Trump is a human Hotel California.

You can check out but you can never leave.

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Approximately 81 exMAGATS will testify against the orange antichrist in the DC, Mar a Lago and Hotlanta cases.

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Jack Smith has his trial preened to a razor edge .... ALL the witnesses are Republicans.

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The problem is getting a trial to start. The judicial system just keeps giving trump one gift after another.

Hell, they can't even enforce a gag order even though he endangering people. You and I would be in jail if we did one hundredth of what he has done.

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Exactly. Not holding my breath for these trials to proceed. Very sad and frustrated about that.

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The illegitimate 6 on the Supreme Court right wingers are traitors. They have violated their oaths in many ways in more than one case!

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I would more likely describe Roberts as unfortunate rather than illegitimate although I heartily disagree with many/most of his opinions and his general leadership of the court.

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Odd comparison, however, you must pick for you can't have both. The people who follow social overlays add a sense of adventure to their mundane existence. Conspiracy theories are at best a form of perverse entertainment. The law of probability states, in no uncertain terms, that when confronted with a problem the simplest solution tends to be the correct one. People grabbing at Sci-Fi straws will latch onto anything in an attempt to explain why their existence seems so empty. Maybe they should analyze the man they have chosen to follow. People say follow the money; I say stay away from the guy who is causing the stench. When he is at peace and in repose, he can be covered with pieces of paper all depicting the images of dead presidents. Rest in peace Donnie Boy--I wonder what you can sell now in an attempt to fill your casket with little pieces of paper you will never be able to spend. In life there are things worth pursuing, you just chose the wrong things.

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Donald, your image of Trump in a casket, evoked an image of Nosferatu rising out of a casket. The dam thing won't die. Eats tons of fried chicken cheeseburgers, doesn't exercise, drinks gallons of aspartame laced soda, contracts a disease that killed millions, but just won't die.

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Were I a social historian, my book would include a novella detailing how Trump became an ugly scar on the deep wound he inflicted on the American and global psyche.

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The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn. Nothing whimsical going on here. Some things we cannot impact, like a judge's decision, or a defendant's right to appeal. And there are some things that we can impact, like getting out the vote.

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We may not be able to impact a judge's decision, but we certainly have the right to expect equal treatment under the law. Cutting him a deal on his bond in NYS, allowing him to wantonly disobey gag orders without consequences, all these things only demonstrate that if he has a big enough temper tantrum, the justice system will throw him a new binkie. Just stop. Use the forces of law and justice and show him that no matter how loud he screams, those things are more powerful than he is.

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Yet the magas continue to say it's a Democrat witch hunt. Go figure.

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The dirty baby thumb, helped build immunity. As did our exposure to germs and virus'.. The worst thing that happened to children, was the chemical industry, promoting sales by scaring mothers into germaphobia. As sales of Listerine and Mr Clean went up, the ability of human body to defend against disease went down.

I am big fan of George Carlin and his defense against disease. When something drops on the floor and is still edible, I pick it up, rinse and eat it.

After an illness and I have to take an antibiotic, I take a proobiotic.

As do my son and granddaughter, both have PhD;s, both are scientists.

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Lee, that's what I call the '5 second rule' i.e. drop a food item on the floor,

pick it up (sometimes it takes most of that 5 seconds to find where it landed - lol), wash it off and add it back into what is being prepared.

When gardening, and I scrape or cut myself, I rub garden 'dirt' into the wound to staunch the bleeding. I've never had any problems health wise

from doing that. My health problems come from excessive anethesia used

during double knee replacement 4 years ago which 'caused' a cascade of

mini strokes and coma. I'm still in recovery from that and still make use of my '5 second rule'... AND I've become a much better 'fiction' cook inspite of it ~ ~ or maybe because of it ~

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Penicillin saved my life.

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My son-in-law and I had this conversation recently. I had something fall on the counter and picked it up, rinsed, and ate. He asked how I could do that, especially since we prepped the dog's food there. Mind you, the dogs eat people grade, non-processed food that's probably better than a lot of people food. I told him that, when I was a child, I ate dirt from the backyard. We had to wash before supper and such, but that was a time when we didn't really worry about having everything sterilized. If that binky fell on the floor, we rinsed it and popped it back in the baby's mouth. I did not take my daughter and son to the doctor for every little sniffle. He admitted that maybe we had something when I told him it helps build immunity since he gets sick about twice as often and worse than my daughter and three times more than me.

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MAGATS - I like that. Exactly defines Trump’s supporters and enablers.

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I still like DEPLORABLES.

Hillary was right about everything and I mean everything! So glad I voted for her.

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I did as well, as there was no real choice, yet Bernie had a better chance of winning, had not the DNC put their thumb on the scale.

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I didn't vote for HRC (or TFG), but I agree totally about Bernie.

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PLEASE vote this time for Biden. Don’t help lose us our Democracy!

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They did the same thing with Biden. We never even heard about him winning any primaries and, then, suddenly, he's the candidate! I was like, "say what? Where did he come from?"

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Not true. When you start out with mostly white voters in red states a Democrat is probably not going to win for a while. Hillary was by far the right choice and I would love to hear anyone say I wish I had gotten off my ass and voted for her that day so we wouldn’t have had this monster destroying our country. But here we are again and they will still sit on their asses and not vote for Biden. Idiots!

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South Carolina.

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This is the term I use for these "deplorables" = conjures up images of the fat little white grubs you find in garden soil, or even rottingt flesh = most often the larvae of 'Bot flies' = blue or green bottle flies, that feed on detritis (tfg's lies and mental wanderings) [[[ gag me with a spoon ]]]

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Recent posts on this site about Gaza provided ample evidence that all of us can easily become "deplorables."

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I like that! I am glad they woke up!!

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Hotlanta- that’s funny !!

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Maybe not. The MAGA thugs might stop them.

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Traitors all of them, no? Don't miss the symbolism of "the stolen election." Donald Trump presents himself as the leader of "real America." If you acknowledge that he lost the election, you are in effect acknowledging that you have lost your country.

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Trump fired Ronna from the RNC, replaced her with Lara Trump and is using RNC money to fund his legal battles. Donald put Lara as co-chair at RNC so that he can grift off his supporters. It's simple as that. MAGA and Trump acolytes hypocrisy is boundless!

This 2024 election mug is funny 👇


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When the "New Republicans" ask if you believe the election of 2020 was stolen, what they are really asking is; are you dumb enough to swallow all the crap Trump serves the MAGA squad on a daily basis. Just practice your "Goose Stepping" and you'll fit right in. I wonder what he'll look like when the poor guy tries to grow a mustache and can't find the shoe polish.

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Do you think that there might be a very large lot of Americans who are quite stupid? I'm thinking, genuinely stupid! Our poor country! It's getting so obvious that nobody can deny. Makes my stomach hurt.

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Being self-centered is stupid, but our consumerist culture encourages it because we are all susceptible to that.

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Gordon--I've been hurting for some time now. I hate using the word stupid, but sadly it fits.

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There are other words. Idiotic, dumb, naive, brainless, dumbass, gullible....

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paulahik--You have a more extensive vocabulary than I. 😊

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And might I add that they seem proud of their ignorance! However, the US has a long history of not trusting, or resenting, the educated. Let's also not forget that Republicans have spent many years chipping away at the quality of education children receive, and throw in the homeschooled Evangelicals, and you have a recipe for disaster.

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Heil Hair!

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The entire gamut of obvious and embarrassingly idiotic absurdities are the hallmarks of an autocracy’s grip. They are telltale of both those who literally step out of line and those who do not. The quantity. I had never thought of the “value” of having Nazi soldier debasing themselves by proudly goose-stepping on parade.

Unlike in the Emperor’s New Clothes, mass inoculation by a credible truth sayer does not easily cure the disease of cultism no matter the level of absurdity.

Sadly, what is commonly called evangelical Christianity today has prepared most of Trump’s cult to accept him as substitute Christ. The appeal is that he allows them to act on all of their repressed resentment against the rules of civil society. It also appeals to the greedy, the disaffected, plus all the racists, sexists, narcissists, sociopaths, authoritarians (both the sheep and the wannabees). So we should be surprised. Most of the world’s population is already suffering authoritarian rule- it’s a common evolutionary condition for humankind.

Unfortunately for us the Republican Party has been preparing the country for a takeover of the country for decades - cheating every way they can to get ideological judges in place everywhere they can by every means possible. Simultaneously they have been working against democracy by leveraging the empty states leveraged collective power in the senate and the presidency. Their constant efforts to contest democracy at every moment managed to cheat us out of critical moments of Democratic Party rule when they challenged Frankenstein senate seating for 6 months and while Ted Kennedy was approaching death. We enacted the ACA in a tiny window only because of the short overlap of Franken and Kennedy due to Dems respect of the filibuster tradition. Then the only R senator with any balls gave the thumbs down for its repeal - perhaps only because he knew his time on earth was nigh. ( and it was).

Then McConnell denied Garland a vote citing a non existent “rule” that was subsequently broken to deny the Ginsberg seat to insert a 3rd federalist Society Justice for 1 term President who lost the popular vote in a landslide due to our compromises to slaveholders in previous centuries including after they rebelled and were defeated in war.

The irony of Garland not being given a confirmation hearing leaving him to be a sentimental choice for Attorney General giving Trump a good chance to beat the clock this year after inviting insurrection and retaining top secret war-plans, et al, (after surviving his 2 impeachments despite clear undeniable guilt - twice) is extraordinarily rich. We are teetering on the edge of authoritarianism with a dim witted sHitler whose lack of intellect is a feature that makes him attractive to all the would-be oligarchs as well as all of the authoritarian leaning dimwits and semi narcissists that make up the Republican Party of today.

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You're correct, of course. Problem is, these people who say they want to do away with political correctness really mean that they want to be able to do away with it for themselves. They still require everyone else to be politically correct to them. The so-called "War on Christmas" is one good example of that. When the repugnantans manipulated the 2016 in their favor, the day after the election, a group of people at work congregated to congratulate themselves and mock those of us who didn't vote for trump. I walked up to them and they started razzing me that "trump won! What do you think about that!" I flat out told them, "I think you're the dumbest people on the planet to have voted for one of the dumbest and most self-centered liar on the planet. You're stupid, gullible, and easily manipulated fools that can't seem to rub two brain cells together." As expected, they got all upset and were shocked that I'd said such a thing. When they complained, I said, "I thought you guys didn't like political correctness. I was just giving you what you wanted." Only one person said that was fair. The rest thought I was terrible for not being politically correct to them.

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Great story, Paula. Good for you!

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Robert--To the teacher may the lesson be taught, well said my friend.

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It's more like "Are you willing to hold two opposing thoughts in your head and choosing to forcefully defend the thought that is clearly a lie?" 1984 stuff. 2+2=5 and so on.

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Lisa--That would depend upon if you were a Republican. It's obvious they can't tell the difference between the truth and the lies Trump and Fox News feeds them.

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I thought that was a given. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

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It didn’t end well for Hitler and it won’t end well for Trump.

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Karen--Like with Gaza how many will be lost between now and then.

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Yes, but millions of Jews and others were murdered before it got to that point. I can't say that I find comfort in things ending badly for Trump if the cost even comes close to that, and I do believe he is capable of that level of monstrosity.

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They might as well have trump squatting over a hole in a board. If the "applicant" willingly scoots underneath, mouth open to receive trump's blessing, they're hired.

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Yeah who could have ever predicted that he would acted in such a self serving way?

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Shock of the century! 😄

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Anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear and minds to listen and know right from wrong! Duh 99. % of kindergarten kids know better by first day of school, doesn’t say much for American voters does it?

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Kali- not only that, but 99% of kindergarten kids WANT to do the right thing.

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In addition to all of his many other unsavory traits, Trump is a thief.

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And the poor MSM twist themselves into a pretzel wondering how they can sufficiently finesse the lie and not be called out for it.

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Horrifying a dangerously dysfunctional family is attempting to become The ruling family in a fascistic-pseudo theocracy, to replace the longest surviving democracy. Worse, close to half this country is so unable to comprehend they’re even tempted by this emotional ill individual person, now peddling bibles. A lying, cheating huckster, who humiliates those who need compassion, ridicules their needs, goads his followers into their tormentors. Urging them to do the exact opposite of what Jesus teaches. Now peddles Bibles for profit. All the better to urge them on to twist their True Saviour’s words turning them into actions harmful to body, mind and souls.

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OMG! Is there a trump bible now????? They don't seem to realize that he's about as christian as an army ant. I'm more christian than trump and I'm not christian! You know, Nostrodamus did say the anti-christ would be in politics. He said they would come out of the Middle East, but maybe he just misinterpretted someone being bankrolled out of the Middle East, such as being given $2b by the Saudis.

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Great mug! 😀

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She’s definitely Trump brained - plus she has MAN HANDS

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Grifting can be a way to survive the economic Constraints of our system….

Trumpet 🎺 is a liar trumpet 🎺 has turned the Republican Party in to the ZOMBIES 🧟 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ Party .

They mumble We Won and Trade their possessions to make contributions to trumpets 🎺 personal wealth fund….

You can’t teach Zombies they are Brain Dead by Television and Conspiracy theories TV.!!!

Trumpet 🎺 will win the big scam because he will have all the fools money.

Trumpet has monetized Poltics’s.

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Don't dignify this weird nightmare of a thing as human. He IS the Hotel California.

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They must confess, testify, repent, give penance. But NO TOTAL ABSOLUTION.

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After Watergate Nixon conspirators Jeb Magruder became a minister and Charles Colson got religion. Problem is, MAGAS think they already have religion when what they really have is a psychosis. Maybe Trump needs to channel John the Baptist and baptize all of his MAGAS in a river. In amongst them will be the shades of David Koresh and his Branch Davidian followers.

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Think Dean, John Dean!

Maybe the threat of a lobotomy? Musk's new mental control device can be adapted?

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MAGAs already are lobotomized.

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You have to have a brain for a lobotomy to have any impact.

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If only they could or would market Thorazine, targeted to MAGAts.

Thorazine is a drug used for chemical lobotomy's., chlonopine would help as well.

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He might need to hold them under a bit long. No, longer. No, longer. No, longer. **GURGLE!** That should be long enough.

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Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. I was blind but now I see...a way out of hail. However self-serving the conversions it shows that MAGAtism may be healed

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Penance - repeat 100 Hail Bidens Trump is the Devil under oath on the record.

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Hail Trump, father of lies.

the devil is with thee.

Damned art thou amongst men

and damned is the fruit of thy sperm, your children

grift those of thy supporters

now and till the hour of your death.


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Daniel, lets get serious. We cannot rely on the courts alone, as you have repeatedly noted. We must address their ideology. Here is an opening: there is a big disconnect in the Evangelical argument that Trump is like King David, despicable but capable. King David was able to unify the Israelites because they had real enemies next door. Trump, on the other hand, seeks to divide us, claiming that the enemy is domestic. This was Hitler's playbook, not David's. Some Republicans are aware of this, so they try to turn immigrants into a mortal danger, a shameless and cruel hoax. Let's tell them: David was a unifier, not a divider.

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1. IMHO Trump's base is diminished and he has lost many of the 2020 traditional Republican voters,

2. We have the power to crush him. Register more Democrats - save the world. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

3. Gen z will be 40% of the population and they are decidedly more liberal. Channel Taylor Swift.

4. Trump IS the orange antichrist. Some Evangelists understand it. His Bible scam will come back to haunt him -- maybe on a breach of warranty basis.. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/a-total-scam-trumps-endorsed-bible-has-a-history-of-negative-reviews

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Southern Baptists

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They are Satan's Congress.

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Get out now! It’s a cookbook: To serve Man!…:)

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I wonder how many people have seen or remember that Twighlite Zone episode?

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No one had the ability to identify the fears and frailties of human behavior and transform them in a way we as an audience could relate to on such a basic level. Like being taken by aliens or being an 8 year old little boy that adults feared, as the incomparable Rod Serling could.

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We have entered the Twilight Zone of American politics. He’s coming! the antichrist is coming!

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If I remember correctly the alien went on to play the huge steely mouth guy in Bond films, Richard Kiel?

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I do. I only wish the real life Twilight Zone we now find ourselves in could be easily solved by changing the channel with a knob.

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To Serve Man.

Love this Twilight Zone episode.

Fattened the “ lambs” for the slaughter. Sound familiar??

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Me, Henry.

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My other favorite Twilight Zone episode. It's a matter of minutes is my first Robert.

Young uns don't catch the significance though. To serve man was about aliens with a book on how to serve man, People lined up to be taken to their home planet. No one could read the book, but one man did, and learned it was a cook book.

A Matter of Minutes was about parallel universes and there was not enough matter in either, so when you left your house, blue men would come in, and move your stuff to another universe, occasionally they left something behind, but would return it later.

My wife says that when we misplace something, not to worry, blue has it, and you will find it later and I always do. I have three house cats, and one of them will invariably disappear to show up later. They never see the outdoors. I know every nook and cranny in the house, where they could hide, but on occasion one will disappear only to appear later.

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A little something I just came across for everyone to enjoy:



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Priceless!! Thanks for posting it, DZK. I'm still laughing.

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That was beautiful 🤩 ! Joe’s campaign manager should grab it ,and play it around the clock in every swing state up to the election! That’s the only time anyone will ever hear truth from his anus like mouth !What a riot!

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This is brilliant! Almost had coffee all over me 🤣🤣

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LMAO Thanks for the link I will circulate it.

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DJT is not human unless “human” is defined as utterly devoid of substance and integrity. .

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Maybe it'll go Bankrupt . .thanks to He Touches It Dies . . .

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Mr Perry:

I'm thinking more of the Luis Bunuel film, "The Exterminating Angel" (1962).

The elegant post-concert evening degenerates into despair and amorality as the guests realize that they are not permitted to leave the salon.

\Vince S

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I’ll look for this film. It sounds interesting. Thank you Mr. Schumaker.

I appreciate you.

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Don't disparage California, a state that has consistently repudiated Trump and his racist allies!

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If you believe, you should get checked out.

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And there are a lot of roaches in that Hotel.

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Remember the old Roach Motel ad?

Roaches go in but they don’t come out.

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At least he’s consistent: been doing this denial thing since a black man was elected President in 2008, and “rocked his racist world!” From the universally discredited Birther Movement through continuing MAGA Insurrections, America’s undisputed worst former president has been pedaling the same basic “saccashit.” Hopefully not for much longer. Hopefully, we will soon be able to move onward and upward,

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Brilliant metaphor!

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I'm not normally inclined to post such a thing, but a former alma mater keeps making me proud I'm an alumnus. Take a look and do as you see fit:


(Yes! I'm a Dragon! And >proud< of it!)

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Go Dragons, nothing to be ashamed of, BTW. DZK The world needs more dragons.

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The Republican Party in its entirety has turned its back on our United States Constitution PERIOD!

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Keith, not only do I agree with you, but you’re assertion calls into question: “Is a two party system in the United States democracy even a viable system, given how badly it is now performing?“

My own answer to this question is “No.”Given how thoroughly capitalism has infiltrated both parties, and the decision by the Supreme Court that corporations have the same rights as living breathing citizens of the United States, we are losing the democracy that was originally envisioned by the framers of the constitution . For better or worse, coming to this point of evolution, the Constitution is no longer being able to serve us. The situation is an inevitable result of the growth and complexity of our civilization. Unfortunately the ultra wealthy capitalist/oligarchs have seized upon this opportunity to make billions and billions of dollars off of the current malfunctioning system. While we work tirelessly for a positive outcome in the next election, we must realize that a Democratic win alone does not solve our underlying problem, Our problem is that a capitalistic dominated democracy, and a supreme court that is purchased by the ultra-wealthy is no longer able to “govern by the people and for the people.”

Given the nature of the majority of the American people and our inborn resiliency, I am optimistic, that we will evolve into a more egalitarian form of economics and government, such as is outlined in the thinking behind “Economic Democracy .“

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Three big issues will continue to chip away at our democratic republic: Citizens United, the electoral college, and the misrepresentation created by the two senator rule.

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In our Founding Fathers wisdom, they unfortunately didn’t have a vision of the times in which we are now living. If so, I think they would have addressed the issues and events now happening. As a Democrat, when Trump was elected I said to myself and many “we have checks and balances to keep him from doing unlawful or harmful things”. I couldn’t have been more wrong……….

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Brenda, I agree with you. It is obvious that the system of “checks and balances” is no longer able to check nor balance, the Republican party’s descent into authoritarianism, denial of facts, racism, anti-Semitism, and even a slide towards fascism. Who could have imagined that?

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Brenda, I should have mentioned, even emphasized the removal of the hard-fought rights of women to determine their own future and even their most personal decisions regarding their own bodies.

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Marc, you missed the real driver, behind all the other 'isms. Patriarchy. Tjhat is male domination, male supremacy in the form of , female submission (anti abortion and homo/transphobia) , and tribal exclusion (racism and xenophobia)

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I think they actually DID have the vision. Originally corporations were only allowed to last for a certain period of time and would have to go out of business or re-up their charters. The corporate powers managed to get rid of that and made the corporations everlasting at least until the final bankruptcy.

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Cathie, Thom Hartmann ( https://hartmannreport.com/ ) has discussed that many times. It started when John D Rockefeller announced that he would move his corporation to the state that came up with the most favorable corporate charter... thus started the Charter Wars. NJ won and he moved to Standard Oil of NJ. Delaware saw what happened and came up with an even more corporate friendly Charter law. Other states followed like Ohio (SOHIO or Standard Oil of Ohio).

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When the Founders wrote and at least nine states adopted the Constitution in 1787-1788, political parties did not yet exist in the United States. That lack of foresight and the Electoral College, added to the Constitution as a way to appease the southern slave holding states, has cursed us since.

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Well said Marc

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State/federal ranked-choice voting would allow more parties to form & have influence. No one should be elected to any office with less than 50% of the vote.

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Marc Democracy contains within it the seeds of it's own destruction. I believe it was Osama who said, we will use your democracy (or freedoms) to dominate you (destroy you).

Keeping a true Democracy requires vigilance, participation, sentience, perception and critical reasoning skills. All are qualities in short supply in our species. We can build bridges, but so can ants, we can build tall structures, so can termites. Humans are conscious and self aware, so are my cats. Humans worship gods, so do dogs.

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"It needs a little ripping" . .. he was just kidding of course. Like The Day One DickTater . .

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Keith, sad but true from our perspective, but here is what some of them are saying: Lincoln changed the original Constitution with the 14th Amendment. It also reminds me of GW Bush's reply when asked whether he ever consults with his father: he consults with a "higher father", he said.

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Keith Olson: Yes, indeed, the RepubliKKKLANS have!

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When are the major media outlets going to report the truth that TFG and his followers are all liars and never stop lying? When are they going to point out the fact that TFG is an inveterate liar, criminal, and totally unfit for any office? Will someone with real integrity and power stop this charade of nominating a person for a position he will never be allowed to occupy. Enough already!

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Tell them yourself. Starts with NYT. editorial@nytimes.com

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Done. I used to be a reporter. The way the media is a bullhorn for bullshit is an embarrassment and an affront to to all ethical journalists.

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Thanks. Field Team 6 needs you!


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Yes and. at least in St Louis we still haVe the proud but tattered St Louis Post Dispatch. In the region that birthed Mark Twain and distain for politicians is traditional the StL PD says politely like it is. Right after reviewing the nights shootings and inexplicable police cruisers crashing into gay bars 'to avoid hitting a dog"??? I go straight to tge Editorial page for grown up talk about the events of tge day

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A police cruiser crashed into a gay bar. That is interesting and suggestive.

A Standford Study found a positive correlation between homophobia and repressed homosexuality.

Cops are notoriously homophobic, but also notoriously, homoerotic. Cross dressing cops are common, The Village People are a clue. They dress in macho uniforms like Cops and construction workers.

There are gay organizations that dress up as motorcycle cop and military uniforms and some in uniform are actually cops.

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So, how did we get Fisty Josh .. inventor of The Capitol hurry scurry . . .the Little Dixie Bible Belt gateway to the past . . .#jest asking . ..

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Watching NYC news in the 1970s, some of us already knew this. I couldn't believe when he got into the White House in 2016. He's always been a fraud, a liar and dishonest. Doesn't say much for a good portion of the US electorate.

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When Trump came down the escalator, he announced to America, that he was the messiah that almost half of America was waiting for. Repressed hostility, frustrated sense of inferiority manifested in faux superiority. He is their avatar Martha.

He gave them permission to come out of the closet and be all they can be, to be out loud and in public who they have been all along.

Trump is a mirror of who they are. They aren't willing to impoverish themselves, go to prison or die for Trump, they are doing it for themselves.

It is the same motivation behind the support for every authoritarian. Be it a Trump, a Hitler, a Mussolini, an Orban, an Erdogan, or Putin.

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Shortly after Trump was elected the media said he was telling “falsehoods”. Now many are using the word lies to describe his rhetoric.

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Brenda A handful of hosts on MSNBC, but even the "good ones" like Ari Melber are timid, hedging their bets, reading tea leaves in case he wins the election and goes full throat on his pledge for retribution.

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Will never happen Tony. For one thing the media is dependent on revenues from Ads, The advertising business is essential a duopoly, and are dependent on corporations placing ads.

And the media is depended on Ad revenue first and subscriptions second, if you had an ad blocker on your browser, you would not be allowed to see 75% f sites unless you turned it off.

Corporations place ads, where they get the most exposure (hits on the internet, readers in paper media).

The enemy be it global warming, religion, politics are corporations.

And corporations and everyone including we the readers of substack are dependent on money.

For some it is sustenance, the ability to live in comfort and have our needs met, for others it is about power, control, dominance and it is also an addiction.

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Thank you for responding to my comments with your concerns which essentially define the enemies of democracy that we must overcome. Greed and avarice never sleep! It is clear that we all need to provide less discussion and more action. As Robert Reich has pointed out more than once how we enjoyed forty plus years (after the Depression and WWII) of low inflation

and prosperity for the average American worker. I've referred to this several times as well in comments where I totally agree with Robert because we both grew up in that era. True equality for women and other races were a problem then and unfortunately still seem to be today as well. FDR, truly one of our greatest presidents, guided us through the Depression and the war until his death at the young age of 63! Thomas Piketty in his excellent book CAPITALISM IN THE 21ST CENTURY which documents the effects of the inequitable distribution of wealth from about 1700 on in America and western Europe notes that the period after WWII was something of an anomaly because of people coming together to fight a common enemy. I am hoping that we have evolved enough to demand a fair redistribution of wealth now since we have entered into a second Gilded Age (as Robert has stated.) Good people everywhere are working and fighting for this goal. Lets all of us be part of the solution!

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I think we are too gentle with our language here. Trump is a traitor. A traitor to the democratic process. A traitor to our nation. Anyone joining the Trump team is signing on with his treason and thus is a traitor as well. As are all the GOP politicians who refuse to condemn him for his acts. Traitors. Since when is it the duty of the media to fairly present the screeds of traitors? In fact, by doing so, they commit their own acts of treason.

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TRUMP: “I think Snowden is a terrible threat, I think he’s a terrible traitor and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country, you know what we used to do to traitors right?”

Careful what you wish for, Donny Boy.

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Interesting that you bring up Snowden David. That brings up Julian Assange.

When Assange and Snowden leaked the national security state, created by the PATRIOT Act, the left lauded them as hero's, and indeed hero's, they were, despite the fact that Assange probably got his infor from the Russians.

However when Assange leaked Hillary's emails, and Trump won the election, the left did an immediate 180, without any embarrassment of blink of an eye.

Hillary was relentless in trying to extradite and try Assange, as payback.

The left, liberals, have forgotten their fear of the national security state, especially since Jan 6th, and choose to ignore the fact that the FBI,DHS, NSA still have the left as the highest priority,

Remember that prior to Jan 6, the FBI , DHS and NSA, knew about the right wing threat, but still had leftist organizations prioritized

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With a totally dysfunctional DOJ, I doubt he'll even be told "bad boy!"

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Gary, more than just a traitor, orange scum is a DEADLY seditionist inciter, a rapist, a psychopath with 91 indictments waiting. He caused more people to die with his vaccine denials…not even being held accountable for this. He violated the Constitution immediately after getting into office (the Emoluments Clause). A big part of our problems stem from refusing to hold high level officials accountable!

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Completely agree. Tens of thousands of preventable deaths. Crimes against humanity. He should come before an international criminal court.

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OK. Then prepare for Trump's election plan.

The problem is that the Trumpers have found a weakness in the election system. Trump has even told his followers that it doesn't matter if they vote. If enough Trump loyalist election officials simply refuse to certify the vote, the election will fail and then will be conducted in the State Houses with each state having one vote. The republicans have a majority there... even if 35 million more American's vote for Biden, Trump could legally become President. They have a well documented plan of what to do then: Project 2025 and they have the people ready to take over all levers of government... and no one is going to get it back after that. The Constitution will be re-written as well to make sure.

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MikeB orange scum should have been arrested as a terrorist many times over. Our system is failing us.

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Mikey, yesterday I virtually attended a panel discussion on protecting election workers. In

the course of that discussion it was clear that Democrats are taking multiple precautions to

ward off election tampering including the use of

strategically placed cameras. I understand what you’re saying though.But remember, republicans

are “the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.” And

Jeffrey Clark, the guy who came up with the fake elector scheme is now in proceedings to remove

his law license. Giuliani’s law license has already been revoked.

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The problem is it isn't about election tampering. It's not about breaking the law. It's just about refusing to certify the election and there are lots of Maga election officials. It already happened in the last election. That was especially pushed by Steve Bannon.

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Yes, my response didn’t really address your issue.

But, I have a feeling it won’t work—I don’t know why

though. I hope there are election laws that might be of use in the event they refuse to certify. It would be a bad faith refusal to certify. ⬇️

From BrennanCenter.org: “During every election cycle, election officials use processes designed to be transparent, objective, and secure — with safeguards in place to guard against human error and bias. In the instances when an external process audit is warranted, generally accepted auditing guidelines provide clear standards for ensuring objectivity and avoiding conflicts of interest.”

From justsecurity.org: Although the details vary by state, state laws generally prohibit the kinds of abuses of certification authority we’ve seen since 2020. One reason for this is that state election procedures are designed to spot and correct errors well before certification.

The full process for counting votes involves a series of steps that take place over the course of weeks. Each of these steps has safeguards in place to protect the rights of voters and the integrity of our elections. Given the procedures in place before certification, it is unsurprising that “[s]tate law generally leaves little discretion to the person or agency designated to certify results.”

It is easy to see, then, why refusals to certify based on dissatisfaction with the result or unfounded conspiracy theories are unlawful. This summer in Otero County, New Mexico, a three-member county commission unanimously voted against certifying the results of the primary election, citing distrust of voting machines. The county clerk assured the commissioners that there had been “no problems.” And the commissioners did not provide any evidence, much less a legal basis, for their actions. Instead, they relied on unfounded suspicions.

The next day, the secretary of state of New Mexico asked the state supreme court to step in, and the court swiftly ordered the commission to certify the election. Although state laws, when properly enforced, generally prohibit bad faith refusals to certify, federal laws also act as a backstop against refusals to count or certify lawful votes.

to be clear, officials cannot hide behind baseless conspiracy theories or unsubstantiated claims of fraud as the basis for their refusals to certify, as federal law treats willful blindness to reliable evidence the same way as actual knowledge and thus knowledge that the conduct is unlawful.

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What a mess. Ultimately, I cannot conceive that we the people would let this one slide...

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There are 3,143 election commissions in America, How many are staffed by Trump humping Republicans? That is where elections are won.

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The Republicans have been focusing on them and driving out non-Maga election officials. As I say, they know what the weakness of the system is.

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Susan it is the votes that count but who counts the votes (Stalin). Most honest election commissions have been terrorized into resigning, like the one in San Benito Co, California that received so many death threats, stalking and physical action that it quit and who jumped in to fill the vacancies? You got it, Trump's legions.

That is not an isolated situtation there are 3,143 counties and county equivalents, how many of them are staffed by Trump Humpers now?

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Absolutely plausible. Thank you Merrick Garland for not doing your job.

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The DOJ is a nest of Republicans and Trump Humpers.

Joe created this mess by appointing Garland, Garlands politics and bonafides were well known,

Biden revoked the tool that Trump gave him, that would have enabled him to fire the last minute Trump humpers that Trump embedded in the DOJ and other vital government cabinets. namely EO 13957, Schedule F civil servants, He could have used it to fire all of the Trump humpers, but his first act was to revoke it with EO 14003, thus leaving the Trump humpers, especially in DOJ as permanent protected civil servants, One of those last minute Schedule F employees was David Weiss, and what was the first thing Weiss did, he jumped up and shouted send me in coach to Garland and thus investigated and prosecutied Joes son Hunter.

Joe brought this onto himself, and us.

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Gary:The media guards its language, as Trump has manged to not only survive but thrive, because he uses the law and threats of law suits. He is the most litigious person in the U.S,. as he has been involved in over 3,000 law suits ad plaintiff and defendant. The carefully constructed myth of his great wealth has enabled him to get away with everything, just by threatening a law suit

Trump would call into NYC papers pretending to be John Barron, and laud the great wealth and influence of Trump. They knew what he was but played along, because it produced revenue in the form of readership.

Elon Musk just tried the same thing, but failed, only because of an honest judge

A California federal court judge today dismissed Elon Musk-led X's claims that the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Inc.3 days ago

The only entity that has the resources to stand against this bastards is the federal and state governments, when they aren't compromised that is.

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WHen they aren' t compromised that is!

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Very well said Gary. thank you.

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“The Trump integrity Trap!”

The problem with this statement is that one must first assume the people attracted to the MAGAverse, had integrity to begin with; when all evidence points to the contrary.

This is the “law of attraction” in a bizarro world. Perennial crooks, liars, and grifters, attract their kind in droves.

For instance, Ronna dropped her last name “Romney” just to appease the anointed one. She craved power, got it, and is now paying the price, as have so many others who cross into Thunderdome: two men enter, only one leaves unscathed. And you don’t need to be clairvoyant to figure out who the winner in this contest is always going to be (ie. Trump is declared Club Champion at his country club in NJ).

Trump Inc. operates a 21st century version of W.W. Jacob’s short story, The Monkey’s Paw: wishing for something without thinking through the possible consequences. Or maybe they do know the consequences and just don’t care.

Bottom line: when you make a deal with the devil, the devil will always get his due!

So good riddance to all those who joined the Trump bandwagon. You drank the cyanide, refused to admit it was poison, and decided the cure was worse than the disease.

Everything in life comes with a price…:)

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From Heather Cox Richardson: Yesterday a judge in Minnesota ruled in favor of a warehouse owner who sought to evict MyPillow after it failed to pay more than $200,000 in rent. MyPillow chief executive officer Mike Lindell has complained that his company has been “decimated” by his support for Trump. His insistence—without evidence—that the 2020 presidential election was stolen has entangled him in expensive defamation lawsuits filed by voting machine companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic.

Yesterday in California -- Eastman disbarred. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24521380-sbc-23-o-30029-decision-trial?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

More from Heather: Also yesterday, a three-member panel of the D.C. Bar’s Board of Professional Responsibility began a disciplinary hearing for former Department of Justice environmental lawyer Jeffrey Clark, who was so key to Trump’s plan to get state legislatures to overturn the results of the 2020 election that Trump tried to make him attorney general.

Clark joins Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who led the media blitz to argue—falsely—that the election had been stolen. Giuliani’s New York and Washington, D.C., law licenses were suspended in June 2021 after a court found that he made “demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers, and the public at large.” He is now facing disbarment.

Earlier this month, he said on his podcast that he expected to be disbarred because “[t]he Bar Association is going to crucify me no matter what. I will be disbarred in New York. I will be disbarred in Washington. It will have nothing to do with anything I did wrong.”

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Once again, Daniel, these bird brains cry that they did nothing wrong! Scream that it's a witch hunt and political. At this point, I just wish they would crawl back in whatever hole they crawled out of!!!

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Waaa. Fuckin waaa. Poor wittle babies.

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When my kids were little, they would claim they weren't doing anything wrong as I watched them do exactly what I told them not to do. tRump's protests are always so juvenile. Hold him accountable to the very fullest extent of the law.

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Exactly. Actions have consequences.

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Good info Daniel. HCR is a great writer.

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Yes Robert, the notion that opposites attract is drawing the wrong lesson from magnets.

Drop a steel rod across the poles of a car battery and watch the sparks fly, and the battery drain and explode.

Birds of a feather is more accurate. Like finding comfort in like is how tribalism works.

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Fair enough, and well put…:)

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It’s all about integrity—as it should be. If Ronna hadn’t been let go from nbc her lack of integrity

would have eventually rubbed off onto nbc. I can’t believe the people who made the decision to hire

her didn’t understand that, or maybe didn’t care.

It’s sort of like inviting a vampire into your home.

The vampire isn’t going to leave until he’s either turned the homeowners into vampires or drained them of blood.

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Susan ; "Fair and Balanced" is the fraud to cover their insatiable greed. It's impossible to have an election denier on the 'team' and still look legitimate or BE legitimate. I'm glad they reversed course.

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Me too Laurie. Twenty-five years ago the phrase,

‘fair & balanced’ wasn’t needed because being

fair & balanced was automatic. Now people have

perverted that phrase and use it as a shield

against accusations that they are peddling lies.

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Laurie, me too. But I still don’t trust ‘em.

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If you think the vampire is going to make you money .................

Hard to fake integrity when your own people at NBC are calling you out.

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Great post Professor Reich. Never, Neverland sounds an appropriate address for MAGAts and the trumpster. But somehow it lacks that magical luster of Disney.

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Never Never Land for a Lost Boy who never grew up. Sounds legit! 😂

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Now he’s selling bibles👿🙀🙈

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I wouldn't buy a bible verse from that man let alone the whole bible!!! It infuriates me that he honestly says he is being persecuted as Jesus was!! True Christians are sickened by what this man has done to religion! Using it as another weapon in his arsenal!!! Disgusting!!

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Git yer Bibles from the orange antichrist!

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No doubt a new “Revised Non-Standard Version”.

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He’s offering a package deal the Bible and the gold sneakers

Con- Verse’s the name applies to both .

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LOL, Robert, How apt. Good catch, quick wit, sharp mind.

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BIBLES?!? We truly live in an upside-down world.

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"Paper Moon"...

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Bibles sold by a rapist who hates immigrants unless they are a 10. You can’t make this shit up.

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Talk about hypocrisy, Fake Jesus wanna-be. Selling Bibles, is the most ludicrous irony. It would be hilarious if it wren’t all so incredibly, obviously warped. You can’t make this up! Everything about the guy is a cheap, gaudy fake. From the fake spray on tan, bad hair cut, poorly fitting suits, gaudy gold-plated stuff, pretend success as a: tycoon, macho man, real estate ‘mogul,’ pseudo-politician cozying up to autocratic dictators he fancies are his bromancies. Time to boot him to the trash-can of history.

Let’s take a step back. Delusional people need help, not the highest office of Leadership in America. Where are the Responsible Leadership in our Country? Seriously.

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The head of the network said he she was hired because it waited a diversity of opinions. Even if the opinion is an outright lie? The head of the network and those executives who voted to hire her should all be fired.

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Problem is that if you accept a lie as a difference of opinion, you have already lost your integrity.

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How about a diversity of opinion on the Holocaust ? Would NBC like to provide a platform reaching millions for someone who spreads lies, or who has in the past, about the holocaust? https://www.fastcompany.com/91070789/nbc-news-ronna-mcdaniel-blowup-inevitable

In November 2023, Budoff Brown was named as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the International Center for Journalists, a non-profit dedicated to promoting journalistic integrity.


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Here's a happy note:

Oath Keepers' son emerges from traumatic childhood to tell his own story in a long shot election bid


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Great story! Gives me hope, and hats off to his mom.

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Susan, I thought this was such a strong story!! That young man knows first hand and understands exactly what these groups are trying to do here in America. I hope he gets elected and works to repair the damage trump, the oath keepers, the proud boys, and the idiot MAGAs have done to our country!!

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What a wonderful story! I'm so proud of his mother and him. Best of luck to him.

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Good for him! Inspiring story of resilience!

Reminds me of a young man I met years ago. He grew up in a family led by a traveling evangelist (meaning family also traveled; kids home schooled; totally contolled childhood). He was well versed in con artist tricks, and he was amazed in how easily people can be fooled. He kept in touch with only a few family members who saw the real light and left that gig behind.

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Once a Rat, always a Rat!

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“ A political party that baselessly denies the outcome of an election has no legitimate claim to be “represented” in the media.

Nor should any official who has gone along with the lie expect a job in a news organization.”

I agree 1000%.

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As a former radio beat reporter, it frightens and mystifies me that journalistic organizations including the NYT and NBC can be run by persons who seem to believe that the only way to explain an event or social movement is to provide “opinion” based on proven lies and disinformation as equal in value to that backed by factual evidence. This issue goes far beyond Ronna McDaniel’s hiring and firing. Thank you, Robert Reich and others, for continuing to highlight this extremely dangerous situation. I agree with the assessment that our future as a democracy depends on distinguishing “differing opinions” from outright lies and disinformation. There is no need and indeed no excuse for presenting outright lies as legitimate, counterpoint opinions. This is not truthful reporting and is certainly not journalism.

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@Nedene: Field Team 6 needs you!


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I miss Tom Brokaw and his peers…

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Kind of makes you wonder how employment opportunities went for members of the National Socialist party in Germany in 1946.

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Turns out we brought some of the worst to the US.

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Mixed emotions Daniel. If not for Werner von Braun, who knows what the world would be like, mostly under domination of the USSR Oppenheirmer developed the bomb but not the delivery system. The USSR, via espionage and treason, also got the bomb but beat us to a delivery system. Laying us open to nuclear blackmail. all they had to do was launch a short range missile against a European city, and the world would have rused to throw up their hands and surrender, especially the U.S,. something that Putin, XI, Un know all to well.

I've heard and read a lot about Operation Paperclips, but the Germans they brought over were scientists and scientists by and large are not political ideologues.

Is there a list of non scientist ideologues that were brought over from Germany.

Russia certainly didn't care if the people they kidnapped and used were NAZi's or not.

They beat us into space didn't they?

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Hahahahahaha!! I bet the minute they walked in and gave the "salute", they were shown the door!!!

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Wernher von Braun became the first director of the space center, MSFC, Huntsville, AL.. The MSFC's development team was formed by American engineers from the Redstone Arsenal and 118 German migrants who came from Peenemünde through Operation Paperclip. Von Braun worked with Operation Paperclip to get scientists from his team to the United States.


DOJ investigated 1,700 persons suspected of being involved in Nazi war crimes. Over 300 have been prosecuted with at least 100 stripped of their U.S. citizenship and 70 deported, the most recent in 2021. Others have left voluntarily, fled, or have been blocked from entering the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Special_Investigations_(United_States_Department_of_Justice)#:~:text=Nonetheless%2C%20the%20OSI%20investigated%201%2C700,from%20entering%20the%20United%20States.

UNHO many more were granted immunity. National Security.

When I was a kid, some were found hiding out in the Amish community.

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Not to mention that one of the greatest scientists ever, Albert Einstein, who was from Germany, was intentionally ridiculed for his theory of relativity by a group of "Aryan" scientists who had been organized by the German government to defend "pure" German scientific thinking. Einstein fled to England where he could live quietly in exile, and then he was invited to the United States. Any of his assets lleft in Germany, including his Nobel prize funds, were confiscated by the German government. I never knew this information until running across the Netflix docudrama recently. I then searched available historical references for more details.

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Wasn't the war crime that they were found guilty of, was using slave labor from the concentration camps?

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The nations capitol is being relocated to Untsville you know. They are a voracious group.

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The MAGAhats being in NeverNeverLand only works if they’re the Pirates.

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What Rump says about other people is usually 100 percent true, but of himself.

It’s called projection, and it’s frightening to watch.

This is the ultimate example of that. He lives in never never land. It’s a world of insanity and nihilism, where words lose their meaning. The country is not safe so long as he’s alive. He is plotting a coup, and looking for people who will literally do anything for him.

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