteller.

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Professor, you mentioned how "these things can get out of control". Of course. But the issue is that thousands of civilians are being killed. We must stop the killing if we want to stop radicalization in the longer run. The big worry from Netanyahu is that Hamas and other terrorists will divert humanitarian resources to bolster their attacks on Israel. However, Israel (alone or with international collaboration) has the logistical and military capabilities to provide "spot relief" that can be assuredly delivered into civilian hands. They could even host picnics where civilians and especially children can eat, drink, be treated medically under direct supervision. There has got to be more creative approaches to protecting and preserving civilians, and this must be done without helping the terrorists.

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Johnson should be cornered on his belief that Biden was not legitimately elected President, need this asap- we can’t have this person as speaker if he fails to acknowledge Biden is President.

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The worst consequence is the peeling off of young Democrats from support of Biden. While the President has been tottering along with adequate but soft approval ratings, the anti-semitism and mis-directed sympathy of young people for Palestinians might be the "nail in the coffin" for a hoped Joe Biden win in 2024.

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Here are the consequences of the current situation.

1. The US and Israel lose all moral credibility in the rest of the world.

2. World War III.

3. Russia, China, and Iran's colonialism of the southern tier of the planet ensure that nothing on this planet survives pasts 2050.

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