Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

And RW talking heads keep saying crime is up in cities controlled by Democrats. The truth is it's higher in cities controlled by Republicans, and red states.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

On a much smaller level- I'm afraid to put Biden stickers or other Democratic support bumper stickers on my car for fear it will be keyed. Never worried about that before. Don't EVER remember the trolling and gaslighting- not to mention the flat out lying- like we see today. The combination of Trump and social media started it but the Republicans seemed to spread it.

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Republicans always say democrats are doing what they themselves are actually doing.

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Trump is a model of successful parasitism. He cannot claim even one grandparent born in this country, let alone an ancestor who served the general welfare of the country in uniform or otherwise, yet he poses as a model American. While my father was dying in the wreckage of his plane following a night recon mission against Nazi Germany, Trump's father was cowering in the shelter of his racist ghetto in New York. While my great-great grandfather was closing his Vermont Classroom and marching off with two of his older students to answer Lincoln's call for volunteers, not one of Trump's ancestors was doing anything resembling Judeo-Christian civic duty in the nations they then inhabited. Yet Trump wants to operate our political system as his personal board game. He is ignorant, ill-bred, narcissistic, amoral, and a congenital emotional predator on the naive citizens in our society. He is a fly on a batch of road-apples, posing as a monarch butterfly. Trump and his catamites must be deleted from our electorate--they are treponema spirochetes in our body politic.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you, sir, for your untiring efforts -- texts, videos, interviews, audio -- all. Greatly appreciated (and shared widely).

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wowww, and all this rage because the bigoted cultists in amerikkka are angry that a black man won the white house -- twice.

okay, most of this rage is a red-neck backlash to obama's presidency, but these people are raging control freaks and bullies who are determined to get what they want (even if they're not really sure what they want and must rely upon an outside lunatic, like trump, who openly hates them, to tell them what that is).

i am impressed that violence in the country has decreased from last year -- a covid lockdown year, when people were REALLY getting tired of being cooped up.

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It’s Do or Die America !

This November we all need to decide do we go FORWARD and compete with our changing World while also treating our fellow men and women with decency and respect?

Or do we go backwards and lose more of our RIGHTS and FREEDOMS while treating others we don’t agree with rudeness, insults,

And Disrespect?

Who is the role model for your children, the previous or our incumbent President?

. . . _ _ _ _ . .

Save Our Democracy

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The numbers are staggering with regards to threats of violence coming directly from the Right and incitement by their orange leader. Oh the hypocrisy of it all when it is they who killed law enforcement January 6th, as he sat in his ketchup stained dining room reveling in it for three hours and seventeen minutes.

I just mentioned to a family member last night how relieved we felt when Biden was elected that TFG would fade away and yet here we are with him plastered all over the news media just so they can’t sell their online clicks and papers… It’s revolting. He needs to be indicted soon!



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For many, it was a sad and despairing day when the orange man and company entered The White House. So many with no respect or sense of integrity has proven a bane of the country’s existence. Those who were to have carried the mantle of the oath of responsibility to the great ideas of this country, were literally white men who proved very small inside, where it matters most. The profound shock of President John Kennedy killed, Bob Kennedy assassinated and living to see Ronald Reagan elected in a landslide that just wasn’t right; witnessing little inner souls, such as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and the human fallout that is current. To those persons of deepest thoughts—come to, take heart and step forth. You are needed and those who care will be nourished having the presence of a higher quality of being.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

This is ALWAYS how it has been with trump: projecting his evildoing onto Democrats. Republicans took his cue and have been doing it as well. The fact that 15-20 million Americans buy his lies and hate and approve violence to further his agenda, only solidifies how the former Republican party has become a cult.

While I understand their fear and concern for their safety, it upsets me when people threatened by these lunatics cave in and quit. This only serves to encourage and escalate the cult's violence. To me, stooping to threatening a target's family is a clear indicator these are cultists who have run off the rails. I have been concerned about a new civil war ever since that mad orange dog was elected.

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Mr.Reich has an amazing communication gift.

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Once again, we see tRump pointing his finger at our legitimate Democrat President and Democrats in general and accusing them of doing exactly what he and his followers are doing. Call it projection ; whatever it is ; it's a lie and can clearly be seen and heard, like so many things he says and repeats, like some kind of deranged parrot. Only fools believe him and his buddies.

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Robert, thank you for your insight.

The escalation of political violence is unnerving and my

Family is beginning to consider

Moving overseas as a result.

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So interesting. Violence is the bread and butter of fascism because fascism has nothing substantial to offer aside from denying "others" the right to exist. What fascinates me at the moment is how the whole Republican party also denies to reality this same right. To its members, the justification to assert something is not facts or logic but... to say it loud enough! From a psychological standpoint, I find this, again, fascinating.

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I'm sure America's enemies are delighted at the tribal partisan political division they have brought about. I hope you and your country's friends will encourage bipartisan or multipartisan activities in every way.

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Wende Reid

Professor Reich, were there truth in broadcasting regulations in the age of Walter Cronkite?

Whether there were or not regulations requiring true news reports existed before, there's an urgent need for regulations now for any broadcast, publication or public online presence that calls itself news.

Everything said under the heading of news needs to be a verifiable fact under penalty of heavy fines. To avoid getting around this, an allowance for editorial opinion on news broadcasts, could be limited to say, 40% of total content. That seems generous to me, with the rule that opinions must be responses referring to verifiable facts.

I don't think that impedes 1st amendment rights and we urgently need this. There was always a wide chasm between left and right in America, but we all know it's become even more incendiary since Reagan fast tracked Rupert Murdoch's application for citizenship and Fox was born. If I'm not mistaken, Reagan cancelled some version of truth in broadcasting regulations and the Fairness Doctrine.

I will really like to hear what you think Professor Reich and the thoughts of anyone else here who cares to comment. From where I sit (I'm an ex-pat watching ardently from a distance), this seems to be the single most important issue in America today and so far it's unaddressed by this or any administration.

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