Funny, Trump is less concerned with stealing “Classified Documents” or causing an insurrection, than having people think he has less money than he says he has. Let’s be a Trump, and lie. Tell him he has more money than he even thought. Then try him for treason and sentence him to maximum prison (in solitary) for the rest of his natural life. I could live with that. And we could all live happily ever after!!! The end.😁

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

I was thinking of exiling him to a British or Swedish prison barge! Guantanamo otherwise.

UPDATE: Indeed, while doing a little follow-up, I found I wasn't aware there is one in NY: https://youtu.be/A8TQLpmDgW0?si=n2fQdicqOxPU4aFp

Upon further consideration, I find the notion of giving ol' P01135809 a port-side view of NY on a prison barge delicious, particularly if he has a good view of his former residence! A nice ornament would be to moor it just outside of US territorial water, so he's no longer even in the US.

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Nope! Just reconfigure Mar-a-Lago as a sealed mental hospital.

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Why allow him to enjoy his ill-gotten gains on >any< basis ‽ I say shuck him - not as a pun, but as you shuck a clam.

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It does not look like we can easily “shuck” him. The following is from today’s New York Times Newsletter.

"President Biden is trailing Donald Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.”

Should Donald be convicted before the election day, the GOP will likely choose a Trump sycophant to take his place on the ticket running under the exact same platform.

If a Republican win occurs, be it Trump or another, one potential scenario will be an unbelievable amount of civil discord, protests and general strikes but we will need a platform of ideals to unite the opposition. It is easy to organize to be against, but it is far more farsighted to have a vision to fight for. The Republicans already have their 2025 plan and the progressives will need our 2026 plan with our goals and strategies.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Before it gets lost in the frey, I'd like to say a few words about the legislation funding Israel that pays for it by defunding the IRS.

Just the other day, I saw curt a response from Johnson in which he says words to the effect: "Only on Capitol Hill can a funding cut be made out as an increase in deficit spending." Following that, a commentator tries to justify it by saying he's just trying to run the government like a business.

OK. Let's say he's trying to run the government like a business. I ask, what business would ever try to cut its cost deficit by dismantling its delinquencies and collections mechanism ‽ Is that the kind of economics they teach at Wharton ‽ One of ol' P01135809's kids already said he learned about GAAP at Wharton in ACCT 101 but doesn't know what the devil it involves. Either Johnson's business acumen is a lie, or he wasted a whole lot of bucks on his business courses. Either way, Johnson is clearly just the chief moron in the House Moron Caucus.

Here's an idea! Update the name of the Internal Revenue Service to the "Internal Tax Delinquencies Collection Service." The ITDC! (aka, The Internal Tax Deadbeats Collection Service!)

Just a little something I'd like to mention here, since it was touched on in The Klatch!

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A fine way to make what they are trying to do more understandable to “the great unwashed,” as some have, on occasion, characterized the rank and file of our people who’d rather not be informed about things, thank you very much.

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023

👍 Keep in mind that when starved for resources the "Tax Deadbeats" collection service can't afford to go after the big dollar tax deadbeats, because they don't have the personnel to conduct investigations of the sprawling business assets the big dollar deadbeats have. That includes things - as we've seen in NY with ol' P01135809's business practices - like how they value their properties, what tax loopholes they're trying to exploit, and even verifying apparently legitimate sources of income to make sure they're not simply laundromats for cleaning dirty money. That forces them to go after reporting errors made by ordinary individuals - like us - whose financial picture is massively less complicated - and the moneyed interests are vested in making sure it stays that way! So, they buy politicians that serve that interest, who can attack the IRS because they go after the little guy, while gouging the middle - the great unwashed - and giving tax breaks to the top for funding to run the government, while giving the middle the option to cut general services and public assistance programs in return for lower taxes - which only the top ever seems to get. Notice the spending cuts that the Яepuблиkan$ intend to blackmail the Democrats with to keep the government open, that is about to become visible in the not too distant future.

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Just, so so so sadly, yes.

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The Republican party is about helping the rich avoid paying taxes. They just want to help rich people get richer. Everything else is just BS.

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You got my vote!👍

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I still think he'll skip. Next year in Abu Dhabi.

Income from 2015 to 2020 from a wide range of foreign countries, including Canada, Panama, the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, among others.

Trump financial statement -- earnings from speaking fees than previously known, including at least $2 million for speaking at events hosted by Hak Ja Han Moon and a group she co-founded with her husband, Sun Myung Moon, the late leader of the Unification Church, and $2.5 million to comment on a boxing match. In addition, he disclosed that his wife, Melania , earned $1.2 million from speaking fees. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/13/donald-trump-financial-disclosure/

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The mess in Gaza has far-reaching implications that go way beyond the obvious. The relationship between the United States and Israel is a given and with the election of 2024 in the offing any distraction offered by the Republican camp that would erode Democratic support would be a welcomed diversion. The entrance of RFK into the Presidential race is little more than a knife in the back of the Democratic agenda. The mindset in the Middle East applauds the idea that Trump could find his way back into the White House for a second term. To assist the Trump movement a confrontation between Israel and the Muslim world would prove to be injurious to Biden's position. The negative feelings fostered by Israel's revenger for the atrocities committed on 10/7 have left a bad taste in the mouths of Americans who are of Middle Eastern descent. Having such a narrow margin of victory in the last general election the loss of the votes from the Americans with Muslim ancestry would spell real trouble for Biden. If Trump was to win in the upcoming election the balance of power in the Middle East would suffer a dramatic shift. Trump would pull the plug in Ukraine and defund our efforts in the Middle East. An onion has many layers, Trump has but one, treachery. The unification of the Islamic movement in the Middle East would spell the death nil to the idea of peace in the region. However, that just might be the overall intention of the children in control.

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And not only that; with Israel in this horrendous grudge mode with no plan for the governing of Gaza after Hamas has been routed out, sets in force a weak plan for Israel for the long run bec the bitter taste all Arabs have now acquired will translate into thousands of more Palestinians who didn't join Hamas before wanting to join Hamas in the future with more tunnels being built, with more bombs raining down on Israel, making life for Israelites far worse than it is now. Palestinians are very poor; Hamas has a 'pay to slay' policy & many of their soldiers earn a salary & benefits afterwards if their family members are killed. Desperate people with rageful hearts will do whatever they can to survive. This doesn't spell well for the future of Israel. This no-win situation for the Israelis & the Palestinians when Hamas has $300 million in the bank.

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Linda--The future of Israel is uncertain and in jeopardy. A united Islamic military force would vastly out number anything the Israeli's could put in the field, without our direct assistance.

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What would USA do if attacked as Israel was this on 10/7? We know what we would do since did it after 9/11. We invaded and occupied two countries and killed thousands of civilians. Why not Israel?

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All very sad. Trump doesn’t necessarily need to gather all the votes that abandon Biden — just starving Biden of those votes can do the trick. If large swaths of typically-Democratic voters leave the fold — and encouraging them to do that seems to be the strategy on the Right at present — that is all that’s needed. They are no longer thinking they WANT those votes for themselves. The Right just wants to skim those votes away from the Democratic side.

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Pat--That is their goal and if things don't change it will be their end.

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Crazy and ugly

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Paul--They said the idea of Trump becoming President was "Crazy." Then it became "Ugly."

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

If he does that, maybe the CIA could "arrange" an unfortunate, random tragedy for him!

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That works too! It has many times in the past, why not now!

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Will Trump ever face consequences for his decades long criminal career. Cult followers want to re-elect this monster. If he is elected you better check your passport and pack your bags because America will be a dangerous place for freedom loving people. The Republican/Cult has gone crazy and wants to elect a fascist to rule over the rest of us.

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I think Guamtanamo is now literally "for the birds," right? . . . I just looked: only 30 remain. PERFECT for a morbidly obese serial LOSER!

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I have a recurring dream in which #MangoWanker Turdking is at a rally, pisses himself, and has a massive stroke... Disabling and debilitating, unable to type or tweet, incontinent and helpless and unable to speak, fed through an IV and pooping into a bedpan, but fully aware of the prison hospital, for the rest of his life.

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It's sarcasm. Lighten up

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Much rather have him endure the humility and consequences of 4 separate trials and then be sentenced to prison. This would also restrict his campaigning and galavanting around the country performing at his phony dog and pony shows. A $250 million fine in New York would severely damage his dwindling fortune and put his over-inflated ego in check.

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I will still be surprised if that son of a bitch goes to jail for his crimes. The two tiered justice system in action. One for the poor and one for the very rich.

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I would rather he just goes to prison. I don't think he can tweet away all day there. But anyway William you have a right to express yourself!

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William,,,,sounds like a Trump wish on an opponent. Let's not lower ourselves to his level which is not easy when he is so vile and so powerful.

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That's a terrible thing to wish on anyone.

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Is it tho?

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Otherwise we'll live in stress - not healthy!

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Hans Christian Anderson already got there with The Emperor's New Clothes.

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I vote "other."

Nuclear holocaust. We've got nukes. Israel got 'em. But consider Hamas' bestie these days is Putin and he can't keep it (or them) in his pants.

As my ol' drill instructor would say, "In case of a nuclear attack, pull your poncho liner over your head, bend over, and kiss your ass goodbye."


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If the war in Gaza allows the 'speaker' of the house to shut off aid to Ukraine and Putin wins, we are at war, because putin would not stop at Ukraine. Tfg is running Congress,and if he continues to be a loose cannon, there could be a mistrial, or a long enough delay in enforcement of the disqualification clause by the Supreme Court to allow him to 'win' . Add to that the religious/ethnic war in the Middle East and that is a pretty big threat to our planet. Tfg added instability when he ended the nuclear treaty with Iran, didn't he? He also asked once " We have Nukes; why don't we use them?". I'm hoping Justice is paying attention.

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@Laurie. You are right! And support to Ukraine is already delayed, effectively reduced!

But my hope is that 5 Republicans of good conscience will wake up and help move legislation through the House. Nearly impossible to imagine, but still technically possible, the House could vote Jeffries in as the next speaker. But all of it delays military aid, and delay is effectively denial since it is overdue and needed now.

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I hate to say it - but the good republicans are dropping like flies - times are scary

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True enough.

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I'm with Susan.

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Had the same feeling about Jeffries.this Johnson character is already super unpopular and probably scaring and turning people off.

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

Good catch LB! While we're focusing on and wringing our hands about Israel, we seem to be forgetting Ukraine. If you recall, that was my original assertion, several days ago, concerning the fishy timing of the Hamas attack and its objective.

It also has an impact I hadn't considered at the time. I responded to today's survey question "Progressives split apart." Based on the comments I'm seeing here today, it seems true enough.

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The judges who are presiding over the Trump trials are afraid to put him in jail for contempt. They know they will get death threats.

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And for that we pray,pray and pray!

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Liked the Kingston Trio. It’s true, everyone seems to hate each other.

We had to stop Hitler. We waited too long. We were naive to think we were safe over here in the US. The Japanese woke us up.

If we had stopped Hitler earlier, there wouldn’t have been so much collateral damage. It is right to stop Hamas now.

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#Monsters #Hamas and #Netanyahu are in league for joint power through eternal war and death of their own people. Obscene. We must distinguish between the ’monstrous leaders’ and the ’innocent people’ on both sides.

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So say the antisemites. The physical facts are they are at war.

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You should be asking WHY

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Because Hamas did not want Israel and Saudi Arabia to make peace. “Hamas started this war. We're talking about [an] organization that does not regard human life,” an impassioned Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas leader Hassan Yousef, told NewsNation's Chris Cuomo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhAdYbuMVWU

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You are still only seeing the surface. Why did monster Hamas not want monster Netanyahu to make peace with Saudi? Hint: look back 100 years

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100 years ago there were pogroms in Hebron. This goes back to the "facts" that are oblivious to antisemites, who just accept BS at face. Jews lived in the "old city" of Jerusalem, were a majority until 1948. Those Arabs who left, for the most part did so VOLTARILY, based on threats by the Arab Legion. There were some who remained and became Israeli citizens. I accept that there were a few who were forced to leave. But they were a small minority and by the 1990s even the terrorist PLO was willing to accept the existence of Israel (which is aa fact) and negotiate land for peace.

The West Bank is another matter. It is no doubt occupied territory but IMHO only because the Palestinian Authority will not stand up and govern. They are intimidated by groups like Islamic Jihad and Hamas.

When Hamas killed innocent civilians on October 7, some of them were US and Israeli "peaceniks" who had been working for Palestinian rights.

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Daniel. Exactly my first thought. We are closer to nuclear war now than anytime since the Cuban Missile Crisis and people were a lot more aware and scared then, enough so to push the nuclear countries into a series of treaties, many now defunct.

My second thought goes to the ever looming climate disaster, and our inability to face it head on together as a world force for immediate counter actions, and petrol products burned by military and horrific wars accelerate the process. As a side note it would also benefit to move away from the raising and slaughtering of animals for populations with a large meat based diet.

Let’s keep our eye on the ball, as your ‘ol drill instructor would be wise to have said also.

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A full scale nuclear war would "solve" climate change by wiping out our fossil fuel civilization and disrupting the environment enough to cool the planet by several degrees C. God help us if someone pushes the nuclear button and lets the genie out of the bottle!

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

That's a novel approach to ecology! I'm surprised Dr Strangelove didn't mention it! 🤣

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Punishment doesn't work. It just increases on each side and results in sneaky behaviors.

I thought the Dems loved to scream "science". It's on all of their T-shirts???? ;)

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Isn't it normal for human beings to want to see the "bad guy" get his comeuppance though punishment that causes him to suffer some unpleasantness? Isn't this why punishment exists even if it does not work? I do remember seeing the BF Skinner "pigeon flicks" in my college psch. class!

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The principals of behavior are common to all species. Just like the study of sweet peas in genetics.

Where did we learn this behavior to cause suffering? Was it reinforcing?

I'm not the cognitive therapy PSY person. There is a place for that. BUT, if you want a change in behavior, then change the reinforcements.

So, this is a tough one. BUT , how are we reinforcing Trump? What do we want from him? How do we get there?

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We want blessed, holy silence. We want to be left alone in a hate-free zone.

1.Take away his phone

2.No TV , radio or internet for him

3.Video calls into his court cases only.

5. House arrest in a lower class home

6 periodic announcements from Trump to his followers to cool their rhetoric doen.


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Then we all need to boycott the stories. Stop clicking on it. It's in the hands of the courts right now. There is really nothing that I or another else can do at this time.

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We want him to disappear and not see or hear from him or harm us ever again.This is our democracy,not his or his brainless cronies to filth up.

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Janet, I think TFG has never had more reinforcement! Millions pay attention to his every word. Nefarious international bad guys invite him into the club and “invest” their money into his properties for no-questions-asked laundering. The banks and the IRS (until lately) let him inflate or deflate his wealth with impunity.

Interestingly, BF Skinner showed that variable ratio reinforcement is the most powerful. He is used to continuous rewards for his gamesmanship. Suddenly he never knows whether or not his behavior will be rewarded or punished. Just like the rats and pigeons in the behavioral experiments, this ambiguity will lead him to escalate his behaviors. He pushes the levers frantically, to the point of exhaustion, hoping the reward will show up. Is TFG a rat or a pigeon? He’s certainly behaving like an animal in operant conditioning!

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I know you disagree with me. When has punishment worked? The Dems scream 'science" and I have the studies to demonstrate it what does work. Even Dr. REich touched on it in his class. It's policies. BF Skinner was surprised at the results too but he didn't ignore it because of ego to be "right".

The old drill guy could have gotten much better results with my methods.

Before we get into it ;) There are consequences for behavior. I'm not saying that. I can't fully comment but I can tell you a little defense attorney was no match for me the "little" psy major. But, I would like to see the guilty person change their behavior and the more severe the punishment wasn't working either.......

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Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023

I get what you are saying. [deleted misremembered content.] A direct result of the draconian measures imposed on Germany at Versailles was the rise of Hitler, and his first action was to force France to surrender in the same train car in which Versailles was signed. That's not science. It's history.

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BTW, the rest of the "civilized" world had a League of Nations.

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So, do you think a WWIII is the answer? How is that. Look dude, I'm sure I could learn a lot from you. However, I have some great science that might just get the results you are craving.

Escalation of punishment isn't working on Trump, is it? Nope. The reinforcements have to change to get a behavior change. He's super tough case at the moment. I wouldn't want that case... but he is being reinforced for this behavior so if you want to change it -

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Behavior change with a narcissist is extremely unlikely. Especially true with someone who is as old as Trump and is so deeply set in his ways. Permanent mental hospital confinement is best for him.

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This is a typical response. Let me ask you - have you even tried it? Like Mikeie says - try it - you might like (behaviorism). Let's not assume it won't work before tried. First of all. Take him OFF the front page news. I want to be informed but he can be on the back cover of section G.

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It might be working more than you think.I believe that much of what we see is ego ,bluster,defiance and a quiet challenge wrapped into one nasty mug.

This is all very practiced because for him it's always 'Showtime!

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You're right. Wilson got shot down on the League of Nations. My bad.

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I don't know the details. I would have to go back and do the literature review from several sources.

The World Wars proves my point. Punishment and escalation of punishment doesn't work. Now it's scary that the corporation Dems are calling for WWIII?

This "do as you are told" mentality that seems to be coming through these comments is no better than Trump's "do as you are told, or else".

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Irrelevant and immaterial.

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I thought you believed in science ? Behavior is not a science? That's immaterial? The libs have been screaming it from the rooftops.

Let me ask you - seriously. Where did you learn the punishment behavior? How did you learn it? And, how was it reinforced?

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Physics. Archimedes third principle, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

When I worked I could not make law. I am and was bound by existing law, and merely apply it.

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minor: It is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion. It applies to objects, such as, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. But, I get the point.

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The behaviorists asks - what do you want to happen first. Then you shape a behavior (or policy in the case of Dr. Reich's class - he discusses it's policy not the individual) to get there. It does take much more work and thought. Did you have an opportunity to read the book yet?

The guy who went to jail for a third instance, needed it. However, at three times - the increases in punishment do not change behavior. I would like to see him change his behavior so that he doesn't do worse next time. In all likelihood, that individual will not....

Just saying, it's called behavior science. The physics laws always have exceptions.

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If it has an exception then it cannot be a Law. In order for an idea to become a Law, it must always be exactly predictive. For example; The Law of Gravity, Newton's Laws of Motion, Laws of Thermodynamics (eg.,energy cannot be created or destroyed). A theory will have a huge body of evidence, but it is not always predictive, like the Theory of Evolution. And then we have hypotheses........

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Sadly, still so true! Thanks!

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@Daniel. We are in the same generation and I wore the same green plastic ponchos. Anything that encourages or activates Putin is bad for sure. But I don't think this is it...

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If we are to retain our democracy there can be no separation between progressives. We must be “joined at the hip” to defeat every R that runs for local, state and federal government. The sudden attack on Oct. 7th by Hamas seems almost designed to create a disconnect between us. The horrific and unnecessary slaughter of children and civilians in both Israel and Gaza is tearing us apart at a time when our democracy has “one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.”

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Designed to stop a treaty between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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Maybe that too, but we're dropping the ball on Ukraine, as well. Nobody's even looking at that, while Moscow's not apparently involved. All of which I've been arguing since the initial attack. It's all about that fishy timing I mentioned.

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There is nothing Jewish about war crimes. Condemning then cannot be viewed as antisemitic.

I fear that Israel's commission of war crimes -- against a people who are still refugees displaced since the middle of last century -- may awaken a deep historic worldwide anti-semitism

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@Ruth SJ. Except a "deep historic worldwide Anti-Semitism has never slept", only cowered from our disapproving gaze...

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"cannot be viewed as antisemitic." Except you sure sound like one. .

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I had to laugh when Heather said ‘best friends’ is so long. She’s probably thinking of texting the words rather than speaking them because, of course, both ‘best friends ‘ and ‘besties’ are two syllables long. Yes, I’m from the Boomer ‘best friend’ generation.

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I call them my best friend, not bestie. I'm 65. I think it is an age thing!

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try identifying yourself to others as "my name is Xena and I use she, her, hers pronouns"

I'm hoping this is a fad because the social overhead here is heady. I would prefer a non-gender pronoun like hes or seh come into common usage . But until then we're going to get more of this https://offices.vassar.edu/lgbtq/trans-non-binary-resources/gender-pronouns/ . Other viewpoints please.

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#Monsters #Hamas and #Netanyahu are in league for joint power through eternal war and death of their own people. Obscene.

We must distinguish between the "monstrous leaders" and the "innocent people" on both sides.

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Just expressing your collective subconscious again?

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troll. blocks you

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Hamas vows to kill all Jews. You are obviously good with that.

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Apparently, Netanyahu has been perfectly OK with that.

In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah."

Times of Israel: "For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces."

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Except he didn't attack and commit murder.

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Despite BILLIONS in resources for defense, he left southern Israel nearest the border with Gaza nearly completely undefended, and thus allowed the murders to happen -- despite fully well knowing Hamas's aims. This was NOT unforeseen.

In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to KEEP Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah."

He's attacked and is committing murder now on a gigantic scale.

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Reports you

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Wonderful coffee klatch today, especially during these difficult times. There is always something comforting listening to the strong and steady voices of Heather and Dr. Reich. I would refer to them as virtual "dear friends" that we can always count on. (I'm definitely over "50!")

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Well, I’m 77 years old, my “bestie” is my husband and I refer to him as my BFF. Thanks for your coffee klatch.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Nope, no "besties" for this gal. No "stuffies" either. Just plain old "best friends" and "stuffed animals" (not to equate the two!) And not to be an old (Boomer) grouch but I think "bestie" and "stuffie" are part of the cute-ifying of American culture. Don't get me started! 😆

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As to the "bestie" or "BFF" - I use neither. At age 76, I've found that the term "best friend" isn't even appropriate. I talk about my "dear friends," since none of them is the best. The close friends I have (few but precious to me) cannot be rated. Of course, I'm the same way with books.

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#Monsters #Hamas and #Netanyahu are in league for joint power through eternal war and death of their own people. Obscene. We must distinguish between the ’monstrous leaders’ and the ’innocent people’ on both sides.

"... the most heartbreaking and horrific incident happened on Oct. 14, a week after the Hamas attack, when police say a 71-year-old white man who had spewed anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hate killed Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6-year-old Palestinian boy, by stabbing him 26 times. Police say the boy’s mother, Hanaan Shahin, who was stabbed a dozen times, was renting a ground-floor apartment from the suspect. The suspect’s wife reportedly told police that her husband “listens to conservative talk radio on a regular basis” and became obsessed with the war between Hamas and Israel."

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Are we living a Greek Tragedy in America today? Are we living in a society that has no order, personal and in government? Are we living in a state of anarchy and still calling it democracy? What would Sophocles write about if he were here today? What would Shakespeare write? What wisdom can be found in Homer? I don't believe numbers and statistics and the media will lead us out of this disorder. I think it will take a poet or a playwright's message to save us. A tragedy is the story of imbalance. These stories, plays, poems, show us what we deny about ourselves. They speak to what we repress.

You're a playwright, kinda! Tell us the story of Iago. Tell us about Orestes and Agamemnon. These stories are alive today. Tell us about Iago so we may better understand MAGA. I know those stories pop up in your head as you read the morning paper or watch the news. They help shape who you have become. Tell us about Dionysus and Fate. Tell us about Euripides and The Bacchae. Tell us who pops into your head as you read these stories. There is great wisdom in TRAGEDY. We need to be reminded of such with stories, not numbers. Tell us about the Bacchae and what they share with MAGA. That's the stuff us fools can understand. Tell us a story. You are a natural storyteller.

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Yes, this kind of thing would be useful. And media like movies are doing some of this. I don't think this is Reich's forte however.

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Reich once wrote a play. He is an artist at heart. He told stories on stage at Berkeley for years in the classroom. I've called him a Cassandra forever in this comment section. He is a natural storyteller in his writings & books. You're right, it is not his forte, but it is his forte.

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Professor, you mentioned how "these things can get out of control". Of course. But the issue is that thousands of civilians are being killed. We must stop the killing if we want to stop radicalization in the longer run. The big worry from Netanyahu is that Hamas and other terrorists will divert humanitarian resources to bolster their attacks on Israel. However, Israel (alone or with international collaboration) has the logistical and military capabilities to provide "spot relief" that can be assuredly delivered into civilian hands. They could even host picnics where civilians and especially children can eat, drink, be treated medically under direct supervision. There has got to be more creative approaches to protecting and preserving civilians, and this must be done without helping the terrorists.

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Johnson should be cornered on his belief that Biden was not legitimately elected President, need this asap- we can’t have this person as speaker if he fails to acknowledge Biden is President.

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The worst consequence is the peeling off of young Democrats from support of Biden. While the President has been tottering along with adequate but soft approval ratings, the anti-semitism and mis-directed sympathy of young people for Palestinians might be the "nail in the coffin" for a hoped Joe Biden win in 2024.

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Or as David Corn wrote: “A half-century ago, the Democratic Party tore itself up over the Vietnam War—an internecine battle that led to chaos and violence at the 1968 Chicago convention. Months later, Richard Nixon slithered into the White House. The conflict among Democrats and progressives over the Hamas-Israel war may not cause a melee at the next Democratic convention, but it does threaten to undermine the most important political cause in America: preventing the restoration of Donald Trump.”

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@Brandon. You and Corn see the risks very clearly in my view.

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We'll get past that with sheer will for our democracy.

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@RedElisa. I like your optimism!

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Here are the consequences of the current situation.

1. The US and Israel lose all moral credibility in the rest of the world.

2. World War III.

3. Russia, China, and Iran's colonialism of the southern tier of the planet ensure that nothing on this planet survives pasts 2050.

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Thanks for the upbeat report Martha !

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You may disagree, of course, but I find that facing reality without rose colored glasses is more likely to lead to peace of mind than having the rose shades ripped from your face by flood, fire, drought, war, plague, religious fantasy, newspaper nonsense, social media mendacity, etc.

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reluctantly, 👍

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Reality is plenty ugly right now but I don’t think one can make the predictions like you made ,The main thing is climate change and I do feel justified in saying that it’s very likely the impacts will be far far worse than the public, and most journalists understand. That is something I think you and I agree on.

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As for my forecasts, there's nothing unique to me about them.

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