Today Heather Cox Richardson wrote about Russian interference. RUSSIANS! Which trump denounced as "hoax" of course.

She also wrote about Christian Nationalism. Project 2025 .

Russian backed mis- and disinformation floods the media and voters. If twice-impeached convicted felon and facing-dozens-of-federal-indictments trump and MAGA gets elected, the Fundamental Christian Nationalists (FCNs) will take over the government and support trump (and Putin's) agenda. I don't understand why nobody is shouting the threat from rooftops! How is the Press not connecting dots and warning us?

Deny, defy, delay, distract, deflect, etc., define trump's and MAGA's strategy for perpetuating their lies. "Tell a big enough lie often enough, the people will believe it." I hoped, still hope enough of the electorate hasn't succumbed to the relentless torrent of hatred, lies, misogyny, anti-immigrant disinformation and the rest of it to see Harris through.

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The press, Mark, will not print or say anything negative about trump or Project 2025 because the owners of our media want trump to win, not because he'd be good for America, because he'll reduce taxes and dismantle all regulation thus clearing the way for them to rake in a few more billion dollars.

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Ditto the California press on our drift to fascism under the YIMBY cult ..

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I can't "like" your post, Fay, but I certainly agree with you!

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For a few more WEEKS. They are in denial that there ARE NO MORE FOSSIL FUELS! It would be hilarious watching them cry and whine and squirm if it wasn't so DIRE.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Robert Reich

Yesterday, Trump spent 45 minutes in a grievance-filled “press conference” overflowing with defamatory attacks on women who have accused him of sexual assault. The one thing the “press conference” did not include was questions from the press.

I told Heather Trump's answers to questions are not relevant and are immaterial. In a courtroom, a judge would direct the jury to disregard everything he says.

The BIG NEWS in Trumpland is that Truth Social is failing.

DOJ indicts former Trump campaign adviser, Russian intel officers in new cases. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/4864244-justice-department-russian-charges/

If we want to get rid of him we can. Blue tsunami.


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Legit members of the press have their knives sharpened. On Sept. 6th at the Economic Club of New York, one member queried as to what trump would do to make childcare more affordable, and t. just rambled incoherently. The take from Isabel Fattal of 'The Atlantic' is that "Press coverage of trump's statements is not actually serving readers unless each and every article begins with the fact that his words are gibberish". Actually, hurling a sharp stick at him would be enough to deflate him, but don't stand too close.


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Dennis -“agree” I would like to know how tariffs equals affordable childcare. However, since he doesn’t even understand what tariffs are (let alone childcare problems) and what they do I won’t hold my breath for an answer.

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On NPR it was reported how some in the media reported that some economists were "sceptical" that tariffs would work. The tendency is to make statements that are technically true but often entirely misleading or false as a portrayal of things. They might have reported that some 16 or so Nobel economists have signed a letter that Trumps economic policies would be a complete disaster. But no, just say some economists are sceptical to meet your fair and balanced standard for reporting.

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steve- “like” and “agree” NPR has really started to disappoint me.

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These emotion-based generalities have been going on for years now on npr. What a disappointment for me, as I've been listening from the beginning of "All Things Considered". I no longer am a fan. What happened? Money.

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Lucy - “like” Totally agree with you about NPR.

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Trump did NOT answer the question -- as usual.

Mr. Non Sequitur.

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Let's not forget that Trump is an actor, and he changes his style and message depending on his audience. He will do his best to appear calm and reasonable during the "debate" He knows that he needs to regain women votes, so he may even act deferential toward Harris. She should not fall into the trap of appearing angry and/or outraged at his lies. This is a great opportunity for Harris to let voters know that she is a cool, smart, strong woman, worthy of our confidence.

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There is some "standard" that prevents much of the media from describing Trumps words as mostly gibberish but instead requires them to put the most rational interpretation possible on what is mostly rambling nonsense and nonsequitors.

They need to get over that.

I also agree with others that media owners, alot of them, want to use their media power to see Harris defeated, or at least not turn off readers/viewers and hurt their revenue. It's a combination of things. Reporting that Trump is speaking gibberish is mostly relegated to opinion columns. Journalistic "excellence" forbids a simple telling of the truth about Trumps speeches.

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Yeah he did absolutely scary 😨 and then elsewhere JD tried to relate to some picketers and they were not having any.

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The press answers to the editors, who answer to the CEO, which, if not the Chairman of the Board and the largest individual investor, answers to the Board of Directors which answer to the owners/investors, And the only justification and goal of a corporation is to survive and make money, and lots of it. Dodge v. Ford Motor Company 1919 https://www.casebriefs.com/blog/law/corporations/corporations-keyed-to-klein/the-nature-of-the-corporation/dodge-v-ford-motor-co/

The purpose of a corporation is to make a profit for the shareholders, but a court will not interfere with decisions that come under the business judgment of directors.

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Editors and even CEOS who took Russian money are jailbait.

Internally, the stick is in shareholder derivative suits. Get ready for Sarbanes Oxley Dodd Frank whistleblowers who will come out of the woodwork to avoid being painted as defendants in a criminal cases.

Meanwhile Harris can take advantage of an attitude adjustment in Trumpland. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2024/09/06/88-corporate-leaders-endorse-harris-in-new-letter-including-ceos-of-yelp-box.html

Goldman Sachs Sees Biggest Boost to US Economy From Harris Win


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This is good news for November, but I can't help but notice these CEOs waited until a groundswell of grassroots support for Harris could not be ignored. I'm not thrilled with our current corporatocracy (a form of oligarchy?), which leaves us vulnerable to people like Trump. We have so much work to do beyond November!

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you can say that again

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Isure hope so Daniel. If I have to choose between a corporatocracy and a racist, fascist, misogynistic theocracy.

I go for the corporatacracy any day of the week.

Money in the pocket doesn't mean jack squat if you can't live and breathe free.

Hitler solved the jobs and economic problem of Germany by taking Jews, Queers, Socialists, Slavs and dissidents off the table.

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All sadly true. But there are more of us than of them, and now we know we must stick together for democracy, and we can't go back to identity politics. As Anne Applebaum has said, there's nothing inevitable about how this goes.

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Daniel - “like”

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Considering that we all know what tRump is, and his supporters will tell you that they don't like him but they support what he stands for, and that is he is 'ANTI', a long list which includes the government, immigrants, women and minorities of all stripes.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

In response to Trump calling her a "socialist", as he probably will, dare she reply that if caring for the poor, the hungry, peace, justice, and immigrants fleeing rape & persecution, like Jesus did, is socialism, then she's okay with sharing His cares? Should she be prepared to give verse #s and quote any Bible passage(s) meaningful to her, and challenge Trump to do the same? IMO, she should also point out the countries associated with the word "socialism" are really shams with totalitarian despots Trump admires.

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You are correct. Just this a.m. I went to a Project 2025 informational meeting. The Christian Nationalists have an enormous amount of power over those who say they are Christians. Jesus would not have agreed with these scare tactics. And apparently these leaders including trump are looking for non believers will be sent to hell because they are evil. This has been going on for 50 years at least. All those who read this and are doubtful need to do the searches for information. Don't take my word for it, educate yourselves. I am horrified by what will happen if trump becomes president again. America as we have known and understood it will without doubt be over. Terrifying!

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Trump is so deluded, so jaded, so demented, so Alzheimer's-ridden, so falling apart physically, so full of aspartame, animal grease and other killer fats, so hated and reviled by WELL OVER HALF THE VOTING POPULACE, the devil is preparing a place for him right now, as I write this. Don't worry -- TrumpleTHINskin will be dead and gone by November. You can count on it! (The devil is waiting with baited breath, breathing 🔥 FIRE in gleeful anticipation!!! He's not going to miss his chance to get him for anything!!)

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Hartmann has one of the best newsletters on substack. He's articulate, informed and his viewership has many people that come with a wealth of information.

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Thank you for this information. I see this recommendation here, and it is time for me to look him up!

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What I like to say (because repetition is a powerful mnemonic) is that Russia, Russia, Russia is Guilty, Guilty, Guilty on all counts, just like Trump.

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The Press does not understand the threat of Russian influence much as they did not in 2015.

Most of the Press have grown up in an age of post-cold war American dominance where Russia is not feared as during the cold war. And there is perhaps the fear of appearing partisan to readers. Russia has an immense misinformation media footprint which is very influential. That should be covered by the Press.

I remember in 2015 being disturbed by how little play Russian "meddling", which I considered an "attack", was covered in the media then, with even Obama initially soft-pedaling the threat.

I consider that a breach of faith of Obama with the American people. I don't think it helped Hillary one bit.

IMO officials just need to do their job and stop basing decisions on their tenous calculations of impact to an election.

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Met a person talking about how terrible Bidenomics is. That must mean its being really pushed by FOX etc these days.

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Mark - “like” The more he tries to deny the more we know it is the truth.

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Or as Bunkerboy's Alzheimer's proclaims: "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!" . . . that imprisoned almost a DOZEN of his criminal masters.

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I think this debate will be about temperament. Kamala's is first-class. She has the steady, tested temperament of a prosecutor, the experience as a politician, and the mindset of a realist who comes from humble beginnings. Moreover, she has the confidence of a successful minority woman who has overcome obstacles. She loves and is loved. Trump will display his insecurity, his narcissism, his stunted emotional growth, thin skin, and his ugly demeanor. He is incapable of empathy or love, and lives in a strictly zero sum transactional world. I believe the stark contrast in temperament will largely figure in the judgment of voters. I am really hoping that Kamala zings him repeatedly with "What's wrong with you?" questions, creating doubt in the minds of the viewers that he is mentally competent and/or in full grasp of reality.

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In your gut, you know Trump is nuts. Demeanor expresses it better than mere verbiage.

Trump can't take a hit. Glass jaw.

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I already commented last week that her best response would be, "There you go again Donald" and then go on to respond to the question at hand.

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If she can get in a word edgewise Harvey. Trump, conservative and MAGA style is Gish Gallop

The Gish gallop (/ˈɡɪʃ ˈɡæləp/) is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm an opponent by presenting an excessive number of arguments, with no regard for their accuracy or strength, with a rapidity that makes it impossible for the opponent to address them in the time available.

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Well said. Others have agreed...

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Kerry - “like”

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Beautifully said, Kerry.

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It might be a good idea if VP Harris brings a spray can of mace.

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If he physically tries to intimidate her, she's gonna tell him to back off, sucker. She will brook no crap.

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They are to remain at their respective podiums

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Remember him hovering over Hillary! I’m sure if this happens to Kamala, she will handle it much differently!

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She will be prepared for that, and Trump would be really stupid not to know that.

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If rump has any intention of intruding on Kamala's personal space, he had better be wearing a cup (that is, if he has anything worth protecting!)..

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It would present a great opportunity to paint him as a ridiculous pathetic weak figure. She can do that with 1 or 2 well timed well-phrased remarks anyway.

That would be more effective than building him up as the biggest most evil guy ever.

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I am disappointed, Kamala's team conceded victory to Trump already, by ageeing to silence the mikes.

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It's kind of a win for Vice President Harris EITHER WAY: If Bunkerboy's muted, he can't heckle her as she lays out her plans to HELP AMERICANS. If he's unmuted Americans will see he's just a 6 year old with Alzheimers instead of her plans.

See? No downside!

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The problem Daniel is that even though the mic is muted, unless she is in a soundproof booth, he will overtalk her and distract her like he did Biden, and while she tries to make her point and respond, he will be overtalking her within earshot.

That's is the problem.

It is not what America sees, but his ability to distract and override her responses

The Gish Gallp tactic, The Gish gallop (/ˈɡɪʃ ˈɡæləp/) is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm an opponent by presenting an excessive number of arguments, with no regard for their accuracy or strength, with a rapidity that makes it impossible for the opponent to address them in the time available.

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Yes, and Trump has already been given his script: portray Harris as an endless flip-flopper. If she tries to defend herself she will be toast.

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Agreed, never defend always ignore and attack.

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Yeah that should be allowed by the mods. But Harris can point out how out of control and disrespectful he is to listeners by interfering.

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I have high hopes that Kamala with her proprietorial experience will stay in control of the game

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Kamala should treat him like all the other guilty perps. And when he inevitably interrupts her, assert her authority as the only competent leader in the race and stop his interruption in its tracks with this phrase:

“Point of order. I am speaking. Why is it that you have to try so hard to dominate women?“

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One big difference between Kamala and Biden, is that she was a prosecutor and had to be able to think on her feet, to object, to counter a defense attorney's argument.

Senators don't, they slowly deliberate and give the other side gentlemanly time to make their point.

Joe had 34 years experience as a senator. Trump has never had to come up against a prosecutor, his lawyers did that for him.

Debate 2024 should be labeled Prosecutor v. Felon.

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If she”wins”, the mainstream media will report something negative.about her and Biden. Trump will be written about to be seen in a sympathetic way. If she loses it will be reported as Democrats have no one who can best the Former President.The press will continue to not report the truth; Biden will be ridiculed; Harris will be dissed. Any missteps on her part will be taken as the biggest mistake ever. Any nonsense spewed out by The Felon in some form word salad, will be cast as "far reaching and covering breadth" of points that are still being fully formed. The ballot box is the only way for her to win. VOTE.

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It's not what the media says. It's how the debate influences "persuadable" voters.

Texting, phone calls canvassing, are far more effective than advertising. WE need to follow up.


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I don't think the media will be able to do what all the king's horses and all the king's men are unable to do, after she kicks his ass off the wall.

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Love it!

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I'm sure by election time the press will start reporting on Trump's failing health and his understanding of our democracy. We all know he is failing in the brain department.

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From your lips to the false journalistic malpractice ears being done at every turn by mainsteam media. I hope you are correct. Meanwhile as Daniel Solomon suggests: I'm off to do some post carding, door knocking, phone banking, sign giving, the works. Hoping something sticks.

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What gives you that hope Harvey. I've seen nothing from the media but an ongoing coverup as they normalize him.

Trump is great for corporations and billionaires, lower and no taxes and deregulation and guess who owns the media, it is not Joe Shit the Ragman.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Elizabeth Baker, don't be so negative. All this negativity grates on my nerves. Harris is NOT Biden! Harris is brilliant; Harris is likeable; Harris LAUGHS, like a normal person; Harris is ATTRACTIVE, BEAUTIFUL EVEN. Harris is EVERYTHING TRUMP IS NOT!! Harris has everything in the world going for her, INCLUDING people being excited about her as the first woman president, something that I don't think even Hillary and Elizabeth Warren can lay full claim to. THINK POSITIVELY!!!

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Klare K, I sure do love them positive vibes you been givin' off -- a great attitude smells more sweet to me than that Channel No. 5 Mama used to wear on on her Saturday nites off!

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Ah-hh, Chanel No. 5. My mother wore that too. Probably what woman didn't? I'd kinda forgotten about it. I don't think I even know what it smells like!

I just feel like everyone has bought into this assured doom and gloom of Humpty Trumpty taking over the world. Fat chance of that! For some reason, he has always gotten away with treating others horribly, never doing anything positive that people have asked him to do, attempting to AND robbing people of their just dues, including filing bankruptcies and causing suicides . . . You cannot go along like that forever, even if he has gotten away with it now for 78 years. Your karma catches up to you eventually, even if for T-rump it has taken a lifetime. But look over in the corner there . . . he's got quite a pile of bad, bad karma just waiting to spring up at long last and devour him! And devour him it is going to! Kind of like reading a Stephen King novel, I think it is going to be that scary!!

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Kamala won’t be taking any crap from the political novice! I just hope he shows up to get his fanny smacked.

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Rope a dope.

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I think they should name the Walz-Vance debate that.

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The event will display their talents. Kamala will play "To tell the truth" While Trump's favorite is "The lying Game." The winner will be our next President.

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Professor Reich and Heather Lofthouse: one thing i want to make clear is that the electoral college is a political dinosaur that only ever made sense in view of appeasing greedy slavers. when will we get finally rid of it? it cost Hillary Clinton the presidency, which she rightfully WON by millions of votes. i also am outraged that, thanks to the corrupt electoral college, just five states will now choose the president for millions of americans.

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Thanks for another great coffee klatch. I am looking forward to this debate. The muted mic won't shut the trumpster. dumpster up - nothing short of anesthesia could shut him up and I'm not even sure about the anesthesia. But Kamala WILL shut him up effectively. I don't recognize the names of the two moderators from ABC but they couldn't possibly be worse than Dana Bash and Jake Tapper (although at one point Dana did try, unsuccessfully to get trump to the same question 3 times) And no one could be worse than Matt Lauer in 2016.. Thank you for your invitation and I certainly will be joining

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I figure if Trump is neutralized to badly he'll walk out of the debate.

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Yes that is a possibility or his handlers may yank him out as damage control

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Raise her hand and stomp every time he lies.

Think Diana Ross.

Think it over

Think it over


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I no longer feel that I know how the public will react to whatever approach VP Harris takes. How can 43% approve of such a monster? A man of such low character? I was again shocked by a judge. The AP reported Friday, Manhattan Judge Juan M. Merchan delayed Trump’s sentencing until Nov. 26, three weeks after the final votes are cast in the U.S. presidential election. The sentencing had been scheduled for Sept. 18, about seven weeks before Election Day. Another powerful and rich man, even after being found guilty is not being held accountable to the people for his crimes. This gives him even more incentive to do all he can to rig the election in every way possible so he will never be sentenced.

Merchan explained that he was postponing the sentencing “to avoid any appearance — however unwarranted — that the proceeding has been affected by or seeks to affect the approaching presidential election in which the Defendant is a candidate.”

How is this not giving the “appearance” of favoring Trump and the MAGA movement? Or caving into a bully out of fear? The rich run this country, More children have died in another mass shooting, and our leaders choose profits over life, More women are being forced to carry pregnancies they don’t want , or they are dyng because needed healthcare is denied to them, and our leaders choose power over life, Our planet has been poisoned by humans possibly to the point of not being able to support human life, and our leaders choose profits over life. At moments , I remain hopeful, but now, it is the wee hours of the morning after a mainly sleepless night and I feel hurt, fear , abandonment, neglect, and anger. In the morning I will hope again, and maybe if there is a Democratic sweep they will really address our many problems before it is really too late.

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A problem I have is this is the end of a 4 year term of an experienced Dem President that beat Trump, and yet in that time he's done almost nothing to stop Trump's previous actions. So here you are again, and Trump starts this round with some serious advantages in places that matter. Like the Courts and Supreme Court, and the corporate media, and the civil service, and in the election services in some States.....

Surely Biden could have done much more?

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Agree. The public dumbfounds me and only a fool can feel confident in predictions here.

As for Merchan-- he really pissed me off. The answer he gave I consider BS. Is he that stupid? Is there something in his charter that says- make sure you're scheduling doesn't get in the way of an election? Because if there is not, he should just be carrying out his job. Just like Comey should have.

Is there something in his role that makes him the decider that an election is so ginormous that any normal scheduling of a sentence must be changed? These judges seem to be running scared. It's a 2 tier justice system is what Merchand told us with his decision.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

I was shocked at Merchan. Up till now, he seemed to be one of the two judges we could really count on (Chutkan and Merchan). Maybe someone has been threatening his daughter again, or himself. Maybe he doesn't feel he can afford enough beefed-up personal security to stave off MAGA threats? It is SICKENING AND DISGRACEFUL how much "power" trumpet and his minions hold in this country. (And of course, his billionaire donors!)

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Professor Reich and Heather Lofthouse: I voted "She'll clobber him, winning voters." i must of course point out that it's equally likely (in my mind) that "no voters' minds will be changed" because, honestly, i doubt most voters have an open mind that they can change. MAGA heads are full of sawdust, and from what i've seen, they are unable to think coherently, nor to appreciate a coherent argument.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

True: only non MAGA Republicans, like the Cheneys and Adam Kinzinger, and the members of the Lincoln Project, can think coherently and change course to help save Democracy, our Republic and Constitution.

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Laurie - “like” I don’t think that trump and his followers understand that they are the RINO’s these days.

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Anon, you make a good point about who are today's real RINOs.

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R Hodsdon - “like” Thank You.

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Its not the MAGA crazies, its the 40% in the middle ground Kamala needs to swing Dem. The best advert is the conservative Republicans saying they'll vote Kamala. And the former Trump staff that say they'll vote Dem. THAT'S the message to get out there!

And bear in mind that more than 50% of voters are women, and whilst some may be saying what their husband or father wants them to say, once they are in that polling booth they can do what they want in private!

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GrrlScientist - “like”

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Harris is smart; Trump is sly and people will see the difference between the two. She will not tolerate his nonsense and will come out looking like the intelligent adult she is, perfectly capable of leading this nation to a better future. He, on the other hand, will continue to look and act like the aging jerk he is with no morals, no values, no concern about this country as we have learned over the years. It will be an interesting debate to watch as she shows the idiot that he is and who should go into retirement soon after. Terri Quint

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Trump has a lot of experience being a boorish, overbearing jerk: even though his mental capacity seems greatly diminished since 2016, by force of habit he is still capable of great fluency in spewing non-stop nonsense. When he speaks, it is primarily to excite his hard-core supporters, who either believe his lies and misrepresentations, or know better but don't care. Were I her debate coach, I would urge Kamala to focus 90% of her time & energy on spelling out her principles, ideas and policies, and only give a smidgeon of attention to responding to or correcting The Donald's bullshit.

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I think Harris will expose how ill

Informed and unintelligent Trump is and incapable of running a country. He’s not a politician, only a blowhard and conman

Why are Republican politicians afraid to stand up to him ? Makes no sense. The guy is a 3 x adulterer and sexual predator. Those two things alone should eliminate him from running

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Why are we calling this a debate? Does anyone really believe standing next to trump as he is allowed to blovate lies -with or without a muted mic - is any semblance of “a debate”? I read that Kamala is doing “debate prep”. I hope it’s better than the “debate prep” they put Biden through. People are going to watch because of the cage-fight nature of the spectacle. Trump has reduced all his political engagements to WWE infotainment.

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Well, "debate" has a serious, quasi-academic ring to it, so that's what it has traditionally been called, and who are we to interfere with tradition (?!).

Yes, this format is just a glorified "Meet the Press" show, but with more room for bloviation and less journalistic follow-up when the candidates just blow smoke or totally ignore the question and pivot to their favorite talking point.

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Thank you, Heather and Robert , for another interesting Coffee Klatch!

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The contributions come at a cost to our sanity. I receive 6-8 requests a day from individual candidates, 2 or more from the DNC, individual organizations ( like women for Harris), the Harris team at least one a day, and various celebrities. Often these pleas are emotional cries of catastrophic loss, sometimes at the end of a survey that can’t be submitted without a donation. The final insult: ActBlue now asks us to tip for the privilege of donating. I am committed to the cause, nonetheless and volunteer at phone and text banks.

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